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>What is Project SEKAI?
Project SEKAI: Colorful Stage! ft. Hatsune Miku is a rhythm game made in collaboration with Crypton Future Media and Sega. It features the 6 main Vocaloids from Crypton, along with a cast of original characters.

There are currently three other versions of Project SEKAI.
Taiwanese and Korean versions are available in their respective regions.
An English version, Hatsune Miku: Colorful Stage!, is also available.

/psg/ FAQ - READ THIS IF YOU'RE NEW! - https://pastebin.com/JcVaEtvU (embed)
Sekai Viewer - https://sekai.best/
Sekai Wiki - https://www.sekaipedia.org/wiki/Main_Page

>Current Event
The Night Sky We Saw That Day, Someday in the Distant Future
Boosted Members: Leo/need
Event Song: Integral by *Luna (https://twitter.com/Luna_miko00)

Saki: 7/17 - 7/20
Honami: 7/20 - 7/23
Shiho: 7/23 - 7/26
Ichika: 7/26 - 7/29

>Current Gacha
Youth Assemble! (L/N Event Limited)
Ichika, Saki, Shiho, Honami

>Translated stories
Leo/need: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PL6hkMKFF6Ipu35gWc72Fg1pMaEunvUqRK
MORE MORE JUMP!: https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PL6hkMKFF6IpuPVqm3NC0udfd4HbuaBlJZ
Vivid BAD SQUAD: https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLuetmkI-iYKlifuRI_0DN7gMFpTOjfyC-
Wonderlands × Showtime: https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLQdjQpE3RJWfu4s8o4rmOLRYiS87UrSlO
25-ji, Nightcord de.: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PL6hkMKFF6IpsE78AMA4am8HVZuaUQ7k-f

>Translated event stories

>Untranslated card stories

Previous: >>486878839
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Nice transparency sis
Yeah I copied a black bg one
I'm sorry I deceived you! I'm sorry I couldn't tell you! WHOA!
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Ichika is just like me fr
If I saw her at a wedding reception I would fall in love at first sight, never see her again afterward, but be reminded of her when I get drunk enough.
Traumatized by Enuggo...
>achieving fever
Score bonus during that period.
>super fever
Same score bonus as above and one additional reward slot, which can be either coins or a practice sheet. Prior to the 2nd anni the super fever reward used to include miracle seeds/gems but those have since been moved to the regular song completion rewards.
My beautiful princess, pretty as a picture (name)
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mizuenafags are so annoying (not you anon)
Miku requesting some time off before the Europe leg of the Miku Expo tour and Magical Mirai.
My Summer Miku
I need a Miku cover of those interviews with Finnish race car drivers now.
Sexo after she drops the vices.
perkele :DD
A-are there p-p-people who don't use all their bonus energy w-w-w-whenever they have the chance??? Scary!
oh right, forgot to check the OP
moomoochuds lost
It would be cruel of us to not celebrate the birthday of Haruka's friend.
There was a Minori fanart I wanted to post but I lost it so I'll just describe it.
Minori is walking through the streets and sees her younger self run by with an umbrella while the lyrics to Jumpin' Over are quoted.
no u
Request received
MMJ stay winning.
Summer birthday girls!
I wish I could smell all the characters to know what they smell like.
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Thanks! May Miku bless your next rolls with bounty
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Imagine the smell
I don't want to live in a world where I can't smell the characters.
They released the perfumes didn't they?
Human pheromones=/=perfume
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I want to smell it so bad brosisters
Feet do not smell good don't try to gaslight me. Armpits, however...
Anons are disgusting
This is why you shouldn't have cut off the sneedium supply, Mafuyu.
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Conceptualize hugging Luka.
She would smell like pure sex
Haven't hugged a girl in a long time
*Sniffs the thread*
I like all the characters' favorite foods
Oh yeah? List 5 characters and their favorite foods without looking it up
Ichika-Yakisoba pan
Honami-Apple pie
I give up
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I think out of all the OCs and virtual singers, the one I would want to hug the most is definitely Minori-chan
God I wish I were Miku
>not even remembering fatkito's pankeeki's
Did you post the wrong picture or something your post is disgusting and Minori would never do something like that
Imagine the yuri sex....
Airi, wagashi
Shiho, ramen
Kanade, instant ramen
I forget VBS exists sometimes
Masturbating is normal human behavior
She's just scratching an itch...
I thought you were going to say her hand is blending into her panties, or that she has 6 fingers on one hand, or that the thumb half of her hand isn't connected to the panty fingers, or that there's a strange deformed plush that's fused with the arm rest, or that some of her hair strands are blending into each other, or
Minori in a sundress is extremely huggable
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God, I wish I were Luka.
Emu yumes...
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That's her seiyuu
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baby niig
God I wish I could be Miku and anon can be Luka and then we can hug. :3
Yeah, I hear you
Gay sex with tsukasa
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Wow, two cakes for An-chan.
Why can't straight men do this
I refuse material possessions
we give them the seed of life instead, which is arguably more meaningful
an and kohane have the best singing vocals in the game
It's Akito and Kohane for me.
Straight men don't need to attention whore online for likes
*gives you a thumbs up*
For me, it's the niigers (sans Mafuyu)
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Waiting for all the cool songs on global is pain.
Not much longer until 4th anni at the end of September.
Icchan chapter NOW
JP birthday live for An (awake) NOW
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>checking my birthday titles for this year
>I somehow missed Tsukasa's birthday live
Icchapter NOW
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>sans Mafuyu
undertale collab??
love the vibe
More like IcchIchika
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i need a kanade moan audio
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Cuteri and Cuteri
And here's Coolri
Sexnade whimper asmr
Her tummy is very cool under that mesh
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Icchan chapters!
more more kibou just dropped
These feel more like a mix of PRSK and DR's artstyles rather than actually looking like DR
First one to die
If Sonia can live to the end, so can Shizuku
I don't really like DR, maybe if I got into it when was a teenager...
Friendly reminder Minori is quite LITERALLY Makoto
Which Makoto?
Both really
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>Honami's T100 is pretty high
>all her other rankings are in the bottom
We can safely conclude that there are about 100 Honami fans
All me
Thank you for your service Yoisaki-san
That's very interesting, I suppose I should only look at the T1k rankings
I thought sneeds and moomoos aren't popular
Who else gets off to An Shiraishi's Beat Eater solo?
I just get off to AI porn of her
Ultimate fap combo is looking at AI porn while listening to her Beat Eater solo.
>Game just hangs in the middle of a song
>Check my phone
>It's not even hot
Okay seriously, what the fuck is going on here. Why is this game's optimization so awful? Now it's doing that too on top of all the other shit?
Flicks not registering, random dropped inputs, the timing issues on JP... This kusoge is starting to piss me off.
Just saw a 13 year old girl playing proseka on her iPad in public wtf
I'm glad I didn't tier for Nene seeing how skewed the clown placements are. 27m+ for t1000 is definitely spending every free moment slapping ebi.
did you say hi to her? what song was she playing?
how'd you know she's 13
that would be creepy
>saying hi to children is creepy
yes if you are a fat balding ojisan
>he didn't Mizukimaxx
Did you show her your kizuna rank titles in private
Did you challenge her to a rhythm game duel?
JP, EN, TW or KR?
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Sex sex and sexoooo
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I hope my sanity can hold up dumping all of this into the Icchan chapter.
I wish I had your free time
good luck anon
you probably do since you’re here
>~1500 energy
>300 matches at 5 energy
>100 matches per day
It's not that hard if you join ebi rooms
>>5 energy
I'm doing 3.
Good luck to us both. If our schedules line up we should host some rooms.
What is the sneeds new area?
Based, I hope you can get into t1000 anon
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An birthday so I will post An
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She got Kiritani'd again
>Dear best friend
Minori cuck bros...
Wrong conclusion. It might mean there are 100 people who tier no matter what
Minori is her breast friend.
Haruka is the cure for Kohancer
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Is that...? Could that be the same hamster?
Minori is Haruka's pet
do the japanese love wonderhoy as much as global players do? like do they spam it in the lobby?
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I like Neo more now that I've tried the master chart
Reminder: all of Minori's "fans" are fake.
They aren’t but they had more time to prepare than niigo
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how did a dog write that
I like the ads that asks if you work IT and you click no and it's over just like that.
I get nothing but hoyoslop ads
I only get dress up and math games ads nowadays
Going the other way around, does anyone ever get ads for the game? The only app I'm exposed to ads is on instagram and I haven't seen a single one. I only get ads for local restaurants and support for japanese immigrants (I'm not japanese)
why do people tier? i never understood it, is it to try and get the titles from ranking high?
I got ads of Jackpot Sad Girl on Instagram about two years ago but that's all I've seen.
When the adblock fails I sometimes get one in youtube
I would think that tracking knows if you already have a game? Unless you're some sort of schizo who disables all tracking and stuff.
Very rarely on Twitter a few months ago. Nowadays I get generic ads and Japan's crazy mascot, Chii-tan.
At the end of the day it's the title. It sounds more appealing if part of your social circle is based on the game, otherwise you'd have no one you'd deem worth showing it to. Applies to lots of social games really.
That's the most common reason, but then there's also the people who end up tiering as a byproduct of some other grind. There's a lot of people who have high tiers just because they spend so much time grinding kizuna rank pairs, or they want to upgrade their attribute plants.
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Suspending my disbelief that the little sneedlings could somehow see a starry night sky in the middle of a busy district like Shibuya!
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Miku willed it
Thank you, kaMiku.
It's fun to see how high you can get
Was there anyone who you had a first impression of that was quite different to who they are? Based on her design, expression and seiyuu, I thought that Airi was going to be le quirky xD overly-energetic tomboy, while I thought Akito would've been way less grumpy and confrontational and more like the laid-back, positive, chill friend who'd only get mad when it came to people doubting his passion for music.
My mental image of Shizuku was the stereotypical kind older sister
I thought An would be the best girl but she just turned out to be a tumour
I wish Akito punched someone again
I thought Ena would be boring. She's the most interesting of niigo by far
I remember getting Ena's selfie 3* and thinking she'd be shallow and boring like the girls from other gachas where their only personality traits were worrying about their weight and if their selfies were cute enough. She's my oshi now.
Seiyuufagging aside, I initially wanted Haruka to hold onto her teen angst longer. I eventually came around to her character and I like her quite a lot now but not for the reasons I thought I would have.
I liked Minori because I saw a lot of angst potential
Sadly I'm still waiting for her to niig
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At first glance, MMJ didn't stick out to me and were another boring generic idol group #99 like love live. However, this blurb made me think MMJ would be deep and kino. They weren't, but they somehow became my favorite unit.
Minori is un-niigable, she's hope itself given form.
No wonder her cards avoid me so much
I thought Toya would be more interesting
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I thought Kanade, Mafuyu, and Mizuki were going to be interesting. Now I only like the 'nan.
I hated Mizuki for being a troon
Now I'm Mizuki irl
I hated Kohane for being boring and bland
Now I'm a hamster irl
You're a girl
Asahina Mafuyu humiliation ritual
>emufag on my friendlist's profile message: "emu fan since 1945"
they really should've said 1925. that'd be better
Which characters are the most/least racist?
Tsukasa is horrified of blackface so he's one of the least racist
sneeds wear blackface so they are some of the most racist
nevertheless, Saki Sexo
I don't get it
Fuck you *fries your koalairi*
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Fuck I didn't see the sound part in the filename and it scared me when I hovered over it
No wonder Emu sometimes sound like she massively fucked over her throat, with her VA doing stuff like that
:( how do you get the sound to play?
Only one more month until summer is over, stay strong anons.
niigo summer still has a shot
>Mafuyu's parent problems
>Mizuki's secret reveal around the corner
It's better if it happens next year anyway.
Airi Midori
I would start listening to clown songs if they had breakdowns like this.
i need mizuki to admit he‘s a moid already.
Mizuki will pop a boner in the niigo summer event when he sees Mafuyu's huge bazongas in bikini and he asks Ena to help him calm it down
Online Project Sekai community soon bigger than Vocaloid community?
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This will change lives
She's already changed my life and made it all about her
For Miku, anything
My life is for Miku.
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Look at this cool beauty
My glitchwife Miku.....
>thread's slow on a Friday night cause everyone's out partying amd living it up
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Sorry anon, I have to focus all my energy right now.
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guys, my dog is acting weird, do you think he's sick?
Akito is a dog to Tsukasa. Rui is Tsukasa's thing where Tsukasa is the wife
I still haven't read the event story...
He’s deficient in Sneedium-88 so he’s trying to make up for that. You should look into getting him supplements to avoid that.
Be sure to at least skip it to get the 400 crystals.
>partying and living it up
I mean yeah, if you consider playing the game to be that
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guys, my dog is acting weird, do you think she's sick?
Do not the animals
I haven't read it because I need to spend all my stockpiled energy.
This bitch is in heat
get her spayed
You have to milk her to calm her down, Yoisaki-san.
anon, did you mean "husband"?
the vet told me sneedium was toxic to dogs, why are you trying to kill my beloved pet?
Don’t fall for the lies from those niigonium Ponzi schemes, a little bit of sneedium every day is necessary to maintain his health.
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Akito would take Ena's first kiss
based based based
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Hmm I wonder who could be behind this post...
Shut it, seaguyim
The eternal ichikike
Anti semites killed the thread...
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I'm going to go to sleep and wake up somewhere around 4500th I bet.
I only get bare minimum rewards from the ads, what a scam
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Good luck, anon
Ewww... It's gross to kiss your siblings. Sex is ok but no kisses.
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