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Beach Body Edition
Previous thread: >>487247360

Android: https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.bushiroad.en.bangdreamgbp
iOS: https://itunes.apple.com/us/app/bang-dream-girls-band-party/id1335529760

Next Event: It's MyGO!!!!!
Next Gacha: The Cries of Lost Children Echoing in the Night Gacha (5* Tomori, Anon, Soyo)
Next Event Boost: Pure ft. MyGO!!!!!

Wiki: http://bandori.wikia.com/wiki/BanG_Dream!_Wikia
Database with optimal Team Builder, event cutoff predictions, song chart viewer and simulator, asset explorer and story viewer: https://bestdori.com/
Another database: http://bandori.party/
EX Mission guide: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1gPwOa9HuLz9vsuo0uhTw21ztO5q5zsooRK5u1tSgyss/

Fun Stuff
Favdori sorter: https://garupasorter.tumblr.com/charactersorter
Favsong sorter: https://bandorisongsorter.tumblr.com/
ENGRISH ALL PAHFECT~: https://files.catbox.moe/c325jm.mp4
Tower game recreation: https://thebuddyadrian.itch.io/garupa-tower-battle-remake
Gacha simulator: https://sowoneul.github.io/bandori-gacha-sim/
Dumbdori soundboard and Flappy Ako (hasn't been updated in a long while): https://dumbdori-noise.pw/
Live Interactions and other translations: https://pastebin.com/GJrs87pH
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pii pii--
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Hey cutie~
>Moca using flower decorations to attract Ran
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nice edit shiro hater
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>now if you excuse me i will go to get dreambanged repeatedly by my bf until get pregnant
quick pz...
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AnoTomo is peak comfydori
AnoSoyo is better...
need a comfy event with them and sayotsugu...
Missed the Pareo pz...
t. Zhang Ooc Man
the hell is this fujo saying...
Fueeck, it should've been thread 920, my bad...
Chinese Kokoro would be sad...
Which dori are we c**ming to today…
post'em if you got'em...
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My rank is the biggest so I win
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I agree.
Also is AnoSoyo as big as SuleMio/BoKita/ChisaTaki now? The fanart are getting bigger and bigger everyday
they really don't care about this game anymore huh...
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not even the comfiest ship in their own band
My dick x Taki's boobs is comfier
for me it's KyouMami, KotoPana, YouRiko, AnKira, TaeSaaya, NijiRyou, NinaTomo, and HoshiNina
the hell is this gibberish...
oops, meant HoshiHina and RimiNanami is really cute too
give me your favourite World Dai Star ship...
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takitomo isn't comfy... taki is too intense and tomori is too mild...
HinaAko is a ship that would burn a town down.
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who the fueeck even are half of those characters...
Kinda funny how another game has a HinaAko event going on right now...
taki has never been intense with tomori which is the only thing that matters
post cute cracks
I like the weird black hair girl with the scary eyes...
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Daikoku is love...
thought that was manhattan...
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Sex Toko
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Rinrin riding Sayo...
why does everything have to be about sexk
What a time to be alive.
Because everything about Rinrin is sex
which one is the f*t*...
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so glad my ship is pure
need coommissions with that kyabajo hairstyle...
Holy crackers!
we all jumped ship to kkchrlt...
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won't forget about mr. penis...
Overall Rinrin futa is hotter
But subjectively Rinrin paizuri is just the best thing ever
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stop thinking about penis....
always thinking about kkr, and she's always thinking about msk's mr penis...
pure alright... pure SHIt
she hates the ooc swimsuit...
The problem is the boobs are highly OOC...
tired of this oocfag
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Why did Lisa say that to an underage...
Sayo wouldn't wear that new swimsuit either... Doesn't really matter when the producer decides what they wear...
Official art can't be ooc
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sis, your shilling reps...
literally just put any of those into g**gl* or tw*tt*r search
mentally ignore all shillposts
Ako was just curious what Lisa and chad were doing at his house without being too specific about it~
Hina replaces Sayo's more conservative swimsuits with more revealing ones.
>Lisa : Y-yeah we stayed up all night writing lyrics and talked about music stuffs ahahaha...
>Yukina : We had sex, what about it?
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sayo tsugu matching swimsuit
i thought we liked hinatsugu here
friendships aren't respected here...
SayoMoca is the new hotness
>o-oh uhhhhhhhhhhh... ummmmmmmmmmm... th-their swimsuits h-h-have flower patterns... th-that means th-they really l-l-love each other...
Really sad to see TsugWHOREsimps getting tgis desperate to keep their skank relevant...
tsugu and sayo complete each other...
Uhhh they clearly match regardless of what you're malding about...
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miss the time where we can feel raw emotions from the cards, cards nowadays looks like discount proseka cards with soulless pastel color palletes
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true, they don't make them like they used to...
i thought we loved pastel palletes...
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japan = animeland...
soyo's look gross
How does tea look gross...
in terms of what i would order:
taki > anon > raana > soyo > tomori
My team was pretty middling, I only had an Aya 4*, the rest were 3*...
Forgot my screenshot
spend more money...
Tomori's, Soyo's, and Taki's drinks look good. Anon's looks like it's her period blood got mixed in with some milk, and Raana's looks like a poop shake...
anon's is the best value... milk is filling...
Rather fill up Ann with my yoghurt...
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That green haired girl was very unfortunate with her seating. Taki used her as meat shield to protect her from Umiri's antics...
she's a creep that smells uika's seat...
so would skk if she could...
mob girl is innocent...
Sakiko only loves Tomori...
She's an unsung hero, protecting rikki from bullying...
I love em both
Her design looks too unique to just be a mob character. She'll probably be a member of Mana's new idol group...
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Too bad they don't love (You)...
She just can't stop getting caught between dramadoris...
Why does Hanasakigawa get all the celebrities...?
Cant stop ccoomin to toko~~
but bpen told me hanasakigawa is a school for peasants...
Taki was very brave to keep sleeping on classes, considering she sits at the front seating
teachers don't care as long as you're not doing drugs in class...
Yes they do, I kissed Tomori last week
Shitty school = less restrictive regulations = can skip more classes = more time for idoling or celebing
she needs to be punished...
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But Hanasakigawa became the top performing school for academics and the arts in Japan after Rinko, under Sayo's guidance, became stuco president...
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Toko was made to be creampied and impregnated by multiple blackmen...
wtf i'm a blackman and like touko...
I'm colored, but not black, yet I still want to impregnate Touko
lisa thinks that if Rinko hasn't taught Ako what sex is yet, there's probably a reason...
toukorui is the bandori's yuzumei...
bpen c*mdumpster toko...
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Most people here seem to like the newer bands, or at least I barely see the original 5 bands get posted as much. Why is that?
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To avoid being beaten...
I try to fit my piece occasionally about enjoying Misaki or Kokoro or MisaKoko...
i guess if you skip most of the posts here you would think that...
MyGo/Mujica are the new hotness
Morfposting is shitposting aside from mashiroposting
there's only like 5 RASposters but they really like PAREO/CHU2
are you me...
don't feel safe posting my favdori...
I still remember when anons here posted their favdoris and that one anon would reply to them with her NTR fics...
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What could go wrong?
Oh yeah that was a weird time
loved the christmas NTRfics...
Should we favdori sort again...?
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need an anon burger...
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I like the pinks and their introverted girlfriends
no lets pzs
Pitiful size burger... need at least a triple...
umm japanese arent fatfuks
we know, yuda... we know...
>not shitposting
How the fuck Touko and Tsukushi are shitposting, but shiro isn't?
shiro is sweet and kind... toko is loud and boisterous...
I would make out and defend Touko at any given opportunity
Wanna taste Soyo's chili...
Mashiro is top 5-10 in popularity
Touko and Tsukushi don't even make top half in popularity
>Mashiro is top 5-10 in popularity
Soyo and Anon already have more porn on pixiv than any of morfs, including shillo, so fuck off.
Yet her mouth is filled with the taste of Tyrone's dick and her womb is filled with K'wami's and Teyshaun's semen...
probably because maigo is the only band that really hit mainstream appeal...
unless you mean morfonica, since they're a meme here...
I mostly talk about glow and hapi, with a side of pasu...
Those are just all of my aliases
Nothing wrong with her having some fun
sorry forgot mygwhores.
Shiro is top 10-15 now
can tell it's SEA because he doesn't know black people names...
lmao, retard
more like what went wrong...
post her anyway with some positivity
>mocasayo dreamfes card
hope they mention tsugu once so the schizo has a melty...
>Rui has less likes and reposts than fucking Maya
Moca and Sayo are event cards
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Can confirm that I really like PareChu.
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bully shiro
toko should bully shiro's swimsuit off...
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back off from maya nigger, she's cool
>shiro is sweet and kind
storyskipping, fujo
>log in bpen/
>fujo and his sister are samefagging again to start a "discussion"
wheres shirobeater... another lost anon...
idgaf about RAS, but I do like me some parechu...
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>dunking on THE huhehe girl
shit taste
One of least popular OG doris, on par with literally who shit like Hagumi and Tsugumi
So it says a lot, when someone has less likes and reposts than her
>numbers numbers numbers
obvious pshill...
The only reason people are liking Maya's DF is beacause she all sweaty and stinky in it...
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We love masurokka here
Old good, new bad
she's not even the least popular in her band...
and tsugu is more popular than some entire bands... just ignore how her popularity is 90% sayotsugu
>she's not even the least popular in her band...
She is, Eve beat her in popularity enough times
SayoTsugu isn't even that popular when you think about it
What's wrong with that?
>SayoTsugu isn't even that popular when you think about it
Bet you it's the lisaschizo...
proving her point
Here a reality check for you
https://www.pixiv.net/en/tags/あのそよ/artworks - 580 in less than year
https://www.pixiv.net/en/tags/さよつぐ/artworks - only 900 after 6 years
Can't believe people fell for his popularity argument baiting...
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>numbers schizo
yeah... this guy is insane...
mfem has good numbers...
Nyamu is in elementary school...
Tell me about mutsumi
she grows eggplants, tomatoes and is known as the glass mask of the ballerina world...
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She love cucumbers
>popularity is determined by the amount of porn on pixiv
is this guy from /fgog/...
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How else would you measure popularity if not with content that fans create?
Are you fucking retarded?
Pls tell me that's a hentai game...
Don't see new mfem often anymore...
this g*y really think of our precious girls exclusively as semen drainers...
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pretty sure Arisa has the most porn...
arisa exists exclusively as kasumi's semen container...
my sister had to ask me what a mygo was so i really don't think she posts here...
Stop being homophobic, asshole
it's not homophobic, doris have cocks...
Like rimi her huge chocho cornet...
rimi could never be the f*t*...
Aya is a ruler since she rules! Very fitting
We have too many crossband events lately, especially weird because pastels/ras/popipa stories are not finished yet
Yasuke as 5 star saber to black her with his big black nodachi imbued with dark energy. Eve is no.1 fan of Yasuke, who is the master of bushido. Eve pre-ordered AC shadows with Ran.
I'm secretly causing all the events myself
crossband events are the lifeblood of bandori, skipper
No one plays or tiers crossband events, you never played the fucking game.
nyot thyat anyon, but I've played every event since launch...
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phone sex with toko~
>hipster phone
morfs hit the new low
great grandma had one of those...
i top 5'd one, skipper...
prove it...
the hell is wrong with you... they held off on mixed events all year because of those dumb stories and now suddenly there's "too many"...?
sad mixed hater losing his mind...
is this off d*sc*rd...
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ironic since nobody calls them crossband...
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sakiko should learn to smile like obu-chan...
boblibionis has no worries...
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My favdori hasn't been in a mixed event for two years now...
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except money
why do ch*n* love sakiko so much...
She is honorary chinese...
I thought skk was indonesian...
Want SEAdoris...
im@s has them i think...
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Post community beloved pairings
need vietdori...
will they be a pho or banmi merchant
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Hmmm, nyes.
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thought we loved misasayo...
She sees Misaki for who she really is... not just a funny bear...
Hope he'll finish Soyo today
no one cares about either of them, so doesn't count as beloved ship
Morfs should not have been added to the game before RAS...
Rather see doris get kissed by boys~
I care enough about them to make up for it.
They shouldn't have been added to the game at all, literally pointless band that serves no purpose and contributes nothing to franchise >>487666239
It's time to say goodbye...
>Didn't got any stars for playing event
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I hope i'm not late for the shipposting
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I'll just post my Top 5 ships just because
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never post your fav ships again
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I wonder if this will never get brought up again because we already know Nao said that to Chisato because of her past, about how the expectations ended up breaking her friend.
So since then "thinking about fans" is a bad thing to her because it only puts pressure?
why is this guy hating on SEA for no reason...

Hate when bottom and top are mismatched
My top 5 ships are:
Should have posted picture for each
Surely region doesn't matter if someone wants to discuss the game, no?
Also i like to think that Aya is that dumb to actually think that Eve will assault Nao for real.
On another note, is there such thing as "indie" idol? I think Nao will continue supporting Pasupare but i wonder if the girls will go down their own path unrestrained by agency or whatever.
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World Dai Star is now having its first anniversary!
With plenty of free rolls and double rates for characters, it is a great time to start playing the game!
Sometimes i feel bad for the vtubers... i know they aren't huge but man their engagement on twitter is lower than local indie vtubers in my country
They must be really desperate to get new players or get old players to come back...
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>29k likes for Yukina sucking on Lisa's blood
For those who don't know yet
290k likes for Yukina sucking on Lisa's period blood...
thoughts on taki x tomori?
why is the seafreak spamming links again...
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Long hair is inefficient
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indeed, Bobbed will always be better
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Come on, anon-kun!
We came to the beach, so let's have some fun!
gonna have fun with shiro and her cute tummy...
these anons are gonna get rider kicked in the balls by fusuke...
There a big rod for Tsukushi to lick and enjoy
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Implying Fukuse wont have a similar fate
I'd want her to join in though...
fusuke is too tsugurific for that... she'd kick those oji-sans in the balls...
need more fusuke lewds...
what's with the spam...
Porn sex vagina Bob
at least use version with body writing
I felt bad for that vtuber who had to duet with Tomori in that collab song .. Tomori's voice absolutely demolished hers
Many such cases...
Only vtumor to make an effort was the one who sang Tensei Ringo with Yukina...
Do you even play the game
a little
the vtuber who did a cover with anya tried really hard too, though that cover is carried by having the best MV in the batch...
Reincarnation Apple was unironically the best Roselia's cover, that also managed to outdone the original by miles. Si'l vous President something and Phony were great too, overall a much better vtumor collab, but of course hololive attracted more crowd.
How about a collab with myugendai...
for someone who hates vtumors so much, you sure can't stop talking about them... would bet a 10 pull that you're a /vt/fag...
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why would i care about 3DPDs larping as the superior 2D girls
because you won't shut up about them... this feels like some "loudly homophobic redneck is actually gay" type of thing...
Only care about Kasumi and Ren's love life~
can't wait to have comfy hours soon... sick of ESL cuckschizo nsfw spam...
remember when anons were malding over ojisan during mygo...
only remember some ESL spamming about his old man fantasies...
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I completed it today.
And I drawn to Rimi Ushigome, one of a character Japanese anime "Bang Dream".
The drawing was hard, and when I finished it, I realized it wasn't as good as I thought it would be.
But thanks for the looking to my drawn picture!
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is she in korea...
I now want an event where rimi visits korea...nice drawing sis...
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be the comfy hours you want to see
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Not a fan of this ship
uhhh they're just friends why are you judging...
every member of the part timers band is peak souldori...
hitori janain dakaraaaa
well if you insist...
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Sungoi yo ne! Kimi no ganbari wa
Kyou mo kyou mo kitto kitto
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youtube algo wants to make me go from soul to soulless...
this is the strongest band... they never let them play again in fear of every real band getting mogged...
The Toges are soulful...
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Kanon secretly hates Aya
most doris do... she abandoned her duties for over a year...
now that bandai said they think the IP has potential to make money, the toges will become as soulless as the real life toges...
shouldnt be promoting dropping out of high school...
Never listened to or bought in-game any of the vtuber songs...
We love baby shark...
erm, it was only 9 months....
still upset about baby shark... its inclusion didn't even get memed much... I blame the vtuber fans...
baby shark collabing with ave mujica...
baby shark and sakiko...
two blue demons...
She's an octopus... natural predator of sharks...
When was Ran a slut
>nyooo you can't show your shoulders in a swimsuit that's slutty
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why is she wearing 2 swimsuit bottoms...
She's not they're a set...
pray for arale...
set of 2...
Oh nyo...
Crazy that you would spend thousands to go to a hospital just to get checked out for a headache...
this was drawn by moca
after afterglow's dissolution, and wanting to keep practicing music, but not wanting to join any other band or play solo, she found herself with a lot of free time... so she followed through with becoming a manga artist, but all she ever draws is mocaran...
>spend thousands to go to a hospital
I think this is just a burger thing... I can go get checked out at the hospital and pay nothing if they don't actually need to do something...
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Hello bpen/. /vg/‘s second game is about to start soon and it looks like CHU2-sama is in the best condition possible so there’s a good chance she is going to start this game. If you want to watch CHU2 and the rest of /vg/ play against /jp: here you go https://isthisliv.com/4cc/stream.html
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Let's go Chu2-sama!
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There she is
>gets a rare chance to score
>loses the headbutt because she's too short
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got humiliated by the tojos...
It's 16, plenty of time for more goals.
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The best.
>sensei, the dori killer, was a shitter all match
>we died
>but CHU2 scored one of 2 goals, 2nd highest score in our team
pretty good match for /gbpen/, all things considered
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five days... for 1 pull...
WDS is more generous...
wish bandry got chara asmr...
was just listening to Nijika asmr earlier...
We might get Kanon or Hina ASMR in the future...
thinking about buying one for sensei game...
kind of a bitch move that the mygos won't support or promote vtuberdoris even though all the olddoris helped promote mygo...
they might put the vtubers as a background cameo in season 2, would be easy and no reason not to advertise your other properties I guess
does this kid think the characters consciously decide what to shill...
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Mutsumi had enough of Soyo's shite and transferred to be with Sakiko.
Pickle will change her mind after having to put up with Anon's shite...
All the things she said
All the things she said
Running through my head
Running through my head
Running through my head
All the things she said
All the things she said
Running through my head
Running through my head
All the things she said

Soyo: "This. is. not. enough~" (Я coшлa c yмa)
Sakiko: "This. is. not. enough!"

All the things she said
All the things she said
love the tatu classics like all the things she said... and all the things she said...
what's with the flipped R....
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Bamco will buy Bushiroad in this phase since Bamco sponsors hololive.
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No, fuck that, Bamco makes EA and Activision look like saints.
love xillia... best game...
Isn't Elden ring and AC6 from Bamco? Elden ring is hope and pride of Japanese game.
xillia? more like, shillia...
I have fapped to this girl so many times...
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only know the yankees...
since when did mygo have a baki collab...
Kasumu - Saki
Arisa - Nodoka
Rimi - Yuuki
Tae - Hisa
Saaya - Mako

event cover song:
That's mainly on Fromsoftware. Best game dev team on the planet. Bamco was there just distribute things.
uhh craftegg is better...
we're donuts fans now...
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only know colorful palette...
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Confused by this prsk artist's drawing who never post about Bandori. This look so much like Tomori than Ena but the artist didn't put any caption. So i'll just put it here.
isn't that sh*h*...
Why would you think it's E*a...
Heard yuda spent all of craftegg's funds on burgers...
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fake porno artist...
like i said the artist has never drew bandori so i was confused
calling that Shiho is like calling Mashiro Moca
Pretty sure they have... maybe they deleted it...
sure i've seen mocaran in that style...
are youy sure it wasn't shiroran...
>got another old artist back to bandori
mygo isn't thanked enough for this...
shiro brought more artists back who were gone for longer...
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whens mygo
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the original tsukushiro umbrella post was too pure for this thread
No, artists left because of her and her band.
why does the fujo hate the morfs so much but talks about them all the time...
my last post
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My favorite Ave Mujica porn genre is Sakiko laying naked while measuring Uika's horse cock that rest on her belly (it surpassed her belly button)
Imagine being the lucky guy...
should i watch morfonication...
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Mashiro is unlikeable bitch and rest of her band panders her needs for no reason
Should I watch pooping dream. ..
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Also yes.
>Later that day after meeting up with their boyfriends~
I wish rule34 had more bandori
hate that booru
Feel dirty looking at it...
what type is mygo's event going to be?
wait.. not like we have the characters anyway...
It's a band story so a normal event...
what's a normal event
it will feature nyanyami
Too cute
You play songs
you girls are making me like f*t*...
gonna coom to toko again...
No good tokos to coom...
i like new bikini slut toko...
but she gets no lewds...
there's a 10 year old doujin with her that's one of my ol' reliables...
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Very rare this days fully in character rinako
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cute himari
Uhhhhhhhhhhh the only way that would be in-character is if Rinrin had two of her guy friends DPing Ako...
not chubby enough
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can't be in character... rinko already abandoned ako...
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Rinko how many times we have to tell you to not commit a murder without my allowance?
why would yukina give rinko money to commit murder...
wtf tag that shit
>didn't actually post the pic
you deserved it
why is this guy agreeing with the fujo...
dont even know who the fujo is... are you two dating in the rooms...
you can't see that pic unless you have a xitter acc so that confirms the fujo is a xitterfag...
Uhhh everyone has twitter accounts... how else would you post bandry art...
could be worse... we know some "anons" like the cuck and the lisaschizo are redditors...
I only know shillanon judging by her retweets...
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love that kidanicat...
Which bandori seiyuu is good at the game?
Amane obviously, but she usually plays rhythm gachas with better gameplay and beatmaps
natsume is pretty good...
Well it would be embarassing for a pro drummer to be not good at rhythm games...
that's like saying it's embarrassing for a guitarist to not be good at guitar hero...
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Coincidentally Aimi, KDHR, Suguta Hina, Sae, Riko, Rin, Hina Aoki, Watase Yuzuki, and Sasaki Rico are all fairly good at guitar hero...
Like recognize only two if those...
Those are all the guitarists for the live bands, shill...
Can't wait for the new Raana and Owner scenes...
nothing can beat Gojo's VA on seiyuu's obsession over a gacha game they voiced to, man is literally the only person who own every single GBF characters
Oh look, shill forgot which general he's shilling in again...
Isn't Gojo VA the guy who voiced the funny Bushido man in that old robot cartoon? I bet Eve is a fan of him...

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