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A thread for Melty Blood and associated Type Moon properties, Under Night In-Birth and other French Bread games.

/melty/+/unibg/ #117: reload edition

Thread Theme: https://youtu.be/npohmXSWELg?si=3KiczlTbVhHaVRIT

Tsukihime remake is out!
FSN remastered releases 2024!
Uzuki patch is out and she is playable! (https://www.arcsystemworks.jp/portal/post-27191/)
Senaru wins EVO on Eltnum!

>UNI Resources
Matches: https://replaytheater.app/?game=unib

>Dengeki Resources
Download and Rollback: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/13xEvawJrCIsXpXghNbNIeK455HsFP8w4kh7kzP23HZQ

>Melty Resources:
Training/Beginner paste: https://pastebin.com/01eXYrVf
Download MBAACC community version, and set up:https://play.meltyblood.club/
https://pastebin.com/3fkP1jTC (MBTL Character Guides, kinda old now)
Matches: melty.games
Translated Manga: https://mangadex.org/title/b19fcbaf-f35e-4cb3-a38b-2c6e0dbfff96/melty-blood-type-lumina-piece-in-paradise
Browser OG Tsuki: holofield.fr/tsukiweb

>Upcoming Tournaments/Events
Find JP Events with: https://meltyblood.typelumina.com/event/
CoN6: Oct 25-27
CEOtaku: Dec 6-8

previous bread: >>484517261
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super type lumina will have multiple cabinets
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Retarded beginner here, how exactly am I supposed to approach people as Mika? It looks like all of my normals are way stubbier than the rest of the cast so I usually just eat shit without managing to get in.
Also, is there some sort of trick to do 236X after walking forward without getting a DP? Some fighting games let you do 41236 or 4236 to avoid accidental DPs but that doesn't seem to work here.
is it over for me if I can't complete all tutorial sections in type lumina ?
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super type lumina will have elesia
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What are you having a problem with? Can probably walk you through it
but yes
Super Type Lumina will be so full of features and new content it will even have characters such as Sion.
Getting a lot of "Opponent has disconnected." when waiting in training mode this patch
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Probably has to do with this, honestly thought there was a chance matchmaking would just not work with the patch.
we made it bros
Why is the thread so dead?
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No Sion, No Life
I have it set to open training mode but it still doesn't load my Network mode settings. What the fuck?
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>likes nothing
>dislikes everything
What the fuck is her problem
I'm busy shitposting on other board
DP was made easier to do in this game so you're just gonna have to release forward to get 236 to come out.
Regarding Mika you have to make use of her dashing B, her 236X and DP (can be done in the air as well) to close the gap. Failing that you can dashblock. A good approach would be using 236 in the air to try and left/right mix your opponent (works best with EX since it's so fast and keeps them guessing). 22X is also a good way to close the gap in fights against zoning opponents as it has projectile invuln on start up IIRC.
The last thread had like 5 or more lobbies. I'd say it's living more than usual.
classic kamone breaking things in the process of trying to fix shit. I assume this was also applied to the playstation?
kamone only touches the gameplay
How many chipotle bowls do I need to buy before we can get the intro to FB games on the main stage to be something other than cheesy RWBYslop? Surely they can throw a hundred burgers at Raito to put some lyrics over Hyde or Kuon's theme, right?
Didn't that shit die?
Secondaries and ironic weebs unironically love the faux Evanesence though.
Got bought by Viz Media recently so avoided its death bed.
I meant it's the same singer who does all the RWBY songs. I think the franchise itself is on ice while Viz figures out what they want to do with it.

You hate to see it.
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>Got bought by Viz Media
Bloody hell, it's like a fucking cockroach...
Are they going to fix the UI in the CSS? Highlighting random hides the player cursor which makes it ambiguous if you're at the left or right edge which still go to Random or in the new icon.
It's pretty normal
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>this character never be minus with all the shenanigan's she has when she has u the corner. Almost all her specials can be cancel
another broken beast riding totsugeki BITCH
isn't basically everything minus except the extremely slow coffin attack or jumping off it after making you block?
she has a lot of gimmicky stuff but her framedata seems pretty standard Uni style "threaten frametraps to get away with fake pressure resets". Maybe I just haven't seen the good shit.

just shield them, Strive dolphins are only a problem because they neutered IB
Games anyone?
are the chaos buffs as insignificant as they seem?
whyd they buff carmine and yuzu man
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How do I learn Yuzuhira bros give me some easy combos to start with too
They're not even buffs, just quality of life changes. I guess you could call the 2ff change a buff but everything else just makes his combos more consistent.
why did they nerf characters that legitimately win no tournaments
like lmao
When was the last time Enkidu even made top 8
Still interested? Name the geemu
would lumina be better or worse if it went full in on Moon Drive traits? What funny things do you think they could add?
I think that encouraging MD activation as something other than a wakeup pause, panic roman cancel, or a massive meter gain option would be nice. MS clash is not that great in the grand scheme of things with jump cancel, EX cancel, and MD back, though the nerfs to shield damage makes jump/MD into shield less punishing than it used to be(assuming you didn't use MSDP)
Having slightly better but not overwhelming offense or neutral with some frame data changes might be more interesting. I think that having a reason to save and activate could make the game more interesting especially with the changes to moonskills vs recoverable life but the ability to remain moon neutral would have to be looked at.
The issue is giving buffs that are notable and interesting without becoming so overpowered that it becomes "they activated I have to sit on my ass until it runs out." The vorpal traits in uni are a pretty decent level.
Overall I think lumina's issue is just how the meters work. It's so easy to remain moon and magic circuit neutral in combos that using meter isn't a choice and more of an expectation.
I'll make a uni lobby, keyword /melty/
Ehh, it might improve the game but I think I disagree with the idea in principle
Melty should focus on being like Melty, moving even more in the direction of Uni is a mistake.
To be honest I haven't played the game in ages and never put in enough time to get actually good so I can't really talk about what is too strong or too weak but I'd prefer if they de-emphasized the moon gauge a bit and focused more on the core melty playstyle, improve the mobility, rework shields to something less restrictive, work on the combo routing even more, stuff like that.
I guess it's kind of a target audience thing, those changes would probably be good for the people that currently like TL but have some issues with it, I'd rather they try to target the people that didn't like it much and preferred AACC.
lobby closed. ggs, I have no idea how this character is supposed to pressure people but she has a nice hat
GGs. I'm still trying to feel out when to use what, but it looks like there's a good amount of options. Also I still have no clue what the poison does, I thought it was supposed to drain health
The poison drains grid, it looks like it steals 1 block of grid over time then stops. It's weird because the buff icon under the health bar stays lit up until you get hit, but they stop losing grid when the animation ends.
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Are you kidding me, this character has the best design.
Can't believe this is a dude nowadays.
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In case you're serious, yes.
Please tell me I'm stupid but where does it say, that Uzuki is a male?
I'm saying it's the contrary. In-game prompt is just a mistake
That's a interesting mistake to make like 70 times in translation.
>It's so easy to remain moon and magic circuit neutral in combos that using meter isn't a choice and more of an expectation.
Because it is. That's not a bug that's very intentional game design and they keep buffing it with stuff like Arc Drive giving 2 moon because it's supposed to be like that, you are supposed to be able to be roughly meter neutral after every combo so you can keep running offense after spending a bar for the hard knockdown that most characters need to be functional. That was a problem for a lot of characters in 1.0 and being able to do that is super important. They want you to use resources to build more resources. Big resource drains are primarily defensive mechanics for a reason
>would lumina be better or worse if it went full in on Moon Drive traits? What funny things do you think they could add?
it'd be cool but it's actually be closer to Overdrive than Vorpal because it's attached to a really important generic offensive/defensive mechanic with a (usually) short timer already that you (usually) want to use up fairly fast so it would probably be mostly irrelevant or at best combo filler unless it's very strong or generates a resource like giving Noel more keys/not spending keys
Where else does it call Uzuki he?
It literally calls her "she" on the next page
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If you're being serious, here's the Japanese text. Notice the lack of gendered language.
FYI, many remote translators are just given dumps of contextless text which leads to the often disjointed results you see in a lot of work.

Also notice how her birthday in Japanese is in MM/DD notation whereas every other character is MM月DD日. Really sloppy QA by ArcSys.
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i would like it if moon gauge did less but that seems to be the opposite of the direction they are going. I'd like choices with what you do with the meter to matter more since cycle resources to always have some is really strong in the current state of the game.
moon skills helped combo routing a lot for certain characters but I think the biggest issue is proration. There's a lot of interesting options that exist but they are all just super suboptimal because of how strong SMP is.
Shield has gotten better every patch but when you try and tell people that they just bitch and scream. Someone said B+C gets you out every time and I showed them actual clips of how delay B+C beats it and they said it's gimmicky and inconsistent so I figure converting the people who are anti-shield just won't be a thing ever unless you copy the CC shield (which is ass in so many ways but people who praise it don't play that game)
Coming from CC I really don't get what's wrong with the mobility aside from the lack of a neutral superjump. The game has far more mobility than every other fg made in the last 10 years except maybe arcana heart(and that game's mobility can be restrictive in it's own right).
I don't really care about making the game more popular because anime games are niche unless they cut out mobility(the fun part) I'd rather just want the game to be more fun and interesting.
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He's never been serious >>487501384
We already know Kamone uses Google slop, so he probably used that.
uzuki is ftm please respect his pronouns
I wouldn't mind if they made MD a bit more interesting than it currently is on offense, and making traits slightly more impactful (and giving them to the whole cast) could be cool, but I don't think it would drastically affect how I enjoy the game. As a scrub, I'd probably primarily use it for the screen freeze on wake-up or if do a big fucky wucky during my pressure regardless. I understand the gripes about meter gain, but I also enjoy how strong the defensive options are in MBTL, which meter gain is tied heavily to. I wouldn't mind a complete shake up of the combo structure/proration in Type Twomina so routing feels less homogeneous, though.

Really though, I don't think there's any changes they could make that would piss me off if they actually put out a fully functional PC port on release.
So uuh help me out I'm a newfag, which Hilda moves actually register as projectiles
236x, 214x, c teleport and pin
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ogre has the fattest tits of the dlcs and will save the game
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>Won EVO
>Still abandoned by Type-Moon
Isn't it sad, Sion?
Good thing she has her girlfriend.
What do you think are Roastbeef's chances of ever showing up in MBTL?
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>dont have a single friend to teach me how to play UNI 2

why did I buy this gamee?
play on the discord or play here or play with vee
don't have a single french
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Here's your single french, bro.
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have multiple french
Have a blue french.
Noel gut…
So it looks like when she lands j.236x the opponent gets poisoned and the icon lights up and animates. While debuffed the opponent loses grid and is put in longer hitstun when hit by j.236x. After a few seconds the grid drain ends and the icon stops animating but remains purple and the hitstun buff lasts until uzuki gets hit.
This thread is 95% two guys zombie bumping.
Oh wow, 5 or more lobbies in a span of a month.
looking for another game to play on the side when I'm not in the mood for SF 6, give it to me straight. Is this shit dead? I'm between this and Granblue, but I'm not going to discord for any reason whatsoever to play people. Can I just turn the game on and get matches against new people or is it only 20 autismos playing the game and there's no hope?
MBTL? Yeah it's kind of dead.
sorry no I meant Under Night 2.
That's only slightly more alive due to dev support.
MBTL won't be significantly updated until Nasu finishes the 2nd half of the Tsukihime DLC which won't be for another half decade.
I live in NA and have been find matches on ranked in the evenings just fine since launch. If you play earlier in the day you probably won't find games with people in the same region as you and if you live in EU I can't say for sure.
it's about as fast as the nu-/afgg/ thread with less blatant shitposting and more games being played despite being about 3.5 relatively unpopular things and having no namefaggotry to jerk over
that's fine most /vg/ fighting game players have nothing of value to say anyway posting more is probably a decrease in quality

Shit I thought this game had crossplay like everything else. That's really disappointing. I'm pretty sure my computer can still run this game but where are the players? On PS5 or PC?
Is there a good beginners guide to Nanase?
The players are all on PC. Only Japan plays PS5
probably in the discord
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I figured after EVO this game and general might be more lively, but I can't tell if this game or it's general is more dead
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A little from column A and a little from column B... Toomina is done for though
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Enkidubros help me learn the character a bit, give me your tips that are not just lol 6[FF] because I've been abusing the hell out of that already.
Also what do I do if I catch early jump frames or something similar with 5B or 5C combowise?
Mizuumi. She's one of the few characters with a non-blank starter guide even
You're probably asking the wrong place
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dashblock and counterpoke in neutral(and 6ff)
wiki suggests 5FF(all hits) into divekick for anti-air combo. Not sure if that works from 5B or 5C but give it a try I guess?
nobody even plays the character, if you aren't in direct contact with rikir(extremely helpful person who does a ton of wiki writing for multiple games) or cg(socially awkward nerd that cosplays shirou) idk who could even help.
Damn, why is he unpopular? I thought simple punchy man types were aleays popular and he seems fun
playerbase is pretty small
there's probably a decent number at lower levels but not that many good ones because he's a historic low/mid tier outside of that one version that only lasted a month(and from what I understand his uni2 changes aren't very useful)
akatsuki exists for the simple punchnkick dude and is memeable
tsurugi now exists as well i guess?
Ask /v/ in their weekend lobby threads. I think they have an Enkidu player.
He slower on average in a fast-paced anime game so people will opt for Akatsuki and Gordeau to get their manime fix in. Also what the other anon said,, check in later to /v/ lobby thread later to ask for Enkidu advice.
he isn't really in my experience
maybe limited top level representation but he's nowhere near one of the least common characters to run into online
I'll play, which game?
I'm fine with whatever though.
Shoot, thanks anons. I work weekends so I miss the /v/ lobbies though. I'll just bruteforce my gameplay and tech by headbutting randos I guess.
Was that your first time fighting Necomech?
ggs, fun games
Yeah I've only played a few times so I haven't fought most characters. Trying to get a feel for the game before learning other characters.
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If I hit Neco with ground hammer, ground charged hammer, or air charged hammer she turns into an air unblockable projectile that can go backwards if you switch sides before Neco gets hit. Other moves that hit Neco don't actually give her a hitbox.
Necomech isn't very common so you probably won't have to worry about it if you play against other people.
Nice Aoko. I don't play her in this game so I can't give much advice for her.
Once I realized neco was unblockable I tried super jumping past her before realizing that was also a bad idea.
Aoko is fun. Still don't know if I want to play c for the system mechanics or h for the buttons.
Yuzu's +D inputs are filtering me so hard why is this even a requirement to get specials out, I already end up holding C for stance + the button for the other special god damn it
Imagine showering with Noel…
This but Vermilion to be specific
You don't have to do the holds anymore as they removed the damage penalty. Just use D to stance cancel when you need to in your pressure and routes.
If you're talking about using stance in pressure then yeah it takes some practice to really drill the muscle memory into your head. If you're talking about combos then you can probably change which slashes you use to avoid holding altogether.
hey just curious but there is no way now to pick up uni and have the first season pass for free right?
If you'd purchased in the first 2 months of game release maybe but it's long since sailed. Find the Deluxe Edition on a sale. It's currently on sale on Steam but you might be able to find it cheaper on a key site
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Love Live's final hope...
what's her name?
Noel, at this time of the day?
noel at ANY time of day
Noel tummy…
but you have bread
what if the bread wasn't actually french

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