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7.37 likely soon

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sex with hoodwink
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Moon. Lina Moon.
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Only 5 days away from the salvation of all dotards
all raise your right paw and say

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Noom Anil
how do I win games against these hyper cancer carries?
I normally play position 2
elaborate on this meme
why are people not getting punished when I report them for saying ez at the end of the game?
What meme? In crownfall they say her and cms last name is 'Moon'
>5 stuns on the enemy team every game
ok, which heroes can buy aeon, linkens, bkb, and lotus?
Deadlock won.
Abdul Ismail won.
Nudota 2 lost.
Bruno Carlucci lost.
Sean Vanaman and his paid shills lost.
i had a friend who pronounced Rylai's crystal scepter in LoL as "Ree-all-eyes" scepter. when I introduced him to dota and cm, he was like oh it's reealleye from league that's cool they referenced him. didn't bother explaining roshan/nashor to him at that point.
Man this bowling alley sure is loud
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>solo queue
>all 4 other solo queue teammates
>amazing fun game
> 4 commends
>Next solo queue
>4 stack
>Same guild
>their autism unleashed
>they're in discord not using in game comms
>get reported win or lose

Just let me opt in to wait for other solo queues
PSG here

I am learning to hand sew teddy bears. : 3
.....enable the option?
you don't know what crowdstrike is, stop pretending
True. I just feel like yelling at the valve employees
lina moon
crystal moon
Which dota hero should I draw next? 69 wins.
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Hey they can moon me anyday
what if one of them married Luna so her last name is moon that'd be so funny lol
where are her organs
barefoot marci
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Err hopefully where they should be
in her ass and boobs, dotard
Inside her body
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rofl deadlock is fucking toast

speaking of im going to go make toast and papa psg is gonna tell you a secret i just learned, yes this old dog can learn new tricks *ssip*

get some honey cinnamon butter or other flavored butters like that and eat toast with it.
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Yeah so anyways CM's butt is way more better than whatever
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when I saw this I realized I would quit playing dota 2 for this in a heartbeat. Extreme early TF2 vibes
>queue all 5 fucking positions in dota
>15 minute queue minimum
>queue jungle and mid in league
>literally instantly a queue pops
FUCK dota 2, one of these days some real schizo will fucking demolish valve in minecraft for their fucking crimes against humanity fucking FAGGOTS
You're not very funny
buy an ad
im not trying to be, I genuinely hope they suffer
Mmm I'm sure, the unhinged violent psycho bit has been done before and better I might add, though I do believe you are still an unpleasant person to be around in real life anyways
>unhinged violent psycho
sorry, im not gabe faggot newell and I don't commit crimes against humanity.
These fucking so called "people" experiment on us, first with battlepass/ lootboxes, then social credit- oops I meant "behavior" score, and now they introduced fucking shadowpool and smurf queue.
I would say much more but I don't want the fbi to knock on my door, valve can consider themselves lucky I believe in a God otherwise I would absolutely fucking take it upon myself to right the wrongs that have been done.
mason bros why does lil_nicka have more mmr than us?
because hes locked-in
mason gets tilted too easily
because lil nick is better than mason and his boosters
mason literally refuses to try if he ever has to play off role
me too thats why i quit, sick of token shit
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hes about to choke a bitch
PSG buy an ad you dumb niggershit, hope you die of your cancer soon so we don't have to see your niggerfaggot posts anymore
>hookers, alcohol and dota
man what a life
Can any mod fucking range ban PSG already please
holy fuck.
he's NOTHING compared to some other attention whore schizos ive seen in other generals
i unironically envy him
I literally don't know what to do with my life anymore what hero should I main
Marci cause at least she doesn't complain about her problems
that doesn't mean he doesn't ruins this general
>seventy minutes queuing for ALL roles in high 2k mmr
I don't post about streamers
Behavior score scientist PSG here

Ignore that brown guy who's malding right now. Anyway your bought account is in the _hidden pool_

I sure hope you didn't change language or region after buying it because then you will probably be banned.
>have griefing 'soft support'
>get stomped in 20 minutes
>they take every building and kill everyone
>throne dying to mega creeps and their carry
>midlaner respawns and starts fighting
>obviously dies again
>keeps seething in post game chat about how people should report me about 'passive buyback'
wtf is wrong with these people
how do I get out of the hidden pool?
I am tired of all of my fucking accounts getting like this, even if they have high behavior. I can't play my main account, I have so far bought at least 4 other accounts so I can even fucking PLAY.
How do I get this to stop chasing me? How do I FUCK valve and fucking bypass their system?
just keep playing like 50 games...i dunno it took mason like 1000 games hahahah

>How do I get this to stop chasing me? How do I FUCK valve and fucking bypass their system?

i built another computer for dota.
im unironically thinking about just getting another motherboard and whatever else they use to track me, switching my IP address and not logging into any of my other accounts
one question, how am I supposed to fucking play games when I CANT FIND THEM BRO
Who has the voiceline that's just "my purpose for being"? I thought it was nyx because he has a bunch of purpose lines but apparently not
Isn't it Nyx? "Death is my purpose for being!" or something like that.
It's Nyx, you're just misremembering
>"I have one purpose for being."
It's definitely Nyx.

ah good finding friends
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I didn't need to find it, I knew he's in the rafters
>nigger picks shadow shaman
>tries to do le epic split push all game instead of actually CCing the heroes
>lose because we are 4v5 against heroes that need to be CC'd
why even play this fucking game, specially RANKED to grief like this.
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bro this guy does not die late game wtf!!!!
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He's Untouchable
Is there a way to stop some faggot SF (and other shits like Puck) from just Euls+Blinking away every time you have the jump on him? I know Doom and Disruptor Aghs will mute items but like come on, I can't pick Doom and Disruptor every game. Even if you drop something like Alch poison at the bottom he doesn't take damage on the first tick so he always still blinks away.

Surely there's an item that will stop him from pressing his get out of jail free button, right? Right? Help me out bros.
Shhadow blade + nullifier?
That's like 7k gold though... I was hoping for something more like "throw a blood grenade and the blood will get into the tornado and put blink on cd".
Euls lasts 2.5 seconds and Blink cooldown is 3, he shouldn't be getting away off of it
Problem is the Euls reaction is instant so the moment I press a button in range and it starts flying at him, he's already in the air. That's why I'm trying to stop him after, not before. If I could stun him before, it wouldn't be an issue.
If he has time to Euls why doesn't he just blink
I don't play SF, don't ask me. They always Euls first. Every game.
od kinda rapes both of those doesnt he
Can't help you with Gyro but Jugg is stupid easy to kite. Silences ruin his day, and if he doesn't have detection, invis will stop Omnislash easily and make him waste. Right-clicking him with a real carry will also just kill him. Jugg is only a semi-carry, meaning real carries will beat him with enough farm. Skywrath is a good example of a silence. Jugg will never get close without burning spin or BKB first or buying something like a Linkens.

Omnislash is physical damage so ghost form blocks damage even if he still slashes you. Wouldn't recommend Pugna honestly, but Necro would probably have a better time though I wouldn't call him a counter. Ghost Scepter does the same too but I wouldn't recommend buying naked Ghost Scepter for a build. Maybe if you're somebody who could use an Eth Blade. If Jugg doesn't have a Battle Fury, then somebody like Beastmaster will also just mitigate Omnislash easily. If you're alone, Euls would be a good disengage too and might be a better buy than Ghost Scepter.

Also just pick ranged. Like QoP, who could also buy an Orchid for Jugg and hit him through magic immunity.
sex with wei
sex with lina
sex with windrunner
sex with rylai
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The fucks with these treants bros??
>hate offlane
>get offlane every single fucking time in the role queue
Fuck you, dota.
lmao you got backdoored by the giga treant facet

Nice to know 3 are enough to go through backdoor protection. I'm gonna try that next time I end up picking him.
He has AC and octameme so that’s probably needed for that speed
But it’s crazy
If we didn’t have 2 global heroes we would have been megad somewhere down the line
Heh, I was thinking Octameme was probably necessary to have cooldowns short enough for 3 simultaneous casts but didn't think about AC.
that's gonna be an RTS game though
>Rylai Moon
>jungle in ranked
>team gets mad
>jungle in unranked
>team gets mad
Jungle is not a role, my friend.
As said acknowledged by valve removing the "Jungling" role from the filters.
It is physically impossible for me to have fun in this game.
I try so fucking hard, and when I try my hardest I always fucking lose.
I am not a winner. I'm never meant to be a winner. No matter how much effort I put in, or how much time I spend playing. So I fucking quit. I am uninstalling this game. Too bad invoker cant have one patch where hes not shit now
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where is this moon meme coming from? am i missing something?
>Too bad invoker cant have one patch where hes not shit now
um, sweety? Invoker has been broken shit ever since he became universal, and he was for a long time, fuck you. He is balanced now. Its only good when you know how to play him
Its Rylai's canon full name according to the dialog in the Library after donating
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>garbage laning kill pressure outside of sunstrike
>has a very brief period in the early mid game where he's strong
>quickly becomes useless as anything beyond a shitty initiator
>can only become strong again with full 6 items with refresher, but that never happens in broool meta
He was my favorite hero. I loved playing him. I had hundreds of games with him. And I have never felt so fucking weak on him
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KEK that looks fucking retarded
I just played TF2 yesterday and I do not see any similar "vibes" to this game. Looks like third person Valorant both by graphics and by UI.
2 are enough desu
you don't need octarine core but you need ac or desolator
who tf is PSG
Why won't they nerf snapfire AIEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE
some schizo retard who is deep down in the shitter bracket and also sub 500 behaviour score, he is like 40 years old, he has bought multiple accounts to prove to random retards in this general that he isn't a total waste of air and space
He is legit the most subhuman being you could ever encounter, also the only one who seethes at drawfags for taking attention off his herald rants about how he is better than the rest of his team, despite unable to win any game.
do you think they will release another collectors cache ? some of the sets don't even have particle effects


a shit
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Yep, time to queue ranked and watch asmongold on my other monitor.

is this the real torte de lini I played against him just now in deadlock (he sucked)
im so jealous of asmon
he can just stream and play video games all day every day and gets paid millions
AND gets to have sex with hot twitch girls you see making money off simps
life is literally unfair
You think some autistic redditor who loves to write wikipedia articles is good at a video game?
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he's not that bad
Why would you want that kind of miserable life? Money is an illusion. Think of them as dota 2 gold. Lets say you got a divine rapier, you will be worried your entire life of losing it, that is money. Fame? Women? They are all the same In the end, the throne is fallen. Your life ends, and that is done. If life is a test, just don't fail that test.
you won't do shit dotard plantation nigger, gaben has you by the balls
>Extreme early TF2 vibes
you are retarded
try the right click facets with witchblade
Yes it's him and it's well-known he sucks at Deadlock
Don't reply to PSG, that piece of niggershit is now shilling marvelslop for some godforsaken reason, just manifest for his brain cancer to murder his pathetic niggerscum ass soon
sorry i didnt notice it was him
>Boom out of Secret
>Crystallis having an announcement
it's over isn't it
lol it feels like fortnite with this knockoff dr strange from the MCU
lmfao are you the schizo that doxxed vanaman
Holy based.
getting tired of this art style
Who cares, they're not playing shit until like winter.
lmao schizo
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What's your best ratio with the amount of games played? For me, somehow I manage to get this with Ursa, getting some free stomps as I end up picking him in some really good lineups.
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New meta just dropped
You have received
>Reporting people who dare to think for themselves and explore new builds
Go back to LoL, faggot
>Look at this CRAZY wacky 200 iq build!!
>Casual, Turbo or sub 2k rank.
Every time. These aren't real matches.
Here's my last 5 matches
>safelane core disconnects from our team, we win 4v5 after excruciating 96 min
>mid that lost us the game by not pushing any towers as DK, opted to farm jungle when enemies were dead, died without buyback on lowground outside of base while we defend
>lost against scripter rubick and mars, that autosteal any worthwhile spell the exact frame it's cast and mars toggling his E on every single ranged attack
>safelane core that goes 0-19, insists he's a rich guy and he doesn't care about the game since he's playing while drugged, earlier he ragequit after dying 3 times in 2 min and pretended it was internet issues
>loss against a sf that is obviously someone taking a piss on people 2k ranking below him
>20 min stomp win against actual retards
I'm not having any fun.
based you tell that lol faggot
le f50 faic
yapzor makes invoker 5 look based
>It's my teams fault I'm bad at the game
You're the only constant
quit game
delete phone number
change password
change email address
goodbye forever
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what is Marci's full name?
sex with AI generated dota 2 slop girls
Marci the d2g Goddess
Marci <my second name>
no shard?
>leave to pos 5 to pick up all the wards past minute 1
>buy nulls as pos 4 and shit all over a huskar lane
>Buy a ward post laining and pos5 gets mad that I finally bought a free observer ward and then just afk farms
Shame, we would have won that for sure, but boy that auto control facet for visage is truly horrid.
Anybody Divine or higher can tell me what I need to do better if I want to climb from Ancient to higher ranks?
I started a few months ago and I want to know if there is something specific I need to learn, I play position 4 or 5, thanks in advance.
>pick NP
>jungle from minute 1
>get mass reported
>lose behavior score
>Item gets held by valve for over 10 days because it's worth more than 1 dollar and I don't have their spyware app on my smartphone
>Sell item
>Gabenbucks held for over 24 hours already
Subarashi desu ne, omoshiroi.
You know android shows you what permissions and data apps are allowed to use right? And steam doesn't request location or file access etc
I've used the steam desktop authenticator for 10 years now. (from jessecar96 github page, the website is a russian virus.)
>spend more than $20 on steambux
>funds get held because i don't want to verify my cc
>Needlessly fight against basic processes that everyone else is fine with
>Have a bad experience

Wow, I wonder who is responsible.

PSG here time to go play my 15th account because SOMEBODY always ruins games that I'm in!!!
>it works for me :)
>Voluntarily make something not work
>"Wtf it doesn't work"

Are you the same guy who does not accept you have a hardware problem with your dota crashing every day
how many of you all believe shadowpool is real?
I honestly thought that valve placed me under some kind of tracking with IP and shit but knowing them there is no way they did that, they are too fucking lazy, probably.
Anyways now im beginning to think the one hour queues+ is a bug, I am going to try and get this resolved.
One way or another, it WILL be resolved.
>Play AM
>Pos 5 keeps trying to last hit in lane
>Mid rotates just to try steal last hits in lane
>Mid keeps farming jungles in my area
>mid: "I hate AM"
Ward better
Be more active in lane
Stop buying defensive items on pos 4
The ringmaster
Whatever happened there
bad concept
boring hero
hopefully never released
queue duo's.
In terms of personal skill? Get better at positioning and harassing enemy in lane. So many supports are dogshit at these things.
What would you say are your personal strengths as a support player?
you're welcome saar
what if we got an elephant beetle themed bug hero instead of some gay circus freak
i won't rest until we get a centipede or a bobbit worm hero
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>bobbit worm

Please stop calling it that made up media joke name. It is a polychaete worm
>play ranked
>If I play a core position, the support on my lane picks either out of position or extremely off meta every single game, 100% of games

This is what I bought another account for, huh.

This game is honestly just dead. It needs GUILD BASED LEAGUES valve.
it could be a polycarbonate worm for all i care
>muh meta
Go back to league
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post foots
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>he's 12k
>you're 2k
what's your excuse?
I play like 10 games in a week
Also I double down every game that seems like a loss to stay at 2k
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Is it just me, or is Dawnbreaker really underwhelming currently.
My calibration games have been disastrous, started getting matched with high legend/low ancient but have had so many unwinnable games. Now getting matched with high archon. Went 4-10, and it’s at 28% confidence…should I just not finish them, wait for confidence to go down and hope for better games next time?
Don’t get me wrong I had a couple bad games in that span myself, but overall I feel like I really got fucked by matchmaking.
>"dotard, just play the heroes you're struggling against and you'll learn their weaknesses"
>pick axe
You can. Then you have to win enough unranked to be sure the confidence is going up and not down.
I think I'm actually just gonna start cheating on my second account. I just want to enjoy the game.
I worship Lina's feet!
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if he had a 70 IQ he wouldnt be able to figure out how to post on reddit or install the game
i like how gorgc became the happiest man alive when he hit 12k, queues up for another game as bounty hunter carry, begins losing, and then starts raging at his team again
it reminds me the meme of the guy pushung the boulder up a mountain
>What would you say are your personal strengths as a support player?
I am always autistically searching for where the enemy put their wards, I wish carries weren't retards with tunnel vision that killed themselves each time I left lane for a second to get the bounty rune or pull creeps or stack.
stop getting bounty rune you subhuman nigger
you are ruining your lane every time you do that
either get better at timing your swift departure of the lane or simply win the lane from poking the enemy and killing them.
Core players are fucking retarded and unless you are in a stack with them and can clearly communicate, they won't pay attention to what you do for the most part unless you are right next to them.
>queue a game up with a support friend
>get mid
>swap lanes with pos 1 out of an agreement so I can lane with my friend
>offlane says "I play core", picks riki and steals my lane, ignoring the fact that I was core
>they end up getting caught out of position twice causing us to lose
fucking amazing. I hate russian niggers, I swear im gonna just fucking stay in my lane next time so they can get fucked.
i can go on the internet and tell everyone i have 40iq and i am autistic too
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That guy rages every game, yesterday he let out a scream like a children at the mall who don't get a new toy he just saw at the showcase because his lane partner missed skillshots.
You need to go back.
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Our Jordanian Princess is streaming, /d2g/.
>wd main
every time
How come Terrorblade is a hero and how come people pick him?
He does nothing well
Naga is just a better illusion farmer carry type hero
Why would you play that shit hero Terroblade other than the fact that he looks cool
TWO ultimates.
someone explain why we don't have any schizo pros?
Honestly a lot of the higher mmr players seem pretty well adjusted, compared to the average stereotype of a gamer.
Dota is a game of calm rationality. Obviously.
then how does the lesser sex such as
get to high ranks?
she's more rational than apes like PSG obviously
are you fucking retarded?
>be me PSG
>Have some horrible games on second account then it gives me a booster with 14 game streak
>Lane with him
>Completely annihilate lane and set up everything perfectly pulls warding etc we get 5 kills and make them leave lane and take tower
>Other lanes are failing and mass pinging
>Entire game fight against team mass pinging, dying for no reason, buying complete nonsense that leaves then vulnerable in the worst ways possible, farming the stacks beast and I make for him, we don't snowball because the other core players are stack farmers and take literally 7 or 8 stacks from him early while we are dominating around the map
>Beg and plead for support to buy any support items, aghs blink etc all game no defensive item and keeps saying "wtf"
>Finally approaching a win, hour long game, one of the core players decides to farm unstacked jungle reaches with 4 dead
>Can't finish
>Almost lose
>I somehow kill 2 and we barely manage to get the ancient

The stress of playing this game is just not worth it anymore. It's literally a free game and the team *tries to lose* while ostensibly not "griefing"

This game used to be such a fun and tight experience and now it feels like games are torture like this. Your own skill level really matters very little because games are pre decided by who is on what team. Without the booster, we lose, based on players. Period.

I think I'm gonna get a code for that marvel game. If anyone has one add me PSG and I'll gift you some of the new caches for it. I have all of them and I'll give you any 3 for a code
which hero, if they got released for the first time would d2g call retarded?
its not hard to get to a high rank its hard to be useful at it though
this is without having viewed said player just guessing, most of being high rank in dota is error recognition which women are great at if they can be bothered to learn the surrounding system
Huh actually it looks like th guy isn't a booster at all he just knew how to play okay.

In archon anyone that attacks a tower seems like a booster now I guess.
Epheys just a boosted account she plays pos 4/5 easy heroes like wd and jakiro

Same for sheever being ancient or something she is legit about 500 MMR MAYBE
Damn, funny seeing you animals cope when confronted with the fact that there are women who play dota much better than you
Show me one who isn't a personality and solo queued there. I will wait
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I can’t wait to main a new fire-based waifu in Deadlock and laugh at dotards’ dead game that couldn’t even release a hero once a year
lol has like 50 heros that never saw play at their last event
>we released a bunch of trash or forgot about entire heros for years
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>caring about esports hero usage
God damn retard
I actually just guessed since someone asked I know quite a few carried females maybe it's not true but it's certainly not cope. I hope shes not carried thatd be neat. A lot of people in the pro scene that arent pros are shit at the game since forever its quite common, not sure why you're so triggered
>half the roster is unusable by anyone but bronzies
>uhhhh but we have more!
I like that hat she has on WD.
>he looks cool
He looks like a dork trying to cosplay something cool
Don't leave lane except for xp runes and tp ganks. "Roaming" for no reason loses games.
I don't even know how the playstyle for Soul Keeper changed from the previous dota, way back when we just rushed Skadi on him, he was a great early game winner and if the game took too long it was hard to stop him.
Everything powercrept so hard that he doesn't even do much damage anymore
Meta used to make people run from him, now they just man up on his ass and since he can't sunder anyone with a brain he loses that manfight
women cant resist his dancing.
cute webm
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why do you post so few cropped porn pics
a skeleton
a fucking dragon
if they liked black man so much they'd play Axe
These are just low effort, high impact support heroes. No woman will ever play Chen.
mason live bitches
I just looked at my account purchase history on a website and saw that I have bought over 14 accounts, LMAO
>voiced by a black dude
He's voiced by they guy that voiced Heavy and Demo in TF2, he's white.
>tfw too poor for the Vigil Triump Sven weap
lost like 200 mmr today because i decided to chain grief games just to see how pissed off i could make my teammates
what if the assist gold formula accounted for damage dealt and disables applied
Invoker originally released with more than 10 spells.
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>mfw I go double mid to grief a retard I had in my last game and we still win because the enemy is too retarded
ah well, I just cant help myself killing these retards
I finally realised what is so OP about Gleipnir. We can talk about how a free AoE root is OP and all but it's because if you're on a Hoodwink or something who has nothing going for them in a drawn-out brawl, the Gleipnir alone just changes fights. The enemy team can't run back and forth, they can't hide under their tower or in the trees, and once it's cast, it's homing so they can't even get away. It's the ultimate anti-brawl brawling item. By buying that one item, your utility skyrockets.

And your teammates recognise it too. So even if the enemy team is under tower and you get a nice fat Gleip, everybody just charges in anyway. The item was designed not for the gameplay but for the mental tendencies of players. For the kinds of players who end up having 5v5 mid posing sessions after laning phase, or people who can't push high ground without that mental nudge from watching a Hoodwink shoot out a fat wad of Gleip on the enemy team.
what if dota just had secret esoteric formulas to every component of gameplay just to make every match incredibly predictable
doing too much damage? Sorry, procedural armor mitigation is suddenly high on the enemy
stun someone too long? Sorry, diminishing returns on CC
Sounds retarded and something Riot would do for LoL
just buy atos
What if forced 50 impacted all rng variables, like auto attack damage range and creep gold bounty range?
Oh wait, it does.
You will invent and believe anything to shift responsibility so why not
Don't research the creep bounty patterns.
Nobody cares about Atos. It's all about the big Gleips.
PSG here told you this years ago :)

They make your cs hits do minimum damage in lane stage
>no Sven arcana
>no Necro arcana
>no Sniper arcana
>no Spiritbreaker arcana

but instead Venge and Skywrath?
who the fuck even plays those boring ass heroes? why does Valve hate money?
>complain about boring heroes
>list only boring shitter heroes, and Sven who has 500 million sets already
Anon pls
No you didn't, I singlehandedly figured this out.
Sb is pure unfiltered fun and if you disagree your brain is broken.
where's my alchemist arcana where the ogre rides steroided alchemist
all of them are extremely popular heroes you dolt
fucking retarded animal dont reply to me
Red pill me
when genderbend voker
when spirit alchemy alchemist
when knights templar ta
when angel of the omniscience doom
when oswald sniper
when headcrab slark
when mtg morphling
when final fantasy pl
when sea dick eating tidehunter
when more teeth lifestealer

Redditors also have insecurity over their own game like you guys
/ourguy/ just got to 12k yet you will still shit on him despite being heralds.
explain yourself dotards
>um but this one hero was shitpicked by retards in one game and lost
this is not indicative of anything but garbage drafting DESU
I'm voluntary herald
you can call me a Vorald
proniggers in both are complete garbage, but kind of on opposite sides
in dota, proniggers shitpick garbage like WK for no reason and shit the bed
in lol, proniggers live in a fucking box and pick the same handshaked champs every single game
what's better? fuck if I know, fuck proniggers
lol ok inrald
/ourguy/ gorgc
compare the picked heroes not this "le unbanned" garbage, who gives a shit about some random retard fat-fingering broodmother ban
>lost a 12 win streak to a MK refusing to buy BKB against SF spell build
You got me gaben... you broke it
if you win 60% of your games forever you should soon become the best dotard in planet
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NTA but I don't think that's true, I don't think it's even possible to win 60%, these are overall matches that don't count the unranked games I had, I doubt I am over 50% wr on rankeds.
You need to go back.
die less
dont force retarded fights if u just position well the enemy team will eventually take some stupid fight under ur wards/tower and u will teamwipe them
basically be patient
am is grief pick
>Pick AM
>Team automatically doesn't want to play anymore

Gee if there were only some way around it.
Can anyone explain with math preferably whats best way to utilize tiny toss and khandra?
I see pros not using Toss+Avalanch combo and instead opt to toss one hero into enemy team with avalanche follow up.
I also know khandra has weird interaction with toss and sometimes dont work.
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no one cares redditor
he literally displays this on his offline page lmao u fucking tranny incel
Wish I could zoom farther away on Dota 2 like when the championships are going on they do those cool zooms out, seeing more shit is better idk why they don't allow us to.
if someone goes afk and disconnects after 5 mins, do i have to actually wait for the ancient do die to get any tokens? i also have to wait that to be able to report the guy?
You can pull the scoreboard and report people in-game.
I was going to say Khanda Toss into Avalanche was correct but Avalanche+Toss doubles the Avalanche damage so if the Khanda bonus gets doubled too, then you'd want Avalanche into Toss for more damage. But pros probably do it the other way for teamplay reasons so that the Tiny has a buddy to fight with instead of trying to maximise the combo damage. Toss is also targeted so they might just want the targeted damage to land on somebody specific instead of praying with Avalanche into RNG Toss pick where the target that matters might get away.
>You can't zoom further away because people with bad hardware would have an issue running the game
lol, lmao, being punished for not having a bad machine.
Muh reddit

Once a cheater always a cheater. Is why he can't make a team roster.
mad ass tranny redditor
Artist sauce?
>But pros probably do it the other way for teamplay reasons so that the Tiny has a buddy to fight with instead of trying to maximise the combo damage.

No, the reason pros do it is because of "Crash landing" facet that deals bonus dmg (up to 40%) on toss landing. It is straight up more efficient to toss random target into enemies instead of Toss+Avalanche combo
lmao even
What's the difference? If you blink Q W into a group, somebody's going to land into that AoE and do the crash landing damage anyway. The difference in ordering only changes whether Avalanche gets double damage, not whether Toss will do the crash landing damage. Unless you're saying the Tossed target avoids the damage specifically.
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>Unless you're saying the Tossed target avoids the damage specifically.
Thats literally how it works
I tested it and the tossed target does seem to avoid that extra damage
>bang out act3 in unranked
>get back to ranked
>win lane hard
>"omg mid rotate rotate rotate rotateeeeeeeeeee morooooooooooooooon"
>he is 1-1
>score is 11-9
>ofc its an arab kid with a bought account
I see. So it is in fact, more damage to throw a target at enemies. I learned something new today.
giving internet access to third world countries was a mistake
If third world countries didn't have internet access, US east would not exist as a server.
Be thankful
fat bald retard
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>turn on stream
>jigaboo music
every time
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So...wich one?
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you can suck on my pipe for free
*tips fedora*
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Not that I am really invested in the tournament anyways but I wonder why Elite League doesn't have an english cast, they did for the first season
caster cabal charged too much for the event
Agnostic has no sustain, so elitist
*Tips fedora
why does tf2 get patches but we dont
>shift between max wex and max ex to maximize attack speed and damage
>also throw in max quas for free bonus damage
Let me guess, the """hard""" hero is too hard for you?
Elitist exort is so dogshit because you need to attack them to apply a debuff
Being forced to pick pos1 more often, what's a fun int carry I can play in the safelane? I want to mess around with the new items because I just started playing after a 10 year break.
Meta seems to heavily favorite carries who fight after 15 minutes or so if I got my finger on the pulse right because a game that goes well seems to end at 25ish minutes.
You can use the same same logic with elitist.
>doing your combo? full exort for maximun damage
>need to heal mid fight? full quas before you throw anything
>wex to attack
>Let me guess, the """hard""" hero is too hard for you?
>Elitist exort is so dogshit because you need to attack them to apply a debuff
Oh fuck i didn't know that i thought it was a passive that made them vulnerable to magic damage.... i guess that puts agnostic above.
See: >>487441010

Meta is broooool and semi-carries now.
>Here's my last 5 matches
>lists 6 matches
Can't even count, no wonder you're shit at dota
The orbs don't do anything outside of being used to make spells for Agnostic, you always have the passive, there is no switching required
Picking """hard""" carries and ricing has been griefing for like 4 years now, if you aren't active on the pos 1 you're a fucking retard, and if you can't be active on a """hard""" carry then pick something that comes online and will have impact early instead.
Look at what YOU did wrong every game and try to do that better next game. Don't get mad.
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I love earthshaker so much bros, but after returning and getting a shard my brain is having a hard time understanding that I can walk on my own fissure.
you should ALWAYS go agnostic exort invoker. you farm faster, do more damage in lane, and you can go gleipnir and carry yourself
What? so i always gget the movespeed, lifesteal and spell amp even if i don't change to that orb? I just noticed on agnostic it says PASSIVELY and on elitist it says it sais ACTIVE orb....
>and you can go gleipnir and carry yourself
I have never seen anyone do gleipnir on invoker tho. Even pro players.
pro players are behind on the meta
the meta is, everyone should go gleipnir, specially caster type mids
psg here

this is correct i have been buying gleipnir on every hero. last game I accidentally killed the very threatening carry weaver by gleipnering the ground randomly and he was right there.
No you get the DoT, Attack Speed and Damage for free all the time when you level them with Agnotic, with Elitist you need to have the right orb out
For anybody who isn't at LEAST 4k right now, smarten up.
I haven't played this game for two fucking years, I was previously high 5k mmr.
I came back and bought a 2k uncalibrated account to test my skills, calibrated 3.4k mmr and already climbing fast.
How can you shitters be the same skill level year after year? the only thing that keeps me back is my behavior score unironically.
>0k MMR player at chatting telling others to smarten up
I need Marci images.
for a school project.
Then i guess playing with agnostic is much easier than playing elitist...
post dotabuff of that happening
agnostic is shit
I'm getting mixed signals.
IS this high or low mmr
>post dotabuff so I can get banned for technically smurfing
FUCK no.
honestly the best decision I have made so far was to quit dota. Infinitely better for my social life, mental health, etc.
I don't even know why im bothering to try and play again.
everything below immortal and most of low immortal is low mmr
everything below 10k is low mmr
bro you think valve employee browse this place to ban your account
you're just making shit up
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What did anonne mean by this
>b-bro I totally did this thing
>n-no i can't prove it hahaha

add another faggot to the pile

I really didn't think I was so much manlier and more honest and courageous than the average player here but I guess it's true

also you can't have the dotabuff of my new bought account either hhhhhhehehehe

valve employees come or came here. Last year I said "dota 2 still crashes every single time you alt tab while the game is first loading" and the bug was fixed THAT DAY.
Because putting the real genre "ASSFAGGOTS" is not pc enough
my new dota 3 game im brainstorming is in the genre Team Oriented Attack/Defense-- TOAD
>bait to try and get my account banned
what fucking benefit do I have to come in here and spout lies?
I wouldn't be able to feel good about myself by bragging about it if it was a lie.
people lie for attention all the time
negative attention, positive attention, meaningless attention
is crazy how much shit people spout on the internet
bro I would never narc on someones account here

but I am the one person: Me, PSG, on d2g who has EVER put their money where their mouth is

we have heard you fuckin whiners say 100000 times how you boosted up x and y account and you NEVER show it, so fuck off with that shit

imagine youre talking to a bitch when you come here. "hey i did this thing!!" "cool can I see?" "no"

the bitch walks away homie. the bitch walks away.
guys this shit is fire.
It helps my dota gameplay so much and helps me keep it PMA
based schizo
Postem anons, I guess I should never play enigma ever again
I need a braindead mid that at least matches with all of the current meta mids every time I'm forced to go mid I just end up feeding to autistic lvl 30 ember/SF/Puck players that do nothing but spam their one hero
what are meta mids right now?
Click the mid button: https://dota2protracker.com/meta
Dotards please lend your energy, we must manifest for PSG to die of his brain cancer already, the tumor's so bad he's now shitting up the thread shilling fucking marvelslop
>This post is off-topic.
Stop talking about him then. Ignore the bald faggot and stop bringing him up when nobody asked.
does PSG have a wife? or even a girlfriend?
I was fine ignoring him until he started shilling the new marvelslop game, now I'm rooting for him to get dumpstered back to the fucking stone age by his brain tumor
damn bro it's not that serious

im also rooting for that to happen though can you concentrate super hard? im ready to go senpai
I won't post the marvel game here again if it upsets you that much, it's your d2g also :)

It just looks fun...and better than dead slop...

I'll still trade someone 3 new caches for a marvel key. 30 day cd because it's a gift though
I like the marvel game slop, please keep posting it shishou
what if... we took [spell]... then... added a SLOW
and a DOT
I just thought it's an adjacent game and related enough. There is not much to talk about with Dota 2, even a number patch appears to be a shooting star at this time
>int carry
muerta is fun but not the strongest thing rn.
necrophos is prob the most viable int carry
wtf is zxc?
i just want some kind of X-Men game with strategy elements or just some kind of intelligent X-Men game
idgaf about any Marvel stuff, the only super hero stuff i like is X-Men. ive just always thought X-Men was cool af, how everyone has different abilities and all the different interactions with their abilities and working together to use them against evil mutants with abilities
it's all just so cool
zxc 1000-7 tokyo ghoul 1v9
what is zxc mean though? lmao
Haven't there been several variants like that though? There was an xcom type game and a card game etc
the keybinds in wc3 dota for sf you wouldnt get it
is that seriously what that's from? because i see it a lot in usernames in dota 2
you just dont get it suka blyat
I'll have to check them out but I remember X-Men Legends seemed like a step in the right direction for X-Men games
Aether lens for sniper ult
Based or cringe
aether lens is for spells with shit range not good range
>playing lifestealer
>had a decent lane, kept getting easy kills and farm while they made my braindead nigger io go 0/8 because he didn't realize he's a ranged hero apparently
>faggot nigger retard decides he's tired of feeding my lane and decides to go feed mid instead
>check score and see 0/14 io, 2/11 windranger, 0/6 drow, 5/1 me, and a 0/0 nyx afk at wisdom rune
>afk farm, grab radiance and aghs and shard
>glimmer of hope
>drow 2v1'd somehow, finally finished her shadowblade
>infest her
>spam ping her where she needs to go
>she stealths and we combo them with silence+infest
>realize I am the master and she is naix clumsily following my frantic directions and leaving a trail of blood in her wake (lorechuds will get it)
>nyx comes back and starts ratting for some reason
>niggers io and windranger still dying nonstop
>doesn't matter, nyx came through with a clutch deward on highground,
>retards blow all their bkbs killing nyx, we swoop in with the stealth silence infest combo
>drow gets mvp despite me having a better score, higher damage, higher net worth, more solo kills, more farm, and dragging my retarded team kicking and screaming across the finish line
nigga fuck this game sometimes. anyways what's a good cosmetic combo for lifestealer that isn't this shitty gold stuff
>still is mad
>still blogposts
3k mmr?
Post marci pictures
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I know it's not that special but i thought that juke was funny
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I think this one is kinda cool
now that I think about it, seems like he never really gets any good sets
I don't think there was a single naix collectors cache set this year or even last year to vote on
if you took that off would he die?
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post ur dota plus levels
rate others
nevermore just had an aura about him in dota 1 of being pure skill
no slow, no magic amp, no nothing, only zxc
>faggot ass hero has always been a faggot ass hero
color me surprised, truly is the yasuo of dota. or rather yasuo is the sf of league.
None of my heroes are above level 5 because I have never once given valve a single cent despite having 4k hours in this game
lina moon.
crystal moon.
ok, didnt ask, but thanks for bumping the thread
Lina Goon
more like yonetards
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>io, tinker, es, visage, brood and arcwarden
deep seated mental issues/10
>opened 50 immo treasure 1 2016
>still no mace of aeons
fuck valve
fuck gaben
fuck vanaman
>necro offlane
Old Eron Islesion is laughing in his grave
>looking up myname+dotabuff while at work to check something
>wonder why a hero comes up as the second pick
>I'm rank 1 on dotabuff
Wow what a ego boost holy shit
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>paypigging a free assfaggots game
tiny is super balanced btw
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just pick any healing hero?
Doesn't that only track people who pay for dotabuff premium? I remember some anons saying that the top players for a lot of heroes are a bunch of low rank shitters.
Nope, I don't pay and I'm at rank1
damn thats accurate

pros: pl, necro, axe
cons: slark, tiny, riki, bh, clinkz

brown skin/10
Idk I see top players for some heroes being archons and shit lol, seems kinda meaningless
Gameplay questions about orbs:

- I know a few years back, Icefrog decided to casualise orbs so that they all stack and shit now. Are there any exceptions to that? Like some orbs still not stacking with each other like I don't know, Deso on top of Stygian Deso, or Corrosion Orb or OoV + Skadi, or something like that. I assume upgraded orbs don't stack with their lower versions like OoV + Corrosion, or Blight Stone + Deso. I'll probably look up desos after I post but I'd like to know if there are other combinations that explicitly do not stack.

- The hero orb skills are generally listed as "Unit Target". Does this mean that they will be buffed by Khanda? If they do get buffed by Khanda, do they have to be cast manually to be considered for buffs, or is auto-cast with right-click good enough?
thats their full names
>a few years back
Her name isn't Crystal
It's Rylai and Lina Crestfallen
are you on crack? I'm pretty sure its Rylai Crestfall and Lina Inverse
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Can someone edit this so it's Lina Moon
It's Lina Inverse you dummies. >>487791768 is the only person to get it right.
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spoken like a guy not on the rankings
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Did someone say Lina Inverse?
that's not even lina, she's from a shitty anime
Amagi Brilliant Park was pretty funny actually, not shitty but not great.
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It shouldn't be too hard to get a reference in-game
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sorry chud if it's not azumanga daioh then it's a shitty anime
I think you got enough, my man
>Laguna Blade
>Ragna Blade
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I know that, I meant a set or something
I finished trawling the wiki so I guess I have answers to my own questions:

- Deso does stack with Stygian Deso, shockingly.
- There doesn't seem to be an orb combination that doesn't stack that isn't the orb+upgraded orb exception.
- Orbs don't count for Khanda buffs. I'm doing 70-90 damage as a lv 1 Silencer no matter what so doesn't seem to count. Also combat log doesn't say "You did 150 damage with Khanda" like it does for normal spells.
- One thing I got to testing was to see if other spells with no damage applied the Khanda buff too and for those, the answer was yes. So I should definitely consider buying Phylactery/Khanda on a lot more heroes, not just for certain nukers.
- Sadly this doesn't apply to item actives so Dagon/Sheep/etc. won't count.

Time to start theorycrafting some meme builds.

Am I wrong? Most of the UAM changes according to the wiki happened between 6.8x-7.00 so that was 2016.
wish i had a gf who looks like that
She looks just like me
unranked all pick might be the worst mode
it is a bunch of fragile egos tilting at the first opportunity. i swear 80% of the games have a rage quitter or afk or griefer
even turbo is less toxic
Does it work on impetus? Iirc impetus a spell not an orb
I don't know why they tilt so easily, unranked is where you go to mess around and test.
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It's not a spell, well not the way you think it is

Wouldn't matter much on Enchantress anyway since Khanda procs only once every 6 seconds.
Wiki also lists it as an Active Attack Modifier like most of the orbs are now.
It doesn't work. Enchant does. I wonder if you can unit target snipers grenade

Captcha: 2ASHY
yeah, i dont get it. some even are in parties with friends, so idk what the fuck is their issue
Sniper nade is only point target. Doesn't work in demo.
Wait why haven't I been buying phylactery on lich
Sunder with Phylactery is sad. It deals the damage first, then Sunders, so it is only a detriment on Terrorblade.

That's a good question. Why haven't you? It's literally an item used to become a lich.
Yeah fuck it I'm buying it first item now

Does the slow stack??
>TA buys rapier
>our bane
>with his aether lens
>and aghs
>long range point and click bkb piercing stun
>and our spirit breaker
>with his long range point and click bkb piercing stun
>both decide to ult their pos5 at the same time
>we lose a 5v2 fight and then the game
What could we have done to avoid this problem and obtain a free rapier for our carry? Can anyone take a guess?
I am getting lazy but it seems so. Wiki says all slows from abilities stack, and items have restrictions but only within groupings so if the Phylactery is the only slowing item, it should stack with your spells.
>PSG raises hand

Sell your items and buy rapier, then lose it, then get it back on your carry. I have set out to intentionally do this and executed it before.

If you lose a rapier after selling your items for it you seem to get auto low priority now. :(
yeah I noticed that too. fed 3 rapiers once and was low prio immediately when the game ended. we still won too.
We'll have to just buy rapiers with the intent of using them
I miss drawfags...
im still here,
Which one are you? are you working on anything?
i just want a carry player on my team that isn't a dog
god please
>valve nom longer works on TI
it's over
>clinkz brown boots bloodthorn
>"I can't farm"
>"I don't have mana"

Why is the average person who plays the game actually abysmally stupid?like can anyone explain it
doomers stay winning LMAO
Playing video games is for losers.
>Minigame is called chess
>Has nothing to do with chess
What the fuck is this bejeweled clone? It's not even good. Who the fuck would make this piece of shit?
I am working on something.
well fucking leave
kill yourself already
Get good lol
Im never leaving, PSG :)
I'm not a kid I don't tell people to kill themselves and I also have no interest in whatever it is you're doing. Don't drag me into your samefag shit posting.

Look at you pretending to be an artist to yourself so you can bring me up out of the blue. Jesus, man. Is Iran really that lonely? You can't have pets right? Because it's the devil or something

Damn, Iranians are living like the waterboy
why am i suddenly getting jungle venos
I was just testing something out after I saw a high mmr player do it, sorry bout that.
Hoodwink faggots are so dishonest, how do they still claim the hero doesn't deserve nerfs is beyond me
le silly squirrel of infinite cc and 100-0 combos :3
they'd stick around even if she was completely gutted, they just want to fuck her
so sf is getting dumpstered right?
She needs buffs unironically
I don't think you can lose against sf even if you wanted to.
Thread's theme
Hoodwinks bullshit tree bounce facet is ridiculous. It probably makes her the strongest support when it comes to trading with other supports
I thought you were just being retarded but this is actually true.
TI is now officially no longer a valve production.
Holy fuck, dota is fucking dead. Run for the hills its over...
I knew they didn't give a shit about this game, fuck valve man.
She still needs buffs.
You need to hang thoughever
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Nice, I opened two lootboxes and got her.
cope shitter
Said the retard that demands buffs to compensate for his poor performance
>Champion of Gorgorath is dogshit for a support warlock
>XP tome is even worse as you skip first 2 tier items in the vein hope you get 10+ kills, but even if you do it's barely 2 levels worth
Give him a facet that increases healing/damage of shadow word, but you have to choose to be only heals or only damage or some shit
Turn Upheaval into a cast point spell for 1/10th of the time frame

literally anything is better than the current facets
yeah warlock has boring/dogshit facets, he is meta tho
Shit opinion held by a shit player
Confluence status?
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>buff warlock
XP tome is only worth if you pop it for level 6, in which case it's shit anyways.
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She looks way better without the hat.
how is champion of gorgorath bad?
its free extra damage
Literal retard, champion is a great facet.
The blue-haired one with the tummy open activates my neurons.
Why the fuck does warlock say shit like "By my demon staff" whenever I gain vision on him? No other hero does this.
free to mate?
He isn't meta though.
>get r*ssians on the team
>get humans on the team
Is it really that simple?
this game is for russians bro, u were the problem
>be SF
>owns mid
>team feed sniper, jugg and pa
>range, melee, invulnerable
>Can't counter all 3, lose game.
>end game with 11 kills 4 death
>ez gg
I am a loser
You did all you could with all you got, if you did your best then it's fine.
you have an obligation to zxc 1x9 everytime you pick sf no bitching
russians are honestly 10x better than the subhumans who reside in NA east.
When I queue up with the shitters on NA? I get boring games with players who have zero fucking skill.
When I queue up and get russians on EU?
I get an enjoyable game, even if they don't team up all the time at least they have a fucking semblance of skill and understanding of the game.
Why the hate towards drawfriends?
I don't get it.
They draw attention away from psg
>win a couple early teamfights
>enemy carry gives up and rage afks somewhere in the jungle
>writes essays about how it's not his fault they lost
I don't get it. Why pick a carry if you're just going to give up before you lose a T2? Go play turbo or something.
>ringmaster announced 10 months ago
>last new hero was 1.5 years ago
>2 heroes in the last 3 years
>Valve no longer working on TI at ALL, it's all done by PGL
>EWC was a flop, less than 500k viewers on average
>Icefrog no longer works on dota 2, all updates are done by the campo santo team
It's over dotards, deadlockchads took over.
when deadlock flops on impact all of the valve fags who jumped ship from dota will be forced to come crawling back to us.
I unironically think this is why dota is treated like garbage by valve right now. Because the developers seethed at the fact nobody liked their shitty card game in 20 fucking 20 and can't stop crying about it so they take it out on dota 2.
It's gonna be funny to watch them cope harder when deadlock flops as well.
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wheres her cock
i literally look like this
what the FUCK am I supposed to do with the one (1) archer from clinkz dying
The hackers are prepared to sell pro streamers and the public hacks that make them great players. And then public will stream snipe and all that shit. The question is how long will this Deadlock bubble last. I say 6 months minimum. So dota will be like an aging 35 year old woman with nobody to love for a while.
I got a kill with it once
and some cs sometimes
deadlock will be massive
Drawfag here, 69 auto win.
>Ugly ESG characters
>dumbed down MOBA gameplay
>boring shooter mechanics
It's only chance is if its free to play but then it'll be ruined by the usual suspects
Marci anon... zapuskai
Lina's feet on my cock (white, average sized, foreskin)
>locktards piping up again
Your game is DOA
why does sf ult have 5k damage + stacking stun + slow + magic res reduction + heal
massively fucking dead, valve doesn't know how to make a game anymore
cope, your game will be fully abandoned
How do I beat Dragon chess? I'm stuck at 2-3, the Ancient Apparition fight.
Where does the idea that weekend dota is bad come from? In the past 3 months weekend dota is the only time I feel like white people still play this game
well the yt bois happen to suck ass
>uses bkb
Why are Russians and peruvians the way they are? Why must they grief?
There isn't any. A brown is sitting around telling you I hate them off cooldown in order to bring me up at any opportunity because he's literally obsessed. What's funny is that I own art books worth that guys house

So now he responds to drawfags and drives them away and then posts to himself saying it was me. What a fucking weirdo honestly

You just knew this kid was from some weird country because he is just not like us. Doesn't act like western people, we don't develop these weird obsessions and hang on them
Deadlock is DOA. The characters aren't sellable
it's okay to be wrong anon
I bet money in these circumstances. Interested? Because marvels deadlock game is going to eat it alive

Deadlock also isn't fun, at a basic level, at all, on top of being ugly sweet baby shit.
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>Lion griefs game because of drama with his previous teammates who are now on his team again
>Ember gets so mad post-chat that he starts bragging about real life and how much more successful he is.
Is this is the adult equivalent of bragging your dad works at Nintendo and will get them banned?
pm him bro
Loli pugna in a cute dress and embarrassed reaction please.
He wants a bvll for his girlfriend
>whiff ult
>you are now a creep
you're fucking retarded, by the time deadlock actually releases (in at least 2 years) marvel rivals' heyday will be long gone
>whiff ult
how do you whiff sf ult
shit has a bigger aoe than ravage
this dude whiffs screen wide spells with 1s cast
>Deadlock also isn't fun, at a basic level, at all
that's just your opinion, most of deadlock's playtesters greatly enjoy it at a basic level
This. I'm curious what he has to say
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>im hot asff
I just looked at some images of deadlock and it literally just looks like a shitty overwatch clone with less attractive characters. I don't know what im missing out on but I bet that shit game is flavor of the month and dies in two months.
I just played a game in which I fucking raped ancient 4 zeus as ember mid legend 3 and I lost anyways since fucking nigger sven was divine 1 and destroyed the rest of my team which was useless against him.
I noticed my PL was specifically fucking trash and really not doing his job as a carry.
I genuinely believe if it didn't have the Valve label slapped onto it then nobody would give two shits
to be fair some people always hype generic shooters that will die in two months. Stuff like The Finals or that ubisoft CoDlike shooter come to mind.
Nobody hyped the finals
>reddit saying hoodwink is OP


kek, even
She needs buffs
battlefield fans that heckin love destruction did
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>most picked hero
>positive winrate
>esports stats
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you're looking at a sample of <100 matches... use DPT

she's good but >>487844149 i dont think she needs buffs.

i guess she snowballs in lower ranks as a support pick? ive literally never heard someone call hoodwink OP in divine/immortal, she is not difficult to deal with
You think that is bad. I got stomped in all picked 57 21 and the 21 is from them farming us at fountain.
This, Ive started queueing on RU and I have never encountered the Russian griefers people post about here but I get a griefer 1 out of every 3 games on NA
Just beat someone who had a 106 Prediction win streak after they predicted a win. I almost felt bad ending his streak. A shame he was a tipping asshole
groping lina's moons
isn't there some exploit where you can abandon to keep your streaks?
Pretty sure his streak ended as there was no abandon etc.
yeah i figure, i'm referring to getting a streak that high to begin with
>page 9
>it's another episode of win 4 lose 4
what a shitty post
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Our beautiful princess is streaming, /d2g/.
I love her so much.
>match ends
>report everyone for everything
>hit the dislike button on everyone
remember to smash that report and dislike button brahs
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very based
i do the same
Primalbeast my hidden imba cutiepatootie
El-Ente is playing.
>support cucks
There is a tab on the same window you see your match history that has your games played with each hero.
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I think pugna has an antisemitic line

when he does he sometimes says, nether again, in reference to the Never Again slogan of jews
In essence pugna mocks the holocause and the entire Jewish community

can someone make an ironic thread on reddit about this so it has greater visibility? My account got banned there
>when he does
meant to say when he goes unalive
>when he goes
meant to say when she goes unalive
>antisemitic line
morplhing too
get it, solution
like a water solvent
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I just don't see how Shadow Fiend is OP. It literally is just a win lane lose game hero. Yeah okay the fear is annoying and his aura is strong midgame if you manage to not blow up in 3 seconds but he's dogshit against Naix, Jugg, Ursa, and worthless when people get bkb in general.
a chink... in my armor
kny just makes him extremely braindead and he's getting that shit in 10 mins no matter what you do
jugg isn't good against anything
what the hell
man, and I thought cm's "Boy do I sure hate niggers!" line was racist...
People that rush it as first item seem to lose even more idk
dota needs a Clash Royale clone
>New to game, have to play unranked
>play carry
>always competing with pos 5 for last hits
>no wards so dangerous to farm everywhere
>naturally behind and still need items
>team starts bitching that I'm not getting kills
>enemy team all focusing on me since I'm the carry
What the fuck am I supposed to do? I really enjoy the carry position, but it feels like my team is actively working against me, then blaming me for not being able to magically 1v5 the enemy team before getting the items I actually need.

I want to genuinely improve so I'm trying to know when I'm actually doing something wrong, or if I'm just getting blamed by retards.
>but it feels like my team is actively working against me
this is going to be the case when you pick carry any time, take it to heart
You can play with a party or never enjoy the game basically.
So do I just mute my team and ignore them until I get the items I need?
What's the best way to find people to make a party with?
I would play pos5 with you but my behavior is too low. Good luck
What's the best place to find some fags to review my replay?
>carry alchemist refuses to hit creeps, almost dies to jungle camps, then walks into lane with 10% hp and dies
how am I supposed to interpret this as anything but griefing?
slardar also just bought a skull basher, this game is over
I play solo queue.
Solo doto for life.
Teammate start bickering during hero phase. Tell them they are nothing people and to stfu. Mute everyone. Play my role. KS them. Get my items up. Then help them kill to get their items up. 1000 hp before throne drops. Unmute. Both team shitting up the chat, making fun of tusk and lifestealer, both the least impact of the game. Teammates trash talk, ez gg, useless tusk, useless lifestealer. Etc. Tell them I muted them. And ends with "I muted everyone, what a peaceful game." Lol

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