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>M. Bison Release, Gameplay Trailer, and Guide

>Year 2 Character Reveal Trailer

>The official Capcom Pro Tour 2024 website is live

>S2 Balance Patch

>High level replays

>Street Fighter 6 Frame Data

>SuperCombo Wiki

>Fighting Game Glossary

>Footsies Handbook

>Use Fightcade to play ST, A2, A3, 3S, CVS2, etc

Last Round: >>487424180
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dumb bitch
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I’m sure glad we traded outfits for all this publicity
Mmmm sushi!!
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>saves fighting games
...apologize to GAWDSTRIKE right fukin now!
Built for Juri's Husband average brown cock.
zoomer desire, who cares
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>POV you are Juri Husband and you just got milked by your obsessed yandere psycho korean wife for the third time during the day
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>I'm having "fun"
>Opponent cr.Mk > slime
>i get instant mental breakdown and throw the match
how the fuck do you even enjoy this shit lads? seriously, i'm trying to enjoy the game but it gets on my nerves
Hey guys if you went to EVO don't forget to get tested for STDs. Keep the FGC healthy!
chris g uses modern chun??
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what if they put akira in s3
what if I put my dick in your ass
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My Duckface waifu, oh how I love you... Sweet sweet Cammy.
that would be pretty gay
what if they remove s3 in akira
Remember when they said we'd get more frequent updates in year 2.
what if I remove my dick from your ass
least zestiest jive player
Is this gay?
that would be kinda straight
sfg orgy room..
you don't like fighting Akuma and Bison every single match?
didn't realize there was a new thread.
anyway, how?
by not being a retard?
its literally only spergs and low iq guys with ego issues that have this issue
why do you think most top players are quiet guys that never talk about anything other than the game?
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Self improvement is the only thing that matters.
this bit is unironically hilarious and i hope you keep posting it. lol
imagine having to take perscription antibiotics for the next 3 months because you let a nigga Slime inside you without a condom on at the EVO orgy. lmfaoo
Okay Ryu. I'll take my points from spamming 2mk into drive cancel and refusing to learn now
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Congratulations Punk!
>N-noone cares about alternate costumes...
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It's not a bit. I love my Wife.
norf cammy
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is there actually a source to this or what
seems like a falseflag
......................snake eyez
it's not really a stretch. anime, fantasy, game, and comic conventions famously have an undercurrent sex scene and sometimes feature "orgy rooms" at hotels. i don't know why that wouldn't translate to FGC events where a bunch of gamers are huddled up in the same two affordable hotels near the venue.
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black on black crime?
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Corny or based?
>Put up 10k!
Ah, the ultimate option select. The Sonicfox special
why didn't snake go to evo
kind of corny, how much of a hater do you gotta be to a fellow nigger to kick him while celebrating
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few more minutes until Noah mindbreaks Snake Eyez.
is this being streamed somewhere?
watch snakes stream. he's dabbing on punk in chat
Incredibly corny, and I say that as someone who was hoping Punk would choke again. Why wasn't he at Evo again?
Every single hit from a remotely competent player does 1/3 life and puts you in the corner from anywhere on screen for 0 meter. I'm sick of it and it trivializes so much of the game.
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>james chen
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That is why you are weak of heart.
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He’s not half wrong
SnakeEyez stayed in his home the duration of Jive
Got one WW requirement for SF6 and flew out to not even make the finale
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Edcels and Aksissies btfo’d
Punk is funny but he is in the wrong because Snake would molly whoop his face on the floor in SF4.
Nobody gives a shit about this clown ass party game except bum ass japs and mindbroke capcucks. Jive also clownery. SF4 is all that matters.
punk is having a meltdown in snake_eyez's chat as we speak
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Gamer41 supporters vacate these halls
damn punk needs mental help, he's losing it right now in chat
Corny as fuck, Snake is a giga faggot and i wish his reputation wasnt so intertwined with one of my favorites.
He will become another LTG in a couple years if he doesnt fix his attitude.
>3 days to reach a million
You would think Punk would finally chill and be less of a bitch now that he FINALLY won an EVO after years and years of jobbing, instead he seems more mindbroken than never.
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Waist built for Luke's huge arms to wrap around
snake eyez wouldnt mm even 1/10th of that
Sonic_sol was right to call snakeyez a white demon
Just another nigger
>Punkcels SEETHING
SnakeEyez truly the GOAT
We are team snake eyez
snake is literally neurodivergent punk needs to stop being ableist
>Laughed at Dale
>Laughed at Punk
Dangerously based. He fucked with the 2 most cult-minded fanbases in the FGC.
we're not team snake eyez, we're just watching Punk act right before he goes into therapy
so are they money matching or what
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House SnakeEyez
House Punk
Xiaohai beef over now new beef with Snake
>Chen and Vicious banter during downtime
am I in hell
So are you dramaniggers gonna post what happened or just one (1) screencap of Punk having a melty like a bitch?
Just go to Snakeeyez's chat and scroll up he's nonstop bitching in there
Punk is mindbroken and crying in Snake's chat.
Dude won EVO like 4 days ago and is throwing a fit like a deranged ex-girlfriend who can't move on.
Snake didn't even say anything, he is seething because he thinks Snake didn't suck his dick enough for his remedial EVO title.
What happened is that snakeyez clip of him mocking punk crying at the finals got sent to punk and punk is upset about it. That’s really about it, punk thinks snakeyez is jealous or whatever but he’s some just some nigga in his room.
>world warrior in shambles
>snakeyez vs punk in chat
What weird but funny night
Snake Eyez has been hating on Punk for awhile now and masking it by saying "it's all a joke bro lol." Punk is calling him out, and Snake Eyez is pretending like it's all love. Basically, Snake Eyez is being fake and trying to make Punk look bad by acting like the calm, rational party. The clip where Snake makes fun of Punk crying after winning is what has upset Punk the most.
Just Punk being his usual self. He is a mini-LTG taking himself way too serious.
Why is it always black men doing this
Sonic Sol
Snake eyes
That one nigga who wanted to fucking threaten Sanford
white men are too busy having gay orgies in their hotel rooms
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>Guy who made his career being the trashtalking smug underdog prodigy can't handle banter
Why is Punk like this?
based snake. punk is a 75 iq retarded nigger
Where the fuck is the match
Are you dumb? When Punk trash talks someone, he doesn't back down and go "it's all a joke bro lol stop overreacting." He puts his money where his mouth is. Literally EVERY time drama like this happens, the other party starts ducking the MM.
wtf /sfg/ told me punk was /ourguy/
Punk is the type of nigga who would snitch on slaves in the plantation. That's all you need to know.
white men are accusing each other of sexual harassment
>That one nigga who wanted to fucking threaten Sanford
logan is white lil tim
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i am team snake because punk is going to get cammy nerfed
>constantly tries to set up big money matches over petty comments
how is that not based
if the other people were half as cocky there'd be more entertainment
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>Someone said "FGC needs more trash talk" in Snake's chat
>Snake reads and says that FGC is debating whether to be grassroots or e-sports
>And he says its tending to go to e-sports, so moments like K-brad would never happen in today's era

Snake always with the sensible and right take. He knows e-sport slop is soulless.
Logan sent geezers on the only Concord still in operation to find Sanford, bro was in hiding.
>laugh at someone you aren't friends with
>get called out
>i-i-i didn't mean it bro
For the 3rd time now I reinstalled SF6, played it about 2 hours, realized I hate absolutely everything about the game, and uninstalled. I genuinely don't understand how you guys like this game.
Everything is just uninteractive drive rushing around and 99 second cutscene combos. I keep catching myself mashing start to skip the cutscene every time someone does a super or a particularly long combo.
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warned you about that SNAKE nigga
SnakeEyez's only sin is being a grappler faggot.
Why doesn't Punk simply rape Snake Eyez?
All the niggering will get Punk banned eventually and that's when the true bitch tears start
>mashing super
noah is such a scrub its crazy
The average femboy could overpower Punk
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Kill the SF6 devs, shoot the SF6 devs, light the SF6 devs on fire, gouge out the SF6 devs eyeballs, impale the heads of SF6 devs on pikes, skin SF6 devs alive, feed SF6 devs to piranhas, dismember SF6 devs, decapitate SF6 devs, impale SF6 devs, throw SF6 devs in a woodchipper, crash cars into SF6 devs, blow up SF6 devs with rocket launchers, torture and dismember the families of SF6 devs,
Punk is the "yes massa" type of nigga he ain't dissapointing his saudi e-sport owners
noah backdashing from corner to corner was pretty funny
NoahTheFraudigy bros what the fuck is going on, it's not working anymore
He tested the gawdigy....
knew the instant he was spamming charged flash knuckle he was buffering for the DI to Super 3... Rip
Noah's parry was such bullshit.

I feel the same.
>Noah's parry was such bullshit.
100% cheat. Online dix is a joke.
Who the fuck is ChrisCCH and why is he in the top8 of every weekly
A jiver who always placed in WNF
What's Cammy's endgame?
milking me to death
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Punk just won EVO last week and is trying to start beef around like a lolcow instead of focusing on himself and his moment.
The only 2 other black dudes I can imagine to be so mentally ill to do some degenerate shit like that would be Dale or Sonicsol. I can't explain this shit, you gotta be born with the retard gene to behave like that.
Snake is kinda of a snake tbqh, he harbors a bit of jealously it seems.
Yea you would think by reading the Punkcels posts, that such a baller evo champion with a model girlfriend from brazil would have better things to do than be worried that some nigga is throwing a light jab at him for crying like a bitch.

Clearly overcompensating in SF6 is not really fulfilling in life.
He does lol
The only reason you see any defense is this place still has vappa chino niggas and 09ers siding with with him. Sonic Sol was right
Keep mind these are gief niggas in here btw
>Punkcels literally siding with the most pathetic nigcel (sonicsol) just to try and get some dirt on SnakeEyez
Fucking lol
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desperate measures, apparently
If you've followed Snake Eyez for any length of time, it's obvious he is a bit of a hater. He kept it mostly under wraps when he was sponsored by Red Bull, but it was always there. Punk will shit talk a player directly, Snake will just make a bunch of snide comments over time and then act innocent.
>ywn have a psychotic cammy gf who expects instant replies
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I think I found the best way to explain why Ryu sucks to a normie
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>Timothy claments obsessed with blacks and drama now has new content to spam
Time is a flat circle as they say. Then again this is SF6s fault, that drought hitting this place hard again….fucking dry like the summer sun
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I literally said I hate grapplers. >>487527747 Punk is just a sad bitch who takes himself way too seriously. Does he expect nobody to ever crack jokes at him specially when he cried at stage with his comical nasally voice?

And they say Snake is the next LTG, when Punk is the alt-Dale who happened to be good at SF, but skinny and ugly IRL. Even their fanbases behave the same. The only difference is that Dale has hatewatchers while Punk's haters just don't give a shit about him in general.

Anyways, I bought the SF4 turbo with all DLC and stuff on steam, but when I play the game I don't think I have them all. I tried unchecking and checking the DLC on steam, and nothing. What gives?
nice vappa spacing
Snake is 42 years old beefing with a teenager.
Google it zoomer
As opposed to the greasy 09er grappa nigger who cant and will never place and constantly talks shit and backtracks? why would I side with the dude who doesnt even play lol
>Snake is the one beefing when Punk is the EVO champion who came to another nigga stream beg for attention like a bitch who can't get over being dumped
Punk is like 25/6
Snake is an old 09er nigga who just shit talks passive aggressively.
Doesn’t really seem that bizarre when LTG and others have done it before. Internet arguments over video games lead to nothing
Not playing SF6 is a virtue.

Is extra-funny when you realize it is around 2AM in Punk's timezone.
Instead of being cuddled up with his so called girlfriend, he is some black dude's dick asking for respect.
>snake doesn’t like SF3
>neither does punk
Wow two niggas i can mute
I like Punk and snek eyez because they are both non threatening blacks
>conveniently leaving out the 40 year old making fun of punk during his evo win which is the reason he went in there to begin with
how is asking a nigga whats good when they make fun of one of your proudest moments a bitch move? how is backtracking on it not?
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What is Juri capable of?
Daigo and a couple of other long time japanese players don't like 3S either and they'll probably all have the same reasoning which is parry.
>Not playing SF6 is a virtue.
Good thing he didnt play jive either, matter of fact the nigger doesnt do anything. He sits in lab with geif and whines about geif. Even when geif is top tier this is all he does, dude is pathetic.
real eyes realize real lies
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>Instead of being cuddled up with his so called girlfriend, he is some black dude's dick asking for respect.
That's insane LMAO
Smelling bad, being overrated, never bathing, being retarded and liked only by the most fat disgusting neckbeard motherfuckers on the planet
If you can’t tell, that anon wants to hang both punk and snake eyez irl.
*DIs this post*
hes literally just laughing at punk
FAKE Eyez (bc hes fake)
>Smelling bad, being overrated, never bathing, being retarded
She's just like me...
These mooncrickets can't help themselves huh
Disrespect would be saying Punk's title is mickey mouse, he is carried, speaking about his girl.
Making fun of him crying is just banter. Only a real bitch ass nigga would be this mentally touched about it. Just joke at yourself about how nervous you were at that moment or throw a light jab asking where Snake was at during EVO. Throwing a tantrum over it like Punk did is proof he is an emotionally weak man.
you just can't trust gief players
Black men love tearing each other down, it's just in their blood
In rocket league players just below the pro level are called bubble players, is there a word for this in the FGC?
Only factual statement this entire thread
Bryan_F? Nothing but good words
Diaphone? Didn’t care but congratulated him too
LTG? Snake eyez? passive aggressive seethe
>If you can’t tell, that anon wants to hang both punk and snake eyez irl.
Its just strange, snakeeyez is very obviously being a bitch in this situation and if this were any other 2 people nobody would talk. But because it's punk (supposedly 75IQ but is 10x better than this whole general) and snakeeyez (geifgawd but conveniently never has to prove it) somehow the greasy old nigger is correct because he's an 09er?
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Smelling good, being underrated, always bathing, being a genius and liked only by the most fit handsome bearded daughterfuckers on the planet.
They're both soft as shit. But they're still great players. This beef is funny is silly.
just pokey and stack bradford got into it. was a real timmy tussle, as it were.
Ranked demons
>Punkcels having a melty because their idol is a literal nigcel throwing a fit at 2AM at some nigga old enough to be his dad

Fucking lol
>Making fun of him crying is just banter
You have actually never done something your proud of in your life, im sorry for that.
>you can only feel disrepected if I say so!
punk being petty is entertaining and snake is a terminal dodger
Stop posting yourself.
james chen is a huge faggot (imo)
Do you think losing a nut neutralized some of Brian's anger he would occasionally sling out?
His guides for the MvC games were helpful to me many years ago.
Any snowflake can feel disrespected. Thats the entire point of my post.
Emotionally weak man have such fragile egos a mere breeze can obliterate their cognitive.
I'm not the nigga in the nuts of some sad nigcel whose life is so devoid of purpose he is trying to beef at 2AM instead of enjoying his latest achievement and working on himself.
Can we support the death penalty for everyone who worked on SF6 and also everyone who likes SF6?
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fgc is about putting egos on the line, the weak and the strong are decided in battle, lil nigga
Why was Big Bird able to get 2nd at Evo but JB the Rashid specialist simply couldn't get it done?
bigbird is a better player
>tfw I will never be the best Juri and have the pleasure of having astral sex with JH in my dreams as I feel his cock pulsate inside me as his face contorts trying to squeeze every last drop of his love juice in me like there is no tomorrow as he kisses my neck, jawline and lips as the droplets of sweat in his face drip on mine and he looks at me like I am the only woman in the multiverse
>play videogames for a living
>make significant money since you get high placements
>consistent income from stream
>cute girlfriends been seeing for years
>win the most stacked tournament to date
>get called nigcel by... permavirgin on anonymous website spending his latenights talking about you
the irony is palpable
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>lets people walk over him because he's afraid of confrontation
battypox ahh post
I meant what is Juri capable of as a character/moveset...
All of that and still a sad nigcel who is so mentally fragile he had a public melty like a random bitch.
Proof that having great things in life is not enough to shake off the inner sissy. Punk needs to meditate, go to therapy and work in himself.
Snake eyes is an actual evil person. Punk is a literal autist idiot savant. It's as simple as that.
Reminder if snakeyez made fun of any of you zoomers winning Evo you’d seethe and just shout nigger who didn’t go. I know all of you smiling would do it
idk if hes evil but he's extremely disingenuous. how can you start something with someone then blame them for approaching you
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Keep going nigga

Punk needs to go to speech therapy to fix his lisp.
Bro will never be happy as he is not only black, skinny and ugly, but he sounds like a toddler.
>Punkcels are now painting Snake as some evil mastermind because Punk had the most immature and sad reaction possible to a light jab at his ego
Lmao cant even make this shit up
everyone can and should improve, its just very funny coming from someone who will never take their own advice. not to mention he's significantly mellowed since 2016 so thats not even true
apparently the strive players were having orgies?
Stop projecting

id tell that greasy nigga to buy some microfiber towels for his forehead with my prize winnings
With that Reddit space you told Me all I need to know phone poster
snake eyez is a hater
>Completely ignoring someone instead of letting your feelings be so hurt you throw a melty
Punk/Sonicsol/LTG? Could never do that.
Snake on the other hand...
You will get at least one (you) from some seething nigcel, but I expect 2.
actually kinda cringe desu, didn't know he was like that
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All of this could have been avoided if we just removed Zangief from Street Fighter.
He’s always been like that. There’s a reason he never played jive and just spent all day in ranked grinding out gief and Ryu.
Extremely funny. Even Dale did the Punk voice too.

Holy based
How did Snake vs Noah go?
>just let people make fun of you
white people man, what happened to you guys
>There’s a reason he never <did the retarded move>
Oh no! Instead of grinding the hamster wheel of FGC "respect" by trying to farm titles and becoming another sad bum like Daigo, he focused on building an audience and making money at home! So stupid!
noah won
oh i thought you just hated punk, youre a genuine snakeeyez fanboy lmfao
you know feisty put the battery in punks back

she sees shit like this
i didn't know snake eyez had die hard fans
Could you explain how being personally offended by everything is alpha male behavior? I thought cool guys didn't give a shit.

Fucking LMAO exactly...
SnakeEyez ain’t gonna pump and dump you sweetie lol. Head back to his chat
Nigga I don't even watch >Grapplers players. I am just not retarded enough to shit on him for making the right decision, specially due to his age.
Imagine being over 30 and still going around to compete around the globe instead of building your own brand and chilling at home.
>snake made da alfa look like a cry baby bitch....
He’s an 09er and you have based monster fugitives who never moved on here in /fgg/ and now this. You never really noticed all the snake eyez posting in the early months of SF6 and people just bringing up the stream out of nowhere lol? It stopped because nobody here likes gief and sonic Sol was easier to spam. Then LTG fans came in mid way of sf6 and it’s been like that for a while
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you have got to be the same nigger holy fuck kek
All that money and "success" can't shake the inner sissy. Look at Punk's counterpart, Dale.
Dude is 6ft tall, fit, relatively handsome, but an insecure bitch who is afraid of his own name and age. He is so mentally weak he gets his day ruined if you ask him why he is wearing a beanie.
Over the last few days, I’ve become aware of the serious allegations of Punk's behavior online and I am disgusted and opposed to such unacceptable acts.

During that time, I have been focused on hiring an independent third party to conduct a thorough investigation to ensure I have all the facts. That said, I’ve seen enough online and taken immediate action to remove Punk from the company, my channel, and any association with /sfg/. I do not condone or support any of the inappropriate actions.

I will allow the independent investigators the necessary time to conduct a comprehensive investigation and will take any further actions based on their findings.
Snake is whiter than Punk
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Capcom I’m begging you….avatar pass please…
The drought…
Yeah dude he pissed on my face but I just took it in stride so who really won?
What happened? All I hear is Punk's saying his speech while Snake holds his nose? Is the nose holding some offense?
this is an alfa academy thread, vappa
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Punk's girlfriend is with some Ice King tonight before going back to Punk tomorrow morning
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Punk is self-conscious about his smell this is why is offensive, it's like SnakeEyez implying Punk stinks.
Where's your girlfriend right here right now?
>tommy making up NTR fanfics outta thin air
This generation is doomed
On my bed. I am about to go to bed 10min from now, and I will slip my penis inside her so it sleeps all nestled up comfortably inside her.
>Sonicfox mickey mouse wins
>Taunt killed by TOKIDOOOOOOOOOOO(Finally cured his curse)
>Irrelevant now and got hyped up because of who his opponent was not because he was on a tear
>Tyrone making up NTR reality outta thin air
This generation is saved
what a fucking faggot
Too bad your reversal posting doesn't work in real life you freak
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Damn thats diabolical but funny and canon
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>Not even winning EVO saves Punk from being a pathetic bitch ass nigga
Punk is black, skinny, talks like a trannie and is like 5'8 of course his bitch has a sidedick.
Punk is 1.73m
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inshallah we shall behead all anisoy reaction image posters
I was expecting Punk to at least live 1 month from the high of EVO, the fact he already is back to seething and beefing pretty much tells how happy he is with his life.
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Well at least it’s just two blacks arguing or whatever. Can’t imagine how the timmies would do it, strive straight up having umisho back shot contests makes me afraid of what white sf6 fans would do
Punk should have said
Oh wait...
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>If we just add guest characters maybe we can make everyone forget about how mediocre and talentless we are at making fun fighting games
I'd take twitter drama over wondering if the mysterymeat you're about to get 2-0'd by will give you AIDS if you shake xer hands
>l-look at whites! They have better emotional intelligence on average instead of being on edge and hurt by words 24/7 haha s-such losers!
Look how all the trash talk ended in mainstream media once pandering to people who cant bant happened...
The more I watched his stream the more I hated this guy because of his whining (and eating for 8 hours a day), and since I stopped there have been several incidents where it just confirms he's also a giant dickhead
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It worked
Still the most sold fighter right now and people can’t stop talking about it
Mari mari!
It's such a shame most blacks can't take a joke. Even the GOATs like Shaq are soft bitches who get hurt at jokes.
Reminder that Timmy is 2k MR
Nobody was talking to you to timmy? Keep it down alright
*green backround*
Timmy just throw looped me...
>Only 3.1m units sold
This game is a complete wetfart outside of Japan

K-brad can handle bantz pretty well. he is mixed
Snake is a gigantic autistic pussy and his chat is maybe the most insufferable there is.
Reminder the only confirmed video game shooter was a white boy who shot Niggas over madden
We at least had the decency in the 90s to fight outside the arcade or knife one another outside the Chinatown arcade.
Where are the Daigo drills :(
ggs was me
>Punkcels still dilated over a hour later
>K-brad can handle bantz pretty well. he is mixed
All the people who used to enjoy banter either fucked off from the scene or got banned
Damn you Timmy
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>mai hasn't used the bare toes version of her outfit in years--maybe a decade
>SF specifically picks the bare toes one but no other changes in attire
Feetbros running Capcom?
>JOBro's drills

Punk failed when he didn't tell the bum to get the fuck outta HIS chat
feet have always been an important part of sf
and it's her fatal fury outfit
Viscant castrated Dale publicy.
Snake daddy dicked Punk publicy.
That was such a shitty and forced attempt at calling him a jobber, I want you to kill yourself.
That was such a clever and smooth attempt at calling him a jobber, I want you to love yourself.
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>Snake daddy
based capgods
Shit, I meant Snake daddydicked Punk.
Not Snake daddy, dicked Punk.
No diddy bruh.
can snake even go to events? unfair to expect him to go to tournaments when he doesn't have a sponsor so it costs him a lot of money unlike punk who gets all of that paid for him like a baby.
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Yeah. If the Juri feet didn’t tip you off, I’m sure manon and dhalsim and blanka and even the shotos all having some what different models should have tipped you off.
Can’t forget Marisa either
Too late, you're into chocolate men now.
>In both cases the nigcels (Dale/Punk) were the ones instigating the fight instead of staying in their lanes
These niggas don't watch Boondocks? why are they falling for the nigga moment?
They messed around with Chun's face before release, right?
Surely they'll see the Terry outrage and think "damn we fucked up, Abdullah"
bro said snake daddy
Snake makes more money then any of you niggas and timmies here. The constant subs, the cracking of 1k viewers similar to punk and sajam. Youre fucking crazy if you think he can’t drive to a local like he did for the GG strive one. Or take maybe 2 majors a year and that’s better than nothing
>Implying niggas can ever learn or evolve
The only things niggas learn from watching CHADDocks is >white people bad! and ghetto slang like PAUSE and BRUH
The only face they ever tweaked was Sakura's in SF5 which wasn't even that bad to begin with, meanwhile Ken looked like a tumor for over half a tecade
Snake is rich as fuck man. Have you seen his room? He has so many twitch viewers (unlike Punk) it's just not worth it for him to go. He can call up Red Bull and he'd be back in the team in a minute.
Literally never used in the show.
It's fucking over
gotta hope its not quite as bad in gameplay.
His hand usually covers part of his face so it'll be alright, just gotta watch out for any cutscene supers he gets
Imagine paying to look like a fallout ghoul
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I haven't watched in a long time, but I recall at least one when the smart black kid is saying the lefty radical organizations he is a leader of, and their names acronyms always end up in funny-black related things like AFRO and one of them is BRUH
Bruh was an invention(well, over use) of the late 2010s, years after the show
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i think they tweaked her intro animation, not the face model itself. not that they need to though
>strive straight up having umisho back shot contests
I am sickened, but curious
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Black Revolutionary Organization. Retard.
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You niggas are so fucking retarded it makes me almost cringe
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>BRUH is right below
Based Retard!

I actually laugh at how stupid these nigcels here are, they make me feel like a genius next to them.
uh...it says bruh right there tho? you letting an anisoy poster get W on ya cuh.
Bro delete this you making us look retarded right now...
No. Chuns face is legit the same from the early leak of her model(ripped from beta) to full release
She only looks different since everyone uses her classic outfit haircut
You would think this general would have a rude awakening that e-sport sloppa is not sustainable in the long run after the boomers jobbed completely and some skeltal european incel made to Top 6s.
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Punk has that scrawny black, snoop-esqe phenotype
Snake_Eyez has actual rog physiognomy
Personally I think SF6 should be an event at the Olympics

what the hell are you retards even arguing about? What are you even saying with this post? Like what is your actual post, snakeyes has the right to be a bitch? That is true but its a completely meaningless phrase. I'm a centrist so I'm better than everyone in this thread but that kind of trolling where you just say the opposite of what is happening got old in 2014.
Wow /fgg/ Niggas still here
Ending Walker is a jive god lol, pipe down
Special Olympics*
The GTA NPC right before I'm about to run him over
timmy talmbout physiognomy again
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This is an EndingWalker general faggot
I hold my L's. My shoulders are wide, for my L's be huge.
SnakeEyez is a black KING
Punk is the "yes massa" phenotype
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The only time /fgg/ Niggas ever glazed snake_eyez in recent memory was him winning a GG strive with Potemkin I think
After that? Back to irrelevancy and some fans saying “haha he’s streamin again guys? Guys?”
Rogettes are a blight on the eyes, cease your propaganda
snake eyez is brain damaged and punk is loud and rude. you have this backwards
How many people here are pretending to be black?
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Punk called that furry troon SonicFox a hard r nigger
Snake_Eyez stayed at home picking his boogers instead of competing right when his character is actually good
don't ask don't tell
>muh respect
Yeah bros, Snake is such a dumbass for building his career towards himself in the comfort of his home!
He should be stressed out going to tournies to have his perfomance be judged by armchair critics and get weird 4chan glazers talking about his results and skills in the game! Surely the most fulfilling life!
Reminder Timmies going to bat for snake_eyez are the same type of char monster who agreed with him when he said being a fighting game player is about the same as being a brain surgeon
Idiot ass nigga. Like you know that nigga doesn’t wash hands with soap
he plays street fighter all day
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My heroes
Fucking LMAO
Crazy how not being retarded is enough to be called white or from /fgg/ in this general

Look at Daigo and Justin. Both boomer retards who lucked out in moment meme. One took the opportunity to branch out, has a wife and a child of his own and financial stability.
The other one aged 20 years in 10, lonely and depressed, and still can't make top 8's against the new generation anyways.

Who won?
dragon eyez is incredibly smart though? not that hard to believe he could be a brain surgeon
Zoomies are so punchable when they're imitating black linguo.
By /sfg/ logic Daigo won because having 4 spergs here on his nuts 24/7 is more important than having a wife, a daughter and a fulfilling life outside SF :^)
its funny seeing the masters' sons become the slaves
Not only a better emotional life, Justin is swimming in that capcuck cash.
Daigo is not poor, but he is not doing that great either since he depends more on tournaments.
If someone does nothing but talk shit, then they are playing the social game and care about respect, so their actions can be criticized. Snakeeyes acts like a terminally online 4channer than hates on everything and then when people respond, he acts like he did nothing wrong. Yes, he is allowed to talk shit, and punk is allowed to prove that snakeeyes sucks. Everyone's allowed to do everything, nothing matters. If you're mad, you lose.
Does Daigo really not have anything else going besides tourney money?
>SnakeEyez sucks!
He would make Punk his bitch in SF4.
daigo does not depend on tournaments wtf. he gets roughly the same viewing figures as aris (more actually i think?) but he's got more sponsors, we know how much aris makes from the twitch leaks.
He has some sponsor money and some streamer money but is nothing compared to Justin.

>Games without Mickey mechanics like Vtrigger and DR
This is not a real SF game.
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don't listen to those retards
No, he's rich as hell. Even back during the SF4 days, there was some article in Japan about how he made 400k in one year from sponsorship deals alone. You're responding to a shitposter.
You are retarded. Daigo's twitch numbers alone make him more money than Justin and he made plenty of money from sponsorships BEFORE that. He's probably among the wealthiest pure fighting game players in general.
>No, he's rich as hell.
I dunno, he's still chasing the tournament scene despite not being good at it anymore and clearly no longer enjoying it
>idom constantly tests himself with the worst character in the game
>loses to top players all the time but manages to pull miracles sometimes
>is honest about his thoughts on the game

>snakeeyes grinds online all day in a game he hates because ???
>rages when he loses to random timmies
>asserts that he's the best and that SF6 is complete shit
>still plays it

the difference is night and day
>Living in Japan
At least 30% of this cash was reduced to ashes in taxes. And we talking in 2014 when Japan economy wasn't as trash as it is now. Nowadays he losing at least 40% of his income in dumb Japanese taxes.
Daigo ain't poor because he is lucky to have people to brand him around, but he ain't the baller you Daigospergs like to believe.
snakeeyez is the eternal 09er
>Daigo is not poor, but he is not doing that great either since he depends more on tournaments.
Fucking retard. He literally owns his brand
>snakeyeez bad because he was GOATed at the best SF game and hates Mickey6
sure but why are we arguing about his wealth vs justin's when justin very clearly just does not have the numbers daigo does. and sponsorship money very much scales directly with numbers.
>I dunno, he's still chasing the tournament scene despite not being good at it anymore and clearly no longer enjoying it
He's not the best player or anything, but he is still very good. And he clearly still loves competing.
Everyone pays taxes, Daigo is extremely well-off. This isn't arguable.
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Daigo isn't a part of SFL Japan is he? I remember Tokido said something to the degree that he basically gets a liveable salary just from doing those events as a team leader.
True but iDom is also just kinda washed, I don't think it would matter if he used a different character
Yeah and who's on it? Fuudo? Great brand there
taxes are not reduced to ashes, they go back into the economy and improve the standard of living.
fr fr, deadass
if you pay taxes you're a retarded bum.
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>Justin doing worse when he has a more healthy audience who fucks with him with more consistency rather than SF purists
>Justin doing worse when he is Capcom's top lapdog, a spokens person making money with events, videos and shilling products
>Justin is doing worse when he has a family instead of drinking to his own grave while getting diddled by zoomers and getting cucked from Top 8
>And he clearly still loves competing.
lol no he's clearly not having fun anymore
regardless of his opinions
>snakeyez bad because he's a cunt
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speaking of which, I forgot to post the weekly Kami2 event
Even on the only like, 3 countries in the world who actually do something half-productive with taxes, don't change the fact that taxation is theft.
Imagine giving your money away to politicians so they can create laws to regulate what you can do or what you can say and then send some more so they can buy themselves some nice expensive clothing and live like kings when they are literal parasites doing nothing but leeching.
ok du go to bed
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>boomers still think their old games are relevant
its time to LEARN
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I'm still in absolute awe of how hard Bison carries
will watch later
Who the fuck do you think you're fooling? Taxes just get sent to the government so they can continue to loot the nation or towards bringing in more pajeets into every nation on the fucking planet.
Actually to keep it relevant, who do you think will be better off after taxes: Punk? BigBird? EndingWalker? or Momochi? Hint: one of these guys lives in a tax haven.
NoahTheGAWDigy takes the soul of Snake_Eyez.
Mickey didn’t just give him superpowers, it gave him Superman prime powers
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if you care so much about reddit shit like family and fulfillment and female touch, why are you here? This general is for people with darkness in their heart that want to become stronger.
Majin Idom (picks rashid) would wash both of them
I've been a timmy for too long.... when terry comes out I'm going embrace the slime...
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Why are japs obsessed with saying Gief is OP?
umisho suite...is what i ahve to look forward to at evo...yikes
He's an anti-fun walking casino, even if he was ass I'd upplay him just so he stays trash
Doesn't daigo own a bar how can he be poor?
Daigo is loaded
Nah. He’s really fucking cute, it actually made me grind my teeth knowing the redIamNot did what I was going to do
>compliment all over and try so hard to be near them
I'm confused how can my is the second best character when the only person I've seen get results is punk. Punk isn't even that dominant in the game with EVO being his only big win in a while.
>with EVO being his only big win in a while.
He just won CEO a few weeks ago
I just woke up, what the fuck happened in the end between Punk and Snake?
Hopefully a money match
Okay I guess I'm wrong but still seems kinda knee jerk to put cammy as number 2 best character not that she isn't good though.
hey hey
hey hey hey

hopefully cammytards will stop downplaying, ken and cammy players are the kings of downplay (most of the downplayers are plat or diamond)
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My cutie, hourglass-figure wife.
That tierlist is from Nemo who's the king of the Gief haters
I'm gonna say he meant it as a joke but his autism is too high to know
based as fuck.
leave this stuff back in 09
I would make aki forget who fang is
What with some kind of memory erasing poison?
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yeah, a special fluid that, when administered anally, will make her mind go all loopy
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Truly you have a dizzying intellect
>Snake Eyez has the same type of cult of personality around him like Clayton
How do these complete dodger bitches get so many weirdo dickriders?
Parasocial shit, it's sad. Every "personality" has them
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Snake Eyes actually plays but you're right, he dodged the fuck out of tournaments.
I really only care about FGC "Pros" who travel and go to events.
I respect perma-gatekeeper players like Kilzyou or Shine far more than Snake or Clayton
Clayton has fans?
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there are more people who watch fighting games than play them. Even if SF6 is closing the gap just a little. These people who watch the games enjoy watching the players, and snake eyes is one of the few at the intersection of Actually Good and Chill/no filter
Great you've said his name three times, now we get a 6 hour autism attack whenever he next searches his name in the archive
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It's crazy how Guile players under 1800 don't know what to do once they realize that you can PP slow fireballs somewhat consistently.
I understand what they were going for but I really would prefer if ken's heavy shoryuken was fiery in SF6
>talks shit
>heat comes back to him
what a pussy
timmys would be confused and make youtube videos calling it bad design since its confusing.
Why is the fgc so full of dodgers? Just run the set, sis
nobody's playing sf6 because they like it, they play it like a slot machine hoping to win big and get that sweet dopamine
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I need this
I genuinely find it hard sometimes to tell if Ryu players are purposefully trying to fuck with me to make me look like an idiot or if they're just retards.
Always the last one
They're retards
The clip is on the front page...
who won the west coast world warrior?
there is no way ryu is low tier
wtf is going on in this photo
he's not
He also talks a big game and the average dickrider is drawn to that and has a harder time seeing when he's just being a massive bitch.
Where's Jamie?
In my bed :)
based lukefag
if snake so good why didnt he win?
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The payout for fucking winning EVO for the SF6 was only 12k, probably 7-8k after the government fucks you in the ass. Doesn't make sense to go to tourneys unless you enjoy the atmosphere and community and/or your trying to make a name for yourself. But retards here will call anyone that doesn't go to every big tourney WHILE BEING UNSPONSORED, washed/fraud ect, ect.
its 21k now
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I met Uma at a petting zoo. He was talking with one of the baby goats and struggling to hold back tears. I asked him, "are you doing okay, friend?" He shook his head solemnly. "Everyone forgets that goats are herd animals. We're not meant to be alone."
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>constantly calls the game casualized trash
>only meaningful accolade is in the casualized trash mickey mouse game
you gotta admit its kinda funny
why isn't there a decent chink pad when they got so many chink leverless?
pads are shit, it's time to switch to stick/leverless
snake is dodging

if you like floating dpads 8bit and retro arcade make decent stuff...just nothing for the ps5

otherwise learn how to play on the standard pad setup as the new hori's suck and people only use them because they are on ps5
leverless is probably way easier to make since it's literally just a box with some buttons whereas a pad has a much more unique shape.
nah ill just wait till a decent pad comes out. i dont wanna spend $200 on the edge just to not like the dpad.
>constantly calls the game casualized trash
not really
Nobody cares /pol/turd
Snake_eyez btfo and will continue to dodgr
>Yeah I know exactly why Punk is scared to play me
>Haha as if I'd tell you guys though
Damn it's like I'm listening to a Claytonpost
>so scared to play me
this nigga literally never plays organized sets against any top players
Snake Eyez is such a chud
>I wouldn't be happy to win evo because I'd expect it
>That's why I'm sitting at home not competing instead of winning
what did xe mean by this
Ray schism
arr rooku the same
nah, its just a sick video. actually hilarious
kek. more people should call out snake eyez. has he done anything in this game other than win that online CPT tourney with nobodies and then get humiliated at the capcom cup?
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SF4 > SF2 > SF3 > SFV > SF6
this but reversed
only people that started with SF4 say this. all the OGs hated how the game looked and played back in the day.
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>all the OGs hated how the game looked and played back in the day
i started with alpha 2 and like sf4 a good amount.. more so than 5 and 6 at least, more than alpha 3 too
Why are people pretending that SF2 isn't awful?
>wake up
>good ass Punk drama
today is gonna be a good day I do believe
the horror engine is gonna butcher her soooo badly
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6 may have started behind Definitive Edition jive, but it's as much fun now in S2 and eventually will surpass it
>but it's as much fun now in S2
literally nothing has changed since launch
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Yeah bro you're so right Evo top 6 was all Ken Luke and Blanka
no it was just the overpowered DLC characters instead
So it's completely changed then
>season 1: ken and luke throw loops
>season 2: rashid and ed throw loops
Not in any meaningful way, no.
throw loops are cringe unless I win with them
throw loops are good unless it's SFV
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Perfect parries aren't nearly as strong if successful, and they're more punishable
Top tiers got nerfed pretty hard, Mena and all JPfrauds fell off massively

DLC characters successfully shake up meta, and if you're going to say Rashid then I'll use the exact same argument people use for Punk and say that only Bigbird placed high on him at Evo, Gachikun went out way earlier than expected.

But I'm sure you'll just move onto the next excuse not to play the game to feed your shitposting addiction
just got throw looped by someone with 500 less MR than me
ggs that was me. good match! :D
now shake my hand faggot ass nigga
I got throw looped I didn't say I lost the set
I'm saying you lost the set because I won
Ooh you think it's time for men?
They really love spamming these ugly ass art pieces
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>beat someone on battle hub
>they ask for advice on what they did wrong
>tell them how to counter the shit I was doing
>"but that wouldn't work because--"
Why do niggas do this? You're being GIVEN the keys.
I had someone accuse me of cheating because they didn't understand fireball traps and when I tried to explain to them what was happening they argued against what I was saying. I don't give people advice anymore, I just talk shit to everyone if I talk to them at all
based alfa dabbing on the king of crabbas
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Who does this punk think he is?
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>nah ill just wait till a decent pad comes out
uh oh
He's an irrelevant mid tier. Which is even worse than being low tier.
>yo yo yo what's good ineeduchun69 thanks for the 3 months
how does snake have such an enormous ego in the first place? dude's not even close to the best gief
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Imagine spending your life playing Gief and some random japanese zoomer who's not even a full time pro wipes the floor with all the jappa top dogs and win topanga 5-0 making you look like a washed blowhard, you'd start going coocoo too.
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What did he mean by this?
What does the thirst trap image have to do with your post
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I like big titty bitches
>SF4 is all that matters.
SF4 doesn't matter boomer
Punk is hilarious, nigga must have a microdick.
I didn't say you should stop posting them
why didn't snakeeyez, you know...compete
He's a burger
I really shouldn’t be in here since I stopped playing sf6 yesterday since I’m no good, but…The reason punk is the way he is, the man truly breathes, eats, and sleeps street fighter 24/7 365. He loves street fighter, it’s his entire existence. Nobody out there is more committed to street fighter than punk, hate him or love him.
The blackpill is that there are plenty of those people who simply do not have The Gene required to compete at a high level
Kobayan is clearly way better than snakeyez will ever be anyway so guess he's irrelevant now
66 Dash
/r/ing that big tournament payout someone had where they only made triple digits payout
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Yes, the gene is definitely real. And not just for sf6, but for many things. If your natural mental architecture doesn’t mesh well with the task you’re taking on, you’ll never get good at said task.
I genuinely can't believe people think the gene isn't real. Most likely they're people who have the gene or just hardcore copers
I'm gonna play the World Tour SP.
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Interesting point about Ed's combos not activating the drive rush meter freeze, so he's a lot more economical with his drive bar than most characters
he's saving all his tech for capcom cup
snake eyes was too much of a bitch to play in a lobby with fucking fchamp and ricki
maybe he just doesn't want to associate with trannies
how soon does brian f drop ed now that people are consistently making top 8 with him
He's coming home, Jamiebros
I hope DSP sees this chart so he can be absolutely insufferable about Cammy being top 1 and needing to be gutted for another stream
We love GAWDSydePhil here vappa
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Don't get me wrong he's the only fighting game streamer I consistently watch. Just hearing him complain about top tiers while he plays Bison/Blanka is retarded.
>Still the most sold fighter right now and people can’t stop talking about it
No, that's MK1.
Keep seeing this image and every time it radiates insecurity over Phil being married
The only thing wrong with that image is the implication him and his wife actually have sex, let alone regularly.
He said once Christmas is the only time they get romantic at all.
>robs people with redditgief
>dodges every tournament
>acts like Clayton
Does snake_eyez legit have autism?
*queue music*
Is there anyway to play World Tour with no Modern controls enabled?
it forces modern for the first chapter after that you can switch between the two control types
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No, hes just a pussy
>Wake up
>Everyone hates Snake_Eyez
Fuck this smug autistic faggot
when will the fgc wake up and start hating br*ski and s*jam
not soon enough
broski should fall off because he's a 4chan personality
sajam should fall off for having no personality and being a white bread npc
Didn't snake_eyez send his fans to harass some redditor who has proud that he beat him in a ranked match?
When they stop going to events and being active. By becoming just another streamer, SnakeEyez has never been more irrelevant so it's much easier to turn on him
we used to hate sajam before 23ers showed up
yeah and then it became a meme in his chat
anytime he loses to anyone they spend 5 mins talking about how it'll get posted on reddit

it's an actual ego bubble
Why would we turn on /ourguys/? broski is literally us and Sajam was based cus he got banned by Capcom because he told the honest truth that SFV had shit netcode
go back
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LTG makes Snake insecure, I've noticed it multiple times
I also feel like LTG would beat the shit out of him irl. Snake is physically big for no reason, he has the personality of a teenage girl
She needs to come back with pants
I doubt either of them has ever been in an actual fight irl
There are plenty of people in the FGC who could use a beating
We need marvel back
Punk really went after Snake's hairline.....
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Ceroblast didn't make top 8 last night. The leaf discrimination is not fair. We deserve our own WW region back.
Be quiet dalecel
Snake Eyez is bald with a stutter and a lisp.
I would not talk shit about anyone desu senpai
who the fuck is snake? what is going on?
Twitter/twitch drama should be bannable but here we are
>oh no they're talking about players instead of posting porn and talking about cammy scat
cry about it, faggot
we're discussing SF players, /sp/ is an entire board that just gossips about sports drama
i don't mind the drama, i just need a rundown
Artist? This is very cute
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>cammy scat
how does it smell?
>meme player who is famous for one incident streams
>sits in his stream hugbox talking shit all day
>someone clips him finally
that's all
people now know this dude is a clown
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Hopefully next EVO they'll have Mahreen commentating. Hearing dudes is pretty gay
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if you watch snake something like yesterday as inevitable (and kinda already happened with sonicsol but no one cares about that nigga) dude loves shit talking other players as if he's doing anything of not in the last 10 years
Why do coomers make the lowest tier posts?
Mahreen needs to be in a booth sucking dick 30ft away from any active microphones
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when my junior doesn't fit
Which incident? That one comeback in SF4 for the timeout?
like shit?? obviously??
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that's all snake has ever done
nobody cares that he won evo in the same way dsp did
the system works! He's a survivalist aerobic as a tiger is, and he earned his stripes. Also, you is not his psychiatrist.
>3dpd whore
Get that shit out of my general
women have pheromones so I assume their shit might have at least a hint that differentiates from a man's
straightest dixer
kimberly should have been a hoodrat whose life changed thanks to ninjutsu and looked like this
Clayton says he sucks though in his videos and always says he is lucky that he's won when he's played. Clayton is actually humble.
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Clayton has said he doesn't consider himself a competitive player anymore, which is funny because any time there's new footage of him playing the god is nonchalantly od af.
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that's just your monkey brain tricking you in whatever way it can to get close to a female. You start to excuse things like females taking a shit because your brain is thinking about the end goal of finishing inside her. The moment you nut, all your fetishes melt away and you realize that women are useless, including cammy.
Has last night's West Coast World Warrior been uploaded anywhere? Fell asleep and missed it because it went on too long.
>round start DR hop
>round start sweep
>round start DR stHK
>round start EX command grab
In the span of a SINGLE SET, keep spamming hop bro, I'm definitely not going to jab your tranny ass. Beating that garbage isn't even fun, if you play Blanka or Sim past 1700MR, kill yourself.
Oh man this game is so fucking boring. All people do is walk back for 99 seconds jesus fucking christ bring back chip damage
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>"The only reason I'm still banned it's because I'm black, if it's someone from a different community it'd be unbanned quickly but when you're a nigga everything's justifiable"
Dale "Dalauan "LowTierGod" Sparrow" Wilson

He's right you know
Why is EVO so racist?
he does say it a lot tho, he really doesn't like sf6. maybe now that he wins he will say he does but he is one of those who reminisced over v being better
except snakeeyez plays all fucking day and has no excuse to dodge except for the fact that hes a pussy
>acts like Clayton
Clayton really was right about the schizos here. I watch all of his videos and I've never seen him act or say anything like you schizos are saying.
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need dat
turning implies that snakeeyez was likeable to begin with
this is a classic
That dude really does come in here, press ctrl+f “Clayton” and respond to every single post he finds.
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remember cammyfags saying she was dead
nooo she only won evo and is the most popular character in top 500 she's actually bad bro trust me
>I watch all of his videos
you managed to sit through 400 videos of him saying the same shit and we're schizo
I had a phase of yellow fever but really white women are unbeatable.
>Japanese "humor"
I haven't actually seen THE Cammyschizo in a while, even before the EVO win. I assume he finally offed himself
Correct. Cammy is also popular in ST but is a low tier there as well.
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>Holy shit i did pretty good in Battle Hub maybe I got better
>Check Buckler
>It was a bunch of low rankers
whose ugly-ass grandma is this bruh
You mean Clayton ctrl+f's his own name
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Fuck off graph bitch I can do it too. You'd have to be the king of all midwits to take statistics as fact.
you wouldn't say to her face, timmy
I've always kept my judgements of the fgc contained to my region since before sf6 this was the only region I've interacted with. But after sf6 and battlehub allowing anyone from around the world to join I can safely say I hate this entire scene in every country.
Cammy is not even top 10.
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That's a small as fuck sample size compared to Legend rank's n=500
hell no I wouldn't, she'd kick my ass
Uh ok.
What channel is the vod up on?
You mean schizos search his name to post about him? People have been regularly shitting up every thread about Clayton for years now. I've been convinced for a long time now people are just paid to do it. Not once have I ever seen anyone ever post anything negative about him that is real either. On the contrary every video of his that i've seen is the complete opposite.
>Parry will no longer come out if you are minus
Fixed? Apart from removing it
leveluplive on twitch
how would that work? Being minus is not a game state, its an observation
>discord trannies really be like "Can you believe Clayton just said he would beat everyone in slime 6? He's so full of himself and dodges everyone"
>Watch video, Claytons video, same galaxy brain video gam essay video. Nothing about him being playing or being better than everyone else. Even says he doesn't play.
>omg you schizo I can't believe you watched his video! btw he faked cancer trust me it's very believable!
Every fucking thread.
Doesn't play SF6, ergo nobody cares
Yeah I'm stupid
People just hate Clayton because he's good looking. So they project some weird delusional rhetoric on him daily.
We don't hate him, he just doesn't play SF6 so nobody cares
How are characters like Akuma and Bison where anti airs simply don't work on so many levels allowed to exist? And they're plus afterwards as well. And I think divekick is already dumb.
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anti airs are the last fundie capcom needs to erase. They don't want anything in SF6 to be guaranteed, and right now if you have the gene, you can anti air 100% of the time. So they're creating characters that have godlike air approaches.
everyone is turning on snake eyez
They weren't like this in previous games?
Someone called him Snake Daddy a few hours ago, his fanbase remains loyal.
never getting sniffs like this again

might reinstall jive again for this
is ergo proxy worth it?
SF was widely known as the game where you shouldn't jump. The number one advice to new people would be stop jumping.
hello gold rank
I just remembered I once saw SnakeEyez on stream make a mistake and lose from it and he made this "what the fuck?" face and held it for 10 seconds straight as he slowly looked down at his controller, then flipped it over to inspect the back too
no. plot goes nowhere. characters are boring.

yipes is a snake now for calling out harmless banter
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What controller snakeeyez use?
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>Bigbird lost Evo because Cammy is the only character in the game that can jump and YOU have to guess
Absolutely disgusting
why do so many dicksuckers defend snake
snakeeyez came at him first you deepthroating retard
>someone acts like a dick because the inner house nigga gets the better of them
Why do people try to say this every time? Just own it bitchmade nigga. Punk is a fucking crybaby egomaniacal faggotlord supreme
The alfa academy mindbroke them
Anybody screenshot it?
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>You sound like a stream monster
That's exactly what Snake Eyes is.
he's schizo as fuck and doesn't actually tell anyone specifically but it's not super hard to find anyway
ah, back on topic
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its yipes essentially calling snakeeyez a stream monster for talking shit during evo, specifically snakeeyez said yipes was faking being emotional at punks win
anyone tried it how do we know its the same one?
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I got you senpai
>yo snake eyez I never fake anything not for views or money
>I love you bro but you gotta stop starting shit
pretty much
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Wasn't it just posted lol, how did it get deleted so fast
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why cant SnakeEyez own up to a single thing he said, why is he backtracking/pussyfooting around?
poor honest rashid
Why is Yipes crying over the street fighter movie that shit is trash
>it's outta context i didn't really mean it dang fgc making me look bad!
snake is such a bitch lol
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Huh? Akuma Bison and Jamie. To a lesser degree Luke Rashid and Blanka too
it's the same one
>the character with the qcb dp input that literally walked into a jump in (no counterhit)
>this is somehow cammy's fault
Rly? He just use a simple fucking xbox clone controller? Lmao.
I would learn the raging demon so that I can lick her 1000 times all over in a single second
>snake is such a bitch lol
what im saying, this nigger will do anything to run away from confrontation
>You sound like a stream monster
That is objectively what Snake Eyez is though?
yipes would never fake emotion brodie. straight up clown behavior b
i have this crap in my store in Russia for 25$. lmao
should i try it?
not saying it isnt possible or even likely, but snakeeyez saying it then not owning up to it is complete bitch behavior
that's not at all what he meant
big bird didn't even get counter hit or anything, he was just focused on the ground because punk would wash him in footsies unless he forgot about everything else
people in reviews say it's fucking garbage
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snake is cancelled
I agree, but my point is yipes fakes his emotions all the time when he commentates
imagine the smell, what does Cammy even eat?
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*doesn't touch the character*
yeah like i said its def possible he faked the cry, my only problem is this pussies constant backtracking. why say it if you weren't going to stick to it, knowing damn well people would call you out for it? he seems like he loves conflict but never wants to take an active role in it.
being british, probably utter slop
spam and eggs for brekkie, greggs sausage roll for dinner, tadash for tea
about 9 cuppas during the day too
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It might be over for the SnakeEyez
fuck it i just bought one
why is the FGC so pathetic? Just let the men fight it out like in boxing or wrestling or MMA feuds
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Has this dude spent 1 second talking to anyone in the fgc? lmao
lmfao pussy cant hide from what he said anymore
I'm siding with Snake Eyez if redditors start ganking up on him
what advantage did you see it having over your current one
>sfv sometimes really ahrd to differentiate players unless they owned a a character/style (punk with arin, idom with laura)
>can clearly see the difference in Ed neutral between brian f and the likes of ending walker and /momochi level players and brian f
>in fact can feel brian f feels the difference too in his play as he struggles with the neutral and self congratulates himself for desync combos
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jellied eels
im just praying for a good dpad and im also just impulsive i'll return it if its trash.
Chunner’s boobs aren’t that huge
I mean Snakes dodging. I'm pretty sure Zuckerberg was going to fight some dude in MMA as a grudge match recently but the dude bitched out too, this reminds me of that
>the king of redditgeif is being attacked? i'll defend him!
smells awful then
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8bitdo m30 xbox version rly only good option now
Grapplers are just weirdos as people.
Keep choking down Snake’s semen in his twitch chat little bitch
Doesn't Punk talk shit all of the time?
sorry, your shitposts here dont actually change anything. give it by end of today where people are shittalking your autistic geif player en masse.
money match him snake eyez you lisping homo
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back when men were men
This one is occasionally shilled by another anon here who says its the best dpad he's ever used. For me I switched of pad asap as I didn't wnt to keep replacing them after every few months
He literally shits on everyone 24/7 but I guess you can't say anything about him because he finally won evo in the most mickey mouse game ever created
it's bantz and punk actually has the results to back it up
snake has... a single evo "win" for a meme side game and proceeds to dodge every tournament under the sun and refuses to play against any pros because "muh tech"
yes but since he actually plays so its usually settled through a set or an inevitable dropping of the beef. Snake eyez will do neither because he wont admit he was beefing when he obviously was, nor does he want to run the set.
auto-corrects and crosscuts fucking suck in this game.
why didn't he play xiaohai in a ft10 at evo then? he even waited offstage to shit on xiaohai after he lost in a completely different game but snake is the villain here. punk is a fucking crybaby manchild faggot and always has been.
damn only if there was a ps version
I should have expected Punk haters to be low IQ, but it's still annoying to have to explain it all to you apes. Punk talks shit, challenges whoever he doesn't like, and in the rare instances they don't back down, he WINS. Snake Eyez dodges every tournament to be a stream monster and posing like he's an actual competitor to boomers who are to busy being deadbeat dads and reminiscing about SF4 to know any better. That's why it's so pathetic to hear him being so clearly angry and jealous at someone much younger than him achieving a level of success he knows he never will. Are we understood?
I don’t see Punk insulting people’s physical appearance on his stream
>challenges whoever he doesn't like
*smacks lips*
*cleans spit after speaking*
>why didn't he play xiaohai in a ft10 at evo then?
literally only because xiaohai dodged him lmao
Oh god he...... insulted Punk's precious appearance. oh noes heavens above protect our precious Punk
>why didn't he play xiaohai in a ft10 at evo then
this is not how i remember the event
>he even waited offstage to shit on xiaohai after he lost in a completely different game but snake is the villain here
you mean the tweet with nemo in sf6, what time did he SHIT on xiaohai in evo. not to mention shitting on your opponents gameplay is perfectly fine, its the nature of the game no?
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Egg on toast is the best breakfast you could possibly eat, shut up
didn't ask, don't care
I saw the tweet posted in the thread where faggot ass Punk was waiting offstage for a completely different game that Xaiohai was playing in solely to talk shit to him after he lost.
Punk is a fucking crybaby faggot throwing a fit because Snake shit on him a little bit but has the audacity to do something like this to another player. nigga is bitchmade through and through
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I just wonder what Sethanie poster's up to!
the moving of the goalposts is so retarded that im glad the fgc will never share opinions with trogs like you. ill put it in simple terms.
>make fun of someones gameplay
run the set
>make fun of someone as a person
go fuck yourself, get it?
da alfa more like da bitch
shitting on someone over literally anything would still be fine, shit on a player's dead mama nobody gives a fuck, as long as you're someone with actual stakes in the game. shitting on someone who literally just won the biggest evo in history while you're a washed up competitor sitting on a chair in your house not even having gone to the event at all is just bitchmade shit, of course everyone will roast you for being that miserable
Someone dodged the FT10 and it sure as fuck wasn't my alfa
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Why did you have to push this drama /vg/, now Reddit knows about it
Snakeeyez is going to get fucking cancelled and banned from twitch now... I hope you're fucking happy...
He does it to many people
why would you ever even defend snake he's a bitch
uuuuuhhhhh i have 8bitdo m30, but i still wanna try this one, they even sell it with silicon rubber set. (doesn't mean they dpad just don't crack appart like bad mega drive pad clone do lmao)
pretty sure it works with brook or another shit like that, google it
>didn't ask, don't care
then im not reading your shit retard, take it up with pokimane or continue to cry about it here anonymously retard
because punk is even more of a bitch
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I'll make fun of this pussy all day long and there ain't shit this faggot or anyone in here will do about it. Punk fucking sucks as a human being, I don't give a fuck how good of a cammy fag he is
He literally sat on stream shitting on "crack niggas" for 30 minutes straight during the open beta and guess what happened when he opened sf6? HE HAD THE GODDAMN REFRAMEWORK FOR THE FUCKING CRACK BETA. Of course the little bitch nigga said it was MUH ROOMMATES
nigga please
all punk's said is that he wants to money match snake, he's hardly crying
the only one who seems pressed is snake eyez himself crying about being "taken out of context" when he literally just got clipped running his usual routine on his stream
forgot to respond before i hit send, but for the most part i agree. i still think shit should stick to the game unless someone personally offends you but if this nigger snakeeyez is going to talk shit he NEEDS to run the set or own up to the fact that he was indeed talking shit and naked dogeza.
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>ayo we supposed to out each other up
No this isn't 1950 anymore. Root for the person, not the race.
>I'll make fun of this pussy all day long and there ain't shit this faggot or anyone in here will do about it.
lmao nigga go right the fuck ahead, you're just going to sound like a powerless, bitter faggot
No one who actually plays instead of sitting at home shitting on everyone who does could possibly be more of a bitch
Why didn't punk run the set against sonic sol? Comment, punkcels?
you already do and for free, at least that bitch nigga snakeeyez makes money through donos when hes being a bitter old faggot on stream. you spend all day here doing nothing and gaining nothing, unlucky!
for years people would shit on punk every tournament for choking but now he won evo and there's an entire armada here ready to die for him after snake_eyez had some bantz with the little fagbag. what the fuck is this general
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...Ok. Who are you?
>I'll make fun of this pussy all day long and there ain't shit this faggot or anyone in here will do about it
Look at how brave this anonymous 4chan poster is. Fucking kill yourself you spineless little queer.
ummmm actually sweaty I'm getting paid an hourly wage right now to pretend I'm working! sucks for you doesn't it!! hehe enjoy your little pathetic life living vicariously through another man
>Pr the loser sonic_sol for $200
i always liked the alfa, that doesnt mean i cant make fun of him for losing. you some typa retard?>>487580743
good lord
nigga is gloating about having a job while insulting a millionaire
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its not too late to fill this out you know
Nah you don't understand, unless they come to the table with 7000 raxxx Punk won't even open his eyes
Its been long enough, I dont think Bison is good. He's the meme DR big damage character. Everything about him kind of sucks. His buttons are slow as fuck and whiff punishing with him feels impossible with how stubby his medium buttons are. He has dogshit anti airs. His defense if horrible and he gets mauled. scissors being a motion means that you have play your neutral around retarded niggas doing nothing but neutral jump, spamming DI, or whatever else to avoid it. This character isnt actually good and poorly designed because they made scissors a motion input
ss couldnt put up 50 dollars
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Punk talks mad shit to everyone and then tries to act like a victim the second anyone says anything nasty back.
Wait, why shiteyez don't even come to EVO? Wtf?
I'm sorry Punk
well you see uh... the travel is annoying and... i mean im the best zangeif anyways
i lost my sparring match against chun li so she is sitting on my face during her tea time with li fen
how do i get li fen to sit on my face
Bison downplay will never become a thing because he's just that broken.
can't understand a damn thing you said. remove snake eyez's dick from your mouth before you talk
based marisaHAWGZ

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