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The Past: >>486683293

>General Info
- Reverse: 1999 is a turn-based RPG with gameplay revolving around the use of spell cards. The game focuses on storytelling, with a rich main story mode and frequent side-story events. The game is fully voiced in 4 languages, with English as the primary language. There are no PvP elements, you can play at your own pace.
- Daily reset is at 10am UTC

>Version 1.7 Trailer (GL/JP)
>Version 2.0 Trailer (CN)

>Download (PC & Mobile)
1.7 Web Event: https://reverse1999.bluepoch.com/en/event/opera/ (Until July 25)

>Current Event
Patch 1.7 - E lucevan le stelle || Jul 11 - Aug 15

>Rate-up Banners
1. Isolde (Spirit Support) || Jul 11 - Aug 1
2. Lilya (Star DPS) || Jul 16 - Jul 30

>Upcoming Banners
1. Marcus (Plant DPS) || Aug 1 - Aug 15
2. 37 (Star DPS) / Jessica (Plant DPS) || Aug 1 - Aug 14

>Community Resources
Database: https://windbow27.github.io/Kornblume/
Guide to the basics: https://pastebin.com/hEeaZ3Dn
Guide to arcanists & team building: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1e46cecjsIb1LO3Ybb6urlVUZKUk8R7yrgG9yXZS8-Ho
Resonance guide: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1lUzkJvRfV2diLiU0ai6mCrM-kkm0cqwblo1VvCkhYi4/htmlview
Psychube guide: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1qQinxxU_e0-YXwPj5WAd2PgTFksyLwIaHXwEcosUxU0/edit#gid=1302308761
Insight materials cheat sheet: https://imgur.com/a/vB9zTHJ
Insight costs: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1js7u2mwQzrfqkYnszURTYT1C6DxX0-qhsjfVQ5CvB_o/htmlview#
List of cultural references: https://docs.google.com/document/d/e/2PACX-1vSuCCpDYg-Np7nSs2N26WR9uoD0_WudUi_Hd_XnV_Ezyac5_J9b1402PflmLdRSQf346HVPbYdbP9G4/pub

1999GIFT, 5YRBRF9, MAINSTORYUPDATE, DressRehearsal, CurtainRises, MournfulLament, AthousandHamlets, PraiseofCourage, AnInterlude
I Love Marcus!
But she’s fat! Overweight! Obese! Fatty!
Fat fuck
I use according to necessity (after the factor of interest in the character).
I have needed a hard-hitting plant unit more than a star unit and still don't have a proper star team.
If this game would slow the fuck down and let me play at my own pace, I'd use the duo (and other fun/cute team comps) instead of having them sit in a list of team ideas.
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She takes lives as easily as she breathes
In the name of love
What's worse, turning people into horses, or just killing them? I think turning people into horses is a worse fate.
The horses can still be cured though. Though do the Chinese eat horses? Guess they eat everything really.
Player Interest survey dropped some minutes ago (not the survey for 1.7).

I wish it was possible to go to the previous question page; think I misread one and am not satisfied with my answer if so.
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easy lah
>half of the questions are about r*ddit
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they are not horses
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>sex with androids is NOT frowned upon in modern society
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I think there are worse fates
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What am I looking at?
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this 1 asking me to rate my top 3 favorite 6*'s felt unfair, nothing about the scam bait 37 banner though
>Choose your favorite 6* based on the overall character design and aesthetic
A Knight and Pickles. I got you quirky character anon
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>But who can remember something that long?
I'm curious as well.
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A 6* horse arcanist hopefully
anon's bestiality fetish
>another survey
john really wants my info
What I love about R1999 surveys is that you can enter, then press escape and you still get the drops.
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I love An An Lee. Perfect girlfriend for a WMAF lifestyle.
It felt unfair to me too.
I don't know what they expect to glean from having us pick only three characters out of a set. The characters I choose by aesthetic and overall design do not indicate I want more of the designs (assuming that's their purpose for the info) but whatever.
Is there a unit that reduces or otherwise hinders the moxie of a selected ally?
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Ms. NewBabel content when?
Nothing comes to mind, what are you trying to accomplish by doing that?
When they add the sex update with her being the BDSM master.
This is my waifu and I will pull for her dupes
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That's not Matilda
there should be a loli in the next patch, or else
Good news on the horizon for you, sister
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>Vermin event
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who's barbara??
monday sisters... it's over...
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the most beautiful woman of another era who had a beautiful voice!
An idol from the popular gacha game G*nshin Imp*ct
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imagine that nose sniffing Marcus dirty sooks.
>idol in a isekai'd world
makes sense...
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u mad duck?
I hope everyone made the right choice. Don't fooking disappoint me, timekeepers.
Isolde von Doofenshmirtz
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Wait, don't tell me there's a survey reward... fuck
Just a reminder that you will be removed from the guild if you vote incorrectly
Supposedly this reference highway 66? What's the cultural significance of highway 66? Or is this some out of date culture that I am too zoomer to understand.
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The most sane austrian arcanist.
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77 is 37's mother.
So think about it.
All route (#) roads are american interstate highways. 66 is the meme one, 77 is a different one. It's not a reference to route 66, it takes place on route 77 which is a different road in a different part of the country.
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i forgot the opera web event until just now
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It's okay, brickkeeper. We'll go on without you.
opera web??
I didn't even know there was an event. Unfortunate, surely those 60 drops will be the ones I'll miss for Lucy.
Jokes on you duck, I picked both.
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Most skippable coming 6*
I77 cuts through the appalachian mountains.
The mountains are said to be haunted and has a lot of local legends surrounding them. A lot of hillbilly horror media takes place near these mountains.
A quick google search brought me to this reddit link. Dunno how accurate this is but its interesting.
Mercuria is dupe bait, Joe is at least functional at P0
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I really like Ms. Radio and want to use her more often but don't like her suicide ult nor when ult cards take space from regular incantations. Due to that, I prefer to use her only during UTTU with certain cards.
Probably sounds autistic, but I'm having fun.

Why does Bluepoch suck at advertising the side events? Is it because the discord server is messy, their tweets look the same, the website looks like it doesn't have much to offer or all these reasons?
Based fun haver
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I miss them...
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Since patch 1.2 they always have a web event a few days just before a new patch starts and ends about 2 weeks into the patch
I've only taken part in the previous three.
Before that, I didn't bother because of the inconvenient requirement of my player ID (didn't know it nor write it down) and I always remembered to participate after closing the game, which was annoying.
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argus cute! not dangerous! beloved pet!
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>Vertin and Lilya

>Can't vote Spathodea 3 times
>Can't vote Matilda 3 times

It's not fair

So this most likely means that (spoilers)
Matilda mom cliffhanger isn't getting solved
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>Looks spooky
But it's July...

Last year July also had a spooky event
Maybe Chinese are terrified of summer?

>Go to haunted place
>Don't bring Poltergeist
>Don't bring Click
>Don't bring Necrologist
>Don't bring An-An Lee
>Brings Lilya

Is Vertin retarded?
For Chinese, July of Lunar Calendar can be considered "spooky month"
>In Chinese culture, the seventh month of the Lunar Calendar holds special significance. It is known as “Ghost Month” 鬼月(Guǐ yuè), and hosts the so-called “Ghost Festival” (鬼节, Guǐ jié) on July 15th of the Lunar Calendar; several Asian countries celebrate the annual Ghost Festival, which is also referred to as either “Zhongyuan Festival” (中元节 Zhōng yuán jié) or Yulan Festival (盂兰节, Yú lán jié). The festival finds it origins in Buddhism and Taoism.
Vodka > ghost
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>too wasted to be afraid of monsters, will beat them up if need be
>can just fly you out of there if things get too dicey
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I am Vertin
So yes
>Another 'muricaslop patch
Isn't the Chinese supposed to hate America?
>buy all the Sonorous Knells in the event shop
Marcus: "If your bags are full, just tuck the extra stuff into my scarf. Don't laugh, it should definitely work!"
Summer is horror season for asians
Don't let Isolde see this
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>Spathodea+Matilda schizo combo
HOLY STORM, this is the final boss of the schizo/1999/phrenia.
There is an audience for westaboos over in Asia. But I think Reverse gets away with heavy western pandering because it's a smaller game.
The bigger you are, the more Chinese-pandering you will see. Wuwa and Star Rail are good examples of this.
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I've noticed that in Asia, people don't really think about non-Asian countries
China has a normal attitude towards american culture; it is already tightly integrated into it and even influences it. Besides, John Bluepoch is from Hong Kong, and there is a completely different attitude towards the West.
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I unironically wrote that I was waiting for new unusual 6* characters, just like querkyschizo. I just didn't know what else I could write.
Barbara is the milf hotel owner
Argus is her intimidating underling
Tuesday is the creepy cute
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Feels like Isolde is highly likely to get a garment in this new patch...but I also want a Marcus garment.
Weight Watchers collab garment!!
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So you have chosen death.
Where did this Kaala gymnastics skin come from
It’s called a garment and you should read the patch notes or the in game notice board, nerd.
I can't read because I'm not a nerd
Please don't use the word "skin". Arcanists are not skinwalkers.
Does anyone else keep finding piles of discarded flesh in the suitcase?
It always happens not long after someone interacts with Kakania. Strange...
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I get it now, Matilda isn't in the new event because she still hasn't recovered from getting ravished by Mercuria.
>Cowabunga ravished the Duck so hard she had to take time off for six patches
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oh no her hat
they're slowly trying to appeal to the gooner audience, we're turning into Nikke 2.0...nyooo...
>3 normal skins
>1 goon skin (of another patch wheeze)
I understand your concern, but this is a bit silly
I mean not that I don’t know exactly what they’re doing with it but that is a normal gymnastics outfit
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You will be dead today if you don't stop with this shit.
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New code: BetweenActs
>Enlighten III x10, Delicate Insight Casket x1, Sharpodonty x10,000
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Hopefully they'll add marriage for $30 like that other gacha so I can marry my wife Jessica
>No (zero (0)) drops
John.... thanks for the enlightens, I guess....
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Let me roll for Marcus already...
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>select the social platforms where you receive news about Reverse 1999
>click in others
>4chan's pol
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How does Matilda do it?
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duck appeal
>no farming stage
>shitloads of bears
John is really spoiling us this patch, I straight up ran out of things to farm
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>follow Vertin like a dog
>get no girls
>no event protag role
>get a granny garment instead
The sideboob in this game is incredible
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I can fix her.
She can fuck the duck but she's too picky
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>I'm forgotten
And to think people called that absolute sex magnet of a duck a yaya on release.
Druvius IV when?
She'll win in the end
>pre-farmed marcus mats
banner now!!
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>She can fuck the duck but she's too picky
a little too late for that
Time to take another foundation building hostage
I will make that happen.
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doomed to be a boring side character
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miss me?
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But bkorn already won
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yaya sis, RISE UP!!!!
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Yeah, maybe when Vertin turns 30 after she rode the clam carousel.
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If you read John Bluepoch's interview, Druvis was the first character created for R1999
She's also the first character getting buffed in 2.x
What did they mean by this?
Where's that from?
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Sonettosisters... not like this....
Eh, I'm fine though.
I should really make my wilderness look nice one of these days...
think Wuwa was just a happy accident doing better than they thought they'd do so they went heavy into China slop only
honestly helps that mhy is actively shooting themselves in the foot somewhat with genshin so it's why people are latching onto another genshin clone for now that isn't as disastrous as ToF
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Same, my wilderness is an abomination that's still using a mishmash of the default stuff and parts from 1.2/1.3.
I accidentally overwrote my wilderness and haven't had any idea how to set it up now. At least we can freely place the tiles now so it's going to be less of a pain to redo everything.
>Want to recreate my Wilderness
>Lacking certain shit from events so it looks incomplete
I didn't get everything from 1.6 so it looks ugly. 1.7 is shaping up to be the same...
feel like I've missed plenty of 60 drops from their events cause despite being in the server and even getting whatever the role is or commenting in the correct channel, still never get the drops in my mail
discord was a mistake with literally every game needing to connect with that
>still never get the drops in my mail
Sis.... you get access to a hidden channel in the pinned message which has a code in it....
>discord was a mistake with literally every game needing to connect with that
Did you want Facebook instead because it used to be like that.
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Wildernessisters... I have a complete Vienna set and I'm also going to rebuild the world in my suitcase on this weekend
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Cute korn
what time does the 2.1 PV start?
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Artist OC that works with AAL.
Smooching the OC and AAL
you wish, Regulus.
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What is with Regulus having all these crackships
She's a funny girl.
>Buffing previously weak characters
>Regulus still hasn't gotten one despite having the only truly unique skin.
>still hasn't gotten one
They've only announced the first batch of several, wait your turn slag
Bkorn > every other character
well since they're buffing Lilya they better also buff the other two 6* characters you can get from the beginner banner, namely Eternity and Regulus
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hon hon hon
time for the paris olympics
Imagine the smell
Wonder if 1999 will make something referencing it. Also just noticed KBs acrobat skin is already in the shop.
I need Leilani in my life
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as long as you still get 3k points thats what counts, you could also take inspiration from other anons who build really good wilderness islands too
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>shamane sex
You are not posting as much as before Spathodeaschizo, you fell off
Spathoschizo randomly goes quiet at times.
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Spathodeaschizo is an internationally wanted criminal
They post from a secret bunker in an undisclosed location behind 17 proxies
I'm putting myself in great danger just by telling you th-
What did people recommend for the suggestions in the survey?
more unique designs for high rarity characters
more yuri
Complain about dual rate up reruns
We should really be getting compensation for the backlash it brought.
30 drops, take it or leave it
PV in roughly 4 hours
Semmelweis is very cute and I can't wait to hear her lovely voice again.
I wish she'd flirt with Vertin.
>Vat a pity
>been playing since december
>still no TF
thank Constantine we're getting Vila next month
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At least you were there to get Matilda's exclusive jukebox garment!
I did! Truly blessed after all
>file size over 4MB
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It's great that you don't have to pay for electricity here. Just imagine what the bill would have looked like! But even if you had to pay, you will leave the TV on for me, because I'm worth it, right?
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I love the fish and her fish fucker wife
TTT garment soon...
Flatscreen upgrade!
>Just a stack of paintings on top of each other
You just know it.
Should I call your ilk “Lunatics” instead?
2 hours
Ikr. It's been, what, 5?
qrd? Is it new version trailer or something?
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I can't pick Kakania as my favorite in the survey.
yeah trailer for the new china version they're getting in about two weeks. Still a few months into the future for us but it's fun for those who don't mind spoiling themselves a bit
Wait for 1.9's player impression survey.
also super neat if on the off-chance CN announces something then global gets it super early like kaalaa's advanced leotard garment
*unzips RCA connectors*
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yeeeeee haaaaw
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Isolde thighs
>2 skippable character
>Eagle new ultimate effect
>Isolde sexy skin
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>Isolde garment
sokoban puzzlebros
we're back
>TTT garment
>I need to buy that Isolde Jazz skin
Curse you John bluepoch, milking my love of anything 1920’s - 1940s
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I like the sheep
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>Diggers anecdote
it's over…
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but you're a ram...
or at least two of them live inside you, you... illiterate demigod.
Baarbaara is cute, quirkyschizo. You win this round.
Holy shit, poison support confirmed?
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Who's this character for?
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>poison support
>blonney skin+anecdote
Jessica is feasting.
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>it's over…
Me, I like how R1999 is going back towards weirder characters, even if it is just lower rarities.
5 stars arent even that bad so I’m even more excited
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I refuse to do Digger's anecdote
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is pretty cute
I bet shge taste good if you make a bbq with her.
I hope Argus is meant to work with Marcus and not replace her...
she seems like a reality damage dealer, I doubt they work together but I don't think they're competing either.
marcus's team is pretty much complete on CN though (marcus vila kakania mercuria)
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meanwhile, Matilda...
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the arcanigg is the baby or the maid??
I finally can jack off to Ezra without being dampen by the musthroom hat
We were due a straight up 6 star reality main plant dps anyway. I dont think we’ve ever really had one before.
Jessica is poison, Anal is a sub dps buffer, Druvis and Marcus are mental.
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but this one is a cowgirl sis!!!
Jessica is a pure DPS though. That's like saying Spathodea isn't a main DPS because she inflicts Burn.
lol stop staring at her legs and look closely
>malefags got cucked again by Argus
You love to see it
sex with tuesday but not with argus
it's a gator!!!!
thanks m8.
Its a pink alligator sis
>Pink alligator
who's the dude in the bottom?
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Holy shit, schneider is alive
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Tits too big.
>Put Ezra in a new outfit
>Suddenly fappable
How did they do it?
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Nick bottom but for lesbos
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I am so rolling for her. Even if she deletes Marcus from meta.
Foreshadowing the upcoming Welsh patch
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thank god she is ugly, free skip
I like the both of them, I’m gonna roll
I roll for every character anyway
I'm all for quirky characters but this is way too uncanny for my taste
Where are the male characters? I need them so I can save for a patch at least
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Oh no…I want both six stars in 2.1. Same as the last time they did horrorkino. And western jazz Isolde? Fine bluepoch I’ll pay for a monthly or three
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I thought I read 2.1 was giving a new advancement mechanism that would save Lilya. Did I miss that?
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GODDAMIT, she's so sexy
I'm looking forward to the buffs some characters will receive in 2.1, that ult change on 4* is pretty cool
It's nice to be able to actually use Jessica now that I have Isolde.
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No bra?
no idea what this gacha is about
but i wanted to know if this game had any shota characters to play as
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>ghost event
>nobody invited AAL
Argus' accent is making me cringe. Is this how euros feel when they get a character with an accent from there?
I want Marcus skin...
Bras are for pussies
I'm DEFINITELY skipping Villa and Windsong after 2.1 Trailer.
I'll be getting Lucy, Mercuria and Argus
I should have enough to pity them all.

that means I can go all out with my current resources to max out bunch of my other characters and cubes.
am I the only one who look forward to Ezra skin?
for me? it's p0 marcus, p5 lucy, p0 tuesday, p0 argus
For me its p0 everyone and p1 mercuria
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I should be able to gather enough gibs for all three.
I got Jiu in 2x10 pulls. rolling 30 more times just because I wanted Yenisei was a mistake.
I need as much free gibs as possible. can't waste even a single roll.
t. luckchad who hasn't spent money on this game
>tfw don't have a single 6* Plant unit
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Ezra is the only high rarity one. Aвкcивий is coming next patch but he's 5*. They're pretty rare in general so I don't think that's enough to pick it up unless you are a die-hard Ezra fan.
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>Another insane spirit afflatus woman
>Mexican brown girl
>Quirky character again is only 5*
>Ezra's garment

The worst patch so far?
This shit looks like g*nshin character or something.
I like it
>>Another insane spirit afflatus woman
I'll take 10 more please.
Skipping Cacania
>American patch
>Cowboys and cowgirls
This is so fucking unbelievably rasict. I'm tired of this stereotypes. It's time to start another culture war on twitter.
I hope they be more racist
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More Amerifat content
Saving my rolls for Lucy!
>begging for controversy so your game can be relevant
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Vertin's suitcase will soon become a bigger threat than Manus or the storm if she keeps stuffing crazy women in there.
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2.2 will likely be in Brazil so you'll get a break from burgers and get a taste of sopa de macaco soon.
damn these are some nice ones
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P1 Ezra is used by every single chink dolphin onwards
Yeah, sadly accents in this game are really hit or miss. I still don't know what they fuck they were even trying with Ezra's but Desert Flannel's is perfect.
more browns
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A suitcase full of crazy women.
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Bras represent COMMUNISM
Suppressing nipples of FREEDOM and saggy breasts of DEMOCRACY
>Argus is plant
She gives me big beast energy...
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I like it when Jiu says Lushu
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For you, it was the most important day of your life. But for me, it was Tuesday
thanks bluepoch for so many skippable characters, I can focus on preparing to p5 my future favorite characters
the heel dangle is sex
raping ezra in his cowboy skin!
>Am*rican wh*te w*man
Aaaaand skip.
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Roll Marcus
Roll Vila
Roll Windsong
Roll Lucy
Skip Cacania
Skip Semmelweis
Skip Joe
Skip Mercuria
Skip Argus
Skip Tuesday
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Skipping all sane women
Pulling all crazy women
>america patches being lame as shit
>Latex garment
Spathodeaschizo is so lucky...
>sheep says she'll be the protector of your sleep, apparently tied to counting sheep in order to fall asleep
Well played.
HOLY! So that's who I'll be rolling for after Lucy (and Kakania). Think I'll try to get Tuesday and Barbara too.
>Ezra garment
Cutely masculine. I can see him being a cowboy. Almost wish I rolled for him on rate-up.
>TTT garment (FREE)
Lovely outfit, units below 5 stars still seeing love. Gotta love it!
>Blonney garment
Very nice!
>Isolde garment
Absolutely fabulous!
>return of sokoban
Looking more interesting than before, I'm glad.
>Blonney and Diggers anecdotes
New anecdotes will always be nice.

My impression: KINO WILL BE SERVED
The voices of the new characters seem like they'll take a little getting used to but I'm not complaining. Also Barbara sounds like Eagle.
I thought I'd get another long break of hoarding clear drops and unilogs desu.
I'm guessing that screaming girl with the "ears" in her hair and claws is a critter, or possessed by one.
Also is it just me or does Barbara seem reminiscent of Mesmer Jr. in the clip where she removes her earpiece?

I've been wondering this for a while, but do you guys think she's supposed to be a reference to Wednesday?
This patch looks kinda unexciting desu apart from the fact that Ms.Kimberly is in it
Fooking finally!!!
The added this shit, now I can rebuild my wilderness properly without frustration.
P5 Joe
Skip everything else
>getting filtered by the annual horror patch
Yeah for some reason, I feel like this patch has no gamplay content, even tho the story is nice.
Jiu's patch meanwhile, felt so full of content until a week before the end of patch, even tho the story is DOGSHIT
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Tuesday is way hotter than Wednesday

Anon I'm talking about 2.1 not 1.7
And the reason I'm saying this is because the plot is stuck in a myriads of Mysteries and Cliffhangers and instead of solving a few of them we get Vertin liminal space adventure instead
I love sucking Ezra tiny dick
>baby alligator-looking creature
Yep. I'm rollin' for sure.
And that better not be aliEn T in the window.

Worst taste so far, no offense.

Another handsome lady. Bluepoch's kitchen isn't disappointing.

Badass mode

I'd have bet money that I saw that pic of her before but she was male and I assumed from another game.
Not sure if a hallucination or some sort of deja vu moment.
This is officially the worst wildness set. I had high hopes for this set and was hoping that I could build a small European area, but this is just trash

>Poor roads
>Strange channel
>Different themes that don't connect well with each other
>Too many roads and too few buildings.
I thought zoomers love sovlful stuff, how is this general so dead
it's over... EOS soon...
>Skip Semmelweis
You get her for free....
>STILL no NewBabel garment
Sisters.... I can’t take it anymore.. It’s just not fair....
More like WHObabel LOL!

Eternity anecdote will save us
finally a girl for Nick Bottom
>Cast ultimate
>”One Two Three. Fall asleep with me.”
What did Nick Bottom mean by this?
maid for me
>waahhh! Desert Flannel's garment should've gone to Blonney
I wonder what those people think now.

It can't be over unless by the end of the anecdote we've learned nothing about that annoying person and what drives him.
What do you call women that look like Isolde and Tuesday? I can't stop thinking how beautiful they look.
Might be a shitpost by a random Chinese but vague promises of future content
What happened to this game
In 2.4 guilds will appear and if you don’t have Matilda’s exclusive garment, then you won’t be accepted into the /1999/ guild and most likely John Bluepoch will simply ban your account.
Isolde's garments are not fair and should be considered cheating. She's just allowing herself to be possessed by a spirit and have an entirely different personality.
Raven hair ivory skinned beauty
Basically white people's version of Jade Beauty or Yamato Nadeshiko without the personality traits
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alright you little shit it's time to duel
dumb, dumb and dumb! Why do we get two boring human women again instead of some cool outlandish designs in the horror patch!? And of course the one unique looking char is a 5* that will never be used. Bluepoch really fell off, I tell you.
p5 a character I like or get 5 different characters
I would like 5 more characters please.
>not Baaabara
why she look like a rat
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Matilda made this up
Not fair? Cheating? What are you talking about? Her traits give her more reason to have garments.
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Incredible! Magnifique!
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finally a skip patch, well overdue. argus is ugly, tuesday is ugly and the entire aesthetic is awful. a full month of saved rolls for 2.2!
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It's over, the game has been offline for 8 months already
Let it die...
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Become...fire punch~!
p5 lucy
>The perfect woman doesn’t ex-

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