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Previous: >>487576000

>Download - https://zenless.hoyoverse.com/


>Zhu Yuan Teaser - "NEPS_Finalll_Versionnn.avi"
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0AMqJU4SNhE (EN)
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hDoW0Fz3ZqY (JP)

>Zhu Yuan Character Demo - "Captain Overtime!"
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0JmdwCmuA0I (EN)
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0hRsW7TOaZ0 (JP)

>Zhu Yuan - For Display Only
https://www.youtube.com/shorts/qoWIAp4faEw (EN)
https://www.youtube.com/shorts/z9bE8TOW87A (JP)

>Lore Teaser - "Where the Miracle Began" | Zenless Zone Zero"
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UgeN7naPPz4 (EN)
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CdcdfFs9t1s (JP)

>Official X account

>Redeemable codes (claimable in-game or online) - https://zenless.hoyoverse.com/redemption

>Signal/Pull Tracker - https://zzz.rng.moe
>Characters' Ascension mats - https://zzz.hakush.in

>Damage Calculator

>ZZZ stickers

>/zzz/ Thread Template
hag thread
Me on the right
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So pen ratio>>>ether damage on ZY right? I did some sample numbers using the calc and the only time ether damage won was hitting a level 50 tyrfing with a generous 60% starting DMG% when she already gets 100%+ from her passive and Nicole. And even then pen ratio won if I took off Nicole's 40% def reduction.
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Seth waiting room
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Going to 404 Live with my emo shark girlfriend.
Is there any reason not to do the rank up missions as soon as you get them? Do certain stages automatically become harder? I just hit interknot level 40 today, but my characters are still extremely scuffed
If only hair colors worked like this IRL
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ma'am this is abuse of authority
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Friendly reminder bwos to always report and ignore. Never forget, a incest posty a day keeps the schizos away.
you can't post this picture without linking for the source it's illegal and also forbidden by the rules of 4chan I asked moot myself
>5 hidden secret tapes after Rina mission
I'm guessing it's Ellen, ZY, QY, Jane and a mystery nigga?
Story/Combat/Exploration commissions upgrade. Other modes like Hollow Zero, VR, etc don't change.
The only mission I'd be worried about is Threat from the Old Capital if you haven't S ranked it yet
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How hairy is it?
Zhu is peak asian sensibilities pandering
I hope westerncucks go back to their roots and become westernchads by watching this
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Do you think this will finally be the mihoyo IP that has shitloads of doujins? I'm still waiting for Nahida doujins.
Pretty sure they are just place holders bro
they're placeholders, i've only seen jane leaked
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sensory issues are a common symptom of alot of mental illnesses so not necessarily. ADD is just as likely and the two are often co-diagnoses because they effect similar parts of the brain. that being said, you posted a basedjak in a gacha game thread on 4chan so yes you're giga autistic
>install lucy nude mod
>spawn a bunch of raiders with sticks
>volume to 100%
Yep, gaming time
It's extremely smooth and puffy
has never shaved in her life
Was looking for this
Please forget about Ellen.
Emmie is a little psycopath. Fuck that bitch.
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I can't wait to get Qingyi for the true buddycop kino. We already get events with both of them in Zhu's trust events.
if they release Big Daddy I’ll commission dozens of doujins myself
>Riot gear
Truly, the most fantastical thing in this entire game.
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Child labor...
>Has literally never held hands with anyone
It's never been shaved
>khv at her age
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You know I have heard people say S11 calls Anby zero if they are on the same team but I have yet to see any video proof of it
Typical Asian lady bush
So very
Can I just use Koleda instead of Anby and just take the synergy hit?
She meticulously shaves every night.
That's a bunch of bull. They should give every 5* their own story.
she apparently only does it when the language is Chinese
Gwailo doesn't understand this (except Italian).
Waxed and extremely smooth so it won't hinder her duty.
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I'm gonna post the one Corin in this thread.
And thats good, Corinbwos deserve better threads.
>Story/Combat/Exploration commissions upgrade.
Ah, I see. Maybe I should at least get the rally ones out of the way before upgrading then
>The only mission I'd be worried about is Threat from the Old Capital if you haven't S ranked it yet
Thanks for the tip, I'll do that one first then
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Never forget about Ellen.
On launch she would say it in chinese no matter your language and frequently. Dont know if they fixed it because I stopped using anby when I got Koleda.
Yeah, koleda's bonus talent isn't that good anyways. It doesn't affect her stuns at all which is the main point of using her
I would not be surprised if something that important got lost in translation with how often shit like that happens
Doros should never have existed! They're an abomination.
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People will meme and call her hairy, but realistically she would be completly smooth to easily put on that tight uniform and stay sanitary for long shifts.
That implies now is the time they should release that instead of down the line where more plot lines are available to explore and trust systems are more developed.
You should put it onto the survey so they dont forget though.
stop it you clowns. not shaving is against department regulations
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So Cunning Hares have two potential alters with Billy and Anby
>Waxed and extremely smooth so it won't hinder her duty.
other way around bro
clothes rubbing on your bare skin will cause redness and irritation
hair protects your skin from your clothes rubbing on it when you move
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you guys visit the official discord?
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Nicole my beloved...
>bangboo almost 1k

what site?
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I beat the game.
I want to force my merge into a bangboo
how much can you get away with a 12+ rating anyway?
looking at the usual swimsuit games, most of them seem to be cero 17/pegi 16
should i assume that we're stuck with spats forever?
I don't use trooncord
If the BA artists don't drop this game then yeah, expect a lot.
You gotta feed them consistent main/event stories and trust events to give them material though.
Out on a date with my husband
kill yourself
Uh is that legal?
>I actually read the coffee effect
>Realise they improve certain material drop rates
It's been three weeks my account is bricked
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Cute couple
Why don't people hide their powerlevel in public anymore?
What is with zoomers and literally eating ass?
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Police Brutality bru
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This is just plain illiteracy
Pretty sure they will with a future update. I hope we get that old Tezukaesque art style for ZY tape and the plot being what is basically an extended version of what happened in that YouTube video.
this isn't genshin bro, even in HSR they did away with most of them in favor of having them in the main story, though even in genshin you have the issue of some of the standard characters never having a story quest, or shit like the current new character never appearing or being mentioned anywhere but in some characters' voice lines and not being part of the main story or even a side quest or event, yet receiving a quest nonetheless (kinda like S11 but with way less relevance to another character)
I kinda miss the BenxWise poster. He was one of our few funny shitposters.
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Very autistic, thank your for sharing.
Cute and canon.
it's ok when it's a half-naked loli
Include me in your screenshot before you post our reactions back to shitcord you faggot.
>mfw the drops are rarely relevant to what im doing
please not another defender chip/seal boost i dont need those robot man
>men talking to women (like your grandfathers did for centuries)
average chinkhoyo beta everyone
sex mods when
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Have some more numbers to add to the list
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You make me check... it's not Bangboo porn.
Ben is a teddy bear lol
>mfw https://www.nexusmods.com/zenlesszonezero/mods/1
model mods are safe r-right anons?
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this nigga(bigga) shows up in your room. wyd?
And don't post your UID anywhere you'll get reported.
They should have introduced coffee before noodle because I thought they were both damage buffs and I was drinking the plain coffee.
Crash on the couch, crack a cold one and watch movies with MY BIGGA
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All commissioned by a certain Belobog employee
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>his account is coffeebricked
help him with the taxes
Neko is cute as fuck in the DM's
Nah that guy is right. We need agent stories for everyone, at least the S ranks. A lot of this game's charms come from the characters after all.
Genshin is on the right path. HSR is actually a board filled with DONTs when talking about this shit. Penacony was ruined because Fried Chicken couldn't be bothered to put literal who's backstories in side missions instead. There's just no incentive for you to even roll a unit there because it's all numbers simulator at this point.
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Yeah nah he a FAN.
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What music does he listen to?
UK rap
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The only "brick" on my account is I didn't do weekly bosses week 1. Pretty happy with my account.
Swing Jazz and Soul Rock
>cute sexy catgirl
>is a huge brick in actual gameplay

Every. Fucking. Time
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lo fi compilations
>even in HSR they did away with most of them in favor of having them in the main story,
They're doing them again in 2.4. Pretty sure they only didn't do them for most of Penacony because they had absurd writer crunch due to rewrites.
Now she needs to become a mother too
Chat is this real?
He's a Jazz chad (canon).
I think Waterkuma unironically posted that under an alias.
dangit then, i'll have to resist the knot
Don’t trust events kinda fill that void, though? You only get them if you pull the unit, and while they aren’t super in-depth, there’s still a lot of backstory in those trust conversations.
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kirara is good though
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convince me not to spend all my tuning calibrators to b rank stage 6 shiyu right now
Don't date women like Zhu. They are always busy and tired from work so when they finally have time for you it's only for sex. And sometimes they'll just straight up demand it from you. No dates, just skipping straight to sex.
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>was more busy than usual the past week
>zzz dailies can be done in 30 seconds
>can dump 200 battery in 2 quick runs
For non NEETs this is a big deal btw.
Do you mean the first one? If you mean the second one, blast away. They're made to be used to improve your characters.
Very sex
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Give yourself a few more days of grinding first bro, just a few extra skill levels makes all the difference
If you're gonna dump money into your account, don't mod. Just do it on an f2p(and a vpn).
your 7 hollow zero runs that take 20 minutes each?
ask yourself if a tuning calibrator is worth 40 chromes
the answer is absolutely yes.
>choices in video games
>giant melon gigamommies
>a literal child
Where the FUCK are my flat hags?
Are blue discs worth using at all past knot 40 or should I just be dismantling them for a chance at more purples?
Industrial metal
Just wait a decade for Koleda
There are no children in this game redditbro
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And that's a bad thing how..? Spending time with a woman outside sex and slight cuddles isn't very exciting.
Qingyi is flat and a hag.
We do suffer from a lack of flattalls though.
Bro ? i S ranked it with 2 character team
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How could you say this when there are already agents with both agent story and trust events. You'd know having both is just superior despite some agent stories bogged down by side characters.
I used up all of my 10 batteries for Dennies and level up materials...
god i hope they move away from this artstyle
this is ass
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important things to consider if you don't know if rolling for qingyi
- her core passive inflicts a debuff that boosts the stun damage multiplier (just like lycaon) the description is long but all you need to know is that she can inflict full stacks with her fully charged chink combo (40% stun multiplier at max)
- her team passive is gaining attack the more impact you stack with her
- c1 makes her chink combo also deal an additional 15% def down for 15 seconds, gives her 15 crit, gives her FULL electric charge at start of a fight AND her electric charge is now 30% stronger (busted as fuck cinema)
- sig weapon gives her impact stacks on multi hit (30) at 15 stacks she gives he squad 20% damage for 10 seconds, qingyi shits multihits with her nunchaku so you will pretty much have this maxed after a stun if you just charge her bar
>her passive activates with ANY attacker, meaning you can put her on almost any team
even at c0 she is pretty good, but c1 and signature are definitely strong as fuck upgrades that turn her from just a stunner into a semi-support character, she is both f2p if all you have is anby and dolphin friendly if you want to boost zhu yuan damage even further
I disliked this cartoon style at first but it grew on me
Of course having agent stories is better, I’m just saying you at least get something without them.
literally now, they're everywhere.
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they won't.
you can leave now.
how would she and zhu yan deal with a group of nigerian immigrants who swam to new eridu?
They're convenient for testing out characters that aren't your main six. Keep a few with good stats, dismantle the rest.
>three insta seethe responses
why are zoomers like this?
How good is the BP in this game for f2p players?
What is the best BP weapon?
Will Welkin be important for f2p like it is in Genshin?
I love this animation
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That is a very nice penis, anyways there's an exploration quest here with this NPC-- Level 48 for Agents so I'm assuming it's Knot 40+ only
idk if just a few skill levels is enough to do that
they would strip and welcome the immigrants with their naked bodies
Can she cope with Anby's ball? Can't risk my polys on ball banner
Stopped reading
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Thank you for the post. I would like to add one further thing to consideration.
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new comickino dropped bros
I think we found Belle's mom.
By far the worst BP weapons across all hoyo games. All of them either suck or are incredibly niche
what do I want to farm?
not your hugbox
For who? If ZY Lucy + Koleda is a legit pair if you don't need Nicole's gather.
bengods won...
The original one wasn't dubbed, right? I hope this happens so we can get a DO NOT REDEEM SAAR line during the phone scene.
what the fuck
Holy shit taste
This artstyle is turbo sovl
EMP play with Qingyi
>how come it isn't generic gacha chibis for the 100th time?
huge retard alert
But are the resources from BP + pulls good?
My Mora went bellow 1mi.
yes anby ball is nice cope as it gives impact and electric damage, it will just make her hit harder instead of buffing but you already get 40% boosted multiplier at c0 so she will still be strong
I am heteronormative.
I dislike pedophilia.
I roll for attractive adults like zhu and yanagi.
I represent the majority.
Wait is he gonna use a Riot shield too? Is he a defender?!
These dumbasses realize they live in a forest and there are trees everywhere, right?
Most likely, unless they go the Snowbreak/Blue Archive route and release a higher rated version.
I didn't unlock dailies until day 2
This game's mora equivalent is more farmable due to Hollow Zero, but the costs still get pretty big post-40.
it’s 5 standard pulls, 7 limited pulls, 10 (?) bangboo pulls, and a big chunk of resources
it’s not bad for $10, especially early on
yeah, that's how retarded your stupid ass post was
don't make stupid fuckin posts next time
American fear this image
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Improved one more run bros. This took only 1.5 hours. Ah. I hate charger enemy that makes all enemies around them enraged. It becomes really hard to group up the enemies because they become immune to CC. Fuck that piece of shit. Manipulating enemy position by baiting attacks is becoming very key when fighting enemies 15-25 levels above.
good goyim
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Bros this is extremely tempting.. is it a brick if I do it?
God damn wise is huge, he aint that much shorter than a fucking whole ass bear
Is it worth it to refine the starlight engine.
Should I use the ranged version of the starlight engine on Zhu Yuan so her damage doesn't drop off at range?
Based coomer.
How is this even possible? Did you farm a bunch of discs too somehow? I have like 0 disc EXP and no decent sets, it took me the full 10 minutes on floor 4 and I couldn't do enough damage to complete it.
better to farm discs since that also gives disc xp
It's fine. The only brick at 40 is dennies and expert hunts.
>Should I use the ranged version of the starlight engine on Zhu Yuan so her damage doesn't drop off at range?
Isn't that only for physical damage? I recall that thing being designed in such a way that only Billy will ever be able to use it.
Thoughts on zhu m1 and w engine? Is it significant enough of an increase to pull on or is it just better to save for the paraplegic
Do we have leak of them having the same combo as ben/koleda? I've heard rumor but no source.
It's a M6W5 whale
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Grace is stinking up my store bros. How do I get her to leave?
Qingyis passive makes the stun multiplier 40% at core passive lvl1 not at max level
It should be much higher than lycons.
>Hollow Zero,
Ugh, Hollow Zero is annoying.
I'm just not used to having weak teams and not spending all my resin on the artifact mines to have my characters on 1% on Akasha.

I guess I might go f2p (Welkin, BP) in this one too.
What was this?
One day and another day
Dig the ground and the floor shakes
Can't get burned and get further
The hope for the future is never really over
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I guess Betty was lucky that Grace was the one that she messed with, the rest of Belbog might not have been that kind
i cant believe just how much more fun S11 is compared to any other agent
Throw Eous out the front door like a hand grenade.
Nicole cum tribute. Pretty good one too.
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you're right that sucks
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La gata....
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I dont think my disorder team can manage the same damage as an Ellen team with the knot. Zhu yuan is hard carrying one side.
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>Account is blessed
>Get Ellen early
>Get Ellen early again while building pity
>Get Lycon while trying to get Zhu Yuan
I know I shouldn't complain, but I REALLY like Defensive assists & Chain attacks. Setting up buffs/debuffs then being locked to Ellen isn't as fun as Ungabunga Assits & button mash with my old team (Ellen,Corin,Piper)

Is there a team focused on Defensive assists or am I stuck with the meta until more people release?
Can someone please reupload it for me? I like penises and Nicole...
Is there a definitive best wengine to get from the NECF?
No straight man would say heteronormative, you type like a fag.
You will get cop like me bro, no kots or knots
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Fatto gatto
Me on the left
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Probably her
grats anon, im jealous
130 pulls in no cop
Does it really need to take a few days to figure out that Nicole is indeed much better than soukaku?
>Rolled characters he doesn't like
>Building pity
>Replaced the team he was having fun with
GIGA retard
i swapped to nicole purely because soukaku plays like shit
dont care about 10% dps loss
I got you senpai. None of the design really hit me yet.

Ellen maybe but it's like 75% her being a JK and 25% her being a shork. Usually she's not my type.
Seth maybe, his parry triggers a quick assist so you end up doing a lot of swapping with him around.
Soldier 11 for DPS
Lycaon for stun
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No anon. People here dont use their brains. The general only echoes what prydwen lists as good.
Nigga you gay
So am I. It was really hot.
>Americans last night going 'yuck' at Zhu Yuan because she has close relationship with her parents
Why are they like this
>blue oni brats
we sex those
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Imagine getting raped by Zhu Yuan and Qingyi...
try not being a meta slave?
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Because it reminds them of my close relationships with their moms
American education and media thrashes on family values, kind of unfortunate for the youth there
How do you unlock Shiyu defense? I've level 29 and just got to the construction site.
Soukaku is still better Nicole's buff is too short
Only westerners would be disgusted at a loving family.
They fell for the capitalist pushed "you must leave your parent and be at independant" meme, just so they could sell their mortgage/house to young adults
soon, it's somewhere in chapter 2
none of the early stuff resets though, so don't be in a hurry
replica is only for physical damage so although the damage buff is fantastic it's useless on her
Boomers hate their kids
I wanna use her horns like handlebars.
>captcha 8SXX0
ssshhhhhh youre ruining the narrative…
jew you win
I don't know if I'm doing something wrong but I can't watch either of the videos...
I guess this means Belobog is the first faction to have confirmed kills
My parents are both drug addicts that constantly beg for or outright steal my money while simultaneously trying to sabotage any hope of me having a happy life.
Lefties destroyed the extended family
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where did all the ratposting go?
Manhandling PLAPkakus tiny body!
She's 2 months away
for amerimutts a loving family is only possible in fiction.
America = Big Satan
The Defense is legitimately the best of the bunch. But Defense characters are shit and we literally only have Ben. (And Seth in a few weeks)
The Anomaly one is solid, better than the craftable anomaly wengines but inferior to Signatures and all S ranks anomaly wengines.
The Support one is okay, but only becomes 'good' when it is max rank, which is months away.

The stun one is shit. The attack one can work if you legitimately have no other attack wengines, but at that point you might as well just craft another copy of starlight engine.
>none of the early stuff resets though
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how good/bad is PenRatio% as a stat?
is there a hard cap?
What would a date with her be like?
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I want to see if there is actual conflict or it's just a misunderstanding
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Damn, I want to suck on his big fat milkers.
At Proxy Level 40, do I focus on bringing my supports to level 50 and maxing their skills and weapons.
Or do I just level my main damage dealers and farm artifacts?
Zhu m1 is designed for people like me who are shitters
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someone just starting chapter 2 now isn't making any progress in the critical nodes bwo
She's getting desperate, huh?
I honestly don't know what to tell you anon, I've never had any problems with catbox before.
The nuclear family hasn't been real since the 1960s' modern families are at ideological war with each other due to the media and Them. How could a boomer relate to people who belive in transrights and that all humans are equal, how could a zoomer give a shit about a class of people who fucked the economy beyond belief and basically bore them into eternal slavery.
Not even the chinks are that happy, it's ccp propaganda.
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t-thanks, game
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I want her to brutalize me
This is why Zhu Yuan can't find a decent mate.
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Wrong. My limited S ranks (Zhu and Ellen) are C2
I got lucky and landed Lucy C6, Piper is at C2. Lycaon is C2 from standard pity and standard dupe and Soukaku is obviously C6
why are Piper's combat lines so addicting and cute?? it makes me wanna build her
Explain the flip phones
M1 havers do you think it is worth it?
You should probably prioritize leveling characters and engines
Wait until 45 to farm discs, you won't really need them for anything except for Shiyu
My lovely semitic wife!
No it was a combined effort, the housing market really benefit from youns students leaving their parents hourse at 20.
While I agree leftist did more damage especially to black households it's unfair to say it's only their fault.
>maxing their skills
Weapons and levels yes. You'll go broke real fast if you decide to go for levels above 7. I think 7 is a good stopping point for now. Focus on upgrading them only after everything else (relics, level and W-engine are up to speed).
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Just use it again? Quick swaping is piss easy in this game You should have enough energy to spam Nicole's skill basically all the time.
Don't tell me you are a vaultlet
Early-mid 2000's aesthetic never stopped in the ZZZ universe, and that's a good thing.
>the rats are winning
So new eridu is NYC?
oh, never mind then, gratz f2p bro!
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What's better?
Police C0 or Nicole C5
I just want a good Ether character...but maybe I don't need the cop if my nicole is c5?...
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Intentional dating to stop your game from being dated
Just build her? She's good, and you can just move the gear over to the rat if you roll her. Or you can use her with the rat. Or you can just use her on a team that has good boss damage but sucks at clearing.
Bit of a far cry from M6W5 isnt it though? Dont want to be making too many excuses for yourself
Relics are artifacts?
Anon Nicole is a support not a DPS and Nicole is the cop's best teammate.
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>spent my resources on Nekomata and Ellen as main DPS only to find out Shiyu Defense 10 resists Physical
is Zhu Yuan worth rolling for?
you need both anon, this is a team-based game, everything nicole does is to buff zhu and zhu without nicole does like 50% less damage
I feel like this whole game is just nostalgia wanking targeting me in particular.
man I hope her fight is fun
I think anomaly is the best overall, while it's true it's weaker than signature I'm pretty sure it's gonna be second best on the rat, I already have grace signature but I'll play them together and she'll use it.
fuck...fine I'll roll for her then...
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there's so much currency in this game that I get confused about what I want to spend my battery on
Yeah discs sorry. I will always call these things relics due to habit.

Did it with piper.
Isn't Ellen Lawrence cryo?
25 accounts so far and still not a single zhu
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I am out of the loop, what is the tech to deal 100k-200k damage with Piper? What rotation and type of team do I need? Is this achievable at C0.
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Zhu banner sinking BIGLY
Neither have I, think it's an issue with litter.catbox specifically
I'm sorry I'm dragging this on for so long, I just really want to see cock
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I asked it in a previous thread and got no response so I will try again: Who chould I chose for the third slot of my Grace+Rina Team?
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>Path to nowhere had a yuri kiss
You guys told me the Chinese didn't allow that.
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Would you take a whiff of Grace after a full day's work for 1 trillion dennies? Be warned, she has not showered for several days beforehand.
on the side that doesn't resist physical right? i'll just slap ellen on it
How important are discs substats? Seems like a massive pain to grind for those as well.
you will outgear SD10 anyway, it doesn't matter
just run your brick on the side that doesn't resist physical
Here's your (you) salesnigger
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Do we know how many times the rat's skill hits? Because I'm thinking of giving her piper's engine since I have it at P2. Is the store one better than that at P5?
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>implying I wouldn't pay for it
sorry bwo..
On blue Shiyu Defense 10, the ether weakness side resists physical and the other side is weak to ice
dragon quest chads... we kneel
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Is the Ice Hollow event not fully released? Kinda lame
Americans have this really weird culture we're you romanticise having children and starting a family, and then romanticise saddling them with debt and kicking them out into the world on their own when they turn 18 because relying on your family is seen as shameful/dishonourable. I'm pretty sure its a jewish trick that just wants everyone out there as debt ridden and isolated from support networks as possible so they're forced to run in a hamster wheel to pay never ending debts every month
grinding for optimal disc substats is the whole game once you have finished the story content and biweekly shiyu/weekly hollow zero
Anomaly mastery, anomaly prof and phys damage bonus discs. Take freedom blues 4 set physical/energy regen 2 set (you can also take assault 4 set as long as you fit in freedom blues 2).
Aim for anomaly prof substats as the first priority followed by atk% and flat attack.
Level your skills and passive. Ideally have her sig engine.
Spin to win. Add electric or fire comp to proc disorders
Their skills are lvl 7.
So, level, then weapon, then artifacts.
First make everyone with leveled 5* artifacts with the right main stat, then go for the critical stats?
>Anons kept shiting on her hair
>It turns out to be a very cute family oriented quitk
Zhu is so perfect
Right? I think part of the reason they settled in the aesthetic is to appeal to people who had a lot of their childhood in the 00's. That and everyone who played Jet Set Radio once.
>Nicole has more art than the entirety of the Natlan cast combined
How does she do it?
Corin is the only reason I play this game
I don't know why you people bully her, I love my Neko and would like her constellations.
This game's pretty schizophrenic over whether an event is fully clearable on day 1 or not
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Guys I don't wanna brag or anything but my bangboo would rape your bangboo. So stay away.
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>this is official art
jesus fuck mihoyo is healing
>no tiktok hours
>flopped in west
>only 1 day of success in japan
Biggest Hoyo flop game in their new era
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Kino wipeout
The gun characters have really good animations for the wipeout freeze frame
Who in asia doesnt already have Line ffs why is it so high up?
Yup. After levels and weapons get discs with right main stats then you can go for skill levels as you see fit. They are guaranteed sources of upgrade unlike discs. Maybe stop at like 9? Then just keep farming discs for an eternity.
Is upgrading core skills worth it? The damage increase seems so low from spending resources from going to lvl3 to lvl4
Try that anon
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Is ZZZ the new bottom tier in the Hoyoverse power level?
>female characters on full display showing their sexual appeal
>male characters are comedic relief but not the main focus
all gacha game art should follow these guidelines
>Love for big honking booba and Petitties in the same pic as le funny kot and Billy swimsuit kino
This is some damn good art. I love the burger floatie
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About your question around viability at C0. Yes it will still work. She was carrying one side of my Shiyus alongside S11 and Lucy up to 13 with zero cinema.
I ended up using all my pulls aiming for Ellen cinemas, then ended up topping up for Zhu which let me reach C4 and yes she is way better with cinemas. But not useless at all without them
bros? anyone?
Rina or Nicole for a cop and anby team?
Thanks, bro.
I got scared when suddenly my mora/gold just dropped hard after leveling my main DPS relevant skills to 9.
Your advice makes sense.

Leveling 4* artifacts make no sense, right?
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Just for anyone who didn't know (because I sure didn't), unlocking all the lost items in a Hollow Zero category unlocks a commission quest for that category.

If you want to farm lost items, go to Hollow Zero -> Metro 2500 -> load in, look at map -> If there isn't a "hidden" sunken bangaboo tile on the map, give up and try again -> if there is one, go to it and get the item, then immediately give up (you'll still get the item) -> rinse and repeat, usually takes around 5-10 tries for it to spawn

you can only get a max of 3 per day.
Maybe gacha just don’t do that well anymore. Wuwa flopped, Genshin is flopping, HSR is flopping, ZZZ has a mediocre launch
How old is this?
Thank you anon
That's a really nice cock
Rina plays terrible without M1
Who is on the top?
anby has canon puffy areola
>Roll for Pubsec
>Get Koleda
well, better than the cat I guess...
as long as tears of themis exists it will never be the case
posted today
Dont have him
that's incredulous. mobile gaming is the biggest market now. if that's flopping, everything else is.
rina works best with anomaly team
I like Billy. He is a retard, but a cool retard.
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Even in no-nose artstyle Nicole manages to sport a jewish sneezer. I love my greedy jew wife!
how much knot exp does it give? the usual ~500 or whatever a normal commission gives?
I use certain 4* ones for Anomaly proficiency and impact since I havent gotten those stats yet but if you have the correct stats feel free to move onto 5* ones. Dont use a 5* one if the mainstat is like DEF/HP and such on 4/5/6
Skins doko?
People will tell you Anton but that's wrong. It's better to stay on Grace as much as possible.
honkai impact third
Should I be crafting welfare A rank balls?
Glad it finally worked for you.
It really is. Makes me want to do a group cum tribute and jerk him off onto Nicole's fat tits.
my favorite trope
>My coinflip failed and i got soldier 11 instead of ASS the cop.
I am level 38, ran out of rolls and quite literally maxed out Hollow Zero level for the week.
Songs for the feel?
FONDLING Anby's little mounds
I have Rina's M1, what does it do?
Tiktok just earns more retard, Tiktok, and two Tencent games have never budged from the top 3 ranks. JP spends more on PS5 for games like Genshin and ZZZ
some of them are pretty alright
you should be maxing out the starlight engine though with chips from hollow zero
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I wonder if this game will be the first since HI3 to feature skins for characters on a fairly regular basis
Piper then
Ah, yeah. Will probably wait to have 5* with the right main stat before upgrading it.
Leveling 5* artifacts with the wrong main stat is a mistake I wouldn't make, I hope.
Who's the Bug Mei of ZZZ?
Who's the Acheron of ZZZ?
Who's the biggest jobber?
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I am so hyped for the summer event next year
So everyone is running nicole with cop
how do I play Nicole? the tutorial isn't very fleshed out on what exactly she does, only how to use her mechanics.
its less, I think it only gave me 150. the first two commission quests are literally just walking around and talking to people. but you still get polychromes and whatnot. and I think I heard later commission quests for these start to take you into battle and explore missions
Starlight Engine is better than both limited signatures
Billy is gonna fucking DIE
>Anby's position
I'm going to mating press her in front of Nicole, Nekomata, and Amillion
Piper or Lucy perform the best from my experience. Anton only really does good damage during chains and anomaly teams don't stun often.
Why do we hate china again?
Her puppets stay on field longer so you don't need to constantly swap to her to keep up her buffs
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I'm picking up schoolgirls right in front of an officer
please god let it be so, i would buy them in a heartbeat
Where cat paws?
>thought ass cop would be the generic workaholic from mihomo
>she just ditches work for her parents at the exact time she gets off
I'm out of dennies how do I find these hidden quests?
What happened to Tiina the girl holding the sign?
They're mean.
me in the back
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This is how Hoyo baits you, dumb gweilo
Billy is dying.
I imagine that most people play Genshin and ZZZ in PS5/PC. Even with my really strong Genshin account, I can barely clear artifact domains on mobile. Someone has to be really much more skilled than I am to clear stuff on those games on mobile.
I think Star Rail is the only one that works well om mobile.
should I get crit or crit dmg for slot 4 for zy
soukaku dps
lucy dps
ellen joe mama
pig yuan
la rata (upcoming piper powercreep)
>Anby laying in throatfucking position
oh god I'm gonna

i fucking thought they were only useful for getting polychromes so i didn't try to hunt them down, fuck
Grace or Piper in a Zhu Yuan and Nicole team?
I cannot use anby in the team as I don't have any other stunners so she is stuck in the ellen and soukaku team
Sadly the people writing the trust events didn't get the memo, because a lot of it is workaholic jokes.
it's working!
and if they turn gay i'll just drop the game like i did with gayshit
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how popular do you think he will be?
I was thinking of crafting the stun ball for Koleda since it has energy regen and she's super hungry for EX skill
>Ellen gets casual clothes
>Zhu Yuan doesn't
what gives?
the only thing that gets to throatfuck anby is a burger
I hope you are one
Heh, gomen!
It's Nicole's specifically and I think it's because it's her dad's phone most characters have smart phones
I'd love to be on cleanup duty after everyone's finished
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Units I like
Units you like
just because you want to fuck her doesn't make her sovl
not very because he's not a furry
Interested in this question, as well. And what kind of rotation.
not at all, nobody is playing ZZZ for twinks
it's all robofuckers (Billy) barahomos (Ben) and furries (Ben and Lycaon)
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im so sad i dont have brickomata, i dont care if she is a brick i just want my full hares team and her trust events and unironically play her even if her dps not that good,
will attract maybe a few /hrtg/ tourists and then dwindle over time
Are the codes int the OP still working?
Zhu needs a stunner.
minimal field time
you mostly use her chain attack to set up your DPS combo
or manually use her skill to group enemies/set up some burst damage
if you have mindscape 2 I think you can hold down the skill to extend its duration
>soukaku dps
>la rata
and grace tts
based me
Does someone have the leak list of upcoming characters?
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>clearly labeled fanart
I'll not roll the rat. I only roll for law abiding family oriented baners
she's on duty retard
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idc about these lists, I only play UNO
Why is he so smug?
What if you put your dick inside some burger buns? Eh?
Female characters
Male characters
>leak list
it's just an excel sheet some retard put together
Genshin and now ZZZ always have been topping PSN stores in Japan. Those games are best on PC/PS5. I tried ZZZ on my phone and the parrying and dodging is not as comfortable compared to using a controller
Yes, I am American therefore my body is at least 67% burger.
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if you dont have steam oven then yeah fossil is pretty good
This thread is going to be so trash when his banner comes out, He is going to be the new shitpost material
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Just run double support then, maybe Lucy? Since Zhu procs Corruption fairly often you could maybe run piper for disorder as well and disorder does daze if I remember correctly.
>shit characters soul
>strong character soulless
It's drawn by the official artists themselves
they put that tag on all posts
Zhu wears the same clothes when watching movie in your room.
What about shotas?
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Characters I rolled for.
characters I skipped
zhu yuan gets more out of a stunner than ellen does
Worse than furrybait.
>effeminate face
>effeminate build
>effeminate personality
who is the gay designer at mihomo because no way a woman designed something THIS gay
she’s on duty in your house too
never know when crime might strike
one was crafted with love one wasn't
absolute tastelet
Are you ready for cuckposting, gayposting and ship wars when he talks to other female character?
Hopefully he flops so we don't get twinkshit
it's a crime to not park that ass on my face
>Zhu wears the same clothes when watching movie in your room.
Yeah she's ready to fucking arrest your ass.
I'll help you if you share it with me, I wanna lick it all off of Nicole's tits and swap the cum with you.
He's really generic and boring, I hope he doesn't catch on
I am level 38, ran out of rolls and quite literally maxed out Hollow Zero level for the week.
what are some other gacha i can play?
TRUE, and everything else is just cope, fuck this Cartoon Network shit
How do I find out what exploration or combat quest I'm missing for chapter 2 interlude?
as a gay furry it is delicious seeing reddit and xitter have melties over half the males being hot furries and not copypasted mhy bishonen
But Welt says that Aeons are far and away stronger than the Honk
Just realizing now that Zhu's only needs faction or support instead of element. Maybe I'll try Koleda/Lucy but my Nicole is M6 so feels kind of a waste not to use her.
Can't spell Bangboo without bang
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>hot and sweaty cop abs and ass
>she sneaks you inside the suit with her
>plap her while she tries to be officer MewMew
>cum inside

how has no one drawn this scenario yet?
so uhhh when is the 1.1 livestream?
Fate Grand Order, the best gacha ever made.
unearthly souler than chibi slop
>manage to do Shiyu 9 on B-Rank
>gear still shit
>try 10
its so over for me
>captcha P4SS0
truly passing me over to the grave
Holy shit I didn't know panty and stocking, a literal japanese anime, was made by cartoon network
MAN you niggers are gay.
Should have been a reverse trap
But it is chibi...
None of those apply to the 4 current men though. Lets hope that honkshit only brings designs and not their shipfaggotry.
if he's busted il roll for him and post about tears of themis every day.
You think she takes breaks? Justice doesn't sleep
She's canonically a virgin because New Eridu needs her
>Who in asia doesnt already have Line ffs why is it so high up?
Sticker packs.
Just go gambling for real
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Balls haven't touched, it's alright.
we are not on earth and we will probably go to the moon later so powerlevels might skyrocket later
The anti-shipfag seethers are the ones behind 99% of the shipshit shitposting in their mindless seething.
>Should have been a short haired tomboy
Popular among all 10 women who play this game
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That's fine too
but they did
i went to vegas once, was 16 thousand up, left 6 thousand down. Never again.
Thanks anon.
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do you think zhu yuan fucks her dad?
>only Ellen gets another outfit
Cause none of them are pretty in the faggy GI & Star Rail sense. The yellow dude is.
Said like a textbook shipshitter, bravo.
Me on the bottom about to cum from my Shark GF's boobs
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will fox lady be analomy?
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This guy interaction reset all the time for you as well?
You would've earned all your money back if you just kept gambling
>Draw a girl call it a boy
>panty and stocking
That was literally inspired in Western Cartoons you stupid motherfucker. Also that series is fucking trash too, kill yourself reditroon
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good lord
No, and I think anomaly mastery is a meme.
>>no tiktok hours
lies on the internet, I see
Dont have Piper but I do have Lucy at M3, will try her out then
It resets if you don't find the coin he's talking about
Considering you are already pre-emptively seething ITT, seems like he's right.
Would Zhu Yuan be a pig or a dog?
>Transaction declined
Zero chance this is official. They would never draw Nicole like that after her butchering. Checked the ZZZ twitter account and yep, don't see it.
Haven't played through a lot of the story, but Cunning Hare struggled with the monster that they beat only by making a gas tanker explode on it. I felt that's pretty low tier compared to the rest of the Hoyoverse.
artstyled differently enough to be better than the standard generic chibi stuff you would get on other gacha
Did you do all 15 hollow zero runs this week for max dennies?
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>That was literally inspired in Western Cartoons you stupid motherfucker.
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Reminder that Venus will always be there for (You)
Venus LOVE!!!
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fire sucks ass, don't have rina for shock/disorder, do i roll for zhu or save for something else or is my account bricked beyond repair
>calling someone a shitter is seething
last(you) shipnigger
The Hares are also pretty bottom-tier when it comes to our agents powerlevels.
I think Grace fucked Koleda's dad.
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>"One day and another day. Dicked around so I didn't get paid~"
So are we getting some free rolls for that shit or what?
Rina is the one necessary for disorder. Do you have Piper?
not but i plan to burn through them daily i can't do 15 runs of hollow zero straight anymore it's not as fun.
in global and especially JP but rarely the US
>jeetwa out of nowhere
Glad I wasn't talking to a real human
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I’ll post Corin too
So I'm not he only one hearing it that way.
>Rina is
Don't you just need to pick Neuvilette and spin your phone?
Glad I wasn't talking to someone with arguments
It reminds me of Powerpuff girls and Panty and Stocking
not all official art is posted on the main twitter account
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Why do muslim countries prefer wuwa over zzz?
I know gooks are love their infinite farming, time wasting, "skill intensive" game like lost ark but what about Turkiye or the Saudis?
shitskins just that zimple
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SEX with Corin
yeah C1 Piper, what's the 3rd?
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Everyone is so autistic in this game lmao. Even Ben is spending his freetime on some math forum
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I see, i didn't noticed that i didn't get the coin after his dialogue
But shiites (Iran and Iraq), Pakistan and Sweden all prefer zzz
Idk bwo.. She seems so innocent...
china wins
Is there *that* big of a gap between the bottom tier and top tier in ZZZ though? Even Genshin shitters should be able to handle that monster and Genshin top tier deletes whole islands off the map, and Genshin was the previous bottom tier.
imagine the smell
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Don't care, will continue to have passionate lovey-dovey sex with Anby while you watch through the window.
Made me think about that one doujin where a dude and his milf coworker hide inside a mascot suit and fuck. I WANNA DO IT WITH ZHU YUAN!
Spending time in math forums when your job is an accountant just seems normal to me, like how programmers frequent programing forums
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What does "including guarantee" mean?
If I roll 10 times, is it 6% or 16% for an S rank?
>sub 1k follower account no one's ever heard of
yep, not official
I am Anby
it's an account that regurgitates official posts from here
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I sure hope there won't be a battle that requires over an hour to complete
You need to take your statistics course (again).
0.6% chance on the first 1-9 rolls, 1.6% chance on the "A rank or higher" rolls .
>If I roll 10 times, is it 6% or 16% for an S rank
Anon do you not understand probability
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>we are getting another male furry character before any female furries in the forseeable future

gaybros we just keep on winning
Big true
I worked in accounting and it takes a special kind of autist/absolutely soulless boring person to want to work in such a department.
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What's the difference in these types of attacks?
the only thing that i find that interact with it is one Bangboo.
Does enemies have weakness and resistance with each type of attacks like Dark Souls?
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That means she's worth marrying, plus turning her into a degenerate in bed is the best part
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>*PLAP PLAP PLAP* Wise stood idly hearing the violent, animalistic pistoning noises coming from behind his door
>"B-Belle? E-Ellen? Can you please tell me what you two are doing in my bedroom? You have been locked yourselves there for hours..."
>"Sorry Wise, I know you invited her over to watch that shark movie together, but she told me she would like some girl time alone now, isn't that right, Ellen?"
>"OH FU—FUCK YES! Oh sorry, Wise, it's — Nhgmm — it's as she says, we need you to sleep on the couch tonight — MnnHH—"
>"H-Haha, alright then, I guess I get it..."
>As Wise dejectedly scratched his head in confusion, he was weirded out by what he could describe as a loose yet ruthless "Wimp" whispered out of Ellen's slips amid her muffled groans
>*SLAP* "Don't call my brother that!"
>Unable to make sense of the situation, Wise stuck his ears on the door and scrambled for answers, but he could only hear Ellen's apologetic moans "I'm Sorry — MHm — I'm Sor— MHmn — I'm sowwy — MhHMhM—"
>As the ruthless plapping only became louder, the walls of the DVD store began to shake along with his heartbeat, leaving him lost in a state of worry and excitement
>"Belle? Ellen? What's going on there?" Cowering against the door, he hesitantly gave it a few knocks in hopes of returning their attention to his pleas
>*Spurt* NHhAaAhHH *Spurt* *SPUUURT*
>Followed by Elen's gargantuan moan, the quaking ceased, and the only hint he had of her presence was her exhausted, ragged breath
>"Oh, shoot. Wise, Did you hear that? I think a hollow just popped up nearby! Go help him already, Fairy!"
>"I-Is that so? I need to check it out then," Wise gulped and began to browse his phone, obediently following Fairy's leads, so as to prevent his brain from piecing together what just unfolded in front of him
>From then on, instead of Wise having to beg Ellen for dates, she came to pay the twins a visit every day, and for his own good, he refrained from ever asking further questions.
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they did in CBT1, they donn't now it got taken over by the class system, although I guess slash can still deflect bullets? and no one else can?
waterkuma suggested and directed this pic, hoyo has nothing to do with it
go on anon and the other anon, do it yourself
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>Genshin is on the right path.
Lmao. Most of the cast does NOTHING. They get 10 mins of AQ screen time then a dogshit personal quest that's usually actually about some generic NPC and bloated to shit. ZZZ is doing way better with its characters already
Show me your butt
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Zhu c1, w1, or save for Qingyi?
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Yeah...6% for an S-rank...haha
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Nice cock bro
anby dekamara
Save for her buddy
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i didn't get buttcop in 120 pulls so i'm saving for megane office lady
Wonder if the name means anything
>rolling C1 before W1
you're a genuine retard and should stop functioning
I don't, and I'm from Algeria.
Miss me with that borefest.
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>that low fan count from china
>posts all look like random fanart
Yep, not official.
All bricks
Qingyi duh
>Is there *that* big of a gap between the bottom tier and top tier in ZZZ though?
Hard to say, since I don't think we've even seen the absolute top yet. I'd say Agents are pretty competitive with the average Vision holder though.
Its HSR which operates on a wholly different powerlevel.
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>Have 19 pulls
>Do a single 10 pull on Zhu's banner
>Get her and Nekomata (who I already had)
>Throw a couple singles on her weapon banner
>Get it, too
It really is just that easy.
c1 increases dps and makes managing ammo less annoying while the weapon just gives dps
there's a reason she's in PubeSex
If that's what you're into, Master Proxy. I will try my best.
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This uniform is hot
post full
Save for Qingyi
If you have a surplus of rolls (like over 60) and really really like ZY you can get her weapon, her C1 isn't that crazy
>spend all my rolls on cop banner
>don't get cop
>don't get s ranks
yes, that channel also does fanart
0.6% base chance of S rank * 10 rolls = 6%. What's the problem?
What I was asking is whether the base chance is 0.6% or 1.6%
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Her C1 doesn't increase her dps when it actually matters (daze windows) so its really just there for QoL versus trash. Her weapon isn't that amazing either so I'd just wait for robocop
it's fanart bro
God I love my little sister and her huge futa cock
>6 different disc drives to split stats between
>need to farm the drives AND their level up mats separately
they really went all out on the artifact shittery this time around didnt they? How do mihomo defenders justify it this time
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Very cool
im not your bro
That's not how probability works.
You've got it wrong. Dismantling disks gives both disk exp and the currency to craft more of them. It's the best of both worlds from HSR.
Its better than in HSR so that's the current cope
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Based imagine cumming inside her while holding her close and kissing her lovingly
what's happening here
Small feline.
bens nearsighted koleda wont let him wear glasses because she thinks he looks cooler without them.
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Corin is a maid worth punishing for minor errors. So frequently she starts to enjoy it and purposely messing up...
shave that cat!
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Thanks for showing me my luck is TURBOASS.
blowing all my neetbux on a date with soukaku!
Dismantling gives so little EXP that you can't even use it to level shit
Commission an artist
Why is her butthole so puffy?
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ah damn poor ben
so HOW important is Zhu Yuan's M1?
Zhu's biggest weakness right now is that Anby stuns pretty slow. Qingyi on the otherhand will be the absolute fastest stunner in the game. Faster than Koleda and Lycaon.
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bro these NPCs are so hot
this game reminds me a lot of when I was a kid playing pokemon and I found literally every single female trainer hot as fuck
What the flying fuck guys.

I won Ellen's flip on soft pity.
I did another soft pity on the banner and lost it to Wolf, as planned. (yes, really, I would've taken m1 as well, but..)
And now I got Cop on soft pity. But. One the pull RIGHT AFTER I got a second cop.

I never had this happen. M1 cop. Nico is also maxed. Ben is only m5, but oh well. Pulled it on phone so no screen... maybe I should always do that.
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Corin would never mess up on purpose!
im running corin rina piper. Should corin or piper be the one using the ultimate? Corins skill looks like it has higher multipliers
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soukaku having so much art has restored my faith in jp artists
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She can't believe it herself either but she's a bad maid now
Qingyi has an aoe stun too. You just spam basic and she spins to win around her. Imagine stunning a group of mobs simultaneously to trigger all those chains.

LMAOOOO and it's only the beginning
Hurry and drop this game before it's too late, fuck these kikes holy shit behead and shit on the corpse of every mihochink
>thinking mihomo 2024 would actually give us bikinis
Shame on you all for falling for it for even 1 second.
crutch QoL that doesn't do anything and makes her more boring and brainless to play
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That’s more like a reward than punishment no?
Playing her in SD right now, to me her biggest problem is her absolute inability to group anything. Even having Nicole doesn't help, you definitely need Resonaboo.
If you won't even let Corin ult, you might as well not take her into the team at all.
it’s Anton that doesn’t let him wear glasses
Is there any hope besides bringing back religion?
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Jesus time to go back to bed
Religion brought us into this mess to begin with.
ahh that sounds like a fair point. I've only played shark ice so far, so learning physical anomaly is interesting
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it's like staring into a gay furry mirror
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I like this game, bwos.
I want to believe
I used to like it before realizing every character would be C1 bait
man I really hope we get another one or another character with wild skin color
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Hmm nyo I'm not gonna roll for M1/Sig slop and use those rolls for Jane instead.
I M1+sig all females because i'm not gay or poor, shrimple as.
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it comfy
>current hag
>loli bot
>some rat bitch
>furry fag
I won't be rolling for a long as time, am sad
Poor chonky cat.
>Same body size as Billy Ben and Anton.
Nigga. Those are all VASTLY different sizes and builds
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yeah, well, I don't like YOU
Is it me or does Rina's EX Special just not activate her passive sometimes?
nta (and i disagree with that faggot's sentiment) but the artstyle has a semblance of powerpuff girls too
>he doesn't know
A few patches later it will be M2+sig and so on. Feel free to spend more and more on increasingly gutted characters
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>it's only the beginning
I hear that a lot but it's been pretty standard for at least a couple of years now throughout every other hoyo game
No surprise here, they want you to spend your money, making OP C6 is unsurprising but also guarantees only ultra-whales will roll
OP C1 may or may not be a lot of investment depending on how many 50/50 you lose on the way but it is still perceived to be close enough for most non-whale people invested into the character to take a gamble
It's the optimal road to touch as many people as possible and incentivize spending "just this time", "just a little bit"
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how are the story/character events in this game?
pic unrelated
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you wouldn't be saying that one month in
There's no pvp and you can probably clear everything with lucy and piper.
Why do you care that there are busted units for low skill whales that need crutches to clear content?
It feels too good to be true sometimes. I wonder if the high quality is due to it being in dev hell for years or if this is a mihoyo game actually using all of its budget. Regardless I really hope the quality stays consistent...
I like it even more after realizing that C1/SIG is not necessary for any character and you can S critical nodes with just C0
Current C6 in ZZZ are actually underwhelming compared to, say, 4.X Genshin C6s.
And both Genshin and HSR didn't start with C1s as strong as ZZZ did, not by a landslide.
They're baiting as much as they can with their broken M1 and once the playerbase stabilize they'll reel the fishes in and start locking more and more significant upgrades behind M2, M4 and so on.
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>/zzz/ trying to bait me into wasting rolls on Zhu M1/Sig
>/zzz/ trying to bait me into wasting rolls on Qingyi M1/Sig
Is this going to be a running theme for every character? You know people will get desensitised and numb to it if you overdo it right?
>Nocha is a Hebrew name that means “rest” or “comfort”.
maybe he is a black cat furry priest that wanders in the wastelands giving comfort to people even the raiders
Don't come up with such cool concepts anon, its just gonna be disappointing in the end.
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I prefer to pick my favorite girl then build her strongest team even if there’s a male support. My favorite deserves her best!
Dupes should only increase damage, not affect how mechanics work and the overall QOL of the character. If it happens, it's jewish and characters are inherently gutted.
>before any female furries
Bro?! Your Miyabi???
what does a "hidden" sunken look like? do I need to scower the whole area or is there like a visible queue
Not poor either and I don't mind spending money but I will never roll weapons or cinema because that's retarded
Lesbian, doesn't count
>overcapping on crit rate
>what does a "hidden" sunken look like?
You sometimes see these Bangboo shadows in the parts of the grid you can't enter? Those things.
C4s so far in this game are great compared to genshin though where like 98% are dog shit
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Goofy as shit
You have to be able to not take things too seriously
It's not even "funny" per se, but sometimes it's so bizarre and/or ridiculous you can't help but crack a smile
The only actually serious character I can think of is Soldier 11 and she comes off as extremely cringy because of how much she doesn't belong in the otherwise light-hearted setting
The knot is also serious but he gets a pass as he acts as a tard wrangler for the maids
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I stopped falling for the dupes meme after Acheron and Firefly taught me an important lesson
Miyabi isn't even a monstergirl, let alone a furry. She's barely a kemomimi.
Yeah I'll use lycaon signature since I got it.
gotcha, found one
The way I understand it, 1.6% is the chance that any one random pull will get you an S-rank, without knowing whether that pull is before or after soft pity. The chance to pull an S-rank with any single pull before soft pity is 0.6%, so the chance to get one in a 10-pull would be 5.8% (1-(1-0.006)^10)
Are you bringing up quality of living?
Now that I think about it you're actually right it really is QOL, and tailored for tired wagies paying their way through stages like women pay to skip levels of candy crush.
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I'm sure they talking more like BNA.
>And both Genshin and HSR didn't start with C1s as strong as ZZZ did
You do know you don't have to start over every time you release a game, right?
They learned with the way people spent money in genshin and HSR, they probably saw much more people were rolling for OP C1s than any other constellation, so they assumed making OP C1 was the way to go to guarantee more money, they have no reason to go back from this principle now and make shitty C1 in their new games
It did change with Fontaine though, there are several appealing C4s now when it indeed used to be a dead constellation on most characters.
instead of bombarding you with a million stupid ass chink terms, factions, gods and concepts like wuwa/hsr/genshin, the game chooses to stay grounded and do simple stories without taking itself too seriously, and it's all the more better for it
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I expected to drop this game within the week. I can't believe I'm enjoying it...
Explain how the fuck Piper/Lucy works as a team, I'm a total retard and it does zero damage for me
Can put Anby/Rina/Nicole/Ben as third slot
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you niggas are shameless
it is though. roll a dice 12 times and your expected amount of rolling 6 is two
Hey zigers, how much does it take from installation to the moment I can wish in this game?
I wondered why I stopped getting any item events despite finishing all HZ except the last area. So it's literally just one difficulty/map?
20-30 mins
Also is it viable to get 5* character soon?
4pc Woodpecker or 4pc physical disc
For brickomata?
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Soukaku best girl.
how do you keep track of how many hollow zeros you did for the week?
C1 has always been the QoL dupe in recent Hoyo games. They've been doing it as early as Zhongli C1, which is literally Genshin 1.1.
>Explain how the fuck Piper/Lucy works as a team
Piper/Lucy is a combo you slap on any given dps. On their own they're not doing much, besides Pipers' strong anomaly damage.
But broadly you basically use Piper as a form of sub-dps stunner with her EX and use Lucy to let your dps switch in with assists.
generals if full of gamblers, who could have expected that?...
They fully convinced themselves that copies and signatures are worth it
But when are we gonna get dupes that increase the QOS of characters?
They had enough with Genshin at the start of HSR to understand that good C1s were successful though. However I think that the main reason they're baiting with C1s instead of C2s is that they realize they're spreading their playerbase thin and they can't expect players to spend as hard as they did when Genshin was their only "modern" gacha on the market.
It does make every character feel even more gutted though, being ONE dupe away from a huge upgrade is nasty and they know it.
Ellen is so fucking shit desu. Literally takes 5 minutes to clear her side in Shiyu Critical. She is an absolute brick without a stunner to carry her fat ass.
so if I don't have a DPS I just get fucked?
all me btw
i want a billy shilling cutscene where he gets serious for once
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then use a stunner
Limited? No, not unless you want to reroll with like 5 singles in 2 hours. You do get a standard 5 star after 50 standard pulls which I've seen some people reroll, but its still not very worth it. Game is just aids to reroll in
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Master Proxy...
cunny hairs...
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>wait until Lucy gets enough energy for EX skill, start building up physical anomaly with Piper
>when Lucy gets EX available, swap and do the charged shot the get the 15s buff
>swap back to Piper, spin2win, enjoy massive Assault proc
That's the crux of the playstyle
You can use another anomaly in their team like Grace to apply Shock on the enemies before swapping to Piper to proc both Assault AND Disorder proc since enemies will be already shocked
no you need a character that applies anomaly like grace or s11 or zy and right before the effect triggers switch to piper and spin until you get disorder.
Works with electricity, ether and burn the best because those are damage over time anomalies
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I use main dps piper in a piper koleda Lucy comp and I just stun and spin and win
i bet her anus tastes like blueberries
There are no stunners in the game
I guess? But the game gives you both Billy and Corin for free, who both slot in perfectly with those two.
Stop in the name of the law
that is every attacker in this game.
In ZZZ C1 is correlated with HUGE QOL upgrade and good damage increase (Ellen) or even insane damage increase (Zhu).
Zhongli and HT are the only 1.0 characters who feel gutted at C0 (especially HT), which feels fine because they kept a good balance and did not drown the games with broken C1s. Meanwhile ZZZ shows absolutely no sign of stopping and this is worrying
you can EXTREMELY rarely encounter them on other areas, but this is the most surefire one I found.
New thread
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>no you need a character that applies anomaly like grace or s11 or zy
>piper koleda Lucy
I will shoot myself shortly
Between Grace and Neko, who works better with Piper/Lucy? Or should i eventually just build them both anyway since elements seem to matter?
Corin has the highest burst damage in the game just rock her. That team is very reliant on having 5 star discs and shit, though
>and this is worrying
no it isn't, just don't roll for them lmao.
I only use Soukaku with her because in most of SD stunner just takes time that would be better spend doing damage.
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Why are the skin tones so weird in this game? Everyone's got the deceased chink skin tone...
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if her backstory isn't that she's a literal sexbot I'll call bullshit
she's built for SEX!!!
You do know that anomaly procs don't take your current Stats right?
It takes that stats of your build up. Meaning you want the atk buff for most of the anomaly build up.
The proc in this case doesn't matter if you have the buff
If you build up 90% anomaly without the atk buff then 10% with the atk buff the proc will calculate that. Only 10% of the proc will account for your atk buff
anon, with ellen/zhu + loli robot with cope ball will be able to clear all content with ease. Explaint to me would I need to roll her C1, even if it makes her 10000000% better?
Worrying? They learned to NOT make useless as fuck dupes like Venti and you call that worrying? Absolute fucking retard. It's good for people who like the characters since they can actually feel the effect of their investment. It's meaningless to poorfags since end content is balanced around C0 chars.
>Koleda, lucy piper
>Corin, lucy piper

Which team and why?
Ben can work fine
No it's her to make you spend like a fucking goy by dangling the actual character in front of your eyes. Just one more dupes and your gutted character becomes fun to play bro!
Its by Fizzill
I already clear up to critical SD6 with just C0 ZY, and my only other S-rank is Koleda. ZY's C1 does nothing for her burst damage. I doesn't even help you on SD7, since you need to kill the 2 mobs that cannot be stunned before you hit the boss for chain attacks.
So the m1 is only for trash mobs? Much better to get the engine then
Yes, but in current content you won't even be able to get it up before the trash mobs are dead so it's basically useless outside certain critical SD nodes where the boss summons mobs after the first stun.
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How does one cope with this situation?
I'm you in another reality where I did drop it in a week
You make a S11 Ben and Lucy team
I was shocked for a moment before I remembered that Thirens were a thing in this game. A lion man agent would be cool.

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