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Frog Event Interlude of Illusions - 7/25 – 8/7
SSR Strasbourg, SSR L'Audacieux, SR Dupleix
RQ skins for new botes plus Hammann, Joffre L2D, U-96
Zuikaku STI collab skin
Secrets for Hwah Jah, Friedrich Carl, Royal Fortune
Manjuu Grand Prix Season 3
Highway Star Rerun - 7/25 – 8/7
Foch META(Cruise Mission) & Attilio Regolo skin(Cruise Pass) - 6/1 - 7/31
Wichita META - 6/13 - 9/4
Shimakaze Archive
Golden Hind ASMR https://www.dlsite.com/home/work/=/product_id/RJ01230156.html

Kasumi META(Cruise Mission) & Roma swimsuit skin(Cruise Pass)
EN 6th Anniversary

Bind your account, or you might lose your account when the game updates.
/alg/ doesn't have its own discord.


Ship Tier List: https://files.catbox.moe/ah02o7.png
Equipment Guide: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1wWMIzaUKISAXMbOEnmsuuLkO9PesabpdTUWdosvHygM
Fleet Builder: https://renhex.github.io/AzurLaneFleet/
PvP Guide: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/u/0/d/1BewmBsf4EWKAf_UwYax05c7ksL51y6sjs96pIwD73Jc
Fleet Tech Tracker: https://retropaint.github.io/azur-lane-fleet-tech-tracker/
PR Research Data: https://azur-stats.lyoko.io/research4-blueprints
Augment Guide: https://pastebin.com/UBpjkhFg
EN Tierlist: https://slaimuda.github.io/ectl
CN Tierlist: https://wiki.biligame.com/blhx/井号碧蓝榜合集


>Story summary and Lore

>Guild Spreadsheet:

Previous: >>487544772
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Spotted on Yostar's Comiket 104 merch
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Top is better
i unironically prefer the top
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>hair censoring
Reminder that Hammann accepts your groping now.
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el hermana
Is that Kearsarge?
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If one of you guys manages to get L' Audacieux before I wake up, post her special touch line. I'm curious.
shit, is that Unzen?
Why did they always fuck up drawing of unzen
What did they even censor on this one?
I might be gaslighting myself but I think the fabric on tummy is a bit less transparent on the bottom one. I don't know why they'd do that but I can't see any other difference.
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Look at her chest
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My beautiful fat judge
Cute ham and brem
You don't have to pretend to care about whoever that is
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>we bargained RQ brem for this low effort who copy
Grim as fuck
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who are you?
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I don't look at children's chests, I'm not a pdf file.
why are you a pedo?
Is this by derauea?
post guam
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Lovely fox
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Lovely fox
That “child” is older then you
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Game's up, if anyone still plays
I prefer the top because the bottom makes me wonder where her nipples are
Why isn't your game in English?
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Of course you do, mahmoud.
Nice to see the usual /alg/ maint regulars
ok now tell me where her nipples would be and how that wouldn't be really weird.
Calm down, mohammad
Joffre a cute!

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You made him upset
Is this 6 or 8 hour maint?
10 hour maintenance? Why would maintenance be 12 hours? 14 hours isn't long enough for maintenance, you should be glad it's only 16 hours.
how about 2/3 day maintenance
joffre's pussy protruding out of her open fly shorts
ew event without timegate time for extra hassle
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Please remain calm, the maintenance is proceed as scheduled and will end in 2 hours.
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>nerfed ass
Why does the ass look detached from the torso
3D dorm news,
and they also say, that they will update the background of old skin to adapt to the news UI in the futur
This is just hilarious.
the warmth of shoukaku
i want to sink into it
the corpse from carbon monoxide poisoning
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I can’t wait to molest Sirius
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>added censoring
>forgot to remove skindentation
>The new main interface UI has received a lot of praise. Thank you for your likes. But it does cause a problem, that is, the design of many old skins is not compatible with the new UI. We received a lot of feedback on this issue after the new interface UI was launched. We collected feedback as soon as possible and paid great attention to it.
I'm curious on what kind of skins that they have problems with. I mean it's just a matter of 3d adaptation of 2d skin like the Sirius' one above so I don't quite get what caused them troubles.
Like skin backgrounds that were made with the vertical space for them before not fully fitting in new horizontal focused main screen.
Inshallah it is good to see another man of faith in this debauched general
Tying Strasbourg with the seat belts, getting out from the other door and proceding to get to know her ass without her consent (she actually consents)
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Date a live collab soon
I can feel it
You see your older sister presenting herself to you like this, what do you do?
300mb update is up
>2 layers of skin-tight suit on her boobs
Looks absolutely stupid
Kys tranny they are fake
What a great day to not live in western taiwan
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Been a while since I last had luck this SHIT, got 6 meganes and even two L'Audacieux before a single Strasbourg.
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From xitter I can gather that it's Joffre's the l2d with the pose change.
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Joffre feet
Why is your game language same as mine
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It's a mystery.
Essex' mcnuggets
Do you still do the 3-pulls-a-day mission?
essex upperbody need to be slightly right
>90 degrees hip
Nice joffre legs
Nah, I rather use a bit more oil and that'll recover my gold stockpile better too.
Joffre is a straight angle after all.
If you don’t grope her she will blackmail you over the previous times
>she actually consents
Isn’t the point to let her know pleasure? Consent secondary
fuck... I think I'll finally use my free gems to buy a skin
Sex with Russian women.
How many bings left?
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Some kind of crossover?
FAT fucking angle
>poorly edited jpeg of wakamo's mask onto amagi
Won't be surprised if it was just a dev injoke that somehow made it into the main files
Finally, Amagi retro.
Probably this is the Amagi tsu foreshadowing
Plump Angle
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Look at these sexy kots
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Can't imagine how this one is gonna go over with everyone.
What is that? A bite on the ass?
The file Name is literally "wakagi" so yeah
when did she become so thirsty for the SKKock?
BA collab soon
Not canon
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It's not even the same mask retards.
Anal with Joffre but each time you plap her she braps
BAtrannies proving themselves to be the most dishonest posters on /vg/ as usual, huh?
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About 5 Woo's left.
Biscuit mentions the Netherlands coming with her delegation. So we might see some Dutch botes soon.
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>dutch will be a part of IB to save us from endless papershart/tsu events
Inb4 we get romanian DD prinz ferdinand
The Dutch don’t exactly have many/any capital ships to use.
Plus, that just opens the door to more WeeGee paper delusions.
thoughts on my plan to molest memphis?
Just to be clear, I said might because the Maple Monarchy (Canada) has been mentioned a few times and we haven't seen anything come from that. Unless I am just memory holing something.
>touching pinks
Oh god.. Imagine getting Tromp...
>a few times
only fortune seems to have referenced it
Joffre rerun when?
If we get a dutch faction there is a Destroyer that is like halford, but they called in Air Strikes. It's called Tromp...
They also say here that there are plans for new skins for older girls
a cute angle, 30° or less
imagine a royal aussie navy event, no worries and CANT for two weeks
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Don't lump me in with those assholes thank you. I'm just pointing out the general laziness of "same design, but now with a mask".
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Mystery Shinano talisman.
Because if they give her a new design, it’ll probably be a UR, and they probably don’t want to spoil it.
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Or, it is just Orochi.
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Agir my beloved
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Probably this.
I prefer Hindenburg over Aegir.
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Begin the real maintence!
You should.
>haven't played in 3 months
>Azur lane has 3d skins now
Damn what the fuck did I miss in these past 3 months?
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I want to see if I can survive a night having both Agir, and Hindenburg.
Not yet
You missed the frog anni
Frogs and a small batch of krauts
This is black prince
reddit will say "I like the top one better"
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I laugh
I like the top one better
I married both
My cute succ wives
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You know I never really looked at the image that much, and now I see it looks like the black prince. I guess the artist forget the horns.
Does anyone unironically like bayard? She just seems like a big chested vanguard
Bad anatomy. With both of her asses clearly visible, her belly button shouldn't be visible because her abdomen is facing the opposite of the camera (or at most 10 o'clock direction relative to the camera). Her right boob should also only be barely visible.
What's a threesome with fusous feel like?
sucks being a new player and having to spend cubes on reruns and new events
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New images of Dorm!
I like her more than halford at least
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wow all these new french ships suck
She is cute
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>"If Shido wants me, then I'll gladly give my everything to him. To become his lover, kiss him, have sex with him, marry him, give birth to as many babies as he wants, grow old together with him. But, even if Shido chooses someone other than me, I won't mind. If Shido thinks to marry Tobiichi-san, I'll bless him with all my heart. Of course, it also applies for other person as well. Even if Shido chooses Tohka-chan, Kotori-chan, Yoshino-chan or perhaps someone that I don't know. Of course, I don't mind if he doesn't choose to be with anyone, or even if he chooses everyone I'll support his wish. I'll do anything for Shido's happiness. If Shido wishes it, I'll grant any of his wish. I don't mind becoming his childhood friend, his lover, his wife, his younger sister, his older sister, his mother, his daughter, his superior, his subordinate, his enemy, his nemesis or even someone unrelated to him. As long as Shido is happy, I'm satisfied....Oh sorry, it seems I got too worked up by myself. But it is true that I don't mind whoever Shido chooses."
my dick
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I'm in
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No you're not. You're still asleep.
Made me look
my dick
Dupleix is hotter than Strasbourg and should have got the l2d
What will be the dutch Gimmick as a fraction?
Also any funny names to call them if they are ever added?
Lil' Eh...
>What will be the dutch Gimmick as a fraction?
every single one of them will be wearing wooden clogs
Fires... Fire as far as the eye can see...If they follow their WoWS counterparts.
They new frogs are not particularly good, but not particularly bad either.
It'll be better in a couple years, we just gotta stick to it for now
mmmmmm nyes!
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While I do agree she's hotter than Stras, a dynamic skin probably works better for that pose.
they wear clogs and never shut up about cheese
also skin backgrounds have windmills in them
Look at that ass...
No visible panties = no buy
Public whores exposing themselves to other men...
>"Noooo there are only Manjuus there!"
Yes, and all those Manjuus are male!
>cheek mole
>boob mole
They like Bicycles a lot and their riggings look like Bicycles.
Also they are all good mothers
She has also a thigh mole if I saw right
I know. She even ticks off that weirdly specific box I have too. I hope her lines don't let me down.
so, are you buying that Hammann skin? You can see her cute cat lingerie poking out
the manjuus are the reincarnated souls of all the sailors that served on those ships
Why did they choose Sirius to start with 3D dorm and not someone more iconic in AL like Enterprise, Belfast or Prinz Eugen ?
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It's funny that Zuikaku got a Race Skin before Essex, and she's the mascot of the racing team just about.
Who says they aren't there too? Just because they are using Sirius doesn't mean she is going to be the only character in it from the start.
>adding two frog vanguards both with 20% exp bonus gain
This is manjuu's way to tell players to build Bayard next, right?
>Serve as a sailor and die for your country
>Reincarnated as a yellow fluff ball without hands, legs, and dick
>Your only purpose is to do all the manual labor botes and SKK don't want to do and be constantly crushed under some bote's tits or asses
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Eugen would shake her ass at you, or flash her tits.

Enterprise is just to fucking boring.
She already had a pre-existing 3D model so it was easier to work with. Just a wild guess.
Cuz fat needy dumb masochistic maids are guaranteed sexo
>Kung fu noises intensify
Not even that would make me build her, After Halford I'm building horse, and then maybe one of the DRs, then I'll return to stalling Monarch indefinitely
Sirius is also pretty fucking popular too
>crosswave so bad, it's only success was the models being used in AL dorms
At least it gave us something resembling canon heights
Hole for titfuck.
Bros, Imma be completely honest with you:

I didn't think Hammann could give me this much of an erection.
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ooohj yeah forgot about that skin.
I was already considering buying it, but I need to see the scenarios for the other two too.
Duplex has some cute lines and seems more normal than I thought she'd be.
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Lovely fox
Maintenance begins at the end of maintenance.
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Zoot says she needs to recharge her batteries, so trying groping again later.
I dun have Joffre...
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My lovely Akagi.

Why is Zoot the only one that doesn't look like a street whore in these skins?
Senior privilege?
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What purpose do these serve?
Design choice to make you think of her nipples
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Which one do you find hotter?
milk collectors
this one >>487565883
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so what do we play during maint?
>a street whore
They are race queens, retard. They're supposed to be dressed in skimpy outfits.
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Body suits are fucking hot as fuck we need some more of them.
That looks great on Big Sleepy. I want it as a skin.
if I remember correctly the CN players had compared and the 3D model of the dorm (because the 3d model is in the game files on CN) is not the same as Crosswave (I remember that of Crosswave had a bigger chest)
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what did CNbros mean by that?
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Of course praising their predecessor
fucking of course the SSR I get is the destroyer bitch in the point shop
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>blue 17 fat
>blue(depressed), 17 years old and fat
I cracked the code.
>race queens
I'm surprised they are still a thing, in this day and age
the bottom from the top and the top from the bottom
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You called for me, SKK?
>server down
What does Belfast do in her off time that doesn't include (You) or taking care of Little Bel?
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Extend it.
Work duh
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So you're saying Belfast doesn't know how to have a day off?
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She should take a shit on my car like a bird.
All of the maids answer to QE by default, unless if shitcan requested one of them to help him with his work
Why does she have a fan on her ass?
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Good looking new ships? Fun skins?
This cannot stand. Extend the maintenance.
I don't care by how much.- just get it done.
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Extend it.
Purple Hell...again....
>no lewd loli ship or skin, again
>no lewd loli on any load screens, hidden in login skin, again
Guys, seriously fuck this loli hating game. That's it. Enjoy another of the usual tit pandering.
Both rate ups in 20 rolls, ez game.
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20 for Dupleix and 20 more for Stras, how refreshing.
Meant 20 cubes, to be clear. 20+20 = 40 cubes
My lovely rapist
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strasbourg and dupleix in 60 rolls
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What is the sound track played here?
R*ddit is that way, faggot
Titty monster Lane is the last bastion of milk production left at this point
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Essex at 3 AM
I forgot to save coins keke
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>Being able to complete the story separately from the maps is a permanent thing now
Thank fuck! That was the worst part of the game!
>they moved the 10 gold plates to 60k points
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>380 fucking cubes for dupleix
2 strasbourg, 1 l'audacieu, 1 dupleix
1 warspite, 1 littorio, 1 suruga, 2 baltimore, 2 takao, 1 alabama, 2 algerie
Cute bremerplap
Is it just me or her hand didn't align with the blade's pommel or just straight hovering over it?
I wish this game had simple controller support.
>I wish this game had simple controller support.
it literally does though? i can use my 360 controller on bluestacks to play the game just fine
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i won so fucking hard lads
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Made to be toyed with a rotor
The game itself doesn't support controllers, Bluestacks interferes somewhere and does something weird on your end.
My DS4 doesn't work on my physical phone, nor does it work through Waydroid.
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you can't make this shit up
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What song is she twerking to?
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why is every bote a rapist
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Today's Vittorio birthday!
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we literally met her five minutes ago
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Happy birthday to best wife
>hugs willingly girl
>claims its rape
You are literally asking for it, why do you think nobody takes you seriously when it comes to things like this.
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>they actually mapped the interaction points
I feel like a manga character being able to see the pressure points on the enemy
>3 Dupleix in 30 pulls
>none of the other frogs
the game knows I love megane
Along with every game, while lolicon has been killed by raging feminists and sour women?
Yeah, fck off along with this "SUMIMASEN" shit bait-and-switch game.
bless the eternal wifeship
>hugs willingly girl
dude all i did was stop her from falling over and SHE'S the one who latched onto me
we game of spponfeeders now...
kill yourself lmao
>R*ddit is that way, faggot
But R*ddit is the most vehemently anti-loli website on Earth.
>saved her life
Again, you are asking for it. Your manwhore ways are well documented.
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>raped AGAIN
i can't fucking take it anymore
Joffre is so cute
I still have to understand where this rape meme comes from and why you shoehorn the term where it does not belong
This. These normal faggots act as if I'm complaining about big boob ships, when I'm complaining about the lack of lewd lolis, we could have both, even if the lewd allocation were 90%-10%, instead of 100%-0%.
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skk rights...?
Do you seriously expect nothing to happen after you did >>487574178? You are lucky it was only a kiss on the cheek.
SEA lingo
I guess there is no point in doing normal maps?
>300 cubes
>no Strasbourg
>multiple Dupleix
>2 L'Audacieux

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I load into the first map and I have to kill two Dido's. I can't do this.
>sirius is the focal point of 3d dorms too
Why is dido so erotic bros?
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i win
Brapbros...we won!
The more mentally ill the more erotic the bote
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>load into second map
>get to grope Nimi
>got all ships in two 10-rolls
>got Strasbourg's L2D from the lucky bag
Almost makes up for having to pity Alsace
And Race Queens are just street whores, trophy women who's only value is being rapemeat
Lol they totally recycled that kraut and made her into a frog
More like twins
I don't need to clear the Easy mode, right?
There's no daily x3 bonus like in normal events after all.
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>bdsm bote
Well duh, it's a KM thing

Congrats I spent over 500 cubes on this fat shit
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>New femdom bote
Ok, I will now pull in this event
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she's really forward
Do 6 and 9 do anything? It felt like they didn't on JP.
Upboated sir
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she's pretty flirty but not as extreme as say felix or hind
>500 cubes, Strasbourg nowhere to be seen


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Yeah she looks like an alvitr proposal
>Sirius becomes more relevant than her as the face of 3D dorms
>Scylla gets a second skin first and better doujins and fanart
>Hermione gets a wedding dress before she even gets her second skin
>Even Charybdis gets more Event appearances, skins, and bisoku chapters than her.
All she's ever gotten is a putrid cum soaked doll as an augment
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yes, yes it is
Man I'm still so fucking salty about Felix getting censored from oppai queen to flatcuck
>landon table
>law dashu
french isn't a real language
lol pwnd
6 I'm not sure, it just triggered the main menu lines.
9 makes her grab her ass and get different expressions while using the shaky thing to mount tires of which I can't remember the proper name
Cute commander
holy saggers
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shut the fuck up cowkek, she looks so much better with DFC
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the way you're dressed, you're asking for it honestly
There's your answer
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>she does THE thing
You're fighting an uphill battle when it comes to Anti Loli Lane...
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>workaholic bote
>520 cubes and she appears

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Happy birthday, eternal boss wife!
that happened? we get any images of big tit felix?
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she's fine with it (once you're done with work)
It never even Digan for her bros...
>that happened? we get any images of big tit felix?
her skill icons originally had tits, but they were changed thank god
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Huh, that's interesting. I assume this is 9 you're talking about, but it's 5 on JP.
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>special touch
did shitcan just grab her feet instead or something
Well, if you're not going to...
Can some ai Chad or commission King make some art of oppai Felix?
Maybe it's 5 and I got it mixed up with 9, I'll try again later when I'm done with the dailies
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>chibi shoe removal
>HT2 and 3 has oil cap
>3 also gives 1k coin like big events
Well, it's not 12-4, but at least it's not 100 coin event in middle of new PR.
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VV love!
First it was Felix, then Jade.
I don't get why they keep deflating botes for no apparent reason.
C-can I watch?
Does the event story set up new stuff or is just more sol hijinks?
Sauce on the oppai jade?
>for no apparent reason.
it looks better
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>Holy duties
Alsace said sexing SKK is a holy duty
Who am i racing against, Akashi debt collectors?
hmmmm, I think I'll just milk DIdo instead...
Dude, gross. You should see if Akashi has any hidden camera footage.
other botes
Post Audacious's grope line.
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Elbe too (even if she's not flat/small).
Guitar, Loneliness and Blue Planet
you are giving vv bad karma in her own birthday, albiott
I got t Strasburgs, before (after 150 rolls) I got Duplex...
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Are those shadow?
nipples status?
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>say hi to a bote
>they rape me
Have you ever seen skin stick to something transparent? And no, it's not nipples.
Why are there people asking such a horse shit? Nipples showing, especially of a small girl, especially in an anti lolicon game? Were you dropped on your head?
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Huge areola bro just lost
Taihou 2 and Taihou 3
what fucked up kinda 300zx is that
Got dupli in 20 pulls, god knows when i'll get strassbourg
This ones questionable. With the strap over her tits gone she might've just spread out some rather than actually shrinking.
I am not sure whether this schizo shitposting about pastafag karma or whatever is falseflagging, or is he an actual frogfag who has something against pastas, so I'm giving him the benefit of the doubt and ignoring him.
Hopefully Yamato is Taihou F(our/ox)
I did 550 and didnt get minato aqua, grow up
This one
Yamato will be Nagato 2
The kind that looks different enough that they don't have to pay licensing to Nissan. That's why you get accurate depictions of all those Yamaha bikes but Nissans and McLarens that only look mostly like a Nissan or McLaren.
>wasting over 500 cubes for a collab
But a huge mommy ship.
In Anti-loli Lane fashion.
Best level to farm? HT3?
It was a hololive collab
I'm fine with that too, to be honest.
He's mentally ill that's for sure
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Big E
There were 2 Yamato hulls that were scrapped before they could be given a name. Not difficult to see them becoming a Tsu for Nagato, Mutsu, or Mikasa. That said, since Nagato survived the war (barely), maybe they just to a glorified retro like for Bisko Zwei.
>wasting cubes for VTrash
>Yamato will be Nagato 2
>after the Anson shitfest
Wasn't there also 3 other Yamas that never left the drawing board too?
Watching Mikasa try to figure out her new rigging would be cute
The car Taihou's sits on in her RQ skin too is a bit different from the actual Ferrari it's (seemingly) based on.
i think i'll skip this event because i only have 130 cubes...
iunno man they go pretty hard on some of them
would seem some artists are just bigger carfags than others
Dunno, but there was A-150 "Super Yamato" with 51cm guns proposed. Think they planned for 2 to be built.
Priority ship grinds are easy, better use it for decisives.
Speaking of, Pompeo Magno too has the 20% bonus, which is great for grinding Napoli.
Does anyone else have a clue what other ships have the bonus? There's no trace of any explanation in the game or in the patch notes on the website.
Other girls with the bonus that I can see are Hermione and Nimi.
if i had something against them i would had shitposted them every time they are mentioned like the local schizo does with frogs, but i'm a better person thankfully
Just got the new frogs pregnant, good luck getting them to do their work now Clem.
I remember playing that beast on battlestation
>blackfags NEVER get banned
>I make one post about massa getting bleached and get instant 3 day ban in less than a minute
I hope azur promila cannibalises this game and has plenty of male characters to cuck you faggot jannies
I never got the appeal of these kind of doors, they seem more annoying than anything.
Racism is racist only if done by whites
I love the color of blue :)
The Tower loves this post.
We need another janny and mod mass doxxing, it shut them up for a while last time, across the entire site.
Nah, sometimes they get banned too but they're better and have more drive than you at changing IPs given that they don't have anything else to do in their pathetic life.
Imagine doing nothing but baiting 24/7 online to get back at people that wouldn't even know of your existece otherwise, I almost pity them.
I hate BC fleet requirements
>suddenly harmonie
Fuck off
It's Hermione
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Just beat Hermes with my Winged Dragon of Ra deck. She made me recite the chant and everything
It's Belfast (Forma de Dido).
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She wish
did you fill you botes' holes today?
Most of it is done by the same fag and it's targetted to the faction or characters he doesn't like, in this case frogs.
>sex the tower
>her radioactive blussy mutates my skkock
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Sorry, we loves purple here
>Not impregnating Clem
>but are you that much of a beta cuck that you have little to no confidence with yourself?
Do you really have to ask this seeing the stupid shit they post?
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Bros what do I do, buy the lucky bag and save the money for future bags or buy a mythic lucky draw in cod mobile
jokes on you, I got her pregnant last week.
god damn this event really does go 0-60 fast huh
Joffre skin is okay
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Man, I love boos on glass. No one bought Joffre's skin?
Did she consent?
>go 0-60 fast
I see what you did there, good one bro.
Clem is into pegging so those niggers got pegged if anything
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Reminder to talk to Ham
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Nice projection there faggot
She was the one that interlocked out fingers.
>both hands, fingers interlocked
It is going to be triplets.
you're a philistine
a nincompoop
can you immediately tell if you got your botes pregnant? I kinda like it when I'm clueless and only realize when witnessing their bellies subtly growing
Its not your kid then
They just look like wings to me, the car should be able to fly.
how big is that fucking hood and windshield, are they racing peterbilt trucks or what
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>> Get her skin from the lucky bag
>> 400 builds later still dont have her
Im gonna kill Akashi
Ok, I will now buy this skin, they addressed my main concern with the skin in a cute way that shows some character growth.
I kneel Manjuu sama
Post her special touch please
just buy her from the shop retard-sama
Shes the farmable one you retard
It just goes off her secret, Hamm is willing to do a lot just to make (you) happy.

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I hope you noticed she's the drop/shop boat and are only spending cubes because you got enough to waste
See >>487586442
20 cubes for Strasbourg + Dupleix, getting The Audacity from the event shop. Haven't had this much luck in pulls since I got Richelieu as the literal first construction of her event
every single 0.5% chance rollable SSR is the shop bote and is also farmable from the event
It goes even further, she literally wants to fuck you inside the car
just imagine this being brem and not this who tn shitter
Brem is worse than joffre for damage
Will you get any skins? I want to get the bag tomorrow but idk if I should get joffres skin since I dont have her yet
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Bani Fleet
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Shouldve payed more attention before clicking everything
fucking CUTE
Is this supposed to be Mutsu?
One reason is to trigger people, but I'm more interested in why people get triggered by it in the first place. Also even with off-white, some people get triggered, even though sometimes artists draw non-white men, not for 'blacked' but to highlight the woman and place the man into the background.
only 3 of those are rabbits
men only want one thing...
stop ban evading, clemtranny
Touch bote butts
>cod mobile
I dunno do you like cod?
Is her special touch spot in her ass?
Some is racism, some is just because those guys are always roleplaying as cuckolds or calling other such unprompted and for me personally is that my opinion of women, let alone fantasy ones, isn't as low as that of a NTR/cuckfaggot.
Strasbourg’s, Dupleix’s, and L'Audacieux‘s, but also whenever I feel like going to the grocery store because I still need to buy a card for some gems
Yes, but I also like AL, I only play these 2 games and theres an event there where you get double currency, theres a gun worth 200$ that only costs 100$ now
>Kiss on the cheek
Man it's been 7 years, can we fucking get something a little more explicit? Nike and Snowbreak get a lot more, I'm tired of this shit.
Even fucking FGO gets more explicit. I can't justify spending money for skins when this is all we get, and knowing the money is going to promilia, which is going to be even LESS fanservicy. Even the fucking 3D dorm is going to be worse than snowbreak AND GLF2, the most cucked game in the market.
even your falseflag got deleted lol
>Snowcuck cutists trying to shit up the thread
Just fuck off dude, you don't know anything
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>Be SKK in bed trying to sleep
>Hear a MAROOO MAROOO MAROOO out in the kitchen area
>Yell out, "Nakhimov, go to sleep!"
>She comes into your room
>Jumps on your bed
>Wallows around on the mattress beside you
>Climbs on top of you and sits down with her hands on your chest
>Looks you straight in the eye for what seems like an eternity
>Suddenly, she twitches a bit, and then
>Vomits on you
>Jumps off the bed
>Leaves the room
>Goes to sleep curled up on the sofa in the living room
Why are cats like this?
Wrong guy, tranny.
Flip a coin
Grope her
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Friendly reminder to not engage concern posting.
NTA, but if I see a pandering centered game getting stuff, is it that strange to want my main mobage to do better? Now that the rogue like mode and the cattery update were scrapped, since we aren't getting more gameplay related updates until EoS, I at least want the pandering to at least be 2024 worthy, and not be stuck in 2017.
I dont have one on me
google can do that for you
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It told me yes, guess i'll get both the bag and the draw in that game
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The limit break stars are fucking broken in the dock menu
how the FUCK do you do that
>Man it's been 7 years, can we fucking get something a little more explicit?
Not even one sentence In and you prove you don't play the game.
>Puts car that looks like [sports car] in game
>Sports car maker sees it
>Manjuu tells the judge, "It's not a [sports car]. See? The headlights are totally a different shape, and the windshield wipers do a sequential sweep instead of pivoting to the left!"
>Jury: "Hmmm..seems legit. Okay no copyright infringement."
Because they can.
Summer grilling with botes.
>need like 50k oil to get the event points i need
it's Owari da
and for some reason they thought it was a good idea to release them right next to each other
Should i kill myself to teach my botes a lesson to stop raping me?
The audASSity of the Audacious One.
you are replying to the mentally ill shitposter that constantly plays both sides
That and finally the removal of the stupid timegate for zone 2. Now they only need to fix the xp and coins award.
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You're free not to help at all you cunt.
goddamnit, do all of meganes in this game have to yap about the shitcan being a slacker?
It's painfully obvious they are all from a dismembered major kraut event.
Most likely Anson messed their schedule up and in the panic they took a SSR kraut event they had in the barrel and made multiple kraut minievents (kraut here including the current "frog" event too)
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>SKK fucks off to another dimension for a bit
>botes have full blown meltdown
Yesterday my wife and I had sex using Spee as our sextoy, it was quite funny because she moans and Squirts way more than Ajax
We did some fun Orgasm denial plays and ended up spitroasting her.
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Dupleix: Amazing commander! How are you able to handle dealing with so many sacred duties?
Me, who has has to deal with this every day for the last 6 years: Practice.
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I like this feature
aww fuck, it gets worse
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Added new ships:
Added skins for Joffre, U-96, Hammann, Zukikaku, and Roma (no voice).
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Why don't you try having fantasies with attractive boats for once
Based wikibro
>You've returned. Shall I play a melody to mellow out your tense nerves? ...No, that was not an expression of affection for you. I-I said it's not, so it isn't!
>haha Roman vacations haha...
Nice writing with sardegna, as always.
December UR, totally!!
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I really wanted to buy this skin but I spent 2k gems on gold
>hinting new faction
buy more gems, the double bonus is getting reset soon
they'll be replaced by the dutch soon anyways
pastas are quite literally the only faction with no plot to speak of, I don't think they'll be around much longer
Luv me stargazin' bote
Simple as
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>Italian CL gun as drop instead of the French one
I had faith that I could finish the loadout for their CLs with this event
My wife is the most attractive bote in the game for me.
And Spee is cute
cute wife
you know shit is bad when fucking chinks are treated like an actual part of the story but sardine still arn't (and probably never will be)
they had to make sure to only give useless gear bp drops
so what needs to be done to get the chibis ripped again?
hopefully there's a gear lab update soon, seems like the only fucking way to get shit done now
I got Joffre's and Das Boot
>spent 2k gems on gold
bruh what the fuck
there is no need to do that when you can farm 12-4
I got Joffre's and U-96's
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T-thats too much mass, I'm scared!
>Aquila and Veneto event
>now about 3 years and a half since the first run
>still no archive in sight

Was there any other event that took this long to be perma'd? SSR event, that is.
What the fuck is the hold up even.
I'll just dismiss any posts containing or pertaining to snowbreak. I never have any pleasant conversation with any of them and they always treat their game as some sort of gospel and unless you bow down you're a cuck or something.
>no timegate
>story separated from gameplay maps
>map can be fully cleared in one run
god bless
they'd better keep this format for future events
>Other botes see SKK car bounce up and down with all the windows fogged up
>A panting strasbourg leaves the car with her hair all messed up and with trembling legs
>The race will never start because there's a line forming since every bote wants a test drive with the skk
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>can dive straight into the point farm without the story shit always interrupting you
>map can be fully cleared in one run
This one is the most major improvement for me. I mean, there's no point of doing 3-4 runs just to 3* a map.
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It has never, ever, been as over as it is now.
>AL finally reached 2020 with this clearing changes
We're healing bros.... we just need to get rid of these lame ass blueprint drops and have Gear lab materials and BPs as drops
Just like last year, and the year before, and so on.
This event goes against my headcanon of SKK hating Cars.
I feel personally attacked by Manjuu, I will kill myself in a painful and violent way as protest
I wish they would stop wanking that one meta bote for once
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It's a peak male fantasy game after all

I don't think these events are about racing, it's more just, fuck SKK inside of a high end racing car.

Matter of fact, the only race there, is to see who goes first and the one that makes the commander cum in the shortest amount of time
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mystery nigga
What's up with Manjuu? They keep using the same botes for every event.
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Teaser for JP anni?
Someone make a joke about a brown bote getting bleached and see how fast you get banned
You won't
>I-is this... for me?! I-I feel like I'm about to cry... Oh, finally... Finally, I get one of these...
Worst bote, but absolutely best girl this event. I will have a ring on her finger by Sunday, mark my words.
It's confirmed that the Commander sleeps with the mutsuki stare blindfold on.
Who the fuck, also
>Finally, I get one of these...
wouldn't this imply that shitcan is canonically a manwhore, or rings were just a token of being the best of the best.
Much appreciated as always
Also holy FUCK, Strasbourg’s love lines are actually too good
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Is Marco up yet? Did Manjuu forget about her?
>wouldn't this imply that shitcan is canonically a manwhore
Yeah, you are.
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Poor Suffren
>possible Dragon Empery event
This is not a drill; China IS growing larger.
Bro? Her only role was to to be the jobber to shill that frog, her job is over
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So is this Amagi just going around retconning all of the previous reenactments and changing bote history?
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the JOBdegna empire...
She's still the cutest anyway
What the fuck is Crimson Echoes? Didn't that event basically bring back Amagi, why there's another one
>new faction hinted by Bismarck - Netherlands
>almost everyone mindfucked by Watatsumi fragment masquerading as Amagi
>SKK visiting Chinks who are not affected
damn they removed easy mode EX again, whyyy
Somebody who knows javascript well enough to get it working again. The newer chibis are using a new version of pixijs which isn't compatible with the old version currently on the wiki. I can't just drop the new version in because it needs some customisation and it's beyond my javascript knowledge to get it working.
>Dutch faction and Dutch PR botes
wowsfags rejoice
Also don't forget about about bismarcks suggestion to recruit sirens into the alliance
it's still there
just take the beaver badge off your fleet
that's the toggle
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I actually kinda like hooman poosy
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Human Love
mmmmm nyo!
Suffren love!
Clearly not Amagi.
>Sakura had contact with frogs in the past, gave them part of Watatsumi
>thing somehow activated now - perhaps linked to whatever Akagi si doing - and brainwashed? everyone, or maybe locked them into some kind of loop
>you are not affected
>you manage to snap Shinano out of it
>get invited by chinks who also are not affected - maybe thanks to that storm or my lovely Huan Chang making precautions thanks to her divinations
I wonder if the global anni event will be on filler side just tracking what happened in that pacific disruption and if the JP anni event will actually involve other factions for once. I reckon it will be a big one deither way.
And proper chink event is not too far-fetched either right now.
I prefer Orens
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>proper chink event is not too far-fetched either right now
What's Hanmann's special touch for her RQ skin?
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>Sex makes babies
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>that Lusty live2d
Why don't they just make this a porn game at this point
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This event's plot is fucking stupid.
Speaking of the Lusty l2d, is it laggy as fuck for anyone else?
So are the new ships any good or is this ANOTHER ez skip "event"?
Porn games sell less, given that they're under different rules that forces them into having less spotlight compared to ecchi games
If anything, it kinda perplexing on why it took them at least 7 years to focus on releasing a chinese event
even Arknights wasted no time on introducing a not!chinese region and event
I NEED to fertilize every last one of Ryza’s eggs
theyre terrible and strassbourg doesnt even gave +1fp to bbs
Look at her knocking shit on the table over, too. Fucking cat.
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Thank god we got the canon ass for Klaudia's skin.
Because they had the gloss of pretending WW2 relevance mattered. They knew the Chinese never mattered at all and only included them to make the government happy. Now though they stopped caring for whatever reason and will deepthroat their own cocks and make the Chinese the heroes.

Anyway they did Lead Colored Remembrance the first year, bro. It just never got a global release because it made the Japanese into soul eating monsters.
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>didn't notice L'Audax isn't on rate up and dumped all my cubes trying to get her
Good for the dick, middling otherwise given that she's not just simply a frog faction fleet restricted bote, but even further restricted to only Vichya ships
Much more flexible, has synergy with other frog vanguards and further with DDs, like Mogador which is the highest damaging gun dd for now.
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Yumi a cutie~
So you're saying the Amagi shaped Amagi is not actually Amagi

Nice fucking try Siren, Sirenchan is that way retard.
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Managed to get ASSbourg on my third pull. Rolled 20 more times for Duplo and came up empty, but I got San Francisco so I'm willing to call it good.
>He didn't read the JintsuuMeta-Musashi exchanges
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no wonder skk gets raped so often if this is how he leads boats on
>Lanky Kong
KageJitsu collab where it's revealed the poor, submissive mob SKK is none other than the almighty Shadow-sama, lurking in the shadows to hunt the shadows when?
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I can't believe the Dragon Empry is literally more relevant than the Eagle Union in the game's plot now.
I had to dump an extra 200 Cubes to get dupleix after getting strasbourg on my first multi so yea
wtf there are other males?!
is this real?
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You bet your ass it is.
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>Sakura Empire - or rather Akagi enabled by Sakura Empire- stirring up pointless shit
We really need Yamato to put rest of the dumbass foxes into line, and we needed her like, yesterday.
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that's probably another meta faction tho
Why are almost all sloppers mentally ill
That ass isn't proportional at all. It's badly drawn.
Oh bother.
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Let me live in ignorance, I want to believe there’s more to Marco’s story than a pedestal for frogs.
Hear me out bros.
>New gear lab function
>lets you change ammo type of guns
>just pay some mats and etc to develop the other round nad have it set on that gun
>Either that or Auxiliary HE/AP/SAP rounds to be purchased that turn the main gun and secondary guns to that specific ammo type
Would be pretty epic, no?
>We really need Yamato
well that's the plan
Is that a fucking RAM launcher on Hood's bottom right gun?
>just build the best power/fire rate gear
>switch AP/HE as needed
I'm not sure what you think this would do, but it would limit they already fairly limited useful gear even more. To one meta set for BB's and one for CV's.
>be Yamato
>see your country slowly going to shit because the dumb Fox being egged on my your Sister
>do nothing
Quality leader
Are you crazy? That's the UP "Unrotated Projector" AA Rocket mount, basically short range Air Defense the Hood had

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a cute
I didn't know they already had rocket AA emplacements.
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>Character AI
>Not Janitor AI
>Not Yodayo
You truly are a cuckold, because you go out of your way to miss out all the good stuff
character AI still can do some fun stuff but the alternatives can do that and more
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she's the shop bote retard
>at least Shinana tries her best
>but too sleepy to really pull through
Can you do NSFW stuff on it?
she should pick up a guitar and join a band with kearsarge and napoli
would need a 4th member though
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Back from work.
Talk to ham
i'm going to manham hamms ham man
I dont like ham
I like Hamm
the ham?
It was pretty shit if you read about it.
>Auxiliary HE/AP/SAP rounds to be purchased that turn the main gun and secondary guns to that specific ammo type
This sounds more doable but it needs to be restricted to either Faction, Class or Main Gun.
fuck I kept rolling for the dd and its the damn shop ship...
Why is this (probably) overworked OL so cute bros? Watching her do her best to reach break time is just so precious.
Dang that's a cool SP BGM
Because we have a weakness.
It honestly just came as an Idea bcs i've started making historical loadouts and thought the Idea would be interesting

>"it needs to be restricted to either Faction, Class or Main Gun."
Maybe have it based on Caliber size, Large caliber Ammo goes for BBs and BCs
Medium caliber goes for CLs CAs and CBs
Light caliber goes for DDs and stuff that can mount DD guns as main weapons
The same could be done to Planes I guess, AP bombs, HE bombs, Incendiary

Obviously it would have more than just changing X to Y but I didn't think far enough into the idea
So I'm assuming you need to mind your wording? No straight explicit stuff, that sucks.
Joffre is adorable.
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it keeps happening
You say you like a good bote, but you need the bad (ningen) poosee
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I want a way to improve rng and types of results in the research lab
pink cunts have no rights btw
Opinion on the new l2ds?
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Joffree has a cute feet
Strasbourg would have benefited more from a boob l2d with her mighty saggers
Lovely Strasbourg
>80 cubes and all my coins
>not a single new bote
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Strasbourg does the heart symbol with her hands, too.
>flashes you her crotch
What did she mean by this?
Can you smack her ass? That alone makes the NJ skin the best in the game by miles.
Mog lost, Joffre won.
Future so bright I gotta wear shades.
What's she doing?
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Am I crazy or the research UI feels different when you tap?
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she is sticking her big lower cannon inside of me
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All(?) pop up windows got updated to fade in and out instead of instantly appearing on screen.
not just you dude, there's a little fade in/out now
I am going to smell Taihou's feet whether she likes it or not
L' acutie
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The face makes it so much better.
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SKK mark of approval
i wanna cyberstalk javelin
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The namyo trademark cute blushing face
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You will quickly find out she masturbates to creepshots of (You)
I'm gonna step on the gas.
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What a good girl.
Janitor allows NSFW and some bots can even have their scenarios edited so you can play with certain fetishes or situations (for example you can put there that the character will always lactate whenever you spank her and the bot will do that)
Overall janitor is the best character AI alternative but it is slow as shit because of the heavy traffic and the interface is ugly
Yodayo also allows full NSFW but you need to activate it, it is more user friendly and the interface is nice to look at, but you are limited in your messages as each message costs one token (in reality this is no problem at all because said tokens are abundant as shit)
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grope Niimi
Joffre's Joffres got bigger
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Gently biting Joffres puffy joffres....
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They're so perfect. They belong in my hands.
If anything they got smaller given the shitty proportion with the windshield lmao
She got groped a lot lately too.
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strASSbourg my queen
I dom't think anyone knows who even that is
Dayummmmm strasbooty!
grope niimi
these proportions make me lol
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What does this do?
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>can't even smack her ass or have her dance
they'll never top New Jersey will they?
grope Joffre
One is a heal, I think that the other are buffs.
You don't have to pretend to care about her
sayonara Nikke, Azur Lane just killed you
I seriously fucking hate botes and th
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Anyone found 16?
It's probably the button to turn off the "stuck in the door" pose at 8, you can't see it because obviously you can't trigger the scan.
I'll stick to niimi
serves you right, SHITcan.
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Don't try co-opt grope niimi for your autistic war
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Is Laffey beautiful?
She's very pretty
I will GRAB a bote and PIN HER DOWN with all my strength and proceed to PENETRATE HER HOLES BRUTALLY until I reach her cervix to make her pass out in pure PAIN AND AGONY
Then I will discard said bote and move on to the next rapemeat
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Rhetorical question?
Is Essex sexy?
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Is Saratoga cute?
Don't steal memes then, cuck.
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It's absolutely criminal there's no ass slap interaction here
I don't claim any authorships for it, anons can use it to talk about botes, any bote, stupid shitposter faggot.
Fingers crossed there's an update. It's weird for 6 and 9 to show up on the scan when there's nothing on them.
I want to rub my dick between those cheeks
is nice to see your shitpost backfiring
You don’t have to this, you don’t have to that, just shut up already

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