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Friendly Lizard Edition

>Patch notes

>Steam page

>Pawn/character creator archive

>Old Pawn sheet

>Updated Pawn sheet

>Skills, core skills, augments, and more

>Do you want your pawn hired?
Ask in the thread, and check the following for up-to-date pawns: https://www.pawnguild.xyz/


>Dragon's Dogma 1 OP

Last Cycle: >>487059161
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>System (PC, Console etc.)
>Pawn Name
>Pawn LeveI
>Pawn Vocation
>Pawn ID
>Optional Info (Boons, Inclinations, etc)
Why don't Sven and Nadia just fuck and make cute hapa babies
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Speak woodland
Kill lesser dragon for 5 all heal
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>LVL 101
>Archer/Calm/Woodland Wordsmith
>Receive Pointed Fang 1x for Ring of Predominance Ring
>Erupting Shot, Manifold Shot, Spiral Arrow, Deathly Arrow
>Ring of Vehemence for Knockdown Power

I'm true to my word and made her into an Archer.
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>tomorrow is friday
Fantastic shot. Also cruel...
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God dammit itsuno I need something!
I want to force feed Chaewon some chicken nuggets.
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why don't you just CHU her like a normal person
Why, she doesn't like chicken nuggets?
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If you force feed her, she will bite you.
With her mouth full of chicken nuggets? I don't think so.
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post stats
Who/what is that?
pathfinder dragon
it's too damn HOT to play DD2
Tell me about it.
>the first night i turn off my fan before going to bed
we're gonna make it boys
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>walk into the Rift
>see this

what do
Are you using any mods? I've killed way more goblins than you did...
>those knees
She'd have her tits out on my game
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probably not paying attention to the knees in the character creator
Turn 360 degrees and walk away.
probably from messing around with the random encounters mods
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You sure about that?
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Gamer Nexus has a new DD2 CPU benchmark video, might be helpful to see what kind of performance you can and should get with older and newer CPUs, might be helpful for those looking to upgrade too.
im going to argue with sphinx
I'm okay with shitty unoptimized DD2 being the new benchmark for cpus and cards lol
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lvl 105 (send friend request if too high)
Hates harpies
Defeat Sphinx for 5 Allheals
When you go to unmoored, does all your stuff in storage rot as well?
All perishables item rot in storage upon entering the Unmoored.
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God she's beautiful bros. . .
I wish you could make a pawn irl. Just make them identical to you and make them work while you turn into a neet
Thanks. Guess it's time to use the medusa head on everyone.
You furfags are deeply fucked up.
I feel like not bumping
>LVL 122
>Receive Granite Medusa Bone 1x for All-Heal 5x
>Augural Flare, High Levin, High Hagol, Maelstrom
>Fast casting due to rings (40%)

Feel free to send a friend request if level is too high.
What kind of riddle is this?
How about this?
Much better. Snu snu time!
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which face?
looks like a goblin i think shes cute
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yeah he danced alright
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Tomorrow's caturday
looks like face 22
It's hard to go back to DD2 after playing SOTE. The multilayered, vertical map of the Land of Shadow is just too fantastic, with sweeping meadows, towering black fortress, haunting woods, soaring ancient ruins and bottomless chasms. The sense of scale of the map is just grand. I feel free galloping across the vast, war-torn lands. Vermund and Battahl feel too cramped and claustrophobic in comparison, as if I'm playing a corridor simulator. Oh god, I feel like I'm gonna puke if I have to walk down the same sandy lanes plagued by the same hordes of knackers for the hundredth time.
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Truly. Take this from someone who has spent hundreds of hours in DD2. This game has all these fantastic traversal moves like levitation, double jump, wall jump and Dragoun's Foins but there's no extensive dungeon or cyclopean structure for you to fully utilize them. The only wow moments for me were stumbling upon the Sphinx's temple and the vistas beyond it (which you can reach by using Levitate) after the disappointment that was the Ancient Battleground.
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warrior is now my new favorite vocation
one game is designed to be traversed on foot, the other is designed to be traversed on horse. comparing the landscapes is idiotic as a result.
try playing elden ring without using Torrent at all and your complaint will be the opposite, that the world is too large and it takes too long to get anywhere while you move through an area that just looks the same with things too spaced out.
and then you are comparing a game designed to be pure fantasy, there is barely plausible coherence in the world of Elden Ring, as it follows the Dark Souls design philosophy of finding ways to connect zones together that are thematically different. Dragons Dogma attempts to take a realistic approach to world building, and as such it's not going to be as interesting or be able to give you the same sense of wonder as something that doesn't care if having an entire world underneath the surface that you get to by going down a giant magic elevator doesn't really make logical sense.
i agree that movement options are underutilised but in order for them to appear fair every vocation would require one to make these structures traversable. sure, they put some chests a bit out of the way but then they specifically have given abilities for the pawns to help you make it to those chests, either by assisting with the boosted jumps or by mage/sorc pawns being able to float themselves to them.
Would you hire mage with paean?
>One game is designed to be traversed on foot, the other is designed to be traversed on horse. Comparing the landscapes is idiotic as a result. Try playing elden ring without using Torrent at all and your complaint will be the opposite, that the world is too large and it takes too long to get anywhere while you move through an area that just looks the same with things too spaced out.
This is such a cope when the upper surfaces of the Unmoored World are vast but largely empty, which the dev could've utilized by populating them with more spawn points for large monsters.
>and then you are comparing a game designed to be pure fantasy, there is barely plausible coherence in the world of Elden Ring, as it follows the Dark Souls design philosophy of finding ways to connect zones together that are thematically different. Dragons Dogma attempts to take a realistic approach to world building, and as such it's not going to be as interesting or be able to give you the same sense of wonder as something that doesn't care if having an entire world underneath the surface...
Even DD1 has several setpieces like the besieged fortress, Bluemoon Tower and the water temple. In DD2, the much hyped Moonglint Tower is literally only an elevator ride to the top, where you then BTFO your rival and some mobs, which is such a missed opportunity for a sprawling dungeon before the final fight with Not-Gregory. Ancient Battleground also disappoints with how short it is, and filled with only common enemies like skellies, hobgobbos and Cyclops. Since the drake is non-respawning, literally no reason to return there, unless you wanna farm the three Skeleton Lords there during the post game. And I was expecting more from the Dragon's Breath Tower, but it's super short comprising only a few flights of stairs and small rooms, guarded by (again) some skellies or hobgobbos, and inhabited by only one lesser dragon/drake.
>ER timeloop incoming
>i agree that movement options are underutilised but in order for them to appear fair every vocation would require one to make these structures traversable. sure, they put some chests a bit out of the way but then they specifically have given abilities for the pawns to help you make it to those chests, either by assisting with the boosted jumps or by mage/sorc pawns being able to float themselves to them.
Warfarer exists. Some chests, tokens and ledges are clearly meant for you to use either double jump or levitate to reach them, and anyone without those means have to take the long way around. And Capcom could vastly improve the traversal accessibility by allowing your pawn/hired pawns to use Launchboard or Catapult Launch at your command.
I mean, if the pawns' design is cute or has a quest that I can do then sure.
You have seen the light. There's no going back now
>boot up DDDA to check on my pawn after months of not touching the game
>forgot how fast combat was
>missed how fun mystic knight was
>also missed the DD2 pawn chatter dearly
damn. I thought that the pawns in DD1 were as lively enough as it is before but it's kind of hard to go back to it after 2's back and forth pawn banter.
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I'll miss MSH's speregonne but heavy bonking is too fun to pass up.
When the Seafloor Shrine surfaced, I went there thinking it was a dungeon, but after exploring every floor using Levitate, the place was big, but sadly empty, save for Rothais and some undead. Again, another missed opportunity. It could've been a dungeon, with maybe some new enemies (Brine manifestations or whatever) that served as Rothais' jailors, and the Arisen would've to clear out the place from enemies before it could become a refugee camp during the post game.
nice DSLs
The game is clearly unfinished anon, I'm sure every single dev that worked on the game could write you a much longer list of everything they consider to be wasted potential. The higher ups are to blame for pushing it out too soon.
tell me you got her code
Very cute cat but she's meant to be brutally murdered so we can steal an additional copy of Nation's Death Knell from her sister.
>travel-sized esther
What, you don't like chicken nuggets?
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looks like Vext to me
based detective chaewon
Absolute bimbo.
I need the full slywon pic.
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I give up, it looks nothing like her and the perspective was too hard. But thanks for the practice material. https://files.catbox.moe/4z5uau.jpg
(I also gave up on her quest in the game since I'm not in Unmoored yet)
Do you have a picture of her head profile? For science of course.
Wha the fuck is the dragon's dogma?
You can't just name your game "cyclop's tradition" and call it a day.
>Wha the fuck is the dragon's dogma?
The cruel, unending ring..
the arisen vs dragon cycle, it's (part) of what keeps the world running
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I would like to find that stockholder, the stupid son of a bitch who pushed DD2 to release unfinished and severely undercooker and slap him so hard he falls unconscious.
FIGHT CLUB against stockholder asap, where's Stinkerella
Is this good?
Can you spawn the sphinx with the random encounters mod?
Publically traded companies should be illegal
It's a free market anon.
If a game like The Wonderful 101 can have a successful kickstarter campaign to fund a remastered version with console ports and reach stretch goals that lead to small spin-offs being released as a cool free bonus for everyone, Capcom could do whatever it wants if they asked fans to support their projects.
>System (PC, Console etc.)
>Pawn Name
>Pawn Level
>Pawn Vocation
>Pawn ID
>Optional Info (Boons, Inclinations, etc.)
Old PS3 pawn recreated to support you on your adventures
Complete badges
5x Allheals for a bunch of flowers
Send a friend request if she's too high level
based W101 knower
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I only have the headshot rn. Need to look further for the full art
Thank you anon.
That stockholder seems like a very smart fellow
Class war when? Hopefully soon
literally never happening.
I will destroy the nepo babies with my bare hands
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It's raining...
Anyone know how to inject items? I want a Superior Round Shield on PC
Buy an ad fromshill faggot
>Replying to bait
C'mon anon.
Fromcultists are deranged enough to make genuine posts like that
you'd get arrested before you could get one probably. you'd have an easier time shooting up a school full of poor 5 year olds.
And you feed them and then bitch about it, good job.
I've played both games, just giving my honest opinion. You bitter faggots literally have no argument other than muh bait and muh Fromslop. You faggots should've held Capcom to higher standards, instead of lashing out at another much more successful game.
Saying any about higher standards is rich coming from a fag playing a game that's 99% recycled Dark Souls in every way imaginable. Let's also just ignore the much needed year of updates and balancing patching because even when they copy paste the same game for a decade From still can't quite figure out broken invader NPCs. But oh they added a jump button like action games have had since 2001 and copied NGB's counter (except it ficking sucks in ER go figure), truly Fromslop are revolutionaries.
This is the /ddg/ not the "lets argue about slop general", ma'am.
my pawn tulpa says she hates low focal length extreme closeups
>You faggots should've held Capcom to higher standards
I'll bite but you're beating a dead horse at this point as this has already been discussed to death; the notion that Capcom needed to let the game cook for longer in the oven practically the default opinion of most (if not all) anons on the game. It's just that nobody wants to see the same spiel repeated every thread about how ER is the better game.
>instead of lashing out at another much more successful game
I have no idea why you were expecting a positive response over posting what is essentially "X game better than Y game" in a general dedicated to Y game. If you posted the complaints regarding DD2 on its own (linear map, small enemy roster, dungeon variety) then you would not have received as much shit as you did, simple as.
can you post a sample screenshot for reference?
If you apply the fisheye lens to the right attributes, certainly...
When the Arisen is a certain distance away, the models don't ghost when you draw the camera in close. Maybe they're swapped to lower fidelity versions?
>Dragons Dogma attempts to take a realistic approach to world building
What do Bakbattahl citizens eat? How does trading take place between settlements and cities when the roads are plagued by goblins, wolfs and bandits every few meters? Why does ropeway transportation exist when it's susceptible to common flying monters like harpies? Why does oxcart service only cost 100 gold? What's up with those stray pillars and ruins strewn haphazardly atop Battahlian cliffs?
>Bakbattahl citizens eat
knacker meat
i said attempts.
also to answer a few of your questions, they've established before that the world is different when they are currently not in a cycle. there's no abundance of monsters waiting to attack people once you leave the cities.
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>System (PC, Console etc.)
>Pawn Name
>Pawn Level
>Pawn Vocation
>Pawn ID
>Optional Info (Boons, Inclinations, etc.)
Old PS3 tall muscle mommy pawn recreated to bully foes for you.
Complete badges too
Savagery Extract = 5x Allheals
Send a friend request if too high level
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DD2 can't even do copy paste right, cutting off and streamlining so many features from DD1 like the dumbing down of vocations and armor slots.
>It's just that nobody wants to see the same spiel repeated every thread about how ER is the better game.
I never said ER is the better game. DD2 clearly has the superior combat and I very much like the physics aspect of it. But the map itself is sinfully boring with no highlight to speak of. I actively ignore Melve, Eastern and Western Vermund because there's no interesting monster spawn location to redeem them. And I'm already sick of Battahl and Volcanic Island. Even more damning is the fact that there's not even one decent dungeon in this game, despite taking inspiration from D&D. Random Encounters mod is unimmersive and lore-unfriendly, with nonsensical spawn like a drake inside a small chamber and shit.
>What do Bakbattahl citizens eat?
You can observe this by looking at the environment in-game, pretty sure they serve different dishes in Vernworth and Bakbattahl (with some shared dishes iirc; most of the food is low-poly anywau) Not even taking into account the fruit differences.
>Why does oxcart service only cost 100 gold?
considering how hard currency is to get in DD2 compared to DD1 this actually feels like a fair fare.
>What's up with those stray pillars and ruins strewn haphazardly atop Battahlian cliffs?
There are scattered journal notes and monuments in Battahl that imply that the nation of Bakbattahl was built on top of an ancient kingdom.
For the rest: can be explained by gameplay vs. story segregation or some shit, though it can be inferred in-game that there's not a lot of actual trading going on between the two kingdoms because of a previous war; only merchants with passes are allowed to go in and out of the checkpoint border.

Regardless I have to be honest with you, anon, I only see this level of autism in western rpgs where things like codices/dedicated section of paragraphs upon paragraphs of lore are common; japanese rpgs tend to be more concerned with the world's cosmology or scatter lore shit across dialogue, in-game signs, etc.
Is this with the regular photomode camera? Or by angling the in-game camera while unpaused? You can probably get good goofy shots with these, though.
Hug Menella!
Surely the Grotto counts as a good dungeon.
One apple costs 50g whereas one harspud 300g. Hardly a fair fare.
I have meaning to ask you, which face is that?
Photomode freecam
She uses base head 18 after softening the jaw somewhat
>base head 18
I see, the result is pretty nice.
>3 of the main side character you meet in the game
>Depicted fighting grigori
>They are completely and absolutely irrelevant to the overall story of the game,
>They don't even have multiple quests or interactions
It hurts...
>the result is pretty nice.
Thanks, it still manages to look pretty boyish from some angles.
Here's a bit of shoujo-ai with >>487675845
for example
nadinia actually has one of the longer quest chains, although you could easily miss 2/3 of it
Can you hire PS5 pawns on PC?
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Thanks for sharing a picture of her, she has some very delicate features so this was really challenging and I don't think I can do her justice. Drawing the lines of her nose just a few millimeters apart seemed to make a world of difference so I had to focus really hard, it was a productive practice session. You did an amazing job in the character creator.
Right back at you. https://youtu.be/etqh9yo449A?si=NpZjwDSOlahxvbvD
And it is completely irrelevant to the overall story, same with the flame thing beastren worship. YOU do all that bullshit for Brant so you can reclaim your rightful place as sovran and for what? we don't even get to dive deep in the politics of the game and make the 2 nations make peace, restore the great bridge so we don't have to fight 300 knackers while traveling between areas, etc, etc. anyways.
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Bold request but can you draw a portrait of her gently smiling, maybe a faint blush?
God fucking dammit CAPCOM!
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Thanks sheg-, I mean lady Mercedes!
Sure, I wouldn't mind that.
Chu~~~Thank you anon.
Wow, she looks great. Thank you for the magnificent sketch. I used a local celebrity to create her face and body. She's a face 17 if you want to know.
Mogrum downing a Griffin
fucking knackers
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Powerful slap.
O! How I have seen the Dragon's Dogma!
Unbound by time, all-binding, grand design,
land and skies and seas yearn,
finish the Cycle of Eternal Return.
There's only like 2 in the entire game
That's 2 metal golems too many!
I hate all golems, they can tank meteors without damage when that arm medallion is hidden.
Lack of content for NPC's is where they really dropped the ball. It was one of my favorite aspects of the first game.
I liked how characters had something new to say after almost every single main quest.
The silly false sovran plot did so much damage...
Any tricks for an alt account on Steam?
post pawns with big busts
Somebody rented my pawn and gifted her a sealing phial. Kinda crazy to just give away a once per playthrough item
They must really, really like your pawn.
Tricks? Last time I did it you just created a new account and use family share to play your games, trade, etc.
It's fine, seeing her naked was worth it, plus I don't need the phial.
It was always a joy to go around and see what my favorite NPC's had to say. Whether it was just something going on in their day to day lives or if they had something to comment on the unfolding troubles at large.

It really gave the world a sense of authenticity. Like these people were actually living their lives there.
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ahem i'll say it
>post your screenshots/webms count
>Boot up DD2
>room goes from 70 to 90

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cool shot, unseen threat type shit
>51 webms
>546 ss
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Looking good homie, are you trying do draw all ddg pawns?
>I also gave up on her quest in the game since I'm not in Unmoored yet
Don't mind it, just taking her for a walk is enough.
Can't even have fun with AI image generation, every time I boot up anything demanding not only the room gets super hot but I can smell my computer screaming for mercy, I can also smell something like burning plastic.
Temperature check! 18C and its been rainy, nice and cool after 37 :)
>mfw live in the tropics so it's always hot as shit regardless
having an AC helps
God have mercy.
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143 screenshots so far. I haven't taken that many cause it's hard to get good shots when you can't free roam in photo mode
thats too bad console friend, pc has reframework for free cam in photo mode
I know what you mean. Especially I'm in PS5 jail at the moment. I'm just waiting for them to optimize the PC version
What CPU do you have? They have already optimized the game (a little bit)
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It's a crap gaming laptop. And I'm still waiting for it to be repaired. I'll get the game on PC eventually
Right in the babymaker
Could've been good, but it only has some knackers, some rock lizards, and a Cyclops.
No problem anon, I will work on it in the next few days, thanks for the free oxytocin.
I'm glad you liked it, I can't tell which celebrity she's based on but she's very pretty so I can't blame the other anon for wanting more fan art of her.
Thanks, I'd love to draw them all eventually but sometimes they're more than I can chew, this is the third sketch I gave up on so far and the others were even messier. More attempts will be made eventually.
The pawn folders will eventually outstrip the size of the game
Waterfall cave is a good dungeon imo
True, for a dungeon placed in such a place, so near one of the edges of the map, you'd think it would have much harder enemies.
I can agree on that, it's nice, though the tunnels are a bit too long.
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It's so sad when a pawn doesn't have even a single heart...
what do you expect with ms gooba chooba
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Capcom's pity hires will take care of it.
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How to make her leg not bend
yup, cats
I will never hire a b*ast pawn. I will brine them all
I'm indifferent to cats
Now post the same screenshot but with your arisen and their pawns, I dare you.
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Damn, that's a big pawn
Imagine if you encounter Death on the highest floor of the Ancient Battleground, instead of just another Cyclops.
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It would added an element of dread like when you first encountered the Dullahan in the game.
I think cats drink mead. I think they're honey enjoyers.
i don't know how much i can give DD2's combat credit when compared to ER's, certainly the core is more interesting but the way both games work out in application, i have to say DD2 feels pretty bad. there's such a limited range where a fight feels like an actual decently balanced fight, and the rest of the time you're either wailing on a borderline immortal enemy because you can barely tickle it, or the fight is already over because you outstat the enemy so much

it doesn't help that i keep mentally comparing to DD1 where you had access to 50% more skills. it's hard to count the "skill" on the shoulder button in dd2 when one of them is fuckin' dodge, which used to be a core skill, so technically old dagger classes had 7 skills compared to current.
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I enjoy you, because you're my honey.
>crashed on "Your pawn has returned from the rift"
>Fromdrones get filtered by DD2
Kek, no wonder they are so assblasted by this game. Go back to your general. Your ilks are not welcome here.
i didn't get filtered at all? all the challenge was basically gone around level 30 or so when i had battahl weapons and armor.
If we count dodge and Hundred kisses, it would be 7 dd1, 6 dd2
i guess that's fair, but thousand kisses felt stronger in dd1 compared to the current incarnation, too.
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cute derpy kot
Majetano (Marie)
Fighter, Calm
Cloudward / Vengeance / Hindsight / Full Moon

Level 118

Level 21
Woodland Wordsmith

Will level to 30 for unmoored, red classes to beef her up some. Vocation is subject to bounce between fighter and warrior for now.
Currently plagued and reckless, throw her at anything! I'm curious to see how many scars can mar that pale elven flesh at once...

Quest: 1x Quenching Syrup for 99x Ripe Blueberry
The Arisen is too thirsty, please aid him

Mind if I add you? Still 4 lesser dragons left to slay
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Speaking as someone who frequents /ddg/, /dsg/, /erg/, and /mhg/, I've gotta say this is the only general where the posters are irrationally hostile towards other games they perceive as a threat or rival to their game. You can't engage in a discussion without them sperging out and pulling all manner of buzzwords.
There's one or two schizos that hate everything, feel free to ignore them
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Yeah Worldfags (Soulsfags) completely over ran and ruined the general. Actual Monster Hunter fans are a minority there these days.
Will there ever be "dogma-likes"
It all seems to be baiting, by both sides, I wouldn't take it seriously, however comparing Dragon's Dogma to Soulsborne games was and is used constantly on /v/ precisely to derail threads and to start shitflinging, so some anons will react negatively to soulsborne games being brought up, specially if it's to praise those over DD.
It's called Dragon's Dogma 2
>go to overwatch general
>bring up csgo every thread
>wtf people are annoyed at me
I didn't know this was possible... Does Magickal Gleam have that much knockdown/stagger?
>Mind if I add you? Still 4 lesser dragons left to slay
Sure go ahead
Could also be an effect of the unaware enemy bonus damage/stagger.
That makes sense, I suppose pretty much any ranged skill would've knocked Death's ass in that state.
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Still had him with the chimera quest, but oh well.
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Creepy faces in the golem head.
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Such a cutie patootie.
My own pawn clipped into a wall and even Esther is getting worn down, but Augural Flare fixes everything
It's quite creepy
>Rest at last...
She looks at peace, at least...
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> Lvl. 91
>Kindhearted Chirurgeon
>High Halidom High Palladium Celestial Paean Argent Succor
>Both faster cast rings
>Send a friend request if the level is too high
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Those don't even look like breasticles anymore
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>Kindhearted Chirurgeon
>WW2 Fighter Pilot.

>Argent Succor, Celestial Paean, Ice Affinity, High Empyrean
>Kill griffin for 10k gold
No-nut July is over, it seems
How come there's still no mod that let you manually edit the spawn locations? Like, you can replace the grim ogre in the cave near Bakbattahl with Minotaur or any other monster you want. There's way too many Cyclopses in this game that I just wanna replace some of them with more interesting monsters.
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I dream about this cat.
Thanks for bringing him along. Does anybody know if lesser dragons respawn in Unmoored World?
There are only 5 Lesser Dragons in one playthrough, so no, they don't respawn.
I see, thanks. So 5 unique lesser dragons and 5 pillars of light... Is there any correlation between the two? I would lie if I said I've been paying much attention to the story in Unmoored World.

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