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Previous: >>487522332

>[Event] Arctic Summer World! Chaldea's Magical Summer Theme Park
2024-07-18 01:00 - 08-07 20:59 PDT

>[Summon] Arctic Summer World! Ibuki-Douji (Berserker) Pickup Summon
2024-07-21 21:00 - 08-07 20:59 PDT

>[Summon] Arctic Summer World! Scathach-Skadi (Ruler) Pickup Summon
2024-07-24 21:00 - 08-07 20:59 PDT

>[Summon] Arctic Summer World! Lady Avalon Pickup Summon
2024-07-18 01:00 - 08-07 20:59 PDT

>[Summon] Arctic Summer World! Ashiya Douman Pickup Summon
2024-07-18 01:00 - 08-07 20:59 PDT


>[Servant Info]
Servant Material Lookup: https://fgosim.github.io/Material/
Servant Planner: https://github.com/chaldea-center/chaldea
Coin Calculator: https://fgo-servant-coins.glitch.me/index.html
Rank Up + Interlude Timeline: https://kazemai.github.io/fgo-vz/relate_quest.html
Damage Calculator: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1CWsaeirsiQHCLf2OJ15kbZSvFlRRdUl5czWXBzSebyg/

>[Mats/Summoning Info]
Rateups in FGO JP: https://files.catbox.moe/e75ykf.png
Future Materials Spreadsheet: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1m-h4CIUOKaJRAmfTAhoDdmwVAzAzyM70cITRb36Y96M/edit#gid=1085975765
FGO Event Compendium: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1qvxLU407QwiFaCvItqR16SqqAVlLD5u5nBzY_bCFYvs/edit#gid=2111060397
Drop Rates: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1_SlTjrVRTgHgfS7sRqx4CeJMqlz687HdSlYqiW-JvQA
Future Quartz: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/e/2PACX-1vRQFC6pgsvDr11c1oe8PcGXurF3uw0MBq73YoQMGCJemzMics9LfwVurTLMi0rpfHNEBjG6gVCOrIer/pubhtml
FGO Raw Database: https://apps.atlasacademy.io/

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let her cook
had to use my cum on skadi eggs
lotto when
I forgot to farm seashells.
I got no seashells again...
I had the mats, but these purple sluts drained me of all my money.
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Just go to the cum cube shop.
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How do you make these
>Oberon summer next
Damn, it's psychic.
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>too lazy to fill one friend slot
>accidentally friend request some random guy
>didn't see his name because i didn't realize he wasnt a friend support
>have to accept level 44 latelet so i don't let the random guy get mixed in
I already redeemed sir.
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I'd like more NP levels, but Rikyu is the first Berserker that I like and really want to get, so I have to live with NP1 for now.
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>17 eggs left after summer
Go on without me bros...
god i wish
>sex ati
its an app on the alternate catalog site.
>kama top muramasa
If JP's anniversary drops a straight upgrade to skadi, such that the optimal setup is 2x new servant + oberon, I'm going to die laughing
They drop from the 90++. Ganbare
Seimei will be a quick-specific Oberon.
Unironically I think that would save quick
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guys cmon
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I was wondering why we were so slow
There was another one? I didn't see any link in the previous.
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>getting np5 better love
>based bride
>gareth cum
>finally cup piss
>believe rikyu character strongest
>castoria boobs god
me neither
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>Sei supporting quick
the skadi/kama faggot has been doing this for a few days
Then this one is more legit.
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I will play both sides. That way I will always come out on top.
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underrated post
>Sei larping as Seimei
I would clap. I believe Douman would explode.
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you are wooping, therefore you are a...
She literally is Seimei
Nah quick needs more than just another 50% quick up on turn 3. If the quick buff wasn't attached to the sleep skill, then maybe.
There's a lot of servants that need more np refund is the biggest thing. Arts gets away with the mismatching oberon buff because it doesn't need it due to the 60% attack from double castoria, and buster servants take advantage of double self buffing from vitch.
Quick needs something that will either supply way more battery or will increase np gen.
Which servant would enjoy trimming your callouses off your feet the most
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Put Bazett CE on your Summer Skadi or clown gets it.
I want to BE anon's servant!
which one of the ritsuka doesn't get it episodes has all these scenes of sei torturing douman?
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Most of Quick Servants problems can be fixed by adding more hits. Literally Dantes.
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>Oberon-no-seimei adds an extra hit at the end of your NP
lets get married except we have a permanent roleplay that i'm just paying you to live with me and have sex with me and birth my children and you only ever cave and say you love me when you cum but otherwise you only say "as long as you think you can afford it" and "well the money's good" and generally act like you're only doing it because of the contract.
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>Arctic Summer World! Chaldea's Magical Summer Theme Park
Idk if aniplex translated it as some other episodes, so take this by first google result.
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im so proud of my boudica bro. people occasionally use her help, even during events. i'm really pleased.
Np gen / more hits is the same shit, point is quicks problem is not turn 3 it's having enough NP to execute turn 3 without dropping oberon for triple skadi on some servants
That's right, Douman, it was me, Abe nagon no SEImei all along!

sup bro what did you need?
Are you excited for that roman command code?
Nurse might chop off your foot so it never happens again
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That explains why she was using greentext all through Heian-Kyo.
To be fair, right now ever other character will need NP2+ with the upgraded nodes. Also Skadi gives you a lot of stars and crit damage to clear HP leftover.
Upgrade your Skadi to 90 and make me a breakfast.
I almost got a heart-attack when I accidently rolled on Ibuki's Rateup instead of Skadi's (Especially when this 10 roll got me my THIRD copy of Ibuki which could have been Skadi)

My last few rolls involves single rolls, and my Bonus double rolls finally got me Skadi before it was too late.
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I want more Wu dupes but isn't Summer Kama having a rerun soon?
It's probably the best episode, aside from the one with Oberon.
someone's also been milling something with my 120 tell
ive never seen half as much FP as this
>sakurai gone
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Erice has great taste in games, and perfectly fitting to her chunni taste.
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i don't really know which ones are coming up. should i be?
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I'm expecting end of the first week of September.
>Also Skadi gives you a lot of stars and crit damage to clear HP leftover.
That still makes quick way inferior to arts and buster though because you're relying on luck
Quick needs an upgrade where the turn 1/2/3 damage of the top quick servants are all in line with the top arts / buster servants
that's really fucking cute
Yeah, if you like using Boudica. Check it out:
Bros, I have 44 tickets left. Can all the gachapriests please bless the last of my rolls so that I can finally get the NP7 Skadi I need?
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She has basically the same powers as Arakune doesn't she?
Aside from this, quick also doesn't have a lot of loopers in general.
Damn I wish my Sigurd was NP5
Why? Bond 12 isn't that hard.
>Ascension (18 proofs, 24 bones, 24 void dust) Skills (108 bones, 108 proofs, 60 homonculus babies)
This joker right here
NP7? But why!?
Np6 is enough to get all her appends and take her to 120.
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>Anti-roman CC
>Roman as the CC
Should have been boobica. I like how it's considered a debuff lmao
NP7? Why? I ain't blessing that!
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>a command code that's actually good
what a rarity
They did
feeling based today
>5th Prisma Cosmos
Should i MLB it?
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I skipped the whole event
Wait, really? I need the math again.
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Well, if it's for maxed 120 Skadi, then I give you my blessing and a prayer.
Can you ever imagine a likely situation where you would use more than one Prisma Cosmos?
Boudica doesn't make Romans though.
why? are you planning on attacking with her? do you check the "max limit broke only" button on automata?
I'm thinking she's gonna stay 70 for a while so she can get killed from postergirl a little easier.
rulers kinda put up a fight more than casters.
you'd need bond 14 and that's a pain in the ass
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It would be best to stop making them discount arts and focus on what they can uniquely do. I'd say to start you give them a part wide quick up + NP gain per turn so you don't have to keep stuffing them with NP gain buffs. Then the last 2 skills can be a chunky NP damage buff and a charge that each have the Kukulkan effect of upgrading by using stars. So without stars he's a worse Oberon but with them he's a better Oberon, meaning only the quick NPs that drop a shitload of stars could effectively use him.

Also forget the "him" part and just make it Skadi again. I want a Skadi, ruler skadi and Oberon-Skadi supporting a support ruler Skadi looper.
But come on, it's a lot of time and work to get to Bond 12. You can make a shortcut right now.
Stall comp? for both my own servants?
I never do stall teams so i honestly have no idea how they work.
But, if you like her enough to max her, you're gonna get there eventually, right?
There's no point in rolling for more...
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yeah but it's a debuff and i can imagine it going "You're no better than a Roman!" before the enemy gets stabbed.
it funneh
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I feel like she might've made a couple of romans after losing all those battles
7th copy? Nah bro you need to buy 3 big packs on that shit
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I feel sad to see her not 90 level.
What do I even put on S.Skadi now that I have one? Bella/Teatime are already spoken for, but I do have Beryl/Kadoc if I want to tempt the FP bots...
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Wouldn't you rather have your favorite at max power sooner rather than later?
>all rateps until 7.8
>student loan comes 1.8
good times
90 per copy x 6 = 540. total needed to max is 660.
120 left needed
1-6 is 30
7-9 is 30
10, 11, 12 is 20 each.

its only bond 12 to fully max an SSR servant.
getting np7 just lets you instantly do it by getting bond 6 in a couple days instead of grinding for a few months for the 3rd append.
>tempt the FP bots
That only matters during anni
I swapped her with Oberon. No one needs him anyway.
female merlin looks like a fucking rat
You are Roma,the enemies are Roma, everything is Roma.
And thus subject to the Progenitor Romulus=Quirinus' pimp=hand.
>540 from NP4
>120 from bond 12
My mistake then. I finally maxed out Skadoo with 1460SQs and about 200 tickets. My loyalty to the purple haired hags shall never falter.
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Well... not really, no. It's not a race or anything.
Dumbfuck retard
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Just drop 10 tickets to get the shortcut bro.
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Bros I still have 160 quartz left over from Skadi. What do? Save or roll for Ibuki/Erice/LA. I've never need a aoe Berserker/st Avenger since I got all the meta supports.
I imagine Seimei will just be a Lawful Good version of what Douman does.
Save for Rikyu
I imagine Seimei will be a scantily clad girl Onmyouji with giant tits.
There's absolutely nothing worth rolling on after this for several months. If you still have an itchy gacha finger you need to pick something before the dark ages
Don't whale you guys it feels awful
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Here's your Seimei bros.
dumb hag
Is Sei for Me(i)?
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I personally find it more fun to do more damage with my favorite. Different strokes I guess.
I am unironically farming seashells during a fucking event.....
I'll roll once I'm home again...
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what went so fucking wrong
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why the fuck did i think it was np14??? I swear I had six copies and NP 13 and it still wasn't enough! I swear, I thought bond 1-10 was garbage and didn't give you shit! I even checked to make sure and I have 60 left over from bond 15 and a maxed servant! This is BULLSHIT! AHHHHHHH!!!!!!
581 SQ and 16 tickets. Try NP2 Ibuki but fail.
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BOND 14******
Go back to sleep, Anytime
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>One noted story involved Dōman and the young Seimei in a divination duel to reveal the contents of a particular box. Dōman had another person put fifteen mandarin oranges into the box and "divined" that there were fifteen oranges in it. Seimei saw through the ruse, metamorphosed the oranges into rats, and stated that fifteen rats were in the box. When the rats were revealed, Dōman was shocked and defeated
>Seimei defeated Douman with oranges
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>fifteen rats were in the box
How very subversive.
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the irony is i cannot sleep anytime. i'm in my 40s and simply cannot sleep until i FEEL sleepy. i'm running on 3 hours of sleep over 30+ hours and somehow my body will not let me sleep. how silly.
time to destroy civilization!
What was the reason he blurred her art again?
too erotic
>didn't get Skadi
>but managed to get the last BG copy I needed to MLB
Finally... After so many years of playing this kusoge... I finally did it.
Forget about the quick hag, this is easily one of the best things that could've happened to my account.
>Onmyouji dude use his tricks to metamorph the oranges into jews
why are the japanese like this?
The art is just not good enough as SR and making it low-tier coomer feel insulting.
Also I feel like the point of her character was being 1* trash that tried her best despite that so making her 4* kinda defeat that point?
She also lacks plot-relevance/weight from Atlantis too and only thing she did was fighting over your dick against Anya (who benefit from getting summer because she get to show more cheerful side and not tied to Cuckdoc.
congrats sis
Hitting pity on Skadi is kind of a wake up call for me. This game's pull rates are pathetic and the pity is a fucking joke too. I'm gonna punch myself in the face from now on whenever I think I pull, and just do nothing but save until next summer.
Are you that grandpa posting Moriarty sometimes? Post fc.
no im not. im a different grandpa.
I look at the upcoming servants and realize that maybe I have no true interest in any of them. So it may be possible to simply bag every quartz from now until next year's summon reruns.
I got a BG too, but right before I got Skadi. We probably have the same seed you should keep trying.
its rigger sis
they need to take out the anniversary sq from circulation
Tits got reduced like 30 cup sizes
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Thanks bros
shit servant
shit summer variant
Let me add you grandpa...
>fighting over your dick
All servants should do this.
wait, wasnt the seed thing a meme?
>Inb4 they reduce the pity limit to 100 summons for Anni9
when do they reveal the 9th anniversary servant?
no i refuse to be outed. let me be old and anonymous.
there's summer rate up next week iirc
All I know is that if anyone still wants Summer Kama she is on it
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>more facts to believe Sei is Seimei
>summer kama
I hit pity with Fox with 0 spooks.
That was the wakeup call for me. Which is why now I always play it safe with my rows. Thankfully, I got #blessed this summer and got all 3 SSRs in like 400~ish quartzs.
is an indian tranny
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Whenever I see posts like this I can only think "there's a lot of guys at Chaldea"..
God the head nurse is so beautiful
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I see your trio and raise.
Give them to me?
Servant for this feel?
90sq, but I suppose that makes up for the 700 Merlina took from me.
But if you're going to be anonymous we couldn't help you if something happens...
Skadi has beautiful legs
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August 3rd or 4th, probably 4th.
If it's like last year we might get a summer tease on the third.
The hype around the Castoria reveal was great, not sure they can match it this year but here's hoping.
Earlier I was getting mad at how bad my Ibuki rolls were going (nearly 1k SQ with only NP1), but my very last roll also got me my last BG. Really makes everything feel much better. A bit of a shame that there's nothing else on it's level, really.
>meanwhile at your room
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When the fuck we are going to get mlb mat drop CE, so we finally can put Teatime placement question to rest?
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>spending student money on gacha anime jpegs
BB is pleased!
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This is what goes on in my room
>max bonding a servant is bad because you can't use them anymore!!!!
>also you have to use 6 bond CEs and all your teapots!!!!!
Confusing behavior..
Boobies Boobies Boobies Boobies
Cum Cum Cum
Boobies Boobies Boobies Boobies
Cum Cum Cum
Boobies Boobies Boobies Boobies
Cum Cum Cum
Boobies Boobies Boobies Boobies
Cum Cum Cum
Boobies Boobies Boobies Boobies
Cum Cum Cum
Boobies Boobies Boobies Boobies
Cum Cum Cum
Boobies Boobies Boobies Boobies
Cum Cum Cum
Boobies Boobies Boobies Boobies
Cum Cum Cum
This is the blessing given to those who just logged in for Skadoo.
They should at least guarantee a 5* servant after 400SQ.
A $200 purchase can get me a SSR character in 99% of the gacha games in the market, yet that doesn't even cover 1/2 a pity in FGO.
Let that sink in.
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when is Touko coming to fgo?
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how much did you spend, bro?
>Realization that these summer servants are the only things you want until lostbelt 7
Welp At least theres time to save up since spend like 1k sq on summer.
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Why did they basically just stop releasing new interludes?
This image is missing 2 but still, 4 a year is crazy low compared to how they used to pump them out, and it's not like they started pumping out the story or events more quickly
Why is skadi so horny she wrote a whole fanfic?
Is 4 months really a lot of "time to save up"?
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>4 supports need Teatime
>only 3 pages
Skadi in Las Vegas!
>have to forfeit back to back Ei
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>>Realization that these summer servants are the only things you want until lostbelt 7
So true, bwo

There is just really nothing interesting to look forward in this shit kusoge
Closer to 5.5 since the lb7 servants aren't released until January 1st starting with rasputin
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Wroooong answer.
I stopped caring when my Castoria reached bond 15
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I fucking won, bros...
Please use her like the cumdump she is.
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Scáthach=Skaði's swimsuit has released in NA! I'm very happy! Thankyu to all of my friends here who got through the countdown with me. Playing F/GO would be a much more lonely experience without our /alter/bros.
The Medbanon's spreadsheet is in the OP if you'd like to see SQ we can obtain in the future.

Good luck to those that are still rolling or will roll later.
dont care bro
I'm still looping with my NP2 summer ibuki and Xu Fu
Go on, sis. Damage report.
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Violence is not the answer
Congrats bro
I will use her heavily if you MLB that CE
Violence is always the answer
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I spent the 1k SQ I had and got Skadi and NP5 Wu.
Violence is the question.
For just Kuku (one copy) and Tlaloc? Easily.
Coming year is so fucking empty for me its ridiculous. Its basically just Kuku then much later Durga (low prio) and then Anniversary and summer gauntlet again. Surviving this gauntlet with everything I wanted was already pretty insane.
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How's your roll bro
Alteraloading is much better
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Welp. Time to new one, /alter/bros!

>526 days until FSR collab and /alter/ bend the knee to Ushi-Gozen banner
Archetyping is superior though
>I got drunk and blew all my sq stash to Ibuki.
>3sq left and my love for Skadi
Skadi, my wife, thanks for forgiving me.
>bend the knee to Ushi-Gozen banner
At least do one people care about.
Good enough
Now give me those Wus
Have you told your Jalter you love her today?
I would much prefer a countdown to Draco and Chaldea being corrupted by her smile.
I got Martha, Marie, NP5 Wu and Skadi. Now to save for Cooldusa.
I dont think this anon has that much time left...
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Also looking at Murasaki's mats, you find that she didn't get along with him (her) and was traumatized by learning from her. Her captions magecraft was learned from Seimei and it's incapable of writing out lies; this parallels Sei's candid writing style.
>Charlie is still 8/8/8
>72 swords per skill
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Wu and Skadi have to stay together, I can't separate them.
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Congrats! Wish it went better for you but the important thing is having her!
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all my lotto embers are gone...
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>All these Summer Skadi rolls but no Summer Skadi with event CE in the support list
Come on now...
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Thankyu friend, her smile makes me happy. If the GSSR won't be friendly to me I'll just get the needed copies for the 120 in her rate-up next year.
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But she's arts?
Wait. Every fucking SR this summer wants shells for quests? Fuck off.
Wu is Buster now, but they're still good friends and like to play together.

It takes a CE drop...
Pretty sure every summer servant wants shells a t some point.
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Cool. Good luck.
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I got NP0 and I have 0 SQ on my account what do I do now? Roll GSSR?
Sadly this is inefficient since my original Skadi is bond 15, but it's still fun!
SKILLS*. What the fucking quests. Has certain mmorpg rotted my brain so much already? Im beyond saving.
How are you faggots still lacking mats?
Surely/alter/ isn't filled with latelets.
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You've finally realized that 99% of min-max autism is just that, autism.
What you do to your account and how you play it is inconsequential.
Who cares if you can't 6CE a 90++ node?
Who cares if you use your favorites instead of the meta picks?
Who cares if you stall a CQ for 999 turns?
Who cares if your Castoria hits B15?
Who cares if you farm 999 lotto boxes and fill your inventory with 9999 skill gems that you'll never be able to spend them all?
It literally doesn't matter. (and it's not like they'll ever know either)
>b-but muh /alter/bros will mock me!
So? Who cares?
It's not like they're paying your rolls or anything.
They literally have no power over your account or game experience, so why should you care for what they think?
So hag Sei(mei) with massive sagging hag tits soon?
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So Ati got horrible rolls. Was it deserved?
Super vets have the opposite problem skillet. They are churning out servants that need so much more silver mats than what you get its ridiculous so youre just not skilling up your servants if youre not jack out of some.
Thankyu friend. I won't be able to roll for Sen no Rikyū this year sadly.

GSSR is an option. Skadi's swimsuit will get a re-run next year.
He's an obnoxious ritual posting cunt, so yes. He deserved even worse.
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>summer servants want... summer matts!!!???
very based retard /alter/kek
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I'm so happy bros, I have Merlina, Ibuki and Skadi, and I barely touched my fragment stash
is this unc useful at all, spooked me right before skadi
When do teapots run out
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>skadi in a 10 roll
Buying ice-cream was a pretty good idea.
hes superb with castoria
Yes, he's an attentionwhore so the monkey paw curled and now he can use his shit roll results to cry for more attention.
Its one thing to want a few for ascension and need 30 per skill. If there only was a lottery with them.
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I'll be crossing my fingers for you. Thanks for the countdowns. I've always enjoyed them, seeing new art and counting down the days. Keep smiling friend.
>Super vets
Good job outing yourself as a reddit tourist who doesn't understand what the words he uses actually mean here.
Did he get NP5? I'm going to laugh so fucking hard if he didn't, specially after shitting this general for 1.5+ years with his obnoxious ritualposts.
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>NP2 summer skadi in 150 SQ
My luck...its run out
Jokes on you. Veteran term is from here actual newkek. I wouldnt know what terms reddit uses so you just went ahead and outed yourself instead.
meanwhile I got np2 skadi and np3 wu in 50 rolls
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>did two 10 rolls for Wu
>have no Wu
>have 2 summer Skadi
Why does this only happen when I have no interest in the 5star? Last time it was 3 cu alters trying to get Edison. I think I'm just going to wait til next year to get Wu. I need to salvage what little luck I have left after this for Nito and Kuku.
how new are you? she did four full years of countdowns
This event is fucking trash to farm. My Valkyrie is staying lv 1 np 1 because of this brick bullshit
dont have castoria cause meta is cringe
I redeemed apples bro...
I didn't realize...
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And just like that two years have passed. I didn't get off easy, NP5 took around 1000SQ. Next is 120, likely will still spend everything I have left to chase for triple appends
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>new NECESSARY support servant
>instead of people posting fun comps with her its all just people jacking off a namefag
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what are some good quick comps?
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Nice job Wubro. Good luck with the rest!
thanks bro, I hope we get aria...
hes garbage
I fucking hate Steggy. I hope he's in hell.
Good work Wubro, 1k SQ also gave me NP5.
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check here you in a mission you fucking retard. click the god damn button to open the game yourself and check.
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>have to cut oberon or vitch or castoria for her when shes not even really that good
sorry. no thanks.
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Santa Karna
So what, you're saying you're a veteran?
insane dedication to a joke 4* servant.
wtf im down to 700kk qp
I really appreciate that friend.
I did it, bros!
I've assembled them all!
It was awful for me too, went in with 1.6k SQ and almost didn't make it
>new NECESSARY support servant
I hope you're not talking about Skadoo, because she's far from necessary in today's meta.
Cumhat, Kobanka and Memeron are far, FAR more relevant than her.
thanks sis... I'll roll later today...
pls can you make a sumer wu in slingshot spreading her ass?
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>Sei Shōnagon was…dreadfully conceited. She thought herself so clever and littered her writings with Chinese characters; but if you examined them closely, they left a great deal to be desired. Those who think of themselves as being superior to everyone else in this way will inevitably suffer and come to a bad end, and people who have become so precious that they go out of their way to be sensitive in the most unpromising situations, trying to capture every moment of interest, however slight, are bound to look ridiculous and superficial. How can the future turn out well for them?

>Murasaki's dad was a sinologist
>Seimei only taught Murasaki because she was friends with her dad and he asked her to
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>Ati hit pity for Skadi
Was checking out Rasputing and god damn that aoe lancer socket is my easiest roll in history. 1/5 is a miss and chance for more Melusine NP levels? Its hilarious actually that Melusine is on 2 different sockets.
I didn't hit pity, I got her in 400SQ.
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hey wu
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The store bgm is very relaxing.
skadi turned him into shaved ice, see her bond ce
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Impressive Mamiko row
Congrats bro
holy sex
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Honestly it blew by bro, hard to believe it's been two years.
Your funds holding out teabro? We're up soon.
Nice job Wubro
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reminder that cancer has no pity
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>ritualpost for years
>NP1 in 1k SQ
100% deserved
I could listen to her voice 24/7. Excellent taste.
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why did she do it?
>This HagChad

I kneel... I can't beat him
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Now I just need to wait for Artemis to spook me and I can finally complete the SawashiLOVE collection.
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no one has used my support oberon even once since he came out..
>Comission porn of Vitch
>Make a ton of AI porn of Vitch
>probably the hottest character to me
>No desire to grail her or level her up
I feel kinda bad in a weird way that I love her so much but I don't feel motivated to grail her.
Tatsuko Shiva pseudo servant when?
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>ritualposter got burned by the gacha
lmao it's happened at least twice now
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>my refund request wasnt immediately accepted
When Prisma Illya finishes.
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Thank you bros times like these remind me of why I love the game
That sucks. They should've added a separate pity for SRs while they were at it. The same horror stories always seem to surface around summer
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>>Comission porn of Vitch
Mind to share?
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I hope we'll continue to have fun together.
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The Superior Ati
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i get like 1k fp from him every few hours you just need to cultivate bros who use intelligent compositions for wise individuals
I'm glad the ritualposter got fucked
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Thanks I needed all of these coming back after a year
What the hell? You finished your stupid countdown. Stop already.
I fucking told you all that faggot's not gonna quit.
Well now I'm even more glad he got fucked by the gacha.
>Skadi after 120 SQ
>no Wu

>300 more SQ
>Two more Skadis
>No Wu
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>cant leave skadi at lvl 70 unless i want to skip the 3 free sq
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Feeling rather pleased for total damage of 1,1k sq with 470ish left in bank. would have had nice to gamba for more merlinas NP but eh I have had very lucky summer already.
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I have her on my support 10/10/10 with event CE but if I post my FC I'm risking myself to be on The List, and I don't want to do that now
It went well and just as planned, yes. I'm still aiming for NP6.
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Hang on a fucking second. That Rider spot looks suspicious
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What list?
I wish to explode
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>spent all my SQs on Skadi's rate up
>get her
>be happy
>remember that my best Quick loopers are a fucking NP1 Dantes and a NP3 Atalanta
>remember I have way better options in both Buster and Arts
I might be retarded.
Nothing to see there. You're imagining things. Probably your age causing your eyesight to go.
maybe, let me finish my Nikke dailies
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How is fish Skadi as a looper? She's a ruler and NP2 so she should at least hit reasonably hard right? Or is she just quick arcueid?
holy based
Most of my comps borrow him, but it precludes the straightforward double castoria/vitch and most people go the easy route.
Anytime there's a new FQ I'll be FGAing for a while I generally make a new Oberon comp for it.
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Desire Sensor is real
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I can't believe Sei(mei) is real.
Congrats. Is it NP1?
I've posted already Seiserker comp from some google doc. It works for me.
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I have multiple hags for every slot except saber... No tomoe gozen summer...the only hag sabeer
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now you can np6 alice and complete the game
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>wake up to get Np2 skadi but no wu
>EDF6 requires an EGS account to play online-multiplayer
I'm a little happy and mostly sad today.
Took me 500 SQ to see my first Wu
holy shit anon
thanks bro
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no, i want her NOW!
On positive side ruler skadi does also boost buster crits so she is has decent flexibility.
Look at that perfect body, look at that golden hair, how can her sister compete?
Good against "Lawful" enemies.
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666 days until the antichrist arrives and saves us all again.
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hmmmm, should I pray at the flatty broke bitch statue or the busty goddess of fortune...
I now have gotten every summer servant and douman in 500saint quartz god bless
Yes she'll be NP1 for now, I'll have to get more copies in the future for the 120 Servant Coins.
>Summer Oi carrying the group in 90++ node with the MLB damage CE
Thanks. I haven't laughed that good in a long time.
> 500 SQ and didn't got Ibuki.
> 30 SQ from yesterday's login bonus left.
> Not expectating nothing.
> NP2 Summer Skadi.
This fucking game.
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Same here. Everyone seems to be getting a shitload of Skadis. I'm beginning to think Albert fucked up and switched 4 and 5star the rates or something
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What cosmic entity did you piss off for that to happen?
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Are you a whale? Do you only roll during summer?
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More extra servant slots when?
? Did JP get Shuten's costume?
pray at Chloe statue for fertility
pray at fujo statue to make your enemies homosexuals
albert censored it like the demiya bleaching thing
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The infamous one
That's fine. I was just asking out of curiousity and I didn't want to check myself by scrolling through the FL.
>my original skadi is bond 15 so i cant do any fun triple skadi comps
Just post your FC and let people add you. No way the listdude is lurking in the thread right now.
they take writing "effort" and often come with a skill or np rank up which also takes thinking. So in short the answer is laziness as always.
Post Skadi's juicy pussy
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Its alright bro. I'm sorry you can't join (True) full set like Sakamoto Mayaa and Kawasumibros. And soon (True) Chiwa Saito set will manifest here
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Well I don't have any 120s anyway.
Is Caster Wu any good bros?
I'm glad Ati survived to roll Skadi, even though it sounds like it was a bit unfortunate after the first copy.
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Nice, I came out pretty well too. I'm still pretty well above pity, but I'm just going to lay down everything I have, drink lots of tea, and hope I can get lucky and NP5.
De Eon is also Tam's voice?
I tend to forget about that since rarely does anyone else mention it when talking about triple Skadi.
lil bro... I'm so sorry
Nobody gives a shit about that autist's list
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Why does Skadi have black bars inside her pussy?
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>Koyan dark
>Jeane alter
>Okita alter
>other Kiara
>Bunny Titoria
>Soon Kuku
3 slots.... is not enough
Thanks. You are the best
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my triplets eye censor
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Surprised me too when I first found out. Her range is just insane
post more please
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I will dodge as much as I can for now, but I guess some day it will be inevitable...
I don't like the idea of NP shaming. Min-maxxing should be an enjoyment, not a burden.
Good luck!
>the Arctic circle
>where nobody fucking lives
Why does removing this singularity even matter? Just let Ibuki and Skadi have their summer world, dammit
valkyrie penises
No one is really shaming anyone aside from that picture that was made by someone else.
At least it wasn't a goal.
no fun allowed, get fucked
something something singularities cause the world to become unstable something something
197 days, 19 hours, 28 minutes, 48 seconds
until Kukulkan punches you in the face

268 days, 18 hours, 28 minutes, 48 seconds until Tiamat vs Raikou ultimate mom war
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>Already has a part in this summer
That was fast.
Give me one reason why I should care for these FOTM whores
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>Tiamat vs Raikou ultimate mom war
There is no world in which Raikou could hope to win against Tiamat, mother of all.
Kukulkan canonically had sex with Guda
i was skipping the event because i hate the cast
i decided to read one scene and it was
>skadi: yeah i just magicked drawing abilities. with my freaking runes.
>jalter: no way
>ibuki: no way
>wu: no way
>erice: *looks directly at the camera* erm, did that just happen?
im going to kill myself.
you decided to read the literal worst part of the entire event
sometimes i get lucky, what can i say
no way
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For real?
Looking yummy!
no way
I thought girls don't like guys with muscles?
I guess we'll find out
Think about those Greenland Sharks bro. You have to save them
fou fou
fou fou
Classic Sakurai, making non-sensical ships
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Am I stupid or it should be
>...And now that Phantom Spirit must loathe you for it, my dear Yan Qing.
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I leveled up.
It's been a while since that happened.
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The remix of LB6 part is so cool...
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big number
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She likes her men fuckhuge.
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>Erice: *looks directly at the camera* They are mesmerized by the power of runes
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Tiamat actually gave birth to humans. Raikou is larping as a mom because she's coping that she can't have kids.
One is more valid than the other.
Why can runes do literally everything?
Isn't this Dongzhuo in Dynasty Warriors?
How can I avoid getting punched?
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I want to have sex with a house
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To you too! We're gonna make it.
>picked the wrong Valk
It's over for you
Rikyu posters are making me regret dropping the 300 for no Wu but getting an extra two Skadi NP levels isn't exactly something to complain about either, gah

Hope Rikyu shows up for me. God please.
Nice headcanon
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i preferred this use of runes
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>reddit valk
Oh no no no no
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Why is he like this?
It's the kind of world-building where Nasu doesn't give as much of a shit and TM writers need a quick excuse for things in his universe that he doesn't have as much meddling in so they can tell the story they want.
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You will roll for this adorable dork. It is inevitable.
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>Y-You can!?
Stop being thirsty kohai
Make me, fag
That's the worst scene of the otherwise best seal.
I'm surprised I made it two years without getting spoiled on the mastermind, then I read the end and realized I wasn't spoiled because no-one gave a fuck.
Are they really FOTM? Kukulkan was never relevant and Tiamat got overshadowed immediatly by Draco. Flavor of the week maybe, a month is too much.
>posts the twitter valk
We like Aryan blonde women around here, Chud.
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I'm going to skip everything until tezca
>Ryza artist
>wasted on a literal who chink
I hate it
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Drink lots of tea, especially matcha, and pray for good luck.
she's cute but her NP looks like shit so no I shant.
I hope he spook me while I enter his sister
just had the best beef curry of my life
>Tiamat got overshadowed immediatly by Draco

Are you retarded? Tiamat still is very relevant for farming. Draco got powercrept into oblivion by Zerktoria and never used since.
There's no stopping it, its like when we met quetz and did the wrestling thing, we have to prove ourselves
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I often feel an impulse to roll nearly every servant, but this is one of the few I feel absolutely no draw towards. I will have to practice temperance to not roll for LB7 and etc. because I am saving for Draco, but this pointless creature offers not even a bit of temptation.
Get out
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What is it referring to?
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But she is Empusa and she is Greek...
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She's so useless and precious!
Crazy how hard she flopped
>We're already up to pretender Liz event.
Time flies.
It's called a summer event because it's suppose to be fun. If you're not having fun idk what to say other than yeah go ahead and kill yourself.
You won't be missed
sex with nemo professor
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her design is bad so i won't.
im going to behead you before i do it now, bitch.
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Damn it, I can't quite get enough refund with this setup...
Tell us about good design
God I wish that ball was me
yeah its insane. theres no art
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The second ascension is just so good.
not having the dumb hair thingy or the stupid criss cross face bangs. also highlighter yellow is annoying.
if you got rid of all that she'd be ok.
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>Draco got powercrept into oblivion by Zerktoria
That's untrue. I rate them on the same level. Draco is more specialized and Bakatoria is more universal.
Tbf she's an awful character and her outfits are all shit
>managed to get 18 erice copies while rolling for ibuki
>just fund out I burned the np5 copie
She is probably a very shitty character despite all the gameplay she brings
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Damn this kind of puts things into perspective. 4 events away, technically, but it's still nearly a full year away until tiamat and draco. what the hell?
>mogs every LB7 servant
Weclome to the content drought.
Remember when EoR was considered a filler year?
yeah, what the hell man?
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>nothing new between halloween and new years
Her aniki is cool as well and thank god they are in the same banner
>300sq left for Rikyu
Bros... can I get her.......
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>accidentally picked a skadi now a bunch of people swapped to her
i’m glad you guys are having fun…
you won't
Now imagine the cunny playerbase
You will... maybe
Ati status? How is that 120 NP5 going?
good luck bro
It's 7 events, 5 new events, not counting the release of LB7.
>gudaguda shin yamatai-koku
>goho (rerun)
>karnamas (rerun)
9 months away. if you get a girl pregnant NOW she will give birth by the time draco comes out
would Bazett be as good as she is now if she was a 4 star welfare Saber like she was supposed to be?
*blocks your path*
Why is everything coming up so brown...
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I bless your rolls. Try while you are still willing to?
i forgot valentines and reruns lmao
ati on suicide watch
Nasu got BLACKED and TOPPED on Grindr so now everything has to be brown
>I can tell who is this just by looking at these 2 servants
Kinda funny. Also, just use our Summer Skadi bro.
>nearly one whole 3 week event every month
This is too much content. When am I supposed to get a rest?!
Does he know?
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This isn't Skadi
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I don’t get it anyway. Can quick 6ce now? My normal skadi is bond capped but I’ll quickmeme for a bit if it can.
274 days, 147 event days
why are so many people rolling the pants robot this event
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I chose my wife as I play my games.
You will need a damage CE regardless but here.
Didn't ask.
ty bro
these are sfw, but just in case
and a nsfw

og artist
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forgot to quote >>487545918
So the same retards who were shittalking Arc now doing the same with Kuku? I wonder what causes this, inferiority complex?
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>Crit wave 1 strats
Kuku is literally made for shitposting
damn that RULER 229 from LB3 looks sick!
trying to bother people in order to get (You)'s and satisfaction for making people mad, since that's the only interaction they get from their basement
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My Sei does it with only 1 card so I don't care.
I don't know but these bitch ass niggas need to shut the fuck up. Kukul is a good girl and doesn't deserve this hatred. they're jealous because she is extremely powerful.
idk but id play baseball with her even if she wears a cricket glove
>update took 10 minutes to download
>got Wu and Skadi on the same 11 roll, but skadi is taking forever to load
>made by redditor
Shan't be using these.
>Noooo don't trashtalk my flop wife
Do you want me to make Seiserker comp by myself through the app?
I have no idea what you mean
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>the nsfw has pubs
I'm blessing your next rolls bro
thank you
i hate Kuku because she's a shitty, uncreative Medea pseudo servant instead of a proper Medea alt
She has a very high attack stat which helps her deal the high damage that she does. If she had SR stats she'll be a lot weaker.
Holy sexo!!!! Can you do this pose + bush with Quetz?
Based, justice for Medea
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You hate her because you're a dumbass actually.
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Who is this Medea?
Damn that mean most of the playerbase are dumbasses
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Thanks bro this is way better than Ati's shit
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>one 10+1 summon
I wish Caster Skadi was as easy to get as the summer version
my favourite quick servant is QQQAB. maybe I should skip on summer skadi...
Some Greek hag who killed her children because her hot husband didn't want her anymore. Typical white woman.
who knows
Crazy how Kukulkan's entire fanbase is NA players that didn't read her chapter. She's so dead next year.
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Morgan is FAT
reminder that /fgog/keks cant read moon
i can't believe habetrot is dead
i told her so many times that 30 years old honda isn't worth it...
Based honestly. Children of single mothers are fucked up and should be prevented from existing.
but can they read sun?
Does Quick looping with Skadi Ruler still need 2 waves of 3 and a kscope?
We wish you a merry Christmas
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glad you liked them
sorry bro, no sub and i already used too much credits today lel
also need to get ready to hit the bed
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I’ll never forget.
I hope they'll add Amaterasu to the game, hopefully after Camazotz or Olga comes with the anni and makes beasts more common
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Summer. Two years. For sure.
Skadi Ruler goes in Extra or in All?
Good, I love when my woman has some meat on her bones
this but only cartoon woman.
She goes in the trash
Nobody killed more Romans than other Romans.
Olga comes from fragments pieces and Camazotz isn't anni material
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Bro sorry I didn't save my /r/ earlier around last week or so about Boudica with dick over her eyes. Can you link me that again? Or maybe dump your Boudica collection while you're at it
Thanks for the group pics of Guda, Alter and Lily in the other thread btw.
shouldn't dicks grow out of groin
>damn those Romans, they ruined Rome
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they read summaries and play the game only looking at the pictures (thinking cernunnos is LB fou because merlin appeared as fou on screen when dumping explenation)
>Boudica with Master or some Romans dick covering here eyes
odds spend the leftover 400 sq for ibuki/erice
evens save for fae summer
>FGA has not added ruler skadi
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>thinking Cernunnos is LB fou
Cummer spotted
Congrats you got skadi in less than 600 sq
You now realize quick is still garbage outside np5 lvl 120 on class advantage
Now what
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>Holy sexo!!!! Can you do this pose + bush with Quetz?

NTA but here
Next year Skadi gets the green swimsuit costume, right?
thanks for pointing this out, I'll try to remember it

the wiki used to mention "a squirrel like being" and changed it to "the priestess"
bro im working right now and i can't masturbate here
Based beyond belief.
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Monte Cristo status?
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>quick is ba-
Yes, she gets a costume of her 4th Ascension.
Welp I finally got a CE drop, so now I have no excuse for not trying to 6CE... but I have no clue how I can 6CE either node. I can barely 5CE the 90+ one, and weirdly the 90++ is way easier to 5CE than the 90+... but 1 mil damage on the third wave is a lot to ask with no damage CE
I haven't started the event yet
How much AP do I need for my Valk?
Is the CE worth MLBing?
filled with HOPE
These are pretty fucking good. What program or site are you using to make these?
Bruh the drop CE is for the currency not points. If you have maxed out the attraction renovations and bought all the valk ascension materials it's just a trade-in for QP. MLB it and start bond farming.
Isn't it better to use double summer Skadi over double normal Skadi for quick looping?
The 90+ looks really easy to 6CE with Ibuki, I'm not sure if you can 6CE the 90++ one unless you're a mentally ill whale
It's fine, unless you want to 6CE bond farm it, cause the drop CE isn't useful for finishing the point ladder.
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Summoning for Skadi went better than expected, got one of her and Wu, 1 Koyan drop ce and 2 Melt's sons + my sixth Kaleido in 60 SQ.
On the other hand, Douman absolutely brutalized me, I've yet to be fucked this bad by the gacha.
Douman showed up 2 rolls short of pity and I have absolutely nothing to show for the rest of the rolls.
>1 more Kaleido
>8 more Melt's sons, so atleast I have 2 MLB gold drop CEs
>1 Limited/Zero Over
>1 Love's Curse
>1 The One Who Withstood Pain
>0 spooks
>5 Yan Qing
>1 Zenobia
>1 Evil Cat
>1 Stheno that sparked within the last 20 or so summons
I got absolutely clowned on.
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You kinda need to use the Bage 100% CE to 3 turn that 1mil+ hp Enkidu. Only ever managed to 3 turn it 5CE with NP3 lvl90 Hajime-chan.
That Enkidus HP pool is just way too beefy.
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Novel AI, it's a website and you don't need to install anything, it requires montly payment though ($25)

If you want I can make some like that, do you want her sitting, squatting, touching herself?
>~200 rolls
>NP5 Wu
>no Skadi, not even a 5*
Damn, I wasn't expecting it to be this bad. I might try another 1 or 2 spins later tonight and then I'll just give up on skadoodle because there are other servants I want more down the line and I don't wanna burn my anni sq.
np1 bond 5 1/1/1 level 90
never clicked on a single one of his command cards or skills
I'm willing to pay but will I be able put out images like yours with minimal effort? I tried the bing shit in the past and I had type a whole soup of words and nothing came out like I wanted.
>If you have maxed out the attraction renovations and bought all the valk ascension materials it's just a trade-in for QP.
At a really atrocious exchange rate btw. 50 ice blocks for 10k QP is garbage. If you farmed on entirely natural AP even with +7 you'll probably get less QP than a single day's profits from the passive QP generation. I don't know why they bothered with this.
There are 2 servants in the game that can bg loop with 2 ruler skadis and no plugsuit
There's a small handful that can with a plugsuit oberon
There's a good amount that can't with oberon and need 3 skadis
The vast majority can't even do that
The funny thing is there's a half dozen servants that have come out in JP this year that are extremely niche due to this shit and if quick doesn't get saved this anniversary they might be fucked.
>I don't know why they bothered with this.
They always do this so you can trade in excess mats for a bit of qp, you're not actually supposed to farm qp this way
tardfox will save quick
Nah man, I found it. Just remembered my last reply and search the archive which include searchword: Roman penis
You just sleep now. Thanks for the stuff, see you gain tomorrow
This too going too my collection
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My queen
Which 2 servants can do it in Quick?
Mogan... my love
Charlie and Summer Okita Alter
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Morning, bros. How did everyone's Skadi rolls go?
well. 240sq+10 tiickeks
180sq for both her and wu to NP1, don't really need more copies
I did it. NP6!
Yeah. New Skadi doesn't really fix the reliance on refund. To truly save quick new Skadi would have had to have provided a ton of NP gain, way more than 50% charge, or had an NP damage buff in her kit instead of just stacking more quick buffs. You get diminishing returns for stacking the same buff types, I think you'd get a bigger punch by taking Oberon as your 3rd support instead of Ruler Skadi in a quick setup.
you can save these png pics, and upload them to the site and obtain the prompt and even the seed used, so you can basically replicate or modify to your liking
>bigger punch by taking Oberon
not with damage CEs
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Novel doesn't really require any effort, but there's some caveats that you should keep in mind
>it can be very time consuming (specially if you want to nail some particular tricky pose)
>the UI it's not very intuitive in several regards
>the AI has issues with anything related yuri
>the AI has issues with some poses and it's tricky to pull them off consistently (like 69, rimming, double penetration, etc)
>the AI generally has issues with 3 or more characters in the same image
Also Novel uses Danbooru as the basis for their data
If a character/tag has less than 100 results in Danbooru, then the AI will struggle to pull it off
Example: Someone like Abby has 12000 results, so she doesn't have any issue, someone like Crane has like 80 results, so making images with her is very hard

Like anon said, you can use other people prompts by taking the metadata off their images, so if you saw someone post novel image with a pose you liked, you can use that data yourself
miraculous, 1 ticket and 1 multi
How did Ati's skadoo rolls go?
Now that Mogan can't do 6CE 90++ who will be crowned as the new queen of 6CE?
Now I know who got mine.
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Morning bro. I got Skadi in 60sq so I'm happy.
U wot?
Oberon is always a bigger punch than normal skadi with or without bg.
Grats, Ibukichad
Skadi came in easy but trying to grab a single copy of Wu completely fucked me over.
I ended up dumping almost 700 sq despite getting SSkadi within 2 multis, and I didn't receive a single SR or SSR spook.
NP2 on my only 10+1 roll.
BG isn't an event damage CE.
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From the previous thread
>Ati got Skadi in 500 quartz
>Ati also wanted a high np Wu
>He ended up spending 900 quartz in total until her got NP5 Wu
90sq for NP1
Hey can the mother of the retard that can't read "with or without" please pick up their child, he's over here
You cant do 90++ by mindlessly throwing together a meta dps and meta support. The only king of 90++ is Oberon.
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What fucking for
I think it was 1k quartz, not 900.
So he was that anon who got NP5 Wu.
And just a single skadoo? That's grim...
>theres unironically people here using their teapots on the 90++ who will soon complain that their oberon is almost bond 15
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I'd like to try to 3Turn the Full Gauge Beast III/L - Kama fight in the Ooku Main Interlude with my Bazett. If you can, please put the Ox King CE on your swimsuit Skadi.
what the fuck
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Space Ishtar
>MLB Damage CE
>get damage CE drop
>can now 3t thethes lancer node
finally I can use these teacups
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>Orion spook
>Arjuna spook
>Np8 Wu
>finally Skadi

For fuck's sake the night of the living spooks
Do you know how Special Damage Up works on event CEs? Do you know where it gets calculated?
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I would if I had the CE, bro.
I would but Summer Skadi didn't answer my summons, please forgive me, bro...
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This is in normal supports, not event supports.
that's really unlucky...
I'm sorry bro I'm a latelet... please understand...
What a cheap excuse for a heart if NP1 is enough to save it again
Absolutely embarrassing behavior
I don't have those... feel free to remove me...
It's a pretty old CE, it's understandable don't worry about it bros.
>I'm willing to pay but will I be able put out images like yours with minimal effort?
NTA, but I was able to get great results with not much effort. It's all about playing with the tags,and trial and error as you keep reseting for the perfect result. This is especially true when trying to do cosplay generations. or you can just copy another Aibro's prompt with the upload feature. That's a quick way to learn by seeing other's prompts.
>raikouschizo still hasn't been perma'd
The absolute state of the moderation team.
rent free
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>tfw my skadi is almost bl15 from all the quick looping before castoria
>can't run skadi + skadi + skadi for too much longer
Ati only needs NP2 to accomplish her goals desu, can get it on the rebound. Being F2P and understanding the pointlessness of this game is significantly more soulful than paypigging.
He's been working hard the past couple of days for very little (you)s.
You'll get her in the re-run bro.
Isn't it available in the Dubinchi shop on JP? I wonder when we'll get it on NA.
time to run skadi + skadi + alexander. let's fucking go.
I did, I sent you a fax
Mine's been BL15 for years, it sucks.
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Spent 90SQ, didn't get Skadi obviously but I got this funny roll. Can't really complain since I was only planning on using my Ibuki leftovers.
Now it's back on saving mode for Tezca+Tlaloc
It's actually not there if the wiki is correct. Other old CE get added like Golden Sumo and Drunk Jannu Alter, but no Ox King...
glad you are here to help us with advice, wise guy, too bad these frightful thoughts has infested your mind
Where is the excel with the comps for 90++?
If I have NP2 Skadi Ruler, I could loop without Kscope if I bring another Skadi ruler and my own Caster Skadi, right?
Do you understand that +80% NP up on top of the existing special (more if the looper has any np up skills or the CE non event effect has np damage up) is generally going to be more than the 50% quick on top of the existing 130-180% quick and 30% defense down on top of the existing 60%+ (usually higher because most servants have attack up in their skills or NP)?
There are so few situations triple skadi is actually better than double ruler skadi oberon, even during events.
Here >>487546045 , but most of them are "Crit wave 1".
Not yet.
>Due to this convention's smaller scale, staff has been pared back to a minimum as well, with only Leonidas and two others managing security.

>Leonidas had a stunning realization: If three people each work as hard as a hundred, isn't that equivalent to three hundred people working at once? He has finally discovered mathematics.

>I'll be damned. The three of them actually did it.
Yes, Triple Skadoo works.
i am gigabased
No idea who to put as my third support Caster now no one is gonna be using Caster Skadi since I got Ruler Skadi
local models are currently better because of loras and ponyxl
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Got her in 120 SQ, the ice-cream helped.
good night bros
Who is Ordu? That guy already 117'd, double-2000'd, and +500 4 of 5 command cards on his NP5 Skadi.
Medusa but cool.
Is 90++ better than interludes
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>two (2) entire years
He's an /alter/bro.
Is Beni a real cunny like Abby or a fake cunny like Helena?
She’s a grandma type
literal child
Anon. Event damage CEs give you 200% powermod which Oberon doesn't double. His buff is rarely the best option when you're running a damage CE. You understand the basic idea that the strongest buffs is to get as close to equal in all three buff categories, right? Of course you do, since you just pointed out Oberon adds special that you say will be more effective than another 50% quick on 180%. But what will an extra 50% NP damage up on 200% Power Mod (Read: NP damage) do for you? Fucking nothing. You want Card or ATK buffs instead, because you're not hitting 200%+ on those.
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I am debating if rolling myself at all
I don't think i will use her at a ll considering those 90+ and 90++ nodes
the only worthlie quick servant for that stuff is Douman and he never goes along skadi
A Wu for ants
When next super succ 2x? Need to get all of these summer sluts and spooks maxed
don't haunt me Wu
you are dead
>Event damage CEs give you 200% powermod
Event damage CEs are +200% attack NOT powermod.
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You can't steal other people's things!
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>tfw we got blonde hair Morgan and not a red hair one
>not a single Skadi
>11 wu
I don't fucking want you just go away ffs
Ruby isn't even yours to begin with, dummy.
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auntie Wu you will make a great magical girl
In context of just quick looping Ruler Skadi has 50% + 15% quick and 20% attack buff compared to Caster Skadis 50% quick and -30% defence which is just pure upgrade on ruler over caster.
The major nuance is if you want to quick vs buster crit and if you want wacky defensive NP but that has nothing to do with looping.
Space Ishtarin Download Campaign in August.
Yeah. I don't see myself using Quick that much either
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No they're not you retard.
Nice that isn't too far away
Its tragic... I was so close to having all my servants leveled but now after summer gains and spooks its multiple 5*s and bunch of 4*s in total of 12 servants to level....
I was so close and then it just slipped away...
Why would you want more NP levels? You will probably never see her NP anyway.
Also, did JP release any good general use support quick servants in the last years? Something like merlin which could be used for challenge quests
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I mostly got her to have fun with some of my Quick Servants and to enable Voyager looping to save bond.
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You guys actually rolling for this?
I would but
>30 minutes ago
I think you don't need it already.
I am left with 400 quartz. Should I try get the clown?
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shut up meanie
Arashbros... We're more meta than S.Skadi...
I went with a TeaTime Skadi, but it didn't work. If you can put it up I'd still like to try.
really wish they had bumped skadi's costume up a year, her current ascensions are ass
>he fell for the appmedia meme
They're just doing what they can to bump Skadoo as low as possible.
1 minute.
Event SL or main?
It uses normal supports.
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Wtf using skadi to loop is no different than using her summer version. The difference is negligible
Arash... won
thank you Summer Chloe
>koyan dark on S with kuku
I like vitch but that is just silly.
try using 3 skadis you fucking brainlet
Look at this >>487552729
and decide what you gonna do bros
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Yeah, both.
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Done. But she's 100 level so if you want her to die - big R.
Why the fuck would I do that?
Tezca, Douman and Vitch are there because they are also good supports besides being able to clear a wave, even if they can't deal with the hardest one.
Thankyu, and no I wouldn't let Skadi die.
because that's the actual point of there being a new Skadi
>he doesnt know
Summer Skadi's NP does damage?!
Need a Beni wife irl...
>Shafted in the Oberon banner
>Shafted in Ibuki's banner
>Edison is my saving grace
Sorry for dissing you in the past, lionbros... I still need the damage CE, but at least i can 3-turn it consistently without any stress
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Same bro...
>he intentionally LION's his wife
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Thats because Mom already won a long time ago. Tiamat never had a chance.
But they are?
Mom right won a long time ago.
Good moming, good only 3 ten rolls needed.

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