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Previous: >>487576613

>Persona 3 Reload Episode Aigis -The Answer- will be released on September 9 2024 - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lsTbz82TmWM
>Metaphor: ReFantazio will be released on October 11, 2024 - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZJ7trKrr0iE
>P5X released in China - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MOtZcTAMuIE

>P5U.jp (Arena) Expires: 2025/04/30
>P5B.jp (Unknown) Expires: 2024/12/31
>P5M.jp (Unknown) Expires: 2024/12/31

>We have moved everything to GoogleDocs and on the Internet Archive:
(Some stuff has to be added in the future.)
>New and improved Birthday Chart
>Media assets

/pg/ OC:
>Draw Corner archive

Anti Spammer Tech:
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Another Soom thread
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Why did she do it?
Is it okay to fuck a girl if she's male?
Absolutely not.
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Of course it's okay
Teddie's bussy....
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Loyal and kind!
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that's why they are there
Sumifag wins I'm leaving and never coming back. Congrats jannies this is the thread you've made. I suggest everyone else leave as well. One schizo can sit in here and post alone to himself. Maybe Sumi will jump out of the screen and become real and she'll make you her boyfriend.

You waterbrained Incel retard faggot.
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Is that supposed to be shinji and...who?
>tfw Anne is on her period
trying to eat ann's pussy out during her period was a bad idea
Fag guy
You never stood a chance. Love conquers hate.
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Why is she embarrassed?
Yes you "win" have fun sitting alone in your room spamming horrible fanart of a non canon dlc schizo character. You will never know the touch of a woman or have a single person to call friend. You will die alone, sad and confused.
She accidentally shit her pants in public
Because she's a little soom, a nervous soom.
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Perhaps that's true, perhaps that's not true. What now?
>Gallica is in charge of the operation
She's so reliable!
Do my eyes deceive me or is this a real image that I'm seeing?
Kawakami's panties?
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Truth bomb.
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I WILL not fap to BIGvenza again.
I WILL not fap to BIGvenza again.
I WILL not fap to BIGvenza again.
I WILL not fap to BIGvenza again.
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Ritualposting same shit on repeat is hardly any better.
And your discordfriends aren't real.
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There is a femdom focus P2 twitter artist, they make a bunch of stuff with crack ships. They did some P1 and P3 stuff too, but it's rarer. Most of it is lost since they self delete often, but they have an archive for some stuff.
Why is dojima staring at me?
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You know why. He knows why.
I want to rape her face
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P6 Chariot Social Link
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Hashino removed dating from Metaphor because he took a single look into /pg/ and saw the type of schizos this feature creates
i wish
I fapped to her once
Yukiko hates Darky American tourists because they stink up her Inn and eat all her watermelon
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so is hulk actually a hag?
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She's a jew
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She's in her mid 20s at least
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What about them?
but she was already serving when the prince got poisoned, so there is like 10-15 years gap between her and notDoor
Do you not see how low quality these images are? How compressed and shitty they look? Can you at least post high res art?
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Will P6 be about the Illuminati? Maybe that's what the green meant...
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Just look at her for God's sake. I don't need commentary
Q is my fav.
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You don't love her if you have low resolution images of her you poser
All this time posting and you're only a poser? What a loser
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No I do love my Soom, and I love her more than anything. That fact will never change.
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I hunger
Hashino’s gonna die from aids
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She's like 28
That’s more of a pink
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He needs to be fired and blacklisted from the industry to teach other hacks to know their place and work on actual games people want and not some slop.
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She has lots of different colors!
plap plap plap
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I want to rest my head on Kawakami's lap
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Ann's left elbow...
Must feel so nice.
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I bet she smells wonderful...
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Recharging Kawakami whenever she needs it.
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I don't get it
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>only once
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I don't remember all my faps
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I would love and cherish Kawakami, she's a good girl
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Tickling Futaba's tummy
How ticklish is she?
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cute anne
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That's pretty weak
Why does Wada shitpost about Hashino on /pg/ so much?
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He fears his power
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Wada lost full control over the series due to Ultimax.
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What’s better - Makoto thinking lewd thoughts about Sae, or Sae thinking lewd thoughts about Makoto?
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Wada is better than SHITshino and we all know it. Should be in charge of all Persona games going forward. Reload was BRILLIANT and he clearly proved his skills.
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pretty sure it's from pq
yukari and chie are scaredy girls who cling to their bfs while yukiko took one of the dolls who do jumpscares as a souvenir
Only massive fucking autists care about either of them. The fact that you have to force these posts every day is sad.
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Haru's Harus
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good artist but he draws way too much idolshit
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Dub VAs are going to start a major strike next year, so if P6 is announced expect delays for the voice acting
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As long as there's a cute Sumi, that's all that matters.
I'm ok with JP dub only like with PQ2.
>p6 sub only
dubfag meltdown would be glorious
They should just get the Metaphor VAs to work on P6 instead of the sissy burger VAs who do a shit job and have unreasonable demands
Me on the bottom panel in the middle of the PTs
I would meltdown and freak out to be honest. I don't want to listen to asiantic screeching whatsoever.
I would be fine with it being subs on launch and dub later.
Agreed, but they are going on strike since the last actors strike had the main people behind it embrace voice AI to end it.
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Depends on timing. Based on what the P3 dub actors have said I could see them getting contracted before the strike.
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With strikes they don't record during them or do promotions for companies.
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Sure but lets say the game releases next winter. This is maybe a bit generous but based on how Reload's development and localization went it would be reasonable for them to be contacting voice actors now and recording up to when the strike ends. There's a chance none of this really matters though if P6 is a 2026 or later title.
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I think it will be 2026, but maybe. But then again nobody thought the actors strikes last year would last as long as they did, so who knows.
>recording up to when the strike ends
meant to say when the strike begins
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If it really is a problem wouldn't they just hire non union people?
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Yes, they did it with stuff like P4D and Ultimax where Rise and Fuuka had VA replacements
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I used to think Sumi was kinda cool but after seeing all this low quality fan art I've realized she's ugly as fuck and a schizo.
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Don't ever say anything like that again please.
An American strike won't stop them from working with the same studio that the Metaphor dub is being done with, which I think is one of the big reasons why Atlus went with them in the first place if you consider the timing of the metaphor resurface and how development started late 2019
I think so, also probably the best option due to the last strikes lasting so long too
It’d be cool if Aigis had retractable wheels
I used to love Sumi she was a really cool character but this endless spam of same low quality images made me realise there was not that much to her in the first place and kinda started hating her because of you. I don't think I can ever look at her in the same light ever again...she deserved better
t. sumispammer
What, is that one in Canada or something?
Skateboarding with Aigis would be fun
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Sorry but she's a disgusting schizo pig. That's just the truth of it. Not to mention how ugly she is. Rail skinny and eyes practically on opposite sides of her head. YUCK
Not even remotely true. She's perfect in every way and loves all of us. I would love her as much as possible so she would never have to suffer again.
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British studio. The same one that worked on Baldur's Gate
Studio is european with an american branch and most of the voice actors are european
It's harder to do this especially in the current environment where a lot of voice actors literally just record from home now but like a bunch of SAG actors did you can also get around this union's standards for going on strike if you're acting overseas and have citizenship in whatever country you're acting in.
Nope sorry what I said is the truth she's disgusting and everyone agrees with me. She suffers every time you post a low quality 2kb fanart of her that you ripped from Tumblr. You're killing her posting those. You're a terrible person to continue doing that to her.
Persona 3 is the worst Persona game with the worst characters and worst story
>sumischizo is the p3 hater
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You're making me angry and frustrated so I'd recommend to stop. By posting her I'm honoring her cuteness and beauty and love for her. That's actual reality.
the only sumischizos are p3schizos
None of this will make any of what I said untrue. Sumi is a disgusting schizo whore who gets pumped and dumped by every guy in town. She's so nasty that she wears her dead sisters clothes and has schizo mind breaks. Every time you post low quality art of her it shits on her even further. Everyone hates her.
nice legs
It's especially sad when you realize that this poster is a Fuukafag
Sumi would be disturbed by what you're doing. She's a humble girl, this must be very humilliating to her especially since it bothers other people. You're a poser. You don't love Sumi
> The same one that worked on Baldur's Gate
Is he?
Of course not. Why would a P3fag love a P5 character?
Yeah I don't get it why does he pretend to love her but acts in a way she would hate? She would literally be disgusted by this dude.
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I don't believe that at all. She's the one who deserves the most amount of love in the entire series. If she saw how much I love her, she would appreciate it. It's amusing how you think you know more about the soom than I would.
they're just trying to keep posters out of the general it's not rocket science
There's nothing to suggest she would 'hate' me posting her and loving her like this. She wanted to be loved by the Senpai in game, so that's what I would do for her. End of conversation.
new schizo theory - present day sumifaggot is panhime after taking her twitter down and basically being exiled from her social circle
Sumire doesn't care about superficial things like this. She's doing something with her life and achieving great things for her and her sister. She lives to be recognized for things she worked hard for. You live to be a nuisance, Sumi wouldn't even spit on you. She would ask Joker to steal your heart and make you leave her alone.
Seriously, replace every instance of the word "Sumire" or "Sumi" with "Fuuka" and you'll understand what you're actually dealing with.
It's true. I was a Fuukanigger not 3 years ago, but then I realized Sumi was the light.
wait it's actually a p3fag? I thought that was just shitposting lmao
I'm never going to get a Sumi gf in real life so none of this matters. Only thing I can do is express my love for her here every day and hope someone comes along and loves her with me.
P3fags are unreasonably angry about Metaphor and P5 for some reason
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They just kept accusing and pestering so eventually I had to admit it. Clearly if someone is that persistent, they have to be right in some way.
Nobody will magically appear in your basement and love you for posting pictures of Sumire on 4chan. Real life or fictional Sumire, both would despise you.
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Sumirekeks are schizos just like their shitty waifu.
Nobody knows who your discordfriends are.
How old is she? I want to do nothing but fuck her nonstop for that number of days in a row
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She wouldn't despise me. That's not even remotely like her character, and she would probably want to be friends with me since we would understand each other. At worst, she would be ambivalent. This is Sumi coming up to assassinate you for being a liar.
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I fucking kept telling you retards but none of you wanted to listen. There was no way any of this braindead samefagging was genuine and it was obvious the ones doing it just wanted people to hate something from P5. Running a bot in a thread on a board where mods don't ban bots is relatively low effort even moreso if you aren't retarded but just have brain damage.
Sumi would never assassinate anyone. See you are just a poser. You have a cognitive version of Sumi in your head who is shallow and wants to be loved even if it bothers someone. It's a twisted idea of who Sumi is. You are on the same level as Kamoshida and his cognitive Ann. Sumi isn't a shallow doll. You're rotten.
All of this is true
All me.
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Making Kawakami a Kawamommy
>sumischizo admitted to being a falseflagging p3cuck
more interesting than cable news tbqh
I don't believe that at all, and if you don't love her as much as I do, you don't have any authority to speak for how she would act. And if you say I don't love her when she's all I can think about and adore for the past 2 and half years, then don't ever reply to me again.
Why do you
>Say something you made up
>Respond to yourself with shock
So much?
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Just as planned
are you the dramaschizo guy? why do you have such a hard time dealing with how p3niggers aren't perfect angels?
It had to be done. He just kept pushing it so I had to agree. That's what he's always wanted, so of course I'm going to give it to him.
Gotta do something in between Kawakami goon sessions.
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>makes P5fags shit and piss their pants
The fuuk is too powerful
So P3 officially has a worse fanbase than P4 now
Sumi getting held down and kissed
Could be Bigger
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Cute and powerful!
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was it the drugs or did you always look like this
You could have spent those 2 years doing something productive to embrace Sumi's greatness. You could have learned to make nice fanart, make some music, write things to share and spread love for Sumi. Instead you are tarnishing her reputation in a way she would hate. I can't imagine how you can look yourself in the mirror. Sumi would be extremely disappointed because she works so hard.
>spam /pg/ for over a year because you know in your heart that P3 is dogshit
>tell literally anyone else they're pissing themselves including your fucking dog
Can i get the text without her in the way? She can still be there but transparent.
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Sumischizo about to trigger a boss battle
People have limited capabilities and resources in life. It makes me feel slightly happier to Soom. I already know I'll never get anyone, let alone a Soom, and I'm trying to cope.
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Don't forget to take your meds
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They’re so far gone they can’t even point at a P5loser and say he’s bad - they have to try to reimagine him as something else. It’s nuts
p3 faggots destroyed this general
shooting my kawacummies into her kawatummy so she becomes a kawamommy and creates a kawaloli that I'll abandon and pay kawalimony
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What the fuck is wrong with you, fag?
Instead of running a bot and wasting your time on 4chan you could be learning to all those things. Stop making excuses and being lazy. Sumi learned new skills to celebrate and spread love of her sister. You can't even do the bare minimum for her so you hide behind shallow things that don't require any effort on your part.
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>anti-P5 damage control
I'm guessing him telling everyone that he actually was a P3fag wasn't part of the plan lmao
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STOP fighting! Why can't we get along?!
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Hello Hashino san!
because "sumischizo" spilled the beans and ruined months of these retards' shitposting
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Post girls everyone loves
Yes, I can't. There's no point in anyone being alive really. Now let me soom in peace, I don't want or need your commentary.
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This. It's very sad.
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You need to face your problems instead of running away and hiding behind spam. Sumi wouldn't want you to run away. She'd want you to get your shit together
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At this point Sumi would probably want him to commit die.
this but unironically
Stop being Kasumi Derrick. You're running and hiding behind a mask like Sumi did. You need to stop being Kasumi and become Sumire Derrick. Become Sumire. Stop this nonsense
P3 retards really are just some of the worst people on the planet
evens I kill myself after finishing metaphor
odds I live a long and full life
anon no
I don't have a Joker to love and help me get back to normal. I wish I did, that's why I post Sumi. If there was just someone to help and love me in life, I would never have to be like this. Unfortunately that's not what happened and I was barely ever loved so I'm trapped in a cope fake world. Only thing that ever even remotely makes me feel better is to fantasize about loving the Soom. Otherwise the crushing void becomes too painful. Posting her will always be available, so I will be posting her for the rest of my life. That's the only future I can see.
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Nice knowing you, anon.
the moral of this story is that fuukafaggotry is wrong and should be identified from birth
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I swear half the posters here are schizos
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Just a cute little Soom, she needs to be hugged in this image more than anything.
0-4 and you'll have a peaceful suicide
5-9 and you'll somehow fuck up and die horribly and in agony
blame persona 3 (unironically)
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No, that's called humanity.
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Please don't
This is not making you a better person. You're making Sumi sad.
Is that a cat
Wish you could just love her with me
yeah I bet you want a Joker to love homo
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This is a cat and an evil fairy
How long until Derrik troons out and becomes Sumire.
I'm still unsure if I want to buy this at launch or wait a month for it to be 50% off.
You mean Fuuka? Any day now
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won't be long
kek I already bought the thing 3 times I'm good with my money I promise
This art looks bit ominous...will Travelling Boy have an option to join Gallica in her evil ways?
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speaking of Metaphor a bunch of changes were made to it earlier today on steam including a bunch of metadata changes probably in anticipation for the news Monday. They changed the steam icon for it too and apparently they took it down for a short while so steamdb no longer shows it on any rankings at all besides the wishlist. Kind of odd
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I hope he will
When major changes happens that is what happens, it resets stuff with the algorithm.
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Any idea why this was done? Is it just a random thing or will they reveal something bigger?
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Gallica's evil ways, such as taking pennies from the tip jar and not making more coffee when she pours the last cup.
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She pickpockets people when you're giving a speech. Gallica is robbing the commonfolk...
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Pure evil
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It's called campaign fundraising, the political machine needs to eat.
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I love this evil fairy so much.
she's gone too far...
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Sex with Gallica!
Im not playing metaphor, im just gonna watch some female streamer play it amd give her tips in chat
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cute Mona
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Gallica this Gallica that
You don't put a guy named Batlin in a fantasy RPG without him being the bad guy
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>Gallica is his boss
Classic Makoto
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So she's the Makoto?
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>female streamer
At least it’s not a vtuber… have fun, Anon.
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It was cute how excited Soejima sounded when talking about designing different characters for Metaphor. It seems Persona kinda burnt him out a bit because he kept saying during the AX panel that he couldn't design character like x in Persona
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Batlin is a bad guy or at least amoral, not THE bad guy
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This desu
Is the eye she's hiding different colored too
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I am one of 3 people on this entire website that will understand this joke
>mfw the realization that I am one of 3 people on this entire website that will understand this joke
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Why is she mad?
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Evil… fairy…
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epic reddit moment spotted in the wild.
I'm adding that to my "top jokes that only a few people on Earth understand..." collection
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who invited Coat?
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>its implied that yukari is bisexual
um yukari-is-homophobic-bros????
one day you'll stop being a 6 year old and you'll understand
Luvers are a mixed bag
Is that Captain Puerto Rico?
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femc is just along for the ride to wingman door
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Based fuuk putting the leddit P5fag in his place
Metaphor has no romance or just single canon romance?
I wouldn’t mind no dating sims if there is one romance with actual good writing.
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Though it technically thrived for much longer Ultima is basically spoken of the same way as Wizardry is now. I don't think /vr/ does Ultima threads anymore even despite exult running on windows 10 and 11. /vr/ is like Gamecube/PS2 era now right?
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Why are p3fags so angry bitter and upset about P5? Didn't p3 just get a remake? Wasn't it the fastest Atlus game to 1 million with gamepass included? Why don't these things seem to mean anything?
Hashino only said no romance in the social link. Romance might still be in the story especially since Junah seems extremely horny for Travelling Boy
Hashino said he didn't want to put too much emphasis on romance. So far we haven't seen any real love interest in the trailers. We know Junah teases the MC a lot and Gallica gets jealous, but that doesn't mean anything. Most likely Hulkenberg and the other girls will also have some teasing scenes in their SL, but it won't amount to anything.
This was so much higher energy than the P3R anime expo shit from last year
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She's mine /pg/
Sex with Kayo!
They're so happy and cracking jokes...do Hashino and Soejima hate Persona now?
>this entire thread
I'm not surprised about anything but it's funny that the spammer came clean after all this time just because a couple people called him out over and over
I still haven't seen that post, schizo.
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Threadly orb
cute =< orb
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Thank you for enjoying threadly orbs
Can you blame him?
Can't believe /smtg/ got a dog fucker before /pg/
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Both is good, but Sae wanting Makoto to sit on her face is slightly hotter
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Does someone at Atlus have an adult woman fetish?
Except this isn't a fucking Atlus character and thus not Persona.
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What if you had a real life Sumi gf that you could hug, kiss, and just generally love with all your heart every day? Wouldn't your life be far better?
smtg seems fun
It's worse than this place now.
You mean Fuuka?
dump her, she has too many STDs
You're not funny and never will be.
Her right arm is longer than her left arm
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prease understand chinks cant into drawing
I can't understand
No way
/pg/ is dull as hell. One person has to samefag fulltime just to breathe in some life.
/smtg/ now has a pedo who tried to fuck a 3 year old who samefags for hours non-stop.
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I doubt it. Subhumans on this site love to lie about posters that are recognizable so whatever that is is certainly overblown.
Metaphor is not persona get it out.
They had a 60 page PDF about it.
Cry harder P5X chink shill
P5X is at least Persona related. Metaslop doesn't belong here
I'm starting to realize that I would love a Sumi gf in real life. She's nice and cute to say the least.
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ni hao
Everyone eventually realizes that, it just takes longer for some than others.
Cute chee
Will Atlus learn from Metaphor and make the future mascot characters cute like Gallica or will they keep making them as annoying as Teddie and Morgana
which persona character?
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Nicely Kawa'd.
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Sex, and I mean SEX, with teachers.
Nicely, ann'd
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Thanks fren.
You mean p3kek
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Weddingkari, but next time, no KK slop.
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Is this better?
Bout the same quality.
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Ah I see, and this?
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virgin Sae
Um... Image?
I'm cumming inside gallica
My image didn't attach wtf
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your dick is smoler than pinky
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Ann Babamaki
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femcel Sae...
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Nope. The exact opposite.
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Boutta make me act up
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No it's not retard. We've all agreed it's off topic.
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good morning sir Pooka
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Sophia is evil, it makes me want to kill myself.
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Holy shit
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Koikatsu I guess
People posting AI slop on Patreon is crazy
kys leftist
Does she ask you to say it during sex?
Could someone please post THAT?
I love my Brazilian girlfriend!!
fuck off
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Protect this general so they don't enter it.
Where is Yumkari?
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Thanks Fuuka
This reminds me of that Dr. P doujin where Yukari rapes Mitsuru after she drinks an aphrodisiac but is interrupted by Akihiko who kicks her out of the room and fucks Mitsuru instead
ps4/switch/xboxone is retro btw
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I ship it
Why are there two question marks and one is upside down?
My mom walked in on the Yukari showering scene and seemed very disappointed in me
Don't live with your parents when you're 18 or older, simple as that.
Because he's mexican
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what the fuck is this
Orbs of power
Incapable of bringing any value to the thread.
>continues to run the shitbot
Fuck off retard.
Persona 6 should have an easter egg like Persona 3's tv does, but instead of a news report it's a jav dvd Ann is on the cover of. "It's an adult video featuring a familiar blonde woman. You recall seeing her on the cover of a magazine before"
Why don't you bring value to the thread by starting the kind of discussion you'd like to see?
So what? It's not like movies don't have shower scenes. Also, you have to be 18+ to post in this site.
Why don't you fuck off to whatever faggot ass general you're originally from?
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sleep time
Lavenza's ____ ____
Because you're a faggot.
fucking massive soft tits.
I don't give a shit about Sumire, fucking schizo.
How big and how soft?
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a huge majority of people live with their parents now not seen since the great depression
i dont think i could win against bigvenza
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>he couldn't handle chagall coffee
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who is this guy?
scot the woz
holy fuck
should i play p3re, p4g, or smtvv
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>Stop thinking about sex with women older than you all day
think they'll remake p4 at any point?
/u/niggers really are the worst
hopefully not
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nicely ann'd
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Lovers girls leg locking so you're forced to finish inside
p4g>p3r>p5r is optimal play order in terms of not getting used to the qol from the newer games, play 1+2 duology at any point if you can deal with really old jrpgs
Lovers girls painting your weenie with their makeup tools while calling it cute
That's why they're the best.
How does the breeding go for each of them?
i already played 5 vanilla, royal, strikers, (((dancing))), but skipped tactica. maybe i do some xcom lite instead of jumping into a new persona

thanks though, i'll check out 4 when i get to that point
forgot you mentioned smt, I'd recommend playing that any at time after you've played a persona game so you're at least somewhat used to the combat. smt has a very different style with press turn though
acts angry and claims you should've came outside but is secretly happy you didn't
Complete Penis Devastation. your junk is sore for the next week
calm and tender sex. smiles brightly and starts coming up with names
This but Fuuka and Natsuki (they also pretty up your nuts)
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Licking that belly
ash blossom
Call by the grave
ghost belle
Anyone else ship Hifumi and Sae?
solemn judgement
solemn judgement
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<3 <3 <3 <3
Night Personababs.
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Why did I have to play mines first FUCK
that's not a ship, that's just thinking about the two hottest girls in persona 5 at the same time
Explain the angle. I don't really see it aside from, as >>487678851 says them just being hot
Well yeah, they need cooling.
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every girl in the game needs to glaze the protagonist at all times, except maybe the ice queen. But she has to warm up to you during her social link.
>every girl in the game needs to glaze the protagonist at all times
Like... bukakke?
no I mean they need to be constantly spinning on it
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What different things would a talking Rise plush doll say when squeezed?
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borrowed clothes are great
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