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Enlisted is the best squad-based World War II FPS currently, where you lead your squads of AI to their deaths, over and over.

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Bugged out: >>>487115701
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Post webms
This is how I play but I have body armour.
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I asked this question before but never got an answer: There is a Nickname flare that only hackers/cheaters were able to get so if you see someone with that flair you know they cheat. Which one was it?
it really needs to be BR1 and then it would have a nice little niche. it cant really hang with most of the shit at BR2
The claim was fire but it was hyperbole.
This is how I play but don't last even half as long
How so?
this is such a perfect webm on so many levels
>Using the M1 Carbine after using, say, the Beretta 1918/30 or S&W Light Rifle is awful, because those feel SO much better while being in the same class.
More reason for it to be moved down, or at least have its RoF buffed bigly
Because tons of shitters have the fire name decorator. The old style Enlisted leaderboard events could be gamed by just playing the event a lot, it wasn't like the zombie event where only your best game counted or something.
It's quasi-hyperbole. People with the fire decorator had to score in the higher % of a really awful event that was filled to the brim with cheaters, but it wasn't particularly hard to get. People who have the avatar from that event are either cheaters or group with cheaters, as a rule.
>I will never work out how to adjust the range sight in this game ever
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You hate VG5 as well, don't you
the VG actually does pretty well for what it is, probably the best of the lower cal semis
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Basically, if you see this avatar at the end of a game, the person with it probably cheats or groups (grouped) with cheaters.

The VG 1-5 is made comparatively better by having its alternative be the G41, which is a gun crippled by its reload. It helps that it has a large mag which allows it to get 10 kills in a single mag instead of, what, 4-5 like the M1 Carbine. It has been discussed to death but the M1 Carbine and VG need their ROF buffed to make them actually viable. Not even much, just like 15-20%. They don't need to fire as fast as the pistol carbines but goddamn 320 is crippling.
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It's page up and page down, though I never use it. Would be nice if it was scroll up and down while ADSing instead like other games.
So, again, why the hate for m1? It really doesn't have anything remotely comparable in 1/2 and in 3 it also comes with nades.

You're not wrong but crippling is way too strong a word for their usefulness. As a way of adding some dakka to soldiers that only have bolt actions and such they're quite effective as is without being better than actual SMGs.
Weren't all of the event profile picture rewards temporary except for the participation trophy ones?
>crippled by its reload
as someone who owns the G41(M) and wz38 squads that both still have no partial reloads, don't I fucking know it lol
You know you can rebind it, right?

I thought the Going Through The Way profile pictures were made permanent because there hasn't been another "ranked" or "Even Fight" event since it happened.
>You know you can rebind it, right?
Yeah but then I'd be swapping weapons because I only want it to do it when ADSing and I want to keep weapon swap on my scroll wheel out of habit even if I only ever swap items with number keys.
Truly the power of glorious Nipponese steel folded over 1000 times
Why do you swap weapons with scroll wheel instead of number keys?
I got this by completing round 21 once. Never got past round 20 after that. Not sure if any of the people I played with were cheaters but I think we just got lucky with the loot box as we all had LMGs towards the end.
Yeah I get that part, but I don't seem to have any depth perception and always adjust to over/undershoot every fucking time. As >>487508106 said I should rebind to the wheel so I can at least speed up missing my shots.
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>I got this by completing round 21 once
You are thinking of a different profile picture from the Zombie event, the last Even Fight event was 2 years ago and they haven't done one since because they suck ass and are full of cheaters.
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No dude, that portrait pic was for being in the top 10% of the zombie event. I know as I sweated it every day it was available right up to the point I was in a zombie round when the time limit expired because i fluctuated between 9%-15% everytime I finished a match.
I just said I only use the number keys, I just don't like the idea of not also having the scroll wheel. I've had it since CS 1.6
>why the hate for m1
its just miserable to use, the extra rounds on the VG and better sights go a long way, I also have the S&W LRs which are just flat out superior to the M1 carbine despite being ranked lower
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No it wasn't? Why are you... why are you arguing with me? The profile picture you are thinking of is the PTSD soldier I posted, why are you arguing with me? Why are you so confident in yourself? They are two separate profile pictures.

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Oh fuck. You are completely right. My bad. I really do want that that series of portraits from the first pic though.
There is no reason for Jap vehicles to have their MGs actually be reliant on the soldier in the machinegun seat AND unable to be used while in the gunner seat when literally no one else does.
while that event was definitely awful, it was totally optional and siphoned off the most annoying players from the main game while it was running which was pretty nice
This is why buildings should be fully destructible
I thought bombs had an absolute kill minimum radius?
Buildings in the game are built with bricks made of bullshitium that block explosions
I was tempted to call you stupid but I understood the confusion because they are thematically and visually similar.

It was fucking unbearable, I played like two rounds of it, maybe two and a half and gave up. It was also the only confirmed example of a hacker being punished (Ronin10th or whatever his name was) by having their rewards stripped away after an event. He wasn't banned, of course not, but he was at least reprimanded with a slap on the wrist. They haven't done any events like it since and probably never will again, because I think Darkflow is totally aware that the events are basically just a place for cheaters to pool together and that most players will never bother playing them as a result. Darkflow KNOWS their "upper echelons" of the playerbase are full of cheaters and people who enable cheaters.
I wish I had the patience to learn to use the luftfaust but the opportunity cost of not having a panzerschreck fucking blows
Am I meant to know or care who any of these people are?
No, you're meant to see some poor noob get rally mined twice in a row
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It was bugged and really garbage for a while, something was wrong with its damage output. It couldn't even hurt planes for a bit. It's not really worth using due to opportunity cost but it is fun.
Oh. Well I've lost count the amount of times its happened to me and also spawning in the APC the moment it blows up.
Don't bother, the webms are from before they broke it.
Didn't they fix it in a recent patch?
No, I posted about it on the forums. It could kill vehicles under the right circumstances which they "fixed" by removing all AP value from it, then it couldn't kill planes, then they "fixed" it again and it still can't kill planes effectively.
Here's a P-47 taking three hits and shrugging it off with only yellow damage
>Darkflow KNOWS
grim if true
so it still kills infantry fine?
They almost certainly do, they have to be aware. They haven't held a PvP ranked event in two years because the last one was so terrible. Gaijin knows War Thunder is full of hackers, too, and they do not care.
just another thing to put on the backburner while they work on digging through old state secrets to add more protoshit I guess. at least gaijin does a semi-annual ban wave in the other game
I rebound it to scroll up/down, makes things insanely easy and pleasant
It's pretty memey and they need to be clustered fairly tightly/you need masterful swipe skills to create a horizontal line of death with it.
It's great against APCs and any open top vehicle though. Just wish it was lower BR so I could actually run into vehicles I could use it on sometimes.
honestly APC killer is a good niche, I might try using it again. games where the other team keeps 3 up at all times are nightmarish.
Cheaters do not hurt Gaijin in any way. A cheating player who coughs up the dough is far more valuable than a non-cheating player who refuses to spend a dime. Gaijin earns a lot of money from people who buy one or two top tier premiums just to cheat. Think about the idea of 10,000+ players being banned in a single wave, up to 40,000. If all of those players bought premiums (which most of them probably did, let's be real) then the combined worth of all the cheaters is, what, 2-3 million dollars minimum? Banning them serves the purpose of hopefully making them make a new account and buy more shit so they can keep cheating, it's not about improving the community or game.
well if the financial incentive is there I will settle for that if nothing else I guess
is the flame t26 stronger than the pz1F? the traverse sucks but the flame projector being on the turret feels more useful. I feel like the pz1 is faster though
I prefer the speed of the German flame tank since the best function of the flame tank is rushing the point right at the match starts. Both are very good but I think the Soviet one theoretically has superior firepower, but again due to speed I prefer the German one.
whats going on here? did they hit an AP mine that chained the AT or is there a hidden mine that doesnt have an indicator for some reason?
>well if the financial incentive is there I will settle for that if nothing else I guess
There's also the underlying incentive of plausible deniability. Pretending like cheaters aren't a problem and gaslighting your community is better than admitting than your invasive anti-cheat doesn't actually do anything. Cheating is ubiquitous in online games, especially shooters, to the point where tournaments have cheaters and a lot of streamers are pretty blatant cheaters. Shit, there are people on YouTube who have made careers out of analysing streams and calling out cheaters. It's like professional sports and Hollywood, where using roids and HGH is an open secret, but it damages the brand image to admit that every player and movie star is juicing.
mine on the first wire next to rally. someone destroyed the wire and set of the chain of mines
You can see the indicator on one of them, but you can see the other if you look closely near the door. They're AT mines on the razorwire which detonate when the object they are on is destroyed
If you place an AT mine on a structure, the AT mine is detonated when the structure is destroyed. If you happen to find a poorly placed rally and have a good amount of time to surround it in barbed wire and then place an AT mine, then it's a really funny/effective way of wiping squads, but it's not really something you can pull off regularly.

What's more is that most players won't actually bother deconstructing wire around a rally, they will just leave it because they think it's there for defensive reasons or just don't know any better. I have earned like 100 fucking engineer points from placing a shitload of wire and an AT mine around an enemy rally because the enemy team just refused to deal with the wire.
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the soviet one seems to have much better range which is useful for clearing out 2nd floors in stalingrad
but that wire remains intact which is why im confused
youre right, didnt see that thanks
yeah I would be so pissed if I spawned in that lol, no way to deal with it as you cant even shoot it but it makes sense you pulled it off in a conquest match
I am fairly sure the wire that gets deconstructed is the one on the left with an AT mine on it, not the one closer to the rally.
yeah my mistake, it is the wire to the far left they take down that sets of the marked one. when the doors open you can see the mine sitting on top of it
I remember when you could eject from planes without fall damage half the time
you need to convert these to webms mbp
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I don't know, I felt like the audio really adds to the clip
theres some folders you can post webms with sound. maybe post them there then link here because catbox doesnt seem to cache and lags like a motherfucker so i never open any of your links anymore. i was happy to see you did a webm that one time
hes posted half the webms ITT but yeah catbox sucks
I need them to fix this so badly. Also adding radios or AT to the engineer prems would make me stop shit talking the devs for a few updates.
i have it in the pz3n and it dont seem to do shit
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>steam users play enlisted.webm
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obviously I love this game but I am surprised it hasn't been more butthurt brigaded by either long-term haters or people who think mtx should be invisible in a f2p game
Part of their hesitancy with paywalling the Steam version was people spamming the forums about how they'll migrate their account to steam just to leave a negative review because (unreasonable demand that was a lost cause years ago) hasn't been met yet.
I'd love Ensharted if they increased silver gain by 50% flat. As is, I just like it.
which is totally understandable with how depraved the forum creatures are honestly
I feel you, I don't like having to play the favored side with weak mostly premium lineups just to slowly build up my silver reserve, I can't imagine how bad it is without a premium account either
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am I wrong in remembering the panther can be penned on the cheek joint or is this just a bad shot?
Penetrating the Panther's turret/mantlet has always been fucky in Dagor Engine.
What is this
Ghost Division.
Me really awkwardly moving my mouse while trying to showcase the interesting places you could hide an APC (this was from back when APCs were fairly new). Webm is like two seconds long because water = big file
You may have been better off just posting a screenshot of it just as they spawn
all true, but this game seems to have more hackusations than others
Is cuxbox in this thread or the other one?
I know
This isn't true. CoD, Valorant, CS, Apex Legends, et cetera are rife with cheating and cheating accusations. Their communities are filled to the brim with cheaters.
Yeah I was going to say the ones named in >>487519960 would have way more report due to larger player base that has even a higher percentage of children and turbospurgs than we do
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I am in both. I cannot be contained.
fair enough, its been a long time since I played other PvP shooters consistently tbqh
same as last time then
is that a spawn in or did someone drive it in there?
The last CoD game I played was Black Ops 1 but sometimes I dip into the community/watch videos to find out what's up, and apparently cheating is such an issue in CoD that it has resulted in console players mass disabling crossplay, which also means that they can't crossplay with other console players or some shit, I think. This has lead to a lot of demands for PC players to have their own matchmaking just so that cheating is less of an issue. It's pretty funny.
I drove it in on a previous squad
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>batting for both teams
Classic cux
>This has lead to a lot of demands for PC players to have their own matchmaking just so that cheating is less of an issue
I wish that would happen in this game -_-
Console players also disable crossplay for other, obvious reasons. Though CoD has pretty good SBMM nowadays. Though I do recall that in MW 2019 people figured out you could just search up a players name and then join their lobby, so you would take down the names of bottom scoring players, join their games, then repeat the process so you keep joining lower and lower tier games until you're playing with a bunch of disabled people and people sleeping with a cat playing with their controller.
would you believe that people were begging for console players like people were begging for steam
Crossplay has basically kept Ensharted alive, for better or for worse.
I would considering bot AI is either on par with a turnip or a T101 depending on what day you log in
But the ability to turn it off like console players can, would be nice
>good SBMM
Nothing wrong with SBMM in a game with that many players. CoD is better without one player shitting on everyone else 95% of the time. Despite being that player I can recognize the drooling retards shouldn't have to face me.
Score Based Match Making?
Skill Based Match Making
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he can maneuver that gracefully because he doesn't have body armor weighing him down
>this is fine. i'll just sleep now
Skill-based MM doesn't even exist in CoD, it's called Engagement-Based Matchmaking now. It's intended to make you addicted and spend money.
>Engagement-Based Matchmaking
how the fuck would that even work? does it just hook up people who bought one thing with total paypigs to entice them into spending more on the game?
Yeah, that's exactly how it works. The game intentionally puts you with better players who have spent money to frustrate you into spending. Social media like YouTube and TikTok do something similar where they intentionally show you things that will upset you, then show you something that will make you happy to give you a dopamine boost, and vice versa. Modern games intentionally dripfeed you good matches between bad ones to keep you playing longer.
Whatever, the last couple have been garbage, either by design or due to covid development cycle. Last one I really played was MW 2019, which was the first CoD I had come back to in half a decade. Ironically what the cod fanbase had become at that point was really negative about 2019.
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>incubating cancer
Speaking of cod I see now they are selling skins of wrestling bitches so trannies can feel safe and at home
Cuckendorf/Axisman is an obsessive NEET samefag and you are better off ignoring him than posting in his thread
I don't like the shitty NTR AI art either but if people are asking questions and such in the other thread and not here I am gonna answer there.
i would pay to have a hulk hogan skin for a german soldier to run wild on the mutts
it was more a subtle way of getting any casual readers to avoid that thread and come here. let him and hux dock their dicks together for the entire thread if they want to (no offence hux)
>Hulk Hogan
>The Real American
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>tfw we never got a WW1 campaign
Almighty CuxBux, which bolt actions are the *objectively* best for each faction?
No. 4
Type 38 Rifle
were there ever italian AT troopers?
>vg2 over manlicker
G1888, Berdan, Enfield P14 and Type 99 (Long). If you know, you know.
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The objective truth has been spoken.
Jokes aside, if we are talking serious answers then it's actually probably actually the K98 Trench, Springfield Air Service, Winchester 1895 and Type 38 Rifle. If we are talking about things new players can actually attain, then:

Mannlicher M1895 or Pre-War Kar 98k, depending on whether you value ROF or a bayonet more. The VG. 2 has a good ammo capacity and all but its accuracy is infuriating. It doesn't seem like much but that 0.02 dispersion increase has lead to a lot of shots whiffing for me.

Enfield No. 4. The Ross has great sights and all but you can't pass up 10 rounds and a bayonet for that, I personally use a mixture of both.

Winchester. The Mosins are broadly terrible so it doesn't really matter. Despite that, I subjectively prefer the 1938 and 1944 Mosin carbines for their sights.

Type 38 Rifle. Again, the Jap rifles are mostly fucking abysmal so it's not much of a competition.

Once you hit about 60 RPM on a bolt action it becomes much of a muchness between them and is about personal preference for sights in a lot of cases, though if they actually fixed the ROF perk then the returns you get based on ROF make it a much more important stat since a Winchester, for example, gets an extra 9 RPM out of it, where a Mosin 1938 gets an extra 7, which makes the gap between the guns even wider.
I find the VG.2 with the bolt action perk very comfortable.
the 44 mosin feels great to use too, but the finn mosin is my favorite
That's fair, I just find myself missing a lot of shots with it compared to other bolt actions. I have a pretty consistently good accuracy with bolt actions when I am trying, but the VG. 2 seems to punish me for things outside of my control.

Mosins really sort of morph into an indistinguishable blob once you are past the M1907. The M/28 is bizarrely very accurate.
they either need to buff the SMLE or drop it down a BR bc it is completely worthless at BR2
The SMLE is fine, it's arguably one of the strongest in its class, it's just redundant like most bolt actions. Make its ROF like 50 again and drop it to BR I for laughs.
>The M/28 is bizarrely very accurate
this is a case of the devs implementing a weapon properly, because when the finns rearsenaled their captured mosins to the m28-30 and the later m39 they gave them heavy barrels, proper bedding, and better sights. simo used one for a reason
idk it triggers my tism for the two to have differing fire rates as they use identical bolt mechanisms. the most authentic nerf would be to give it goofy dispersion as the tolerances on the SMLE were very loose, which would give it a niche as a close quarters bolt gun or something
also the mannlicher straight pull needs to have a clip reload like the carcanos as it is impossible to top off the loaded weapon with loose rounds
do we have any leaks on the next BP or has that ended now that the fox has been snuffed
Is winning Manor (Assault) actually possible without a stack as attackers?
only if you can keep at least two rallies up
Does that even work? The second set of points, the wings, are a fucking nightmare without coordination. I have been on teams that have 2 rallies up on both sides and we're unable to get past C and D. Of course I have won plenty of non-stacked matches on Manor but they were always massive stomps where the defenders were barely paying attention. If they put in minimal effort, winning is fucking impossible, I swear.
>he doesn't know about the .gif
ok boomer
Is it only me that that one other guy that have love for the Vz.24?
yeah, it requires coordination which is a big ask from your team in this game
Haven't used it since I started playing over 2 years ago
And also am I right in thinking there is only 2 BR II fighters for Germany?
Maybe you should give it a few rounds and report back
Never, I have M93s
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Is that the BP one it’s letting you buy?
yeah for the low price of 999 gold each if you use the outfit the whole squad option
Isn’t that the cost for however many in the squad are missing it? Or is it only one guy in the squad that doesn’t have it so it’s 999 for one?
the latter. idk if it works because im not wasting gold to try it
is this game even worth it to get into as a new player? I already hate live service time gated cosmetics and weaponry, so this game isn't for me right? I'd rather play Isonzo or HLL if this is the case.
There are fomo events that sometimes offer some pretty desirable gear, they have to so people get sucked into completing them. They’ve only offered cosmetics in a BP once, and it was one hat you could get six if (right above these posts)
But if you’re looking for a more Isonzo or HLL type experience then that is what you should go for. I don’t think those games strike the right balance between milsim autism and playability the way RO2/RS1/RS2 did so they’re not for me. Enlisted feels a bit more like a more autistic successor to Battlefield to me. It strikes a unique balance of autism and arcadeyness that I enjoy. If you enjoy it too you should stick with it. If HLL is more your thing then go with that.
The Vz used to have a niche as a "high damage" bolt action, before the buffs, which made it more consistent at getting one-shot kills where others might just down. Nowadays it has kinda lost that niche, which also happened to the Mosins. An upgraded bolt action did like 16 damage or something back then, I think, so having more damage than that meant that you would more consistently outright kill enemies instead of knocking them over, especially at longer ranges and with limb shots.

I personally wouldn't say so, as kind of a supreme oldfag who has been here since the beginning. The rate of unlocking things is pretty expedient, but actually purchasing and upgrading them is a nightmare. As for FOMO, you've missed a LOT of FOMO shit, but most of it hasn't really been meta or has pretty good tech tree equivalents, and truthfully very few people who still play the game even have the really old FOMO shit like the Charlton and silenced MP 40 because of high player turnover. I'd broadly not recommend playing unless you are willing to shell out for premium time when it's on sale.

If they increased the rate at which you gain the non-premium Silver currency I'd tell you to hop right in, but they haven't done that despite MONTHS of complaints, and it being incredibly easy to just up it by like 30%.
its really nothing special
I like the next short more where the spaghetti mutt outdraws the tunisian
Lmao get fucked cuckendorf
Wrong thread friend. Cuckendorf is samefagging in the thread with the trannime image
Not anymore
Oh wait..... ahahahahahaha get fucked cuckendorf. Expect a barrage of trannie images and links to gay jpop shit on j00tube
mods =gods
Someone should post that on the forums and demand bong riflemen II get a bolt action speed boost instead of sprint speed
4 in the tech tree and 1 or 2 premiums iirc
Real thread for people who aren't on discord and who don't need to spam false reports for the automod to delete it.
I didn't get banned or even a warning, which is usually only the result of spamming nsfw reports. I don't need to come here to shill my last thread and I didn't need to report your troll shit furry circlejerk thread either.
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109 F-1, 109 F-2, C. 202 EC, Fw 190 A1.
>I don't need to come here to shill my last thread
>comes here to shill his new thread
Imagine being this pathetic
Which is the best?
Eat a dick cuckendorf
>knew exactly where to turn and shoot after jumping from a moving plane
looks cool but obviously a hacking faggot
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Not like this bros...
you would have genuinely stupid to not instantly know this is a samefag post
Just admit you like the drama of two threads SuxCox
The 202 EC is very well armed but the 109s fly better.
>3x the usual
We are so back
I worked out why I thought it was only 2. Only the Fw190A1 and C202EC can be used by III./JG1 which I am currently trying to grind.
>We've made several changes that combined have resulted in an increase in the length of battles. Therefore, "Conquest" mode has become less fast-paced, and its average battle time is now closer to modes like "Invasion" and "Confrontation". Try out the updated "Conquest" mode and let us know what you think - we need your feedback!

>Also fixed multiple issues where the applied camouflage would overlap with the original one and act like a "second layer" on a number of Soviet tanks, like the T-50 or the BA-11 armored car.

>Fixed the incorrect magazine capacity of Winchester G30R: magazine capacity increased from 10 to 20 rounds, base number of magazines reduced from 5 to 3.

>Fixed the class specific perk of the Mortarman class, which didn't properly increase mortar ammo capacity when not fully upgraded.
>Also fixed multiple issues where the applied camouflage would overlap with the original one and act like a "second layer" on a number of Soviet tanks, like the T-50 or the BA-11 armored car.
Fun time is over for that guy who posted layered camos here
I didn't post for like 30 minutes, and my last post was about the planes.
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why tho
Tell me you didn't get a warning this time you lying fag after your ban expires that is
depends if you want bombs or firepower really
I want bombs but I cant pick the 109 because they aren't allowed for my unit.
in that case I guess you get to pick between speed or firepower, try both and see which one you like more before upgrading them
I'm preferring the 202CE. It flies a bit better and things die when I shoot them.
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I cant
I have a squadmate who plays it for the damage.
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I waiting eagerly
One day, anon. Zeppelin will be Premium vehicle, enabling infantry to spawn, and descend from them. The crew being armed with scoped Mondragons
Should I get a 3rd Breda PG with my gold order or something else?
Not sure why I quoted there... but anyway
Depends, if you don't have any Conders you should get one of those.
I got the 4 allowed and 4 1918/30s also. So Breda > Mondragon or Scotti or whatever else is left there?
The Breda is the most meta choice, yeah.
Holy shit cuckendorf is having a 3rd go. That's some dedication to his autism for sure.
Does the vickers count as a semi-auto for the daily task if it's in semi-auto mode?
As a BR II burger it seems like the only options I have are the M1 and auto 5, and maybe the vickers and the PIAT.
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shoot commies on sight desu
It's got to have the semiauto icon on the weapon stat page

The hell Para is going on about? Arguing for pps-43 over a straight out of brV gun?
Vz. 24 reminds me of moscow comfy times.
why are bolt actions better shotguns for hipfiring than the actual shotguns we have
*laughs in auto5*

Your only TT option is the M1 at B2 mutts
i do like that the steam version takes you directly to the game instead of opening up a launcher like so many other games of the f2p genre usually do
I don't understand how people can be filtered by 1903 USMC. It is cheap, has 62 ROF, decent irons and bayonet
Not just for me, this change made it so any time you change a gold order camo you lose whatever unique decals were on it as well.
Pic related is now no longer possible for example.
I'd argue for pps43 over almost any other automatic in the game
>SVT-38 performs better than Johnson
What did I expect, lmao.
I can't stress enough how stupid Paradivision is. His takes on Enlisted are absolutely horrible.
That's going too far but I do find his takes on SMGs and LMGs to be rather strange.
Like, who in their right mind would suggest using Madsen ever, if you have other options.
Good damage, just about perfect rof, 35 magazine, great mobility, almost no recoil, almost no dispersion and it's br2. If it's a straight comparison to the ASS for example it's a loss for pps43 but compared to what it faces? Just a good allround workhorse of an SMG that craps on almost every other in its bracket and can hold it's own against almost everything else as well.

PPSh box by comparison has less trigger time and forces you to play in the BR3+ bracket.

His performance in the game isn't much better either
are flamethrowers looked down upon in polite enlisted society?
not as much as mortarfags
Mortar chads are usually dedicated autists who are too cute to be frowned upon.
Not since they were nerfed to shit
Indirect fire is wholesome and 4channy we love it here
for some reason i seem to shoot down enemy fighters better with wing guns
They work well if you align yourself to their trajectory horizontally
are the servers lagging?
holy fuck why is this so difficult
Flamethrowers are annoying at best after being nerfed.
at least you can put the camo skins on the tech tree vehicle I guess?
How were they nerfed?
They're underrated. Fun to use and annoying for the enemy.
LOL! LMAO even.
there is only win or lose
The jet is slower now and lags behind the player if they are moving. They were also negatively affected by MM changes and the Merge.
seems like it
You also weren’t slowed down while firing before
It’s what I used before they moved the enflield to br2
>game pings when not in focus to tell you that you've found a match
>audio won't play once you actually connect to the game
who thinks this shit up
>miss the squad selection before it selects for you
>spawns me in a tank i never use automatically
>i usually spawn engineer
>will this be the time my team puts down rallies
>no, not this time
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What a pleasant day of Enlisted, the dignity of the Fatherland withstood the barbaric attack.
>shoot first
>nigger slowly turns and blasts your meme spewing ass
Far cry from sprint fire and clear faggots thru 5m concrete walls while they can't do shit.
i'm a vz.24 fan
i prefer regular kar98k sights but they aren't as thin and small like the pre-war k98k
i don't mind the slower fire rate and i like the idea of doing that much more damage
>get sprint
>get vitality
>get the flamer with 12.5% extra
>equip soviet armor
>blow flame into a room real quick then hide around the corner
>if you do get clipped it won't kill you
>stack every cheese possible to make them usable
You're not helping their cause
it just dawned on me that the 03A3 springfield is only available as a sniper rifle despite being one of the more commonly made variants of the 03 during ww2

anyway here's what it looks like if you use it without the scope
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definitely doesn't translate well into video games
How is this webm smaller than 4MB?
Everytime I do webms I need to go ultra shitty quality and everything for it in order to be able to post it
Looks kind of low quality with filters over everything. Still though for 1080p and that length its pretty good. I have to drop mine down to 800x450 usually
One of my bp hats from last season disappeared and idk what to do
Buy a new one >>487536949
i have the option but 1000 for a hat is crazy
Seriously though make a report
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I did, pretty annoyed cause I came back late last season and only had 4 so it was a good amount for one of my prem or event squads. Started equipping them to my rocket squad, and while it was equipped I tried on a different helmet but when I went out of customization the hat was gone. wack shit
get fucked lol
Wait until they add this
Why does Germany suffer so much?
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idk man I make all my webms manually in shotcut every one comes out different
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Uh yeah Hitler is going to have to personally juice me up with his best shit if he wants me staying in these battles whoever designed the matchmaking in this game needs to be shot.
Want me to carry you, komeraden?
Which one of you sent me this?
Sorry about your booster
>Why does Germany suffer so much?
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i did. big whoop
>the big event ends in 7 hours
>no events currently ongoing
the game is over
it's finished
Doesn't he mean short 75?
steel heroes finished two days ago and gave two days to allow for award buying so it should get replaced when the final day of rocket storm soft finishes in six hours. cant see snail/gayjews not trying to hook steam players and cash in on them.
If I want to generate some Riflemen/Radio/ATs for my spaghetti squads will I get spaghetti troops or germans?
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are indestructible rallies a known bug
you merely forgot you loaded nerf darts anon
who has the best HMG nest?
and regular mg nest i guess
Soviets for HMG, Germans for MG.
the slav HMG is so exposed though
Doesn't matter, all the HMGs are really exposed. The DShK is a fucking anti-tank and anti-air laser beam.
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>tfw remember the days back in like 2014/2015 in bore blunder where the Panther G mantlet was like doubled up or something so it was borderline impenetrable
all the new AT stuff i keep unlocking is still worse than just using an explosive pack and counting to 7 so it immediately explodes on their roof
wait until you unlock AT rifle grenades or the Panzerfaust
Possibly the worst grip I've ever seen
Which is why the explosive pack's base throwing range should be reduced desu
I have never penned a Tiger's gun mantlet in Wart Humper, but soviet 100mm cannons fly clean through 'em in Enlisted's practice mode
Shooting at Tigers sucks hard in general. You'd expect a big dumb rectangle to be easy to pen, but instead shells constantly hit the sides of the MG port and the super thick driver's port and the middle shelf and get turned into duds.
>caring about boosters
He deserves it.
I had one which was in a bomb made crater, which would not get destroyed even after setting off like 3 ap mines
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>He throws them on the roof

The only tanks which don't get consistently blown up by throwing it at the tracks, on the side are about two in numbers, both are Russian ones. Can't recall which ones.

Always surprised how often they get blown up consistenly like that.

>mfw rushing a tank, placing a TnT charge on the cupola. Only for it to not even damaging the crew
I highly doubt the KT H dies to detpacks in the tracks as well
Its mostly immune to everything that isn't a panzerfaust or a bomb and the yanks are expected to come at it with dogshit APCR and no fine aim to actually avoid the gun sleeve
Poor mutts
It dies like everything else to one under it or on top, just behind the turret.
They eat a lot of them. All my soldiers have grenade pouches with two explosive packs, just for this sort of occasion.

Sans my engineers, they carry around tools, and one extra med kit.
You guys are talking about the throwable tnt right? I always use the c4 one and dropping them on the engine kills the tank every time every tank
Explosive packs you cook, detpacks you manually trigger with the plunger. And Detpacks and AT mines will shred it.
I'll be honest after my experience with them just eating any and all TNT charges I can't remember a time where I tried to detpack one so I could be completely off base on it
I end up just knocking the engine out and setting it on fire and that's good enough for me most of the time
I don't even bother engaging them with tanks because its actually giga handheld even with me having 10y of experience in WT which is fucking laughable so I use Panzerfausts or bombs
KT can tank detpacks in the tracks but unlike the KV1 it gets damaged (death crew members or other module aside tracks)
Couldn't agree more. I don't even blink when I lose my +200% booster after leaving a shit match.
>G30R got a 20 round mag
Just went from slightly better than a Johnson to the best semi-auto only rifle in game.
KV you just put a TNT on the driver's hatch in the front of an insta kill thankfully
I only know for certain because I recently had an uptier vs one fag that kept spamming his KT and running into near melee range to feast on crusaders and shermans. Explosives or even C4 does jack shit on the side or tracks but if he sits on C4 or you plop it right behind the turret it blows up like anything else.

>engaging them with tanks
Got him once with the 105 sherman but that was more of a abandon tank or wait until he sees me and blows me back to select squad screen. Still took about 10 shells.
Can someone explain me why rally points just auto explode for no reason sometimes? It happens way too often to disregard it.
Is the game crashing more often for you guys as well? Seems its every day I try and play, the game dies at some point.
i am only talking about detpacks on the tracks, KV-1 gets easily raped by panzerfausts
They were used 20 times or terrain under it bugged out
"good" players don't use the c4, they all have ap mines equipped
Don't they only give you RP? Like that's pretty much completely useless. In WT that actually matters because it determines how many matches you're going to have to do with a unupgraded vehicle, but here I'm just researching random shit I don't care about while I'm chillin in BR2.
It's weird that there is no silver booster in Enlisted; wasting one of those would probably get me tilted. I kind of hope they never add it desu.
I like c4 and smoke grenades over tnt and the mindset that having mines puts me in always gets me killed. Which is just to say I'm probably not a very "good" player.
What do you guys think of AT mines? I've been trying them out on my AT gunners for a couple of matches, but so far I haven't managed to get a single kill.

Am I missing something, or are they just not worth using?
I’ve never had one that couldn’t be destroyed, but I’ve noticed several spots on different maps where they seem to be immune to explosives. In the swampy part of the forest near the attacker spawn heading towards the radar array on Normandy is the one I tested the most. It survived two AP mines and then I daisy chained an AT mine onto it which created a small crater underneath the rally but didn’t destroy it. At that point I just shot it
exp = silver in this game
getting 100% more exp means you're getting 100% more silver as well
they are very easy to spot, i don't think i've ever gotten a kill with one either, i assume people see them and shoot them easily. i heard people like to dig a small hole with a shovel then put the ap mine in it though
I mostly just save the mines so I can mine rally points. As pointed out explosive packs only really struggle against the KV-1 hull. The Aussie ACI and KT can sometimes be difficult to kill with an explosive pack in the tracks, but when you dial in the sweet spot you’ll start one-shotting KTs that way. Also throw it underneath if the vehicle is on the move.
I have some on engineers so I can do this >>487511693
On certain maps I will use them against vehicles but it’s very situational if I find a spot where I’m relatively safe but I know vehicles will soon be rolling through like Berlin or the roads up Normandy beach.
Usually I’m too high speed to bother though
Prefer them to AP. Dualpurpose, far more effective and you can outright ruin certain maps for the other team.
Oh also sometimes I daisy chain them with AP mines if I am going to mine a point. AND you can daisy chain them to mine APCs. Though it’s dangerous because the APC can still be spawned on while you’re next to it.
That doesn't work anymore, or at least as reliably
What doesn’t work? I haven’t had any problem with it
They specifically nerfed AP mines triggering AT mines awhile back
XP booster affects everything, you get more squad experience, soldier experience, tech tree points and silver
I’ve mined an APC recently, might have been a map specific issue you ran into
there's no penalty they can give me that will stop me from abandoning games where my team refuses to go to the objectives or do anything except get farmed
Could be but I could swear I read in one of the patch notes AT mine health increased so they proc less from AP mines and random explosions.
Has Germany been swarmed with new players recently because this is quite literally every game now.
The Steam release
Not really no, germany just went back to february when everyone stacked soviets
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The big meaty Sturmabteilung Koch will save German matchmaking
Have they given ANY excuse for not letting all paratroopers swap BRs?
Please understand, the 450 rof krieghoff absolutely cannot go lower than BR V or the entire game will collapse
>paypig fg br3 para squad
How about you go fuck yourself
it's an automatic rifle that one shots to chest, you faggot shitter. the low rate of fire is a benefit
I wasn't really talking about the rifle, can't they just copy/paste the code they used on the Soviet one?
>the low rate of fire is a benefit
Yeah but that would just make all the old ones obsolete
Who wants to be a janny? Sign up now!
>Who wants to be a janny
Yeah we love free things.
what is the renumeration for this job?
Double what it pays for the jannies here
Based Japs bullying the chinkoids
Did they remove some of the silver from the 15 day login? I've gotten a lot more gold orders from my 15 day these last couple months
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do you look like this irl?

i reckon you do
wtf where did you get this picture of me
Not nearly enough cumrags
Anyone notice really bad server issues specifically on River Crossing?
skill issue
No I mean getting "Connection Disrupted" 50+ times, specifically on that one map
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>reduce the prices after I already bought everything
>mp 40 final upgrade is 50s cheaper
They might refund you the difference.
I mean, they might.
If I were them I would've introduced non-linear curve for silver gains: substantial gains from dailies and events which are affected by having premium as well.
Right now what they give from events or gacha is a joke.
lol no fucking chance, this bleeds all the uber rich mergefags while garnering them goodwill with the new players
Like how GTAO added a bunch of gold airplanes for people to spend money hackers spawned on them before they added real things to buy
At least I already had like 100 of them
That would make sense. Would devalue uber grinding and encourage consistent income that regular people could participate in.
Well I guess they could argue that dailies can be done by shooting bots in customs, but if we think about it carefully it's not a concern.
Say that a daily gives you 500 silver, then in 100 days of farming only bots a person would get 150k silver, which isn't a lot at all.
gayjew don't want to be nice to newbies and f2ps for a reason
I want them to make riders usable by giving them cool technicals
I want to drive the jeep
I want to be the cast from lupin III in the 2nd opening where a jeep is chasing one of those pink panther land rovers
there are 0 events going on the game is dead wtf
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anyone here old enough to remember bf1942's secret weapons ww2 expansion pack?
Yes. I remember I didn't have internet when I played it, so I walked around a deserted, foggy map in offline mode trying out the Goblins and the Hortens
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ok so i am so fucking poor in silver that i am about to use the medics as worst assaulters for my BR I line up and just noticed they have "unique" uniform variations.
i've been using medics as assault at br1 since i started with no problem. i'm only starting to now level up my assault squads since i didn't know you need to level your squad to level your troops
if you go around healing people you can net a pretty penny in points honestly
That's pretty cool. I kept procrastinating on checking the medics with every faction/campaign.
PC gaming was super expensive in my country around that time, so i used to play a history channel game based on Shootout! that was made on source named kuma something. My dad also played it, and he made some weird wehraboos friends from Texas that made him buy Red Orchestra 1 on Steam, the reason why i made my steam account.
how do i become a better mortarman?
ask for people to mark where the enemies are or hope you've got a person on your team that does that
otherwise just mortar the cap and behind it
you can always scout with your guys. park your mortar man somewhere safe, send up one guy to mark you, hold y and switch back to your gunner
doesn't the right click mark on the map also give you the distance?
NTA learn to aim
honestly not sure, haven't really played mortar in like 2 years
They really need to fix the servers, this sucks
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if i would have done that my fighter would have got fucked up. btw is there any place you can repair your planes at?
You know someone can search for people in that line up with the map and type and find out who you are, right?
You know I don't care, right?
>flaps not in combat
it's man bear piggu~~
>went to the dentist yesterday
>splitting headache
>final match
>11/12 minutes
Well considering you do those kinda searches and a glory hound, I am surprised you hid it in the first place.
I was showing how many lost connection
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heat of the moment, I only really bother with flaps in a sustained dogfight as ripping them sucks
just checked and it only has landing flaps anyway
outside of carrier launched planes, no
not any better than something like the bubnov and the the mondragon has more rounds while the farquad has more damage
i just got like 20 kills in three minutes with the mortar. when someone is actively marking people this thing is fucking awesome
One of the most interesting things about the newfags appearing in large amounts is their total misunderstanding of game mechanics that we just take for granted. People being confused by tanks not having HP and instead having armour/penetration mechanics is always entertaining. Someone will point out that entities in Dagor do actually have HP and just take a trillion shots to kill, but that's kinda disingenuous.

Low ROF can be a benefit. A gun that fires too fast for its small magazine is obnoxious. The real issue with the Krieghoff is that the visual recoil is sickening.
>visual recoil
something something skill issue. I use the WAR just fine
Yeah, it's a skill issue. The WAR, Lahti and Kriegoff give me slight motion sickness, but the Lahti and Krieghoff are worse because they fire slowly and thus jump around more "suddenly" between shots.

Mortars are extremely powerful in specific situations, but the issue is that they are too situational. Having a mortar squad in your lineup if you don't have 10 slots is actually a huge opportunity cost.
mortars fit well in a BR1 lineup because so many other tools are locked out of that BR
do bots pay less attention to suppressed weapons?
All weapons have some sort of hidden aggro to them, and suppressed weapons do have less.
KT H has a spot on the track that will blow it up every single time. You have practice mode, see for yourself
That may be a new bug. I noticed my squad dismantling my rally as soon as I get it up. They are mean
just pay pigged the fedorov mg what am i in for
I forgot to mention that I am talking about explosives packs
wtf this isn[t a giant silencer how do i refund
Yeah, there are aggro modifiers we are not privy to, and silenced weapons have lower aggro modifiers.

Is +10/20% aim speed good for MGers, or is the points better spent elsewhere?
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zero recoil clunky handling and a torturous reload
Aim speed is a pretty bad perk, but it's particularly bad on machine gunners because it's % based, meaning that they actually benefit less from it than other classes.
sprint speed is better to get into position faster but some weapons do benefit from ADS speed
The counter to that could be that it brings them up to speed with the average soldier though (if they don't have aim speed that is)
Which weapons?
wait you thought the water jacket was a silencer?
the fuck is a water jacket
have any clips dicing up people with that sword?
>The counter to that could be that it brings them up to speed with the average soldier though (if they don't have aim speed that is)
This isn't the case either. Improving the aim speed of an MG by 20% brings it up to still being significantly worse than light weapons. The ADS speed modifier of a DP-27 is 0.3, for instance, while the ADS modifier of even slower SMGs is like 0.6.
like a liquid cpu cooler but for guns
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Not him but I have this katana clip.

It's another name for a raincoat, don't worry about it.
top loaders where you will be in/out of ADS a lot and things that have sluggish handling generally
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no melee is kind of a meme IMO I only really use the swords for the mobility bonus
Your settings look weird hux
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its actually an air cooled radiator with a sleeve, for some reason
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>Playing with a friend
>Game suddenly gives me a message that says "THE MAXIMUM NUMBER OF PLAYERS FOR THIS MODE IS 1" for like two seconds which then disappears
>It then activates all of my BP leftovers, forcing a 600% booster on me and 34k silver
>Get about 30k silver from three matches of 600%, all wins, which is enough to purchase and upgrade THREE WHOLE GUNS
Fucking epic.

Even engaging in ADS speed maximalism doesn't really do much. Here's a clip of a soldier with +27% ADS speed versus a soldier without any ADS speed perks. It's barely noticeable on the DP-27. However, it's SUPER noticeable on, say, the PPSh or a weapon that already has a fast ADS speed like a pistol, but the thing is that ADS speeds are so fast in Enlisted that it barely matters.

If he had been wearing body armour he coulda gotten a whole foot closer to you.
That's two separate people and both are old clips, which is why they look so dark/weird. Also I am posting this again because I can.


>A catbox file
>Under 100mb
Yes, it IS possible!
>poor audio quality
>tiny resolution
what's the point? Just upload full quality
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So that it doesn't take six hours to load.
works on my machine
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The silver economy is fine, actually. I got this much Silver in one match without boosters, you guys just suck.
i don't understand why are posting videos about the olympics
how'd you get that, two 3x boosters?
Not him but that's about what I got from a good x330% match
high BR germs feel good on US rn
600%. Not the best result.
giving each player a 10x booster per week that doesn't stack with anything would probably alleviate a lot of issues
I was trying to think of a paris joke the first time he posted it but this is a good one
The first time I posted it, I said "POV: You are a Moroccan man who runs into a group of European students who are on vacation" and that was like a year ago now, which is bizarre to think about.
rifle grenades removed without compensation fucking when
My rifle made squads are my ace in my sleeve for my tier III lineups. They allow you to clear points and cap them stupidly fast, love those niggas.
eat shit and die
lowest skill weapon in game
What is the ideal squad size? I try to stick to 5 but is it worth padding out the full 7 or even 9? I'm thinking you just giving more kills to the enemy with bigger squads since the squad AI is fucking retarded.
3. high speed low drag so no one will notice you while you snipe from the greyzone
More is always better, that's why Rifleman squads are top meta.
>shoot bazooka at my feet
>I don't rocket jump and instead just die
what a shit game
is cuckendorf died?
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*nades ur squad* erm did that just happen?
I played with Axis_Man last night.
>no double rifle grenades
Your squad costs the same amount of tickets to spawn no matter how many men you put in it.
he just gave up for now after getting owned bigly
I don't wanna commit to that. It would require shafting my top tier Rifle 2s who all have large ammo pouches.

Yeah, that's another reason why some guy on your team using a shitty tank or a 3 man rifle or mortar squad instead of something useful is frustrating, he's wasting your collective resources. I don't know why they haven't put an SP system in Ensharted yet, at least for vehicles.
I told you, make the grenadiers riflemen 3s
isn't rifleman 2 superior
Nigga I gotta go fast. My Rifleman IIIs also have large medkit bags.
For sprint speed yes, but medkit use speed stacking on riflemen 3s isn't bad.
I guess my priorities are different because none of my grenadiers are actually in riflemen squads in BR3 or 4, there's just 2 in each LMG squad + 1 AT launcher with the AT squad. By the time I swap to them they don't need to be running anywhere.
I use my nade squads as a brute force method of forcing points so going fast and repositioning rapidly is super important. Oh, and using them to spam mines in high contact areas.
so what's the theory then, you take one point in stamina, take the 100% health restore med kit and vitality then seriously 9 points in med kit speed?
i might try it out. thinking about there's so many time some nigger drops my character, i go to bandage on the ground and he picks off my squad before i can even switch to them. be able to surprise pop up and get that bitch seems relevant
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For Rifleman III, you go something like this. You want Vit, always. I know he doesn't have ideal stats but whatever. Swapping out the crouch speed for run speed is also good if you have the stats for it.
>not maxxing stamina
dont need more health if you don't get hit lol
>Maxing a stat that is made redundant by a flask
k lol
youre a faggot but the devs need to do something to prevent this gameplay
To be clear I don't do this on my high BR riflemen, they all need ammo bags and to go fast, which together doesn't synergize with medkit use speed.
Not him but I like putting a point or two into stamina, the squad leader will sprint charge from spawn, then drink the flask when stamina out, then finish sprint.
so if max squad size is 9
and you can have at most 5 inf squads
you'd only need 45 of each thing like mines right?
and only like 30 if you use specialists like a sane person
Having Stamina barely increases how long you sprint for, weight affects it way more.
large ammo bag, even with semi automatic rifles? seems like the only you wouldn't really want to run ammo bags is on rifleman, but i don't know shit
I personally only use large ammo pouches on auto rifles. For semis and bolts it's medkits or grenades.
>large ammo bag, even with semi automatic rifles?
If you mean the automatic rifles that you use in high BR, yes I absolutely need ammo bags on them.
It can be used as a sniper squad due to the gun's amazing first shot accuracy.
i forget that that the br5 semi automatics are actually automatics. br5 must be totally cancer with every retard just wildly shooting their automatic rifles. i can't fathom ever putting those semi autos in automatic, but i guess bad players need to mag dump for one kill
Yeah the meta in BR5 tends to be mostly 9 man riflemen squads for more automatic riflemen. Automatic fire might seem excessive but you're frequently finding yourself in position to just mag dump into whole squads. Obviously if it's not an entire squad you should be firing one short burst to kill something.
i hate that guns like the as-44 exists. i can just tell this gun rapes face
It's marginally better than the StG-44, the RD-44 is their real power weapon.
you'll never see one honestly, the fedorov is just all around better
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yeah definitely no AS spam at soviet top tier
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The AS-44 is a nothingburger compared to the RD-44, yeah. The RD-44 is an AR that fires 200 RPM faster than its next competitor and has no downsides at all. With 30/20 it's ridiculous.

Top tier is insane but autorifles aren't a problem at all since most people are too poor or stupid to abuse them. People generally prefer using assault rifles.

I see more Fedorovs than AS-44s because the Fedorov is far, far, FAR better against non-Vit users.
fedorov has some wonky recoil. the as-44 has no recoil if you have the relevant perk
It jumps around a bit but that's a small price to pay for downing normal soldiers out to 90 meters in a single chest shot, ya know?
>POV: You just entered the Pain Train
>because the Fedorov is far, far, FAR better against non-Vit users.
more likely you see more of them because they were given out fully upgraded as event prizes, twice

and the AS and fed perform similar enough that its worth taking the AS over it anyway as contingency for the inevitable stacks of sweaty wehrbs
when's the next event
They really should do weekend events, would be good for that user engagement they would be chasing. Even if it's just that one silver event.
>autorifles aren't a problem at all
t. guy abusing them
I really hope the new class is a smaller squad using automatic riflemen, retroactively removing the ability from regular riflemen
no its going to be a demolitions squad with flak jackets that gets extra mine and grenade slots with an automatic grenade launcher emplacement
They aren't, because very few people abuse them. Like a lot of Ensharted, they are game-breaking in theory, but they are also too expensive for most people to utilise in large numbers. And yes, I say that as someone who abuses them. It's uncommon for me to see even one enemy player with a full, 9 man autorifle squad in a match.
Rifle grenades should be an Engineer/Mortard/AT Trooper only weapon.
Change my mind.
or be limited to two per squad
that just isnt my experience, they are common enough and one guy with a lineup full of them can swing a match
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>the mk19 was introduced in 1968
the team that developed it was alive during WW2, its being added
screenshot this
Playing Japan and US BR5 and you will see your entire team rocking T20s and Type Heis.
I guess they don't have ARs. But I won't play Ger BR5 any time soon cause the teams suck ass.
>it's not a problem because I'm the only one abusing them
Based retard
I dont know what version of top tier hes playing where there arent FGs and AVTs everywhere either
Yeah, if something's uncommon it's not really that much of a problem. Even nade launchers are only a problem in theory, but I rarely ever see them spammed.

People have them, but they don't run 9 man rifle squads commonly. They mostly use Assault squads.
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>nade launchers are only a problem in theory
A 6 man engie squad still has more firepower than a 7 man ass squad.
I think I have seen maybe one dude running a nade launcher squad in my last 100 matches. People have them here and there but rarely actually make proper, dedicated squads for them. Most people are far too poor.
you are clearly not playing on the EU or RUS servers with the moonrunes then
I think the greater reason is that people with the resources to do it also have other presets and based on how the balance is they might not want to be doing BR3 at the moment.
I have seen more MP 41(r) squads than dedicated naders on the US, so you are probably right.
US server sound neat but I play US the faction and the teams are already too dogshit.
I dont really see much of a difference between running trooper squads vs having them on every soldier in your line up which is fairly common
Nade launchers are one of the most difficult to use weapons in the game

>Have to estimate range and trajectory
>Slow reload time
>Cannot be used at short ranges

Meanwhile every other gun
>Point at enemy and shoot
Skill Issue

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