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Previous: >>487567081

>[Event] Arctic Summer World! Chaldea's Magical Summer Theme Park
2024-07-18 01:00 - 08-07 20:59 PDT

>[Summon] Arctic Summer World! Ibuki-Douji (Berserker) Pickup Summon
2024-07-21 21:00 - 08-07 20:59 PDT

>[Summon] Arctic Summer World! Scathach-Skadi (Ruler) Pickup Summon
2024-07-24 21:00 - 08-07 20:59 PDT

>[Summon] Arctic Summer World! Lady Avalon Pickup Summon
2024-07-18 01:00 - 08-07 20:59 PDT

>[Summon] Arctic Summer World! Ashiya Douman Pickup Summon
2024-07-18 01:00 - 08-07 20:59 PDT


>[Servant Info]
Servant Material Lookup: https://fgosim.github.io/Material/
Servant Planner: https://github.com/chaldea-center/chaldea
Coin Calculator: https://fgo-servant-coins.glitch.me/index.html
Rank Up + Interlude Timeline: https://kazemai.github.io/fgo-vz/relate_quest.html
Damage Calculator: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1CWsaeirsiQHCLf2OJ15kbZSvFlRRdUl5czWXBzSebyg/

>[Mats/Summoning Info]
Rateups in FGO JP: https://files.catbox.moe/e75ykf.png
Future Materials Spreadsheet: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1m-h4CIUOKaJRAmfTAhoDdmwVAzAzyM70cITRb36Y96M/edit#gid=1085975765
FGO Event Compendium: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1qvxLU407QwiFaCvItqR16SqqAVlLD5u5nBzY_bCFYvs/edit#gid=2111060397
Drop Rates: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1_SlTjrVRTgHgfS7sRqx4CeJMqlz687HdSlYqiW-JvQA
Future Quartz: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/e/2PACX-1vRQFC6pgsvDr11c1oe8PcGXurF3uw0MBq73YoQMGCJemzMics9LfwVurTLMi0rpfHNEBjG6gVCOrIer/pubhtml
FGO Raw Database: https://apps.atlasacademy.io/

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Morgan Love!
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Complete and total Wu VICTORY
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Now that the summer gauntlet is over, let us pray for the poor souls that got
>jinako'd while rolling for arc
>faker'd while rolling for merlina
>nurse'd/vlad'd while rolling for ibuki
>jannu'd/luvia'd while rollling for skadi
I have 400 quartz left. I initially had 900 which I intended for Skadi but I got all my targets faster than intended. Do I spend on the clown??
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I did Aesc
Guys, calm down, that's next summer you're posting.
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Medb Love!
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Smashing the 90++ node and getting a lot drops feels nice.
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Reminder Liz loves you no matter what race you are,what gender you identify as or what sexual orientation you have.
Liz loves all bros!
Muramasa love!
liz sex
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>someone removed me
Anyway, got an extra 1 slot.
Also post supports!

Do you like him/are you a gameplay fag?
hephastian is a 4* which lessens the pain when she shows up, but getting jinako'd or jannu when trying to get arceuid+summer skadi is a new level of soul-destroying
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Oberon love!
>>487585407 #
600 quartz and 20 subsequent summons
But can she see why kids live cinnamon toast crunch?
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I think he is kinda funny in the events he shows up in but I don't like him enough to roll for someone I won't use.
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Smashing mom at night in bed feels nicer.
Uhhhhhhh bro your Summer Skadi?
I wish Barg would smother me with her booby
>Liz loves all bros!
As a racistbro, I appreciate that. I'm glad Liz implicitly approves of my lifestyle to call people racial slurs.
this guy sure gets deleted a lot
Not adding you. Also kys.
> #
phoneposting should be impossible.
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>someone I won't use.
Well you will use him since he's extraordinarily handy
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>attention whore, ritual post and avatarfag for 2 years
>do the bare minimum in summoning them
You deserve so much worse Ati
Faker and Luvia are alright
Most of the time is just sitting and refreshing support sadly. I'll try swimsuit BB for a bit, maybe it will work better.
Can't say the same for her fans... Like Mexisomething
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Yeah yeah
Maybe stop being a shitposting monkey
Sent, Barg in all.
I appreciate your Crane and Dinomom.
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ati? My bitch.
He could have saved 10k quartz and the most he could guarantee is np1
Good luck friend. Don't worry, I am not going to change it suddenly.
>rolling for NP5 supports
lol retard
Why aren't you level 160, faggot? You bring shame to us.
Already bros bro
I just checked his skills.
Isn't he just a quick Arc?
damn ati, someone should punish him!
>np5 caren
>appendless skadi
summer skadoo can farm though
I appreciate it. On a positive note, I get to see swimsuit Skadi's skill animations all day and she's so cute eating the ice cream...
>do the bare minimum
He pitied Douman(900 quartz) and then pitied NP1 Skadi(Another 900 quartz) and ran out of quartz before getting another Skadi copy.
What do you wan thim to do?
Buy more quartz with cash?
He did everything he could.
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Liz Love!
raikouschizo and lucksucker have done more harm to this general than Ati ever will.
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Time for some random /alter/ trivia.
Did you know? Lancer Elizabeth Báthory used to be one of the most posted servants in the past
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Double pity back to back is fucking insane. I hit pity once and I wanted to KMS. Everytime I saw gold or rainbow sparks, I just thought this won't be her.
Same. I'd been farming for quite some time not so long ago with double Skadi.
Remove iphone bobfag from your friend lists :)
Why does Oberon get all the SOVLful artists? So unfair!
Lucksucker is objectively a good poster relative to Raikouschizo
She can, but there are better options such as Caren, Hopeman and eventually Rikyu. Hell, even Molay can farm using MLB Black Grail and Oberon.
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Still is!
I don't get lucksucker's obsession over iphone bob poster
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Is a 4 Skadi setup viable for farming?
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>Isn't he just a quick Arc?
Sort of? He's trades the 30% team charge for 20% evil and 20% chaotic team atk up and he has a higher instadeath rate on his NP than even Nitocris meaning his wave clearing flexibility is usually a lot higher than Arc.
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Did he consider not being a lucklet? Maybe not angering the gacha gods? It's just that simple.
holy fuck that is brutal
Did Ati really get pity twice in a row?
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I still miss her...
Dark times.
I’m trying my best.
No, but 4 Scathach is.
they are butt buddies
Rolling for dough man was the mistake
Why is Ati sad?
Should have saved more, he had 2 years.
>4 Skadi
Bro you can't bring more than 2 of any one servant
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I will never remove a member of the /alter/ elites.
Now if he was a peasant...
Mom Love!
Mental Illness EX
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holy shit ati really does have a defense force
I don't fucking care, if you want assosicate your name and account with a servant and then for 2 FUCKING YEARS everyday post about them and revolve your entire existence online about them, you should probably not end up becoming a literal fucking joke.
>"hey guys look at me please pay attention to me skadi i love skadi shes going to SAVE my SMILE i love her so much"
>proceeds to blow 900SQ on douman before skadi even comes out
Ritualposting was bad enough, forming a fucking identity around yourself and avatarfagging with the servant means that you either go 100% or you're better off not going at all. Sorry, they brought everything upon themselves and I'm glad it happened.
Alright. I'll throw a few quartz his way, besides I don't have assclap so I'll probably get assclap even if I don't get the clown.
At least he keeps his shitposting fresh, one day it's armpits, one day it's scat, one day it's Genshit, one day it's 3D whores, one day it's AI scat...
It's mostly shit related isn't it...
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364 days until Scáthach=Skaði's swimsuit returns during Summer 8 in NA and my heart is saved by her smile again.

A friendly anon hasn't yet made a spreadsheet showing how many Saint Quartz, Summoning Tickets and other limited materials can be obtained in the future.
>double pity
i'm sorry to hear that. that is absolutely fucking painful
fellow russians who love each other
Kill yourself voidstance, you’re all shit.
Look at it like this, there's a big difference between sad as in boo-hoo versus sad as in pathetic ritual poster who got what he deserved.
Why did he roll for Douman before Skadi? The retard.
He wasn’t saved by her smile
I miss Cons...
>proceeds to blow 900SQ on douman before skadi even comes out
should have waited yeah, this kinda stuff reminds me of the korean brothers who spent 4000sq before pity was a thing and didn't get a single copy of dantes
>Sorry, they brought everything upon themselves and I'm glad it happened.
>butt buddies
this phrase never fails to make me laugh
for real?
this is spam at this point and jannies won't do anything
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Do NOT remove iphone bob poster from your friend lists :(
I missed his original post, that sucks. Hitting pity back to back is horrible.

Fwiw, I exceeded pity twice rolling NP levels for my favorite too. The difference is I planned years in advance to unlimited money works my favorite into submission so it didn't matter.

Appends are not carried over between copies.
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I was in this general for 3-4 good year since its creation, so yeah I know about Lizniggers
Just come back recently happy to see Lizniggers dead and buried, but what's the deal with Bobkeks? They just evolve or what? Those are basically the same shit
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Oops. Brain freeze. 3 Skadi I meant.
waited for what? his next rate-up is in 2 years in april 2026
skadi comes back sooner next year
He's still on fucking rateup too, the moron blew it in the WRONG order. I guess the ritualposting broke his fucking brain or something
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I predicted this would happen
That’s not actually possible is that
I always g4p to max my favourites
It never ends!
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Isn’t she in the fp pool?
I hope it's a joke.
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You don't love Skadi.
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One of the reasons I don't do np shaming is we all had our worst summon nightmares...
she was during the event
not anymore
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Yeah it's pretty viable
the actual levels aren't carried over the use of coins to unlock and upgrade them is
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Anything is possible if the gacha wills it.
If you dont like it then just filter it.
Why are you so obssessed with Ati.
Just filter "saved by her smile again" and you will never see his posts again.
Why does he have to get banned because you dont like his posts kek?
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>They are not aware of the 5010 SQ (Five Thousand and Ten Saint Quartz) without a rate-up SSR incident

>Appends are not carried over between copies.
The levels don't but the unlock does. You have to use lores again but not coins.
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>Just come back recently happy to see Lizniggers dead and buried, but what's the deal with Bobkeks? They just evolve or what?
me the idort master race using anything that is needed at the time
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evens = call you an NPC
odds = make fun of Quick
>he korean brothers who spent 4000sq before pity was a thing and didn't get a single copy of dantes
Does anyone have the link to that video?
t. buttblasted albertcocksucker
In contrast, ritual posting is the only reason people even care enough to NP shame right now, literally brought it upon themsleves
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why did I waste 900 SQ on this character when the only decent quick servant I have is np2 Dantes with no plans on rolling anything else quick for the next 2 years?
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Any minute now top dawg's gonna make you regret your retardophobic statements.
Some poor souls have their favorite servants attached to quick. What do you even do in this situation?
>you must rely on 3rd party tools to hide people breaking the rules!!!!!
this is probably a falseflag, but it's still funny
You only avoid NP shaming because your support list is all NP1 and 2 servants. If you had higher NP levels you would look down upon the commoners and rightly so.
Well, it's against the rules for one. That is literally signature use.
his health is pretty bad
You're talking to raikouschizo. If anyone here deserves a ban, it's him.
it's here >>487587457
zero rule breaking :)
Bob is very clearly poison you retard
To support your bros :D
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feel free to laugh at me bros
Filtering is native to 4chan retardsister
You did it for her slutty body. Just be honest with yourself
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>Why would you be a quickfag if arts is superior?
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Did you get all the Wu copies you were aiming for?
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I agree
But I encourage every individual to humiliate ritualposters. Doubly so when motherfucker is fucking failed kek
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>A-Albert's c-cock!
Cope. You spammed the thread for 2 years and have NP1 to show for it.
Level your Castoria/Skadi/Oberon 2nd append skill, bro…
i can't laugh with vlad 3 turning on 90++
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People who are mean against Ati are sad people and are probably jealous over his popularity.
I got skadi really early so I only ended up rolling for 3 Wu's
It's not even the first, there were a couple previously if you check the archives
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Actual alolan Bob is fairy/psychic
If you spend 5k SQ on a servant and don't get him then the gods themselves consider you unworthy and you should pay reverence to the Gods with sincerity.
Vlad is good.
she was a cheap whore and I only wanted one copy but got 6 instead.
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The number of deleted posts is increasing
Vlad solos this 90++ node
>you must obey rules on 4chan!!!
As long as Ati knows he has plenty of friends here should be fine.
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Filters arent 3rd party tools
Its built into the 4chan website.
Click this button and add "saved+by+her+smile+again" to your filter setting and you will never see those posts that make you seethe so much again
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Bro, already bros.
I don't want a solution. I want to be ANGRY.
NP2 dantes and double SSkadi can clear the CQ without using the damage CE. Just saying.
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>Trung sisters immediately started holding when they found it was allowed
Are you not allowed to hold your siblings hand in Vietnam?
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I got NP10 for the deterministic 120 triple append at bond 14. That feels so far away so I might go for two more just to speed it up at bond 9
they belong in mental asylums
I got 9, I'll probably use the ticket for the 10th if I can't get her.
I'm real fucking jealous over being popular with a bunch of losers, clearly. This general is a real highlight, some real quality in these threads.
NP1 Summer Skadi is a better quick looper than NP2 Dantes
Vlad is great np2+ and Traum made me like him even more.
Not spend 900 quartz on the clown
I'm just a male tsundere to be honest
Vlad is based though. The only servant to get made obsolete only to come back in full force 3 weeks later to obsolete the servant which did him dirty.
Galateafags were 3 week kings.
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>no np interlude
You are, yeah.
then why are you talking with losers here, loser?
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happy I could get summer skadi without having to buy big packs
If it was it would get deleted by jannies and Ati would get banned.
His posts staying up no matter how much you seethe about them is proof it isnt.
She supports Buster too.
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>in 4chan
>/vg/ even
Yeah, sure dude. I envy the guy lmao
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Pedantic but it doesn't belong with the other items mentioned since there's additional resources consumed. Feels misleading but that's just my 2 cents.
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Galateachads still wear the Pants in this relationship.
Bro how do you clear the cq
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>he's still trying this hard
Wow..what is it like to roll in the era of no pity. I'm so used to rolling with such confidence that I already know the worst case scenario. Can't imagine just getting fucked over and over and over without end
To be fair, Galatea wears the pants in every relationship. Even the ones she's uninvolved with.
Hit them really hard.
I forgot the damage ce exists when I did it, lol.
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Now Nobu?
That's a servant I like.
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Sei Shonagon is very arrogant.
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This but also ironically. You all deserve each other and it shows.
when will mods address this retard?

Reminder that
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Kama beautiful!
People hate out pity but at the end of the day you at leasy know you'll get the servant for 900SQ worst case scenario. That's at least a safety net.
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Got 7 which isn't as many as i wanted but still gets me the 1 append and 120.
Wouldn't have minded more but gacha is even crueler mistress than Wu
i have been farming 90++ for eggs all morning for s.skadi
only 1 skill left..... so close bros
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Dantes has a 1 turn 50% atk up, a 30% battery, and no niche.

Summer Skadi has a 3 turn 65% quick up and 15% atk up, a 50% battery, a super effective niche, and a field bonus.

Dantes is really outdated.
Ibuki with the damage CE is literally just regular looping. No gimmicks at all
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Can’t get attention when people were busy rolling all night so they try when things cool down.
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Very understandable.
morgan / merlin / castoria
simple as
>heh I'm not jealous that he's popular with these losers
>that's why I spend all my time in this general filled with losers, interacting with losers and getting mad when those losers give this bigger loser attention
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Take your summer musashi/ibuki support, use 3CS to NP spam and win.
If you rolled for Skadi without one of your favourites being quick you are retarded
If you rolled Merlina or gameplay you are triple retarded
Imagine saying you alone are 33% of shitpostsin a thread that averages 150 users as if that's a defense of yourself.
I was talking about in general.
That being said he had it well deserved.
Post fc
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>summer skadi on support with foumes
>has oberon on support with teatime
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i'm not ban evading but you're clearly a discordtranny for wanting to claim i am with no reason to believe so
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Couldn't be me. Thanks for being my bro btw!
I rolled for all summer servants because I enjoy objectifying women.
Just use your NP5 Xiang Yu. His NP and Crit damage are both hilariously excessive.
I got spooked 3 fucking times before I got Skadi. Albert fucked with the rates for sure
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Lip love!
I got Skadi in 90 sq but didn’t receive any Wus
>summer skadi on support with foumes
>has oberon on support with teatime
holy based
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Same reason I did even though i planned on skipping her.
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I did it for a future servant
Ibuki loop
Then swap in someone to debuff them before the last Ibuki NP
Didja win the egg bowl?
>no abs
no buy
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.jpg might have said she loved me
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>nooooo posting this popular girl is shitposting because it just is!
I imagine it goes over better than some seething faggot being butthurt over Kama.
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Because the iphone bob poster is actually lucksucker's best friend, this has been proven before, they are just here to shit up the thread. No he is not a bro.
>another extra servant
you spam daily and seethe about everyone that calls you out actually being some dude you probably last interacted with over half a year ago, you're mentally ill
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That’s not Korean
Yeah I like organization so I'm pretty autistic will filenaming but I'm not exactly the only one, though it is on the uncommon side.
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>molay can 6CE 3/3/X with plugsuit oberon
Guess I'll be using her during dead weeks until Summer Skadi hits Bond 6 and then I can swap to using Caren.
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Thank you, BRO!
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Post a lust provoking image.
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Most of us are 18-30 year old men. Our brains haven't finished developing, we still say stupid shit and care about what random strangers think.
that looks like brie not parmesan...
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Here's a Kama there's a Kama and anoth-
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Yeah Lasagna is just fucking with people at this point. They keep releasing new extra class servants but refuse to just add a simple second slot to supports.
>30 year old brains haven't finished developing
Interesting argumentation.
>Most of us are 18-30 year old men
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I posted his np1 because I was asleep and woke up to see it on my FL.
In hindsight I should have known calling it out would lead to hundreds of shit-flinging posts. Maybe if I'd got it if bed and had breakfast first if have had better foresight and just asked. Instead of meme arrowing.

Double pity sucks. I've had my fair share. I wish he'd had the foresight to not roll for douman tho, or not go for np5 bazette, or a number of other things he could have done to not be so drained before his literal identity. There's always next year I guess.
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Careful with this one
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Something's different about this Saber but I can't put my finger on it...
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Phew! It's freezing out there, innit?
I'd say it's more of a Kamambert
25 is a more meaningful figure there
That 3rd one is just Burned Kama after the fire went out, clearly.
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Old men look like THIS!?
Whatever you say....
I prefer gooping with Molay
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Not really
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you're right, now i want some kamambert...
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>25 is a more meaningful figure there
That makes more sense considering the current estimates based on slow life strats is 24 for young men is the finishing of development of the brain.
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Barg love!
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I heard anons want more Kama spam.
>Golden Rule (Body) EX
Why is the Kamatroon spamming again?
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Zako~! Zako~!
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Here's the Little Kama now...
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>Post a lust provoking image.
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Kama's long and plump thighs...
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I love girls
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I still need hundreds of eggs...
what does she mean by this???
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and another Little Kama...
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Only loli I would, fr fr ong.
>loop, crash
>cutscene, crash
>clear cache
>loop all day
>click shop, crash
>click renovate, crash
>spam renovate, crashes on third renovate 100%
>3 billion dollar company staffed by ten people, btw
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It only looks like he bought 4 or 5 times. Thats not 5k
You have to take it on a case-by-case basis, not everyone matures at the same rate. However, males since the Millennial generation have generally had a slower rate of development.
How did they get away with this FA?
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Might be a phone issue bro
I haven't crashed in a while, its just laggy
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>triple quick deck
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>already done all story content
>all free quests
>all rank ups
>all interludes
>want to farm SQ hard to prepare for a servant
>only option is bond farming
It says 30 big packs doesn't it?
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Me too. Every time I open a menu it crashes.
8 year old phone btw. i suppose I need to get a new one.
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Two fine looking Englishmen.
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The cutest little teensy Kama...
This truly is the best feeling. To have a warm soft girl wrapped around you while being inside her and hearing her moan right next to your ears.
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Got this slut just so I could use Barghest more often, since I mainly use Quick charackets. Luv my huge gf
I'm planning on using both Caster and Ruler Skadi with her, luckily my Skadi only got to bond 11 during the quick era.
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Have you considered not being poor?
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Salome is definitely a top tier sexy one, which is impressive considering Summer Kama is literally just nude with very convenient flames covering even less than usual.
That's the thing I'm taking into account. We're in slow life strats at the moment which is why 24 is when the mental development finishes. Whether any given person is "mature" is more a case of life experience rather than the specific metrics for maturation.
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For detectives only
>Voidstancer survey post
>Hide, hide replies, apply
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>like we said
yes we know you're a discord of three spamming retards, this has been known for years
that’s for me
Wu is so smart...
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Kama, perfect...
It's the point Insurance actuaries use since risk-taking behavior and car crash rates drastically nosedives afterwards, and happens to coincide with a slowing in development of the pre-frontal cortex.
There is individual variance, but it's a population level observation.
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>Rikyu's only doujin
>random faceless men everywhere despite beginning as vanilla
2 nukes weren't enough
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Fluffy summer soon.
Does anyone have a guide for where to put CEs on support?
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I rolled my last quartz cause I said I was going all in and momma didn't raise no bitch.
Managed to get np11 Wu on my last possible roll and np7 skadi before that
I'm going to investigate her tight asshole
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>detective dies
heheh sorry holmes but she's mine now
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Little Kama's shoulders and collarbones...
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Don’t care going to be criting my way through.
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I don't even have discord installed.
No reddit account or tweets either.
Please continue to assume everything is a giant conspiracy because uh... some people post Kama sometimes?

Here, have a rare character.
People will be finishing up farming ice blocks soon, so I will be putting up bond CEs in a couple days.
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Sooner or later, everyone will be using Tea Time for 90++.
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Wait... That was the CQ?
my van gogh is 1500/1500
how long (approx) to max her out?
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Do the ice cubes convert to QP at a decent rate?
I didn't check but sometimes they're still somewhat worth.
The Nito one looks like a creepshot. I actually laughed when I fully ascended her.
Holmes is impotent.
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Are QAB focused teams a thing?
My Oi isn't maxed out skilled due to no QP left. So I'm just using the damage CE for her.
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go ahead and keep being disingenuous because it makes you and your tranny cospammers giggle when there was already a link showing how hard you retards spam with JUST images with similar filenames, not even getting into shit like

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He has pills for that
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If you didn't 4-turn it you didn't beat it.
Fuyuki-entry event and the CQ just requires Solomon so it was bound to be easy.
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I love Cammy<3
So the CQ cheats a bit. Ibuki's NP did not remove the invuln.
You can't 6CE with her unless she has mana loading unlocked anyway.
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Love the boots
Got Skadi with 60 SQ, still got 250 left. First summer that I manage to get every servants.
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>did not get skadi
does wu even have any use aside from as a cumdump
>raikouschizo calling anyone disingenuous
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For me, the sex appeal winner for card art probably has to go to Medb's costume.
I do love that "plain ordinary girl next door" type sometimes.
Then Salome, some Kuros, Summer Barg's FA, some Bobs.
Try again, Raikouschizo/Turd :)
I guess if you want to call Ruler Dinci QAB you can, but she's been an absolutely core part of farming since release for me, you can use her anywhere. There's also Helena.
Where can I see the 6CE comps?
She can loop.
I love Kammy <3
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my dick

>no argument
>nonsensical bogeyman claim
good job outing yourself as samefagging/cooperating on shitting up the thread though
Why do kama fags seem the type that you could make it with their gf right in front of them and princess carry her into a love hotel and they'd stand there weeping tears of joy and clapping and even hold the for for you?
Ok, Albert.
>2 lolis
For fuck sake...
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>He went back to attack Kama
Caster Illya's FA also falls into the "is that shit even legal" category.
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There will always be a next time
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>hold the for for you?
You know the rules phoneposter. Check your shit BEFORE you post.
Is this really Empress-like behavior?
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I like Kama...
this nigga copy pasted the image from danbooru for his shit bait lmao, get the full version at least
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I saw some intestines outside my house, so i'll try rolling for Skadi tomorrow: I don't feel very lucky today
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kamatards are massive cucks and their spam has gotten worse since lucksucker and kizu 120'd kama since they want their bulls attention
Sorry I just don't care enough. Kansas can win this one.
Its the exposed armpit. Dont try to deny it
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You sound gay.
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Kids... so flexible... Q, A, or B...
Can I kiss you on the lips, BOB?
Who was that again?
enjoy the break while he flip flops between all Kamaposts being from one person or a shadow cabal of discordposters who rule over /alter/ with an iron fist
Not even him but you're a grown man spending all your time making cringey posts about a jpeg. She Kam and she Gogh xDDD Literally who says this unironically every day. Evaluate your life.
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Uhhh not enough fous
>Turd calling himself kizu
You're turd here, sweaty.
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Uh based department?
What a great image
This image is so hot
No, he's Bond 15. Using Molay and Caren instead.
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There is no bigger cuck than you still lying about random shit like grails and orbiting e-celebs, no wonder Kamabros look like saints compared to you.
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>want attention
holy projection
In JP, there are teams that revolve around combining Yui with characters who have QAB buffs.
4chan posters telling others to fix their life never ceases to be funny
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The best thing about Quick is that they'll always be the joke type.
>raikouschizo shitposting on his phone

>raikouschizo agreeing with himself from his desktop
Every. Fucking. Time.
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i love all my bros!
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>ruler ruler
>suddenly playing a victim card
God you're pathetic
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Is it immoral to put fous on your Wu?
Jets the strongest and most beloved servant of all until Castoria came along and ruined the game for everyone.
at least that's what jetfag used to say.
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Bro love!
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But that still doesn't make it wrong.
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Nah it's more of the petite body and short simple dress.

I forget Caster Ilya's FA but Sitonai's is really lewd if I recall.
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I'm not the ones making those posts?
Can you even point to which posts in the thread are mine?
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Nep looks like THIS?
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yeah, but that guy could not give less of a fuck about either his or the guy he's talking to, so it's extra disingenuous
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>Big Binchi died before even getting a swimsuit
I will never forgive japan for this.
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It's very weird not having my Edmond Dantès on my 1st support page anymore. In the 2nd support page he gets to be next to the Head Nurse so it's good since they're good friends.
I'll also have to fit in The Count of Monte Cristo (True) once we get Ordeal Call Id, so like everyone else I'd also like some more Extra Class support slots.
Probably more like 4 days from Sei/Kama from what I saw from the wiki dates for Summer 7 for JP
Raikoschizo doesn't post like that. He's extremely repetitive. Never posted an original idea in his life let alone typos because all his shit is copy pasted from his company approved list of phrases.
Actually Kama broke your mind too, not in a good way either. can't imagine what the fuck are you going to do when FGO hits EoS, won't be surprised if you straight up kill yourself on the spot
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yeah i'm sure you didn't just type up a paragraph of complete bullshit considering this is the first time """you""" are saying any of this even while it's better said countless times near the start of threads
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I've been consistent and earnest about my posting.
You just seem quite upset this is falling apart so spectacularly.

No, I despise NTR.
I have actually never played Sonic. I got to play Rayman as a kid.
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I'm sad to see teatime leaving Skadi after all this time...
Thinking of making a Kamapost
Fix your life shrek.
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Open your mouth z-a-k-o~
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I love my vampire wife...
I really don't get this sudden trend. Raikouschizo was before half of the posters were even here so they wouldn't recognize him to begin with. I haven't even seen anyone say ARF yet.
That's ironic, because you're the biggest cuck on /vg/.
Sonic 2 and Knuckles is pretty fun.
Uhm what are you doing? It wasn't about YOU in particular, it was referred to the other Kamaposter
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I just know I'm going to get Amakusa
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>original idea
It's literally his usual cuckbait nonsense.
I wasn't sure what CE to give to Caster Skadi now. Maybe a MLB Kaleidoscope would be nicer to help friends.

My Caster Skadi was NP1 for 3.5 years so I'm not really getting why is this a big deal.
Surely he can loop, right?
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what is there not to get? the kamatrannies using some completely irrelevant poster as their bogeyman for everyone that calls them out has been going on for at least a year, they're so insanely stupid they don't realize it does nothing but show how hard they samefag since nobody else is randomly mentioning left field shit like raikouschizo
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My empress...
>no douman in support
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Nah, you're getting a Nobu. Your fate is sealed.
>I'll show you how an Empress relaxes!
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Because /alter/ has taken Albert's bait and now believes you don't truly like a servant unless they're NP5, level 120, 10/10/10 10/10/10, 2k/2k, max fou paw'd and command coded.
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Hello Kama
>tanned on the art
>pale on sprite
I don't care if it's just shading, why are they allergic to tans
We still love you Ati...
That's who I want the most so I doubt it'll happen...
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Lunch break doesn't last long enough bros
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Save for the slut rate-up
I'm waiting until he gets to Bond 6 so I can get his 2nd Append Skill. It can be helpful to Goghfriends when farming, right?

I see that it's available on a 3DS, I could get that. I never had a Sega Genesis.
Nip culture venerates pale skin. Geisha painted themselves white for a reason.
why is she like this?
>Wu only has one other rate up and it's a rerun of the same one
i only want suzuka and chloe so i know ill end up not getting one of them in this SHIT mixed rate up system
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I only want Chloe and Suzuka from that one. Chloe only needs NP1 for me.
Nice try, raikouschizo. You already were exposed when your cuckposts got deleted from both /alter/ and /fgog/ at the same time.
I mostly pick another Gogh for 2x, but I guess having a support dough man can be useful.
I am, after Skadi today I'm not rolling for a single thing till this precise rate up then bob's after
Oh, true
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NP1 summer skadi? that's cursed as fuck, how much did it took you? Pity?
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Possibly the best rate up to ever exist
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Gyaruchads gonna be eatin good.
which is silly since his favorite servant is hundred personas and she is actually fully maxed out
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>Thinking of making a Kamapost
Careful bro
I wanna snuggle my face under her clothed boobies...
the spam and that link has been posted a bunch of times early in threads and only suddenly are you trying to speak up while pretending it's super obvious there are actually "a bunch of kama posters" making these posts. nothing you say adds up but you're too retarded to look at your attempt to shitpost from a different angle to judge plausibility
literally spent 300 SQ solely chasing Wu after getting Skadi and nothing
I'll use daily 1SQ summons on her from now to the end of the event but god please, just one copy please
Who do you care, Morganfag?
It's a joke bro. They call otome a cheater and she maxed her favorite twice.
Summer Castoria's design feels super half-assed.
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You're kind of the face of the character at this point. There's just something depressing about you of all people putting yourself in a situation where you had to settle for np1, especially when you pulled off 120 np5 bazette earlier this year despite basically never talking about her.
Like I get that gacha is RNG and cruel, but it's still weird that it's end up this way.
that rateups pretty much perfect apart from "dont misunderstand"
But what do we venerate?
Vote now!
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Don't think
Just feel
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Best Skadi Ascension? Worst?
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Screaming "Morganfag" is like saying drunk at the bar, there's like a dozen of us here
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I love this shitty event! So much story to read!!!
Remember: If you don't have at least NP2 Summer Skadi then you can't breed ati.
Eric Bloodaxe
Costume > 2 > 1 > 3
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I like the one piece ascension.
>Castoria (fake)
Whaaaat? Takeuchi going through the motions? No way
Newbro here, who's Ati? I hear a lot of people talking about them, is it a servant?
I tried googling but nothing came up.
It’ll be the new meta when Quick Meta rises again in the upcoming jp anniversary.
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Stop being mean to Ati.
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I would trust your words Anytime.
anyone got the ati post saying he hit pity for summer skadi? want to see the replies
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Lurk a thousand years.
I think I have seen more bitching about Ati posts in the last 12 hours than I have seen in Ati posts total
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based AtiCHAD who doesn't waste money
>b-but muh love! you need to waste money!!!!
no sweaty, also she is support. This isn't Chinkshit Impact
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I feel like this
She arrived relatively quickly, between 300 and 400 SQ, but I spent about 1000 in total and didn't get any other copies. I did get NP5 Wu which is nice.

I'm using random, they're all really lovely.
I tried reading it but went full skip mode by the end
Even the worst summers I at least read through them
You will never get laid, Lipper
Suzuka doesn't even say anything during the event, it's just one line in her profile as cope from Takenoko
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>jk fox and kuro on rate-up
>bonus summer castoria
>no love for asians
The archives are that way, lazy faggot.
Not my Castoria, fuck off
You should learn nothing from these dogshit threads. Stay willfully ignorant newfriend.
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Kama is a cat...
I started skipping during Sakurai's attempt at recreating her own version of sumer 3
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This is what happened to me, too. I liked Erice's section, but everything afterward was a struggle to get through. Once it got to the 30 minutes long doujin writing story, I finally had to start skipping.
>Suzuka doesn't even say anything during the event
That's why it was such a big deal.
The don't misunderstand line was locked until after the event.
I like them all except maybe her second ascension. But I like glasses, so I still like it at the end of the day.
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>Lipper defending e-celeb
40 lashes to a Lipper is not enough.
you remember any keywords from the post?
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Here's a Kama as a llama...
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Explains the laziness.
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as somebody else pointed out, 1/3rd of that autismal spam is enough to put you firmly in the "mentally ill retard that needs to go outside" category, but your insistence on defending the overall spam that clearly involves samefagging and discord collusion makes it completely pointless for you to specify which spam posts are yours. you act as a monolith either way, spamming together and seething in each others defense
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What 2 years of countdown can make this general into...
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Japanese can be very pale and India is Asian.
Writing paragraphs doesn't make your headcanon any more true.
You will literally get more QP from the flower park profits. There's no point in trying to farm the ice blocks once you've got everything upgraded and have all the valk ascension materials.
xD have an upvote my good sir
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Supreme cutie.
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>raid on ati
>antikama schizo building a literal court case for the jannies
>now a tripfag
What else will we see on /alter/ today?
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She's one cool kitty...
should've told yourself from 20 minutes ago that when you started writing paragraphs about how spam isn't spam because you are "only" 1/3rd of it
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>PokeSpe Storytimer !vZSXdAkJGk
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based Pokemon Dumper Enjoyer
I was using it for something else and forgot I had it on
This just occurred to me but aren't you literally the ACK of this thread at this point?
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Kama on a llama visiting mama in the bahamas...
The Anytimeal Worm is devouring the thread...
>2 CE drops back to back
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Why is there no Ox Demon King for Arts or Quick?
>Bobbro is also a Hildr enjoyer
Can he get any more based?
Oh no...
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1 > 2 > 3
Today i will post kama
Quick has wandering tales of Shana o, you just have to make habetrot kill herself to get the quick buff
My guess is that realized it's way too broken and never bothered making one for those.
Quick has this which is okay:

On a related note, please put Ox King on swimsuit Skadi in normal supports...
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the fact that people are trying to actually argue with this guy who's just crying for the jannies to ban the people he doesn't like, thinking he's ever going to listen to them is something.
Lasagna would remove Ox Demon King if they could
Should've died
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Post the link to Russian Discord
I was only nine years old. I loved Ati so much, I had all the 90++ comps and Skadis.
I'd pray to Ati every night before I go to bed, thanking for the life I've been given. "Ati is love", I would say, "Ati is life".
My dad hears me and calls me a faggot. I knew he was just jealous for my devotion of Ati. I called him a cunt. He slaps me and sends me to go to sleep.
I'm crying now and my face hurts. I lay in bed and it's really cold. A warmth is moving towards me. I feel something touch me. It's Ati. I'm so happy.
He whispers in my ear, "Ice cream". He grabs me with his powerful norse hands, and puts me on my hands and knees. I spread my ass-cheeks for Ati. He penetrates my butthole. It hurts so much, but I do it for Ati.
I can feel my butt tearing as my eyes start to water. I push against his force. I want to please Ati. He roars a mighty roar, as he fills my butt with his love. My dad walks in. Ati looks him straight in the eye, and says, "Praise Quick".
Ati leaves through my window. Ati is love. Ati is life.
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I want to sniff Kama putrid pizza farts
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Can you guys ask Alberto to bring Jalter's animation update earlier?
So you can blow the stones on douman again?
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I don't mean Skadi in the event, I mean the poster
>On a related note, please put Ox King on swimsuit Skadi in normal supports...
What for? I feel like people would get mad at me for that
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2nd ascension since you can see her FA swimsuit underneath her see-through cardigan but I really like how flustered she gets about her 3rd ascension being a wedding dress
I wish I have np2 uncle Vlad. He was so cool in Traum
Just ask again tomorrow when people have more time to roll her, which they're going to do unlike you.
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There she Kam!?
>please put Ox King on swimsuit Skadi in normal supports
I'd like to do a quest that requires it, and an /alter/bro put it up but refreshing for a single support takes so long...
The king is too perfect.
I didn't roll for Shadi.
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Oh I'm not trying to convince him of anything.
Wouldn't be a point to it anyway, he knows his bogeyman doesn't exist, but it's the internet so you double down when you're an anonymous retard.

Har har. Worms. I get it.
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Buster crit memes.
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oh cool another bogeyman name you'll surely spam in the future

so essentially your own defense is that you are supposedly irrelevant, having claimed you post a small minority of the posts called out, but you are here, writing paragraphs about how you are not relevant but also say all the spam is not real spam. you are a truly idiotic retard
2x Vitch + Summer Skadi isn't enough for you?
Pick a Koyan then.
check your front door lil bro
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I'm getting filtered by the 90++ node because my damage CE isn't MLB. I hate this
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Add me
Ok, dunno who you are, but I put it up and relogged.
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nta but have another, will keep it up for a few days at least
Can you finish your grails you retard?
Literally just do the 90+, the difference in drops is negligible
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If you have any sort of romantic or sexual experience with Skadi aren't you cucking Odin? He specifically did what he did to keep her alive so she could end up happy at Chaldea because he loved her, and it was clear that his knowledge and foresight was specific enough that he could see individual events so he'd know you'd fuck her too.

I dunno, it'd feel weird to me knowing the Allfather is my cuck.
I love how flustered she gets about her wedding dress... Why didn't she just ask for marriage instead of writing her fanfic tho...?
Not falling for this again.
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>just comfy using my favorites on the 90+ node
If you can't make it comfy, you probably shouldn't farm it.
really fucking wish they gave us the costume early, it's the only good option
>Har har. Worms. I get it.
I don't think you do, wyrm.
Thankyu, I'll reply when I finish so you can change it back.
Level your CE and you should clear sis
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I don't want the drops, I want to bitch and moan!
He did it so I could say Allfather guide my cock as I insert into Skadoodle's womb
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>doing 90++ by face carding turn 1 and using my new Skadi + my rarely used Saberstolfo
>all that chunky bond
I like it.
Give me some fucking 6ces of the 90+, bonus points if they don't waste oberon/castoria bond
Do most people feel bad for Ati or glee from the irony
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you lost... again
Just looked up my name in the archives
You guys are so mean sometimes
>bonus points if they don't waste oberon/castoria bond
ACK is here and he HATES Kama???
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I don't care.
where do you think you are?
Go back to redd*t or kikebook.
Fate/Grand Order?
I feel bad but imo should have known that this game is merciless, favorite comes first
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What do you mean bro?
I don't really care desu, my wife was NP1 at one point too. All you can do is just wait for their next rate-up.
what servant is this?
Stop avataring
I'm getting lost with all the e-celebs bros
ack only shows up when you mention him by name. the kamatard mentioned his name and kama spamming got worse after that. so it stands to reason that he is spamming kama
Stop avatarring.
>what servant is this?
Britomart morons
i feel bad for the retarded faggots who obsess over some mongoloid online
Yeah he even replied to you just now
Akemi is here spamming Kama so of course ACK would follow his arch nemesis here.
Where there is one there must also be the other.
Its the laws of this world.
I would feel bad but he throw away these last 2 years in a couple of minutes because of lack of self-control.
He deserved this outcome.
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What would Incarnation think of this?
That's Robin, you retard.
tits too small
I never made it past the old guard
Has there ever been any post pointing to the archives and calling this spam?
I think not.
It's time to stop focusing on the big ecelebs and focus on the second-rate ones. They're pretty bullish right now. I would recommend backing them to curry favor when they inevitably get big.
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How do I add Akemi to my friends list?
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fucking kino
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Dead Franchise
How did he?
90++s are great for teapots, but you still get slightly more bond per AP with the lvl80 free quests. The lvl84 camelot FQ is also good if you have apples to burn and want some EXP cards.
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My dog wife is so cute!
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Kama in all
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It's BB time
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>Only servants with the God combo (silver hair and red eyes) are the Dark Sakuras, the homunculi, and one Caren ascension
What a waste.
You can do it non-MLB using double castoria + oberon + summer Hokusai. She only needs 2 level 10 skills, and no appends. It's that easy.
he really shouldnt have dumped SQ on np2 arceuid and douman if he ritualposted skadi for so long, arceuid aside he hit pity on both douman+skadi and that 900 SQ could have been saved to get her to np5 instead
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Very nice Kamas!
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Shill me Tea lady
With the damage CE obviously. 120 NP5 Vlad doesn't have the damage to kill Enkidu without it.
It's funny you bring them up, I was just listening to white song black scales yesterday or so. I wish they remade the whole series already.
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>All that power
>Not giving her proper tits
Technology is wasted on you...
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She's an old man in a girl's body. What else needs to be said?
source please
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Running over the nightmares of the night
A new evil force is into me
Destroy is what you teach me
And kill is what I'm gonna do, Master!

I will help him to die
I will show the pain I'm suffering
Giving death with the pain
Just one winner for Infernus

Fake angels are what I see
Real love is what I need
That's why I'm gonna kill
Have no mercy as they hadn't for me
Are you into Japanese horror?
>he had random filenames
you know val's discord only awards points to kama filenames right? you've been missing out on a ton of points!
Her party support and targetable NP charge is neat. Her doujin is cuckshit garbage, but there may be an audience for that.
120 NP5 Vlad can 6CE but you need two castorias NP buff.
And how many of these posts are seething about kamaposters?
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That's an old man
Is Nobu a Shana reference or an Akiha reference?
Cute shark
There is no source i generated her in AI
i don't think anybody calling out the kama spammer is using filenames with "kama", retardkun. think harder!
you disgust me
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>It will take more than a token effort
the slop is getting cooler
The 900 SQ could have also gotten nothing, instead of NP1 Douman. He took a safe bet.
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I don't have an oberon
how many points is required to frot with Val?
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>Peak character design
>Old man in young woman body (see also: Hokusai, Bakin)
>Quicks answer to AOE farming Berserkers
>also can act as an alternative off-support option for Quick as she grants several buffs to allies that benfits Quick units (20% Quick Up, 20% NP Gain Up, 30% battery, Overcharge, Invincibility,
If you have Skadi then she's essentially one of the best-in-class when it comes to making use of Skadi. Also she's one of the most beautiful characters in the entire game. Awe-inspiringly so.
am i wrong in assuming one of you does the heavily lifting? retards like >>487595502 are just going to waste my time
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BB is just niggatoro with purple hair
Indifference, he got one copy and that's fine. I only hate the ritualposting.

Last time I looked myself up everyone was pretty nice, normal shitposting aside.
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>850 SQs for
>1 merlina
>1 skadi
>1 achilles spook(he is new so i dont really mind)
>np 4 gareth
>4 SR spooks
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I like that joke that Gil was trying to summon Shirou for Babylonia.

"I need that Archer!"
>Gets Tomoe
"No, a guy!"
>Gets Benkei
"The red haired one!"
>Gets Leonidas
>Gets Ibaraki
>Gets Kotarou
>Gets Amakusa
Also boobs
Finish your threads FGOkeks

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