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english decoy edition

Previous Thread: >>487427694

2D Hentai games (Hentai RPG, Violated Heroine, H-Action Games) General /hgg2d/ former /vhg/




>/hgg2d/ Game Archive - IPFS Edition



>Nifty translation tool by Anon:

>RJ Gallery SCRIPT

VH FAQ/Links

>Fetish discussion outside of the context of video games:>>>/h/
>Visual novels:>>>/vg/vn/ or >>>/vg/vng/
>Non-Japanese games:>>>/aco/weg/ or >>>/aco/weg2d/
>3D games:>>>/h/hgg/

Please wait for page 10 before making a new thread.
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>Daedroth picked up the translation
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I claim this thread in the name of Venus Blood bros.


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>such a thing
waiting for ai to replace itself
oh shit this got translated?
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>lovey dovey life with succubus
>says she cant get pregnant
>ending condition: get her pregnant
uhh that the actual name?
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TSbros when's our time finally coming?
I think he's talking about the OP game of the last thread.
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Sometimes I deeply regret having made mods for koikatsu.
The internet should have never been spread past civilized countries.
>not with that attitude!
What happened to all the screeching a few days ago about fan translations dropping in quality? Now we actually want it done quick and dirty?
Why is everything on dlsite selling like shit nowadays? Even decent products are having trouble breaking 1k.
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from the thumbnail it looked like she's making one of these faces
Vanillabros, we are eating good!
I'm not sure what you mean. 40 games released this month broke 1k and 10 of those 40 broke 10k.
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Seems normal to me but maybe there's been a decline due to the credit card issues. Most doujin games on dlsite sell like shit relatively speaking.
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>gets pregnant
>belly hasn't grown at all even after 9 months had passed
What the fuck?
She ate the baby.
most of them are kinda shit
It's just a prank bro.
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>tits get bigger
>they go back to normal after she gives birth
>Gets fanTL
FUCK mtl plan
Surprise surprise, it's a kusoge.
blogfag plays nothing but shit
RJ398173 comes out next week.
Anyone played it?
Was it good?
I forgot all about it. It was mediocre at best. Did anybody here even particularly like it?
this guy claimed like 20 games to translate and doesnt finish any
The top sellers list barely changes from week to week nowadays.
Yes, ラブラブサキュバスらいふ
did you not play Newona?
He actually does translate games again nowadays, he just took a break for a long while. He released the translation for Rinko’s game a little while ago.
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I only play lolige!
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what game?
Ge where loving and consensual reproduction with adult women?
Dazed is fine
I wish the green tranny stopped posting though
oyako rankan
/h/hgg does not exist so where am I supposed to talk about Ricca?
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I've been watching this anime and it gives me RJ333182 vibes.
fairy onahole
>base text is MTL
>edited by someone that doesn't speak english
This game is fucked. I still remember the intro to Kei's game where a character is literally named "Blueberry" and it somehow came out as something else.
hgg is on eight chan
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Here since Ricca is 2D
>played the NTRPG3 demo
>not a single scene
>still soulful as fuck
anons... what do I do with this hole in my heart...
Yes he does, it just tends to take a while.
Maybe I'm a slowpoke but the neverever RJ01153640 is actually out. Also RJ01221390 was bretty good. Very short but had some excellent dot art. Would recommend desu.
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>MFW it's an another game that doesn't let you save anywhere

why they so tiny
This looks like an even more soulless RJ01007737, perfect for dazing
It did? Where?
review doko
ge ge ge
It's on fucking steam apparently.
Wait this is a male MC ACT?
*pumps your womb full of ges*
no refunds!
Probably because MC is a magiclet or something.
milf x younger guy(not gyaruoh) ge doko?
Small pp male MC ACT with small pixel and big pixel animations as well as still CG scenes.
The gameplay is a joke but the animations, voice acting and character designs are great.
Download link doko
Need more reverse rape games.
No, it's vanilla.
is the untranslated version up for download anywhere?
Holy shit pixelCHADS it might be time.
Downloading right now.
Yeah it's on dlsite
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Fake-Rabi Friday is here. How are you anons celebrating?

blobjob me and reupload it to a decent site now
Get cucked idiot!
Who is the resident trap in the new one?
Why? You're just gonna name yourself Anon anyway
Do people actually do this or is it just for screenshot memes?
At least one guy did and I made fun of him a few to half a dozen threads back. He even posted more than one screenshot.
>he gets horny whenever "Anon" is used outside of hgames
Conditioning himself.
>blank slate self insert haremge
>anglo setting/MC
>Japanese setting/MC

Simple as.
we only use our real names in NTR games here
You know, I was going to make fun of that, but I can't decide if that's more or less pathetic than using your real name. Or your gamer name or whatever people do.

Actually yeah now that I think about it, being able to name yourself is gigacringe. I always go with the default name.
I remember putting Anon for some NTRgame.
There was a line that said "Anon did you come prematurely again?"
I got hard.
any vorege for the same vorege feel as Vorege?
i name all my mcs regardless of role anon so i can imagine (You) having sex


the OST was super relaxing and I was pleasantly amused by some of the scenarios, particularly the Ace Attorney parody scene. It's overall wholesome and I had to shoutout the developer directly for a good job.
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It really is.
imagine naming the mc Karl James
I used to always name my characters Gladatorius. Now that I know Japanese I go with グラダトリアス though.
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Bunny boy named Tokuhaku.
>fat thumb rubs over his entire face
Has there ever been a literally me/create your own MC FeMC game?
shat myself to this for the past 5 minutes, holy fuck you're a faggot
If I'm interpreting that goofy sentence correctly: RJ194013
Does he eat his own shit like a bunny too?
>can choose her virginity status at the start
>can track it in hstats screen
99% sure it's virginrunnable
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I want a fumika figure/figma
You're clearly horny for Techsuit Mona. You were gonna play it regardless.
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>Summer Clover keeps getting version updates
is this some kind of buggy piece of mess or is the dev a piece of shit that is dripfeeding content into his game?
>can track it in hstats screen

desu thats bot a guarantee for other games
>can choose her virginity status at the start
>can track it in hstats screen
Do the H scenes have defloration-specific text and is it like just one line of text?
>not a single fridayfag has mentioned this recent release
confirmed not wanting to discuss games!
for shame!
Wow that orphanage game is pure slop.
I figured that people would parse it that way after posting, but I meant your usual Town Bike Simulator/Do a virgin run kind of FeMC game.
I wish it was. Played that Goma Ayakaze game recently, and the only sex stat it tracks is "First time with: x."
The game even has a system for watching another girl get raped as you play as the other one, but none of that adds stats to a sheet at all.
well, the initial choice kinda is - why would you suddenly appeal to cucks with forced virginity loss if you've already let them pick the used goods option?
haven't played it properly yet, just quickly booted up to help that anon
why is his cock so big
The worst is when the h-stats track incorrectly so you have to make your own spreadsheet.
*rapes you*
next question
More like just continuous bug fixes. It's not super buggy and i havent ntoiced anything major/minor so far
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>certain events are bugged and can reset your stat sheet to 0
>What does /hgg2d/ feel about virgin runs in virgin FeMC games?
traps shouldn't have cocks like that
can't even pretend it's a girl
If you're going to make a point of saying MC is a virgin and give her sex stats that state she's a virgin, then a full run should be possible.

Otherwise, get that nonsense out of here. Make her a turbo-slut like Fumika if you have to, but don't let me play for like two hours before it's like "Oh yeah, fuck you."
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wait till you see how traps look naked lol
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Interesting cultural bit so far: all of the "I don't care about the virginity of the FeMC nor about virgin runs" answers so far are by Americans while Asians seem to care much more about virginity.
>No virgin slut run option
USA is the land of the free muh independence
ip farming poll ohnyoh~
Why would you farm pee?
>No virgin slut run option
Guess I meant virgin run as just vaginal virginity, so it still falls under that.
Not sure whether other anons consider their virgin run to be lost if the FMC gets a dick shoved into her mouth but keeps her hymen intact.
>Asians seem to care much more about virginity.
SEAniggers with the worst takes as expected
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Mutts are into 30 years old hags, not surprising
>building bombs from gamer girl pee I buy online
>government just thinks I'm a degenerate
It's too shrimple
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I have played RJ386658. Enough to get some credits and all scenes unlocked anyways, since there's a whole bunch I didn't bother with. It's okay I guess.
The main issue with the gameplay is that the random maps aren't that balanced and that the meta upgrades are too expensive. There's a big difference on how much loot you can get depending on the random map rolls, and since the number of maps you get to visit is limited by grinding out meta upgrades it mostly feels bad to get multiple in a row that don't give you any stat ups. Chests as well are very random and even when you use the proper key vary between giving multiple stat ups or a bunch of literally useless garbage and maybe a little bit of gold. It does seem like you generally out scale the game's scaling system so I understand why the map count is limited but the solution being to grind out a bunch of runs to upgrade it isn't fun. Especially since a lot of the collectable treasure rooms requires an absurd amount of resources to get. I didn't bother trying the other classes but I believe merchant eventually makes npcs pay you to take their items. Seems like it would still be too much of a grind even then but maybe it makes more than enough gold.
The H is nice, just GoR but it's animated and voice acted despite it being mostly moans. The gallery is very annoying to unlock though since it's an expensive meta upgrade to even open up and then you still need to have lost a run to each enemy to see their scene. Some enemies are pretty rare or only show up at the end of an end game mini dungeon area but lucky once you beat the demon king you unlock a bonus floor that has every enemy with a scene in it. Still the bonus floor is accessed from floor 20 so it still took me 3 hours of speeding though runs to grab all the missing scenes.
Overall I give it a 3/5 it's okay but I'm starting to get fatigued by how long it is.
>the filename
>no sauce
>gets mad
>algo gets mad
anon cmon
I got got anon, it's only fair I admit it so the baiter in question gets that little rush of joy.
Ayura crisis released on steam?
any good games in the last 2 months? Home repairs had me crashing at a relative's couch for that long. Since I couldn't use my PC I avoided /hgg2d/
>Since I couldn't use my PC I avoided /hgg2d/
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baba is fum
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Sasuga United States of Single moms
Genuinely curious.
I would say "mostly female" but that's not an option, so I picked only female.
I basically only play male mc games when it's a solo love interest kinda game.
I play games people here say are good and then act outraged when I discover the games are not good
what game?
Did they add farm girl scenes to this or is just an English translation ?
Any good traps lately bros ?
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>big titty heroines everywhere
Where the fuck are all the loli games?
Like >>487663794 said.
I prefer female protagonist but a male protagonist won't stop me from playing a game that gets praised a lot.
>What does /hgg2d/ feel about virgin runs in virgin FeMC games?
wtf is the point? are you going to make a ge?
*sigh* game?
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Sorry bros no more hollow shit-posts for this ge fucking sucks ass. The movement speed is insanely bad, I can not describe you'd have to see for yourself. It has poor quality voices, but no sounds for any sex at all.
>I play virgin FeMC games only if they have unavoidable virginity loss
>0 votes
Stupid choice, no one fucking prefers this.
Missing the "only FemMC unless it's NTR" option.
If MC doesn't know about the NTR it's not NTR
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It'd be more of Pure Virgin or Virgin Slut run. Pure Virgin run implies keeping all the sexual stats as low as possible, especially with games that have forced sexual harassment scenes, as well as otherwise having nothing else done to them (no oral or anal either). In that sense, Pure Virgin runs are very simple to define.

Virgin Slut can be interpreted in a few ways - kind of like Pure Virgin, except with a lot of sexual experience (so retains oral, vaginal and anal virginity but is a 'foreplay master'), or just simply more of 'so long as vaginal virginity is retained'. Though in most h-games, even /weg/ ones, a 'virgin' is pretty much defined as 'retained vaginal virginity'. In this case, what a 'Virgin Slut' is is actually more defined by the player themselves in terms of 'how far are they willing to go', so has a more varied response.
It won't be out for a while but the dev posts updates here
I don't get the appeal of sluts
I don't get the appeal of virgins.
I don't get the appeal of black bars
I don't get the appeal of black people
Exclusivity, greater odds of the child being yours and they are less likely to cheat.
I don't get the appeal of smart femcs
Surely bestiality has some appeal to you?
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A good dicking is the only knowledge smart women lack.
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>My tomboy childhood friend is standing next to another man

reeee it's oveerrrr she must have a hundred sex counts by now computer activate xray vision
Would you want an IRL H status screen superpower? I don't see its appeal IRL outside of being a groomer or rapist. Even worse if you can't "turn it off".
She does, but it's from her dad and the oji-sans he sells her to.
I would be okay with the very basic "orgasm counter over head" type power, but full sex stats that I can't disable for everybody is a no-go
Actually no, I'd probably be interested in stuff like "first sexual partner" as trivia with possible "oh shit" moments. Not sure if I'd appreciate seeing the blowjob counter of the hot girl at work change over lunch.
Also innocence and growth potential.
Cuck mentality.
>Find out hot chick does lewd things during lunch
>Find out where she does it
>Set up hidden camera
>Blackmail route unlocked
I don't see the harm. Knowing won't change the reality, but it also dispels uncertainty. I don't care enough to "want" it either, though.
>Set up hidden camera
>Blackmail route unlocked
Have fun in jail anon
>Go to jail
>Find that the warden does lewd things with the prisoners
>Find out where he does it
>Set up a hidden camera
>Blackmail route unlocked
>wasting time blackmailing used goods
>not blackmailing the local cuck's childhood friend and little sister instead
Not gonna make it....
wow, 2-3 years of waiting then it is
have fun getting beat with a rod and tased
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Any games where the blackmail doesn't work at least once?
Is there any other link to the TL patch for Violated Princess? The one in the bin is gone
God I need more OLge. It's just hardly a thing with hgame.
there are a couple where the blackmailer fucks up by going the normal route with the "I got your pics with your boyfriend kissing, its over for you!" but later finds out the woman was actually doing some real fucking illegal shit later and then successfully blackmails them, but I'm drawing a blank on the names
It's a /weg/, but is there a game that is quite like Degree of Lewdity? Pretty much a sandbox-y 'suffering simulator'; especially the sandbox part.
Ryuka after releasing on Aug 23.
Sadly the only place to get more of that stuff is from other wegs. If the genre exists in Japan, I certainly haven't seen it translated.
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Coming in a week
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>Interesting cultural bit so far: all of the "I don't care about the virginity of the FeMC nor about virgin runs" answers so far are by Americans while Asians seem to care much more about virginity.
I know I said this earlier, but
>United States of America 15 (40.54%)
>I play virgin FeMC games only if they have unavoidable virginity loss
0 (0.00%)
>I prefer being able to do a virgin run, but it's fine if it's not possible
8 (53.33%)
>I don't play virgin FeMC games that have unavoidable virginity loss
2 (13.33%)
>I care about the virginity of the FeMC, but I don't care about virgin runs
1 (6.67%)
>I don't care about the virginity of the FeMC nor about virgin runs
4 (26.67%)
It looks like the virgin non-enjoyers are the minority even among the Americans.
>It'd be more of Pure Virgin or Virgin Slut run
As in looks like the majority of /hgg2d/ cares about virgins and (to a lesser extent) virgin runs, it might be worth asking about this next.
That would be incredible as long as there's some old age cutoff
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In virgin games I always try to make her as lewd as possible without losing virginity.
The best group for this was definitely KISS.
The sheer amount of differentiating scenes due to low, high, slut, if anal if pure pure virgin was astounding in xxKanojo2 & MML having the girl with like 60 different scenes that can include virgin loss was pretty good.
Where does this pick up from the prev game?
Give me a good 2d Kiss game. Custom Reido V kinda sucked.
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You starts with her womb already filled with cum
These games are weird. Decent story, characters and so on, but the h is forgettable and not worth keeping. Play once for the gameplay/story then delete.
I don't prefer unavoidable virginity loss either but sometimes it is beneficial to the writing and flow of the game. Usually it is badly executed in games though.
Did you only played false myth?
Custom Reido V, and 1-3, and F are the typical sell the sluts you build game
Try 4 if you want to just build up a slut and play tower defense minigame where your girl can choose classes based on how you sex her. Theres even a super class for making her a virginslut

Make Me Lover Darkness has you build relations with your custom girl + a bunch of heroines in a town defense/city buildergame.
Theres 2 'dark' themes to it with the game splintering off to a dude called Kuro training your girl if you lose midway through the game (You still choose the options for what scenes show) and can rescue her, then theres an entire Darkness dlc route where you play as the baddies.

xxKanojo is a modern day "date a custom girl" game. Where you add stores & locations in a city then get scenes at the locations you choose in between "love training" after school..
A bunch of buildings lead to netorase scenes if you click em, like going to a theatre then letting someone else bang her.
>unavoidable virginity loss
>benefici to the writing and flow of the game
Same here anon. My context is VNs, but unavoidable virginity loss usually leads to better narratives and can be fleshed out even more.
You have examples of hgg2g games that execute this well? I've seen anons shill Pick games, but I'm not into lolis.
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What games have memorable h for you then?
I wish he did oji-san MCs again. I guess twinks and shotas are just more popular.
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/reg/s with this feel?
The most recently TL'd Pick game is not loli focused.
FOTM anime gtfo
Princess Project is going to get delisted soon.

Maybe the dev got spooked by PriConne lawyers?
KMR doesn't care about Pricunt, not when Konami is suing their ass.
I already play eraMegaten, but that is more RPG than sandbox-y. And in eraMegaten's case, the 'suffering simulator' part is more of if you actually train characters to Slavery by whipping them a few times or shoving a few needles in while ramming their butt, until they give in. It's certainly not a 'suffering simulator' centred around the MC (because those would be the Bad Ends)

Yeah, but even then it's hard to find one among the /weg/s that actually appeal to me. While DoL is mostly human with a bunch of beastiality (if you leave 'monster' encounters as 'monsters only' or default, anyway; I always go 'always monster boy/girls') and some vore and tentacles (if enabled), it's at a tolerable level to me. Most other /weg/s of the same kind (text-based) has a strange fixation on horsecocks or spindly wolfcocks for some reason, which is just a big no to me. Or else they're designed around the player getting banged or doing the banging all the time. Probably the only other one I'm able to tolerate is Lilith's Throne, especially if I disable the whole 'taurs stuff and tone down the furry-ness of everything.
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please advice more games like this
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Is it kino?
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Any games like this?
Your inability to read is "kino".
Poluluka was the opposite for me
you can fuck filian? Pogchamp in the chat
When did 'kino" start getting used unironically?
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why would it be that? these two characters are clearly distinct, unless you think cygames has the concept of princess knight copyrighted
We need a telepathge
Devs should start making ge in Braille
Ricca is probably the best FeMC example, but it can also be countered with Lilitales, Akakubi Arena, or Pray Game. Unavoidable loss gives the story less it has to work with so it can be more focused (i.e. fleshed out easier) but it objectively limits possibilities, as everything it's used for can technically be done without the unavoidable part. Either approach can contribute to eucatastrophe in its own way. Why are you asking for examples that affirm your hypothesis instead of the reverse? You'd think that you'd already know of good examples if you feel that way, and it's intellectually negligent not to challenge.
I only learned halfway into the game that you could equip items in battle in Lilitales

Pissed me off so much that I restarted the whole game to keep her pure
Fran's game.
Fran's game is shit.
No it's not.
Not shit but it's not as good as Fran's game.
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>Still one of the better h-rpg game on the market with decent combat, good art, good CG qualtity, likeable femc design, and a satisfying ending
I've never played it all this time because her boobs look weird.
Lilitales was great. I haven't played RJ363824, RJ140344, and RJ266116, but isn't Alcy a nonvirgin?
>Why are you asking for examples that affirm your hypothesis instead of the reverse? You'd think that you'd already know of good examples if you feel that way, and it's intellectually negligent not to challenge.
Not really sure if I understood your point, but I just wanted to have a good fap with something having unavoidable virginity loss, nothing more than that.

Isn't Fran a loli?
>Isn't Fran a loli?
No, she's a midget.
Is the dev even aware of the MTL shit?
Will the dev return?
Alcy is a virgin. If she got deflowered forcibly before reaching three hearts she'll hole up in her room for 3 days before getting over it.
No. Dev is a two men team, and the artist died.
I don't think the ending was satisfying
Doesnt it just end with her going back to the village and beating some literal who chick?
>Alcy is a virgin.
Thanks for confirming. I shouldn't have believed the other anons before.

I'm retarded and couldn't differentiate between them, but I'll try her game and hope I'd fine her appealing enough.
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She's a natural born slut (seriously it's a plot point) but she does start a virgin.
This good? It's been on my backlog for some time now.
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try it and let us know, anon.
Obviously CoC/TiTS are their own shitshows as a whole but there's a squid girl enemy near the very start of TiTS on some rite of passage hunt where if she mounts you and you're a virgin it triggers an extra flavor line just after the penetration action text "It's a first time for both of you." and that one line always made my dick diamonds, need more virgin/virgin MaleMC femdom. I would be interested in how /hgg2d/ feels about virgin runs in male MC games but there might not be enough non-N/A answers, as it looks like male MC players are even more of a minority than I realised, assuming the "plays both" people still have preferences trending along the same ratio as the only male/only female votes.
Hello, retard? This is the Japanese games thread. Fuck off.
>Trials in Tainted Space
>Corruption of Champions
Anonbro, you can't just use acronyms for games that aren't and shouldn't be discussed here.
>I would be interested in how /hgg2d/ feels about virgin runs in male MC games
I think male MC virgin runs (if there are any) make sense only for submissive male MCs and maybe reverse rape, both of which I am not a fan of. If anything, I want to be the one doing the raping.
>"It's a first time for both of you." and that one line always made my dick diamonds,
Switching their sexes would get my dick diamonds.
TiTS? Trails in the Sky? Joshua? Estelle?
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SEX with Alcy everyday
I hard Rean can cuck the previous MCs in the Trails series. Is this true?
the most heretical thing about princess project's peco is her sword, it's awful
peco also appears in Reaper's Club as an NPC named Tiona if I remember correctly, personality and speech pattern almost exactly the same
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The Reandown
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Long black hair supremacy
interspecies impregnation ge?
they fucking censored and ruined the outfit for that angel....
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Anyone who does prefer non-virgins over virgins is a faggot. Virgin slut game recommendations please
I wonder how AI would sound making sex sounds
oral and anal doesn't count, girl is a virgin as long as the vaginal is untouched
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fuck you
You'll merely feed it
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What translation is this using?
Noticed Dazed's 404'd.
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Any games where the girl sucks 37 or more dicks in a row without penetration? Gangbang marathons usually involve penetration.
I love how you just gotta mention your f95 diety in your post like a fucking vegan and his green diet.
Ugh. a noble girl interested in homosexual sex? gross!
Merely referenced the patch as it's listed in the bin, no idea who the guy who made it is otherwise.
Personally I'm using Mtool though it doesn't translate UI elements.
in a row guy was fucking perfect
My bad. On topic, I'm not a huge fan of the way a lot of games do this with male sub protagonists where they go the Monster Girl Quest route of "canon virgin route, GoR that's always non-canon and forces a reset". Castle of Temptation has a nice system I think, where virgin runs lead to different dialogue if you're into that, but still leads to a lot of cheap-feeling reloading. Best solution is an analogue of the >>487680275 type of thing with lewdness/outercourse comprising a lot of the content, but it depends a lot on the genre. Obviously dominant MC games have a much easier time with the saving/reloading cheapness issue and virgin MC also no longer makes sense unless it's some romance non-harem VN thing
His github account got nuked. Not sure if he's migrated the VP patch to gitgud yet.
any stockholm cohab ge?
>zasednigger got banned from github
Good riddance, I hope he didn't have any backups of his repos and he stays dead
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Kurasuke makes some pretty maps. I'm honestly surprised that he's a one man outfit given the games he makes
After which your imaginary dedicated Japanese-knowing (there's a lot of them, right?) fan-translators with a lot of unused spare time would pick and translate (not) your fav ges?
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Holy shit, Tiina sequel soon.
I don't even fap to the porn, I just play for the virgin runs. I'm just that obsessed.
>game is in Chinese
>no language option in settings or title screen
I have been tricked
MTL isn't translation, the loss of that faggot is a net benefit
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DL'd from egggames? I got tricked too
It exists though
>Plays porn game
>Skips porn
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>high school drop out
>20 years old
whoa... almost like me...
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Tradition here is to do a virgin run first, then a slut run after.
That's why I challenge myself with virgin slut runs.
Yeah. Different download or did you get yours somewhere else?
I do slut/evil first nowadays
Serena never consciously submit to anyone THOUGH
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No that's from the steam page, I'm sitting here with the chink version as well
is the gameplayge good?
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Amane no!
canela's gonna have to pull a tooth or eyeball at this rate
I'm just gonna wait for an english version on Favela 95
Name your game please
One of the few cohab games I genuinely enjoyed. Wish it had more content though.
I only do that because I want to organically see the defloration scenes. I view the scenes, reload and then continue my virgin run.
>Boot up the game
>Background story looks like Taimanin bootleg
How is this game? Is the H any good?
I really hate seeing pokies in non-slutty situations such as this.
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anyone played RJ01226043?
dunno if I'm making something wrong but I've done 3 weeks in-game and the protagonist never gets bolder with the harassing so nearly all the options are still a no-no
is it a huge slow burn game?
Taimanin is such a wasted series.
They could be making
>brothel management sim
>FemC corruption RPG
>maleMC NTR scene hunter
>battlefuck SRPG
Instead we have shitty VNs and worthless mobile shit
Separate "ge" truly is a newfag thing.
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What did sharkdev meant by this
still not playing with the shota mc.
He wants the xeeter audience
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I think I've seen this town before...
she so sex..
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sex is cancelled please go home
Good. As >>487706324 said, Taimain is completely wasted potential.
The designs are good and the setting is interesting, but the scene writing and the """gameplay""" ruin it. It's a franchise that would unironically be better as fan-games than the official ones. But it gets no fan-games, since it's already porn.
Does namako8982 have any plans for a new game after Glory & Miserable Survivors DX? Despite him being so terrible at making hgames, his art is really god-tier.
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Joke's on you. She brought Sex 2.
>But it gets no fan-games, since it's already porn.
There were some taimanin fan games on DLsite.
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I can't tell are these paid map pack or he just copy the layout from other game
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His Reisen game was his latest project, he's making a big boobie Remilia game now
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Any games where the males brag about fucking the fem MC on social media? Don't say the one from Tiina dev.
Oh hey it's the isekai pink elf's neighborhood.
RJ01093209 and Ryuka both have some "ingame twitter" thingy
why does this matter to you, autist?
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>boobie Remilia
Yeah, no.
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Yeah, but there's so few, that hyperbole applies.
Still waiting on that Moral Sword Asagi clone.
Guy needs to make another game, with more porn this time
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why did it have to be a fucking futanari game?
Never thought he would actually release it this year, was expecting another cuck out.
You mean Scars of Summer? I specifically told you not to say that game . I'll forgive you since you posted the other one.
Is there a ci-en for this?
I remember that being a fucking drag to "play"
RJ01099098 has local school imageboard and twitter discussions of femc
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>This 19 CG garbage game is sitting at 24k sales
Time to finally play this and get it out of my backlog.
Is this good? The AA2-looking models are a turn-off.
Oh man this is crazy. I just got done finishing an LN that reads 1 to 1 like a fucking HRPG corruptionge. It made me desperately want a feMC corruption game in a cyberpunk setting about a big tiddy chick.

And lo and behold RJ01153640 drops on my lap. It almost reminds me of ninjinpasta's new game but way better. The only weird part is that they use different artists for certain parts of the game so sometimes it gets a bit jarring when the style shifts.
>LN that reads 1 to 1 like a fucking HRPG corruptionge
And which ge has yonchan?
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Well the images look nice but I can't read moon
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Well I fucking hated it.
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There are way too many games to play...
>heroine gets captured
>the villains have all the opportunity to fuck and deflower ger
>all the dude does is rub his dick on her pussy and poke its entrance with his dick no deflaration

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Why are there so few games that do "netorare if you lose, netori if you win"? It's such a compelling reason to actually do your best playing the game instead of mindless RPGMEnter.

Like, imagine EncodeEncore but with a more challenging gameplay loop that demands decision making and strategy. It'd be a race to win Nenena's heart.
>You fuck up the AP/money/lust balancing?
The game becomes netorare (well, the bull is already her boyfriend but you know what I mean). She remains unimpressed with your sexual performance and you regularly get events in which you get cucked/dommed/whatever.
>You actually manage to come out the winner?
She gets fully netori'd by yourself, essentially just what EE already has.

Remove manual saves and it would make the game a lot more interesting. Decisions would start to matter, and you'd actually have an emotional stake in playing well. Even in brutal hgames like Karryn's Prison it's in your best interest to job because more player failure -> more fun scenes like GOR etc. But imagine if you really hate netorare but you really love netori. Sure, NTRfags will just job and get their kick out of the game, but if you're a staunch netorifag then that premise would really invest you into the game. When you're winning the girl over, you actually FEEL like Chad Thundercock because you out-smarted the game etc.

any games for this feel?
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Eops still gonna come and bitch about no games
There's too little good games to play...
Any games featuring time travel?
Wake up bros.

New game from the MECHANIGGA dev just came out.
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Contribute to eraMegaten.
I think I read it from a spoiler of Fire Emblem but not really sure about it
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There's no sexual contents tag on the store page. I think it's going to be just a horror VN.
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>cohab ge
>get girl pregnant
>belly never grows
Shit like this should warrant the death penalty for all devs.
I think if you lose to the first boss in Celesphonia the scene has everything short of penetration. Actually kinda neat idea on sharkdev's part to make virginity loss not possible until after the first dungeon to ensure the player has a grasp on the game (especially on higher difficulties).
>Remove manual saves
shit idea
ambrosia, you can turn femc into a gigaslut while still being a virgin.
>Villain does not deflower her
People would stop looking forward to the next volume if he did
>cohab ge
>get girl pregnant
>immediate bad end
i hate the black & white imouto ge
fucking dropped
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Lust and combat system looks like Celesphonia (or other sharkdev game)
I might consider buying it
Are peopel not excited for Ryouka's game?

It's probably gonna win dlsite GOTY.
I doubt it's going to be something revolutionary when it's just going to be more of the same.
This slut is pure sex.
It's like if the Lost Chapter girl was combined with Mona.
>I think if you lose to the first boss in Celesphonia
You mean the tentacleshit? This ain't it. I'm looking for games with a lot off blowjobs.
There a MTL already or we gotta wait 3 years for manuals?
What's the biggest indicator that game is going to be shit? For me, it's when there are no images of the gameplay in screenshots.
Its literally just more of the same shit
Only difference is that it has animations now

If anything this >>487713136 will probably win
gonna wait 3 years because dazedtroon are afraid to piss of translator that apparently got 20 other games WIP
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Doesn't look like this is a slow-burn corruption game. She becomes a huge SLUT once you go from 1 to 2. And the max is 3. She's hot, though.
honestly wished he just goes fuck it and TLs it under a different name.
I try to have the girl behave realistically, but if it happens, it happens.
That's all I can think of off the top of my head. She does blow the tentacles, at least.
Manual saves is the single worst feature of most RPGMs. It invalidates the entire genre of corruptionges for example. Corruption has to matter, it can't just be some shit you undo with a reload. If you encounter an H ambush on the road on the way to a town, you should become as scared as your feMC heroine becomes because your fuckup carries meaningful consequences for the entire game. That gives the game WEIGHT. With manual saves, you're completely disconnected from her anguish because you know you can just quickload to safety and avoid the H event with your 4th wall precognition. This is the same shit that ruins most RPGs too, but it's the most destructive to hgames.

Lost Life is the most recent game I've (re)played that made me realize how great a game becomes when you can't save. If you get Potato angry, that impact fucking hurts (especially if your heart starts to crack) as it carries over to the next day and realize you're back where you're started. Imagine now if you could just quickload to the beginning of the previous day. All of the emotional momentum is instantly lost.
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Meh. I already played Karryn's Prison on hard.
check his twitter
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Any humiliation ge recs?
Naked dogeza and the thing where the chick is nude with their clothes arranged neatly around them is godtier stuff
>Ryouka afterstory
If you wanted to remove manual saves, you would have to build the game around it, and most devs wouldn't know how to do that.
yes yes you have a huge cock and superior intellect, I get it. It's still a very hard hgame relative to other hgames.
go back to /fsg/

That just sounds fucking insufferable
>best fucking art in the whole scene
>insect porn
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Hakika brings catgirl sexo
Just control yourself and don't reload then
I have played like 0 souls games because the genre is not appealing to me and I'm bad at them. Look, I don't want a 2hard4u game, it can actually be a babby cghunterge for all I care. I just want an hgame RPG where choices actually matter
elaborate why
"Given the opportunity, players will optimize the fun out of a game"
we killed fag95 again
I'm still wondering to this day why there's a pubes option even though there's no visible pubes to toggle
too fat
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gameges where choices matter?
If you have downloaded some games before and named them like RJ1111111 you can use this magical widows batch recommender:

- Create find_me_a_game.cmd open it in notepad
- Save the following text in it
- Put it into the downloads directory
- Then run it from there to recommend you something.

It will display a dialogue box with the file name and copy it to the clipboard):

@echo off
setlocal enabledelayedexpansion
set "powershellCmd=$directoryPaths = @('.'); $pattern = 'RJ\d+'; $files = @(); foreach ($directoryPath in $directoryPaths) { $files += Get-ChildItem -Path $directoryPath | Where-Object { $_.Name -match $pattern }}; if ($files.Count -eq 0) { Write-Host 'No games found.'; exit; }; $randomFile = $files | Get-Random; Add-Type -AssemblyName System.Windows.Forms; [System.Windows.Forms.Clipboard]::SetText($randomFile.FullName); [System.Windows.Forms.MessageBox]::Show('Today pick: '+ $randomFile.FullName, 'Random File', [System.Windows.Forms.MessageBoxButtons]::OK)"
powershell -Command "!powershellCmd!"
Only reason I played it was for the gyarufication of the FeMC. The "gameplay" is pure RNG, but I did like the text in H-scenes. The art is straight out of AA, as you can tell
You don't get it, she has to beg for it or it's all for nothing. Taking it by force in that senario is like cheating.
>elaborate why
>fun out of a game
i play an eroge because i want to fap
if i wanted a serious rpg, i'd play other games
>not the pantyhose ver
You had one job
Amane regular braidtailwith pink ribbon is so cute..
Does anyone know if its possible to avoid losing the MC's virginity in fallen empire's opening (https://www.dlsite.com/maniax/work/=/product_id/RJ156185.html)?
more than half of that game is ninggers and it pisses me off, FUCK you. I WISH it was tentacleshit.
what ge is that
A literal tranny ge
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Been a while since I lasted played a TS ge, I'll give this a try
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NTRbros we won
What's this? She's my type.
>studio neko kick slop
>Blonde, curvy american physique
>Gross monster tits
>No gameplay
Default asset orc defeat rape NTRge is 300x is better than this game this looks like absolute shit

>nigger npc
Embrace ningen
Rape by ningen is rarely as kino as monsters, because ningens use some trickery that usually relies on the heroine acting retarded and it suspends your disbelief. Or worse, they use aphrodisiacs and it kills the appeal of the rape because it makes the heroine actually like it.
But the monsters can actually overpower the heroine and rape her believably, its way more hot.
ningenbros... how do we respond to this??
It doesn't suspend my disbelief if heroines are written to act realistically retarded
Retarded heroine games?
I want something where the girl would be medically classified as mentally retarded
Not naive or clueless, but like stupid to the point that there might be an ethical or moral dilemma in fucking her
any femc ge
Because he knows what's up. Genital contact without penetration is a great teasing step in corruption and it's way underused.
as if any sane man wouldn't just jam it in?
she looks like a mouth breather
It's fantasy porn, you can invent a thousand narrative reasons to justify it if you want to and it doesn't need any justification beyond being a hot tease in the first place.
Is that another of the crappy elf slave ones?
one of the Hamas hostages complained exactly about this
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The update is looking to be real kino.
im more interested in this girl that ryokashit
RJ? or mod?
What does the append bring again? It happens after the main story right?

Her scenes were hot as fuck, we need more homeless camps in ges.
>the older sister is superior
many such cases
Dungeon system of this game is pretty shit
It's like Kubel but with combat
>miles better expression than sharksloppas
get your eyes checked please
Apparently they're going to uncensor it
it's bad
They used the same 5 CGs and the same 5 stand pose/battler rape CGs for every single clothing outfit, basically you unlock 1 of each per act along with a new outfit for missions
Frankly there are about 5-12 CGs tops but a lot of variations, it's pretty bad
Good art though
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Foolish. You only think that h-game heroines act retarded because you cannot comprehend the male ningen's sophisticated 200 IQ minds. Their schemes are too advanced for your puny brain. Monster rape is just crass and barbaric. Ningen h-scenes are refined and of higher thought.
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>Good art though
Yeah but it's unstable
At least 3 artist is working on this game I think
This had better be fake or old news of possible artists for the game. Top right is perfect and it's misleading to have that artist as the poster art for the game and then have someone as terrible as bottom left dragging it all down

When will these devs learn that people play their games for the art? If it's bad then the game is bad, even games that are shite but have great art are still worth playing

Games for this feel?
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September can't come soon enough..
>Atrophies gonads, behavioral changes, partially feminizes males
sounds like a thing for cuck games
Very mid
is this game worth playing?
Okay this is a post from like a whole-ass day ago but I still feel the need to address it.
The VB series is not all rape and conquer. Every single VB game has a Law route and a Chaos route, Law being the consensual vanilla experience and Chaos being the rape/corruption route. If rape bugs you then just do Law.
Just play genshin
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my gorillawife
man, Genshin literally peaked with Mona and no other new characters ever come close to her greatness
Sorry bro but Navia is just better for me.
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Shark girl game doko
It's shit
Low CG count, instead they use different outfits for the reused CGs, but the events don't carry over what you are wearing, it uses the default outfit for the event (based on the act you unlocked in it/area) so the outfits are largely pointless, you just get a new one every act.
No map so it's a fucking PAIN to navigate anywhere, need to remember the names and explore the random exits, but a lot are artificially blocked off until later acts.
No H scenes unless you find and use the "perverted books" which tell you where H events are every act, but don't show them on the map/over NPCs, you need to remember the town subzone names. Great art but wasted on a very rushed development.
There are probably 12-15 TOTAL cgs.
The corruption system is very grindy and works like the average sharkdev game, you'll only be seeing blowjobs for the first 2hrs until you hit level 3 (400 lewdness).
The dungeons are very long and annoying, after the first one you will rush the stair cases and try to finish them asap.
Overall 6/10 carried by the art.
literal failure, no-direction vtuber reject design
Only men with refined taste would enjoy Navia
It's like Celesphonia but worse in everything
Sex: >>487713895
Dungeon: >>487723453
Combat: Straightforward like typical RPG, if you're looking for some fun combat like Celesphonia / Sequel tier you're going to have some big disappointment
Still worth a try though
Isn't Mona a Blue Archive prototype?
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you've still got some time to pick up princess project
Yes it is, anyone who played it in JP or MTL knew this years ago
>No map
Except it has minimap on top left and you can freely move to any area in menu?
>No H scenes unless you find and use the "perverted books"
Wrong, you can still trigger it.
The book is just a tips that tell you where to trigger it if you missed it.
>The corruption system is very grindy
Run past through few molester and you have 100 corruption point, what a grind
>The dungeons are very long
Yeah it's shit. I mean it
Did Innocent Rules get a full translation yet?
Last time I heard it has everything accept H scene translated
no, you're stuck with ghost path
there's seriously 0 games holy shit, why won't the takeshi finish my hgame so I can fap in peace
>there are anons that still play ges for the visuals
For me, it's the choice of BGM
I like shade but I can't bear to play Demon's Root
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Fully translated except for most of the h-scenes
shade? more like shite lmfao
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Ningen should embrace themselves, maybe then their world would be a better place, with more sauce given and less NTR. Until then, in my humble wiggling opinion, their females deserve better (monster cock).
Naive Girl Illvina
>not naive
The retardedest
Where can I download Demon Roots APK version? And can I swap the translation files easily from the PC version for the APK?
you're right anon, the other replies are from shitters who can't comprehend how special it can be
>just don't load
the amount of energy you subconsciously spend on that decision saps the enjoyment, and cheapens the experience like having an easy mode in elden ring
Its an rpgmv game, just use joiplay and download the game as is.
The most iconic bgm
I didn't even know about this emulator.
I'm not used to play on anything but PC, but I will spend a few days away from it, so I was looking for APK versions from games I want to play.
this plays when the femc got in loop of grab-sex-impregnate
Imagining dazed using mtl to communicate with some random loli dev in order to scam them with his gpt wrapper kek
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he won
I didn't realize that game was Loser/s. Maybe I'll pick it up.
>Play that robot game where you stream
>I'm more enegaged at the gameplay than gooning
She can also deflower herself with her own wand at two hearts kiiiiinoe
Which game?
it's a gameplayge
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I only play lolige!
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Cuckshed RPG will surely release this year, right? R-right?

Also, could one of you fags go tell whoever's doing the translation of the demo that Moolmool or Murumuru is supposed to be Murmur, a demon from the Ars Goetia? Thanks.
no, murumuru sounds cuter and japanese
Dev just announced another delay.
Get cucked!
I played midroot back when I lost my taste due to covid
Checked their twitter to see if there was some sort of translation patch, but nope guess I'll have to wait for an english version to be uploaded.
>fag95 has a dedicated translation request board
>main translation board is full of requests burying all the projects
esls are the devil
>buying 12 CG garbage
Hope you like the same 12 CGs but with 6 different outfits
You're right
I hate it after few scenes
Don't forget the SAME stock moaning sound on loop for every single H scene
Shit is fucking annoying, especially when he hired a VA for it too
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Oh well. I'll just fap to sex maid game again.
If the CGs are different enough to the point that Yandex can't recognize them, they're distinct CGs.
Sounds like NTRkino!
>not a single post about the upcoming fume game that will have lots of trap content
once again, fridayfags don't care about games!
cute art, but it's just a cg hunter isnt it?
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so it's just conventionally attractive design carrying a kusoge again, just like Chloage
Fucking retards keeps buying slops no wonder there is no good games
Release December 2049
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>elf bull
>implying anything but art matters in a h-game
Haven't been here in months.
Are you guys still all creepy pedos with shit taste?
>no loli discussion
>suddenly "are you guys pedo?"
Quick post lolis so the reddit goes away
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Given that he stacked generalization and ad hominem in a single interrogative sentence, it's not surprising.
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Are you talking about the not-Mona game? I can say with certainty that it’s a LOT better than Chloa’s game. Simply because it seems the dev actually gave a little shit about the gameplay, and there’s way more h-content. It doesn’t have horrid pacing like Chloa’s game had either.
deleted it/10
Kinda boring. Art is nice but the animation was subpar iirc.
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It's always the American hours
Is RJ01119634 translated yet?
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Yes, give me 5 sec to upload.
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Am I correct to assume that this game is similar to his other games before False Myth, in that it's predominately femdom? Gameplay and setting look fine. Story might be good too, but I'm just really not into femdom....
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Oh shit nice. I was thinking it might be something like that because each game I checked on VNDB had an "evil route" tag. I guess ill check them out. What order should I play them in? I'm an EOP btw so ill have to skip anything untranslated.
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Are there any male mc games with sex maids but they're not the focus of the game?.
not male mc and not sure if sakuya is a sex maid
Rurumu's game.
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Need a harem game where you collect 2hus.
Era2hu sucks btw.
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What about western 2D games
/2dweg/ on /aco/
The one that I liked the most and that sadly got abandoned, is Fountain of Mana. Town of Magic has way too many characters with a mere handful of scenes each, and way too much focus on Nel and possession.
What ge/ci-en?
Fantia only so shit's blocked in my country
I was paying for his stuff too
I want to have sex with Polca.
Be a good blob.
The animations are great and Celica is highly plappable which makes the game worth playing but I gotta agree that as Nel, Selena, and Violet's relationships progress there's way too many occasions where they take control of your character to play repeated scenes when you just want to get on with shit.
That thread is dead, they merged it with 3D WEG's so you're stuck looking at generic copypasted Daz niggers constantly
>They're straight up talking about wegs now

I'm out
Yep, and that's gonna continue being the main focus, I think, cause of Patreon polls. Gotta keep the money flowing in.
It felt really by the numbers.
Im so sick of generic RANDOM DUNGEONS
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I know.
Is there a TL of this?
yeah rance blows this guy out of the water
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Any game where you can cum in a girl four times in a row?
JSK games
We failed in gatekeeping the newfags,
Back to the usual place oldfag
The usual place? F95.
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why is this so confusing
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Sequel games
I see your text rendering is fucky too
Any shotage enjoyers recognize the artist/game?
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Sylvies game
Didn't know I was being tested suddenly, but, yes.
Teaching Feeling is fucking boring
But so are the vast majority of cohab ge since they're all just vanilla pure love ge
Care to tell what circle it is for a fellow shota enthusiast?
Any games with lots of side quests & secrets? I like to explore a lot.
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futaba bros discuss sovlful games, why do we get stuck with slop shills here?
I only like it when shotas loses to ojisans and the shotas became vengeful adults that cucks future shotas
Well, whats the RJ and Ill play it and call it shit
holy FUCK
what ge?
I think I get that reference
I swear I've either played one of this dev's other games or I follow them on Pixiv
Though I'm following hundreds of Pixiv accounts so I'm too lazy to sift through them.
RimJob me first you beggars.
I think I do, but the fact that most "shotage enjoyers" tend to be faggoid subhumans attracted to boys prevents me from sharing the code desu
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Just share it onegai, I'm a femdomfag I don't care for shota
>10/10 art
>ruined by shotashit
How much shota content is there in this anyway? The futaba post said it's just this one scene, and only a handjob
Both but I prefer Female MCs. If I'm playing their game, it's because I like their design and that means they'll get the majority of scenes.

Male MCs generally have a harem. I usually only care for one girl so why would I care about the others?
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Bend over.
You get to witness the entirety of their sensual career.
same here.
>fountain of mana
>english weeb game made by an esl
>uses 「」quotes
only if they die at the end
Why does THP give the MC the uncircumcised stat when it's never mentioned in game?
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why would it be mentioned in game?
RUINED by tag I don't like. How new are you? You can see this with any and every tag.
>see guro game
>nooo good artist RUINED
Some animations are too long and make some decks too annoying to use.
Card game was meh, scenes were bad.
lmao, that's literally one/two steps above literal faggotry at best. you can safely forget about it now
but then why have it as a status
What ge??
Post the source
so that it doesn't have to be awkwardly mentioned in game
Nice LARP but it was so obvious you attentionwhore cucks don't know the game
Karryn's Prison
VH Remastered (MV version)
(Anything by NTR MAN)
Hero Party Must Fall
Avaria Chains of Lust
Bitch Raider
Claire's Quest
Corruption Town
Escape From Z City
Fall of Ship
Pizza Hot
Survival Mission Z
t. buttmad newfag wanting to be spoonfed
get cucked!
Nice to see multiple anons denying spoonfeeding for a change.
Most games use quotes incorrectly, anyway, to quote whole sentences that are direct speech when the general rule is only to quote reported speech. _"_ characters only make things worse. But hey, at least the Japanese quotes look nice and can be used as a kinda markers to separate text from the character name.
Ironic coming from the newfag who doesn't know the source because youre an EOP
It is my favourite game of all time (both for h and non-h games), after all!

The chick is actually a subconscious part of the femc, that remembers the truth about the past and how the Grandpa fucked her people over in order to protect his village, so it tried to take revenge by destroying everything of his. The form she takes is actually of the femc's best friend if she had managed to live to become older.
The true ending has you fighting a divine being afterwards, that is trying to restore causality by having you enter the gate to this weird dimension that you were supposed to enter when your hometown was first getting fucked but the Grandpa saved you, by abducting you.
Fran did nothing wrong.

To get the whole picture you should keep a save close to endgame and then try to see all endings by manipulating your corruption level.
Based ESL getting uppity.
Ok Newfag but I'm still not telling you the source without a rimjob
>can't even click on the correct post
way to ruin it
Ok then me and my discord will shit up your beloved general for the foreseeable future
Remember, you made this choice :)
All it took was one name to make us fuck off
>he uses discord
Even better reason for him to not give you the sauce kek
AWOoooooga hot damn!
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You are also a retard
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I like shotashit
Rimjob now newfag
anon you keep replying to the wrong posts
>only to quote reported speech
The game is reporting the characters' speech to you. But in any case, all quotes are unnecessary due to the context a message box provides. It's just funny seeing people, often "translators" included, using Japanese quotes without understanding them. Hurr durr it's like a mini box for text.
Post the RJ nigga
Rimjob or no sauce for you!!!!
>the third retard to do this
Okay I think I'm getting baited at this point. You retards did actually READ the post you're replying to right? He ONLY has the image and he's REQUESTING the sauce.
>The game is reporting the characters' speech to you
Guys he's probably just baiting with demo content or something. If a game with art like that had an actual release, people would know about it.
Look at the obvious replies and the spamming retard here: >>487761690
They're trying to pull some "opposite" shit thinking they're funny. SEA hours have been extended or what.
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I need more sticcge. Why don't more devs make more sticcge when it is by far the best body type?
Peak SEA hours, this thread is dogshit
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You verbally expressed everything I have been thinking in regards to corruption games and how pointless they appear when you can directly remove all the tension by loading another save. The hard thing is making this message spread to the ears of the japanese guys actually making games.

Another gripe of mine is the degree of control the player has, it doesn't feel as if the world is aggresive or unfriendly as it is being presented to be, if you are always being presented with choices such as "Do you want to become an even bigger slut than before? press yes if so" when the lust meter is filled ala shark games, or if you can completely avoid interacting with characters who are supposed to be actively trying to find ways to bed the heroine.
It just makes the whole world feel empty if the only thing that interacts with you, is what you chose to interact with in the first place.
Someone tell these retards the RJ or cien for that shotaslop so they fuck off already
>encourage shit behaviour
>more-so when the damage has already been done
you couldn't be more obvious that you're one of 'em. fuck off.
>it's the most fun way to play but it "saps your energy" not to save scum
What? If you believe it's objectively more fun then you wouldn't desire save scumming. You save scum because you don't find it fun.
Because nips have shit taste and don't agree.
Rimjob. Newfag. Pronto!
Most dudes aren't into spooky skeletons.


>It invalidates the entire genre of corruptionges for example.
But the point of corruptionges IS the slow descend into depravity
Lawfully-aligned coomers can't disregard game systems to forge their own path. They must remain trapped by walls of their own construction.
>same posting style
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they're all wrong
I would agree if most games didn't do shit like
>walk into house
>unavoidable rape scene begins
Rim job. Now.
Fine, I'll drop the trap:
Nanako won.
That's how most rapes begin tho
kek attraction isn't an opinion. Cute sticc girl though.
Pokemon Black and White
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This shotage is all mine, none of you cucks can play it!
RJ326532 fits the bill imo
If I'm building up the tension for hours I want to be able to save before I open the valaves to get my rocks off, otherwise I'd have no interest in continuing the game afterwards. Not that I'm saying auto-saves don't have an appeal but you can simply make it a choice when starting a game.
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RJ??? What ge?? I beg you saaar!
RJ01197098, now shut the fuck up.
>random rape from entering a completely unassuming house
name 3 games that does this without any foreshadowing

obviously if you're in the slums or an equivalent area you forfeit your rights
the dev literally just has to put an autosave after the H
Nice English, anon.
Eh, it's pretty whatever. Combat is really boring, and she's a boring MC. Her corruption progress essentially goes:
Level 0: Willing to service anyone that's willing to pay for it. Shows some reluctance but caves easily. Complains about being touched.
Level 1: Willing to service anyone that's willing to pay for it and barely resists being touched.
Level 2: Willing to fuck anyone who is willing to pay for it raw without complaint and is reluctantly willing to fuck anyone who doesn't pay for it as well with some annoyance. Complains about being groped but makes no effort to stop it.
Level 3: Essentially free use. Fucks anyone or anything for any reason.

Don't bother trying to preserve her virginity. It's worthless.
Are you having a stroke Anon?
Oh no he's actually an ESL.
She was sucking dick 5 minutes in the game
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I'm an ESL, now try to actually disprove my point you retard
I don't care about your "point" because I'm not the person you replied to.
>i'm just autistic and felt the need to point out some Anon isn't typing in his native language
Ah cool. Very good contribution to the thread.
holy new
You pointed that out anon, I just pointed out your poor grammar.
>that circle
>not a gif
one job
What ge?
What game?
Nyuu's game really was a success huh? I like he's kind of making it a series, I got fond of the characters
There are many. It seems you don't play gaems
if there are "many games", then surely you will be able to name only 3, right?
No, because it pisses me off when it happens and I reload and purge it from my memory.
What game??!!
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I love MTL!
We here at /hgg2d/ usually give source to our newfriends, but occasionally there is one seanig troll aka the "rimjob" shitposter, a homofaggot who looks to shit up the thread and deny anons the source for various ge's, asking for rimjobs instead.
Here you go, to spite that faggot SEAfaggot, here is the source anons! Open wide :)
And remember, don't be gay and always spoonfeed
It was not, only his dumb shills think so. Garbage artist and game design is shit too
>MTL ririka
>cumming scene only contains U.S.A spam
your post was made in 3AM SEA how is that SEAhours
I don't remember this in the slightest. Then again, the last time I played the game was before it got abandoned. That was really abrupt. I liked the direction it was going in too. It utilized a lot of JP game tropes. The most recent one was nude painting. But I liked it the most because it was slow, slow, slow corruption and had actual good characterization, with growth and stuff. Characters changed how they acted based on events. It had lots of exhibitionism of the involuntary kind as well. Man, it's such a shame... The last update was in 2021, 3 years ago already... what a pity.
>giving the spamming discordfag what he wants while he's throwing a tantrum
kek i'm half convinced that you're just him pretending to give yourself the source you found. The rimtard probably left after his first post
Holy chad
Thank you, Anon. In recognition of your kindness I'll give dazed $20 to have this translated so that every Anon here can enjoy it.
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Any other games like picrel?

I fucking love whoring my girls out, especially since in picrel you can build them up, take their virginty and THEN whore them out.

Doesn't necessary need to be monster girls.
It's fun to guess the original text based on MTL.
Sorry, we don't post wegs here.
We do, you just have to pick the correct hour. Such as how we have an off-topic hour, 3D hour, and spoonfeed (as seen above) hour. Some events are more than one hour long, such as SEA hours.
There is weg discussion in this very thread.
We do, all NTR games are honorary wegs
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That would imply there are good wegs, which is false.
That would imply there's good NTR, which is also false.
Your statement implies that you are mentally retarded, which I would hope, is false.
nice random retort
Basado (there is only good NTS)
took a while but thanks
>Deleted out of embarrassment
ntrfags in shambles
Pathetic samefag.
>checks sales
Do you try this hard to be retarded anon? kek
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spoonfeeder GODS? Won.
Why are you so much of a fucking faggot that should've been aborted and flushed down the toilet like the fucking tumor you are?
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>Meltys quest
We get those in here frequently.
Flatbros, we're slowly clawing our way back to a proper 25:75 fatty to flattie ratio like the good old days
>he fell for the purple cop is weg psyop
>What does /hgg2d/ feel about virgin runs in virgin FeMC games?
So is it official that based virginity chads own this thread?
>Noooo, you can't give the sourcerinos. You can't help your friends because...you just can't!
What causes this mental illness?
I just want to be able to chose how, otherwise it sucks, dogs get the hymen
>Playing porn games to avoid the porn
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Anon, I...
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Is anyone playing Mona's game? I can't find where to go at the start of chapter 5. For some reason the train station on the surface city isn't letting me in.
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>We have Knight of Erin(and Nighthawk) at home
Fuck off, spoonfeeders run this general
I gotta start saving some of these and just drop them in once a while and see if anybody recgonises them.
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So uhh... how was it? Did you enjoy it?
you're not my friends
I only played like 20 minutes of it so far.
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It's Friday.
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I already celebrated.
It's actually saturday.
Fuck, THAT'S what I was thinking.
That one SAO NTR game with Asuna and Suguha. The later gets opened by some womanizer playboy and he brags about it on his twitter. Nebelgeister Jaeger also has that feature.
Can somebody teach I forgot what this guy's name was how to translate UIs? This is like the millionth time I'm seeing him leave 回 in.
I know this is a shitpost but if the game is actually good you should commission an actual manual TLer like Daedroth instead.
Don't give dazed faggot money to shit up the hgame sphere. His MTLs are like the hgame equivalent of someone taking a shit in your pool and the turd getting stuck in your filter.
So how does one celebrate this day?
By actually playing ges.
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It should be obvious
Daedroth doesn't localize enough to compete with ChatGPT. If you're just going to produce a surface-level, 1:1 kind of translation, i.e. shit, you should be replaced by AI, because it does what you do instantly.
1/10. Apply yourself. Would not blob.
Don't show this to him though, he might actually kill himself.
Fuck, that girl (the blondie, I'm not referring to the trap as 'girl') is so hot.
I love games where a girls orders you to suck cocks.
Any games like this?
>AI provides a surface level 1:1 translation
lol if only
Cause I failed to hook it
Is this a cien demo?
>60 kisses
well aren't you a little slut
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Is it kinoge?
No idea what it is but it looks like shit.
I will continue calling them ges.
you are ge (gay)
looks like kusoge to me
>changes the english word to japanese and the japanese word to english
And I will continue to call you a retarded newfaggot
Yep it's shit.
Retard alert.
I call the GE

Game Erotica
Next you're going to tell me retard is French, anon.
It's not a ge at all.
jops are waking up
This a monolingual (English) thread, meaning that polilinguals must leave the thread
>english board
>wapanese users
No one here actually knows moonrunes, they all use google translate.
The monolinguals look at our majesty and are left in awe.
Virgin runs are good ONLY IF the benefits of the virgin run outweighs wading through whatever number of hours of chaste RPGMslop gameplay to replay as a slut and get the porn. Usually, the game isn't fun enough to justify it.

This is kind of why I'm also generally unenthused by cuck or fem perspective NTR and NTR avoidable games. The small dicked boyfriend is an unwelcome distraction to the girl getting lost in lust, and even if there's an NTR avoidable end, the scenes are just sooooo boring and vanilla that it's not even worth the effort. Personally, I'd like to see more games that have netorase. Becoming the evil boyfriend and pimping your girl out to make her more dependent on you since now she's used goods is much hotter than getting her stolen by some NTRchad who does basically the same thing while the cuck MC cries and masturbates in the corner.
Why do you find that erotic in the first place?
>actual benefits for being a virgin
Such as?
nta but some ge do increased stats, better gear or like in lost chapter, at some point you can get a special card that lets you win fights by falling over but only if the mc is a virgin, there's also the opposite where by preserving virginity u can never unlock certain extra stats
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I love not-Mona.
Because corruption and dominance like that are hot, especially if there are multiple girls you can fuck like that in the game, but whiny men crying in the corner about it are lame.

The gameplay itself is intrinsically fun. It's why I stuck with a no-touch end in Pronant Symphony, I really dug the dungeon crawling. Another reason would be an NG+ bonus that makes corruption runs less grindy or more tunable, or at least gives you some visual options like outfits or something. Anything to justify not going after the PORN in a game I'm playing for the PORN.
How does that look anything like Mona?
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Just look at her.
You already said it's hot. That's circular reasoning. What exact qualities make it hot in contrast to things that aren't, and where does that feeling come from.
this bitch blobs
I bet she's barren
Another flop and bad game
Holyfuck MTL doko??!
you can't just ask someone to explain their fetish like that. That's not how it works
>explain your fetishes
I know some people are retarded, but we are on a general for porn games.
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It's a good game though
People not being able to articulate their fetishes is the exact reason most games are slop.
Why not? Considering the odd specificity of the netorase fantasy it's obviously been thought through to some extent.
Explain YOUR fetishes then
Ok I'll bite. What the fuck do you mean with this sentence?
I dunno I'm not seeing it. We're talking about Mona from Genshin right?
All I see is those vulvapits.
tits too big
big tits
needs to get dazed
What's the appeal of big tits?
they are big
But what if they were small? or medium sized?
Da Vinci said that comprehension is the key to love (and hate). The reason most games are soulless is because their devs don't understand the nuances of the fetishes they peddle, so they come off as shallow and flavorless repeats of each other. It's the general idea of the fetish that they're capturing, not their specific interpretation, because they don't have one. Or if they do, it isn't highly-developed.

I like quite literally everything once I've empathized with a high-level depiction of it. Pick one.
You're asking me to explain why I think total power exchange is hot from a dominant's perspective? Imagine having such sway over a woman that you can force her to fuck another man, but no matter how many dicks she takes, she'll always crawl back to yours, that the only pleasure she gets from it is that she's fulfilling YOUR demands. That's REAL dominance.
I only play Male MC if they are a tomgirl like RJ393283 or RJ203431.
If the bussy button isn't being pushed I am not that interested.

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