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Fallout London is out!

>Fallout 1 and 2 Resources:

>Fallout 3 and New Vegas Resources:

>Fallout 4 Resources:

>Fallout 76 Resources:

>/fog/ Modding Guides

>/fog/ Asset and Mod Repository

>/fog/ MSPaintAdventures

>/fog/ ocdonutsteels

>OP Pasta:

Remember to use base64 to decode any protected downloads in any of the resource documentation.

Pre-war thread: >>487490901
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Enclave #1
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>vandalised OP
Thank you for fixing the OP and taking the racist dog whistles out
Hail Unity. Or at least that's what my dad says when he's really drunk and isn't too busy yelling at 76 players on /fog/.
>Fallout London is out now
A welcome break from todd slop
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>hijacked OP
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It's time.
Give me the honest score of Fallout: London.

No matter how trooned out it may be.
solid 3/10
the 2 points are for effort...
Actually no, they got alot of money from Patreon and Kofi, so theres really no excuse for it to be that boring.
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I don't think I was ever given any clarification in the last thread; does it really ask for a bunch of information just to check that you didn't yarr-harr Fallout 4? Because if so that's extremely shitty.
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i think halo 3 odst is a good game
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I'm gonna need to see some ID of this post for being too based
Speaking of London...
All the Halos are extremely overrated thoughever...
The story and lore is so inconsistent, it's like modern star wars except it never got raped hollywood style.
No Nate
No Play
Simple as
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sleepy joe biden caused this
so is fallout london shit or not?
Thanks for the answer. I don't know how to use Blender and if I take the time to learn I might as well make money from overwatch nazi incest porn
I am convinced no British people actually worked on this.
why, no doctor who references?
It's shit. Bethesda are the only ones who can make good open-world RPGs. Every other attempt is a failure.
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Based Nate appreciator
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>It's shit. Bethesda are the only ones who can make good open-world RPGs. Every other attempt is a failure
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I have it ready for this weekend.
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Imagine if I just built walls to keep you fucking NPCs out. Go bother the niggers at Greentop Nursery or Slog.
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Can you imagine being a senior game dev and some Boston accent having faggot who's at the office maybe once a year comes to your desk and says "Hey, how's my wicked writin' gettin' coming along in the game?"

Then you reply, "it's kinda difficult to translate into the Lore of Fallout"

Then he says "ahhh youz just don't get it, my writin' hella sweet"
Then he pulls out his phone and says "yo, check out my sick cah"
So installing London over modded 4 fucks everything up?
inb4 they spawn inside the walls
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There's a reason they're called massholes.
Because something big came out, and his ego is so fragile that he needs to remind everyone another dogshit mod is revelant.
Which it isn't.
I love you.
what mod is from op? broken knees?
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He's running a one man shitpost campaign here and on /v/
His writing style is pretty obvious.
kek are you in the wrong general?
is it possible the leaf = repulsive shitposter meme is actually because of pajeets and that white canadians are decent people?
Maybe Nate . . . is the bad guy?
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this is what the average british woman looks like
Interesting theory, but no.
Your average leaf would see to it that you get burned alive for using the word "pajeet" in the first place if they could.
>white canadians are decent people?
LOL no
>this is what the average british woman looks like
godd morning saar i am too hate bloody britishers for steal our wealth greets from new deli
Anyone have a fix, as I’m crashing a few seconds after the intro starts for fallout London?
So uh... is it good, bros? I'm not going to bother playing it if it's pozzed shit.
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next you'll tell me there's kebab crafting at the food workbench
Why is it so fucking big?
The mesh is literally from some tumblr Sims 4 mod too.
Also keep in mind that they're the direct descendants of British loyalists from the Revolutionary War due to the mass deportation of their sorry asses after we won. Cowardice and bootlicking runs in their blood.
After lots of brits died in WW2 (lol, unlock bros) they had to bring over lots of pakis, pajeets and jamaica niggers to do menial jobs. If the point of divergence between our world and fallout world is the 50s (is it? I don't know the exact point) then curry niggers being in bongland makes sense.
The only people so far saying it's shit are TORtanic /v/ermin wanting another frontier raid. Take from that what you will
>new deli
I'm saying it's shit for having no settlement building or Nate
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Meds. Now, preferably.
Now that I know the mod made over $800,000 on their crowdfunding websites, I am taking any positive feedback with a grain of salt.
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fookin norf won 10-0 appy days
>no settlement building
There is one on London Bridge
Take all feedback on 4chan of any sort with a bag of salt. There are people in this thread that get confused by Fallout 4. Make your own mind up after going into it thinking it's probably going to be a load of old shit.
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Explain how Nate would make the voyage across the Atlantic, Emil.
it's kinda crazy how this general is so much nicer to everyone in here compared to reddit
Same way Tenpenny did tranny boy
if that's not good enough for you then BIG MT rick and morty gun
>anon takes your advice
>"yeah mate I went and played it like you said and I didn't enjoy it very much-"
what goes on over there
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>Same way Tenpenny did tranny boy
And how did he do that? Moreover, how is it that Cait is the only one with an accent in the Commonwealth. I'm waiting Emil.
did synthetic chud ever get it working?
I have a theory that all of these people with thick European accents in the games are just LARPers. Cait's parents weren't even Irish, they just aped the accent and spread it onto their daughter because they were missing a sense of identity in their life and they realized their last name started with "Mc".
simpletons asking a question and everyone being a sarcastic cunt back. half the game is broken in 76 and a bunch of noobs don't know why and everyone is jumping on their dick just to shit on it, it's actually really disturbing. Like someone pretending to be nice on purpose while turning on the cunt to 11?
idk whenever I ask a question here its a 2 to 1 ratio of helpful to snide and le racisms word but everyone over there is just a real nigger.
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what did she mean by this?
No really, what does she mean?
>simpletons asking a question and everyone being a sarcastic cunt back
joss whedon has a lot to answer for
an entire generation turned into effeminate, passive aggressive bitches
Welcome aboard the HMS Autism, Private Scurvynuts.
"shit nigga idk I'm high af right now cuh just look for keys in houses or some shit nigga lmao I'm so fuckin crossfaded rn holy shit nigga"
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Is there any power armor in FO:London?
10/10 character in a -1/10 xpac
people still have accents for the same reason people still speak english and are mostly literate in the wasteland
no real reason lol
I think you're onto something
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1 - boat
2 - she isn't
3 - call me Todd
>Cait is the only one with an accent in the Commonwealth
Are you from Boston, by any chance? You do realize your accent really sticks out in a crowd, right?
What about the Kiwi Great Khan in New Vegas?
>powered through crashes to do first few of the street chav and rescue the fish people
>slightly stable enough to play after whatever mess of coding the scripted intro must be
>have literally just been shanking small animals for 4 hours
>guns are slow and underpowered early game shit
>killed a fuckton of driads for little reward
>super skull lv50 rad armadillo 1shots my lv4 character
ok not supposed to go that way
>go into the observatory
>kill more old british women
>super skill lv50 glowing old british woman oneshots me
or that way
>fettered back to shanking ghouls and rats to preserve ammo for guns that do less damage
>haven't yet found a vendor or "home base" yet
>unsure if settlements will need my help or if loot is supposed to get tossed in faction bases to bum off their crafting tables
>find broadsword and then find that chav shank is more AP efficient
>Get dog
>Dog proceeds to be as good and bad as dogmeat

It's jank but kind of ok. Finding the fishmen market after saving it was exceptionally gay because the entrance is partially submerged. ctl that shit. whole sequence is just stomping leeches and deciding when you'll finally pop radaway from the water hazard. Similarly with the chavs all the lv50 named npcs killed all the other gangbangers before I even found a clear shot to waste ammo. Looted a double barrel which is so much more powerful than the games guns it's retarded.

7 that might be a 6 or an 8 depending on where the rest of this shit goes. Intro crashes bring it down a lot as will any more stability problems. It does make me interested in finishing it but I'm also very fed up with meleeing burrowing proximity enemies. Needs to open up into a exploration-kill-farming-quest loop where I can buy or craft the neat shit at some tentpole location.
I want to hatefuck Desdemona so hard she shits out a 100% flesh and blood son nine months later that I will promptly name "Synthkiller1488"
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new zealand formed accents within 200 years of the country forming (new zealand is a really new country)
in Fallout there are pajeets (carrington, memory den woman) irish, brits, russians, etc that are keeping their accents

I use a mod that restores cut dialogue so I'm not sure if this is part of that but Cait mentions that she wonders what is going on on the other side of the pond
It doesn't prove anything but it's oddly specific, like Bobrov wondering what is happening in Vladivostok or Carrington wondering what is happening in the sewers of calcutta.
Also Dean "The Nigger" Domino is a bong iirc.
Blunder of the century, I hope someone got fired for pic related. Also it's okay. Some bugs here and there, armour seems to stretch all over the place sometimes, areas like the thames market are a bit laggy. They kinda throw you in the deep end armed with a butterfly knife you spin around far too much against 4 enemies at a time.

Important PSA: don't smoke, you'll get addicted and then you'll be puffing away every 5 minutes and because they're stored in your inventory in separate packs with different counts so you can't just hotkey it.
>don't smoke, you'll get addicted
There is a FO4 mod for this. Does it give you steady aim?
+5% exp so it's going to look extra tempting but don't do it I'm warning you.
So can I not setup a separate MO2 profile for Fallout London, it needds to be a separate whole installation?
kek I won't. I see they added tesco and amazon rip offs surprised they have not added a vape
good post
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Fallout is Uncle Sam's territory, let the Americans judge it, you EU commie.
You're taking your RP of Nate too far.
Setting Fallout outside of the US is really dumb. It tells us that you don't care about the setting and you just ghouls with english accents and all the other dumb goofy shit that isn't at the center of Fallout.
This is a european series now, you can continue to play the classic "fallots" though
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If I have Fallout 4 on Steam and grab the Fallout London install on GOG, will I be able to launch London without any of the mods associated with the FO4 install? The mods are installed through Vortex.

I know this question sounds retarded, but basically I want to play FO:L vanilla without screwing with my mods.
...a boat?
i think you only need the downgrader
If other countries are worse off than the US I want to play in those countries. America and it's tranny NCR shit can fuck off. This is a reason why Metro is better than Fallout.
If you're worried about your game just download a full base game already patched with london https://rutracker.org/forum/viewtopic.php?t=6554924
Saw some people saying you'll still have issues because they share the same fallout 4 folder in your My Games but maybe you can get around it by making a copy of it for later.
install the game on another drive or to another directory, then do the downgrader on that copy, then set it as the filepath for the GoG overwriter. Also a good idea to remove sync, auto update, etc. and never launch that second copy through steam with an internet collection or you'll fuck it up.
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>the Great Midwest Commonwealth's flag takes most of its inspiration from our irl flag
Ayyyyyyyyy, feels good to be an Indiana chad. Fuck vault-tec for not putting any of their shitty bunkers in my state though.
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so how is Fallout London bros? worth playing right now? Super buggy or?
How many fucking times will this question be asked in the same damn thread
>stalker but a corridor shooter
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Bait. Bait never changes.
why the fuck would ypu mod your character to look like that
like what the fuck man
Post more my good man and from different angles
eh tone it down 20% and smash her into a bunny suit and it isn't that bad
he's pajeet
How is it bait? Even Avellone knew that the NCR had to go for Fallout to retain it's magic.
>post nuclear roleplaying game
>it's just american politics plus laser guns
thrilling stuff
>Metro is better
I'm convinced anybody who believes this never played Metro or Last Light. Those games were fucking boring. That's why the series is forever dead
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Hold on a second.
What if - and bear with me here - the fella didn't actually care about London, he just wanted tiddy (You)s
What a valuable member of the community.
The world of Metro is much better than Fallout. At least it's dangerous.
>but fallout world is dangerous!
oh shit these guys think they are elvis and these guys think they are romans what a kek
The fact that you're now hyperfixating on the NCR instead of defending your original shitty statement about America just proves that you're a complete nigger and I'm not going to give you the satisfaction of a debate.
Not until he posts more images
Post more
If other countries are more dangerous than america then those countries are going to be better places to play. What's so difficult to understand about that?
What I don't understand is why you're in /fog/ to begin with. You have literally no reason to be here. Fuck off.
>American calling other people niggers
How would you have felt yesterday evening if you had not had breakfast yesterday morning Jekwontius?
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>no america in fallout pls
>metro is better game
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Was this bitch needed for a quest?
He was responding to a post here >>487667010 but by all means keep creating strawmen to get angry at.
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>instead of pointing out the good things in the mod like any honest, decent human being, London shills instead immediately LARP as deconstructionists and attack the franchise's explicitly American identity
Can you faggot Brits stop acting like Jews for five seconds?
Pretty sure bongs are asleep schizo
If you think this site abides by what normal people consider a healthy sleep schedule then you're either new or dishonest.
Are the jewbongs in the room with us now, my unmedicated friend

So you are only allowed to come to /fog/ if you think fallout is the best game that has ever existed? Does this sound rational to you?
Not my point, but I'll just double down and say "yes" because fuck you. Go play Metro.
Never played it and probably never will. It's you that needs to fuck off, though, you absolute fruitloop.
Near zero ironic detachment on this post, this is more or less what anon actually believes
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Don't (You) me if I'm wrong but the whole fucking story of fallout london is pulling a new california minus the roll into boston. SINCE YOU'RE A FUCKING CLONE
NC was better since the whole clone shit was only at the end of the game and most of the mod is not related to it at all
London literally starts with this
>is pulling a new california minus the roll into boston
What? And yeah it's kinda obvious you're Smythe or you're both clones or whatever. Maybe the twist is you're actually not.
Ada is nice and submissive which is amazing but I need some fucking legs for this slow bitch where do I get them
I meant in the sense it likely wouldn't shit you out into boston post-story with an epilogue akin to how NC did back then
Remember The Frontier? Think that, but in London. It's just a fucking fanfic.
I can't believe I waited years for this shit. I don't give a shit if it's free, I want my money back.
Can someone who uses Horizon let me know which major mods are compatible with it?
Guys please change your steam password if you gave it to London devs and their Chinese overlords. If you use that password on other things change it there too.
>watching London playthrough
>seems boring
>the accents definitely get annoying because the voice actors overdo it
>story isn't super gripping
I feel like you'd only like this if you're British, since you'll recognize all the references.
otherwise it's kind of a bland world space mod.
it's cool that it's free, but don't expect to fall in love with this mod. like a one and done playthrough
Give her the mr. handy thruster until you loot some assaultron legs off a mechanist robot.
Alright buddy thank you. I started downloading mods hoping to get some legs but then read about how automatron works.
I got capital wasteland robots though.
I'm a Brit and I don't think London was ever going to appease me. I use media as an escape vehicle from this dystopian nightmare of a country. The only way London would've ever been good is if it was a plane to somewhere sunnier and less depressing.
Can't you enjoy seeing it in ruins?
the problem is doesn't have anything that makes fallout standout. it's just a fan fiction UK post apocalyptic mod
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Honestly, I'd rather have a wild west fallout in australia
That's the same for all mods though. And some of the games.
well most mods still rely on the base games setting and lore to carry them. London can't really do that so it just feels 100% fan fiction
does this mod replace all those other ones?
>who are FOLON?
>Team FOLON® is a group of hobbyists, industry professionals, modders, and game enthusiasts who have come together from all corners of the globe to
Brits can make games on other cultures like GTA, but frankly making media on murrican culture is low hanging fruit as you're total parody by default. I am not interested in foreigners making a game about Britain kek. I'm a bong and I guarantee this is a cringe fest and incorrect
I haven't played it, but based on a trailer it looks like you can join british neonazis and make L*ndon great again, so there's that at least
Seeing London in ruins was cool in Mass Effect 3. I don't have the patience for a mod like this though.
Are we still pretending these sorts of mods do anything?
did you read the mod description? it lays out what it replaces and doesn't replace.
So, my dear fellow gentleniggers of /fog/, how's the weaponry in London?
Mostly melee ot there is a satisfying quantity of guns?
Do vanilla pipe guns remain or have they been deleted and replaced? And what about the other vanilla guns?
Are the quintessentially british guns presents (Sten, Lee-Enfield, Webley, L1A1...)?
I read the pinned comment that said it does stuff other mods(baka scrap, buffout, etc...) do. Just making sure I no longer need those ones.
I asked Buffscale if he would play Fallout London. He said no, and predicted it would be woke trash because it was made by Brits and was he ever correct. I owe you an apology, Buff.
Someone should make a Resident Evil 5 mod where instead of going to Africa and killing a bunch of niggers you go to Sharia zones in UK and kill a bunch of mudslimes.
What's woke about it?
this but Israel
It takes place in London mate. They arrest people here for linking to rap music whereupon the N word might be said. If I even type it I could get thrown in jail. Buff's a total nonce, too, don't hang with him.
Buffnonce McGroomer
It isn't made by brits and that's a funny point when murrica is more infected with the woke virus. We aren't far off but weird point
>when murrica is more infected with the woke virus
dumb fuck
I'm from Scotland but American girls are too cute so I'd prefer to play a game in America, thank you.
Is the mod better if I go to the fish people instead?I went to help the gang and so far it's just fetch quests.
surprising number of people openly admitting to being bri'ish, you'd think they'd be more ashamed
I was in Buff's discord and the prior one he and his friend ran for years before he kicked me for being inactive. I was compiling evidence to use for an exposé thread on Kiwifarms about him. I found that he's pretty harmless, doesn't talk to kids online unless he's adept at concealing it, and seems normal enough to not be able to make a lolcow thread on him. I gave my findings to the kiwifarms admins and they said he hardly qualifies for a thread.
That sounds really pathetic, anon. The only thing Buffscale does thats morally questionable is supporting Donald Trump for whatever reason.
Ok that's it.Now I'm getting crashes in the gog version as well.
Why would you do those things to buff
at this point why not work as paparazzi?
genuine mental illness
your trans right?
Okay burger. The whole of Europe is laughing at your shit atm
you got license for this post?
gonna have to report you to the cops for saying mean things online
>The whole of Europe
even the islamic half?
Dox yourself to them instead. All you kiwifaggots are psychos
in tranner world? They cover themselves in pride flags and say mean things about trump to boost their defense
I don't like him. He's full of himself. With his tastes in porn I thought it would be a cinch to watch him in his discord messages, just waiting for him to slip up. It looks like trying to expose him as a pedo was a waste of time, however.
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God damn it I wish I wasn't clairvoyant
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>even the Islamic half?
they're destroying your monuments instead
That's not the Liberty Bell, it's a replica.
yup, you're definitely trans
lol, so this shit mod is ripping off Fallout Nevada now?
kek doesn't change anything, don't think it isn't happening to you too
>They can deface monuments
>But as soon as you accidentally leave a tire mark on a pride mural on the road your ass is cooked
is fo London actually woke or is it just bad
Americans love crying crocodile tears over fake monuments put up 50 years ago
it's not frontier awful just bland like vanilla fallout 4. I'm likely at a climax or the mid point because I found smythe again
It's woke, you have to pick your pronouns
edgy liberals saying "free palestine" and your local govs enacting sharia law because of an islamic majority are two very different things
Someone accidentally scratched the monument to George Floyd and they went berserk trying to arrest the person that did it.
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Being British is based because the whole world looks at you like historical gods of culture and tea.
Living in the putrid shithole known as modern day Britain is a different story though. It's a grey dull shithole and most people are real life NPCs, especially those in our gov.
No wonder we colonized the world, we wanted to escape this hell.
lol they built a monument of that criminal? Only in America.
love accidentally defacing things in seething hatred. love doing some warm up stretches before I move the goalposts hang on a sec
too busy building mosques in your country
Imagine just making up things for your points like a libtard
>British is based
>we colonized the world
>posting King Arthur
Anon.. you need help. Britain is not a fantasy world of magical, invisible swords and cute girls
yes it fkin is
seriously? ugh. its not that annoying but it's just eye rolling. western society has to bend over backwards for these trannies
you WILL put pronouns next to your name
you WILL put your sexual identity flag next to your name
you WILL put a BLM movement flag next to your name
and you WILL like doing this
Yeah, sure.. and merlin turned King Arthur into a futa for a night to steal his coom to breed mordred, a homunculus in a tube to become a hotpants wearing super soldier that can tank actual nukes.
The great history of Britain..
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In the final act, the fucking westminster is just new vegas
Bethesda was right not to give a shit about this mod lol. they aren't ever going to give a single shit about any fan project moving forward now. that's two fallout big mods that have been mediocre to trash.
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>Best Fallout fan projects have nothing to do with Bethesda even though their games are some of the most moddable games out there
The irony
>giant turban
>thick accent
time for them to get cancelled!
Yeah because The Frontier was just the best
are there any romanceable girls in London?
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The FOLON notAssultrons are neat looking. They remind me of the Jetsons. Sadly I think the robosexuals will like them a bit too much.
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>Britain is not a fantasy world of magical, invisible swords and cute girls
It should be.
Bethesda are working hard to make modding as monetized as possible so enjoy it while it lasts.
looks like ass
also one of her legs clips through her metallic skirt they didn't bothered making animations or consider the movement and body proportions
0/10 would not clang
I've got a feeling you'd like my steam profile https://steamcommunity.com/id/AnimeIsFuckingTrash2/
Bethesda said Fallout is only set in America so this mod is doubly non-canon
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biggest problems
>parts of the map are guaranteed crashes from whatever spaghetti code they have running related to quests
the initial goon bar is a CTD after 0-40 seconds every time. Quests unplayable
>the fish peoples town is the only reliable merchant anywhere near the early game and leaving or entering the cell is a 3min loading screen that will CTD half the time
>no ingame armors aren't shit
I bought trappers crap off a traveling merchant and had 75dr at lv5. Barely made things tolerable
>guns and melee are functionally normalized so both feel like shit
these numbers need to be tripled or more. +60%dam at lv50 with weapon specialization when the base damage is 35 with an advanced receiver is fucking pointless.
>they fucked up vats somehow and 10perception/agility gets you 35-55% headshot chance and full AP bar to kill basic raider trash with your 18dam enfield
terrible gun accuracy and ranges on everything.
but the biggest problem
>XP is fucked
everything is 5-7xp. instagib legendary faggots drop 20xp. mid-endgame special snowflake unjoinable factions, 5xp. Quests shit out 100-200xp so they aren't reliable for leveling either if that is the fucking retarded fart huffing game devirino attempt. You do better unlocking shit than killing enemies. There is also a bug they've somehow created where radroaches get 1000% health so you get to fuck around spam left clicking for your 5xp.

Best play I've found is using the 45dam 200 range 70 accuracy flintlock rifle. You can craft it out of the pistols larpers drop when fuck around trying to cross the bridges, then animation cancel it's 40 second reload they worked so hard on by unequipping it and reequipping it and it'll be loaded again.

It needs a lot of work and playtesting and stability fixes. Have had to tcm to complete early quests that dump you into 250rad/s water while locked in place. If they don't have a hotfix, week 1, week2, month1 engoodening planned this is shit.
how is anime trash
real life is trash
real women aren't cute and always deceive and backstab you after leading you on
they are the worst kind of people in the world
and the real guys in this world is so aggressive and competitive
they will literally earn masters degree and eat nothing but vegetables to get a fit body just to impress women
real world is shit
anime women are so much nicer and actually attractive
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I agree with you on every one of your points made..I just wonder why you tell me all that shit. Did you really fall for my obvious bait profile?
you will never be japanese
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>289 games
>1069 perfect games
how does that work
You watched any episodes of Dr. Who lately?
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I've got roughly 2500 games via family share.
He probably hid all his h-games.
Gender neutral bathrooms.
lol you can actually see the gulf in quality between the existing FO4 assaultron parts and the parts they made
Modders that are as high on their own farts thinking they're 'developers' like Folon is are so embarrassing
modding is a hobby and if you genuinely without irony view it as anything but you are a tool
are you serious
we always have old versions and the old games to rely on. I have no hope for fo5 and tes6 after starfield
did you install mods like buffout to improve performance and stability? London is probably too many assets for just the vanilla engine
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Uh, yeah?
Bethesda never dictated canon to begin with.
Uh oh, stinky!
I'm enjoying fallout 76 so far. What am I in for further down the line?
Turbo faggot aids
you do know, they own the franchise, right
Disney also owns Star Wars.
accumulation of plans/alternative currencies/legendary pieces with desirable prefixes
impending dread associated with time cost analysis when it comes to realization in investment needed to fulfill above mentioned goal
occasional dopamine yields received from occasional quests and rewards associated with them
complaining about not getting your hits as a dumb faggot running around at events or realizing the game is so downtuned your perk cards make any gun near instantaneously kill any enemy short of world bosses and exceptionally gay dailyops mutations, then you hit a turnoff point of some grindwall or earned collectible breaking the flow of rewards and realize you're not having fun.
Tea is from China.
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Yeah, before it was a British export and became British by association.
In exchange we got them hooked on opium. The Chinese must've thought that was the worst trade deal in the history of trade deals.
Thoughts on Jabo?
It's ok.
It's more Fallout for free if you played everything else.
Is it better than 3, NV or 4? No.
Is it absolute dogshit like /v/ermin want you to believe? No.
It's worse than Enderal by far, but it's still impressive.
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The opium thing was entirely forced and tea is still Chinese. Only Bongs and some Mutts associate it with Britain.
Boring.It's not terrible,but I just have no desire to continue playing it.I reminds me of Outer Worlds.
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Too bad you got impaled horribly.. no more tea for you.
Almost nobody in the west drinks Chinese blends though.
honestly this seems pretty much what i'd say too.
It's not bad just kinda dull,still great compared to a trainwreck like the frontier.

also even with an SSD and fresh install loading times are harsh.
It got a little bit better after I installed Buffout 4, it also fixed some of my crashes.
That's a unisex bathroom, anon. Not a troon acceptance flex.
BK burgers don't look like that THOUGH

Adding you when I get home, thanks swisstard
Bro those exist everywhere in real life
imagine putting so much time an effort into a random person
meanwhile they dont even know you exist
Yes, but they all have penises.
Buff Tannen's alright. The only time he ever got on my case while I still in his server was because I would bypass the filter to say nigger and kike all the time, which is fair.
>London: installed
>char name: Dopinder
>race: Indian
>gear: turban
it's gaming time
Can't snuff the buff, m8
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>tfw store owner
>only have 1 bathroom in my store
>have to choose which gender can use it or the alt-right will have a melty
Why are yuroshits so obsessed with fallout taking place in their dog water country?
Or you can be a normal person and simply put a sign that says 'Restroom', like what is usually done for these single occupant bathrooms.
hello Kris
What do we think of London so far?
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>tfw dyslexic
>can't tell if bathroom is meant for men or women
>piss self because I dont want to offend anyone
dyslexia isn't even a real thing
There's too many blacks and the mayor is a retarded paki.
You're making things up.
>another badly implemented bought asset
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What did the communists light their house with before they used candles?
I'm liking London. there was literally zero chance it would be a Frontier tier disaster
Why did the communist cross the road?
Because he's gay.
yup, especially since they spent alot of money on marketing and PR teams to squash any wrongthink.
>Vilified by Legion
>Free Cottonwood Cove prisoners
>Did that quest where you wipe out Nelson and kill Dead Sea (who I suspect to have been a closeted homosexual predator)
>Legion assassins get sent after me
>Go back to Cottonwood Cove for some quick Legion ears
>They're friendly
uhh what
Scroll up.
kek what a schizo
I'd tell you if it stopped fucking crashing.
You can't prove you're not a shill
What did the communist say when the doctor told him he had two days left to live?
dylsxeai ins't evne a rael thnig
O spare me an ale
And I'll tell you the tale
Of the subservient race called the Anglo
They boast of their smarts
And mastery of the arts
While their daughter gets fucked by a negro
wake up
>think about white women getting fugged by POC
eat breakfast
>talk to mom about white women getting fugged by POC
go on social media
>seethe about white women getting fugged by POC
take a walk
>see white women getting fugged by POC
This is the daily life of the alt-rightie.
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Hide americhud threads
Report americhud threads
Do not respond to americhud threads
Everyone crash all the time in London or only me?
Unpak this crap
to Fallout 4/Data and run f4se from admin, should fix crash shit in London somehow.
NTA, but there's no scientific proof that dyslexia is real.
What do you call a communist facing south at 12pm?
why bother playing fallout when we can just play with our dicks
The Frontier's Legion questline in a nutshell
I've been having no technical issues. I'm convinced people complaining about technical issues is some kind of propaganda being push by people that want Fallout: London to fail. It being a similar thing that happened to Starfield, which bad faith actors attempt to push the notion that Starfield is a bad game, despite everyone agreeing that it was a good game.
is the musket that they showed off in promo stuff actually in the mod yet?
Havinglived in London, it’s super neat to have the whole Greenwich park area in a game in some form, including the foot tunnel, it’s surreal seeing a bombed out version of it, it’s such a cool and in some places scenic area. One of the best views of any capital in the world, remade into some dark alternate hell.

So neat that the tube system is still central to the people loving there too
>Install Fallout 4 GoTY on Steam
>Download and run the Downgrader for London
>It finishes and the app closes
Now what? There's a new folder on my Desktop with a Fallout4.exe that doesn't work. Do I copy this into the Steam folder? They say instructions are in the downgrader app, except they aren't.
Very believable.
All you need.
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For all the shit that The Frontier got it was at least a comprehensive product that felt like it had a lot to give. Whether it was good or not varied since it peaked and dipped to some insane degrees but at least it was a thing and had some cool things like cars. This gives me memories of those really old FO/Skyrim mods that are just really poorly put together like Salem or Falskaar, assets sort of just plastered on top of the world and nothing really looking right. Interiors are shallow, small, and rarely have anything worth finding, I've spent a good while now running in circles in some locations going "is that it?". Fallout 4 doesn't lend itself well to non-voiced content because a lot of conversations with no dialogue hang awkwardly, I also had one dialogue break and the woman kept giving me 100 tickets infinitely. The writing is pretty mediocre so far especially for side content like the homosexual mutant trees quest that's currently softlocked for me. I was never a fan of FO4 combat and it still feels like shit.
>ok tl:dr, rate it retard
probably a 4/10, some kudos for trying but I'm not really having fun with it and nothing is really keeping me engaged par doing knife tricks and stabbing people.
>loading times are harsh
Did you remember to use the f4se plugin that unshackles the physics? because the loading times are almost entirely due to engine bullshit. Theres another one that blacks out the loading screen for even faster loads, probably buffout.
It might be a total conversion but its still fallout 4.
>loading times are harsh.
work perfect
London bridge is crashing down crashing down
what should we do my fair lady(male)?
Muskets are retarded shit. Get that shit outta here, you punkass white bitch.
muskets r cool.... :(
"Cool"? Nah man, more like gay. Get that weakass shit outta here, bitch.
get shanked with triangular bayonet you harlot
This is why I have this, chud bitch bastard.
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Who's that homosexual in front of the camera?
fuck yeah that fixed it.
basically had none of my usual mods loaded.
I think you should provide visual aid, the other anon is downright confounded by your insinuations
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Raj please.
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so i just saw about fallout london, does it include some other mods by default? saw the full text dialogue mod thing
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"Mods like Fallout London will never release"
You lost.
F4NV next.
too bad most of londons guns just suck ass, like at best the service revolver that uses .455 is serviceable along with the smle but holy fuck
I will actually hold my hat up and say I was among those that thought it would be a never ending patreon scam. I thought they could have milked it until xmas at least. There are still schizos in here doubling down though, which is funny as fuck.
>I was among those that thought it would be a never ending patreon sca
that is schizo shit anon
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Who REALLY died that day? And who came back?
People commiting fraud is the way of the world, anon and not even remotely "schizo shit". Everyone except the virtuous or lazy will scam you at any given time. Good luck.
I get your point but thats for project which seem dubious or concerning. FL has provided updates and evidence which has always been fairly convincing.
Genuinely, anon, just go outside and talk to people for a bit.
>Who REALLY died that day?
the audience
>And who came back?
the mentally ill
ulysses is a niggur?
Are pistols better than rifles?
>mod releases
>nobody can play it
I played it, you horrible fucking cunt. You nasty piece of fucking shit.
it is a shitshow
their nexus downgrader page is also swarmed with complaints
fatgay of all things managed to wrap it up one place instead having to jump through all the hoops with gog and downgrading
Pistols are useful when engaging an opponent 30 yards, but outside of that can't be used reliably. Rifle we’re made for shooting long distances, and you actually have to account for the curvature of the earth.
Address Library
Baka Framework
Baka ScrapHeap
Favorites Menu Ex

Photo Mode ba2 is in files, but there's no F4SE plugin. I never used this so I dunno if it's required or not.
Also there's ladder climbing, I dunno if it's someone's mod or their own creation.
List not exhaustive, just stuff I found by browsing files and noticing in-game stuff.
The reviews say it's shit, anyway. I play Fallout 76, so I know a lot about shit games.
Can a mod master help me out?
I want to download the Rad Bans mod for 4 but it requires that AWKR crap that crashes everything.
If I download this will it just work or is there more I have to do?
alright cool
i wanted to do a manual install and felt too lazy to go though everything separatly
might just replace light/shader and skybox, got good recommendations for that?
>probably the most boring ass country ever even when not nuked to hell and back
>done in Americana post apo series
>by a bunch of unpaid trannies in year of our lord 2024
Who the fuck thought that was a good idea?
>british “people”
>good ideas
maybe in the next life
Naw, I'm only using few stability mods like Buffout, and some stuff with looksmenu to have my face preset from vanilla. They have a "recommended mods list" on nexus, I think they also recommend enb, google it, maybe they reccomend something there.
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Well played.
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He's one of the good ones, despite his whining.
No, that wasn't, "well played," you and that other guy are faggots.
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Days without anon getting angry about a joke because he's low-functioning: 0
you're on the right path to acknowledge your shortcomings, mental health is important.
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>In a 2018 analysis of data from 52 different studies, researchers found that Black Americans are 2.4 times more likely to be diagnosed with schizophrenia.
>Uly is the ultimate negro schizo
Well written Avellone. I just wish I had the option to tell him I've never been to the Divide but maybe you should not aggravate these nutcases.
Just shut up already, faggots. We don't want your crap here.
You're not the one taking the picture, anon
>bunch of unpaid
No, this mod actually got a ton of funding.
who is "we"?
I didn't elect (You) as my spokesman
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look at the chassis on that babe
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I'm so fucking tired of fallout london, 75% is just chase bad man like you're hunting benny and the rest is just filler serving no actual purpose.
just like base FO4 then?
Shut up, faggot.
you should expand your vocabulary, also I am a human being not a bundle of sticks.
yes fallout 4 is shit too.
She's a 10/10 I'm thinking of putting her in the private harem back at Home Plate.
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Even blander than base fo4, like holy shit for as dull as boston is I can at least enjoy kleo or ada or nick at least. Far harbor or nuka world despite being dlc worlds is less annoying to wander.
storywealth collection looks good, but I don't want to have to use vortex when I inevitably want to add stuff to it
>your crap
How descriptive.
>that forearm
Please assume the position
Storywealth is amazing but if you don't pay for the vortex sub you are going to be downloading each mod (650 of them) manually for hours.
wasteland reborn is better and uses wabbajack which also uses mo2
You're full of shit. Just fuck off.
A friend of mine told me london feels like it has too much stuff to do compared to the base game. Is he right? I don't have the time to play something too long
>Fallout 4 nexus top mod is another AI-slop replacer mod
>New Vegas CHADS get gameplay improvements
Hahahaha, Bethies are pathetic.
Your friend is a gay retard.
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>You're full of shit. Just fuck off.
And, you're an apologist nigger. I have been wading through this shit since last night with the constant crashes because something either tripped the cell loading or god knows fucking what. I went into the mod with high hopes but the guns feeling constant ass even WHEN TRYING TO HIT SOMETHING POINT FUCKING BLANK. Does not paint a good experience, some of the weapons sound nice like the service revolver sounding like a fucking cannon.
Nice wall, faggot.
Who let a bunch of angry low-IQ super mutants into the thread
Anon isn't wrong. I had that same crashing issue for most of the day until the Buffout fix was mentioned. Even now, I get random crashes while fast travelling, and about exploring for a while all my textures will drop to the lowest res map and I know it's time to quicksave because another crash is coming soon. Beyond that, the worldspace is very impressive, and the you can tell a fuckton of effort was put into the project, but the problem is it's pretty damn dull. So. Many. Fetch. Quests. So few options to use your skills or just pay your way around being sent off on fucking errands. I'm generally having a decent time, and I'm still playing personally, but it's actually making me look at Fallout 4 and 76 more charitably. Hell, for all its faults, The Frontier was at least action packed.

FOLON is ideal for long-form survival RP in an interesting urban worldspace, at least once they patch the performance over the next year. I can't see why anyone would ever want to experience the MQ or Vagabonds questlines a second time, though. Some of the others may be better, but I don't actually know if any other faction even has a full questline.
I do use some of their patches but I never cared about using other peoples mod lists.There always something I just don't want or really need.So I prefer to set them up myself
Don't forget the trans flag mod that was also in the top files for NV.
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Also, the frontier at least had cars making traversal a lot better. And, credit where it's due they did a damn good job recreating the world it is really nice but yeah, you also fuck a mirelurk. Hyperbolically speaking.
next time this happens don't move to new thread, just report it and stay in the old one until mods clean it up
stupid question, it doesn't matter what I ask santatron to gather but i'll get on the rare chance a holiday gift?
>the worldspace is very impressive, and the you can tell a fuckton of effort was put into the project,
Yeah the worldspace is great.Just sucks that they couldn't get any decent writers.
I wouldn't mind so much if there were ways to progress the MQ specifically without having to do all the fucking busywork between major moments/steps. It's like someone predicted The Ghoul's "Golden Rule of the Wasteland"/“'Thou shalt get sidetracked by bullshit every goddamn time. '” line and turned it into a design philosophy.

You need to go a [Important Location]? Oh, first you need to go get this item so you don't die. Oh, and now you are there you need to talk to four nobodies about their day and shopping lists. And then, when you are at the edge of a giant story moment, go make friends with four really important people and make their faction happy so you can enter the place where the next part of the MQ happens. Other way? No, do it exactly like this.

Now, RPGs always do this shit, but FOLON takes it to a ludicrous degree and it's almost certainly padding so they can make claims about size and scale and gameplay time. Seriously, to see the 'big bad' one last time (I presume) I now have to go all over fucking London to get vouched for by four factions at different corners of the goddamn map, and they will all have their own quests for me to do to earn it, and I was a fucking doorway away from the next actually interesting plot element. I'm genuinely mad about it.
How is it compared to the writing of Fallout 4 or NV?
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>>New Vegas CHADS get gameplay improvements
New Vegas is still getting gameplay improvement mods because it's janky as hell. Anyone saying New Vegas plays better than 4 is genuinely overdosing on copium.
I'm passed that point it just ends up becoming a join smythe situation of assassinating the faction leads
The Jetpack mod for New Vegas is 10000 times better than Fallout 4's
and Starfield's base Jetpack is just as satisfying as New Vegas

Making Fallout 4/76's jetpack the absolute worst and jankiest implementation of it in the series.
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>enter building
>8 hooligans just stood around
>kill them all after they spam molotov cocktails
>4 .32 ammo per guy, all have a crude blowback gun
>look around, find absolutely nothing useful or even interesting
>give up checking
>repeat in the next landmark
When does this get good? I'm trying my best to give it a chance exploring but not a single location in 8h has turned up anything remotely interesting
I do have the small complaint of just how many badly thought out (or malicious, either or) dead ends there are and how useless map markers on the compass tend to be. The Bank of England was a fucking nightmare and I just resorted to noclipping towards the end.

I was also upset to learn that none of the companions have a romance path, for some reason. I really like Keira and wanted to ladybone her. Ah well, mods I guess, eventually.
Is getting the signatures the better option? Because actually going and playing nice sounds genuinely painful and made me quite early for the night. The plot twist has been kind of obvious since I noticed Smyths gender changes with yours and us waking up in a tube with no memories, but I want to see where it goes after the big not-a-shock reveal and how best to preserve Westminster because it's amazing.
honestly 76's non power armor jet pack is the only thing keeping me playing.
>Jetpack mod for New Vegas
Post it or your mother will die in her sleep tonight
I've not had a good experience with exploring yet either. The Jack the Ripper museum for example when I saw it had corpses I figured at worst we were getting a discount Pickman quest, but, either it's nothing but what you see, or a quest location they didn't lock down. Almost everywhere else I've visited off the beaten path has been meticulously decorated and lovely crafted utter wastes of load time that risk a crash to desktop. That said, I did find a powerful longsword in a building near the Swan & Miter.
You have to get the signatures the only other recourse is trying to get the letters to forge and even then I got fed up with the mod by that point and cheated the checks because I wasn't in the mood to deal with more pointless fucking radiant quests to win favor. Already killed the 5th column leader moving on to the arthurian fags
Sure, but only if you post a picture of your genitals, or else your mother will die in her sleep tonight
It was better off being vapor ware than the dumpster fire that was actually released. Same as Duke Nukem Forever
Far worse
Worse and that's not a compliment for Bethesda.London has some genuinely bad quest design.
Big oooft. Thanks for the answer.
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Oh God, there's more faction shit after the part I'm on? What the everloving fuck were they thinking? Is the 5th Column at least slightly interesting?
No, once you do the signature shit you go to the aquarium meet and fuck the mirelurk then either join smythe and kill everyone pretty much a house wins ending I guess or join a faction. I'm just killing everyone
76fags have the smallest penises
i just treat it like a gaccha phone game, i've spent zero dollars on it.
this last week has been really eye rolling with the shitty update, the holiday scorched and glitched out map. Usually I can do my dailys and daily ops in an hour but with all the running around looking for these holiday scorced i'm stuck playing for two at least. very gay.
buncha /fog/gots here
are any of the characters interesting? how many companions are there?
There's 86 companions.
Yeah, posters here are aggressively gay.
Fallout London
>Accepts donations and was crowdfunded
>Boring slog with no SOVL

Fallout Frontier
>Never accepted donations and was made with passion for free
>SOVLful and fun as fuck

I apologize Frontier CHADS
It's just getting slightly irritating because I burn through way more ammo then I could get back all while circulating 1 - 3 guns at most.
How are the factions in London? Technical issues are salvageable but writing has to be good. Who can you join and are they any good? Also what is the B.U.F like? I remember reading somewhere one of the writers wanting to make them into their Caesar's Legion.
whatever you think about Peaky Blinders
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>the only power armor I've seen so far
Frontier was dogshit, especially the NCR Deserters storyline, but I can at least say I was never bored at any point while playing through it. London is unquestionably higher in production value, and just a better thought out and built project in general, and yet I'm slogging through boring bullshit waiting for the next small interesting segment. It's baffling. I guess SOVL really is the best way to put it.

I think I've only really enjoyed the Smyth stuff so far and Kiera's introduction conversations (she hasn't had a word of commentary on anything since).
Self-indulging shit, sounds like a Fallout mod.
I'll admit with no shame that the moment I started to realise what I was in for I additem'd a fuckton of the power more powerful gearsets from base FO4 including an automatic handmade and 99999 rounds of ammo for it. The combat in FOLON is specifically built around melee and shitty single-action and semi-auto guns, and mostly outfits, so having full set of (say) Disciples armor and a max-upgraded automatic rifle means you win by existing.
what's with the giant mace?
oblivion with guns
One of the factions is LARPing as Arthurian Knights. And yet, as far as a I know, they didn't add a Shroud/Mistress of Mystery style quest because presumably it wouldn't have fit the tone. No, I'm not bitter. Not at all.
more mace = more damage
this is just common sense
assuming buffout and everything else made my game stable enough to play and not just heat my room for free, consoling in base game weapons to compare is on the list of shit. Armor that was thematic so slipped through their item filter already is making the playthrough tolerable. If the build and gameplay justworks with a bolt action rifle from the base game then Falon stands for niggerfaggot, whatever retard on staff had such a boner for melee combat killed their mod until it's modded
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is the melee build alright in COLON?
was thinking about larping as a Arthurian Knight
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>The combat in FOLON is specifically built around melee and shitty single-action and semi-auto guns,
This is what puts me off the mod. Is there not even an SA80?
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It's arthurs mace, and merlin is a fucking sas ghoul larping as a wizard
No but the protoype is in the game
Disciple and Operator armors are pretty fitting and they just happen to be endgame tier for maximum 'fuck your tedium'.
FOLON? More like colon LMAO
There are several weapons that can be modded to be auto, one is a 'battle rifle' which is basically a combat rifle with one or two extra points of damage, and what are effectively a few less hideous looking pipe guns that can be auto. And a submachine gun that is exactly as shitty as the base FO4 one. But as mentioned above, you can still take anything from base FO4 and bring it into FOLON, so it's not really an issue unless you don't want to touch the console or mods.
are you forced to do a melee build in london
are there any good ENBs lately
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Alright. Thanks man. I'll give it a couple of months to simmer while I play OWB and give it a bash. Is this general still full of schizos?
>every enemy has a 6dam automatic rifle
>drops 4 ammo
you'd assume high damage low fire rate guns with moderately rare ammo would be how the game is played to "force" melee, but they had the galaxybrain idea instead to give every human enemy no armor and make both melee and ranged weapons do 4-18 damage. Then they thoughtlessly throw a softshell mirelurk or something at you from base fallout4 without realizing it has 45armor and needs 30 enfield bullets to die on normal
unless they changed it from vanilla fallout 4 you actually need to loot guns to get the ammo in them
Yeah lol
Fuck knows, I'm only back for a few days because FOLON. I haven't even looked into a thread in about three years otherwise.
that is not how any bethesda fallout game has ever played. Are you doing the needful and forgot that only 76 has contextual ammo rajesh?
that's exactly how it works in 4, nigger
ENBigot has essentially retired after he revealed himself to be an alt-right tool, plus theres no more games that really need it, but also he became complacent and never learned how to incorporate more modern shaders into ENB.

One of the most recent Skyrim ENBs claiming to have been "years in the making" is not even better looking than some ENBs released 10 years ago.

ENB has completely fallen off, and because of that, Skyrim modding is becoming very stagnant in the visuals department, I would say it's starting to fall behind most 2020 and beyond titles in terms of graphics.
Why?It was in Fallout 2.
>but this mod does...
are you fucking retarded?
Cabbage is the best ENB for skyrim anyway, nothing can compete
Oh so now you're all being pedantic faggots saying Nu sucks and Frontiers is good now?
Fuck you niggers lol. Fallout London will be "le misunderstood kino" to you in 3 years
All I've managed to do is watch the FOLOD gameplay so far,but I'll say this:

It's a real tragedy that the FOLOD team will likely end up Bethesda employees. Bethesda doesn't suffer from a lack of talent, there's something else fucking them up. Imagine being capable of something like this and then you get hoovered up by Todd (+10% bonus because they gave up their Dyson) never to be appreciated again.
Todd will just put them in the creation club dungeon.
>FOLOD team will likely end up Bethesda employees
you mean underpaid interns making creation slop
Frontier was so bad that it looped back and became funny.London is just boring.
Bethesda is going the Lionhead studios route so it doesn't really matter.
They just need to keep them out of the writing room. I hate to say it, but even Emil's slop at least doesn't make me resort to console commands on a first run out of tedium. But I'm going to assume part of that is that they intentionally and massively padded the MQ and faction quest runtimes to 'make a game as big as FO4' when they only had the material for a DLC sized one.
People [rightfully] took a dump on Fallout 76 but it's really impressive what they managed to achieve as a C team, and they gained a lot of experience over the years and it shows. The problem with Bethesda was never a lack of talent, there's something else anchoring them.
Has an EM-1, at least. I spawned myself a bunch of .303 rounds after a certain point because I just like how it looks.
what do you mean by this negro?
>Emil's slop
/v/ opinion, stopped reading
it's always 1 step forward and 2 steps back with them
>announce legendary crafting and scraping
>consequently rework the system a few times, cores which were weightless now will be turned into modules enjoy your extra weight
>nerf one of the most reliable methods to get a lot of legendary items namely the eviction notice event
their new "season pass math" guy also sucks at basic math
I've stopped explaining my wisdom for free
that'll be $29.99 plus tip
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Some kind anon told me to put a thruster on this noisy bitch and I went to sleep and forgot
Is this the skibidi toilet of the alt-right?
dummy thick
Don't you DARE talk like this about my wife!
how is a simpson's reference an alt right thing? is steamed hams alt right?
come on don't be Jewish
Oh ye gods my shitpost is ruined!
But what if I were to double down on my bait and disguise it as an actual reply...
Oh ho ho ho!
Delightfully devilish anon
this guy is a wokegender
I want to be allowed

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is this the digital equivalent of the little red book?
Scrapper 3 gives me scrappergasms whenever I scrap high level weapons
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I'm actually so glad people document this stuff.
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Yes and the navy enemies spawn with them, but the muskets have even slower reloads than the pistol so other than sniping with them they're cool for a bit then you'll not bother with them.
kys ameritroon
Do you think she would keep up that smile if you did a fat nut right on her face?
heard ameritroon supports Kris Tyson
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Mr. Beast and his associates are deep state actors working hard to protect 1%ers wealth by propagating common boogeyman tropes in very subtle ways.
>do exploring
>cheese a high level glowing one with a vats crit headshot from the blunderbuss junkjet that does 56 damage with an unlimited mag capacity
>named ghoul corpse has gauss rifle
>custom model gauss rifle
>it does 55 damage
this is getting retarded
have you met any waifus yet in London?
The 5th column bitch eve and the weird knock off moxgang bitch and keira those are the only 3 that don't look cripplingly ugly
Do us all a favor and just leave now instead of bothering us by boasting about your fake normality.
Is there any consequence to killing the girl trying to radio to her gang. She wasn't named but having her beg 2 reform feels like they have something retarded planned around the choice.
are they interesting or just talk like obnoxious britbongs
I don't know about any of that, I just know he's an annoying wigger and I don't like him. He gives off weird vibes.
I just noticed this when starting a new game. When you click on the american flag, Nora says "Good ol' USA" unenthusiastically and sarcastic. Why does she hate America? Is this woke subliminal messaging?
Women hate patriotism unless they're sexually obsessed with someone who doesn't.
is the real reason why NV trannies hate fo4 so much because it forces to be cis straight and remind them they can't have children?
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better gameplay
better companions
better gameworld
better understanding of fallout lore and worldbuilding
it makes them realise they should not have cut their balls off and so they seethe
too late now young ladies haha
Of course it's going to be a better game it came out 7 years after NV jfc
NV trannies aren't real NV fans.
I'm a New Vegas fan and I can honestly say that Nate has developed an actual identity for himself in the series, and a likeable one at that. Only faggots hate Nate.
I like both games. Also you can be gay in 4.
i really hope actual nukes drop soon
how can you be gay if you got married and had a child with your spouse?
just faking it the entire time ?
Because america in fallout is evil
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I've got a few minutes to browse.
Also, the reason why alt-righties want war and destruction so badly is so that they can rape and molest women and children without being persecuted for it.
I'm having fun playing Fallout London, especially combat. I think it's interesting to actually make ammo a bit rare, forcing you to use melee from time to time.
Don't reply, just report and move on.
I know, the positive Fallout London posts are fake as fuck
Jej, I got ninja'd by the Londonposter. He's fine, I meant the post above that.
Is it true the leader fucks a poo?
Is this how Todd envisioned it?
It just works.
The only thing Todd envisions is Epstein's island before it was found out
You can fuck exclusively the same sex if you want in the actual game. At the very least you can be bisexual if that's what you want
Macready was also married and has a child. Right after Nate saves that child and Macready tells the story of how his wife dies, there is the option to fuck him.
Meanwhile Veronica and Christine are not romancable.
Absolutely pathetic.
I removed the essential tag and executed him, hancock and preston. No place for sodomy in my Minutemen.
>unequip and reequip
>instantly reloaded
>blunderbuss is a junkjet
>is semi automatic, reload animation plays to load as much junk as you want into it
>infinite magazine of 56dam shots that require no ammo
>both can be crafted out of the pistols those shitters drop
"playersexual" is a staple in Bethesda games and really doesn't have any impact on how gay the game itself is. If anything it just gives the player more agency, though most nate x male situations are only brought about as a joke by players and most nora x female conversations are just coomers being their usual selves.
I wish Christine was romancev,d[able as fem courier
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My secretary is asleep lads
its UP
Try again, this time after you stop having a stroke.
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I really liked her. I just wish I had done something different so I could save Mr Domino and get all three of my compadres out.

I have not played Nuka World or Far Harbour yet but Dead Money is the best xpac by far and it's not even close.
hmmm....... nah.
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Stroke this dick bitch nigga
>London is the flop of the year
Has there EVER been a large scale Elder Scrolls/Fallout mod that didn't turn out shit.
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Don't do it.
point lookout
Amazing how just one bad encounter with a sleazy shitty ghoul can make you end up having the exact same voice as serana from elder scrolls.
>NCR bear engraved onto the handle
That's a fucking suave piece of weaponry there, damn.
Can I join one Nuka World faction and kill the others? Can I have one faction lead everything?
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>NCR bear engraved onto the handle
Give me a break. I prefer the Legion but game recognizes game.
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It came from the corpse of General Lee Oliver himself, so it is said.
the Checkmarkschizo discord on defcon 5 tonight
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I wonder if they fished it out of the Colorado or if Oliver capped himself with it.
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dae bethesda... LE BAD?
NMA and its consequences have been a disaster for the Fallout fanbase.
And Creetosis, fuck him too.
I have no love for Bethesda itself - I actually prefer the first two games - but this has been getting more and more cancerous as time goes on.
>Shartfield relases
OH MY GOD BETHESDA IS BAD ? Its such a shock because we've been circlejerking for over a decade in our unwashed i <3 todd shirts
>NMA and its consequences have been a boon* for the Fallout fanbase.

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I'm all for having disagreements about what games you prefer, but Fallout fans especially act like you liking Bethesda games is the equivalent of you joining a terrorist organization. As a side, what does NMA think of London. Do they like it, or does it make them have a seizure at the idea of owning Fallout 4?
I'm with you on that.
As for London, people have been saying that it's a lot like vanilla 4 in a lot of ways, so I'll bet my left nut they don't like it.
I have no opinion on it since I haven't played it, but from what I've read, well... maybe it's time fluorescent green goo, black-and-yellow hazard stripes, and mutant fleshy body horrors make a comeback.
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Me on the bottom right
Fallout London is just an extremely safe narrative with very boring gameplay and copy pasted world assets from the ugliest part of Fallout 4's worldspace.

The completely boring nature of the game is almost 1:1 parodied by the UI and Perk animations, being colorless stick figures.

It's the kind of shovelware that you would see on Steam with relatively good reviews from people who enjoy literally every single game as long as it works.
wanna go out for drinks?
post your toon
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I thought you'd never ask.
are super mutants an allegory to trans people?
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sorry anon, the anime tits are more important than u
Finally someone who knows what's good
If anything they're the opposite.
Even after a mutation that completely eliminates sexual dimorphism, they're extremely aware that they're either a man or a woman. Hell, their leader even kills himself over the fact that the women can't get pregnant, actual troons are staunch anti-natalists due to their obsession with fetishism rather than procreation.
I told them to release the mod with a downgrade patch or turn off their patreon because their constant updates with no actual info was getting embarrassing to watch, and they IP banned me immediately

A few days later they released the mod with a downgrade patch

Fuck these tranny-ass devs
>unapologetic alcoholism
weebanon is now my spirit animal
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I just rediscovered that loading screens have a FATS mode.
Friday night Misatomaxxing, let's fucking go
I've always noticed that the 3D models in loading screens showing up as textureless and completely green ends up being the result of the game bugging, is that the case or does that happen normally for whatever reason?
5 hours of work to go lads should I just go to sleep
Amerigoblin, your ancestors were nigger slaves and mexicans
They didn't participate in the revolutionary war
The revolutionary war was a white man's war between honorable enemies, it was anglo fighting anglo for the future of the world
If your ancestors had fought in it you'd be too white to say stupid shit like >muh bootlicking
No.. it's FATS.. or.. VATS.. I call it FATS.
If you hit the VATS button it turns green as if you target it in vats.
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If you can sleep on the job and get away with it, do it. You're not hurting the company in any meaningful way.
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God DAMN I love New Vegas chads
kek. looks like the troons got triggered.
london seems pretty mid
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>One anon's righteous fury forced FOLON to release the mod
He sacrificed himself for us...
I'd call you a faggot for theatreposting but that was actually pretty well-written. I liked it. Regardless, we both know that the Revolutionary War being an honorable, fair duel amongst gentlemen rather than "I told you to fuck off and you didn't. Draw your muskets." is just silly.

VATS is for fatties, you might be on to something
>turn off their patreon
Fucking classic.
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My Deacon is behaving weird..
is London pretty pozzed? does it have a lot of black people and LGBT NPCs?
And there's some in the game too
good one anon. but seriously, is the game like that?
There were a bunch of Indian NPCs and some LGBT ones
There's probably black ones around somewhere
No, but you seem to have alot of that on your mind.
thanks anon. how do you do know they are LGBT? do they spell it out for you?
why do you have to be the way you are? it's lame
>Sneaking around, getting sneak kills with my knoife at Lbertalia
>BoS vertibird decides to fly over to the giant ship stern where the boss is
>suddenly my Nate gets gibbed by a stray mininuke that missed the bird
I poopoo'd in my pants when that happened
I don't think they spell it out for you, I just remember reading about LGBT characters in one of their blogs
hmm I see. I hope they aren't essential :)
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>paying for abandonware
To be fair, it's only "impressive" in relation to the other Bethesda games. It could've been done a whole lot better but a lot of people give it credit for just having a better map and content than Fallout 4. I don't think that's any reason to praise 76, but to criticize Bethesda, and specifically, Fallout 4.
Is it true what they say.... you know... about Nora and the neighbors?
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You know, I never thought about it. But I guess they are.
lily and that other short mutant with that robot rhonda
Why are weebs so fucking cringe, stop it
Got a nice 1.5 hours and drooled all over myself
>the company
I'm a cop.
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I agree. America is the bigger shithole so it makes for a better story. Adversity (or is it diversity?) and all that.
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>encounters with these weapon damages
The gauss rifle does slap a bit, but ishyddt mod without intending on vats critting anything with a skull or star. Without modding in a normal gun the blunderbuss and long configuration flintlock are the only good feeling guns to find "early", but both are mechanically fucked up. Former is a reskinned junkjet that has an infinite magazine, latter auto reloads in your inventory. If the enfield and martini henry also did 45dam gunplay wouldn't feel so bad.
buffout and other performance things are a must. Load times are still terrible but at least it isn't crashing (until it does again)

>L O N D O N is pretty ok desu
better than fallout4 and it's dlc. Not anything outstanding but piecing together the obvious does feel like a videogame. Very slow start, fucking christ. Low damage and damage trading with enemies feels like absolute shit until you get enough food and efficient weapons. Getting out of that loop, the kill here find this fallout quest stuff starts to work.
>not smoking in real life while smoking in a videogame
all that stuff in that image is on display in france rn though?
Most intelligent American
Detroit is still the Paris of the west
both France and US are shit holes.
Now this is proper power armor.
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What did I do to be called cringe?
I had to go look that up. Whenever some /v/ NPC posts "Why does nobody sweep up" I post pictures of Detroit which is literally IRL Megaton, not Paris.
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Trainwiz's wife
His wife is black though
Who's this strapping big lad?
Now go look up Paris syndrome.
sup fogeys,
how does the London install and downgrading work on steam? I have recently-ish installed Life in the Ruins - won’t downgrading fuck up my existing install?
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I see he too is a trve vnderstander...
trainwizs wife be like.. "WE WUZ DEVSSS"
Anon, don't! It's spyware that steals your steam info and them makes u enter a steam guard code so the bot can log in.
They literally aren't, you colossal dumbass.
>t. triggered tranny
Based. We're all in this shit sandwich together, you don't owe a damn thing to higher-ups.
>you won't do shit
History has shown that exact statement has broken empires and will continue to do so. It's the ultimate "famous last words" in the instant karma video of life.
Protip: being arrogant towards a bunch of pissed off peasants when they're on the verge of revolting doesn't do you any favors.
Jesus christ, try harder, you boring motherfucker.
Peasant revolts across history had a success rate in single digits
Tell that to the Americans. And the Russians. And the French in an almost comically numerous amount of instances. The snobs will always lose, Lebowski.
Revolts changed when guns became readily available. Governments lost their monopolies on violence, which is why modern ones push for gun control so hard.
anyone played fallout london? how does it work? can i just play on my modded fallout 4 or is it an entirely new game?
>murrican independence was spurred on and led by peasants
lmao even
Russia is the only example anybody would know about. The only different one I can think of is taiping rebellion in XIX century.
The entire planet today is the way it is due to revolution. What a moron.
Hey fellas, do you guys know anything about this "fallout london" thing? Crazy, right? Bet you didn't. Your thoughts? :)
>ai sloppa so you know it’s 100% correct
Estimating the overall success rate of peasant revolts across all ages is challenging due to several factors: the broad timespan across centuries, geographical diversity, varying definitions of "success," and the lack of comprehensive historical records for many revolts. However, historical analysis suggests that peasant revolts often faced significant challenges in achieving their long-term goals.

Most peasant revolts historically have been unsuccessful in the sense that they rarely overthrew the existing social and political order completely. Instead, their "success" might be better measured in terms of concessions gained, such as reductions in taxation, temporary relief from serfdom, or other local gains. Even in these cases, the victories were often of temporary or partial nature.

Some notable exceptions do exist, such as the 1917 Russian Revolution, which began with significant peasant support and led to profound political change, but these are relatively rare. In most cases, the revolts were suppressed by better-equipped and more organized military forces, leading to harsh reprisals against the participants.

Given these considerations, if we were to make a broad estimate, the success rate (in terms of achieving major political change) of peasant revolts might be quite low, perhaps in the range of 10% or less, though this figure can vary significantly based on how one defines "success."
We'll continue this conversation when your smug head is resting on a pike, Imperial.
>not sneedclave 2
>actually released so better than 90% of large skyrim patreon scams
Looks relatively promising but it’s pretty rough stability wise so I’d wait a few weeks
>he took my thing ! red flag red flag. 16 x the detail
thoughts on this video anons?
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>an ugly, failed man so mongrelized he'd pass as one of Dido's merc soldiers
>had the audacity to put his ugly mug in the video in the first place
What a clout-chasing nigger.
>lose the dog for the kid who doesn't agro raiders
>try to get it back
>not at cannery
>still at docks
>get dog
>isn't following
>fast travel
>have default fo4 dog
>fat fucker still at docks
>30 minutes of some racial monstrosity babbling
condense it into 1 sentence
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what assholes allowed me to carry a tesla cannon..
I cleared a small bunker with 10 raiders inside and had to eat 7 stimpacks cause I keep shocking myself with the cannon
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just watch it dude he makes fun of trannies
oh my hecking gosherino this sooooooo flubbin wholesome 100!!!!! i love this accepting and validating community that i'm a part of
new zoomer video dropped
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Nobody cares, piss off back where you came from you worthless trash
christ this is some extreme slop. just making declaratives without backing any of his statements up
>"alsothe writer of new vegas was not happy about certain decisions"
>shows a picture of Avellone
>implying he was the only writer on NV
>acts like he was with Fallout from the beginning
>immediately after states how Avellone critiqued the show in a way as to insinuate he hated the show
what dishonest trash
>then at 9:00 regurgitates the 18 month crunch myth
lmfao is this guy from the patriciantv school of retardation?
>fallout 4 is garbage
>10 years pass
>"woah nate is pretty fucking cool actually"
this place has a lot in common with reddit, maybe we should compare weapon designs of every game so u can all vote fallout 4 unanimously zoomers
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kek look at courier go!
we get it dude you're trans
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2 rupees have been deposited to your account rajesh
why is this thread so obsessed with trannies anyway
it's worse here than in the average ragebait on /v/
fallout and videogames in general are inherently transsexual in their nature
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Just following marcy long home for a little bit haha
Stagnant? You should take a look over on the community shaders discord. They got terrain blending and ssgi working, as well as full pbr. They're about to release them the test versions can be downloaded rn.

Game looks amazing and way faster than enb. Enb is getting replaced.
That one faggot mcfly locking his shaders behind a paywall is the gayest shit on planet earth. Dude absolutely hounds people posting it online, too.
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People actually use ENBs still? I remember watching ENB gameplay videos 10+ years ago when I was a poverty console peasant and they always looked like the bottom left with everyone modded to look like an anime character.
qrd on community shaders
should i install?
>"dog" can die because it's the radiant encounter one
>clicking the bulldog revives it
what spaghetti fucking coding would make them convert an existing npc into a DLC one. Swapping companions and it goes to red rocket truck stop. This is the reddit bait so it breaking when you do a mandatory escort quest can't be going over well.
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>mom is having some weird meltdown about a bunch of faggots having a bit in the olympics opening ceremony
>bro why are you talking to me about this shit, idgaf
>"hmm I wonder what /fog/ thinks about london, now that it finally released"
>/fog/ is talking about trannies
he's right though anon. the Daniels hat shit is peak reddit behavior

thanks for continuing to post about trannies
>refers to their mom as "bro"
zoomers are so weird.
also yeah, trannies are gross. both in Paris and in fallout
>thread dead because Bongout is as good as Fallout4
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Its exciting to see all the FL deniers and vapuorware faggots seethe. This is just a taste of when F4NV comes out holy shit.

The mod coming out isnt the real victory here. Its vindication for those who enjoy modding and arent spiteful cunts.
it really did fall off after one day. it's just so boring and uninteresting
>it really did fall off after one day
prove it
>i...i...its boring and uninteresting!
but enough about skyline valley
there might be a possibility that a lot of people can't even run it properly, if nexus comments on their downgrader anything to go by (I imagine the same on GoG forums)
why did sneedclave turn out to be this huge meme but london is just kinda whatever at worst? was it sneedclave's blistering failure that let london's team tell weirdos to fuck off with their fetishes/awful writing and generally call garbage garbage?
The Frontier being pedo slop caused London to be sterile. This is the price we pay.
>The Frontier being pedo slop
wouldn't 4chins love frontier if it was true?
they should have packaged it with buffout and all the engine optimization mods they clearly were running it with. Make a (((collection))) on nexus at least. From the start it was going to require a unique install and that means out the box none of the tweaks people have to make to get the piece of shit that is fallout4 to work on a modern system. Tuned up it runs as well as the game does.
yeah thats what causes the meltdown when it came out. all the pedos got BTFO even here
>a 1400 mods long setup crashes on me every 5 hours
>fallout london crashes on me every hour
yeah nah
i'll give it a few weeks in the oven before playing it properly
>wouldn't 4chins love frontier if it was true?
In 2008, yes.
>out of 10
uh huh
only if the creator stuck to his guns instead of caving and making sure to stick a "DON'T WORRY SHE'S 18" letter in her pocket in a blind panic

go back
>vagabond quest bugged with find hymn book only map marker in wrong place
>local church has cultists
>church complex bunker has fucking legendary driad in the basement, also cannibal corpses envirnmental storytelling
>also trials bullpup battlerifle
>it's in .303 not .280
>it does 7 fucking damage a shot
is there a way to complete this organically? Is st.edmunds on the ass corner of the map with 1 copy of the book in it? I consoled in the book and it's just misc like all other books. Or did they forget to populate the interior cells of churches. And the goddamn anticlimax of noticing newgun rewarded for exploration in the area around a starting quest is as shit as the junk rifles.
You're supposed to use the flintlock rifle and unequip/re-equip it to reload it.
Are all guns underpowered? I has to waste so much ammo on trash mobs that I eventually switched to a melee build.
europe got btfo'd by the resource wars because proper caliber bullets were racist
Guns are not the best way to play London. IRL London never had abundant firearms. You should be investing in a melee build.

This reminds me of my last FNV playthrough, where I played a melee build for the first time and went into Dead Money. I was shocked at how much easier it was to melee the ghost people compared to shooting them.
>Brickton is a quiet place a peaceful place
Excuse me the fuck?
Whats the deal with the Crystal Palace too?
>we made 80% of the combat options dogshit because uhhhh... guns bad?
are you fuckers serious
That doesn't mean that the available guns should be weak.It would make more sense to make guns rare but powerful.
playing fallout london as a big titty britbong slag that has sex with every animal she encounters
>>also trials bullpup battlerifle
>>it's in .303 not .280
>>it does 7 fucking damage a shot

what the fuck even uses .280?
I was sure it'd be the bullpup and when i got it in .303 i was sure it'd be changeable at the workbench.

also melee is trash and their changes make it worse so idk why they nerfed guns so hard.
Maybe you're just supposed to play better. Like, get good and such.
>made the rifle and not the infinite magazine tincan blunderbuss

Seeing an EM-2 battlerifle playable in game should not have been an anticlimax. If it did even 20 damage like other .303 rifles it'd be a gamechanger but instead it's unusable.
receivers/calibers seem fucked on a lot of guns. Like there being no .577 and no martini henry model for this .303 one. The Lee enfield has a caliber dropdown with no options so no .45acp deleslie carbine or .32acp single shot options.

I can only assume they intended for "realism" compared to fo4's 10,000 lv1 gun bullets to kill a lv35 legendary gunner problem by making every enemy take 7 bullets, then with your endgame 75dam martini henry you get to kill them in 1. And it plays like shit. Which is unfortunate because the game plays fine with a higher damage gun. They either failed in the execution of a limited ammo setting or having guns higher than 6 damage in the hands of their 15 enemy gank locations was killing testers to quickly on normal. Both which could be fixed with rebalancing properly.

I wonder if some random faggot on the team is obsessed with fallout3 because all these 7dam automatic rifles that upgrade to wowee 12 damage at gunsmith4 have the same terrible game feel of pumping 40 rounds of chinese assault rifle into DC super mutants.

>akkktually guns are rare in...
>every other raider has a .32acp machinegun
>you should do melee clearlACK?!
>armor values of dlc intended gear are single digit and medium/slow speed melee weapons do 17-20 dam a swing
>there are inaccessible shooting enemies like fallout3 and rail shooter segments
the only thing less fun than shooting your nerf guns at enemies with their nerf guns is trying to run up and vats shank them.
Just console in a base game gun.
>they replaced your favorite gun with a generic model
Deliverer nooo!
that's defeating the sprit of the thing. I want a not shit EM-2 trials rifle and a beefy hippo killing .577/450 martini henry to blow apart robots with, not to console in a pipe rifle for bigger number.
Europe has nato armies and those guns would be looted as soon as the world went to shit
Then just modify the values in xedit?

double check if you found the bugged coaster and iff you did either download the mod that fixes it or Player.removeperk XX27E475

it helps.
but even still the em-2 still has damage comparable to a sten.
atleast the enfield is now viable for a stealth archer playthrough
Then just console in some perk points and buff your gun damage. You'll still be playing within the gameplay balance range that was accounted for during playtesting.
>"bro guns are like, so rare"
>because they're so strong?
>... because they're strong, right?
figures they'd build a mod on the first fallout with halfway decent gunplay and fuck up the balancing
Should I join the Vegabonds or tell 'em to feck off?
>just learn how to code, bro
do you think the billion waifu follower mods on nexus were made by people with iq over 80? it's not exactly rocket surgery
>+60% of 7 damage is 11 damage
>well it's actually supposed to take 10 bullets to kill hooligans
fallout3 had bad gameplay because bethesda didn't(doesn't) know how to make an FPS. This "gameplay balance" feels like fallout3, the game no one plays without TTW to replace literally every mechanic and weapon value.
>leaves their own guy to die
>makes me do lots of stupid bs fetch quests
>always threaten me

Fuck off, i'm gonna go hang with the fishpeople.

been playing almost 10hrs and the fishpeople have the only merchant hub i've found
why dont u appreciate mom being based
why dont modders try to find a game designer instead of just doing whatever feels good without looking at the FUCKING numbers
is there an armorer I've missed or is fish gun merchant the only one that does anything useful. Think I've scoured every inch of that place but I wouldn't be surprised if there is a guy behind an unmarked door selling full combat armor.
>bugged coaster

don't tell me that fucking -10% weapon damage debuff that's supposed to be cleared by visiting any doctor is actually -75% and isn't removed by the quest.
I found this in one of the first locations I visited behind an advanced door, doesn't seem all that bad to me?
prepare to use it for 80% of the playthrough
the breeding chambers are pretty out of the left field lmao
any discworld reference?

I assume he means this.
It's bolt action so slow, you get the ferryman's revolver early on which without upgrades is accurate and good damage despite being in .32.
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this is what happens if you drink beer without a loicense
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How does armor work in fallout 76? And how will it work for bosses after they remove the damage mitigation in the next update? I heard that if your weapon has enough damage it can bypass armor so you don't need any anti-armor perks or modules, but how do I know how much damage I need? Do weapons with low damage like Elder's Mark benefit more from AA or Bloodied if it already has 60% native anti-armor?

please respond
I don't know
>put "fallout 76 damage calculation" in google
whoooaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa so hard to find this information!!!!!
none of this is updated, retarded googlecuck
so just keep searching until you find some autist with an updated spreadsheet like every other fucking game on the planet
>doesn't exist
no one even knows how much health the bosses have and weapon DPS is a guess because the speed number is fake and floating damage numbers can be fake too
>Player.removeperk XX27E475
>a random autopickup nerfing all weapon damage by 50%
>mfw I killed the first boss and several legendries already white knuckling it with vats crits and musket cheese
How in the hell does that slip past your paypig betatesters
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>you didn't beat the game
Fallout London is a good example of why a Fallout game should never take place outside the US
Fallout London is the best Fallout game I've ever played 5 years from now
Havasu blues was pretty fun, any other fun nv quest mods?
South America after the Enclave annexed the puppet states of Argentina and Brazil
True. US should be contained and quarantined
Does anyone know where I can find a weapon station/workbench in fallout london?
Well I mean Asia is probably a good place, mostly because you know their will be American bases all over the place.
Actually, 1 has the best weapon designs. The only "problem" here is that you're a gay nigger, not some generational bias.
London has way too many empty locations that exist solely for future quests
Little known fact, the original post was "TOTAL TRANNY DEATH"
Only 3 people in this general completed Fallout 1 and less like it
>there is too much content
I wish death on evil people like you
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Neutral 50, {Drunk, stumbling home} Why do they call it a beer mat... it's a coaster. A *coaster.*
>asserting a false consensus to bullshit your argument forward
Literally a tranny tactic, shame on you.
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But trainwiz's wife is a short black girl, given their OCs
There's a load of workbenches in Thameshaven market and some of the Jack Tar buildings, be warned I got fucking stuck in one of the buildings as the exit door isn't lined with it's trigger.
A building with no enemies or loot is not content you dumb retard
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I fukkin' stole it
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*fall out
>How does armor work in fallout 76?
Exactly the same way it does in Fallout 4
>And how will it work for bosses after they remove the damage mitigation in the next update?
They take normal damage, but to compensate for it they have something like five times as much health.
>I heard that if your weapon has enough damage it can bypass armor
Not exactly. If you do the exact damage of their armor rating you do 50% of your calculated outgoing damage. If you do twice that amount, you do 99.9% of that calculated damage
>so you don't need any anti-armor perks or modules, but how do I know how much damage I need? Do weapons with low damage like Elder's Mark benefit more from AA or Bloodied if it already has 60% native anti-armor?
You should still equip the Tank Killer perk to maximize your effectiveness, but Elder's Mark is best with either bloodied or executioner's if you're looking to hit big numbers with it.
In addition, in the PTS they've implemented a new system where low damage weapons do increased damage to enemy weak points, making lowbie and stupid people with shitty guns able to contribute to killing things for real.
you retards thought she was black because her tumblrina drawings feature black women?
Trainwiz 100% has a fat black wife
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Hi Trainwiz. I know you're lurking, you're like bloody mary, all someone has to do is mention you.
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Isn't that mall run by commies or something? Anarchists? I forget.
Channel your inner elven hatred of humans and get rid of them all, America will thank you.
The Whitespring is controlled by the United States government's basement AI. The Responders are unwittingly gathering intelligence and suppressing threats for him.
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Yeah, just like every tumblrina has vitiligo.
She's said she's black
Because they took it from another mod and didn’t properly remove the weapon modifications.
correct and he shares her with other men
>The SMLE in Fallout London has no partial reloads

how are they this bad
Oh, MODUS. Nevermind, carry on.
a mod's already out but i totally agree.

when it came to integrating other mods.
frontier did it better.
Compared to Frontier Folon is 10/10
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>no cars
looks rather shit
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>looks rather shit
>behold! the same janky ice skating car shit that's been modded into NV since like 2014
>it's americajeet
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If you need to use drivable cars as a crutch to assert that your game is good then it probably isn't that good.
sorry the truth hurts
I'd rather play Vigilante 8
I'll just stick to cars in Fo4, much better experience.
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>that seethe
Yup, feels good to be a Frontier CHAD right about now.
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Did the A World of Pain mod guy work on Fallout London? I realised why exploring felt so hollow and familiar because most locations are empty interiors full of enemies but almost nothing interesting or worth taking
ok pedo
NATO doesn't exist in Fallout but Europe in Fallout lore was at war so the armies would be far larger.
I don't understand the weapon choices and variety.Fallout 2 had the FN FAL so it would exist in Europe.So where is the L1A1's?FO2 also has the XL70E3 and the Light Support Weapon variant as non unique weapons.So they were made by Enfield and imported to the US but aren't found in the UK?
>it's empty guys
>is not actually empty
is this the midwit abstraction about the damage bug and it's felt effect on resource use? All locations have loot and most have terminals, notes, "environmental storytelling", or some combination of the 3. Quests start sending you out to them too. That beer coaster single handedly crippled the game.
How is it powered?I has no real frame and is to skin tight to have artificial muscles.

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