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Thread for the discussion of Honkai Impact 3rd


>Shattered Swords VN

>Latest CN supply, event, abyss, and MA cycles:

>v7.6 Fading Dreams, Dimming Shadows Trailer
>Songque Jovial Deception: Shadowdimmer New S-Rank Battlesuit Preview
>"Venerable Seven Shus, unite as the one Law" Cutscene
>Summertime Reminiscences — Honkai Impact 3rd Concept Animation

Previous: >>487162441
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A Teri is fine too
>Commissioned artwork
Sign of a healthy fanbase for sure
uh bros, what is that sign songque is making with her hand?
Lay off the copium Teri
Is it true that the new Teri needs Songque+Sera? Isn't Songque the Deerle of Part 2?
>have a formula for a game that your niche audience enjoys
>slowly change it to appeal to a "wider audience"
>it's shit and your core fanbase now hates you
>New, highly anticipated character releases
>Lolipedo snipes the thread out of spite
Why didn't you fags make a thread when you had the chance?
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>highly anticipated character
The last time the game had one of those was during 6.0. Nobody gives a fuck about part 2 slop
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>highly anticipated
Uh oh! Hagpedo melty!
Can someone answer my question instead of shitposting
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>highly anticipated
>posts the postergirl for generic ai titcow sloppa who took all of h0m0v3rs3's marketing power to last more than a week in the public consciousness
oh, i am laughing. oh, much laughing is to be had
More like Deerle = Songque + Sera
>lust provoking battlesuit
>irrelrvant time consuming playstyle
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>highly anticipated
K 3 K Y P 0 W ! ! ! ! !
THIS is what a highly anticipated character looks like, H 4 9 P 3 |) O S ! ! !
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>highly anticipated
jfc Project Bunny is fucking gimped for part 2 slop, unlike Elf Kiana or Elysia
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After 2 years of playing, I finally have a physical team by virtue of having every Part 2 character.
Part 2 saved Honkai
>Lolischizo finaly woke up
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>Cute girls can do- ACK!!!!
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Holy melty
Are you retarded? It's an official promotional artwork from the game

It's still not too late. The threads are populated by the same ten people anyway. We could easily move to the right thread with time
Go back
I don't think I will. I like both games
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no chud that's not how it works
if you play any mihoyo games other than hi3 you're a shitposter schizo and um also a pedo
why is dream teri's design so cute if she's supposed to be a filler valk, that's just evil...
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>highly anticipated
Impressive, very nice. Now let's see her sales in CN.
WHOA. I'm fairly new to this game and these threads. Where do I pull this delicious choco loli? I don't see her in the supply.
did honkai really get reported to the ccp
Mihoyo was, by the arknots.
I'm sorry to say, but things haven't been the same ever since Dawei the loli lover sold out so no, HI3 currently has no succulent lolis of that caliber. Genshin and ZZZ sure do, THOUGH!
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>succulent loli
KEEEEEEEEEEEEEK! Didn't the last loli actually flopped and now she's the worst limited sales wise? Sasuga lolinigger.
Oh it's ESL too, perfect
>Didn't ___ flopped
SEAchurl are you okay? So SEAchurl are you okay? Are you okay SEAchurl?
Not the shitposters, but where are my succulent lolis, dammit? Sera should've been playable. Guarantee if she were the playable unit, those horrendous sales would've flipped.
Years ago, but not recently. This year, the CCP only banned gay ships from Mihoyo's official events after a childefag reported it, but Mihoyo chose to ban all ship content in the end in the face of their fujo overlords. Last time honkers was reported was probably HoV's swimsuit drama.
SEAgods run this shit, learn your place white pig.
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>SEAgods run this shit, learn your place white pig.
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Your succulent lolis are in an alternate universe where Dawei the famous loli lover didn't sell his soul to orally service shareholders/CCP/globohomo.
It's mechanically one of the worst (if not THE worst) characters in the game. Nobody rolled for that retarded goblina, but rest assured the mentally ill lolinigger will never bring this up and continue being a fucking gaslighting nuisance on every general he infests.
The new Teri is pretty cute, but
Sparkle counts as a womanlet with a loli body I guess? She's as tall as QQ, who's 141cm or something.
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I saw someone mention that seething trannies reported hoyo to the ccp because they were mad GGZ is pandering to straight men
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>lolipedo having a melty spanning fifty posts
It's really sad, but damn isn't it extremely annoying
And how would you know how she performs mechanically, oh schizo-kun? Don't you always ramble about not playing that game? :)
The hi3 fanbase is the one reporting that event.
hope dawei finally EoS this gacha.
so seething trannies then? anon was right
They're still seething about that HI3 global anniversary for a game without any global server besides the jpn one? What a bunch of retarded bugmen
It's true. A long time ago, the fanbase was full of chill loli enjoyers. But since then, rotten (neo)- hole-havers who become unnervingly attached to the female characters have infested the community like the parasites they are, and it's literally killing miHoYo.
Man, if only I had workers who work as hard as Singapore and Brunei are working for GDP per capita in this image
Also this.
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Is it worth getting Sera to SS?
She will thank you by sitting on your face.
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I'm surprised /hig/ is still stuck seething about nahida honestly since I rarely come here for stuff
It's been years and this place is still stuck in this samsara of eternal seething and shitposting
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I would say yes because supporting loli is always good, buuuuuut... no, not in this kusoge. Not in this kusoge, I'm afraid. Afraid not. Let the hagpedos enjoy the eos they brought on themselves.

What's gonna happen to the ai titcow generator 3000 when there's more game for which to shit out ai titcows? Heh.
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Because I have access to something called the internet and search engines with which I can look things up without having to play that dogshit game.
This is the same exact gaslighting shit you pull when someone posts the sales chart disproving the green fetus being the best selling banner which stopped being true eons ago.
>hurrrr if u h8 it so much then why do u know so much about it :^))))
Fucking mentally ill dishonest pedo cumslurper. As always.
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Highly anticipated character done right.
save for vita
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>20 rolls for SS
Not bad
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I wish we could go back to 2020 /hig/ and before, bros. Comfy threads, peaceful discussion. And mouth-watering cunny that was appreciated by all.
Mouth watering was add to chatgpt
>snipes op
>engages in constant antagonistic shitposting
you guys do realize the duduschizo gave up on avataring dudu when she become more irrelevant than ever, right? just a thought!
probably switched to elysia or firefly
>Everyone I don't like is a shitposting samefag and uh yeah also they're a pedo
They're a pedo and an elfnigger, since Elyschizo and Lolischizo are the same poster
What if, get this, they don't like Elysia or Theresa and are just shitposting under the guise of certain characters to add more credibility to their shitposting, while in reality not even playing the game?
I'll just stay away from this thread until the Durandal pajeet goes away
its been years so dude must really, really, reeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeaaaaaaaaaaaaallly hate those characters
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is his name krishna
>they deleted the original mihoyo logo
Remember when Honkai had soul?
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No but I remember when Honkai made me horny
Honkai has Seele.
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Nahidaschizo is probably here simply because the schizo competition in gig is so rough, he's unable to stand out. But I genuinely don't know why he hasn't moved on to /zzz/. Maybe it's because he can't use his favorite baits there.
flatnya > boobnya
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He's genuinely a lolifag who hates hags. But he has admitted to falseflagging as a elysiafag before. As for Teri, iirc, he genuinely has no idea about any detail of her as a character, he just uses her to structure his baits. Why does he have such massive hate boner for hig especifically is beyond me. He has had melties about hig even in non hoyo generals.
he attempted multiple times but people actually use filters there and hate the G game as much as we do here
Call him by his true name, teripedo,the name he resents and rebrands as hagpedo to own the coomers
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Learn the difference
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Remember what they took from you
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The "hagpedo" whoreshit is fucking hilarious too. As a supposed word it makes zero goddamn sense no matter how you spin it, it's a borderline kindergarten-tier insult befit of the mentally stunted pedophile faggot who invented it, and to top it all off he believes it is the most hysterical word ever conceived in written history with how much he samefags and deliberately evades filters on his dogshit posts. He may as well start calling people "sexually-developed-women fetishists" and it'd have the same effect. The entire thing reeks of narcissistic psychopathic behavior and a chronic internet addiction.
Part 2 is a total flop.
Teriteri will save the game next patch.
Jokes on you, I'm saving for V!
I'm saving for I!
I'm saving for T!
I'm saving for A!
That's right V! I! T! A! VITA!
Qua fucked Teri.
>This going-on-3-years blood feud across multiple generals started all because he saw that picture of Durandal princess-carrying Theresa when it leaked on /hig/ one night.
My sides.
>part 2 is an actual number 2
So why are Duduchurls so insane in the membrane anyways, THOUGHEVER!?
Years of irrelevancy.
>No dudu posts
>Woah it's the dudufag false flagging
>Dudu post
>See it's the dudufag
One can only dream of being this powerful.
>highly antahahahahahahahaha
>Nahida became one of the most despised genshits after her arc with Wanderer, heralding an unprecedented fall from grace for any hoyo character and leading to the Nahidaschizo becoming a running joke across all the hoyo generals
>Durandal completely disappeared in the story and meta, massively nerfing the duduschizo until he decided to get himself repeatedly banned in despair by spamming Dudu lewds
All that needs to be done is to run off the handposter/elyschizo/antilolischizo, and /hig/ will begin to heal. Remember, the night is darkest just before the dawn! And Part 2 will either be scrapped or it'll get way better or something.
I'd rather be called antinahidaschizo schizo since for some fucking reason that braindamaged cunt managed to convince you I have anything against lolishit.
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calling it lolishit kinda proves you do...
No. Mihoyo IS the ccp. It has been for years.
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lolishit = loliSeele
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If I called you a Himekofag does that mean I'm saying you're a homo because I said fag? Of course not, that's ridiculous.
Or better yet, have you ever seen me complaining about the twins? About Griseo? About Sera? About any fucking loli in the game? The fact that you believe my grievance with the obnoxious pedo faggot is entirely over his "preferences" only reinforces his mental illness because he gets validation for external sources other than the voices in his head. Get a fuckin grip and actually think about what you're doing.
Uh oh antilolischizo melty
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Who gives a fuck? She is dead.
>Patch day
>New honker
>This thread
Fucking lol
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I want to see a Teri Teri face that looks dead inside too.
Dream Teri's face after reading this and last thread!
Hag keks seething because the generic blonde hag is a total flop.
Can't wait for the new teriteri and prove that lolis are the salvation of this dying game.
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>finding it hard to like part 2
>start thinking that maybe honkai was always like this and didn't notice
>start replaying Nagazora to see if it still feels the same
>it's fucking great, just as i remember
Did they just forget how to write good character dramas? Part 2's story is so fucking boring save for first 2/3 of chapter 3.
>Nagazora is great
Anon, no. Nagazora is shit, especially now we know how useless the whole ER arc was. Mei angst and going all grimderp is now a joke. She beat up Kiana for no reason.
That doesn't mean Nagazora is bad. That just means ER is wasted potential.
Found the part 2 slurpers!
I never felt that Nagazora was good, sure it had good moments with Kiana and Mei, but everything to do with Raven and her kids felt like a drag.
ER retroactively make Nagazora bad because we now see how utterly useless Mei's edgy phase was.
Nagazora was bad because it didn't really justify Mei''s decision to join WS. I understand that she was desperate and took the first offering that appeared, but they don't do enough to get you to feel that desperation, it makes Mei come across more as stupid.
I too love to pretend that Part 2 is good and Nagazora was le bad
Mei's edgy phase was wasted even before then when they immediately turned WS from an organization that tries to nuke cities for experiments to a group that works together with people to fight mindlessly evil Herrschers (HoI isn't a character and Owl is a retard) and the only conflicts are Rita being a justified bitch to Raven. Mei needed to fall way hard for it to have been worthwhile, but I guess Hoyo was afraid of having one of their poster girls do actual bad things.
What has Mei done
Erotic ryona.
Knee'd Kiana. And that's basically it honestly, even in the ER arc all she did was bring the HoC to the ER to ruin it, she didn't even appear in the final animation of the arc.
>The only actual discussion threads are when CN server gets new content
I am still in awe that someone thought Mei going to the Will of Honkai to specifically shittalk her and then coming back to ER with the HoC somehow attached to her was a good idea. Like, there's contrived (Ana abandoning Owl's sister) and then there's this bullshit.
>Raven and her kids felt like a drag
Their inclusion is great when you realise Raven manipulates Mei into joining WS because she wanted a better home for her kids.
ER butchered the lore.
>lmfao the mysterious villain we were building up for 30 chapters is actually not real! it's a glitching robot!
fucking clown shit
Keep going, retard. Maybe in 10 years someone else will share your opinion.
I thought the kids were fine. They did a lot of things.
The previous 10 chapters and Nagazora show well enough how desperate Mei is to save Kiana and become strong enough to protect her. The kids tugged at Mei's heartstrings and were just enough to convince her that world serpent can be worked with. Raven and Kevin got Mei at her greatest moment of weakness. Kevin needed her for project Stigma (which was retconned lmao).
>need gems for chinkque's weapon
Ugh, I guess I'll go back and finish that Seele schizo event.
Rope FAG
what do you mean by this
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Nice thread, honkeks
I don't know, personally I think joining an organization that tried to nuke you and your girlfriend, tortured your girlfriend and have tried to kill her repeatedly (to a person who personally tried to do this) for a vague promise of saving her somehow, was not infact well justified and made Mei look retarded to me.
If you think Mei was in the headspace to make rational decisions about the greater good, you've missed the point of the story.
I love this game because it gave me Elysia, it's such a shame what it did to itself.
china's still mad about bunnies and hig is still mad about theresa
guess honkai players are the same everywhere
bwos where can i read the story that isnt ingame? or at least a detailed summary that doesnt involve watching youtube
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It's a good thing Kiana never met another herself. I don't mean Dudu, HoV or Siren. I mean another her. She would be extremely horny for her own flexible and curvy body.
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The Chinese are NOT happy
Can smell the HRT from this post
>this shit again
/gig/ and mental illness really goes hand in hand
/hig/ and Seele really goes hand in hand
It's nice to see that /hig/ is still just some weird schizos who don't even play the game fighting about shit from other generals
Holding Seele's hand...
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Spoiler that filth.
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hmmmmmmmm, nyo!
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And Buronya onee-chan!
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I am done with this patch.
Songque is pure SEX
Songque shilling from Mihoyo interns aside, is it only on my end or she actually doesn't have any voice lines in the battlesuit selector? Is this a bug?
>thread is useable now
God blesseele
It's apparently a bug that was in the beta and they just never bothered to fix it. Small indie company, please understand.
we really are being treated worse than ToF players...
Weird how Thelema is the only one who can dash twice in mid air.
Songque is pure sex
Herrscher of Sentience vibes in the beginning here.
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>generic blonde whore #2 has laughable sales despite all the shilling
>everyone hates part 2, even the paid marketers
>the only thing even resembling a loli in part 2 is a nonplayable character that you still have to roll for if you want to stay out of agony
>all of this could've easily been avoided if h0/\/\0v3rs3 gave the people what they want (prime aged lolis)
really makes you think
ggz lolis look like THAT? Holy passion project...
>Coralie is not a loli because it doesn't help my unhinged shitposting pedo narrative
Extremely organic posting happening right now
Damn, these designs hit home hard. Reminds me of the glory days of this game.
>Coralie is not a hebe because it doesn't help my unhinged shitposting anti-loli narrative
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It's proof once and for all coomers are poorfags who can subsist off of mere titillation, like the lowly, primitive creatures they are. Selling out to them was always a huge mistake. Lolichads meanwhile spend money because it brings them closer to their precious lolis in the realm of ideas, and they're not averse to rewarding devs for throwing them a bone every now and then. Just look at Nahida's sales.
The mihoyo logo being removed from the game is the final sign that things are ending. All sovl has been lost
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And "Soul"!
The absolute fucking obsession. How does this subhuman semen slurper spamming multiple generals every day of the week with how he wants to molest little kids have the audacity to call others coomers?
I can see it
You should've posted the Chloe webm instead.
It should go without saying that it's even worse. Enjoying lolishit is one thing, but this spamming pedo faggot is one step away from an armed raiding of his local kindergarten to fulfill his obsessive depraved fantasy.
Just look at GGZ sales. The pedo paradise made by Dawei the loli lover. Surely it must be topping the charts every month, right?
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>Tfw, I was going to totally give up on SongQ and her set if I failed to get her within this launching week.

I wasn't going to spend money this patch and only had about 10k crystals saved up, and the game rewards me with this.

I might be able to save up crystals this time, bros...
That's so lucky. I think you should spend a little to celebrate and maybe get some FREE stuff in the spending event~
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Thanks. I'll probably just spend the next earnings into Serapeum, but I won't get my hopes up for that. I just want the event skin.
>9 samefagged replies
Holy fuck this shithead is cancer.
Good luck Bro. I still don't have my Chink stick...
>everyone who doesnt hate little girls like me is a samefagging cancerous cumslurping pedo
>they just happen to type exactly like me and use the same exact buzzwords at the same exact times
>and they only start spamming supporting pedo replies when I'm around but never when I fuck off
>it's all merely a big coincidence bwosssss
>pls believe me, an infamous schizo well known throughout multiple generals for being an insufferable shitposter
Cocksucking gaslighting cunt with severe delusions of grandeur.
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this fat slut uses a new weapon type right
Yeah, a Staff.
Why is (((xir))) so mentally ill anyways? Is it the Alzheimer he acquired from the old hags he so loves?
>Getting dementia from loving hags
KEKERINO!!!! My sides!
do we have vita savings?
>I'm totally not samefagging schizo-kun take u're meds :))))
>goes on to describe an incident which happened years ago in vivid and obsessive detail that only he would know of
Lmao and he pretends to be the mentally stable one here. The sooner this retarded pedo cunt commits a Chris-chan the better.
>Loli lovers: Youthful spirit, vigor
>H49P3D(-)S: Going senile
I'm saving my luck for Vita. That's why I had to go near pity in banners for the whole year. That must be the reason.
Wow, you just fucked up
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This is the part where he pretends to be someone who didn't know about it in order to post a smug samefag reply painting himself as an epic manipulator mastermind. Typical narcissistic schizo.
Why did Oxia send Sex Bots to aid Langqiu?
They have to repopulate it
but that's what dreamseeker is for
>Hagfag mommyfag with homosexual fantasies
This is what happens when your mommy doesn't give you enough love growing up.
Now show Thelema numbers.
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Feels great getting tons of stigs before getting the weapon near pity. Haha...
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Holy fuck lol the stupid faggot really is just talking to himself over and over. Wouldn't surprise me if the shit that didn't get wiped is because he's two-timing separate IPs from a PC and a phone.
HOLY KEKARONY hagblackies in shambles
Coralie whisper.
>Vill-V didn't flop! Look at Hagseo's numbers!
This is how you would sound, if we talked about Part 1 characters instead.
>/hig/'s loudest personalities are a pedophile and a faggot
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and Seele!
Coralie is neither cute nor funny
Serapeum though
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Tbh, after years of reading this board. I gotta agree that Seeleposting is the only healing power this place needs.

These guys were annoying at first, but now I admire them as unmoving paragons of wholesomeness...
Baking a cake with Lantern.
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S****schizos are as much of a broken record as THOSE guys.
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Lantern pits.
Baiji sounds different to me without the coughs.
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That's kind of you, anon.
Songques boyfriend
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Never change, Seleebros.
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Have you given my game a chance yet, /hig/?
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a dog?
>zoomerbrained autoswap sloppa
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Why did the Langqiu immigrants do it?
>he says this while being in a Honkai Impact 3 general
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That's the power of Seele.
>We did it Songque, we saved Mars!
Seele sucks
So is stage 2 going to be a world where Oxia is the one that got fucked over while another world got spared?
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>Songque patch
>Not Songque OP
If you wanted a loli on the OP you could at least use Serap
The schizos are currently fighting
You are confirmed retards if you think it won't be ANOTHER "it was all fake btw"
teripedo made the thread
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>turn on game for the first time in like 3 months
im sure i could manage to get her before the banner ends, is her gacha weapon mandatory or are the cope weapons atleast ok? im assuming it's mandatory
Playable Chenxue soon
>Part 2 sloppa
>Using a new weapon type
>Having a decent cope weapon
Normally I'd say no way, but the game is quite dead so even with the craftable weapon you'll probably live through Redlotus
Every single character in the game needs their weapon. No exceptions.
Remember when supports could use other obscure weapons and usually were better because of it? Stuff like Thunder Kikaku or Blood Dance. Now either you pay up or fuck off
Even with SP valks it's been a pretty stark difference for a long time
It was all Seele btw
both Helia and Akari use crossbows
>Stuff like Thunder Kikaku or Blood Dance.
Those weapons were THE supports.
boku wa bita
bros livin in 2020
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Kek, exactly my thoughts
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Robot pussy wasn't enough.
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I want to have sexual relations with this robot.
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mars has fallen...
New Theresa bridge lines.
She sure call you Captain a lot, the other part 2 characters don't call you Captain right?
Also one of her lines is about Mei going to get busy because Carole is going to enter school soon.
>we never see Thelema reaction of Songque being alive
Gay and lame
que calls you cap
What? Nooo...
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I’m going to ask Seele on a date
>Duonigga dies once to Gadget
>Dies again because he's a dog and ate candy
Langqui, Duonigga dies twice
Dognigger is still stealing.
This stupid dog unironically became one of the highlights of the arc. Everyone justifiably treating him like shit always got a laugh from me.
>as a reward you get an item to skip these parts of the game
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Wait, did sussanah always have different key prompts to trigger her ultimate pops on Keyboard and mouse?
I can swear last patch you just needed Q for every one
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You can switch it in her skill menu.
I fucking hate Seele
>any claymore characters were considered great support due to the fact they can use blood dance
Times sure have changed since then.
Seeletrannies are the most annoying part of this general.
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>Lighting QUA
DOA status?
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don't look
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She will make QUA great again!
Shilled for one patch and maybe the patch after then no quantum weathers until next quantum character.
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This looks like a job for Seele!
>Coping already
Hagpedoes on suicicde watch
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That's awesome, now I can finally SSS her.
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This is very Seele news. I have her weapon but not her
Yikes. If she's also gacha then she's going to be a skip. I'll try to bruteforce what I can or just stay in Agony or something. I don't even have one single roll since I'm still trying to get Sera (and I refuse to spend money on this anymore).
Turns out having a "better" gacha system while also having S-ranks every six weeks would bleed people dry and this patch was the last straw in my case.
Anon of course she is gacha. Everyone is gacha from now on. We already know she is, this isn't speculation or doomposting.
>Quantum super break
the gacha in this game has always been horrible compared to literally any other gacha game...I'm f2p but I always assumed that was part of the appeal?
for me, the bigger red flags are how badly translated this patch is, with some dialogue even still being in chinese, as well as all of part 2 updates being lower effort in general. For example, all new stigs have character exclusive effects or specific new weapon types mainly because they don't want to test/patch this equipment for other characters.
>literally any other gacha game
FGO has entered the lobby.
Is the game part pretty good in any other gacha game?
holy cute
I can't believe that "Seele" and Bronya are fucking dead.
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7.8 leaks
New divine key for HoFi + Stigmata that enable astral ring
>You only get one prism back if you salvage a fully upgraded stig
Hahaha, no way
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Watching streams of new teri and i'm extremely surprised hoyo resisted the urge to age her up or give her massive tits
Too bad Luna ruined her fanart forever though so its too late
Is Vita confirmed for 7.8?
>Sushang's gear in the 7.7 BP
Ehh, a little too late, but I'll take it
Gonna take me until 7.8 to grab her last stig then, if I'm still playing by that time...
Isn't "Sparkle" 7.8?
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They updated the post and added that the new S-Rank suit in 7.8 is called 机械 雷 (mechanical thunder?), but that doesn't really confirm whether it's Vita or not
+ there's a spending event with a Thelema skin and HoFi character card
Nyo, because of 7.7 Teri, she needs to be after Vita.
Saving 40k crystals until then for Kiana....
>people that 12/12 HoFi
Hahahahaha. Let's all laugh at the retards that said she was meta and must get all of the trio during her 1st banner
Seeing all the comments on 7.7 videos shitting on new Teri and part 2 in general really doesn't help the motivation to keep playing.
Why do you need other people to tell you what to do, bro?
If you like the game then just keep playing, it's that easy.
It's nearly 1.5 years since HoFi's release.
It's still a lot of crystals, anon. Crystals that sure would be useful during part 2.
In addition, we still don't know when a new IMG DPS is going to release.
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>Seeing all the comments on 7.7 videos shitting on new Teri
60 rolls isn't that much
This wouldn't happen if they simply aged her up and gave her big boobs.
>60 rolls for the trio
I can understand HoO since her suit was mostly given away, but you still needed to gear her. So how the hell did you get only 60 rolls for the trio?
Thought your post was in reference to the supposedly new HoFi gear, nvm
I mean, HoTr was worth gearing up regardless and is still seeing use in most elemental teams.
But that's more of a byproduct of no new elemental break valk since then. Part 2 valks has that shit built in and shows how outdated HoTr really is.
Are you skipping Songque so you can save for the 2026 CNY suit?
>Valk has seen consistent play for over a year
>Will continue to see play for the foreseeable future
>"This is a waste of crystals"
Why roll anyone at that point?
Given how useless the trio has been since their release, if people weren't hyping it up as the must have valks, I would have only gotten HoTr.
The trio, thanks to being type neutral, were one of the best teams available, especially for new players due to being able to brute force most content with just one team. It was easily one of the best investments you could make.
>new players
>at part 1 finale
People can start at anytime /higger/. Some people might have started in the lead up because the story was ending, like how some people don't get into a series until they know it's concluded. If you had less than a year in the game, the trio was easily one of the best investments a newer play could make.
Only HoTr is the good investment but I failed to see how HoO or HoTr can be used outside of a trio team since you spent all your cystals on the trio. You sure as hell aren't using them in their own weather with the other two as teammates.
HoO was free and I think she came with a stig box, so she was pretty low cost to finish out the trio but yeah she was pretty useless outside the Trio. HoTr is still the most universal support we have and is used in the majority of elemental teams still, so even if you had no crystals after pulling the trio, you would make use of her in the majority of banners after.
And again, the Trio due to being IMG was able to brute force the majority of weathers in the game with a single team, rather than building up 3 seperate elemental teams. Seeing as you should be getting HoTr anyway, and HoO was free, you were basically paying for 4/4 HoFi and 3/4 of HoO gear to have one of the most viable teams which could cover most content.
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Should have been a big tiddie girl with a big weapon.
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>shitting on new Teri
sour grapes because they thought she'd be farmable
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A little bird told me Kiana is back on the menu is this true
I will start playing again if so
Some leaker said she is getting a divine key anda new stig set to give her astral ring.
But you can't brute force most of the weather since HoFi is actually pretty mediocre outside of the trio team, HoO is nigh useless on her own and HoTr needs a team to support as her own 'dps' is a joke. So you need trio just for Kiana, HoTr needs a new team for every elemental weather she's support, and we don't talk about HoO. What majority of weather are they handling then?
She's basically god, so makes sense that she can just steal anything she thinks is neat.
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According to the dog all 3 are gods
According to one of the gods Seele is Seele.
My uncle works at mihoyo and said that the next s-rank is hag version of Seele with an enormous cow rudder
So are we getting Sparkle or not?
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Holy fuck, now i HAVE to do MA
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>"If Shido wants me, then I'll gladly give my everything to him. To become his lover, kiss him, have sex with him, marry him, give birth to as many babies as he wants, grow old together with him. But, even if Shido chooses someone other than me, I won't mind. If Shido thinks to marry Tobiichi-san, I'll bless him with all my heart. Of course, it also applies for other person as well. Even if Shido chooses Tohka-chan, Kotori-chan, Yoshino-chan or perhaps someone that I don't know. Of course, I don't mind if he doesn't choose to be with anyone, or even if he chooses everyone I'll support his wish. I'll do anything for Shido's happiness. If Shido wishes it, I'll grant any of his wish. I don't mind becoming his childhood friend, his lover, his wife, his younger sister, his older sister, his mother, his daughter, his superior, his subordinate, his enemy, his nemesis or even someone unrelated to him. As long as Shido is happy, I'm satisfied....Oh sorry, it seems I got too worked up by myself. But it is true that I don't mind whoever Shido chooses."
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What about all of those at once
It’s ok baby I will milk you so it won’t hurt
Will you get anything from collectors shop? I think I’ll get pardos weapon because she’s the cutest support
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post kianya
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The cucker of Elysia
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Kiana! Ikkimasu!
I really want to impregnate Kianya.
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>Assblasted pinktranny
What's the next file in your catalogue?
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>Posting an irrelevant plotdevice
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I do miss the simpler times.
If Starchasm Nyx would get a divine key it would be a rock, because Seele rocks.
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What does it say?
The good old days. We should have a private part 1 server
So what can the new PRI and Astral Ring stigma give that will make HoFi viable in part 2?
>part 2 flopped
>come back
Let her play in part 2 teams for one
Letting her use Astral Ring while Bronya and Mei are still on the team would be sick. Give her Wheel of Destiny so they can assist Kiana while she's on-field.
>My bedroom
so it was written
Automatically lower the sp cost of her ult. She can do the trio's joint attack without Bronya or Mei (it uses an astral copy of them in the animation).
Sena's passive works with her.
Increase her tdm by 50%.
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>768 with Que-Ligma-Cope wep Sena + DS
wonder how much higher it can go
>asleep during Kianner posting hour
is it too late for me to join the fun?
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>is it too late
mmmmmmm nyo!
Kiana is a dirty slut that sold her body for some cheap astral ring jewelry.
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Kianners' obscene armpits need to be glazed.
Kiana is pure and she'll do anything to be with Kanchou(you)
thought this was that meme for a second
>Songque weather is also Sena weather
One of the easiest abyss so far.
So which other part 1 characters deserves the astral ring upgrade like Kiana? Mei is out since her apho battlesuit isn't out yet and will probably get an astral ring by default. Bronya isn't a main character anymore so she doesn't get one either.
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200 apologems for what
all of them
Elysia only
Hua will probably get one at somepoint.
Wow, olympics on mars!
The only correct answer
How fast does nuTeri break shields comapred to other QUA?
>last weather had MPEs on Myriad
3 years and still works.
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remember to skip teri because she doesn't want to work
I will skip her because Songque drained my testicles. Also Seele already exists.
Only shows how dead the game is.
I'm skipping to save for VITA.
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Is Teri the first qua since Vill V? That's 2 years since the last one.
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>Kiana posting AFTER she's announced to be allowed in on the Anal Ring fun
At least the Seelefags posted and will continue to post Seele regardless of her getting the anal ring treatment, this just reeks of METAfagging
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I think that you might be reading a bit too much into it, bro, but it's understandable.
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Did someone say SEELE???
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For me it's the sleepeele.
Goodnight, bros.
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Seele's sleeping face photo album...
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Meta AI is bad.
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I like her design but I think the timing was terrible. I don't want a suit of Teri's dream version of herself or another AU version, I want to roll for real Teri. I'm guessing Teri fans feel like that too.
proofreaders gave up too
No such thing exists
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Hua, HoTr or Seele. Elysia if they feel too desperate and make Mei dream of her just like Teri is dreaming of herself. I still think FoV got the short end of the stick because of AR. Senti would probably get a new suit instead.
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Do chinese players even like this gigawanking?
Based lizard AI
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Honkai 3rd is back
Telling Chinese players their whaito gf is going on a date with baiji (male) (probably to a love hotel)
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songqway called him the n word
Senti died on her way back to the cocoon.
She is survived by her ten children
With me
Playable Dreameko soon
Senti couldn't feed 10 children with those mosquito bites of hers.
Fortunately Honkai 3rd is full of other breasts
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But they won't make milkies unless they're also impregnated. By me.
>blonde hair
Gal seele
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How would you all feel if Sena and Vita are going to be the Luna and Zhuge equivalent for Dreamseeker?
Blonde woman good
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That new QUA boss having 10 layers of shielding was a photoshop right?
Seeley B
No. It's real. They saw how every quantum suit after the OP S rank Seele was a massive flop and decided to double down. FakeTeri will be a flop too though, no one likes quantum. It's a death sentence.
Death Sentenceele!
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good enough
Thanks for remembering, Ai-chan.
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Happy birthday fag
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Bad luck this time
Very last 10 roll for Maria
Weapon was late too
Will have to swipe again for Sera
oh it might be possible that it's a new Raiden Mei battlesuit
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>Will have to swipe again for Sera
Anon you're not implying that's a problem, right?
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Too early. Mei had already switched to her apho design so if she's getting a new battlesuit, it has to be apho related. It could be a dreamworld Mei but her AU counterparts tends to be forgetable so I doubt that as well. Unless it's a codename for HSR Mei, it's probably another valk.
Same thing happened to me
No, but it is the more unfortunate outcome for me
who are we saving for?
Sena rerun
And anyone new desu
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Seele rocks.
Mechanical for Vita would make make because of the Quantum PC shit. I also think OG Vita aka Sa was originally an engineer, not a doctor like Su. Correct me if I'm wrong though, it's been ages since I played Part 1.5.
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Save for Vita
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Wow, Seele is so cool!
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Meta AI sucks, I'm going back to chatGPT
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Where the fuck is my battle damaged Lantern skin DA WEI???
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Paladin BP skin
Lantern's clothes should be completely torn off after fighting. Completely. Not a shred of fabric can be covering her skin.
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ChatGPT is better.
with PArt 2
But that's wrong though.
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Dumb AI. Seele hates fags.
>interpreted by fans
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Hi, Rita
Yeah, seems accurate.
Didn't say prostitute.
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AIchads, I kneel.
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What does it think about Raiden Mei?
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Sorry anon
She is a very good toilet.
>server reset
>new part of storyshit unlocks six hours later
>new patch
>event starts monday
No wonder the game is dead
Thoughts on 7.7 RTS sloppa?
All the minigames so far have been better than anything the main story vomited. i'm all in.
That nigger Stan is so lucky. Nice Teri (B)utt stigma.
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Or maybe she is just a toilet, suitable for disposable of waste.
Disposing of Kiana's waste...
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>kianafags are scatfags
Not surprised, she even looks like shit.
That plushie look like a whale to me more than Tuna
But you posted scat and a toilet
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They made AI based on Roza's butthole?
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This fat fuck's gameplay voicelines makes me want to slap her.
Fuck, I didn't know about the 5 Expa cards event. I need Focus cards instead.
>Leaker said Thelema's demon outfit is the 7.8 spending event reward
>Leaker said Hare's summer skin should be free
>New BP theme so a recolour outfit for an SP valk (or maybe Lantern ryona as its a low effort design)
>HoFi is old but apparently getting a DK so her dress could be bingo
>Songque as this year's "herrscher" should get a pyramid outfit
Delta said that Lili snored that Roza leaked again.
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This fat fuck's gameplay voicelines makes me want to plap her
I used the fat fuck on the paralyze stage
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Mihoyo would rather sponsor the olympics than spending it on their own games
>85 pity on songque
>40 pulls in on wep without getting it
It's over... for me...
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>Hi3 gets qol. It's over, eos soon
>HIi3 gets official artwork. commissioned, signs of a healthy game lol
You guys are just as retarded as /gig/
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no fucking shit, sherlock. It's the same fucking schizo retardos on /gig/.
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Lust provoking Kiana's
EOS(End of Seele) soon
But Seele is forever.
what's qol I only know qos
>>HIi3 gets official artwork. commissioned, signs of a healthy game lol
Maybe if the commissioned art is a miniscule amount of the total art being made lol. But that's not the case right now
>HIi3 gets official artwork. commissioned, signs of a healthy game lol
And the art stops when they are not shilling them. How many good quality pictures has Lantern gotten recently? One, two?
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Honkai Impact 3rd is back!
Maria saved the game.
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>*rebirths in your path*
Seele is eterneele!
?? Marisa?
whomst the fuck watches people play gacha
Shhhh bro you're not allowed to point that out because you'll get called a pedo samefag by the local schizo if you do
Just keep slurping the sloppa and pretending HI3 is the best game ever
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>Seele is indeed the cutest!
>New DK for HoFi
The absolutely only way they are adding a new DK is if it gives Kianners an Astral Ring. Honestly, it wouldn't surprise if it did.
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>Sirinposter is gone
>Griseofag is gone
>Sinposter is gone
>Seseren stopped making gifs for Honkai 3rd despite drawing lewd Bronyas since 2017
>Bungpa hasn't been active for a month
>Nirvanafags leaving for 三Z
>room 1 is barely alive these days
>even the game's slowly dying in China despite endless shilling
it feels sucks to see everyone's leaving. The thing that pisses me off the most is that you just know, Mihoyo won't do anything about it despite having the vast resources to do so. They still haven't added the touch system mechanic for everyone yet. The new devs stuck in this game really want to work on Mihoyo's more popular franchises, and it shows with how desperate they want to capture the same audience. This might come across as bait but I really do believe they (the newdevs) dislike the current playerbase in this game.
Imagine if a character could get high quality fanarts that isn't paid by Mihoyo. Part 1 characters could.
All the good and passionate devs wanted to add males. They all left after the CN rebuttal.
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More officially commissioned art coming right up
I want to lick Sera's whole body
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Even her... You know...?
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>Bungpa hasn't been active for a month
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Literally who?
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>adding males
>in a galgame
it was a fucking dumb idea then, it's still a dumb idea now. Literally nobody does this other than Mihoyo and it is still bizarre to me why the fuck they just outright refuse to learn. They could capture back those people if they try, but they'd rather let the game sink to obscurity or replace them with 2021 newheads rather than give oldheads with what they want. As what anon said earlier, Mihoyo, a multibillion dollar company, would rather spend on superfluous vanity projects like buying taxonomy-related research patents and funding the olympics than using that same money on their older games that made who they were as a company. It's such a frustrating thing to watch with the current state of the game right now despite them having all of the money in the world. They're not a publicly-traded company but they act like one. It makes me so upset and nothing will ever do anything about it.
Sera should be commissioned to sit on my face.
I'd griseo post more but hagseo doesn't get me hard.
It's Cognosphere now, chud.
>good devs
>adding males
The new devs that they have brought in since genshit WANT all of mihomo's games to die except for the mixed toilet shit. You have to understand, the woman at the company run they show and they absolutely hate male players. Just look at the latest genshit patch and it's NTR baiting. They learned nothing the first time they pulled it with el sombero and decided to go for round two.
>buying taxonomy-related research patents and funding the olympics
honestly better use of money than spending 50 billion marketing gacha
taxonomic research is the social studies equivalent of STEM research.
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Well, of course they didslike you Mr. Schizo, since you've been doomposting the game for the last 6 months minimum
it's still not gonna be much worse than throwing a small country's GDP into a casino with no reward
how much are you getting paid for this? I'd like to take your job intern-kun
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Songque love!
I like her voice because of how natural it is. She doesn't really sound like an anime character, just like a normal, kind woman
>Voiced by a literal who instead of popular VA like HanaKana
Why are they like this
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Nao Touyama fits better for Songque.
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Would you rather have a VA that fits the character or the one that's popular?
>Honkai Impact mentioned
>Using the nu-miHoYo logo
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>Screenshot 2024-07-27 at 11-48-19 The New Hololive VTubers Experience The Crazed Gremlin & The British Singer - YouTube.png
>Kiana's fat fucking tuna ass
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I thought "Seele" is crying and Seele is just smug about it.
Slow down on the junk food kianners
Martian Himeko leak?!?!?
I will invest deeply if so
Shut up parrot.
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The implication is that Maria is the Mother of the King.
>Not listing her 18+ VN roles.
tunas tunas
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I guess this dev is gone now...
Yes, and I have killed him
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