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Previous thread:>>487627803

Season 4 - Clear All Cathy
2024.03.28 —

Mirror Dungeon #4 - Mirror of the Wuthering
2024.05.02 —

>Current Events

Refraction Railway Line 4 - Masquerade
2024.07.04 —

>Upcoming Extractions

>Current Extractions

2024.07.25 — 2024.08.08
[000] W Corp. L3 Cleanup Captain Outis
[TETH] Fell Bullet Heathcliff

2024.07.25 — 2024.08.08
Target Extraction: [ Gregor ] ID & E.G.O

! This game is directly tied to the setting of Project Moon's previous games, Lobotomy Corporation and Library of Ruina, and is set after both. Expect spoilers for those games in this thread.
! The tutorial is important.

>Download links
AppStore: https://apps.apple.com/app/limbus-company/id6444112366
Google Play: https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.ProjectMoon.LimbusCompany
Steam: https://store.steampowered.com/app/1973530/Limbus_Company/

>Other links
Official twitter: https://twitter.com/limbuscompany_b
Official youtube: https://www.youtube.com/@ProjectMoonOfficial
Official site: https://limbuscompany.global

>Required reading

>For all your EGO and Sinner info needs

>Useful resources and a general guide

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Rodya LOVE!
Hong Lu gay breakfast
Moses marriage mating press nakadashi impregnation
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Nigmus compini...
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That dude last thread pretending to be a PR professional was super cringe. Bet he works drive-through at a Wendy's
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Heathtent... soon...
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Rather than doom how about we coom
maybe you should try getting a job
*You* know that Wendy's and PM have a lot more common, right?
Can't without Rodya.
Host drawpipi...
I’m not that guy, but I’ve worked at smaller companies that manage to have better PR than PM
this whole thing just makes it look like the Director is a huge man child regardless if he’s right or wrong
i want to bury my tongue in her pits forever
How the fuck does PMUA even operate. Like seriously, who even funds this shit.
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Hesucriff... what are you going to do with that rabbit?
>That dude last thread who has a brain is cringe because I'm stupid as fuck
I am that guy, and usually whenever any company gets into legal trouble, there's good reasons why they keep quiet and only "release the logs" during trial, or after trial's over.

A single schizoid that probably got money through rich relatives, getting donations from misguided idiots or straight up fuming retards.
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everything will be fine
and YOU cant do shit about it
Gullible people that see a charity protecting women's rights or some shit
As long as you know what to grift and how, you can get some pocket change (at the cost of your reputation)
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Holy shit, I think I know why KJH flips the fuck out all the time
That's a duck.
LMAO this nigga mad cuz BTFO
Good times Rodya with a bonus Outis!
Heath's looking a little bit... freaky... in this here pic.
All the twittertroons seething but PM is going to win yet again
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Funny how these people talk about politics when it's clear these people don't know how to play the game. You can't tell me a huge contributing factor in the mess of autism last year wasn't the spastic rollout of autistic confusion in the first week.
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I don't see anyone seething in the replies. I don't follow people who dramamonger
The issue was essentially that grifters and liars were given free reign against a small company to say whatever the fuck they wanted. And even now that's the same. They set the narrative and PM couldn't set it straight, and even now have been damaged simply because of the narrative set by these fucks beforehand.
>esl babble
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are YOU going to stay up late for the STREAM?
got mah peanuts ready.
I don't speak Korean so I don't see much point to. I'll wait for a translation, and if the stream isn't that hype, I'll just read the tl;dw
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Love this ginger like you wouldn't believe!
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My sleep schedule is fucked and I am not finished writing so I'll incidentally be up around then.
I'm talking about ITT
No bro it's bad PR to provide rock solid proof that people are lying about your company. A Wendy's shift manager said so.
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malkuth.... lay off the cake for awhile...
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Roasted Duck is a classic British meal. When grazing the grass isn't enough, some ducks can turn to cannibalism...
I'm diving into game (mod) development right now, so yeah I'm staying up.
it's early afternoon here, so ye
Usual place
about five and a half hours
don't need to. i foresaw bridget hong lu in a dream
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Sorry BUDDY, I don't do group cooming sessions.
You'd have a point if I didn't witness them rush ahead of the curve and made avoidable mistakes where they had to delete tweets to fix random shit and reupload it
Bear or rabbit meat? Which game would you choose?
I don't like this body type.
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i havent slept since yesterday so no but i do expect 1300 gems in my mailbox tomorrow
The seething ITT is pretty obviously bait
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Then you can coom alone, together with us.
Any guesses so far?
You telling me no one ever got in trouble for saying the truth?
Timing, tone, platform, these things matter in business and politics, bwo.
some knight ego. or a horse ego
I am also PR trained with a diploma bachelor's degree in media communications. Wendy's guy is wrong. Optics are all that matters in a case as clear cut as this. I've seen people say they're 'giving their opponents ammo'. Okay, how? By letting them know they actually have no case? There is no possible way for them to capitalise on this information, and in fact, seeing the reaction might just make them back the fuck down so they don't get legal fees slapped on them.

If the two artists keep this up, they will be drained by gookchud, who will move on to the next grift after taking donations meant for them to keep up this doomed cause.
My sleep schedule is already fucked as hell so I might as well.
The bigger Malkuth is, the better
It mostly goes to her ass and thighs
>hottest aspects of ryoshu are her being a milf and her delicious tomboy body with near flat tits
>draw her with big tits and make her look like a child
why would anyone do this?
that's a wide ass smile
Easy, they find the hottest aspect the hair and eyes instead.
4 and EOS in 5 hours
she has a hair in her mouth bro
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You know, it's not that I doubt the Director's version of events, it's just that it's utterly confusing. So, the official story is that:
>Vellmori gets targeted by harassment, quits
>Director offers to cover up for her or something
Which I can believe. It's just, if they were looking to protect her, why is this initial tweet so 'throw-under-the-bus'-y? Labelling her a 'controversial employee' (which I suppose she was but it was barely her fucking fault which PM doesn't address, really) and saying that she violated her contract doesn't exactly paint a pretty picture of an employee you're trying to look out for, does it?
The eyes are barely on model.
At least the smoking is there, which is another of her hottest aspects. But that's still atrocious art.
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Am new so I don't really have any expectations!
I like the game a lot so far so I dunno, expanding replayable content would always be a plus!
Mirror dungeons are just fun to do though I think that's more to how satisfying the combat is.
Most of the stuff is easy but the "wiring" you have to do for the more challenging battles is engaging.
Also looking forward to building collection since the devs seem to be the most anti FOMO I've seen for a gacha which is quite motivating to keep building up shards.
i know, i can see that. it's just funnier this way
>hottest aspects of ryoshu are her having a good time in a fight, the bloodier the better.
She was a piece of shit feminist that nobody at PM liked, they jumped on the chance to get rid of her. Director is firmly chud-coded
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flat -> loli -> what if big boob loli
it's easy as that
damn i'll be awake (for work lol) so I guess I can throw it up
Either to appease the gookcels that were banging on their door, yelling about hand gestures, or to give reasoning to why she was laid off.
Regardless, I sorta agree, the whole last year's statement(s) could've been handled better. PR is a nightmare, Wendy's or not.
Sir that's a chibi.
>working into the wee hours of the night
maybe we already live in the city
how far would you go to protect some annoying fuck after a month of mentally ill retards spewing incorrect information about the situation? there's no reason to keep putting your shit on the line at that point
I'm sorry, but I'm 90% confident eventually you'll get tired of mirror dungeons.
The thing is, I think this game has flashes of greatness, and Railways are super fun. The most recent one is really, really good, and I've played through it multiple times to get a good turn clear.
Unfortunately, that's not farmable content, and they desperately need to add more replayable content, with at least SOME rewards attached to it. Specifically, replayable content with focused combat, a high level of difficulty, and longer fights.
Used to share a server with this artist, they were retarded as shit.
So what's the deal with the Wonderlab artist? Have they made poor workplace accusations of their own (other than the now debunked 'less woke' thing)? I've only seen the tweets where monggeu is complaining
All PM artists are. Had the displeasure of knowing so many of them.
That's the type of shit I wanna see, unfortunately, like every other piece of Ryoshu content, I've already got it saved. I'm confident I've got every hot piece of Ryo art out there, and I'm destined to wait for artists to make new ones.

nigga i don't give a shit
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PM should make playing the story nodes and dungeons free after you beat them.
This isn't a single-player game, this is a gacha.
i really hope one of the vas are there
that would be so sigma
I agree because I want to replay some kino sometimes.
This, it's already bad enough that you get no rewards for them, the fact playing them is actually a *detriment* to your resources is stupid.
MDs are 90% normal combat which is brainless, luxcavations are too easy and nothing. Railways and walpipi go by too fast and release too far apart to constitute as proper endgame content.
Also delicious hag ass.
Mind pointing me in the direction of the mode where you can play with or against other players bwo? Support units and a friend list don't count.
is the new Heathcliff ego any good?
Nobody is saying they need to take a month off. You speak of optics but you can't tell me the multiple times they posted something in some pastebin looking sheet as a screencap then deleted it later doesn't look slapdash as fuck
I wouldn't mind more mirror world content. Seeing what Gifts you can have and how they mix together is way more fun than it should be.
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I don't know why PM artists are like this. I have a drawfag friend here who replies once in a blue moon to me when I message them. They're nice but I would kill to just have them talk to me for more than a few messages per week since we get along well.
Make previous railways playable while we at it, literally no reason to keep them locked.
I want a 'design an enounter' mode.
Doesn't need to be complicated at first. Maybe just set level scalings and perhaps set up more than 1 wave. A way to share the encounter code in some text would be good so you could try other people's challenges.
Most PM artists are
More R units please!
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If it has to be an existing one than Rose Hunter or maybe even Stuck in Heaven could fit.
Sunset Wayfarer could also be funny
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Then why don't you post some yourself huh bub
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So unprofessional *doesnt uninstall and buy bp*
>friend list don't count.
Erm it actually does and I win against online randos every time I click Add a Friend and see that they have no waw happi banner
Yes, that looks slapdash as fuck. I think the censoring of the names also looks hilariously unprofessional. He fucking squiggled with a green brush instead of dragging a shape tool, that part is really funny. But in terms of the content, it's truthful, deliberate, and directly proves false claims and establishes precedent. When someone reads through it and compares it to the allegations, it's extremely cut and dry. Anyone who does not agree with the actual content is acting irrational and emotionally, and is not the target audience of this post because they can't be convinced anyway.
They should make a boardgame in game for Limbus. Copy something like Eldritch Horror or something similar to that.
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>I'm sorry, but I'm 90% confident eventually you'll get tired of mirror dungeons.
Maybe, but I don't really run them till burnout.
Given my work schedule I don't have much time so I do my three weeklies slowly over the week.
Been Playing for a good 1-2(?) months now and have only been doing runs with base LCB crew (with a side of the Yuros during the last event for grinding bonus).
Perhaps this "pacing" of myself will keep the sense of wonder going.
I certainly don't mind them adding more difficult content though.
More stuff to do can't hurt!
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Them's fightin werds
Probably because they fired her for that before realising they’re not allowed to do that without getting in trouble
looking at their xitter page is enough of a proof
It's a chibi style like Panty and Stocking.
Chubby Malkuth with a huge butt, thick thighs, chubby belly, and small boobs doko…
Thanks to PMUA we have it on record she requested to quit lol
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>Sleepyhead (Nappy)
>The Dream Ending
>Lust Advantage
>but I would kill to just have them talk to me for more than a few messages per week
they're probably just busy bwo
>It's in a toy store too
Oh shit I think you got it
I think they're retarded sometimes but I really do respect how they try to take bullets for their artists. They definitely know that if they pin any failure on them, they'll get harassed. They couldn't protect watson from death threats or anything, but I recall them posting a statement about how the localisations were vetted or something. Then they said it was on them that the serialisation for Leviathan was stopping. I don't actually know what they were thinking with fake firing vellmori, maybe it's some korean thing where resigning is seen as an admission of guilt?
Sorrry i fogot..
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I wanna post a rat too!
He's on a love quest bro respect his pain
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I'd be ok if PM made a 3d arpg gacha. I just don't feel like flipping coins for 3 more years
imagining him submitting these scribbles to court had me howling
Yeah, Don getting Sleepyhead in her canto is the most likely outcome besides a new abno.
I like the funny vampire toys r us giraffe :)
So what's the deal with that again? Was that a private conversation they had with Vellmori that they leaked themselves?
So on one hand they might actually be able to reclaim the Wonderlab abnos into usable canon.
But on the other hand, this means they'll NEVER touch any of the crowdfunder Lobcorp abnos again, right? If anyone asks, Steam Transport Machine just happens to be an unrelated machine with a Nixie Clock in it that has nothing to do with the time travel device and everything else is consigned to oblivion forever.
slimegirl rodya ego never...
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Nyo. I want them to talk to me NOW.
yeah pretty much
it was then revealed in that leaked convo that the reason PM stayed quiet was because vellmori requested it and it was PMURASS who pretty much threw the agreement down the trash
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>3d arpg
>combat is based on trigonometry
>as game increases in challenge you'll have to use further geometric reasoning to take down big baddies.
yeah I can see it.
I want them to make a 3D game one day, because I think their environments are beautiful, and I'm desperate to actually get to explore them in 3D.
2D games never do it for me, at least when it comes to immersing myself in space. I think the background art that nai_ga does, and just the battle backgrounds in general, EGO backgrounds (especially shit like sunshower) have such stunning environments, I'd give anything to actually get to explore those in any sorta game.
But considering how incompetent they are in general, how buggy even the silly sprite games get, plus all the constant dramas and delays, I don't see that happening in the next 10 years.
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I feel for a lot of actual PM fans, we can forgive them because despite their incompetence, they still have good intentions and usually do their best to make right. A lot of the shit they do I can forgive, simply because I know they aren't acting maliciously. They have constantly been able to show good will, and because of that even if this posting is retarded, I will defend it.
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Lets talk about shipping
For me, it's FedEX
we will when you post a good ship
Aw. It's ok anon, I'm sure they're just busy or stressed or struggling with some shit.
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a tourist made this image
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what's wrong with his hand?
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love me limbabs
Monocoins are good though.
Ish is reliable and her speed makes her great at intercepts.
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nuh uh
Yup. I’ve been a fan of them for a third of my life. I was a fan back when they were tiny enough that they’d respond to my random ass emails. I know what they’re like, so seeing this picture of them being painted disgusts me. The amount of people who turned on them last year pissed me off, and I have no forgiveness for any of them.
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I ship these two
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smacking my salami sandwich right against her cheek
explain this shit im too retarded
picture unrelated?
Dante asks them to buy a carton of milk and if the store has avocados to get six. The joke is he means if the store has avocados get six cartons of milk not six avocados.
how long until the stream?
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Its bad
I did
Too much hard work
Eh don't like it
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Which airline do you prefer?
The joke, in fact, comes from the fact that's an already pre-existing, sorta popular joke, so the comic referencing that silly joke and giving it a goofy twist at the end is the punchline.
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Fine, which rarepairs you like, anon?
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5 hours
I like the idea that he phrased it in a way Meursault would correctly parse, because he’s the one going on the errand.
5 smooches
Mon ange
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You know I never really thought about it til now but it's funny that Frieza has 5 fingers like a monkey but only 3 toes
I adore seeing these two together, and since Sinclair is canonically (in the book) an artist, them having a mentor-student relationship is extremely cute.
I don't love them being shipped sexually, though, even if I wish I was in Sinclair's place getting dominated by Ryoshu as she's the hottest fucking thing to come out of Korean media, it just feels wrong and out of character.
Book Sinclair is probably the most relatable character out of all of them, but even if Limbus Sinclair stopped being a faggot and developed his personality a bit, letting me self-insert, it'd still feel wrong.
How fat is the Director now with all the stress he’s under?
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My prediciton is that Don will have a Knight of Despair aberration EGO.
Bonus points: She can Synchronize with it.
he is a cute soft man do not bully him
he's perfect.
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based on an old joke about programmers. The idea is, a normal woman tells her programmer husband "Go to the store and get milk. If they have eggs, get a dozen." Programming "languages" are really more like sets of commands and complilers/interpreters interpret them extremely literally. So the hypothetical humorous programmer hears the instructions as "Buy milk. Then, if they have eggs, buy a dozen" A dozen what? A dozen milk. So then the programmer returns home with thirteen milks.

In the comic, the very literal-minded sinner Meursault performs a similar logic. They have avocados, so he should buy six milks. The more sensible and worldly-wise sinner Outis overrides Meursault and executes a more common-sense version of the instructions: She buys milk, six avocados, and even some eggs, which Dante forgot to ask for.

When they return Dante is pleased to see that Outis thought to get some eggs even though he forgot to ask... but then asks why she bought the avocado. This implies that he really did intend to tell Meursault to buy a varying amount of milk based on whether or not the store contained an unrelated item, a humorous inversion of expectations.
The precedent implies that whatever we get, it will be an abno already existing as an event in MDs. It's been that way for a while now, so I doubt we'll just get a new one out of the blue.
this post makes me laugh more than the comic for some fucking reason
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>thirteen milks
>six milks
this sounds so cute to me I love it
wonderful phrasing anon
I'm not gonna lie, while the comic made me smile a bit, your explanation is at least 10 times funnier.
I’m just concerned for the fat fucks health
it's the "milks" for sure
Meursaultposting is the funniest shit this general can offer, but it's a shame that rarely any anon can pull it off.
Gregor is so lucky..
regardless of what is happening in the picture, how did they even start sleeping
i want sault to get me multiple milks...
I thought it was a joke about ESLs
i stand with KJH against the retarded artists

however i must sleep and probably miss the stream
While I know that, I feel like there's not a lot of Abnos that fit Don in the current MD abnos besides maybe Sleepyhead and Rose Hunter.
It would be a nice surprise to finally introduce new Abnos via a Canto rather than first as an MD event as that would be a lot more hype.
Even more so for alternate versions of the magical girls.
Yeah I wanna be sandwiched between Rodion and Outis too bro
>sleeping upright, not even lying down or on something soft
I will save him.
Eggcellent post anon
Time to stream? Cooking then taking a shower.
He'll be fine. If he started lifting he'd be too powerful...
Imagine getting to slide your hand under the hem of Rodya's shorts there, feeling the soft skin give way under your fingers, then grabbing a handful of her thick cheek, digging your nails into it.
A bit less than 5 hours
>digging your nails into it
she'll dislocate your jaw
A little under 5 hours
he throws enough chairs and tables on the daily to not counteract the hhpp sandwiches
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For me it's pairing this line with meur's fucking face.
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this is the kind of shit why mersault is my fav sinner
I want a russian gf that is a head taller than me
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Nothing rare actually
And while not in a romantic sense, Faust correcting Heath has been funny when it happens
Try mail-ordering a russian bride manlet bro.
Killing myself after Merusault's canto to cap things off on the highest possible note
thanks, anon, i'm cackling again
oh brother I will be using that pic
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Good night everyone. Thank you all for your support.
This drama just bums me out because it ends up being everyone's retarded but now they hate each other more. Yeah I knew we were all retarded but I enjoy when works like PM stuff have the 4chan freaks and the tumblrites all banded together for their shared mental illness. None of this means anything, the Korean gender stuff is just both sides tilting at the other's windmills.
> I feel like there's not a lot of Abnos that fit Don in the current MD abnos besides maybe Sleepyhead and Rose Hunter.
I will be honest, I thought we'd get Spider of Marriage and Hurting Teddy Bear for Heathcliff, and then we got Portrait (Cathy wiping herself), Sheep (Wuthering Heights thundering) and King In Binds (Heathcliff EGO, "noble" kind of thing). It's hard to "predict" abnos, I think. Same with Skin Prophet last season.
Same, which is troublesome since I'm 190cm. I've barely met any female freaks of nature that are taller than me, let alone attractive ones.
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I should
So you’re into fat guys, huh…
>stream starts
>it's just pic rel
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I'm going to limbsleep.
I better wake up to good news.
Keng/a/n bros, I need an edit of this but with Sandro's face instead
Picture fully related. Vertically splitting Kali’s unused, unwashed, smoky 40 year old redgina
I actually very much enjoy that aspect of this fanbase, too, in fact most of my favorite games seem to be popular on only /v/ and some fringe, giga-lgbt parts of twitter/tumblr, for whatever fucking reason.
It's okay, though, it's nowhere near as bad as last year /I THINK/, and I'm seeing a lot of said lgbt/leftie/whatever people on twitter come to PM's side.
People have awoken to how scummy the "PMUA" is, especially given how they aimed to drop this at the vellmori incident anniversary.
god I wish this was an ID
>announces drama on the eve of the livestream
its getting delayed isnt it
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I love him so much bros... star star heart heart heart
Portrait was a 100% obvious one, in fact a guarantee I was willing to bet a limb on, since it's literally a Wuthering Heights reference. Sheep came out of nowhere, though, and King in Binds sorta fits, I was expecting him to be a Railway endboss eventually, didn't expect him to be the seasonal battlepass abno, though.
The Great War's uniforms are kinographië and I will DIE defending my statement.
>b-b-b-bu-but muh WW2!!!!
Dogshit sequel nobody asked for.
It's funny to think that if the team runs out of Ideas they can just turn EGOS into full IDs.
>kjh loads into a new abno fight
>only player character is that super compressed •••••
>presses winrate
>••••• slides up and just chomps the boss
>STAGGER ++ instagib
>"thank you all for coming"
>cuts to ring footage of a box on someone's front doorstep with a countdown timer
>stream ends before it finishes
What is the PMUA?
This is my issue with so, so many of the cool new EGOs. Seeing the art and the sprite for Contempt Ryoshu, but it's just a glorified cutscene that plays every time you use a special attack. We need abno synchronization back asap.

I think WW2 is still cool, even if it's oversaturated in media, but yeah, WW1 is seriously underrepresented and it's got a sicker vibe to it.
I like men in general. Chubby is nice (like his level) fit is nice, thin is nice.
Honestly being healthy is the best ideal but I know how stressful life can be too. I think he's cute bigger or smaller. Long as he's comfortable.
yeah the great war uniform was so good
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Literally all EGOs are better than IDs
PM robbed me of Soda kino
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Synchro EGOs soon shrimp-hunter
Oh man.
"Project Moon User Association", but it's actually just one guy calling his shit an association. A sicko grifter who made huge waves a year ago, starting protests, gathering funds for lawsuits against PM, and is now asking for donations to fight PM in court yet again. Vellmori never saw a cent of last year's donations, by the way. if you were around last year, you'll remember the trucks and whatnot. Rumors about him being an already controversial figure doing all of this for political leverage. Aimed to release this shit now specifically on the anniversary of the vellmori drama.
Why is Meursault in the cuck chair?
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>stream starts
>director's dog avatar shows up in the corner with its head bowed and buried in its hands
>loud sobbing can be heard, occasional cries of 'why me' and 'please just let it end already'
>this continues for 45 minutes
>director eventually lifts up his head and says in a completely calm voice 'Canto 7 is September 5th btw'
>stream ends
I think this is a pretty accurate prediction of the stream
>Dogshit sequel nobody asked for.
Ironic in that everyone was asking for it in a sense.
Sounds annoying.
Please stop thinking about NTR for one even moment anon...
The voice for the first 45 minutes? Monggeu's.
I personally disagree, I think some of the sickest drip in these games comes from Associations and the Fingers.
It is interesting to me that, unlike most anime logic, the higher you go in the hierarchy of power in PM's world, the most grounded and sensible their fashion gets. This only breaks once you get past Grade 1 and deal with the Colors, which are inconsistent and follow their own, individualistic rules.
The associations all have clean, pragmatic, sensible fashion. Most corps are cool, too, and I love all the fingers. The random jobber syndicates are the ones I usually don't care about.
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When something is weird and inaccessible enough, only the slightly insane can access it, which for video games does tend to be the tumblr psychogay and 4chan basement incel crossection. Ruina being a playable video game made some progress towards getting relative normies to play it but the legacy of lobcorp being a broken mess that throws hours of effort in the trash at a time keeps it in that space.
I saw this tweet recently of an obscure japanese blogger comparing Void Stranger to Lobotomy Corporation in terms of their unrecommendability, and, like, yeah. These games are objectively extremely different in almost every practical way but they're games that you have to be slightly insane to be willing to engage enough with them to get the full experience.
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>stream starts
>it's El Director's office
>there's no one there
>this as the bgm https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qQzdAsjWGPg
>last minute
>HE enters
>It is interesting to me that, unlike most anime logic, the higher you go in the hierarchy of power in PM's world, the most grounded and sensible their fashion gets.
Mind elaborating for my enrichment?
I kind of get what you are saying that groups have a nice consistent theme which makes fit together visually.
I'm less familiar with the counterexample. (Don't watch enough anime I suppose.)
Tag yourself
Yea, you hit the nail on the head. Pathologic is one of my favorite games, both 1 and 2, and I've only seen good discussion of IPL games here, and... from the most fringe lgbt parts of twitter/tumblr. It's insane how much a Russian game with 0 lgbt representation attracts these people.
It's basically all the stuff that fails on reddit, especially their r/gaming mainstream trash. I fondly remember the Demon's Souls, early Dark Souls 1 days of Fromsoft, the vibes were similar to this.
belts and spikes
someone post that one piece-looking faggot with all the dogshit additions he has
you know the one

4 and the stream will consist of Director slapping his belly followed by a delay announcement
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EGOs are interesting because they are meant to be interesting and strong but I mostly use them to win clashes and AOE people down, damage in of itself its not strong to warrant the cost and <95% heads.
I mean its fine if you like "suit, but <color> coat" and whatnot, but it is definitely less interesting than any of the EGOs design.
Is the Stream up yet?
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You mean you rather have W jannies before fishermen shrimp? Get real
In terms of groups dieci and 7 got my favorite fashion. Thumb is good too.
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How funny would it be if they announced that Don canto was delayed until next year haha that would be hilarious haha no way it would happen tho hahaha
I'm quite curious what top level "agents" in other companies look like.
For example K Corp we've only seen up to class 3 and like you said they manage to appear "cooler" without being over the top.
Carmen posting is the most pathetic version of doomposting
My point is, in most anime, and any games that have an anime-esque aesthetic, which I think PM falls under, are the opposite of this. Usually you'll see civilians, jobbers and side characters wear normal, boring clothing, while the upper echelons of the power scaling will have goofy, elaborate outfits.
You're probably aware of all the memes about anime characters having a million belts on their outfits, or the "spot the protagonist" memes with anime screenshots, where protags always have a retarded colorful hairstyle that make them stand out.

The fingers, especially the Thumb and Index, have clean, simple color palettes, very uniform designs, unlike most of their syndicate underlings. BL and KK are still sorta clean and uniform, meanwhile the lesser syndicates are all over the place. The associations are very much wagey-coded, their outfits pass as work uniforms most of the times. Meanwhile lesser offices can be sorta random, examples from the top of my head being Hook office, Gaze, Full Stop, even Dawn lacks a proper uniform.
Just 4 days left bwos...
I only listen to Carmen futa posting
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The Musicians of Bremen (the three jobbers at the library) wouldn't look too far apart in actual animu setting
Bartleby Scrivener sinner would be based.
Well, I don't personally feel that way, I love character designs that are uniform, crews sharing most of their clothing, and then seeing how artists still make them stand out within those limitations. Just look at our Limbus crew, they all have the same uniform, but each one has different details that make them stand out. I think that's way more interesting *on average*, even though some of my favorite designs might be from abnos and abno gear.

No, because Warp is easily my least favorite fashion out of all the corps. I'm actually upset they're the first to get to 7 sinners. And yes, Seven and Dieci are among my favorites, as well.
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It depends on the setting, I'd say. The City is relatively "grounded", so it makes sense that business people still look like business people instead of Seto Kaiba. A lot of series want to emphasize the main characters by giving them unique designs, though you've already mentioned that a lot of them go overboard. Project Moon generally gives slick, uniformed designs that focus more on associating characters with a certain faction.
That said, the northern part of the City supposedly has more extreme fashion.
>tfw don't like women putting things in their mouth
>but do want to dig in myself
how do I reconcile with being so selfish
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Yeah meanwhile in PM land you get X who is just basic scientist man and Roland who is "man in suit" for your protags.
It's also interesting seeing the slight variation in how everyone in Limbus wears their uniform.
When walpipi?
its all sex?
well exxcept shado guy.
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After mypipi
you missed it anon!
remember the director is being raped by me
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To be fair, lol&'s entire gimmick is being as generic as possible. Well dressed suits are also among the peaks of fashion anyway, so it's not like he looks bad.
Argalia has one of my favorite designs in PM, and he's pretty much peak anime villain.
I know, and some of my favorite anime/shonen have whacky designs. Hxh is probably my fav shonen, and its designs are at best all over the place, at worst retarded.
I know that about the northern part of the City, which is why I'm glad we're still set in the Southern part.
I guess I just have a boner for uniform designs, especially for seeing how artist still give characters unique flair and make them stand out *within those limitations*, I don't know.
Seriously I get these people's perspectives. Yeah people are going full libel mode, so we gotta hit them hard and fast bro!11!!1 They'll get hit so hard they'll spin when they realize Director personally responded within an hour. Their argument falls apart when it comes to preserving an online narrative against others fast when it's clear they can't even control their OWN narrative
>Rapidly deleting their own shit when they produce a scuffed intial draft version ASAP so when it's reposted all around initially its deleted when they replace it
>Jump around either doing the text in tweet, screencap of a picture of text, or making an "official" Limbus branded text announcement, all may or may not include Japanese or English so everything is hearsay from that point on until people iron it out with MTL confusion and it's clear that this is supposed to court Japan and the English speaking community too. It's not some 2014 japanese gacha where they only give a shit about their home nation and what people think since PM is clearly trying to be a global brand
>Accidentally leave his name uncensored in log leaks (this part doesn't matter too much since it was just an online handle but it's the fact they're admitting they fucked up when they delete it themselves and reupload it 'properly' censored')
Ain't no way it should be 'controversial' to say it's better to go through the PR corpo motions and iron shit out before stamping it as a statement on main. People are too caught up thinking this is equivalent to shitposting on 4chan when someone calls you a retard.
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>the northern part of the City supposedly has more extreme fashion.
nta but honestly T corp was pretty gaudy they look like YuRia's dress code
I really do hope we go the north soon
its wild how for the past 2 games we have only seen south niggas and only 1 north person in the entire series so far
worth considering: E.G.O.(or distorting your E.G.O.) gives you goofy elaborate outfits
Yea, exactly. Angelica's suit is also beautiful, the silver linings of her suit and her necklace compliment her silver hair, help her stand out from Roland and help make her more feminine. I think the two of them together look incredible.

I do still agree about Argalia as well, even if he is peak anime, he pulls it of really well. It's the same with real life fashion, I guess, you can pull all sortsa shit well with appropriate personality.
>shows you that one superhero fixer with the laser arm from k corp
Yeah, it's cool when the clothing tells you about the character before they even speak.
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Got back from work and I somehow avoided the entire long ass tweet KJH made just now, give me a TLDR on the SECOND major PM controversy and are we fucked?
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Xiao's ego is still the gaudiest ego in the series
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All the girls in The Eminence in Shadow are pretty great (Claire best girl DESU). Ironically, Shadow-sama is the most popular character by far.
Oh, I get you. I think that being able to give characters uniforms and still have them stand out from each other is a useful exercise when it comes to character designs.
It's mostly the gear stuff with the top hats, I feel. The regular workers looked fairly normal.
To be fair, for the past 3 games we've been stuck around the same events, barely seen any of the corps or even know what they do, and we still have 0 clue about The City's backstory, why it even is the way it is, and why it's the supposed last bastion of humanity, even though you'd assume that's somewhat public knowledge.
PM actively and consciously chooses to proceed this way, feeding us info and widening the world bit by bit, always focusing on the characters themselves, and mostly worldbuilding *through* them.
bestie so true
>Ain't no way
oh my gyatt fr?
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wonderlab and leviathan artists are trying to sue PM to hand over the copyrights of those things to them
Director you fat FUCK
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well yeah she's chinese
they gotta be gaudy that's all they have
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Arbiter Garion and Red Mist Kali are still the coolest designs in Project Moon, in my honest opinion. Fucking love faceless helms and sleek armor with giant surcoats
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He has the best voice
It wouldn't surprise me if PMUA found some way to interfere even a little in the dev cycle, the grifter running that clown show really fucking hates PM
And ya know I like the slow "zoom out" your doing.
Feel a bit natural to discover things due to characters walking into situations.
They aren't explaining every little detail to each other since generally they already know the City. (well maybe not all the time as Faust really likes to talk about her Bus)
A lot of the explanation is via the situation itself and you get to infer things even if the inferences are easy to make some times.
One thing that applies here that I think about occasionally is Team Fortress 2. I think TF2 has by far the best designs out of any online shooter, the dudes are all color coded into red/blue, most of their outfits make sense for their role - AND - they both reveal much about their characters *AND* their gameplay role.
Compare this to overwatch, a smorgasbord of retarded, clashing ideas.

I'm not saying I think every game should go this route, but I feel like characters having more uniform, grounded designs is more rare in vidya and shonen in particular, so it's cool when I get it. And PM does it really well, imo.
they just make this shit up as they go lol. they’re going to end up contradicting themselves on smaller details
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Official English ver. of the post is out for those who care.
Why do artists always demand too much? First Poland, now copyright
ong senpai
Now get the fuck out before I no-diff your post
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Eh, I feel like Overwatch's initial roster works from a design point of view. They all look exactly like how they would play and they're mostly clean of unnecessary details. You can look at someone like "Reaper" and know exactly what kind of playstyle he requires.
You two should either meet up and fuck or kill yourselves.
I generated AI images of Paus that I will proceed to jack off too while waiting for the livestream.
You can't jack off images schizo
Do you have enough Coom to share with the whole class, Anon?
>Pmoon acknowledges that yes they officially got sick of the genderless thing and that this was a sticking point
In my headcanon the explanation for wonderlab being the way that it is is because wonderlab's branch turns out to be in a nest where having a visible gender is Taboo.
I know this is my personal taste, but I strongly dislike Blizzard's design, since forever. Especially their edgier things, it's the exact combo of edgy, yet cartoony and safe that I despise. I think Warcraft designs were always bad as well, but to each their own.
You guys think direttore got that GYATT now?
Might be because there's a general "collective" theming to the city?
I'm not sure if I'm seeing things but throughout the games it seems whenever someone goes off to do their own thing things change for better or worse.
Like how Angela understandably steals the light leading to everything coming after.
Seems like most people get by forming groups and this cohesion is emphasized by their clothing to varying degrees.
The Colors being more "individual" thus get the more unique designs as the are their own thing.
Even the Arbiters seem to follow a dress code despite being ridiculously powerful.
It's all very efficient since by clothing alone you can tell who's with who at a glance.
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nice shitshow limbabs
imagine letting a couple small-time drawpiggies push your gacha company around
Hoyo would have sent the CCP to suicide their entire lineage before it went public
Fuck off Mihomo. Your 'fans' got several VAs shitcanned just for trying to get work.
hoyo for some reason just feels "bland".
That's probably unfair since I've not played anything but Gunz Girl Z from way back but its visual don't really spark interest in me.
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Too forced. You shall be !!!PUNISHED!!! accordingly.
>an indie company can't respond to grifters and schizos with the same power as a hundreds of times richer, more powerful and dominant multi-billionare corporation can

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>MiHOMO posters
thats it, im OUT.
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That's completely fair. Overwatch is the only Blizzard game I can remember actually playing, but I just wanted to say that I think the characters at least fit their roles.
Agree on Warcraft designs for the most part. Armor sets just look a bit too bulky for my liking. Then again, I also like designs like pic related, so I might just be a hypocrite.
I remember all the fuss about the Anti-Meursault Distortion Forcefield in Canto VI only for people to actually stop and think about it for a moment before realizing that it didn't actually contradict anything that had happened so far.
>Mihomo xister enters
mmm I don't remember asking for dilators thank you
Turn on your monitor
Sex with vellmori and the wonderlab artist... after forcing them to take at least three showers
I mean, all of that just fits with its setting. The City is first and foremost a hyper-capitalist place, everything runs on money and contracts. Even the arbiters, being as powerful as they are, still work under The Head.
The Syndicates are usually whackier than offices, because they're usually smaller groups of individuals working for their own means. Meanwhile The Fingers are syndicates that have gotten so big, they're basically on the level of Corpos, which requires strict hierarchy and organization.
After gender-affirming therapy of course.
That somehow not the oddest nest
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I like how retarded Acheron looks, desu
Sex with El Director vtuber-zona and having 100 children
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Wake me up when the livestream starts
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controversial yet brave
I will save Yi Sang
also Don cape is cute and canon
I still think neo-feudalism fits better but I definitely do see the hyper capitalist angle as well.
In fact, I would consider neo-feudalism to be a synonym of that.
That being said it seems like different corps have varying focuses. T corp is quite on the nose with its taxes.
But I'm not exactly sure who N corp benefits financially from having Kromer run around and purge prosthetics.
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It's so over

EoS imminent...

Maybe I should download go Nikke
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Hate these types of scenes.
The direct is going to be every former PM artist doing a naked dogeza featuring spanking from all the HHPP staff, followed by monzo cartel style execution.
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Give me suggestions of another schizokino franchises, the wait and delay is killing me. Gacha is a fucking mistake.
giv sauce so i may obtian regret
Dong has Poison? I don't remember any poison gimmick to that fight.
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>western "VAs"
bot response
NO one forced you to invest in a weak company
Can a gacha that can't even protect its IP even be considered a legitimate company?
The one that exists in my head.
Consider a world with no outer space.
It's obviously a mix and not clearly only profit-driven like most IRL corps are. Most corpo taboos we know about don't make sense unless you add in PM's specific fantasy aspects.
Taxes don't apply just to T Corp, though, even Syndicates pay taxes to The Head.
The City is just an exaggerated version of actual Korea right now. You just have fantasy magic and pseudo-religious taboos and shit slapped on top, but most things still revolve around profit. Reality breaking stuff like singularities are irrelevant if you're unable to market them and make a profit, which IIRC is what happened to the old W Corp.
Poison would be just lamer burn so its fine.
Funkytown 2?
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We are taking back whats rightfully ours
I am not a bot you retard.
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Obligatory Black Souls and EYE: Divine Cybermancy recommendations.
Pic related has some story arcs that can get a bit weird, but it's mostly not schizophrenic in the slightest.
Apparently the YIIK rerelease is going further into the weird aesthestic?
too soon?
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>The City is just an exaggerated version of actual Korea right now.
I dunno, sometimes I feel like everything is heading towards Korea.
I'm sorry but I'm not a primary gacha player and have no interest in the amount of market power "my developer" has. I've been here since Lobcorp and am still extremely bitter about them making a gacha game, but I still play it because it's good, even if it's less good than the previous two games.
The sort of stuff you talk about tells me you at best need to go outside and get a job, but very likely seek medical help.
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this meant for >>487668759
this meant for >>487669631
I always win

Answer the question. Can a gacha that can't even protect its IP be legitimate? Sounds like a joke
brother, no, just no
>I dunno, sometimes I feel like everything is heading towards Korea.
Well there's a funny little manifesto I'd like to direct you towards that explains all of this...
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YIIKGODS in MY thread?!
>he doesnt know about maggots
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I still don't understand what people mean with "schizokino" when PM is as straightforward as it gets.
Is it just zoomers than don't know what chuuni is?
Yes?? I guess? What does that even mean? It's a company that makes videogames, I play those videogames and have fun with them.
>indie company
They lost that privilege after going the gacha route
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>shilling for mihomo
It was schizokino back in Lobcorp, even if you disagree about the narrative, the gameplay very much so.
It no longer applies with how wide appeal Limbus is.
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This makes me want Sinners in their normal/casual clothing. Best we got is this.
this is most uptie 1 art, though. w corp especially focuses on casual clothes
>Is it just zoomers than don't know what chuuni is?
It's zoomers that ARE in their chuuni phase.
So, realistically, will this all affect Limbus in the long run?
Oh yeah, I'm the uniform-horny anon from before, but god I wanna see these full outfits.
What the fuck is Rodya's deal here? Why was she wearing such a fancy outfit, whose fucking blood is that?
She's so pretty, too
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Mind you, I've never played the game and just see people arguing about the plot. Seemed to be one of the more "schizophrenic" stories I've seen in a more mainstream game.
I'd also recommend OFF and imscared, assuming "schizokino" just means "I have no idea what the fuck is going on" when it comes to story and gameplay.
I never understood it either. Everything is explained pretty well, and the old translation for LobCorp wasn't THAT bad.
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I’m not downloading Genshin, Anon.
It’s midnight. Go to sleep.
holy smokes Ish is CUTE
I saw someone say once that Rodion looks like she was wearing prostitute clothes when Limbus Company picked her up and now I think about that every time I see these portraits
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It's not. It was a rhetorical question.
Holy shit limbabs are retarded just like their gook director
>crying because your gacha is WEAK
sad and funny
more funny really
no one cares. we don't need weak people with bad judgment in gachas
"Schizo" is a pseud term for "weird" or "wacky".
Hong Lu looks like he came in from a jog.
>Why was she wearing such a fancy outfit
She was probably dressing to impress.
The most upsetting thing to me is how Zwei are easilly my least favorite association aesthetically, I think Greg is the only cool Zwei nugget from the whole series, but their casual clothes are all extremely cool and/or cute.
Zwei Rodya upsets me even more, given how hot she looks in her pre-uptie art, but both her post-uptie art, her sprite's look, and how dogshit the actual unit is infuriates me.
I want more casual/regular clothes too.
And HS uniforms >:|
I need the Sinners to have a fun vacation day at *Not* Lotte world and dress up...
you guys must really bored nipping at chinkslop bait huh?
Why are you guys taking the bait and eagerly too
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I have not played it since forever but why is white face an anime girl now.
small dick syndrome gacha games edition
It feels like it's more desperation at this point, anons might need a distraction from the anniversary drama, so they choose to fall for it.

All night sweaty sex until i'm so exhausted i actually lose consciousness and she's forced to slap me awake for another round
Where I can listen to "that" again?>>487670416
He's coming from Squid Game
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no no, yiik is just a shit game with a bunch of retarded nonsense, is not even hard to understand, best way to experience yiik is to watch someone drunk playing it on youtube, then take a shot every time something doesnt make sense
OFF can be pragmatic
If you can stomach sickly sweet Steven Universe vibes and gay shit In Stars And Time is one of the best time loop stories I've played, it really captures the dread
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I don't understand how these lawsuits are happening in the first place, I assumed that all these created works belong to PM in the end
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I'm going to buy some tickets in response to this.
I still think there's some packeges I haven't touched.
It's all so irksome.
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HER has been a character since 2017, I think? We also have the Curator now, but we're waiting for a proper rerelease at this point.
From what I've heard, a lot of the inconsistencies were intentional. I think the devs are making that more blatant in the new version, but that's just based on what I've read in the threads.
Instead of cracking jokes, we should start cracking skulls
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>”Your shield.”
Schizoshit means a lot of things to different people, I personally only like using it when a game has actually unconventional and/or obscure gameplay, so Lobcorp fully applies.
Ruina can sorta apply only if you consider its complexity, the steep difficulty curve and the amount of reading required, but it's on the edge honestly.
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It's only on her big attack for some reason
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Warp Outis is pretty kino for the longer story fights of Canto 6, actually gets to hit 6 load and easily does <10 turns on the fights that give you 15 for EX.

Now, as for why this was dropped when anyone that can afford a comfy W Team is already done with content, is anyone's guess.
OFF is just Meursalt waking up and being told he is the Janny of the apocalypse.
He then proceeds to do his job in a very Meursalt way.
It's not that serious bwo
I don't think "game has hard to understand gameplay" really fits for "schizo", honestly.
The dark blue vs piss yellow really does nothing for me. She's cute, zweihanders are cool as well, but I hate the outfits. This combined with how hard they job in BOTH games irks me. The Limbus designs are even worse, especially the ones with stun batons.
That's just what you get when your only showers for the past year was rainwater in some back alley.
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>one of the best time loop stories I've played
not that anon but I have consumed every single form of time loop media I have managed to find, even including random low quality fanfiction(and I played some REALLY shitty ones)
It better be good
>"Oh wow Sinclair you didnt tell me your girlfriend was into THIS kind of penetration hahhaha.....haaahh...."
>"Guess i didnt NAIL that one huh guys? Get it guys?"
I think I expressed myself incorrectly, what I meant to say is that it's one of the requirements to me.
Ideally, both the narrative and the gameplay are obscure, confusing, misleading and/or experimental etc. etc.
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>Zweihanders are the coolest weapons in existence
>Only PM representation are the designated jobber association and Faust's LCB unit
Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa, please at least give Faust some busted ID that lets her use her Zweihander or something.
>a lot of the inconsistencies were intentional
YIIK is like, someone that is not smart, tries to make something ironically stupid to show how smart he is, not knowing that stupid + stupid = flat out stupid
is fun in the sad way
people use this to describe black souls but as far as i can see it’s just rpgmaker dark souls
You probably have higher standards than me, but check it out. It's in an rpg format and leans really hard into integrating the time loop with the gameplay mechanics and presentation. Only your protagonist's skills and experience points persist, for example
Is it just going to be Kim Jihoon on the stream or will other people be there too
Halberds are cooler
ok swordcel
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Man, I'm not staying up for this shit that I can't understand anyway. I'll just find a tl;dr in the next thread when I wake up.
>Dwarf Fortress is "schizo"
nigga you dumb
i doubt its actually a livestream. i bet its just a prerecorded video with kjh only
Speaking of, I think it's so weird how sinners getting their number/language related IDs are always jobber 00s?
Zwei Faust is the most dramatic one, since she actually gets to use a Zweihander. Liu Hong is trash, Seven Heath is good but still a 00. I'm scared we'll get a trash Shi Ryoshu.
You'd think they'd save these ID for Section 1s, or at least some big-wig director positions.
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Black Souls, especially the second, absolutely fits the "schizo" description when it comes to its narrative. The gameplay (in the second) is mostly straightforward if you don't count how easy it is to break questlines.
I elaborated here.
Yeah, I guess if something is niche and "fucked up" enough tonally, it applies for schizocore too. Rpgmaker games are just outside of mainstream enough that most people will call that schizoshit, too.
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I don't really know what a schizokino is but I like settings where the world is bleak and shitty and things keep going downhill but you're still trying to survive and live life, and that makes you really appreciate the small good and wholesome things that happened amidst all the fucked up shit. Dunno what that genre is called.
Maybe that's why PM and BS are one of my current favorite franchise (and early Arknights to an extent but the amount of characters overload put me off like all gachas are)
>I personally only like using it when a game has actually unconventional and/or obscure gameplay
exanima bros we're in
Goodnight limbaby
Is minesweeper schizokino
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Hopeful dark?
Of all the korean gacha game there is why are they doing this to LC? Can't they just go and harass BA or something.
We used to call it dark fantasy.
small indie company easy target
It's easier and more effective to harass a smaller company, though?
Mihoyo does atrocious shit all the time, but they have so much power they're just gonna shoot you in the head if you dare speak up like this.
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Dark Souls is my favorite "schizokino", I'm so quirky for liking such a DARK and FUCKED UP niche series where everyone is a zombie or going extinct and it also has a lot of convoluted lore
Should have gatekept harder, Limbab
aaaaaaaaaa ricardo's kicking my ass so i have to level all of my blunt IDs and use a ton of modules I HATE TICKET GRINDING
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minesweeper is boomerkino alongside chess and pinball
More like they'll send their shill and bot farm after you. Mihomo also has people who do it for free too at this point as seen by the avatar fagging mihomo.
because director hired not one, but TWO cheap WOMAN artists, both with suicidal and retarded tendencies
not saying he deserved, but tripping with the same stone twice? it was bound to happen
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I'll put up NClair for you if you want to add me.
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Diablo 2 is schizokino
200 minutes til the livestream
If you have sex with a girl who sees and hears things is it schizokino or sigmacore?
>didn't depict the girls getting choked out and killed because attractive women dying is a big no no
More like COWARD 2.
What do you play on downtime? I don't wanna go MD mining so looking for anything good.
man, i should replay ds2
Yeah it was made in a time where women were too weak and pathetic to face off against ferocious monsters unlike subversive PROJECT MOON
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I’m not sure the term for it but I know exactly what you mean. It’s kino to have a glimmer of hope amidst all of the dread and despair
When in doubt, duo with a borrowed blunt unit
If Suncliff can duo with a level 2 LCB Ish, then any duo can work so long as they can resist purple
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I think that should be a requirement for such settings. Why struggle at all when there isn't a hope to strive for?
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Monster Hunter World
Monster Hunter Rise

Reject society of today, return to monkey brain. Hunt monsters
>barbarian is dead because he tried to tank the boss but realized its not an MMO and potions are limited
>necromancer is fighting for his life solo
>amazon and sorceress are hiding behind cover like the ranged sissies they are
>GODLADIN the PROTAGONIST arrives to deal the finishing blow to the boss and take all the loot for himself
The Paladin is how Philip sees himself btw.
>Interior of HamHamPangPang, pitch black
>The curtains open, the lights turn on, every watcher’s eyes are buttered on the screen
>KJH appears with his trusty gimp Monzo who is holding a life size Mimicry, along with 3 sacked individuals
>He pulls the sack off their heads, it’s Mimi, Monggue, and Gookchud
>”Here is the live execution you all asked for, ship it Monzo”
>Monzo does a Great Split: Horizontal and cuts off the grifters paydays
>”Oh yeah by the way, Erlking Heathcliff is never coming and Canto 7 delayed until December, here’s 300 lunacy and some more Dante’s notes to make up for it”
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The endless grind of AQW
It's already 2024 old man. Time to put you in rest.
I've been digging through Void Stranger those last couple weeks
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ACTVAL schizokino(trve)
>Seraphic Blue
>Drowned God
>Mirage of Dragon
>Flower Sun and Rain
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Too late, I'm already undead. The grind is truly eternal.
I would gladly take a delay in exchange for more shuckarooniekino
>Flower Sun and Rain
Might as well add The Silver Case and 25th Ward to that list too.
I'm always ok with a delay if it's to make the next Canto perfect to his vision.
I trust director.
Let me make a tl dr of the current events. Correct me if I’m wrong
>Couple of artists want to make content based on the City lore
>PM says sure do whatever we don’t care nor would we copystrike you
>Over the years, their content becomes more and more degenerate
>PM does 180 and copystrikes them
>they are now in lawsuit over who possess the rights to Wonderlab and Leviathan
Is it correct?
those are too sane to be schizo, the plot even makes sense
He contracted people to make content. Proper paper work wasn't set in place for copyright.
Now they will be working it out in court who has copyright and ownership of the things produced.
>Ship it, Monzo
I kek’d
>>Couple of artists want to make content based on the City lore
>>PM says sure do whatever we don’t care nor would we copystrike you
>>Over the years, their content becomes more and more degenerate
>>PM does 180 and copystrikes them
where the FUCK did you get this version of events? is that what they're saying on twitter and discord and reddit? absolutely abhorrent "people"
I attempt to progress in Lobotomy corp.
Not even close
Wish more people stuck with the facts like this rather than try to make it into a political issue.
So what is he going to throw the gun at the emissary?
No, you're being a silly chuddy. Do more research and don't unironically say 'degeneracy'
Bro it's past your bedtime. Sure it's Friday but you still have school in the morning. No one here gives a shit about your hoyo slop so just go to sleep.
Nice bait
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Exactly that, you could just kill yourself to end this miserable life, but you know out there there's still something you look out for that drives you to keep on living and surviving, those little bits of small glimmers of happiness, the cope that maybe tomorrow will be better, it's real kino to me.
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Seriously where did you hear this nonsense? You didn't even had a single fact straight
schizocore means esoteric, nonsense, cryptic and often involves actual mental illness and religious iconography in the plot/setting
if the game makes you feel like you're terry davis its schizocore
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How could you retards fell to such obvious bait holy shit
Well do your own tldr then
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It's all we've ever known
it's fun
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Ok so, is the new Outis any good for Charge team or we have to wait for another? I like Rose from Ruina and I kinda want the ID but if she doesnt make Charge teams good why bother.
Good support with a nuke if you manage to get her to 15 Charge Count. You can bench Paus or Hong Lu, the former being better imo.
She's better than >whong and you'd only run faust for fluid sac, either way she's the better option if you don't count the egos
she isn't damage focused unless really special conditions are met, no idea what they doing with the rupture support but she clashes better than the other w corp ids
Pm:I'll pay you to make this chair i design
L:Here's the chair (not even done)
Pm:Alright i guess I'll have someone else finish it
X&Z:Ok:No, this is our chair
Pm:But i paid for it
X&Z:Fuck you
Is it fun?
So coping is....kino?
The real question is now that we have seven warps who gets stuck on support duty?
Does Gregor’s AEDD work on every hit with gloom-affinity skill, meaning, for example, WDon’s S2 becomes rupture count neutral? Or does it only add 1 count at the end? If I want to use it which Gregor ID should I use? Rosepsanner can’t clash
I stand by my Warp Faust, her S3 is too damn useful and paired with Warp Sault and maybe Warp Sang and you get the strongest team of "shut the fuck up retard" attack power down/bind possible
I been playing Tormented Souls and TF2
>not struggling for the sake of it and in spite of it all
You don't need meaning to keep going. One must imagine Sisyphus happy.
stream predictions: the w corp event will be cancelled (the w train cliffhanger will be handwaved as how they get to their next destination). walpurgis will happen before canto vii. director promotes the comiket booth.
Haven’t wonderlab and leviathan been there for ages? Are they actually official? O thought it was just some fanfic
Hong Lu
ZZZ, FGO and TF2
Shut the fuck up, Camus
Who the fuck thinks struggling is its own reward
Fuck you
Rimworld usually
Dragon Age origins atm
Stream predictions
Homelander walks in, pokes kjh’s tummy and says “yummers” then leaves
Shut the fuck up Sartre, you'll never understand life from your cushy office.
I do actually believe what original anon wants is just *good* despairkino.
Despair, suffering, misery oriented media that doesn't have a hopeful tone underneath it is 99.99% of the times edgy ass. It's shit like Requiem for a Dream. That's just bad media.
R6s, bo3 zombies, wuwa
They are/were but the artist pulled a ken penders are claim they copyright of the work they were commissions to make
So now El director is suing them to reclaim what should be rightfully of Pm
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what do we do after director is brutally eviscerated on steam
Speak ENGLISH, pabliki
There's more ESL gibberish than usual today... Did the drama bring them out?
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While I enjoy the story and quite a few of the classes, I cannot recommend it to anyone who hasn't already invested a ton of time into it. It's probably one of the grindiest games I've ever played. As an example, the farming quest for the Legion Revenant class has four parts
>Part 1 requires you to kill 1850 things (including bosses)
>Part 2 requires you to kill 5000 things
>Part 3 requires you to gather a bunch of items, all of which need to be farmed
>Part 4 requires you to do part 1 20 times, part 2 6 times, and part 3 10 times
That said, I did mention how much I like a few of the classes. The Forge enhancements also make things more fun, with stuff like Praxis letting you parry bosses or Dauntless turning some classes into immortal soloing machines.
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misangnim with another absolute banger
so is the stream going to be on Youtube or what? how long until it goes up?
grandpa needs to sleep
video when?
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It’s the PMDF out to SILENCE anyone who speaks ill of PM
Being is in Itself inexplicable.
All gives glory to the Whole.
Make peace with Heaven and Hell and live with no regrets.
>Greg wailing on Greg in the background
Sick as fuck. The whole image goes hard
howd you get this picture of me
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I'll be off on a trip to the Carolinas in a bit lads. See you faggots in 3 days. Should be able to watch the stream atleast
>Part 4
but why though
Discordsisters are getting too cocky
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His penmanship, background etc. is so fucking good.
I hope he can come by and draw with us again sometime.
Morning anons. We take another win today
2 hours and 20 minutes.
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On downtime I'm usually busy but I did host an AC6 lobby once.
It works every hit. As for which ID, I don't know. I've been using Rosespanner personally, but perhaps Zwei? He seems like a good general use ID.
POV: You're a giant Dante reaching in and lifting up one of these sinners like a hapless doll.
Seen anons talk about schizocore.
Been playing Book of Hours non stop.
>tfw I suddenly get this sort of thing because of this comment
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The Hero is canonically the supreme murderhobo and everyone knows it. His kill count is in the multimillions, and that's not even accounting for how he smashed all realities together and usurped the old gods.
Out of game explanation? Artix REALLY wants you to invest time in the game. People used to just IoDA (extremely rare item that lets you purchase an IoDA version of practically anything the game) stuff like NSoD (51% boost to ALL outgoing damage), VHL (Extremely strong soloing class), and LR (Extremely strong everything class), but they've been releasing questlines that require non-IoDA'd versions in order to progress.
I've been collecting 50% boost weapons in the meantime, at least. Been neglecting my non-Nation dailies for a while.
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The meaning is the rolling of the boulder itself.
One must fight the long defeat as Tolkien said.
Kind of like how Yi Sang decides to keep going even if the end is decidedly tragic.
Man Canto 4 is so GOOD.
It was really good. I'm still moved by it to this day. The song still gets me.
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yes anon
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>check replies to the EN copyright post
>it's all 4channers
what the fuck
explain yourselves
Is WOutis worth sharding? Fell Heath?
sorry to break it to you bud, this type of lingo/posting style has broken out of 4chan a long time ago
it was our time
living in the shadows has no upside if you can strike from them
anyone got the animation sheet for w outis?
These are not "4channers", 4chin lingo has long since leaked out into the rest of the internet. These are all tourists.
So assuming PM comes out on top in this, does this recanonize blunderlab? Cattryoshu soon?
>recanonize blunderlab
fuck chudbros we're losing hard today
You’re both in that screenshot
Sorry guys this a drama discussion only general now. You'll need to come back later.
You weren't supposed to notice that
>recanonize wonderlab
>but now all the characters have canonical genders
Sacrifice the pawn, take the queen.
I don't want to waste time with this

just tell me what kind of IT'S OVER levels have we reached
>KJH spitefully declares characters genders and makes an eroge of blunderlab

Cmon, do it.
Either post screenshots from Twitter or LEAVE
But the good side is if it's true then the characters will be drawn by actual good artist and they'll have actual gender this time and not nonbinary bullshit, which is, I remind you, a fucking mistake to accept such illness in society.
KJH = Homelander
PMURASS = Butcher
Gender as a concept need to die.
It's a magical word that just acts as an oppression card.
Both are cool additions to already existing teams that you really, really don't need. Fell Bullet does decent damage, but it's not like AEDD is bad either, and fits mostly on QQ Heath for his passive. Might be good in RR4 if you run QQ.
W Outis can make Wyoshu's skill 1 clash better, and the charge nuke turns get extra damage, which is great, but her ramp up is pretty slow. She's the best general clasher of the Warps, but obviously nowhere near as good as Ryoshu, and she doesn't have a Rip Space either. Again, RR4's long fights can make her cool because the gradual ramp up will work there.
Neither are remotely necessary shards, both have better alternatives for general uses, and charge in MDs is still ass.
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snaus... is acting weird...
>KJH = Homelander
Impossible, how can he get milk from unfertile hags
Anons angry about gender stuff, how do you feel about Dante?
Based. Thank you anon. I'll just wait for Walpurgisnacht and see if they spook me then.
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she needs a health inspection >:)
I stopped watching after season 2.
Ambivalent because Dante is just unstated.
Would be surprised if Dante turns out to have a female body though.
I don't think this is snaust.
Only for charge teams and she needs long fights to build up her charge potency. Decent ID but I'd personally wait for the Warp event to come out first to evaluate how any new IDs will impact charge teams if you aren't sure on sharding her.
>Fell Heath
Not really. You can use the EGO on Pequod Heath in teams with a lot of pride and envy but it isn't strong enough to justify sharding it if you aren't trying to collect everything.
Dante? Me.
kill yourself
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So, is this another nothing burger or what?
I am too eepy...
I do not care currently. Im almost sure that Dante's gender will be confirmed when their identity will
Dante isn't refereed to because it's supposed to be a mystery as to who he is.
Gendered language isn't used in the same way as it's done in English. The whole, "omg dante is nb!" thing is just something American teens run with because they're ignorant of the language culture.
Yeah, they're non-seasonal, so no rush on dispensing them.
Again, when I say cool additions that you don't need, I do think they're both *good*, especially for RR4. Fell Bullet is probably gonna be the most damaging TETH in the game with Resonance and the fact it has two coins, plus the passive makes QQ Heath actually gain poise, and RR4 actually lets you stack passives. Outis making the jannies both clash better and make the nuke turns go harder is obviously good as well, but it takes a while for her to get going.
Dante is literally me, why would I care about his gender
I think it's stupid that people treat dante as le nonbinary icon. Dante has a gender. It's just that nobody is taking his pants off to confirm it. That doesn't mean he's completely androgynous, exactly what KJH just said. If they reveal that Dante was a woman this whole time, I'm completely fine with that, it just means my assumption that an ambiguous character was a man was wrong, it happens.

When they do reveal it eventually, we're going to get the shit kind of fans screeching at PM for nonbinarybaiting or whatever the fuck they think is going on, because they're drawn too deep into headcanon.
Nothing ever happens
Didn't notice you sent me the request until just now. I put Nclair up. Just have Ishmael tank shit with her immortality and you should handle it.
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Are you winning, big brother
no problem, thanks for the help
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>Dante isn't refereed to
NTAs but normies started using based so much even before the election tourists flooded the boards in 2016
I'm the anon who asked, and that's the most likely theory in my eyes, as well. However, I wouldn't be surprised if Dante's some sort of a different thing, kind of like how X was a split part of Ayin, Dante might just end up being some sort of a fucking Homunculus created by whoever Faust used to know before. All I'm saying is I wouldn't be TOO shocked if PM ends up actually making Dante completely genderless.

Do you think the same would happen here if the latter ends up being true? That Dante is truly some genderless weird being?
I doubt it, since it would just imply Dante is a special case in the City, but I'm sure the twitter people would take that as a big "win".
>Dante's true identity is about to be revealed
>Your camera turns on
How would you respond
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Thank you.
Yeah, I'm most interested in Fell because it looks so fucking cool. I'd just like Outis to have her.
But yeah, I'll just wait for now. Thank you again for the explanation.
I don't have a laptop nor a webcam installed on top of my screen, so that'd be pretty weird.
its SEXless!
I think there would be people being retarded about it here, yes. And I'd also consider them to be a shit variety of fan. Ultimately, Dante's gender and lack thereof is part of the story PM wants to tell. I do not mind being wrong in any way, because the ambiguity is the point and I'M the one making an assumption here (that Dante is a man).
nothing burger until director announces the canto delay on stream later
just kill yourself instead of reading the thread
I, for one, really like it cause it adds more mystery to the characters. I also don't understand how people self insert as Dante, unless they're actually also nervous, bumbling fucks like Dante is. I know the nametag says "Me", but Dante is a clearly separate character in my eyes.
Voices of the Void
Helldivers 2/DRG with friends
preparing to heavily mod Elden ring with a first person mod
He lied about that
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Dante is a dickless robot all along
I'm a star?
Yeah fair enough. I'm in the camp of not caring about gender at all. And that genuinely extends even to a case where they're non-binary, a sexless glob homunculus, or some random wordbabble nugender, as long as it's not an actual point of focus.
>if PM ends up actually making Dante completely genderless
Sure, some sort of being or concept.
The issue is that the western audience views everything through their own world view. So it's not that this character is a "being" it's that they have gender they were born with but are actively renouncing the title and being neither male nor female/progressive (or what the fuck ever). It's just dumb. And weak.

Scraping around and co-opting/forcing "representation" rather than actual characters is always a pathetic eyeroll.
grinding DRG survivor, because bigger number good
a bit of slay the spire but I suck at the game so I get mad and leave after 1 run
dome keeper got a new update so I will be playing it
besides that I cant keep into the breach and darkest dungeon 1 out of my head lately, so I will be playing them again soon for sure
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Dante's gender is unimportant because there's no sex because one of the LobCorp branches got buried with the stork abno that's meant to deliver children, and as we know, sex only exists for the purposes of procreation. I was trying to fix that but everyone kept shitting on me. Fuck you guys. No sex.
It's very dumb to pretend yeah.
Rose and Catt definitely have to be chicks right? You can probably get away with saying Taii is a very meek dude but I always saw the main cast as women.
If sex doesn't exist in the city than how is Ryoshu a mother?
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Did not read, the city has CONSTANT sex. cry about it.
If sex doesn't exist in the city how come I have incredible sweaty sex with Ryoshu every night?
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Dont know who the artist is that keeps making big titty sinners but i hope he does all of them at some point. That Ish is cool
he could get laid, I know it.
Nah, I received my spoonfeed, cuckold-kun.
based, thank you bro
They're definitely meant to be EVOCATIVE of being female, but there's still zero confirmation and the freedom to headcanon as you wish because that's Mimi's vision for gender fluidity in the work. Knowing PM, if they reappear in future works this will continue to be respected, and they'll serve as exceptions in the setting. They don't want to focus on nonbinary shit, but surely there ARE actually nb people in the city, so it's not like lore is being bent for it.
This constant outrage about gender sbaffles me really. I don't get those kind of people whose whole identity is about what's between legs and what they want to fuck. Can someone explain to me why? Is it just really mental illness?
women bad because they dont have sex with me
men bad because they dont have sex with me
American mental illness, or better, <<their>> mental illness that they try to spread to the entire world since <<they>> own half of it and basically blackmail you into either bankrupting or getting <<their>> money and spreading <<their>> disease
Anon if you truly wanted to "understand" what the fuck is going on with all that shit, you wouldn't be asking that question on the god damn Limbus Company general.
Who cares, man. Leave it be. It's only relevant here because a mediocre comic artist accused Director of some related shit.
I don't know maybe its because how English tends to be "identity first" in its language surrounding these things and maybe that subtly influences general thinking.
>should've gatekept people who speak an entirely different language from me
The City is filled with mentally ill freaks, so maybe
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sheep are so cute i'm going insane
Very nice and full. Another good week limbabs
sex with this thot
You know, when I think about it, you fucking KNOW with all the random weirdos in the City and the fact prosthetics are so powerful, you'd be having a TON of transgender and transexual people. In fact, the tech to implant a womb into a man would probably be possible, too.
This is, of course, still irrelevant, and on the same level of discourse as those retards who insisted PM games need to depict or at least mention rape, otherwise they're dishonest.
It's all part of the vision.
Trauma is an art mine.
something something tragedy something something character something something
I mean I wouldn't be surprised if they had the tech for a proper sex change.
Would prefer that to whatever nonsense we have currently.
Why did PM got flooded with troons and fags, they don't even play games?
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Sometimes people just want to feel special without actually being special at all, so they latch onto anything that makes them slightly different from the norm. Sad, isn't it?
We've had this discussion in here earlier. Weird ass games like lobcorp don't appeal to the average reddit gameroid, so they end up attracting either 4chan weirdos or Tumblr/Twitter lgbt randos. They've actually been around for a long time. This goes for most weird, niche games.
Obviously, now that PM has gone way more mainstream, you get way more of them, too.
Yeah that's an assumption I've had too. I don't think it ever needs to be mentioned, but it's a harmless and sensible headcanon that makes those fans feel better, so whatever. Apart from that, there's probably also crazy fetish implants, right? Like we're not gonna ever see the Inflation Fixer but she surely exists.
It's because of LoR. If Angela looked like how she looked in LobCorp you would've got a very different playerbase.
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They could learn a thing or two from Dongrang.
Somehow I respect him in a roundabout way given how he managed to manifest EGO.
Yeah, a more realistic depiction of the city would involve all sortsa sex pests with insane implants, not to mention singularity-type superpowers for some magical supernatural fucking.
I'm very fine with all of that and sex in general not being the focus of these games, for the same reasons I'm fine with rape not being one of the violent acts that PM doesn't talk about either.
this looks like a FGO render
>Would prefer that to whatever nonsense we have currently.
You're depraved.
I don't know how to react to that.
She had to have her character development haircut
Regardless of opinions on gender and how much people hate the lgbtqwhatever, it just makes too much sense to exist with the tech level, and how society would function in general. I cannot rationalise pretending that none of it exists. So even though I have no interest in seeing it depicted, it's reasonable for the background.
Hey if i can impregnate it with no issues than I see no problem.
Idk about you lads, but Lobcorp Angela was pretty boring to me, right up to the twist at the end. I adore Ruina Angela, although half of that reason is her relationship with Roland.
Look buddy, if they're good looking, they're good looking. If there's anti-ugly tech, there's no problem anymore.
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why is el director a gacha slopper, we could have a real game done at this point, but now we getting breadcrumbs of content once every 6 month, and can't go 2 stepts into internet discussion about the games without some troon with red nose hispanic nigger pfp, headcannon gay shipping everything that moves
It's not just her design btw
>most girls are covered
>some characters' genders are kinda ambiguous until you hear them talk
>tons of boss women
Not PM's fault but it just attracts these people like flies
I'm not talking about her personality, that's another can of worms I don't want to talk about and is more about why LobCorp has a better story than LoR more than the gender obsessed freaks' invasion.
There's no way that after the 700th discussion of gender bullshit on 4chan in the past hour, we're now asking this question for the 700th time this week.
Because gachas make money, anon. They make money.
drg with friends
elden ring (solo)
divinity 2 with friends
any of the other gachas
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my copium that we getting real game this decade is running out
even in ruina where she the mc she still feel boring and underwhelm compare to support cast which already move on btw ,she has no grow until roland thearten to kill her at the end
I don't wanna be a doomer, and I still cope that I'm not a doomer, since I'm at the very least enjoying Limbus for what it is and hope it gets better with time, but... that specific cope you've mentioned has long run out.
This game makes money, but it's also taking all their time and resources. Even with full focus on it, they're barely making schedule, not to mention all the stupid drama that either loses them employees or makes them shift focus onto lawsuits and other shit.
City builder coming out 2035.
What's your first language?
It's el director fault for thinking that making gacha will be a cheap and easy source of cash not realizing that a live service game is hell to manage. We'll never get a real game for 10 years at least.
Whoever drew that meursault set in the first image, you're really fucking cool
I was almost gonna respond to this with disagreement, but then I actually read the full message HOOOOLYYYYYY fucking eslbro, I actually kneel.

I'm actually sad if that's how surface your understanding of the game's story is, not because I care about that game in particular, but because your media comprehension is so undeveloped. Please read books, start with your mother tongue and move onto english later.
You are the exact sort of cretinous individuals that would inevitably come to inhabit the City, a kind of changeling hermaphrodite beneath human skin that can be dissected in the manner of a plastic doll.
I was going to dab on him as well, but I think it's a case of just not getting nuance due to language barrier.
>It's el director's fault for being right, actually
They've barely managed developing lobcorp and ruina as well, lmao.
This is still a mess and they're having a rough time, especially now during drama months, but mate they're earning so much more than they ever did.
I don't understand much in management but i thought limbus makes enough for PM to hire more staff so it doesn't take 5-6 month for new canto, but maybe PM want their little "family" team, but its clearly not working out
The ESL kid is right though, LoR's Angela is fucking boring. The whole schizo sequence with Carmen is also forced (it was added later after all).
Roland at least has a reason to be an annoying tard, Angela just changes heart 3 times in the span of 30 minutes.
it just that no amount of trauma justified the evil she has done to ruined countless life while completely ignoring it unless it affect her
Might be, honestly, which also feels a bit sad because I do genuinely think that the characters PM writes have some nuance and subtlety to their arcs. It saddens me that people will go through their games and miss the best parts about them.
Still, I think it's more likely this is just a random kid, it's hard to miss stuff this obvious.
>Dick Fixer, fix my dick and make it bigger
>Aye aye paying customer
This is wrong because?
People who don’t know how to draw nor understand how difficult it is to work in this industry should shut up and DIE
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YOU die

Yes, anon-chan, that's the whole point of the story. Try to remember when we killed Lowell (I think that's when this happens, it was sometime during the Liu arc), and Roland gets angry at Angela for making light of their deaths. He's made light of people like Philip suffering and having lofty ideals, but since Lowell's and Xiao's situation reminds him of his dead wife, he got upset and popped off on Angela.
He's also a hypocrite. PM's whole world is filled with flawed people with inconsistent, hypocritical ideals, and Roland is not in any way better than Angela. They're both consumed by their suffering and refuse to move on until the very end. A character can be flawed and stupid and still likable, in fact that's often what makes them more interesting and likable.
you don't matter you are less than worthless the homeless put more of a efforct to bring food on his dish than you could ever be in your entire worthless life
What’s with all the fucktarded ESL’s?
so when will we physically beat and kill both of them
Until the Blue Reverb reception Angela was "HAHA MY LIGHT FUCK YOU CITY", absolutely 0 growth gained from all the Sephirah telling her to stop being a retard in the meanwhile btw.
Then Roland spergs out at her and she goes "N-N-No, b-b-but I... :(".
Then after beating him to death she goes "Nah, you know what, let's stop this and let me revert everything I've done".

3 times in 30 minutes.
Stop making us drawfags look bad you falseflagging faggot
This is a gook game which references mostly non-English culture, sit down you fucking retard.
SEA hours unironically
I only pointed out the example of Roland's hypocrisy to anon-chan, because he seems to not only be a hardcore ESL, but also very young.
I don't feel like going through many examples of Angela's growth and changes through the game, because I feel like you could do that yourself, if you were not being dishonest. So, alright man, yea, sure, she's the exact same character all the way through until the very end of the game, or whatever you say.
All DC incels cross posting most likely
NTA, but over the course of the game and after she learns more about the city, she hesitates more
She even tells Xiao that she doesn’t have to go through the fight to get Lowell and all that
If that’s not any sort of growth or development then I dunno what to tell you
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Her asking the guests why they're entering the Library to then show absolutely no change in her behavior is not "growth", btw.
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Is charge as a team good now. Can I reliably winrate MDH with it?
I'm a lazy cunt. The stream is going to be on the PM main channel, ja?
Post art
>Angela writes a full ass list of the shit she wants to do with Roland once they get to go on a trip together after it all blows over, like an autistic child, then gets sandbagged by him.
This happens in like the first 1/3rd of the game, but I guess it doesn't count because uhhhhhh she doesn't say "I'M ACTUALLY WRONG AND EVIL!" out loud.

Absolute mongoloid.
>ESL infighting
>This happens in like the first 1/3rd of the game
It doesn't.
>winrates charge without any healing ego gifts
>W Don kills herself
>W Ryoshu kills herself
>R Ishmael kills everyone else
It will be fine
If you really wanna winrate, then no, you're never going to use charge.
If you're asking if it makes charge better for MDs, then also no, her rampup is slow and also charge gifts are ass. Use bleed or bloise for MDs.
She might be good for RR4.
Not really, Woutis is kind of slow. Disappointing since I love W corp. Pure W teams just don't work at the moment.
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>Use bleed or bloise for MDs

>doesn’t count
Ok, retard.
Surely they put the frame up soon, right? An hour to the stream.
Okay, then use, in order
Tremor, Sinking, or Rupture.
The latter 3 are mediocre for normal fights but will melt bosses.
I'm not a retard for preferring LobCorp to LoR's garbage teenager revenge plot, sorry.
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The Stream? GONE.
What makes it a garbage teenager revenge plot?
it is on thier main official twich account or on youtube then what i don't understand moonrune
Livestream link?
A very common trope in fiction + as I said, Angela's character is completely garbage. Roland was fine and a much more likeable and believable character than her.

LoR is great for the worldbuilding.
Then the case is you simply dislike Angela, or LoR Angela specifically, as a character, and don't care about her development.
That doesn't mean she gets no growth until the end, that just means you don't like it.
The stream to announce delays has been delayed due to the recent drama, please understand.
You didn;'t make this
In a scale of 1 to Z how much do you want a cookie?
because the face that angela even after roland give her a time to reflect she still choose to genocide the human race out of the pettyness to ruined ayin plan despite felling bad
I have PM's yt and twitch open and nothing. Did the director even tell anyone where he would be streaming?
Hooooooooh boy
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woah, charon!
I literally posted this in a DTIYS thread on /ic/ a few years ago.
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Any good ID or EGOs worth sharding? Planning on keeping a few ready to get Erlking Heath IF we actually get the dude but if not which are some good ones to get
That depends, what are you missing?
Be more specific DUMB donposter. What kind of status do you like and how new are you/what are you missing?
My good brother you know we can't answer this question unless you specify which IDs/EGOs you don't have.
Do you mean Season 4? Are you aiming for RR4 low turn shit, or just general MD fuckery?
Also, do know that we're 100% getting *A* seasonal Heathcliff by the end of the season.
Cool story. I'm sure you are proud of it.
Or yours
>stream is delayed
it's not 12 yet you retard
lmao you are retarded hahaha
What are my
thanks bro
Do you think the reason Gregor and Rodion are always shipped together is because Rodion is always hungry, so if she craves a light snack, she can always eat Gregor's roach since it always grows back?
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Baking new Bread.

Will share on page 5.
1 more hour retard
>He streams in the discord
>City Builder or at least DD VN in the works
>Canto 7 giga delay
>Just a mediocre update on what they're gonna do with the upcoming event, Walpurgis etc., also Canto 7 delay
Aleph, wolf, and walpipi
Perfect food
>No content
>Any good ID or EGOs worth sharding?
the ones you like and think look cool :)
It's because she calls him "Greg, dear" and dotes on him often, although she hasn't done that much lately.
I know you asked as a joke but I felt like replying sincerely regardless.
>what's this slide say I can't read Korean
>huh? what'd he say?
>what the FUCK does this say
>what was that?
>can someone translate?
>what'd he say just then?
I think Fell Bullet looks cool. But I don't think you should shard this piece of shit.
>wake up
>check previous threads
>still no Goth Ryoshu
>day is ruined
The one who read the English Limbus segment for TGS 2022 will show up again.
Sorry anon, I ran out of juice. Haven't forgotten her though and will post here when done.
Okay, I'm gonna assume you meant Season 4, since those will go away from the dispenser eventually. First of all, we're getting Wolfcliff in one form or another.
Secondly, the best generalist units this season are non-seasonal, being Ring Sang and T Don.
Yi Sang is incredible for MDs where bleed shines, and also pretty good for Railway and anything pierce-related. T Don is mid for MDs, just like tremor in general, but she absolutely melts bosses and is incredible for RR4.
On the question of seasonals, none of them are turbo required, but if you want a complete sinking team, get both Outis and Greg. Yuro Hong Lu obviously pairs amazing with the new Tremor, but you want the glupo EGO as well. Maidshu is great for clearing MDs and is one of the better poise units, you can slot her in the BL team instead of Sinclair and Outis.
It doesn't say that anywhere in the xeet though
not EOS
canto 7 is in october 14
>unironically saying 'yay' like a faggot
ooh, I woke back up in time for stream! very good.
Is the stream going to be on the YT channel?
Could you draw a manga every week or two under crunch and whatever else happens in Korea?
Omg!! You're such a cool hardass anon uwu
lmao no, woutis is dogshit
>bullies a cute anon for not conforming to the edgy newfag ideas of what passes and what doesn't in the seekrit club

I can sniff you out, summerchild, you were still having your mom wipe your ass while we were cuteposting here.
Any drama updates since the cord leaks? I was doing other things
The nips can do it, why can't the gooks?
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Hehe, yay! I love my /lcg/ friendos :) Woohoo!! xoxoxo Oh, shuckaroonies! I forgot to mention! Love yall, stay safe and protect the animals!
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>subject yourself to gacha game practices
>don't even get the things you like
why do this to yourself
Hip hip hooray!
some jewtuber is planning to make a video on the issue, seems like 99.9% of the limbab community is on PM side since it's pretty fucking clear the 2 ex-artists are doing sketchy shit. Other than that, wait for stream. Can't wait for monzo and mong's execution
To be fair that practice is horrible, and so, so many mangas would be better if they actually gave mangakas time.
>2 unprompted shuckaroonies side by side out of nowhere
The Matrix is GLITCHING
Check the news
>Just Limbyay'ed like a faggot
Your response?
When will Dante shuckaroonies again?
Could you or anyone else here do it?
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boboboiiing yippee
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NTA, but the things I like are numbers (the bigger the better) and watching them rise. So I think that anon is not unjustified in his approach
They retweeted it a few minutes ago, but still no link. Maybe they're doing it this very instant.
i feel like dante's mannerisms are too zesty, either's dante's a woman or an effeminate faggot
Will the themepark be announced?
Find out...
I've seen someone make the point of the koreans in general still having a negative view of PM, but I also think the koreans are retarded and cannot be trusted (have you seen the misinfo spread by both sides last year)
No because my job is not being an artist
Now, if you asked me to perform 10 RCTs back to back in a single day, then yes, I can do it because it's my job as a dentist
wowie zowie
I think they know more about it than anyone outside their country if I’m being honest
If you get paid like a king while working from home and tou fail to even focus on drawing manga that updates every 2 weeks and can still delay if you are sick.
This is beyond mentally insane. Its a literal dream for any artist
I think I've seen the same post on twitter, and anon, that's just a post on twitter. Most koreans have never heard of PM.
Now, consider how much gacha slop is consumed by Korean gamers, and keep in mind how atrocious most of those bigger gacha companies are, and yet those same Koreans keep playing them.
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>the bigger the better
>watching them rise
that sounds kinda gay if i'm being honest
>apply for a position as a comic artist
Do you draw, and could you do it?
So you could do it better while under poor working conditions?
Is that what you’re saying?
Not that you're talking to me but it's debilitating work to do. Near infinite hours and strain for years and years on end.

There are no shortage of artists both debut and long time stories online you can learn of their physical and mental suffering.
Both JP and KR.

Anyone arguing otherwise is impressively ignorant or leading you around on purpose.
It's just disingenuous shitposting.
Yeah, I know, it just irks me when people shit on them for not being able to fulfill it on top of having poor health
holy shit, was that him?
>micu testu
Cute direttore
bwos.. his voice is so cute... i wanna squeeze his cheeks...
Alright get ready, if you hear the word jiyeon that means delay.
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