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Previous: >>487530189

There is a standalone PC client. Click on the Windows button on the website to download it.


>Wuthering Waves Version 1.1 Trailer | Thaw of Eons

>Resonator Showcase | Changli — SEIZE THE INITIATIVE

>Official Twitter Account

To redeem the codes you need to finish the tutorial first (beat the Crownless), then go to settings.


>/wuwa/ Friends List

>/wuwa/ Thread Template (use this when making new threads)
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first for pheromonelove
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wuwa !
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This piece is fine, good job bro. Sorry for the flat def.
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>wuwa dead
>zzz dead
>astra dead
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Howdy pardners just droppin by our little waterin hole here... oh, no no please no need to stand up misterr Cal Chudo I can see you mighty fine back there in your dark corner, uhh... calchudding looks like...
Just got back from the constabulary. Spoke with the constable about them state of things 'round this here in our little town of wuwa, told 'im we got it all under control.
Glad to see alls you upstanding citizens here being civilized. I know here in this town we're all packin a little [-] heat and I see some of you've taken the liberty of shooting down these faggot vermins in our thread. Lemme just commend you lads for makin my job just a tad bit easier.
I'll just be passin through and movin' along, keep at it, i'm not here to put a damper on your fun.
Just a friendly reminder, ought you forget what I've told you before tho my dear citizens, best to steer clear of trouble from these:
>EoS posting
>zzzoo posting
>genshit posting
>posting whatever lasses they have (all of em are town bicycles btw) thinking we'd take kindly to harlots who get knotted up their bumhole
>bringing up zzzoo drama this here in our lil ol' town that have not a care about furfaggotry
>if the upstanding lads of /wuwa/ keep ignoring 'em, they'll keep spam revenueposting, and zzzoo picture posting on repeat till someone nibbles on them bait so best be careful and keep calm, it's always been hot 'round these parts and we keep it cool in our noggin.
>careful to trust any innocent prospecting posts you meet, some of 'em ain't too honest and were made with ill-intent. untrustworthy folks try to falseflag and bait you as someone from other allied threads so best not rattle your neighbors.
Our lil town of wuwa's always been slow and comfy and it's best kept that way.
Alright, alright! I'll stop my naggin' im startin to sound like a hysterical woman, keep your powder dry friends.
stop playing so many gacha. Stick to two
Yah, i'm thinking loose some wait, fattie.
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Thanks sheriff.
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>check top 8 fastest threads on 4stats
>top 1 and 8 is gig
>rest is fgo,nikke,bag xivg hsrg and xivg
>no wuwa in sight
what went so wrong?
thank you sheriff
Everyone is playing the new nikke update, bro.
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Ay sir yes sir!
I dare you to go to /gig/ right now
Who would agree to share Rover and who wouldn't?
Yangyang probably would, Yinlin seems more possessive and she probably wouldn't agree.
What's in it?
Jinhsi and Changli would probably accept. Camellya already said she doesn't right away.
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I haven't played genshin in a year
this is the 3rd post I saw on the thread
you know what you're right I take it back
comfy slow threads are fine lmao
New story chapters.
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Every games i play EoS'ED
Sorry guys, it's all my fault!
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>cuck so mindbroken to his very core from years of abuse to the point he's willing to give in to homolust
bro... wtf...
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I missed you sheriff.
alright alright enough fun

you heard the sheriff
You now understand why they changed their motto from "Tech Otaku save the world" to "Into the Hoyoverse"(Read: Into the Homoverse)
Coastguard pads her chest
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So apparently sistergame is in a anniversary patch and went into kino overdrive.
>FPS gameplay
>Monsters showing up from tacet portals (same universe?)
>(You) are literally doomguy and vergil combined
>The inspiration for Phrolova acts like a horror game monster and actually fucking kills (You)
>Apparently the biggest story chapter in the game because there is a massive plot twist
Holy fucking shit, I hope we can get this level of kino in WuWa anniversaries too.
noone is for Aether
everyone belong to Loom
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>/hsr/ posting is pardoned
>>FPS gameplay
I wanna cap some niggas with my girl Chixia
Probably not since Wuwa has to appeal to a wider audience and that PGR update already caused massive butthurt all around just for Lucia, but maybe we can get something a little grander in scheme
Strongest Changli INVESTOR
What did they do to/with Lucia? New suit too broken or too weak?
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New federation KINO WHEN?????????? How many not china patches are left??
just behave yourself or we will [-] up on yo ass
I'm just wondering, can they also do the same with wuwa given that it's made with unreal?
And that's okay.
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I believe in Jue and Jinhsi, she will win after 6 months
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powercrept the previous fire dps, also it's less "all around" and more "yumes/fujos that don't even fucking read the story" being butthurt..
It also brings character development, anyone who read the story or appreciated the girl would see how it is a good thing
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>Jinhsi won't be relevant ever again once we leave Jinzhou
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5 other provinces in Huanglong bro
We just begun
Why does Jinshi's damage feel some inconsistent? I don't know what's going on?
That out-of-date harlot Changli is burning my sperm !
Impossible. She's so indebted to us that offering her body WILL happen ON SCREEN
Which wuwa should get pregnant right this instant?
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Fondling your balls before vaporizing your cum reserve.
>character development
>(you) pandering
I thought characters couldn’t get this with (you) pandering?
Because making her nuke go big is dependent on: Forte bar + Crit Proc
If you opt to just contiinuously do the rotations there will be instances when the forte bar isn't as filled in, and besides that you will have instances where you don't crit.
It's quite satisfying to see BEEG number tho when the stars align.
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here watch this
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easy choice for me
She'd get a coathanger abortion behind your back.
bullshit who told you that?
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Changli. Her milkers are meant to be used.
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this piece of shit was hiding here
and I missed him every time
Uhh Wuggers why are them Nikkers your sheriff???
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why are the SKKs having their awesome moments right about the same time? Nikke's SKK was kinda cool too altho he was punching metal.
Any other SKK gonna have their moment in the sun?
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changli's tits could end world hunger
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Actually since sperm has Rover DNA, it won't burn because of the limited edition feather amulet she handed out. Changli already outplayed Jue, any other sperm would burn of course. This guarantees that the child will be Rover's
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For me its Chumlee
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It's called outsourcing
No need to train up the skills yourself when you can hire others to do it for you
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uhhh guys??
We can't rob John Kuro no more..

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>Cheap figures soon gone
>Cheap top-ups soon gone
It's nyover.
fucking kino
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It's "surging" relative to where it was a few months ago, but it's still incredibly far down compared to how it was a few years ago, and that's going to take a while to recover (if it ever does).
And for Yuros/Bongs, it'll still be cheaper forever probably. Yurop prices are fucked in these gachas.
because we like nikkers
>Still no Marian reunion
Here we go Skip button.
>bullshit who told you that?
But everyone always cries that when a character, specifically girl characters, pander to (you) it always ruins their character....
whos the loli?
brain diseased post
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I ordered a pizza
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Why is this mf hated when he is so fun to play?
I don't even have his S1 yet he feels super nice playstyle wise.
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Dont fuck your daughter
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how fertile is phrolololove on a scale of 1-10
It surge like 10 yen then drop
Shit happen for 2 years now lmao
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Baizhi. This nerd needs to know what pregnancy feels like.
yen in the shitter or not, figures aren't cheap nowadays
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Too lewd, how do you even play like this. Modders going too hard right now
By whom? I've yet to see anyone shit on Onkor's tard wrangler.
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who said he was hated? anons already talked about how fun his kit and fog dodging is to play with in earlier threads
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Your daughter
Is she really 15? then uh... extremely
Everyone likes his character, kit and design. He's just not seen as meta.
He's the kind of character I'll build once I've got nothing else left to do, because he looks fun to play.
Prime fertilization season
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me on the left
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needs s3 and 5 star gun to start being playable
Does he pair well with Encore? Feels weird if they don't synergize very well
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blood related? with whom? does the game have canon romance? can I expect Rover to have a daughter with Jinhsi?
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Yes, picrelated, yes recently main girl got a canon confession and kiss. With all the seed talk in the main story I wouldn't be surprised if they pulled that stuff here too.
Coomer mods are dogshit. Especially when you look at the catalog and there's 50 variants of texture swaps where they crudely draw nipples onto the texture.
>(You) are literally doomguy and vergil combined
I can't take this part seriously when this dumb fucker spent most of his career recovering from injuries. I've lost count of the times between main story and interludes where he gets gravely injured and has to spend weeks or months bedridden in the Star of Life. He can barely get out of the rehab cycle before getting hurt again, it should be a miracle he can even walk like a normal person by that point.
fucking based, I'm so glad to have switched from mihomo.
I wanted to give PGR a chance but the PC port wasn't that good and I don't think the match 3 gameplay would fit mouse+keyboard anyways.
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thats why he's the main character!
>I don't think the match 3 gameplay would fit mouse+keyboard anyways
Works on my machine. I heard controller is fine/preferable for PGR.
I do not find the genetic edgelord apocalypse setting gachas have to be kino but that's just me. Only playing wuwa because of wuxia/xianxia. The robots/modern parts could go away for all I care.
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danjin is love danjin is life, one day i hope for a danjin wife,
as i arise in the morning i gaze upon my danjin wife yawning,
with eyes like dazzling gems, and gems 10/10,
all i know, all is well in life
when i have myself a danjin wife.
It's the half-anni in CN where this gameplay's from. It's the anniversary in global right now
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>crudely draw nipples onto the texture.
Some of that shit is so bad that it's funny, anyone using this should have their human rights revoked.
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You get to fuck THAT in PGR? Holy moly
fuck that gave me a good laugh
Does PGR have Half-Anniversary stuff?
I thought PGR protag was gender ambiguous?
yes she rape me!
by taking my DNA and put in her egg
t.Gary Raven
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You are correct, its just that the only image that we had of the commandant previously was picrelated, so its treated as the canon design.
Nah it's a man.
They realistically can't make a better wife than changli, she's absolute peak. Once they add dating I'm romancing her.
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>Press windows button
>Type Wu like I normally do
>Press enter key
>Instead of opening wuwa like normal, it opens edge and searches bing for Wuhan China
Fuck you microsoft, stop undoing my fixes. I was blocking that shit for a reason.
>Once they add dating
He doesn't know. 1.3
Why haven't they given Liv a frame with cowtits
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People will turn the second we get out of China. You're right that she's prime wife material, however. Permanent bedroom eyes, thigh skindentation, massive knockers, Chiwa Saito buff, canonically for (You). Sexo x100.
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Yeah, they can make future attactive women, but it'll be hard to beat Changli. She was set up very well.
this C section scar tacet mark triggers me so much bwos
>Press windows button
>Type Wa
I thought CN gachas are only allowed to make safe horny content...
That was a hoyo psyop
i dont get it bros my changli only tickles scar but i dont think the stats are that bad
1928 attack
48% crit rate
240% crit damage
>not 2000 atk
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Rules in China are vague, and that's on purpose, since vague rules let the people in power apply the rules as they see fit.
Games absolutely do get censored if you get reported a bunch of times and the wrong people find out, even ToF got censored and had to change two outfits from panties to spats on the CN version. They did as they were told, they censored those two outfits, then they went on to make even lewder stuff and never got censored again.

But of course, most censorship is self inflicted. Games are trying to keep their age rating down, trying to be family friendly, hire too many idiots/feminists/fujos, ect, whatever theory you want to come up with.
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Thread slow, i can post questionable shit
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>not that bad
lmao even
take a look at my homo erectus
It comes down to how much attention your game brings to china.
Literal "cultural phenomenon" immediately got the sights of the CCP on them and continues to do so
Doesnt make any splashes so the CCP doesn't care.
Widely hyped as the next genshin which got the sights of the CCP, then the CCP left them alone once they noticed it wasnt worth their attention.
You could see the same happening during the betas, the CCP sights were on them due to the hype, we can rest assured that we wont get the CCP sights on us since while the game is moderately succesful, its not making huge "waves" in china so the CCP doesn't care.
is that 44111?
No that's obviously a 3 cost atk%
with 2.3k atk?
of course not
it's 4/3/3/1/1 with 1 aero and 1 atk 3 cost
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it's mainly vague for "revealing" clothes, but they do have hard enforced rules for blood/skulls. however for genshit it was a a hoyo psyop like >>487599641 said, just femcel employees doing femcel shit. their zoo game is proof that the ccp allows textured butts, belly buttons etc.. while still being +12.
How strong Changli? la
I've always wondered which is better between double element bonus or 1 element bonus + 1 atk% 3-cost.
Calcharo is alive at least
depends on character but usually you want 1 element+1atk% because middle tower always gives +30% universal elemental damage so element% is always more diluted than what people use to calculate
Middle tower is a meme
Both floor 4s are way harder
my point still stands
usually you use resonators who benefit from the tower's +30% elemental bonus
Rover has a continued DUTY to protect Jinzhou and its inhabitants (Jinhsi included). Aka he's getting pegged on screen by the Magistrate while Jiyan watches
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>during the betas, the CCP sights were on them due to the hype
Does that mean that Mr. Solon Lee, CEO of Kuro games, personally BTFO Xi Jinping?
Because they de censored all female characters post launch.
more like btfo ing feminists
I don't have a windshitter
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Thoughts on this body type?
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Gotta read their kit, bro. Jinhsi and Changli have large element buffs built in, so they can get away with attack. Yinlin on the other hand has none, so element is better.
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do you find this attractive?
because areola too small
Perfect. Coastguard should look like that
Wuwa is removed from iOS ranking for more than 24hrs now hinting it may have been using improper means to boost its ranking and Apple found out. (Chinese iOS is separated)
Sheriff doro I did it!
One of these 2.
>Solon used all the feedback from wuwa betas to show the ccp that censorship meant the death of the game and would look bad upon the CCP and thus China due to it bombing
>The CCP saw the numbers and decided wuwa wasnt worth their attention and left them be.
Is it mandatory to grind lvl 90 dream thing? I find lvl 80 kinda comfy
more likely left them be since ToF in the examples is proof they just don't care as long as no one says shit.
plus I doubt CCP cares about reputation.
Baizhi and Yinlin look so fucking sad, the game wouldve 100% bombed extra hard if those were their final designs
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>Almost covered up Baizhi's delicious pits
You get some extra gems and things from the challenges.
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Theres a 3rd more based option.
Solon paid the CCP to back off.
>Why doesn't genshit do it
Cultural export status, its over for them. Its why HSR gets away with it, mihoyo is paying for the CCP to leave HSR alone.
actually it's just 10-20 more tuners I think.
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There is no censoring from central government. They don't have time for those shits anymore.
Designs are submitted to local government for approval. Even if you say Shanghai government is stricter than other provinces the two known inquiries showed some are voluntary censorship. (Genshin censorship around 2020~2021 and Path to Nowhere in 2024)
I always forget that you can just straight up bribe officials. Western peasants like us just follow the rules and random tickets thrown at us, while random chink construction worker can just pay the inspector to fuck off.
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mihoyo has gotten a LOT braver since then
>This is considered brave
Now post the release model.
>Baizhi without her transparent clothes
>Yinlin was a flattie before
Best timeline here holy shit, I don't know how I would see Yinlin without her delicious underboob
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My wife is so cute and not a hag like Changli
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Perfect wife was almost (slightly) imperfect.
Isn't anby part Filipino
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I love my boiler girls
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oh my god
baizh and yinlin face looks like they got autism
When do we get Camellya gameplay
a little bit into 1.2 maybe
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Bullet dodged.
>posting pre censored cbt
Lol zooniggers are still trying to shill
When you pull for Zhezhi
Ok ziger I'm gonna install your game to try it out, what should I know at start and can I get limited 5* character with starting resources?
I think censorship is dependent on your connections, Snowbreak gets away with it for example because the CEO of Kingsoft is a powerful member of the CCP.
You can get around 170 pulls worth of currency which is enough to hard pity a limited but you actually have to play the game.
I just do lv70 at 120% bonus. End up with 750 currency and getting trough stages is a breeze.
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Why pit two queens against each other
When you play for 50 hours yeah
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post doros NOW
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Nah, her tits are perfectly fine.
No need to mod it.
Lol no, 80% of the rolls you'l get are standard, they give you enough just to reach the coinflip on limited
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It's because the designs are approved in backwater province. Imagine your central states in the US that would do whatever to have larger revenue as opposed to California that has all sorts of stupid things.
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Fuck, how long do I have till next banner? I really like the cop chick...
They look fun to play with specifically from behind.
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>Posting Gobou gifs
Monoe is getting beyond smug with each passing year
I started playing day one and even skipped the first limited character for the cop.
Didn't win the coin flip and didn't have enough to get to the second pity.
That game is stingy af.
You do get 100 standard pulls but for the limited it's another story.
And since I didn't manage to get her I dropped the game.
I don't won't to lose time on a game that doesn't reward you.
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>Literally holds your hand
Jinhsi removed from wife to concubine. Chabgli is now full wife.
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Short hair Chixia...
That sucks... Welp, I'll see if Im lucky. It's either the cop chick or the blue chick I am interested in. If I won't get any of them for the rest of the week I will also probably drop it.
The cop chick is already out,.if you rush through everything you can maybe reach enough for coinflip
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Day 1 f2p player here clearad all content
You get around 180 limited pulls
Also no zziger shill tells you that the shark maid is useless without at least a c1 and weapon
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Wu won?
Wu lost?
Fair warning that you'll probably get filtered by boredom by either the TV sections or the repetitive gameplay
>he get the furry twice
My condolences
I mean, so manny people shilling it, I figured it must have some redeeming qualities, I'll se for myself.
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>ZZZ b4 launch
>We will KILL you! We are better!
>Ummmm, no one cares ok!!!!!
Im a metafag so I dont mind
>zoolophiles can't get replies anymore because anons learned to [-] them
>creates fake engagement about starting their dogshit game
fuck off and kill yourself kek
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Boobs > Ass
Wife > Whore
What does the [-] mean? It brakes some threadbot?
ziggers got mogged so hard they stopped shitting up the thread, I think wuwon
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ass > boobs
but still wu won
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Its funny to see how much wuwa dogpiled on zzz but new they realized they lost and it becomes all excuses
Shills never tell the badsides of the games they're shilling, you're free to try it but don't believe them
What do they mean by "collide" with inferno rider? I'm trying to get all the unexpected damage trophies.
I hate how the dailies keep changing at each day.
Make all of them available at every day already.
Girl on right is completely covered except head so that's automatic loss
I think echo of rider -> proc driving -> slam into boss driver while he is also driving
You can only do thaz in illusive realm because regular infernigger doesn't use that attack
Check out a youtube guide
Took me 1 hour to get that one lmao because his charge attack hits you twice and only 1 instance triggers the achievemnt
Not worth the effort
lmao go play zzz it suits your mongoloid needs
What is a good secondary gacha game to play?
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you're replying to the shill who has been talking to himself after being filtered by everyone, please be better and don't engage the zoos.
Her game
Wuwa. Hsr is my main, this is a great secondary
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Maybe I will
something that doesn't take longer than 10 minutes a day I play hsr and zzz
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>leave wuwa to me
ain't you the same niggas who complained about genshin's daily rotation for leveling mats
how you gonna do that and then claim that its fine for wuwa dailies to be different everyday for the sake of being a fucking chore
don't be a hypocrite cause it makes you look really fucking stupid
>talking to himself
Do they really do this? Holy shit I thought only schizos were mentally ill enough to pull this
>white haired girl is literally asset flip from tof
I can't pretend to be excited for this game
how the might have fallen. /wuwa/ used to be so hyped but now is dead and the only talk is about other hoyo games.
An actual non CCP regulated GTA with anime girls would make millions if not billions
Imagine beating the shit out of pedesteians as Astolfo
Imagine the drug dealer token loli character
Imagine rolling for a hag's signature bazooka
Imagine famous JP voice actresses saying "guruubu sutoreetsu foo raifu hoomi yuu daun?"
Wuwa lost...
If he's beginning it's gonna be a long time before he'll catch up with HSR
Also how do you manage to stay in ZZZ less than 10 minutes a day once caught up with the story, side commissions and hangouts? You ignore Hollow Zero?
need for speed killer
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>garbage tv sections that are way too drawn out
>easy at the start but ramps up at the end
>literally nothing to do once you're caught up, 10 min daily play time

>the most atrocious story early on in terms of info dumping and making the player feel lost, never had to fight the urge to skip this badly
>combat aside, follows Genshin's formula to a T whilst improving on some aspects but also keeping the shitty ones
>Echo system whilst allowing for a ton of playtime is also cancerous, can't see substats straight away, set effects don't allow for any leeway, etc

they've both got some amazing pros in their own way, I feel like it's just going to come down to which of the devs is more receptive to feedback
I wasn't talking about average play time
also doing all my weekly gacha chores in one sitting on last day of the week
>but ramps up at the end
Almost good false-flag otherwise but nobody is this retarded.
It would. Too bad Japan has dropped the ball hard, otherwise we would've had this years ago.
ZZZ devs just have to imitate HSR devs to win.
Project Mugen killer more like
yeah, he has been at it daily spamming on cooldown. he's really easy to filter though, I usually get a few [-] in a row, but there is always an innocent wuwa who falls for it trying to be helpful.
Project Mugen will probably kill itself by never launching
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Add VR experience and in-game voice chat with AI live voice modifiers and you've made the game of the century
It already killed itself.
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This doro is past its expiry date.
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I just realized they removed echo exp as reward from crownless
kuro more like fucking kikes holy shit
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Wuwa shills will ignore this but name another gacha game that lets you clear a supposed "endgame" content in literally 0 or 1 second. Go on, I'll wait. Is this what you meant when you said wuwa was the dark souls of gachas where you can just cheese bosses that require zero skill whatsoever?
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Super genius girl failure Hiro
Gakuen idolm@ster
Devs listened!
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Where do these badly drawn yangyangs come from? they're oddly charming.
Yeah its not like you can cheese bosses in Elden Ring too.
>Using Ange for your shitpost
Kill yourself
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>Is this what you meant when you said wuwa was the dark souls of gachas where you can just cheese bosses that require zero skill whatsoever?
Yeah. https://youtu.be/A4QF8FtY4N0?t=585
>badly drawn yangyangs
Its screenshots of Yangyang in-game wdym?
He wouldn't know, he can't afford Elden Ring
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someone make a catbox file a while ago along side wuwa doro and phrovololo. iirc they are from a Korean gaming forum
When they released Wis'adel in Arkngihts. Next question.
someone really needs to update wuwa's rentry to include all those catbox zipz that have been previously posted here.
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While at first they seem sparse, a skilled Dorohunter can find new, never seen before specimens without too much trouble.
It took a while, but that's fresh from the oven. Far from being expired anon.
WTF is this real?
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he has delivered once again
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anyway I won't ask who is having a melty right now because that will derail this thread. I will go to sleep now.

Have fun wuwer and please listen to the doro sheriff
After inspecting again, it seems like this doro is closer to quality sourdough bread with a long shelf life. My apologies.
nigga... only rich whales can afford that shit.
Does the main menu and achievement screen showing both mcs imply the other will show up or is it just laziness?
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do you guys think xinyi might actually become a 4 star character in the future?

How are they cooking up these npc designs and just doing nothing with them
She fucked countless men when her bf was away finding a flash point.
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Meme it hard enough and it'll happen.
The not Rover in your game is the one leading Fractsidus
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We just need to lewd this old maid into existence. With the power of horny, even dying stars can be revived.
Well duh. How do you think she got aids?
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it's already you know (censored)
licking changli dirty anus...
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I cant believe I almost skipped jinhsi, she is so fun
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Seems like you can't make an account anymore with a western email addresses, so since the gooks are being difficult I might as well post my collection every now and then.
>someone really needs to update wuwa's rentry
Here's a mega file with all the Danjins, Camellyas, Changlis, Fuluoluos, Yangyangs (forma de retarded) and Doros that I've bothered to convert, I'll probably just keep maintaining it here so I can access them at work, but it also makes it easier to share them as well.
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Almost heresy.
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At least you came to your senses
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>hating on echo subsats
they are way easier to farm than mihomo games
if anything complain about the lack of echo exp
I really thought camellya was going to be in the next update but... yeah... im just glad to have at least one limited now
Thank bro keeps up your good work
Echo exp suuuuuuuuucks... You already have to farm for the echo itself, the tuners, AND echo exp... At this point in time I'm more gated by echo exp more than ever.
Echo substats, I simply follow the 2-substats rule before trashing it if it's bad. It's also easy to farm for a cope 4-4-1-1-1 set before you really start min-maxing with a 4-3-3-1-1 set. I have most of my dps at 50-60CR 250CD now.
They are way harder to farm. 20% drop rate, no set guarantee, and no way to tell the substats beforehand. Kuro looked at Genshin's system and decided they wanted to split it into a Korean MMO style grind instead.
so many people overreacting about echo substats. we will all have multiple full completed sets by the end of the year, and then the echo exp items will be useless.
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>zooofaggo shillo biggo maddo
doro doro!
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I have no complaints with echoes specifically but shit is way too expensive and we should get more out of our resin imo.
Guise UGHHH i hate echo xp and echo system as a whole like UGHHWaaaa
Am i fitting in yet?
Truth be told, you're right. When did we start playing? Some of the wuwiggas here are F2P and they already have decent echo set.
We're just at the shittiest part that's why it's frustrating but compared to waiting for the best artifact substat in genkek this is miles better. Even better when we finally have the substat reroller.
I just wish they'd let us sac echos as experience.
Its just the people that want to godroll everything for every character they get. Metafagging has gone so rampant that people are doing needless grinding without even thinking if they need to in the first place.
game is 2 months old and people have multiple end game sets and godlike echoes you could only dream of this shit in genshin
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I have to say I'm having fun with the gamba component of the substats, it's just frustrating to grind both tuners and echo exp just to gamba.
Those people with decent sets had to farm their asses off. For people with school or full time jobs, Genshin's system is the best. Echoes are for NEETs.
they should remove crit stuff from echoes
im not f2p, ive spent a bit, but I have
>2 Fusion sets with full cdmg and crate
>spectro set with full cdmg and crate
>half havoc and electro set with cdmg and crate, only 1 costs left to farm for both
and this is allowing me to 30/30 TOA. the system is too lenient if anything
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It is my personal opinion that this doro is too erotic
You're very relatable RN bwo.
BTW and since many people are still confused i can show the abysmally bad relics that i use to 30/30 ToA to dispell any worries you might have about that shit being the be all end all.
Just ask me.
Damn who could have thought that you have to work your ass off to eat good!
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Thanks Frololoanon
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It's the least I can do to improve the health of the thread
I mean, just look at this. A whole set of Taoqi doros. Imagine how much better the thread would look if it was full of Taoqi doros.
Frustration is understandable when you go weeks without feeling like you make any progress, but it's the fact that it takes real time and commitment to get god rolls that makes the characters you own feel special. I still like doing co op in Genshin weekly bosses because I can impress noobs with my well built low/mid tier characters.
Nah not really... there's always the 44111 alternative for a cope set as someone mentioned. The hardest grind is the 3-cost for the element bonuses but the other ones are fairly easy.
When you grind boss mats, you already grind for your desired 4-cost echos without consuming any stamina, so you can already look out for crit. How hard is it to grind for crit main artifacts in genkek in comparison?
Y-y-you fools!
You have no ideal what kind of power that you just unleashed!
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I'm bored. Gonna click [+].
I'm glad the gooks are the main market for wuwa now. They're kinda based.
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This is actually a monstrosity
Looking at the way it moves makes me want to destroy it
Anyone defending the echo grind is either a jobless nigga, a mentally ill Korean mmo grinder, or both. The vast majority of the playerbase hates the current echo system that kuro somehow managed to make worse than genshin. Literally just look in every other community outside of this shill hole and you'll see complains upon complaints about echoes.
It's not even up for debate, you are factually wrong if you think it's fine as it is because even kuro has acknowledged that it needs a lot of work.
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>[+] POV
>Genshin's system is the best
is this bait?
the total playtime to get a good set is easily equal or more in Genshin
i impulse rolled Changli and have her at 65/240 crit after 2 hours of farming on my day off
it took me 2 months of mind-numbing daily farm just to get an on-set electro goblet for my Raiden
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Hold your horses, pardner... Now I won't stop you if you're lookin for a place to eat dirt, but you best know what you're doin by walkin in to the faggot's lair.
Nah I will listen to this anon>>487618869

If you want god roll echo, you have to earn it. Simple as
>kuro somehow managed to make worse than genshin
People keep spouting this shit but it's just obviously not true. I don't like the system either but come on
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I think you should lose all your echoes whenever you die
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Boomer MMO hours. Playing without stakes is not playing at all.
Uhh... wuwa ironman mode when John Kuro???
>lose all echos when you die
>lose all experience when you die
>lose all weapons when you die
>lose all characters rolled when you die
if I die in game, I'm also blowing my brains out irl
I'm not Korean, and I do have a job. I'm worse than either of those: A casual. If I want good echoes I'll just spend my resin on it everyday for weeks. Like I said I get the frustration and Kuro is apparently already working on it. But this feels like a mostly self inflicted problem to me.
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You know you can just do tacet fields only for echoes if you want the genshin experience right?
A good 44111 is even worse than a shitty 43311 with the right main stats. Farming bosses past the weekly guarantee is also just Sisyphean behavior. You will end up spending far more real life time grinding than Genshin where you can clear a domain in 20 seconds for 2 artifacts.
The total play time is definitely far worse in wuwa. There is travel time between echoes and a 20% drop rate. In Genshin you can clear your resin in 5 minutes for an average of 18 artifacts split between 2 sets. The one downside of Genshin is that it's timegated, but the player experience is the best.
>2 hours of farming
Good joke. You've been accumulating fusion echoes for almost 2 patches by now.
Good and realistic compromise would be : Lose 5 levels on random echo when you die, new stat will always roll as a survival node (hp-def) since you clearly need it.
Someone told me that's basically Black desert online no?
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>A good 44111 is even worse than a shitty 43311 with the right main stats
>Farming bosses past the weekly guarantee is also just Sisyphean behavior (when there's a pity for boss drops)
>not mentioning tacet fields at all
>disparaging the fact that you have something to do in-game once you've finally finished all the quests and consumed all your stamina
mega cope, like you don't even play the game at all levels of cope...
okay anon you've exposed yourself... i'm gonna pull the [-] trigger like sheriff doro's told me to do when I meet faggots like you.
stop posting those fucked up yapyaps
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NTA I haven't touched echos outside tacet field events and exploration.
Sit the fuck down adults are speaking.
>Good joke. You've been accumulating fusion echoes for almost 2 patches by now.

Nta but I literally just farm a new wind set for my quick swap yangyang team after 1 hour of monke genocide. Maybe it's just you being fomo
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Any characters in the game you feel like that needs tuning? I wish Jianxin's Chi Spiral could be swap cancelled.
>You've been accumulating fusion echoes for almost 2 patches by now.
yes and? my only other fusion character is a level 20 chixia
i just locked any fusion dmg/atk 3-cost and atk 1-cost i got while naturally playing the game
i also have a bunch of on-set aero/glacio echos waiting to be levelled whenever i pull the relevant characters
sheriff doro, teach me how to [-]
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Yeah they should have copied domains instead lol
yeah changli should deal some damage
Oink oink paypig.
>not a single argument addressed
I accept your concession. Tacet copes take longer than artifact domains by far btw.
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For me it's chixia's enhanced basic taking for fucking ever and not being swap cancellable alwy end up losing dps or taking a dirt nap.
Genshitters ran out of ammo so we are now back to "worse artifact grind" lol
Day1 all over again
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reminder that we can make a difference with John Kuro, ask for her in every survey and Mr. Solon will surely deliver.
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verina intro putting her midair
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>WAA Oink oink paypig.
not a single argument addressed
I accept your tearful concession.
go into settings and hide stubs
No no no he have the right to voice his concern

It's just when that chibi anon point out about the problem in his argument, he would rather pull a "I accept your concussion" than telling why he think good 44111 is way worse than cope 43311
How do i reply to this without sounding mad?
all it took was a 1 minute search on the wuwa subreddit for echoes to see dozens of threads each with hundreds or thousands of votes of people complaining about the echo system.
i know you guys like to be contrarian for the sake of it but that's not a personality trait btw.
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I really need tubes bros
The rumored sub stat reroll item is probably gonna be the saving grace for echo farming. But as of now, there's no new information other than it's a possibility. What I wanna know is how can you obtain it? Is it farmable? Is there a cap? Can you choose the stat you want, or is it rng?
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>no u
>good 44111 is way worse than cope 43311
Are you familiar with optimization in calculus? If so it should be obvious why a bad 43311 is better. Hint: 2 crit main stats vs. 1 crit + 2 dmg%. People have already done the math in case there was any remaining doubt.
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>walk in to wuwa
>see >487619974 whining about how wuwa has a worse item system than genshin
>when I've just literally built my rover a 44111 copeset by just playing the game for an hour so I can run him with Jinhsi and Changli
Clearly this faggot doesnt even play the game.

so wuwabros how does a changli-rover-jinhsi team comp work? please teach me something... their rotations and such... it feels like aside from their lust for each other they don't have much synergy.
Also I just realized that aside from in the beginning of the game I've barely used s.rover. how does s. rover work. Is he really as simple as Skill-> BAx3 -> BA and then maybe ult or am I missing something
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i don't like math.
Echos are one of 3 main reasons I dropped the game.
The other is the piss poor soundtrack.
The third is the story gave me no reason to care about any of the characters, plus too much of a chink theme killed off the game for many people.
My guess is that it'll be extremely scarce:
>Purchasable in ToA shop
>Given as an event reward once per patch
>Allows one sub-stat changed to a desired stat, still subject to low/high roll

>Purchasable in multiple shops, including Illusive realm
>Given out frequently in events/BP
>Re-rolling sub-stats subject to complete RNG down to the type like tuning memory resonances in Punishing Gary Coleman without using the resonance picker
>changli-rover-jinhsi team comp work?
it's suboptimal but just quickswap between cd's i guess
>how does s. rover work
heavy until the 2nd bar fills - skill - basic - repeat
Chixia. Danjin. And my cow wife.
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Its a waste to have both Rover and Jinhsi there.
ideally Changli only really wants 1 teammate that happens to be a dps who can use her buffs.
Changli wants field time and she buffs liberation and fusion
>H. Rover
Uses Liberation buff
Doesnt use the fusion buff
Doesnt care for field time
uses fusion buff
doesnt use liberation buff
wants field time
worse than Rover despite using everything + not wanting field time.
Jinhsi doesnt really do much other than be another nuke then swap back to Changli
if you are behement on using that team then
Changli Liberation > Forte > switch to Rover before the forte animation ends > Rover liberation > Rover dreamless > switch back to Changli > build Forte > use Forte > Switch to Jinhsi before Forte animation ends > Jinhsi nukes > Switch back to Changli > Repeat
>brags about not knowing math
>shows off his shitty Rover
>can't even figure out basic swap canceling
lol. lmao even.
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Nothing questionable about oneshota.
Changli wep to match her aesthetic or Camellya in 1.3? (1.2 will prolly be a skip unless Zhezhi is a sleeper hit since Xiangli Yao is free)
Solid reasoning overall but Chixia is arguably the best Changli teammate.
you could probably get enough for changli wep + camellya and wep in 1.3
Yeah I know the math but the thing it you CAN use the 44111 set as bridge until you get that 43311 set

Just because it's sub-optimal doesn't mean it's completely trash. The other 4 cost echo after you get optimal set can be use for other character too

Have I mentioned you can swap echo between tower clear?
Okay I can kinda understand why I moved on from s. rover after h. rover came, he's kinda simple but his abilities are hefty stat sticks, for sure.
I just wanted to do a harem comp coz an anon here said that it's semi viable and fun, that's why I dusted off the s.rover. I already run a changli-chixia comp in ToA, this is just for the lulz and entertainment.
>to the furfag yapping while proving nothing
Sheriff doro sends his regards
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Please don't turn Yapyap into the Gook Ako of Wuwa...
this general is sad as fuck
I hope 1.2 treats you better; and with that I'm out!
So will Scar be rollable? Also what about the general before the green dragon (don't remember his name).
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Never come back nigger
yes to both.
>schizo faggot scampers away because everyone followed our sheriff's advise...
doro is...based? wtf?
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Polish seems lacking. Its not like I can't play this game on pc, I don't have technical issues with Wuwa. A high polish game that tries not to cut corners will keep players around longer than just hand outs.

They can make a character sell just by focusing the camera on her ass in a well edited video and showing how far ahead they are in titty physics and ass physics compared to everyone else. This brings people that obsess over a character, brings fanart, and fanart brings more players. Just giving 50 free pulls can't make up for polish.
>doesn't defend his take
>just leave

At least he still talking about the game eh?
Why do you guys type like redditors?
it started replying to xerself. That's how you know he's seething there in his chair with a tingly butthole.
Is WuWa reddit or 4chan?

Since reddit is hating on us so that mean ...
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I would but my Changli looks pretty weird ngl
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Hard to disagree with this. I'm sticking with the game because I enjoy the combat but that's about it
when the fuck will wuwa stop running like shit I'm gonna kill that dumbass glasses wearing CEO twunk
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Woah, 2 Changli's?
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I am just that blessed
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Bro your ini.file reps?
so what's cubeman's playstyle anyway?
Show spec
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>it's real
Was Changli really that underwhelming?
>Chixia t2
It's not like i took this guy seriously to begin with but damn...
Someone needs to add that to the OP next time.
Funnily enough, a little similar to calchud. kek
Prydwen is so fucking bad kek
More Jinhsi is too fucking broken, she make Changli looks underwhelming
How is Lingyang THAT bad anyway?
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cute chicken
So can someone explain why this game is unplayable on anything but a pc? I play hsr and now zzz on my steam deck and easily get 50-60 fps but had to uninstall wuwa after 30 minutes because it was so choppy and made my deck burn like a motherfucker. What's the point in making a mobile game that only runs on pc?
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This guy is a laughing stock to 4 niggas in a row HSR enthusiasts. That should tell you how much his opinion matters in a game like this.
unreal engine
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Didn't Prydwen get caught showing his micropenis to little girls on discord?
Dunno if I trust his analysis.
stop replying to yourself
you're not as subtle as you think you are
Prydwen's HSR tier list is accurate. People are just mad that their favorites are low.
All me btw

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