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/vg/ - Video Game Generals

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Previous: >>487551645

>Version 2.4 "Finest Duel Under the Pristine Blue" Special Program
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mC2F2dAXuus (EN)
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Zl3MagK3uyM (JP)

>Download - https://hsr.hoyoverse.com/en-us/home

>2.4 Preview Page - https://act.hoyoverse.com/sr/event/e20240719version-37c63r/index.html

>Version 2.4 Trailer — "Finest Duel Under the Pristine Blue"
>Jade Trailer — "A Collection of Desires"
>A Moment Among the Stars — "Bonajade Exchange"
>Myriad Celestia — "Stoneheart's Oath Ring"

>Current Character Banners: (Jade, Argenti + Serval, Natasha, Asta) - https://www.hoyolab.com/article/30816396
>Current Light Cone Banners: Yet Hope Is Priceless (Erudition), An Instant Before A Gaze (Erudition) - https://www.hoyolab.com/article/30816536

>New Drip Marketing:
>Feixiao (5* Wind Hunt) - https://www.hoyolab.com/article/31107128
>Lingsha (5* Fire Abundance) - https://www.hoyolab.com/article/31144488
>Moze (4* Lightning Hunt) - https://www.hoyolab.com/article/31185401

>Redeemable Codes - https://hsr.hoyoverse.com/gift

>/hsrg/ Tools & Resources

>/hsrg/ Thread Template
Topaz is for Aventurine only
>Avenpaz shiptroon
>Paglus self-inserter
who's more cancerous?
absolutely disgusting
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>You can't ship Caeron because Acheron is le Mei and therefore "Lesiban" and Loves Kiana and Black Swan and Caelus is "gay" and blah blah blah
Nice argument but I'm impregnating your favorite character right now.
You, actually.
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Genius Society patch please....
Stop shipping Topaz (a canon lesbian) with a man or I’ll doxx you
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>caelus thread AGAIN
The gig shitskins >>487584249 and (You)
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where tail?
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My girlfriend is so cute
First doesn't spam their garbage character in every OP at least
Topass is for me btw.
gorilla strength
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Uhhhh arru oa nashingu
Pagfly killed the game
I was waiting for page 8...
>Xueyi the jobber
/gig/ tourists
>Faggots are still crying about twitter drama
Zoomers need to go outside and stop being terminally online
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Uh oh
Gangbanging Topaz with my bros Aventurine, Ratio and Sugilite.
You, cunt.

Are you a man? Cut off your penis or you’ll never deserve Topaz or Jade
So true
Both killed /hsrg/. No sane person wants to post in this shithole because of their spam.
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We all love Miss Sparkle here
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>Faggots are still crying about DEITYLUS
Cameramen need to go back to /gig/ and stop being terminally cucked.
t. hertaschizo
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Firefly love
There's no sane persons in this website, broski
That is a woman?
What about Topaz that triggered so many anon? Some People here triggered at mere sight of RRAT mentioned, I'm not even joking, I have never seen any other team (other than Dhil maybe) getting schizo meltdown just by exisiting only IPC FUA team did that
This but the /u/nig
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Jade would have been better if she was 30 foot tall
this never happened
If you take out the spamschizos, this place is probably more sane than social media sites
Fags are cancer
I side with the People Against Gays (PAGs)
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Snek status?
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The canon MC is so lucky
She was the first IPC character and those are meant to cause eternal melties.
this but giantess Hanya
She would’ve still flopped.

She’s a precious lesbian bean and we must protect her from the men here.
>getting your whole body inside Jade's pussy
>moving around to please her
>get covered in her juices and smell
sounds like a dream
Self inserters cant stand seeing women talk to men. They should just go play Snowbrewk, honestly
Cute and non-pagged
It's happening again lol the brownoid is getting angry
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I have to say these generals went down in quality after Penacony
What went wrong?
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canonical burly giantess...
It did in my head so what’s the difference?
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I want Yunli's feet
why is sunday part of the stellaron hunters
You don't get to use this defense when championing THE brownoid game.
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I had a dream where Fei Xiao forced me into the amazon position
How do we bring back Hertaschizo? We didn't realize how good we had it
nice headcanon troon
It's morning in California btw
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So we can look forward to some decent posts now that SEA is going to bed? Cool
Give Elio some pants
The irony of saying this when hoyoshit games are the most accessible gachas for poor browns
Topaz is literally a lesbian. She only ever calls girls beautiful & is nice to them. She will never love men or cock. Hoyo has made this extremely clear by now
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Hello Shay
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Both are pregnant
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Lady Bonajade can clear all content for (You) as f2p!
If you skip her you're bricking your account!
You have 5 days left to roll her!
Invest in IPC!

American hours are the worst hours thoughever
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With me?
That is NOT f2p
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kys jadeflopper
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IPCucks not beating the P2W allegations
You didn't beat the game
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Xueyi lost...again!
>pag humor
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Oh boy I can't wait to spend another day on /hsrg/!
>twitter spam niggers
>reddit repost niggers
>blacked posting
>cuck posting
>straight vs lgbt shit
Just kill this fucking general god damn.
I haven't played 2.3 yet because I'm sick of IPCshills
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Did he's slavemasters castrate him?
Why is the stoneflop schizo so mindbroken by them?
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Ironic how all of these things would disappear if straggots were banned.
Why does Aventurine turn black
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I pray to see Acheron as sson as possible. I need my heterosexual QUEEN.
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Yep, I'm thinking based and soul.
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Only faggots skipped this for a male voice
Are you sure? Last thread gone to shit so fast with ship shit talking, headcannon shit, pandering this lesbian that, schizo meltdown about ipc again and again. At this point I prefer Firefly spamming over this shit.
>premium DoTs
>E1 Jade,Topaz. May have their LC
Fucking KILL yourself tranny
They made him pay taxes
Isn't it funny how you retards made fun of Jade and said she's useless even with E1, but now that he showed his E1 clear non-PF, you move the goalpost? Consider roping tonight fucking homos.
I'm a woman, I play as Stelle but I like Caelus x Firefly. What does it make me?
Honestly I don’t know why people ship avenpaz, like thats a gay man x lesbian right there -__- like are you foreal? homophobia at its finest
So true
Here you go bro.
This game is built on the premise of self-insert with the silent choose-your-male-or-female-avatar with you making the choices. Everything the developers do have to take that into consideration. Meanwhile shipfags basically get nothing yet they insist loudly on their retarded ships, and it's not even like this is a romance novel. Maybe shipfags should go to one of the countless other places where relationships are actually implied and developed.
Yes it is a woman.
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Keep coping. I just know what makes my dick hard and save for it
although I *did* get very lucky with jade, only had 100 warps with no guarantee
Bro, I rolled Jade too. I'm just calling you paypig
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Only Insecure TROONS skipped THIS for a FOMO femoid voice.
Topaz is a lesbian woman
>trannies when someone makes fun of them
>boo it's not cool to be sexist
>trannies when straight men or women exist
>kill yourselves straggots
nice double standards mutilation
But I was born with XX chromosomes...
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Whenever you stop having fun you should close the tab. If you struggle with staying out of /hsrg/ you may be addicted and that's nooo good.
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Why is /hsrg/ fine with E2S1 Acheron but not E1 Jade?
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my nigga martin
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Why do you care if she's lesbian or not? Isn't because if she's lesbian, she not gonna fuck you?
You're arguing with invisible people in your head again sweetie.
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Would you?
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Firefly love!
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A normal woman. No really, a lot of yune like Firefly with Caelus because it's just cute.
>have to roleplay as a depressed woman and kiss my male lover just to get 50 jade
this is why penacony flopped
Cute Banjomori spotted
keep defending your fellow mutilations straggot
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GOD_noCap_Lus quite literally(as if on paper) cannot cease his victory streak no matter the odds.
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Caelus should kiss this instead
> Everything the developers do have to take that into consideration.
Yup, like when they remove TB from scenes with characters or never even let some of them meet them at all (Luofuslop)

You play a half assed hoyosloppa, not a galge.
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Firefly and the bug are NOT teammates
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Why don't you go play Granblue or FGO if you like ship shit so much?
Stelle sound cute as fuck but Caelus mogs in cool MC factor
Enjoy doing no dmg
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>Why is /hsrg/ fine with E2S1 Acheron but not E1 Jade?
Unironically Acheron rollers are buttmad they had to pay up for the shilled metawaifudps only for bricksovlgods to clear and get the same jade amount as them
Based and same
Quit being a whiny sissy bitch
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Sorry bwo... I was too busy playing that other game...
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Why are both /hsrg/ and /gig/ so mentally ill the past few days?
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we love c&c here
Both never recovered from being destroyed by ZZZ
This is the funniest Caelus and it’s 100% canon
sex with both of them at the same time
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Sounds like you're just trying to tank HSR's 4chan hours
We are getting raided by bots
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What happened here?
it's ok you'll have sunday next
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Leaks doko?
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Make more of these instead of reposting the same one botsis.
That Sigga slave & serval edit poster is definitely a bot right? Why must Sigga be used for evil here….
preload and datamines in ~3-4 days
ZZZ has mogged both and now we are in a constant state of no content.
Stoneflop spamming schizo melty every thread

Firefly spamming

Avenpaz spamming

Huohuo spamming same shit every thread too, but they're minority so not annoying.
My fucking hero!!!
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>constant state of no content
So just like zzz?
It always reply to the OP, you will notice which right away.
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I want to SEXUALLY have SEX with Lingsha.
I've never seen any Acheronfags complain though? I have seen FUAfags complain about not being able to beat content all the time though.
I play ZZZ and it has no content right now
The gojoschizo “spams”, the avenpaz ppl just ritualposts
the self-insert meme died with penacony
you're forced to like firefly in the end even if you picked bad options before
the mc is pretty much its own character at this point
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Will Xianzhou save /hsrg/?
>Serval actually looks fine with sigger eyes
>the sigger now looks normal and a Landau
Sigger should've invested in contacts to look less weird.
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Yup! That's a banjocord melty
Kill yourself tranny
GIGALUS is so lucky...
oh my god jannies help me aiiieeeeeee
Just because the TB isn't present doesn't mean that decisions aren't made to consider the genre and premise of the game. Shipfags can't get anything concrete, at most they can only get schizo "implications," but I guess that's how it always is anyway as a shipfag.
pelafly love
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He looks too nice and it's upsetting.
HTB is so fucking lucky
How can the other TB paths even compete with the super break team? It's pure SEX
Player should get to choose who TB fucks.
You have to wish on a banner to get the sex scene
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Why does he suddenly look so trustworthy?
If TB isn’t there, they’re usually irrelevant in the grander scheme. Again, see all of Luofu.
You are hilariously obsessed with shipfags, take some meds. You do this shit every thread and think people don’t notice your rants because you type the same fucking shit. Everytime.
I'm just happy that I'll finally have a 2nd limited sustain.
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Aiiieeeeeeeee put them back
His dead alien eyes are his best feature
>Next Moc pandering to FUA again to shill Yunli
>New Xianzhou general rumored to be FUA character
No. Meltdown about FUA incoming again.
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>calling people trannies just because they don't like the shilled waifu
you can do better bro
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Yup! That's a Bosenmoricord coldy
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How much money have you spent on vpns this week bwo?
>xer doesn't like [hot female character] being for (you)
yep, sounds like transbian behaviour to me
My f2p+sub Jade clear. Skipped weak characters like Sparkle and Acheron to pull for strong ones.
If his eyeballs didn't look so freaking I'd actually be fine with him.
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My Heroes
>he will past those down to his kids if he lives past 21
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>he doesn't like eating shit so he has to be trans
ok shiteater
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is this canon?
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There's nothing wrong with them
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Someone isn't based and Enapilled.
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She probably is
Undead and all
Paglus is not canon
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No. Picrel is howeverreverberatly
uh oh stelletroon melty
you're already eating shit on your own
Somebody post THAT fofo webm
Somebody post THAT sampo webm
>says while posting sporkle
Sounds about right
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Who wears these kind of pajamas to bed?
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literally me on the left
>people do the same shit every thread
What's your point? That's the consequence of omnipandering. You will perpetually have different interests consistently in conflict with each other. Just because I take one side doesn't mean another isn't taking theirs. Your argument is that mine isn't valid, which is obviously untrue, you don't have to single me out when all I'm doing is representing one perspective, which you can choose to ignore, but that won't change reality and collective attitudes towards the game.
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I'm sorry but whenever I hear Stelle's voice in JP I'm reminded of Violet Evergarden, Mikasa, and 2B from Nier Automata. I just can't let go.
There's everything wrong with them, you mean.
You said the same shit about 2.1 and it ended up being mostly pointless.

TB is the main character, AE crew are major characters, everyone else are just minor and secondary characters, they don't move the plot. Ergo divorcing them from TB and AE in general just results in them being irrelevant.
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>Literally part of the Firefly lore
Sorry sis
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>He has not tried wearing those kinds of PJs
They're real comfy and if the cloth is of good quality, it feels like you're not wearing anything at all.
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m-my knees...
He’s so cute. They really fumbled by not making him for (You) like FF. Instead he’s a slut inviting mentally ill fujos, yumes and shippers…

Still better than Sandalphon I guess
It went from just Seele to half the Penacony in a couple of patches. Caelus is a manslut now.
You do because he bought you a matching pair.
>Both of them got high profile/popular VAs
Thats nice of Hoyo, Aether got a literal fucking who as a VA meanwhile Lumine goot Aoi Yuuki
Now that they’ve amassed a huge and stable player base + developed a good enough reputation for their games, they decide that it’s ok to give a portion of their player base (who have been contributing actively with fan art, fan fiction, cosplays etc) the middle finger?
I feel immense regret for having spent so much on their games. Knowing that they took my money to make overly sexualized caricatures of women to sell to the incels, while treating the player base who likes male characters (mostly female) like shit makes me so angry.
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welp I dropped 200 points (I think I could have dropped fewer by playing better) but I managed to drop SW for an even more f2p-friendly Lady Bonajade clear.
Remember to roll for who you like, friends. Powercreepfags are just bad at the game.
>complaing about no sigga for (You)
>mentioning that Sandal guy
It's always you
you're going to get KINGed
Literally who?
Blade is for Kafka
I love to falseflag
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He skipped the queen of fua.
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I didn't pay anything for E1 Jade.
Who's jade's paypig in that 2nd team?
>Yumes seethe at Zhu Yuan trailer for having ass shots
>While Billy trailer had twice as many ass shots
Just a reminder that these people are hypocrytes, if Stelle ever gets a "for (you)" boyfriend they will like it as much if not more than Firefly and will say shit like "it-its not the same ok my boyfriend is well written, has better interactions and is not incel pandering ok?"
Basically what they already do with Aventurine kek
More leak please. Clout chaser Leakers please give us some crumb...
Gallagher I bet
Good thing they wear protection or Seel would be pregnant
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I didn't
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cute and canon i fear
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Sexcheron bros won
I'll get Robin next time. I wanted Lady Fu more.
Yunli feet are femcel repellant.
She is the princess of flops, next to the queen of flops Jade thoughbeitever
The webm is awful but it's a good still image. How can I extract a single frame from a webm?
show me her E0S0 clears
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*scuttles in
if anything this shows how broken robin is
If only Caelus got to go on a date with Acheron...
Biden is so lucky...
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>or Seel would be pregnant
GOD There's literally NOTHING like pregnant tomboy belly out there. Seele is BUILT for pregnancy.
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but I have Robin
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Right click -> save frame as
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Unpopular opinion but I like Aventurine's eyes because purple is my favourite colour.
Huohuo flopped harder though so she should be the princess.
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Not that anon but he's right. Having characters being divorced from the MC results in them being irrelevant or an afterthought. We've already seen it happen more than once. The omnipandering here is also weak as fuck. Two characters speaking to one another and being in the same faction is not pandering but shippers are simply just so desperate that they latch onto anything, and will forgive any pointless and stupid shit so long as their favorites interact.
Cute siggers
>not even 250 posts in and we have everything present in the thread
Can we go back to comfy(true) dead hours?
I thought zzz release would have been enough for the schizos to migrate.
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Go away, cheld
huge fuggen titties
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>Biden out of nowhere
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Who's having a melty right now?
Ching chong ping pong sex with Kafka
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Homo angel from gbf. He was shipshit from the start and because of that is a one trick pony that only developed once and now is just a nothing character.
Yunli Erotic body
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I'm gonna take a nap, thought you guys would like to know.
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No clue, its been like this the entire week and I don't know why, I'm just here to post Firefly fanart.
Arctic, probably.
they shill fua right now so maybe another day
No wonder I've never heard of him.
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I can't see them
People still play that game? Damn.
I'm going to masturbate
I can't see it...
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Stop replying to yourself schizo retard, nobody cares about your shipnig/omninig babbling
thigh sex from the front while grabbing her ass, feeling her breasts push against my body, and kissing her with tongue
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Decent relic for sparkle.
Topaz has a nice butt
i mean rolling for eidolons/cones sure help
That's not me retard
>you're the only one with that viewpoint
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>Hoyo/HSR is sponsoring the Paris Olympics
>wah multiple people disagree with my so they must be the same person
I'm literally pointing out that ship shit is fucking pointless.
That's the only nice thing about her
HSR is winning BIGLY
Atleast make it less obvious retard
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I hope webm happens to Firefly
>do nothing but farm relics for Pela
>all the stats are dogshit
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Yanqing bankai when?
You can't get pregnant if fingers aren't interlocked, retarf
And you do it every thread, so the entire act of doing such is “pointless” as well. You aren’t gonna stop the shipnigs from posting with your 6 paragraph rants so shut the fuck up and stop flooding the thread. Fuck it, post porn instead
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just shot a huge load to sparkles feet
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Who is Honkai version of Dainsleif?
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Damn I wish gambling was an olympic sport.
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just give her some rainbow pieces with spd and ehr bwi
They should have released Taikiyan next because it's the sports planet instead of space china
why does this twink look like that one blondie from Fire Emblem i used to see twitterfags lose their shit over?
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Which characters would get gold medal?
It was theorized that Black Swan would be our Dainsleif, but then she just up and released in 2.0 kek
A real man provide for his wives
>Home destroyed
>Want some kind of vengeance
>Blonde guy
I would just like everyone present to know that I have reached my poetic summit.
i'll do that once i get decent spd boots and stuff to make her tanky
Who is this (you) you are talking about? I haven't been in the other threads. Or did you never stop to think that multiple anon are bringing it up because they noticed the problem and they see it as a writing issue? That maybe your views are just wrong?
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Sushang the smartest
Wait...Sushang can read?
How come I'm feral for Aventurine but don't feel anything for Dainsleif?
sus contest
And then she wakes up
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insane, one day she'll beat lady himeko
It's more honest, not more sane. Bwo
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You mean Dimitri?
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Commissioned by Hoyoverse btw

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70 pity at Jade with 5 days left. I think I’ll going to make it.
this was her dream, from one of those dream telephone conversations in Penacony if I'm not mistaken
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Hanya, my beloved
Cute fo
>going back to Luofu
>no lil Gui and Sus content
It's shit
which Star Rail deserves a 1 year banner?
I still can't believe ____ cucked us with ____...
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Make an updated bingo board already it's no fun without bingo
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Was this too?
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uh I thought these characters were straight?
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I can't believe Da Wei cucked us with ZZZ...
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Hoyo comissions a shitload of things and I don't think they care about it.
They spent all of the Firefly marketing putting Caelus on screen and then comissioned this Stelle MV which is just ??? https://youtu.be/ltl0sJhyC_I
They also comissioned a video with Caelus and Firefly going to the cinema and it had Swan and Acheron making it out in the background kek, again, I don't think they actually have any goal besides "yeah lets just boost our fan content numbers"
I hope your schizophrenia is cured soon
What exactly happened here?
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Seeing as Harmony Trailblazer exists, Ruan Mei should be a permanent banner.
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Based hagpedo
Boothill has no dick so he doesnt have a gender
It's only gay if the balls touch. Boothill has no cock and balls because he is a cyborg
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They extended Ayaka's banner because of development delays due to covid s it ended up running for like 3 months. The banner had an expiration of 240 days but it didn't last that long.
he should still want to fork women...
I don't get why only IPC teams get criticized for being "expensive" and "needing eidolons" when I regularly see people here also say Acheron needs E2.
No, but they commission most of the fanarts that have a semi-official hashtag like #tradewithjade and this time is #masteryunli, the twitter event should officially release in these days
You are not supposed to point that out
She doesn't need E2 and her own E2 is gonna be worse than Foxhomo soon, but she needs S1 at least.
You should assume any character with a strong E1/E2 has most owners (in this therad) at E1 or E2. There's a huge amount of Dan2 E2 owners, and many FF players have E1/E2 even though neither are required for her to 0-cycle right now.
metacucks fear a team that is strong yet also lore accurate
Because only Acheron needs to be at E2.
>he rolled for stoneflops
Ack doesn't need E2, you can set her up with any debuffer and her teams and she works fine.
Hmm maybe I should try my brnya more. Been running ting Argenti huo robin I might try swapping ting for e2s1 bronya.
Uh oh wagie schizo melty
I miss Xueyi... I can't believe she's dead...
E2S1 Acheron "needs" Sparkle or Silver Wolf as well otherwise it's a waste. This means the total cost of that team, at minimum, 5 cost. It's 4 for Acheron alone.
For RRAT you need
E0S0 Ratio (Free, 0 cost)
E0S1 Topaz (2 cost)
E0S0 Aventurine (1 cost)
E0S0 Robin (1 cost).
This is 4 cost total, so it's still less than Acheron's "whale" teams.
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Why did Jade flop? who is her target audience?
She's immortal anon, the doll breaks all the time and she just gets repaired, I really don't think she's going to die, Hoolay might just keep the doll captive until 2.5 and then we'll set her free or whatever.
And with FUA you just need either Topaz cone or Aventurine cone
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I miss the times when /hsrg/ appreciated my AI sloppa. I still post here every day, but I've migrated my AI sloppage to /trash/...
I mean he's not the one complaining about people not rolling for his favorite. But going by your own logic wouldn't the fact that he has no issue rolling for Acheron but refuses to roll for IPC mean that he has money but doesn't want to spend it on FUA?
>shit hag voice
>shit fetish
ShiroGOD asking the real questions
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Are you ready for the upcoming FART team?
her target audience is people who don't have himeko
>he's not the one complaining about people not rolling for his favorite
Nobody is doing that gwo
>Acheron out of nowhere
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People only hate IPC because they are metachurls who skipped Topaz day 1 for Jingliu laughing at IPC frens only to realize Topaz was not only the sovl pick but the real meta character. Then they had to scramble for the triple threat banner of Aventurine, Robin & Topaz rerun claiming it’s expensive when in reality you had half a year to prepare for it.
No one on FUA team needs eidolons or cones at all unless you're trying to make Ratio work with them.
Shirou, you shouldn't ask questions with obvious answers.
So in other words they need to roll for less characters, nice of you to agree.
Why do people die when they are killed?
According to the test kit Ruan Mei is better than Robin for Feixiao
>According to the test kit
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Cuteness overload
But you still need to roll for both Topaz and Aventurine and not to forget you still need Robin too.
troonbians ie poor subhumans that cant spend on the game
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>but I've migrated my AI sloppage to /trash/
Where it belongs
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You know that's still FART (Ruan Mei)
>Ruan Mei
Again? I hope Tingyun2 saves us from this fucking menace.
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>Most women are capable of secreting considerably more milk than needed by a single infant. The regulation of milk synthesis is quite efficient (around 800 mL/day).
>The normal daily production of saliva varies between 0.5 and 1.5 liters. The whole unstimulated saliva flow rate is approximately 0.3-0.4 ml / min. This rate decreases to 0.1 ml / min during sleep and increases to about 4, 0-5, 0 ml / min during eating, chewing and other stimulating activities.
>Daily loss in sweat is about 400 ml for an adult. The heat loss can be quite significant because there is a loss of 0.58 kcal for every ml of water evaporated. The maximum rate of sweating is up to 50 ml/min or 2000 ml/hr in an acclimatized adult. On average however - only 1L per day, and, due to its fast evaporation and most of it disappearing - therefore:
>800ml of mammary milk + 1L average of saliva and + 50 ml/min or 2000 ml/hr during intense physical exercise = 2800mL average, assuming Bosenmori Mei is sweating for 30 minutes for any reason...
>Water consumption minimum: About 15.5 cups (3.7 liters) of fluids a day for men
>3700mL - 2800mL = 900mL of unsatisfied thirst
>Bosenmori Mei has 2 bodies >>> 2800mL * 2 = 5600mL (average)
>non-pregnant and 1 sex per day having Bosenmori Mei is capable of satisfying daily thirst of 1.5 man!!
I hate them because they're IPC. That's enough.
>roll for both Topaz and Aventurine
Well, that's the fucking point of a team called IPC.
Threesome when?
You're comparing Acheron "whale" vs IPC budget. Acheron buget is E0S1 with just an E0S0 SW, a Pela with a Luka cone, and Gallagher or pres with trend.
One honestly seen more posts complaining about people not rolling for them than anything else.
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Ruan Mei can fuck off, FuA belongs to Robin plus she is stuck on my Firefly team
Leaktrannies said they were testing her with RM and Topaz. That's all we have to go off of right now.
There was a sourceless CN "leaked kit" posted a few days ago that tracks with RM being better for her than Robin, but that could have just been somebody making up a kit and designing it around RM because of what previous leakers said.
yurishippers, a shame /hsrg/ dont have yuricoomers aka yurishippers biggest nightmare.
Why are the IPCposters so prone to conflict?
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Dainsleif went from cool guy to getting BTFO left and right so he lost a lot of charm. Genshin's twink model doesn't help him either.
I don't like the IPC meta and storywise.
Sunk cost fallacy.
I barely ever see anyone complain about RRAT outside of thinking you need E1S1 Topaz (instead of E0S1) and/or that the team is "expensive" in general so I can only assume this is a falseflag.
It's not like anyone ever complains about DoT being "expensive" since most DoT players have had Kafka for eons. Most FUA players have had Topaz since she came out, probably S1.
Popular characters in the thread. Same with fireflyposters.
You don't need s1 or s0 on topaz if you drop ratio for any other fua character. Even if you go with ratio it's a minor damage loss.
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here's your threesome
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I just post pics, not my fault there's someone seething about it
If you didn't roll both during 1.4 you're a homo
March 8th is...STRONG!
He didn't though, the Abyss twin (Lumine) literally said that he let her go because he refuses to fight the Abyss twin (Lumine)
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And when she gets horny? Is the wetness that comes from the vagina while aroused considered saliva in this analysis?
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I don't know why you're confused, Hoyo doesn't actually have an agenda to push a single MC or a single pairing like schizos here. I'd say they pander to pretty much everyone.
E2 Acheron needs Sparkle btw because without Sparkle you're not nearly getting the most of potential her E2 provides. There's almost no point going for E2 if you don't have her.
I skipped the sigger, as anyone should have, and my BrickPaz is only E0S0. Am I really not gonna be able to properly play Feixiao?
its just one schizo that latched onto them as ammunition against xirs bogeyman it happened to boothill too before ff released
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FoFo of truth
They want this place to be their safe place, their discord isn't enough
Lingsha has FUA as well
What? IPC posting has been a thing since 1.4
they make so much money they just can shit it around everywhere lmao
I thought Lingsha was break effect? Why would she need a FuA??
What's the verdict on Yunli?
You appear to have triggered some metafags.
>pissfox makes retarded take
Cute Caefly
Not really it really only started because of 2.1.
You are problematic
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>as anyone should have
Kek the cope
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thank you mommy for the credits
Firefly sometimes hides her feelings in russian
yeah yeah r*bin is strong and can carry bricks
it's a well known fact at this point
you will never be a corinbro
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>Love Juice
I didn't count it since sweat is already in calculations as well as "Sex" therefore she cannot be eaten since her insides are occupied with something else.
I wonder if the amount of Love-Juices exceeds sweat from sexual intercourse though. Perhaps its more efficient to avoid penetration.
Any chance the new chinks take RM's spot in FF teams?
If you have her cone she replaces ratio in the Topaz + Sigga + Robin team
No it didn't, ever since the Belobog quest there's been posting about it and it diverges into large arguments about IPC being le good or le bad.
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I really really really liked that video.
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Who is the prettiest Honkai and why is it Borjomi?
because her kit has summons
Unless one of them later turns out to be a busted Harmony on the same level...Unlikely.
Join the IPC
Imagine caring about meta in a hoyo game
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dont care still not rolling for jews
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I feel like they gave Yanking a gf shipbait out of pity.

ngl I felt sorry for him when metafags, Blade, Dan and MC shitted all over this jobber
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I dunno, her thumb looks normal sized
This nigga rolled DAN holy kek
all aventurine btw
>stoneflopers moving the goalpost
>enables shipfaggotry between topig and kakaurine
>turbobrick even in pure fiction with quantum weakness
>her best teanmate is blade (kek) and herta (works better with himeko)
tldr: her target audience dont spend money in gachas
It's more like summons rather than FuA, she summons rabbits in the action bar that attack independent of her.
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Firefeet were cute
How new are you?
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how does /hsrg/ feel about the current state of this general where only fireflyposters remain
Can firefly get pregnant
yeah honestly tired of these showcases
i know supports carries in general but robin is another breed
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Why is super break so dumb?
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>it really only started because of 2.1

based and factual my (((fellow /hsrg/ger)))!
attached a special gift for you, open it when you're alone!
I only ever saw people talk about the quest their was like once conversation, then it stopped when the next patch came in. IPC spam really didn't start here until 2.1.
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I'm kinda liking the adaptation of roshidere too, i simply like cute girls.
>cuckposter btfo
>troonbian btfo
>giggers btfo
its pretty comfy fireflyposters saved /hsrg/
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"Mei" literally means "Aphrodite Tier Body" in Japanese.
He was my first 5* from the rookie banner. I hated him but he did the job.
Blade and Dan followed his case by Karma. Everyone who laughed at Yanqing will be apologizing once his HI3 Old_Man_Yan form releases.
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firefly posters, IPCucks, and 1 xueyi and blade poster (me)
love firefly posting
Shipcucks and other trannies fucking off is a good thing.
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saving for my nigga Diamond
>have acheron's team
>have firefly's team
who am I supposed to roll on next?
Way better than... whatever the fuck happened to /gig/ these days.
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Xueyiposter... I kneel to your dedication
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FuA shall reign supreme
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Feixiao and whoever she needs.
Bronya is better if you're trying to 0 cycle.
I come here to thirst over Aventurine
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I'm a SH poster, though my Wolfie is noticeable less stacked than the other three:( but she's kind of a brick and not in the fun way (Bladie).
stupid smug birb
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I'm benching Shitbin for Pearl as soon as I can though.
I miss Kafka...
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Do you roll for Zhu Yuan bwos?
i tolerate them
the fireflyposting wards off greater evils
They should have made her kit actually synergize with his if they wnated to shipbait them.
Is Misaki good for anything or wtf was that bond gear for?
>Gets mindbroken by the truth that the world is doomed to an apocalypse so gambles it all on a less than 0.1% survivalship plan
Hope Diamond is that much of a schizo.
>I remember most people here go to Jingliu while skipping and mocking Topaz

And now Jingliu is irreverent while Topaz have premium meta team, funny how the table turn.
I've been around since the launch of the game and you are remembering wrong. IPC spam started after 2.1 and even now most anon aren't even talking about the IPC. It's just IPC spammed who won't shut up and has no self awareness.
I can kind of only see chink March being used as cope support for break if you don't have RM because break doesn't really have much choices at the moment and March has at least some useful things for that team in her kit.
rolling for the sexbot
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I lost the 50/50, but got Grace which is who I wanted even more than Zhu. Now I have Grace + Rina to run with literally any third member.
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Holy fucking kino
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I will post this
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Wrong thread /bag/bro ?
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still shit im afraid just hope her swimsuit alt is actually good
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they just need to release the ice dmg support
Jingliu isn't really bad. It's just it's been like forever since we had ice MoC. But yeah, Topaz is more meta than her in the end because she is core support of FUA.
Not before getting knotted first.
At least my Ellen has her BiS team now.
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I got an early third copy of Soldier 11 which left me just enough stellar primochromes to hit pity again. I don't feel very fulfilled and I'm not sure how much longer I'll be playing.
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Owari da...
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Waiting for robocop
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Where the fuck is the fumo
Dawei you dumb cunt
Put your fellow countryman at work already
Mualani got nerfed AGAIN...
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Stupid baby
Isn't Ice the only element that has specific ICE Res lower support from Pela?
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I can see the use cases for most of the curios but that fish film curio is a literal brick
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No I got Ellen and am saving for the twink in 1.2
>bag raided by the scatposter
>zzz raided by the cuckschizo
no wonder they are coming here
refugees welcome!
Both are straight and therefore based. Kill yourself faggot
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She had to be destruction because he’s always fight with destruction characters + their kits actually are parallels of each other, Yanqing doesn’t has to be hit while Yunli has to be hit. She couldn’t be preservation nor a sustain because it would powercreep the sigger
Still amazed how they manage to allow every second character to clip during their animations
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Numby stay during sex
You have been mind broken
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If Yanqing and Yunli actually get pushed together, even as a joke, I’m uninstalling. This is not hyperbole by the way, I’m being serious.
good. no one likes you, paglus self-inserter
is she good/fun? if i start playing now can i guarantee her?
Anon you can't have the same opinion as someone else it'll cause the fabric of reality to tear
Can't have a cute girl being stronger than the dragon homo
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Literally who?
Yunli isn't for (me) so that's not my problem.
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still no leaks i guess
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I'm gonna start pre-farming Yunli right now.
What are her mats and BiS relics?
Go play BA or something.
define "pushed together"
You're just going to ditch Firefly like that, bro?
ships aren't real either but they push them anyway
I wanna watch Yanqing cum inside Yunli's cunny
Is that NTR?
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I think Firefly sucks!
Boothill is so much more fun to play than Firefly it’s kinda sad
If Firefly is for the players, and there are thousands of players, doesn't that just make her a massive slut?
Why are shipfags like this?
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I have E1S1 Topaz and I still hate the IPC
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2 more weeks
Boothill was made for real men. Pagfly was created for incel pags
as always, shipfags are cucks
Gallagher is the only interesting character on the entire firefly team. Everyone else is either bland or boring as fuck to play with.
I have both and that's a blatant lie
Maybe at E0S0 that's the case but I'm not poor so I wouldn't know
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All of my cum!
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It's in korean, what do you think?
what do when theres no shitter to get stacks?
nah not really
doesnt she powercreep every dps in the game?
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Uh oh /gig/ shitskin melty!
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They comissioned and made an ad out of fat Caelus TWICE so I also think they have 0 quality control
Lost the 50/50, now I have to grind more chromes

Honkai star rail btw
Is it true we're getting Chinaslop for an entire year
I stopped playing after getting Ellen
Fat Caelus had more game than whole hsrg combined. A True chad
acherons ass is so pathetically flat
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Yeah, the next new planet will be the Fate planet.
It came to me in a dream.
i know its so fucking hot
Guys there is a really cool summer event in Genshin right now. Come back
So is hoyo going to replace Sunday's VA?
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Stand proud, Acheron
You are strong
Didn't really 100% want her, but found her playstyle neat. So gave it a simple 10 pull, got an S-rank and then even won the 50/50. So now I do have her, hope she makes a nice partner to the real cop character I want
Just like her micropenis
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>EN dub
reminder to report off topic posts
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Acheron is built for French-kissing
Hoyo doesn't give a shit about what the ENkek VAs do. That other guy left because he let twitterniggers get to him, he wasn't fired. If Mihomo isn't going to replace the shitters that literally sucked nigger cock during "muh boycott" for Gayshit then why would they replace a guy that hasn't shittalked their company?
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It’s not a lie. Yeah Firefly gets more engaging at E2 but still playing Boothill with Bronya is one of the most fun comps in the game.
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He's literally me
Canon ending
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Mihoyo is HEALING!
Sorry furry bro, not playing your game.
Lets see ingame models?
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We like hags in here, fuck off
I remember when they blueballed us during 2.3 livestream, haha....
No one pulled for Jade.
I pulled for jade tho...
Holy fuark...Billy is so lucky
Mihoyo doesn't heal until they uncensor Acheron. fuck off
Hags =/= mummies
Her legs are SEX!
swimsuits?? on my mihomo?????????????????????
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Why do we get homofox penis instead
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>uncensor Acheron
You mean she should go completely naked?
Canon cuz we can see her undewear too
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>open /hsrg/
>ctrl+f "(dead)"
>install game expecting cute girls in swimsuits
>get furry gay sex instead
Uhh zzzbwos, I don't feel so good...
You will fuck the bear
Its literally Genshin 2.0
>1.0 was promising
>Post-Shogun roster went to shit and Genshin is now universally known as faggot game
ZZZ already confirmed itself to be just like that by all the censorship they already did.
>next 4 patches is nothing but girls and one (1) homo
Is this what they resort to after flopping bigly? lmao
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there goes yet another 2x relic event where i got fuck all
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Thoughts on Danstarch?
>Genshin is now universally known as faggot game
/vg/ is not the universe dawg
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>got a perfect Acheron piece and a bunch of watchmaker for Lingsha
I won
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We need to flop to get microbikini Kafka
>all the agents are for (I) even the furry wolf
>the main character you didnt pick is turbo for (I) as well
>zzz has an otaku fanbase
honkai impact 3 could never baby.
show the homo and the girls
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Of course I mean NGA and Tieba and not subhuman femoid filth that posts on /gig/.
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>ZZZ already confirmed itself to be just like that by all the censorship they already did.
I can't wait to see what they do to her.
march fills the roll of little annoying sister perfectly no need for a ship
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>honkai impact 3
whats that? never heard of that game before
>>all the agents are for (I) even the furry wolf
lol, lmao
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NTA but here, I assume he meant only one 5* dude
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Same shit as they did with picrel
Was laughable and pathetic reading the cope in /zzz/
holy sexa
just realized that Lingsha probably won't use watchmaker set but thief set.
I love march as a little sister and Dan as my gay older brother
>I want
>But Sunday you already have wings
keep posting kakaurinextopaz sister, you are safe here.
fuck off zzzerglings
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Pulling for my nigga Kinick (Japanese)
Yeah that's not allowed in any mihomo games.
Griffith isn't a siscon though.
Wait that thing on the left in 1.2 is a dude? Holy kek. The police cameltoe chick I've seen yesterday looks better than all of those characters.
>Mualani and Sexleoapard soon
gosh i hope the yunli and pink npc flop so hard we get robin in a micro bikini
When was the last time March and Dan had a meaningful interaction?
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He has Hat Guy's JP VA so expect some melties.
Also all of the new 5*s are all cops lmao
>cant refute it so it posts the generic retarded response
Poor cucks they are starving with zzz....
Why didn't you get E2 Firefly?
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Microbikini battle only 30+ women allowed
I'll be the judge
Pulling for the robocop and the dyke fox
Losers are forced to engage in sexual acts with me
itll take place on the local retirement home
Does Acheron qualify?
This fucking dude killed /hsrg/
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I'm paying any price to be a witness.
Firefly really doesn't fit with the other Stellaron Hunters... Compared to how well Blade, Kafka and Wolf act together she feels like such a fourth wheel.
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Yunli is technically 30+
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Aether bros, where are we?
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Who is HSR version of Childe?
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>cute girls
>cute pets
>open world
>no faggots
>no cucks
Azur Promilia will be end all be all gacha for me.
fucking kek nice job anon
botsis you know it you spam him all the time (aventurine)
Luka... Boring answer but that's HSR side characters for you.
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this line up looks like shit
she will use 2 hackerspace 2 whatever like every other support
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I’ve spent $40 on Mihoyo games this month. I’ve never spent this much before on gacha in my life.
>open world
not interested, kill yourself and buy an ad
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Be a good cuck.
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I will roll for her and drop the game
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Star Railer for this feel?
Thanks for funding Dawei's nuclear reactor, gweilo
How and Why?
Sisters!! Don't look!!
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>Does Acheron qualify?
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time for a bug
Are we talking anime years, human years, alien years, dog years, which one
>Saw the event
>expected it to be cuckshit
> Hat got cares more about (you) and the baby dragon than anyone else.
Which country is Belebog meant to be?
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It's just a matter of vibes and they both belong to numbered organizations
They're both gay "villains" shilled by the story, both have boss fights. Both do nothing but job. I'm sure Childe has a tragic past, but I stopped playing Genshin in 1.2
3.0 is going to have Aventurine and Boothill subplot tracking down Oswaldo. You can’t escape him. 3.1 is going to be another heavy Aventurine POV patch.
Would they match each other's freak if they met?
Nyo. Aventurine doesn't like fighting that much.
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Honestly it gives strong vibes of "clueless female writers" Perhaps they didn't mean it to be the way everyone sees it.
Still staying in Wuwa though.
Why does it look so soulless?
Aventurine literally won
Childe has an web event where you go on a date with him, the event forces you to play as Loom even if to picked Aether.
that's clearly a woman
Genshin has a lot of guys that care about the MC, it just comes off a weird if you play Aether but if you Lumine then is really cute, Xiao/Cheld/Hat Guy are all like that.
I like that SILVER WHORE is always in the story for gamer events. It makes me like her more that I can always expect a SILVER WHORE event every couple of patches. I hope we get more SILVER WHORE in the future.
This artist got me into the game. I'm not joking.
I'll accept this shit if they do something actually funny like have (you) meet Oswaldo beforehand and he's actually really nice to you because your a Trailblazer like he was and you become friends with him without knowing who he is.
>it just comes off a weird if you play Aether
How? Aether is clearly a twink faggot
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Why does she love trash so much?
The girls are honestly just there for eye candy. Really you as the camera, hat guy, and the baby dragon were more important.
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Saars i don't care about your games
I mean, if you think those three a straight then is weird that they talk/hit on Aether like that (unless you think they're all gay i guess), I'm just saying that it just fits better when is Lumine being the one flirted on.
Its how some people see Firefly and Stelle as a friendship thing but Caelus and Firefly as a couple even though they're the same person.
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I said time for a bug
They're all replying to each other, just hide the first Genshin post you see and they all get hidden. You could also report them, but I got a 1 month ban for "abusive reports" for reporting Genshin posts in the Honkai: Star Rail thread, so now I just hide them and cope and seethe and mald.
>You could also report them, but I got a 1 month ban for "abusive reports" for reporting Genshin posts in the Honkai: Star Rail thread
>meanwhile the yurischizo posted Acheron/BS stuff and got banned in a few minutes
like one anon said in gig, mihoyo is writing genshin with lumine in mind, that explains why genshin is bombing, wuwa bombed as well because they launched their gacha with yumepandering
>they're the same person.
They're not. They are Kiana and Kevin expy
I'm going to bug you! You little bitch
Isn't Siberia in Russia?
I’m still mad feixiao doesn’t have a tail
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>a bug
Reminder that Ruan Mei shits and farts
>characters who ruined and damaged their respective games:
Elysia Impact
Fifrefly: Star Rail
Ellen Zeneless Zone
??? Genshin
Does HSR write with Caelus in mind or with Stelle in mind?
Relax, CrowdStrike
>inb4 it's a goku reference where her Moon Madness form is stopped because she cut off her tail
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LMAO Are you fucking serious!? nice game genkeks.
Not even, the issue isn't the events it's the main story being shit, and the only interesting parts (Dain's quest) is just once a year.
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It is common knowledge
How long do we need to wait before we get a proper anti-ipc storyline? They're genuinely the most rotten faction in the storyline, I have more sympathy and interest in the Abyss army than with the space Jews.
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Treating the Mc of HSR as different characters is its own kind of mental illness only Hoyofags are susceptible to.
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All men in Genshin expect for Alhaithem are straight. For far Nilou, and that blonde chicken from Fontaine have (you) pandering but they are do irrelevant that the writers struggle to figure out where they fit in.
Nice try sis. Floptaine killed GI. Manlet shill killed GI. Whatever gayshit between Alhaizen and Kaveh killed GI. Nahida NTR killed GI. Emile dev self-insert killed GI.
Considering the game's one character that was genuinely anti-ipc is now working with an ipckek and they're already trying to shill the stoneflops before we head to chinkland 2...Probably not soon unfortunately.
THIS. lynnet being the 4* out of the duo was the nail in the coffin for me. Especially since her kit was so bad.
Actual shilled flops
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We will most likely help the stonehearts root out the corrupt voracity members of the IPC
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More barefoot characters
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Oh I finally get it! It's the "Rick Roll" of HSR!
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Well it's got cute art
Never lol, IPC runs this gamr
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they rotate, even in trailers.
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>Am i going to get pregnant?
That works both ways
Damn that ice cream got pregnant.
Who knows. We have very early animations using Caelus but then you also have the "hands clasped together in concern" during the Firefly thing.
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>wonder with my jingloo is hitting like a soggy brick against a lvl 70 stagnant shadow
>forgot I gave her cone to clara for this moc
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You're perpetuating her suffering...
Should be a gremlin and do singles on Jade or save up another tenner for the last day for a cope pull?
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I mean at the start of the game they literally exist as seperate characters, Caelus and Stelle. Kafka says that Elio said that this choice will bring lots of changes to the script.
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Remember when we had EU Candy Crush Championship? Those were the good times
Do you guys think Firefly never had sex ed?
why is yanqing so fucking lucky
elio's a fucking liar
No. No reason for a disposable clone to learn it.
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Not canon. Firefly is hand rapist
Still think Stelle is the canon MC. Caelus looks too serious of a character and doesn’t fit the MCs personality. Same with Belle in ZZZ because Wise is better suited behind the scenes while Belle is more social.
Cute but fell off. They should use this arc to reinforce it if anything. It sucks AE is less comfy than even the IPC
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Wise makes more sense as the no-nonsense operator while Belle runs the shop and manages things behind the scenes
>if I keep saying it, it's true
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So true!
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Everyone shits and farts in HSR
>Caelus looks too serious
if ZZZ has zero mc wars is only because the shizos got filtered by wise speaking in their ears and furrywolf spook.
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This peak male fantasy
>Star Rail sponsored Chinese teams in The International
>Star Rail is now sponsoring Chinese teams in Paris Olympics
We really are the favorite child
Women never make sense as protags outside of otome games.
Not really. I'd prefer that money to go back into the game.
Wise makes more sense as MC if you ask me, Belle works great as support. Caelus and Stelle both have the same personality so I don't feel like one is more canon than the other.
They also sponsored the world team league in SC2
Even the cats?
Based on their animations I would say Caelus is more aggressive and picks come at me bro options while Stelle is more chill
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it's literally up to interpretation
I personally see Wise as the more responsible of the two, while Belle acts as a cute genki assistant. no way in hell a big brother of a pair of orphaned sibling would send her sister to meet strangers who commission them for their VERY ILLEGAL and VERY DANGEROUS work, that's why he takes the initiative while her sister stays home
I also like her calling me Onii-chan
for me

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