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>3.25 League
>3.25 Patch Notes
>3.25 FAQ

>Compiled Links, Tools and Utilities

Prev: >>487536387
I will be starting as deadeye storm rain.
Then respect to LS once everybody gets bored with it lmao
probably calling chris a bald fucking retard
the enboy was based
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now that the dust has settled
am i skipping this league to avoid burn out for poop of excrement 2?
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Post your Starter
you mean always stink
how do any of those things even synergize
what was he thinking
who's this lad
busy adding
>famous streamer filters
like the pob geniuses
is this a real picture? i can actually imagine old kripp doing that
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what killed dillator4?
kripp is literally more retarded than quin, he's nitpicking a ziz starter build while every single slot on kripps build is 3d+ on league start with t1 suppress, t1 life, and 1-2 40%+ res affixes. guy needs to fuck off to ruthless and shut the hell up
Her cock must be massive.
I have no self control. I either put all my spare time and effort into poe or I skip the league. I'll see you all again in 4 months.
according to the mathil video, not having voice lines
Its real, it was a different time
poeg veteran soldiers did
It's too easy and has about 3 days worth of content
To the guy who was telling me to start ice trap instead of explosive trap, that was decent bait. I almost forgot about the hatred nerf.
Cringe take. Spectral throw is numerically superior sure, but that is if you don't take reality into account. Monsters moving, you having to constantly reposition. The dps of spec throw is dog unless the monsters is standing still next to a wall or in the perfect position.
Its still a great skill, but way more headache than worth during leveling.
satanic c*lifornian ideology
turns out you can't go against Christ and win
and yet, it was californians that made those diablo games you love.
>what killed dillator4?
Lack of talent in the activision's DEI staff.
Reposting from old thread.
Blizzard killed it.
It does not matter how much money you invest into a game, if you don't allow teams to innovate. Do you think blizz devs would be allowed to do something as crazy as a tower defence league? Or a town builder league? Or whatever the fuck harvest was? Blizz keeps playing it safe. Which means nothing they do stands out. Everything is made to appeal to the broadest audience, which means its hard to get players who become diehard fans.
Couple that with actiblizz being a horrible place to work where they will routinely fire devs just to rehire for the same position to keep wages lower, which means they don't have an experienced team.
Poe started slow af, took them years and years to build up a team that is efficient at what they do. Now imagine Chris firing half the team every other league and rehiring newbies. Shit would go nowhere.
It's an okay game if you are a dad gamer. If not, you are not their target audience.
Absolutely not. I don't want reddit getting wind of it.
damn im subbing rn
But we're all 4channelers here, bro...
Goratha's retaliation Glad
diablo 1 and 2 people were imported to c*lfornia from Alaska as slave to make diablo 1 and 2
>Nothing to do
>Usual corpo monetization
>Story is too basic
>Whole balance being fucked and nobody doing nothing about it
>Lilith model not being leaked to Blender
poison is chaos damage, so the synergy with occultists is obvious. tornado shot has great coverage and hits a lot, so I guess he thought totems spamming TS would be stacking lots of poisons onto everything very quickly.
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What's her leaguestarter?
2 builds per class. No item variety past level 50. Grind 1 dungeon 1000 times for max level. thats it
>FREE 250% inc armor
reminder that if you arent using this jewel you are literally retarded
trying to pob a warcry slam build but where did all my gem sockets go
Can't hungry loop anything, they're all active skills
Could use oskarm to auto asssassin's mark but I'm not an accuracy stacker
not only that, the only reason it features diablo is cause brevik lived in the bay area and thought "mount diablo" was a cool name, didn't even know what it meant at the time
man i wish he hadn't gone on to do fuck all since leaving blizzard north
if its an okay game then why it is dead?
I bet you also shilled for last sleepoch.
BBC (Berserker Battlemage Cry)
Built for Big Maurauder Cock
>what killed dillator4?
More than nine thousand people are credited for working on d4.
That says it all.
now it's a ghost town
Doesn't say anything
>1 billion div orbs
Its a mobile game dressed up as a AAAA game of a decade. It basically is way too shallow and the extra content they added to spice up the base game is lower effort than some fucking poe league from 10 years ago
I bet they have spent more effort on the end credits than they did on the game
how expensive is this gonna be?
Jewels are already too stacked. Also this fucker does barely anything if you don't have unnatural instinct as well.
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i know, i grew up hiking trails on mount diablo. those games were made with an independent spirit which blizzard has lacked for close to 20 years now.
this is not the same without the sound
>vaal spectral throw of materialising
>99% reduced proj speed
>5 billion dps
>commercials run every 30 minutes
If he's going to stop having his face in the thumbnails its going to be a jumpscare when someone accidentally opens these links
he's married and has a kid btw
>T*alkative Tri had a mitosis because nobody torched him with a flamethrower in time
having played a significant amount of D4 (a good friend bought me a copy when it was on sale to play together) I can give you a few reasons:
1. it's not an ARPG but an isometric MMORPG.
2. there's no trade economy, so all items are ultimately worth nothing and don't feel exciting to find
3. there's no real complexity and the learning curve is designed for normtards; i mastered an understanding all of D4's systems after playing one build for maybe a week. I've been playing PoE for over 10 years and still regularly learn new things about different classes and items and mechanical interactions.
4. there's just not that much to actually do in the game. legions, helltides, world bosses, ubers, and this season they added back rifts from D3, and that's all. maybe this will change in time but their seasons so far haven't been very ambitious and haven't added much in the way of new and interesting content, and the worse D4 performs the worse it gets because actiblizzard is a massive jewish asset manager-owned corporation with enormous administrative bloat, that can and will kill anything that isn't a billion dollar per year "revenue stream"
It's up.
I'm not sure I understand how unnatural instinct is going to synergize when you can't put two jewels in the same slot. Something with clusters?
so do qu*n and z*z and mat*l and at least half of the other poe streamers
what's the easiest way to get ailment avoidance on my slayer slam build?
mathil is single tho
mathil is single. he's too mentally ill to hold a relationship.
how they are so zdps
how do you know? he probably doesn't talk about his private life on stream
>trade macro says 'no'
>***'ed up
what word is this? three letters followed by an "ed" contraction?
I stalk him everywhere.
what about lily?
this was what poe was like 10 years ago
Stormshroud and 1 boot explicit and 1 boot implicit. Alternatively go purity of elements and load up on uniques.
when I last saw an apartment tour video of his it was pretty apparent that nobody else lived with him at least
he could have a boyfriend that he meets up with though
Glad it is gone
>streamer lies to his fanbase viewers
many such cases

he is very well aware that many of his closed gay viewers would not like it if he shows or talks about his female wife
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>reddit spacing
except he is a homosexual, gay, straight dude
He talked about it during his first Exilecon video I think? The social anxiety and depression interfering with his ability to hold relationships with actual people.
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18 points worth of nodes for 8 points worth of investment. That is without counting other stats that you could get with unnatural or hell even more stats off perandus if you need any nodes in the area.
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imagine the spitroast
he got that "im transitioning in 3 months" vibe going on in that thumbnail
reddit website
reddit general
reddit game
reddit frog
>pretends to be, so his closedgay donators dont run away
Oh fuck I didn't realize how big it is. All good. Thanks.
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boot mods could work, just a shame that ditching darkray vectors is a pretty big loss with the +1 frenzy with masterful form + less movespeed
no endgame
Yea its a really good jewel, there are a couple of other spots where its worth slapping it in, but this was the best spot I found in all my builds.
you can also use abyss jewels for up to 55% each. one in your stygian vise, one on the tree.
Fucking how? He just looks like any dad you'd find at a bowling alley.
I guess a game needs to have general to be alive in your head. That's fine for autismos who feel the need to express themselves over it, but that's not the game's audience. Dad gamers don't really frequent this place, let alone other places to talk about games apart from their circle, if they even talk about a game to anyone more than a couple of senteces apart from, yeah this game is fun. Can't really imagine. Just realise that you are not the game's target audience. You are on the PoE carussel on a life sentence. So grind your brains out here or some retarded live service game, if that's your kink.
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>still over 24 hours
This is always the worst fucken part, made even worse this time by the fact I've got nothing else I want to do.
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It will never get old
>10 years ago
This is bait. Sandstorm Visage is going to be like 100d or some retarded shit.
Kinda cute.
Is there a way to get the taming with shaper influence?
you can get visage in ssf chud
he has a youtube page that goes more into his non-gaming life and basically all he does is climb rocks and play poe. if you have a girlfriend or especially a wife and family it's impossible to not end up interacting with them or talking about them at some point on stream.
>steam numbers don't count a game does not need to be played on steam to be alive
>twitch numbers don't count, a game does not need to be watched on twitch to be alive
>online discourse does not have to happen, a game does not need online discourse to be alive
So it just boils down to how you FEEEEEEL. As long as you FEEEEEL like a game is alive, even if there is no factual support for that claim, its just alive. Don't question it, right?

Yeh, obviously very expensive.
dad gamers play poe
by the time you get SSV it's already too late
her gf talks in the background frequently
visage was already a pretty rare relic, they did even mention that they are
the droprate because of the wand buffs.
game needs to be alive to be alive.
why you are you going so hard on cope?
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1 more day 1 more day 1 more day
so you're taking 40 nodes in its radius? that sounds retarded.
>D4 is not dead!
>Not being able to hold a general is actually sign of how succeful it is
Even nsfw artists dropped your game LMAO
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Dilator 4 has always been astroturfed garbage. Blizztrannies are repulsive freaks who play WoW.
i'm going to go into sanctum as soon as i hit level 60 or so - ssv will be easy
Archmage lightning ball?
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>we didnt need steam numbers
>we didnt need twitch numbers
>we didnt need reddit talking about game
>we didnt need players in our game
>we didnt need our game to not be shutdown
I woke up too early today... Now it'll be hard to stay up all night tomorrow... Dang.....
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there are people reading this thread RIGHT NOW that are going to follow a guide 1:1 and only care about div/hr
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best way to self farm my ralakesh? just throw chance orbs on riveted boots?
and on core league, it would be created by getting three berek's rings with influence or it's going to be impossible to do it there?
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>basically all he does is climb rocks and play poe
based mathil
Yeah, swapping to ice nova when I feel like it
>deliberately going into the sanctum cuck cage
pfft have fun getting settlers content in there bro :)
rmt day 3
i maybe will play it after slammer, didnt play it in necro league so maybe it will feel fresh too
>our game is good and alive
>about half the posts are about different game
lmao you fags
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>new league! new league! time to go into delve/heist/sanctum/blight/simulacrum/labyrinth and avoid the new content as much as possible yippee yaaaay yaaaaassss!
Why is /poeg/ like this?
>quin is a dad gamer
>ziz is a dad gamer
>lance is a dad gamer
who else from just poe streamers is a family man? what is this cope that dilator4 or last flop is a dad gamer game lmao
nothing to talk about that hasnt been said for the last 2 weeks mate.
what killed dilator 4 in your personal opinion?
We only need dad gamers
That reminds me, have we seen a list of all the new Div cards and what they give yet?
I mean I could get it to 28 with a really basic setup. Still short of 40, but depending on the build, you can still pick up quite a few more in this setup.
>finished everything around the house
>going to finish up work tomorrow
>made sure family doesn't need anything over the weekend
>bought beer and snack
>going to have sex tonight so balls are empty
yep, tomorrow is gaming time
when i go out of sanctum i will have 100000x stronger character than you and my town will be better than yours.
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>want to get into PoE
>melee sounds cool
>builds seem to need all this stuff
>got no idea how to craft
>what endgame system to use
Im so fucking confsued
>Dad gamers don't really frequent this place
where do they frequent? D4 has no organic audience ANYWHERE. Not twitch, not 4chan, not steam, not even reddit. where are all these alleged D4 players? how does a game supposedly sell tens of millions of copies yet have no audience nor cultural relevancy within its genre?
>can get
yeah who cares, you still don't want to pick bad nodes
>100000x stronger character than you
and yet your city will be unbuilt, no trade routes, no supplies, etc.

good job retardo
idc (i dont care)

but what killed PoopE 1+2 in your personal opinion?
why would dads want to play shitty games to begin with?
okay realistically, how required is visage
just follow a guide after you fuck up/get filtered in acts

Getting a double influence one should be easy there are divcards that will flood the market rings eventually, but if you need only shaper influence you better setup a chancing macro.
It shouldn't be too hard to chance, there are few competing outcomes for unique two stone rings.
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Fuck me I forgot the image.
>booked 3 weeks off work
>house dirty, perfect for gaming
>pizza on speed dial
>no gf, so goon station is primed
yep its gamin time
I want to but the melee skills i find cool seem to be worse?
Like cyclone or reaper
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sounds like blizzard used creative accounting yet again to pretend that their game is not dead
Yeah, it's difficult to acquire but it's possible.
Sweep Jugg
or Champion
the truth is that d4 is a game for asmongolds. they will play it for a day on launch bringing in their large audiences and then after they fulfil contractual obligations they quit and their fans follow soon after. blizzard pays people more to play their "game" than their devs to make it.
>how does a game supposedly sell tens of millions of copies yet have no audience nor cultural relevancy within its genre?
hundreds of millions of dollars in ads placed literally everywhere, on the internet, on tv, on the streets will let you sell even a piece of shit well
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guess my starter
just build whatever you think sounds cool and play for as far as you can to learn the ropes. read every tooltip on every gem, item, currency, etc you come across. learn what gem tags are and how they interact. just learn the game's basic systems and learn from your own failures, then once you have a fundamental knowledge of the game you can follow a build guide. if it's still too complex for you after that, this isn't the game for you, simple as.
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>overcope projection
how do you enjoy dilator mobile btw?
If you go by feelings, monetarily, D4 blew out PoE out of the water in its first week and probably doe so every league. Someone posted that they have more level 100 faggots jumping around every league than you have in PoE. I don't see the need to compare those games at all in the first place, as they have almost mutually exclusive audiences. They are arpgs, and maybe you have people who are just fans of the genre and will play both, but the majority of people who are hooled on PoE won't do both games. If you want me to drag this down, I could say it's due to addiction and that PoE faggots can't enjoy anything other because they have fried their dopamine receptors and need the grind. I could go on, but I guess most faggots here are probably already mad as hell and won't even compute half the post without stomping their feet in pure anger.
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Total dad gaymer Death
it's okay if you travel past it but that's two jewels and and travel points
just try out skills you like in acts and then find what you actually like or looks cool then look up guide/starter with that skill, aint hard.
>>builds seem to need all this stuff
You're following shit builds then.
>>got no idea how to craft
You're following very shit builds then if they don't explain how to craft things you need.
>>what endgame system to use
There's only 1.
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because you still want to have fun after making a kid?
was ok for some time

so what kileld poe?
lightning strike slayer
D3 was the same was. The answer is casual gamers and console bros. Blizzard has cornered a niche in the casual scene.
it sounds like you are making shit up because for some reason you are invested in dilator4 sucess. Well, tell us. What is that? Why do you want your dead game to not be dead so desperately?
>jeet shill can't help but work "poop" into its posts.
Well yea, everything will have some amount of opportunity cost. Mind you, this setup works from any direction, as long as you can grab 2 of the 3 ascendant nodes, which a lot of builds already pass by.
And for the cost, you are getting a fuckton of value out of this setup.
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Aw man I wanted to see if it works and find a good cyclone league-starter
slayercucks wish they could look that cool
>its okay if we insult other game
>if they insult ours we need to cry
>shit games
>Someone posted that they have more level 100 faggots jumping around every league than you have in PoE
level 100 in dilator means way less than level 100 in poe. yes, even in todays poe.
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>used gold to respec
You didn't finish the league
>used the currency market
You didn't finish the league
>had minions clear your surplus maps for you
You didn't finish the league
>sent a ship and got 100c back
You didn't finish the league
>used rune modifiers
You didn't finish the league
>used recombinators
You didn't finish the league
They can't use harsher words, since that would mean they don't get paid for those posts.
can't see shit on my PoB
How can poe keep a general in 4chan alive for years without pauses and a game that sold 10s of millions can't?
would you say that dialtor mobile is superior to poe?
autists can detect goy slop from a thousand miles away
please explain why are you playing shit games anon
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>livestreaming to 0 viewers
>look at the timer and see it took me 48 minutes to finish act 1
How do I get better?
just look at a racer vod. don't ask here.
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>dilator is not a real game

rate this quote
It is not.
And Poe is shit too.
you have to chance shaper bases into the berek's rings to vendor them. hundreds of thousands of chance and scours lmao.
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You accuse others of what you do yourself on a daily basis. And at this point, I bet your personality depends on other people's reception of your investment. Either you like arpgs in general or you are a casual dad gamer and did try it out, or you don't. Guess you still didn't get the post at all.
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the amount of sheer desperation it almost makes me feel sorry for this german nigger.
but then I remember how him and his ilk destroyed the game while also playing it months before everyone else.
I do not play dilator4, dilator mobile or dilator3
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>played this shit gaem
You didn't finish the league
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Poe is literally the best game I've ever played. And I've been playing vidya for 25 years.
severely mentally ill vibes
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I doubt too much old stuff will change.
>b-but poe is shit too
no. poe is a live and well, your game is dead. poe is loved by its community despite major outrages over changes, bfr memes and clowning on the vision. nobody likes dilator4 except for elon muskoid.
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Do I do the league mechanics during acts OR do I wait until maps to interact with league mechanics?
would you call dialtor4 an alive game?
>but then I remember how him and his ilk destroyed the game while also playing it months before everyone else.
I can't blame them for this when blizzard allows them it's like blaming god for getting cancer when you smoke
level 100 in diablo 4 is an expectation, not an achievement. you get level 100 just casually playing for a couple days (everything scales to your level at all times so it doesn't matter what you do as long as you're just playing the game) and then you start endgame content.
Yeah, I'm thinking that tonight I'll have a hot furry ERP session so that my cock and balls aren't a distraction while I'm farming my day 1 voidstones.
depends on how ensouled you are
Ignoring the league mechanic is just self cucking
ur mum's the best game I've ever played and I've been playing mums for 25 years.
I play the game for the league mechanics.
Please answer the question. Why do you want dilator4 to not be dead so desperately? Why are you invested into the dead game to the point where you deny that it is being dead?
you can easily blame them. take a fucking stand like quin. quin had the opportunity to play d4 back in alpha and he just told them to go fuck themselves.
yes blizzard are niggers for offering but so are they for gobbling it up.
anon my post was debunking some schizo claiming that dad gaymers play dilator instead of poe
ur mum's dead son
>dilator dilator dilator

>one time shit on poe
>schizo meltdown

what game is this thread about again?
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Quin didn't want to do it because he couldn't monetize it off his stream since you weren't allowed to stream it it's not the same
So what i would say/call is really important here? neat

It was alive when i played it so, yes.

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>Hi, I'm Krillson of Winding Pier fame.
ignore all old league mechanics unless you are back from a long break. ALWAYS interact with current league mechanic unless you are a soulless fuck.
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>>dilator dilator dilator
>>one time shit on poe
>>schizo meltdown
>what game is this thread about again?
hows dual strike maping like
Half of the zone mechanics are automatic (Gold) and the other half are short-form challenges that take a few seconds to kill some shit to gather resources. While doing it in endgame will be more "efficient" because of time gate mechanics, there's little reason to not at least start some shit in acts.
hey retard.

yeah you.

shut the fuck up. you know who you are.
haha dilator!
>more schizo meltdown
as usual
ok, i need to choose now
should i try ice nova archmage even though I know its gonna take me 1000000 tries to get the gem or should I go with the safe and sound storm burst totem?
should I go for poison holy relic (more expensive and annoying) or cold (less damage)?
IT'S UP https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MYHuT34C4uY
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I mean, we're probably gonna have very little gold during the campaign, is it not better wait until having some gold to upgrade everything at once?
It's just going to be boneshatter since you slot trauma on it and grab the same strike wheel
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thats too easy, bleed glad
we all know this league is going to last months why rush to the endgame?
>no arguments
i see.
You won't just need gold, you will need ore and shit. You also cannot trade for gold/city materials.
no fucking thanks
are you the kind of person who can beat the campaign in ~4 hours and take advantage of the fresh economy to build massive wealth in the first few days? if not, then just go at your own pace and have fun with the league mechanic in acts if you want.
holy built for
but you wont call it alive now?
would you be so kind to share with us what in your opinion have killed it then?
DSA is pretty much the same as any other strike skill (e.g. boneshatter.) Get some strike range, splash, and extra targets and it'll feel good.
You get gold no matter what, retardo. And you can use it to respec your passives (cost scales with level). Use it to take more aggressive pathing for faster leveling, then respec later.
both sound ok
roll it tbqh
It's fine. You hit fast and move fast and while you don't hit everything in one hit you hit plenty.
>Automate detonate mines
my minephobia is gone
You forgot to ask me what i would say or call

E**n M**k quit that game

oh no, i am defeated
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>holy built for
I don't think that you are interested in a genuine discussion if you project so much and don't even read someone's post sincerely.
clowning on dilators knowing that they are coping in this thread is bad because?
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what build do i play?
To all my bleed glad bros.
Don't forget about Jack the Axe. Little dude is a great weapon early game weapon.
I don't understand this argument. neither could rob wudijo and the rest of them but they still played it and had an advantage over everyone else.
made builds, videos and basically grew their streams due to the knowledge from alpha, closed beta and the two weeks just before the official release.
quin could've done the same. he could've made builds and videos and grow his stream. did you forget or don't know quin was a d3 build maker and video creator? that's how he became famous/relevant. he could've easily done the same thing with d4.
I refuse.
you aren't allowed to hurt dilator feelings in /poeg/
t. totally not a dilator
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New WoW Expansion and D4 season soon.
>we're removing the perandus pact from the game
>adds the perandus pact back in but reskinned
Last league before poe 2 right? It's no doubt going to be extended multiple times.
This is THE league for SSF. Take your time, go slow, and try not to burn out.
It's going to be a long one.
I played it when current season/league was fresh. It was alive at that time. I dont play it now and i guess as its late in the season/league its is less alive. Just like PoE seasons/leagues

I dont think its more dead or "killed" then this game. New seasons/leagues will be alive
>dilator 4 shill copes with getting BTFO by pretending the mocking is "schizo meltdowns"
many such cases! or as you might say: ऐसी कई घटनाएं!
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>are you the kind of person who can beat the campaign in ~4 hours
Literally no one here can do that though
all blizz needs is a 100-1000 whales spending their entire income on cosmetics
>And you can use it to respec your passives (cost scales with level).
holy WHAT
I missed this in the patch notes, that's fucking huge.
I wish i knew how to SSF crafting and farming stuff
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It lacks complexity. The greater affixed added a bit of extra chase but at the end of the day the skills are exactly the same. The stats you need are exactly the same. Also there is a severe lack of end game content. If you think about all of the POE league mechanics that exist. Diablo 4 has the equivalent of archnemesis and that is it. POE is every clever in that yes, you are killing enemy over and over but the ways you kill them and the items they drop vastly differ from each other so it always feels like you are doing something different. Diablo 4 doesnt have this.
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Your average dilator player doesn't frequent 4cuck, you gorilla nigger. All you do is try to feel good about yourself and your fucking 5k hour and dollar investment into PoE. Name ten arpgs that you have played and enjoyed, or you are just an addict in a bald water ride.
>Last league before
Not at this rate it fucking isn't.
The PoE2 beta is slated for the end of the year with a release middle of next year (approximate).
That's 2-3 more Leagues after this one.
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What's your fetish?
I can and have done that. It's not as exciting as people might think, and I'd rather play casually and have fun than poopsock league starts.
>its okay if we insult them. and they are not allowed to insult us

>fur nigger
>stand like quin
The guy that gave them 10s of thousands of dollars thinking he owned blizzard?
he has a 30cm penis, you have a microdick
By beat the campaign you mean get to blood aqueduct then yea. shit was horrible, stressful and not enjoyable to play since you had to button mash constantly.
/poog/ doesn't want to admit it but level scaling is actually really fucking good and healthy for the game
>I don't understand this argument.
You used quin as an example which is wrong because he specifically would have played it for months if he could have streamed it.
Better example would be like zizaran or alk since they didn't play it while it was in closed beta iirc.
>did you forget or don't know quin was a d3 build maker and video creator? that's how he became famous/relevant. he could've easily done the same thing with d4.
He didn't need to do that in d4. Someone like rob who basically had most of the retarded shit figured out after playing for months is the example of what you have an issue with.
>COD has more players and sales then this
oh no no
He's like 5'4 bro, the only thing he's packing is a step stool.
where is zizs "play with me" 5h video for beginners
I am genuinely interested in what makes some person so invested in the dead game that he feels a need to lie about it and whiteknight it online because understanding the process can give me an opportunity to manipulate retards. So, what was the case? Fighting buyers remorse? Trying to pretend that social presure doesnt influence ones decisions? Refusal to accept how easy one falls for goysloppa? Other sorts of unwilingness to accept mistakes and move on?
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>I missed this in the patch notes
Cause it wasn't in the patch notes. Or even on the announcement page.
It was very early in the announcement video.
Where do you think you are you literal brain damaged shill. Hang on let me translate this into your native language for you again: आप मंदबुद्धि हैं। अपने आप को मार दो।
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poegg bros...
>5k hour
dont insult me like that you casual filth
>Where do you think you are
Looking at the posts in this thread, it is about Diablo and some streamers
A friend was super hyped for D4 and was always telling me to play it with him. He played for 1 week max and never talked about it again. He will do it again with whatever slop Blizzard releases next.
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over a billion on standalone. trust me i am tranny bootlicker
wow this game fell off
level scaling is hated in every single game it's ever been implemented in. it has never been good and has only ever served to destroy any feeling of progression and becoming more powerful in a game.
I don't know what that whole thing was about but I'm not going to pretend that wasn't retarded in some way.
quin plays a lot off stream as well, he could've done the same with d4. he could've easily done everything rob and the rest of the niggers did he just chose not to because he doesn't like blizzard's way of giving streamerniggers early access for free publicity.
RF chieftain as my first one? yes or no
How amusing. Before dilators 4 release I have heard exact same "arguments" in an attempt to pretend that dilator3 is not a dead game.
Was it you back then arguing that dead games are not dead?
>talking rationally about other games is now considered white knighting it
Cult mentality you'd expect from blizzdrones.
can you schizo retards shitpost slower please?
im doing some quests in Genshin Impact (another game much bigger and much more successful than poe) and its hard to keep up with the shit thread
pohx says RF is bad
who does this drop from again, The King in the Mist?
>I am genuinely interested in what makes some person so invested in the dead game that he feels a need to lie about it and whiteknight it online
contractual obligation
Maybe you should go back to your D4 general and shillpost there where they might appreciate you, faggot-kun
thats true, and they need to increase monetezation to compensate for the loss of playerbase.
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lol kys brown tranny
dual strike jugg it is then
I dont think i have posted about that before or not like this.
So we do agree that seasonal arpgs are 'dead' late into a season and they'll be alive at the start of a season again. Nice
average dilator player doesnt play video games, he does not exist.
Argentina Won
Argentina is White
it was supposed to be
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Quite funny how the sentiment used to be that GGG needs some competition, so that they improve the game. And once the competition arrived, they are in a permanent meltdown ever since. Even though it's mutually exclusive player bases.
this is pretty funny that they will have to pay for an expansion that brings in less content than one f2p poe league kek
That is what i am doing here, Ser
Argentina won Copa white
dilator sisters not like this... not like this...
I am literally shaking rn
I am on the verge of tears
Joined relatively late so don't know much about the game other than each content patch are called leagues, some of which are still in the game, some aren't. Seems like the most recent undertaker one isn't. Are the old ones still worth doing?
>adorned nerfed into the ground
>burning mod removed
>infernal cry nerf
>taste of hate nerf
>phys convert nerf
It's ogre for RF
fucck sake man
>is obsessed and posts the pajeets of the animal kingdom (c*ts)
>calls others brown tranny
oh the sweet irony.
the issue is that poe still doesnt have any competition though
You can just pick and focus on one
do not bully the local brown troons projecting onto others
I dont know what you are talking about.
Lets try it again.
What made you feel an intesne, unbearable need to defend daddy corporation and their failed product online?
To all my Witch chads here. What are your starters?
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I knew that this cope would happen.
Hop on and give it a shot if you don't mind spending weeks making what you could buy in a single afternoon in trade.
It's the old diablo 2 offline vs online argument. Offline for longevity of the game and fulfillment from play, online for pushing a season ladder and dominating the market.
this, no one scratches the same itch as poe
archmage DD necro
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>oh no I fucked up
>my character is dying
>log out

Lmao, yeah this takes a tremendous amount of skill.
Not witch. I like the witch, I've played the witch every league almost. They have finally done it. There are no builds left where witch excels. BAMA is the closest you're going to get to something that doesn't plateau too early, and even then you have to deal with mediocre clear.
maybe in dumbing down and selling more goyslop to the retarded nigger cattle
>Shitskin hates animals
Living stereotype.
Samefag troon, kys.
Right and wrong. It probably took all casual gamers and those are gone until PoE 2 comes along. Only for them to get immediately blasted by it and dropping it again. PoE 1 has a reputation and won't make the masses come.
>What made you feel an intesne, unbearable need to defend daddy corporation and their failed product online?
Nothing made me feel that. I was asked what i would say about this and that, over and over, and i answered. Thinking about it now, hes kinda weird tho
Yes, sometimes. It varies a lot.
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>Offline for longevity of the game and fulfillment from play
i wonder if people would play poe offline if they released a client(standard patch only)
The Azurite Mine is a complete waste of time.
But you made statements of pure projection like
>dilator is not dead its poe which is dead
wont you say that its very dishonest and regretful statement?
how do you do sanctum even? i played 100 hours last league and didn't get a single one to drop
Yes brothers, our game is so good and cool. We really need to trash talk that other game some more cuz we are not trash.
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My usual auraslut sissy is getting a boobjob so wont be available for league start. I'm taking applications for another auraslut bear in mind you are required to wear a flat plate chastity cage and plugged at all times whilst playing with me. If we get a divine drop you are required to have a sissygasm before being allowed to continue. DM for more info
ask me how i know you are a dirty slav(e) poolack russian rape baby, go on.
chris nerfed it this league, the absolute madman
keep it or sneed it?
cringe or based?
sus or mid?
FB or LS bros? and warden or slayer
It's reggie
standard only probably not. but if it got seasonal updates the same as the regular game, i absolutely would play offline.
Some here do exactly the same.

And what is with you asking me what i would say? I this some kind of interview? Do you want to hire or add me to some team or group or something? Am i under arrest, officer?

>we gud. they bad, even if do same
What level would you have to be to do the new settlers stuff?

Dont play any builds from this thread.
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You just wouldn't understand. Having a macro that instantly logs you out is peak skill. It really makes HC work, because it shows you are better than everyone else who don't logout whenever their character is in danger.
You fucking know it dude. The problem is then people could just mod in whatever MTX they want, and the company would lose their 140 million a year stream of revenue.
Back when the game was literally dying, people were hyping up the possibility of GGG giving an offline client before they shut down entirely.
Uh... furry stable diffusion bros?
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That's probably the biggest irony, next to people boasting and priding themselves that you need to be so intelligent to play this game, and all they manage is to follow someone else's build.
'path flooped btw
Same. I haven't played since sentinel.
I have been playing Maplestory since mid 2023
it's not really buffed tho anon
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>7 slots on primary quickbar
>my build has 8 skills to use
But brother, copy&paste'ing a build in this game is so much more harder and cooler than copy&paste'ing a build in that old game many of our streamer buddies played for many years in the past.
Better get used to swapping to your second quickbar
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I see the doomy is doing a d4 spergout defence a day before league start yet again
I hope he updates us all on what every person is playing like he does while the league is active!
buy the books
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mogged hard
I dont know what i like more about this “AAA” game, is it the endless grind for gear that never drops, the lack of any real trading, a crafting system that is quite frankly pathetic, the amount of lag, the constant animation locks with most skills or just the perfect balance in nightmare dungeons i just love being perma frozen from the cold mobs its like elemental resist actually do something to your build.

Dont get me wrong it is a good game but the core of the end game is just so fucking infuriating its actually sickening that they charged £60 for the base game when its this unbalanced with no sign of them making any changes
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they drop fine desu and its pretty easy to buy one on like day 4-5 into the league, i did like 50-60 last league till i got bored and went back to maps/bossing its fine for currency even for mid builds, cost to reward is great.
>>adorned nerfed into the ground
most RF builds didn't use it. only about half of the top end level 100 lo-lifers even used it.
>>burning mod removed
RF weapons rarely even use or need the burning damage mod on their weapon. it's +1 levels mods, fire damage, and dot multi, usually on an ele damage implicit rod.
>>infernal cry nerf
another adorned situation where only about half of the very top level players used it. won't affect most. personally I never used it.
>>taste of hate/phys taken as
not a chieftain-specific nerf nor does it affect our dps output

not many actual nerfs to the average RF player. new endurance charges giving elemental damage reduction is a significant buff also.
gonna be funny when he avoids playing poe again
need boyfriend to play poe with...
nice tuck
Bros should I even bother with Defiance Banner? I'm already at like 90% spell suppression without it. Is the -damage from hits a big deal?
i think we should discuss the real important topic of the league
will rmt prices be higher with the loss of mf?
who gives a shit about the unwashed, poop-stained, low IQ masses? poe is a white man's game.
did ggg say wether sanctum will drop gold?
>can literally not stop talking about 'other game'
this game surely is 'good'
uuuh... santum has dropped gold since it was added???
why niggers are crying about adorned? isnt 100% still extremely strong because you can easily roll 2 mod 2 synth imprint jewels, getting something like 4 crit mult roll on rare jewel is an abolute cancer
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>open pob
what the fuck is this shilling shit
Othergame doesn’t even have any waifus.
Duos got buffed with the removal of MF, didn't they?
Just get lucky chance to suppress than that shit.
auras now persist through death so you can use second hotbar for non aura binds bro
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>no milly D4
>quin stream embedded into pob soon
as if gh**y cheating his into that craftwebsite wasnt scummy enough
>want to optimize pob
>auto play popus out
>onions streamers tell you why your build sucks
have you tried making a nerd thread on /lgbt/
gold is a common drop and it will drop everywhere. you wont get any ore in sanctum though.
Not a bad point. This does not have enough too tho.
Why is this genre so low on them
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>builds that require you to wait before they do actual damage
>builds that require you to walk up to mobs to do damage
>builds that let mobs hit you before you can hit them
>builds that rely on uniques
>rare jewel
Anon please read before speaking about items you’ve never used.
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"Green Monk" so unhype dilator4 doesn't even have a general anymore.
Meanwhile /poeg/ is currently one of the top pph threads on /vg/.

It's ok, I accept your concession to the king of ARPG's.
>open pob
>there's a live feed of rue screaming about how bad your build is
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Pretty ironic considering that the Third World is using poe as an income by grinding currency and selling it to the first world. Those are probably also the one right now in this very general defending poe to their death and bringing up d4 to boost their ego. They can't sell shit in d4, so I guess there is where the anger is coming from.
Control+Q for quick-using one ability.
I think necromancer, sorceress and fembarian are hot
Next update will force you to watch a video before you can open the PoB
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based manliest scandinavian
this is my general. checkmate ser
Uh-oh dilator meltie
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goodbye portals
Noooooo, my build is on the POB frontpage. My gear will be expensive!
If your Build is not trending don't even talk to the poeg chads!
life must be pretty sad when you're in your late 20s, prime breeding age for a man, and you don't have a girlfriend that you can fuck every day
Sir, post your own pob, or you are cattle! SIR!
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>all these bleed builds with hundreds of thousands of views
how much is Rsylatha's and a phys axe going to cost?
based and truth

>next pob update features ds_lily stream
nah I am saying that rolling 4 crit mods rare jewels without adorned is a complete cancer vs slapping adornder + magic jewels which are easy to craft
maybe 35% cluster jewels are better tho
quin is washed up and barely plays poe anymore, fucking ripped to rhoas in mud flats and quit league lmao
ziz JUST became a father, shit will go downhill quickly
idk who the other faggot is
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i really like this, whats the problem?
>29 hours to go
I can't take it any more bros...
I play console so I will just sell baby crafts for a fortune. No one crafts there
oh god
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reddit (gggs target audience) loves that new thing. the 'jokes' you nigs make will become true very soon
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post your %inc life from tree NOW
Fuck it, gonna go hexblast miner instead of Locus memes. I wanna sanctoooooooooom.
This is kind of making me nervous that they'll update pob to use some awful web 2.0 UI with animations and padding and rounded corners everywhere
nta but i always rawdog this shit
Ah, so person defending dilator4 is a kind of a pathetic looser which feels a need to RMT in a shit games to validate himself against his endless real life failures. At least one piece of a puzzle now solved. Blizzard audience is trully a most pathetic one.
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if the party buffs are still the same then yea
I want a man who still have his balls and a dream and a will to carry a brainlet like me who will be making a scuffed saboteur build
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I don't mind the popular builds shit, I just want the ability to turn it off
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in lycia we trust
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Alright, I finally caught up to live posting since the reveal last week and reading every post since.
I neeeed to know what weapon runes go on what weapon and how rate they are. I can't rely on anything yet, so I can't use them as my first char.
I really hope vaal cdr is on a cool basetype.
Evens I post my pobs tonight
Odds I gatekeep
>king of arpgs
PoE2 isn't out yet though
they need to add updoot counter directly synched to the reddit as well
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>No Rue "Builds" on PoB recommended.
Lancechads won.
What skill gems should I use to tank Izaro's hits in lab 3&4 ?
>king of arpgs
LE2 isn't out yet though
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Thoughts? I'm about to be baited.
how many leagues have you played
everyone is going to play bows anyway
also just buy mb
granite flask
i don't get it. what's all the hype around LS?
Bruh the games are all in a cycle of dying and coming back to life in varying degrees. PoE is dead in a month, only to come back in December. Just as the others have their times to go down and come back.
max roll adorned is extremely expensive, and you're losing a huge amount of power through not being able to hit higher breakpoints with the lower percentages now. for example we'll take a 15% spell crit multi mod on a jewel. a 134% adorned was somewhat affordable and would hit a rounding breakpoint to give you 20% additional multi per jewel. now with a MAX rolled adorned you only get 15% additional multi per jewel, but realistically you're only going to be able to afford the 60-70% range. so you'll only be getting ~9-10% additional multi per jewel, which is half the multi compared to the 134% breakpoint you easily hit before.

tl;dr it's basically a 50% less damage nerf.
EB inquisitor does more damage
returning proj coming back i assume
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lmao are these even curated? it's just going to be 95% bait builds
League starting lightning strike is pure bait. Lightning strike is something you play after collecting currency.
Anon, you cant just say that. All the graphs and stuff show that poe is league based and is alive at the start but dies after a few weeks until next league starts, exactly like other league based arpgs but you can just not say it bro pls
it was THE melee skill a few years ago. now its damage has been doubled
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Hmm nyes, puncture of shanking.
jews finally got to PoB.
and yet D4 can't even maintain a general during its """""alive""""" phase. curious.
Get Zizaran's fucking clickbait bullshit off my autism calculator. Remove this feature immediately, if I wanted to twitter so soifaced jackoff I would be on Twitter.
berserker doesn't seem worth it if you're not going slams warbringer
the rage nodes aren't that good. just because rage is baseline buffed doesn't mean the berserker rage nodes are good.
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whats the most braindead overpowered (and pretty cheap) league starter right now
>are these even curated?
It's been out for less than an hour.
For there to be so many already, it can't be curated.
Although I can't figure out how people are uploading them.
Bro does not respect the max hit statistic
coc detonate dead
archmage hierophant.
it's a mechanically excellent "melee" skill that got buffed and has great synergy with new warden ascendancy
returning proj rune is just for bows (and maybe wands, we don't know yet)
what about the nerf to corpse level desecrate
>off my autism calculator
Do you spend so much time outside of the build itself (only shows up on build list) that this is an issue?
good clear. it's always been decent with currency. but now it got buffed so actually deals good dmg.
also might be able to utilize the return proj enchant (i believe it's a 1h melee enchant).
Do enchants stay on a wepon if you chance it to a unique?
lots... how is that important though?
Tati's totem pob has blown everything else I've seen out of the water in terms of both max hit and damage at level 80.
it's not real trust me bro go DD
balormage is pretty legit. i've followed a couple of his guides in the past and done very well with them.
Go hang yourself in your closet, tranny. Never give an inch
>phys max hit 13k
>541k effective hit pool
sure thing pal
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Do they stay if you vaal the item and tainted mythic orb it?
>20k max hit, dies from a sneeze
fucking lmao people are going to get baited hard
>let me craft unique with double unique effects

also how many tailoring orb uniques have you seen
If you "starter" build is on the upper part of the tree, it is bait and trash
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Enchanted weapons can't be upgraded to Unique.
>returning proj rune is just for bows (and maybe wands, we don't know yet)
no. it's not for bows. ziggyd asked about this in the mark interview. i can't remember the answer but it was only for some 1h melee wpn, either swords or daggers (or maybe both). but no wands or bows.
you have to be in melee range for it to double hit and do any damage at all. so yeah, it's basically a melee skill with "ranged" clear.
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Delete EHP from PoB already faggot
it's lichrally on a bow in the actual game footage they showed.
>and do any damage at all
If the damage is good enough to warrant using it, halving it is not a significant issue.
If it is, then the damage sucks in both cases and you should be using a different skill.
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So i check it and its almost all BAMA and Reaper, and old videos. I dont want to play these skills.

Not very useful. Others?
POB just took it to the next level

Path of building just took it to the next level with the new update and added popular builds. This is incredible for new players who load up this app wondering what the fuck is going on they can easily see on the right side a list of strong and good league starters without having to do too much research. So far I just updated the app and I’m blown away.

You guys who are working on path of building are doing an amazing job, almost no games in existence have the community support for custom apps like POE

A brick to the face? Only grifters are pumping out videos.
then kill yourself
simply as
if a skill does double damage, that warrants using it. i don't know what the fuck you're trying to say
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Do I suffer two buttons with ice nova or just go for spinning ballz?
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Ehp is useful if you configure it correctly and aren't retarded.
This. Max hit is the only valuable stat
every streamernigger is creaming their pants over cornered prey and masterful form but none of their builds are running either of them.
why is every streamernigger such a baiting flaming niggerfaggot?
To all my casuals, dads and other busy people that can't go gremlin mode for league start

I want to remind you all that can't go gremlin mode on league start that it's okay. We got other stuff going for us outside of the game. I for one will be able to play maybe 1 hour on league start if I am lucky. On saturday hopefully another 2 hours or so. But that being said, while so many people complained about how they hated the 4month league format, I managed to enjoy more time with my son, built a bathroom with my dad, went to my cousins wedding and partied for a whole week there. While we all miss being a gremlin on league start or some other game launch, at least I don't get affected by a league lasting a month more. Stay sane exiles!
Except that this PoB feature only exists for grifting soijacks to lie and clickbait people with EHP and stupid build titles.
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comf always better than clunk
How do you Scion?
I think so too anon, time for balls
The difference between killing an enemy in 10 seconds vs 20 seconds is negligible because both are acceptable.
The difference between killing an enemy in 2 minutes vs 4 minutes is negligible because both are unacceptable.
There is no breakpoint at which a specific skill being able to "double" its damage once matters such that "it does no damage outside of melee range, but does good damage in melee range" just via "double" damage.
I was gonna do Hexblast miner until I realized that Sanctum will probably not give Farmville gold AND that Sandstorm visage is now Original Sin levels of rare
Based and dadpilled.
damage avoidance is a genuinely useful form of defense. i don't care what any of you faggots say. having 75/75 block is insanely comfy for map clearing.
scion is a richman class
>30k words, the biggest patch notes in PoE history
>no new content
Based I love gambling
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So there is no alternative to Gh**y now?
Dark times
>30k words
>it's just all melee skills getting a small buff that doesn't fix them in any way
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Let the retards play their retard builds. Their complaining about dying all the time with 200k ehp will never stop being funny.
Anyone planning elemental slammer / doryanis fist leaguestart or I am baiting myself
Hey listen, they REALLY had to make it clear about chance to ignore physical defense reduction
Glad pathfinder for Max block and perma flasks. Any skill you want
I am playing this build. I have played Balormage poison srs past leagues. You can get 40/40 with it and clear practically everything. Yeah, you aren't going to be able to tank big shit though like an uber eater explosions or uber exarch balls. You are a minion caster.
the deterministic conditions to get a sandstorm visage are infinitely easier than those to get original sin. even if the relic is as rare as the OS's relic, it's going to be much cheaper due to being far easier to actually complete the relic.
Yeah I'm just done with poe until poe2. finish the fucking game and get it out for fuck's sake
Thought about it for a second, but if you go fire damage, why wouldn't you just go with a chieftain? Elementalist seems so redundant today.
>slam sounds cool
>look into it
>some exert fuckery
do you actually have to use some retarded warcries to make it work?
so what's your starter build for tomorrow?
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Why doesn't anyone play scion?
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Nothing, I'm not playing this league. I'm over the current state of poe 1, it's boring
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Just looked at lance's zerker slams I think he might be a retard guys
can you disable this somehow? i dont want bloat in fucking pob
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Canon used goods slut. Witch and Ranger are pure.
praise and updoot
cant wait for my cute streamer wifu ds_lily to be featured with her stream in path of building very soon. you go girl
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scion is pure though
Scions are good little aura kittens for their Discord moderator daddies
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oh we're about to "log" in alright.
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Gladbros....anyone else going full retaliation?
can we make a terrible bait build with a poe streamer's name in the title and updoot it to the top?
then why are you here? feel free to leave, nothing is keeping you here.
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>ring on the finger
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How do we fix her?
New content is never more than a few hundred words because they don't describe it in patch notes, only in teasers and announcements.
Hell, they don't even mention Gold (the resource) in the patch notes.
I want to kiss the Maven!
Only 1 ascendancy. She definitely needs 2 more like other classes that brings more variety to builds.
pob is already bloated af, baka tbqh famalam
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you can go rage instead, or like one war cry and banner for boss/rare shit, stacking war cries just looks pretty strong rn due to one tapping the screen potential
she's 14...
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>saggy tits
She's one of the best ascendancies in the game when you have hundreds of divines to dump into her.
A lot of people play her. Just not on league start.
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SSF CHADS how comfy will our ls be tomorrow from 1 to 11
yeah it's in options
give more damage and defense
>pob is already bloated
>i dont want bloat in fucking pob
no antisemitism please, brothers
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i see puci
Chris has already secured Michael Obama to voice all the monkeys in poe 2
scion was canonically raped repeatedly in every way imaginable by her arranged marriage "husband" before she murdered him.
>14k life
based life enjoyer
lewd i can see her pussy stubble
ls means "lightning strike" nobody says it for "league start" new frog
i dont care i do what i want
Age does not matter for outer gods
out of 10!
god i wish that were true
Activision and Blizzard should acquire GGG and Poe.
idk probably nerf all es items in the game by severely restricting acess to 30% qual
do you still have to save scion from a cage to unlock her? who knows what dominus did to her
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What is /ourgirl/ league starting?
Diablo 4 launch was massive and even though like 95% of players quit the game they still make tons of money from retards still buying horse skins
You can now buy lvl 70 characters with story done
>from 1 to 11
you dont even get the gem until the end of act 1, by which time you're usually around what, level 12?
lily probably plays one of the builds she has played before
actual unironic bbc slut
how blizzards poe would look like?
DClara hit the wall really hard
you can literally see the adams apple and the man jaw.
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i still have no idea what to play
league is starting in 4 and a half hours and you're all shitposting.
desu with blizzards flagship game being diablo immortal it should be compared to games within its own genre like genshin impact.
ascendancies behind paid dlcs
mindbroken 4chan incel
john travolta in drag?
You have niggers for brains
they added new ES base types
Whatever you want, really. If you want actual recommendations, you'll have to narrow the field a little.
Man, whatever happened to her anyway? Did she die?
>we dont need players if we can scam blizzdrones
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storage space behind mtx.. oh wait
sis you cut off part of the 0...
I think I'll stay. thanks though :)
cutedog harassed her off the internet
TSLarry fans running interference
wasn't diablo immobile just a reskin of some other chinese mobile game that its outsourced devs made?
its an android, you are mistaken
yes, with D3 assets. at the start at least
idk but its making them the most money
Probably got a bf/husband and lost interest in receiving attention from the most autistic spazzy game community in existence.
mi ndbroken by internet soo hard he cant separate women from men, tragic really
not surprising at the slightest, mobile "platers" have lowest standards and perfect next gen of blizzard fans
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Actually I just looked her up. She quite gaming and became a nurse. She's just living the normie life now.
Downloaded this game yesterday on ps5, I’m level 7 now and most of my gear and gems have health regeneration. Put my points towards like 60% strength and like 40% dex on the skill tree, having good fun so far and just killed a big crab in the submerged area. Going to be heading more inland now, so far so good.
many such cases
need that POE edit picture of a guy smashing crabs
>frogtranny still meltdown
Keep it up bro
bigot stop assumign peoples gender
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Enjoying life, as should everyone.
>if you don't like this tranny you must like that other tranny
do fags really?

Its a cute man for sure. Its okay to like cute men.
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What build should I play for pic related?
COD and https://www.king.com/games make them a lot too, not so sure if D-I is still big
I think it should be commendable just how much money Path of Exile leaves on the table by not turning into casual garbage
Not what I’ve meant
I would go warden if possible
i meant just blizzard part of the company
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she has a twitter account where she posts a couple of times per year

she wrote some post on why she quit

they are all one big soup one
unironically sweep
This is the bricked version as well. Should have near 16k
blizzard is very unpopular due to all their games being dead, I wonder if they admit the l and dismantle whole studio to cur costs only leaving skeleton crew to preserve brands
I’ll update later, have to do some work for tarkleigh right now.
yea pretty much all their money comes from CoD and Candy Crush. their financials are publicly available.
No. That's how it was when it was originally announced. After the massive shitfest that spiraled out of control afterwards they ended up scrapping the reskin and making it from scratch.
I wanted to see how it was, so I tried it out on launch. It was an okay game, really good for mobile, once you got past all the in your face cash shop shilling.
That was until I realized nothing actually mattered and you can clear endgame content in the nude. Gear's worthless. Yet gear's also time gated and locked behind a cash shop that requires literally hundreds of thousands of dollars spent to max out all the systems.
None of the systems matter. None of the gear matters. None of the game matters. It's like it all exists to get people convinced that they need to spend money to play a game that, for all intents and purposes, doesn't exist.
It's the weirdest thing I've ever seen.
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>food acquired
>femboy porn downloaded
>toilet unclogged
Gonna be another good league launch
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>Doesnt want paypigs
>Hated playing games as a "job"
>Wants to give back so she trains as a nurse
damn whoever marries her is one lucky bastard

she should make an onlyfans
not even drama actor youtubers like assmongo even give a tiny shit about the diablo phone game anymore
I have about 30 JOI videos reserved to play constantly on my 2nd monitor as I blast through the campaign and maps with my cock hard
and you should seek professional help for porn addiction, degeneracy and simping.
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Sure, I'll do that, right after she spreads her butthole on onlyfans.
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>*doesn't play it*
why is he like this?
Can I post a very VERY dumb build and will you not laugh at me?
Anon please, guts is not one of the faggots
no, he didnt fuck that fag
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lacerate or sst?
she's also still in cutedogs chat a lot and is playing poe again
because its not out yet?
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can't wait for the next poe podcast I've been listening in on all of them great content!
Because he's paid to be like this.
Only if it's fun and off-meta. If it's just a dumb take on an existing build I WILL make fun of you and mock you relentlessly.
Money, dude. He does this for every game's launch and expansion hype period. His PoE video has more than a million views. I didn't watch it, but if he took a sponsorship he could get anywhere from 10-30k from his subscriber count. From the million view count he'll be netting 5-10k off of ad revenue.
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easy views = easy money
literally all he ever does
>protruding monkey jaw
Because for him its most effective to play the new big thing for 5 minutes until he opens up some politics reddit and says the most popular opinion of things for 8 hours a day. Asmongold was watchable during wod like 10 years ago but after thats it has been some of the most dogshit lukewarm content only rivaled by summit1g
yeah, she talked about starting a new character for the first time a few days ago
Disregard the cost of the items, tell me how dumb I am
if you use other people's builds then by definition you are a cuck and didn't beat the game
>darth microtransaction
this guy was a complete nobody before d4 right?
i remember getting recommended a lot of his d4 videos starting a few months before d4
seems like he just got lucky
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>trickster has some of the most versatile ascendancy points
>everyone plays him as a miner or trapper
you need 12 pounds of uniques to even consider playing a regular skill on trickster
no one ever really leaves do they
nah, he became "big" and "a name" while Diablo Immortal start, whaling like no tomorrow. But when everyone stopped that and 4 was close, he jumped ship to that.
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talk me out of SSF oni-goroshi chieftain
He can do anything. He's been used for everything. It's just that we're in a weird place balance wise with the recent changes so traps & mines are the safe bet right now. Don't let that stop you if you want to play him differently.
He was in diablo 4 beta and he just had overall ok videos and thumbnails. His first big video was 60k viewers and it was reacting to quin69 drama of all things lmao. Quin made him
his claim to fame was actually diablo immortal
he was an unironic diablo immortal player that discovered real games
im playing melee energy blade trickster
minesissies can blow me
fuck it, I'm just gonna play standard with all my goodies while you AzurLane retards go pick up your gold to send out your timed ship missions.
the one that doesn't feel like shit to play its sst
when is the gog + talkativetri + therealjameshumphrey + balormage podcast?
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You know he would have torn up that cripple bussy if he was willing to share with casca
boomers vs. ugly incels vs. chads
>He can do anything. He's been used for everything
thats the original spirit of poe and how all classes should be
asmongold has literally played the last six leagues, it's just a terrible stream game for anyone that isn't a screaming retard like quin
chinese sockpuppet is not in crowd yet
How do you plan on inflicting 50 shocks on a doryani's fist build?
As someone who's farmed an oni-goroshi in SSF half a dozen times because I'm autistic and really enjoy the idea of progressing with a sentient sword wife who progresses alongside you
Don't do it. The grind takes anywhere from 12-30 hours depending on luck. It's very tedious, and while you eventually get to the point where it's all muscle memory, it's never really a fun time. You'll also want to eventually go back and grind out a second sword for your single target damage so that's a bit of a buzzkill.
The sword's also just not really that great. You can easily find better rares at every point in the game. Even at level 100 the sword's just kind of pretty alright.
why do you care what this ugly goblin does?
gog is a lone wolf, I've heard he's exceedingly hard to work with
But asmongold is a retard that doesn't scream. Should be perfect for him but in the end asmongold is pretty shit at poe so he doesn't want to stream it because his god gamer ego. I still remember when he got filtered by dark souls 2 and he literally ended stream early because people were spamming laughing emojis at him
is that so? then link his(your) best chars profile or fuck off asmongo
2 options
>go all in on newshit and drink the Warden Tincture koolaid
>tried and true safe options and wait for the broken stuff to slowly surface
>doryani's prototype with doryani's fist
yeah, i'm thinkin based
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>Watches video
>Oh thats weird
>Oh thats looks cool
>Chat this is insane
>Makes the most obvious common take
>500k views from 1hr video where he only reacts a handful of times
How the fuck is this possible? Whats the fucking appeal????
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>worse than most retards here
>eternal blessing purity of elements
>0 challenges
yup sure bruh he plays a "lot"
Trying things out is the way this game is meant to be played. If you don't, or if you strictly follow build guides, you might as well uninstal. It's fucking retarded how people conditioned themselves into believing that only streamers can come up with builds.
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everybody calling me sis... playing as a ranger.. all this trans talk.. is making me kinda doubt a little bit about my identity
does this happen to anyone else?
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I can't find consistent answers elsewhere. What exactly makes Shield Crush a bad skill? I remember it being huge when it came out, especially for bleed.

I'm planning on running Bleed Glad SC because I really want to play a block-based build, but literally every other shield pob I've seen is for SST. I understand that proj builds are great for spreading bleeds and pops, but wont SC do more single target damage?
The appeal is
>I'm excited for x, and this is a video of person who is also excited for x
It's a weird form of parasocial affirmation that's developed culturally with the internet
only poor people that want the shitty free mtx care about challenges
why does tyty look like a chud?
the warden shock passive is straight up bad in a doryani's fist build. herald of thunder cannot shock if that's what you're thinking. you'd get way more damage by unticking that. also your 1.6 attacks per second makes the uptime on unbound awful. and even if that wasn't true 1 million dps is not that impressive for a level 95 character.
As expected of the GOD GAMER
Delve is DEAD
Again today I thought about how based tie23he is and how he shit on all the other racers
which streamer is it that had literal tits?
don't worry sis, just drink the tincture and you'll finally be a real girl
What's wrong with disabling heist?
numerically it is good, but actually open poe and try it. if you think it's okay, go ahead
It's fine but scaling you're limited on what you can use to scale it so the whole thing is very prescribed and boring. Zoomers don't like that it doesn't blow up the whole screen and don't recognise that it zooms perfectly fine because your shield charge does real damage.
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chat is this real ?
Zizaran had a literal trade tab named "I hate niggers" and it came up when people whispered him to tade
By dealing zdps
Can’t I deal multiple shocks with shock oath at once?
It was crazy popular, but like all popular skills it was gutted quickly. It lost like half its damage as a cost of being fun.
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Tyty was unironically a cute twink not too long ago, then he fell down the twitter tranny/musclegirl rabbit hole and then came out this way
no proofs
wow shes hot >>487579419
what do WE think about leaguestarting LS slayer?
he's talking about shield crush not sst
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>Le hecking racer man
>Le hecking tier list man
>Loses to a guy who doesn't even care about the game and only shows up to put the other retards in their place
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>Those tyty milkjuggs
It moved...
Whats not clear about a white man's game that takes advantage of turdworld slave labor? Get back to the chaos mines, bitch
I’ll play around then
1 hit = 1 shock = 2%
shocks last 2s by default
Absolute disgrace
Is the tincture stuff in POB all there is to it or is it just that we don't know all the tincture mods yet?
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It's a damn shame that's fake since people can edit those message.
Do we know anything about this man other than he is pretty good at the game and he just shows up to shit on people at exilecon? Does he have a job? What does he do?
Was it an actual tab? You can copy the message and edit it before you send it out.
feels more like someone edited the message

if that actually was his stash name then this would've shown a lot more and there would've been some retarded drama
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At first glance, you can easily retool your tree a bit to save 2 points and gain 6% inc life by going through the herbalism cluster and pathing up along the right side of those nodes instead of the left side. I would also pick either one side or the other in the Primeval Force cluster instead of the entire wheel, to save another 2 nodes. Call of the Brotherhood isn't that great if you aren't doing double CotB full quality'd 96% conversion. Also you say "disregard the cost of items" but good fucking luck getting all those uniques on shaper bases for eternity shroud.
>his best league is metamorph with 20 challenges
>his first real challenge league was 6/40 legacy league despite larping as a closed beta player
interesting, hes such an oldfag hardcore gamer that he never even had a chance to use augs or alchs in anarchy/onslaught.
cant believe tyty has been trans all this time
Can you delete this please?
kek, why don't more people do this it's literally asking for it when these grifters are streaming.
Yeah I don't mind the clunk. Not have totems means I can slot in Crushing Fist and Banners to make the gameplay a bit more dynamic.
Linearity is fine for me because I still suck at making builds after 300+ hours
So I guess that node is exclusively for stuff like lightning strike and other fast damaging shit?
His whole gaming persona was built upon his wow character which he played at the highest level but wow at the hardest level is not fucking science to play. He then pretended he is good in every game but refuses to stream shit like poe because he in reality is dogshit at it
nope genuinely insane since he could get a ton of viewer on twitch like how ppl worship ben because there is no one else competent in Hc
>talk me out of SSF oni-goroshi
It'll work, if you're literally autistic and don't mind spending 40 hours of pure play farming for oni on several characters before you even start the league.
you have to try extremely hard to get 0 challenges in a league
Or things that hit a lot like Storm Rain.
>Nothing, I'm not playing this league. I'm over the current state of poe 1, it's boring
sounds like me but i always cave in 2 days before leaguestart
>not playing is extremely hard according to /pooeg/
is that even possible? don't you automatically get at least one challenge for beating the first 5 act bosses?
he only ever did act racing shit.
he likes chicken breast and anime
quit poe to ascent to godhood
Steel was more dominant player against much harder competition than Ben has ever had. Even in sports there are eras when someone is strong but others are just dogshit and the competition is low. Just like in football all the legends remembered are from 90s/early 2000s because the amount of competent people was high as fuck and still some people raised way above everyone else. Ben is having like 2 player competition at the moment while Steel had much more people he beat at and for a long time
Modern challenges, you're guaranteed an absolute minimum of 2 Challenges if you make it to maps.
>1 for Acts 1-5 bosses
>1 for Acts 6-10 bosses
Failing that is proof you didn't play the damn game. Pushing up to true endgame (high-reds and clearing at a minimum Eater and Exarch) gets you to 3 or 4 at an absolute minimum.
His current gf is trans, so he's most likely mid transition.
I hope all the fake RF """enjoyer""" niggers stop playing RF so it can be my comfy skill again.
Kind regards
I watched an AMA she did with Ziz, too. She's a total weirdo. Probably grew up with like 5 older brothers or something.
Thanks, I know that eternity shroud is a giga meme but I wanted to push Ele as extra chaos further, and this one looks more reliable than harness the void from shadow jewels. I’ll try to retool it somehow
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if people want to advertise their pob they should be able to
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early poe was so funny
ah shit, hes gonna steal all the other LGBTQ poe streamers viewers
If I want to see people's PoBs, I should be able to check the forums.
If I don't want to see them, I should have the option to do so.
assmangold admittedly didn't play necropolis and says he skips leagues all the time. that guy is just a retard.
yea HC is dead even ardent supporters of it like pohx and steel have migrated to SC its not basically a group ssf gamemode
you're talking about the competition as if it hasn't been the same people doing it for years. ben has just gotten much better than everyone else.
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>WoW kino pre expansion and expansion hype
>Genshin Impact kino Summer event and new kino region hype

I won't have time for based PoE unless I discover THE build

>Kino challenges rewards
>Gorathas build
>Credited to Ziz
ngl lightning strike gladiator looks absolutely dogshit. even the newbies can't fall for these youtube baits for fuck's sake.
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I have 2 versions.
that arm definition is insane
new bait build
new thread
>>WoW kino pre expansion and expansion hype
nobody gives a shit
>>Genshin Impact kino Summer event and new kino region hype
already completed summer stuff and new region is still over a month away

you just suck even at childrens games like genshin impact and dont deserve to play thinking mans game like poe.
>WoW kino
>WoW hype
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Ben dies 10 times this league as melee when he can't rely on his crutch build DD
he's starting zerker, he will die at least 70 times during campaign just like me
The only reward I want is the weapon effect and that's at like 8 challenges so I could probably do it in a day if I tried.
hadnt heard of that build, looks comfy af might play that. running around putting totems down and looting is very chill
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it doesn't work for me
gazzy is such a dickhead. over the years i have never seen an interaction with him and another person where he wasn't rude, entitled, passive-aggressive and antisocial.
he needs to give up on the mustache
average swede
yeah thats the whole joke

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