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Alicesoft/Rance General #1228

Shizuka Birthday Edition

Last Thread: >>486776090

FAQ: files.catbox.moe/vxrbu5.txt
Torrent: https://files.catbox.moe/zxwsje.torrent
Read the FAQ before you ask questions.

>Useful Links
Wiki: https://alicesoft.wikia.com/wiki/AliceSoftWiki:Main_Page
Alternate Wiki (under construction): https://alicesoft.miraheze.org/wiki/AliceSoft_Wiki:Main_Page
Rance World Notes (Translated): DEAD
Booru: https://hannybooru.com/

Check the FAQ for downloads and general hints!

>SR Mods
List of Mods - https://alicesoft.fandom.com/wiki/Modding_Project
DHR-Steve mod - https://mega.nz/file/BQIDxCYL#v6aUSJz6JQxPW8TF2Ht8COzlRidGUzdFa2VfUDjcuKQ
Website - https://www.darknessherorance.com
戦国ランス-ルドラサウム大陸版- - https://mega.nz/folder/RaUEEaJQ#5ZheRhA9dYi6kFlJ6Vtfmw (requires Japanese package edition)

>Recently Released
Hentai Labyrinth - Out now!
Purchase: https://www.dlsite.com/maniax/announce/=/product_id/RJ01075029.html

Rance IX - Out Now!
Physical (includes lore book): https://www.mangagamer.com/r18/detail.php?goods_type=3&product_code=314
Digital: https://www.mangagamer.com/r18/detail.php?goods_type=1&product_code=1303
Torrent: https://sukebei.nyaa.si/view/3834326

Only You English Patch
Mediafire: https://www.mediafire.com/file/kpl10ogjg2jjfb4/Only_You_Re-Cross_English_Patch.rar/file
MEGA: https://mega.nz/file/dj9HmCBZ#Vwt_DvPkTogA_8ssvrmKTldoIUE2UivuVCrEEYeZEn4

>Miscellaneous (mainly unofficial)

>Upcoming Games
Rance 03 - Translation: 79% – Editing: 41%
Rance X - Translation : Complete – Editing: 5%
Beat Valkyrie Ixseal - Translation: 88% – Editing: 81%
Yoru ga Kuru! - N/A
Daiakuji Fan TL - N/A
Daiteikoku English - Announced

35th anniversary site:
Art Exhibit starts September 15th
Finally had the time to play Only You. Fun game, thanks to whoever dropped the translation on the thread last year.
Just barely missed a couple events to finish Misaki's storyline and couldn't find Mucha for shit in the map so I barely advanced there, ended up with only 5 heroines completed at the end.
Who was the best heroine?
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Jill bros, we were robbed
My top 3 was Rin, Ayame, Moemoe, in order.
I have heard that the Moemoe kingdom produces men of exceptional character
Aiyaaaaaaaa! Did last thread got nuked again?
Kanami failed to make it in time to save the thread.
Kanami failed
Abert best boy
Alicesoft cooked with her design
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>meanwhile in the Malgrid Dungeon 2nd stratum


Are they gonna make a second season of the Rance OVA? I liked the 1st one.
Medusa raped the last thread...
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>MFW I look like 50 year old Rance at sub 25
Can't believe they actually speak portuguese in portugal.
They speak Hue
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>trusting kanami do to anything right in the first place
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Is Toushin Toshi II worth playing?
I'll start playing this weekend then.
I'm off. Don't die in my sleep this time.
Lia is a bitch
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Pretty sure they would speak European Portuguese.
Can you manipulate the Guards' event of the base phase to defend the country you want, or is it just static?
Lia is life
Worth playing is a retarded turn of phrase, but yes. It's their first real hit.
What's a superior turn of phrase?
"Should I play x?" if you must use a certified retard sentence instead of just trying the freely downloadable game. It's not like your time is worth anything.
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Daiakuji soon
It goes in a certain order depending on what you've already defended that turn with free cities first and Leazas last so you can't use it as a way of keeping Cordoba alive.
bitch-ass game and retarded Turn 8 preparation phase, thanks anyway anon, seems I just have to cope
in rance quest I wasted my first high chance treasure dango so I am trying to make the best of the second one, but I have been resetting for over an hour and can't get it to drop the weapon I want. I have gotten every other possible drop at least once. does the map you encounter the dango on affect which items it can drop or am I just getting unlucky?
Maps don't influence its drops, the only influence you have is collecting items until you get what you want they are one of a kind so having more of them means a higher chance of getting what you want.
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so I just need to keep trying? I have 3 already so there should be 9 possible drops, and I keep getting the 8 besides the one I want.
Does anyone have a sound bite of hanny noises? I need it for something.
Something like this? You can also use the sounds from TT2 or 3
Here's another https://litter.catbox.moe/ylywgv.webm
That's exactly what I wanted. Thank you fellow pottery of culture.
Katsuko a trash
Katsuko is cute! CUTE!
Torako is best
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Early Kentarou was based
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She's the best!
And my cute wife!
Does this mean anything
Kikuko route partial patch soon
Kaga Motoko route when
This is part of the anniversary event in which they called old illustrators to make some content, so no, Daiakuji is NOT coming.
Well anon, did you put it on the Wiki?
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As I said we have been practiced aesthetics and tactics ahead of the next VGL.
Here is the team roster for the /rancevii/ practice team.
You can't really see it but TOSH has six muskets. And an aside for next VGL, we do have models for the likes of Kenshin if we were to consider adding them to the main team.
The translation is however coming.

But who is Ran?
>translation is coming
There's two ongoing translation, one is already have 1 route translated, other one is MTL and need editing(you can help,the link on wiki)
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I'll help if I find the time.
Tall Kou
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5 years
Who here has played an Alicesoft game in the past week?
No way....
there have been people asking things about X
You should fix the typos on the Github page.
Hello, Daiakuji translator here, the one without MTL.
Patching is taking a hell of a lot more time than I anticipated so I could really use some help for this. If anyone here knows a basic enough amount of Japanese and is willing to help with this tedious process, please let me know.
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Not the translator nor am I particularly good at Japanese, but maybe this extension can help you with the Kanji. It's called 10ten Japanese reader.
My problem isn't with the TL itself, it's with inserting the lines into the script
It's basically grunt work that can be done by just about anyone as long as they can see the correlation between the original text and the translated line
If it can be done by anyone I might be able to help you, then again, I don't really know Japanese outside of a few words let alone Kanji.
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I know hiragana.
I finally got an uruncel blade to drop in rance quest but apparently I was misreading the skill it has. is it not actually good to use with tilde? should I have tried to get a different one?
I've been playing kichikuou
Basically you'd have to copy+paste the lines from my master script to each individual script. Problem is, there's no indicator of who's saying what, and scenes are all labeled in kanji, so you'd have to at least be able to read/get the gist of the first line or two to know if you have the right segment
The whole process is a nightmare
I believe I can do that, as long as the tools aren't hard to use since I never touched those things before.
You'll really just be copying from one txt file and pasting on another.
If you're up to it, let me know how I can contact you.
Nice Natori
I don't remember what that blade does
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It was suggested to me that we should base our VGL team emblem on East Germany.
I've made a mock up.
What are peoples thoughts? Our current logo is on the left and the proposed new logo on the right.
Looks good.
better or worse than the existing one?
So it's all Sengoku Rance?
Left one is better to be honest.
That is what my gut feel is.

And yeah this practice team is all Sengoku Rance plus Elizabeth as a very early modding reference. Its a good excuse to make more player aesthetics.
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Black hanny?
Oh, I didn't read well. It's was a pratice team. Anyways, for the next vgl >we should read the restrictions first to not get fucked like last time.
Left is better

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