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King Pin is based, he should be in the OP more often

>Patch Notes

>Resources, Free Companies, & Linkshells

>In-game Events
>Chocorpokkur Twitch Viewer Rewards Campaign (From July 2 to July 29)

• July 27, 7:00 PM EDT | Cuchulainn, Wolves' Den Pier, Top of the Ship | Casual CC Sync Meetup >>487358505
• July 28, 6:00 PM CDT | Sephirot, Tuliyollal Instance 1 (12.9, 15.5) | Tural Thread Throwdown >>485962949
• August 3, 4:00 PM EDT | Rafflesia, Gold Saucer, Mahjong Lounge | /xivg/ Mahjong Open Tournament >>486892289

Previous: >>487610991
Does the booru still exist?
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my moonie
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post moonies, duskies, dunies, dark skinned characters
my wife MB...
the wuk evu expansion
If you are on the crystal data center, queue for mahjong now.

I am not asking, I am demanding.
best lalafell feet mod?
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______ owes me SEX
Wait is the OP image true did he actually kick Appal? lmao
middies, catboys, hrothgar, and malezen
catboy supremacy
if you like... you should try
playing a bunnyboy in ffxiv anal
my catboy is a viper
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Remember our current cope: it’s not the VA, it’s the writing!
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post the initials of your favorite femlala(s)
No, Jill got tired of sorting and the booru costs were too high for him to mantain from his pocket
tranny looking ass
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my catboy is also a viper
malera/middies/malezen owes me(femra) sex
Raping this glub and the poster
Why did they make scholar feel like dogshit compared to sage?
It's both.
If it was just the VA, the expansion would be praised by other languages.
nobody unironically has sex with catboys

cool job for cool cats
>groomed a nigga into taking hormones
did he win?
>He actually kicked Appal from Joker
Post your femra
t. malera
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im logging in
It’s the classic! CUM SEX RAPE!
I'm busy making gemsaps
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why not miera??
as a brainlet it's genuinely my favorite melee job to play now
+ i can incorporate bits and pieces of the job fantasy/lore into my original character's ongoing story that i tend not to tell people about
feels great overall
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Fiddies and Sunnies
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impressive, they managed to make roegres even more fuck ugly
they're cute but kinda bored of seeing them
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The only thing you're getting from is the tip of this gunblade
t. malezen
what are some shorts with stripes on them? preferably vertical
Why should I not just do perception melds so I can hit this without food?
I still don't have my secondary tool overmelded so I can get 96 more perception from it.
What's the gathering breakpoint used currently? I know 930 is for GP.
face 1 doesnt even look half as good anymore
Turali femroe wife to throw chanclas at me and ruin every other women for me...
My malera is armed and nuclear
The only way to disarm him?
A fiddie wife
Never besmirch King Luffy with comparisons to Wuk ever again
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As many times as you want.
t. middie
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in for the fight of my life
then malezen except for you, that should work
why is every other femra a transbian
Muh crops though.
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my fidlander is a vaper
Eternal loyal loving marriage
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f3mra sex and marriage
Anons, how do I convince myself EX isn’t scary and I can do it :( last extreme I did at release was Barb because I thought her weapon was nice but that’s about it
Yeah it really was made for braindead retards so I can also finally do melee dps
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i'm a femra who ummmm


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Any Femezens on Mateus?

I need an EB, I'm on the edge
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Can someone make a list of people who associate with Appal so I know who to avoid.
Actually makes so much sense, troon hormones shoot up the libido of people taking them, and Effy is going around plapping and getting plapped by everything that moves.
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I joined a p12s pf...
Femras owe my male middie sex
Not me
I love telling this femra to queue mahjong even though I wont queue it
I really like the wing horn face now
just join a practice party, everyone fucks up in those so you'll fit right in
>viera saying there isn't enough time in a day or years in a life to explore the world
bitch you live for OVER 300 YEARS NATURALLY
middie stamina...
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check the TEA clear
It is scary and you can't do it.
Just stick to afking in Limsa.
on the prowl for a for catboy moony viper to eb
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Sunnies, Moonies, Rava, veena, maybe one or two femra in there.
And after sex talk about original Wind Waker triforce quest
snapping this femras fingers off and eating them. (I will craft replacements, but they will be low quality.)
Who are you?
Preach started off Dawntrail cringing and saying how terrible Wuk Lamats voice acting was.

Then his chat started spamming Woke Lamat and he spent the rest of the expansion going "Oh um yeah I guess that was an ok reading haha" "Hey that was a pretty good performance from Wuk haha".
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Well, thats it - the only survivors of the Endwalker crafter pentamelds

Hundreds of overmelded materia gone but not forgotten by their brothers... Almost feels wrong to put them in my retainer,they're my lucky materia. I shouldn't put them in with the other where they become just a materia... Which they are.
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Do people still make parties for stormblood maps?
Which mechanic can you skip?
nobody ever queues mahjong...
not really cause you can solo them
thats still probably not enough time to "explore" the entire world when you dont have access to everything in the world like the WoL does
are you people? you could be.
make the party.
build it and they will come.
i will never have someone who specifically baits their post for me...
/pet /pet /pet
You have to just throw yourself into the fire to realize that it's not nearly as scary as you're making it out in your head. You will fuck up, you will die, you will wipe, and all of that is fine as long as you're actively learning.
Additionally, bringing along someone you know if possible makes it infinitely easier.
sure sure it'll take them much longer but even so there's plenty of methods of transportation and ways to get around in eorzea
nta but p1 dies after para 3 and p2 after pangenesis
i am a little lalafell
my body is the thing i sell
i know one day i'll go to hell
but until then i shall eat well
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It kills libido more often than not. You'll often find people whose libido shoots up after taking mones are the sort to post shit like
>w-wow... I've been taking hormones for 20 minutes and I've actually been feeling SUPER submissive
I will allow you to extrapolate how these are linked.
Woah, is that a fully-clothed child character in a video game?? FUCK SEX RAPE! Drugging and raping this little shit until it gets PTSD!

I want to see a reality TV show where they just put cameras in the house of the losers ITT who spam their names and faces 24/7 and try to force e-fame even though everyone ignores them.

I imagine there's a lot of domestic abuse, random screaming, crime and just weird shit going on all day every day.
absolutely fucking disgusting
roegre fags are mentally ill faggots
now this is pretty
Het raen couples are the STRONGEST pairing in the world.
no one would every marry a face 2 malera


>Frontlines is just gay DRK succ 24/7
Is the mount even worth it
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In 5 days I'm either going to make bank or want to kill myself
My male middie is the simpleflips of /xivg/
Shoutouts to Remus
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Dunno yet, we are missing 2 healers, the healer strike is real.
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Hey anyone want to farm ex1?
Does hell even exist lore-wise?
Interesting, I speak mostly from experience of people who trooned out and just become giga horny, one opened an OnlyFans even
????? Thats a lalafell
my malera with his f3mra wife (real)
true and based and real
That shitter crawled back to Blizzard after he was ignored for future stuff, I don't know why people watch this clown still.
Fiera wife...
>premaking gemsaps
You poor poor motherfucker...
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between ex1 and ex2 I have over seventy clears but haven't gotten wings or even seen them at all. is this normal
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stinky moonie sex semen cum
What's up
Sure. On Dynamis?
Should I get the fulalas sis? WE can clear 10 times before we need to take a break
You should just kill yourself right now.
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The Khagan Khanate is one the move.
nnnngghh stinky moonie sex!
My male middie is now single...
xaela hold the true power
I've seen atleast 12 or so drop from ex2 and got a pair myself, not seen any drop from ex1 but between the two I've probably got 45 or so clears
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guys, why isn't it piss yellow anymore?
both pairings are cute in their own ways
im just partial to raen
I think the fulalas should run a train on my femlala during their break
The Endless got flushed.
Then join the PF!
Not much, levelling trusts in between expeditions to find a fiera wife. How about you?
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I wish we had updated yukatas that weren't from ARR...
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Femras are perfect
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Yeah MB
The what? Lmao anyone can join
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i am
a grown ass man
I liked it yellow :(
yes it is
they always increase drop chance when extremes are no longer current
Make a PF and I'll join.
I'm gathering for purple scrips
That's a lot of Zoraal Ja
Where is it?
my femraen on the right/bottom if malera liked femra
I love malera shitposts so much
weren't the second pots in EW and SHB also grade 1?
No sorry my heart is full of hope and whimsey and I will not be killing myself
tugging from that side tie
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i represent the new generation of xivg moonie. i am very sane (not ur typical moonie).

nice to meat u all.
Be honest with me, are EX1 and 2 too hard to learn on BLM?
Should I just take the PCT pill?
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Reminder to hang out with your lalafriends so they don't wither
my male middie just solved the case of the scarlet slayer
and is now doing a bounty mission
my maelra loves femra
Yeah it’s up
but then that makes them less prestigious... or maybe I'm conflating having wings with being good... I really really want these because of what they mean to me as a symbol of what I learned and accomplished... is that a mistake?
Getting into endgame stuff for the first time, how am I doing here, purple is good right? What I need to be aiming for?
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just gotta find the right one sis
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today we will be doing fates
no one can come to primal and I don't know people well enough to hang out with them on dynamis so I will be withering away shortly
>atma has THIS going on and is going to post about how he's really going to kill himself for real this time after
>Fake first timer humblebragging about his purple parse
Bro get a life.
anyone who types in faux-apathetic lower case and uses "u" "ur" "r" "y" etc. abbreviations is insane
after leveling PCT and BLM, i really dont see why someone would play BLM over it. it seems more fun all around but fun is subjective
EX2 is more than fine, you can turret most of it.
You'll have a little more trouble on EX1 but I think the learning process on that one could be fun to problem solved your uptime.
I've done both on PCT though and it's way way way easier movement wise so pick what you'll find more fun.
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Super true, I’m definitely overthinking. Unfortunately I’m not sure if I have any friends that do that sort of stuff. Thank you love you guys
yes boss
You're also a massive cunt.
Kissing you both on the forehead and AB once more so they sleep better tonight.
How's the non-MSQ writing in Dawntrail?

Is it just as shit?
Normals are generally easy enough that a 90 should be doable even with rotation errors as long as you have gear+consumables. If you haven't done ex1 and 2, and are missing gear from the first week of normal raid, your scores are fine.
Post fulls i want to jerk off to your biotranny!
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me too
Should have looked into previous books before doing that little buddy
But I guess you are retarded
my face 4 maleraen adores femraen like you wouldn't believe
this is my first expansion playing the game and I orange parsed on normal
>I'm conflating having wings with being good
yes you are, stop it
people just get lucky
it's always the shitty dancers who spend 90% of their time on the floor end up winning the mount
Pretty good actually. The zone sidequests were actually good compared to older expansions.
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anon every EW potion used the grade 5 alkahests which were level 83 recipes and the gear used the newer ones...
Are you farming for materias or to buy the folklore tomes?
why do so many moonies type like this
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pic related my catgirl
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>told the Limsa customs officer I'm an eternal 17 year old as a joke and now I'm barred from traveling unaccompanied even though my veena is in his 70s
male raen make better husbands than male xaela. male xaela just pump and dump
Femra please...
so instead of farming wings I should just try and farm a prettier color on my fflogs right?
Prove you aren't a golem. Now.
trust me anon just ape yourself into pf and you'll soon realise extremes are piss easy
get wrecked you idiot old man
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da goat
i like the role quests, the pct quests, and the aether current quests a lot. the raid story is ok but the characters are fun and i like the premise
I don't reply to porn addicts, sorry
Femezens are for
>hoverhanding your own hips
femra please what
do you have the one of the guy turning that wheel with his ban messages flashing on screen?
I skipped all the aether current quests, are they worth watching on youtube?
What is with the modbeast to architect gooner pipeline? Why does everyone who mods make their characters fatter than anon's mom
nice bro
cute c@
My femezen
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You ever pass out and then wake up with your brain basically daydreaming against your will with made up horseshit that doesnt make sense?
I see so many AoE markers when i close my eyes
Powerbombing a femlala through a table.
EX1 was okay until the fire phase ended, after that it was just too difficult to actually maintain your rotation pitch perfect
And for what even, to do subpar damage compared to others? Lol
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am I looking at it wrong? All grade 6-8 pots used the same grade 5 alkahests the entire expansion, right?
anyone know what top that is?
pretty alright if you're new to it, better than the average player. but like the other anon said it is relatively easy to get 90+ in normal raids if you know how to optimise your job
Report to Kraken, Old Sharlayan fountain
Right now (in maybe 10 minutes)
Change into a femra...
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Cc doko

pegging me
i can't believe they got an actual bee to sing in the first part of honey b lovely's song
70 isn't old (for a veena)
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my femra looks like thjios
I told you ask me ingame
forcefully smooching fieras
Use the time spent farming the wings as time improving your consistency as a player, which will equate to higher logs if you want that.
I would not spend the time specifically parsing without the wings being a carrot on the stick keeping you going.
Once you have them, or have 99 totems, you should ideally move on.
I will find a biofem viera EB, and we will look like this.
then why did you try to pass off as a 17 year old?
you fuckin' geezer!
That's a cute pig, shame about the shitters on the sides.
Think that was someone else. First time asking you...
boomer cope
Good luck on the pentameld journey sis, its a pain...
Supermissileing a femlala through a green door
Dropping a femlala into a lava filled room without a varia suit.
Space jumping a femlala into the even hotter lava room
well it applies to you too...
Malera azimborea shitposts are probably up there for me together with Y'mhitraposting and Ilberd edits.
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look I don't know the lore okay don't call my veena a malehag anymore
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i fanta'd to femra sorry... i love hroth though male or female
Appal single now?
how do i prove that?
sure sure, ojii-san.
This is FFXIV now:


This is the end result of your "JUST LET PEOPLE ENJOY THINGS" ideology.
I'm single.
I miss the katanaposting of pre-5.3, and the damfandanielposting.
Do you like catboys of the moonie variety?
Girl with cock?
I guess humanity has been over for 4000 years
Who are you? Will you watch me play elden ring
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god I wish that was me
I mean personally how are you affected by this?
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My femlala would enjoy this yes
sex with slutty catmen
Oh hell yeah.
>Is that... a katana?! AIIIIIIEEEEEEEEEE
Zodiark spinning posting is also great.
That's it? The art is good even if it's not what I personally enjoy. Just shut up already man.
How would you fix BLM?
disgusting and gross
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The sidequest about it is really good
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more damage? i mean isnt that all it needs right now?
>picks out the one futa pic he can find on the page and bitches about it
What did he me an by this?
Damn dude, that's... so fucking tame I don't know exactly how long have you been on this site.
Np anon, good luck!
Don't let yourself get in the way of having fun!
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Carrying a bluesuit half the map so you can shinespark a femlala when she least expects it.
Abusing x-ray/plasma pause strats to vaporize a femlala.
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every day
bobs burger looking ass lalafell
My wife!
let umbral ice generate mana ticks again and lengthen thunder duration/add initial damage back so its not bad to clip it.
nerf picto potencies

remove all cast times

every spell refreshes enochian

remove mana

gain a stacking damage buff for every second standing still, scaling infinitely

set all base potencies to 10
are they reserved for meena BVLLS only sorry
Hroths with big packages, I mean like THIS big.
my eb buys me fantas and forces me to fanta into whatever race he feels like plapping at the moment
/boop nose
my femala would definitely do this
love Erenville
dinner with soft roes
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it's just like reading the thread
maybe read the sentence before rushing to post it mierda.
How do I get rid of this thing
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Damn fem roes are hot?????
Need a femlala to do this for me
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dont do that...
there are no fulls its just camera crops
Reddit is much more unique and has better content than 4chan does
>Retards undercutting by thousands
Why do you faggots do this?
What if it's small
Wow, lookin' beautiful little lady.
That's a femlala just throw it in the lava and it should die pretty fast
Why do you act like a kike in a video game?
yeah if i had to pick, i like the urqopacha ones
my glubber is the silent suzuka of xivg
i just enter the easiest number
>item at 61,000
The cheaper it is the faster it will sell, of course.
The only right answer
if I had full reign to do what I wanted without regard to existing XIV lore but still keeping to general FF lore?
Give BLM the other 3 elements. Rename Flare Star into Ultima, and make it require any 6 spells. Make some buff or debuff that incentivizes spells of a certain element but changes elements per cycle. Make higher tier (ga/ja spells) hardcasts, and the lower tier spells instant, Change umbral ice and astral fire to just unaspected umbral and astral. Maybe make umbral spells fill MP or give buffs but align your next astral phase so you need a level of planning or something.
shut up retard
I doubt there's any women on 4chan, much less this place.
Thwt's me you dumbo
I'm talking about the glare/bloom/whatever that is
They don't want to deal with your single gil undercutting ass and will severely drop the price so you have a meltie and stop undercutting because you're too jewish to take the loss they are willing to take to get rid of the shit.
Jew botters don't deserve to make money and I do everything in my power to inconvenience them
This isn't the 90s anymore.
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You'd be seriously surprised.
my catboy finally got another /tell compliment (it has been 6 years since the last one)
Depends on the item, unless you're undercutting so hard that other sellers will just buy your item.
Rook to D4
Teach me something interesting, /xivg/!
nice bro its been years for me still, holding out hope it happens one day.
>hash is different for no reason
Post nude crop
The gooner mooner is my favorite cat itt
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pill bugs, aka rollie pollies, can remove heavy metals from the earth, they eat them.
Recommend me a good 1440p monitor for XIV, bros..
You need to work on your pool table, it looks like shit.
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Faggot, I have sub 1 million gil and got something I could sell for a decent chunk so I'm not scrapping by. I put it up and the price is tanked 20 minutes later.
I am a miera
That has been busy with stuff in game and is now pent up because of the lack of proper relief...
making unique, original content and releasing it on the internet in 2024 is just kind of futile. your best hope is for your content to be vacuumed up by AI, meme websites and generators, and influencers which will spit it back out into the world 5 million times over again, all trying to profit off of what you created. if you want to be creative, keep it to yourself, otherwise it will be stolen.
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I am insanely indecisive; what should I level next
The only reason those two are crossed out is because I don't have poetics to get them geared up yet.
This is Xiv? We like this?
Do you like femra?
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>don't have fun unless you make profit off it
Extremely American post
I love fapping to comments like those
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>go to a degenerate porn site
>see porn I do not like
>click on it
>see people liking porn I do not like
how could this possibly happen
Honest, genuine thoughts on femlalas?
give me a way to do damage while also looking at the cups in that lvl 100 dungeon because I literally cannot hold enochian and pay attention to that shit at the same time
SMN/SCH so you get both.
Sometimes... mysterious miera lover
we're on different DCs anyway probably
but how would i prove im not a golem?
im on my way for ex1 wait for me
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That part is the worst the MSQ has been in a looooong fucking time
really, what makes them this way?
Choose one of ARR jobs
Honest, genuine thoughts on male middies?
my catboy would eb one
>Noooooooooo don't laugh at me
What's that necklace? It's really cute I want to steal it.
I forgot about that. Yeah, thanks, even though I'll end up playing SMN when leveling because genuinely I'm too retarded for SCH.
i didn't say that, did i? i said don't release it for free on the internet for the bots to profit off of.
I like it when smaller femlalas stand next to my max height femlala.
Cute, I love mine.
>you meet my malera on materia
>you help me through one (1) arr msq dungeon
>I plap you
sound better?
because I'm not one in real life? opposite of you, I know.
2 centuries of Jewish brainwashing (Jews are not human, they are just an element of evil)
i love them
My femezen is a bit retarded but she's doing her best.
Much better, but why do you need help with an arr msq dungeon?
Why are you trying to invade a random tia catboy's house?
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Can I get these to 1k collectiblity somehow? I'm using Nature's Bounty already
how do i make an npc actor play an emote
Accurate size!
I dont doubt that women use 4chan or play this game, but every time I've ran into a "woman" playing this game they've ended up being a terminally online tranny. Sorry for the apprehension, if you're being genuine with your replies.
They're fine and I play one.
BUT I don't like seeing favorite? or genuine thoughts? on them every other thread.
For better or for worse, they are talked about way too much.
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Why are you going on a site that enrages you?
my min height femlala likes it when taller femlalas stand right in front of her and look down into her eyes
I don't 'need' help, it's just the next thing to do on my list so why not make it interesting
I want to respond to a post but it's been 20 minutes and it would be too late to reply to them now
because they're looking at the prices on the entire world and not just the server. plogonlets don't know that the reason no one's buying their shit is because everyone else can see that the price of the item is 1000 gil cheaper on another server.
we're all here, aren't we? you tell me.
Everyone interested in buying my item will get a telepathic notice that it's been placed on the mb for a reasonable price. Even those who didn't know they wanted it will be aware and understand it's a great deal.
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Yeah, femra.
I've just heard femra are a good way to release some frustrations after working hard
You will be /pet.
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>I love fapping to comments like those
Husband (platonic) material.
Most that I've met have been good company.
I use this and I like it. The colors out of the box suck, so you'll need to take some time to correct it.
if the thread is still alive it's not too late
EB me
I have an erp lair (cottage)
I want a dinner date with a femroe
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Dynamis. Please.
>Why are you going on a site that enrages you?
Why are libtards incapable of differentiating between rage and mockery?

Is it because you can't laugh at anything? Everything has to be a crusade for you?
Is that so? And where can I find such femra?
Fair enough. Post malera?
You have to be 18 to post here.
This femra is extremely cute
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I think it's either the 99 or 100 choker of casting but there should be multiple versions of it, like for maiming.
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I love big oiled titties
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>*Tch* Look at this stuff they're talking about.
>"Why are you going to a site that pisses you off?"
>WEll you libc-
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>go to Tuliyollal
>not glammed for this tropical climate
>see shimmering heatwaves when looking out over the water
>imagine my character melting in the heat
immersion ruined
Because people use bots to undecut and sometimes I really don't give a shit about an extra 500k Gil and I just want my money now
so VPR and PCT got weapons for TOP
but are the jobs good in that level 90 content? enough to clear? PCT is probably fine but VPR?
get a tan stinky
bro? your vacation glam?
at 90 they're fine
If you let bad actors hide and fester in secret, they will eventually take over while you aren't paying attention.
redpill me on the xivg maliddies, the xivg malera and the xivg malezen
Woh! a cute Akemi...
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They are fine, apparently VPR struggles on 70-80 ultimates though, while Picto is broken as fuck but that's because the job just shines massively during downtime
very cute
oiled is a shitty meme and so is dripping sweat and those fucking gay stink clouds every westoid artist has started to put in every single picture
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>people create and enjoy mods like this
Me too, sis
Both are logging pretty fine right now.
VPR is decent because it atleast has reawaken at 90
>he didn't finish his grind week one
better luck in 8.0
The easiest place to meet them is on Materia, I think.
I'm a femlala who NEEDS a femlala eb to pin me down and smooch me
brio crashed
just let me give the gay footjob
>concept art viera
not bad
>Post comments from a porn website that I think are funny
Learn to laugh at yourselves, porn addicts. It's just a joke.
Whats the issue?
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I am
Nearly done with msq
may I erp
I'm a femlala who DOESN'T need an eb.
Solitude has embraced my whole being, and it shall remain like this until the end of days...
This is the first oiled look that I've liked. And now I'm thinking of having to squeeze the gangly Elezen extra tight so I don't slip off.
Do you ERP...?
Good to know this ra is a horsefucker so I can voidlist him.
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are you ME sis...?
You just don't like people playing 14.
I need this cat to sit on my face all day while she plays video games
that's when you just switch to ice mode and do umbral soul over and over and forget about casting spells
made to be nutted on by my maliddie
Why are you telling us?
this miera looks like he mows grass and tiles roofs for 50 gil an hour
>Gooners having a melty because the thread is laughing at them
all three are male characters so they are all cringe
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I am also logging in.
Whatever it's fine I'll shower later
I'm just gonna get covered in rouletter guts anyway..
oh...... stopping casting hurts my soul but I'll probably just do that
why are litterbox links broken for me
How do I make a vocaroo without tanking the audio quality? I'm planning to cut a promo in-character as my WoL's AAC persona.
I am a male middie with a broken heart who won't EB ever again
Desynth of GC turn?
can I hide myself from the ingame player search yet?
Same, but maybe you and I could ......
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>on the xivg maliddies
We're all fucking ugly and no one likes us, don't let anyone tell you otherwise
If they are using bots to undercut won't they just instantly beat your price anyway? They aren't going to be verifying if they wanted to drop their own price that much. It still boiled down to who happened to be cheapest when a buyer clicked.
Thanks anon! I don't use the oiled look all the time, but when it makes sense. Such as when I ERP
record in audacity then upload to vocaroo
throat goat femra
when you guys make sexual posts at each other this is what you look like to me
No but there is a plugin that lets you see who is searching for your first name in the playersearch
You look like you sleeve malera sissies
my femlala does this verbatim
where can i get qos mods
That I am not into. I just find posting like "I went to look at a thing I dislike and I disliked it" super annoying.
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we like this?
I love naked cats.
Your ISP is blocking it, it happened to me and I had to disable some security shit in my router configuration and now I can see litterbox links
In case you have comcast/xfinity
You are a broke jew and you need to pinch gil because you're too lazy to make bank.
I'm going to laugh at you.
Seething that you can't compete, and you're too broke to take a small profit loss. If you played the game more you wouldn't be broke, now would you?
kek fucking what?
But he doesn't dislike going there to laugh at gooners.
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Don't be so tsundere, kitten
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Don't need to do anything my dark skinned body glistens specially with light sources around.
it might be your isp not allowing you to visit
-Bring back ice paradox
-Give flare star a huge damage increase + it refreshes enochian
-Give despair a huge damage increase
-Give thunder a huge damage increase
This. Maliddies are the most astroturfed race in xivg next to lalafell
You wanna talk about it..?
why are crystals half the price they are on JP compared to NA? why has no one thought of using materia to transfer shit and just flip items for a profit?
AST or WHM? Which is more fun/better for a person who hasn't healed anything harder than EX trials?
bro... I could heal your soul y'know...
I'm sorry that's mean...
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Been there bro, you'll heal over time.
pick one, anon.
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set primary DNS to (secondary to
I only play WHM but AST probably
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More XIV goodies from japan
This time we have a keychain, pin, and a glass cup with 2 beaver-urine filled reusable ice cubes
Never buy from US stores when you can easily buy direct from jp for a fraction of the cost. I used suruga-ya.
Same, but I play as fiddie because BJD is too expensive.
>Jews can't be broke
This man has never see a jew after the holocaust now has he?
That is pretty hot, I wish to be free use by Koana and Kemakka
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I want to rub our tits on each other sis
upload a file and replace the end with the end of the link you want to open
Then why have you gone out of your way to insert yourself into the reply chain?
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You'll live bro, chin up, you'll find love.
He lives in MY neighborhood so I have the right to enter any home in there that I please
A common sight, is it not?
But I can't afford Auda-
>it's free
...All right then. Thank you.
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bunbulls in the comments
you dont count your spells/fire4?
i dont need to look at the timer at all anymore
i do have to follow the cup with the mouse tho....
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My DMs are more lax though
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It is a common belief that if two femlalas get together in the name of love their souls will shatter like crystals, unable to resist such tragedy
I am sorry to inform you that I do not do that.
Any hint of how I can find you? Are you Crystal at least? It might not be soon since I have savage prep, though who knows if I actually bump into how my mind might change.
It's better than hyper mods. It's different at least.
nope I literally stare at my mana and enochian :)
This is correct.
This is a cute, wholesome picture but it hides the dark secret that both femlalas withered away into ash mere moments later...
>hover hand
My personal version of hell is being forced to read hours of porn sick comment sections like this.
How can people post this and be like "yeah this is a good idea, lets make this permanent on a website and just talk to absolute strangers like a deranged lunatic."
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Quietly opens your door
Walks up to your desk
Hugs your leg
"Why don't he want me man?"
Sounds like it would be quite the mess~
I'm on Balmung, Crystal. At the Limsa Aetheryte at the moment.
acting completely inappropriate and getting kicked out of the Bismarck with soft roes
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They're are hard limits that get set for how low they can go. I used some of my faux leaves to buy a corgi and after undercutting by 2m In increments of 250-500k it capped out at 5750k even though I dropped down to 5500k. At that point if it was a human and it conceded to me having the lowest listing it would have just went back up to the original listing and undercut the guy in third.
is seraph the most popping world on dynamis
Good, now let's take it one step further.
It's mostly ESL's that do it, primarily Indians
Is it really paranoia when im almost always right about people? Sounds more like intuition.
>I'm on Balmung, Crystal. At the Limsa Aetheryte at the moment.
Doing a train~ On Balmung. I need to get those materia clusters.
Great work! /point, /pet
nta but it does really help to count F4s instead. not even for just the cup mechanic, just for BLM in general
/gif/ is the worst for this.

You'll open a thread and it's 10 webms and then 450 posts of guys arguing about porn lore.
yes. for the longest time it was the only dynamis world without a shit name
>He lives in MY neighborhood so I have the right to enter any home in there that I please
Clearly you are not little nig since he has banned you from his property
They bounced back pretty quick.
Well, kid, it's not your fault. Your dad just snapped because people expected him to be better than his dad, and he never got a sense of self outside of meeting expectations.
broke: artisan bot abuse afk crafting in the inn
woke: artisan bot abuse afk crafting next to tataru in the rising stones as your wol and her talk about your gil-making schemes together
hate that kid so much
>totally superfluous to story
>ruins what could have been a key moment for krile
>creates an unfathomably ridiculous situation for a whole region of the world
I'll idle here for a bit, come see me after if you want to say hi!
Bottom of the barrel porn writing is always the worst man. These people do not know how *why* they enjoy something, they cannot describe the finer details of it. They just assume "ahhh my cock hard thats all there is to it!" And then jerk off for hours on that thought alone
Give me more BLM tips, /xivg/
I really suck at it despite maining it for so long because I have no hard content experience..
dios mio, el ogro de limsa
Cute lesbanian.
voke: I drop a tankbuster on you while crafting
I feel the same way. I've maybe been wrong about one, but I've 100% been right about all the others.
you're forgetting Halicarnassus, Dynamis
This is how femroes should have been, it's not fair
Buff thunder spells (remove thunderhead prerequisite and make it work like old thundercloud)
Buff aoe potencies, revive enhanced flare.
Revive ice Paradox
Astral souls now increase potency of flare star and persist upon swapping to umbral ice
Actually idk. On hindsight I should not have done so, but I suppose it just was my whim.
I dont know how anyone can visit that board. 9/10 threads is different flavors of blacked or trans shit. I guess it's what happens when someone becomes so pornsick that they degrade into those fetishes
is there a plugin that cancels the afk timeout thing
I was hovering it for you to come swoop in underneath
I checked the rules, I'll be sneaking back in in 6 days!
Halicarnassus, Dynamis
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it's alright bro you'll power through it.
you want to watch a movie or something?
/point /hug
namedrop my femlala right now!
eb like this
Ice paradox readded
Flare star is instant cast
3 charges of triplecast
Ley lines increases your damage dealt
Yeah, it's called AntiAfkKick
I sometimes joke about you guys being faggots but holy fuck roegre fags really are a bunch of faggots
it literally looks like the bartender from shrek
>I checked the rules, I'll be sneaking back in in 6 days!
Actual nigger
Why use artisan bots when you can craft by hand?
Lucy Dusk
It's not even that, it's them talking to a fucking picture. Like bro, who are you talking to? I don't care what horny thoughts are going through your head as you monologue your ERP session.
Don't fucking type it down, the original poster, nor anyone else fucking cares. I don't get how they think anyone cares what emotions are evoked by looking at porn. No one fucking asked, just jerk off like the rest of us and move the fuck on.
Which horn do I rub to disarm...
How do these two feel about purple malera?
I crafted by hand a shitload for the first two weeks of the expansion since I didn't have or want to use a beta key. it was fun desu
Why do male middies have good camaraderie and yet other male races don't
One day my huge load will make its way into your womb
do people even like wholesome, romantic lalaboys
Craft me 300 rarefied tacos by hand
tummy...licky licky
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M4's theme hits just right in my soul. Guess I'm revealing my taste in music by saying that.
he said femlala not flatlala
It's actually fake, they all hate each other and will shitpost the ones who are more successful.
They will also hate on the ones who don't join their linkshells
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it's very easy to become bros with someone who is also literally me
they decided to make a race and gender specific group, and I don't think the other races have? being able to gosling post helps.
my fiddie looks like and acts like this
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>level 47 dungeon
>the warrior tank literally needs me to spam cure 2 on them the entire time or the die in 3 gcds

How is this possible? Normally I don't need to heal warriors at all.

Pic related, I forgot to take screenshots so I drew one.
It's subjective. I enjoy whitemage more because of the simplicity of its kit and while you only have 4 major healing cds each of them feels incredibly powerful. Astro on the other hand opts for having far more cds with each having less individual power but it allows for you to fine tune your heal plan to a higher degree than white mage. It just depends on what you think you'll like more.
I don't even remember what M4 sounds like.
>Club trannies trying to police who they can/can't ERP with
How did club trannies cope when they realized kirle's parents had sex to make her?
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I am
a straight miera
Who loves romance!
>get complimented on my glam
>try to say thanks
>Unable to send tell. Their online status is set to Busy.
Alright fine..
I like Sonic Adventure 2 too...
Give me half a day and I can do it.
After I have a max level CUL.
i want to strangulate your fiddie
Malezen and Malera are lone wolf types. Lalaboys and Catboys are seething 24/7 because they're always on the hunt for a crumb of pussy and never get any. Maleroes and Hroths have their own private groups. Hyurs are too busy doing honourable knight RP in dungeons.
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Fuck off sexpest
May I post my malera?
they don't have raw intuition until mid 50 level range
keeping astral alive is the most important thing, dont even try to optimise triple/swift for damage
you CAN leave your leylines
start counting fire4
1234 paradox 12 despair star
12 paradox 12 f3f 12 despair star etc...
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I think it's a vastly underrepresented 'vibe.' I get that the little gremlin energy is hard to resist, but earnest lalas are really endearing. It's why Pipin remains a character I wish we saw more of
desu the riff of the song reminds me heavily of Seven Rings in Hand vibes more than anything from SA2.
Which is wack because that song and game are pretty fuckin mid.
God I wish that were my femra...
I must be dumb I thought there was a way to convert/fix bibo mods within penumbra. Is everything doing it through textools instead?
WAR has nothing different from other tanks until level 54(?).
aurum vale is the first time ever a new player will actually get punished for not doing mechanics and they weren't doing them. they didn't have gear. they didn't use mits. warrior isn't actually tanky until it gets the self-healing for damage thingy. so on.
sex with this cat
Always be casting. (Highest Priority)
Master slide casting.
Count F4s.
Aim for 4 F4s before Paradox.
Make liberal use of Manipulation and Between the Lines.
Highest value Triplecast is F4 Despair FS or Despair FS B3 if you're transposing.

All of my other tips apply to EW BLM.
I am so fucking tired of gathering for purple scrips.
Swapt to picto
why do i keep talking to someone who is constantly awful to me
Blonde and durante hair, right? I think I recognize you.
Boss fight for this theme.
Sorry I only like unwholesome ones
Seasoned male character here. The "comradery" that male characters have is only for show. As soon as one gets more attention, or talked to a crush, or somehow makes them feel emasculated, or really does something as simple as standing near their crush they will shitpost you in the thread for months
I don't want to give you anything or associate with you because you are clearly mentally ill
Honestly, it's the only type of lalaboys I like.
>I beat someone by undercutting them a bunch of times in a row
You cheated yourself. Had you been the first in line when a buyer showed up any of those times you simply would have made more money.
>if it was a human and it conceded to me having the lowest listing it would have just went back up to the original listing and undercut the guy in third
So these bots are advanced enough for price thresholds, but unable to recognize when their own post is the lowest? 90% of the time you're getting yourself in an undercut war with an autist using penny pincher. When that person does concede, they are walking away. Plenty of human players simply don't relist because penny pincher doesn't know how to undercut 3rd. Again, a feature that an actual bot should certainly be able to figure out?
Pipin, Alka Zolka and Ejika are beloved for a reason, anon...
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Do you have any nude album?
Cute cat.
Always feel like modded hair looks bad in motion though. Wish it always stayed cute so I could justify using them.
Go ahead, bro, no need to ask permission
Any FC on Seraph?
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yeah yer gettin hugged
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My custard chinese wife...
Is it possible to get more 3 (or 6 from double) aethersands from the dawntrail fish? I tried perception food but I was still just getting 2 (or 4 from double)
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I am
a soft faggy meena
Who loves romance!
holy fuck please. woo me with your romance and things you're passionate about
Been there a few times, I wish the game had less restrictions between regions.
She's a blonde, yep!
Yeah, I'm already extremely racist to pajeets. It's really funny watching them turn canada into a biohazard one waterfront at a time because even when they have 1st world toilets, they would rather shit in public spaces.
please tell me you have new high heels to show me
warrior only has a few defensives at that level and they're long cool downs.
do spearfishing but yeah you can get a fuckload of aethersand very fast
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Well, yeah. I was diagnosed with autism at 28 months. My mom had me institutionalized before I could become big, strong, and violent enough to hurt her.
>Final Fantasy XIV Online: Dawntrail
>loves romance
Does not compute
bro you can't just type that....
One day cutie elf
It’s the longer ponytail viera have it looks pretty okay in motion
Wanna meet?
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hellooooo my fellow bigotmaxxing leafoid we have so much in common
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someone once thought I was a schizoposter and then told their friends to avoid me and that I'm a giant asshole. it's really what made me take all the nonsense here with the tiniest grain of salt since it happened to me and it probably happens to others too.
I'm somewhat of a rare specimen I guess...
May my fiera court?
invite me to a hunt party I need the cat minyan and maybe some meowteria and the spinning technyotortuga
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This was said about /xivg/ maliddies.
My malezen is 32 but still lives like he's 16.

He eats only junk food, never drinks water, bathes once a month and spends all day jerking off, playing video games and arguing on the internet.
Is that what we're calling the ones who live under the Ruby Sea?
>you cheated yourself
I don't give a fuck about an extra 2m anon Gil is worthless in this game. As long as I have money do buy crafted gear week one i couldn't care less

>undercut from 6m to 5.5m
>the other person's changes their listing from 5999999 to 5750k
Why would a human even do that. At that point just leave it at 6m it doesn't make any sense.
king shit
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does anybody know which emote this is? ive seen it in so many screenshots. it's not /groundsit+/cpose
sounds like a crystal thing
This happened to me too. Lost a good long lasting friendship and they wouldnt even show me any proof of why they believed it. I mostly gave up trying to meet normal, well adjusted people here that can match me.
ugly lala.
is it true heiko, gabe, nyu and remus are serial offenders when it comes to shitposting others? i see people mention them all the time
are you me?
it sucks so much
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Get out of the way, get out of the way! Big-Boned-Boi coming through!
i think it's the part of /pantomime when they get up after the fall
wanna... hang out where some nice dining tables are?
Should I still be using the spreadlo combo?
This cat looks eerily similar to the american trans girl I slept with last december.
They would never... r-right?
If you didnt care you wouldnt get into bidding wars in the first place. I havent sold an item on the market in years. I got the new orchestrion from Bee and threw it on the ground.
Pantomime, almost near the end
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Chrissy Costanza is pretty great!
I could. Where?
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This is what you find hot huh
sounds amazing...server and dc?
sorry to hear about the worms on your dick
No evidence has been shown regarding the above individuals. Only a retard believes things without a crumb of proof.
Yes but since you're rarely ever using spreadlo immediately on cool down, you can use the other reci charge on stuff like concitation.
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dw bro the ants will eat them
>I don't give a fuck
That's fine, but unless you advertised your posting somewhere you didn't save yourself any time or effort.
>why would a human even do that
This may be a shock to you, but a lot of players are retarded. Some even think that posting an item at a small discount makes people more inclined to search for it.
Marilith Gridania?
unironically yes
That explains a lot.
Unreal how canuks just accept that too. But I know America is next. We used to just let their doctors in, but we basically have no border anymore.
Kiss my femlala belly
That's it, thanks!
Heiko always offers me a humble greeting, even though we don't talk.
pick any spot on crystal or dynamis and i'll be there!
I wish someone would eb my sunnie…..
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punching your femlala belly
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With this treasure, I summon /xivg/.
Queue time is 30min otherwise
Please join my Dynamis PF for Interphos under JC, password is 5656
I want to sell my thing asap? I don't understand why that makes me care about the 2m I didn't get. Are you retarded or something?
It was just over 20 minutes for me, for the final duty
hot and sticky vieras

Do you think Arcadion has the potential to be the best?
the four horsemen of shitposting other male characters are and always will be heiko shoro gabe and elk
if i drift too much on machinist what is an addon or act plugin that i can use to stop that
i don't want a full on bot i just want a thing to help me with drift
>Male miqote
No, I don't think I will.
push your buttons on time?
Everyone here is a shitposter
I'm doing spearfishing. They're like at most 940 collectibility and only giving me 2 sands.
Making out sloppily with your navel
pay more attention or make an enlarged hotbar with the cds you dont want to drift and put them to the side of your screen to better track them
I shit your mom
Alas, I am EU...
HOT and STICKY fieras
Not sure if this is still happening, but Nyu would always type long shitposts about anyone he was targetting, talk about it in his discord and then post it for laughs
No you just sound poor
My male middie doesn't eat a lot so he makes sure he gives all of his leftovers to his fat fuck femlala EB
I shit on your mom as well
zalera, the last stand
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I knew I should've fanta'd to femhroth.
God I wish I was a femra embarrassing my roegadyn boyfriend with PDA
do you like femra? are you +
It’s over…
most of them are just themselves and happen to get along
there are groups of male middies who don't get along with the others
I love my bros though, there's a bit of good in all em, well most of em
she looks like she marries catboys
The brown pixels representing the poopnose make it hot as fuck.
>roll 91 on mount
>lose to 95
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how do you exactly calculate height with this i wanna make my characterr 170cm
If you undercut enough you become the cheapest on the market tracking websites and any of the autists who use them will buy your listing if they want that item. There's no need to make a post anywhere.
god i wish 95% of femras did not have penises both in game and irl
Practice and muscle memory.
Genuinely I think your miqo is the cutest I’ve ever seen and I want to hold her close and make her feel loved.
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>roll a 98
>the nigga who was dead most of the fight rolls a 99
wtf my femra doesn't have a penis, she's normal
People call me a shitposter, a troll, a baiter etc.

No. I really am an insufferable know-it-all jackass with edgy opinions and beliefs. That's me. It's not a persona, I truly am an unlikeable dickhead.
I've made nearly gil cap during Endwalker from buying up items people slash the prices of to combat undercutting and listing them 1 gil under the lowest once a day when I refresh all my retainers.
what if my moonie isn't dark skinned
yeah my femlala is like this
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may I see her
that was literally me
that's a lot of work considering how shitty the japanese menus are in this game
Name and server?
I only have one irl and I wish I was born as the other gender too but what can you do...
JC Denton?
I wish they'd add a new fucking JIG so I didn't have a level 60 fuckin piece of gear still.
Go into the character creator, make your race/gender at your normal heigh value, and see what it says for the height in cm. That's 1.000 scaling.
I don't get the reference.
wtf stop calorie maxxing your WIFE???
Yes you may.
It's only a lot of Ctrl+V when you use the pennypincher plugin. It's not worth doing it for cheaper stuff but crafted gear and unreal rewards will make you a ton.
What if we had a secret affair on materia...?
awfully specific number you got there...
We could…? Would you like to go meet there and say hello?
My femlala is 1lb overweight... it's over...
>that was literally me
Did you like the vodka?
Reinstall Deus Ex.
I am a moonie
who is once again, crafting.
Where are the high calorie women at?
Malezen are solo hunters. They do not like interacting with one another and will even attack the females of their species if one comes near.
Malera are wolves. They can go solo but when they find a pack they are in a pack they become very powerful
Maliddies are herd animals. They need to stick together or they will be killed
Uh oh elk melty
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be sure you're using natures bounty got this at
3337 perception
getting more than 2-4 is a "critical" aetheric reduction so just keep spearfishing
most i got in one i think was 12 or 16
Could be. They started strong with the normal modes. I'm not sure if the story will amount to much, but if they keep introducing fun fights on the theme of people turning into amped up furries/monster-people it'll be a lot of fun stylistically. Reminds me of Eden's 'knock-off-primal' stuff.

Eden/Alexander > Omega/Panda > Coil
>deadweight wins
>leaves after
what is it with moonies and crafting
Thank you to the encouraging anons, I joined a party and cleared first try :) now farming
You're right I almost never have Gil in xiv because I already have a house. And outside of that and week one crafted gear Gil serves absolutely no purpose in the game. So I don't feel the need to chase it outside of the incredibly minimal amount for raiding every 6-9 months.
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Does he even play anymore? this is his latest activity in the game, got only 1 (one) combat job to 100, hasn't done any of the extremes or anything else for that matter
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My femra doesn't have one, she's builded to take my IRL penis thougheverbeit (inshallah she will be made real)
i had to get everything to 100 and now i gotta make some gear..
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Yes and yes
The only situation where undercutting by "enough" significantly speeds up a sale is if you price yourself so terribly your competition buys you out. Nobody is getting alerted of your 20% discount by universalis and realm hopping to snatch that up. Hell, those sites can be hours out of date. The overwhelming amount of buyers are searching the item they want, then clicking the cheapest on the list.
You say the 2m doesn't even matter because gil is useless here, yet you took the time to walk the price down so you obviously do care enough to not just post it for 100k and walk away. And supposedly this other person is conceding over a relatively inconsequential amount of money?
Just say you are lazy, that's totally fine. You aren't doing some high IQ shit here.
When should I use it?
What the actual fuck did they do to Summoner
For Dawntrail? nothing new
For Endwalker? lol, lmao
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Can you dye those cushions? A real board game like that would be cool. I doubt it would ever be possible to organize though.
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Yeah it's dyeable. I wanted to host a party game give away and give away mogstation items, but soon after I got my med, SE disabled gifting for all items except fantasias. So now I just have an empty basement.
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Damn I bet it would have been a blast.
Every dps type needs a job that is so completely braindead nobody can fuck it up so they gave us Summoner, Viper and Dancer

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