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Previous Thread: >>486726682


>Unicorn Overlord Was Originally Planned for PS Vita

>God Wars series sales top 400,000

>Tales of Hearts R delisting

>Ray Gigant has been delisted

>NIS America Releases Being Delisted from PSN

>Jet Set Knights is getting a physical release

>Killzone Mercenary Multiplayer Shut Down

>Content Can No Longer Be Transferred Between PS3 and PS Vita

>Update adds new security measures

>Root Letter series shipments and digital sales top 500,000

>Grand Kingdom to be delisted from Store on February 28 in Japan

>Freedom Wars, Soul Sacrifice to Have Servers Shuttered


>PSN Friends List

Want hacks/homebrew discussion?
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nice but one of those doesn't count
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Thanks Estelle-bro.
What's the significance of the number 3898 to warrant it getting a special edition?
Shall we drink together, vitagen?
>IP counter is gone
>I can pretend all six posts thus far are mine
Real DEVILISH hours.
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second row, fifth column
I literally have never drank any alcohol in my entire life.
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Not sure yet, posting from office wifi
never slept with open eyes? or maybe they're just drawn on top of closed eyelids?
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Hopefully some vita time tonight.
I've been playing a lot of smaller games in short bursts lately. Truly one of vita's biggest strengths.
I forgot how much I like Project Diva
plat the miku
pat the miku
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I will plat F, F 2nd and X
I don’t have a psp so I can’t play dreamy theater though
I don't have miku
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I also forgot how much fun future tone is
But it’s fucking hard with just a ds4 on harder difficulties
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can you blame me?
He reply me with the sleep screenshot
Sometimes I wonder what will vitagen do the day i no longer here
Hope everything is fine
Yep still no miku(Project Diva)
Buy f 2nd estelle
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Old hags will rule the planet.
I wish there was a place to discuss my love of the Playstation® Vita™
please tell us more
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Much like kobuto v wait for sale hahaha as if
And die after
Good news anon you are in that place
If only I could discuss the sleek design, the OLED™ screen, the d-pad, the games, the boobs, Miku, touhou, and more...
But alas, this is the naptime general.
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Sara my beloved
Always nice to see Sara
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Why is she sweating so much
Because it's so hot
Christina is hot
she needs a shower and some ice cold dr pepper
But it's very cold here
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I wish it was cold in here, this heat is killing me.
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Marie put on some weight
no no no no no no no no
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This is what Twitter keeps showing me
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are you complaining or boasting?
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The algorithm works as intended.
I still have never read or watched steins gate
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I will have to remove you from the vitagen council if you keep this up
You should
You really should
I have it and 0 on my shelf, just haven’t gotten around to it yet
Maybe some day
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I'm surprised that this game is still alive and receiving content
I’m in love with the art in Aquaplus games, Dungeon Travelers and Uta have such good art. Does that artist do other games?
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He sometimes draws fanart of other stuff.
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hey vitagen, what's your favorite vita, psp & ps1 game? bonus: unoffical games(fan made games/ports)
Valhalla Knights 3
Conception 2
kiseki (suikoden)
kiseki (sex)
come on vitagen
soul reaver 1
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Good night, vitagen.
natural doctrine
Gundam Breaker 3, Black Rock Shooter: The Game, and Castlevania: Symphony of the Night.
Freedom Wars, Prinny, Jade Cocoon.
Really dead?
Really really dead
Can it be helped?
i guess not
Not so fast.
So how can it be?
I Don't have it
(You) just need to believe in yourself!
i don't
im sad
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Odin Sphere Leifthrasir (pic related)
Phantasy Star Portable 2 Infinity
Ape Escape
Going to buy the Japanese version of project diva f so I can stack the plats
It’s like 10 bucks on ebay, you really can’t afford that?
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no money to buy games
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huh you don't mention these games much, except txk I guess
Who is your favorite odin sphere?
Steins;Gate is decent but extremely overrated.
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Yeah it didn't work this time
sleep houts
>hout (plural houts)
>(Rhodesia, slang, ethnic slur) A black African.
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The thread is dying, doctor needed
Japanese students can't go to toilet during class?
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I called the nurses but they seem to be busy
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500 hours in MS Paint.
this game sucks btw
Rabbit is probably the most fun to do silly combos with, bu the flying fairy is cool too just to do stupid cheesy strats.
>you don't mention these games much
Some of them (like P4G or Gravity Rush) I played in 2013-2015, before I became a regular vitagenner.
Whereas something like EDF2 I did post a lot about but back in 2018 or so.
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Good morning, vitagen.
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I hope it's going to be a good day for you, anon.
I hope so too.
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Let's work hard to make it a reality.
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Good morning
I hated
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really sad
good morning vitagen
i dreamt that i saw a vitagenner on /v/
if your 17 year old sister unexpectedly died would you celebrate her death every year?
Blame the senran devs to keep make her coming back and kill her again so she would join GANTZ in that event
that's not the issue
personally I feel sad every year on the anniversary of a death, especially because of how she died. not exactly a "happy anniversary!!"
Or blame mana if you are one of those people
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She might as well be alive at this point and her death was a bad joke plot twist in 7even?!!?
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Oh nooo...
I really like Akibas Trip
Fun game
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Oops dead
nice hat
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i guess?
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Too hot
can anyone post that?
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I’m in my 30s now and this makes me sad
>Why is he a shota?
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umu yourself
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russian roulette?
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must be?
blue archive collab?
bros i had to sell my vita to pay off some money but i want one again, where should i look for it?
Japan has the best ones
i really like playing fighting games
i beat solb if that counts
Thanks to v3 that's possible
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What is going to happen next
golden eye 64 multiplayer.
>6 people
Two people are gonna be out
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It's okay anon, there's at least one more joystick that one of them can use.
I don’t get it
That dk 64 banana controller for sure
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Need something?
Have free money to give?
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Good night, vitagen.
zzzz well
Man, it's crazy. I remember playing some online card game and frequently going to the thread there on /vg/, but the game is slowly dying and the threads are a fucking ghost town. It's amazing how long vitagen has survived.
Its gonna be really sad when it dies
but that's never gonna happen
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>but that's never gonna happen
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beware of nep
what the fuck
I think it's a mod for the pc version
Nep is real
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>PlayStation Portal sales continue to do well
>PlayStation Portal sales have surprised Sony itself
corpo being corpo
they don't understand what it means a good product and what people want
they knew it's bad, the least effort they could give, but people bought it anyway and what to do now?
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Thanks anon but you know
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Hi dudes, do you guys still play games together? I would love to play a game with you guys but I don't have my vita with me right now.
vitagen plays valkyrie drive every week and unist sometimes
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Never ever in Strive LMAO
It doesn't matter because never ever money for strive
for the better
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Wew, finally did it. What a ride. Now for Fury.
Also it irritates me they disabled screen shots from the Vita and only accept their own photos.
I do not recognise this.
Yeah, it's WipEout 2048's DLC with the whole WipEout HD campaign. 2048 is the game that really got me hooked to my Vita.
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to life, to everything~
there is so much left to see, and more to be~
no anon no
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doesn't work
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Good morning
Hey hello Good morning(evening)
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Hope it wasn't a shit day
It was but what can i do at this point
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Oh well, gotta try make it better next day then.
one can only hope
I reached Chapter 8 yesterday in my re-playthrough with a Newman Force.
Sazonde Superiority is real.
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Do any of you have rubber stick grips? Refurbishing my Vita 1000 and the right stick's cap is a little beat up, but actually replacing the whole stick is too expensive and disassembling it to dislodge the clip looks horrific. Not sure if there's a good brand for those slip-on caps instead
I tried these and didn't like them
Sorry to say
Wasn't able to push the stick all the way down anymore so Kat would only run at half speed
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now to sleep
have a good weekend vitagen
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how do i apply a vita theme i got from here?
i have costume theme manager installed but what next?
Megurine Luka is very sexual
Do you still need to block enemy attacks or is it more about running around and blasting enemies from a safe distance?
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Has anyone here tried EDF6?
I need real opinions.
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Good morning, vitagen.
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I guess not then.
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good morning
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>Finally manage to sit down and play more Tokyo Xanadu
>Go to the arcade, play Rean and Alisa minigames, be filled with absolute joy
>It finally starts raining outside
>With loud sounds of thunder
>Time to unplug stuff and wait for the thunder to blow over

It's like the world is actively trying to prevent me from playing my vidya. At least I should be happy that the rain is there to ease the heat a little bit.
>have a good weekend vitagen
Thanks friendo. You too.
So far I've only encountered a single enemy type where I had to use a shield to block. Every other enemy can be dealt with by just blasting them with techs from a safe distance. I imagine this might change near the end of the game.
Anon, the ones on vita are 2 and 3 (2017).
And to answer your question, no, I haven't. I was about to say "ask /v/" but half of the /v/ EDF threads have devolved into shit-flinging posts about helldivers and epic game store accounts.
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Having a great day?
>Time to unplug stuff and wait for the thunder to blow over
Is that still a thing? I thought modern surge protectors took care of everything. I haven't had to do that whole routine in over a decade.
I have no idea how the stuff is in the apartment I'm currently in, it's a pretty old building and my Vita TV is plugged in an extension cord that isn't exactly modern. It is possible I'm worrying over nothing, it's just something that has stuck over the years as something to do just in case after my cousin had his computer fried during a thunderstorm back in the day.
still sleepy

I liked the card game minigame. Never played cold steel so it was my first time playing it
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Vita runs on battery at least
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Vita TV doesn't, unfortunately. But it looks like the worst has passed, so I can get back to playing more soon enough.
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Wait what vitagen still exists? Wild. Wonder if the discord is still kicking about.

Anyways friendly reminder that the Ciel Nosurge translation patch is in beta atm and will get its stable release soon seemingly so if you care about that, there you go.
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What discord?
Well I guess that answers that question
>Anyways friendly reminder that the Ciel Nosurge translation patch is in beta atm and will get its stable release soon seemingly so if you care about that
i do
thank you anon
why are they bathing together
that's a long miku
saving on water

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