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Previous thread: >>487399262

>Official site

>Fan created content

>Wiki with info on tech trees, weapon systems and game mechanics

>Old forums archive:

>Guides to Air and Ground battles + MEC

>Guides on missiles, radars, radar warning receivers

>Guided weapons statistics

>What tanks have thermals and their generations

>Someone sending you runes?

>Dank Bants

Anegrica saffarz :((((

Thread theme:
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I observe the stimulus screen, I press the response bar, I receive my juice reward
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Never give up. Never surrender. Play France.
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so when are rest of the nations going to get a SAM with a 20km death bubble and 20km F&F AGMs?
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I want to FUCK Andouposter and Asunaposter.
>BoyFriend 109
>Fuck the Wolf 190
a nation of degenerates
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>takes you out over 5km away
>one of the only ATGM vec's without shit handling
>cheap as fuck to repair
what the FUCK is this guy's problem???
They did meth and dressed as girls too
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Something about the French nation!
>20km F&F AGMs
anon the Kh-38MT's are 40km, not 20km
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where is it gaijin? stop adding copy and slop shits
third bote grind, battle pass or winter event
too busy copying copestals
Rare britbong W
>In service 2012
>In service 2005
but of course best they can do is 10km maverics
for balance )))))))))
sucks on city maps
Eternal reminder to fly the Harriers!
how much copyslop are we looking at for the frog coastal tree? 50%?
umm rasist?? please post nickname so we can ba- give you reward for such observant post
You're not locking a moving tank sized target from 40km away.
too many fish and chips bruv
probably closer to 25% but only because the tree is going to be so fucking bare bones
The missile is slow and that's basically it. It fucking owns. 8.0 cent and vickers also are a nice lineup.
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I only occasionally post the qt whore from Qacentina, I have a lot more Marie.
you can overpressure loads of top tier shit by just shooting optics too with the fuckhuge missiles
very fun bringing it to 10-11 br
>You reacquired the lock, that's why
Don't try to reacquire locks if you lose them with radar missiles that are CW
The only time that I manually broke a lock was at the start when my radar wasn't tracking the target. I held the lock once my missile was in the air. That's what I tried to do at least. My radar set dropped the lock entirely and stopped illuminating anything whatsoever. That wasn't me turning the radar off to try to re-lock the plane. That was the radar itself breaking the lock.

I made frantic attempts to reacquire the lock once my radar had stopped illuminating anything whatsoever, but it was a futile effort. Better than praying that the Fox-1 somehow tracks without any kind of radar illuminating the target.
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Post the /wtg/ office.
No need
>POINT lock at the enemy spawn
>it will switch to TRACK the moment it sees anything, like SPAA
>erradicate their AA + some poor fucker that just spawned
This used to work with walleyes before they nerfed supersonic bomb lobbing
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Fly Super Etendards.
and if there is nothing there where the missile crosses the gap?
no idea, know fuck all about frog speedboats
but it wouldnt surprise me if its something like
>mutt PTs, sub chasers/escort DD and an LCS3
>vichy/post war S/R-boot
>MAS or two
>couple fairmiles
>sherman barge (premium)
>shitter variant of the cbt speedboat
and probably some frigates like the Normand or Commandante
maybe they'll throw in K3 as a tier IV/V even though K2 gets to be a T1 bluewater
>one extra 40mm sends your shitty elco PT to 3.3
>you can face the fair and balanced german destroyer that gets PT spawn
>or the pr 206 nigger annihilator
>or the 3.3 pr 183 krokmobile
>dutch ships
kinda feels like the real reason they added the benelux subtree was to give enough ships for the frog naval trees
I don't mind it, anything to flesh it out
I don't understand the appeal of naval. I tried the arkaden and it just felt like a point and click adventure for the elderly where RNG decides whether you do any damage or not.
Are there any naval enjoyers ITT? What do you like about it? Do you play AB or RB?
Post-sale check in

>Good purchases?
>Vehicles you wish you had bought?
Was a wowsfag but I moved here for planes and naval is ok enough that I play it. Its easy to do well in it and I get to larp as a ship captain. Good for SL too.
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catch my vikhr
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sounds like a good excuse to add even fewer french ships )))))

>What do you like about it
big boat, big cool.
RB, not a fan of the AB speedboosts. but otherwise the gameplay is (from what i gather) fairly similar and apparently AB has significantly more players
as for RNG, its probably the most )))))) you'll encounter, and thats on top of the enormous issues of balance, compression, bots, and awful maps, but its a pretty chill mode besides all that
just wish the events were A) worth it and B) not as cheesable so all the SKR fomotard farmers would fuck off
>>Good purchases?
>>Vehicles you wish you had bought?
Should have pigged out on the CV90105
Leopard 2a4 PzBtl. 123

Best first purchase in wt sale
whats a good acceptable VR headset so I can play sim without the choppy webcam tracking
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i just peepee poopoo my pants...
>>Good purchases?
>>Vehicles you wish you had bought?
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Dropped quite a few nukes myself, but that's my first shot-down.
Can we give the nuke plane countermeasures already?
It was guns on a plane type of a deal. Weapons hot interception, if you will.
F5C and Ka50
>wish you bought
Even if your radar loses the lock (either your radar goes full retard, gimbal limit or you manually unlock), as long as you dont lock anything else, the missile WILL still track the target for some time (and no this is not just IOG since it works with non-IOG missiles, though IOG makes this work more reliably).
Technically, it shouldn't really work that way since your radar isn't really illuminating nowhere near the target but well, that's the way it works here in WT.
>Better than praying that the Fox-1 somehow tracks without any kind of radar illuminating the target.
The way Gaijin codes Radar illumination + SARH receiver interactions is just magic at this point. You can see it for yourself in the sensors view after you lose radar lock. Your missile has around 5 seconds of a "grace period" in which it will keep tracking the target without a lock (the missile receiver will still be pointing at the target despite your radar not illuminating it and remain actively tracking it/maneuvering to hit) UNLESS you lock anything at all with your radar.
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CV9050 when?
>50mm apfsds >200mm of pen
>Iron Fist APS
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>learn how to abuse comsight and 2Bs
Holy shieeeeeyt nigger Italy suddenly became a breeze to play through.
Sucks this much fun is locked at the end of the modifications.
>Good purchases?
T29. Amazing vehicle. 7.0 mutt US is insanely fun (overpowered)
180 days of premium time. Since Gaijin did an amazing combo of no summer content + horrid economic changes, meaning I am not playing anymore
>Vehicles you wish you had bought?
Is there a reason the roof mounted konkurs on vehicles like the bmp2 begins reloading before the missile explodes? Presumably the wires guiding the missile need to stay connected to the launcher in order to send inputs. Same goes for the TOWboxes but it's a totally different balance situation
I was expecting to regret the Su-39 but after the Mig-23ML nerfs it was actually better than that to grind out the rest of the tree. I bought the Tran too which is kind of lame but can be quite fun to fly out and earn some SL and the remainder of the US tree.
I just like boats
but then again I dont play past CLs because top tier BB matches are cancer on the account of how small the maps are
Naval EC RB used to be fun, but now if you don't have a top tier boat you can just quit because there is nothing you can do to them
It should be a lot better but the snail has neglected balance, maps, gameplay, pretty much everything. But Ground and Air is where the money is. Coastal should be its own mode with some more BR decompression, and being able to be on the same map as lower tier ground and air units would be fun and doable, but they just can't be fucked.
God damn the mig23 is a flying shit
They completely fucked it. The flight model changes are fair enough. However the R24R's you used to reliably be able to get two kills with with some patience and experience but the radar just locks onto any chaff in a 180 radius in front of you now. Literally no strong points about that jet now, just mid everything at best.
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thats a good question
especially when you consider that vehicles with reload animations like the khristchantema and mephisto start the reloading animation right after they launch the last missile while SAMs like the Rolands and FlaRakPZ start their reloading animation after the last missile expires
gaijins kroklogic I suppose
>nig23 is shit
so just like it is in real life?
damn gaijin is based
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>unkowningly kill [WARTG] guy twice
is there an option to make the cockpit not look like a pixelated mess? is it cockpit sharpness under postfx settings? if so how much does it impact performance?
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>another episode of invisible rounds from the 4x 14.5mm BTR sniping my pilot while I'm shooting down a il2 at 2km altitude
This but shilka too, literally never happens with western SPAA
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>name is nothing but numbers
every time
this is actually the worst general in the entire board
That'd be /wotg/
I have no idea since I'm an ULQchad but maybe download the HD texture pack.
No it isn't, I've been in the League general before. Trust me it's way worse.
didn't know that was a thing
where's the official download?
>what is /tf2g/
>what is /kspg/
>what is /mcg/
and these are just 3, yes this place is ass, but trust me when i say it can get MUCH worse
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Someone say [WARTG]?
meant to say /ksg/, fuck, still applies anyways i guess
>/wtg/ = Way Too Gay
>Just got countermeasure pods and AIM-9L on my Tornado
>install 2x AIM-9L and 160x countermeasures on both wings
>still only get stock 32 countermeasures in game
what gives? Anyone else with a fighter tornado have this?
>However the R24R's you used to reliably be able to get two kills with with some patience and experience but the radar just locks onto any chaff in a 180 radius in front of you now. Literally no strong points about that jet now, just mid everything at best.
Bro they got IOG, as long as you dont relock anything else and they dont outmaneouver it, it will hit. The only thing that matters is getting the initial lock and firing while the lock is active. If your radar moves to chaff, the missile will keep tracking the target, not the chaff
Make sure you have the HD client and yeah, the postfx cock sharpness is basically a sharpening filter for the cockpit models
That only works if the enemy jet maintains the same course though
Needful status?
ok i've been to /tf2g/ recently and it's terrible but that might just be because of that venusian guy currently living rent free in their head.
but at the very least the people there are useful, i asked for some pointers on how to trade for a taunt and an anon just straight up gifted it to me. any time i ask a question here it gets ignored in favor of tribalfagging and pointless whining/shitposting
>PD radar
tried the cockpit sharpness and nothing changed
where do i get the hd client? my pc already shits itself as is if i turn the graphics too high but i guess it's worth a shot
See >>487624540
Most of the time they still strack as SARH (even without illumination), rarely do they switch to IOG only guidance. You can see it on the sensors view.
Dont try to relock if you lose a lock (if it switches to chaff or your radar unlocks)
Don't assume your missile isn't tracking if you have no lock, it will keep tracking for some seconds. Press U to see it for yourself
launcher options
i assume it's not a feature that's available from the steam version?
For Steam it's a free dlc I think
80k 'behind schedule'
but im not particularly interested in either the boat or the coupon
just playing as normal, except with shorter queues
was thinking of doing a little turbogrind this weekend but the weather's looking like I might actually go do shit in the garden
damn, that Vaporeon is looking kinda hot
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Skill Issue.
>finish dailies in 3 battles
>next battle is ))))) max
you can't convince me they don't punish people for doing well
when is russia getting a new tech tree tank it's been half a year since the T-90M came out
>fox-1s keep tracking without radar
That's just retarded enough to be real. Now I'm reminded of how fox-3s have been tracking people through 1000 feet of mountain.

I'll give that a try. My anecdotal success with using SRC rather than PDV head on mode was making me chalk up my radar troubles to being spaghetti tied to gaijin's recent automatic mode switching.
I'm a new player, how do I have fun in this game? Which nation is the most interesting to play? I went with americunts because m3 lee is a cute and funny tank. Should I stay with them?
What about planes? I like the rank VII swedish ones, but it's not feasible to reach it as a casual, is it?
bad beginner nation, I'd reccommend either the swedes or the russians
do Japan
>how do I have fun in this game
You don't.
My best advice is to fuck off and play any other game.
In steam WT options you can select how to open it and IIRC there should be an option to open the launcher instead of the game directly.
best tank nation sweden best plane nation japan best ship nation usa
It's impossible to have fun in this game without spending money. I recommend you pick up these two packs. It may seem expensive, but this is a game you're going to get 1000+ hours out of, so it's worth it to boost yourself at the beginning. The Abrams and F-20 are very competitive and will rocket you right to modern vehicles so you skip all the boring WW2 junk. And you can use them to unlock the whole tech tree easily so you have a full lineup to bring with you.

>I'm a new player
Uninstall before the sunken cost sinks in.
>how do I have fun in this game?
You don't. No matter how many new vehicles you unlock, The same fundamental problems still remain but only get progressively worse as you get into higher tiers. You're only punishing yourself by playing a game like this because there is no satisfaction to be had, No big goal to reach. It's just grinding. Grinding and more grinding.
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Hello Anton catch this
US tree is pretty noob friendly, fast tanks with good guns and stabilizers, and their planes are some of the best after the first few BR's

do not give the snail your money
I guess I will go with swedes then. I dunno about japan, their planes look boring
nah, I'm fine just plinking at russians for an hour or two a day, probably would just stay with ww2 shit
you're right, it does seems too expensive. I'll just stay a f2pleb
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Shut the fuck up tranny snail shill.
Carro Armato OTO-Melara OF 40 Mk. 2 (MTCA), Erprobungsträger mit dreiachsig stabilisierter turm III F
Tank, Combat, Full Tracked: 105mm Gun, M1 General Abrams (VISMOD Krasnovian Variant Tank)
>wish you had
Clickbait instead of KVT
>That's just retarded enough to be real.
What else you expect from the snail itself, it's almost as if all SARH CW missiles get some sort of pseudo ARH mode for a some seconds after losing lock, after that "grace period", IOG kicks in if it's available in the missile. I think I vaguely remember reading about the specific update which added this as an intentional change in the wiki, or it may just be a bug/vodka magic and I am just misremembering things
When I learned that, it pretty much doubled my kill rate with SARH missiles
As long as your missile was fired with a good lock on the target, you can put your faith on it
The Mig-23MLD radar is harder to use now but once you get the initial lock, R-24Rs will do their business as usual.
Good thing I only go to /mmcg/.
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nukes feel a lot more rewarding if you get them in an underpowered vehicle in an uptier.
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F2P is fine for ranks I-III, but if you want to fly jets or drive cold war tanks, you will at some point need to buy premium account time or truly suffer.
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Oh... My... GOD... Anton, I'm... I'm just SPEECHLESS... This generosity is too much for my little heart to handle...
Peak War Thunder ends at rank 4 anyways.
> how do I have fun in this game?

Look for the meta vehicles, exploit them, unlock other vehicles, change them when meta changes. Keep in mind that some vehicles can be very fun in different modes, so if you aren't having much fun try switching arcade and realistic modes.

Also learn how to play. You can do wonders with enough skill, and the game does not teach you essentials at all. That means if you are eager to learn you will dunk on scrubs at any tier in any mode.

> Which nation is the most interesting to play?

Depends on what exactly do you want from the gameplay. Do you like grind and unlocking massive personal museum of vehicles or just want to skip the hassle and get to the most meta crafts?
> What about planes? I like the rank VII swedish ones, but it's not feasible to reach it as a casual, is it?

You can always paypig, but you shouldn't. Swedish J35XS was nerfed a dozen of times already, and there are not much of decent premiums to buy overall. If you want to paypig tho, wait 3 months until season sale comes and then buy a half year premium + some talismans on crafts of your choice. Premium packs can be worthy, but some premiums just aren't worthy with all recent nerfs.

Not true. You can have some fun in late jets even without premium and gold at all. And by fun I mean grinding one plane for a couple of days, then spading it for another couple of days. After that it's a smooth sailing.
Play the Tornado F.3 it's good now
I've been playing the Jaguar IS
>Depends on what exactly do you want from the gameplay.
I want to drive tanks and shoot other tanks. Bonus points if they look weird or funny.
>Also learn how to play.
any tutorials you'd recommend?
Ajax AFV when? I want to mog them with my Strf9040C
>switch between BR's varying from 3.3-11.7
>know where to shoot all vehicles from muscle memory
Am I autistic?
I'm the f-4s guy, but I'll give the advice a try. The sparrows don't accelerate as hard but they're a bit longer ranged and I carry more of them. I'm think I can easily unlock the new harrier, and I'm looking forward to preying on the F-4S for the rest of the way to the F-15's with 120s and 9ms
The radar is stupidly good for a 12.0 pair that with 19km ACM and relatively good missiles the only downside is the airframe
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why does shooting tank barrels not break it anymore? did gaijin mess with something?
I miss cartoon poster... war thunder is good and all, but i think we need droves of pictures of sexy tank girls to keep morale up :)
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>shoot T29 in the mantlet with heat
>))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))) precious customer just bought tank)))))
>optics ))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))
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>image turns into mist
the puma was honestly fine at 8.3
All I have is the tornado memeflieger.
so was the bmp-2m
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Do you have any songs you like to listen to when playing a specific vehicle?
For me it's https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MDJlxMYjqPM
when playing any Mig-21
Hits even better during sales
i used to listen to ac-130 radio chatter when i played the yak-9t cause penning tanks with a plane was a novelty back in the day
I mean at least you can annoy the entire enemy team with the constant Launch warning on their RWR from the kormorans 300° radar unless they fixed that
leclerc players can continue larping as skilled players but we all know those things have bugged fuel tanks
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I really like listening to groove when I'm flying the Gripen
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oh yes, many
I listen to music all the time
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>Maceo and the Macks
Impeccable musical taste you have there Carl Johnson
if you remove the kornet and the APFSDS belt, yeah
Fuck me I have completed the game like 20 times and didn't notice they were in the Master Sounds radio
based Omnistar East enjoyer
back when I was grinding Russia, I would buy cheap vodka, get drunk and grind while listening to KHNO and other songs from that channel
those songs' vibes go hand in hand with how playing Russia feels like
>T72M1 with bulgarian skin
> the bonus will be available after unlocking the top vehicle of a tech tree.
Which is the top vehicle? What happens when they add a new vehicle that's more top? Will the bonus go away?
>gypsy music
street's sounds unlike the soviet larper propaganda our resident greaseballs (You) play in their (You)r semen infested mancaves
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God have to drag these Abrams mains to victory kicking and screaming
>>Good purchases?
Both the Swedish CV90105 and J35XS after learning how to fly it (it still sucks)
Possibly not getting Premium Time
>>Vehicles you wish you had bought?
answer my question
U get the bonus once, that's it.
obligatory gem
not my question
>german destroyer that gets PT spawn
doesn't exist
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I hate having these useless tranny faggots on my team...
i said the same thing when i saw a [WARTG] leave the match before everyone spawned in
Hey thats tubesteak69
>full downtier
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i lost my account
>Flanker and fulcrum flight models artificially nerfed
>F-16 gets artificially buffed ufo status

tried out sweden like you guys suggested, had a lot of fun. Thank you lads!
maneuvering in cities is by far the best part for me
Congrats, you created another ground Sneeden player.
okay ruble store troonish-spicvenger
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if i die within 5 mins in grb i refuse to respawn and immediately return to hangar and there's nothing you can do to stop me from doing so.
I've seen a lot of shartg leave matches early and one death leave. Kinda sad knowing that I was in that squadron for a couple years and have since gotten way better at the game after leaving it.
Modern day is too pozzed and has too much inflation

Lets go back in time when life was good

$1 USD in 1995 would buy me a whole ass hotdog

What could you buy with ₽1 ruble?
US 7.0 is incredibly strong and you can pretty much run an entire lineup of great premium vehicles and rake in 80k per game by not doing anything. Definitely pick up the A2D when it goes on sale. It's good CAS if you don't have the A-1H or AU-1
>haha yeah w4rtg is so bad right guys?
>haha yeah!!1
as he talks to himself
someone post it
Why not bring out a second vehicle??
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I got u
personally I only do it when grinding a certain vehicle, quicker to return to hanger than play the full match out on spaded vehicles
Huh nobody mentioned [W4RTG]
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hmm? >>487650457
wow... the [wartg] boomers are kinda lame, but jesus fucking christ that was painful to watch

fuckin' trannies man... not even once
>thinks "A" and "4" look the same
so this is the power of trannies...
the w4rtg squad is an alt for wartg retard newfag, keep seething though lowIQ troon kek (tell dogeguy i said hi)
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>Sub 1.0kd

I thought this thing was OP, im not the greatest, but fuck me does this thing just lose every fucking time to meeting someone around a corner. I'll usually only get 1 maybe 2 shots and kill a loader or turn barrel orange then i get fucked.

Its not very fast, it has terrible depression so its hard to be a nigger behind a hill.
2 for 2, LowIQ not showing their best

G R I M!
If someone leaves a match at the start they get replaced, infinitely better than a shitter who does nothing.
I'm gonna leave if I want, don't like it? make them fix it :)
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watch out bro, the trannitors will ban you now
>premium t55 flamethrower does jack shit

Its kinda funny to blind people so they cant see between shots, but man why can't this start fires on tanks if you hit the engine deck at least?
Huh, so this is the power of HRT in war thunder players. Nice!
I have proof that dogeguy is racist
when I play on my m2 mac air the flamethrowers stutter my game so bad I have to leave matches
Wtf did they do to the Khrizantema? Why doesn't the missile fly to the radar locked target anymore?
Im getting really sick of russian 122mm just not penning panther mantlets. Im turning into the joker.

Why does this nigger canon has a 30 sec reload if it performs worse than the long 88?
>playing Russian mid tier
what, does he play germany?
>pt76 bad
>can lolpen king tiger turret and lfp from the front
>5 sec reload

If anything its undertiered.
panther mantlet is volumetric hell
122 catches the actual turret housing, as well as the mantlet a lot of the time I find, and it fucks you out of the pen. I don't even bother shooting them most of the time and just go center mass (when possibe)
>falling for the D25T meme
He was sitting in a 2000lb bomb crater made by some mutt and I could only see his turret.
Getting air kills with vikirs in the su39 will never not be fun.
both f14's going up .3 br at LEAST when???
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I like how even after the self humiliation dogeguy STILL posts in the thread, but now he hides his name when posting pics and has a spaz attack if you tell him to show name rofl
Never i don't want my free rp pinata to move up my mirage 2000 needs to feed
Doge hasn't posted posted for a month
Doge hasn't plapped me for a month
No one gives a fuck about that furnigger, Why do you keep bringing it up.
How is that pic related at all Doge is in LowIQ
Not as fun as getting an air kill with a kh-25.
they kicked him out after the embarrassing display
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Holy shit I do the same thing when I play the same jet. Though I've never flown the actual Russian one.
In any case, I usually put MajorSamm's videos on autoplay and relax.
Lately this one has become a favorite of mine: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zOQPiEmLHjE
He's still in what are you on about
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i dont get this irrational urge to embarrass yourself knowing a youtuber will highlight you and put your tantrum in a vid
do they get off on being humiliated? what's the game here?
>why do trannies like attention?
well... why do they?
it's like asking why movie actors like attention. they have that type of personality
I think the amx 30 might be the worst mbt in the game. French tanks... suck...
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>just keep your hands off the radar when it loses lock
>the krok will guide the Fox-1 in
>no radar required
Very funny. I knew it sounded too kroked up even for anton.
>b*se b*mbing gets nerfed
>instant chink chimpout
>Ground grind is absolutely fucking unbearable compared to Air
Why can't they complain about something that ACTUALLY matters?
Can we please remove Golan Heights from the rotation for a year?
Anon, please tell what's reload rate of ebr 54
why do they make maps where it's so easy to spawncamp? like all you have to do is raise the terrain a bit so people have cover, I could do that in sim city and roller coaster tycoon 20+ years ago
>z47 @4.7
>only HE
>gearing @4.7
>antifrag armor that becomes immune to z47's HE when angled
>good HE, even better SAP
germany destroyers unironically suffers

learn to magazine
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cartography is hard
how embarassing
Smol family company pls understend, needs many golden chickan purchase to fund map development. You buy, yes?
no armor best armor :)
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a coupon for the what
germans complained it was unfair
Shoot the fucking upper front plate, 122 goes right through.
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Another review bombing?
what happened, are the faggots mad about the rocket nerf?
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I would guess so
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>the rocket nerf
HEAT should be 80% the performance of HE warheads.
who asked
get fucked bomberfag
It's a nerf to base damage which is an abstract thing anyway
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>lots of angry chinamen
>suddenly "horrible el dicker max"
my sides
F-15Jbros, any non-paypiggy tips for fast grinding worth 1.1M RP? just got the shitfighter
F-5E FCU retard.
nice try, rocket spammer scum
Who the fuck cares about semantics, r*cketing and b*mbing is one and the same.
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>kino sovl, risk taker, kills multiple bases
>cringe, only bots did it, steals points from strategic chads
What's better for Naval fun, this or World of Warships?
Only base bombers I respect are F-111s because it looks kino
I would say wows but it's in it's death days imo
Depends on what you find fun. WoWS doesn't have dingies with mini guns and auto maleras.
But WoWS does have real BBs. But it also has Aircraft Carriers and Submarines which are AIDS

WoWs has its issues but it's still far better than at naval.
>compare russian B and D shells
>D has more pen all around
>but somehow B gives me more green spots
>look more closely
>the plates themselves have somehow less armor against the B shell
>rusty piece of shit soviet shell behaves like apfsds
depends, are you looking for
>bing bing wahoo fun, WoWsv(or WT copestal)
>a vaguely function product, WoWs
>for good-looking models, and something that approaches realistic stats, WT
>a wide variety of vessels from all over the world, including a gazillion fantasy "what it's", WoWs
>game breaking bullshit like submarines and aircraft carriers, WoWs

main reason for sticking to WT naval is the stats and the fact that its part of a game I already play
tried WoWs a couple times but it's like
I like listening to this in WWII planes, attackers mostly
just hits different
Maybe it'll teach base bombing niggers to go for ground targets and ultimately actually be of use to winning games more so than their bot rush to a base then do fuck all plus it'd cause chiggerbots to fly directly into easy killzones and cuck them further. Imagine if they completely removed bases just think of all the seethe it would cause that for people who'd now have to actually play the game.
>>the plates themselves have somehow less armor against the B shell
how do you say based in russian, or an equivalent? i need to commend helpful ziggers in the future
wtf since when does LowIQ stack
if this is a majority NA squadron tell me now, I'll just find a different one
я люблю ceкc c мyжчинaми
>BoyFriend 109
>Fuck the Wolf 190
ayyyy lmao this nigga supports kamala
>painfully unfunny forced meme
have a decent Friday /wtg/
Why do chinks mention BVVD so much
>I would say wows but it's in it's death days imo
People have been saying that for years but yet the corpse persists.
we should have forced the germans to speak english to save them from this embarrassment
He's the public face of the developers as he's the only one of them to ever appear on Russian dev streams, and the lead game director to boot. BVV_d is his in-game name with BVV being his initials (Bulannikov Vyacheslav *surname that starts on 'V' I can't remember*).
It probably is just too late to ask, but since I have touched a bit the First Descendant, it makes me wonder why Gaijin still hasn't bothered to make a part of War Thunder look like that. Sticking to PvP designs for fucking 10+ years will eventually become utterly boring.
cant insult Anton (WT equivalent of Xi), so you go after the one lower ranking official you know
and dont forget to translate every squiggly username that has BVVD in it, they're a very creative people
Anton is just the CEO, Bulannikov is the one that actually steers the game and makes the low-level game design choices at the end of the day.
>russia day 2019 decal
>for some reason it does not count as "fictional" like the others
>pretty much a free russian flag
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Full anime skins when?
Is it time to grind again, sirs?
the time to do the needful has arrived saar
So what was the reasoning in putting M3 .50 cals into post-WWII american jets as opposed to larger calibers which they swapped over to anyway?
WoWs by a mile.
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Aiming for 540k by day 9, will slow down for the last two marks.
Hopefully there won't be any ground exclusive PoH stages to redeem next month like the current ones.
did not ask
>we have this thing that works and we have billions of rounds for it
>tweak it a bit, now it shoots faster
>that'll do until we figure out how to autocannon
baltimore sexo
Stay obsessed, redditroon.
Hispanos require like a decade of experience to get working on aircraft mounts.
US did not have a decade so they just used .50s until they could.
After the end of the war sufficient data was captured / gathered from the Germans that forced companies to redevelop Aerodynamic concepts and principles. While they were figuring things out.

That's how they got "interim" designs like the P-80 and F-86 which were basically the first stopgaps and implementations of the new procedures and techniques

There was basically a pause on new USAF development as a handful of projects proceeded that ended up spitting out the AIM-4, in the meantime they had the rocket interceptors like the F-86D & F-89 as the main developmental thrusts, until Korea which landed them the T-160 / M39 which went into the F-101.

The USN stuck with the 20mm AN/M3, and borrowed the MG 213 as the "Colt Mk12" for its later fighters.
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>instead of getting a 150% base RP boost over 3 games, I would like a 5% base RP boost, so I will need to play 30 games daily to achieve the same result
Is the playerbase retarded?
>want to know how the the player base feels
>ask the 0.01% of players who use the forums
Russians aren't very good at this democracy thing.
right, because vocal minorities don't shape the so called 'democratic' world
Should I slot in the Asagao and push my PG02 to 3.7?
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darn, i missed it. i only have this one
>US win rate is more than 50%
But I thought the cope was that mutts were always on both teams and such couldn't get over 50%
there was a sale?
>propose a shitty economic change so small that it doesn't matter
>delay it multiple times so people will think it will be massive
>finally unveil its prototype, it's as shit as proposed
>the community fumes as planned
>"Since the community doesn't want this bonus, we are scraping it, holding a (((democratic))) vote with only one option being slightly better than what we proposed."
>will "need" another half a year to implement
End result: RP change delayed for 1,5 years. Implemented in an even shittier state than proposed, now with democratic mandate, all dissidents will be shouted down by vocal retards who don't know math (Spanish vengers)
Hire me Anton
youre already facing SKRs, why throw yourself into peak 5/38 territory for a fucking LCS
It's the last jap boat and I want to spade it.
Should I just wait for the event to be over and grind some bots?
remember this after a you put in a few hundred hours
unironic answer
>nash slon
>our elephant
why is anton so greedy? aren't russians supposed to be communists?
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Sorry, you can't just lock on kill our sacred russian cow)))))))))))))))
>Someone took a Spraviero and stuck PG02 on it with decals
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apparently i have this, but i see none of the vehicles in my tech tree :(
war tumder
the Knox/SKR spam is significantly worse than during the Baden grind, bound to get worse the closer the (coupon) deadline gets
>fire-and-forget shitter
they stopped writing articles for russia related events, but the offers/rewards are available for all players
>50% off Rosomacha, Stroyni, and Neustrashimi (GE)
>50% off Marat (store)
>the decal you just got
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Good news piggies!
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post-communist societies have no sense of right or wrong and no compassions. Communism taught them that that's not the responsibility of the individual.
I am aviation main, so can't tell about ground units.
Good aviation youtubers are Jaek, GeneralLee, DonutMoustache, Aoeilaeiepae.
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how do i sell this? it doesn't show up in my inventory
Good one. Now I know what to play when using Gripen next time.
thunderskill is worthless as it is only self-reports.
There's a tree in the way retard, go up.
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What are you using to do the grind? For me, it's 3.0 Britain coastal.
I'm not a cheater so this doesn't apply to me
It's so insane to me that he just said that.
>players hate you
>players speculate that you are rigging the game
>your half assed system (like everything else) is bad and make it very obvious and now players are posting this
>come out and say that you indeed had a system in place that allowed you to selectively manipulate a player's odds of bounce
>and you only "turned it off" because it was too obvious
>and now you totally turned it off and you wouldn't use for anything else
>you totally wouldn't manipulate the game in any way from now on
>go up
And eat 95ya6?
>>players speculate that you are rigging the game
oh no, poor cheaters
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Almost guaranteed 3500+ score lineup
I played to get the first star with my random cope lineups but I can't bring myself to touch that shit again.
Oh Look, food for my Myoko
SOVL is back... War Thunder is healing...
*dies of cringe*
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>pushed over tree fucks my view up in 3rd person
Is it so FUCKING hard to code a system that makes pushed over foliage not obscure the fuck out of the camera????
Cruisers are usually too busy fighting each other so I only have to worry about other americans and the russians
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>0 rewards
for what reason?
>7.62 combat
Zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz * snore * zzzzzzzzzzzz
>Good Purchase
CV90105, one of the most disgusting prems i've ever played
J35XS, BR changes killed it and prem merkava, israel has nothing going for it.
>Wished i bought
>BV 138C-1
>Arado 196A-5 (Sweden)
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>for what reason?
To celebrate the Russian navy of course
I'm too retarded to use turrets but they will probably dominate, especially the arado
It's incredibly easy but I bet russians don't even see that as a part of the game
3rd person shouldn't be allowed in general but here you are complaining about vision obstruction
>they stopped writing articles for russia related events
why? too much russophobia in the comments?
7.0 russia is pain
New publisher, same reason you don't get articles about DMM events.
Don't worry, it gets better.
Wait, does HEAT-FS not instantly disappear after hitting a small fence before the target now?
used to do it with the mutt 4.7s (and a tier IV plane) or Atlanta, but i lost all interest in the US tree
current go to is Diana, Daring, Brave Borderer
occasionally do italian 5.7s, french 5.3, british 5.7 and german 4.0/4.3 copestal

you'd be ever so slightly better off swapping the davis and moffet for Gearing/Sumner/Mitscher, just to give that guarantee you wont see 6.0
thrown in F4U1C for the tier IV multiplier
They stopped doing english posts about them since 2022
The new publisher just means they're doing some additional events that only work on the RU client
where bv238
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cant have nice things anymore
there should be an option to delete items
i don’t want pidor ornaments in my inventory
looks photoshopped
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just a shitty screenshot is all
A tree can still stop it though, apparently
Would it really defend something that has close to no armor, standing 1-2 meters behind it?
I could but I like the increased money gain. I used to have the 1C in place of Flagstaff but it carries no ordnance and in the vast majority of matches I don't spawn a plane anyway because I don't hit 3 deaths.
just j out when the match is about to end, spawn in fighter and get x2.2 instead of x1.98 (x1.9 v. x1.78 for arkaden)
dont even need to get points or anything, having spawned it should be enough
i do the same thing with the Brave Borderer, takes the score i racked up in tier III Darings to a tier V multiplier
would be fun if it was just the big fat boats and if it wasn't basically TDM
That was obvious since anyone could make a new account and see how their stock biplane just oneshot everything in their first battles, then became regular 7.62 guns instead of 30mm HE rounds it felt. And everyone knew that because at that time it was piss easy to make free gold by just making burner accounts with your referal link and work your way to rank 3 in like 2-5 hours giving you up to 1000 gold per day out of nowhere.
So 1.0 BR was just smurfs farming noobs, and it was like that for quite a while until ban waves and referal link bonus reduction happened. And now noobs don't receive damage buff anymore, they just get into full bot matches in their first matches instead.
Napalm wasn't nerfed at all. You faggots lied to me.
Keep your sadistic fantasies contained to sim you psychopath
the changelog literally said napalm was improved idiot, only thing that was nerfed was rockets against bases.
Some faggot said it was nerfed.
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bet you believe everything a nigger says to you instead of actually reading shit yourself huh.
I trust /wtg/ more than gaijin.
so right now can you even grind out top tier jets in aerial arcade
last time it wouldn't let me in the flanker
Remember how they nerfed M735, using some meme formula to recalculate its values? Has anyone tried to do the same with different rounds?
If I only play low tier I have fun, what is the deep meaning behind this?
yeah i get it, when your hand gets so firmly held for so long it starts to hurt
You've been searching for something that you had all along.
you got filtered
this is a good thing
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I enjoy watching the snail suffer
>playerbase takes days to get the reviewbombing going after massive econimic nerfs are proposed
>base bombing gains get slashed, immediate response
Bases should be outright removed
Bases should be the only way to win the game.
If you shoot down all enemy planes but they destroy more bases, too bad. They get the win bonus and you get to suck rocks.
I do not care whatsoever the reason, I just like it when Gaijin loses. I legitimately hate them. I will side with Chinese botters over Gaijin in a heartbeat.
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bases should only give rewards to medium and heavy bombers
Leclerc up when
There should be more bases, but they are more protected by AA and landscape. Like, 8 or 10 bases. When all bases destroyed all tickets are drained = win.
Norway had it almost right
the harbor target at least, the three clumped on a random rock were pretty dumb
touched my willy to the this image
So you're the twink that supports Harris
Wait was there another review bombing campaign i missed?
so the sholef is never getting fixed, right?
hatefucking spookston until his asshole bleeds
this but Defyn
>Pidor 51
>Loose asshole 9
>Ate 26 Babies
nothing wrong with
post it
over time, the permanent flat bonus will always be better no matter what, and it will stack, most likely
>3 top tier nations = permanent 15% bonus
I fucking hate china"""men""
on the other side, anton deserves it for pandering to them so hard
What happened this time?
nerf to base bombing rewards I think
battlepass and event suck ass with shit rewards
their RP bonus for completed tech tree stuff sucks ass
can no longer rocket basses (probably intended to kill SIM event cheesing)
Let that sink in
Im gonna sink into your asshole nigga, let THAT sink in
The game sucks dick so people are giving it the review it deserves
the feelings of the chinese people were hurt
just scroll through the most recent reviews it's all bugrunes
>cat swatted a big mosquito last night
>wake up and see it still alive, dragging it's broken body across the floor millimeter by millimeter with it's one working leg
Vehicle for this feel?
Rocket damage to bases was fixed so now bugmen and all the catalogue of subhumans that bought premium fighters and rocketed bases with them are now terribly asshurt.
ARB in premium infested BRs is now a slaughterhouse.
Anything Fr*nce, if you want to roleplay the mosquito. Gaijin is the cat.
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Why do they 1-death-leave? It's not like in the old days where you would lose SL. Repair costs are basically nill.
>snail suffer
Yes, Anton suffers a lot buying himself a second yacht, you fucking moron.
>blue enemies leave entire enemy team to anon
ungrateful dog
I launch war thunder when there is a specific vehicle I want to play. I'm not going to play others. I know I know, I'm just not.
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I really like the CV9030FIN's commander view
Why is the community voting for something the vast majority of them will not benefit from?
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why, looks nothing special
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>/bag/gots in /wtg/
since when?
don't fucking kid yourself
chinks couldn't care less about muh BP or RP bonus
all they care about is their braindead rocket bombing bases being nerfed so their account RP farming takes more time
gookoid subhumans upped the shilling budget for their gachatrash
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I want an Ar-196 and an Fw-189...
>B-57A has a cockpit modelled
>B-57B has not
why? there's dozens of images available
too busy copying tier VII premiums (((((
Please understand they could model TEN planes in the time it takes to model one cockpit (they will not do either)
The sw*groid one you can just buy is strictly superior to the time-gated event germutt one (gets an MG 81 for the turret instead of the MG 15).
I don't want the Somali one.
When was last time you looked at f4 cockpit? At least unlike comberra they are being played
Just download a germutt user skin.
>we of makings 10 new planes for one cockpit
>>update has 1 (one) new plane
>prize vehicle should be analog to tech tree, unique vehicle belong in tech tree
>>major update that has less than a handful new vehicles
>new and exciting (sub)tree
>>entirely copy pasta
its all so tiresome
the 5% bonus is unironically worse than what Gaijin is proposing
If you have 2 nations in top tier (so you already played a shit ton) you will achieve THE SAME RESULT as the 3 x 50% only if you play ATLEAST 15 GAMES daily
>higher requirement
>requires more grind to just be even
>might, maybe, perhaps be better if you are an 8 tree veteran and you already have nothing interesting to grind
This game is majority third worlders and children they just don't want to do basic math. They see "flat 5%" and see that as the simplest solution and if gayjin does not want to give a larger flat percent it is because they are greedy slug people from the far east.
I agree with them mostly.
So wait. They want you to play 15 top tier matches to get a 3x50% booster?
Assuming no quitting that's 10 minutes a match in GRB or 3 fucking hours.
What infuriates me is they didn't just make it 3 different ways to distribute the same bonus they literally were like
>Hoho well this one is easier to read so it must give less!
that is PRECISELY what people at War Thunder forums are voting for
in this entire poll only the 5x boost is better than what Gaijin is currently proposing
Only time I played more than 3 hours a day of WT was during the dogshit resource box events and during the winter ones cause I wanted all rewards.
Even then by the time I got to hour 4 I was just throwing.
What kind of creature either believes or can actually pull of 4 hour stretches of WT?
t b h
i really don't care for the whole thing, whole thing sounds like massive nothingburger whichever way it ends up
I am assuming that these people didn't even do the incredibly difficult math of: "What is 3 x 50 divided by 5 or 10". And voted on pure vibes only.
I mean yeah.
Why would I grind another tree when I already got my fully grinded tree full of fun vehicles I spaded.
There should never be any research bonus for unlocking topslop.
You see schmucks crying for it, then check their profile and the only spaded thing there is the premshit they used to get there.
Timmy must always pay Anton to progress and bankroll my game.
The only reason they proposed it in the first place was to incentivise getting to top tier and as such $70 premium sales. The bonus was meant to be a nothing burger since the change would cause net profit for Gaijin. I am just amazed that they took this long for a change that was beneficial for them.
How big is war thunder nowdays.
about yea big
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cartoontroon and friends got mogged a month or so ago so both on youtube and here so, he's been shitting up the thread on purpose with this shit as a form of "revenge" for no one here siding with them --> >>487656364

the guy doing it thinks it's funny/sneaky even though he's been sent on vacation multiple times lol
>start climbing the boat tree to farm the event
>fail to make it in time
>I now have a rank 3 lineup of boats instead of ONE rank 3 event boat which would be the only one I have in italy
I what the fuck?
lmaoing at your headcanon you deranged tranny
reddit squadron's finest, GRIM
The event boat is rank 5 coastal, it's a clone of the Albatros.
O well.
Is it powerful?
that's a big horse
doge is >cuck poster btw
Su27sm is overpowered
Nerf when?
New submarine update looks sick. Good thing i didn't do ground targets
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It appears our superiority has led to some controversy.
>SHITalian vehicles
>superior over anything
Maybe. MAYBE Argentinian vehicles and even that's a stretch.
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Italy is only known for pizza, and literally nothing else.
You say Italy, I think pizza, simple as.
>doesn't deny it
not particularly.
doesnt do anything that other ships, of its own or lower BR, dont do better
plus its in a tree that has only a single worthwhile coastal (the other one is an unobtanium event prize) and its bluewater tree is a niche interest at best
>mutts crying for f111f when russia doesn't even have any fencers yet.

Fucking glutts
Ajax AFV when? I want to mog some bongs with my CV90s
>he doesn't know that all glorious russian vehicles are amphibious by design
Malzi is grinding sweden, poggers!

he only recently got let back in, he left after the "incident".
>t. officer in group
new Tunisia is a travesty. Execute the person reponsible at dawn.
There is nothing funny about playing italy.
>all premiums in event shop are shit
>twitch drops are all shit
>but you can turn them into warbonds
welp, guess it's a good time to grab some tailsmans
Only people mocking ITALIA got filtered HARD by it.
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>SHITalian user inflicted with severe stockholm syndrome coping this hard
sherlock syndrome*
why is it called Stockholm syndrome?
every time I open reddit it's just american mains bitching god damn they are fucking gluttons just look at this thread

Look at the swigger tree and look at the resident swiggers, their tree is so irredeemably dogshit at every BR except the top they got traumatized grinding it so their brains made them like it in response to said trauma.
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lmao fucking classic
every time i open thai fake passport bulletin board its just redditor complaining about reddit
>linking reddit
You should blow your head off with a shotgun.
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>kick, scream, and whine this hard
>numbers and height advantage
>buttbuddying to the max
>still lose
and they said germs were out classed
>Every time I open reddit
suckstart a shotgun you tremendous faggot
get new material
You will never belong here.
When is the 2S38 fucking off to 11.3 like the HSTVL?
it seems I've angered the shitaly player with german superiority once again

c'est la vie
Very little in there is unreasonable. Gaijin locking mainstay vehicles to event status with no tree counterpart while also filling trees with prototypes is pretty bullshit
where else am I supposed to read war thunder discussion?
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>Every time I open reddit
this happens all the time in EC maps too, it's fucking embarassing.
I don't give a fuck where you read your snoreblunder "discussions" but keep your leddit shit out of here.
>reddit tranny obsessed with other's approval
checks out
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>be fairly awful cruiser
>mostly let down by terrible guns
>get modernized by the french
>becom even worse
let me guess, you are in [LowIQ]
[WARTG] is the official reddit squadron though
of course he is lol
>troonIQ seething
>schizophrenic delusions
>trannies out of thin air
>leddit tourist
Yeah, It checks out alright.
I'm not in any squadron. You're free to go back to whatever leddit page you crawled out of though.
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I just spaded S.O.4050 Vautour IIN (late). Last game gave me like 11k rp. It was funny to see how noobs tried to dodge the radar missiles
I'm surprised that no one was mentioning the Skyraider. It's criminal that the only Vietnam era skyraider is an event vehicle.
I've never been lucky with getting people retarded enough to be hit by those.
>plebbittroons seething the moment they're called out
>LowIQ reddit tranny derailing the thread again
many such cases. enjoy the vacationa gain :)
>vacationa gain
>I'm not in any squadron
BS. Post ingame to prove
should I bush up my T-55AM-1?
chimpout feels manufactured by some sh4rtg fag
let me guess, everyone i don't like is [wartg] ?
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Even if they manage to dodge, they usually bleed a lot of energy and are easy targets for your guns. Also it was very funny managing to hit maneuvering targets with AA-20
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magic 2 for taiwan f-16 when?
the magic 2's are for the mirage 2000's they have you retarded nigger
Right after the Swedish Gripen C gets every NATO missile.
>1 day of premium
what should I geind
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>he doesnt know
>Trying this hard to fit in
Don't cut yourself with that edge "anon"!
You are the one browsing reddit daily however?
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It boggles my mind that China's tank technology is now superior to Japan, how did they do it?
what is the appeal of his content?

get a kill *slap noise* get killed *angry sound effect* repeat for 5 minutes
yes, that's a Belgian F-16, not Taiwanese
Not every F-16 can use Magics.
you still dont know
it's not high art, it's just good gameplay interspersed with memes
+100 social credits
you're right he should put doom music on a killing montage at a full downtier from the one game in 13 where he got more than 5 kills without dying
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it was good at rocketing bases so it got moved up, then rocketing bases got gutted
Vought > McDonnell Douglas
Based Gaijin for pushing people to make the correct choice
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What about this them?
Didn't they say they want to move all-aspect carriers up so flareless jets don't face them?
They did, it was 10.0. It's just that that's still too little of a BR increase for it.
I don't mind clipped kills/funny death stuff, but the sound effects and meme spam is too ADHD for my taste. Sound bits being spammed aren't a substitute for talking IMO
>Zoomie angry I criticized his e-celeb God
its sad you were born genetically crippled and more than one thing happening at once overwhelms your senses
BIG npc behavior, sad!
hnnnnng asuna~
Get fucked boomer.
plap plap plap asunaaaaa
imagine watching/playing anime garbage like a fucking child, especially animeslop that's shitted out in the past decade, get better taste.
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i'm bored, kommyhuct please have a melty
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I am ignorant on such things does France's former colonial nations have anything worth a subtree? I always want some more third world kino.
i want to sink my head in asuna's titties
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why was this post deleted?
it's always the newfags who make these posts
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>I need constant stimulation or I get bored
Yes I'm the NCP here, lol
I find most of the commentary videos uninteresting unless they are talking about tank design or history. Oddbawz is the worst offender, he almost never says anything of substance in his videos.
aim 7 is all aspect racist pig
>please dont put in loud music or sounds or it causes me distress!!!
yes you are
zoomer projecting this hard...

>n-n-no u..!!!
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So as it turns out the gaijin employees on the forum have the ability to remove DMs at will and are attempting to hide the fact that it is majority the chinese playerbase that is cheating and DDoSing the servers
??? I didn't say they cause me distress lol, it's just tasteless meme/sound effect spam to keep low attention spans watching. Literal bottom of the barrel zoomie brainrot slop content
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>2.5km away from enemy spawn
>already in the no-go zone
What a great game mode.
>things that never happened
The DM entirely disappears they're definitely hiding the fact that the chinese playerbase cheats more
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>almost a full day later
You're one of them slow people huh.
The rockets on the A-5C fucking suck!!!!!!
I can't get kills with either of them even when the CCIP is directly on an enemy. It's not fair!!!!!
could've also just been the GM calling a mod to delete it this proves nothing
I didn't even know you could rocket bases, I just use 1000lb bombs
chink scum
Eat shit gweilo pig.
A-5C is pakistani :)
evidently not you're the only faggot crying in here LOL
Evidently not what? Learn to read bitch.
ah the humiliation ritual still going strong, my fav war thunder video!
attention starved as a child, so they have no sense of what good or bad attention is, so they do obviously retarded stuff like this for it. this is pretty common among trans people actually
BoB regularly encouraged discord squad stacking before dogeguy made the squad look like a bunch of fuckwits, now not so much. also, they just had another pruge, seems shortstack is having a fit again xddd
>chinksect can't even comprehend basic english
uh oh ping pong wala wala ching dong!
we are chinkhating again? /wtg/ IS SO FUCKING BACK
Stack is a literal tranny, of course (s)he's having a melty. War Thunder's finest kek
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Is HMS Whitby an ok premium for Brit coastal gind? Would like to match up with the Spay and maybe Brave Borderer or Gray Fox. Looked at the Orla but it only has 115 ammo count which is total bullshit.
US fags moaning they can't club with the greyhound, as if early US tree isn't strong enough with seal clubbing to begin with. kek, every damn time
half this board are reddit users post 2016 pretending not to be reddit users, then seething about reddit when they see a thread. no surprise
Go back to your hole.
I'm sorry I don't live the the thread 24/7 like you do anon, I'll be sure to setup RSS feed whenever there's a post from this moment forward
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>have 346 days of premium left
>feel a compulsion to play at least an ~hour a day to get "my money's worth" even though i barely enjoy this game
is this what autism is?
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It's called being stupid and retarded so you try to grasp some sort of meaning in stupid dogshit because your life is so empty you need to craft significance for yourself, stop being such a loose person and take control of yourself.
bong copestals arent worth it in general
get the Dark Agressor as your speedboat to complement the bluewaters and you're done
no, bad.
>cent 2
only bong enjoyers know this pain...
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I don't browse the thread 24/7 I just play and post here around this time.
Definitely sounded better in your head downie lmao.
stop coping, it's a bad lifestyle habit
I'm sorry your projection didn't pan out the way you thought it would.
Oh wait no I'm not LMAO.
>I'm not in here 24/7!
>I just keep the thread open at all times!!!
Being illiterate is not the flex you think it is.
Of course you're a r*dditroon kek.
I like how you can tell who's a post 2016 based on how needlessly unhinged and attention needy their posts are lol
but enough about you anon
this is why I buy premium month by month
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target aquired
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>can't understand a simple joke
>definely not here 24/7, yet replying a minute after
Let me guess, you are gay.
the irony of people on /vg/ giving soapbox advice about meaning in life... i can almost taste it
I play 2 matches and the LowIQ tranny is seething about reddit yet AGAIN...

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>i was merely pretending!
>if you aren't a slow retard like me that means you're here 24/7!!!
What a dumb retarded hill to die on kek. Sperging out because someone pointed out how weird you are for shitposting about a day-old post.
Your desperation is hilarious.
Lol, he actually wainted to reply after being called out.
Enough with the tranny drama
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>can't even reply properly because he's seething so hard
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inb4 merely pretending
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>actually stopped replying
Yeah dude I'd fuck off after that shit too.
Embarrassing LMAO.
Anyways off to shitpost in another board.
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Why does my game look like shit? I have the full HD client, everything maxxed, and it just looks like a blurry mess I'm confused.

Only thing I have off is grass.
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I'm tired, DVCE...
the textures are for vehicles only, try movie graphics for environmental textures to be maxed
>annouces departure
lmao why are they always like this

trannies man... always with the attention shit
does movie graphics use things I cant just turn on with the sliders?
im not sure ive never tried it since my computer isnt that great, but i would assume so
idk man just put everything on max and also remember they made this game so all the slavshit rat kids can run it from their 1980 soviet computers
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I disabled the nasty HDR setting they have hidden outside the graphics settings and it looks better but still pretty shit.
screencap your settings for us :)
might finish it tomorrow
might not finish it at all, dont give a shit about the boat and cannot be bothered to grind for the coupon on the off chance i might make a dozen GJN in 2069
It's because TAA is fucking dogshit, you can disable it and turn on SSAA for much better clarity. The in game settings only allow you to use 4x but you can edit the config.blk file and use a lower value for better performance. I use 2x and it looks good and I still get consistently 100+ fps with a 3080.
Oh also if you're using DLSS it will also make everything a blurry mess, I would recommend against it unless you have a third world pc and absolutely need the frames.
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>mechanically linked stabilizer worse than what was available in the 1950s
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I have a 1050Ti and can run the game on max with 120+ frames.
Game's doo doo looking but that's the reason I can still play it.
Speaking of graphics settings, Is it possible to enable potato mode anymore? I'm assuming it became impossible as updates came along.
It's always gonna be viable.
I turn it on when I have big boosters or don't feel like putting more than the minimal effort when farming SL.
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I have my frames capped at 100fps with rivatuner so i don't cook my gpu.

Not sure if I can handle super sampling, isnt that twice the overhead for my card?
>BoyFriend 109
>Fuck the Wolf 190
keep crying dogenigger you're always going to be the ridicule of this thread
Please teach me how to use it. It's been so long since I used it and I completely forgot what you needed to turn it on.
Put the graphics on min...? Are you really this dumb? Do you also need help with shampoo?
Oh, So you don't actually know what potato mode is. I've wasted my time.
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It's over...
what with the review bombing now? What happened this time
Hurt feelings of the Chinese "people"
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Is there a Gaijin seal of quality somewhere?
shit battlepass, nerfed rocket damage and rp/sl gains to bases,

most importantly and funniest to me:

the RP gain from having top tier in a nation's tree is a 3xMatch per day booster

they spent 1 year developing this feature, which already has a parallel system in game, and its literally going to be an unnoticeable effect that can be wasted

I don't think i've heard of any game dev F2P or otherwise fuck about this much trying to nickel and dime their players while running near 0 operating costs because they hire like 10 full time employees
Who is going to stop them? For a game to compete with warthunder on launch it would need hundreds of millions in budget. Who is going to greenlight that?

The devs know that they are untouchable.
They forget that it's not "Team with USA wins" vs "Team with USA loses". Teams don't always have an equal distribution of USA players. If the presence of USA players increases odds of victory, then USA win rates will rise above 50% because the team with the most USA players will win more frequently and their collective wins will outweigh the loss from the minority of USA players on the losing team.
I don't think anyone can stop them, especially since WT's business model seems to me to be hoarding high quality assets that you might want for another war-themed game and you can just sell that to whoever isn't a call of duty tier dev

but the review bombing was mostly effective last time so i think anyone dedicating time to it Chinese, bot, or otherwise might as well be encouraged

I also forgot to mention the bit of the autism scree from leddit about a CIS region dudes losing their favorite community manager due to some internal developer drama that seems to be the result of some literal Russian MOD (99-2000ish) hire
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>tier 5 event rewards at BR 4.0
Coastal gods stay winning.
What's up with the swarm of su27 retards that just fly around at ground level doing absolutely nothing but feeding me free kills in ASB?
i've noticed a bit of an uptick in the trend of people farming rp via "useful actions" in sim modes on youtube even before the drama about nerfing base damage
The guy was just an attache in the foreign ministry, that's an off-the-street entry level job for someone with a good degree and a clean sheet, retard... and the fired dude was doing everything except his fucking job.
the only job a russian is qualified for is dead and fermenting in a field somewhere east of moscow

the reality of the situation doesn't matter to anyone living in civilization
>task is to win 7 times with 85% activity
>get 84% thrice in a row
not))))))))))) rigged))))))))))))))
They're mostly ARB spillovers because they have no situational awareness whatsoever.
Some of them have weird names proper of chinkbots so maybe they're bots that just launch r77 at whatever appears on the tws?
>I don't think anyone can stop them, especially since WT's business model seems to me to be hoarding high quality assets that you might want for another war-themed game and you can just sell that to whoever isn't a call of duty tier dev
source on this?
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Some serious projection there m8. Sounds like you live a sad life yourself considering how much you post in this general.
china bots angry, pass and shop vehicles being shit, and RP "bonuses" shit was a huge let down
This is entirely speculative on my part, but they already reuse assets in things like Enlisted

Aces Of Thunder, an upcoming Q4 PS VR title is literally just repackaged air sim

I'm just seeing the revenue stream they are clearly open to, and they have a huge catalogue of HQ military vehicle textures beyond what even modern developers could possibly want
it's just a shitposting avatartranny trying to start shit with everyone it's been doing this for a few days now
just r* and hide and ignore it
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all of this screeching about top tier gets tiresome. take a break and stomp the kids that play below 4.7
It makes sense, WT won't be a cash cow forever. Somewhat related, I read either on the forums or a different site that they pay around $3-5k per vehicle model from contractors.
Fuck if that’s true no wonder we barely get battleships anymore. No way those aren’t the most expensive modes
iirc this discussion was for ground vehicles, I would bet large ships are significantly more, or they have in house artists who work on those.
given the state in which some larger ships are added, it wouldnt surprise me if they haggle a lot when purchasing those models
I know this isn't the GAIJIN general, but does anyone play crossout? picked it up the other day with a buddy as a decompression gacha after war thunder flattened our nuts into a paste. been fun so far.
>mutt air
yes we know it is OP who cares, go scale a mountain of cocks shitley
>nuts get stomped by one gaijin game
>decide to start playing a second gaijin game
but why
Wouldn’t surprise me if it was more than double then, perhaps significantly more than double with the amount of detail put into those then. Not just in terms of internal modules but little stuff like the amidships basketball court on Alaska
Su-27SM is overpowered
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>update in 6 weeks
so uh, where leaks at
They’re normally pretty good outside event vehicles, which have a tendency to get really fucked unless there’s a tech tree or premium counterpart in the works. Wouldn’t surprise me if that’s more of a time issue for those, and just bad research for the others
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MOWAG Tornado for Sweden when?
>inb4 swiss vehicle
I just want it for the comically slow Bantams
Is the Moderna as good as it looks?

>2nd gen Thermals
>co-ax 30mm
>improved era
>better apfsds than a standard T-72B
It's a 11.3 tank at 10.3 of course it's good
>makes an on topic post
>seethes about namefags
>captcha: TND
Why doesn't its BR get changed?
too little performance data)))))))))))
Why would you ask such things? Racist pidor.
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leclerc is irredeemable shit
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france players cry god smiles
lmao what was the context for this
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Why is the (all allies) booster only applied to the first 3 kills? Is it only active while the ally who activated it is in the game? Is Anton that hard up?
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luv me harrier
>play the p-38l since its my favourite plane
>get killed by a bf109
>shit myself
kill me. these pants were my favourite too

Nice convergence.
its not even as good as the t-80b
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>uses the improper a*nglo barbarian spelling of favorite
>doesn't capitalize the name of the plane
anon i'm pretty sure its painfully obvious that i'm American. and also i've always been autistic enough to capitalize the name of whatever vehicle i'm talking about
3.2/10. try to work on your false flag skills, anon.
>want BMD-4
>even if I sold all my event vehicles I would be short
holy shit your stats are abysmal bro
expert your crews
The BMP-3 is basically the same thing r-right bros?
by that logic the btr 80 is the same thing
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i know, i've accepted that my stats are permafucked
Use FXAA for antialiasing
I fucking swear there are days were the days forgets about your engine upgrades and you feel extremely sluggish.
it kind of sucks at 9.0, it didn't need to go up at all
bmp-3 is even worse
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AMX30 Super is so fucking shit compared to the TAM IP
>Vehicles you wish you had bought?
DS pack. 6.7 brits is grim
7.7 is lit though, you're almost there buddee.
You have more grit than me fren. I gave up at 5.3 and went back to germs. Never looked back
Cent. action X is a good hulldown that can get you to 7.7 and up if you wanna save a few bucks comapred to the desert storm pack
I am a wee little noob that unlocked most tanks up to 6.0-7.0 for the big three
my question is why are american tanks so genuinely over tiered?
Compared to my time with germany and russia, it feels terrible.
Funnily I actually have to aim, run around the map and and basically just learn the game, instead of face tanking everything and clicking other people tanks to blow them up from anywhere with my low ass pen shells
>its Starfighter nigger drags out the match by running away episode
you will never be a real woman yahisa
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You get more RP for a longer match right? Why are you trying to finish so fast you're upset players won't willfully die for you?
play objective, it's free research estate
Because 7 of the people on the enemy team either crashed dodging missiles or crashed after bombing a bases and some nigger in a starfighter that just base bombed to and is climbing to orbit to his base does nothing and is not meaningful RP gang for everyone involved.
nigga that's the perfect time to strafe ground targets instead of being a nigger and competing with whoever is left on your team for 1 more kill
>bro just shoot stationary a.i targets
>why do you want to fight jets in your jet
>bro why do you want RP
>just fly in a straight line and hope you're faster than the enemy or he just arbitrarily decides he has the advantage and turns around
>a single round from a cv90 blows up my ammo AGAIN
gee thanks ant*n for fixing the autoloader issue
Sounds like you should be flying a Starfighter of your own, problem solved
>be in incredibly fast jet that with its speed can be untouchable
>instead of picking fights and playing the game you just be a nigger and base bomb and run
Let me guess, you're chinese?
>dart hits highly explosive ammo propellant
>said propellant explodes detonating the rest of the ammunition which results in a catastrophic explosion that sends the turret 100 meters into the sky
it's almost like this happens all the time in real life
what time is the proloague slop starting again tomorrow? I need my freemium
Sounds like you are in exactly the opposite situation and crying.
>it was real in xis mind
Stop playing Soviet shitboxes :)
>ammo not stowed in a safe place compared to your enemies
skill issue dayo
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WUT 4 in
Su27sm wipes the floor with it.
bring two 9Ms for the headons since enemies expect a fox3
I'm getting tired of these "the worst plane is actually the best" posts
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Good! Get fucked!
What a fat cunt
>started on the french tree
Just unlocked my first decent-ish (from the little I know) jet at rank V, German Mig 15 bis. How do you play this?
By getting shot down by Sabre's
Never slow down.
Rank 1 and early Rank 2 France is abysmal. You must endure, anon.
In North Africa they had Morocco, Tunisia and Algerial. Lot of Soviet and Burger slop.
I will not play a nation that makes fun of the last supper with a jew tranny nigger caricature during the opening of one of the most televised events
>use equipment your tank has
you see, I withstood the nut stomping all the way to top tier in Japan air and ground, so I figured I could manage to deal with it until I get to the real cool shit in crossout
That's me PM'ing TAMniggers
yee I play every once and a while, lower tiers aren't too bad, but highier up shit is cancer cuz of P2W worse than war thunder

a lot of the good shit is locked behind insane grind/pay walls, so I'd advise against going into the upper tiers with vanilla shit, since you'll be facing enemies with minmaxxed vehicles and insanely powerful weapons compared to your vehicle with 4 57 cannons and 10 dinky MG's
I didn't buy anything, but I consistently sold my friends on vehicles they didn't need just because I think it's hilarious, my buddy picked up the AIM, KVT, and the Wolfpack because I kept telling him Abrams are really really good(lol), and even managed to convince him to buy a the LOSAT and then the skyray to go along with it all as cas (lmao even)
>one week of no war thunder
I'm closer to freedom dear anons
>Good purchases?
F-5C. I earned millions of sl, and grinded the US tech tree from props to F-14s in just a few days thanks to this
Also F-5C. Although I unlocked most of the tech tree I can't help but feel scammed by gaijin thanks to the br changes making it unplayable
>Vehicles you wish you had bought?
F-20 because it is my favorite jet of all time but sadly gaijin didn't put it on discount
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>zero days of not posting on /vg/
I've just been making a many layered shit wagon that has 4 melee weapons strapped to the front end and forklift steering. makes people mad.
kek nice, low tier melee pisses off people to no end for some reason, but it's good fun

my fav was I just use 2 suicide sticks and then 3 shotties on a speedy boy, wasn't the most effective but was a blast
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what do i do with these?
lol like they were so based and Christian before that
Boosters, Backups, Decals. Maybe some vehicles if you like them.
T14 is probably the best buy if you have that part of the store unlocked

boosters and backups otherwise
what's that mean?
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you could have just not posted that
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consider euthanasia
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nigger what the fuck
The tank that was in the last warbond shop
the heavily armored 4.7 Sherman 75 tank
vehicles for this feel?
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Not a big fan of them chinese folk.
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kill yourself
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whiter than you, achmed
>the usual thread anime slop
>slightly hornier anime slop

why are you guys like this
The state of Swedish helicopters is terrible is there really nothing it can get?
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there's a difference between going "I LOVE BOOOOOOOOOOBS" and posting niche degenerate fetish porn
>slightly hornier
nigger, no one wants to see vore outside of the degens on /b/
you guys are the same level of degen in my eyes
nope, sweden doesn't have any attack helicopters as it was decided in 1995 that they're pretty much useless outside of transportation and COIN operations.
see current event, attack helicopters have done nothing but getting shot down soon after making contact with the enemy.
handholding, still the best plane in the game
Nothing that can be borrowed from its neighbours?
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>you're just like the guy that dumps voreshit nsfw on a blue board
nah i don't think so
>projekt 2025
>all W4RTG and lowrp trannies sent to camps
>trump invades russia
>the rustranny dies in combat
>gaijin forced to buff america
>special TRUMP M1A2 sepv3 premium
>all abrams get spall liners and DU
Things are finally looking good
i'd rather have to see a couple of vore images than to see avatarfags posting coomershit back and forth for hundreds of posts
Sure, Finland has littlebirds but they're transport versions. Norway and Denmark only have sea rescue helis.
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>hundreds of posts
yeah sure nigger
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posting conventionally attractive anime woman on a blue board isn't even close to dumping niche faggoty fetish content that someone jacks off to because xis middle school teacher fed her snake named after an obscure harry potter side character before sexually abusing xim in 2006
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atomkrieg? ja bitte
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My niche faggot fetish is I do NOT like big booba..
they're cartoons, they can't be "conventionally attractive"
funny how you only shit and piss yourself over objectively attractive females, almost as if they remind you of something you will never be
trans women love anime though
i only play soviets
no you don't and you will never be a woman

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