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Translated trailer for MGQP Part 3: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LSK1EcbLdTc

Castle of Temptation has finally been released
NEW Youmaen has finally been fully translated : https://mega.nz/file/5Z1QnDZQ#4fFLCwIIP5xWrs0e8xVptgGHnmYOx8qNY37-PiWtHmc
MGQP has been delayed to 2024. Further information here: https://ci-en.dlsite.com/creator/4710/article/727502
SHRIFT II chapter 2 has been mostly translated but the link isn't updated yet https://mega.nz/file/6UNn2KCL#5M2quBjZq39HZhuCno7LbbA2UtftLHj2GxE3PHvmyfs
New MGQ Wiki: https://mgq.miraheze.org/wiki/MonsterGirlQuest_Wiki
New MGD Wiki: https://monstergirldreams.miraheze.org/wiki/Monster_Girl_Dreams_Wiki
Three Charms Lonesome Spirit collab translation has been updated; Link: https://arch.b4k.co/vg/thread/435693950/#q435711784

Game guides and resources: https://pastebin.com/ATqygPX7

You can get the latest translation of the Paradox Part 3 Demo translation files from ArzorX's Bitbucket:

You can get the Part 3 Demo files directly from Fanza here:

You can read a guide on how to apply the patch at ArzorX's Blog here:

ToroToro Resistance's blog:
Previous Thread >>486981836
Your gargoyle lust is getting out of hand anon
Arekishi Girl Quest...
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Girls... "our type" keeps losing in the OP wars....
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What the... It's a Gargoyle OP! To think others actually appreciated her too...!
Promestein LOVE!
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>kill sex best kind
>pleasure death based
>Enough talking
oh I-I see...
You know, we do spend a lot of back and fourth criticizing the coexistence plot lines of MGQ, but how would *you* have done it differently? Personally I think it would've helped if monster girls and humans weren't just blanket generalized as groups when shit like slimes that can be beaten with minimal effort are an entirely different case from the active murderwhores. Illias Kreuz kind of felt like a strawman to narratively discredit humans who have greviances against monsters, to, I would've liked to have seen some more legitimate groups.
Reposting for visibility:

I'm running a (semi) new monster girl games collection at


and I'm looking to have short reviews/descriptions for each game to make it easier for anons to find what they'd like. Reviews list is at https://pst.innomi.net/paste/56qfzye4yugfekgrz6trptbd along with guidelines how to write new ones, additions are highly appreciated and there's A LOT to go through so it has to be a collective effort. The reviews are just one liners so anyone can write them, just copy existing format if you played something and it doesn't have an entry yet.
I like the anon who talked about co-existence emerging from equal strength between the forces at play, but honestly in the MGQ setting, the point seems to me like there is no perfect solution.
Make up some hunter guild for the humans that goes "If it's hostile, you kill it.". Did some villager get raped to death? Saw a neighbour get vored by a plant? Post a bounty to the hunter guild and they'll kill it. It would make humanity seem a lot less helpless, it would also make the monster girls look like less of a writer's pet protected class that gets away with anything (against humans), and it would overall improve the balance of power between man and monster. It would also give more narrative options (player decisions), does Luka help the monster girl who accidentally killed someone clear up her name/go into hiding, does Luka help the hunters take down some retardedly strong monster, etc.
The idea is simple, balance out the murderfaggotry so both sides can actively participate, instead of it being monster girl exclusive
Altough this would, at least partially, ruin the femdom aspect of the setting
Did the capybaras die?
>Altough this would, at least partially, ruin the femdom aspect of the setting
>ruin the femdom aspect of the setting
I guess this kind of is the main conceit, with the way a femdom setting works, the females have to hold a lot of the power in the setting in order for it to work. There's nothing wrong with that in premise but it makes the males the underdog, and as such makes them much more understandable unless you're a gigantic masochist.
I think the issue most people has isn't that there's no perfect solution, it's that basically no real solution is given to coexistence yet it's championed as the main point of the plot, so the narrative just feels rather hollow. "I want coexistance despite monster girls being the dominant partner in this relationship and, for a lot of them, coexistence would be giving up this power for little gain to a species they consider largely inferior"
No, I'm just expanding scope of the collection to get more feedback or help with improving it.
>I want coexistance despite monster girls being the dominant partner in this relationship and, for a lot of them, coexistence would be giving up this power for little gain to a species they consider largely inferior
Just replace monstergirls with men being in relationships with human women...really puts things into perspective.
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I wish nudity could be used more in the games. Most I see were in the 62Studio and it’s more of used to make the user or target glasscannons.
It would be hotter if it also caused the monster to tease you or get hornier when you are stripped. Maybe having the more motherly ones hug you there and rape you “for your own good”
I'm not sure if this would work, but I think Alice wasn't the best idea for a companion in a plot line talking about coexistence. Sure Alice also wanted it but her just kind of watching Luka eat shit any time he fucks up a fight kind of harms the dynamic and helps reinforce monsters as the only one with any actual power in this verse. Some part of me feels like it would've been nice if some shitty bottom tier monster girl showed some better initiative from the start and wanted to challenge the monster lord with Luka's help to change outlooks, but that would admittedly fuck over the femdom aspect pretty hard. I just think some perpective from the "average" monster girl when encountering things would've helped.
It technically works because it’s also a journey for her but yes it falls flat when she has all the power in the world and just lets him be raped/vored and as easily goes away.
Worse off: some of those monsters cause widespread consequences razing down villages and the like. And some of them would actually have her intervention sooner or later like how she wakes up midway through the Beelzebub fight to murder the remaining. Yet if Luka loses, that’s it. She doesn’t have any mention afterwards.
It’s specially worse in Part 3 because you just know nobody will stay still letting that happen in the middle of a war.
Paradox did a favor by getting rid of Alice’s and Ilias’ power like that as it’s excused with them being knocked out of comission and some monsters kidnapping Luka to their homes.
Life need human Ilias
Well crap guess it shot up in my backlog now
This Gargoyle obsession can't be healthy...
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>It’s specially worse in Part 3 because you just know nobody will stay still letting that happen in the middle of a war.
She's sealed though
Even then. Or rather, specially then. Now she needs Luka more than ever. Countless people do.
Alice is the person that the moment she lost her powers she went after Promestein straight away destroying the monstruosities and machines along the way. She doesn't stay still with a war raging on.
And once more if Luka loses there is nothing done here. I don't ever record something like ''Alice got knocked out too soon after''. And I can at least record a few scenes that nearby people tried to help Luka only to get defeated in the process. They are least tried.
Q&A says sealed Alice gets captured by angels
Why does Laz get shit on for killing when Tamamo is an actual war criminal that’s murdered hundreds of thousands of men, women, and children?
Not far off it.
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/mggg/ apocryphal savefile
>A. News
In thread #874 we've finally started the actual playthrough of the apocryphal savefile after most of the preliminary stuff has been dealt with (including votes, though the job poll remains open). But due to circumstances there won't be any further progress on the project for a few weeks (pic related)
>B. Current status
Preliminary Stage:
Bonus Round:
Start of NG++ playthrough:
Collab and Time Loop:
Job Leveling:
>C. Ongoing polls
Poll on advanced jobs (max. 3) for all characters:
>D. Basic information
The apocryphal savefile will be the Ilias alternative to the Alice focused canonical savefile, where we do all the things, we didn't want to do the first time around.
Eva is on vacation. VACATION.
>Eva is archiving the part 3 ready /mggg/-canon MGQ:P savefile:
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I like MGD's version of "Coexistence" People and Humans have been killing eachother for thousands of years and neither can remember who started the war. Out side if the Island the war was slowly settling down but in others is still hot as they kill each other
You can't have proper coexistence if one side holds all the power
I guess you could make it so the human women (and only the human women) are also insanely powerful for some reason
It's really disappointing that there are no femsub scenes in Paradox (not even lezdom/lezsub scenes) despite the fact that several monster girls are implied or outright confirmed to be masochists.
> a world where monster women and human women are both insanely powerful and both sides fight over fragile men
>will you accept the affections of your strong but plain childhood friend or take your chances with a succubus who might turn you into a cow?
I cannot lie, this is my fetish.
Luka literally can't cope with not being raped
Even when he rapes someone he goes >oh nyoooo... because it's the only way he can stay hard
Oh... well at least they adressed that later.
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even if monster girls held all the power, the main conciet of COexistence is that BOTH sides need to have a mutualistic relationship from it. Like how humans generally benefit eachother from helping eachother out. Given monsters wholly benefit from not being subjected to any sort of control, there is no reason that a lot of the stronger monsters would ever accept coexistence. I can see a decently strong case for a lot of the weaker monsters like slimes and such, and it's why I dislike how the issue seems to be "monsters versus humans" when in reality the issue seems to come largely from the really strong monsters, whereas weaker monsters would actually benefit from coexistence, I feel
The one thing I always wanted to ask in story is why Elaine came to work on this island when she was basically a blood knight of an adventurer and still has her tard strength

I do like how some monsters actually are pissed off they have to resort to sex "fighting" if they wanna start something with someone where as some of them are so used to the non violence magic they actually get a bit worried when they use their strength and it actually hurts you or is implied to, like Kotone went full meltdown mode when she accidently draws blood after having a freak out and biting you and when the red oni sister rapes you if you lose against her, she goes so hard she cracks the floor you're fucking on, stops to make sure you're okay and that she didn't just bust your ribs or pelvis then goes right back to widly swinging her hips til your recall stone calls you back as you pass out. You could almost call Dreams a hug box with how little threats there actually are to your character at first, with the new mimic for some reason your recall stone doesn't work and you're stuck being raped by her forever BAD END if you lose and with a certain frenemy if you lose to her awakened form she keeps you trapped there while she goes crazy with her affectionate yet really sadistic 3 on 1 gang rape of you til you lose your sanity.

Speaking of unexplained explainations of what happens to your companions in these games if you lose and get raped, Succubus in Wonderland, if you lose a fight Reto is raped and taken away so what happens to Lewis? I mean, I'm of the assumption that canon wise Reto only journeyed with Lewis,Carrol and Alice around Wonderland rather than recruiting various characters, actually I wonder what if TrTr has thought of just how many people did Luka journey with in Paradox canon wise
>the main conciet of COexistence is that BOTH sides need to have a mutualistic relationship from it
This is categorically not possible if one side holds all the power unless we're living in some kind of post-scarcity utopia that also controls peoples' minds so they don't have vices such as greed, wrath, or just plain sadism. Like it literally doesn't matter if the monsters all want coexistence, they're not having it if they hold all the power. That's like saying we "coexist" with the baboons in our zoos.
>Speaking of unexplained explainations of what happens to your companions in these games if you lose and get raped,
I always assumed it was like sequel where your companions either look for you, save you or accept that you're gone for good
Angel world
Humans are cattle but domesticated to where they either think they're happy or just bored,complacent with their life

Monster world
Humans are cattle kept in cages whose only existence is being food for the monsters at best and being used in experiments or as an outlet for sadistic tendencies at worse

Paradox world
Angels are hiding among the public disguised as human male merchants
Monsters would rather congregate into human society rather than live by monster society's laws and standards
Humans have some degree of resistence with human males having slightly higher combat power wher as human females not only have higher combat power but also have learned to wield sexual power as well as lesser monsters.

Why? Why can't I fight to save this world rather than these two extreme authoritarian worlds? Not to channel black alice but those worlds sound so fucking boring, this one is the most interesting with everyone roughly on equal terms so many interesting unforseen things can happen almost ina chaotic way! a cha-tic w-ay, ch ay.
I like how in some of those rather than treating it as a bad end all the time Hakika started putting a few scenes like that in without disrupting your gameplay through not in Blight and Awake, in Blight certain enemies if you lose to them Mana tank will be raped, killed and or kidnapped with the implication the party was killed, in Colony there's a ghost girl monster dying from lack of mana, you can offer to save her by letting her tit fuck mana tank but the scene has the party surrounding them to make absolutely sure the ghost doesn't kill him or try to run off with him, in Kludge there are 2 scenes where mana tank can get raped by a monster and both times after he passes out his party saves him.
because at the end of the day, mgq is a femdom game, so you're picking between two femdom options
it does suck that it feels like SEQUEL is the only monster girl series that's able to balance its femdom tendencies with worldbuilding that doesn't make out a lot of the females to just be huge assholes, you know? I can and do like femdom, but knowing a large contingent of monster girl games just have the monster girls wanting to outright kill you it just kind of disenchants me with the fetish, a bit. I wish the meme of "they're only monsters on the outside" was true
Part of the cause is that the monsters in these games are typically antagonists so most of the ones we interact with are those behaving in antagonizing ways. This can be helped with further lampshading on others.
Also, this may sound odd, but I feel part of the issue is that while MGQ shows that coexistence largely works, it puts little effort into explaining why it works, in spite of the factors that would logically undermine it.
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For some reason sequel girls scare me just as much as the MGQP girls even through they're not malicious all of the time, be they human or monster they're just way too fucking horny, every single person in this image has committed rape on mana tank some multiple times
Unironically the SEQUEL girls feel like the perfect balance between femdom rape and actually likeable characters, I don't know how hakkia does it. They just feel like people i'd actually want to be around
>Luka literally can't cope with not being raped
As I said: lezdom/lezsub. Have you forgotten "something amazing" from the original game?
>Even when he rapes someone he goes >oh nyoooo... because it's the only way he can stay hard
I guess the answer is "yes"...
I feel a big part of it is that, despite the rape, they come off as genuinely liking the guy and enjoying his presence other than as a source of cum/sex. As a result, they don't come off nearly as callous.
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>As I said: lezdom/lezsub. Have you forgotten "something amazing" from the original game?
Not him but I have, what are you talking about,dude?

I think it's more how casually they switch from being normal to rape mode
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It's only barely related, but you can pre-order one of the og elves RIGHT NOW
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I think it’s due to the variety of scenes they got. I didn’t bother exploring many of those later entries but the Blight girls fucked a lot, would masturbate mid-adventure, fuck during sidequests outside in closed rooms, fuck outside among the woods where they could easily get caught and even some scenes I didn’t bother unlocking where with them in dancing outfits etc. 3 of them are human and those girls have less self-control than most of the Awake cast which are monsters.
Perhaps because TRTR made most of the girls so composed in their scenes you don’t feel it’s as big of a deal to them as it is to the SEQUEL girls because rhe SEQUEL girls are *enjoying* it a LOT. They are addicted and drugged by cock, violating the MC because their bodies developed a need for it. Few girls in MGQ/Paradox strike that level and that includes the ones that rape Luka for years.
Additionally, because they have more normal values the fact they are breaking norms mean a lot more. A monster girl will rape you in public without care, but those girls know fully well they aren’t meant to do that and the risk of being caught and will still go through with it because the pleasure outweights the common sense.
Those are my favorite scenes, its kinda why I was disappointed that Sequel Paradox had the chicken as the MC instead of Mana tank
Yeah, that does go into making them scary and keeping in with the 'monstrous' aspect, hell Sequel arguably doubles down on the idea in other MGGs that rape isn't anything personal in their minds, and they will do it despite, or even because of genuine affection.

But what I'm getting at with>>487628950 is stuff like how each girl has a lot of non-sexual interactions, and they will occasionally come to your room just to hang out, for example. Really helping to sell the idea they care for MT as more than just a meat dildo and cum dispenser, even if they sometimes use him as such.

There's also the fact that compared to other femdom games, the guy is far more active and reactive in sex scenes, making them feel less one-sided.
that was 1000 years ago
she changed
I almost feel it's unfair to compare, because with MGQ or something the cast is so big you cant really have as many interactions with them as you do for SEQUEL. But it's not like SEQUEL doesn't have rape on loss with random enemies. I think it works best to have both, a core cast of some girls you can get to know and care for and some random monster rape too
I get it.
Maybe everyone who's been raped by a monstergirl gets mindbroken to some degree, and is willing to accept more than normal?
I want to be able to manwhore without a game over
rape on loss also gets really frustrating with having to skip through an entire scene on a particularly frustrating fight. I remember this filtered me when I was fighting lillith and lillm in mgq part 2 back in the day
>utopia that also controls peoples' minds so they don't have vices such as greed, wrath, or just plain sadism
So, AW…?
after you lose and the h-scene starts, you can right-click and load the save from save location
that's what I do
Everyone works together and agrees on peace coexistence is that easy. The problem is that we're viewing this with humans being the pigs instead of the farmers when it comes to vore monsters even if those are cannibals the fact the game just addresses it with "I dunno" doesn't do it any favors.
>why can’t I fight to save this world
Anon, don’t you remember when Paradox Ilias says before she dies?
>Luka, you must save this world
>save THIS world
She repeatedly emphasizes saving the paradox world. There’s definitely going to be a third route/alternative in the full release of P3.
AW/MW are the inferior versions you play through before you get the third TRUE route which actually saves PW.
I don't know how you could possibly miss this.
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If Undine enhances Daystar (Infallible Daystar) which of the Four Spirits would enhance Sword of Heaven's Army?
It's not that other games don't do this, but they do it to a far lesser extent or do it with fewer of their girls.
The themes of MGQ only work because coexistence is easily criticized and problem ridden. If coexistence didn't have an issues then it would just be Luka walking around being right about everything. One of the most important ideas in the VN is that coexistence is a flawed ideology, but Luka still chooses to fight for what he believes in rather than get hung up on some perfect ideal. The story attempts to drill this idea into the player over and over, I'm shocked how many people criticize coexistence and miss the whole point; coexistence is not a theme of the story.
Probably Salamander
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Golden shower is a shit tier fetish, I would even dare saying it's just as bad as scat.
I don't like it, but it's not as bad as scat
there's a huge power gap
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Luka if he in Sequel, jobbing to socks
Well to compare it to the closest equivalent I can think of, Shirou. Even though Shirou is called out constantly that his ideals are really dumb even by the living embodiment of the end point of his ideals, being a hero is something we can fundamentally kind of get behind even if it is flawed. You kind of can't do that with coexistence because it's a much more concrete thing and it feels like the setting itself is almost disinterested in even entertaining luka because it's a femdom porn setting, not because of any complicated societal questions it's just porn, so it feels kind of hollow
What Luka is fighting for is irrelevant, he could be fighting about what the best way to eat eggs are. The point is about taking action and being true to oneself, it doesn't matter if what he's fighting for works or not. That's why a character like Promestein fails in the end, scientific pursuit may be a righteous goal but she betrays herself and her ideals and is punished for it in the end. A similar thing can be said for Alice XV, Alice XVI, Ilias, Lazarus, Alma Elma, etc. They fail while Luka succeeds because only Luka could detach the abstract of his ideals to the actions most true to himself. And that transformation couldn't have happened if it was a "correct" ideology.

I feel like saying two things would help.

>1: Monsters, especially weaker ones, gradually drift away from the might makes right mentality instilled by Alice 1 and grow to prefer the stability of human societies to the point of accepting the rule of those weaker than themselves.

>2: The superhuman capabilities and knowledge of many monsters are often a boon to any city they integrate into.

Then, you can further go into specifics for each location. I feel this is what TrTr is alluding to, but saying it outright would help iron things out more and leave fewer questions.

Yeah, the idea isn't it's a perfect solution, but that coexistence in some form is the only option to stop the never-ending cycle of violence.
I mean it's evidently not irrelevant, given it's what the character is fighting for, you can't just say it's intrinsically separate from the themes of the game just because the game ALSO has themes of fighting for what you think is right is correct, these can easily both be true without contradicting eachother. Also, I don't think anyone has a problem with coexistence being flawed, in fact thats the issue. People don't think coexistence is a flawed ideology, they think it's an outright unworkable one by the way the game presents it. it's fine if an ideology has issues, but it's really hard to root for a protagonist who's just outright told he's wrong several times and is given barely anything by the plot to work with. Unshakeable determination is nice and all but people kind of like something more tangible to work with
>I mean it's evidently not irrelevant, given it's what the character is fighting for, you can't just say it's intrinsically separate from the themes of the game
Coexistence is a MacGuffin, a plot device. The reason Luka fights for it (heroism, self actualization, etc) is important, not the thing itself. It would be like saying that magic rings are a theme of Lord of the Rings, you're mistaken the thing that is presented with what it is supposed to represent. That's exactly why, as you say,
>You kind of can't do that with coexistence because it's a much more concrete thing and it feels like the setting itself is almost disinterested in even entertaining luka
coexistence isn't expanded upon in depth because it's not really important.
If we're going to use your argument of luka's heroism and self actualization as the main points, then I think the narrative weakness of the plot device does nothing but harm the main themes. As you said earlier, you bring up a bunch of characters that fail because they betray their ideals, and we have luka true to his ideals, yet it feels like he's basically no closer to realizing them, nor does it feel like he will ever. He's gone on a journey of true heroism and self actualization to reach his goals and then we're basically left to imply that said goal will still never be reached. That feels even MORE cynical than just dogging on coexistence being a weak theme, we're basically watching a guy bash his head against a brick wall to accomplish nothing and being told that's good
>He's gone on a journey of true heroism and self actualization to reach his goals and then we're basically left to imply that said goal will still never be reached. That feels even MORE cynical than just dogging on coexistence being a weak theme, we're basically watching a guy bash his head against a brick wall to accomplish nothing and being told that's good
True coexistence, where there's no disputes and everyone is holding hands in flowery fields, will never be achieved. But the point is that Luka makes strides to change the world to be one closer to his ideals, because that's what he thinks it right. The fact that it can never be achieved and Luka accepts that is key to the story, as we're shown many alternative characters who can't reach that compromise and go full martyr as a result.
I mean I wasn't talking about "true" coexistence, and I don't think anyone else is when criticizing the coexistence plotpoint. The point I and others make isn't that true coexistence is an impossible ideal, it's just that coexistence at all, in any form feels like an impossible ideal, which is the point I was making by coexistence not seeing like a flawed idea but an unworkable one. Just the absolute most basic ground floor idea of humans and monsters treating eachother as equals feels impossible
Luka is an extreme masochist, so he's just doing ti for his fetish, if someone's family member got vored or abducted, he would just do the meme os saying Oh no how sad whiles thinking it should have been me
He would track down the monster and beat her down, as he does throughout the story.
He would make her promise not to do it again and then let her go whiles sealed
He would likely not request a promise from her. I don't believe he ever does. He just beats them up and leaves them to fend for themselves.
Yes, where is the justice for those that were harmed or killed? After a few days, weeks months etc, you see the murderer of your kin walking around like nothing happened.
I try to avoid arguing about the merits of coexistence too much since I don't find it that important, but saying that it's unworkable/impossible is a hell of an indictment so I'll bite: how did you manage to come to that conclusion? The story itself shows that it seems to operate fine enough. The power disparity/aggressiveness of monsters is overrepresented in game as those are going to be the types who attack a (fake) hero like Luka, the vast vast majority of monsters aren't super powerful murderers/kidnappers. Someone who brings a weapon like a knife or gun or even a car out in public has a greater power imbalance over your average civilian than your average monster would. Yet still our society functions.
At the risk of going on a tangent, it upsets me to see people echo the myth that humans are super weak in the setting. It's shown that humans are powerful in groups, Heinrich is seen as nuts partially because he made it to the monster lord's castle solo, with numbers even a more modest party like Marcellus' can travel through Hellgondo as a group of four. Every major human city managed to fight back against an invading force of monster and angels. Queen Elf had to resort to kidnapping to try and get Sabasa to capitulate.
What will Pisslias' and the blue tapeworm's traits become when they are restored to their original forms?
isn't this a large case of game and narrative dissonance, then. Like, we're told that humans can stand up to monsters in groups, but what we're shown a lot of is humans eating shit to stonger and stonger monsters because this vn wants to larp as a jrpg even though it really shouldn't because it's not a very good jrpg (Genuinely my biggest problem with MGQ is its insistence on wanting to larp as a JRPG, it's one of the reasons I have a hard time revisiting it because I find the "gameplay" portions extremely tedious and unfun)
I realize it's not impossible luka will eat shit in part 3. He already went into pee.
She might die in the wilderness. If I were Luka, I would get some kind of cage to put dangerous monsters in, like the idea is they're forced to spend time harmless, weak, and helpless, but while the core idea has merit, I feel the execution needs a lot of work.
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Thank you Youmaen Translator! You're my hero! I hope you have a great week!
Scat and Guro are basically the only things mgq hasn't done yet
Ok ex4 final was wild
i liked the way the party system was implantation it really felt like it the dev cared especially comparing it to the three charms Collab
Also how did the white rabbit appear to explain the Marcellus things? Considering she is Dead by the word of her equivalent?
Remember when i said that Daji feel the most dangerous members of the alliance? Yeah she definitely is
Is black fox fight now an Abandoned concept?
>isn't this a large case of game and narrative dissonance, then. Like, we're told that humans can stand up to monsters in groups, but what we're shown a lot of is humans eating shit to stonger and stonger monsters
Is that true? I'm pretty sure for every example of a monster wrecking some humans there's a counterexample of monsters being pushed back by humans. The start of the VN has Granberia and Alma Elma being major disruptions, but they're counterbalanced by a powerful hero like Luka existing. And they were doing what they did as retaliation for some unmentioned instance of humans threatening monsters.
It'd be great if it still wasn't done.
I mean, that specific example is kind of a bad one, given luka in that instance was hilariously outmatched and only let go by granberia because of her fightan autism
TrTr stated that, if the entirety of humanity waged an extinction war against monsters, humanity would take devastating losses but also the victory
I mean that's my issue, anon. we get a lot of "statements" but the things shown in the vn feel like they counter it a lot. The fact that we're even relying on an out of universe Q&A to state that says a lot, imo
I agree with what you're saying, but given how unlikely a global-scale extinction war is to happen in the OG world (without serious incitement from a party like Ilias Kreuz or the reigning Monster Lord at least), taking TrTr at her word is all we can really do I think
On the other hand Granberia probably would've left anyways, she was just trying to bait out more people to fight by making threats to the town.
The VN shows plenty of instances where monsters are being threatened by humans, I simply don't agree that it's not presented well in game.
TrTr is retarded and doesn't understand shit. There are like maybe 3 strong humans that aren't Luka and thousands of powerful monsters. Humanity would get destroyed easily. Remember an attack on all human settlements that we had to resolve in Paradox? Without Luka, they would all lose.
>Is black fox fight now an Abandoned concept?
I don't think so. If you remember what Meira said, she said she would let you talk to Richard if you do that for her. Well, Richard is not only the one who apparently got you the "device" that is the game's interface, but he is also the protagonist of SHRIFT II.
So basically I think Black Fox will be a thing after SHRIFT II is complete.
I think the idea was 100% concentrated forces against each other - in other words, an unrealistic hypothetical
>And they were doing what they did as retaliation for some unmentioned instance of humans threatening monsters. This really should've been shown, imo. if you're gonna justify granberia going up and wrecking house like she did I would've liked to see what actually happened. Same for Erubite's shit and maybe it would've made her seem a lot less like a cunt
>Same for Erubite's shit and maybe it would've made her seem a lot less like a cunt
Erubetie a shit no matter what timeline it is
The cities under attack by BA's forces in the VN are also destroyed in the postgame if you don't help them, iirc. I think that's just a wrong translation/interpretation of the Q&A.
I just think that seeing the slime's homes get fucked up by human pollution would've been a really strong case for human monster power dynamics and it would've helped establishing the suffering goes both ways and gives a clear example of a monster benefiting from coexistince. As it is it just makes Erubite look as is if not more unreasonable than illias kreuz
to be fair, that is coordinated by the 15th, through the interference of MW
I think TRTR said something about a war with the 16th being more difficult because the monsters are more coordinated
difficult to read because old MTL (does anyone have the original JP Q&A? can anyone ask TRTR or the JP fanbase for it?)
so I guess if 9-14th wanted an extinction war, they'd lose because they are completely bad at their job
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Don't say mean things about TrTr even if you disagree about some things
>I just think that seeing the slime's homes get fucked up by human pollution
The thing about it is that the pollution wasn't just human's fault, it was also monsters, but the humans got all of the blame for no reason and all of the people she killed is just glossed over because of reasons
>The thing about it is that the pollution wasn't just human's fault, it was also monsters
That's not how I remember it; it was said it was coming from human towns.
>Remember an attack on all human settlements that we had to resolve in Paradox? Without Luka, they would all lose.
Outside of Grand Noah, which would have likely been a loss, it's shown the other cities were able to overwhelm the invaders. It's played for laugh, even. You fight one mermaid and then it cuts to San Ilia using machina tech that causes El to retreat. Grangold King sends the spiders packing. Sabasa is more even, not sure who would've won there. The point was to cause as many casualties as possible rather than the monsters outright winning, and the monsters were losing hard enough that they weren't even achieving their real goal of mass slaughter and had to completely fall back. They got smoked and Luka's party was only dealing with like two monsters in each spot. It would be a different story in the VN though, as in Paradox there's better access to technology and magic.
>That's not how I remember it; it was said it was coming from human towns.
The place that Luka got a quest from to investigate the missing people was the colosseum city that had humans and monsters living together. Iirc
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I think I'm happy enough already...
New torotoro blog: https://ci-en.dlsite.com/creator/4710/article/1197274
Do any madmen here pay to read it? What does it say? A copy & paste of the Japanese text would be appreciated if anyone here subs to his 500 yen plan
It's probably just about squeezing trap dungeon or whatever the text-only game was called
>that shit was announced 3 years ago
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Why are foxes so unreasonable?
No matter the world, they are troublesome...
Doesn’t change the fact that it happened.
Replaying the collab, and I still can't believe there's a hero more naive and pathetic than Luka.
Lest, why?
Kek, even japs meme about nintendo being a terrible company.
>no Queen Roach
>no Yao
>no trait power up
Ilias really got shafted in the demo content, huh?
Alice has been getting shafted in character development this whole time, it's not even close to fair.
That's because she's boring.
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Hello, fellow human high school kids.
It's the new transfer student, Lili.
Everyone will make fun of her due to her massive breasts.
I mean, what can you do with her? Her role in MGQ is being Luka's forced waifu, that's it.
Turning the villain into companion is inherently so much more interesting.
>Nice balloons, Loser!
Because he usually loses to human girls he has to be more naive.
I will hide her breasts in my hands to protect her from bullying.
>Anon was never seen at school again
>everyone else gets dryfished for making fun of her
>she leaves you on the brink and lets you live
games and doujins for this feel?
I will now proceed to rape this normal human girl.
Is there a source for this claim because I continually see this shit tossed around but the last time a screenshot was posted it was something to the effect of
>monsters are also capable of organized warfare so I feel like humans would get rolled
If someone could find the full original Q&A in Japanese, that'd be great.
Maybe contact TRTR for it.
I don't know Japanese, so I can't really do that.
Saying it out loud like that...
You're horrible...
I think the wiki has a link to one of the Q&A pages somewhere, but you may have to dig a lot
Let's be honest. The original Japanese would use the word Ningen and therefore it means Luka single-handedly genocides monsters in this what-if.
Like mother, like son...
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That's mean, anon.
I salute you, noble brave heroic guardian of the sea and land!
Rats laugh when they're tickled too, but they giggle at 50kHz, which is out of the human audio range.
Cheatcode for anons with rat wives.
I need milk tits.
Technically, like technically-technically, everyone who isn't in a different plane of existence or explicitly subhuman is "ningen" since it derives from buddhist shit
So monsters are also probably ningen, in buddhist terms
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I want to smooch Geregere
best loli bandit by a wide margin
When will Goblin get another H scene, fuck.
You'll get one for her aged-up form and you'll like it
No way she's a human. Her tits are way to small for a normal human girl.
>B-but how did you know I was a succubus?! My disguise was flawless!!
>Her disguise:
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I think it's wrong to just assume a girl is a succubus just because you think she's a little cute. It sets a really bad "presser dent", or however you spell it.
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We can subjugate those shota eating dryfishing vore loving sadistic ugly monster whores and create a society free of such evil
>human hero has lower Intellect than average human
W-what did they mean by this?
What's the manga?
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He is an orphan that grew on the streets and had to adventure alone because he suffered racism for having 0 mana. He didn’t have proper education.
Red Ranger Isekai.
The power rangers saved our world from the usual evil alien empire and he got isekai’d. His tokusatsu powers break the common sense to the point their artifacts that gauges levels and skills produce pic related when they analyze him.
The current arc is them trying to estabilish the demi-human alliance
Well, then it's not really "humanity" per say, more like "is current generation of heroes strong enough and willing to maintain the world peace or not?" Think more along the lines of the Avatar. Most humans would probably die in monster-human conflict because heroes would be fighting somewhere else.
Looking in the mirror and whispering "Myusca" three times
Fortunately nobody alive knows how to pronounce it correctly.
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You could just send your angels to protect the shota dicks with their pussies. And safeguard them in Heaven.
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Indeed. These well-spoken, beautiful angels will make sure that those bad monsters will never get to steal their semen!
Personally I think humanity wouldn't be fighting just straight up like that. They would make up for the difference exploiting weaknesses and with composed teamwork. In the VN they mention stuff like Merlin summoning spirits to buff the team. Even if they were minor spirits that gives them elemental advantage in any encounter. And we know Sonya's mom is a priestess so they got healing covered.
Alice's voluntarily let herself be defeated, but those four still made it all the way to her castle which means they had to fight their way through even Hellgondo.
And this is without counting underhanded plots like poisoning wells or setting forests in fire.
There still should be heavy losses for mankind to win but I don't see them as Hero-dependent like that.
>Alice's voluntarily
Alice's mom*
This might be unpopular to say here, but I hate the trope of "Species' females look human, males look inhuman." It always kneecaps my immersion unless it's addressed with a decent explanation.
In this case it seems to depend on species. Those guys even called out how elves are basically just humans with pointed ears.
Very common trope. I don't like it either. Too many authors lean into rule of cool but even stuff like the warcraft movie with giant hulking orcs next to orc women half their size was stupid.
tbf, most monstergirl stuff gets around it by simply not having male monsters, females only. I do get what you mean, though. It's also usually paired with the females being outright cosplay tier and the males being fully furry, it'd be less weird if they at least went more advanced with the degree of monstergirl-fication
On that note, man I feel like dragon girls these days are extra shitty, the majority of them are just elves that have random patches of scales on their arms and legs, if even that
This. It's not fair, why do women get to enjoy having sex with beastial men with exotic penises but men can't enjoy fucking beastial beauties with exotic pussy? It's all fucking cosplay tier.
>man I feel like dragon girls these days are extra shitty, the majority of them are just elves that have random patches of scales on their arms and legs, if even that
Shitty monster girl art is easy to find.
>beauties with exotic pussy
Imagine forgetting about Ocean and her (allegedly) canon famous manta pussy.
>men can't enjoy fucking beastial beauties with exotic pussy?
You can once you ride the kemono wave.
>but men can't enjoy fucking beastial beauties with exotic pussy?
So you want to fuck a furry then?
I mean sure but at least your pic is pretty obviously a wolf/jackal girl. the dragon girl situation is DIRE, it's pretty much just elves in most things. Then again, the fantasy market is basically entirely taken over by isekai and gacha and most of them have really shitty and uninspired designs, and designs with any sort of uniqueness to them are either killed off or never get any content
>most of them have really shitty and uninspired designs
I hate to tell you, but this is what people like. The monster girl community has always had a big streak of people who just want the nekomimi.
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The nekomimi wants (You) more than you want her, so be careful.

Like, I get you want your guys to be cool and your girls to be cute and sexy, but they go so far with it that I become very aware of the hand of the author, and it's not helped by how it feels done to ensure mass appeal rather than any artistic reason. But like I said, I'm typically fine if there's a good in-universe reason for it.
nah I know, i'm not under some kind of illusion that monster girl stuff is actually all that popular. It's been a long time since the peak of monstergirl stuff 15 or so years ago and we're only slidling off more and more in popularity, it's sad
It's ok because I'll sneak up to the nekomimi first...
What else do you want out of dragon girls? I guess claws, tail, wings... are there really dragon girls that don't at least have a tail?
I think the most important appealing things about dragon girls are behavioral rather than physical. Either acting like haughty nobles or honorbound warriors, having special dragon-like abilities, being more "serious" than other monster girls, maybe even mating for life. Special elemental connections meaning their body might be incredibly warm or cool to the touch. Without the special "dragon" things it's just a lizard girl, really.
Cheeky kot...!
Whiskas correction is needed...
Doubt it's unpopular at all, this is universally shit. If you're going to have male monsters at all at least make them monster boys. And if you're going to have male monsters, then don't make them fucking furries or whatever, just make them actual monsters so at least there's a chance they look cool. God anthros are so fucking lame.
>are there really dragon girls that don't at least have a tail?
I've seen quite a few dragon girls without tails or even horns in various isekai and such, yeah. Even in stuff like Dragon Maid, 90% of the time they just have their horns out with their tails rarely showing up. Also I argue that you kind of do need some of the physical features, given those behavioral traits also apply to things like elves, of which a lot of dragon girls end up looking like in their "human" form these days. I wish the other stuff like what you said about them being warmer or colder applied but if the author barely put any effort into their design they're not putting that much effort into less visible physical features in my experience
That's not what I'm saying at all. It's the massive dimorphism with no explanation that's my issue; either give a reason or make both sexes anthropomorphic, monstrous, or human-like and I'm good.
Example of what I mean about male monsters. Alicesoft has "gal monsters" which are monsters but look like girls, though many of them essentially look like cosplayers by /mggg/ standards, their clothes are a part of their body like a snail's shell, so they're essentially a form of monster girl...
Meanwhile their counterparts they breed with, the "guy monsters", range from little meatball guys to giant turtles with artillery cannons on their back to rampaging rape monsters with multiple jaws full of teeth to noodly anemone things that sing. Way more interesting than... cat guy... turtle guy... bear guy... fish guy...

Personally I don't mind massive dimorphism with no explanation, I just think the form of dimorphism that results in "men are just furries" is simply lame. Would rather be MGQ-like with (almost) no males at that point.
I could never get into Alicesoft's stuff, I always hated how they tend to drop an ntr/rape scene on you with zero chance of you to ever avoid it and everyone seems to defend them for it
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Gulp gulp
It's always a good idea to check back on previous locations sometimes, because you get to discover more dialogue that you don't know exists.
Or read the ramblings of an unrepentant murderwhore
This is why I said it might not be popular here, as I would rather both sexes be furries over this approach.

On a side note, it's annoying that this puts me in a similar camp as those people who seem to hate sexy women outright. The type who says shit like. "She's not human, so why should she have breasts," or "Why should she have wide hips," and the like
I still find it annoying that no one in the party picked up what was going on there.
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Oh shit is that exclusive to the Lily route? I knew she was the one that wrote HELP and later DIE. I deduced as much.
But damn.
They're right though.
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Ilias did notice the village was fucked up and said Luka would go in rampage if he noticed. From the reaction to the Mayor there with a mistress, Sonya at least had some idea.
But considering we just left Natasha be when she was still human, I doubt anyone picked up the HELP message.
No, they're not. Human women have wide hips because they need the room to pass a human baby, and human women have breasts because that's a convenient place for them to store the fat they need. It makes sense that similar features would be seen on a creature with a similar body plan.
The only one I found is https://seesaawiki.jp/mong/d/%BC%C1%CC%E4%A5%B3%A1%BC%A5%CA%A1%BC%A4%DE%A4%C8%A4%E1 - apparently TRTR answered questions on http://ask.fm/torotorotoroto2 , but that account is already deleted.
Anyway, there are too many questions to look through all of them, but the closest I found is that:
>>Q.これまでの回答を見ると人間は魔物と比較して弱い種とも思えるのですが、それでもそこそこ繁栄してるように見えるのはイリアスの加護の賜物でしょうか? それとも魔物側による餌の保護や、種として繁栄しうるだけの長所があったのでしょうか、
Which is roughly can be translated as:
"It looks like humans are much weaker than monsters, so why are they still prospering? Is that because of protection from Ilias? Or it is because monsters protect them as food, or do they have some other advantage as species?"
"Humans may be weak as individuals, but as social creatures they are undeniably the strongest"

And another one related:
"By saying 'Humans are strongest as social creatures' do you mean that even in war monsters or angels aren't cooperating with each other?"
"Like IRL, humans are always superior when it comes to competition for existence. Individual power cannot overturn that"
This feels like a weird thing to say, given monster girls absolutely are social creatures themselves and even have societies to some degree. If they didn't then there wouldn't be a monster lord
They're much looser, seemingly with simpler hierarchies and settlement, for example. Many monster also seems to just live in the middle of nowhere.
This would have more value if we didn't see repeatedly that a powerful monster is fully capable of defeating hundreds of humans without any effort, even in Paradox where humanity can actually use magic we could see Alma Elma wipe out all the enemies of a fortress in 5 seconds and without them even realizing what was happening.
is it just me or does this feel rather. I dunno, handwavy? It just feels like TrTr is just saying "humans would win with the power of friendship!" and refusing really to elaborate on how that'd work
That's my issue, too; I can imagine typical monsters not being much of a problem, but the stronger monsters? Like how many soldiers would you need to take down any one of the Knights, several thousand?
Only a chosen few can appreciate the sublime beauty of a closer heart.
I straight up don't really see how any human soldier could even remotely deal with alma or granberia even in large numbers, they can move so fast that humans can't even react
It's not really worth discussing whether mankind can really defeat monsters, obviously on a logical level it doesn't make any sense seeing as it has always been shown that a moderately strong monster by itself can destroy entire villages without the inhabitants being able to do anything, and that there are more humans than monsters doesn't make sense either seeing as most of mankind seems to live in small villages with only a few cities having a large number of inhabitants while there are monsters everywhere in the world. If in the end humanity is shown defeating the monsters it will be for pure convenience of the script as TrTr needs to make things look even, otherwise humans like Lazarus would be completely justified in wanting to eradicate a parasitic species with few morals that at any moment can enslave humanity if they want to.
Even more unpopular but I want part 3 to have a few actual outcast monsters slipped in, not just girl's heads on weird bodies. They bordered it slightly more in the demo and collab than before in parts 1/2.
Man I want to redo mgq to actually do some evidence gathering on what the game itself presents on the whole monster-human disparity but I don't really want to do the whole fake jrpg puzzle fights the vn does. Is there a version without the fights or a script or something somewhere
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It's very healthy! Loving Gargoyle with every fiber of my being has done nothing but good for me!
I can only see it happening via exhaustion and magical support. But it would require a force that is insanely dedicated and disciplined

I wouldn't go that far. I would say most monsters could be taken out by 1-5 squads of properly prepared soldiers. It's the stronger ones where it's like you'd need an entire army for this one woman.
It's not worth doing. MGQ handwaves humans in when it needs to. Paradox made up towns and gave kill counts of thousands for a small one during the collab.
But most monsters can recharge their energies by raping their enemies, and we have already seen that some monsters like the succubi can rape a man dry in less than 5 seconds if they really want to.
Most of the answers there are like that.

>>that there are more humans than monsters doesn't make sense either seeing as most of mankind seems to live in small villages with only a few cities having a large number of inhabitants while there are monsters everywhere in the world
Population proportion is 100 humans : 10 monsters : 1 angel
>Population proportion is 100 humans : 10 monsters : 1 angel
This literally makes no sense, not only do monsters have the advantage that they will always have monsters as offspring regardless of whether the parent is human, but there is also the fact that there are several monsters that can theoretically have a lot of children in a very short time.
Do you have cheat engine installed?
Because you can just search for the health of the first enemy, add that address, and modify it to 1 at the start of every fight, because the address doesn't change between fights
The base health values are on the wiki
Also I'm not sure what will happen in scripted fights where you aren't supossed to defeat the enemy
Didn't Part 3 or the translation of it include a Very Easy mode that you just oneshot everything? I remember hearing about it since it comes with issues on getting some achievements since well you oneshot everything.
I didn't even know mgq had achievements
That’s because only filthy HUMAN women were being abused. Luka only cares if it’s monsters.
>humans like Lazarus would be completely justified in wanting to eradicate a parasitic species with few morals that at any moment can enslave humanity if they want to.
He is completely justified and TrTr's haphazard justifications against him don't make any sense.
You don't get to write a Mary Sue like Alma and then say "oh yeah, a couple thousand humans could totally beat her". No they wouldn't. As is, only someone on Heinrich level could beat a Heavenly Knight. Even someone like Grandgold king would lose to a Heavenly knight tier monster because of his lack of combat experience. Yes, there's Sabasa king, but he can't be in two places at once so he loses any war automatically.
Not really.

First off, based on Granberia's entry, getting a guy to cum in less than a minute is presented as a feat that only a very skilled monster can do. Presumably, most monsters would take 2-3 minutes to get an average guy to cum.

And while they do get energy from semen, it's hard to tell what this does for them in the short term, like if it would allow them to heal a grievous wound instantly for example.

It seems monsters rarely choose to have kids.
I don’t know if I can pound Luka’s aunts and grandma…
While he may be justified in wanting it, it's not something that's realistically obtainable, and his methods don't help his supposed goals at all.
Since i've seen it a lot over the threads, what makes Alma Elma more of a Mary Sue in your guys' eyes compared to someone like Alice or Taomamo. Not being facetious, I just don't remember a ton about her character
Wait now I'm curious, what happens if you kill alice at the begining?
I'll go check it
He's only doing terror bombing because he knows he can't win. Basically he's seething about being weak and powerless so he bullies even weaker monsters. But he's still right despite his attitude and behaviour.
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You see if Neris gets tired from dealing with insects and there's 10 times more humans than there are monsters in total you can clearly beat Alma Elma by sending wave after wave of men after her.
All he does is point out obvious issues that many others also point out, and everything he does arguably only makes these issues even worse.
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yeah no, no hidden scenes, alice just fucking cheats
fucking plot armored dumb bitch
Alice and Tamamo even as powerful as they are have characteristics in their characters that make them not seem like mary sues, with Alice there is the fact that her power does nothing to fix her emotional problems and that is only fixed by spending time with Luka, while Tamamo has the excuse of being one of the oldest beings we see, so her abilities feel realistic, plus she more fulfills a mentoring role. Alma Elma on the other hand doesn't really have any emotional baggage aside from her mother and her complex with being excellent at martial arts, but that is hardly given any attention and instead we simply see Alma Elma being good at everything without any reason or motive, if she was just a martial arts and sexual prodigy she would be fine, but apparently she is also good at absolutely everything else without any apparent reason.
Don't worry it'll be a mechanic in paradox part 3 so it's more like futureproofing
>wahh I can't break canon
SHITlias lost.
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>Population proportion is 100 humans : 10 monsters : 1 angel
I understand the angels but for real? Cause I always took monsters as far more numerous. They are raping and birthing all the time.
I know that most of them leave the kids to fend for themselves but even then.
It's not much, but we are told by her own admission she would be a poor leader, and one of the older Q&As states she would be a neglectful parent. The twins also imply her sex skills could use work, but I imagine their standards are a high bar.
for those to be actual flaws they would've had to have been actually acted upon by the narrative. The real hallmark of a mary sue is when an author gives a character flaws but he flaws don't actually matter. Granted a true mary sue is this niche self insert character exclusive to fanfiction but let's not go there
Most Monsters don't have kids very often.
>I always took monsters as far more numerous. They are raping and birthing all the time.
They are also voring each other all the time.
Succubi and humans, we're not so different. If they can work together, they can do great things.
"Humans extinction leads to monsters extinction (conversely, it means that all monsters that can out-reproduce humans were eliminated in the process of evolution)"
¯\( ° 3°)/¯
Beezlebubs checkmate
I'm pretty sure that's not how evolution works.
>(conversely, it means that all monsters that can out-reproduce humans were eliminated in the process of evolution.)

Doesn't make sense...
>t. Gargoyle addict
Actually this makes sense. Not being killed by the monster lord is a part of evolution.
Yeah, if anything the humans were the ones who should have adapted to somehow prevent the monsters from outnumbering them.
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Yes! I'm hopelessly addicted to Gargoyle!
Yeah, TrTr doesn't know anything and probably flunked out of school.
eliminated usually means genocide rather than natural causes.
Don't be too harsh, writing isn't her string suit
I'm only being this upset out of love for the game. The core idea is still great.

If this is the only reason, the ratio would be 1:50 between humans and monsters.


in the process of evolution
Doesn't the MW shit on this? Literally there the monsters have free rein to do whatever they want with humans and yet humanity hasn't gone extinct, probably because the Ancestors created a system like human farms where enough humans are born so that they don't go extinct
There's also the fact that monsters are only 2000 years old, evolution isn't this fast.
That's probably the smallest issue when you have genetic manipulating gods in the story especially with no hyperbole on the gods part.
Its a strange comment but I think I get what she meant. A creature that exhausts its food source will also die, so monsters don't reproduce often to maintain that subconsciously. You can come up with head cannon marrying competition, adaptation, and such but I doubt TrTr mentioned much about that process.
If we take Paradox at face value (which itself often does), then stuff like Mana and SP are a thing. So if you don't happen to have a boatload of supplies at hand, then even someone like the 4HK will be drained out and forced to use weaker skills, while also getting slowly damaged by the piling human waves.
Well, there is some logic, and some similar things IRL - if some species will reproduce too much and eat all their food base, they will starve and die (or at least their population will be severely reduced). Over time they (and their food base) evolve to some sort of equilibrium

Like, imagine 2 populations of monsters that lives on separate islands.

First population reproduce uncontrollably and after some time they outnumber humans on their island and humans go extinct (because they are all dryfished, vored or too busy fucking monster girls to fuck human womans). Monsters cannot reproduce without humans and die.

Second population doesn't reproduce that much and there are enough humans for them to dryfish/vore/fuck.

Well, it doesn't necessary go to 100:10 humans:monsters, but actually that answer was for a question "won't humans go extinct in future?"

I'm ESL, bear with me. "Eliminated" there was about natural selection.

Well, since humans didn't go extinct it isn't? And we don't know enough about MW yet (dunno about demo, maybe there was some info about it but I'm not going to play it until 3rd part is released).
The problem is that those creatures live mostly by their instincts, maybe they can reason but still incredibly basic level, while monsters in general even with their instincts have the same intelligence as the average human, so it makes no sense that they somehow evolve so that all species that have a lot of offspring go extinct instead of just creating systems that prevent humans from going extinct like this guy said >>487753208
>New games with monster girls come out that I want to buy, decide to also prepare funds for part 3 if it comes out this year god willing
>Playasia completely out of stock of bitcash cards and has been for like a week
>Try seagm
>No option to use paypal, but paypal is available for psn cards
Are "they" trying to shut down the remaining avenues to spend my money on what I want?
Yes. Also succeeding.
That isn't evolution anymore, I fell like this is an issue with TrTr not knowing how long certain things should take like how he wrote that humans went from not knowing how to use fire to building large cities in less than 2,000 years.
wasn't there a way to buy dlsite points? dlpay or something?
>Like, imagine 2 populations of monsters that lives on separate islands.
The problem is that the world of MGQ is not built for this logic to work, before the disaster of 30 years ago the world of Paradox was equal to the original world which was simply three huge continents without small islands scattered around the world, and among the three continents in one there was only a single human city that we know existed until Ilias killed them, so only the other two continents would remain, if somehow some kind of monster would wipe out all the humans on any of the other two remaining islands then they would have wiped out half of humanity, which would only prove more that the monsters could wipe out all the humans if they wanted to.
Having Promestein live with a kingdom really helps with that.
She only did that recently.
Well she was trapped in a cave, but hey she did bump them up straight to floppy discs at least.
It was just an extreme example, you don't need literal extinction for that to work, it's kind of cycle "more monsters -> less humans -> less monsters -> more humans", it's enough for evolution.

But, as >>487753405 said, 2000 years are not enough for that, you need far more. But writers often can't into numbers.
Geniuses don't win wars, and if they do, they don't allow for coexistence. They just form an unstable hierarchy where the favored race is inferior in all respects to the underclass.
Holy crap what
Alright fair enough. I guess the monsters themselves would eliminate the fuckers that would compete for the amount of dicks out there.
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Oh thanks for the tip, that worked. This kind of reminds me of hearing about how yakuza would get around gambling laws by giving out toy prizes at pachinko parlors that could be "sold" for cash at a nearby place.
I wasn't sure before but now I've gone with getting 10k points and will keep a few thousand in reserve just in case things are cracked down on even harder before part 3 comes out. I will not let those people and their useful idiots stand between me and the finale of this decade long saga.
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I'm gonna assume while they do have a system like that, since it would be a dog eat dog world out there the numerous ones would have to fight it out for their ''food'' which would mean there would be nearly as many losers failing to reproduce afterwards as there would be spawns.
We don't exactly know if monsters with high reproduction like the Beelzebubs still live there. At very least I don't think the 6 ancestors have a high birthrate. The Alipheese lineage didn't expand that much after all, at most they note the existence of one sister or another among the queens resurrected by necromancy
How much is Paradox 3 gonna cost anyway? Does the dmm page list it or did one of TRTR's articles?
Aside an occasion like that with something shutting them off the rest of society the only other result I imagine is if other monster girls or people rallied around to murder the species as insects.
Imagine this:
>population is 1:1 man to monster girl
>monster girl with high reproduction fucks a man and has a 1.000 children.
>999 of them would die virgins due to competition
>the sole descendant that finds a corresponding mate will have 1.000 children again. 999 will die out virgins again.
This would go on every generation. There is no evolutionary pressure to stimulate that trait unlike insects that need high breeding. Sooner or later the birthrate should decrease.
It's still extreme? Situation B:
>human to monster girl propulation is 1:1 but let's put 100 of each.
>monster girl with high birthrate fucks 1 man and has 1.000 children.
>while there is a bigger amount available, there are still 99 other monster girls of different species out there competing for men.
TRTR had no idea with what he said with that statement, but this is a really interesting topic. Sooner or later the amount of monsters with high birthrates should decrease unless there is a bigger amount of men available to keep up.
Any good femdom slop? My preferences are feet (but not gross ones. I'm into feet of human-girls-with-cat-ears-or-whatever) and centaurs, but any good game is good. Not into murderwhores.
Played MGQ/P and SHRIFT. Downloaded Youmaen since I found out it has been translated after years of mtlshit (was it a decade? Sure feels so).
False equivalence. Most women hate weak men, they want strong and dominant men.
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Monster Girl Dreams has some decent foot content.
Monsters seem to quite enjoy the comforts and convince of human cities.
Nothing comes to mind specifically foot focused.
Monsters want strong men too.
There's one game I know but I can't recall the name, I have to check twitter when I get home.
Seconding this. There is even a guide detailing all the foot content in the game https://monstergirldreams.miraheze.org/wiki/User_blog:L30MGD/Feet_Fetish_Guide
But wait, there's more! There is a mod which adds a butterfly girl focused on feet and legs.
So if a very strong monster learns HP Regen, MP Regen, and SP Regen, we're all fucked.
Good thing they're lazy.
I just finished part 2 not that long ago (haven't started the collab stuff yet though) and I read somewhere that I shouldn't touch the LoC because it'll permanently lock my save file from getting an achievement or something? That sounds really dumb.
Thanks anons, that looks good, will check it out!

I'll hold you on to it, anone!
LoC is meant for part 3 characters so to stand a chance in the LoC you have to be either maxed out or a collab character because they're honorary part 3 characters. Part 3 wasn't balanced for that but it looks like they rebalanced shit because of the collab or maybe it's the 50 years in the making.
Seeing how incompetent TrTr has been in trying to show the monsters as beings that can be defeated by humanity and that deserve to exist I am afraid of how he is going to portray the MW, which so far everything we have seen of the place and the people who live there paint it as a hellhole without any redeeming qualities, so now we just have to wait and see if TrTr is really trying to show the MW as a dump or if he once again failed to make it feel like a good enough option for people to actually choose it.
MW is going to be the shithole full of death everyone suspects, but the game is going to downplay the suffering with your typical
>but they felt pleasure before death so it's different from normal death :^)
AW will be luddite on steroids so not hard to make MW seem better to be honest.
I can imagine Alice saying how MW is good because it is a world of freedom only for 5 minutes later we see laboratories where humans are treated like lab rats.
>laboratories where humans are treated like lab rats.
They already have that in AW with luka vat clones
That doesn't make any sense, we already saw a normal city in AW and it literally looks nothing like Luddite, nobody lives in poverty and there's no bullshit system of sharing everything including women. The only thing we've seen wrong with AW so far is that people are assigned their jobs and partners, but other than that people seem to be able to do whatever they want with their free time.
It's actually very similar, including totalitarianism, no free will, except in Luddite you don't get killed, just raped and beaten up, in AW you get raped tortured forced to work or charcoaled.
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>The only thing we've seen wrong with AW so far is that people are assigned their jobs and partners, but other than that people seem to be able to do whatever they want with their free time
Uh huh, Sure. Everyone in AW is free and happy and aren't brainwashed masses whose sole existence is to be mindless puppets for Ilias.
Luddite village looks and is nothing like AW Esta, though.
How the fuck are they brainwashed if your image literally shows that people can disagree?
And then get insta killed.
Luddite village is literally just a village of wife beating misogynists. It’s not even totalitarian, the mayor is just chilling in his house.
And how is that anything like Luddite village?
>anyone that managed to escape the brainwashing is immediately killed
>And how is that anything like Luddite village?
I'm not the one that implied it, Just wanted to remind everyone that AW is a dystopian hellhole disguised as a utopia.
>literally just a village of wife beating misogynists. It’s not even totalitarian, the mayor is just chilling in his house.
way to contradict yourself
>Uh huh, Sure. Everyone in AW is free and happy and aren't brainwashed masses whose sole existence is to be mindless puppets for Ilias.
Told you it's another Luddite episode where everyone is """""""happy""""""""" (and if you're not happy you get killed lmao)
Just because the Lilith Sisters were even more retarded doesn't mean Gnosis and Zion should get a pass for trying (or succeeding) to kill anyone they feel like because they calculated it wouldn't immediately break the world first.
MW has clearly been shown to be the greater evil but that doesn't mean you should earnestly support AW either.
MW so far hasn't crucified Lazarus so they're the lesser evil for now.
It’s not really disguising itself, though. What you see is what you get (a harsh totalitarian world run by Ilias, killing/punishing those who step out of line with prejudice).

The MW is much more guilty of pussyfooting around it being an equal shithole.
>Saja/Shiki Sisters: no don’t worry it’s great you get total freedom for all I swear :DD
>might makes right, strong rule the weak? huh what do you mean nah man
As if the 6 Ancestors and their strongest subordinates totally don’t run things and either kill or enslave the majority of the humans in the MW as livestock.
>wtf I was gonna tell the ultra-VIP diplomatic emissary about bad things happening and I got killed???
it's not good, but it's not as extreme as some people are painting it
who knows what lurks under the surface
>the elected official sits in his house fucking his side piece mistress, this is literally 1984 and you are contradicting yourself (somehow)
By all means, feel free to explain how Luddite village is totalitarian.
>totalitarian: relating to a system of government that is centralized and dictatorial and requires complete subservience to the state: "a totalitarian regime"
That’s AW to a T. Luddite village, though? Nope.
Tamamo has hit me with a command grab.

Send help.
if anything, Luddite Village is like MW
"freedom" for group X to abuse group Y as they see fit
>"freedom" for group X to abuse group Y as they see fit
That's kinda true for both though. In a weird horseshoe effect.
According to the search results link it will be 3520 yen.
This is more than the past parts, but given the dev time spent and absurd amount of content going in it I think it's actually pretty undervalued. Much lesser games than this have tried to charge more. Hell, just the free trial version had more content than the average 2000 yen h-game.
The only thing stopping me from calling TRTR a saint is that he never got somebody to clean up Thomas' mess.
Put that shit behind spoilers next time man. I knew the scene exists but I didn't know the context
Not exactly. You don’t have such freedoms in the Angel Dominion unless given it by Ilias.
Yeah, but at least in AW you can live well if you don't oppose Ilias, while in MW no matter what you do you can always end up dead or worse if one of the ancestors feels like it.
I just finished paradox's grand noah colosseum and everyone sucking her off and going UHH WE WON'T WIN, SHE'S STILL AT 94% HEALTH and shit, and her going "huh... now I'll get serious and dryfish you" just made me hate her just as much as I did in the OT, her forcing herself into your team and beating up granberia because she's always right and special and she won't take no orders from the XVth doesn't help in not making her look like the most specialest snowflake in the entire world
fuck that rapist murderwhore with a pike
I'm pretty sure that Alice 1 can shut down anything going on if she wants.
How accepting of monster boys in monster girl settings are you?
Not very, then it's not really a monster girl setting. It's a setting with monsters, some of who are girls.
The Dark Goddess is described by Saja as being hands off in terms of ruling. If you are simply existing in let’s say MW Plant vore territory or w/e, the plantgirls have complete freedom in doing whatever they want to you. Conversely, even Angels in AW do not have complete freedom to do whatever they want to you, as you would need to stop out of line (however thin that may be) before they can do so.
Angels don't really get wild freedom to play with humans as they see fit (or else it'd just be a big orgy), it's all in a very particular order set up by Ilias.
Whereas Alice lets the Ancestors run things how they see fit, and they mostly let it be a free-for-all of monsters doing whatever they want, to humans and to each other.
Which results in heavy oppression by monsters.
Kanade seems to be the only one setting up a strict order.
That's true, but I think she doesn't bother unless something big comes up.
Nero is as far as I'll accept, and that shouldn't be common.
Bad example. Kanon specifically HATES plants and prefers others.
That's why I said AW is on a whole new level of retardation
>relating to a system of government that is centralized and dictatorial and requires complete subservience to the state
Also applies to Luddite to some degree
? Isn’t Kanon the cruelest of the 6? I thought she was described as relishing in digesting humans.
>to some degree
Can you elaborate? Like this anon said >>487770315 if anything it embodies the MW ideal of “absolute freedom” (which is just might makes right in disguise). The men are the strong group in Luddite, so they do whatever they want to the women. Once the abused women become stronger and turn into Succubi, the roles are reversed.
Yes, but they aren't mutually exclusive. Her city is multi-racial rather than mainly plantlike.
Luddite never advertised itself as "absolute freedom" though, just Ilias worshipping cultist retards.
I don't think she's the cruelest, but she is still cruel.
>In this way, many thousands of men have become prey to Kanon.
What anon meant, is that Kanon's area is not "plant vore territory".
>Far from favoring plant monsters of her own race, she appears to rather dislike them. For that reason, there are few plant monsters in Grangold, and it is a multiracial city.
It's just general vore territory, like all of MW.
The hell is it with alraune leaders and being fed up with ruling over their own kind?
There's clearly a pattern if they've gone from Kanon hating plant plant monsters to it being a tradition for Queen Alraunes in the present to have to trick their successors into unwillingly taking the seat.
>prepare 3 envelopes
I don't really like it because why would a monster girl bother with weak humans when she has men of her own species? You'd have to nerf the monsters until they're just another fantasy race (like beastfolk) to give humans a chance, or have human x monster relationships be rare and highly deviant.
>why would a monster girl bother with weak humans when she has men of her own species?
For their appearance and/or personality? Not to mention that usually in those settings humans can surpass their limits (even in relatively grounded work Daily Life with Monster Girls).
works, like*
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Imagine you're one of her students doing abnormally well during a routine spar one day, and she starts giving you this look.
Luckily there aren't any canonically jobmaxxed characters.
Useless bitch
Why do I hear boss music?

>Oh wow, I actually managed to land a few- https://youtu.be/PL_JyCGKUPU
Granberry would cream herself if she got to fight the Sparda Family.
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Goddamnit I want to hug her so bad
god I wish paradox granberia wasn't such a jobber, she deserves so much better. Like, at least give us an evil PUNISHED GRANBERRY version or something
You will get Magical Granberia and you will like it.
Women like monsters
Men like monstergirls
simple as that
I'm unironically kind of fine with it, as long as she doesn't stay in that shitty dress and she goes full magic knight, that'd be cool. If she becomes a full joke character i'm gonna be real disappointed in TrTr
Women like handsome men; it's guys who like monsters because they're cool.
>she goes full magic knight
She's gonna get pink armor.
Jobmax is a meme, not being an item master would make no difference and there's a few other jobs that are worthless.
Women are freaks too. They have monsterfucker sections in book stores for women.
t. "handsome man" who has never gotten laid and doesn't know what women get wet for
protip: it's not bodybuilders
Victorian era take
>women don't have sex drives.
>and when they do, they only like vanilla sex with traditionally good-looking men.
Reminder that Edward is a stalker twink.

Yes but not these>>487729114 >>487708978 kinds of monsters. Designs like this appeal to guys.
Yeah, they actually want to fuck real monsters. Unlike guys who want to fuck human women with a few unnatural features.
Who are better to side with in paradox, pirates or the navy?
one on first playthrough, another on NG+
Pirates have the better characters, but Navy gives decent items over time, and buff Levia who is recruited regardless and is one of the most powerful characters. There's no real wrong choice here yet.
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>second link
>he thinks women don't want to fuck giant lizard dudes with two cocks and claws
Anyway women can like "cool" things too, it's pretty common ackshully. The TTRPG community is like 40% women, despite the protestations of certain grognards to the contrary.
I don't understand why they would expect me to want to pick the succubus sisters
>Alice route
>Ilias route
I never even got far enough in paradox to even know that you could. Did they ever give a reason as to why Luka's just okay with them being around? then again, Alma gets to stay and she's just as bad
That's what I did but I wondered if it mattered like the witch hunt village where there is 100% a better choice
They are route specific aren't they.
Ilias just always seems to be the better route narratively
Based on what I've been told about fantasy novels targeted towards women, nah. One of the love interests in these books is usually some kind of monster guy, but he will have very few, if any, inhuman features.

Then again, when I think about it, the inverse is often true too. I guess it's more of a mass appeal thing.
Nah, Alma actually helps Luka quite a few times and even with her lust she never does something stupid and useless out of pure sadism unlike Morrigan and her sisters.
Alma isn't nearly as bad from memory.
well then why does luka even entertain the morrigan sisters hanging around? Why does anyone in the group, really. Seems like a really bad idea
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>100% a better choice
yes. There is clearly a better choice.
Yeah, Alice's whole route feels weird, even Alice wanting to support MW feels forced, at no point do we see her develop a vision that makes her think MW is actually a good idea, just near the end of the demo she starts praising Alice I and MW almost out of nowhere.
>Ilias did notice the village was fucked up and said Luka would go in rampage if he noticed
compassion from the true goddess.
typical luka, angel rape correction is needed.
Because TrTr needed Alice to have exclusive recruits but still didn't want Granberia, Tamamo and Erubetie to join so he made Morrigan join even though it doesn't make any sense on a logical level and in fact having her in the group makes it even worse after learning from what happened with Marcellus in the demo, and believe me when I tell you that all of Alice's exclusive recruits except for one suck on a narrative level.
Speaking of Granbera, I think TrTr once described her parenting style as. "An animal throwing its cub off a cliff." and I found it funny.
that doesn't really feel all that correct, given what we know of her. Sure she seems like she'd be a bit of a hardass but she holds back pretty hard against someone who's not at her level of strength a lot.
Not that she'll ever have kids given she was cucked out of her only suitor by Alice
Funny thing is Lily as a unit is worth more than the Fairy race change.
>Granberia, Tamamo and Erubetie
I can't believe it. sealed loli granberia joining them was right there. And they didn't do it.
Why are alice's knights so back ended to part 3 anyways it's not like they're doing anything worthwhile with granberia and erubite that would necessitate them waiting their arc out to part 3
He's probably being hyperbolic. I figure he means she would be very strict and demanding, expecting them to climb the cliff on their own.
Because they're broken as fuck unironically. The remaining three mog anyone who isn't a collab just from their datamined traits
I mean as the other anon brought up there's nothing stopping them from just being sealed, I think it would've helped alma's character a lot to just not have her be good at everything for once
They aren't that bad once they explain what they're trying to do. Getting killed by them isn't really a big deal, your soul just gets moved over to your Monster World body. They already tested that the system works by dying and having their souls sent to their Paradox bodies.
The artist for the sisters whole main fetish is dry fish, murder, and actually evil monsters right?
Isn't that his whole identity as a creator?
I personally dislike it and kind of fucks with the all sides get along ending especially considering they revel in being evil and monstrous instead of just plane religious zealotry
The girls just fanatically believe in sending men to heaven with their pussies.
Not a bad end, in my opinion.
Anon I don't think going "yeah they're not actually dead, they're just being isekai'd into a complete dystopia where they have absolutely zero say in their lives and live and die at the whims of monsters" makes it any better, in fact it makes it worse, that's more or less sending them to hell
Except for the fact that the place they send you to is a shithole where the average human can only live in fear all his life because the Ancestors control the whole world and can do whatever they want, and in many cases what they do is kill, experiment and torture humans for pure personal enjoyment.
Did you actually set it to 0 instead of 1? Some games act wonky when your health was 0 from the beginning
His own works is just the girls relishing in hunting and killing men
Screentime issue. The game needs to make you care about Sonya, Hild and others and if the Knights were there they'd be the focus since they're the established fan favorites.
the more I think about paradox's story the more I feel like it being a collectathon of every single monstergirl possible kind of hurts its story. Makes for good gameplay but fucks with character something fierce
Damn you didn't have to call AW shithole hell...
>anyone that managed to escape the brainwashing is immediately killed
Wait, but if that is the case, then that guy would have been gone a long time ago. Brainwashing and hypnotic abilities tend to have pretty obvious effects in MGQ, that's why things like Forced Surrender are a practical mental attack
Not at all and I find the idea and your post annoying and unwelcome. The point of a monster girl work is that it's focused on monster girls, not just the presence of monsters.
The new characters are great and I feel like they did a good job making you care.
The paradox version characters are fun too.
Honestly what I feel is actually hurting the game is the two routes.
Ilias route is much more interesting and has more narrative weight and thought out into things.
Paradox Alice is way less interesting than original Alice as she has no major baggage or anything really interesting.
Paradox angels and Luca's child aunt and mom are fun unlike the succubus sisters.
Like AW sucks but you get non angel world characters unlike Alice where you just get MW evil assholes.
Part 3 needs to work hard to make the Alice route interesting

Humanized Ilias is just more interesting than worse Alice
A part of me feels like TrTr is a bit like the Shrft dev, where he only added two routes because that's what his inspiration did, but he didn't really care for one.
DIdn't TrTr specifically say that the third route would be added later because it would take too long for the game to come out otherwise?
>Like AW sucks but you get non angel world characters unlike Alice where you just get MW evil assholes.
>Part 3 needs to work hard to make the Alice route interesting
>Humanized Ilias is just more interesting than worse Alice
The fact we invade the world we don't choose makes this the most interesting point. Even if we recruit for example Queen Eva and the Living Croix Zombies with Alice route the random recruits will be random AW angels probably.
Luka doesn't know that at the time Morrigan joins your party and explains their mission though. He just knows that it's a world of "absolute freedom" or whatever the vague sales pitch Saja gave him was. By that point he's already seen the other two options in parallel worlds (La Croix's tower and Esta) and they aren't exactly great either, so you can see why he's not completely opposed to what they might have to offer.
He broke the conditioning
Paradox has at least 3
No he just said the postgame shit. It's the general that has multiple people that think that the third route is the postgame rather than the real ending lmao.
It was epilogue events that TRTR said might be added after the game comes out to avoid any more delays.
No, I set it to 1, the first attack dealt 1 damage bringing her hp to 0, then I did another attack, that also did 1 damage, but the hp stayed at 0, then Luka got obliterated
That would be fine if the narrative made that the reason, but at no point does Luka talk about it, and I honestly don't have much hope that this is going to improve in Alice's route seeing how the revelation of what happened with the succubus sisters and Marcellus in the past was handled.
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oh nyooo
Luka feels much more like a passenger in Paradox.
Oh, you meant the Alice/Ilias choice.
I mean, the base details of the story don't really change that much through parts 1 and 2 no matter which of them you pick. You go to the same places and solve the same problems. The real divergence doesn't happen until the Great Decision anyway (I don't really count Alice XV's delayed execution on Ilias route to be a major divergence)
>The Goddess' Slave
>The Monster Lord's Slave
The achievements weren't lying...
The events are the same but how the characters handle it and some secondary things are different and there is a big difference in the level of quality of those things between Ilias' route and Alice's route. Just look at how all of Ilias' exclusive recruits are connected to her and Luka directly and even have their own side quests where we can see more of them and their dynamics, while with Alice only Alicetromeria is good and all the others don't contribute anything to the plot or say anything entertaining, including Morrigan even though she would be expected to be one of the ones that would contribute the most.
I like it but everyone here act like insecure fagget so i can't say it out loud
No, the epilogue (so there's probably some character-specific endings, similar to the VN?) and Labyrinth of Chaos.
Postgame stuff.
The main story will be resolved, and that includes the third route.
>insecure fagget
The very definition of a monster girl story is that it's focused on monster girls, who only usually don't have penises. If I wanted a setting that relied on both monster boys and girls at its core, then... I could just go to any other fantasy setting.
one thing to keep in mind here is that these series often have men in high demand (either due to separation of human and monster society, or because most men are with human women, or because there's a ton of monsters...), providing a favorable situation for even losers without prestige, wealth, or good looks
monsterboys tend to threaten that
There's no reason for him to make the third route from the beginning unless he disrespects his audience's time or his own to make it change massively.
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Which will you prefer. The mother on the left who a vampire or the daughter a Dhampir or both? And standard chances are says if it's both does a 20% the daughter is your daughter with the Vampire.
Which is why usually if there is a monster boy it looks effeminate and is gay.
Other series like Bunny Black you are on the monster side and all the boys are bros and all your women are off limits
I like the one where the mom is crying and says she will change while the daughter is fucking her dad.
I find it funny lorewise that the daughters will attempt to cuck their mom so the mom will stop being a controlling bitch to her dad
Alice is just worst girl.
NTA. Story focus and the settings core are 2 very different things.
>Ilias marriage ending
>Spider Princess marriage ending
>raising a thousand little kids with Sully
>happy maried life with Spatsune
>Succubus Queen Rami wife ending
This is all I ask.
Am I the only one who thinks Alice's personality is nearly the same and doesn't make sense with the different history?
I hope that in all marriage endings it will be Sonya who performs the ceremony.
But do the daughters ever do anything sexual with their mother besides just tie up the mom while having sex with their dad?
Alice's personality is just her running gags with none of the serious side of her character, literally 90% of her dialogue in Paradox is bad jokes about being hungry, hating kitsune and being afraid of ghosts.
Spider Princess was a fun way to deal with an evil character.
So were the mom and daughter from the vore village being turned young
Is the Father of Chaos a primordial entity or law using the identity of Luka for his incarnation, or did Paradox Luka just get saddled with the potential to "become" that because he was fathered by a multiversal aberrant Marcellus while being the first parallel version of a shota who was the subject of several reality cracking time loops?
>First off, based on Granberia's entry, getting a guy to cum in less than a minute is presented as a feat that only a very skilled monster can do. Presumably, most monsters would take 2-3 minutes to get an average guy to cum.
Nigga if a girl who's fucked a few men wants you to cum in under 2 minutes you will cum whether you want to or not
The average P-in-V sex length is about 3 minutes but that includes position swapping and shit that isn't heavy duty thrusting/grinding
Trust me I know whores, if they want the sex to end it ends immediately
So what you're saying is, human men never had any hope resisting the sexual skills of monster girls...?
More of a bus really
Apparently, they tested this. The majority of guys last for over four minutes of continuous stimulation, with 5-7 minutes being the norm.
>The only thing we've seen wrong with AW so far is that people are assigned their jobs and partners
Is this really a bad thing
If I got assigned a job I am canonically good at and can learn to enjoy and don't need to worry about food/rent/whatever I'd not go back to "freedom" (being between jobs and constantly scrounging my utility bills because the company went bankrupt and whoops you don't get shit for that because you haven't been with us for long enough :^))
And why the fuck wouldn't I want to be assigned a good partner? Matchmaking services actually do fucking work, they're professionals invested in you having a good experience with them

>but Ilias
The one consistent trait that Ilias has is that she's incredibly lonely and love-starved, it's also in Ilias' best interest to actually use her 10000000 IQ (or hijack Michaela's IQ or whatever) in order to do her best to make people happy.
>all of Alice’s exclusive recruits suck on a narrative level
Alicetromeria is good though, and exclusives like Queen Roach and Yao seem inconsequential narratively speaking. Her route does kinda suck compared to Ilias’ though.
That's not what I've heard, was this random sampling or a volunteer system? Link the study, I genuinely don't believe this. Most fuggin I've heard of lasts around 5-15 minutes once the foreplay ends, but that includes oral and anal, and also includes the girl not wanting the sex to end before she can even properly feel anything.
Black Alice basically carries Alice route on her own
Morrigan doesn't really say or do much but she's such an ENORMOUS retarded nigger it's insane
She doesn't even seem self-aware like Black Alice where she's an insane murderous bitch and knows and revels in it
Queen Roach is interesting because she isn't fucking retarded like most of the insects.
She's like the insect version of the harpy queen
National Institute of Health says 5-7.

A 2005 study tested 500 couples and found an average of 5.4 for vaginal sex.
Still dunno why we couldn’t save her on Ilias route. They just leave her there and go “oh no she’s already doomed”
Looks like this is for normal sex, not just people wanting the guy to cum as fast as possible. Again, most girls don't want sex to end so fast, so they'll actually work quite hard to keep a dude going
Will now you inter the whole thing with "Those who would give up essential Liberty, to purchase a little temporary Safety, deserve neither Liberty nor Safety" than again i always find this quote to be retarded
because uhhhhhhhh
To be entirely honest the higher powerlevel of Paradox makes Erubetie's threat to nuke herself a lot less, uh, threatening
I honestly assume that once she loses control and goes critical, an arachne can just teleport her into space or the ocean or something
>I honestly assume that once she loses control and goes critical, an arachne can just teleport her into space or the ocean or something
Everyone important has at least some resistance to instant death or BFR attacks.
I think it's best to keep game sills separate from story.
What you can do in game in rpgs always clashes with the story

You could also just view her nuke as even more devastating instead
These bitches got stacks of legendary resistances.
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That quote is gets taken out of context all the time by midwits who think Franklin was some kind of libertarian
>Those who would give up essential Liberty, to purchase a little temporary Safety, deserve neither Liberty nor Safety
If you read this in the modern sense of government bad then Franklin's just tossed out all of human history and every single human society, and to the best to our knowledge all groups of higher primates since they evolved too
What he was actually talking about was taxes. But not in the way you might expect either because he was saying that you shouldn't be able to purchase safety from the taxman and so endanger the liberty of others, since the actual context was a big estate trying to bribe the legislature with lots of cash now so they won't have to pay ever again.

Franklin was a fucking retard either way though
>And in Europe, the Spaniards, Italians, French, Russians and Swedes, are generally of what we call a swarthy Complexion; as are the Germans also, the Saxons only excepted, who with the English, make the principal Body of White People on the Face of the Earth.
>[W]hy should the Palatine Boors be suffered to swarm into our Settlements, and by herding together establish their Language and Manners to the Exclusion of ours? Why should Pennsylvania, founded by the English, become a Colony of Aliens, who will shortly be so numerous as to Germanize us instead of our Anglifying them, and will never adopt our Language or Customs, any more than they can acquire our Complexion.

Racism in a way that modern hippies can only dream of
You are also dumb.
It's also about things like controlling the press and quartering soldiers
That wasn't the way Franklin used it. You can use it that way if you want but when he used it shit like quartering soldiers and the press literally weren't even on his mind.

He basically was saying the opposite of what people think he meant. He's not saying if you organize yourself into groups you're retarded and should die. He's saying that you cannot try to buy your way out of the obligations you owe to the group you're in which has provided you your liberty.
>make the third route from the beginning
Do you mean to make the third route at all, or to make it run through P1, P2, and P3?
The third route will probably start from the Great Decision.
MW and AW only wouldn't work, a major theme is that they are both flawed.
(Perhaps unequally. MW seems much worse so far, but we haven't seen everything yet.)
>disrespects his own time
It's been quite some time since Part 2, so probably this.
Who knows how long TRTR has poured into this game, it's definitely a passion project.
In SMT a lot of times Law is better for the average person but Chaos is usually always better for the MC because you are strong thus you are able to take advantage of might makes right
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>>And in Europe, the Spaniards, Italians, French, Russians and Swedes, are generally of what we call a swarthy Complexion; as are the Germans also, the Saxons only excepted, who with the English, make the principal Body of White People on the Face of the Earth.
Literally /pol/shit post tier except completely serious.
Remember, no matter how retarded a post might seem there is a significant chance it's actually not bait.
if the MW and AW endings are both flawed, then this third ending better be actually good and not shit given you're pretty railroaded into it given it's the only "good" ending
Fine, sicker than your average spider slayer
Tail fluffy like wool, and dressed like a player
I'm only saving Ashidaka
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>check thread
>humanity outnumber the monsters
>humanity really wins the all-out war because of power of friendship and higher INT stat
>humanity caused the extinction of monster girls that reproduce more than them via darwinism
*crack can of coke*
Man feels good to be of the canonically STRONGEST species.
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No matter how strong a human is, a penis is weak. You won't win in the end.
Why is an angel in these thread?
Clearly to watch over humans who need our guidance.
I'm worried too. This is a sinful place where the humans keep venerating monsters....
Granberia Mishima…
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Stop pretending to be angels. I know you both are actually Cheshires.
If you're referring to the character in the pic that's an alien girl(?).
Nah I'm referring to the strongest species point
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I want to cuddle the moo.
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Anon... YOU are the moo!
I just quit SHRIFT because of that fucking spider thing. How do you fuck up that hard
Don't run and be two tiles away from them
The party menu sorting should have a back button, to go in the reverse direction.
Too many categories to loop around again.
>he usually loses to human girls
No way...
>At first she's just trying to make you be a good little milking cow for the farm again, but if you evade her to the end of the area and then choose to touch her bed like a dumbass, you get charmed and she just goes "screw it" and dry fishes you even though she's not supposed to
God that was so hot
stop drying my fish you thots
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I found this is an old image folder and it made me laugh
Calm down, Lucifina.
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I still love that this is an image in the game.
I honestly love the humor and character interactions more than the porn.
I still like the porn though
I want to be a moo (male)
>Ilias wants to fuck her grandson
>Lucifina wants to fuck her son
>Eden and Micaela want to fuck their nephew
What is it with angels and incest?
Because monsters don't get to experience incest
As pure and holy beings they naturally gravitate to the purest form of love.
I made monster into Moo
Unfortunately she also made me into Moo
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An endless cycle...
>she doesn't know
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The incest is a work in progress.
Yet she calls her brother a dork.
But he is a dork.
I wonder if the reason he can have a son is because of being part angel?
He's a rapeable dork. Erubetie raised him after all.
Sabasa's monarchs had a son from monster x human couple at one point so angel part is not necessary, it seems to be a general attribute of powerful monsters. Also Harpies, because they are best girls.
I wonder if in Monster World we will see the old warlike harpies?
Male offspring are, outside of edge cases like Alice who mastered the genetics part of Dark magic, just rare mutations. Power doesn't really have much to do with it (Granberia for example probably wouldn't be able to pull that off despite being pretty strong).
>teach the Master Shinobi job
>replay collab
>dual-wield unique weapons
Could be a darker spin on OT/paradox harpies
>entire villages kidnapped in aerial raids, including women
>men assigned as war spoils to harpy "wives" as usual, but women are also used as breeding stock to make more humans to keep up with rapidly increasing harpy population
>excess female human babies are just fucking dropped to their death from the tree
>To be entirely honest the higher powerlevel of Paradox makes Erubetie's threat to nuke herself a lot less, uh, threatening
She can engulf and blow up the entire world thanks to Kanade's cells. She's only less threatening when you look at characters like Reaper and Idea Lukas.
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Those 2 retards are quite amusing.
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I love my retarded daughter
>People only now realizing that Alice and IIIais are both just using Luka to reach their ideal worlds
>Luka himself just wants to save his childhood friend and find his father
>Childhood friend is now implied to also have been a manipulation from the chaos side to further chaos by making someone fitting Luka's ideal partner and making him want to protect, save and love her over everything

bro, what the fuck? And we still don't see how the VN characters play out into this, it's all talk of saving the Monster world or the angel world but how about saving the VN world as it's the prime world to begin with

What a fucking mess no wonder it's been 11 years of trying to shit this thing to a conclusion it's just like what square enix has done to final fantasy 7 and Kingdom Hearts
Care for a few monster riddles, Anons?

A brother and a sister were born in summer and in winter.
The sister raped her brother.
Who raped their father?
Hint: which monster species can have sons?
Answer: harpy

Alice is Neris's mother and Luka is her father.
Who raped Luka first?
Hint 1: neither of them
Hint 2: no it's not Lucifina, she's a good mother who would never rape her child
Answer: the funny blue slime girl

Today Nero and Neris turned 12. Each birthday they hold a party and invite the same number of guests as their age.
How many times was Nero raped?
Hint: not a number
Answer: yes

There are three floors in the Pocket Castle.
The higher the floor, the less monsters live there.
Which floor is the safest for Luka to sleep rape-free?
Hint: first floor of...
Answer: first floor of his inn

The elevator can carry no more than 6 adults or no more than 9 children.
What is the maximum number of children that can safely get into the elevator with 2 monsters?
Hint: no it's not 6
Answer: 0
>saving the VN world
Would be fucking kino if trtr subverted expectations and VN world was hit the hardest for causing the paradox, only still existing thanks to OG Luka's absurd plot armor. Then we find out that Nero/Neris's absurd power levels were a result of a desperate experiment by Alice and Luka and that kind of power was needed to even survive there.
>We can’t expect mom to do all the work.
>Queen Eva
>route exclusive
As soon as she recognizes the potential of Luka's group, either by defeat or by showing their merits, she'll join them regardless of the heroine.
The amount times I've seen people talking about monster girls go on a rant about how human women are ntr machines is pretty high.
As far as I care any setting with monster girls in it is monster girl setting enough for me. They don't need to need cummies to survive, be female only, or even have any sexual obsession. As long as there are a lot of monster girls in it, it's good enough for me.
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Give me an idea to commission for this artist.
Lies. Nero has successfully protected his virginity through pure chuuni energy alone.
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Foxes tend to approach things that look interesting to mess with.
It's natural to like them. It's a Jojo reference afterall
Pretty sure saw in the flashback with Chaos Alice that the original world is gigafucked. She is from the original world, somehow when Ilias died in the future it caused a paradox where Ilias was dead in the past too. This led to her not being there to nuke Remina before they could complete their experiment to revive Heinrich.
lolis really do look like little boys.
something i've always disliked is just how transactional and impersonal a lot of the rape is in monster girl femdom games, you just kind of get used up and discarded and then the game moves on, there's not a lot of feeling to it
>why isn't my rapist giving me hugs and kisses and telling me I am valid and loved?
While i can understand why some monster girls would do that to get stockholm syndrome going it's still pretty weird. Then in stuff like sequel they don't even care because he's usually gonna die. Although sequels consensual stuff isn't really master class writing either.
We don't know for sure. But I'm pretty sure that it's actually PW that's shown in that pic. CGBA even calls PW "her world" in the Remina flashback. Also PW seems to be the most damaged (most tartari, destroyed heaven).
I mean im not asking for gentle femdom, anon. I'm saying the whole thing is just you being an impersonal cumrag and not rape because they actually want (you) specifically in any capacity, you're just a dick.
Unfortunately very little media has a nice monster childhood friend turned rapist yandere to insist she loves you while trying to babytrap you.
you don't even have to go that niche, I just want there to be something *anything* that doesn't just make it so the guy can and will be replaced with any other person and they just move on instantly, for all people shit on human woman in here monster girls just tend to go through and use up guys even faster and people cheer them on
Good thing everyone thinks Nero is lame.
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And thereafter, Lazarus implemented a mandatory gay sex training routine for soldiers...
>monstergirls develop a new fetish
Nero is very cool and good-looking.
You will never understand a warrior's bond.
Shut up, Nero.
The Sara one makes me laugh with how in character it is
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Poor girl... Here. Maybe these will fix your mother's unforgivable actions:
Not abnormal for prices to fluctuate depending on time and updates. Teaching Feeling for example went way up in price after several updates and Lost Life is set for a price hike after 2.0 releases...Soon™. We're at the halfway mark of the year and we still don't have a release date (for part 3, not Lost Life 2.0). One more delay and it'll be the eroge answer to that one space loli game Capcom keeps delaying.
Why is she staring at me? What does she wa
Don't worry, that wasn't a rape fox. She got mad because anon didn't have the tofu and just beat him up and took his stuff.
His stuff being semen.
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Will my dream of being mugged for my money and cummies ever come true...?
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What do we want? Monster girls!
What do we get? ...

This is the worst time line...
All girls are monsters but not all monsters are girls...
Anyone with some scientific knowledge can confirm the veracity of this?
Some Anons are gay but not all gays are Anons...

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