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Big fucking outpost edition


HELLDIVERS 2 is a 2024 co-op, squad-based, PvE 3rd person shooter for PC and PS5 where players fight against hordes of alien insects and robots to Spread Democracy. Players wage war on a number of contested planets, each with a different environment, completing as many objectives as possible within a procedurally generated area while constrained by a time limit. With enough successful operations a planet can be completely liberated, and the player base must cooperate to try to liberate the entire galaxy by focusing and combining their efforts as much as possible.

Released in 2015 for PC, PS3/4 and PS Vita, the original HELLDIVERS is the origin of the setting and basic gameplay formula of HELLDIVERS 2. The major difference being that HELLDIVERS is a top-down shooter, its mechanics being based primarily on Arrowhead's previous game Magicka.


Escalation of Freedom August 6th https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pQl2BmhSCsA [Embed]

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What kind of bug is this?
Best advice for eagles is to take the OG airstrike and forget the rest. Especially strafing run. Never even reached tolerably decent tier.
Ah I fucked the formatting. Just pretend everything's the same as it always is.
subject line is intact, thread shows up in catalog under /hdg/ tag, nothing else matters. Thanks for baking anon.
Can you use the jetpack while sprinting and if yes then how
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I will never, EVER give DRG a try.
Actually they made it punch through med and heavy armor a while ago. It still pales to air strike but air strike has always been the gold standard.
>airstrike on bots
>napalm on bugs
Strafing run is a decent option for extra eagle if you want to get the 10% re arm speed. It gets 5 uses and is versitile enough that you can use it inbetween the more niche uses of other eagles.
So you end up picking a weaker stratagem to get 10% more airstrikes/napalms. Also strafing is just cool (wich is also important).
That mega automaton base and the massive bug outpost look cancerous as fuck, tight corridors, shit tons of fabs/bugholes with the addition of the Impalers cucking you from running away, spore chargers farting out fog so you and your team can't see shit while being gangbanged by 500 hunters, normal chargers and bile titans.
I really badly want some kind of heavy gunner armor perk that combines the PP handeling buff with recoil reduction
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Jinroh chud armor never :(
He realized he brought a Recoiless Rifle to bots and died from cringe.
Speaking of wives, you behave like a hysterical woman desperately aching for the next thing to cry and scream over at the top of your lungs
I see your name, fag
If I ever get matched with you I'm griefing you
>armor perk that combines the PP handeling buff with recoil reduction
oh fuck how overpowered and fun that would be
I wish melee weapons were into the game already.
I wish you could kill everything with them as well, if you are autistic enough.
the current system is extremely limiting and having one "canon" perk that can't be changed and a second slot that you can pick and choose from the other perks would be a much better system.
>but that would be overpowered!
I don't care. Also only medium and heavy armor gets the extra slot.
they could make them very faction specific too
like a plasma whip that can disassemblew the shit out of bots and a Metal Gear HR blade that can dice bugs.
I want a chainsaw you can set on fire for bugs, though.
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I take your flamer chainsaw and raise you by one lightning-powered morning star that sometimes blitzes nearby bots on hit
And what if we had some nice cool armor with an angry D:< face on it. And it came with a sort of deeper voice modulator that sounded a little robotic. And we all started calling each other "battle brother?" And then maybe there is new lore that a long time ago there were some battle brothers who weren't so battle brother-y, and now they're like bad battle brothers. We could call it the Helldiver Heresy or something. I dunno.
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Last one before path of exile season tommorow
>Free mine strat
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piccolos for patriotic teens
>C&C Generals GLA voice: Incendiary mines......... FOR EVERYBODY!
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Sex with eagle 1
Holy fuck they still haven't fixed the mines being invisible / desynced???
Unfortunately no. Just came off a game where it was like that as well. Enjoy your invisible mines.
they haven't fixed people dropping mines in the most retarded places you'd never expect, either.
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>Unlock Purifier
>Remember everyone says it's shit
>Nothing to spend Medals on anyway
>Pair it with the Stalwart remembering Anons here talking abut their Eruptor Stalwarts comboes
>I really did
>Dump it mid mission for a Liberator Penetrator
>8 million times more effective

Okay but listen, easy enough fix (tm)
>Increase ammo to 20
>Can spam click it to fire off small no AoE single shots
>The Gun charges itself over time
>The auto charge condenses 5 shots into one mega shot over say 5 seconds
>Projectile regains AoE at 4 charges

Those single shots can be weaker than the scorcher or something.
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>went from being teamkilled by the sentient Helldiver-seeking airburst to being teamkilled by desynced mines that are also only capable of killing Helldivers
I am going to call 500kg on the AH office
the punisher was supposed to have multiple charge stages but sadly AH is retarded
don't worry, it was actually an interesting weapon for a little while that functioned similarly to how you thought it did

alexus just pre-nerfed it before it dropped, so it was broken on arrival and still a direct downgrade after the "balance patch"
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I'm going to take Eagle Strafing and the Grenade Launcher to carve a clear path if I think their are inviso-mines in the area
Did you enjoy Joel's DMing with the bot front? Did you like the week of no regen where not a single non-MO planet was taken? Did you like that 2 planets were lost to attacks from the no regen planets? Is Joel's cooking to your liking?
dumb bitch keeps dropping cluster bombs on my head, wish I could kick her out and get some kind of artillery workshop for better and more orbitals instead
>get teamkilled in HD1
Laughs all around
>get teamkilled in HD2
Endless seething

How is it possible to stray this far from the sovl of the original?
It's not her fault the last bomblet is potentially programmed to drop on a diver's head if it can by Arrowhead.
The only seethers are redditors that leave crossplay on so they get killed tons every mission to the sound of smoke alarms chirping on 5 with the emergency pelican, instead of true divechads from here that only die to wacky bullshit every once in a while from meme loadouts and laugh about it before full recovering on 9 and extracting with full samples at the half mark.
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I could tolerate Joel's DMing if they didn't change the liberation algorithm, but as is it's just completely horrid.

The galactic war "gameplay" is clearly not designed for percentile-based liberation.
>bots/bugs finish all assaults in <2 days
>playerbase majority needs to focus on one planet to be able to defend it
>unless the minority was working on another planet, only about ~1.5 liberations are possible every 24 hours
>constant assaults mean losing ground isn't just "likely," it's always a certainty no matter what
>majority of playerbase doesn't play one front unless an MO demands it, so 100% of liberations fail or drop to 0% eventually on the ignored front
All the while, tooltips taunt you with meaningless hints like: "See a planet about to fall? Get your friends together and defend it. Every battle counts!" (which could be considered a purposefully worthless piece of advice if it didn't exist back when it was actually true).

Joel changed the algorithm because he's pathetic and can't handle player intervention, and in the meantime he's made player-led progression completely impossible. It's less of a "live service game" and more of a "story which you have zero part in, which gets mediocre, buggy DLC every couple months." (We're also ignoring that the DLC always comes with a worthless AR variant, skins that nobody asked for, and the majority of the time: completely worthless secondary/grenade options).

If I had to say one thing was, objectively, the single worst mistake the devs made, it'd be changing the algorithm at Joel's request.
They want to avoid the HD1 situation where the FUCKING PICOSECOND bugs disappeared from the map, all the bugdivers immediately fucked off leaving everyone else to have to fight the bots and squids alone. But now we have a forever war, which means nothing matters.
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>Did you like the week of no regen where not a single non-MO planet was taken?
You know I think I just realized something

We have two types of campiagns; Liberation and Defense
Defenses are just that and do need more defend mission types (Unit Rallying, beachhead destruction, supply line ambushes, Resource Scuttling, A good Ol' Hold the Keep)
Liberations though is the bread and butter, these let us take planets but those planets are often just flip flopped back and forth.

I think we need a new campaign type: Siege
Select Planets/Sector are simply too hard to snipe and must be broken over the course of RL months
This would make those flip flop planets less ignorable/forgettable while making defense a more common occurrence (I like defending, seeing enemies dying on my barbed wire and minefields gets me off) kind of like the flowing of water on the beach.

This might not be a perfect approach but I it would make forever liberation planets (hellmire/estanu) no longer a thing. It also lets Joel and co just let us take things/fight to hold things without the danger of us 'going the wrong way' by giving us hard points to aim for.
Could melee weapons be a possibility in the future? A cool chainsaw to grind off titan legs would be cool
>playing with a guy who shouldnt be doing 9 bugs
>its not even that hard
>just doesnt take the correct shit with him
>seems nice in chat doe
>proceed to finish mission with no reinforcements
>decide fuck it
>do the next dive with him
>he dies 7 times ina row
>wondering wtf is going on
>decide to follow him
>get near him
>suddenly he gets fucked by a charger
>pull out spear cause fuck it
>he rage quits

It was a cursed run, it ended up with just me and one other dude. We got cornered while trying to save high priority civs, and we called in supplies the first one didnt show up. Called in the second one, didn't show up.

Turns out it was landing on the building ontop of us

While we were also saving the civilians, we had three bile titans at once, proceeded by the bug invasions again and again.

We hopped off the fucking planet with 1 sample kek honestly fuck that run, still got full stars though
I just wish the SEAF would contribute literally at all. We've got tons of planets that will never be taken, just make a fluff post about building training camps on some of them and make liberation percent more influenced by how close they are to super earth/our frontlines. For the enemy "home sectors" just make it harder or something.
Since we got no warbond trailer that pretty much confirms it's coming after the update. How much after is anyone's guess
I wish they stopped pretending player choice matters.
You either follow The Blob or are an active hinderance to whatever The Blob is doing. Just because of % based decay and liberation scaling with player count.
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I guess, if we put on our media literacy goggles and "read a movie" like a good boy, we can see that there's an artistic message here.
"War is... bad and meaningless..."

There's an argument to be made that this is the Pathologic of live service games, that it's not meant to be fun and that we're supposed to feel helpless, worthless, and frustrated. That's if we assume every decision and choice is willful, or if we just take what we want as a consumer to extract a message.

The issue is that the game wasn't released like that, and the devs don't really even seem to understand their own game or how it works. Rather than seeing the war for what it (figuratively) is, they mistake the forest for its trees and think everything begins and ends at a spreadsheet.
They also assume "Carry X from point A to point B" is new (when it comes to that stupid fucking grub stranding mission), but those missions have existed in greater complexity from the game's release.

Ultimately, AH devs have a game that carries an intentional message that's unintentionally conveyed through bad gameplay mechanics. It lacks critical merit because it still makes war "fun" so even the unintentional bits are artistically overwritten, so all you end up with is a vacuous and dull galactic forever war that's decided exclusively by which thumb exists where on the spreadsheets.
I can see, maybe 1 year down the line, a <5-10k size playerbase that's relatively coordinated and intelligent enough to handle Joel's mediocre, shitty DMing. Right now, though, there's just too many fundivers who play diff 3 on 0 liberation planets, taking liberation points away from MO/liberationdivers who actually want to feel influence in the story.
long strat cooldowns is one thing i see cited often
>killed in a stupid fashion by some Dingus
>get called in by XxShadowBladexX on the other side of the map
>Hope I have spare something(s) to work with
>If not it's time to hit the legs or scavenge.

Personally this matter little to me as I'm currently in my World Spawn Weapons arc
But what upsets me is dying to a lack of thinking. Cluster weapons, impact granades, incelbreacker spamming, mines in exits.
Like ffs why?

I was once launched by those puffer-shrooms. Mid-Air I caught someones RR shot. I lived thanks to my Armour's perk but was stomped out by the titan I just 'saved' Technically teamklled, very funny.

Fenrir d9
Yes, you heard it right
Going for samples
Does solo play teach you good habits or bad habits? I feel like if you can handle 8-9 solo then it should be a breeze in coop but you also get used to playing selfishly and with a jack of all trades loadout.
Probably does teach you bad habits but I fuck off anyway to do my own thing and the only reason I step out of solo is so that it doesn't go down to emergency extraction almost every time as I autistically scour the map for samples
It'll give you an unrealistic expectation of how easy D9 bugs/bots are, since you're getting halved/quartered spawnrates.
Saar, please do NOT the needful and let Femrir be of the capturing. PLEASE I’m still waging and worried that it’s going to be closed by the time the weekend rolls around
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>more defend mission types (Unit Rallying, beachhead destruction, supply line ambushes, Resource Scuttling, A good Ol' Hold the Keep)
holy shit yes, we only have 1 mission type for defending with the other one on ice

imagine a mission where you need to save a fortress entrenched by SEAF
you can simply win to need to evac (rng at game start)
>auto turrets and manned HMG's
>men, women, and children over the age of 7 holding the walls with you
>can press the interact key on them to make up to 4 follow you
>he doesn't know
Fenrir is already under SE control, he's playing a worthless op because the planet's good for samples.
>it's coming after the update
it's going to be with it, don't be so silly
I havent tried it vs bugs but on bots its a fun if a bit weak sidegrade to the plasma punisher.
It can easily stagger groups of devestators. You just trade the bullet drop for firerate.
wish we could get a proper AK
Plebstedt says no because "hurr unrealistic" even though you won't find a single real-world soldier that gets sent out without a knife.
I think the game is capping my rare samples at 100
I think this might be it for me
>Plebstedt says no because "hurr unrealistic"
And yet we get chargers doing tokyo drift like it's going out of style, perfectly tracking hunters and bile spewers, and Bile Titans that for some reason we can't intentionally and efficiently kneecap even though everyone knows joints are a weakspot for any animal. Thanks Pilestadt.

Realism for you, cartoony bullshit for the enemies
you're just gonna accept that BTs are the one species among countless trillions that solved the frail joint problem. t. svenskefaen
>8-9 solo
Can people even do that without stealthing at least half the mission?
I play solo and mostly do 6, not because it's as hard as I can deal but because it's the one difficulty I can do bases, PoIs and secondaries and still complete everything in time
I want looney tunes sound effects for chargers. When they do an impossible turnaround or a tokyo drift, I want it to play that cartoony running sound effect, real Wile E. Coyote and Roadrunner style.
I wouldnt know, i never play solo. But the more important question
>does playing /hdg/ lobbies teach you good or bad habits?
I feel like i learned how to use a bunch of more off meta stratagems from watching people here use them. But i also always fight extra long after the pelican has already landed.
I need the Scooby Doo mod with all the sounds and music from this
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leandivers like to be close
That would work, or anything from any other Hanna-Barbera cartoons lol. Just lean hard into the ridiculousness.
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You mean brawndivers like to sniff.
You would vote Biden
Surprise surprise. Leave it up to up the SEA monkeys to let the general die.

Useless dogs.
Brawn bros do WHAT to Eagle-1?
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I thought they couldn't play the game anymore regardless thanks to SNOY.
2 missions left
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Someone raged out of his lobby, please join him.
We just finished a spewer seed, so it's probably smooth sailing now.
I will never understand coomers
>addicted to porn
>see cool game
>but doesnt fuel porn addiction
>decide to mod game to make it fuel porn addiction
Dunno, seems pretty understandable to me.
Why do I need to download and run borderline malware on my machine to play this game if coomers can just sidestep it by dragging a few files?
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Hey I didn't rage out I'm just joining frens in dorfs.
t. orange
>Does solo play teach you good habits or bad habits?
I'd say good habits before making contact with the enemy, and bad habits after making contact with the enemy.

When solo you are encouraged to stealth a lot and frequently break aggro from the enemy hordes. In a group there is director has the capacity to spawn more patrols which provides more opportunities to summon enemy reinforcements. This means that co-op play has greater potential for enemy numbers to just snowball out of control. To the point where breaking aggro no longer remains feasible.

There's a few points that I think help keep co-op games running smoothly.
1: When traversing between objectives on the map, it is important to avoid unnecessary aggro. This means that it is important to avoid patrols by pathing around them, using sound lures to distract them, or killing a patrol before they can call for help.
2: When attacking a POI or objective, it is important to quickly kill all notable enemies before they can call for help. If this isn't possible, IMO it is imperative to destroy all of the fabricators/bug holes as quickly as possible and preferably before the reinforcement wave can arrive.
3: When enemy reinforcements are summoned, and you're nearby, it is important to clean up your mess as quickly as possible. This generally involves things like spawn camping their dropships/summoning holes with things like eagle/orbital strikes, or setting up turrets at good vantage points to spawn camp them.
4: When enemy reinforcements are summoned by teammates on a distant part of the map, it is important to be as aggressive as possible to take as much ground as possible while enemy reinforcements are on cooldown. Attack bases/objectives/pois/patrols while they are vulnerable and unable to call for help.

IMO solo play encourages good habits for the first two points but bad ones for the last two.
They haven't released a warbond with an update unless you count launch as an "update".
And the inverse square law, and ground pressure, with not sinking into the ground with its mass concentrated on such pointed legs.
You sissy's need to get off FENRIR 3 NOW!

I want to play when I get home.
I crashed as usual, ggs
mechs not being a chassis with "weapons sold separately" that you have to bolt on yourself is unrealistic
there's no way super earth wouldn't force SEAF to have to sign seperate paperwork for the deployment of the mech and the weaponry
F. GGS tho this was the last one
>Accidentally bring incel breaker to bot eradicate
>I do remarkably well
>It kills trash and chainsaw devs pretty quick
I'm still sticking to PP or CS though.
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It's okay, all quits are ragequits in my book.
Someone else join them, I've got to handle something and they need a new carry now that I'm gone (joke).
kys faggot
You can rear dive away from hunters though. And then punch them for even more time.
Ever since it got nerfed? Easy.
>No poster count to have a laugh at how there is more people posting on this thread then there are playing on like a half of the bot planets at low pop hours.
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It's too late anon.
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>still 12 days for content
>not a single one of the devs making my niche fetish games has updated a game in weeks
>all content will likely overlap
To play HD2 now or wait until the upcoming August update arrives so that you're also not burnt out on playing HD2 in the meantime..... Damn. Can't decide.
nabbed the slot ty for heads up
just pick one or two and play out the content and be happy with the knowledge that you have other games waiting for you when you are done

also what are these niche fetish games? asking for democracy
there is apparently a 5-day playtest for The Forever Winter
but it's unfortunately dick-suckcord-only
I'm still not sure what the gameplay loop is supposed to be in forever winter.
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finally I can stop playing until actual content drops
Get 2000 sc
what the fuck for
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D9 Whatev
They will nerf SC drops in future updates and you will thank me for it.>>487599737

*saves your game*
nothing personnel gwailo
Reminds me of the anon that farmed 17k SC and so far only 1500 SC of content have been released
>red dot on a precision rifle
I want to vomit.
I want power armor
>bro your mech-
No, I want power armor, just like in the SST books
>t. nogunz
nothing is more kino than pushing automaton bases and mowing down bots as they flood the corridors
join! join! join! join!
Don't worry, if my theory on which Sectors are opening up are correct the Nanos Sector will feature a Moon as well
>t. mallninja
How do they have one set up already??
Leupold mogs your ass
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d9 bug
Remind me which military's snipers use red dots?
its full but i can kick a random to make room if someone wants to join
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Every one that uses a LPVO?
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I'm so sick and tired of connection being a total gamble with this piece of shit game. I got zero connection issues with any other game, but in HD2 I might run fine, my entire team might get kicked for no reason, or I get completly disconnected from the game with 22 seconds on extraction left YOU USELESS LAZY PIECE OF SHIT SWEDES THAT SOMEHOW MAKE THE GAME MORE AND MORE UNSTABLE WITH EVERY SINGLE PATCH YOU DOUBLE NIGGERS
17k and 2k are entirely different things.
For one, you can dump into cosmetics if you want, but also it just means you're secure in case you need a break.
The only thing it needs now is a big fuck off jammer or shield in the center so you can't airstrike anything inside
how the fuck do you even farm 17k SC
it takes me several hours of running D1 to get even 500
>Killed in HD1
>Your team drops you on your guns
>Camera means TKs are more common and you're actually incentivised to keep your teammates geared.
Yeah there's a reason, anon.
You cam get an average of 10 SC per mission of you look through the entire map. Chasing the blinking yellow lights is often a safe bet.
Just do this 1700 times
>get called in by XxShadowBladexX on the other side of the map
Skill issue, stick with your team
Before they patched it, you could simply find a good map on Fenrir 3 and farm it over and over and make 1k SC in like 1 hour.
Now there's a faster method that allows you to farm 1k in like 5 minutes, but it's very annoying to setup.
It shouldn't take hours for 500sc unless you're playing normally.
He abused a bug, he found a seed with 100sc and a 10sc drop in one crate and just abused a disconnect bug to keep abusing the same seed by dropping down onto the 110sc and disconnecting over and over.
They have since patched that exploit.
>Chasing the blinking yellow lights is often a safe bet.
*drops an arc thrower*
*drops requistion slips*
*drops rare sample*
They should start spawning stalkers that b-line towards helldivers that aren't near their team on diff 10, I am so sick of solo shitters
Wasn't there a game that actually did this? I want to say it was vermintide. Not a bad idea at all.
Just play d1, no rare samples to be found.
It's also boring as fuck.
I got 500sc in an hour recently doing it though, so yeah a warbond in 1.5-2hours, not even including that the warbond is always technically 700sc, not 1000.
Every l4d clone does this
dunno what i could be doing wrong, im running desert/moon maps exclusively on diff 1 and im getting surprisingly lucky with the POIs and get only one bunker every few missions or something, but the POIs i do find all contain fucking ARC THROWERS
i even use map hazards to throw myself around the map to move faster
I don't care how free they are. If you throw thise fucking dissappearing mines in my lobby you are donezo
You could:
>spend 2 hours of your life being a faggot in a videogame or
>spend 1 hour being a wagie cuck working at mcdonald, making the money for the warbond and some extra on top
Sometimes I get nothing, sometimes I get 30 or even more
Hence why I said "an average"
I'd rather cut my balls off than give sony any more money
You are giving them your life.
It's worse.
You are more cucked than a mcdonald wagie.
That's how bad it is.
still running with the pub?
just have some money on you, retards
Yeah, I can kick him if you want to join.
i would like that yes
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>Thinking of checking out EDF 6
>Needs Epic account
Back to helldivers I go.
>Ever since it got nerfed?
Again, it's not about the difficulty it's the time
>fire EAT right at your feet
>it doesn't kill you
>fire eruptor right at your feet
>guaranteed to gib you

>yet EAT does a lot more damage to enemies
This game's damage model is so fucking retarded
Its the soul of the players. Yall are just angry people at heart. Some shithead earlier kept dying because he cant see anything apparently then starts blaming everyone.
I get killed its always "worse has happened" Its a PvE game you guys just need to chill. Theres a shitload of reinforcements.
Eruptor used to oneshot Chargers AND BTs.
Normalfags happened.
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>guy griefs me and quits
>look up his steam id
>he's already changed names
>copy his steamid to save his profile
>hunt for him in lobbies on the same planet
>buying goycredits
>not waiting until they inevitably start charging real money for bonds
You aren't playing with hdgchads
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get TK'd by a retard that doesn't care about me
>internally seethe
get TK'd by a genuine mistake
>understandable, let's laugh it off
My personal issue is that I hate playing with people that aren't team players and are clearly playing multiplayer because they can't play solo, because they are bad at the game.

I play D9 multiplayer to enjoy the company, not because I need the help. (which is why I only play multiplayer with 4chan, and I solo when I'm not in a lobby from here or /coopg/).
But that's not the case for the majority of players.
They are just there because they need help to clear their missions.
To them, I'm not another human being, I'm just a strong NPC that is there to carry them and help them out or something, and this is reflected by how little they care about my safety, by constantly trying to kill me indirectly in some way and never taking in account the fact that maybe I don't like getting killed.
They're more likely to sell premium 'bundles' on the store as dlc that come with a bunch of cosmetic shit, skins, etc
Let's retry that
I'm starting to believe that AH designs the MO's with minmaxing in mind. Like the current one could probably be won with 75% of playerbase on bugs. Had the other 25% gone on bots, they could've taken a planet or two.

But of course knowing any of this requires third party tools since most of the relevant information like planet HP (for defenses) and decay rates (for liberation) is hidden.
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Yes, that's one of their philosophies.
You can listen to Pile saying it in an interview.
They are 100% designing the MOs with minmaxing in mind.
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Why in the world would they think that's a good idea?
Because that's how they did it in HD1
They only want to appeal to "obsessed nerds", that's the playerbase they want.
They really believed they would only get a small dedicated playerbase that would take the effort to coordinate for stuff like this
On an unrelated note I kinda hate that the symbols for both Eradicate and Blitz are the exact same, I find eradicate to be boring and I wanna avoid doing those but it's also mandatory that a short mission is included in every 3 mission operation so it's annoying having to comb through each one
They've had half a year to figure things out and realize that's not the playerbase they have.
My internet crashe sorry
MOs are designed to mask the fact that they lock us in a hand full of planets. Its why they always flip between bugs and bots.
They have us push the bug side, meanwhile all bot planets are sneakily being pushed back. New mo, retake the bot planets we lost, aaaand bugs took back their planets.
They do this becouse not all biomes are made. Just watch, when we get a new biome more planets start to open up.
No worries, they are filtering out the normies slowly but surely.
Months ago you could simply find a good planet seed and farm it over and over by mapping it and rebooting the game once you were done to farm the same map again.
This resulted in mindless 1k SC per hour if you were lucky.
>Bots are gaining strength while encircled
Remind me what happens when you get encircled in those map games?
But from all the seething from MO wagies about not being able to take and hold planets i figure only people like me who dont care about the galactic war will be left.
>they have a literal planet to mine for sources and make more bots
Stop applying simpleton logic to the galactic war.
>get weakened because no supply lines
>given time to relax and rebuild your forces
>back to regular strength
It is a mystery.
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I'm starting to think that this whole galactic war is pure bullshit with the strings being pulled by a demented mouthbreather who has the singular goal of keeping us fighting over and over and over and over again on the same handful of planets with the rules being made up along the way
Wow, Polar Patriots really has almost nothing to do with snow
Where's the planet-covering bot base Pileofshit
where's the planetwide gigafactory pileofshit
where's the children's hospital pileofshit
where's everything you ever made us fight long campaigns for PILEOFSHIT
Eagle cluster bomb is nice for weak enemies by the dozen. But also strafing run is nice when a ton of shit is following you, or you're close to teammates.
Remember when you could kick the host out of his own lobby?
Good times.
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we did it we saved the kids
You saved the kids
I refused the shitty mines
We're not the same
I wonder if people would have saved the kids if the stratagem wasn't fucking AT mines
The best teammates are dorky, age 30+, dad-sounding dudes that play after their kids go bed and actually use their mics. Bro tier and friendly yet serious enough to accept/ offer tactical decisions to immersively experience co-op gameplay.

Zoomers are non-communicating, supply-hogging, wannabe youtuber cancer that wander off, kill you constantly, ragequit, or are otherwise dogshit teammates

You cannot convince me otherwise
Ok anon, we get it, take care of your kids alright
*pings harder*
Probably yes.
I remember the % of divers going for the AT mines anyway was like 3%
I'm don't trust any stratagem vote ever since we got the airburst
Funnily, I don't think Back 4 Blood actually punished the fags that play the co-op game like a solo hard given that game had an issue of "one nigger runs speed buffs and speedruns the map ahead of their entire team".
They hated him because he spoke the truth.
>I need supplies.
>I need supplies.
communicating does not exclusively mean verbally, idiot
I only open my mic to scream in horror whenever my helldiver dies
I wish there were more voice commands.
A generic 'HELP ME!' would be very good.
>"I need supplies"
>ok, it's off cooldown
>slap in the code and toss the beacon as far forwards between us and the objective we're heading towards
>the guy runs past the beacon without stopping
>I wait for it to land, grab one
>he doesn't turn around

I think he eventually got some when it came off cooldown the next time and I called it at an objective. Or picked up some ammo boxes off PoI's or something. But man. There's some real gems among the players.
>Someone pings enemy patrol
>Throw stratagem at them
>Someone else negatives the ping meaning don't engage
>dies in firefight
>pings REINFORCE once
>open mic just to start gurgling on "blood" and screaming for mother, fading out just in time for reinforcement hellpod to launch
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flutey still talks about the kids before ending up with C-01 permits on our laps. play one for 'em, flutey
flutey does c-01 things with kids*
Meridia still looks cool as fuck
An eternal reminder to botdivers, you'll never get original content
>team split into 2's to cover the map
>eventually my bro calls us some supplies because we're out
>keep going after refilling
>a bit later dude across the map starts spamming I NEED SUPPLIES
>type 'We can't help you man"
>"yeah you can"
How do you teleport supplies to someone
Based Flutey

kids can't get pregnant, therefore you don't need to fill out a c-01 permit beforehand
>guy with servo assist grabs another helldiver who's holding supply stratagem
>servo guy spins and throws the guy with the stratagem
>guy throws stratagem in the air
>800% extra range lets you toss stratagem across the map
>fluteposter gets Flutey and the kids
It's not fair..
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you'll be fineee
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Remember to smell Eagle-1 Sweat, Helldivers
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D9 bot, need 1
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They knew what they were doing.
anyone else DIDN'T buy one? i ain't want that
Surely sexy tight suits and medium hair with weird highlights aren't up to regulation
sorry the fans prefer to interpret the game as cool and not made by cucked swedish devs with bald african fetish
I drink her sock sweat.
>invisible mine bug in every single lobby now
I've randomly exploded from nothing so many times at this point. How do you counter this
Tell them to find a POI and get all the ammo and shit they could ever want from one.
the one thing they did alright was say that eagle 1 does, indeed, look like this >>487616940 instead of those bald girls
i swear I will teamkill every cunt that brings the incel breaker to bots over and over again, I'm so fucking tired of being set on fire by these retards
Skintight piloting suits leave less to get in the way of piloting, not like you need to be wearing armor in a cockpit. And regulations tend to be relaxed for the elite in the armed forces. As long as the hair doesn't get in the way of piloting it's all good. Hell, astronauts have purpose-designed hoods to keep hair out of their face during EVAs, wouldn't be a stretch to assume something like that will be in effect during combat operations.
pelican-1 > eagle-1
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Pelican will just fuck off to let you get eaten by bugs because you're one second too late to his retarded countdown
Pretty sure they were confirmed to be naked and completely submerged in oxygen rich fluorocarbons in the cockpit.
sounds like a skissue
but he still shows up
no matter how much of a failure you are, he still shows up
meanwhile bitch eagle would rather bomb giant trees than do anything useful and go "oops teehee, oh well no takebacksies ;))" and also makes zero effort to not kill helldivers
>Day 45 of no accidentals or team kills
I'm getting better
>use explosion resist heavy armour
>have basic situational awareness and positioning skills
>basically completely resistant to friendly fire
>deaths are exclusively from retarded team mates landing on me with their drop pods
Pretty nice when you get gud.
I say we all start new accounts
Our divers have earned their retirement
anon i have bad news
I do that every time I die in-game. I start a fresh account, go through the training all over again and then start my new career as a freshly thawed Helldiver.
I am horribly in debt.
my bad for the 5-6 accidentals i did with incen mines, invisible mine bug is much worse than i thought it was
Shit happens,didn't bring my A for thoses ones either
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d9, can do either. come give me a hug :)
>start a second account with steam family share
>Warbonds dont transfer like DLC usually does
>zero upgrades
>have to farm requisition to have even basic support weapons
>level gates until level 20
>d1 through to d6 is a boring slog of operations that think brood commanders are boss tier
>have to give a shit about samples or progress grinds to a halt
>have to progress through the upgrade tiers, can't just get the stuff that is actually good from the upper tier

Most people probably skip to d9 by just getting carried in quickplay and then, with none of the upgrades, wonder why they feel so underpowered after steamrolling low difficulty missions.
Stalwart deserves to be a primary
We deserve primaries as good as the Stalwart
I wish would could prestige like MW2
>Failed to join game lobby
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Why do they hate solo players so much
I'd drop an SOS beacon and just wait
I got disconnected so I'm never ever getting those 200 SC
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>dif 9
>twat spawns in with his rover
>ends the game with 8 accidentals
>blames it on the mines

I swear to christ if you use a rover on dif 9 you should be killed on sight.
crashed 3/4
why even use the fucking rover anymore, the nerf wasn't big but it was just enough to make the laser rover useless and the AR rover always was fucking useless
GGs, was fun games.
Guard Dog isn't useless, it just requires 10 layers of esoteric knowledge.
Rover is also still really good at doing what is used to do and the nerf only made it so it doesn't instantly oneshot you if you get caught in the crossfire, which is actually a buff.
dear diary
out of my eight heads today six were to invisible mines
>Guard Dog isn't useless, it just requires 10 layers of esoteric knowledge
>esoteric knowledge
They say that knowledge is illuminating... DEMOCRACY OFFICER! WE HAVE AN ILLUMINATE SPYYYYYYYYYY!
I would use the ballistic rover if ammo blocks gave it ammo. As is it's just a total piece of shit that relies on having to spamming resupply off cooldown for maximum efficiency.
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>Calling down fortifications
I want a rover but instead of a gun, it would just be two smaller ballistic shield attached to my diver via a robotic arm. I want to be able to just use nothing but those instead of any other stratagem. I could deploy them like a big wall. I would be fucking invicible. If they could pair that with melee so I could wield a sword or two, that would be even better.
I want a shotgun rover that instantly kills teammates
Shut the fuck up Sundowner
where lobby
Said knowledge is to not have teammates in front of you, avoid fighting uphill and kill whatever armored enemy it is focusing on. That's about it, really.
The shotgun you find in the map is actually a sniper rifle without fall off.
You can use it to oneshot people at 300+metres if you can aim.
The break action is really underrated.
I want spider mines
>shotgun rover to kill teammates
>not a cluster bomb rover to make aire the whole team goes together
Tsk tsk tsk. This is a COOP game, not call of duty.
is break action 100% spawnrate on maps?
It being only available randomly in the field was a fun concept at first but I'd really just like to be able to directly bring it in. Or at the very least, include it as a possible spawn at POIs, I'm fucking sick of opening crates or bunkers and finding two stalwarts or something.
i've never found one inside anything. they are always just next to ammo on the ground near POIs and sometimes the POI bug nests
I don't think so, no idea what the spawn rate is.
If it isn't, its somewhere like 75%, it has to be. I see that thing almost everywhere.
I wanted a Rover that is that little guy from the Raise the Flag Mission, changes up te combat music to be some new and more democratic
Gives some buffs to nearby team mates

This can be further increased by the Flag support weapon.
It can't even reliably oneshot anything. It doesn't pen armor. It's not underrated, it's shit.
Didn't the devs say they intentionally wanted the break action to be shit as a middle finger to Doom? I can't recall.
That's what I'm saying, currently it only shows up at very specific areas, as you said frequently bug nests or on the rare occasion one of the little safehouse holes. It should also have a spawn rate for the breakable shipping crate and bunker POIs. Just in general, increase the odds of finding one in the field.

And also make it appear on bot biomes, I don't think it spawns on those at all.
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>incendiary breaker rover
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The only mention of such I've ever read is from /hdg/, but it's possible, I guess? Someone else tried to explain it away as a "environmental set piece", as a kind of sci-fi version of a farmer's shitty blunderbuss.
>Said knowledge is to not have teammates in front of you, avoid fighting uphill and kill whatever armored enemy it is focusing on. That's about it, really.
Wrong, this mostly and only applies to Rover.
Guard Dog requires you to know:
>reloading cycles
>counting the 6 magazines
>fixing cycles and avoiding seeking loops
>scouting stage and how it works
>aggro range and aggro priority
>self-aggro mechanic
>when and where to drop it
>how to use it as a shield
Once you know all of these things, it becomes very enjoyable against bots.
Capping resources so low is such niggerific behavior.
I think the shottie always has a chance to spawn on 1) the corpse of the dude outside the destroyable bunker door under the SEAF building POI, next to him and the corpse of [faction] (bugs or bots) and the same for the dead SEAF guy at the small gravesite, again near a dead [current enemy faction] member (that is sometimes also killed via shovel). Those are the only two faction-neutral locations I can think of.
>It should also have a spawn rate for the breakable shipping crate and bunker POIs.
As you long as you mean AT and not IN because cracking a crate only to find a Shotgun would only be a singular step above Req slips.

>And also make it appear on bot biomes, I don't think it spawns on those at all.
I've found it on Gravesite Poi
I would also like to find a Bolt Action Rifle in the field. Wooden stock, no sights, 5 in the mag that you top load. Give it AP3 and 150 damage
>Bolt Action Rifle in the field
Something something thats what the railcannon rifle you find at POIs is - Arrowhead
It'd be no worse than finding an arc rifle, or stalwart. Keep the rate of (any weapon) appearing in those POIs the same, but add the break-action to the pool of weapons that can appear there.

And yea, I remembered that the gravesite sometimes spawns them and that is a faction neutral POI, though I still don't think I've ever seen it have the break-action on a bot planet.
jokes on you, it's just 20 SC
if there's anything I would add it's unsafe mode as a feature of all energy weapons
experimental weaponry should be dangerous when used on full blast
Let me use the disposable overheated ICE as an unreliable incendiary grenade with a randomized fuse, Arrowhead.
words are just pings that are culturally accepted retard. if you join my lobby with an open mic i am kicking you instantly
*smacking sounds*
*rustles chip bag*
*smoke detector beep*
*screaming and fighting family members in background*
*toilet flushing sound*
*"oh shit" when something falls over*
*clack clack of keyboard*
*shitty music on full blast in 140p quality*
Every day I'm reminded that not talking to people in game is the right choice
There's a special rung in hell for niggers who bring arc thrower/laser cannon to bugs
Arc thrower is only good against bugs though
I'm retarded, meant to say Blitzer/orbital laser, I think I got teamkilled 6 times by the same chink in my last game by this combo
okay fair
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Sounds like it needs a few ship modules to give it drum mags
Using the backpack button should turn Rovers off.

>trusting civilians with Railguns
Nah man, they deserve some real old timey weapon like this Lee Enfield,

>It'd be no worse than finding an arc rifle, or stalwart.
>Comparing the breakaction to Arc thrower
>An auto aiming, stun lokcing monster, that can kill chargers
>Comparing the breakaction to the STalwart
>A 1140 RPM lead delivery system with 250 per reload

Gamer I like the break action too but it's only good for a joke/you have nothing else, it is the weakest weapon equippable in the support slot
It should take up the Primary weapon slot instead
There's your problem, the blitzer is great otherwise.
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>"EDF is bad"
>check EDF's gameplay
>see this https://x.com/i/status/1816401208053035266
Erm, actually EDF good.
>Blitzer isn't affected by the arc weapons upgrade
sad, giving it even 1 jump would be great

You need to chew the steak slower to enjoy it. The swedes know better than you.
Bro I don't care how fucking good the guns are in vacuum, if I haven't brought a loadout that complements them then I don't want to pick them up and any time I see them they are a disappointment over something I care about like rare samples and super-credits. That's what I mean by it not being any worse.

At the very least, I'd like to see a gun there that I *can't* bring normally anyways.
This is unbelievable copium.
Wtf I love EDF now!
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Why not just take the bubble
I think he's being sarcastic
>crutch stratagem for mentally handicapped "people"
Probably. But I've seen the rare unironic swede defender.
Guess I'll take the rover then!
it's frankly retarded that it doesn't, considering the rest of it's class does
Go ahead and kill yourself.
It's better than the baby's first shield though, isn't it? Why wouldn't I take a rover over a shield
Fortifications will get good when walls come, hopefully. Maybe we get a mine rework.
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What does that even mean? Aren't all strats a crutch?
Why don't people itt like shields. Are they mad it's a decent backpack or do they think everyone should be running supply pack or rover instead of wasting a slot on a rechargeable bubbleshield. It's a godsend against bots, especially if you're wearing light armor.
>Fortifications will get good when walls come
Your hmg emplacement?
Your shield relay?
Don't reply to shitters
It's a "crutch" because apparently wanting to survive and fight and not die like a retard every time you get grazed by a missile makes you incomprehensibly bad at the game.
I can teamkill someone with a rover but I can't teamkill someone in a shield without them realizing I'm shooting at them specifically
dont take anything anyone says here seriously
i use the shield on bugs when using the flammenwerfer
They were perfectly visible for me. Hosting lobbies sure comes with its perks.
Best answer.
At one point in the past it regenerated when not taking damage for a while. In an effort to nerf it they got rid of that, so now you can be walking around on 1 shield HP. I hate it.
you wouldn't be able to retain that name unless you were autistic
I don't have any dislike for bubble shield users. I just personally don't like it because I don't like how to obstructs my view. It also doesn't help that I usually run autocannon on bots and recoilless rifle on bugs, and my switchup for bugs is MMG with supply back because I like being able to spam all the bullets and keep behemoths on lockdown. Having a bubble shield user in the team is fine by me. It means there's someone else on the team with slightly more than my dumbass always-wearing-light-armor self who can reinforce me or act as a mobile cover station.
My biggest grip with the bubble shield isn't that people use it. It's that the shield doesn't begin recharging until it's fully depleted AND that the total damage absorption is tied to the armor that the helldiver wears. I think that is a bit silly.
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Joke's on you I didn't even notice that probably deserved snowballing.
Caring about someone else's loadout is the true mark of a shitter. Means he needs to get carried because choices not his own affect his play style
>entire team takes 380s/walking barrages/clusters
>ragdolled for 30 seconds, then collateral'd
>reinforcement budget depleted
Any sissies want a lobby?
I always ran public and always found randoms to farm with. They almost doubt the speed.
Never do the objective, always back out to the ship ASAP
>airburst rocketlauncher
I really hate that when I moved the internet I used became absolute Dogshit, I used to do fine but now my connectivity is terrible
Lmao. The dude was getting something like 5k/h abusing the seed.
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At least I survived this one.
I just resupply pack them and take all the juicy supply packs for myself.
>sound webm
>it's a cat in a box
I think I see what you did there. I have also played none of the titles in that song.
Just dive.
You're doing bots, hearing the screaming should cause you to autodive by now.
good post
Wonder if a future armor perk will be longer swimming duration before drowning, or outright drowning immunity.
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d9 bot
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>Posting the wrong version
Tanks always do this. Don't get me wrong I respect the realism of a mobik like myself being flung 200m but the explosion if the entire tank exploded insideout, but the explosion doesn't look large enough to really do that.
My irl took mines and 380mm for a meme on an eradication mission. A random also joined him and he was host and I stupidly thought ah its fine.
I have never hated the game so much in the moment, I honestly wish I was playing with randoms and not my irl friend.
That seems about as useful as the 95% electrical damage resistance one.
I can't see anyone using that unless it's Helldiver Armor: Swimsuit Edition. Then we'd probably see a lot more female divers.
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If your entire team is taking 380s, you should expect them to use them. Unless it's an eradication mission it doesn't matter
>even while disconnected, chinese letter man still gets you
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we back?
You're like a lamb, bro.
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>aesir pass: 0.002%
And there's still a bunch of idiots on that planet despite the liberation rate having consistently drained down to 0% over the course of a week. Even if you don't know how decay rates work and how to look them up, even a braindead monkey would have noticed the bar gradually getting smaller while all the other planets on the other side of the encirclement were gradually getting more liberation despite having fewer players.
If the devs wanted they could completely lock us out of the Falstaff Sector by attacking and taking Erson Sands, both Hellmire and Nivel 43 stand in the way of even reaching it and the entry planet is an acid world
It really proved how the whole "bugsivers v. botdivers" things is stupid
They're all clearly retarded
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No, because then I'd get stuck when an explosion causes this to happen.
Everything the companion app has is desperately needed in-game, even the graphs
Alright this is the second time I run out of stims fighting automatons. Medical armors or supply backpack ONLY from now on.
Were the flowers and smoke boobs always able to launch you with so much force?
Once you go supply backpack you start stimming so often it affects you when you don't have it.
I run out because I use them for running faster and for topping up to 100% instead of how I uses to use then.
You could also use the shield backpack and not require stims in the first place
I'm definitely stimming above 50% health against automatons, but mostly because if you don't you get instakilled if you're not using heavy armor. With how much damage they can hit you for with random physics ragdoll damage, you need to stay topped up

>In the age of rocket dev and gunship rocket spam, you want to make your hitbox bigger
No thank you
The spikey shrapnel plants were also able to one shot kill you too.
Shield backpack doesn't let me run through an entire hoard and survive. You get a bit of extra HP, a larger hitbox rockets cam knock you down using, and then nothing under that.
Stims with heavy stim armor is disgustingly survivable, and having an effective infinite supply of them you can tank stuff a shield backpack could never.
The only advantage shield has is avoiding that first flinch.
Yes, I like shooting them when my team runs by them to knock them over, but every so often it flings them into a rock so hard they almost die
I think medium armor with stims is fine, you need manueverability between cover against bots. You do get 1shot more often though, and heavy armor distinctly lets you survive some serious bullshit rocket-into-physics-dmg moments in my experience. But if you take heavy armor stim armor you don't really need the supply backpack, and vice versa. I like heavy armor + recoil reduction for the HMG with supply backpack because you can cut down every bot and save your last 2 strats for whatever you want
bubble shield users frequently have zero situational awareness because they rely on their shield to take hits before they do, so they frequently
>let trash flank them and the team
>wander into lines of fire
>obstruct firing lines because the shield has a wide hitbox making it harder to shoot around them
they generally also play like shit because again they bank most of their survivability on their shield bag instead of taking something that benefits the team more like a supply bag or backpack weapon
Every stratagem should come from completing a bot/illuminate MO.
I think it's just gay contrarianism, the things is a godsemd to counteract the bugs bullshit hitboxes and pretty useful on bots if you're not using the AV
>laggy game
>laggy game
>laggy game

swedes shouldn't be allowed to make games.
Remember when they tried to nerf the shield backpack by making it blow up your own projectiles
>You need maneuverability
The stim does that for me now kek, so no, I don't.
>smoke boobs
Coomer mods are getting too powerful
If any Sector is going to become the Illuminates "Stalemate" Sector I can see Rictus being it, it's got a whole 7 planets and it's directly South of Super Earth
>ally has died
>ally has died
>ally has died
>ally has died
>allied destroyer leaving squadron
Nigger behavior
i've seen /hdg/ posters do this
>niggerdevs enable team kill mines for everyone
if I see you using that in my lobby it's kick on sight I don't give a shit
>Match is plagued by stalkers/gunships that no one bothers to clear
Yeah no, I'm not sitting into a CBT session, i play yo have fun not to suffer stress.
They wouldn't be so bad if it weren't for the instakill bug. Almost unplayable when there's just random instakill areas on the map.
>Throw mines in places no one will step a foot in at the start of the match
>Enjoy all those late game kills and have fun seeing people ragequit
Friendly fire is part of the experience
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There an opening in a lobby or should I just go make dinner?
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>Noooooooo I shouldn't be able to die in a video game!
Just go play Sonic 2 with a Game Genie or something.
Don't care, i will keep deploying fortifications in your lobby :)
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ok nigger
kicked and blocked
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So hear me out: Since stratagems not deploying on beacons is a known bug. Once they fix it - How about (extra) sticky stratagem beacons as a ship module?
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so.. fucking... zased...
yews if it fixed stratty-Gs bouncing into the stratty-SPHERE when you least expect it
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I'm sorry anon, but for thinking of an idea that is too much fun, the Fun Police have been automatically notified, and will de dispatched to apprehend you immediately.
>Merak and Aurora Bay (in the Valdis Sector) have connections into the rest of the Galaxy now
When did this happen? That sector has been completely closed off since the Bot return.
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Anyone else getting this consistently?
>not a single landmine infront of him
>still die anyway
Last time I got disconnected I didn't even get a message about it. Just got booted to the bridge.
Just got it last game. Thought my internet was shitting out but the dive continued just fine.
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>Fenrir III locked again
Oh well, hopefully I'll get to play another operation on it in 4-5 weeks. Hopefully. Back to fog, fire, dust, and blizzard planets.
Well the original intent was for all of us to deploy mines, wiat for them to become invisible, and then walk forward 4 abreast through the field and whoever came out the other side would be the chosen one. That plan immediately disintegrated when the first player to try their luck used their jump pack cheater! and when the mines decided to not become invisible.
>That sector has been completely closed off since the Bot return.
I'll fucking do it again. - Joel
21 planets across 5 sectors
0 active defenses
1 high liberation assaults (Joel forgot to raise the decay on Choepessa)
1 locked off sector

21 planets across 5 sectors
0 active defenses
0 high liberation assaults (although Estanu is just now seeing a massive surge in players and might fall in a day or so)
2 locked off sectors
They've been that way since the bots showed up.
It's been there blindchaama
I thought it was my Internet but if you're getting it too it may be more than just my new internet being shit
I recall differently. Is there any resource that keeps track of this stuff? If not, can you think of a youtube video that we can scrub through that might show it?
Show all progress in the timeframe and you'll see about 3k players were active on it back in April/May. It's funny that it wasn't a popular planet given it's literally the same biome as the Creek. It turns out the Creek only earned its meme status entirely because of its stupid fucking name and tiktok hype.
I stand corrected. My memory apparently failed me
>gacrux captured
>fenrir defended
>bore rock inaccessible
>estanu next on the chopping block, then probably crimsica
Can you faggots stop liberating the planets I want to play on. At this rate you're gonna leave us with the piss planet and fucking hellmire.
It's not our fault that they designed a game where being successful means you lost a map to play on.
Best game design winner btw
There is no reason the liberator penetrator and concussive shouldn't have 45 round magazines as well. Penetrator has half the damage and concussive has half the ROF.
Uh well you see special bullets don't stack well in the magazine past 30
>t. pileofshit
Do we know what Illuminate outposts are going to look like or is that something we can pass the time speculating about?
>Can you faggots stop liberating the planets I want to play on.
this is way funnier to me than it should be. im sorry for your misfortune though, even if its funny
very few of the weapon downsides make sense relative to their upsides
I'm assuming super brood commanders spawn 3 brood commanders, and these 3 brood commanders spawning 3 warriors sounds pretty scary.

Then we'll get the brood commander titan that spawns 3 super brood commanders, and so on.
If Lib pen got its magazine upped to 45, it'd fill the niche of being an easy to control medium pen weapon, with worse damage but better crowd control. Right now its useless compared to the adj.

Dunno what to do with Lib conc other than massively increase its durable damage to make it stand out.
like the nesting dolls of bugs except niggerer
the conc already has the highest durable damage of the ARs, at 23 per bullet. but the tendie has 22 so the only difference on fully durable targets is the fact that the conc has more mags and lower dps. and the conc just shits on it if the target is less than 100% durable
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>the conc just shits on it
the tendie just shits on it*
Yeah, they should just up the durable damage even more so its more noticeable. I'm more interested in lib conc finding a niche over generic good buffs like more magazine, since its in such a weird and bad spot right now.
Sounds like arc thrower is gonna be lit
When they finally nerf the incel breaker it'll be an effective buff too as chaff will be harder to deal with and more of a threat.
considering things like the AC do full damage regardless of durability, it's a little surprising that "bullets that explode" don't do full durable damage in general. of course they fucked that up with the emancipator too, probably because it was killing chargers and BTs too efficiently for alexus's liking
Sounds like all the bodies brood commanders spawn will block my arc thrower shots*
I'd be fine with Lib Concussive keeping the low RoF, because it's individual rounds that inflict stagger so slower fire rate means your stagger goes farther. But it definitely needs a bigger magazine. Hell, give it the ability to knock down and ragdoll enemies despite the low damage, that would be hilarious.
>Yeah, they should just up the durable damage
This is a poor longterm approach. Tghey just need to be reasonable over what is and is not durable and by how much. Gunship engines is the classic example of this being out of whack.
Thank you for reciting memes and demonstrating your lack of any actual experience.
Um ackshually it's cause they're armored!
LibPen should be given buffs to compare it to the marksman rifles and then moved to that category. LibCarb should be given buffs to compare it to the smgs and then moved to that category.
I just dislike the gun. It feels bad, and is clunky to use. I do notice enemy corpses eat half my shots.
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this was posted last thread, where did the image come from
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Honestly it'd be super cool if these flew and could leap large distances with their wings, and didn't spawn from the ground but patrol'd the air and swooped down and landed on you and teammates when it spotted you.
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Whoa chill out there satan.
/hdg/ lobby where everyone takes shield and HMG turret when
The game is at its best when the enemies are so overwhelmingly strong that survival is hopeless and the only solution is to throw soliders into the meatgrinders that is the bug and bot fronts.
>I do notice enemy corpses eat half my shots.
You are exagerating or you need to get good.
double shield, HMG turret, laser cannons and AP mines
I am probably exaggerating, but it ate enough to where it was getting annoying. Even if it wasn't an issue, or I got good, I still wouldn't like the gun because I just think it feels bad.
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This is the man responsible for the "story".
bot front kino...
That probably just means major roadmap events like the black hole, and not filler like what Joel does.
We need an arc thrower/blitzer cope gif.
Its funny, I barely notice it with the blitzer, even though it probably happens as much. Maybe because I expect more out of a support weapon then a primary.
The blitzer is pretty decent after the fire rate buff... if corpses don't eat the shot.
Lib Pen needs a buff to mag size and damage to make it not worse than Adjudicator overall, while Adjudicator needs its mag size and ROF reduced and damage increased to make it closer to a battle rifle.

>Lip Pen
Mag size 30 -> 36
Damage per bullet 45/15 -> 52/16
Spare mags 10 -> 8

Mag size 30 -> 24
Damage per bullet 80/16 -> 100/18
ROF 550 -> 440 to 380

Now Lib Pen will actually feel like a meaningful sidegrade to stock Lib, and Adjudicator is a "make each bullet count" armor piercer that's distinct from Diligence Counter-Sniper. Maybe more touch-up buffs for both stock Lib and Lib Pen (and obviously Lib Concussive and Lib Carbine) to make them not feel like shit.
Its probably the firerate that helps it feel better. Arc thrower is just so slow. I want them to reduce the charge time so it fires faster.
>skinnyfat white boi
He's just like me fr fr
Honestly I hate any weapon that has to charge at all. Just make it work like the blitzer where it's a cooldown rather than a charge up. I don't care of it makes it more similar, it's gimmick is the range not the charge.
>he found a seed with 100sc and a 10sc drop in one crate and just abused a disconnect bug to keep abusing the same seed by dropping down onto the 110sc and disconnecting over and over.
the 100 super credit drop is actually random and not seed dependent, determiend on the moment of pick-up, not map creation.
He's likely the one managing joel.
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Pilestedt I know you aren't reading anything here but if you are I've been playing Arrowhead games since Magicka and I'll bitch and moan about shit sometimes a lot of times actually but I'm glad for the Magicka Vietnam DLC that I'm guessing inspired Helldivers to begin with and props to you for being so excited despite all the bullshit in the Escalation of Freedom announcement trailer.
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>Magicka Vietnam DLC
I never played magicka but I went to watch the trailer and my autism must be unleashed.
>at the end of the trailer a clearly F4 shadow flies over to drop the napalm
>then two fucking F22s fly over at the very end
We need a new magicka game in the same style as Helldivers 2
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Double feature tonight lads.
Increasing its damage or magazine size too much runs the risk of making the stock liberator completely irrelevant. Honestly, I'd keep the lib pen exactly as it is now with the sole exception of giving it AP4. It would solidify its niche and it's effectively a 50% damage buff against armour 3 targets, along with giving it a neat trick of being able to kill hulks from the front (while not being too powerful in that regard).
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>desert planet
>puddles and lakes that slow you down to a crawl everywhere
If enough people want to, we can try a Magicka Vietnam playthough. I would totally host that shit. Though it might be better to organize that in /coopg/
Any news on when that 3rd enemy faction is being released?
It's better to be more offensive than defensive on diff 9. I'd rather have another strike to kill the baddies than to let them pound my pooper a little more with shield and rovers are just trash now.
next year, 1 year anniversary, seeing as the 6 month patch in august is more expansion to existing factions and shit.
>they bring in 3rd faction
>3rd faction mops the floor with helldivers
>pushes line to super earth
>crushes super earth
>servers shut down
>AH releases money grabber HD3 just to dickride the name for marketing with one last cash grab
>it sucks
>dies like BF 2042
>end of era
>swedes take your money and retire
Honestly what a perfect way for it to end
When the game was still new there was a period where almost everyone ran quasar/shieldpack. Some people never learned how to not take damage and couldn't function without it, giving shield users a reputation.
sweden deserves to be be completely saturated with salted neutron bombs
their fucking retarded coding results in their fucking retarded mines being completely invisible when their fucking retarded game shits itself like the fucking retard it is
sweden delenda est
suffer no swede to live
kill swedes, behead swedes, roundhouse kick a swede into the concrete, slam dunk a swede baby into the trash can, crucify filthy swedes, defecate into swedes food, launch swedes into the sun, stir fry swedes in a wok, toss swedes into active volcanoes, urinate into swede’s gas tank, Judo throw swedes into a wood chipper, twist swedes heads off, report swedes to the IRS, karate chop swedes in half, curb stomp pregnant swedes, trap swedes in quicksand, Crush swedes in the trash compactor, liquify swedes in a vat of acid, eat swedes, dissect swedes, exterminate swedes in the gas chamber, stomp swede skulls with steel-toed boots, cremate swedes in the oven, lobotomized swedes, mandatory abortions for swedes, grind swedish fetuses in the garbage disposal, drown swedes in fried meatball grease, vaporize swedes with a raygun, kick old swedes down the stairs, feed swedes to alligators, slice swedes with a katana
>swedish moby is to blame
Makes sense
Seeing your diver suddenly keeled over because of an invisible mine thrown by a level 13 cadet right on top of the extraction point will never make me not laugh.
>I'm sorry, I can't make it to extract. I'm afraid I have.... the coof.
>drops samples that of course none of the cadets picked up
Ah well. I spend half my time intentionally diving in to teach new cadets how to play the game so I'm used to all kinds of shenanigans happening by this point.
>Log in.
>See that it's free mines today when they're fucking bugged.
>Log off.
Have they even acknowledged that bug yet?
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No need to report me to the fun police since I doubt any devs read this thread anyways, so it doesn't even have a chance of making it to the game. Especially since Swiggers couldn't come up with this on their own.
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They mentioned big rewards for d10? Will there be some new unlocks that use samples or req points? I already have almost everything in the game unlocked. Im just asking becuase i don't want those huge d10 rewards to go to waste since i have nothing left to unlock. I'm probably the only person who worries about dumb shit like this.
*Big rewards (+2 super samples)
Wouldn't matter if they did. The known issues list may as well be the fuck it list they bruff off til the next game
>that frustrated mouse shake
sheer kino
maybe im crazy but didnt one of the articles regarding the update say the reward was in fact samples?
Honestly I was thinking about it too.
Apart from the standard
>+4 rares
>+4 commons
>+1-2 supers
>+10 total merits for operation
>+requisition/XP boost
I really doubt there's going to be anything. The devs still think the majority of their playerbase is level 30-60 because that's when most of the playerbase quit (and will return only to level up 4-5 times). The metrics they're working with aren't the metrics that represent the current active playerbase.
Light penetrating primaries aren't viable on bugs for the number of brood commanders, hive guards, and bile spewers you encounter on D9. I realized I only ever enjoy myself and feel like I can handle more than a few mobs at once without relying on a red strategem when I'm using the Eruptor, Incendiary Breaker, Adjudicator, Dominator, or Scorcher. Adjudicator and Scorcher need a supply pack though, and Eruptor or Dominator greatly benefit from the laser rover.

What can be done to make light penetrating weapons more viable? I just believe they need to have a lot more spare ammo. It takes almost a whole 45 round liberator magazine to kill a brood commander, and when there's 3-5 in any group at any given time, plus hive guards and possibly spewers, you will likely run out of ammo completely on objectives or between POIs.
They mentioned BIG REWARDS for clearing the new super fortresses not for D10 on itself
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hey that's my webm
honestly just a skill issue, behold
the rewards for clearing the mega bases is more supers I think that article said
>Brood Commanders
Have 2 armor on their head, you can still kill them fine with AP2 weapons.

>Hive Guards
Strafe to the side or shoot at their exposed belly bits.

>Bile Spewers
The alpha commanders will probably summon stalkers, chargers, titans, trannies, butch lesbians, etc.
Alpha Commanders will fall to my autocannon all the same.
>What can be done to make light penetrating weapons more viable?
On bots? Nothing short of hyper accuracy snipers, since you need to pop dev heads. Already hard enough to deal with walker spam.
On bugs? Give them DoT, explosive values, or higher hipfire accuracy.
The issue you're seeing is that most primaries aren't designed with D9 gameplay in mind. They're designed because the devs want a "fun"/thematic weapon for page X of their warbond. Good players aren't expected to be fighting their hearts out with the 10,000 liberator sidegrades/direct downgrades.
>Have 2 armor on their head, you can still kill them fine with AP2 weapons.
It is not effecient when you have 7 spare magazines with the liberator and it will take 2.5 or more of them for the 3 broods with every patrol.
maybe we get something good for those trophy type packages like the nugget automaton body
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>>Hive Guards
>Strafe to the side or shoot at their exposed belly bits.
they also die if you kill both of their claws
if sweden wants to be realistic about it lighter weapons should have more overall magazines or there should be more ways to de-fang an enemy other than killing it. if I shoot legs off a brood commander it shouldn't get faster, for example.
this is way outside the scope of the game and what sweden is capable of not fucking up but a more proper loadout and equipment system would be really nice, instead of the ammo being tied directly to the instance of the gun. Picking up a gun off the ground swapping all of your carried ammo for what's on the ground is dumb as well as not being able to scavenge ammo off the ground, though I suppose that's not really a design goal when supplies can be called in for free willy-nilly.
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>It takes almost a whole 45 round liberator magazine to kill a brood commander,
a third of a magazine to their head, actually. In practice maybe just under half a mag?
I simply don't believe this functions in actual gameplay, such as the BT head not registering hits right. I bet a lot of shots get registered to the body or limbs even if it hits the head because they always take most of a magazine even if you're ADSing down at them.
>half a mag to pop the head (not kill)
>other half to provide requisite stopping power to finish off the perfect tracking, higher damage, higher firerate, faster bug
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>5 adjudicator shots to kill a brood commander
Is this a joke? Never works that way for me.
just punch it when it goes berserk
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I unironically only use AC most missions so "medium" units are fine to me
but I do wish they'd buff ARs with just more ammo or small boxes filling to cap, since nothing but the infinite Sickle can match body counts in higher diffs
No but enemies have retarded parts in their armor that are randomly higher armored to fuck your weapons up. The scout strider crotch randomly has 2 small pieces of metal that is fucking ap 5 which fucks up the dominator or any non explosive weapon due to accuracy.
My doctor recommends 25 stims a day
i'm a returning player. should i get the polar patriots or viper commandos? I have the other warbonds maxed out. Also, is the autocannon still the only gun that can effectively and efficiently take out gunships?
It's also pretty evident enemies just ignore damage sometimes

Laser cannon, amr, spear are good for gunships too and rr if you can aim. If i were you i would get viper commandos but personally i like polar patriots more. The bushwhacker is a lot of fun though.
thanks. is spear still broken or did they fix it?
Spear is fixed, you can go full Ramirez pick up that Javelin and take out those hinds
Sneeddiver status?
Feeded and sneeded.
For Super Earth I presume?
Spear is fixed but if you play bugs titans are not, so you can hit it square in the head and it will just shrug it off occasionally. Known bug teehee :^)
had a titan eat 3 shots to the front today from a spear, it went down to a couple incel shotgun hits so it was close but that should never be a thing unless you are hitting legs
Polar Patriots and Viper Commandos are both not very good, but Polar Patriots has some pretty neat toys. Everyone will tell you to get Viper Commandos for the booster, but frankly it's not all that it's cracked up to be and someone else on your team can easily pick it in a mission.

Autocannon is the best, but any anti-tank weapon will do them in nicely. Laser Cannon and HMG are also pretty decent while also being more than viable against other enemy types.

Spear is top-tier now, it can consistently lock on to targets and also blow up spawners. It's the most pain-free way to kill Gunships (though obviously not the most efficient), and it can one-shot Bile Titans and Charger Behemoths with headshots.
It happens with such frequency that it's really fucking irritating.
Fucking crazy how people stopped bringing 500kg and OPS altogether
I see 3-4 OPS in any hdg lobby
Even with all the known issues, shitty primaries, garbage strats, crashes.... the worst part about this game is the retarded people who join your team

Why not? I still get mega usage from both of those. I think most people aren't good enough when it comes to landing 500kg hits. And ops is so nice when you need a charger dead right away or finish off a bt or nearly kill it from the get go.
500kg was more used than the IB before, now it comes behind napalm, gas, gatling...
On bugs I just stick with the Commando and flamer. No need for 500 or OPS

Do you play on d5? D9 randoms are solid 99% of the time.
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>decide to play on hellmire for the memes
>sometimes I can actually see further than 30 meters which is refreshing
>except fire tornado storms drop in every 3 minutes, last another 5 minutes, then by the time they disperse it seems like another one is starting up again
>get awful bile spewer seeds who don't burn to death unless they've been slow roasted for a minute
>incendiary mines turning invisible really completes the landmine gamble experience
>fire tornados detonate your minefields
>sometimes your minefields just decide to detonate by themselves with no input
>a single hunter can scuttle over six mines before the detonations actually catch up with it and kill it, then the corpse bouncing around detonates 6 more
>ok all this is fine, whatever, this is what I get for playing the meme planet
>get to extract on the second 40 minute mission of an operation
>not only is it non-stop bile spewers and bugs, but a fire tornado storm starts up
>"well sweden said they made tornados not cluster and linger around objectives, and they haven't been that intrusive so..."
>things get really hairy due to low visibility, shittons of heavy armor and bile spewers, and a cramped shitty extract
>pelican-1 starts his landing sequence
>as wel start to fold inwards to get to the shuttle, no less than 3-4 fucking fire tornados converge directly on, around, and in Pelican-1
>literally nobody can make it in the shuttle without burning to death
>the piddly last of reinforcements get wicked away because fire tornado storms last for what feels like an hour
that was quite possibly the most miserable match i've ever played and 99% of it was because of swedejank and the god awful weather effect system
Still with the le aim better meme
This is a fact, you dishonest fag: you could kill TWO titans with a single 500kg before, now you're lucky if you do any damage at all to be able to finish it with something else or a second bomb
500kg yea, OPS I usually see at least one more often two per lobby unless it's scatter.
OPS is in just about every lobby I see, including my own loadout. I'll substitute 500s for it if the scatter effect is on the mission. There's no better strike option for chargers or most ground bot/structures. Eliminates the need to hellbomb jammers or saurons too
>There's no better strike option for chargers or most ground bot/structures.
airstrike is way better for that dude
Learn to greentext dude. That shits too much reading
its actually impressive how ridiculous the regular airstrike is with 3 uses even.
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>its an anon has ADD episode

Sorry, bud i simply don't struggle to use it.

>ready 500kg ball in hand
>get close to bt to bait spit attack
>throw ball slightly in front or a little bit below the bt and run away.

This works like 90 to 95% of the time.
Bug niggers are menace. I have never been tk'd by friendly fire so many times in one game. One fucker was throwing eagle clusters with no regard for anyone and another fucker was a master at tossing inviso-mines in the least intuitive places. Fourth had the flamethrower and incel breaker and was lighting everyone on fire.

I gave up after dying 5 times to friendlies.
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>>half a mag to pop the head (not kill)
popping the head is a kill, just a delayed one as it starts a bleed out process of 300 HP per second.
>>other half to provide requisite stopping power to finish off
or a single melee attack that interrupts their attack and staggers them
>airstrike is way better for that dude
Airstrike won't always reliably kill hulks chargers. It also won't touch cannon towers, jammers, or sauron I don't think. I bring airstrike on bots but it's still worth it to have OPS
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>get hunter seed
>shoot in discriminately at any breach
>every mag is 15-25x kills sometimes as high as 35
it wont survive august 6th
>just melee it bro
every time I do this when one of these fuckers gets on top of it me it usually just clips through me then mauls me from behind
You need to aim for the leg
>Leg meta even for melee
Airstrikes clean out small and medium bot outposts and soften up bot drops reliably. Its a generally good strat for bots.
>use your stratagems
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It's not even that. Scout strider hitboxes are just fucking broken. The armour 4 main body hitbox or maybe even the gun barrel hitbox will sometimes just overlap the hip hitbox and cockblock your shots. It happens less at point blank ranges so perhaps it's some kind of LoD or scaling issue?
Four button terminal to disable the jammer
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>it's not in the video
>google didn't find it
oh it was an actual leak then
if it was not a leak someone has either manually changed a screenshot or did a texture swap for a concept.
That's it
I'm bringing AC to every single fucking bot mission. I fucking KNEW I wasn't missing
You didn't check the discord? There's also a leak subreddit
the large automaton base with 2
fabs facing eachother with 2 cannon towers, if you position the air strike perfectly from the outside of the base you can kill both fabs and cannons with one call in. only thing is it cant do are saurons and jammers. its the most versatile tool you can bring for filthy oilbacks
Detectors fair game
Jammers tho... Just drop a hellbomb if there's not a fabricator attached, not sure why are you even wasting a stratagem
>drop precision orbital right on top of bile titan
>doesn't fucking kill him
There is only one constant: swedish coding.
thats why i bring ops. or if you want peak game play, bait a cannon turret or a factory strider to fire at you while you hide behind the tower. i dont have two minutes to sit there and babysit the bomb from gunships
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works on my machine ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
ah yes, a brood commander """kill"""
>continues charging you
>misses you but you get the concussion effect anyway
>swipes you for half your health
>calls its warriors
>calls a bug breach
>finally dies
>That hunter visually missing you and still taking a quarter of your health
You never notice these things while playing yourself but on replays this game is a total mess

Oh no that's so terrible! How ever you will manage to complete the mission? You poor thing. On a more serious note, retards like you want the enemies to be absolutely impotent and a non threat. Why even play this game if you want zero pushback from the enemies?
calm down and go eat your surstromming, I'm sure you'll sort out those brood commander bugs given enough time
>n-no, an enemy should be allowed to roar without a head, it's i-intentional!
>the concussion effect playing when he misses you is...uh...AIR PRESSURE!
>air pressure
oh my god I got a vignette on my screen for a half a second while my enemy bled to death
what ps2 tier graphic settings have you got active? genuinely asking because I'd like not to get my entire screen obscured, followed by double vision, all audio ducking, and ear rape ringing every time a brood commander walks to the side of me

A head isn't needed to release pheromones. But you ignored initial point. You want the enemies to die as soon as you look at them. You don't like it when the enemies fight back. This game is easy enough yet redditors like you keep bitching endlessly. I really, really hope Ah doesn't cave in to people like you.
I have absolutely no idea what you're talking about, I assumed it was just the dark "near miss" vignette that's a near constant on bot fronts but you seem to be talking about something else
if you're really having that much trouble with brood commanders then just switch to a hipfire weapon and learn to slide instead of dive
Yes, yes, and heavy devestators should be allowed to fire at 45 degree angles through rocks, and charger skating definitely isn't still an issue, and a bile titan should be allowed you instantly kill you with invisible vomit even after being staggered because of dogshit netcode. These are all just part of the """difficulty""" and clearly people just need to stop complaining.
and that makes brood commanders an issue how?
any opinion on the machine gun in lvl 9 for bots? it shreds with fortified, cept the flinching makes it underwhelming

Everything you listed is clearly unintentional and not what I'm referring to. The brood commander going berserk or using pheromones after losing its head isn't crazy or beyond impossible for any reason.

>still crying about devastators 6 months after release.

Dear god, please just go back.
The game queuing up the concussive effect on you when a brood commander briskly walks past you without contacting you is a netcode issue. The server thinks you got hit, even though you didn't. Same reason the bile titan still gets off his spit even thought you can clearly see him stop spitting.

The reason this doesn't annoy you is because you don't play the game at a high enough level to have it happen to you multiple times in a single match, and because you never take risky face shots at titans to stop them spewing directly on you.
HMG does its job better
Please graduate from diff 6 before sharing your opinion, thanks.
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>crying about him crying
Run HMG emplacement + some other support weapon instead and you'll be far more effective while still getting a chance to dump a bunch of lead down sights at targets. With the perk that the emplacement is the most powerful MG in the game and is tanky against bots to boot.

>The reason this doesn't annoy you is because you don't play the game at a high enough level to have it happen to you multiple times in a single match, and because you never take risky face shots at titans to stop them spewing directly on you.

That's fucking hilarious because in my experience the only people who get butthurt about stuff such as headless brood commanders are absolute shitters who struggle on diff 7 bugs. You're probably a playstation player.
i dunno man
if i want something to stop moving i either throw a nuke at it or shot its legs
HMG is better
You can't have fun in D9 bots, you need to le aim for le weak spots (actually just vulnerable spots, rest you can't even damage lol)

You first, bud. Or maybe you should practice the basics on d1 first.
I dont notice a difference between D7 and D8. Is that intentional?
Yes. Devs outright said in the new content trailer that D10 is *supposed* to feel different from D9, so one would assume they really didn't try to make the difficulties from 7 to 9 feel that drastically different.
you probably just got clipped by the hitbox
next time that happens you should take a video of it so you have proof of it happening
and with bile titans that's just swedish animation fuckery
D10 will be what D9 was at release and everyone who bitched that D9 had too many big enemies are going to bitch D10 has too many big enemies, while being completely fucking oblivious to the fact that if you want fewer big enemies you can just play on a lower fucking difficulty
Those people won't have an option to play D9 and have a fun game because all the good players that carried their asses will have moved up to D10. The real benefit of the new difficulty is how it'll filter even more heavy retards on my teams.

Yes but if reddiotors complain enough they might nerf d10. I live in constant fear of this scenario.
You don't need to sign your posts with that newline, we know it's you from your retarded opinions.
>No bro, having enemies work in unexpected ways is actually part of the difficulty, you just need to get good

I see Arrowhead devs are making use of their vacation time to try and gaslight people
A Berserker and Devastator clearer, but not something you want against bots. You need something that's good at killing Devastators, can brush away Scout Striders, and can also stand up against Hulks and optionally Gunships. Since the stock MG can't fight Scout Striders or Hulks, it's a liability.

The discussion was only about headless brood commanders and nothing more. Quit being a disingenuous faggot.
>thinking amount of heavies depends on difficulty
So I can just.play D9 and it would be about the same as D7?
>D9 bots: Fun
>D9 bugs: Gay
that is all
You'll either get clusterfuck seed or boring seed
>mines are invisible
and people wonder why nobody takes that shit
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you guys arent complaining about brood commanders are you? an enemy thats a joke by medium standards when heavy devastators exist and spawn in squads of 4-6 and keep you from stimming at range and can randomly decide to gib you with headshots because headshots need to exist against players in a coop horde shooter
It's essentially D7/D8, just with lower cooldown on enemy patrol spawns and bug breach/bot drops.
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Ahem. Stand by for fun.
>Jump pack
Take whatever grenades you desire along with primary and secondary. This stratagem build absolutely fucks on helldive and lets you deal with the endless onslaught of titans and chargers. Gas let's you shit on super cracks and net 30+ kills each time you throw it. Jump pack makes you practically immortal since the nothing can really pin you down and you have long range AT threat eliminate on low ass CD you can spam everywhere.
for bots the major difference is bot drops almost always come with 1 or 2 tanks, or 1 tank and a factory strider. and the enemies at POIs are usually heavier with devastator variants and many small POIs have Annihilator tanks. Plus the usual more secondary objectives so more chances of Saurons, Jammers, or Gunship Fabs.
Replace EAT with AC or flamer and thats my loadouts
>no laser machine gun announced
>no plasma shotgun announced
>no vehicles of any kind announced
>no fortifications announced
>no actually new enemy locations
>not even bug fixes
Why are they shilling what will become the buggiest ever content release as a major update
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Any good youtubers, that are not this annoying asshole, to watch for Helldivers tips and comparisons? I have a job and don't have all day to play test guns and loadouts.
you mean laser shotgun, right?
I can't go back to weapons other than the pummeler on bugs now. I'm too used to the sheer mobility of being able to fire from all directions without turning while also moving around. ADS is the single worst mechanic ever added to shooters.
eh they are very solid AT threat and all around dead killy but I dislike having an actual support weapon and have to drop it to utilize a disposable. Also no jump jet hijinks with AC. I thought having the commando and EAT would be impractical as they would overlap but due to the longer calldown nature of the commando it chugs along like clock work. You can typically having them on a very regular cycle that keeps up with the random armored threat spawns. While still being low enough CD to seed an important long term holding pattern at an objective you're going to be at for a bit.
My boy, the Sickle isn't even an actual laser weapon. Laser shotgun wouldn't make any sense
And let's be honest. What would be the difference between a laser shotgun and the blitzer right now?
the blitzer autotargets and can't overheat and gets blocked by particle effects in the air for some reason and has trouble headshotting non-bug enemies because of the autoaim
95% of modern games dont come out in a state you'd feel is complete until their first year is usually up, idk why you'd expect different here, especially since its sold as a games as a service model
I really wish that unsafe mode was a standard feature of energy weapons, it makes no sense why it wouldn't be since unsafe modes already exist both in-game and real life
Bullet weapons should have it as well. Gas systems can be tuned up but in some cases cause the gun to explode.
>unsafe quasar with a 5-6 second charge
>explodes like a fucking airstrike bomblet if you fuck up
how would you add an unsafe mode that doesn't invalidate safe mode?
lack of safety is what helldivers 2 is designed around, why not apply that to the weapons as well
It's just a shame that the gameplay has become bland before they bring it out of early access.
They're doing this big trailer to get back all those players back as if they'd cared enough about a new difficulty they won't ever play to actually reinstall the game
This guy focuses more on stealth shit which isn't how I like to play, but he does decent weapon breakdowns and offers mechanics-based tips.
I dont care about more players. D10 will be fun, im just hoping theyll do some more teasing over the next 2 weeks of shit that isnt in the trailer but will still play anyways.
it fucking overheats and explodes if you're too liberal with it (and adds the heat mechanic to plasma/arc weapons when on unsafe)
and for beams it's easier to waste heat like the higher RPMs on the machine guns
sounds more of a faggot than the other guy plus anime
1000rpm laser machine gun
Overheats in 2 seconds, cooldowns rapidly
Is all I ask for
Also 1500-2000rpm overheat mode for Stalwart
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so basically a suped up version of the original HD1 sickle
I'll check him out later, thanks
I'd just make them explode if you overheat the cell instead of having to be reloaded, while also giving a damage boost. Not sure what I'd do about the blitzer though, considering it doesn't even need to reload. Maybe turning it to unsafe mode reduces the number of 'bolts' while upping the damage to the ones you have left
No, the Sickle should go back to being the Sickle
I'm thinking something like a yellow Fallout laser minigun
Imagine a semi auto laser sniper rifle support weapon that overheats if you fire it too much like the halo beam rifle.
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That'd be cool as hell if you let the gun overheat and had to switch the barrel like a real machine gun. But I don't know if adding a second supply count, like spare barrel count, for a gun would introduce a million bugs (probably).
>if you fire it too much
Tired of full auto "sniper" rifles
Make it blast the little brother of the orbital laser and overheat immediately and I'm in
>overuse blitzer on unsafe
>it backfires
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where's my laser SMG, where's my laser shotgun. Where's my laser 'grenade' that's just a single shot disposable hand cannon with insane enemy penetration. They made a throwing knife, surely they can make a fancy roman candle or something.
>Viper Commando
>Throwing knives
>Also Commando
>Still (NEVER EVER) explosive bow
To make safemode worth the risk of blowing up it will need somethign that makes it better than safe mode. The two obvious picks are more damage, more pen, or both. However, that runs into the same problem that the railgun has. Why ever use safe mode? If unsafe mode provides much better TTK or utility you'd be a fool to not use it. The only argument in favour of safe mode on the railgun is there are some enemies where you don't need the extra damage or penetration to reach the best breakpoints against so you don't need to risk blowing up or wasting a shot. But with a continuous beam weapon that applies its damage as direct DPS and not in chunks it would always be faster and better to use unsafe mode.

So I ask again, how would you add an unsafe mode to beam weapons without invalidating safe mode? Simply risking an explosion isn't enough of a downside considering the penalties for stopping a shot mid 'charge' on a laser weapon is completely non-existent compared to a railgun where you have to waste a shot and go through a reload cycle.
fuck me,
>to make unsafe mode worth the risk
maybe they should give the existing energy weapons a purpose instead of introducing even more pissbeam guns that won't bring an advantage to the table

You have the explosive crossbow already which is cooler. An actual bow would be stupid.
I don't think it needs as heavy of a damage buff as you think. I can usually go an entire dive without burning through one battery, but if I get distracted I'll have to reload. Getting a minor damage buff and maybe fire rate(damage tick rate for beams) is worth having to force myself to pay attention to a tiny red bar.
The battery turns red when it's about to overheat. Keep safe mode the same, but unsafe mode do more damage if you 'edge' the meter, if you try to keep firing and tap firing while it's in the red. If you go too far too fast you explode
LC and Sickle are good enough
Scythe just needs no recoil and significantly reduced sway along with more heat capacity
All of them are already themselves, we're talking about new, different guns

It's shit, also with explosive bow I meant movie-explosive bow, not the weak fart cope "explosion" that the crossbow has
Scythe is good enough as it is. It just need a better scope with zoom.
>Scythe just needs no recoil and significantly reduced sway along with more heat capacity
it needs a better optic
Daggerbros they forgot about us again
Maybe beam / eneegy weapon should become a softening weapon like slag in BL2 where they would have lower impact damage but makes normal projectile weapon do more damage since the heat melts the exterior. Would make players vary their loadout just a bit more.

The only problem would be the hit registration, since it would be too easy if the whole enemy receive increased damage. Ideally it would mark certain part to be vulnerable but knowing they haven’t fixed the bile titan hitbox I doubt they could pull it off
>it would always be faster and better to use unsafe mode
but not more efficient, depending on the fire rate boost (and increased heat gen) you might have to rely more on cycling cooldowns if you want to use unsafe consistently, especially against chaff
your shortened ttk ends up getting offloaded onto the cooldown from the excess heat generated by unsafe mode
I love my mine sweeper pistol
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Ok real talk. WHAT do they need to add or fix that should already exist to make the ballistic shield a worthwhile stratagem?
It was decent before they fixed it to kill you
deflected shots can hurt the enemy that fired them
can't be ragdolled by any projectile impacting the front, cannon and rocket impacts caused maybe a stagger, but no ragdoll

add good one handed primaries

add a one handed support weapon
See, now we're talking. A big benefit of beam weapons is their uptime. If you're just clearing POIs or random patrols you know are between reinforcement timings then unsafe would be the way to go, but if you're in a prolonged firefight at an objective, at extract, and a big breach/bot drop then you'll want to be more efficient to ensure you have the sustained firepower you need.
I genuinely despise the swedish race. Helldivers 2 was entirely a fluke. I pray every night that pilestedt's parents get cancer. Arrowhead is incompetent and deserves none of the success they have obtained. They have repeatedly failed their players and are a bad steward of their community.
Does cheat engine still work on this game?
You need a paid bypass
No he wasn't.
The anon that got to 17k admitted to having wasted over a day of grinding in hours, the 5k/h strat came out months after he was done farming SC too.
the game just came out at the right time too and they and sony threw it away
recoilless revolver
the heat from the backblast cooks your hand
Fix the instant kill from "impact"
He merely switched factions and started piloting the enemy tanks like a damn socialist.
i like dough boy i find him charming. hes pretty thorough but i understand the complaints about his zoomer humor. hes good at the game and hes not some third world esl brown faggot like that thicfila la cretura
obviously actually fucking fix what's wrong with it like impact damage and pushing your around with its collision mesh. To make it better beyond just fixing the broken stuff, you need to not necessarily make the shield itself better, but the things you can do with it. A really solid one handed primary or secondary, hell, even a one-handed support weapon would go miles in making the shield a more viable pick. Making it so it just doesn't break would also be nice.
nta, but the amount of times ive gotten those concussive visual effects while taking zero damage is easily 10+ times each 40 minute mission. i dont know what the fuck causes it but my god is it annoying
>WHAT do they need to add
more one handed weapons
>or fix that should already exist
fix the lazer not actualy pointing at the center of the crosshair
impact damage
the wobble when walking/running
the dropping of it if you pick up a SSD (it correctly folds into your back if you pick it up with a support weapon equipped)

but even if you do fix all this it doesn't matter because its still a shit pick, its worthless on bugs and bots have rockets out the ass
>now we're talking
we already were, that's what I originally meant by comparing it to the higher RPMs of the machine guns that spray bullets everywhere and are horribly inefficient if you aren't magdumping large targets at point blank range
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Hell-Rail Cannon:
>support weapon that comes with a backpack
>only 1 shot
>has the same damage and penetration of a hellbomb
>but the damage radius of the railgun
>600 seconds cooldown
i have yet o hear of the 5k method. Care to share it? will suck dick
The gameplay is the only reason I play it, anon. It must be decent else I'd swap to something else.
Rail cannon wouldn't make an explosion like that. You're looking for nuclear shaped charges or antimatter weaponry which are WAY cooler than rail guns
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>Railcannon mech
Just put a big fuck off railgun on a mech, with unsafe mode ofc.
The explosion isn't caused by the railgun, but the target of the railgun.
I just want a super powerful weapon that can turn a Bile Titan or two into fine green mist in a single instant shot.
It would also be great to have against Hive Lords.
It'd just make a hole the size of the bullet or a cave-in at the point of impact if the armor was rigid enough, not an outwards explosion
I just want a Hellbore
But bugs are literal living fuel and BTs have sacks filled with explosive acid...
I mean who cares desu, even just a small hole that leaves them completely dead would be fine and elegant.

I just want more weapons doing different things and currently there isn't a weapon that feels like "I can use this to instantly kill everything I want".
Which is crazy.
E-710 isn't flammable. It's an FTL fuel, not literal oil.
And yet spewers and ravagers blow up...
I think it wouldn't be that hard to code in either.
You can blow up a lot of bugs with the regular railgun.
A big railgun should blow up a Bile Titan.
The squids are Iraq for being invaded by assumed WMDs, the bugs are ISIS for being manufactured enemies to keep control of the fuel, but who are the bots supposed to be? Afghanistan?
Russia and China.
They are red socialists bwi.
Ehh... Vietnam sounds more like it
>quickplay bugs 9
>join mission
>choosing stratagems
>instantly kicked
>instead of going back to my destroyer it puts me on a different destroyer
>2 gooks
>choosing stratagems again
>host suspense hellpods and kicks me

just make your match private you fucking retards
I love joining a mission and seeing a person whose name has chinese characters. Means we're going to find every single sample possible on the map.
if they were serious about big rewards it'd be like 50 fucking rares, those things are the real ass cancer of the later modules
That's your preference. There are other people in the world with different preferences. I am one of those other people.
Samples, credit and medals are realy dissapointing rewards when you are already capped. At this point i rather find support weapons at pois. But i can imagine its nice for new players. if only there was some endgame stuff to spend it on, i would even accept the ability to reroll missions/moddifiers over just sitting at the cap all the time.
i mean i'm capped too, i'm more just saying, supers cap out before you're even partway through the rare grind, they are not the carrot on a stick that AH seems to think they are.
Based, same
Yeah, right now the ratios of how many samples you need vs can find are kinda wack between the types. Making super samples the easiest to get and cap out. You need 10x more rares then supers but can find up to 5x more, and finding 6 supers is easy compared to getting 30 rares.
>11 more days
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Predict the number of players coming back that day. The update trailer reached 1,8mil views after just 2 days
Hard to say.
Everyone that liked the video is likely to come back, so the current 28-30k + the playstation players that we can't track minus the 93k that liked the video are most likely guaranteed.
Beyond that it's all random guessing.
Also for some reason I feel like most people will come back, just to end up disappointed again, so we'll likely lose half of the players that came back in the following 3 days from the update.
Are you ready Anon?
Are you ready for the shitter wave?
Are you ready for the D10 queso + shield shitters?
What about being blown to smithereens by cluster bombs?
Or perhaps someone who aggroes and tries to kill gunships with a stalwart?
I know I cannot wait.
>post lobby in /hdg/-/coopg/
>kick tourists and only accept regulars
That easy.
If four people brought it and took half of a Hive Lord's health, would it be worthless or OP?
But none of those things happen when you host and or join a lobby here in the thread. Only someone who uses quickplay would be worried about such issues...
I doubt we're getting more than 40k
few people care about d10 and getting a small handful of new enemies is also not attractive
20k at most.

The normie twitter mob herders already implanted the idea that helldivers is dead so the herd normies parrot that shit on the regular, on top of that add all those ADHD zoomers who demand the illuminate and PVP to be added just so they could be interested in the game for another week before burning off.
It would unironically be balanced and also cool.
4 divers with 4 SPEARS are unironically going to kill it in like 30 seconds at this rate.
They are likely going to release "ultimate" boss fights in a joke state.
>ultimate bossfight
>basically oneshotted by cheesing it
It's going to be exactly the same in HD2, we all know it.
Same for bots and illuminates.
>pelican opened from the middle instead of a backdoor
Why can't we have that? I hate getting stuck on the door latches and have to dive to get in.
we'll see a new player peak
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not an issue for me
I only ever play with hdg
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Medium Peak Physique, Fortified or Engineering kit for HMG on bot 9?
heavy peak physique
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Start doing this before the swede patch it out
>he didn't know it already
Frogniggers truly are the lowest of lifeforms
>walk next to a stride corpse
>instantly die

i am so sick of shit like this
I refuse to do bot blitz missions, they are just too cancerous.
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How sad your life have to be to feel the need to validate yourself and sucking your own dick at the first opportunity you get?
Incredible projection frognigger.
Keep up the good fights.
ok pajeet
Its kinda nice when the MO is a bug MO. Means the people who are with me in a bot lobby are usually somewhat competent.
>game is adding more poorly designed enemies
Ya it'll bump for a few days then people realize all the new enemies are dogshit to play against and quit again.
Not as cancerous as soil sample shit which have a 60% chance of being bugged too by the way.
I like the soil sample missions. I've only had it bug out once, but that was when I joined mid mission. I've also had the collect data mission bug out too, when the HDD was unable to be picked up.
>not instantly leaving and blocking when spotting gooks
Maybe just stick to your discord.
>tourist getting uppity
cry about it, nigger
>comes to an anonymous forum
>forms cliques
>posts with signature
>talks about excluding others
You should go back and you should stay back.
Bot blitz can be so kino
>time runs out
>we have to fight off a endless hoard of bots that keep coming over this one hill with the weapons we have.
>ac and a dcs taking down the devs, spear and quasar taking care of hulks/tanks
Felt like a proper fireteam.
>posts with signature
>this is what newshits unironically believe
>"forms cliques" when it's literally just kicking everyone that isn't from here
Get kicked plebbitor shitlord.
filtered post above
Just like you filtered your english classes, ESL-kun
Get a trip you insufferable faggot.
>see newfig in my 4chan lobby after the update
That's a kick, redditroons.
>started saying xher name like a pokemon
Absolutely mindbroken
I havnt joined any lobbies because autism? Will I be excluded from the 10 lobbies?
3 filtered posts between
I won't exclude you if you bring a mic
You still have time, just post an application on the discord.
Still in time to join now and let everyone know you are a regular.
If you join after D10 releases, you are getting kicked.
Simple as.
>omitting that you need a webcam as well
Lmao, absolute melty.
I love tourists. Sometimes I even love PS5 players.
Yeah I joined in 2022. What's with all these newfigs in here?
1844 bas the bikes am I right fellow 4channellers?
I joined when it was still /hg/
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I'm just an anon that doesn't want to play with plebbitors and tourist /v/ermins pozzing the thread when a new update comes out.
There's nothing wrong with not wanting literal casual trash in your team.
I know you think I'm evil because you are the casual trash and I don't want you in my lobbies, but try to understand that you truly just are a fucking nigger.
No discord involved either, we just fucking hate you so much that our auric fields have all merged together to turn us racist.
Go back to discord.
But I don't have an account, mr. plebbitroon
There's literally nothing wrong with gatekeeping plebbitors, discordtroons, and /v/ermins from our lobbies.
No idea why you retards are making such a big fuss about it, it's literally the culture of every general on /vg/ that isn't monopolized by trannies.
>it's literally the culture of every general on /vg/ that is monopolized by trannies.
Fixed that for you troon.
3 filtered posts above
No it's not, low IQ kike subversionist.
Dont worry i host alot and wont kick you aslong as you hug me when you enter my ship :)
Dont worry i host alot and wont kick you aslong as you don't fall for the hug bait for plebbitors when you enter my ship :)
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Comfy D9 bot

a smelldiver that doesnt get hugged typed this post
Quickly anon. Here's your chance. >>487702376
>bot front
>secondary objective
>he doesn't know the secret rock, paper, scissors code
The clique won't like this.
What makes you think i that i will allow you to hug me when i join? When i see someone try to hug me i always pretend i am afk until they leave me alone. Extreme autism i know
You pass the test.
>guy start a geo survey without us while do secondaries
>he dies and we eventually make our way over
>dude spent 10 minutes putting invisible mines everywhere
Obesedivers, block the bridge.
This leandiver isn't getting through unless he hugs us.
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I normally leave at the 10 minute mark when that happens haha
Hambeastdivers, devour this leandiver before he ragequits.
Sorry anon, you cant pretend to be afk immediatly after entering the ship... and if you dont hug me you will get kicked.
Made for going back to her quarters and having intense mating press until her eyes roll back from pleasure!
If mines could kill Bile Titans, would you consider ever taking them?
that is ok, i can go find a new game and not get hugged
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If you could kill a fresh BT with 100+ knives, I'd do it.
You can't.
You can only kill a BT with a knife if it has already been damaged and the sac hasn't been popped.
You don't understand how much I crave killing beefy goliaths with weak and shitty weapons.
Just let me aim at a Bile Titans legs and kneecap it to death instead of always having to aim for the head and remember all the rules (Not THAT part of the head! Aim lower at the OTHER head part of the head! And also not while its vomiting!).
bugs now, 3/4
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>airburst launcher and now fire mines
Where the fuck is the X45 space station thingy?
It's cookin'
Next is gonna be orbital EMS
>delete user_settings.cfg
>restore settings manually ingame
>performance improves
Given how stereotypically disgusting Swedish "cuisine" is, I'm not sure we should let them cook.
Can this be done with any other weapons or just the AC?
Millie Bobbie Browner
>X45 space station thingy
What's that?
Part of the lore of keeping x45 initially was that Super Earth scientists found plans for a battle station. People think this is the upcoming "platoon" update (aka clans).
Either it's part of the secret stuff coming with Escalation of Freedom (unlikely) or it will come with the next major update somewhere in fall
Not here so far. Whatever it is they are not showing it. Much like they don't show anything with the SEAF training facilities.

its melting on the floor at this point
>Mission Failed
>All secondary objectives completed
>All samples gathered
>Extracted successfully without deaths
Seethe, gay government of super earth
I'm convinced the only people mad about kicking players no longer sending them back to a loading screen are people who do this. "What do you mean I can't just idle in a lobby and force people to load over and over?"
Do steam links work on invite only?
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>0% liberated
not even bugdivers are this embarrassing at this point.
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>>Mission Failed
Not my job
Who cares? All that gives is XP, Requisition and medals all of which are useless with no new stratagems and no new warbonds
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you're right, they're worse
>hates super gay gov
>does secondaries and brings samples for them
should've died for them, at least you wouldn't sound like such a tsun faggot for them
also enjoy reeducation camp, i hear strapping a car battery to your balls is the new hotness these days
honestly free mines can be pretty good as long as your team uses them smertly
>>does secondaries and brings samples for them
>for them
Lmao no, I do it for the ship upgrades
>also enjoy reeducation camp, i hear strapping a car battery to your balls is the new hotness these days
Still alive
Still in command
Sissy Democracy Officer hasn't said anything
I'll keep diving and upgrading my ship and not caring about your homosexual main objectives
Wasnt that planet at over 50% two days ago?
Can we be adults for a minute and have a discussion about how many of these are probably just ghost divers?
>you can aim all weapons while using the jump pack
>you can reload all weapons mid jump too
Jump pack is really fun.
I just wish it had a shorter cooldown or higher jump like in HD1.
It was captured nearly a week ago and has been degrading ever since.
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not putting the mission first is treason.
normally youd face the wall.

but i bet his commitment to capitalism and attempting to spread SOME freedom with side objectives might make this one worth salvaging.

idk about car batteries though. ive heard they do enforced psychoactive cognizance reconfiguration therapy to burn out any dissidence. a happy helldiver is alot more effective than an insubordinate one.
I can believe 300 or even 500 ghostdivers but not 2000
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>level 10
>commisar hiding behind a rock shoots his gay ass flare
>bot drop detected
>12 hulks, 4 factory striders and a hundred devastators and marauders fall from the sky to run a fking train on me and my squad
>no reinforcements left
this game blows
That's it? 10s of thousands of players have played on there the past week and you have that much faith in swede coding?
Imagine listening to the Anon who hates cluster bombs.
It's going to be the same as D9 but there's twice as many devastators.
Its ok, I got my flamethrower, my incendiary mines, my tesla tower, and my incel baker. Those bots won't know what hit them. :)))))))
the only bugs that can't call a bug breach are:
>Bile Titans
>Shriekers (nerfed)
the bots that can't call a bot drop are:
>Heavy Devastators
>Rocket Devastators
>Scout Striders
>Strider Fabricators
>Annihilator Tanks
>Shredder Tanks
>Cannon Turrets
>Anti-Air Sentries
>Rocket Hulk
>Flame Hulk
>Command Bunker
the bugs that can call a bug breach are:
>Bile spitters
>Hive guard
>Brood commander
>Nursing spewer
>Bile spewer
the bots that can call a botdrop are:
>Detector tower

Do you see where I'm going?
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never change china
Why did you not break down the troopers into their variants?
Mortars can't technically call a drop but since they magically guess your location from any distance within their reach, some other unit will definitely call it
I'm surprised there isn't a way to already scan and ping for these on the map, it kind of sucks having to memorize every outpost/poi layout and their difficulty to check for samples.
>playing d8 bugs for some relaxing sample farming, probably gonna switch back to bots soon tho, weirldy enough the planet wasn't showing me any d9 lobbies to join
>dive into a 3/4 group for ICBM launching, whole planet covered in foggy pee poo on radar map
>me, a 71, a 73, and a 61
>me and the 70s are all working together as a group, 73 and I both have spears, 71 covers us at range and with medium pen weapons
>doing pretty well
>........... except for the 61 host who brought the heaviest slowest armor he could find for bugs
>constantly dying to every fucking thing under the sun
>says he knows about diving to put out fire, but doesn't want to, dies repeatedly to fire
>want to ask him what in the fuck is he doing jerking off in the far corner dying from flames 24/7 but I don't cos he's the host and I don't need him getting a stalker's tongue up his anus
Manage to extract with almost all samples anyway cos again, it's bugs and on a d8, but I'm now going to have to revise my initial level tier list. I no longer put the 60s in the "tentatively give some slight trust" tier. That new number is 70s. Everything 60s and below is now "just finished the training level 30 seconds ago" tier.
wtf I love china now
This was leaked to be a mechanic they wanted to implement on different helms, but that couldn't do in time.
Unironically based chinks.
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>the bots that can't call a bot drop are:
I posted about this a month or two ago. That that "minimum bar" goes up by 10 or so levels every month. My bar is going to 80 in a few days at the end of the month.
I'm open to being surprised by someone's ability/knowledge, but I don't assume they know basic shit below that anymore.
they could turn it into a side objective like the radar but instead it marks samples specifically
Gee Bimmy, your democracy officer let you dive into a rave?
He's technically right
Then its also technically right to list bug holes, stalker holes, spore towers, and shrieker towers as being unable to call in bug breeches.
If you want to list them.
But then we'd have to add bot fabricators, jamming towers, etc.
Dropships are actual enemy units that can move and attack you.
I will put bugdivers at a higher level requirement than botdivers. Bugdivers are now assumed by me to be idiots at anything below 70 for now, whereas botdivers I assume to be idiots at anything below 60. I really do blame those fucking bug eradication missions. I wish they were eliminated altogether. Nothing but a magnet for every single shitter under the sun to get their levels artificially high super fast (while playing absolutely no other mission type) and then they sit around and jerk off about "muh number is high hurr" without any of the objective-based gameplay experience that would normally come with more organic leveling.
That level 60 that kept dying would get reinforced near us at our corner of the map, and then immediately make a beeline to jesus christ knows fucking where just to die, and then get revived and do it all over again. All that moving he did in his slow-ass heavy armor just to die almost immediately.
>don't play d9 almost ever
>wanna get ready for d10
I guess I'll start joining lobbies sometime, shame I can't take the usual meme d7 loadout
dropships cant attack you. No, them being shot down and crashing on top of you is not an attack
If you get intercepted by a moving dropship, it can cut you in half and instantly oneshot you.
If you regularly run anything but the gun dog, jump pack, ballistic shield, airburst, recoiless, or no backpack at all then I don't want to hear a peep out of you about anyone's backpack choice.
>If you regularly run anything but the gun dog, jump pack, ballistic shield, airburst, recoiless, or no backpack at all
This anon is talking about me in particular.
Everyone shut up and listen.
Eagle-1 confirmed as enemy
Just tired of people talking shit about the bubble backpack and then you find out they run nothing but supplybackpack, hog every supply drop, and mainline stims the entire time. Or the dipshits that say rover is easy mode and spend half the match standing on a random rock spamming the incel in every direction.
>erm actually dropships aren't enemy units because... BECAUSE I SAY SO
Ok anon, whatever you say.

holy fuck dude its so useful having 5 goddamn eagle strats that can clear a wide area of anything that isnt a tank, hulk, strider, charger or titan.

but god forbid i bring it and get kicked because the faggot host d00kieface629 cant resist sprinting toward the red light that i chucked 100 meters away
There are three divers.
1) Cadets who don't know better and have to learn the hard way
2) Genuine accident, caught up in combat and possibly didn't see the red beam
3) Mothdivers
Of course it's a bubble-fag complaining about recoillesschads. Go on faggot, tell us who hurt you.
Chill dude
Haven't even been a part of your little sperg fest
Just wanted to make a joke about Eagle-1.
Damn i might use this next round of upgrades, fucking hate having to find the magic corner they hide in
>complaining about recoillesschads
work on your reading comp ESLanon
he's defending you
it is kina strange that there isn't a ship upgrade that shows samples on the map
>can't say a few words over a microphone to a stranger who can't see you and you will never meet
What level of autism is this?
>he thinks there are things that needed to be said that can't be solved with a ping or simply typing one word like "stalker"
So are bug holes enemies since you die if you fall in one
ugh fuck you i am making calls on the mic i will not press the ping key
also when i die i will whine with my nasal voice on the mic like a faggot spaz
>stopping to type instead of ptt and saying what you need to say while doing something else useful too
man, /hdg/ has shit taste in music
I'm going to disable the sound webm script just for these threads so I don't waste my bandwidth on your garbage
>he doesn't type a minimum of 140 wpm
>actually getting hit while typing
>typing at all when the Q key again answers all your needs 95% of the time
Somehow so far everyperson that used voice in my games was a whiney faggot shitter though. I guess you realy need every litle adventage when your such a shitter.
>stopping to type
nigger if you have any kind of respectable typing speed you can type everything important while diving midair
>Quickplay into D9 bugs
>Nuke nurseries mission on Estanu
>Host is 95, blue and green 70 and 45
> Host dies 5 times on the way to the first drill
>Start the objective, instant shitshow
> Host dies 5 more times in the span of 30 secs
>Green tries his best, actually covering the objective and blue doing the AT
> After 5 mins, no more reinforcements, but the site is clear enough to drill and dash
>Nuke goes off, onwards to the next
> Host kicks green , explodes on blue in the chat
> I unleash 1150 rpm in host's face and leave

And I thought I had crossplay off
I guess I've been fortunate. The worst I've run into is some playstation shitter who had an open mic. I muted him. Simple as.

You will never be as efficient as you could be if you have to stop to type even for a fraction of a second. I'm sorry you have such awful anxiety that you can't speak to other people.
I've enjoyed the AMR, but I don't understand why it doesn't get a 3rd person reticle
>phoneposter 3rd worlder crying
buhuu nigga

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