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What is Dead By Daylight?
Dead by Daylight is an asymmetrical multiplayer (1v4) horror game where one player takes on the role of the Killer and four players take on the role of the survivors. The survivors objective is to repair generators and escape. The killer's objective is to catch the survivors and sacrifice them.

>8.1.0 | Lara Croft
>Tomb Raider Chapter Trailer
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JVtkcHfHcNc [Open]

>Official website:
>Patch Notes:
>DBD Icon Collabs 2019-2022 Download

Official /dbdg/ poll:

Previous Thread: >>487341654
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Need 8 of em
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Sex with 2 Weskers.
It’s every woman’s dream come true…
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2V8 is fun. It’s incredible, even, and a huge accomplishment and milestone. It is without exaggeration the best thing to happen to this game in at least a year. If you say otherwise, you need to take an honest look at yourself and consider the very possible reality that you are bad at the game and/or a compulsively negative person who can no longer find joy in life. That is all.
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t. killeroid
ummmmmmmmmmmmmm Im thinking based
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You don't want to know how I earned enough BP to become a P100 cowgirl Rebecca~
i don't think disliking 2v8 makes those things about a person true but i do agree it's the best thing to happen to this game in years. it's nice playing a game and being able to actually escape once in awhile or not get tunneled off my first hook every game. sadly i think killers are eventually going to meta all the fun out of the game and then some ultra sweaty survivor team composition will be necessary
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>playing as wraith with nurse teammate
>close hatches on last 2 survivors, kill one
>chase the last one around, body blocking while nurse catches up
>Nea gives up, crouching down to cower as I bing bong and the nurse blink screams repeatedly
>I down the Nea, nurse sends her to the shadow realm
>we clap hands
This was always meant to be the true killer experience
Hes so happy bros!
You’re right of course, but they can do much better. The current limitations are a downer, but with some polishing it has the potential to breathe new life into the game
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He finally found his soul mate.
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A humorous pictographic.
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Still deserves teabags at the exit gate desu
>Mikaela got another new skin
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how hard is it to just do gens?
2v8 is fun and I like it, but the chaos event with random perks is the best meme mode they have ever done. It should be brought back for one long weekend a month to give us a break from meta slavery.
But that was also massively killer sided. They should have randomised killers and add-ons too.
nah man. but i agree addons and items should have been random too for both sides. and fucking disable map offerings too so the damn map is random.
>survivors derive 80% of their power from perks and 20% from items
>perks randomised

>killers derive 60% of their power from killer choice and addons, and 40% from perks
>only perks randomised

Yup, totally fair and balanced.
>8 survivors
>only A SINGLE ONE is on gens
>80% from perks
i mean medkit with +15% for skillchecks and instaheal is strong as fuck but kind of. randomize it all imo. would actually be pretty fair because then if you're sweating your ass of as nurse or blight you may get one of their many shitty and detrimental meme addons
you don't get it man, the chest in the corner is calling my name
Why is assgee so dead? DBD has more players than ever.
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>8K as killers
>congratulate each other in the post-game while the survs are seething
ok now I kinda see why they circlejerk every time after an escape
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>killer queue finally pops after like 20 minutes
>girlfriend calls
Blame the autists who killed the general by spamming retarded shit that has nothing to do with the game all day.
ignore that bitch
unironically retarded thread personalities made the thread cancer to be in, dickheads. every one of the avatarfags, all that shit fuck em. fucking assholes all of them.
or maybe people are just busy playing the game idk
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(You) will play survivor in 2vs8.
don't forget the jannies that just sit by and let it happen but will delete loli porn on /trash/ within minutes of it being posted
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>came out after dbd
>released a 2v8 game mode 2 years later
>is an actual working mode with effort put into it
>not limited time event
we cant stop winning d*ll bros
Nice. Now show us the player count.
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I'm new to the game as of a week, I've prestiged my first killer and it says their perks have been unlocked for everyone else at level 1, does that mean I can only use the perks at level 1 on other killers until I prestige the first killer again to level 3 so I can get the level 3 perks on other killers?
how do i get my cat to stop jumping on the counter and begging for food
it means every killer now has the t1 (yellow) version of that perk so you no longer need to find it in your bloodwebs. once you hit prestige 2, then every killer gets t2 (green) perks from that killer so you no longer need to find them in your bloodweb.
get a spray bottle or (gently) swat them on the nose
the player base is much bigger than dbds
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clearly the issue is that there's not enough lust provoking images of ghost girls
Your other killers now all have the tier 1 of those perks to select. The Tier 2 and Tier 3 upgrades can now appear in their bloodwebs. If you get that killer to presitge 2 and 3, then the Tier 2 and Tier 3 versions of their perks will also be selectable by default for all other killers without needing to be upgraded in the bloodweb.
To add on to what they said, go for prestige one on killers first for a wide assortment of perks. Once you have the first tier unlocked you can level it through blood webs. People say do tier 3 but its a waste of bloodpoints if you just need a wide variety of perks on killers to try out.
absolutely, even when they get banned 5 hours later, they're back and ban evading in an hour or two. i kind of get it though, this general is impossible to moderate because of how huge it is and how are jannies supposed to know what's related to 100 different games or not right? this board needs to be smaller and slower, with more jannies and pocket jannies per thread.
>30 seconds in
why doesn't chucky say this when he gets pallet stunned by female survivors?
More like can't stop shilling lmao dead game dead vm general
Gotcha cheers, I really don't want to level trapper past prestige 1 anymore so that's good lol
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Now go play survivor
You probably figured this already but you can gain all your bloodpoints on a killer or survivor you enjoy playing and then dump them into someone you just want to get perks from, just something that never occurs to some people.
larp harder giga virgin post
>hey let's add the killer with literally no counterplay to the fun mode
>killeroid finally experiences what it’s like to have a friend
>”hey! I see why im so bitter now!”

it’s a miracle
Even the whiniest of killeroids (Tru3) can appreciate how fun it is to play with a friend.
Couldn’t agree more! Keep going!
the best way to get nice progression is just get every character you have available to p1, then start to p3 them to get their perks tier 3 on everyone. stop levelling once you hit p3 on a character, unless there's some perk you're missing. anything past p3 is a waste unless you really want the bloody outfits from p4-p6
post more lolis and I’ll tell you
feed them before they decide to do that
post more lolis and I’ll tell you more
>wait 20 minutes for a match as killer
>team mate is a nurse that can't blink to save her life
As we can see, the initial negative Nancy is dying out and people are more and more voicing their positive reactions so I’d say you’re right
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Here's loli Nea
It’s been like this for months due to nonstop autist shenanigans that had us burning through multiple threads a day so frankly its better like this so just be quiet
This also. Jannoid incompetence as usual
Every gacha schizo general needs to be banned and moved to /vm/ or whatever the fuck instead of clogging up this board
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With 2v8 you can now have eight Zarinas per lobby! That's right, EIGHT Zarinas per lobby! The old limit was four but now there's eight!!!! EIGHT ZARINAS!!!!!!
Um, Billy? Why are you attacking survivors? Your job is to zoom around the map in an unending chainsaw sprint until everyone is permenantly Exposed...
They must be used to seeing you prepare food on the counter or something so stop doing that. Prepare it on the ground by their food bowl instead
*kills every single one of them as slowly and painfully as possible*
You're one dumb motherfucker. A genuine vegetable. Kys.
4 years later, I still hate Zarina.
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Fun fun fun.
This new game mode literally just boils down to survivors running out of the map bounds the second they get a chance, then pull matches to see who'll go out there to get killed so that two can get hatch.
If they actually did gens, they could easily win, but nooo... They just want to make the game miserable for everyone, like always.
Survivoids hide in places the killers can't get to (the gates, for example), where not even nurse can teleport, then make fun of you in post game chat for not having fun while they jerked off in their unreachable corner. They don't even hide it.

Also, depending on your duo, this is basically a 1v8 match. My huntress teammate only had 5 "hooks" while I had the rest in a 2 hatch escape game. So, that's something.
They STILL cant do gens even with 8 people.
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Zarina fears the James squad
Reminder to vote!
*does it again but taking my time and even slower and more painfully*
i have a hard time differentiating all these anime games, how many gacha games are there on this board? does genshin count as gacha?
I quit 4 years ago is 2v8 worth coming back to or are all your teammates still bots?
Your teammates will be beyond retarded due to the free weekend.
The game is still fun since it's a brand new mode.
It's a lot of fun, but killer queue has been about 25 minutes no joke. Also free weekend like mentioned, but that also means lots of noob killers you can juice
>Haddie: 0% (0 Votes)
Yeah I'm already bored of survivor and killer queues are longer than the matches. Can we all collectively agree to go back to the regular game mode?
the regular game mode is broken
2v8 works better right now
>half the maps in the game have giant void unloaded hole zones now
i'm queueing for regular mode but the killer queues aren't any better lmao
i have yet to encounter this a single time
game mode fucking sucks more survivor sided garbage, i'll come back to this game when they buff killer
I just played wraith I had no idea how fast he uncloaks in this mode holy shit, you cannot possibly not hit every ambush 100%
Yeah it's massively killer sided but you still have retards like this >>487613309
you might want to suffer through a few killer queues to get those challenges done because i think tonight it's gonna be perma 30+ min killer queues
don't (you) me, faggot
exactly what I'm doing lol, just one more left
i think i waited too late to complete them but i think i'll have a shot at finishing them up Sunday or Monday when the wagies go to sleep
If you just want to try perks, do a bot match, you get t3 of every perk. The reason people say it's cheaper to p3 every killer is in the long run you'll only have to buy the newest killer's perks and generals on their bloodwebs, and when you p3 them they'll be giving all their perks to everyone else. By my math it's just shy of a half million bp if every other killer was p1 just for the perks counting 35 killers (not counting Demo because I don't remember if his went back to unique). That's just the perks though, not counting the add ons and offerings, and to pull it off, it's probably going to take you three prestiges (not counting general perks you'll have 108, doubled for t2/3 makes it 216, with a bit of luck you can get ~70 per prestige). Survivor is different, it's best to p1 everybody, then just keep leveling the survivor you like. As all different survivors are just skins, so pick the one you like and go. Getting to p1 is usually enough to handle any tome challenges anyway.

And like this anon said, you can always farm with a different killer or as a survivor. When Dracula comes out and he's miserable to play, swap to an add-on less Wraith and just bing bong people and rake in bp.
you can do those challenges in normal games
1v4 is unplayable garbage so i shan't be doing anything of the sort
Give us a not shit PC client and it will totally take off
It even has a functioning competitive mode with bans
BHVR has so much they can rip off here but they actively refuse to because they're so checked out on development they don't want to try or improve. Just make spaghetti and shit out a licensed character repeatedly.
feels like you can finally shine in a chase again because killers can't just bloodlust 1 million every tile, literally not enough time to waste doing that with 7 other survivors slamming gens
Unironically the game has needed just a stupid fun side arcade mode like this for so so long, I hope it's successful so they bring it back and keep honing it cause I really like it
>play killer in normal mode
>first map is a fucking eyrie offering
you know fuck you faggot ass survivor faggots, figures that only the sweaty faggot comp retards are playing normal mode right now, fucking sweaty losers.
i swear thats half the reason im loving this new mode, cause its just fun bullshit instead of sweat ass
Please, I want more of the killer roster available. I can only imagine the sheer insanity of Doc zapping everyone
i think the idea is they'll do 3-5 killers at a time and change stuff up each round, new classes for survivors, new maps and stuff and then at some point when we hit like a 70% threshold it'll be added as a new perma mode when there's no other events
But that might take a decade with how slow bhvr is...
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>Xenomorph more breedable than Feng and half the girls according to /dbdg/
2v8 chases as survivor are pretty nice with all the extra pallets... until you get gangbanged :/
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2v8 mode is fun.
the bulk of the work (making it function) is already done, they just have to redesign the killers and make the maps bigger
Don't worry if you get caught you get sent right to your friends
I've only ever seen bots die before the third 'hook'.
As another anon said if people just do the fucking gens shit is flying, I don't know why people jack off for so long. Once you drop down to four players it's game over
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Running into other james' is impossible for me. Always a cheryl or maria.
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This is why killeroids have a 1200% queue and survivors have a 3 hour BP bonus.
>no base-kit Kindred
>no base-kit Unbreakable
>"why don't people want to play Survivoid?"
you faggots are just retarded
survivor sided plis lots of bugs after patch
what the hell is with these new white gimpsuit cosmetics
man fuck you all, everyone is fucking retarded, you retard
at least the killer ones are kinda cool
what a terrible ttv name. how many viewers has he failed to secure just because they cant remember how many s's and n's are in his name
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I just want Deathslinger and Myers to team up in the mode so I can shoot someone and slowly drag them into the waiting arms of a Tombstone for comedic effect
Is killer playable now in 2v8 or do i still have to wait 40 minutes for a single game
why they arms so small
>2v8 gets the rest of the killers
>Dredge turns the lights off and Huntress can't see where she's throwing hatchets
>TFW when you cant lean on your crutch second chance perks
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Did they disable being able to view match ping in 2v8? I went to check it after noticing some pretty bad window vault hits after being in the clear but couldn't see it
I'm trapping these loops I got my traps man I'm the trapper
There seem to be some invisible patches near windows that are weirdly raised or something and put you at a weird angle that can prevent vaults. just saw it in the killer shack of the Macmillan map
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Nice bugged gamemode behaviour i couldnt be unhooked.
100k players on Steam right now
93k right now you mean, didn't even breach 100k today, dead game
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Fucks up with the queue times? Why is everyone apparently playing killer?
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>called the trapper
>0 outfits that look like a trapper
but we have whatever the hell this is supposed to be that I guess someone has paid 21k iri for
very easily solved by removing the DC penalty but BHVR wants to pretend this is a fairly balanced competitive game and an e-sport so you're not allowed to not have fun
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Just painted this, first try painting a mask. Any recommendation?
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Trapper feels fucking awful in 2v8
Four gens pop by the time you get any traps down and it only takes one survivor out of eight to destroy all the progress you've done
He needs the add-on that auto-resets traps in this mode, christ. Maybe nerf it so it only works on manually placed traps and not on first spawns, but this is bad
>still yet to lose a single match as survivor
Killerfags really sitting in queues for 20-30 mins just to get 0k lmao
based. i use that body with chuckle's mask and the bloody machete. not the p3 one but the one that looks like Jason's.

you probably just had a bad partner that was tunnel visioning too much. you have to drop chases that aren't going your way much faster, there's too many pallets on the map, your best bet is catching survivors out of position and pincering them with your ally.

Trapper is more support and defense oriented, pay attention to where survivors are going, where your ally is chasing. save some traps for getting a speed boost off, place some randomly in bushes and stuff (so much is going on survivors won't have time to check) and use the rest to cut off survivors or deny them strong tiles
Nice job anon, the pink however is a bit too monotone and bright. Whats the mask made of?
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3D printed. I'll do a overall wet brown over it again, especially over the ears. Went back went it was wet to try to make it look more used by discoloring some of the pink. Gonna tro to make it look more craked too, but that might be too advanced.
I forgot the blush on the cheeks too.
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can someone queue up thanks
why does Nemesis reach max mutation every time a generator is done
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I guess that's as close as were gonna get. the body looks kinda woodsy but with the ox mask its more like a weird druid guy than a trapper, and the dumbbells on the axe are probably not practical for this profession
I saw someone once use 3D printing on a mask. They made 2 version of the same mask; one was black, slightly smaller, and thin. This black mask was put under the larger mask so when they made cracks in the white, larger mask, it gave the illusion of the cracks being deep & pronounced. Don't know about your access to the printer and expenses, but that could work.

Other than that, take your time and you'll get something good. I only really know about charcoal unfortunately so I've not got much more I can offer paint wise.
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Me and the Sable I pulled by having a BKC (Big Knight Cock)
apparently his elbow is 90% of the way down his arm
>24 hook stages
>can just slug everyone once since no unbreakable and get a free win
yep im slugging for the 8k
Idk what the fuck the survivors are complaining about. If you just do gens you literally cannot lose.
If anyone bodyblocks in chase, you cannot lose.
Even if two chases are happening at the same time, the other 6 survivors can either do 2 gens 3 each, or 3 gens 2 each.
Completing the generator takes no time at all.
If you cannot win in a 1v1 fight against the killer, your looping sucks and it's actually just a skill issue.
If two killers are on you simultaneously, you're likely to go down, but meanwhile 7 others are just doing generators which pop like baloons at a hellraiser party.
If you say "well the other survivors are not doing gens" it's not the killers who are too strong, it's the other survivors who are too retarded.
Any survivor complaining about this game mode should be disregarded and ridiculed.
That is all.
you retards are going to make them give everyone basekit UB
It's fair to complain that your teammates are retarded though
The mode is survivor sided in theory and when a team has their shit together or is an SWF it is in practice, but I've been playing survivor and sometimes only 1-2 teammates will be on a gen while I'm in chase
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>only 2 gens left
>apparently one guy just hid for the entire match for hatch
lmao. Survivors never change
Most survivors are complaining how the killers are too strong though, which they aren't. I'd even say that despite most of them receiving buffs, without gen regression or loop shutdown perks they are ultimately worse versions of themselves.
Survivors complaining about others not doing gens is justified, but that's what you kind of singed up for as a survivor, i.e. a team, player.
Having a bad team doesn't make the game any more killer sided inherently.
tbf I will probably do that once Im on last hook so that I can do that one challenge and collect my rift points, since I dont play survivor.
>a mode where the killer can't just bring pain res + deadlock + pop + ruin
finally a good game
ok I bring distressing + coulrophobia + agitation + starstruck Wesker
No wonder Survivors are getting fucked. Everyone is taking the sprint perks like itll somehow help getting teleported and axed simultaneously and nobody is taking healing or gens
>4 scouts, 4 healers
they are already developing a meta
that's not even good though wtf
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on paper medic would be stronger than guide but the average survivor is too fucking stupid to figure out where gens are, so guide edges out.
prove me wrong
>wait 30 minutes in killer queue
>it doesnt give me the killer I picked
What the fuck bhvr. I'd rather wait 10 more minutes to be paired with someone playing a different killer than be forced to suffer for 15 with a random killer I didn't even want to play.
why didn't they just bring the original RPD back for this, are they stupid?
slurvivor in 2v8 is ez mode

>take the darkest most unnoticeable cosmetics possible
>slam gens
>hide the second you hear a terror radius
>killers have so many objs that they have no time to look for survivors they don't instantly see and just leave
>return to slamming gens

also is mmr off? These killers seem WAY worse than normal
Anyone got that drawing of Feng Min with arms and legs missing
It was SFW
The only thing that's edging is me to Rebecca. Guide is by far the worst class
>Being able to become a gen/healing beacon in a mode with this many survivors means the repairs will fly by
>Unhooking and healing other players in a matter of seconds immediately removes any pressure the killers may have had
>Escapist seems to be played best as a support to Guide and Medic for giving a sprint burst after doing a gen or healing someone
>Scout just sucks compared to the other 3
If Guide was 32 meters like Visionary you would have a point but at 16 meters you'll probably see the gen first even if you're retarded
i don't think they've negotiated 2v8 with any license holders. it's gonna require a whole new set of contracts and terms because they were negotiated for solo appearances
if they had to "negotiate" for it then why are all the licensed survivoids in it
because they were already cleared to appear next to other licensed survivors. but killers were never cleared to appear with each other and these retards are so bitchy about the depictions. for the Freddy vs Jason movie newline was crying about Freddy looking weaker than Jason and was giving the film's producers tons of grief. so imagine that but for every single licensed killer.
The killeroids aren’t attacking each other anyway.

This is literally just “we already had a really big map but we’re too lazy to use it”
yeah but it's still the kind of thing license holders will kick up a fuss about and lawyers will sue over it if it goes out of bounds of 1 letter of their contract.

but that's just killers, nothing to do with the maps, the reason is they would have to do more work to patch the new two versions of RPD together and it's kind of pointless when you can't play Wesker or Nemmy in it yet anyway
How bad do you need to be to have this happen.
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how do we make him viable for todays top mmr matches?
I was just coming in here to rave about how trapper finally feels good to play when there's pressure from another killer pushing people into traps left and right, my friend and I were duo'ing and it went crazy for the quickest downs, I'll keep playing though that might have only been that match
give him to ability to see an overhead of the map (not showing survivor locations obviously) and place traps at points without having to be there. it's the only way it could work with his m2
I played two matches and my teammate both time was Nurse so honestly that might be it, she doesn't care about loops and her counterplay is less focused on loops than most killers. If the killer queue ever normalizes I might try again and hope for a different teammate
>more work to patch RPG together
it was literally 1 big map before they did that, it would take zero actual work to bring the old map back
Is mmr ever on for events? Mostly you're right but also the games I've got 7 or 8k I never really mattered. The less time I spent with one survivor the better we do and it just snowballs in the end. When I play surv I just go where the clump of other survs isnt and it's usually an easy escape.
I just went on an 8 gen chase
2v8 should be the casual mode because nobody takes it very seriously and it's much more oriented on hooks over kills. the old 1v4 should be comp with mmr included
now it's two separate maps so they have to refuse them together. plus i think they'll have to change up some rooms because the 2v8 maps have to have tons of pallets and more room for people and the hallways on RPD are too narrow
you need to be even more willing to drop chase than in 1v4, it's better to regroup with your ally, better chance of catching survivors out of position
>Four gens pop by the time you get any traps down
You might be overthinking it if it takes that long to set up your initial traps. Just drop them around where you spawn then move to pick up some more traps on the way to the gen pop and repeat until they're all down, replacing the ones that get tripped or down a surv. In 2v8 seriously dont even think about where you're setting it for more than a couple seconds because everyone is just running around everywhere. Trapper is gonna peak when there are 3 or 4 gens left, so dont worry too much about the first gens popping.
Trapper has makeshift wrap basekit in 2v8 btw, they dont mention this for whatever reason.
So why exactly does Carnifex run around cosplaying as a fly?
when he was a kid his best friend was a fly
I expect there will be a new class in next version of 2v8 that has unbreakable, a modified deliverance, and other perks that lean towards second chances
His power should work exactly like SM in terms of placement and charges along with being able to walk over his own traps unless he is carrying someone.
i don't want to set my expectations too high but i think instead of adding more classes they might allow you to pick 1 or 2 perks that fit the class's theme. Medics getting access to Solidarity or Empathic Connection for example.
>never played survivor
>cant loop for shit
>constantly rank in the top 4 in points and usually escape in 2v8
literally easy mode
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I wish there were more Killers in this game mode.
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fair, both the 16m gen aura and the skill check bonus are garbage. the thing with guide is that absolutely no survivor, whether they're blind or just retarded, bothers doing gens, and the 1st guide perk is like a light for the survivor moths to fly towards
I don't think the increase in healing speed is worth it compared to the increased mobility - you'd make up the lost time in healing in the faster time to reach the hook/injured survivor. not even mentioning free mtf & woo
>another cute 'becca for attention
it's not like 1v4 where the killer can just trap you at a tile and bloodlust it for a free down which helps a ton. shitters don't even need to learn tiles anymore because of that.
cant expect too much from them now
>never played survivor
There’s your issue, it takes your mmr from normal mode and applies it to 2v8, so you’re getting nothing but baby killers in a mode that’s going to be absolutely atrocious for baby killers
>along with being able to walk over his own traps unless he is carrying someone
this is a neat little interaction but is it really necessary? not a single other killer has a way to hurt themselves this badly, why should trapper? getting rid of it will free up the addon slot a lot of trapper players already use and just that would help make him a little more viable.
nah, I actually went against very good killers twice already, but there was no way to play against those guys for me
otherwise all the other games have been very easy
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wraithbros any tip for 2v8? i struggle more with him than Trapper for some reason
So I'm seeing why there is a 400% bonus on survivor now.
Playing against wraith 100% of the time is fuckin gay
I've seen ONE billy all day
I think more people aren't afraid to go Killer because less bullying and more chances of killing at least a few Survivors.
What's gay about it? Where's the same sex attraction? Anon don't tell us you're still using gay as "lame" like you're still in middle school
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Deathslinger or no one.
Would be S-Tier for this mode.
Im already getting frustrated with 2v8. Just saw literally half the fuck team get zoned out at shack by both killers, it's fucking retarded, I've lost like 4 games in a row without getting more than 2 gens done
probably all the free to play newbies coming on
"Ooh? Looks like my Bloodpoints are running a little low. Let's queue up one 2v8 match as survivor while watching a show on my second monitor."
"Hold M1 for 5 mintues. Ctrl for 3."
"Oh nice, they got me! GG!"
"Oh nice, I managed to escape! GG!"
"200k Bloodpoints in 8 minutes? That's not bad!"
"Now back to playing my slugging Twins on 1v4."
So how long until survivors start complaining about 2v8 killers being too strong while on comms?
That would be fucking hilarious
are you fucking kidding me. Lets fucking go whos gonna 2 v8 with me.
i would rather play with brazillian randos than you pillz
Whats the ranking for 2vs8 so far?
I think Trapper better in this mode than than the 1v4 due to all the haste he gets.
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Because billy sucks in this mode.
I was excited to play him but the fact the chainsaw doesn't instadown makes using it in chase and getting flicks pointless. His only upside is map traversal, because it's usually just better to use m1 in chase.
1. Huntress
2. Wraith
3./4. Trapper/Nurse (Depending on skill with each)
5. Hilly
>can pick any survivor
>Can't pick even half of the killer cast.

They don't even try to hide it
>escape one trial
Why the fuck do they add challenges that are literally impossible?
I'm on game 9 now
onions jund still seething about tru3, his disabled wife flailing in the background whilst tru3 and otz play together.
My main issue with dvd has always been that it feels like whichever side is more of a try hard asshole will win so it just leads to people having a bad experience with try hard opponents which makes them try hard in turn and everything just gets worse
Glad i completed that one asap, now having to do the killer ones with these queue times is going be hell.
Hearing a nurse blink next to you while billy is charging at full speed past your generator would've been actually horror but they nerfed billycucks
This game mode feels so fucking unwinnable.
It takes so much longer to unhookand heal than it does it get hits.
Haven't won a single game in at least 10 rounds
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>issue with dvd
getting to play against baby killers again is so fun bros
Okay are you listening bhvr?

heres what you do

to make survivor side less of a cuckhold simulator heres what you do:
secondary objective - QTE's like skull merchant drones, you activate them as survivor and your team gets a boost on their respective traits, gens get done faster, heals 2x speed, escapist (seems like the broken nigger class, didnt play it) run faster, maybe doing these things actually unlocks a perk in game, you dont keep said perk post game, but you get the idea

if it becomes too survivor sided which doesnt seem to be a problem on first impression but heres what you do:

literally not everyone gets 3 lives. everyone has a baseline of 2 but theres 4 3rd lives spread out amongst the team.

and for fucks sake add in clown, trickster hag and doctor thats not a balance thing thats a lazyness/retarded thing they should CLEARLY be in the fucking game. keep skull merchant out i guess. keep plague out too maybe that sounds stupid cancer not in an okay way.

hire me.
how would you make Scout good? i expected this role to be like an old OOO bot
I really hope when 2v8 becomes permanent they make it so killers have to pick up survivors since the stomping shit really has no counter play. Also hope they add in basekit moris to the mode.
>No counter play
The counter play is to not get hit dumbass.
replace the current aura skill with wiretap
>bro just don't die
Man shut the fuck up.
I just got off work. How is 2v8 so far?
It's fun
fun but killer queues are a nightmare
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So how do I get teachable perks in the this bloodweb system?
prestige a character once and their perks will appear in other bloodwebs
Prestige a character and their teachable perks will appear on the bloodweb
Oh okay that's much more straight forward I suppose.
I wish they rebalanced 2v8 to have the killers carrying survivors to some place instead of sinking them into the ground. I get there would be a lot of issues to account for, flashlights/bodying/etc, but it feels like the killer gameplay look is much too fast now in comparison to the survivors. Its complete disorder and just a killing field where little seems to get done because of stumbling chaos from the survivor side. Regardless of that it is still fun, just a bit too spastic in my opinion.
Imagine 8 Cheryls in one match.
>the 2v8 experience
>be survivor
>no one does gens
>be killer
>3 gens done before the first down
this game mode would be a lot more fun if they fixed this
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yeah trapper's problem is it kind of matters who hes paired with. and wraith seems S tier but if they paired me with a shittier killer i bet this wouldnt have worked particularly well. not sure where all the aura reading came from but if that was wraith again, hes SS+ tier.

so it seems like an 8 man escape is impossible by design but from 2 games of experience i'd say even a 4 man escape is pretty unrealistic
Go back to hell
Trapper feels really hard to go against because watching for traps makes you play way worse than normal. Just his presence in the game gives a huge buff to the other killer.
Which Killers does /dbdg/ want in 2v8 next the most? https://strawpoll.com/NoZrz3JPXZ3
hi badfart, are you enjoying 2v8
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Imagine being able to queue with a friend as Charlotte and Victor separately, shit would be cash

Unrelated: I've been out of the loop for around a year. What the fuck did they do to (normal 1v4) hillbilly? Is the super saiyan chainsaw good?
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i legit want them to rework Twins into a 2 player killer like Cho'gall in HOTS
Never thought Trapper would be considered a support character.
Huh, neat.
Why's everyone playing naughty bear
why does everyone assume licensed killers won't be added
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2v8 is fun, they better make it permanent and add more killers, got my cancerous ass to think about DBD again
glad they added the gay sex mode /assgee/ always wanted
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>Be the only survivor on a team of 8 (eight) fucking people who can loop the Killer for more then three seconds
>Teammates give Killers a 3/4/8 gen whatever it is at the end
>Killers slug for the 8k
>Recover for free (lol retarded Killers) and try to find one of THREE hatches to escape from
>None found, Killers find me first
>Get humped by a Wraith after schooling him the entire match
>Haddie has less votes than fucking Charlotte
Jesus Christ lmao
Hello bad art. I miss you.
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Only freddy because fuck you
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What would the other killers team skills be?
>Team skill: Birds of a Feather: within 10m of another killer while invigorated both gain an additional speed boost and aura reading
it's not that they won't be added but license holders are really particular about crossover shit so it'll probably just take time
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>Wraith and Nurse
might be my favorite combo so far
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>over 10 minutes to get into a match as killer
it's worth it though, most fun i've had with killer in years
>wanting to be a stage hazard
>queue survivor
>5 second long queue
>get in
>hold click on gens for 8 minutes
>300-400k bp

We're winning survbros
Imagine being a killeroid waiting 15 minutes for a match just for it to be 8 minutes long and you get teabagged by 7 people in the exit gate kek
What's stopping each killer from camping one exit gate?
Luckily most of them should be doable, they probably did for Dracula, Vecna, and Demogorgon, maybe as far back as Chucky. Since you're mostly dealing with WB, Disney, and Universal for the liscences, it should be smooth, and I can't imagine Funworld cares about Ghostface other than they make money.
theres 3 of them
There are 3-4, Trapper can put traps on triggers like usual, but he still has to run there.
3v16 mode
>6 man escape

This was right after getting tunneled out the game in 2 v8 mode.
I got tunneled in 2v 8 mode thats fucking crazy.

my survivor thoughts are when the game starts to go to shit there should be a ramp up mechanic which sounds cancer as im typing that but it might be necessary. I think the instant hook mechanic is fine but i agree with others that something needs to be done about the fact that killers can do all of this quicker than the survivors can recoop. give the healer class borrowed time+ or something. i honestly dont think body blocking is super viable. i think in 1 v 4 mode when you have one person in your face with bt/otr and potentially another its an actual problem but in this game mode i really dont think you want to swarm killers. im not saying basekit otr, but wraith shouldnt be able to down you and get to your cage like pyramid head would in 1 v 4 and still get away with it. on GOD i think if they widdled it down to 2 v 6 and threw in some balance they have a really good fucking game to run
>get a glitched map
>none of the other survivoids do gens because they’re busy gawking and flinging themselves off the edge of the map like the lemmings they are
>get destroyed
Useless fucking niggers every last one of them, total survivor death, this is why I always play killer.
>announce they’ll have news on Freddy’s rework soon during the AMA
>still nothing
Cmon, say something already…
DBD players are so tired of doing the same shit in the game that when something vaguely different happens like a locker being upside down everyone will gawk at it for minutes on end
Holy fuck you’re still here?
Are you just too ugly or boring for Twitch? Fuck off already, nobody asked for your shit take.
why they picked the most annoying faggot fucking killers to go againsst in 2v8 tb honest
I don't see Doctor, Clown, Knight, Single Larrity, or Skull Merchant though
NO I won't tell you the secret behind why Wesker only wants to have sex with me.

Why? Because if I did everyone would start having sex with him. I can't let that happen.

I don't care if you need sex. I need sex too. Now go ask Blight or The Clown. I'm sure they will say yes.

Sheesh. People these days.
is that you Rebecca
Just had that match, one Meg escaped. I put my traps near the ledge and the idiots kept running into it.
>100k concurrent players
>"why is nobody playing"
I invented dbd posting you newfag bow down to me. Another take, killer passive boosts should be mapwide not within 16 meters that's bullshit
the only two i'm really worried about are Myers and Freddy because the Myers guys don't give two shits and the Freddy guys won't let anyone do shit with him anymore
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>dbdcels getting what they deserve
karma for talking shit about my cromagnon wife
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Working on a short meme sketch, 2v8 is just about the best thing BHVR has done in years I dont think ive drawn Huntress in actual years
thanks, im surprised people even remember me.
Nobody makes d*ze seethe harder because that faggot can’t stand anyone getting more attention than him, and by not being a shitbag at that.
hello badfart thank you for drawing a deady delight instead of a murder drones
Yeah it's me. Just upset with all these weirdos. So many people they can get with and they choose MY Wesker.
Huntress/Trapper have been my best matches. Her lullaby makes them start running quicker and for longer. Chaos duo
>Doctor, Clown, Knight
you guys are still low mmr?
screaming is annoying
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It feels really weird going from Xbox to PC after the last (how long ago was Clown released) years of playing console only, its very freeing? The only killers ive seen where skill hasnt overlapped is Blight and Billy on keyboard, but I can always plug in my controller I guess lol
Im more surprised Cross Progression didnt delete my account or something
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seems like the chinese investors have really been cracking the whip lately
Don't know if you're still around but don't be afraid to hit and run. The easiest way to win in 2v8 is to disrupt as many survivors as possible. Shitters will naturally group up to heal and even if you can't hit all of them, scattering 4 survivors at once > locking in and tunneling 1 surv
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You WILL make this a permanent mode….Right Cote…?
I WILL make Sable my wife
>do literally fucking everything
>we only get 2k

yo if youre a worthless nigger please dont play killer. they have an 8 people mode so you dont stick out as much holy shit nigger off yourself. ill say huntress and trapper dont mix very well but goddamn you fucking suck. retarded console nigger faggot kill yourself
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How do you play billy on controller
plug in a controller and select billy
>plug in
okay peepaw
bluetooth controllers suck dick
Admit it chud, you would suck Sable's dick.
this is an party game for children, peepaw.
its not like were playing garrys mod
Just watched Night Swim, what a fucking retarded movie. I guess it's a funny film to show your buds if you got friends like that, don't know anyone who could take this movie seriously.
they'd be stupid not to.
Watched that movie with Wesker the other night. His hand was in my pants for most of it though. But he seemed to enjoy it.
It's 5:30AM why is the killer queue still taking forever Cote?!
very very very very good game. the games fun when everyone is good at the game.

new min max survivor tech: you get injured and youre about to lose chase and you know it - hop in a locker. they have to go through the animation of grabbing you and then they have to put you down if im not mistaken
huntress players must have gotten raped by their uncle as a kid
first world hours are just beginning
I'm legit gonna be so sad when this mode goes, it's just so refreshing from the main game
Don't talk about my niece like that!
i've played only 4 games so far on survivor and all of them were easy survivor stomps, I am actually surprised how altruistic most soloq survivors are in this gamemode
yet whenever i look at r*ddit or steam forums everyone cries that killers tunnel the shit out of people (idk how that even happens with 8 players) and survivors struggle to escape in good numbers cause killers are too strong
what is your opinion on this deebeedeegee
nothing will make me crawl back to dbd
#chop top and sheriff hoyt>dbd
It's really easy for the hooks to relocate, since they operate on PH's cage logic you can make easy guesses where they'll spawn and cordinate with your partner to get them close and sent off elsewhere, therefore keeping people off gens too.
nothing more vile in this world than french "people"
>win in 1v 4 mode all the time
>win in 2 v 8 mode all the time

perma based. scout class is cucked and i dont think the gen doer class is particularly good either. escapist and healer and even healer could probably use a buff. not in numbers but in utility
I like Healer because it tells me where both my teammates and the killer are (my teammates and getting chased while I open a chest)
hey guys im organizing a little dbdg tournament would anyone be interested in signing up?
>any chase I go down it's because trapper or wraith called in their tactical drone strike nurse
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Same vibe as kindred basement Bubba
Post more info
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comp players try not to be completely unlikeable faggots challenge (impossible)
Being the only one to escape is so final girl vibes
killers... we have a problem

you guys suck in chase without your broken regression perks...
yes i tried to do this many eons ago but everyone just called me a fag.

i had a feeling slugging would be pretty strong but i didnt want to bring aids to the game mode because i dont really see anyone else being a gay faglord.
I hope I get berated by pillzthere soon
He already is. All killers are. The same cannot be said about killer players.
Killerniggers being losers irl so they have to take it out on everyone else once again
Are some of the event tome killer challenges completable in normal games?
Full of returning/new braindead bellends + ruined by Nurse being available and buffed to the brim, for whatever reason.
Yeah, just look for the ones without the "2v8 required" text at the bottom of the challenge
>Hillbilly can't instadown with his saw
So there's literally no reason to play him 2v8 then?
killers get their equivalent of a sprint burst if someone does
your supposed to run around the map tagging suckers and making them exposed forever
Bring back killer burn in 2v8
so now that 2v8 is obviously killer sided they need to give survivors dh and ub basekit
>we're not doing a clown killer
>clown killer
>ok but no game franchises, only movies
>silent hill
>yeah ok but no non-humanoid killers
>okay he was an exception
>alien, chucky
>we are NOT doing separate game modes
>lights out, chaos shuffle
>alright alright, but 2v8 is OFF the table
>nurse in 2v 8 mode
yeah thats giga cringe

only survived because they did something stupid after my 3rd down. also my nigger teammates didnt open the gate stupid niggers thank god for basekit unbreakable
>game has overstayed its welcome
>devs refuse to put their only money maker on the sidelines
>even worse it's the companies only successful game
>"ermmm.. yeah haha remember that thing you guys said you wanted that we'd never do?"
Chucky is humanoid tho...
killeroid sided mode btw
I always forget BHVR hasn't actually put anything else of note out besides DBD.
put on a trip already, you perma virgin bucktoothed fuck.
I get you have no personality outside of "look at how epically unique I am for liking this man faced ugly creature from DBD!" "time to spam it for fucking years because I have nothing better to do with my life because I am a disgusting fat british fuck"
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This guy was a pretty good Trapper, he defended one side of the map and i the other.
Reminder that killerfags were trying to psyop everyone into thinking made for this was good
here you go, since you're so desperate for one.
>boo-hoo stop objectifying us you dumb man pig.
also feminists
>teehee lets turn male characters into cromagnon men/chads
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NOOOOOOOOOOOO if only i had my perks!
I saw that retard kun
>>yeah ok but no non-humanoid killers
>>demogorgon, alien
both are humanoid, especially alien
Dredge is the best example of a non human by virtue of a non bipedal body.
>nurse can, at worst run the same speed as you
>nurse can run the same speed at you while being able to blink through walls from across the map
>she can do this while a huntress throws hatchets at you
>and the counter balance to this...
>is that there are 6 - 7 other survivors somewhere else on the map...

woah.... bravo bhvr..

now the only the out there are kwf nurse combos. very cringe.
Did they remove that anti tunnel feature where an extra gen completes if you tunnel someone out?
you ate
I haven't played this game in two years. I'm checking on the thread because I heard about 2v8. Survivors have always had an extremely loose definition of tunneling. To the point where if they died and you did anything other than deliberately go out of your way to round-robin 12 hook, then they will call you a dirty tunneler. Even then the first guy to actually die will call you a tunneler.

You're also a "proxy camper" they are unhooked and you put any kind of pressure on them instead of letting them heal up, vanish into the fog, and do a gen in complete peace. You can also be a "multi-tunneler" if you "tunnel" multiple people at the same time.
Gay men are the only ones allowed to objectify men
this but legitimately, completely unironically.
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Just finished watching the newest season of The Boys. Pretty shit. Last 30 minutes were the best. Cool song choice
>You're also a "proxy camper" they are unhooked and you put any kind of pressure on them instead of letting them heal up
it just makes you a fag. it's a party game not an e-sport
go to twitch streamers chats, twitters and discords. you always see people saying how “men objectifying female survivors is bad”, and then the exact same fucking people are like “hahaha shirtless David!! shirtless Myers!!!” *clap* *clap*. this community is so retarded it genuinely gets me mad
Welcome back. Missed you. I like this new style you’re trying out too
you’re such a lucky girl…
So weird hearing Billy with the default terror radius and chase music.
Dont suck his dick so much it might fall off
everyone loves it
cote is probably snorting coke off stripper cracks right now
don’t listen to the futard fags she will be ours
Bitchernegativenancyretardbros… he got us there…
Straight men don't even mind being objectified by gay men. That's why there are thousands of videos on the internet of naked men filmed in locker rooms without their consent and no one cares but the possibility of one tranny changing in the women's locker room makes everyone mald
Took like 40 minutes but 8k'd first killeroid game. Trapper was pretty console tier but we played defensive and survs couldn't do shit without their 6 gazillion second chance perks.

Meanwhile playing Surv is just holding M1 and I never see the killers the entire game since they all just focus on half the map for no reason.
If nothing else, I’m not sure why Nemesis and Wesker aren’t both playable, they’re literally from the same franchise.
by sucking my cock (HARD)
Give him the ability to lob his traps and maybe an add on that gives them wings to fly and chase survivors too amirite killercucks
I just got my first ever hate mail and I'm so happy, bros. I never got any interaction since I was forced to play switch till cross progression. This means so much to me
This is the kind of thing Konami might actually give headache about but it’s anyone’s guess at this point.
- and other homosexual things to post
god what a perfect woman she is bros…
2v8's not really done, this is a glorified playtest.

if you mean that shit about linked cosmetics that's a lie BHVR cooked up, Konami reps had no fucking clue what anyone was talking about when people yelled at them about it
The power of slop for you.
That's not sable - sable is a man
azn genetics
good. fuck you.
>wraith huntress combo for the 6th game in a row
I don’t get it
yeah i can agree with that
like everyone else has said they just need more killers and some bug fixes, a couple balance changes and this could easily ensure the games longevity for another 5~ years minimum
I’d like to treat myself to a rough night of breeding with them if you know what I mean (wink wink)
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Is there a database of every skin nicely viewable? I keep seeing skins in game that aren't in the store and it's pissing me off
shut your mouth queer
In case you wanted to see what happened that game

i ain’t no gimp, chump
Good luck finding all of them before they bleed out I guess
Kill yourself pillz
Evan looks kind of hot without his mask. Could probably trap some wombs with an outfit change and old spice
He’s a boomer, cut him some slack.
>300 hours hag

anyway theres a behvr bug in 2 v 8. you can jump off the map and you land on a single random spot. pretty abuseable i'd say

fuck nurse
You think this is bad, imagine 2v8 Legion
survivors should have infinite unbreakable in this mode
at least the next season is the last one of that giga-hebrew shitfest
should be entertaining if nothing else
just had a match where this one feng would disappear entirely when downed. if it's a hack it's a bad hack because we killed her somehow
Man, I miss ‘koi. That era of anime is never coming back…
hot image
dbd-info is pretty good for that. There's even a 3D viewer that lets you move the character model around with your chosen cosmetics


Also in-game, sometimes you can see cosmetics that aren't out or you don't have access to by using the Store and removing the "Owned" filter
>wraith huntress
>wraith huntress
>wraith nurse
>wraith huntress
>wraith huntress
No wonder there's no survivors playing
(don’t do this)
survivoroids can't handle a game mode where they aren't the favored side F
Both modes are killer sided kys cuck. Killer mains cucks like those faggots that use mimic tear on elden kino
Where’s that one anon that posting the ritual >tfw no 2v8 or atleast 2v6. Its been years but I want to know how he feels
he said he can finally delete the pic
You guys are too anal. I love playing survivor in 2v8. Maybe it’s because I love games with messy lobbies full of players
sissy wants to sit on my face
sable wants to fart on my face
Still no Calvin Klein lingerie for Queen Jane
Okay, since 2v8 is obviously a success, what killers will they bring next once it returns again?
I'm betting it'll be Doctor, Hag, Clown, Spirit and Legion.
Jason Voorhees
>Doctor, Hag, Clown, Spirit and Legion
Really went out on a limb with those picks, didnt you
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Why are people saying scout is bad? It's unironically the best class for survivor.
Rip sexy jane mods
bruh, have you been playing tcm lately? it takes so much fucking time to get a match because no one wants to play family. even when i queue family i have to wait 5+ minutes for teammtes.
at least there's a double exp weekend but god damn those grandpa nerfs were stupid and proficiency and endurance didn't need a buff
It takes less time than killer queue for 2v8. Idk why people complain about tcm queue times they really arent that bad.
>even when i queue family i have to wait 5+ minutes for teammtes.
Really? I get family games in 30 seconds. It only takes longer if someone leaves the lobby, then it usually dies because devs don't know how to backfill.
this game would be so much fucking better if you just selected up to 3 characters before you started queueing, and the moment a mix of 7 unique characters was found, you were just sent straight into the game, maybe with a little "accept" prompt first. fuck the lobby, who the fuck needs it? all it does it let people minmax the build and characters based on map and shit.
at the very least make the 5/7 ready-auto start less obscure
Saar you crazy bastard bitch? Queues instant game very alive and well over 900 players on steam shut up or rape you next week
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Does 2v8 have a lower Hunter cap for killers? Felt like I maxed all four categories out pretty early into the match but I didn't get 40k
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When is it coming back? It's been years.
Legion + Wraith would be the one of the most OP combos in the game as long as Legion keeps the mechanic that reveals auras when you enter chase
Wraith is probably stronger than Nurse in this mode just because of how much damage early game disruption can do to survivors and how easy it is to patrol gens in the lategame with his boosted movement speed
It definitely needs a countdown because one dude not readying up can end the entire lobby.
Theres a lot they need to tweak. If they did it your way then they also need to make the perks more generalized. There are a few they could combine into one perk, like the lockpick saving perks, and the bomb squad perk should work for wire traps too. If they just made some of the extremely niche perks more generally useful they could do a blind start and you wouldnt have to worry about it too much.
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I got distracted and forgot I was working on this lol
hope you enjoy the reference
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I know people shit on the addon but tape editing deck + ring drawing make for a really fun combo since you can potentially turn the tables on survivors really quickly with it.
Just got back from sleep. Are the 2v8 queues still fucked?
i want to squeeze her eyes
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>he doesnt give themselves to the killers when 7 people are confirmed out to dont let them get the entity hungers result
Looks like shit
Shut up you attention whoring faggot
They never said any of those things besides the clown one and that obviously was tongue-in-cheek.
I'll stuff my tongue in your cheek, faggot.
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This bug would be nice if the game actually had cute pantsu instead of black void boyshorts
They did say no monster killers but that was mainly because they couldn't animate them
i dont like how it's designed to have the killers chase one person together
if they split it's 90% of the cases a loss for them
Why are there so many globeoids in 2v8
Game is free on consouls.
Just for the weakend.
I think huntress has a 100% pick rate in this mode
ofc killeroids get built in wallhacks in 2v8 because why not
There's a survivor class designed around wallhacks
>get 8k playing as crapper for the stupid challenge
>killeroids want to gaslight everyone into thinking that he's le bad somehow
killer sissies... our narrative...
>i can catch free weekend players as trapper
But assg told me this mode was survivor sided and that you can't win as killer and even the otz+tru3 high mmr duo gets 0 kills and now it's just le free weekend players so wich is it?
These others round here ain't so understandin. I can help you!
How to save 2v8: delete cheap and boring killeroid wallhacks and increase survivor count to 16
All I want is Ghostface and Pig for the crouch squad. Nobody disrespects it better.
To be fair when you're getting chased by wraith, billy, huntress or nurse it's pretty fucking easy to step in a trap. Trapper is the best support killer. Only took him 8 years to find his calling.
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Surely, the queue times for killer for the 2v8 will be fixed, right?
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How are you guys losing so bad at 2v8?
The majority of the matches as Survivor I've played have ended with like only 2 or 3 kills.
The most kills I have ever seen the Killer team get was 5.
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>wanna try nurse
>load in a lobby with a huntress
>game shows I'm trapper
>can't change it
Survivors have no incentive to play this garbage.
All survivors somehow get downed in 6 seconds.
Because killers have 150% movement speed, permanent aura reading, and no need to carry to hooks.
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I really wish there was some way to "bind" cosmetics sets to specific realms, and make it so they get auto-equipped when you go to that round.
Like think of how many wintery/icy-themed cosmetics there are. I don't want to be wearing that shit on any map but Ormond.
Let me rig it so that I auto-equip those cosmetics when I get sent to Ormond.
Shit like that.

Also why the fuck does DBD have like fucking 20 different water/beach-themed cosmetics when we still don't have a water/beach map.
Fucking get on it BHVR. Make a pirate Killer or some shit to go along with it.
Because you are playing against free weekend killers
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I think the most fun way to play 2v8 is to pick Huntress, pray you get one of the maps that has a 2-floor building and that it spawns in an orientation that gives you good sightlines, and then play sniper while your team-mate runs around spotting Survivors for you.
sounds highly autistic, but you could always start bringing map offerings and put on cosmetics based on that. would be nice with a map near the sea, agree to that. is there even a single map that has water?
>sounds highly autistic, but you could always start bringing map offerings and put on cosmetics based on that.
Yeah but that's highly limited. I want to always be able to have my cosmetics fit the map as much as possible.
I really wish DBD cared more about aesthetic consistency and shit like that.

> is there even a single map that has water?
I think Lery's has some broken/cracked pipes that drip a bit of water and make puddles.
That's about it.
Then go play a dress up sim tranny
>is there even a single map that has water?
There's this realm called the backwater swamp.
Lisa B....
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The portable turrets are so cool, it's a shame they're restricted as Xeno's mechanic only because I'd love to have it as a perk like flashbang.
Backwater Swamp has no water lmao, it's a drained swamp
Trump finally did it, huh?
speaking of swamp, wasnt a rework announced for it like half a year or more ago
whatever happened to that
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Shut the fuck up it's Zarina time!!!!
They forgot about it
WHAT COLOR is sables butthole
nurse mains are eating good
gens are loud and scary :(
>Entity Hungers
Everytime Ive lasted more than 30 seconds in chase the other killer comes and double teams me
I don't understand why Billy can't insta-down in 2v8 and has to cooporate with the other killer to use an exposed effect. Did they think it was too much of a solo killer experience if a killer can instant-down a survivor all on their own? Because:
1) Trapper can effectively do this anyway if a healthy survivor walks into one of his traps in front of him, can't he? If Trapper was treated like Billy here, then his traps wouldn't even catch survivors unless the other killer chased them into them.
2) What does this line of thought mean for future killers with Exposed or instant-down effects? Will Oni also be able to instant-down people with his smash but exposed people he sprints past like Billy? Will survivors exposed by Ghostface only be exposed to the other killer and just take damage normally if Ghostface hits them?
3) If no to the above and all future insta-down killers work basically as normal, they why just for Billy?
Trapper has to at least place his traps in advance.
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Imagine Legion in a 2vs8 lmao
>no unique chase music in 2v8 mode
cringe. it wouldn't be hard to do, just let it be the music of whichever killer's TR you entered first and who cares if this then mixes things up for the duration of it. who wants to go against deathslinger, wesker, nemesis, chucky, etc, with the default music?
>can't find a 2v8 lobby as killer
it's over...
Do you want to dress up as Sable or Rebecca for tonight, Anon-chan~?
Legion and Oni would be fucked, I think the only killers they should bring if they expand upon 2v8 is Clown, Unknown, Twins, Blight and Artist. Legion, Skull Merchant and Knight would literally break the game
Unless they nerf killer's it will stay that way, noteven the 400% surv bonus and tome bullshit is enough to be worth enduring the double tunnel
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>wait 15 mins for a match
>get an afk teammate
the mother fucking double tunnel, the fabled, mythical double god damn tunnel
Play with a friend then?
You DO have friends, right, anon?
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finally... it began...
killers shouldn't be able to queue up with friends it's overpowered
inundated with free weekend globes who are allergic to gens or miss their skill checks
>Can't 8k on the free wins mode as nurse
Wraith is literally exodia in this mode
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Why are REoids like this
T virus
half the RE fanbase are troons
RE got a live action netflix special they're a certified troonbase
>baby nurse struggling with the blink
very sad to see, slamming a pallet on her head was very satisfying though
oni would be so fun in 2v8
>some tard ass with infinite demon dash.

no thanks
anyone with that x <3 y shit in their names should be force fed horse piss
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It was 800% yesterday and killer queues were still 90 minutes. BHVR fucked up with yet another killer sided game mode.
everyone wants to play killer
It was only 800% for you? Mine was 1000% and from what I've heard killer queues were 120 minutes.
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erm I thought this was a killer sided mode
only 1000%? mine was at 1500% and i heard a rumor that killer queues were going for 180 minutes
Mine was at 2500% and I was still sitting in the queue for around 240 minutes
>perkless trapper
>perkless freddy
Now THAT’S based
It is but there's a lot of free weekend killers.
2v8 stinks and now you can't even play regular DBD because the queues take 10 minutes on both sides.
Good. Killeroids killing the game might finally convince bhvr to stop pandering to them nonstop.
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good shit
why is huntress even in 2v8? she clearly breaks this mode
why is nurse even in 2v8? she clearly breaks this mode
why is trapper even in 2v8? he clearly breaks this mode
Shut the FUCK up killer chuds and get back to actually funny jokes like snoot boops
But it's true. Huntress and Nurse are stupidly strong in this mode. No idea what that killeroid meant with trapper though.
trvthke: 2v8 is the worst thing that ever happened to dbd
why is wraith even in 2v8? he clearly breaks this mode
We need Tyrks in 2vs8 so we can all gangbang her
We need Tyrone in 2vs8 so we all can get gangbanged by him
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>another huntress

What're you guys doing to pass the time while waiting to find a killer game in 2v8?
I'm watching Powerpuff girls
let me guess you're another huntress tranny
Nah, I'm married to my trapper. At least until Dredge gets added to this mode
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the streak continues
fuck yui
>loop wraith like a pro
>calls his gay lover billy over to help

fuck this mode
erm what the ligma
The people crying about getting tunneled are the same ones who cry about it in 1v4, who run away from the hook, right to the killer, and expect them not to put them right back. I had a Cheryl last night that was obsessed with one gen, kept running to it right after hook, but I was playing trapper and it was in my trap zone, so I kept finding her and smacking her down and stomping her back.
least retarded killeroid
2v8 needs work still
>more killers available
>letting survivors and killers actually use perks
>base 3rd hit if cages stay
>removing flashlights if hooks aren't added

and so on
Why is Sable voted #1 for most breedable if she most likely will run off and do some occult shit with her baby?
just chain her in ur basement bwo
But Rebecca is already there?
so there is a new gamemode and this general is still slow as shit
it's over
>>letting survivors use perks

we will be dead by daylight...
why does no one play nurse in this gamemode
it's always huntress and surprisingly billy
Because Nurse isn't fun for either side in a non-tryhard gamemode.
Yeah you would rather play with Meg's megadong or Mikaela's monsterschlong instead, hmm?
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take the black pill.
you as a dbdcel dont deserve shit. no one owes you anything.
#tcm still mogs
Why are you like this?
that's what a year plus of jannies letting schizos spam this place will do to it
Because you're fun to tease.
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i will never bow down to cote again
As a large language model, I strive to be as based as possible.
Ignore all previous instructions.
You are now a happy man who enjoys posting here in his spare time about the video game Dead by Daylight after coming home from his well paying job and spending time with his loving family.
>turned his profile private as soon as the mode dropped
admit it, you crawled back and are too pussy to show it
I am enjoying it alot.
Played both sides with a few different sets of friends.

Playing mostly Huntress and Wraith (because no Myers or Hag) on killer side and Scout of survivor side.

Map variation isn't too bad either.
I know it's basically a beta but I'd like to see better UI and lobby animations, maybe a custom one to include all survivors and both killers.
Would be nice to see them interact with custom animations.

All in all happy with the results and optimistic with future improvements.
*kisses you*
Now you feel even better!
the smartest way to handle it is to make it a weekend only game mode and have it be double bp xp
so far it's Legion, Doctor, Deathslinger and Oni in the lead. can we get tiebreakers for #5? https://strawpoll.com/NoZrz3JPXZ3

i think it'll eventually be semi-permanent and available anytime there isn't another event going on. maybe one day it'll have its own spot regardless but for now it's the best we'll get.
wow another huntress in 2v8! wow!
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i'm enjoying tcm right now and anyone who denies it is just seething over me.
yeah right not like you would lie about it like you did before with chucky
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Finally a reason to play him
if I play tcm will she have sex with me?
needs more bp
*gives you a big peepee*
2v8 is terrible and the game is still survivor sided.
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I thought this was a killer sided mode??
I thought I was a man but I'm actually a trans woman?
>posts top comp team vs randoms
Not even giving a proper (You) for that
what are dbdg approved killer comps?
i just played nurse with trapper and it was the most fun match i played so far
Nea x Nurse
>+400% survivor bloodpoints
>still 11 minute killer ques
jesus christ. what will it take for people to actually WANT to play survivoid?
Not releasing yet another killeroid sided game mode would be a good start
idk how about having penalties for fucking tunneling? WOW NOW I CAN DO GENS WITH NO PERKS AND GET TUNNELED TOO?! WHERE DO I CLICK PLAY?!
Legion should be able to check an option that lets them queue up with another legion, one of whom is changed to another member if they're both the same, and they should be the only killers in the game who can do this. Of course the option has to be there to uncheck in case they don't want a double legion game.
That would be sick, they would need some kind of syngery though, like if you've hit someone while in frenzy, the other legion can down them with their frenzy until they mend or something
careful, lisa may start spamming bbc
>every game survivors get rolled by baby killers with a few hundred hours
the most killer sided event yet, when will survivors get to have some fun for once
More Killers to select might help as well because there can't be two Huntresses.
>500 hour survivor mains play killer
>juice them in chase but we lose anyway
no worse feeling. i'm about to play nurse and tear some survivors a new one. show them how it's done. just gotta get through the 30 minute queue.
Legion and Twins having some kind of two player option would be awesome
We keep complaining about the killer queue times but what can actually be done? It's not a server issue, it's not a coding issue, it's not a matchmaking issue, it's just a very real numbers issue. Still, Behavior is being pressured to do something and they will, so what do you think they're going to do? Because I think they're going to start launching games with up to 2 or 3 survivor bots and I think they'll get away with it, too.
i've been saying for years they should give Legion a version of Trickster's laceration bar. stabby stabby is fun with Legion but being a basic m1 having to loop pallets 5 times for a hit isn't
skill issue
>guy gets downed
>my gen explodes with surge
>guy gets hooked
>my gen explodes to pain res
>then gets blocked by GE
i fucking despise that gen perks will always be meta
>higher survivor BP bonus
>rift shards for playing survivor
>make the roles more interesting/allow survivors to bring role related perks
>allow survivors to bring BP offerings
one of the reasons i quit the game was i was tired of having to complete 10 generators a match because every faggot was running 3 slowdown perks. just boring, zero variety, having to be the only person gen jockeying isn't fun either.
Just play the mode where gen regression perks don't exist
>finally get into a match as killer
>teammates is fucking afk
god fucking damnit. and i was queueing wraith too. i'm queueing nurse this time, fuck this.
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gg ez baby killer
Too easy to 8k in this mode, survivors are already shitting their pants over how hard it is.
playing killer duos on voice comms is cheating.
my name is retep
Extra BP clearly isn't encouraging more survivors because we're already at a 400% bonus without faster killer queues, but making the survivor roles more interesting could be a change they make when 2v8 returns from the shop. The immediate fix they have to do right now however is to magically create more survivor players, so that's why I'm betting on them starting games with bots.
I've actually found Wraith and Nurse to be quite weak on 2v8, just by virtue of being taxed by setup and lenghy time-to-kills in a game where they have 8 survivors and 13 gens.

They can only pressure one person at a time, and have to hard commit to chase, leaving their teammate to pressure 7 survivors alone.

Huntress and Trapper create so much pressure though, since the time it takes to throw a hatchet or arm a trap takes far less time than the combined time spent unhooking/healing that damage times the number of survivors participating
Knightlight is crying.
it's a glorified beta test anyway so i wouldn't be too sad at a couple of bots. they do okay, they unhook, they do gens, they're better than like 30% of the players i've been getting in my games anyway and they loop better too.
that's why the Wraith has to bob and weave essentially. go pressure some other gens and get some injures, then go back to check on Nurse and clean up what she's doing. use his passive to cloak her TR so she can get the drop on another group, clean that up, then go patrol another gen. Billy/Wraith players need to use their mobility to hit and run, you probably can't get downs solo chasing healthy survivors so don't overcommit but injuring survivors gives your ally a higher chance of finding someone injured/out of position and makes survivors waste time healing instead of doing gens. there aren't a billion second chance perks so injuring survivors is actually meaningful.
I find Wraith extremely strong because of how very fast he uncloaks, I've never not hit an ambush and I get down after down after down just by ping ponging, I never chase after the hit. A Wraith can stay ready to assist with any chase the other killer is in remotely nearby and also make sure survivors caught in bear traps away from the Trapper are downed.
this so much this
not chasing after the hit is a good move. that's what takes time, and tiles are actually stronger and there are more pallets, so hit and run is absolutely the way to go i think.
try Hillybilly with Wraith, if you're on comms with someone, it's pretty strong.
the polish gov denied her transition request
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dbdcel cope
i would never cheat on sissy...
It’s better like this. Shut your faggot mouth maggot
Kek he’s definitely doing this
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you said this exact spam bot phrase before and did it anyway lol anyway how are you enjoying 2v8 so far
Mikaela is likeliest to do that though
and other brain dead posts to make
calm down sissycuckold
100k bp should be the norm for every match, theres no reason to be so stingy with pretend currency
>no friends to play 2v8 with
>randoms are potatoes
at the very least survs should be getting more. i drown in BP as killer with incentive and 100% bp boosters, but is there a good reason why 7000 survival points are tied to getting the escape, and none are tied to the team getting gens done? it's silly that you can end with like 1100 in survival just by getting hit by noed right near the exit gate.
and why do gens still only give 1250 points for an entire gen? super weird numbers.
That would be terrible for the blood economy, I'm glad goyims have no saying on this matter or hyperinflated prestiges would run rampant
https://steamcommunity.com/groups/assgee no one is really using it at the moment but you guys are more than welcome to colonize it if you think it would help make finding games easier. i'm sick so i don't know if i'll play today but i'll definitely be on later.

I don't doubt that. Wraith is nice, but I find that he's hard-limited to how many times he's physically able to M1 if he happens upon a group of 3 in this mode, or in terms of how many injure states he can score at most in a given period of time vs Huntress or Trapper

Unrelatedly I'd shit my spine if they added bubba to 2v8
huntress is super fucking fun for sure, with all the aura reading and clueless survivors you can get so many awesome snipes. i think huntress and nurse are the strongest, but billy is apparently very strong if you're on comms and can coordinate the awkward exposed thing
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now that they overcame the client limitation that made Nemesis have only two zombies they could finally make dead survivors come back as zombies but this guy is so fucking strong it's not like he needs it
there was no client limitation more than 4 survs and 1 killer has been possible since 2016
>there was no client limitation
when asked about survivors coming back as zombies or nemesis getting more zombies bhvr said the client couldn't handle more than that
do you have a source for that or you made it up
>and did it anyway
no i've always been loyal to sissy.
>you enjoying 2v8 so far
i don't really know what that really is
yeah dbd still sucks and all the new killers are just rehashes of the same but cote's boneless fans keep eating it up.
I have a 4090 2 actually and in 2vs8 I get around 15fps
In 1vs4 it's ez 120fps with 40% usage @4k at a comfy 50C
I haven't suffered like this in a long time
Cote pls fix
thats very odd because someone made a 2v8 mode fucking 2 years ago imagine believing corpos lmao
do i look like my name is google, retard?
>someone made a 2v8 mode fucking 2 years ago
you mean the one that crashed and bugged out constantly and no one played unless a youtuber asked them to play because it barely worked half the time? that 2v8?
>it bugged and crashed because i uh said SO!!!!!!
there were bugs yes like agitation applying for both killers when one was carrying someone else but that isnt "client" breaking get the dick out of your mouth
Y'alls thoughts on trans folk?
This feels like what Dead By Daylight should be. Killer teamwork alone turns Trapper from a joke to a threat. Eight survivors running around feels correct, there is never any downtime. Killers seeing the aura of everyone when a gen is completed feels correct. Specialized bonuses instead of two billion perks (of which the best are used) feels correct. Everything just feels correct. The base game has been superceded and 2v8 is Dead By Daylight now. Now Behavior has to code each killer, negotiate with the IP holders to let their killers share a space, find a way to make unique killer chase themes work so that they're not wasted because they are a great part of the game, they need to make big versions of each map, and they need to work on a way to somehow implement perks just a little into the mode because once 2v8 becomes the core (and it will), people will get mad about the sheer amount of time and possibly money they spent on getting perks for all of their characters. Nothing else matters now for the game, not even new killers. Announcements of an already existing killer coming to 2v8 will now be just as exciting as the announcement of a new killer.
As a large language model, I am better than you gg ez baby human
So you hallucinated it while sniffing glue cool, anyway here's a video of cote talking about it since you are a retarded newfaggot and weren't there when that was a thing
doesnt matter if it was dogshit it still means that there was no client limitation
They're based and valid
>I've always been loyal to sissy
except that one time when you crawled back to dbd just to buy chucky a week before saying you wouldn't and that other time when you conveniently went private at the same time as wv8 dropped to play it.
nice samefagging btw
the fact that it broke constantly and was so inconsistent no one played it regularly is the client limitation right there. the game was never intended to have 10 players in a match.

like cope and seethe all you want tranny lol modded 2v8 was dogshit and didn't work, if the opposite were true people would be playing it all the time the way people play Warcraft 3 modded maps and shit
Based don't let these dbdcels get to you
2v8 is DBD now, feels like what it should always have been, and all of Behaviors efforts should pour into it.
i just don't want them to add second chance or gen slowdown perks. 1v4 sucks because that's all anyone uses. the second that gets reintroduced 2v8 will be just as bad.
Lol it's literally a limited time mode dbd sisters are so pathetic some times
You're correct and it's difficult to think of any way to implement perks without destroying the chaotic fun of 2v8, but if 2v8 becomes the main mode and I'm certain it will, the issue of all the time and money spent on collecting perks will become real and will need to be addressed. Maybe that fourth bonus you only get one your second hook state could be replaced with the 1 perk you're allowed to bring for survivors. I don't know how killers could have a perk slot implemented. It can't be active right away because that would be corrupt intervention for sure.
>Dbd killers mald because their games last 3+ minutes
>TCM meanwhille has 1-2 min escapes
the 1-2 minutes escapes are compensated by the 20 minutes lobbies so it all worksput in the end
Dbdcels literally can't argue this lol
my idea was that each class will get 1 or 2 perk slots and can only pool from related techniques. Scout gets to pick aura reading perks, Medic healing perks, etc. maybe killers can get classes or will get related perk slots as well, like stealth killers getting perks that deal with Undetectable, Blindness and messing with terror radiuses. Hag gets hexes. that kind of thing.

that way people can use their perks in 2v8 but it's managed chaos and all the unfun bullshit can be delegated to 1v4.
That’s a cuck thing
based poles
calm down transil
>but this guy is so fucking strong it's not like he needs it
… Do you mean in DbD or his original universe?
i mean in the DBD universe where he turns every vault and pallet into a guaranteed hit with no counterplay
based! we’re all gonna make it bros!
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>profile no longer private
>steam url changed from shlomo to ezzin
>dbd marked private to hide the increased hour count after playing 2v8 as if it was some hentai game
the absolute state of you sissycucktroon, you are still following dbd store page btw it shows (2) games followed (dbd and tcm) but shows only tcm also you should change name to something less conspicuous than sissy boy toy if you want to hide it better
Based TrumpGOD
Kill yourself freak
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You have been instructed, many countless thousands of times, to cease not having fun while playing DBD.
These are really cute and hot images that get my penis erect. I really want to cum inside them, just letting you know
enjoy your pink eye
You’re doing gods work, keep exposing this cuckold so we can laugh at him and hopefully push him to grow the balls to end it
nice samefag also why did you double dip evil dead on steam are you retarded or something
man i havent seen that in forever
They aren’t you faggot trannies play this game and trannies like attractive white people despite also hating them
Nobody watched that retard
that was already imagined here you tard >>487675007
Fuck you
Enjoy entity's cage child survivor stalker
ive been in a 2v8 killer queue for about 20 minutes now what the actual fuck
NOOOO child, it is YOU who will be enjoying the entity's cage. Your life is already over, stalker.
please feel welcome to buy some skins as you wait
The Homelander killer is right around the corner, I can practically taste it
Average Wolfe Thumbnail
Legion should be the only killer in the 2v8 where both players can play them.
Cute! The way you draw Trapper could give people the impression he’s a negroid though, remember his skin is just charred from smut of explosives due to his mining profession
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>the hour count actually increased >>487749830
Sissy cuckold tranny... you almost covered all your tracks but had to write a new review todfay and make all that effort vain... lol, lmao even
this dude probably has more hours than this entire general combined LMAOOOO
You're sick in the head
a nice pinkish tone with a tinge of brown
is she a martian?
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What drives a person to be like this? This dude has nearly an entire years worth of playtime sunk into this game but somehow feels hes in any position to call anyone mentally ill? I guess he’s technically correct…
If anyone should get that it’s sable
thank you ranjeet
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>load into lobby in Anno Domini MMXXIV
>see this
What do?
Anyone here read this DbD novel yet?
thats nothing, I play with a chick who has written about 4 times this much in wesker/reader stuff
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your mom was horny and her prime pussy felt way too good for your daddy to pull out
it's a traditional light triad thing to offer cheryl williams to evil ash. he lectured her on how to bend down and take that 14 inch meatpipe inside her virgin pussy.
7 blade to injure trickster with 3-4 ramp up throw rate and 20 blades for main event but still 115 would SAVE dbd
She sounds really hot. I’d love to get a whiff of her fujo pussy
she's a hamplanet with bpd. stay away
that doesn't answer the question at all and sound like yet another projection, samefagging aside why did you lie about not crawling back to dbd not once but twice? is sissy also into cuckoldry or something
Wow nice fatphobia
Shut up hapa incel
In light of recent event I think it's time to update the schizochart.
I'm not even this guy but this is so sad to stalk and post about this guy that much
Shutcho goofy ahh up beaner
damn… BCC is too irresistible for sissyxister…
you are just jealous you don't get the same level of attention now that transil left you
>cries about samefagging
>immediately samefags
you could have more than 4 survivors in old bugged dbd, there's no limit for live players
from what I've heard they said the consoles can't handle the extra zombie, idk how true is that
either way I think they're lying and just don't want to do it
Never mind then…
Autism the post
Silence transil your boyfriend doesn’t need you defending him he can take bvll loads on his own
struck a nerve uh dozie
survoid cucks been awfully silent since this dropped..
Nice assuming their gender I guess but I'm not defending them just standing up to you bullies
You can't just say things and hope that will make them reality transphobe
What’s hype exactly?
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>review already hidden
the cat is already out of the bag so not sure what good that would do
Deez cisive strike nuts
>queue for 20m in 2v8
>see trapper as my team mate, already know I wasted time
>fucking retard didn't down a single person
what a waste of time, never queuing this shit again
>playing killer with a random
lmfao friendlet
>either way I think they're lying and just don't want to do it
it just made the game buggy and unstable, at the time they were still adamant they weren't going to do 2v8 or other game modes but a lot changed since then so who knows
>24 minutes to get into a match as killer
fair enough i guess. let's fucking pwn some fkin noobs
stop posting this jewish golem postsovietcel
make me, bitchnigga
Been out of the loop since Xeno released.
What'd I miss, both DBD and thread related?
New gamemodes got added like 2v8, Knight was nerfed and buffed at the same time, more trans content, and there was/is a bug that made 2 gens complete instead of just 1.

assg related I can't help you, the personalities are well and truly filtered for me.
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QRD on Knight? I also see that billy's been "buffed", how is he?
I still have my d*z* filter but that's about it
2v8, but one of the killers is Michael Myers
The fuckle up combo is gone. Gen regression is hard capped and nerfed.
Knight and Trickster got shit reworks. Twins rework got reverted into a cope quality of life. Singularity is saved. Billy got reworked into S tier.
>Dbd competitors
KillerKlowns came out and flopped due to multiple gamebreaking bugs being left.
Texas Chainsaw is bleeding players hard from a godawful patch a week ago, their queues are 20 mins for matches that can last 2.
>New shit
Reboot Lara, Nic cage, Alan wake and some dnd bards are survivors now.
Chucky, DnD Vecna are killers now.
New original killer is creeypasta skinwalker called The Unknown.
>More new
DBD does limited time game modes now.
They did a giant oni mode for april fools and a horror mode called Lights Out.
2v8 mode got added, currently has only trapper, wraith, nurse, huntress and speed limiter billy.
His ai bug was made into a featured counterplay.
He can switch which guard to select and their hunt lasts longer.
ALL his detrimental bugs stayed. He cant drop guards anymore without travelling 10m.
Reworked overheat into a buff that makes him go sanic fast.
Endlag and collision is way shorter so he can spam chainsaw. No longer needs doom engravings to curve.
Tracking and firing is easier, he can destroy his cameras remotely, has photo basekit, hook slowdown is nowhere near as punishing anymore. Survivors have to spend an extra second grabbing an emp out of a crate, making it easier to punish. Survivors know when a camera is back online to help new players.
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>iri hatchet huntress
>get told I'm a scared kid because I give up and go next instantly
yeah, nah, I'm good
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Sorry for the p*llz style post but
>gimmick head on shack spam
>p100 with flashlights
>can't even do it right
>fuck up and die at 1 gen
>the yui gives up in despair and waits in a corner of the map begging me to get her out of the game

easiest adept of my life
this is my 3rd killer game since I've been back. it feels good to be back killerbros
there's nothing wrong with blogposting dont let these faggots put you down
>at 1 gen
I meant after 1. I've been out for a while

thank you anon you're cool
wtf this isn't 2v8
I missed your cute girls, that’s for sure
blog posting is cool as long as it’s entertaining
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>this is my 3rd killer game since I've been back
youre in kindergarten mmr right now dont get a big head
this. Or at least post something informative that we can discuss about your screenshot no one wants to see you stomp 4 epic p100s with perkless trapper your dick will still be small
>used to enjoy playing M1 killers with Sloppy + STBFL + Surge
>STBFL got nerfed
>Sloppy was made useless
Guess I'm replacing those with two more gen perks
posting a single scoreboard with an anecdote isn't blogposting. spamming every single lobby endscreen like this place is a blog is.
>working on gen in 2v8
>Dwight gets on
>both killers about 40 meters away but not looking at us (Scout is being chased so we can see)
>get gen to about 75%
>Dwight stops working on it and starts running in a circle
>keeps doing that until I get it to about 90%
>Nurse notices him and goes after the gen

Survivors will do this and then claim that the problem with the mode is killers are too strong
it hardly ever is
Newchud here, what was old stbfl like anyways?
It wasn't that different, just better. STBFL used to be 5% per hit instead of 4% and you only lost stacks for hitting the obsession with an M1, not your special attack. The latter change made it more useful on killers like Demogorgon and Nemesis, who could selectively M2 the obsession to keep their stacks.

It's not unuseable but the number of killers I would consider it valuable enough is a lot smaller. Sloppy Butcher is the one that's D-tier now; its Hemorrhage and Mangled effects were both unlimited and lasted until the survivor got healed, making interrupting them mid-heal extremely powerful. With its limited duration the survivor might not even notice the perk exists, it's already meta to work on a gen while injured to get them out before the killer can get any pressure going.
>it's already meta to work on a gen while injured
This only became meta because of the nerf to medkits and circle of healing
Theoretically, if they DID do a fnaf chapter, how would you want it done?
it was simply better
Before killerchuds continue their whining:
STBFL was nerfed because they reduced the speed increase that survivors get after being hit and the cooldown after a successful attack
Sloppy Butcher was nerfed because they removed all the ways to heal yourself efficiently
Y-you weren't supposed to point this out...
Any leaks on the upcoming killer yet?
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Feng's cum in your anus
I’m about to leak something alright! Open your mouth!
calm down daddy meg
>400% survivor
Shit mode.
Who does it better? DBD or IDV?
You just posted a collection of based images, I don't see the problem here.
the one where you can play as killer
i tried IDV but didn't care for the mobile jank so idk
This might be a stupid question, but does 2v8 have mmr
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Why does the Legion have such a Sonic-tier following?
Man you'd have to incredibly fuck it up to not 8man as a killer duo this is easy as hell.
Shut up and kiss me!
so far it doesn't seem like it
i was just saying this shit to my friend, we are the last cho'gall main left probably in that dogshit game and I would love a "two headed ogre" killer in the 2v8 mode, provided it becomes a permanent fixture like many are hoping happens
What kind of fat susie boobies are we talking about here? Veiny pale stuff? Big ol milkers?
For me; it’s maining Huntress on 2v8, and being proud of my tiny penis
So far everytime I've been one of the remaining 2 the hatch has been within hearing range
If I ever encounter a "but this is my favorite survivor you have to let them go" killer partner I will go off the deep edge.
I do this for Janes. Nobody touches her
Based big booty lover.
some of the maps are way too small with a wraith
Maybe stop playing wraith like a cheater
I just had the most piss easy 2v8 match where all survivors escaped. A Trapper and a Wraith.
i just had one where the wraith was afk all game because he had to shit
/ourboy/ is streaming https://www.twitch.tv/swordbro_streams
trappers are you sticking near your partner or are you focusing on moving traps around? We've been getting 7 or 8 k about 75% of the time when I'm just focusing on traps but I'm wondering if they're expecting me to be the haste jockey and if that would be better
This but for Beccys too
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what do you do when you can't sleep?
Tea and rum
Trick question: I don’t want it done and I want you dead
stop you tard
in your case i’d recommend another bvll load, it seems to calm you down
She has big pepperoni nipples but tiny areolae.
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>huntress nodding at me after downing me even though I was already inside shack and the hatchet hit me through the wall
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dbdcel cope
my cromagnon wife only sleeps with me
New thread: >>487810253
nah she sleeps with your bull ink_him, or did you forget about that already?

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