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Previous: >>486237138
>What is this?
My Hero Ultra Rumble is a new battle royale game based off the My Hero Academia anime. It features various different characters from the series (with more to be added) with different quirks and costumes, separated into 5 archetypes. The matches are made up of 8 teams with each team having 3 players. Last team alive wins!
-Season 6 is here
-Endeavor is now obtainable via Hero Tickets
-Overhaul is now available in the gatcha rolls
>Game's database
>Google doc with damage numbers
>/mhurg/ agencies
PC: Toga Lovers (ID: 1695305727)
Froggers (ID: 2203659952)
XBOX: Mina is Cute (ID: 7295700145)
PS4/PS5: Juicy (ID: 1219501098)
>Character ID List
>Current gacha characters will be added to the ticket pool at a later date
https://twitter.com/MyHeroUR/status/1707812523259343249 (embed)

-If you want to apply to an agency from these threads, leave your name in the thread in order to be easily identified.
-Certain characters like the ones that can only be seen in the "Special" part of the License tab, can be unlocked just by playing (Bakugo, Todoroki, Tsuyu, Toga, Mr. Compress and All Might). Some have to be unlocked with Character Tickets (Iida, Kendo, Kaminari). Some have to be unlocked by rolling (Aizawa, Kirishima, Momo, Ibara), but may be obtainable by using Character Tickets in the future (Ibara).
get me that tsuyu as a skin STAT
>oversleep for a bit
>frogshit takes over
Well, never again
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>new skins announced for the girls
>no bikinis
Guys…I think it’s over
kill all frogs
frogs revive the oversleepers
Why is solos suddenly so empty and full of bots? It's been like this since the season started.
They clearly dodn't, so fuck frogs and fuck you too
>fight two players with bot-like behavior, that only dropped two level up cards when I killed them
>but they didn't have bot names
guess I just KILLED new players...
Haunted frog house
kill frogs and put their spirits in a haunted house
>2 month wait until next character
>don't even know who the next character is
g-get hyped...
>watch season trailer
>see kendo outfit
>just a recolor
>more chunko and frog skins
You will get another Cementoss skin before Kendo and you WILL like it!
>faggot iida and useless toga in team
>iida lets me die to save the useless hoe
Good to see bad things happen to cunty speedfaggots. He even lost to the decuck i marked a million times and he ignored cause he was being a bitch
At this point it's a pretty even toss-up.
My hope is Kurogiri.
Add a new female character... please............ Byking...
I swear, they're giving some bots generic usernames.
They will add a character from another franchise like Naurto or One Piece before they add a girl from this series
Monkey's Paw: They add big sis Magne for woke points.
Magne is not female though?
Yeah, Nejire-Chan is coming soon
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I knew I wasn't going crazy. Some bots DO have usernames now. If they waddle around aimlessly in the lobby without doing any attacks, they're probably bots. If you're not sure and happen to die, their status/profile/report player options are greyed out when you look at them, just like all the character name bots.
I guess they gotta make the little Timmys feel good some how.
In season 10
For the people that are low ranked, is ranked really skill based matchmaking now? Are your lobbies majority low ranking players?
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Hard to tell because it's the start of the season so you'll still have plenty of last season high rank players at the starting ranks. Assuming that it isn't account for your previous season ranks?
Let me convert gold into roll tickets, Byking
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Yep, bot players. Spawned in just like do after the waiting lobby fails to find players, can't click on profiles, and act like bots when you get into the game.
Why the fuck did the devs ignore Twice's Gamma being a problen
Did they bug out Cementoss' beta? Because i tired to make a horizontal wall on a flat rooftop at UA islamd and it just broke immediately once it was set
>full 350 HP
>139 shield
>Twice walks in the room
>combos me down to 90 health
>he did 400 damage
>no Strike teammates because it's solo
>he wasn't glowing red from card usage
Twice tied with Mt Lady on the cheater character tier list
they really went overboard with all the new medals, I'm getting so many for stuff I've already done before, for every character
Did they expand Mirio's hitbix on his alpha? I roll away from it sideways and still got clapped?
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>I can no longer charge through Momo's shield
>find Kota
>pick him up and throw him into the Sun
OverhaulCHADS, we are S-TIER even WITHOUT mobility
He does so much damage that's so easy to land... it's scary, but at least it feels so much more fair to strategize against.
Does it really block Mirio's alpha now?
yeah it does, I feel like they're prepping to completely nerf mirio to the ground once he's available to buy with tickets
That's so fucking stupid. He can go through WALLS, how can a shield stop him?
What about Kendo's shield? Does that block him as well now?
No I can still go through Kendo's barrier no problem.
it's time to add a Nomu horde mode
Gamma into Gamma is so fucking good. I just had an 11 KO game just spamming that combo (with both of my teammates leaving early into the match).
>it will be years before we get another non-LoV villain
it's OVER
Is Overhaul the best support now, or does that title still belong to Cementoss?
KINGmentoss is still at the top. Overhaul can't touch him.
Cementoss is a stronger character, but Overhaul is a better support because he actually SUPPORTS.
Aside from Cementoss's revive ability, he's basically an Assault or Technical. Sure in theory he can create cover, but generally all a Cementoss does is chuck semen from his towers and fuck up his teammates' movement.
Meanwhile Overhaul's heal ability is incredibly useful and can be used much more frequently than the revive abilities, he has area denial and even a bit of projectile blocking with his beta, and can root enemies for further comboing by his teammates with his gamma. Additionally, all of his attacks trigger knockdown after a couple hits, which is great for fucking with the enemies' attacks and movement without also fucking your teammates over like Cementoss's blocks can.
it's time to remove Twice from the game
I'd rather remove Mt Lady and Deku. Playing around Twice is a lot easier.
Why is there so many characters that throw rocks in this game?
I will now pretend to be a bot
Devs are huge Stonetoss fans
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posting this since the video posted last thread of the new Todo didn't show that he can also do this.
is it really in good taste to draw a child torturer and his victim in a cutesy pic together?
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I wonder how many lucklets won't have Overhaul for the all-Overhaul match this Saturday.
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I refuse to spend any more of my precious red tickets trying to roll for him
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But he's fun!
I got yellow Shiggy, so i don't care
>no Quirk erasing bullet item
It's time to buff Mt Lady
>catch frog with Overhaul gamma
>me and teammates destroy all her health
feels GOOD
Overhaul will be nerfed before Twice gets nerfed
Just play Aizawa.
>Toga can stall her transformation bar by drinking
>red Dabi can stall his gamma by drinking
>Iida can't stall his gamma by drinking
>Iida also got his level up gamma strat removed
Iidabrothers, this is abuse
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what the fuck
do you think overhaul ever raped eri?
>beat up a Dabi
>he's clearly a new player so I decide not to kill him
>downed him but run away and he uses his special to get back up
>suddenly I hear him getting beat up
>it's an Ochunko and she's downed him again
>try to save Dabi but Ochonger kills him with car spinning
>curbstomp the Ochungus for killing Dabi
I'm a luckGOD okay? Its just my luck went in the wrong place...
>being chased by big Mt Lady
>her Toga teammate is disguised as my Shiggy and she grabs me
>get damaged by her while big Mt Lady alphas me
>suddenly get teleported away to a random spot nearby
You're such a faggot, Argy
I sure hope he did.
well we know he did worse
Prominence burn got extremely overtuned this patch. I thought the alpha nerf was gonna hit him hard but it was barely noticeable while the buff to his gamma made him insane.
It's so good it might be worth upgrading first over beta, though i still think having 3 spears is more valuable in the long run.
We will get 24 players at customs tomorrow
>Hmm I want to play Shigaraki, but I want him to look gross and have goofy pants
after I leak the lobby code to the froppy fan club
finally, frog safari
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didn't the last frog safari end with a total frog victory?
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not this time
One week until the new movie releases, and All Might gets a skin based on the movie
This reminds me, during last week's custom games someone (not from /mhurg/) invited me to play with them, and when I told them I couldn't because I was in a custom game at the moment, they asked if they could join. I told them it was an agency thing, but that I would ask.

How do we feel about the prospect of inviting non-/mhurg/ buddies to custom games?
Would the extra population be welcome, or would having people from outside the general hurt the sanctity of it?
depends, are they a 4chan guy? because i'd say the bare minimum is 'doesn't think 4chan is an infamous hacker'
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The biggest problem is that if he or anyone else doesn't use the thread then it's harder to coordinate special rounds
honestly I wouldn't care at all. our sekret klub has like 4-6 active members lol why not invite some randos?
we should make a discord. I know you faggots don't like discord but here me out, shut up.
i ain't listening to a guy who can't even use the right 'hear', thanks
I met them through the game, so I know very little about them. Odds say "no," though.
I can always personally message them with special round details and such, but you're right that it's an obstacle.
Hear me out: Fuck off.
>Discord bad
>I'll just personally message them
To be a customs member, you must have a drive to KILL frogs
Allow me to answer this with a tale:
>love circa-2017 /v/ermin threads on /v/
>eventually become occupied with other things, but still remember them fondly
>just recently, stumble across the old /v/ermin wiki
>there's a link to a Discord server on it
>apparently after a couple years, the threads started losing steam and/or were the target of the mods and jannies, so a Discord server was created
>join the server
>"Server rules: No slurs, bigotry, harassment, or otherwise offensive and unpleasant behavior"
>even saying "fag" in any context gets you banned
>no mention of /v/ anywhere in the imagery or rules or anything, the server just calls them "vermin" now
>any mention of 4chan or /v/ in the chat is just shit-talking it
It was such a fucking disappointment. And I've seen it again, and again, and again.
Making a Discord server for a general thread never ends well. It NEVER ends well. The server becomes more insular and circlejerky, siphons activity out of the general, and rots the quality of the posts left in the general merely by existing. Eventually the general dies of starvation and shitposting, or the Discord becomes so disconnected from it that it cuts ties and splits off entirely, or both. /5eg/ managed to survive this process, but many others do not and going through it is shit either way.
Discord is convenient. I use Discord.
I still maintain that a general should NEVER create a Discord server and any mentions of the idea should be met with complete opposition.
It's just a complete shitshow and diminishes the quality of the associated general every single time.
What if you are a frog? Do you kill yourself... or just other frogs?
You must let yourself be killed by customs players, we will divide your items between each other
we have literally like 5 people in this general at any given time. that's pretty easy to manage. and if you make it yourself guess what? you make the rules. plus you can set it to only open up posting in it during customs or whatever.
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>surely this time will be different
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Saving my tickets for this skin and Hawks so I ain't pulling overhaul.
How many do you have left? You'd only need 3k for both of those things, maximum.
I can't open the game right now but I think I'm at 4.8k tickets, I'm also saving for future skins and characters ofc.
>during last week's custom games
Sucks I can't join because there's no cross-play
You could host a weekly console custom games session!
How many console /mhurg/gers are there, even?
>How many console /mhurg/gers are there, even?
Me(who started like a week ago) and 1 more anon
Also I checked and they mentioned working on cross-play last year in October, if lucky maybe we get in the next season which will start around the end of September which is almost a year from their post
Can't wait for the crossplay DLC ($20 subscription)
Imagine playing with console players against the sweaty ace ranked killsquads on PC
it's a totally different game on console (casual)
Byking Dev here!
We are making changes to roll tickets! You may now only have 1000 roll tickets maximum at once! Any tickets gotten once you've reached the max limit will be discarded!
This change goes into effect on 7/25/2024! Thank you for playing!
Please roll for Overhaul. You need him.
I wouldn't doubt that one of the biggest hurdles of why Byking doesn't become more generous with their tickets and rolls is because of legacy players sitting on hoards of tickets and crystals
why would I need him
>why would I need him
Because he's cool :^)
>why would I need him
If you own both Mirio and Overhaul you unlock a special gamemode: Capture the Eri
I think I'll pass
punch frogs
explode frogs
>got the PUR four-arm Overhaul skin because why not, I had enough points for it and I didn't want the barefoot AfO skin
>don't actually have any desire to use it over Overhaul's default skin
It looks kind of cool, but the arms don't actually animate or do anything, they just stick out the side like a halloween costume, and it changes his silhouette so drastically that it makes it VERY obvious from a distance that you're an Overhaul, which paints a target on you for Togas.
Also it prevents you from doing things like hiding inside the tall cylindrical tree/bush things on UA island, because your big monster arms stick out the sides of it.
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It's extra parts are even worse for being spotted than the new Bakugo skin
So Cementoss definitely gives Overhaul a hard time, but it turns out Overhaul shits all over Cementoss if he can manage to get the high ground.
I was standing on top of UA attacking a Cementoss at ground level, and from an elevated vantage point my beta could spawn directly on top of Cementoss's pillars and slabs even as he was trying to use them to gain height. Nowhere was safe for him, short of leaving the area or encasing himself in a box.
it's great for having high ground because people don't have any idea where it's coming from, too.
its time to nerf endeavor's gamma
The faster damage ticking and activation speed is nice, but I feel like its turning speed needs to be nerfed to compensate. You can't even roll out of it, it's just guaranteed damage. And it's so fucking much damage that you can't punish by shooting back with most characters, plus it knocks you down.
>develops diabetes
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>Overhaul has an emote where he tugs at/adjusts his glove
>he doesn't wear gloves during the actual matches, so he's just fiddling with nothing
No one on the dev team thought of this? Or even looked at the emote in the context of an actual round?
The solo champion mission fix is nice
Do I just got bad eyes or are bushes really that easy to see into? It feels as if hiding in bushes doesn't even work in hiding your body in some cases where someone will notice you near instantly. Like do they set a certain graphics setting that makes them easier to see through? And no, I'm not seen going into them or being chased nor is it a case of random blindfire into bushes cause its the final zone.
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Realized today that crouching actually moves you forward a tiny bit for some reason, and spam crouching will move you forward at a snail's pace
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>ran into level 4 player who was playing Overhaul
>played like a level 4 player, too - I beat him as Compress with all level 1 abilities
>not sure if it was a kid with mom's credit card or a luckchad who got Overhaul in a single roll with 10 tickets or something
>mfw realizing it was almost certainly just a newbie who had used all three of his rental tickets on one Overhaul match for the day
>and I killed him within the first minute
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Deserves to be in the game instead of FAGnoma
>>mfw realizing it was almost certainly just a newbie who had used all three of his rental tickets on one Overhaul match for the day
>>and I killed him within the first minute
Don't feel bad you taught little Timmy a valuable lesson that wasting your rental tickets on a character that cost 3 is stupid and should never be done.
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flatten frogs
discombobulate frogs
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Depends, we still have those tryhards that run the most OP characters and just bully everyone in the lobby
>frog when confronted with ochunko posterior
No, that fag deserves nothing. Worthless filler character, jsut like invisibitch and the fag with the tail
Shut up Monomalover
Invisibitch should get in and get an emote where she turns off her invisibility
>unbinds my special button key

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