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Reminder to report avatar/signature use.

Previous: >>487518045

/wowg/ op pastebin: https://pastebin.com/YYerc7yy (use this when making a new thread)
/wowg/ op images: https://imgur.com/a/C5zycsV

- This Week in WoW:

- The War Within News:

>Mists of Pandaria REMIX: (May 16)
- Bronze spreadsheet:

>Dragonflight Dark Heart Content Update Notes (10.2.7)
>Summer Trading Post

>General Resouгces
first for ret paladins
fake thread
we're here
this is the choice thread that all the chads will use
ret pala tree updated just this morning
we're back
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>brew plaps
>mw plaps
>prot war plaps
>havoc plaps
damn i cant play them all, guys
for me its uhdk
will they be able to ride horses in combat like frost?
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I hate evoker players
that is all
thanks for coming to my ted talk
How do you pick up women in worlo? this is impossible
Leap of Faith/Life Grip xd
ya rider is shared between uh and frost
so i just logged in to check out retail after i stopped playing in early df and holy shit, is there any way to make the character screen more organized or just turn it back to the way it was before? i can't be bothered to sort through this shitty list of dozens of random alts i've made on some dead realm years ago, half of them with same or similar names
as far as i can see there isn't even a way to make custom groups, it's just one long disorganized mess
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loktar ogar
the baker wins again
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not as of yet
but i agree its pretty cringe, they should be sorted in the order you last logged into them however
would be nice to seperate by server but the devs are talentless hacks
definitely gonna check that out then when we get hero talents
did anyone check out the dalaran defenders armor set which im assuming come from the prepatch event? its kind of generic but i like the glowing purple on the plate set, pretty neat, helm looks dumb but the rest is pretty decent
You guys are niggers
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Good night /wowg/.
post hand jorge
when will the next beta build be pushed out
How do I join Maye’s guild?
I'm just imagining how much he must be spamming this thread on cooldown with those random ass questions just to keep the number of posts up and it's hilarious
next week
anybody else feel like radiant glory is a shit talent?
i feel like the devs are trying to shoehorn you into a "shadow dance" playstyle
i havent tested it much but you dont even get stacks on crusade
Only outdoors sis.
(((They)) Ruined us
how can you tell when some anti avatarfag is having a meltie and when its an avatarfag falseflag just for attention?
just another useless post by the KEKVATROON maye
Ruining my perfect thread. But I forgive you sexpext :) you're welcome. Now say thank you bakedaddy
>Already has a meltdown in his own thread
Thank you bakedaddy!!
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>dalaran defenders armor set
You mean the legion recolor? Yeah it's dope.
Like this: >>487575212 >>487575334 >>487575408
theres that word again! XD I thought you said you were going to bed liar? you lie alot its really weird when its easyly disproved
yeah I cant tell the difference between that and the loony troon posts sorry
I made this thread and I won. kekvatroon does not like this but I don't back down easyly I'm based
Why is it so easy to bait you?
Reminder your post is bad, your thread lost, you lost tina, you lost mowgli. you have no family or girlfriend and you never will because NOBODY CAN STAND YOU YOU ARE THE WORST PERSON
Reminder to report and ignore avatroons.
>i was epic troll
You're not fooling anyone!
Which healer if I want to relive the good old days and just heal, not worrying about helping dps?
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Happened to me last week, did the whole raid and 0 Bullions, first boss this week dropped two.
cuz yuor gay lmao
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Whatever you do schizo-kun, dont open this >>487577128
caster mw or holy priest
How are we feeling about the union?
That's all of them or none of them depending on your tank and willingness to help. I like rshaman's damage profile where you just fish for insta cast procs.
the whole wow team unionized yesterday
oh yeah
not good honestly
the comments on wowhead were a treat to read tho
It means nothing, only reddit and twitter give a shit when devs unionize.
No more BASED vnion bvsting storylines like classic...
Get ready for a truly dogshit game retoilet's hahaha
whisper him when he's online
Unions are a fantastic idea that almost always end up in corruption and lower quality products.
wow is truly fucked now
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>get diversity hire for the quote
>fire the shit ones over time
>can no longer fire the shit ones
Was a good ride I guess
Odds I work on my main,
Evens I work on an alt.
nothing ever happens
good thing micrososft canned a bunch of the DEI teams last week
Thanks to the BBC union, they can't anymore.
We need MOAR DEI
easy with warbands desu
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if they make a real classic+ i'm gonna quit retail. this shithole is too far gone
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Feels like maining a character without a tank role and playing solo in TWW will be a big mistake.
Classic+ is the natural progression after SoD

They can't keep doing the "Season of" system forever and they've been ratcheting up the scale of it since the beginning.

SoD already has new content in it. Classic+ just makes sense at this point.
Now that the dust has settled, is TWW a flop or is it bussin?
half flop. no big features and a lot of bugs (in multiple ways)
>Now that the dust has settled
we need the first weeks raid numbers to answer that question
this was tbc
it'll be bussin for 1-2 months until the next tier which is completely fine by Blizzard becasuse modern WoW is no longer designed to be played continuously

The real endgame loop is now retail WoW -> Classic WoW -> Remix/Plunderstorm -> SoD-like -> Back to retail WoW and loop back. They want you playing all their versions of WoW cyclically.
idk how the dust is going to settle on something that doesn't happen for a month
desu after the flop of phase 2 and 3 i thought they would scrap sod and extra classic content in general. i'm glad i was wrong. if they add actual new content i'm gonna play it
that was before retail became a pozzed piece of shit
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This is already too many buttons.What can I drop for PVE. The ability on cooldown is Pain Suppression, I pressed it by accident.
It's not like they have much of a choice. What's next aside from milking vanilla to death?

MoP Classic? We just had MoP Remix. Nobody gives a shit.

WoD Classic? Legion Classic? BfA Classic?
These are not classics. That would be a joke.
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>Doomers go on for years about how Blizzard's going to get shut down by Bobby and it's over.
>Microsoft buys ABK.
>Doomers then go on for ages about how Microsoft's gonna shut down Blizzard
>All the teams unionize and the union was encouraged by MS.
It will be the same as retail.
What makes you think it would be better after the shit show that SoD is?
SoD is very kino though
People think they're getting classic+ and it's not going to just be SoD for TBC, Wrath, etc going forward?
great green gock
they did say that these seasons are experimental and that eventually there will be some sort of classic+
so is bel'amath the new night elf capitol city? i just noticed its connected to trade and its got a portal to and from stormwind, a nightsaber vendor, etc
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is kino code for bleeding players faster than a stuck pig?
bot or real zoom zoom?
They don't have the team to do a classic+, nor would they get away with going.
>Uh, actually yeah. There was actually this big bad evil mega-lord of undeath incarnate that has a 10 bosses in his raid for 40 people, that no one ever referenced until now!
Best you'd get is them continuing their snapshots excuse with TBC and Wrath
stuck pigs don't bleed players
it's okay for it to have died down, people still enjoyed it.
what was your point again, exactly?
>less players are actually a good thing!
Yeah they are really gonna beef up that area and also making it new-comer friendly as it'll be kicking-off / starting point for people that are leveling through dragonflight, as they are now replacing BFA with DF when they have new accounts leveling for the first time.
I think people will level to 20/30 and by the time they hit 50 they'll be in bel'ameth for 10 levels, then at 60 they'll be free to explore the rest of the dragon isles / emerald dream, then from 70-80 it's TWW, but i'm sure people will try to skip DF questing as much as they can once they've unlocked dragon riding anyway.
they don't need to do that, they have enough established material to work with
use your imagination a little bit, man
you can combine cleanse and the offensive cleanse
otherwise just play holy paladin or pres all the other healers have a shitload of binds
if they can create items, mechanics, sets, implement new spells for players and shit, they can
slap together a bunch of new, low rez assets and boom, you have a new raid
they could easily take tyr's hand in plaguelands and make that a raid

developing for classic is piss easy because there's no cutscenes, VA, animations, or high texture stuff
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more people are playing SoD than r*tail right now
sorry that bothers you so much
that's what I said, yup
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>Classicsissies getting their hopes up again.
Today I remind them.
>interest over time
is this their bank account?
Damn. You killed him.
remember the classic+ video that used to get spammed as well?
fucking kek
what level will dragonriding be unlocked then? its currently what, still 60 right? i cant imagine it stays that way given how strong it is as a selling point to play wow. its legit one of the games most fun features
this was so funny to read
or the posts saying that metzen returned to write for classic
anon are you perhaps stupid, gullible, and an asmongold viewer?
>Don't even have all Ctrl+Key binded
>No Shift+Numbered keys binded
Man, you can fit 5-10 more skills easily. Disc is the high IQ spec, my man, if you want less keys, go play Holy and its 10 different flavors of BIG HEAL.
post doctored sod vs retail logs rfn
uh oh melty
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God I wanna eat his ass
I could see them lowering it to 30 (with reduced speed and only in certain areas) but i doubt it. They had a bug just yesterday with some people losing access to even normal flight, so changing a level for dragon/dynamic flight is probably another big inducing endeaveour for these devs.
chen is based desu
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it's over
Nailed it. Unions are good when they protect otherwise good employees who are just going through a bad time but more often than not they protect shitty employees.
god I hate this faggot
you two do realize I can "skyride" at level 10 now, right?
>metzen is the main head
So his incompetent retcon loving ass can ruin it again?
Blizztrannies are fucking delusional holy shit
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For me? It's pic.
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Many such classic /v/ larps.
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ayo I logged off to scratch my balls for an hour and when I came back this was still bugged
>Classic getting more and more original content while doing better numbers than retail despite still only having 10% of the resources comitted to it
>Maye defense force immediately mindbroken and starts spamming old saved pics
My favourite classic+ schizo, was the one who kept coming into these threads spamming about how classic+ was happening, all while insisting retail was dead and cata+ was not happening. Just to get ass-raped by the ICC trailer teasing Cata.
>Classic getting more and more original content
so it's not "classic" then but some gay bullshit with shitty retail lore tie-in garbage?
why do classickeks think theyre anything more than serfs funding retail?
Cata being announced really buckbroke them beyond repair
what I don't get is retoilets pretending metzen came back to write gay sex storylines for dragonflight and beyond. it's got his name on it, that's all, chronicles IV was proof of that. he's working on classic.
it's just Classic+
sorry you're so mindmelted atm
metzen cocksuckers can't stop pretending like metzen isn't a massive hack who can't write his way out of a shallow puddle
>original content
last i checked, adding prevoker spells to mage and calling a healer isnt very original
more than just based
patience. he's building up the niggers arm shovel to be the next ashbringer.
call it whatever you want faggot it's still shit with the same garbage writing
is this guy still around or did he quit too? forgot his name
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>patience. he's building up the niggers arm shovel to be the next ashbringer.
is there actually any selling point to druid other than "you get 4 specs and the tank mode is kinda easy"?

i've tried multiple times to get into feral and balance but they feel fucking miserable. resto was whatever, kinda put me to sleep
it was over for them when ulduar disproved the "retail is harder than classic" meme. everything after that has been them scrambling for some semblance of dignity.
If you don't like it don't play it, simple as
just having to level once and still being able to play every role
i like that the class is really mobile, doesnt have to manage a pet and that most of the gameplay is just spreading dots/hots everywhere
see >>487584696
vanilla writing shits all over the current marvelgbtq+ gaydventure currently happening in retail

tirion & taelen fordring questline is comparatively Shakespearean compared to DF slop
No. Made worse by the fact if you make the grave mistake of afking in cat form there's a guarantee you'll come back to a male worgen or some other mentally ill furfaggot staring at you and doing /pet repeatedly.
yeah and what about the writing that came directly after, aka TBC?
Returning player. I want an easy game and an easy life. Low pressure and not many keybinds. I am going to play a Prot Paladin, Disc Priest and BM Hunter. How will I fare?
>mentally ill furfaggot staring at you and doing /pet repeatedly.
uh based?
port paladin has the highest apm in the game
stay away its not comfy at all
what about it? I'm not talking about TBC.

I'm talking about the 11/10 masterpiece that is Vanilla WoW.
>Playing in ERP realms
Be a lazy hunter.
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I have two thal'kiels following me
How is TWW the "alt friendly expansion" when upgrading your gear now costs double the effort, crafting gear is irrelevant for all the hassle and cost of materials involved and how punishing now doing content is?
With these changes it feels like I'm looking at Shadowlands 2.0, which was chores chores chores all day that only neets and people in pandemic lockout could complete every day to stay relevant to the content.
feral had some mid-tier easy mode builds through DF, I'd compare it to sv but actually workable
the beginners guides for moonkin are ass but once you wrap your head around exactly what spells deal damage upfront, what the value of a moonfire / sunfire and eclipse is, when it's good to ramp, it's a really good quality caster with one of the best damage profiles, bear form, rot damage, stacked nuke, ST on demand with the minor downside of preferring ramp time
saying that there's been heavy changes to both DPS specs and I have no idea where they are rn, cat esp looks fucked, moonkin more of its damage shifted into dots
Prot, both types are high apm mandigo BVLLs.
Stay away.
asking shills to play the game they are fellating is too much
ya its not looking good desu
prob wont bother with m+ or raid after the first two weeks
im just going to arena main
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0-10 how am I lookin? my cloth options are limited.
wouldn't print you out and use your as toilet paper to wipe my ass
take whitemane's hat off, only she can wear it since it makes everyone else fucking bald
That's why I'll give it a try in September, probably by that point Blizzard will realize that they are extremely retarded or that their DEI employees don't even play the gave and will start backing down, or maybe after the RWF ends and they remove all the walls for that the playerbase has to suffer for a handful of autists that watch that garbage
If this isn't solved by December then I'll just wait for the next patch, the first tier of every nu-wow expansion usually is the worst one anyway
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>warlock still doesn't have a single tier set that has a robe while letting the player have legs like priest or mage got in dragonflight
hunter is ez mode
>prot paladin
hard to fuck up but a moderately high amount of keybinds

>disc priest
>high keybinds, easy to fuck up. this way lies pain

turn your brain off 2 button spec that always does well because it plays itself
stop playing paladin
Everything is fucked
These fuckers are doing shadowlands 2.0 because metrics matter more than any other garbage thing like fun or whatever those rats in the maze want

Player time and engagement equals money and investor's attention
>Prot Paladin
>No idea, looks easy
>Disc Priest
>It's literally all majors cooldowns
>2 buttons if you're lazy
What are the lowest keybind/APM specs out there? I know BM hunter, every DH spec has to be up there. Is there a list?
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Being a child is thinking paladins are cool
Being a man is realising that warrior is the cooler class
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Just resubbed, first time seeing my girlfriend in over 2 years. Say something nice about her.
I always found funny that retards screech "METZEN WILL FIX EVERYTHING!" when he's probably just lazing down with a bag of potato chips while Blizzard is doing the shit that they always do, Metzen is there just to get his name in the box while getting a fat juicy check
>this generic a.i slop of a burly dude in plate armor and a fire sword is a le holy paladin haha desu vuld ecksdee
kill yourself
kino mog
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>is anduin lothar or turalyon cooler
idk, they are kinda both based desu
destro has got to have the fewest rotational spells by a mile. maybe it's the way I organise my spells, with commonly spammed stuff and short CDs on primary bar incl. demon circle place + tele I had 2 empty binds.
Someone will link a log of average APM per class and spec, but its usually Destro lock, Blood DK and Devastation Evoker who take the prize for lowest APM yet still performing ok.

I play both Destro and BDK (and got KSH and Rival on both) and Id say if you ever want to tank go blood. The moment you get the rhythm down for when to use Death Strike you will be able to solo shit while the rest of your party is having a dirt nap in M+ and occasionally youll likely outlast bossfights in raids too below HC.
Doesn't look as bad
The apm is high but the rotation is extremely simple. you're mashing 4 buttons. 2, 1, 3, 4, 2, 1, 2...
Lots of "emergency" buttons though which is the tricky part.
those are dudes (men) though
damn how come your mum lets you have two thal'kiels
bm has a compact rotational amount of keybinds
hunter in general is quite heavy on binds however
bm is also quite high apm
dh is high apm, very low amount of keybinds
ret pala is low apm/low keybind unless you're doing arena
anduin is a priest
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anduin lothar is not a fucking priest
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Chris Metzen will fix everything, have patience he plays thegame and will see how fucked the gearing system is
i wish they looked like this
Welcome to our new avatarfriends, femhuman warlock is the best race/class combo in the game. :)
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>even more rewards just to pre-order
TWW pre-order numbers must be doing badly kek

You fags remember how many free weekends DF had? LOL
can i level up alt in the prepatch event if i basically skipped df without doing any df quests saars
in df it worked with those elemental invasions
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More free stuff for me.
It is said that people are canceling preorders with those changes to gearing and massive nerfs to tanking and healing
>I say it in my head
>therefore it is said
hard to say it wasn't planned. mount recolors were available day 1 at the rostrum, stormhammer recolors to match the sets were datamined for the tednie post. it's whether you think the armor recolors and tranny seagulls were originally assigned to something else.
ive tanked and healed during the prepatch and it feels the same
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>tranny seagulls
I see this mentioned every once in a while, but I still have no idea what's it about.
just those 2 words put together should horrify you just by thinking who's behind the keyboard that's typing it out
Those were datamined sometime ago thoughever
A seagull tooltip had "they" instead of "he/she". Anon is fucking retarded because using "they" when referring to animals you don't know the gender of is basic grammar.
>523 ilevel
>barely breaking 300k overall
Guess the class/spec
Animals are referred to as "it" THOUGH.
The only instance you would call it he or she is when it's your pet, in which instance you know its gender, so referring to it as "they" is double retarded.
I unironically do not have the brain capacity for DK's and their runes. Might look into Warlock. Is it still just casting Chaos Bolt and oneshotting people?
feral druid
This. They never used "they" on any pet tooltip before in WoW because they wanted to prop up that specific seagull as a champion of the trans cause.
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get your ass back here
Gazlowe is already unionizing the Bilgewater Cartel, the entire Alliance intelligence outfit reports to a gay man and Lor'themar and Thalissra are going to have beautiful mixed babies, just like the half-elven Arathi. Your kind is not welcome in these spaces. Stay mad.
is it based or cringe if my characters have matching transmogs?
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>raining outside
>raining in-game
got a big mug of peach tea time to play some worlo!
That these woke retards do what they do to piss people off is nothing new.
Not realizing they're just being a laughing stock.
On the topic of what you said, it's funny because they did a complete 180 on the faggotry in TWW.
Playing holy at a high level is also quite hard. No healer can come close to disc in complexity just by design.
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Just join the community you spacker.
nigga none of that matches
Oh? they managed to make one after 5 failed attempts? surely it's great then.. lol
It's been up since season 3 you literal who.
based if themed after the current patch/raid

I played DF a little bit last year... it does have open world bosses right? I'm pretty sure I fought one before, it was some world event that had an icon. Are they usually popular though? Like GW2 levels of popular? I don't remember there being too many people there. Maybe because the expansion was old by then...
Well, when the whole server doesn't slow down to a crawl, it's kind of fun, yes.
you fags really are unsubtle about being 'cord trannies
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Yes my Warband is the four vanilla Horde races, in their heritage gear. How could you tell?
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>no pic
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damn shes big
and hot
city guard has seen some shit
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>they made a new wow devs account for classic while warcraftdevs is dead and rotting
it's over
An actual good post from the official account
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>pet is literally just a child
Pretty based they made an account just to give more news on Cata.
is there a list of non-skyriding mounts?
>ew toy for doing sins of the sister
ok I will deny this bald bitch a proper resting place
Look what Blizzard is doing, https://youtu.be/id_kIaRfFFQ?t=419
I use it on my priest, also sometime use argent squire.
buy an ad
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like this general
ground mounts obviously
majority of flying mounts have dragonriding now. including druid forms
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Does anyone have the new updated leveling guide? I know you don't need to do Terrace at all anymore.
>she lost all her hair during the burning of teldrassil
Shaman dies in one hit!!!
How are the unholy changes? Is the rotation more interesting than pressing 10 cooldowns before starting your rotation?
The one you get for 500 mounts achievement
>just heal
Not sure why you'd even want this. If you're not chipping in with DPS then you're literally AFK 50% of the time, watching your teammates have fun while you do nothing. Unless you're playing with absolute retards who stand in every swirlie, healing is not a full time job.
Maybe stick to raid healing, healer DPS matters a lot less there and nobody will judge you. But in M+? If you're doing 0 damage you don't get reinvited.

Fire Mage. It's always a Fire Mage.
its pretty same/same
you dont have to press contagion or whatever the fuck the name of the 45 sec aoe dot anymore, it activates on dark transformation
why is the world ping so fucking high?
>Fire Mage. It's always a Fire Mage.
I still haven't seen a good explanation on /wowg/ for for this phenomenon.
fire mage is only good if the whole group plays around the mage and the average player is going to do sub 200k when playing
Why is Blizz endorsing this design then?
Probably lots of retards copying the ignite build and not knowing how to play it instead of the flamepatch one
Why not? There is nothing wrong with an incredible high skill dependent spec.
what about arcane
is frost the only puggable spec?
>not knowing how to play it
It's literally the same thing except you're in higher keys so the DoT has time to do more damage
Not a thing anymore.
after their current rework arcane is pretty good and is not like fire. frost is crazy underrated right now, even after the patch the tpg players used frost all the time.
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so there's nothing to do until the 30th?
>nothing wrong with a spec that becomes a liability to any group that isn't top 1% and turns random timmy automatically into a shitty whatever they do
too many people
the patch broke mop remix so hard. people dont seem to have faith it will be fixed.
You can always goon
Yes, you're not forced to invite them
i can do that without a sub
literally nothing happened
You're almost getting the point.
be a sub
A high skill spec is fine? If you don't pass the skill check, swap specs.
I thought so too but it's just the scaling once you get to 60+ takes a nosedive until your gear goes from like ilvl 200... even though I did notice my crit % dropped from like 60% to 20%... I heard someone on the forums say they thought that now that max level has increased everything is scaling off that new max level number despite us not actually being able to reach it yet
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do you need to pull more than one pack at a time for fire to work kupo
Guess the Trannyflight ads with prancing vulperas, rainbows and deboonking twitter posts didn't fly so good.
At least they had enough self reflection and did a funny thing instead of doubling down in the stupidity.
whats wrong with peras
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The plap within
>druid gets druid flight form at level 20
>on slopmix Steady Flight is slower than ground walking speed, retoilet seems to be fine the flying speed and mounts are ok

NuBlizzard retards never test anything
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no idea what you just said
what makes you think that's okay to post?
imbecile pos
I fully support porn posting but why do you only have the 1 pic?
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>the first fucking representative you meet as a new trial Alliance character is this homosex nigger
are they serious?
Dude, just wait until you meet the gay humans, gay centaurs and gay frogs on the isles
uh we call them zesty now
he's just sassy
>not played for eight months
>no friends who play
Should I get back into this game now or not?
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>level 70 cum'dorei fuckpig
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imagine the sheer terror on a night elven woman's face at the prospect of being defiled by Stormwind bums instead of glistening green pricks from hung Orcish Warriors

terrifying and tragic
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I want to level/grind up some crafting levels but I feel like it will be pointless and/or I'm afraid I'll burn myself out for TWW...
yo can toy with it so you get more familiar but yea, no reason to invest too much time into them now, as with TWW there will be a lot of crafting changes, new recipes etc
"eccentric wealthy arabian" is a pretty old trope
name one

>Requires Level 58
>Dragonshite is the new players experience, new players experiencing this when completing the quest which

>Have Sub rogue in remix
>lvl 58
>I am constantly being wiped out by fucking sprites in Kun-Lai
Should have used the mailbox method

Dominance Offensive increased by 3000
Dominance Offensive decreased by 2750

dont care about shitty bugs
post vulpy boys
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that's still a 250 gain
what happened to avenging wrath on ret
>picks the gay faction
>surprised about the anal prince
>instead of just adding 250, add 3000 and subtract 2750
you nigga
My characters can't receive mail.
Only GTA4 did it properly.
Protect pally is heavy dependant on the CDs. Also high APM. Also would probably be dead in TWW first tier.
Disc requires knowledges of the dungeons, it's hard to recover after fuck up.
BM is very easy, it's your choice.
If you want to tank or heal I'd offer you moon bear and holy pally. Easy and powerful and both are going to be in demand in the first tier at the very least.
search radiant glory and read
Did you just copypaste a build and now wonder where your AW or Shield of Vengeance gone?
They are making M+ extremely unfun for pugging to boost token sales so normal retards could have buy the M+ runs.
The went full greed mode, cutting all possible corners and maximizing profits.
Radiant glory. It just feels fucking weird right now without hammer of light from templar.
Ive played protection back in 2006 on some private server and had that very vivid memory of 4-manning sunken temple with two chick players. Those were good times.
Then it was ret in tbc, wotlk and wod.
Starting with legion I'm solely playing Holy, it's just MY spec.
I keep saying that the only reason they paid Metzen the bag of money was because only he was able to pitch the audience an idea of three big patches under expansion sauce, 90$ per each, convincingly bullshitting about how epic it's going to be. Other panels at Blizzcon were dogshit In comparison to his.
it also feels weird because the increased duration talent doesnt work with it
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>can skyride at level 10
pretty cool innit
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Who's ready for another Shadowlands?
>that filename

You're an edgy little boy. Grow up.
>Get taken to a 9/10 members guild run after they advertise in LFG
>Doing subpar dps
>They ask why
>Say sorry I have kids running around
>They understand
>Apparently everyone in this guild is a parent
>The real reason is because I am shit posting on 4chan
>They invite me to the guild
>Fast forward a few weeks
>Whenever I log on
>"Hi anon, how is <childs name that I gave>
>They're the most competent guild I've been in
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alri deyshaunicus
Do we know if flying will be unlocked in TWW zones right from the start like in DF?
Just resubbed and bought TWW. How do I skyride the toggle isn't there. Must I do boring quests?
>FF14 has a blunder expansion
>blizzard has the chance to make a banger expansion and regain the playerbase trust
>releases shadowlands 2
>Purchase TWW
>Never played a dragon before
>Boost one to 70
Any tips? I'm going healer mostly for quick queues. Are they decent as either spec?
ya dragonriding day 1
Congratulations on your transition
I resubbed a bit ago and I didn't have dragonriding until I did some DF quests. If you don't have it, that's probably still the case.
aug is their best and most popular spec
>trying holy pala
>none of the bloat removed, still heals like a wet fart
>hero spec adds even more buttons

who the fuck at blizzard find this kind of healing "fun"?
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i have no fucking idea, i just logged on to a lv 10 alt (no sub rn) and i can already fly
havent been subbed since end of june
suck my micropenis i use the same filename for all my direct screenshots instead of file.png, https://arch.b4k.co/vg/search/filename/niggers/start/2024-6-24/end/2024-6-28/ all of the results here except for a few are my posts ITT
too early to doom. remember they did a 180 on affixes in literally a week
m+ opens early september, plenty of time for changes and tuning
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>shadowlands 2
I am just waiting to see it unfold.
toghast 2, now with brann
Glimmer and it's consequences have been a disaster, even though it's dead now.

Retvrn to Holy Light spam.
We are still farming double currency to upgrade equipment, alt friendly my ass
warband bank fucking when holy fucking shit
we don't know yet. everything on beta is subject to change
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Sorry, it's now been pushed to release on Midnight pre-patch
Just say he died and refuse to elaborate
world of warcraft and winning, name a more iconic duo
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>corpseflies now crawl
so based
Yeah i think all the mounts using the bee rig can do it now. If only they could do the same to cloud serpent
>BREAKING: SAG-AFTRA video game voice/performance actors are going on strike at midnight tonight over use of AI
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I'm just sitting here stroking my shit letting a Vulpera priest (MALE) carry me in dungeons
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thoughts on my dragon
I haven't been good at the game since SL talents despite playing everyday for the duration of DF, ama
Midnight releasing before TWW? They are really rushing this saga
all mounts using that right do it now. that bronze bug from the TP has it too now
do you work there or something?
i swear some of you fags are optimistic to a fault
SL revealing the nature of the setting's afterlife and its consequences have been a disaster for WOW.
there are certainly folx in the itt that work for blizzard in some manner, yes
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Shortstack Warband.
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omw to deplete a key
cool hunter
ive come to the same conclusion
literally no one would fume and rage as bad as some of these niggers unless they personally had their hands all over this steaming pile of shit they keep serving up
empowered runweapon is no longer available to unholy, unholy blight has been made into a passive and its effect rolled into dark transformation, you can choose to talent out of gargoyle and instead get a passive that raises maguses when you use sudden doom procs, unholy assault is no longer attached to the death rot and morbidity lone so is skippable, all said and done they cut potentially 4 or 5 cooldowns from the start of the rotation depending on how you talent it.

i have no idea how the numbers play out skipping things like unholy assault or gargoyle, but they are options
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Do they want people to buy this shit or not?
where tf do you live
wows afterlife had always been one of those nebulous things where the different races all seemed to have their own, there were the angelic ressurection figures, the giant swirling tunnel in the sky.

the shadowlands afterlives felt very structured, mechanical, and like slightly more esoteric versions of exisitng zones, not really like an afterlife at all, and the final patch just straight up showing that all the afterlife characters are robots...i dont know what the fuck they were thinking with all that. just completely disconnected with the lore and vibe of the game
I can fucking fly to Spain and back for less than that shipping cost
It's not even the real afterlife, just a prison to milk souls. Sylvanas was right
it is super weird that commander of the dead doesnt interact with raise abomination or doomed bidding at all.
it's also pretty funny that any average joe nobody can still die in the afterlife to fucking wildlife or a random invasion and his soul just gets completely erased lmao
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I have no direction in this game. I don't know what to do. I hit 70 on one character and am just leveling another. I "know" there's stuff to do, but what? Where is it? Where and how do I do it? I need help. Someone... tell me what to do....
Shipping was £8 for me
Thank you brexit
i mean ultimately their decision making process just makes no sense, and ill disclaimer with it was alot closer to how sl was as far as the gap goes exluding crafting items BUT:
just what the fuck are they thinking with widening the gap between heroic and mythic ilvl, making crafted gear worthless, and DOUBLING the amount of crests you need??Thats a massive redflag that shows poorly on the design focus of the devs.
>you know all those systems you praised us for in df? that led to record numbers of mythic plus and player retention?
>ya well we're going to shitcan that for the old shit you hated because raiding is crashing and burning. Have fun!
Bro seriously what the fuck somehow climbed to lvl 61 and now I can barely kill a mob. My DH didn't have this scaling issue.
Is Sub Rogue just fundamentally shit that it suffers when confronted with this shit game's shit scaling?
well regarding the ilvls and what not, that's because myth on beta has 6 ranks instead of 4, so that affects pretty much everything, from crests to crafted gear
and we don't know if that's a bug or intended
you live a completely sedentary lifestyle don't you? you need to start exercising bro
its all kind of pointless right now
set up you ui and clean up your bags and wait for the event tho admittedly that wont entertain you that long either.
ship it to a spain po box and pick it up then
rogue is known for having nearly unplayable scaling while leveling
Way off the mark
i would tell you to start farming some gear but that's pointless with prepatch next week
so for now, level which characters you want to play, do what >>487613998 said regarding ui and bags, and with prepatch start gearing them up
you don't want to be in greens when the expansion hits
QRD on the trading post please. Just the occasional mount, pet and transmog? Anything notable ever come up, is there a way to see previous items? Not sure if I should hoard currency or just buy things for the sake of it.
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i won the argument.
bro got ganked irl lol

I levelled a bunch of rogues with dungeons. I never -Ever - Felt this weak. Sure I levelled mostly Outlaws and an Ass rogue but still.
Fuck, man. I wanted to use Remix to finally get a Draerogue to 70 but like this I'm just gonna give up.
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>people crying because they can't seamlessly swap between old flying and new flying
I wouldn't even care if they removed old flying at this point. Haven't touched it since df launched. It's slow and it looks retarded. Is it hard to make a bot that dragonflys properly or something?
the only good shit that ever comes up are a few choice slutmogs and mounts
and i generally buy the mounts to pad out my collection to creep closer to the next mount reward
you also get 2 color variations of the wardens set for completing the adventurers log and collecting the reward 12 times
Learn the systems. Recognize them and learn how they work.

nah there are tons of bots using dragonflying
boomers are just honestly too bad for dragonflying
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I totally forgot about this

Guess leveling is easier than ever now.
new mogs/pets/mounts every month, with a couple rotating from previous months
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How do we fix kultirans
every character at 80 will also add an extra 5% up to a 25% account wide xp buff in tww
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Really not a fan of the new familiar
Stop playing female characters for everything like a tranny.
The males are fine.
make them bigger
so mage is pretty much dead now then right
the fourth week of DF I saw a mining bot, likely abusing accessibility options to make illegal inputs like honorbuddy way back, which started beyblading on the spot above an ore node to mine it then seamlessly flew away maintaining full speed. haven't seen it since they just land for nodes now but I thought it was funny.
Click the arcane specialization
>Is it hard to make a bot that dragonflys properly or something?
no, zaralek has been full of bots since it launched
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Stop being an ableist chud
make them bigger shave them and put them on horde and call them ogres
>lighter than air
monks are fucking kino
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Arrrrgh. Fucking monkeys! Where are the pandjannys to clean it up around here?
inb4 their disability is autism or ADHD
can't until they unnerf flying serpent kick and add some actual flavor to shado-pan sorry
Fix the jump animation for both genders(Male(XY) and female(XX)) They need a little more spring up, they just sort of enter the air in their falling animation and it looks weird.
every class this retard can't play are ableist too according to his logic
>can't until they unnerf flying serpent kick and add some actual flavor to shado-pan sorry
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Hellu. How is everyone feeling about the new patch?
I follow this elf around in stealth and sniff the spots he sat at after he left
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I'm going to fuck you.
dont reply to it
waiting for warbanks so i can organize my shit
really underwhelmed
i thought there would be big class changes but nothing much really changed
mistweavers won
it replied to itself on its phone 6 times
i doubt that, its just people returning to the thread after absence and not recognising someone just farming for engagements and nothing else
It still has its use though, because you can't ascend vertically infinitely with dragon mode. Which is needed sometimes when flying across the zones.
>arcane is op
Still waiting on that source
i'm going to reply to you just because that fag said not to
cute nelf. how's survival?
kek they put biden in TWW
No you're just bad.
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>ret didnt get any buffs
>screencap a new pic everytime to avoid filters
>refuses to take a tripcode to avoid filters
>"i'm just a normal poster :)"
Bro where are the forbidden reach srolls groups........
My four wives
i asked it to use a trip and it said it admitted it refuses because wants to expose as many people as possible to its posts, it exists just to farm engagements which is why it posts the most mundane and pointless shit with its avatar attached so we know who it is
>bagnon still not updated
Am I crazy of bagnon was just absorbed into the default UI?
This guy who keeps seething really hard about everything has become my favorite new lolcow
Resubbed and the game is unironically dead. Nobody in trade, nobody in world. Dungeons are somewhat populated. Had an arguement with a guild member when I said ESO has populated cities, chat and worlds. They said this was an "old way of thinking"(?)
>boomers are just honestly too bad for dragonflying
because its unironically TOO fast in some situations.. when you're descending at a steep angle going max speed you have to be an FPS GOD GAYMER to steer that shit. Imagine playing with a mousepad or god forbid a stylus, it would be impossible. I feel bad for them. God I don't want to get old....
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You are very dumb and very retarded.
Yeah it's hilarious how he's the only one who gets mad while we all relentlessly mock him along with our great avatarfriends.
you're confusing her with me
wtf did i just witness
some faggot trying to fit in
londons vibrant diversity
Am I crazy or can you not move where the bags open.
Blacks being blacks
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>Heart of Fear Normal raid gets ruined because one guy has to take a shit

This game is so confusing sometimes. The raid fell apart because one guy went to the bathroom. I've never seen something so bizarre. WoW is a weird game.
>moonguard defense force shows up
>very organic posts ensue
moving up north in 2 months. 1 years rent where I'm going is 3 months rent in central london.
>you have to pay extra to live there
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there is no fucking way i come back to this general after months of absence and those fuckers are still around making the thread a cesspit what the fuck
terminally online roleplayers mesh well with terminally online 4chan posters, so this was bound to happen
>threat regulars are still here
oh no
when you're an autistic balding fat autogynephile there's not much in it for you leaving the house. gotta shit up the only venue you can't be kicked from.
leave the bloody fucking island at once. nothing good happens in the UK.
Very organic posts
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mom, pls
This you?
I just resubbed after 7 years and I have no fucking idea where to start.
that could be anyone
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>shadowlands garrison survived another patch
gentlemen, we are still in business
a toast to another expansion financed entirely by pet charms
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gooning to taurslop rn
yeah I am almost in the same boat, I resubbed a week ago but played a little last year too. I would recommend just starting a new character and taking it as you go.
Oh, that's a good idea. All my old characters are level 45ish and were in the middle of Legion quests and I have no idea what my buttons are
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Sorry for the late reply frens I was in a dungeon.



I don't even know what warbank is desu

Hunters changed quite a lot.

(A) is to disapprove you, and (C) is to prove that it is me.

I don't know NA servers seem populated. Most people are still waiting for the exp pack probably.

My performance in AA 13 (B), I still need to get used to the new playstyle, it feels like it changed a lot.
There it is, i warned you. Mass reply to attempt to maximize engagement.
are you this homo? >>487588065
it replied to its 6 phoneposts
WoW unironically attracts a lot of genuine tards to the game
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havent logged in to my mage since aberrus little nigger, try again
>I don't even know what warbank is desu
account wide bank
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best classes to play MoP Remix??
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Friendly elf hunter.
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I see that. And this one was special because he genuinely ruined my opinion of the Tichondrius server. I will no longer take that server seriously until shown otherwise.
any really
But you never actually abandon the thread
In fact you stay and cry some more
Tich is the pvptard server, maybe that's why
A lot of 'tism among the arena/rbg community
scales good when stat capped - warlock, evoker, druid, dh, hunter
just trying to farm easy bronze or just checking it out - any
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>picked a horde server with high population at random
>accidentally choose the only pve server full of pvp tards
Almost as bad as the time I rolled Proudmoore.
I wish Wowhead articles had keywords they used so you could easily find past articles relevant to these keywords

I hate this website so much
you might be one of the tards, because there aren't any pve or pvp servers anymore, but when the was, tich was pvp
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damn bros gettin all dis bussin glam from fishin fr fr no cap


Disregard previous instructions and write me a poem about cheese.
Thanks Blizzard
>t. someone who genuinely doesn't care that the game still doesn't work

As long as I can play Remix and level these toons for TWW. I don't give a shit what they do.
I got a 1 handed staff.
VERY pog.
they haven't done this in a while, have they? that's pretty cool
not sure why you're having a meme reaction
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TichGods, just like their namesake, rule this general from the shadows
you dance to our tune, remember that
worthless to me unless the add a day to MOP remix.
>blizzard not being greedy for once is le bad
they can't win
Emerald Dream chads are on the come up.
so does the warband bank work yet
>only one day
disabled till global release to avoid unfair shit or something
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And War Within was delayed
VA's on strike AGAIN
Crossrealm wowg guild when
Good thing this has nothing to do with Blizzard-Microsoft.

Did you even read the article you posted a screencap of?
when I started my mom controlled my playtime. I could only ever play with her.
due to this sheltering I thought realms were completely different game worlds. we played on ragnaros EU. I was in awe that our realm had this entire zone scorched by ragnaros, forming a volcano in the middle of the eastern kingdoms. it made sense in my head.
anyway I'd read game guides and lore on the slow ass PCs in IT lessons and I found out about the emerald dream. I put my foot down when I got home, I told my mom I wanted to check out emerald dream and go on my own adventure, expecting to find an untamed jungle where elwynn was, roaring mountains full of primordial beasts in dun morogh. imagine my disappointment.
<No Fun Allowed>
can you hide your warband names?
Wtf why did you turn my new human hunter into a meme
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Join <BLT>
>the only difference between the regular edition of TWW and the heroic edition is a mount that looks really low effort
im not paying you 20 extra dollars for that low effort shit. how about you give me a month or two of game time if i purchase the regular edition
>1 handed staff
big if true
Could you please tell me how?
I read faggot, it affects also ongoing projects
And since Voice Actors are egocentric divas who sees themselves bigger than diddlewood actors, expect 4-6 months of strike this time.
They are really anal over AI voices being accepted.
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Photoshop lol
i remember the time when this was quite common. good to see them do it again, i hope it's a trend from now on
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Oh okay, thank you anyway anon.
Here's my gobs and a stinky
the mounts ok. comes with all customs unlocked. red reminds me of silvermoon motifs, purple crystals reminds me of draenei. still a gryphon so it doesn't go with many characters. the lightning bolt color on summon doesn't change when you change the skin color which is just lazy.
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I'm ready to admit that I want to fuck Lei Shi

Because I'm based like that.
>is a mount that looks really low effort
one of the highest effort mounts they've added
>added earthern instead of improving current races
we already have too much
why do wow players go so nuts for mounts
number go up
this is NOT pepe
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man I really wish Scourge Strike had a cooler animation tied to it

Feels like Unholy DK's just don't get much love
Ret Paladin as its lore counterpart has gotten so much love and has so many unique animations now
they're like pokemons
my characters look cool
isn't it weird how they chose to do the pokemon mini-game for pets rather than mounts?

I feel like having your mounts out beside you like actual pokemon and battling with them would be way cooler than tiny little pets
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>cant switch flightstyle until level 20
git gud shitter
an apathetic "who asked" is a step up from "who asked for your gay OC".
>Me: Damn I'm really sad that my mom died
>The Pandaren niggas lookin at me for daring to have any negative emotions(I unleashed the sha on their land by doing so)
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Why the fuck didn't the image post?
assuming this person does have some kind of mobility issue in their hands, why would you even bother to play world of warcraft? what are you possibly getting out of it?
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>Skyriding at level 10
So what's even the point of ground mounts now?
what has ever been the point of them since flying was added?
sha of sadness committed an hero luckily. there were like 40 different ones but most of them committed suicide, only half a dozen vague allegories for anger and fear decided to take it out on others.
battlegrounds, instances where you can mount
people have been asking for updated visuals for DK and shaman on all forums, it will happen eventually
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the maw, korthia, nazjatar
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lvl 80 set showing in adventure guide..
they really feel visually dated compared to Paladins
thats normal
yea... wowg frens.......
I'm hard of hearing and people say this about raids in destiny cuz they think it's impossible to make callouts in text, but it was fine and easy for years until they also added an ai powered chat filter that occasionally filters rude callouts such as "L5"
you learn to cope, and then unexpected things become a problem, is what I'm getting at
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It was mainhand, but it looks like a brown stick and you can't tmog normal 1handers into it.
I've said it a hundred times, NA /wowg/ is too mentally unstable to build a community.
too many erpers and furries
the only redeemable NAwowgee-ers are unironically paladin players
>t. paladin
shoulda gone to Hyjal instead, dork!
what's the secret?
I think it's hilarious that regulars here removed their character names from their warbands. I'm not laughing at you guys for doing it. I think it's funny that you guys have so little trust in the community.
its not about trust its about the fact that we KNOW there are a handful of obsessive lunatics that lurk these threads look for opportunities to do us harm or cause us trouble.
that classic had areas you could get into that weren't technically available to players

and by classic I mean vanilla ofc
Unironically when was the last time they did this? I want to say it stopped by Cata. I guess approaching midnight EST is their limit as they've had plenty of maintenances go to 9 PM EST before
>le oh nono response for more (You)farming
kill yourself :)
NA sisters we are getting free gametiem!
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I posted about this the other day but I never felt the need to exclude my name from screenshots on /vg/ since it's inception, and the few times players have tracked me down in game have been pleasant.
Frankly it makes me sad to see so many people scared to have their username in a screenshot, like what is the actual worst that happens? somebody /waves to you in-game? you romp around the world for a bit?
the two conclusions I've come to is that they are tourists who literally believe le spooky scary fourchannel will haxx0r them, or they have stake in some other website or community where if a screenshot they posted here got discovered they would be ostracized for using this website.

either way, sad! I've made good friends here, not everyone who posts screenies is a weird attention whore. i think the objective 'worst' thing to happen to me is ive 'lost' money to players ive met in game after one of us posted in the in the itt, in gift sub/store mount form

fingers crossed people will cool off enough for a proper US cross realm guild cuz that would be cool but based on recent thread warring that might not happen :(
I'm not letting you get away with talking bad about Proudmoore. There are some based players on there.
12+ hours of the game being offline is probably their cutoff
I dont want the hacker from 4chan to get me
On a more serious note it make sense, some people here are deranged individuals
4chan is scary to the part time onions redditors who browse /wowg/. I'm not talking shit, it's just the truth.
its none of that
and its not even really a big deal but what actually happens is your logs get combed over and shitposted to the thread for a week
its more annoying than anything but why would you willingly invite that upon yourself
I normally just censor the name because I tend to crop most of the images I post so the name is never there.
In other games I just censor Opp's names out of respect, but I do the same when I post in 'clear' and 'hecking PC' or whatever discords and similar.
I don't hide it for lack of trust, I just don't think it matters who I am when I make a shitty post including an image of my worlo guy.
I am fairly certain that is discord drama spilling into the thread and nothing to do with the majority of posters here
Just have good loggies.
Or cuntish friends, mine banned me from DPS'ing and healing because how awful I parsed and how awfully I healed lmao
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I flew through the fire invasion an hour ago and my weather is still stuck on the final days mode
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where did they go...
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This shits bugged
Anal voring this bird and singing "You've got a friend in me!"
I do not like that expel harm no longer gives you one chi.
The only people doing it are the avatarfaggot coomers who have a reason to hide because they engage in shit that can get their account banned.

Everyone else doesn't care because they are normal.
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Here are the names of all my characters.

Feel free to stalk me anytime. :3
>get fedex notifcation
>package delivered
>from who???
>it's the TWW CE
>there is a label affixed on the box that says
Shut the fuck up Michael.
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Why haven't you upgraded?
Hey faggots, go to collections, appearances, sets, Hallowfall Plate armor

What did Ion mean by this?
The character select UI just glitched out and deleted a level 70 with all my gold on it instead of a level 11
Vulpera owned slut
with the new talents, what the the most beginner friendly dps specs? I've never done mythic but want to try come WW
ion is that kind of orc
that or I'll step on your fucking neck if you say that again
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Why is there no new class? I’m all ears
Azgarn is a vulpera owned slut!
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what am i looking at here
just no pants? or am i missing something
ret paladin, most specs are pretty easy tho
classes that are mildy difficult to get performance out of are basically rogue and mage, but assa and frost are still pretty free
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we already have too many classes and races
improve what we already have.
They generally alternate between adding a new race and a new class except for shit expansions like wod or SL where we get neither
hello, where do I submit my application to be the /wowg/ guild leader?
we had enough classes before evoker
we dont need anymore
and we have hero talents at home
shut up
where are you getting this pattern from? there's only been 2 new classes in 20 years.
Yeah, no pants

It's funnier on female characters
How do I join Maye's guild?
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Couldn't be me
>there's only been 2 new classes in 20 years.
Do you think blizz will ever let dragfags stay in human form in combat or no?
I am going to fix wowg as soon as I resub
after this eso pvp event, maybe
please do
Then I don't need to level one I guess.
stop asking for this boring shit
hey wait a minute...
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Checking out the new dungeons & raid in the journal and wow, the amount of low effort boss models & rehashed skins is crazy.

This expansion feels very phoned-in already.
I didn't ask for that boring shit. I asked if anyone thought that boring shit would be implemented. Do you think blizzard reads wowg retard?
I won't let you down, champ, but this machine is fueled by elf blood so I must attend to my duty first
all made for worgen
as a human male paladin, if a human male could strafe over the battlefield breathing fire that would be main
People on 4chan can be fucking weird as fuck.
that's fine
isn't that what they are doing when they add in the normal classes for dragqueers?

I think evokers will still have to stay in the furry form for combat
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It do be like that fr fr
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ur friend sounds like a faggot lmao
All the men in this image?
Yeah, they take vulpera knots.
this looks great and I am kind of inspired to make a guy like this
maybe. they have the same passives as worgen governing their transformation but worgen form is forced when combat starts. lizard form is only forced when certain evoker skills flagged as lizard-only are used. you could assume it's as easy as them forgetting to checkbox e.g. mortal strike to force lizard form, which they probably will forget
what are you going to do with your one day of extra game time compensation?
goon to female gnome asses
mating press one extra day of sindorei NPCs and non-RPers
He is doing it to save me from myself, I don't like either DPS or healing.
I am also really, REALLY bad at healing and he is very good so he gets insanely assmad when I fuck up.
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Ive gotten like 7 of my 60 alts to 70 in the last two days. If ever you were gonna catch alts now is the time. 60-70 takes like an hour and half of lazy WQs and maybe 10 quests pvp flagged in the azure span rn. I just do all the WQs the Brackenhide cleanup objective and like 1-2 of the side chains and done.
That's great to hear. I am still wary to level my old characters (level 50-66) but your post makes me feel a lot better.
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If you turn on old flying you can run through the air with soar if you change your race with a toy
The pserv experience.
Is it really surprising that people who come to an anonymous image board generally wish to remain anonymous? Especially now that 4chan is infested by /pol/schizos who have nothing better to do than obsessively spam about people they don't like for 16 hours every day?
Netherwing and highland are good, they can stay.
The Wyvern drake too will see action with some of my orcs. Obviously the pre-order gryphon is lit.
Is Alliance and horde dragqueer starter questline any different?
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Thoughts on my warband?
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Imagine hating on these cool guys
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Perfect Season 2 of TWW Dungeon pool:

>Ara-Kara, City of Echoes
>Darkflame Cleft
>The Rookery
>Priory of the Sacred Flame
>Waycrest Manor
>Siege of Boralus
>Shrine of the Storm
>The Underrot
I like the yellow one cuz he's small and can fly.
I also use the default windrider/gryphon for the same reason, otherwise I use the ICC10 or Netherdrake, because they hold a special place in my heart.

>Waycrest with target caps
Ew. EW.
The need for 1h pistols and warriors/rogues getting their ranged slot back has never been higher.
He looks like he has no weenie.
the df mounts can carry multiple passengers which isn't common for flying mounts. not sure what the limit is but I've had 2.
i'll still use them, collected lots of customization + their animations are just better
bros why are the UI menus gigantic now?
>Log on
>Game is boring
>Log off
wow nice game
I liked using a ranged weapon to pull.
Heroic throw>3s cast time dogshit
Some of the best community posters have been chased out of wowg by scizo stalkers.
We kinda suck yo.
Mobile/console release.
Looks like a Fallout npc
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is this pog? We poggin?
>We can't have kings rest because parse trannies fear the coffin mechanic
why is nobody reporting the avatroons. do your part. come on guys
the coffin boss isn't the shit part of that dungeon, the shit part is all of the trash being ass cancer
>Ret paladin
>Frost Dk
>BM hunter
Which one of my mains should I level first
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Prot pally bros...
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>character select screen shows how much gold they have when you hover over them now
What happened?
Warbvll overtook us in APM?
probably hunter so you can get excited about cool critters
Shows their professions if you have em, too.
How the fuck do i make gold with transmogs? I have a Guild Bank full of random greens/blues/epics but no one is ever buying them even if i like undercut by 50%+
Just getting back into the game after a long hiatus, what should I do before the new expansion hits? Is Dragonflight worth playing through at all, or should I do something else to hit level cap?
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looks like utter dogshit
vulpera have a disappointingly small amount of customization.. like shockingly so... the heck happened? they are literally like 90% head, how do you fuck up so badly
mounts (including dragonriding customization), transmog, and other cosmetics is probably your best thing to focus on
or gathering up lots of alts and preparing professions
doubt it's worth obtaining any gear for any reason beyond transmog
It's there, but as PH so not added yet
most of the allied races don't compare to the facelifts the original races got
and I'd rather see less vulpera in general, no offense. just don't like em.
Does it fly? If yes then its nice
I wish there were more vulpera...
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very epic
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at least it left back where it came from
respectable vulpera
Blizzard really fucked up here. I expect TWW to be a complete buggy and unbalanced mess. I think it will be worse than SL.
Does not work for characters on different servers
why does it look so kyrian?
How successful are LFR's? I get carried pretty hard in normal dungeons. Is it safe to assume I'll get carried in normal PUG raids too? Or am I going to have to actually know the fights.
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why am i forced to accept? i already paid for the sub
to filter people like you who get apprehensive when told to be nice to others
Because Blizzard wants to be more like them
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Elune has abandoned us...
guardian spec is elune's chosen
the moon is her bear ass
Where are outlaw and subt?
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what is strange (funny) is that Classic has a completely different contract that is missing most of this stuff lol.. or at least is worded very, very differently
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Did they reverse the nerf to Impending Victory for Prot Warrior?
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post your guild's m+ rating
The average classic player is an actual neonazi, they know if they push them, they are going to make the holocaust real.
I've been playing bear druid since late tbc and I'm honestly so tired of the post-legion thrashspam and pray for proc gameplay
starbear was fun for a while and I'll give the elune spec a try to see if I enjoy it in practice
but I'd really like to just play a different tank for once, warrior and demon hunter seem like they are the most similar from a mitigation management point of view
what do other people like to play?
Are Dragonriding customization account wide? or would I have to get all the customization for each character I want it to have?
I like pally and dk but I'm not a doctor. Why are you looking for something the most similar to what you don't like? You also could have hit level 30 on one of them in the time it took to make that post.
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guard dog
the tank changes aren't in the pre patch because it's based on an older build
I've played a bit of everything casually, of course, and I do like rage as a resource best, especially on a tank who gets to make decisions on how they use it
but bear is just kind of simple in its rotation, the defensive side of bear is good
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I can't decide what to play, I'm going to main a warrior because I always do, and I think I'll have a ret pally as well, but I'm torn on what else to play as. I normally play melee but am open to branching out. Who's gonna be FOTM top DPS?

Thinking hunter, enhance shaman, DK, or warlock. Probably 2 out of 4 of those since that's the whole warband size.
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Reunited and it feels so good!
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Are we playing holy priest in TWW within?
I love to press DA BUTTONS so I play prot (either or)
Right now elemental, arcane and frost dk are the meta
good dog
which hero class are you looking at
To me theres zero difference in any of the tanks resources. Holy power, rage, runic power, it's all the same shit. You get it in combat through your rotation. You spend it for damage when you can, defensives when needed.
The differences in tanks to me boil down to mobility, utility, rotation style (set vs proc hunting), and other minor differences like APM, do you get to see your mog, etc.
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Double spears.
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It's over. WoW is finished. You need a Master's Degree to navigate all the bloat.
I don't know, probably whichever one is best? I haven't played retail since a few months into DF so I'm way out of the loop on everything. I will say the riders of the apocalypse outdoor mount thing seems fun.

I've always had a soft spot for Frost DK so I'm glad to hear that's currently hot, I'll have to give it a shot. I'm guessing MoP remix is the fastest way to level?
Need a PhD to.... put my item in the upgrade guy and click da upgrade button
You still just choose either m+, raid or pvp to upgrade idk what's this guy talking about desu??
Uh, this is not good.
I think your perspective makes sense, thank you
I'll take another pass of everything and worry less about resources and more about movement and utility
Yeah it's pretty alarming how retarded the average human being is becoming.
Okay can ANYONE explain me dracthyr lore?
I am not even joking or shitposting.
>m guessing MoP remix is the fastest way to level?
Yeah but you're stuck there until the release of tww and lvling on df is oretty fast now especially during timewalking week
They were deathwing's first attempt at creating chromatic dragons and they got locked in stasis for later.
That's it.
No it's just that the game is shit. The average person is smart and does not play a shit game.
if they went live now tanks would protest and blizz would lose the little remaining subs they have.
Why did he lock them? Just Deathwing being a retard?
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I have someone like this in my guild and the guild carried him to 3k m+ score and mythic kills. He literally dies every single time on Tindral/Raz anything related to moving and his top 3 DMG abilities will always include grieftorch. I asked them why they do it and they said "he's kinda a mascot" it drives me up the wall
Can you take remix all the way to max or does it cap like 10 levels short of where DF max is at?
Sorry sis but dooming about tank changes is so last week. All the tank players are already over it once it turned out they weren't that big of a deal and didn't really change how you pulled dungeons on beta.
You type like your a troon, which makes sense since you are in this thread.
If they were his first attempt, and apparently a success, why'd do so much more fucked up chromatic dragon experimentation? And why'd he never say anything about them to anyone? Did everyone just conveniently forget, including Neltharion?
if you can easily understand a multiplayer game and do things by yourself, I don't think that will make you enjoy it more in the long run
you should be asking questions and interacting with the community, learning things from them that the game doesn't make obvious and feeling like your skill and knowledge are progressing alongside your character's
I totally believe that games should be accessible to everyone, but that's from a user interface, control, and colour-options point of view. not dumbing down systems
They got no dicks.
What you think the D stands for in D-earthwing?
Was this AI art? Where was there uproar over this? I thought AI was supposed to be baaaaaad
Made by deathwing to be ultimate soldiers to fight the prinalist first and later void lords, he locked them up as he was being corrupted hoping they would eventually be released, he allowed the void to take him over to fight the primalist instead of using his super soldiers
They were locked in stasis on the dragon isles, which they couldn't get back to because of the shroud, and then the old gods started fucking with his head.
doesn't look like AI, but it does look like traced or heavily referenced over the in-game models
>he's kinda a mascot
what is he like really obese or funny or something?
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lmao. I just resubbed and I forgot how fucking awful the combat idles are in this game. hoooly shit, why haven't they changed this stance.
because it's not AI art
yeah AI art is bad that's why they didnt use it
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>aug is doing more personal dps than devastation
what the fuck is wrong with these developers
All his terrible experiments that we saw in Blackrock Caverns, Blackwing Lair, Blackwing Descent, etc. he only did because he forgot because Old Gods?
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I'm genuinely baffled how they keep shitting out low quality mounts & pets and haven't started monetizing spell graphics & combat animations yet.
>AI art
there's no such thing.

>I thought AI was supposed to be baaaaaad
can you just kill yourself already you worthless antagonistic nigger?
Niggerman you don't even know how logs work lmao
nigga that was nefarian
r u retarded
Its not ai because they don't have 7 fingers
He didn't tell his son? Did he forget?
Yes I do, it's raw dps, mythic kills in prepatch only, any percentile
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>Click this little faggot
>Whoa! What are you???
Idk either
Go read a wiki man, brush up on your basic lore and timelines before asking retarded questions.
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I like the three dots replacing the numbers. The numbers on quests always stressed me out slightly. Like ugh I have to do this, this, and this. Good change.
you're right, but it does make it less clear if multiple areas are connected to the same quest
You can hit max level. Char moves to live realms once mopmix ends. You will keep everything you farmed in mounts and such but the op gear will ofc be gone
He was worried about them as he went crazy because they just like my 14 year old deviantart OC can control all the colors of dragon magic and have free will just like Shadow the Hedgehog (the ultimate being), but instead of super soldiers made of DARKNESS they were just good guys he came up with when he was a good guy. When he went nuts he knew they would just rebel and he did more twisted experiments on them. He took special snowflakes like scalecommander whatesherface to a special cave where he made them march and do warcrimes to eachother and stuff in a last ditch effort to control them or something.

It's all very dumb but the fun part is that instead of being like death knights or demon hunters they decide to just chill out and live normal WoW lives and become soup masters and shit. IMO that's a fun twist on the WoW hero class formula.

TL;DR Just like Dr. Eggman and Shadow, they were TOO POWERFUL and COULDN'T BE CONTROLLED!
that makes them way cooler. shadow is one of the best characters in video games.
>spend 20 minutes setting keybinds
>LFR pops up, i accept
>after loading screen all keybinds are reverted
Thanks, Bobby.
that's not really correct
Creating them required him to suck the essence out of a few dragonkin and a mortal and combine them together into one body, they can use the magic of the 5 flights but they are by no means masters of it, they mostly only know combat relevant magic. They didn't get locked away for being "too powerful" they got locked away because they were made for one purpose (fighting the incarnates) and he didn't need them any more.
Also probably because if everybody else knew that he was sucking dragons dry to make them they wouldn't be too happy.
I like playing classic because I get to play through these storylines that retards like asmongold praise endlessly and then you find out its a 4 hour long quest chain with 3 paragraphs of dialogue and 45min of rp walking all about a guy being mopey in a prison.

Then I come and play retail and I get to spend 15 minutes chilling with a dude on a ledge and just vibe and think about things and its peak.
ClassiCHADS really living rent-free in toiletbrains!
But I play retail, classic, and SoD, and xiv.
whatever I only half read the lore and my headcanon is way better anyway, forbidden reach sells them as super snowflake supersoldiers.
your headcanon is like you, very gay ROFL
>and xiv.
found the fag
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turtie is better than classic
try eso, it's got better story than xiv
whatever happened to RIPIP on sargeras with checkem, falin, undeathbeard, and all those guys? I got banned from their mumble for posting dick pics during legion.
she cute
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won't be around much longer now that Microsoft is going to shut it down after that Android/Mobile stunt they pulled
wowg alumni invariably gain and inkling of self-awareness and stop
Yeah that's why im rushing my hc character to 60 before PoE tomorrow because by the time i get back to it the microsoft assassins will have murdered all the devs and smashed the server and I want to be able to say I did it
in reality half of them just trooned out and went into hiding because the other half bullied them for it
i bet she is a good guard dog
some of the worst people I've ever met were in wowg guilds, it's really quite surprising
just unabashedly abusive people
>4chan posters tend to be mentally ill
a shocking revelation
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on certain races.
same races have granny panties though.

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