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Previous: >>487055754

>Current & Upcoming Rate Up Banners:
[7/15-7/26] Summer Riri (Limited)
[7/23-7/31] Summer Maho/Makoto/Ruka/Hatsune Limited Prize Gacha

>Ongoing and Upcoming Events:
[7/10-7/26] VH x2
[7/11] S.Neneka/S.Akino/S.Yukari UEs Added
[7/15-7/30] Dungeon x2
[7/16] 「リトル・サマー・メモリーズ 渚でみつけた小さな幸せ」 Side Story Addition
[7/20-7/26] Hard x2
[7/23] S.Maho/S.Kaori/S.Makoto UE2s Added
[7/23] Main Story Part 3 Unlocked
[7/24-7/31] Main Quest, Investigation, Side Story, Deep Quest Exp x1.5
[7/26-7/30] Clan Battle
[7/26-7/31] Normal x2
[7/26-7/31] Investigation x2
[7/26-7/31] Master Coins x1.5
[7/26-8/6] Exploration x2
[August] Special Event: "Rengoku no Rebellion"

>New Player Guide by /pcrg/
>/pcrg/ Resources/Clans
>Kotposter Resources

>/pcrg/ Collab Info
>Collab Template
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Rengoku means Purgatory
Double check all your priconnes to make sure their UE is at 320 before you do any CB hits
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Rebellion means Rebellion
Hmmm, nyo
Got it, I won't do any CB hits before getting all my priconnes to UE 320. I'm kinda low on hearts, so this might take a few months.
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I love you Miyako, but you made a real mess of my hits today...
Sniped the same guy 3 days in a row now. He always climbs back to the same rank but won't change his defence.
Hardly anyone cares about 10 jewels
Maybe he wants to be hit by you, he finds your hit charming and attractive...
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The same guy sniped me for two weeks because I wouldn't change mine.
I didn't care though because barely anyone else could win against me. Slow arena beats 10 jewels.
>I didn't care though because barely anyone else could win against me
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There are things more important than being the best at an auto-battler.
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Name 4
Who's the cutie on the left?
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Not stressing about ranks
Taking it easy
Catching up with the story before the raid
Eating stir fried cabbage
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me tomorrow
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>Just realized I won't know who the next characters are before summer lily gacha ends
>Which means its a blind fall in the dark since it might be stuff I don't even care for like Summer Kaya
The true essence of gamble isn't it... now I'll be swarmed by temptation.
Can't believe Anna is back.
Can't believe Anna is black.
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Inori and her cute friend Ayu Ayu
Impregnating Inori!
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Summer Hobo
I don't have jims for new banner anyway.
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I can't hit D5 because I didn't raise SShizuru
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>15 lion TLs available
Surely you aren't such a failure you can run one of them, right?
not a single one
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I might be able to run this, haven't tried yet
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Plotted my CB route.
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This is one of the most beautiful pictures of Kaya I've ever seen.
Page 10...
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Nyou shyould hyave lyet nyus dyied
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No Thread dies on my watch
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Im not going back to /feg/... please live damn you live.
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How do we save /pcrg/?
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i have a very thin physique and I think I could look like karyl if I wear a wig
>16d ago
People could start reading the story.
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haha true! you'll never know until you try (⁄ ⁄•⁄ω⁄•⁄ ⁄) Ikuyō!
YWBBKYARU, You have no cat ears, You have no magic, You have no Pecorine, You are a confused /pcrg/ anon twisted by kyotposting and doomposting nto a crude mockery of nature’s perfection. All the “validation” you get is two-faced and half-hearted. Behind your back anons mock you. Your danchou is disgusted and ashamed of you, your “clanmates” laugh at your ghoulish appearance behind closed doors.
Join Ayumisters
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I think the summer heat is getting to kotposters
Nighty night /pcrg/
Don’t listen to them, you’re a beautiful kotposter *pats head* now show us youre armpit
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Just finished S.Riri's stories. I like how they carried on the theme from her previous bonds of her questioning the dream and getting perception corrected — because she's left such a cloistered life, her reality is nothing like what she experiences in Tia's dreams and she's intuitive enough to pick up on it. Tia finds something curious about her but she's not sure what it is and gives up.
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>You are a /pcrg/ anon twisted by kyotposting
Literally me
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Are you looking forward to this month's cravat? I am.
No, not at all.
It's going to be 2 exciting weeks between the new event and the stream.
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I haven't been able to do this before. Or is this the first CB where it was actually possible?
Based padgod. It's always been a thing.
The triple though. Was it doable last month? I only did a double I think
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>Chris keeps cutting Laby to pieces
kinda harsh...
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only the first day though really.
after I have done my trials, it becomes trivial and I do not mind anymore
I finally beat water 4-10. I love Kaori now!
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Good job. I'll try again after I unlock the next water p.atk node tomorrow. I was a little short last time.
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What is Saren feeding them in Serendia to make her suzumes huge?
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kot means kot
did you know that kot means male cat?
Are we getting the next event leaks before Riri's banner ends?
10 minutes before the banner ends if cygames are stupid
three hours after if they aren't
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male gender is neutral
I want to have sex with Eris. Not Yui, however
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Thoughts on Yuni?
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I wish I could marry Chieru.
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This will be canon next month.
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This is not allowed.
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Soon, she will change the water CB meta.
Yuni love
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mornin /pcrg/
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I don't want to do cb...
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Hit the tiger, you leech.
It's a lion you retard
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It's a mix of both, ryetard
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Finally, a chance to do side stories.
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Its evening
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It's Yuni.
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It's cute boy.
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uh bros can someone put up max S Maho please
about that...
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Do I really have to pull for Summer Maho for my clan....
You can just not do it.
is your clan fighting for a spot in the top 100?
Looplets, I need SKaori support
No but I want my clan to get more gems
Rape Raptor is back, stay safe.
Don't namedrop me bwo, what the heck
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Have you ever felt the curse?
With your whole being, the pox upon life itself. Feared and despised by all. The Reviled blessing.
Join my clan.
what a perv...
50 mins
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My sexfriend!
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I'm ready, roll this Ameth out and have it be a 10/10 Twinkle design.
Ames would be too good to be true
Its coming
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Design could have been sexier but its not bad
>No cunny
Pricunny truly is dead.
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>Nebbia implementation
That's a surprise.
Misakibros are we ever gonna get her summer alt...
holy sexo
must roll
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I can finally see Homare's tail in detail and its massive
thats not sex... too much covered.
cunnykeks had their chance
Oh that's cool, Ameth's flower and halo have a glitch-like effct
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But the fairy is onahole sized
Its the fairy on the third floor of your guildhouse
no welfare and no prifes banner to squeeze a third welfare into.
don't expect her to be playable.
Finally some good wind mages
We have a stream, before the second banner, anything might happen.
Yeah, of course. Just finding it odd such a minor character would be front and center in a summer event.
ameth looks cunny enough to me tho
Homare is not bad, but I don't care for the others one bit
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Ameth's swimsuit being a one-piece with a skirt is a nice touch.
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DEI got the game now...
>painted toenails
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Homare's swimsuit makes her look fat
Ameth's doesn't show much off much skin
Nebbia is weird since we don't even have her base version yet. Not sure how to feel about this one...
>Suddenly Ameth is a "hag"
Above 12 is a hag territory.
how old is Ameth and Nebbia?
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She's always been a hag.
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Your mom also a hag
She's an AI right? no way is she older than 5 even if we count the 1st game
>It was fucking homare
Fucking hag fags of course it had to be one
>Ameth's swimsuit is boring
I can't believe that retarded bikini schizo gook was right. What the fuck is this.
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S.Ameth better be good because I'm gonna have to skip S.Maho for her.
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I was wondering where the wings were, a good upgrade.
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Pleased we're getting a new Homare alt, her stories are always the best. I'm looking forward to this event.
It looks like a granny swimsuit.
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Oh so she can actually get big, guess this gives a better look at her swimsuit
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Nebbia sexo
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What a killer lineup of swimsuits this year, really hard to choose between Ameth and Homare again since I can only go for one.
But I'm guessing there's the free pulls with Homare so I don't have to.
Maybe I can roll for Nebbia if she's on free rolls
You can't roll her at all, she's an NPC.
>What a killer lineup
It did a good job killing my enthusiasm that's for sure.
I Hope you're wrong
Wait until the stream to make such calls.
a bit disappointing Ames design, but i'll definitely pull both
The bright side is that I can save some jims
I don't think I have the motivation to do my hits this cb now.
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pull this
who did you want to appear then?
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Also finally now all of Twinkle Wish has swimsuits! That's going to make for a good group photo.
It's too fucking soon for another Homare alt, fuck you KMR give it to Kurumi or Misaki
what about lima
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She's here... she's finally here!
>cunnykek meltdown
maybe next year
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Hey that's pretty good. Blessed with godly Ameth summer and now godly adventure drops.
She deserves something new at this point that's for sure
>It's too fucking soon for another Homare alt
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Maybe if we're lucky her daughteru Inori will make an appearance.
No little girls allowed.
Could they at least not put a fucking skirt on Ameth? She just looks like her base dress got recolored and had its thigh highs removed.
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>Today, February 25th (Wednesday), we will be holding a new event, "The Enchanted Fairy - A Shadow Smiling Beyond the Fog"
That's pretty cool, the event name is the same sort of.
Ours is "The Enchanted Fairy - Shadows dance in the midsummer garden". Very soulful.
Sorry for the delay, here is the candy apple. Look how smooth and well coated the apple is! Surely the other side not facing the camera is equally neat and presentable. This was actually really hard. I put 3 drops of red 40 in, but it looks like it wasn't enough because it turned out sort of red-brown from when I barely burned the sugar due to not having an oil thermometer. After I dipped the apple, the resulting pulled threads of sugar got all over my stovetop and hardened instantly just to irk me. But in the end it turned out pretty good. The outside was crispy, and the inside was apple-y. A great choice for Kokkoro's summer festival treat. This is clearly something that requires practice, and I could use a tiny, trusty guide to help me because I suck at desert making. Thanks for the submission!
You better learn to love Ameth's design because she will be core for the coming years.
Inori will get more alts than Misaki, Kurumi and Ayane for sure.
How many years until her 6*? Maybe we can wait for that and they'll remove the sleeves and give her implants...
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The wings in her portrait convinced me its really good. But people here complain over the dumbest shit anyway so don't take those posts at face value.
>give her implants
fuck off
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Nice fucking summer priconners
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>a summer slot got wasted on whoremare
cunnykeks cant stop seething?
Huh he got pretty close to what she has. Missed the tattoos on her belly and the bikini only covers the bottom area. Also no hat.
I like how Ameth appears partially fixed now but you can still see the damage in the skeleton of her wings, which also look really cool on her.
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Oh nice, looks even better with a full view like this
The wings look cool, but I don't like the granny swimsuit.
Take it off then, I don't see a problem.
>granny swimsuit
Go touch grass for once, go to any beach and see that everyone uses swimsuit like that
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>It's summer and Landosol is under a scorching heat.
>Bored and alone, Nebbia plans a prank that will bring great turmoil to Landosol.
>Ameth takes action to stop Nebbia. Homare joins in, and a midsummer commotion begins in Landosol!
Touch sand, rather
Looks good, bwo. Sounds like quiet the process you went through. Well done.
This, and it's rather sad it's still the best overall design of the 3.
>touch grass
Nigger this is a fucking galge no real life.
>bottom left
dogari wyon…
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Hello everyone I see you have a fairy gathering in this new event... do you mind if I came over to your new game as a new fairy? I swear I'll get everyone to pull for me... please accept, don't let me be lost...
At least you are not a fucking hag.
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...Ah, emh, ah... yeah I guess... so let me join the event maybe? I'll be the best fairy ever I promise...
You know what I can accept this form too, looks good.
Her homescreen or at least the CGs or cutscenes better show her crotch/butt at at least one point or I'll be disappointed.
They're saving Misaki for the Sheffy event next year
>next year
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I'm sorry danchou...
I did it again...
I love AMETH, I'm so happy she got her own event, song and summer alt now.
>bikinischizo won
It's over
we multiple bikinis though?
please don't post this even as a joke or you'll end up summoning him again
Are you guys ready for Christmas Homare in 2025 and Princess Homare in the first half of 2027?
He's been trying to stir up shit ever since the event preview dropped. Just ignore it, such people are devoid of reason and are only here to shitpost.
Sure, but first we'll need Halloween Mitsuki and summer Mitsuki.
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I don't give a shit make 10 Homare alts, just give me what I want too. Give me what I want.
I don't get it, are you implying Homare gets favored? Hey let me remind you:
>Inori 6 star
>Time Travel Inori
>Phantom Thief Inori
>New Year Inori
Meanwhile Homare got 2 versions, base and new years. That's it.
Where is summer Inori, do it properly fucking monkey man.
NY.Inori would have been perfect if she wasn't wearing the clown pants with the kimono like a weirdo
Don't forget Salasaria Homare this autumn.
cunnykeks are only good at bitching and crying as they've been surgically removed from all games except this one and they still don't grasp why
homare dev?
I don't even know if I'll be alive by then.
2026 will be our last year
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Please hit stage 2...
Sorry, I've lost all motivation.
syo whyen dyo I gyet tyo ryoll?
we won't survive 2025
roll now, we need SMaho on support
Does nobody in Looplets have her?
If this was a bigger event I'd think they are introducing stat-stick fairies
The problem is her UE2
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Just have to run one of the other comps.
Of course, actual fans and amethfags love it. Never take tourists opinions on alts, I remember what people said about Eriko and Suzume alts earlier this year and they both sold bigly.
Commander event was tied for the worst revenue ever.
>muh sales
>he thought I'd get a bikini
Or I can bitch about it till someone gives in
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>Of course, actual fans and amethfags love it. Never take tourists opinions on alts
You can't just write off all dissent as being funded by foreign governments. That's what oppressive dictatorships do to write off the actual concerns of their people.
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Can't be bothered to do anything more than shitty full autos.
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On day 1 when you're just killing 6 tier 3 bosses? That's fine. It's day 2 when you're on tier 4 that you have to start sweating!
What the point? There's nothing worth rolling for.
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Bandy Sisters soon.
>He's still seething
>more hags
>That's what oppressive dictatorships do to write off the actual concerns of their people.
The concerns of stupid people are just noise
Oh hey it's Mister Authority here to tell us how we should feel and that our opinions don't matter but his do
Nobody cares what cunnykek f2ps think
Yes, because I remember this same autistic screeching 3 years ago when we had Eriko/Shizuru + Carmina summer and you people never change.
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Such a blatant ripoff.
looks like AI
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But the narratives...
>Appeal to popularity
It's important and serious business when you say lots of people criticize Priconne but it's just appeal to popularity when you say lots of people praise Priconne
Now max ue and ue2 and put her up. Ill do my hits in an few hours from now
>wasting over a spark's worth of tears on a clan that won't make t1000
schizoGod here isn’t trending byased on your interest?
Sorry, I didn't farm her
I never said that lots of people criticize the game. I said that the game has shifted away from what I cared about to appeal to the lowest common denominator has my interest has dropped.
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It is unless you see the number of posts underneath, in which case it's an ad.
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I prefarmed her pure pieces but I won't be able to roll her because I'm running out of jewels. I might use a pick ticket to get her but it'll be a tough choice between her and V.Shizuru.
Just give a 10-pull, today is a lucky day.
>I said that the game has shifted away from what I cared about
>post below
Peak /pcrg/ hours right here, I haven't laughed this hard in a while. Keep being a living joke please.
S.Lima should get separate bra cups for all of her udders
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This isn't a joke, we're getting a third summer event with SRima and SYuki next month.
I went back to check the roadmap and apparently they did mark the 6.5 update as significant. I wonder what they're adding.
Is his VA back from maternity leave yet?
I take Lima very seriously.
>half anni is significant
no way
Aged up alts.
I take knife ears very seriously.
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let me guess all 3 of them limited?, not that i care but still.....
stupid kotturd
Would you like it if Daigo was the new EX character?
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Sure, if he was a duo with Kaya.
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>stage 3 comes up
>commence doing my hits
>realise I've forgotten about my snipes
>X.Ayane loop takes forever
>less than 2 minutes before cutoff
>rush to B.arena
>same guy I've sniped the past 3 days is there with his defence unchanged
>still have the team primed from yesterday
>only takes a second for Rino to obliterate everybody
>ended up laddering him as well
Doesn't really matter. You're getting free pulls with Homare
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It would mean more Kaya, so sure.
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why do they care so much about what /pcrg/ thinks? I don't

Ayumisters btw
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priconne free pull doesn't excited me anymore, when is gachapin?
>zombie thread
>clans are casual and only alive because of alts
and somehow /pcrg/ is still relevant enough to be on their minds
/pcrg/ holds up a mirror to them and they don't like it.
I'll wait for full 3* art but they don't look very good except maybe Nebia
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My dead onee-chan
Fun Island bros, need Kurisu support please.
Christina. I can kill tier 3 Gob if I borrow a max level one.
They better be
No alts in Looplets
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She's up
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31/07 - 10/08 Summer Ameth
10/08 - 12/08 Summer Ranpha rerun
12/08 - 15/08 Astral Yui & Hiyori reruns
-free pulls start right before above ends-
15/08 - 22/08 Summer Homare

That's what the schedule might look like.
>skip ameth
They're from here
You forgot summer Nebbie
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Nebbia is a wildcard, I assume whatever happens with her shall be revealed on the 6.5 stream on the 10th.
I also believe that since she and Ameth are both voiced by Aisaka that its possible she might be part of Summer Ameth animations. We'll see.

I wouldn't. You'll get free pulls with Homare and there's a ton of jimz coming due to the raid and the stream.
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You forgot winter Chierun
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where the pcrg at?
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There's a good chance that we might get to hear the Winter Nakadashi situation on the stream on the 10th.
I'm assuming they're going to reveal the state of their bonds writing there.
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I don't have jims for Ames if her banner is first
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Maybe next year...
>no toes
tigers don't have toes
Keeping them safe from degenerates like you.
who gives a fuck about cunnies or boys
She's an onahole. You'll find her in your guildhouse after you clear the event.
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nozoMAX when?
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Nano~machine enhanced Miyako when?
Wait so those DMM things they announced a while back were actually real merch and not virtual goods?
Yeah, you have to fish them up in a crane game like Toreba. It's various characters iirc.
When does the login countdown start?
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>still nowhere near T4
Gonna be a long day.
It looks like doujin eroge promo image.
only 4 bosses left
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I did my part.
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No summer Ninon and Ayumi event...
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You will never ever be a woman
If only the low lvl alts did their hits then we would not be in this predicament
There are probably more people from the worrychefs server using these dead threads than players from /pcrg/.
Chinks are now /pcrg/ core.
Yellow hands typed this
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I'm black at night blo, tlust me.
Why the fuck does worry chefs even care what we think of them?
chinks are extremely petty
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>Summer ameth
Finally some good fucking food
They hated him because he spoke the truth
Cygays turned on their Otaku playerbase a long time ago
I’m getting sleepy pad or hit all? https://www.pixiv.net/en/artworks/120895824
left? right?
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>vaginal sex
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It is a mystery.
>nyot impregnating the donkey
gayest poster
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She wants to be pinned down and forcibly impregnated like the beast she is.
no she wants her ass gaped
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I'll impregnate her butthole
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I'm going to use her anus as a lubed up sex toy, after I rim her.
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This is the first steam that I remember where nobody has any idea who the announced prifes character will be.
I guess the surprise is going to be good.
Anyone got an auto sheet?
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what is this face trying to convey?
Almost nobody expected them to drop Nephy-Nella out of the blue just a month ago so now the fes feels like it could be anything.
Pretty much, but we're sure it cannot be the Bandy Sisters, Sheffy or anything that'd spoil the raid.
I wonder if its reasonable to expect a duo.
Yeah that's a good possibility
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I don't enjoy doing the game mode called Clan Battle anymore. Fuck elements.
Lion is solved now, what's your problem?
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Fuck the police
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I did the thing
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I really wish the pause menu would let you toogle auto
man, that damage variation on d5 is pretty large
Looplets status?
face down in the mud
I wonder if they got that S.Maho in the end.
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Ayumisters 215: Great first day, everyone.
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PcrgChefs 27th
ChorryCope 32nd
Petturds 79th
BorryWeird 96th
one of those isn't /pcrg/
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Looplets, I need SKaori support
here's your (you) kashi
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Wrong person sis
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my CB hit OST
Mine is https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UAAwTlCp3OE
>Not a single SSS clan
It's nyover
AAAyumisters: 215th
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Blue Archive or Nikke?
why are you like this since EN EOS...
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why is it called "padding"?
I'm too dumb to understand...
Nikke has sex, BA has terrible gameplay
If your complaint is the lack of comf then ba.
she looks like she fucks human boys (me) even though I despise elves.
Well lets explain it with a comparison.
Imagine you're at a party and you're looking for a girl to pick up.
Ahead of you there's two choices. One is a tough fight, she's fiesty and absolutely gorgeous and at the same time she'll give you more satisfaction.
On the other end there's a mediocre girl, maybe fat. You'll surely score well with her and go all the way, but is that really what you want? Will you truly be satisfied?
The first choice is non padders, the second are padders.
One word or less
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Congrats on explaining absolutely nothing.
So fierce!
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When you do the hits that fit the characters and resources you can comfortably use at the moment, roll for the characters you like, have fun with the game at your own pace, and are reasonably comfortable with your progress, you're padding.

When you suck your clan leader's dick, max out your credit card to roll for characters you don't care about so you can contribute to your clan, and defend bad gacha practices like a Cygames shill, you're not padding.

If you don't want to pad, then just obey the big man and don't question things.
This but dino instead of wolf >>467360126
I kinda like that retarded thing
I never pay attention to score. I hit the boss that needs to die, the boss that's keeping other bosses from spawning. Sometimes that gives me a bigger score, sometimes I get jack shit score from it.
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ive never joined a collab before but i havent drawn in a while so i want to get back into it. is summer neneka still available? also how would i submit finished art?
you just... KNOW!
Reply to collab anon >>487092582 or any of his posts whenever you're done with your drawing and post it here.
From what I see from his post neneka is available
Neneka is still available.
>also how would i submit finished art?
Just reply to collabmister when he shows up. You can't miss his posts >>487092582
>also how would i submit finished art?
you should reply to one of his posts, like this one >>487676835 and then attach your picture
kk thxs ill finish it after cb
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This, safe horny design sucks. Priconne is supposed to be peak galge and fanservice so that design is a fucking joke, imagine still holding back on service at this point in time
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they should have given her one of these
how do I cope with being unable to do a single stage 4 hit?
This would been more appealing for sure as school swimsuits are fetish territory
Why can't you?
>japanese fetish shit
No, one of these.
I don't have princesses and substituting 2-3 units leads to x4-20 decrease in damage
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or one like this
>tfw you'll never be a horny japanese teenage boy getting to see them right next to you during PE
Not even Japanese boys get to see them anymore, they got changed a while ago. They are anime only now.
Ameth is cute no matter what she wears.
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Competition swimsuits cut a cut out back is peak swimsuit design and pure sex
Fuck you Japan for not taking my money
what an atrocity... that's not the japan I love anymore..
reminder that bikinischizo won
they got rid of them over two decades ago
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While I had a nice first day CB performance, I suspect it's gonna get a little rocky down the road due to boxlets and treelets. Anyways, it's a mid-CB Friday lobby for depressed Looplets and other assorted dregs of /pcrg/. Thursday is only the second worst day to start CB on after Monday, after all.
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I am not depressed. I am just a realist.
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I am also a realist.
You whale for every priconne, right? Do you have a full box now?
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I skipped the summer cunnies but haven't skipped anyone since MPs were a thing. I have slight box issues on B5 as a result, but I can still hit the boss at least.
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I already read what "padding is"
but I mean, why is it called "PADDING"?
why was that term the one decided to be used for that?
like with "smurfing" is because of some professional advanced player who made a new character name "papa smurf" to massacre noobs.
Where does this "PADDING" term comes from?
Is this a term from /pcrg/ or something which came from another game?
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It's not a game thing, it's a human thing bro.
kid in PE trying to score more for no reason he was a padder
You having to write an essay, and you start writing dumb shit to fill it. You are a padder.
Having to negotiate some budget so you overshoot the values so you get more = padded budget.
Bra padding.
this sounds convincing, thanks
I'm already in...
Then don't worry about it, shart a boss and leave a sticker in the clan chat.
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why would you post this
Because I want /pcrg/ to burn to cinders.
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Adorable little shit.
Where is her tail?
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Don't worry about it.
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My cock in Misaki's pussy
Giving Misaki a creampie
That will do nothing.
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syo pyadding gyood?
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Nyes, it is human nature.
Just by padding, we can evolve into higher beings.
>Need 6* Kokk bond for comp to work
yeah no
I feel like I should keep going...
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Does the D32 timeline work for anybody? I'm not getting a kot ub at 51.
Yes because I am not a leech
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Such amazing insight. I have truly seen the light now thanks to your wonderful words.
At least you recoginze that your leech behavior is the resson why.
Yes, you have convinced me that there is no point in trying to get help and improve. Embracing skipping doing my hits is truly the best for us all.
Are you max level?
Does your Kot have max UE?
Is it the princess Kot?
Does your Djeeta have UE equipped?
Are you running the correct comp?
Are you setting and unsetting the right units at the right time?
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PMd you the fix
Yes to all of those. It goes fine until 51, where kot does not ub until 47.
>I am a leech
>I cannot improve
Did you consider putting in time and effort?
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Not allowed
My knife wife.
No idea then. Works perfectly fine for me, even if I set all units to 3* (except the bunny, she dies). The boss doesn't have any hp/atk autism, neither do the girls, so tree shouldn't matter. As long as you set Eris during the boss UB, not before or after, I don't see a reason why your kot would desync.
It is possible you aren't dealing enough damage for her to UB. Are your elemental levels below the expected amount? Try Eruru's timeline if so.
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>It is possible you aren't dealing enough damage for her to UB
You gain TP by taking damage, not by dealing it. Kot doesn't hit herself, you might be thinking of Illya.
Why don't they make TP gain take defense and damage negation in account so instead of calculating TP gain from the final damage tally they calculate it from the enemy's damage tally measured before shields and defense buffs and negations etc reduce the damage
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>You gain TP by taking damage, not by dealing it.
Incorrect, which is probably why your Kyaru isn't lining up I would bet.
I hit my WIFE and KIDS in order to charge my own TP.
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I'm not the anon failing a semi-auto so you'd lose that bet by default. Nice try retard.
Well then it's most likely why his TL isn't working, because it does matter.
>you might be thinking of Illya.
No need be a jerk and be wrong, just make sure your advice is correct next time.
Tp gain from attacking is a flat 90 modified by tp boost, the amount of damage you deal means nothing. Also the reason the TL wasn't working was because auto was on due to how I had my game and the page with the tl set up, so it looked like I needed auto on. You may now call me retarded.
Ayane (holiday) hasn't been very good lately
I use her for at least 2 hits every time on the first day for those 90s CO stage 3 teams
She's used on day 1 every CB if you're not a leech
only if you're a padder who makes everyone sit on tier 2 for 14 hours.
>sit on tier 2
Just hit it?
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I wish Kokkoro would sit on me with that round butt of hers.
Not allowed.
Kotchads told me Padding gyood
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I had an "hours long lapse of judgement" and now I have to job hunt because I have almost no jewels
Get hired at a McDonalds
We all make make mistakes, glad you at least figured it out anon.
Forced to become a wagie bec of gacha.
Life is cruel.
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Just laddered somebody and stole their top 10 spot.
What an awful day. Please end it all, danchou.
what happened kotsis?
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yuiGOD where's the bingo
I like how you triple down on being wrong while telling me to make sure my advice is correct. That's very classy of you Mr. Nice Guy.
Illya gains TP by doing damage to herself. More damage = more TP. If you were talking about her, you could have been correct. Same with XAyane, she hits the boss really hard, then she hits herself really hard, gets TP from hitting herself and can immediately UB again. That's why XAyane UB loops are a thing. You know what isn't a thing? PKot UB loops. PKot hits the boss really hard, doesn't get any TP because that's not how the game works and the "loop" ends there.
Don't tell people they're wrong when you have no idea what you're talking about and maybe I won't hurt your feelings next time.
we're still a fortnight away from the stream why would he have made it
we don't play fortnight here
I will enrich your vocabulary, fortnight means two weeks
I'm not playing that game for two weeks
fortnight clan?
I hope arc 2 end with Miroku getting killed.
Always annoys me when they create hateable villains and then they just get away with it in the end.
join the fortknightcord
I would join if we play no build.
Tsumugi alt when
we're not playing Minecraft
season 5...
it's over
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Want me to make it already? I have a vague idea of what to expect for the stream.
>Tsumugi alt when
This year.

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