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>Is the DLC worth it?
It depends on your tastes some like it and some don't. You should probably pirate it first to try it out
>Is the Book worth it?
Yes. It's required reading for any game dev/gamer
>Is Dwarf Fortress welcome here?
>what mods for performance?
Performance Fish, Rocketman - Download them and never look back.

► Links:
>Where does buy Tynan's amazing book?
>New patch notes
>(I'm new, what mods should I get?)
https://pastebin.com/G1P4WqiB (embed)
>How do I know which mods eat the Game's performance?

>Use Rimpy for managing your mods

>Make sure to follow this guide to minimize problems with your mod load orders

(new /rwg/ mods)
https://pastebin.com/vZ9nxmbh (embed)
(old /rwg/ OP)
https://pastebin.com/Q47AZ2KV (embed)

CDDA modlist:

Yayo modlist:
►Other /rwg/++ games:

Previous: >>487256295
We love niggers here.
cute post
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Third for anime
Any mods that add some customization/upgrades to mechs like WTH used to have?
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Any mod with cool cars?
stop wanting this
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here's your cool car, it even comes with an expert driver
I prefer the Lorn one.
God it already takes a day without doing that for me, I can't imagine how long it would take if I made custom ideos for the npcs too.
>install regrowth mods
>now world map is crashing again when trying to do a new game.
Is this a ram, gpu or cpu issue.
the worst part about creating ideology is choosing hairstyles. i wish i could save just the hairstyle i like for future ideologies.
just copy the xml section
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>just copy the xml section
such a simple solution that could have saved me hours, embaressing that I never thought of that when I've done similar in other games.
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17th for squirrels!
Wait are they all girls?
what mod for personalities?
Well, some of them have penises...
AppData\LocalLow\Ludeon Studios\RimWorld by Ludeon Studios\Ideos, the ideologies are xml files, copy everything between <style> and </style>
Yeah, alpha genes has a gene that makes all carriers of it female, no rat boys in my colony
1-2-3 Personalities
>1-2-3 Personalities
which module should i go with?
Greedy father, keeping all those poor girls to themselves with no loyal brothers to hold them.
Opinions on Reinforced Mechanoid 2?
Dubwise should be shot for not publishing source code.
I just use the first one honestly
does rimworld has a multiplayer mod?
just use dotpeek
dotPeek doesn't decompile cleanly enough to modify and rebuild it without spending a shitton of time fixing the decompilation problems.
They're not really all that cool personality wise but id fuck both of them
Which one has the bigger tits and higher sexdrive?
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Yeah bro, "just" work with nothing but a control flow of a decompiled assembly with garbled symbol names.
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should i let snowdrop (not the squirrel) into my colony?
Can't get any more heretical, sure.
>rat ears
huh? but sure
>Baseliner (Ratkin)
anon, xenotype (such as impid and hussar) and race (such as ratkin and moyo) are on two seperate catagories. some races have their own xenotypes.
bad idea desu ne
too many compatibility issues, requires exactly matching modlist and mod settings
and cooperative base-building/management is generally a mess
phinix does item trading and chat, with no issues
though it would be neat if you could do some abstracted cooperative stuff like spawn a troublemaker site on one person's map in exchange for removing it from another
someone get on that
Am I insane or was there a mod option at some point to turn down the amount of cum in rjw?
on previous pawns rwg told me no, i wonder what is different this time?
>mod list
just base it on the host
>base building
i was thinking more like multibases exisiting on the same world doing their own thing and fighting/trading with ewach other
That sickly rat reminds me of Toxos. I miss my slug
cool idea
but people usually build their very particular modlist
so I don't see a large audience for that
I imagine most of the multiplayer mod use is for people that are actually friends working together, possibly one of them being super into the game and the other just casually into it
Thanks doc
...now i feel bad for rejecting her join offer (colony became very crowded for my reculse fawns)
Btw if you delete everything but the .dll from alphamemes you get the ui changes.
ui changes?
If you have more than five memes they get compressed instead of going off screen.
oh. I didn't think of that since I usually stopped at five. How many have you used max?
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>allies want me to protect two people
>sure why not
>room was on the outskirts on the colony.
>luckily two refugees ware nearbye so it was 4vs 2
>only 1 of the 4 was armed...
>and one of the targets was a child
>luckily, one of the assassins was a shotacon so when the kid fainted she tried to kidnap him instead
>unfortuntly for her nearbye colonists ware already coming
>pic related is her fate
>try the epona race
>its not translated
demn you koreans
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>horses are just better than bisons
>horses are just better than donkeys
Is Tynan stallion pilled?
Counterpoint: Marecunt
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What about it?
Is Rimworld better than I remember? Retrospective Review (3 hours long)
>t. zoomer ADHD faggot with attention span shot by yt shorts and tiktok faggotry
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Druglord guys with vantablack wives
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What mods do I need to have fun?
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Brawler guys with alien wives
remove rjw
>finally uninstall rimworld
>reinstall it a few hours later
I just want to be free
I cannot. I am too much of a coomer to play any game that has no lewd mods.
Alien pussy is bad for you.
please at least try.
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Working on other body type for my OC DONUT STEEL Armor. Gonna take quite a bit especially with the masking
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>HAR's xenophobe trait doesn't apply to xeno humans but apparently does to creepjoiners
I would get rid of it, but I'm not sure if it'll bone my delicate modlist and I'm too lazy to check. Oh well, it is funny to realize that creeps are considered non-human even as baseliners.
Overdesigned as fuck.
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>two healthy children
>one of them can spew fire
sounds like alien pussy works well enough to me.
Stop having sex with Xenos
Baseline female pawns are made for Baseline male pawns and vice versa. You should NOT procreate with Xenos. They're bad.
Impids are not aliens
Pigskins are not aliens
Genies are not Aliens
Highmates are not Aliens
Yttikins are not aliens (still furries)
Neandrathal are not aliens
Hussars are not aliens
Wasters are not aliens

Ratkins are aliens
Moyos are aliens
Antys are aliens
Didn't ask, don't care plus you're lying.
I uninstalled RJW because it's not degenerate enough for me.
I do not believe you.
>A species (pl.: species) is often defined as the largest group of organisms in which any two individuals of the appropriate sexes or mating types can produce fertile offspring, typically by sexual reproduction.
I will now conduct thorough hypothesis testing.
Thinking of selling my base for an Archonexus good boy point.
I think I'm tired of my squares...
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No dyingo neeeeeeeeeee
I don't know, Anon. The archonexus is probably the worst ending out of all the ones available.
I just want to try something new without starting from scratch.
>heyra and paniel still not updated for 1.5
it's over....
they look like they fuck BASELINER MEN
I have come to believe that Helixien is mentally ill.
>polygamy beds
>can't find hd retex
pain, this is triggering my autism to have vanilla and modded beds be different res with similar textures.
This finally got updated.
>pawn rendering code completely reworked in 1.5
>broke everything
>zero performance improvement
what was the point?
What happened?
so the redditors worship tynan for muh multithreading
>implying anything Tynan does has any point
Have you kissed your female pawn today?
QRD? I know about Sarg being a sperg and Negronix being an asshole; what is Helixiens problem?
Nothing in particular, I don't mean the drama tranny kind of mentally ill, but the OCD schizo autist kind, and I base this on the development history of Reinforced Mechanoid 2 (which I'm reviving right now) as well as some of my own experience with getting my pull request (not) merged into some of his mods.
>Reinforced Mechanoid 2 (which I'm reviving right now)
Ah so he is based, understood.
Why aren't you using 'One bed to sleep with all' or 'One bed to sleep with all - Polycule Edition' ?
Is there no way to make pawns look good/sexy in 1.5?
Sex with the new DLC girl
Sex with Blossom
Sex with Buttercup
Sex with Charlotte
Sex with Esther
Sex with Marine
Sex with Femcel
Sex with Katarina
Sex with Glowie
Sex with Kraut
Sex with Saki
Sex with Eve
Sex with Nurse
Sex with Aurine
Sex with Kealana
Sex with Mint
Sex with Snowdrop
Sex with Katya
Sex with Toxos
Sex with Stream
Sex with Snickers
Sex with Dudina
Sex with Corin
Sex with Hilda
Sex with Alboio
Sex with Erin
Sex with Kylar
Sex with Layla
Sex with Ryane
Sex with Uskos
Sex with Cindy
Sex with Sappy
Sex with Sera
Sex with Mink
Sex with Harper
Sex with Setsuko
Sex with Zen
Sex with Doris
Sex with Amalia
Sex with Rikki
Sex with Date
Sex with Brooke
Sex with Allie
Sex with Auric
Sex with Zamora
Sex with Lena
Sex with Flynn
Sex with Impids
Sex with Highmates
Sex with Hussars
Sex with Wasters
Sex with Dirtmoles
Sex with Baseliners
Sex with Moyos
Sex with Ratkin
Sex with Anty
Sex with Revia
Sex with Askbarn
Sex with Slime girls
Sex with Fox girls
Sex with Cat girls
Sex with Bunny girls
Sex with Moose girls
Sex with Dragon girls
Sex with Dog girls
Sex with Monkey girls
In rimworld.
what were the command line flags to specify the save/config/modsettings folder to a non-standard location?
I think this guy has some new and radical ways of thinking.
wtf aaaaaaaa
I would remove many of those.
Which ones?
Please don't sex my Erin. She's married to a yttakin and finally got pregnant after months of preparation. I'm finally going to see how hybrids work in this game.
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What is a good asset extractor to get the game's textures directly?
I downloaded the Public Asset Art Source from Tynan's link, but it somehow doesn't have everything I need, or some of the textures are out-of-date or .psd files.
Everyone from the Mint colony except Toxos and Snowdrop
>I'm finally going to see how hybrids work in this game.
I am, I just want larger bed that fits multiple pawns.
What about my sickly frail slug Toxos makes you want to keep her on the list?
I need Paniels so fucking bad
1.5 has about 999 minor issues that make me want to just sit and wait anyway
>do dev test colony
>roll hulk blonde male and two vantablack female pawns
Kinda want to play this now...
dont sex nazis
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Zey has been killing it with the taming lately, can he continue the streak, or will he get BTFO? We shall see.
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I decided against taming the Thrumbo and decided to try something. I suspected the end result but pushed ahead anyway. Luckily, I saved right before just in case.
Unsurprisingly, Zey doesn't look like what I expected.
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What exactly can I do with this guy?
Doctor, Artist, Handler, and Nutriet paste meal
If he can't fight well, death
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He went peacefully in his sleep.
Don't let the meat go to waste....
but anon, rimvore has integration with rjw
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Ok, you guys...


Which are best for egg production?
>An adult turkey consumes 0.45 nutrition per day, and female turkeys produce 0.75 turkey eggs.
>The optimal ratio of male : female turkeys is 1 male for every 1.78 female turkeys.
>When eaten as eggs, turkeys produce 0.375 nutrition of eggs per day.
>When slaughtered as babies, turkeys produce 0.478 nutrition of meat per day.

Are turkeys humping each other at 0800 to reliably offset any "waiting to be bred" time loss, assuming no injury on the other party?
Hens, probably.
Chickens, though ducks are alright alternatives. I don't recommend turkeys, they're just too slow for my taste.
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"maybe it's about time you start looking for another job"
itty bitty pixels and a bob
I wish to work as the women's toilet in your office. You don't have to pay me either.
Corin empties gallon of horse semen from her vag into you.
go away HR
toilets are unisex but sure
hold on, what's wrong with saki?
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"way ahead of you"
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What, don't you like a big breasted, beautiful rotfish?
mod for shotacon pawn oneesans?
lolium maybe
she wasn't really a shotacon, i just said she was one because despite being an assassin, she tried to kidnap the target when she could just kill him.
Based horny oneesan
Wish i were kidnapped by a strong beautiful female pawn when i was a kid for unspecified reasons
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Finally figured out the basics of InkScape and obtained a good client-side image upscaler.

Next project (pic rel) is gonna be a few sets of badges for Pawn Badges mod.
Anything Anon would like to see in them?
I'm mostly gonna look for goot in-game icons to convert to new Badges, since I don't like the look of almost any of the badges in the Workshop. Might make my own, or others based in other mods (Role from VFE and Alpha Meme, for example).
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lolium has actual shotacon/lolicon mechanics
officeworker for shits and giggles
>Sex with Setsuko
Cringe, NO
It looks like it hasn't been updated. PE edition seems to work fine but it hasn't officially released for 1.5 yet.
Is there a mod to make the months/seasons/years longer?
I need some cool tribal mods please
You don't want to have sex with assertive beautiful vampire?
Wait there is a version for 1.5? Where?
The dev posted a beta a few pages back from the end of the thread.
I see no activity on git..
She's rude, agrressive and does traditionally masculine things like fighting
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I said thread not git. It's a zip on page 41.
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>and does traditionally masculine things like fighting
But that's based
>corintroon is literally unable to stop himself from begging for attention
>She's rude, agrressive
>and does traditionally masculine things like fighting
Which means she can protect herself from danger and even you! Don't you want to have your woman to share your interests? Incredible bounding experience
I don't know why, but I expected ATF to follow LL's color scheme
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Look at the decent mech force I've assembled. And squirrel wife and child, who needs a name.
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Now I'm thinking of making another two for managers and executives.
>bounding experience
You mean bouncing, as in when she's pinning you against the bed and bouncing on your cock, right
Come on, breed them faster. I need a bigger selection of waifus, Blossom and Buttercup don't fit the bill for me
That too
Did they nerf character rolling or something? When I played a couple of years ago I have so many good pawns it was difficult to narrow it down to 3.
This time I've been rolling for hours and I haven't got a single good pawn they're all shit.
>assertive female
good tag
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>every single research entry in VFE classical requires exactly 1500 points
what did oskar's team of genius game designers mean by this
>The exotic trader was selling jump pack tech prints
So much fun is about to be had
If I do it as optimally as possible Snowdrop can have three kids per year
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heatwaves temperature colors maps are wild
>ass female
>female ass
That said, if Setsuko really is a fighty tomboy she wouldn't have a big, soft ass.
>Assertive female pawn's ass
It's 5500 and she's a vampire
I believe she can have superstar body and still be strong
With archites, you can have both.
how to stop (straight alpha) male pawns from getting girl hair and underwear on generation?
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That one survivor is lucky my mechs are all armed with shotguns, hope he bleeds out in the arctic.
>and underwear
generation during gameplay or generation during pawn selection at startup?
has someone made a universal patch that forces outer layer apparel to render behind a pawn's hair as it did prior to 1.5 messing things up for no reason yet?
during gameplay when raiders and npcs enter the map they may have girl hair, sometimes they appear with female apparel and get mood debuffs too, sometimes both, it seems like they're just not tagged to prevent it from happening or something
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fuckin A lmao. good shit anon.
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Holy shit does it actually spawn more often than others?
That is a lore-friendly Lumi
It would be firm and toned.
im thinking of finally upgrading from 1.2 to 1.5. how would an office colony play with the new dlcs?
You can pretend the office is a font to hide the SCP containment
alright im sold. i'll update when i finally have the courage to redo my entire modlist
Could also be a hidden Mechanoid Facility
We need an ass tier list on all female pawns, like that "could she kill you" pasta
>medieval overhaul
>forget to turn off anomaly
>get tech shit
I haaaaate it
Layla's plasteel ass >>>>>>>>>>> everyone else
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Doesn't that just make it more magical?
That ass is FAKE so it's score should be LOWERED
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You should also consider giving Adobe Illustrator a try.
Do you have a reason for everyone you mentioned? What makes Buttercup worse than Blossom? Is the ghoul bunny too much for you? Saki seems to be pre corruption so you can still save her. What's wrong with other girls from Snowdrop's colony? What's wrong with the fish? And the tiny girl?
stupid rat
how are you people familiar with all of these names
take it back
Knowledge is power
How would you even know the ass size of any female pawn? I'm curious
does rjw has 3 sizes mod or something?
default rjw only has tits dick pussy and anus sizes as far as I know
We could infer these from their traits and backstory.
>childhood punk
>adulthood game developer
the biggest ass of them all
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Try this one
Forgot more
thoughts on VCR in 1.5?
>not mixing in a little hightech to 40k medieval world maxxx
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>shows up
>destroys your impressive building

why does he do it
Based sigma grindset
It's not very impressive...
I mean it was for one of those "Impressive Building" quests
Are there any mods that make sunlight work like actual sunlight and a single tile of roof isn't equally as dark as the deepest part of a cave?
Oh that's why I never found it, I was avoiding using that honeypot site. what the fuck is that mod name, I just want loli/shota romance
read the book
Are we still hating on oskarshit?
We RimDivers Now
I think his mods have improved a lot, updated vehicles and noticed he removed the precepts from it. Can't comment on balance though because I only recently started using some of his stufff. Furniture seems fine, going to try the plant+cooking stuff. Hussars are good if you cut the wep prof and I like the piggers.
Post your female pawn's ass
>new rendering system was allegedly made to make visual modding easier
I'm not feeling it bros...
Anonkun~~ the mod on ATF is called RJW Pedophillia Expanded
some of these will be completely invincible if using something like yayo's combat as a tribal because you won't be able to bring them to 80% HP in the first place
hopefully it takes a while before durapods start spawning
They all have weak blunt armor and slow so just unga bunga them with clubs
96% is a lot for a grug club to handle
Shit my bad I was looking at the unarmored stats. Maybe using fire?
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>Fighting these guys with the CE
maybe if you put in rimworld of magic? i nearly lost a colonist to 1 men early raid cuz said man cast thunder bolts
yeah that'd require a way to set things on fire such as oskar's tribal firebombs. if I understand heat armor correctly, they have a 40% chance of being set on fire for some initial chip damage before you can safely go unga bunga on them
the problem is you need to secure boomalopes asap, or cheat and change the recipe
what if you use 'big and small' giant club? the one only big or giant pawns can lift?
missed me with that gay shit, blud
>using CE
>requires some random framework
it's over
Those "random frameworks" are just utilities that the mod author found useful that were exported as their own mod even though the author will never reuse that functionality but they could in the future possibly if they wanted to.
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Anon. I am not made of money, and obtaining it regardless can be a massive hassle.
But don't worry, I'm already learning GIMP and Inkscape to compensate. Paint.net can be just incredibly convenient sometimes, specially with added plugins.
But man don't you love da GRIMDAAARK?
>love grimdark stuff
>but hate huge pauldrons
very sad
I like me some edge and grunge, but when the entire verse just goes the most stupid, nonsensical dark route possible at every fucking oppotunity and then has the audacity to demand that I take it seriously, it's just too much
That's your problem with 40k? Not the needless and senseless/retarded reasons why shit is the way it is?
no, I just cannot stand huge pauldrons. they give me conniptions
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Who said anything about money? I have sizable amount of experience with Inkscape and while it definitely works, I have certain gripes with it. For example, you can't make the outline purely external, so you need to work around that. This isn't an issue in Adobe Illustrator. However, despite generally feeling more professional, I don't like how the node manipulation functionality that Inscape has just a single tool for is split into multiple tools in AI. I just want you to be aware of your options.
>Paint.net can be just incredibly convenient sometimes,
True. Sometimes you just need a simple edit that's how worth booting up Krita for.
>specially with added plugins.
Anything you might recommend?
All it needs is a k98
>You can venerate skeletons
wtf I love Anomaly
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how do I get my chickens to make chicks, the rooster just keeps face fucking the hen
I lol'd
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xenotypes/humanoid races that aren't waifus?
is anomaly worth the money?
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Hivers; Shek, though this one might debatably be a Waifu too
too ugly but thanks for trying
Are games even worth buying?
Yeah depends on publisher, not this one though.
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Give me a mod that removes those fucking gay limits when making your own xenotype from the genes you got.
tweaks galore or fsf tweaks has them don't remember which since I use both.
Big and Small Races is full of those.
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Damn, meant for: >>487731696

Literally any xenotype from that mod. Waifus are female, and none of the preset xenotypes in it are female only.
Bros... I think I'm done for Rimworld for a while... I don't know what to do...
I guess I'll just play Turok 1 instead.
what if i want normal sizes? oni are fine all 3 kinds- but their sizes nakes them no go.
turok 1? dont you mean ONErok? kill me
based, I loved Turok evolution as a kid how's it compare to one?
Use RIMMSQoL and/or Cherry Picker to remove the body frame genes. Also, there is a pretty neat dwarf mod:
Other xenotypes from this mod developer might also interest you.
Make Turok in Ribaorld dummy
I only ever played 2 and 3 on N64 way back in the day.
It's very nonsensical. Zero plot. I'm just murdering (white) south american natives and dinosaurs.
>Anything you might recommend?
I'm currently trying to BoltBait Plugin pack version 6.11, which includes a relatively decent outline tool for what I need.

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found out the hen was infertile, but now I have another problem...
How would (you) improve the base impid xenotype without ruining it thematically?
dwarfs are nt what i looked for, but there is defintly interesting stuff there
those are all races that seems like it would be nice to have in my world

but i guess ill just take satyrs and be done with it.
Fatter ass
there is a problem with the impid type?
you can't open a photoshop file?
I gave them the Small Frame gene from Big and Small Genes.
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time to end this cluttered colony. next one, you either born into it or die to the next raid.
they're very balanced already
I would add more fire-based xenotypes to the impid faction without touching them directly
I've always seen people shitting on them, I'll give them a go than.
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The last time I played rimworld was some five years ago, which one of these setting is what was called 'rough' back then?
medival is fine and all, but does rimworld has more anchient setting? i want to try bible-times nomad style
Sex with Heatsal
ancient rim but it's jecstools doo-doo
it's not much but I like this for the kind of theme you're evoking https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1544558250 https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=3075149235
Not with every file editor/extractor. GIM is serving me now, after trying it, but plenty of programs don't have integrated compatibility with them.
what is the problem with jecstools?
it's slow
Like you
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But first execute Lumi
Thanks ill try both.
Wait a minute if I install bionics I am practicing transhumanism,therefore my pawns are now Trannies...
>tweaks galore
>not on skymods
>trannypost 21 shit
>another faggy framework needed
Yeah no, ill skip that one.
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>want to play
>don't want to lose outdated mods
beta tab baka anon
will kill it on my next colony. i promise.
As trans as Samus Aran.
Female pawn love
Female pawn life
bird pubes
Female pawn pubes
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Now we're talking.
rate my colony
1/10 i see a negro.
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female pawns
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Come the fuck on Anon, how are you not Ultratech yet?
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>and ugly one as that
Every bio fem gets plapn' no exceptions.
Female pawn ass tier list
Female pawn breast tier list
Female pawn pubes tier list
Female pawn feet tier list
Female pawn armpit tier list
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Fr fr
I can't enjoy female pawns on their own
a good story is needed
>white is white
>black isn't black
ok but I want to play the new version with new mods and not lose my anthrosonae mod update in progress :>)
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Wow do i know a female pawn just for you! (she has white hair)
ah yes, a true classic
White was supposed to be a nubile, swift, psycaster sniper in a hyperweave toga and shit.
Black was supposed to be a heavy weapons, mechanitor clad in dark heavy armour.
Its not about race.
>implying i would let negro into my base
Mods that let you make Hussars? Or if you put all the 'Hussar' genes into a pawn will they be labeled as a Hussar?
>Or if you put all the 'Hussar' genes into a pawn will they be labeled as a Hussar
of course not, rimworld doesn't have that kind of polish
I like having a griffon scientist wife
I'm a human male
She's pretty cool girl. eh kills mechanoids and doesn't afraid of anything
Mods that fix this?
Nothing stopping you from making counterfeit Hussars, the only thing they'll be missing is the Xenotype description (which you can't write in yourself for some reason).
Biotech is so half-assed it's depressing that it's still the best ribworld DLC.
Geuss when I reach the point of making themI'll just set their xenotype to Hussar in char after the xenogene injection.
>doesn't have that kind of polish
Anyone know what the mod is that lets you edit a pawn's appearance and skills but only if you have the points to do so?
the feature is called CuM, which is a little funny
Thanks, that's what I wanted, CuM.
I don't actually.
>spend week getting modlist just right
>almost done
>finnally going to play
>lose desire to play
>now just want to play starsector again
Collecting mods is the funnest part of "playing" a game.
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no dying you bastards
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noooo don't do it
still waiting for the full playthrough..
Me on the left.
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Just make a xenotype with biotech + mods
Trust the science.
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Time to go beat up some villains
mushrooms are very scary
what body mods?
Ah, I get the Thanks, Doc poster now
>boreal + naked3pawn + losing is fun randy
>no starting tech + research reinvented
>started spring + celsius mod
>immediately go to build campfire
>realise campfire needs to be researched
I don't think this colony is going to last very long
>celsius mod
proximity heat stuff
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This thing is going poof once the ice melts isn't it?
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Alright this is easier than I thought it would be, just needed wallls to block the wind and we have enough warmth to not die until summer. Next step reinventing agriculture before growing season starts.
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>Bear hunting a caribou as two other caribou get it on
Nature is beautiful
Tell that slut to put some pants on
I bought the game (for mods since I'm lazy)
Should I pirate the DLC too or play it without the DLC first?
I'd say pirate the DLC
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How hard is the heli to find in Oskarwheels? Should I just dev mode the wreck back in on the map or deal with it?
Sorry anon I made that pic as a shitpost
Sized Apparel
Vehicle Wreckage spawn more often in tiles with Road
Have you actually played the game before? If no, play without DLC for a bit
You can claim it and use Minify Everything to move it.
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Praise handy he delievered clothes!
>>487787765 Yeah but that doesn't tell me how rare the Heli is.
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Almost lost little Twilight to the flu, it got to 88% before she gained immunity
I guess you could say she's a unicorn.
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I geuss he's watching over Anon E. Mouse after all.
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The nearest Revia base is nearly a quarter the way across the planet, they really walked all the way here just to die?
My mouth in assertive female pawn fox vagina (tight)
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I'd be more worried about these cultists if all of them weren't under dressed for the weather
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Bloat. All cheese should be one def.
but muh ideology that loves breastmilk and breastmilk foods
>Love nectar
I seriously do hope that you're collecting it from beautiful female pawns only
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Ok you win this one Oskar fishing mod is comfy.
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I pay tribute to the local fauna.
>White female
I bet she'll have the whole local forest tamed in less than a week
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Something someone posted in the #Mod-Art channel and immediatlt deleted.
Seems silly, is it at least a bionic implant?
No idea. but I guess so. As I said, whoever posted it immediatly deleted it, I just managed to catch it in time to show you.
Those cultists were more annoying than difficult. Also new squirrel child, new name suggestion needed.
LTS guy is working on modular bionic that let you install different weapon in your bionic
>bigger the base gets the less sovl it has
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So /RWG/? What's your favorite race mod?

Pic unrelated.
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Anty seemed most fun but I don't really use race mods.
Maru was pretty nice. i like how they can put traps everywhere.
if only i knew how to get glass for lighthouse.
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Big and Small. Getting a raid of ogre tribes is quite menacing even late game. And trying to maintain a big pawn (I'm referring to nutrition) is challenging, but very rewarding.
I really like ratkin squirrels
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Paniels by a long shot, they look amazing and are extremely useful
Rabbies would be great if the dev finished all the unfinished stuff, I love how the buildings and clothes look
Ratkin is nice, the shield is fucking awesome but the tech tree leaves a lot to be desired while Ratkin Weapons+ is straight up broken sometimes
Yurans and Mihos are peak sex
I tried biotech Revia but something went wrong and they were all bald, doesn't help that their tails look extremely stiff
NTA. Yeah Rabbies would be my favorite if they just were 'finished (or at least the unfinished stuff being taken out)
>start rjw playthrough with a zoophilic ideology
>venerate huskies and set bestiality with venerated animals only
>start with two dogs and three girls
>both dogs were male
>they fuck two to three times a day
>game is immediately unplayable because fucking and knotting takes 3+ hours
This was not a good idea
dumbass coomer
Based coomer
>search yuran
>their author also did something called' milira'
but its 1.5 only
>Enter a expensive biosculptor pod for days using a large amount of nutrition to reverse your age by one (1) wun year
>Perform a voodoo ritual in 2 hours and wipe off 16 years using an easy to attain resource
My game starts lagging like shit after several game years, even with performance mods. I heard RuntimeGC works well for this problem but it seems that there are issues and they disabled the world pawn cleaning function. Someone said that Savegame Shrinker works similarly to it but the steam workshop comments make it look kinda buggy. Is Savegame Shrinker really buggy? Is RuntimeGC still worth using? Are there any other mods out there that can help solve the lag?
you can probably just edit the save directly yourself. backup your save and try both out, if one fucks up then either undo the part that fucked up or go through and manually remove stuff. everything in the save is organized and things will make sense if you have half a brain
save your pawns with Character Editor, and start a new save
I guess I'll just try them out. I found that there's a mod called Better GC, so I'll try that out too when both explodes.
But what about the base? If I'm going to rebuild my base from scratch then I'd rather do everything from scratch.
>no anomaly ritual to reduce ritual cooldowns
keep in mind one of the main causes of lag is how many pawns are on your map so if you have like 50 pawns then there's probably a limit to how many tps you can save. another issue is probably world pawns and a single pawn you got from an event can have a giant spiderweb of family members so using character editor to remove those relations and deleting world pawns you don't care about i think can all be done with character editor and dev mode
How would you balance that?
It spawns an anomaly
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The mechs are dropping right on top of Snowdrop. The local archotech knows of my plan to make a colony populated by squirrel children and is trying to kill her.
I was expecting worse than nine militors, at least scythers
how should i go about starting game a lonely settler? what skills are important?
>snowdrop survived
another day, blossom...
You know what mother fucker? I can get behind that
Rapist trait

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>what i imagine when capturing kurin raiders
Blossom mating press
Female pawn sex this
Female pawn sex that
But have you asked yourself if you're happy?
we're on 4chan, what do you expect
what about capturing revia raiders?
medical is a must because solo, construction so you save time, shooting, and plants.
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I'm very happy I got a nice haircut, Mom came home after being away working for months, had mexican for dinner, and got to play with my virtual dolls. Things are swell.
how to extract breast milk?
>medical is a must
i can tend myself?
yeah, just tick the box for it. I don't know where it is on the vanilla ui anymore.
also don't grow too much food/hoard resources, if you want to know why just google wealth management.
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time to start a new life.
>eastern coast
>despite the majority of the coast being to the south
No. While I am content, it isn't something I'd call happiness. Genuine happiness is a difficult thing to find.
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>all those flames
>no medicinal
it will be fine right?
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celebrating the colonies first Yule, hoping for many more to come.
Anon you can't even DO medical, you get injured and you just bleed to death.
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You're going to get bitten by a rabbit and die of blood loss.
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what about this guy?
This one's going to die of flu or infection.
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what about her if my first and last colonist get kidnapped by raiders does the game continues
>skill priority
1. Medical any passion
2. Construction with passion
3. Shooting with passion
4. Cooking any passion
5. Crafting with passion preferably double passion
6. Plants any passion
7. Animals any passion
8. Mining any passion
9. Intellectual any passion
10. Social any passion
11. Melee any passion
This one can't even fight back, the fuck are you doing. You've already been given a general skill priority for solo start >>487826250
wouldn't eating raw berries be faster than cooking+shooting? considering im solo. the time spent on butchering and cooking the meat vs just eating havested barries. tough i guess shooting has double utility of invader protection.
This game is heavily focused around not dying to the endless raider hordes, raw berries isn't enough.
she's perfect for reproduction, keep her
You want manlet sons?
i was just upset since he got so many flames, only missing medical
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this one should be good enough for solo start.
>incapable of intellectual and crafting
As long as it's a solo start and not a solo run.
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oh look some ancheints
i guess i should first make beds for all of them and than retry here
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my first task is deciding where my base will be. her mining is 0 so i can't live in caves yet, but snce they have so much potential i should probably start near a mountain instead of taking over a ruin.
the coast above italy mountain looks promising.

ok ill got build some steel walls there, and than 3 beds.... well one more for bell.
>Early game
I love this part!
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now to fill my base because i don't like deterioting stuff

...mybe i should plant something first
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base is livable.
>turtle self tamed
i need this food! shu, shu!

now i need a 'hospital' room for the incoming 'guests'.
>using character editor to remove those relations
Didn't know that, thanks.
>still no mods for giant turtles and different turtle species
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moved hospital upwards so i can rescue the enchients faster.
>slave trader
well that was fast. my solo life is ending like 3 days after it started.
Sex with Bell
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>sold turtle to the slave trader
lol, enjoy your soup
i wonder if there is a turtle race mod. like bowser family.

now i need to choose between
miho, very good cook, attractive
moyo, good reseacher, good potential as cook, male so potential for future children
moyo (girl this time). good for cooking and research but horrible at fighting. misogonist so potential for hatesex, if i had the time to indule myself
another miho. this one can't cook. but she can mine. she has good melee and ranged, tough mercado has double flames for those.

...i have enough money for 2, but doing so will just mean they both will run away.

i wonder which should i buy,
and if they should stay a slave or presuaded to become a member.
>turtle race
here you go, also buy yoonseul
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yeah cooking is more important than mining.
alas, the slaves are pretty useless overall. maybe i should postpone this very monumental first addition to my colony and try for the ancheints instead....
or let the slave be slave, she will escape by herself eventually.
yeah, ill do that.

checking mercado traits, he is lazy. i guess those pawns got enslaved for a reason.
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A happy squirrel family going about their day. Snowdrop being only half a head taller than her 3 year old daughters will never not be funny. Blossom really likes using that comms console...
She's talking with me (Anon)
I am telling her many interesting things.
why does no hair modder gender their fucking hair
I don't want kawaii uguu anime girl hair on males
Becouse gender is a social construct silly
Because they don't care or are only able to draw hair and nothing else.
t. had to fix hair mods for myself in Sims 4 for years
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name? i donnu, 'boot rock' cuz theres a rock that looks like a boot.
Yoonseul is so cute. Does she have a boyfriend?
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they seem like good friends i guess?
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she only got 1 friend
not like a bf that would let her be sold to slavery is any good
If you get a male pawn that's interested in her, can you name him "Anon"?
if i remember sure.

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