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>Chocorpokkur Twitch Viewer Rewards Campaign (From July 2 to July 29)

• July 27th, 7:00 PM EST | Cuchulainn, Dynamis, Wolves' Den Pier, Top of the Ship | Casual CC Sync Meetup >>487358505
• July 28, 6:00 PM CDT | Sephirot, Tuliyollal Instance 1 (12.9, 15.5) | Tural Thread Throwdown >>487485281
• August 3, 4:00 PM EDT | Rafflesia, Gold Saucer, Mahjong Lounge | /xivg/ Mahjong Open Tournament >>486892289

Previously, on /xivg/: >>487542289
I accept your challenge and welcome your input.

nah, man, it's, totally, how, people, talk. People, always, pause, after, every, single, word, for, emphasis.
those are commas retard
apostrophes are in words like it's or y'all
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Hey remember when the game world was just this?
People won't do that because they don't want to get banned.
Is this WG?
its early in the morning stop it
stop it right now
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still cant believe this is in the game
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This thread is brought to you by Malera.
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Anyone wanna....?
What mental problems/illnesses does your WoL suffer from?
Wanna what? Finish your god damn sentence.
We can be nostalgic and stuff. Because we're old.
why are you french?
We 'ike this'n. This'n what Fin'l F'nts'y is 'll 'bout. 'Anging with the 'cord at the 'ench 'n 'ountain, 'ooning our 'lil 'rains out 'hile we 'dle.
>22% of the way into dawntrail
this is taking forever
femezen are cool
So what?
made for casual risky s
femezen are ugly
we love this
we want this to happen to us
He's a sadistic paranoid misogynist.
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*Drains all your aether*
Any race you want really, just have to make a /c/ saying you're into that, or putting something in your search info that say people can just start ERPing with you in /tell's
I usually go with Bibo+ Uranus, and then try to get clothes to fit around that
>messing around trying to make a cute hrothgal to fanta into
>make something I like
>it's the same face 2 cat that everyone else made
I am tired of this limited ass character creation
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I need on the coffer so I can throw away the pieces and deny a coomer a glam.
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does loneliness and depression count?
What about those of us who didn't make face 2 cats?
How about you keep it in the previous thread, ok sunshine?
Yes- but-- en-dashes and em-dashes are.

I can. Japanese and Koreans love that shit.
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You say this like it wouldn't be genuine kino
This but unironically
well I'm sure your face 3 is cute too
can we plap?
My hrothgal turned a higher level femra into her retainer
Did you run the screenshot through some sort of processing because you were concerned someone would figure out who you are by the font size setting or something?

jacke and oboro are based as fuck,i wish they would show up again
Face 4, actually.
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Good morning, fiddie friend.
Can't wait to get reported for using a knightly glam in this cyberslop area by runoffs from the Second Life crowd because I'm "RUNINING DEIR IMMERSHION!!!!"
This savage tier will be pretty easy, r-right?
It won't bully me like abyssos and anabasios...?
>asshole neighbor kicked me out of his house while I was afk
Revert the update
+5 thread coin has been deposited into your e-cred account for responding to the industry plant with avatar attached
>cowboy land+heritage found is the size of Eorzea

Tural is more wasted space than Othard
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I commend onlu femras
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Here you go, grandpa, I increased the font size so you can read it without your glasses.
thank you i will use this to buy more (You)s and hire a thread schizo
I am a femlala who's going to smooch your femlala and you can't stop me
holy based
You need to queue for frontlines on Primal right now.
She is afraid to let go and has a difficult time to move on.
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If this is the same anon that asks, I don't think our times line up
I'm posting here before/after work and I'm usually kind of busy
Sorry sweet thang
Good morning!
No I don't like queueing with trannies like you.
he sounds based
Yeah this will totally happen
>erp with a semi-famous ebin once
>develop a crush on him instantly
>crush is still lingering
am I that attention starved
Let me tell you something. This FFXIV game? It ain't like boxing. There are no game overs. The man who wipes the raid ain't the loser, the man who can't tough it to the end is. Eh? Don't ya think?
Having a femra or a lala beat me on mount roll? Couldn't give a fuck. As long as i'm pumping, i'll keep getting back up for more.
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Love fiddies
First tier is usually pretty easy.
Oh so the text is just rendered really poorly when that small? My bad I forget how this game is
Sorry, I am fishing to to buy aethersands.
dont engage with that faggot. he whole gimmick is "lol fiddies and middies bros!!!! XDXD" AT is an actual sub human nigger
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>Wait Time: More than 30m
>am I that attention starved
touch starved too
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better yet, wear a cyberslop glam and ruin medievalfags immersion
Wrong person
Literally who?
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How do i become the next industry plant ebin
post at Yukimi never ceases to make me laugh
FFXIV? In this game there are no second chances
An elite cabal of lalafell raiders have eyes everywhere, they have hacked every network. They are watching you right now and will globally blacklist you from all future raids if you perform badly in the coming savage raids. After you have been shunned, you have no other hope than wander aimlessly as a raidlet on the streets of Limsa, never again allowed into a single party ever again.
>Cyberslop glam
Like that one Hrothgar that LARPs as Johnny SIlverhand to make up for being boring as shit?
cecilia plapvost
>dsr was hard af
>"second raid tier will be easy they will want to give people a break after dsr was so hard"
>second raid tier is the hardest shit ever and has to be nerfed because even top teams can't beat it w1 with their damage
>"top won't be so hard though, after dsr and abyssos they will give people a comfy cool ult"
>top is even harder than dsr
>"don't worry last tier is ALWAYS comfy its a retirement tier you can just chill and enjoy the end of the expansion like always"
>its even harder than abyssos and cucks you constantly with body checks
>"don't worry bro for real this time the first tier of DT will be super easy first tiers ALWAYS are (just like last tiers always were xD!!) just enjoy summer vacation raiding comfiness!"
The community boomers are fucking liars man
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I'm a lone wolf, sorry...
his porn is amazing though and i can't wait to take his knot again
What do you sell from fishing...

Imagine lashing out at someone with something so specific only to be dead wrong about
This is unironically how it was in ARR.
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My wife
Weird projection. You're likely the boring one.
first tier last expansion was easy as fuck though
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Please post poopnose sunnies, my only weakness.
EB me and cuck me please
I fish for goldgroupers, but idk if that's the best thing to go for, I only go for them because they're always up.
Is there a plugin that shows me the current active collectables?
I wish femlalas liked lalaboys.
Wait, I thought moonies were the poopnoses?
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what makes samurai fun
Lone wolves do not exist.
i'll do anything if you EB me
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cucking seems mean
I love malera...
Fuck off femra.
How does one race attract this many dogshit posters?
>But sunnies
Not the same. If you think people like Macchi and Elk are the same as these refugees you're not from here.
super midare makes my brain tingle when I use it
Post your char on cooldown replying to 10 people
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The only cyberslop part about that is the chest piece though, and maybe hands.
raping haughty NIN girls that try to infiltrate your fief
Industry plants propped up by discord cliques in exchange for questionable porn or lewd acts
sex with all of these fiddies except the rightmost one
You'd be surprised.
my malera did a burnout on the dawn throne with his regalia
he mogs every "straight" hroth itt
>cucking seems mean
its kind of the point.....
why? i havent gotten to 100 yet but at 94 it feels just ok to use, ninja is more fun so far
HE'S NOT BASED HE'S A LITTLE BITCH! And I'm pretty sure he's gay and wanted me out his dumb house so he could have GAY SEX in there

I'm so fucking pissed. I was literally in a semi okay mood fresh out the bath and now this PUSSY treats me like this!
Is it too late to try and clear EX 1 and 2?
>ERPing in some random house
>all of a sudden outside
It was hilarious.
a bunch of added screen shakes and the animation is cooler
I am literally malerafiddie. That's my only gimmick.
I just want a Xaela to marry my fiddie, impregnate her, and start a small business together to raise their two kids
erp with me and then I'll ghost you after
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Any movie recommendations while I craft
>every "straight" hroth itt
That's like, 2 people?
you can go hang out at my house on excalibur if you're able to

i'm not at home right now
I don't want to be mean
>DSR was hard
Lol, majority of raiders sleepwalked their way through TEA all of SHB and were hit with a bit of real challenge. UCOB in 4.1 was much harder.
>second raid tier nerfed
Because the devs didn't test their own shit and it was going to be another Gordias disaster with most more banned jobs by comparison if they didn't nerf it asap.
>top is harder
TOP is easier than DSR
>Anabaseios was hard
They removed any semblance of DPS check after the disaster of Abyssos, only hard part was NIN and BLM 2min during superchain 1. Rest was easy as shit.
I genuinely get scared when fiddies target me
So his personality is porn. Riveting i guess
do you wanna hang out in my house
I'm a lala
Why is that...
>accidentally target cute thread fiddie
>become targeted by schizos for months
every time bros
based retard
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Show me your hotbars I don't like mine and need some inspiration before savage drops
Is it cheating to say Vorpolor is the worst VA in the game?
Im genuinely skipping this shit it is so absurdly annoying
Come to my house and we will have sex there if you are so jealous
>now this PUSSY treats me like this!
Why are you shocked that the owner of a house kicks you out?
That's 2 too many.
that's everyone here, the difference is his work is good
im scared ill have to talk to them and the things they might say...
no other race does this to me
Was hiroi a childrens writer?
>that's everyone here
Everyone in your discord
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It is a scar that hurts me. I don't mind science fantasy like FF7, but what the sugar coated Korean hellscape have they unleashed upon our poor Star?

Expanding the world isn't a bad thing. Adding valueless filler and unbelievable retcons is problem.

For example, the Hanuhanu are approached with the cultural sensitivity of a middle American child learning black people exist outside a basketball court. They are treated as "Vanu vanu, but on the ground and with a single special festival that represents their entire identity." They even specialize in wind magics. This kind of expansion is the characterization equivalent of fighting low level natural colored crabs on the beach till you get the the next zone and fight the abnormally colored crabs in the next zone. There is nothing meaningful about their introduction, as if you replaced them with literally any other NPC race group you could have the exact same story.

As for the retcons, oh my god the mamool ja (the beastman tribe so devoid of characterization outside of "sellswords who kill stuff and sometimes have two heads" that when they designed the ARR beast tribe quests they went with the Sahagin instead, who are just "water flavored" mamool ja down to using the same skeletons.). They just drop you off the boat and go "Oh yeah, those dudes who exist to be fate fodder and mobs? Yeah actually they were only pretending to be retarded." Where was the Mamool ja lore side quest? Where was the implication before this that they even had a modern society? Are we really expected to believe that despite there having been a trade system between the New World and Old World, and countless mercs coming over for work in Eorzea, that in all that time, despite bridging the cultural gaps between beast tribes and overcoming our differences to make a better world, in all that time, at no point did even one mamool ja step up and go "Umm, actually, could we join in on your plan too?"

Frankly, it's an insult.
>that's everyone here
I'm still here and I still think coomers should keep their cooming on their boards.
crystal? biohole?
Are you a lalaboy or a lala"boy"???
Whats his @
>go afk in a strager's house
>get kicked
Why are you surprised?
Not an ounce of personality in this picture
How do I get a fiddie to look at me like this
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Oh yeah i forgot i got this mount, sadly im never gone use it...
It's not on crystal so no thank you
>I'm a l-
Can we forego the sex and you just tell me where your nice home is? It IS nice, right?
What do you mean WHY? I've been very nice to him for years as his neighbor and visit all the time and now he finally shows his gay true rainbow colors

Just you wait. Next time I see him, I'm gonna make him wish he blacklisted me instead
Chaos sisters how are we doing today?
Got a semi rn
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comfiest arr zone
I am queueing skydeep cenote for the 6th time today...
If it weren't for the tryhard cyberarm I wouldn't mind him, but he just comes off like a massive faggot because of it.
i like to walk into random personal houses and find cute femra on lonely friday nights
Isn't that the same thing as being a JRPG writer?
cute, retarded, rapeable. immutable moonie characteristics
>gay man doesn't want a woman hanging around acting like a fag hag and yammering on about the man who won't leave his girlfriend for her
I'm shocked.
My house is nice but it’s on Dynamis sorry Akemi, I hope you have a nicer day.
Finally reached 701 ilvl.
You can take the hay off akemi, I promise I'll only do it once a week. You are safe for 6 more days.
what job?
you can ignore me being a lala I won't bother you in the house
I always wonder what the type of person is to fall for these posts
both are so piss easy that you can fresh prog to clear in pf in a single lockout so no, go for it.
I'm going to start doing this on Friday nights. Surely this is how i bag myself a femlala eb.
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No they’re really easy if you put up a pf on Aether or dynamis I can help
>he doesnt know about the femra pitfall home alone traps
my femlala sings along to this and all other alt/emo rock from that era
Biggest fags (derogatory, homoracist) in this game.
my moonie is like this
>Can we forego the sex and you just tell me where your nice home is? It IS nice, right?
Yeah its pretty nice, this is my bedroom
It's mostly just hoping that it's real so that I can be mean to the kind of person to threaten to kill themselves in front of a bunch of strangers for attention and sympathy. I've been taken advantage of like that in the past by the exact kind of person Asante here is depicting and it's in no way endearing.
Will I get in trouble if I make a fiddie named Anita Blackman
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My malera on the left.
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This is fake complexity.
Useless in Raids and actively detrimental to use in dungeons.
Why they thought Sage needed a GCD worse than Phlegma that has less use cases and is net negative DPS to use I will never understand
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Woah, c-can I come over...?
thats not true
>actively detrimental to use in dungeons
>and is net negative DPS to use
Ah yes

the retard that is bad at math has arrived
Cause it's instant.
is it not just a free dosis?
it's so you can dps while moving retard
scholar has the same thing with ruin 2
>Useless in Raids and actively detrimental to use in dungeons.
My goonie's got a big brain
F1 or F2 Malezen?
Congratulations, I'm on 703 myself.
It is a free dosis that costs no MP, is instant, and is 10 potency higher than Dyskrasia.
It's effectively a refund for the GCD lost by applying a shield similar to how DRKs get a free EoS by using Blackest Night
Retard or bait. Call it.
My femmyzen on the right
Can a malera find true love?
getting big brain from this goonie
my femra is like this
Bro, Akemi is a Euro pretending to be a millennial woman and laughing at you when you post shit like this.
I am
The straightest catboy
What's the most anorexia coded race?
We cannot bro...
We must find love in our NPCs. They won't reject us...
make a golem and love that
You know, I only vent about that stuff here and to my sister. I'm not crazy enough to be telling randoms that
Thank you, you too, dynamisbab
That's okay, I refuse to visit a home made by or for short people
I mean honestly after tonight......
You think this is appropriate to live?
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I was wondering what you two were doing.
Yes, but it won't be with femra
Of course all the most boring and fakenice ebins are friends with each other.
F1 is less edgy, F2 is more edgy. Up to you.
Yeah, the Mamool Ja thing was so aggravating to see. It was clearly someone trying to make some cultural message. Hated seeing it.

I actually don't mind the Hanuhanu as a 'vanuvanu but just birds of paradise', but I wanted the game to point that out more and wonder how and why that happened. I wanted there to be at least a blue quest chain or something where Vanu Vanu and Hanuhanu talk about their cultural similarities and differences, maybe talk about Bismarck a bit.
>standoff when no one wants to MT
>/cheer one of them until they turn on enmity
anyone else?
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*sounds retarded in your path*
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I wish there were benches or tables to sit down at near the solution nine vendors
It's best not to dwell on the matters of lizards.
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Starting the Dawntrail MSQ with my same race opposite sex tank EB, how much of it can we skip while still somewhat following the story? We're at the branching quest part.
Khans..... We can't let this be the only way
With my femra, yes.
you misplaced your rpr job stone or some shit?
What's the raid location brahs?
Time to siege wall-cucks.
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I wish there were hot bunnyboys to have sex with near the solution nine vendors
Can you help me find it?
can I marry you
Take the fiddiepill, brother
Azim made them specifically for us. They are biologically engineered for true khagans
bunnyboy post
Are there any gear pieces in-game that look similar to those in her outfit?
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Grape-Flavored Cat checking in! Nya~~
May I plap?
>Azim made them specifically for us
But that's raens
Go run Shisui of the Violet Tides a few times
my femra is going to have a melty soon
Unless your femra is a popular member of the sunning rock, no one cares.
Malera here.
That's all. Have a good one bro! B)
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you left it here bro
up your ass get it?
my sunnie+ is going to have a melty soon(its what i call a prostate orgasm)
Can you meltie at my sunnie
Raen are inferior Au Ra that couldn't handle Steppe life. Do you really want some pasty underwater neet that smells of fish
will a gear mod work on femhroth if it's not listed in the races bit in the mod info
assuming it's using a body mod that does for sure work
I'm gonna grape you in the mouth.
>grape flavored
but i want grapefruit flavor
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Azim made them, that's the lore.
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I'm a femlala who wants another femlala to pin me down and make me squirm
desu desu desu desu desu
sneaking a cheeky palmful of her grape flavored chest
What healer should I pick up as malera
My femlala is doing a threesome with a malera and a midlander. She doesn’t want to look like some sort of jester, so she’s gonna glamour to elezan for it (basically same idea as lalafelll). What’s a good body mod for them?
No. Because I'm one of the tanks.
Look in your heart and know the truth. Cast off the shackles of propaganda
Take a fiddie wife today.
Preferably me, thanks
what jobs were the tanks on
WHM, like the rest of your slutty race.
Malera are BUILDED for Femroe Amazon Press
Fantasia to femra then play white mage like a good empty headed slut
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i remember once i unironically made a navy seal maleraen (he can breathe underwater) alt for merc rp and it was a fucking blast
I just pull and see how they react
I'm a office ra
usually gnb and drk, almost never war
i never see paladins
If you have to ask, the answer is always SGE. It designed to be retard-proof
Who said ACE was nice??
What did I tell you about taking your trip off?
please post female characters /stretching.
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>so she’s gonna glamour to elezan for
stay off my race you filthy goblin
Hellooo handsomee
Grandma is that you? I have something to show you Send her this https://x.com/LHLr_/status/1812462039454962178?t=9ZJRI66NXAL2lxNf00D9ng&s=19
are you the chick with the blown out pussy?
yeah gnbsissies and drksissies are like that but did the scenario actually happen or did you make it up
you're a suck my dick under the desk ra
I got burger king
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Just finished Endwalker's normal raid!
It was quite a fun raid and I enjoyed hanging out with my frenemies :'D
I had quite a chuckle when I saw Athena do the thing as I've seen that pic posted here often since I started posting xD
aggressive agp sunnie+ posters...
>turn on stance
>other tank also turned on theirs
>fight for enmity for a moment
>turn off stance
>other tank turns theirs off too
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Way ahead of you even though my head is very full!
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why do you look like you have FAS?
>garleans can easily conquer fortified cities
>They reach the Steppe see a couple au ra huddled around a fire beside some tents and immediately get in their magitek shit and run away
built for R1a malera
/slaps your ass
Why does every single femra wear these stupid giant circle glasses
Is it a factory default setting or something
Glad you had fun, anon
it does happen yes
also sometimes if i'm tanking and cbf mting and the other tank isn't new i /point at them and then at the boss
It is what it is brother. We don't have to like it but we do have to accept it.
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Why doesn't Y'shtola simply turn all of the bad guys into frogs?
It’s pretty obvious lalafell and elezan are morphologically similar, probably only diverged in the last 500 years due to island dwarfism.
should i do a leveling roulette as a paladin or a dragoon
Copying Jill, a real thread celebrity.
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If I can't have the real thing...
I wish she'd turn me into a frog and stuff me into her panties
You're doing it wrong then. The only thing on your mind should be cock. That's the only correct way to play a femra whitemage.
Thanks bro, you too
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circle glasses mean they'll suck the bone marrow out of your dick
Literally who
Why are femra players insane
Humongus cup, looks bigger than your torso
Please take a pic holding it in your lap
Glad you had fun
Builded for my meek agp sunnie-
healer ig D:
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wear this on your gathering classes
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imagine knowing who any of these fucking retards are
need a failed free use femra that's taken to raping men as a way of feeling alive
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If you can find me
Now what are you planning on doing with that now, dork?
the only thing that au ra and midlander should impale you with is a actual spear,kill yourself
no i just pull anyway
please say aether and you need an EB
>I come to a thread for a social MMO but never interact with any of the people from that thread
So you come here why, dipshit?
so you made it up and you're also the gnb/drksissy
Just finished the main questline for a realm reborn, how much more do I need to go through to get to raids and that stuff? I'm currently at level 51.
I post so little now its alright isnt it

I pause it thinking they were nekkid but they werent

You're a day dreaming malera

Big round glasses is smart style
My malera is the dean blunt of xivg.
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Is loving ShB a bad thing now
I'll figure it out.
Negative on both accounts i'm afraid.
Ah so they're basic bitch thot glasses, got it
Definition of forced Industry plant
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my femra acts like this
She has to say the WHOLE rhyme, and stand still during it, so every villain just throws books at her head if she ever starts saying "hippity hop" in battle.
no that's just a bait image
Do you like warrior main sunnie+
thoughts? feelings?
not making it up but you're free to believe that if that makes you feel hot
On it
I thought redra had a brain debuff
sorry my femra is already moonie+ owned
I'm planning on huffing my hand but not being out of sight so I get caught and teased
How did femra become the e-girl race when catgirls are right there? Would fiera have taken their place had they been in sooner?
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>MT actively spamming defensive abilities and utilities at people about to take damage
>OT can barely even mitigate themselves
It's oddly common for me to see that it's kind of comical
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My monk malera wears this and LARPS and Kiryu
Would you let me dungeon with you
cringe like every other xiv lewd twitter account
Being a Binger is bad.
Being a bottom in a tops world is true pain
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I can imagine the Garleans looked at the steppes and arrogantly assumed there was nothing of value and no one of any threat there, and decided to prioritize the Eorzean campaign. Which was a mistake on their part for a lot of reasons.
all the egirls i know play catgirls or fiddies
a suprising amount of women play fiddies
Sorry yakuza isn't cool anymore I'm afraid
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Why did they include petplay in this sidequest?
dumb coomer shit
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guy explaining things fast meme
I don't hornypost but sex
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It's just JP kino, Grandma, also check it
Hey babe, tributed the latest picture of that brown asshole of yours!
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Thank you ^.^
Trip off, NOW!
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Why do you look like a gorilla?
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au ra and miqo'te are the same anyone who says otherwise is a actual fucking retard
Real Yakuza don't care if it's cool.
And they play XIV on gamepad.
people that OT a lot are just wusses wanting to play 5th dps
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Guys I have to pewp bade
Hey I'm an occasional OT PLD that constantly uses Divine Veil and Intervention.
>a actual
fucking retard
Where were the Yakuza in SB????
It's a brainpower not size debuff, a xaela tradition.
I'd commend him every time.
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I don't hate you, Wuk. Your character is fine enough and you have your moments. You are misused, terribly handled, and I think many people blame the past 7 hours of filler squarely on your character writing, when in reality not even a funny character like Asahi could carry a plot this meandering.
I think you have the potential to be in a good story, and I am hoping that people are wrong and you improve in the latter half of this story. And if not, there are always the postpatches to give it another shot.
do not ironically like dawntrail just to spite people who started at shadowbringers
my n key doesn't work well you fucking nigger
i do hornypost and sex
>ZR thighjob while licking those pits
uuuuhhhhhhhhhhhhhoooo i am now become ssseeeeeexx
OT is the sleeping role.
Hiring Yojimbo as a bodyguard.
Building Castletown.
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They were the Yakuza.
bwo..... it just gets worse
Shes a shit character in a shit msq.
sex. rape.
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You want compromise, how's this? Twenty years in the can I wanted Baked Eggplant, but I compromised. I ate Boiled Eggs off the ceruleum heater instead. I wanted to fuck a femra himcess, but I compromised. I did gpose for horsefuta bitchbreaker femores.. You see where I'm going with this?
Ew nobody asked for your opinion you fat giant cockroach!

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I love her...
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Aw Grandma don't be jealous now
>do things solo
>feel lonely and bored
>find a group of friends that want to do content
>start to miss the time when I could just be chill and do stuff whenever I wanted
Not even on DT yet and I would absolutely kill Wuk's troon VA
Can't imagine listening to that scratchy faggot for more than two seconds
how much gil am I looking at
wait till you hear what marriage is like
We should have fought Zenos shirtless and had our job icons flash on our backs like a tattoo
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Anybody wanna farm ex 1
She's the reason we're there, the reason we have to go through the trials, the reason the trials are pretty much written exactly to be "what would be something that Wuk Lamat could solve that the others would refuse to do or fail at", the reason the various tribes have to turn retarded so she has something to solve and be the hero about, and the character who talks as much as every other character along that section put together.

There has to come a point where you accept that the fucking character is just bad, anon. "You're not a bad character, you just had a shit deal with your story" is something that applies to Krile, to Erenville, even possibly to Zero. Not to Wuk Lamat, you can't say Wuk Lamat just suffers from a bad story because Wuk Lamat IS the story.
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thats not even the main money maker
in jp they sound fine, i have no idea why in english they decided to make them sound like an old engine
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I swear to fucking god Hiroi write a different thing for once
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Posting Kagami is my personality, you even stole my picture. STOP THIS!
Are you cute?
femraen x mava, as it should be...
>its just dt prepatch dt will be better
>its just the first 2 zones , the rest will be better
>its just the rite, the maq part 2 will be better
>it was just final zone build up, the finish will be bettter
>it was just dt msq, the post patches will be better
You guys are making me want to just be a skipper for DT's MSQ.
Wuk Lamat dies in post patch
Wuk Lamat dies in post patch
Wuk Lamat dies in post patch
Wuk Lamat dies in post patch
Wuk Lamat dies in post patch
Wuk Lamat dies in post patch
Wuk Lamat dies in post patch
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wait isn't this huge?
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Hiroi did not write the body of the text
The two scenario writers did
>Can we forego the sex and you just tell me where your nice home is? It IS nice, right?

Plot 41, 23rd Ward, The Goblet Balmung
My friend sent me this I just liked it cuz it’s cute
Dynamis alright?
Yeah I’m a catgirl
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I know the running theme about this game is having hope, but please don't get my hopes up like this.
Need cute femroth gf NOW
>Dynamis alright?
I don't have half the gil there...
Why does the WoL sleep in I pose thats fucking unnerving bro
So how long until it can be used to remove spell effects from raid bosses
A Realm Reborn player...he was a fuckin kid...
turning thancred into my personal cuntboy
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Yep, I'm thinkin it's time to log in
Someone filled out a captcha just to post this
>otherwise constructive camera controls
Louisoix hook a car battery to his nipples.
i found a twitter like this once
how do i get a fishwife
>your one good writer decides to do other stuff
>story (the one thing most people like about the mmo) immediately goes to shit as soon as she leaves
Y'shtola in a bikini is great and all but where is the art of vacation dad Estinien/Urianger
Ermm I just cannonballed into bed.

Someone check out this anons house and confirm if it's nice or not!
why are you asking ME
>your one good writer decides to do other stuff
She ruined the world and lore of the world, new writers has nothing to work with as she fucked up the entire lore.
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That is the literary equivalent of banging pans together.
The point of CMtool and Tranamnesis was to not have to use plugins. CMtool being built in doesn't make it better, it makes it worse.
Five years, you thought about femhroths? There's guys better looking in the queue than Wuk Lamat.
I didn't know she left before 6.0
Nice backshot bait
same sis
Give me a few minutes to transfer over and I’ll put up a pf
for me? it's the mcmoonie with extra spicy moonieq sauce
*plap's you*
*tuck's u in*
gn my queen
proof? pls
i'm gonna canonball my penis into your vagina
I am trying to make a glam but I can't come up with something I like :(
whats a backshot i dont know these zoomer terms
what race and class?
What's the easiest FSH collectible to farm for gathering scrips? I just wanna turn on autohook and watch some youtube while I get enough scrips to unlock all my gatherer books instead of running around like an ant in yoshi-p's maze chasing timed nodes
>you can hide sheathed weapons on your character
this fishra FUCKS
the fucked up lore didn't create zero or wuk
can i have one moonie burger with extra feet please
Use context clues.
The context is you're posting your catgirl's back on 4chan.
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I wish I was half as prepared.
for me its mcsunnie+ rolls with extra special sauce
I still remember that one weekend where the hag femroe player was getting all the attention.
dusky morwong
you're dumb
>Y'shtola and WoL standing in front of the Azem key, discussing what to do with it or how to activate it.
>Wuk Lamat walks through and grabs it.
>"I have a confession to make, I am actually from another shard, and now I must return where I came from."
>Wuk and the key banish into thin air.
>We go tell the rest.
>"Meanwhile, in the Fourth..."
>"It is I, Lamati'y, I have returned home."
>"Greetings Lamaty'i, it has been a long time. Alas, you came just in time for our world to be lethally flooded by aspected aether of some kind."
>Wuk Lamat died in her home shard.
Its where a Sunnie+ slamrapes you from behind and then spews out a truckload of thick ballsnot across your ass/back
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The midlander is a girl, I just feel I’d be left out cheering on the ground.
i love this meme word....
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You don't have to EB me, but you will clear with me.
kill yourself lalafell scum
she looks rather chimpish
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If I sell something from a retainer, how do I collect the money afterward?
fiddie ninja that doesn't use one of their artifact armors (I always use them I want to do something different)
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The ergonomics of this workstation presents a hazard for someone of my stature.
I’m liking the big noses, adds a lot of character to the face.
Read the screen.
sorry they've only got deep fried toe curds
withdraw gil
entrust/withdraw gil
From the retainer's bank
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thanks i learned something new today i guess
>materia prices keep going up
I'm getting worried aaaa
After DT I will be surprised if Wuk doesn't get quickly Lyse'd to an extent that most of the time we interact with Tuly again it'll either be with Koana or Bakool. Sadly this probably won't save Y'shtola from the writers finding some way to keep her out of the plot even with the Azem key being prominent. Enjoy exploring shards with the twins, G'raha and Erenville.
>levelling drk
the xiv community deserves tanks soloing bosses
Was not me but thanks
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Also, the water cooler contains a fish. Are you sure your Occupational Health & Safety documentation is up to date?
>y'shtola kept out of the plot
God I fucking wish. The most boring MSQ character by far since 2.0
listening to lil b rn lads
There are no tails in my Wonderful Tales.
>Already bored of the expansion and have a hard time justifying logging in
Define MSQ character. Because the DT 'trio' of Wuk/Erenville/Krile are all worse, though I wish the worst I could say about Wuk is that she's boring.
Lil Bee, you say?
>You can make an alt, get it blacklisted and then deleted it and it removes you from the account-wide blacklist from that player
Do you think Extremes are designed with cheesy safespots in mind or are they just eternal fuckups from Square
Good morning, I love being a malera
Thancred's lipstick was on Urianger's cock.
i get those goosebumps every time
literally just blacklist them again are you retarded
>cant solo bosses on DRK
They deserve you in particular.
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Tvm! I thought for a moment there I might have lost my gils xD
No shit you're bored anon, we're waiting for Savage, there's nothing to do except prep work on your crafters if you want to do your own gear
New raid content in a few short days, then the next batch of CONTENT will be in 4 months, hopefully with both the (first?) Ultimate and some side content like a new Variant or some of those things they promised us
How do you blacklist them agian if you don't know who they are on the new alt?
Like which ex
I don't even do savages.
getting plapped by tails, y/n?
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>blacklist the main
now what
>make an attractive character
>(optional) mod it
>post said character here
>anons want to fuck it
help my catboy's portal cockring code got leaked
This is gross
>zoomer terms
it's actually a jamaican term
very cute tallafell
how when i never log onto it
But you don't know that they deleted the alt and you don't know who the main is because the person you blacklisted was an alt.
It’s up MB
Got caught up on a call
Okay but if you join a party with a friend, log out, and then log back in with your alt to join that party, return to your main, and then blacklist your own alt?
i wish honey b lovely would do this to me with her stinger
>proceed to never engage with begging anons
>they eventually stop giving yous
Yeah, right, sure

More like
>>"It is I, Lamati'y, I have returned home."
>>"Greetings Lamaty'i, it has been a long time. Alas, you came just in time for our world to be lethally flooded by aspected aether of some kind."
>"Oh awesome, I met some new friends who can help"
>pulls you and the crew into a new dimension just expecting you to help her without even thinking about your life or things that you might be doing
>you do help her
yeah this is great
dynamis queue for origenics (in progress, our healer and one of the dps fled at the sight of the dungeon)
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They never show up even if you do anyway
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They never stop
Even when you say you don't ERP
and then inject your prostate or lay eggs up your butt?
>anon gets sent to the 13th
hmmm both
saying stop just makes me want you to cuck me even harder....
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if you EB me, i'll move to washington and cockcage myself and give you the key
I can't wait to get a highly emotional scene where Y'shtola steps into a new shard we haven't seen yet and talks about how finally she feels she's done something truly incredible and unique of her own that she can leave as her legacy to future generations, right before Grumpuscles the Hedgehog comes in from the sky and asks us if we want to explore her home and her backstory that makes her such a compelling character that you will get to enjoy as the sole narrative point of 2 to 5 patches..
I'm allergic to bees please stop posting about them
Both of these are true, I love hitting on sluts, but I don't want to actually meet up
gonna /hug this fiddie when i can visit them again
my moonie is playboi carti coded
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i want y'shtola to ride me while laughing at how i squirm
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for me? it's the fishra filet with extra tartar sauce
What if I log in on a main and then decide that main's now an alt and my other alt is my new main? You'd blacklist what you thought was a main, but would instead become deceived.
just make a character on dynamis and get 1 million for getting to level 30
Explode. I don't mind being sexpested (it has led to some great ERP occasionaly) but I hate when they chicken out the moment I respond.
I am a Sasha Grey-coded Femlala
Use some of the upgraded Fuga(I think that's what it's called) gear from crystal tower they sell in the pvp vendor bro. It's very nice
time to ERP for gil, if you are not a catgirl fanta into one
my femlala is fart-coded
I made 40 mil yesterday
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>95% of objects "Speak to Wuk Lamat"
>you are never addressed there save for when you are referred to by your in-game title "Warrior of Lamati'y"
>Wuk Lamat now mandatory in dungeons as a fifth party member who always does the highest DPS and can't die
>combat segments outside of dungeons are either you playing as Wuk Lamat or doing a new "cheer for Wuk Lamat" rhythm game while she beats the bad guy
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Why are moonies like this...
I'm going to bed, sorry. Otherwise I'd give you gil.
Builded to suck my miera woober
not a real moonie with that much skin cancer on her chest
real moonies don't like the sun
I am a kay faraday coded femlala
i was gonna make an actual reply to this but i realized it's probably some healoid who breathes a sigh of relief whenever a war doesn't load in
mhiggers? yeah, they're fiddie owned
gay morpheus tactic
>Patch notes for 7.1:
>From now on, Duty Support and Trust runs won't reset when WoL is downed, they will reset when Wuk Lamat is.
I'll be ok but thank you
My femlala holds their hands
not him but i'm on jp so i have an excuse to never meet up with those people i sexually harass
also i don't have an erp-only alt which would be a necessity
my femra is healslut-coded
Wait what, someone actually likes my highlander?
This isn't just a blacked thing, is it?
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>"Or you take the goon pill - and I show you just how bussin these hanky backshots really are, frfr"
Just ERP on your main, coward.
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The opposite for me. I can't stand DRKs.
Weird because when you think of things like dark/blood/death/whatever knights you think of life leech and other effects so its funny that XIV's version of it has nothing. They're so painful to actually get in a leveling roulette.
My malera needs a healslut for dungeons, what a coincidence
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I eat bees and will not stop till they are all extinct or I can't eat any more cause they've stung the inside of my mouth too many times and I need to go lie down.
sorry im self-hating so i dont like malera
i've got bad news for you
yeah, my femlala reverse mating presses them
It's amazing how no one has realized yet that the game is going to be a bloated mess because we're level 100 instead of lv 99 meaning that they're going to keep adding on levels instead of capping it like they did with XI
my sub runs out tomorrow and i can't think of a reason to keep it
Super sweaty spiritbonding materia route for almost the entire day
I'm going to do it. I'm going to buy /playdead.
post him
If you don't have a static there is 0 reason to resub
post em
this looks like a stealth segment with a big spotlight on you
It came to me in a dream that Yoship already said they plan to explore alternate progression systems for the future of the game.
Oh pish tosh, you can PF the savage tier just fine.
Hey, what's up?
Yeah, it made me kinda angry that they're not sticking with tradition.
Black my femlala's palms
My malera is mhiggercoded to backshot BBC addicted sluts like Akimbo/Ace/Milkers
is this with crafters
Why do people say gg at the end of dungeons/trials/raids?
Instant no comm
you can blind prog it with strangers at the end of the expansion too
I say thank you
We say お疲れさまでした, it only appears on your screen as "Good game!".
Wish i had more time or i would join
>random black bun asks if am a snowbunny
i-is it that obvious?
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here ya go
The other games didn't have Wuk Lamat to inspire us to break our limits.
waiting for a femlala to post so they get shit on
Wanna what? And with who?
>end of the expansion
Sure, if you can hunt down the seven remaining players on the DC who are A) interested enough in running the content to join up and B) have not already done so months earlier.
Well now I won't...
god fiddies really must be the worst group we have to offer. also what is wrong with the "vampire" one's face?
Feral plapping moonies
fuck off furfag
are fates still good money
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Texas is the same square footage as western europe
Fiddies are so terribly bland that they wrap around to being uncomfortably strange
huh i see why that one au ra tail is now used so often.
A few years ago Blizzard implemented a stat squish and set the max level back to 60 in WoW: Shadowlands. New characters could level from 1-50 in the zones of the old expansion of their choosing before proceeding to the new content — IIRC some kind of time travel was how they explained it away in-game. Maybe something like that could work in FFXIV, though it would be more difficult because the story actually matters.
Helpful tip for you, if you want to make comparisons look at numbers instead of images pasted on top of eachother. France's square area is almost the size of Texas'
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We had like 25 people and the only like 4 or 5 healers we had couldn't stay alive to chain raise so we failed it with like 8% hp left lmao
Levels dont really matter because XIV actually made a competent level scaling system that keeps all the content semi-engaging at the very least
The worst offenders in terms of dungeons have been reworked and more will continue to be fixed over time
(Though I dont see how tankbusters pre-level 50 help anyone since theres no answer to it
Their world was already a horrible patchwork of different expansions changing zones around. FFXIV has less timeline fuckery with its zones.
what tail?
How much do crafters charge for a full set of crafted gear on day 1 of savage release?
Would you like it if I stayed silent?
careful... there's been kidnappings in the shroud. moonies are suspect
They could do with just dumping the first 50 levels given how mind numbingly boring job gameplay is until 50 or 60
They'd have to lube it but yeah it's hot
7.5 million at minimum per set, up to 20 mil if pentamelded.
>i wasn't replying in bad faith because [reason], it was actually [reason]
you are bad at this shitposting thing
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doesn't get much better
it's usually like 15 million gil for a full set ready by the afternoon
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Waiting until day four might save a few pennies.
but enough about femra and malezen
What the fuck is a snowbunny it's obviously some sexual crap but what does it mean why do I see people say this shit
Damn Keepers... I don't understand why the Wood Wailers don't just track them down and kill them all. They only cause trouble and disrupt our peace in the forest.
slut for black dudes
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people will shitpost you but chromie time and timewalking is one of the best things that got added to WoW. having to go through all those expacs was awful and such a slog. real niggas know the legion or draenor campaign is the fastest, though. XIV had a stat squish a while back, i reckon we're probably due for another.
this one. i'm 99% sure i have seen a drawing of a f3ra fucking another femra with it lmao
it means white girls that crave darker meat
or just www.thetruesize.com/
Good morning, I too love playing malera.
Oh ok thanks guys
I hate all the ASTfags
They have a busted job but they still spend all of their days bitching about the cards
Nobody actually likes fiddies, it's all a psyop. Big Fiddie is behind it all!
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>chromie time and timewalking is one of the best things that got added to WoW
nah, they made chromie a tranny
you need jesus
Life's not fair.
the ast main i know is over the moon actually
ast players are bratty for a reason
duskwight on wildwood femezen rape
2nd pic ruined it for me.
at least she's not voiced by one :^) but nah who fucking cares about wow """lore""" it's been retconned out the ass anyway. the day night elves had the ability to be mages is when i stopped giving a shit about anything story wise
shut up bitch leave me alone
37, my party wiped at non prog point 37 times.
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Guess I'm gathering mats myself this week, I ain't got that much gil saved up
supremely based. cave coons raping wealthy ishgardian maidens...
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You didn't have to specify rape, we already knew it was noncon when a duskwight is involved.
I love grown ass women. One in particular though.
That same level scaling system is what has been keeping our game systems from changing significantly for the last few years unfortunately.

Chromie Time actually fucking sucks. Like most Blizzard things it's a decent idea implemented in the most retarded way imaginable.
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>best waifu in the game comes during the fujo era
>is the only character so far to be super-killed
We should have known it'd all be downhill from there.
I hate grown ass women
Every single one Ive met from here and in game has made me want to quit
what is this fiddie's thoughts on BNWO
>keep adding more levels
>keep adding more mandatory msq
very accessible game thank you yoshida san
erm night elves could always be mages, it was just punishable by death in their society, which is why none existed aside from the shren'dalar
My shroud wol moonie participated in organized group kidnapping and raping of woodwailers before she set out for one of the cities and acts like her past never happened while being nice to everyone
she's exclusively for big black cock
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why is everything about rape with you
considering he's a shemalefag futranny, he likes it. all trannies do.
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A horribly racist fetish.
this one is ok
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Can anyone recommend?
don't even think about it stinky, I'm conceal carrying. back to your cave
my catboy will make her pay for her crimes (with rape)
ok i'll let the doctor know
why's that? i will agree that skipping the opening parts is usually a pain in the ass such as "go talk to this NPC on top of the gate of orgrimmar because....just because okay??" and some places (draenor) got overtuned to fuck during shadowlands on accident. what's wrong with it? i've been wondering for a while when XIV will have to finally compromise and do something similar. either mass consolidation of story like what they did with ARR (and truthfully it needs more) or just doing a chromie time option and hopping timelines. not sure how they'd pull it off considering the expacs flow into each other, but something's gotta give soon
nigga you know what i mean. that being the case + highborne only having the ability to cast arcane magic, meanwhile mages have a whole arcane spec. shameful baka
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my opinion of dynamis players has lowered drastically after that everkeep experience, but nevertheless i call upon dynamis to queue everkeep
Even with the scaling system and levels not mattering it'll still turn people away if levels just keep rising. Just imagine if you're a new player to the game and you hear that the max level is 170 or something crazy like that then also hearing that there's multiple jobs you can level. They'd immediately drop the game since they'd think it'd take ages to get even one job that high
any acr savage healers here
Anti-lizard measures are finally in place
my malera listed the wrong tribal name for his child support paperwork
This but permanently.
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Women will never understand having gay sex with the boys
I love Chromie but why did they make her trans for no reason? It didn't add anything. She wasn't "masculine". It just felt lazy. Like randomly Soldier 76/Reaper are fags. Or Tracer being a fag.
Same, she's the best thing to happen to me in a long time
>get zodiark, hydealyn trials constantly
>haven't got a single worqor or everkeep
Have they said if the free fanta quest was for a limited time or not?
I want to make an erp alt but I don't want my main to be discovered...
I can't login for some reason
my malera is a tribe of one
erm, bwo?
you were supposed to call them a tranny
I got Worqor once, but never Everkeep again.
DRK just happens to be the most punishing tank for button mashers.
It's not any worse then WAR for dungeons pulls or soloing bosses and it's weird you guys insist on this image that is simply not true.
Saying that a retard WAR is infinitely more tanky than a retard DRK is meaningless because even if your tank literally does not use mitigations, unless your healer is eating glue or mad the tanks wouldn't die regardless of their jobstone.
Delete the ERP alt after you're done. It's the only way to get off people's blacklists
warrior can do an expert dungeon without a healer and still wall to wall
drk cannot
seems simple to me
>Putting on a final show before you kill them all
>Woke Latroon coudnt even pretend to give a shit and put in effort
>Just turns it into more millennial humour shit
I hate this character so fucking much
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This dork is cool shut the flip up
If you're that insecure over something no one gives a fuck about, just stop playing the game all together
As an example, when I played the game for a month during Dragonflight I decided I wanted to see just how bad Sneedolands was, so I did Timewalking through it. It was indeed completely fucking awful, except for the last zone who's name I forget, which storyline ends abruptly because it immediately segues into the 'post-leveling/msq' part. However, because of the way Timewalking works, I couldn't actually do any more there and was forced to go back and Timewalk somewhere else because you get entirely walled out of doing ANYTHING else in that expansion until you hit [whatever level you can begin the current expansion at], at which time you can go back and do the followup quests which will give you basically no experience or useful gear reward anymore.
lets both make one right now and plap
no its probably always going to be there like the one you get for finishing arr
>drk cannot
sounds like a skill issue
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idk what that means but i do be healing
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What roles does your queue need?
current job gear is just that
Sargatanas: Sphene's ultimate plan was to bring the WoL here so it can store our memories and back us a clone
need a clingy eb for my clingy catboy
How do I go about finding a new FC? My current one is effectively dead and I have no real connections with anyone in it.
There was a solution but which was, give healing on Bloodspiller and Quietus. But they didn't do it.
That doesn't sound so bad, thanks!
I'm an FC leader of my IRL group of friends. I can't be seen doing these things...
I wouldn't mind. What race would you want me to be?
bro you can't be an arcanist in savage your party will die you don't even have access to eos
for the reasons you said right there. blatant pandering to people that don't play the game, by the people that make it. so they can say "HEY LOOK WE CARE ABOUT THE GAYS/TROONS LOOK AT US!!!! STOP LOOKING AT THE ALLEGATIONS AND SHIT GAMEPLAY STOPPP" or for the same reason nathanos was a self insert by danuser so he could be the boyfriend to his blue elf wife.
well shit alright i didn't realize it had gotten that bad. i played sneedolands on release so i got to do all that shit as-is but honestly everywhere sucked except revendreth so you're not missing much there. sneedolands had the potential to be so good and they shat the bed and kept doubling down on awful decisions, see korthia and all the endgame shit that got added. to keep it XIV related, i'm worried the same thing is happening here as they've been following the same formula for over a decade and it's starting to wear on people. i like consistency as much as the next person, but i do also want some things shaken up yanno?
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being a straight catboy is actually pretty enjoyable
How'd I do?
Man, I was confused reading this shit for a good while until I realized what "BNWO" stands for.
ty for the runs I ran out of pots and didn't feel like buying more
>after that everkeep experience
oh fuck i meant origenics, blame the fresh ptsd
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I'm glad you both have found someone and I hope you both explode and take out crystal and me with it
your friends probably jerk off so whats the big deal BRO
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Thanks for coming if you were the scholar Ty for chain
Ten Chi Jin should be changed to allow movement
I am right, do not bother replying in opposition
I only accept lavish praise for my genius
>What race would you want me to be?
Any female race besides hroth or roe, you?
That's pretty good but I think opening the mouth and showing teeth while grinning would give it even more deranged vibes.
I only lb'd because I didn't see anyone doing it kek...
my femra gets extremely jealous if you even target other people
are you gonna do more
bro can't move for 3 gcds and is already throwing in the towel
i'll dc hop over, is the healer in queue a shield or regen healer? and as of this posting is it still needed?
True north should be a passive that auto refreshes and stores charges up to 3 with no timeout
there I said it
I am on my way from primal
Me too... hey...
Femlalas deserve less
Yeah pf up rn MB
It’s okay just confused lmao
AST is unironically the big brained healer (not SCH) because we have to relearn this shit every 2 years.
>besides Hroth or roe
I'm not them but I want you you know I'm disappointed in your tastes anon. All women are beautiful and worthy of plaps.
If you play a female character I am entitled to you doting on and mommying me (I play a fiddie)
yeah we know, anyone who has to deal with a sch for more than one instance knows the job is braindead
At this point I'm offering 5 mil per and I will go on voice and do JOI for the EX2 wings
I am a femlala who is that desperate
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i have arrived
its nearly ready
it popped
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I kinda get tingles whenever a DNC partners me...
I'll help for ERP but not JOI
All women, including trans women?
>the job that read books all day is braindead
>the job that believes in astrology and horoscopes is big brained
What did they mean by this.
They're built like refrigerators and I usually play one of the more average height male races
Holy based
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It's been five minutes for this leveling queue to pop on DPS, I can't handle this.
Thank you! And I'll try it, have the poses saved too.
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My drk moonie sometimes grinds on her greatsword hilt when she thinks no one is looking
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One day its gon burn you out
Make a PF
I'll absolutely farm EX2 with you if it means I get paid to stoke my big malera cock and balls
We're all in our 30s with careers, all we do is do content in game.
You can be any female race, I like femroes and fiera and femra!
>Dance partners
>But its a middie
>Your day is now ruined.
stop this "built like a fridge" meme, neither femroes or hrothgals are built like fridges. Please Google what you are spewing, what you're saying resembles the "apple" body type which neither of the models are
are you going to have the cock, or am I...
If they clean up well enough, put effort into looking femenine (weight loss, skin treatments,ect) and know that dick ain't getting touched? Sure. Shame 99% of them put no effort into passing though and just look like Chris Chan.
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post malera
naw im plapping her bootyhole at the end of the dungeon
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Your moonie will cease this or get off my job.
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Noooo not a middie her and her not at all sexy bimbo platforms are going to take DPS away from me rather than give it...
I take this as a free invitation to plap you after a dungeon
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does anyone know how to undo chastity seals
my catboy hasn't cum in months
>being picky about who you are paying with JOI to help you get a mount
i feel like this is just an excuse to be a slut for monetary gain but secretly you enjoy it :/
Just remove positionals at that point
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my femra will go very far in terms of mommying, are you sure your fiddie wants that?
my lalaboy unknowingly starred in a fetish video after giving someone the benefit of the doubt
now you can see his feet on the internet if you know where to look...
just play tank or another dps type at this point
If you want me to have it you'll have to help me set it up, I have never used these mods.

Let's be middie dance partners together and waste our buffs
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This poster is a coward
khai is that you?
only if you're face 2
i votekick neckbeard cucks like you obsessed with nigger shitted porn
What's wrong with the other ones?

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