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Previous: >>487655546

>Ignition Teaser: A Name Forged in Flames
https://youtu.be/O2ATH__rtQo (EN)
https://youtu.be/q__fo0CSEcE (JP)

>Natlan Preview Teaser - Need a Hand?
https://youtu.be/XOK1F9TLEH8 (EN)
https://youtu.be/LCMimNAlsqs (JP)

>Event "Summertide Scales and Tales" live until August 28

>Current character banner: Navia, Nilou, Kaveh, Ningguang, Kirara
>Current weapon banner: Verdict (Claymore), Key of Khaj-Nisut (Sword)

>Daily check-in rewards (permanent)

>Redeemable Codes (all regions): https://genshin.mihoyo.com/en/gift
>With Primogems
>Without Primogems

>Useful Links (Wiki, Simulators, Maps, Character Builds, /gig/ friendlist, Third-Party Tools, etc.)

/gig/ OP pastebin (use this if making new thread):
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The women of the hydro element....
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Nahida is really sexy.
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They won :3
do not post nahida in this thread
it's late at night all the burgers are asleep
this is the best chance
i hate cat!
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Kachina sexo
>every hydro character after Neuv regained his full authority is now thoroughly marked by him
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There are so many neuvillette and furina pictures...
Natlan will save the game
We will get back 30% of quitting players
Trust the plan
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if only kachina was worth using as a unit in any way
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Kinich, Kinich please marry me!
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For me, it's Iansan.
>AIE genshin is dying and flopping
Still on average the most profitable gacha game in the world lmao
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Delusional drivel.
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This thread will be better
The flop region...
The dying game...
>we'll bring them back with cuckbait events and nerfed female characters
lmao even
Wormvillette and Wormderer have done irreparable damage to this game.
Nothing short of a naked dogeza on stream will fix this.
DOOMGODS won thougheverbeity
nobody speaks gook here
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are you able to resist posting nahida at all
or is she all you can think about now
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Fontaine goddamn flopped
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time for bed, you can come back to /gig/ tomorrow
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So, no one cared about the Xmas Liyue event that's happening? The music got leaked.
the game awards...
>character survey
I got perfect characters to shit on and to praise, naturally I was only positive about Amber and Fischl, neutral about Arle and shat on wanderer and lyney.
>Wormvillette and Wormderer have done irreparable damage to this game.
Two of the most popular, beloved and well-written characters.

Get your head out of /gig/'s echo chamber and see the real world lil bro
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I just woke up
lands status?
Why is she so cool in everything except for the game…

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That's just not fair KFC is an American company...
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okay nahida
good night /gig/
I would buy fastfood slop just for these...
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Why would we have Christmas in Liyue when we already have Chinese New Year there?
furina finally convinced neuvillette to take a de-worming pill
So you’re saying that Fontaine lost to a DLC? Bro, that just reinforces the fact that no one likes Fontaine and that Fontaine was essentially a big failure.

>Last year they even broke the rules.
It’s odd that they broke the rules for three years straight, but this year, they’re suddenly following them. Weird, right? LOL
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western woman and man making a soul content.
buy an ad
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>making a soul content
This is a Chinese game. Why don't you ask the same question when there's Christmas and New Years event in Japan for Japanese games.
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[SAD NEWS] our younger brother lost to some 8 years old autobattler
post the full thing, coward
uhh doesn't that mean WE did too...
ZZZ is not our little brother, we disowned them after flopping so hard
post nahida with big boobs
Japan's Christmas is the biggest in Asia. It's all depend on the culture
>pag language
I fully expected Aether is this pic, but I assume he's filming this wonderful moment.
>So you’re saying that Fontaine lost to a DLC?
no, Genshin lost to bug fixes, the DLC hadn't released yet, kek, it was the biggest scam I've ever seen
Amazing how FGO is THE cuck game but is still relevant to this day.
nahida with big boobs
China is State Atheism.
and that chrismas liyue schizo have been posting the same shit on many threads
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Official art
That's not paggie language tho.
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>D-don't worry bros, Natlan will save us
Mihoyo already fucked up Natlan by hiding all info about the nation
Not giving us any info on whom the current pyro archon is
Not having any war or playable darkies
And having a lack luster trailer that's just a gay sports tournament
They blew their chances to make an exciting comeback
Compare this shit to the penacony trailer and how it made everyone excited about the new planet
I agree.
how do I stop thinking of sigewinne's huge ass
Thats even worse LMAO.
Safe horny nahida...
Shitstaine killed this damn game
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How is FGO still a thing in china when they censored all the CN servents into default class + ID#?
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motherfucker, i feel cucked.
i've spent so many primos and resin to build my C3R1 furina and they keep pairing her with fucking dragon? i hate it.
It's mavuika retard bro
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>literally every cn site is meming on hoyo
How is fat xiao still head writer?
What am I looking at.
Who is floaty skull mask man.
FGO at least is consistent on what they advertise.
Meanwhile, Hoyo tried to scam players by attempting to pass off Neuv's spin2win as a bug.
>Mihoyo already fucked up Natlan by hiding all info about the nation
Not giving us any info on whom the current pyro archon is
Which will make revealing them in the archon quest THAT much more hype and exciting
>playable darkies
YOU wouldn't pull for ugly darkies

Natlan will be kino. Tournament arcs are alwaya the best of the best and besides, we got HIM
Anon they were literally designed together
I don't know how you wouldn't notice that lol
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No one gives a shit about playable gollywogs, stop pretending.
Of course penacony would garner more attention, a world in a shared dream is infinitely more interesting than some tribal jungle shit.
>children of murata got retconned into children of xbalanque
You can't make this shit up
Furina never gave 2 shits about the Traveler.
I'm amazed you thought they had a chance.
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yeah, it was a shitshow, Fortnite had release a big fucking update too, there were a lot of people mad, they only made Cyberpunk win to advertise its DLC
It was revealed to me in a dream
She has a piece of him on her hip bwo.
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but on archon quest especially that final part, she was for me, i was there inside her subconscious realm. she was meant for me and what they did is keep forcing this ship ad nauseam.
this is so stupid, so heartbreaking, it makes me jealous, angry.
In the end, did /gig/gers want to fuck Melusines?
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Aren’t you the same anon who was jerking off to wrio earlier
>incel spam
I have seen this spam under some JP twits too but Japs told Chinks that they're schizos and should fuck off.
Two reddit threads also failed.
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wuzetian, loli mesugaki that is the queen of china some thousand years back.
I think theres some Chinese law that forbids any games from "disrespectfully depicting" china history so FGO just censored all the cn servants in the cn version, which i guess still makes million in china.
>i was there inside her subconscious realm
and you merely WATCHED
No you were just watching as she did focalors dance which was for neuvillette
Literal camera behavior
Why don't artist do this often it's cute too see everyone's different art styles. Blue archive artists make a draw pile all the time
no i don't.
i dislike any male.
i don't even roll for him, nor the crying dragon.
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>finishes Event Story
>goes for the epilogue quest
God, Sumeru was a fucking mistake.
What a fucking way to end the story by leaving a faggy, shitty taste in my mouth.
>being a literal cameraman WITNESSING her autobiography unfold means she's for (You)
The timelines for the pyro archons don't add up. Let's say mavuika was murata/the lady of fire. She would've been in power at least 2000+ years ago. And if xbalanque was the original pyro archon how long ago did he get replaced? If Mavuika was his successor he must been the archon for a very short period of time
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The Boondocks Saints?
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So everyone on hoyolab/bilibili/tiktok is an incel?
Scarafags say the funniest shit.
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I love Furina
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We know Neuvillette
What the fuck am I supposed to be looking at
>self inserts as crossdressing manlet instead as the tall judge
This is on you.
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femcels are behind Haikaveh and Neuvifuri spam
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This was kino. Why don't we get scenes like this anymore?
Xbalanque got replaced sometime after he defeated the Pyro Sovereign, so around 10,000 years ago?
Then again, that's assuming the Pyro Sovereign didn't get revived at some point, so it's still blurry.
BUT, Archons ONLY became a thing 4,000 years ago, so...
unfortunately, yes just watched. but aren't that what she need? she want to show her deep emotion, she's tired with hiding it for 5 century.
she need someone to share her problem. and here i am seeing, listening, witnessing all of her memories so i can understand her better.
by witnessing it, means she trust me. she IS for me.
unlike the dragon, she didnt even talk her problem to him.
i dont care about my traveler's fashion choice, it already grows on me. and he's me and i'm him
Sure, very convincing
Natlan characters glow when they entire night spirit state
Mualani's glow looks exactly like primordial sea water which belongs and is controlled by neuvillette
Furina's vision is from neuvillette
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I lost track on the melties.
Siggy is too goddamn adorable
I’m glad I got her
I didn’t intend for her to be c6 but I have no regrets
Who fucking asked Kaveh to be important for anything?
God fuck this shitty fujoslop game actually
Let me get my 20 primos already
Kinich glows the exact same way
haha imagine arlecheeto stomping on you with her feet hahaha
Furina rejected Neuvillette and embraced Aether, why would anyone selfinsert as the loser?
archon war was atleast over 2000 years ago
murata was mentioned 1000 years ago
xbalanque wins the archon war and then dies at some point giving the authority to murata who then meets venti and becomes buddies with him and the other archons then she dies in the cataclysm letting mauvika take over
>literally so poor he’s playing shit he hates for 20 primos
It is not the same rainbow style as the primordial sea water thougheverbeit
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very convincing, indeed.
post your hoyolab list instead
>manlet fantasies.
Thats a fucking stretch and you know it
She didn't even talk to the traveler about the problem either. They show you that scene again in her mind where she was going to confess in the boat house but didnt
Yes, you're an incel, Chang. Non Chinks will always make fun of your behavior.
Of course China has millions of incels who can attack like a hivemind because they are literal bug people. Don't stop and have more sons!
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>Furina [headcanon]
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Yeah, she's insanely cute.
i'm unable to do that.
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Here's every on screen appearance of furina since 4.2 where she brings up her beloved Iudex
Btw this is every time she's appeared other than Lynette's hangout where she basically ignores the traveler lol
>pyro aura that attacks when enemies receive damage
>massive atk boost for the team
>reduces nightsoul burst requirement -1 (so less cooldown for the triggers) at c1
>c2 makes her give more atk and increases damage during her burst
>c6 pyro infusion with massive atk scaling
u rike?
I'm still sad he left
You’re not going to convince anyone that posts getting thousands of likes everywhere even on hoyos official accounts are somehow your incel boogeyman. Scarafags absolutely love using this deflection though.
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In her voicelines Furina talks about "our future together"
Neuvillette is her past
Aether is her future
>forbidden or private
keep posting this shit, bot.
one voice line
The entire year of content
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Lol, hopefully you enjoy fapping to wrio again tommorow
>he says this while Furina just recently never even glanced at your direction while conversing with Chiori and co.
okay lil' bro.
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>thousands of likes
Literally nothing in the Chink internet.
Just like I said, there are way more incels in China than in the west and Japan because of your girl killing practice. They all should fuck off to "better games" like Tectone, but they won't because they're obessed with Mihomo.
Honestly, fuck this event for making me sit through Sumeruslop for more than fifteen minutes already.
I thought I was free from this gay ass shit region only to be force to go through this shit for 20 primos and cheevos that I can miss.
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>liyue Christmas
>lantern rite
So which one will neuvillette be joining once again with lady furina in tow
It's almost been a year and pags are still clinging onto a single line. She is for (you) anon not the traveler
>/gig/ is literally furina
ah hell nah id rather be a jobber manlet than a woman
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>her three attendants
>her schizo self
>... and Neuvillette
So what is this character survey about?
I hope it's not to gauge if people give a shit about Twitter drama and brown skin.
>Thousands of likes
And thousands of comments. I think it’s over 1 million on hoyolab now. Strange how scarafags say the incels are hoyolab, bilibili and TikTok simultaneously. Where are the normal players then?
i don't.
i dislike any male in the game.
The worst part is that I assumed it was a Faruzan quest, since it started with her.
She, Collei and Layla are the only sumerians I can tolerate.
(You) are the Traveler sorry
>I hate males
>but I pulled kazuha like a good cuck
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That’s kinda gay, no?
huh ? I didn't know, couldn't you just open the link though ?
this one should work
Holy shit, fucking shippers keep forcing this ugly pair.
you rolled them otherwise you’d post your list
If she's an off field pyro damage unit I'll pull for her.
It would be useful for a lot of characters and comps
He'll barge ito Liyue, yell that Morax is a pussy ass bitch, then use his power to make snow fall all over Liyue.
My schizo theory is that the summer event was hinting at natlan being subjected to timeline fuckery which is why the pyro archons current status is vague. It could be that mavuika was rewritten into being the pyro archon for some reason which is why you see her in the statue of the seven. But since traveler can't resonate with the statue she probably does not have full authority over pyro.
Kirara beanjob..
Just if you like a characters design, characterisation and gameplay, and if you rolled them or plan to.
I happened to get Lyney and Wanderer so I did my best to rate them so low they'll stop making such bad designs with shit characterisation.
Traveler can resonate though, it was a mistake
i still wont show you that.
but the fact is i dont have him.
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>YOU wouldn't pull for ugly darkies
true, i only pull for sexy darkies
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They are meant to be.
>I hate males!
>post your list
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Guys the statues of the 7 were probably made after the cataclysm 500 years ago and act like pseudo nails purifying the land after another abyss incident occurred
That's why 3 of them are wrong because they're based on the archons after it happened
are you incapable of taking a screenshot or something?
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>I hate males
>But Kazuha rizz is different
with kirara's quest being about the three clans having disagreements over their history and somehow all being true i kind of agree.
just woke up
why is a sister larping as a paggie and why are you guys talking about christmas what did i miss
How come people didn't have the same melty over Wriolette? What's about Haikaveh that makes you lose your mind?
I didn't, and manlets aren't males, stop insulting men lile that.
Open hoyolab
Click battle chronicles
Click characters
It's that easy
Doing gods work
Are you trying to tell me that normal people would raid socials because they hate a chatacter for the most idiotic reasons (he killed people and popular with 3D women) like Chink incels do? Fuck off to your shithole, chang. Not even Western incels are this autistic. Disliking him has nothing to do with acting like an army of Chris-chans.
I wish genshin had bikinis during summer, why is no game perfect?
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This is Kirara
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Feels good
I tolerated and avoided most of the shipper slop that the worse of the fanbase pushes but those two characters and their shippers are the worst
I feel like even if Hoyo actively tried to kill it they'd still ignore it and keep being a bunch of fag loving weirdos.
>slimeGODS mogging araniggas
i regret coming here
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They won
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Haikaveh was the best part of this event.
sex with melusines
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i regret cumming here
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>starts off with faruzan
>then becomes a Kavehslop quest
>has you go through the worst of Sumeru as a whole
>ends with Haikaveh slop
Worst 20 Primogems I had to endure.
I wish we had a skip button like ZZZ had.
Started off promising too with Madam Faruzan then it got worse from there. What a wonderful way to end this fucking event, man.
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they were meant to be...
>attacking THE worm pairing during prime femcel hours
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Strong vishap babies
Healthy vishap babies
A dozen just to start!
Sumeru was a mistake.
The worst part is that Alhaitham and Kaveh have decent designs that get ruined by this whole shit, it'd fit more to do this fujobaiting with characters that can't appeal to straight guys to begin with, like Lyney or Freminet.
I’ll have two number 750s, a number 750 large, a number 1080 with extra dip, a number 750, two number 1080s, one with IMG_xxx, and an iPhone filename.
I'm not chinese and i hate this crackship.
why women like to pair literal war criminal with innocent loli like her.
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chinks have gone insane

How are they raising anything when you can check the account of all the posters there and they login totals. And majority of them have 1000+ day logins, are you really coping this hard? No, it isn’t a raid. People there just hate the plot and writing fat xiao is putting out. Literally your cope is that somehow no female players out of a million comments made a post, it’s laughable.
Auto dialogue
Tab out
Check for the obligatory MC choices that don't matter
Tab out again and do something else.
I've reached the point now that I refuse to be abused by hoyo or any other Chinaslop gacha game shitty storytelling.
Give me my currency and let gamble for the things I like
>open bilibili link
>you need chinese account to proceed
>make an account
>you need chinese phone number
>oh and it must be active so your VoIP attempt is unusable
fucking chinks, man.
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Nothing they did was gay though compared to the Neuv x Wrio we got in 4.7
Christ. I feel like if you're able to understand what this means, there's no going back to normal society. It's over
Why are we so dead?
>it was the chinks trying to rile people up
who would've thunk...
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If they don't put Kachina on her banner Hoyo hates money and hates us
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I’m cumming.
i understood about half of that
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should i start the summer quest or what
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"Pair them"
Clearly you are a chinkcel because no one but them sees them as a romantic pair.
>Emilie out of fucking nowhere
lol wut?
>technically Nilou, hat guy and the rest of the cast
My money is safe...
>our traveler only showed in half
>wanderer literally under Nilou
>who the fuck is that ugly blonde with red eye and glasses, why is she there?
>navia 3/4
fucking shit, even the artist keep campaigning for this crack ship
>Neuv x Wrio
I forget gay ships never make any sense.
…because of their bodytype. Why is Wriolette a pair when he knew him at 12 years old?
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People do ship them though. Most art of them together usually isn't shipping anyways
>No one
maybe the west
meanwhile JP and KR have other ideas.
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>You have no space left in your artifact inventory
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It's the only thing that makes sense though, manlets can only go for loli's, or be gay. There is no other option for them.
Albedo and Wanderer know this, probably because they're manmade and this smarter than the average manlet.
How can we save Genshin sales?
naked ganyu skin
>alhaitham comes out of his house
>kaveh comes out not even 1 minute later
>alhaitham read the book kaveh brought home their home the home they share together

>sigewinne gets a little depressed after the investigation happened to be related to her past and why she changed appearances
>wriothesley and neuvillette show up to support her since she's a big part of their lives
I'm confused which one is gay again?
buff muslani
scarahida is the most popular sumeru pairing amongst normies in japan and the second most popular het ship in china
>I maxed out my artifact bag now it's full of unused 5* artifacts
Oath Rings.
Wedding dresses.
Basically things that Snowbreak and GFL2 are doing but would never fly with Homoverse's pozzed community.
why do they even hate Wanderer/Nahida relationship, they act like mother and son
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fuck this bullshit
Release extremely meta coombait, remove potatoes from the game, rename the game, go back in time rerelease it at the same time.
being associated with pedos killed genshin in the states
Stop releasing manlets and hags, start releasing more sex designs like Mualani and cool guys like Capitano.
Remove any trace of fujobaiting.
China has a lot of incels because CCP killed 70M of women.
Mihomo didn't kneel to them after their nahida meltdown before, so they probably know that its nothingburger, more or less.
Some Chinks tried to push their agenda it in the western internet and failed. Because its pure cultural. Christian culture is about forgiveness. People will never have meltdowns because a fictional story has a playable ex-villain.
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Alhaitham was more liked by guys here than Neuvi and Wrio. Wriollette also doesn't get pushed as much as Haikaveh. Wish it did though.
surely Haikaveh is bigger in JP
I fucking hate Susan.

Every single time I am in ritou or inazuma, this lard ass bitch annoys me with her ' click' quest. She is fat, ugly and her husband must have an ulterior motive for marrying this hamplanet. Since he is a merchant, I think he married her because of her mora. There is literally no reason other than that. She says that he is 'lazy' to go out with her but the truth is he is sick of seeing that ugly muck, he is sick of hearing her constant and insistent nagging. Any excuse not to see that cow in red. How dare she wastes my time? I don't want her fucking rewards. My OCD compels me to do her stupid quest though.

Then, it dawned to me. Why should I even take a nice pic of her in the first place? The game only cares about the kamera angle, thats it. So I deliberately position my smoking hot characters in front of her. The retard claps like a bloated walrus every single time, none the wiser of the pic I took for 'her'. I would like to imagine that the fat fuck shows the pics to her husband who doesn't attempt to correct her about her to save his breath nothing would get in her thick skull anyways. She just drops them and goes to the next spot to annoy the shit out of me. When she is gone, the husband will thank the archons for how braindead his wife is before jacking off to jean, Lisa, yenfai, yelan, shenhe, the almighty shogun herself, beidou, noelle, keqing, nignuangg, yoimiya and venti (he thinks venti is a girl so no homo). He would patiently wait for the hamplanet to arrive snagging a new fapping material from Susan, probably shutting the door behind him afterwards. Minimal contact with her like any same person would do.

Fuck you Susan, Fuck you.
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I'm still undecided whether I should skip Yelan for guaranteed Xilonen and Mavuika. Is an account without Yelan bricked in the year of our lord 20 of 24???
the chinkcels must be seething right now.
Nothing, ZZZ already proved sex does not work
Story wont work either
Meta wont work because of the delicate balance
Genuinely there's nothing that will bring it back
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You gotta stop hoarding
I'm in the same boat
Anything with two flat, HP and DEF% substats has to go in the trash.
I know you're like "My off piece" but let's be honest we're never going to use those pieces since most of those HP and DEF scaling characters aren't that useful or out right shit.
Looking at you Candace
Haikaveh broke you
I don't even know which /gig/ hours are the worst anymore.
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>talk about ships
>nothing about the glorious fortuna the greatest ship ever built with 40 oars flight and the ability to turn barbarians into civilized true humans free from the skies
this uncivilized den of heathens and heretics needs to be cleansed with searing flames
unironically not
I asked you where the normal players are posting. Because if the shit is happening on hoyolab bilibili and TikTok simultaneously then where are the regular Chinese players?

>their meltdown before

This is much bigger than that time. It’s second only to the zhongli incident in 1.1.
>emilie was written out of the event
>replaced with sumeruslop
unless you're aversive to males, you can live without Yelan and just use XQ.
Xilonen and Mavuika meanwhile guarantees new strategies due to the Night Soul mechanic.
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neuv brokes me
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>summer event's last part isnt even voiced
I dunno, I'm western ( dutch ) and I dislike Scaramouche because he tried to kill Mona and Fischl.
So I certainly wouldn't mind if he died a gruesome death, but I'm also not going to throw autistic fits about him existing.
If I got the choice to kill him ingame I would though.
Why are we suddenly hate Kaveh now?
what happened to the natlan hype?
was it even there to begin with?
>current year
you only bricked if you skip GODvilette
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You are not alone
>This is much bigger than that time.
What is this this we are talking about? Is there another CN drama? Over what?
>Why are we hate
There never was any.
Exactly the reason why I skipped her the last time, Xingqiu already covers her niche. I keep seeing her being hyped alot as if she's the second coming of Christ(XQ) though. Bah maybe it's just the FOMO talking. I'll wait for further leaks and decide whether I go straight for Xilo and Mav or gamble a detour with Xingqiu part 2.
His entire existence is has no point other than to subvert Alhaitham's character and bait fujos
He is a worthless character to play in meta as well.
>incels are raiding socials
>but keep playing
So they are exactly like people who want to boycott genshin for skintones.
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finally a good post. btw i live in California if you ever wanna have sex or play genshin bwo
i like your milk, dutch fren. friesland flag is delicious, tasty, and cheap.
greeting from indonesia
Why is there a massive uptick in ESLs, it's only 11pm
I start recycling artifacts with the box and I just get so bored after doing 50 or so then I just put it off forever. I hate it
I'm only hyped for GODHIMtano and XBULLanque.
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>Censored game proved sex does not work
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Literally his character but the fact shipper made him even gayer and effeminate makes him even more hatable.
They should have paired him with Faruzan and made them a comedy duo of helpless geniuses smart but constantly in trouble
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Chiori sounds so friendly in the non-canon JP dub.
All with 1000+ days logged and all somehow raising every site that they apparently outnumber normal players so much that you can’t find their posts now I guess.
please quote the post you are talking about
thought on natlan?
It's too tiring to browse /gig/ these days.
I'm supposed to be relaxing here, man.
We don’t like fags here
You can dislike him, but you probably don't dislike him for stupid reasons like "an element of Nilou's costume looks like his catalyst" like chink schizos do. Also, I doubt that you're as autistic as them.
A fellow 1.1 enjoyer
A lot of new players have never seen his first appearance. Not that it matters most Scara fans are fucked in the head and drawn to a shitty little psycho.
I didn't even know we exported milk, cool to know, enjoy mate.
Why? You can clearly tell who I am responding to.
did you even play her story quest?
and event quest is canon btw.
Woah bro I don't swing that way, sorry you gotta deal with that though
>natlan trailer region of war instead of having ENTER moments for the cast the whole trailer is passing a ball around and then having captaino say hmph while doing literally nothing
very hard to give a fuck about natlan
Do you also hate Raiden?
>1 year after 3.2 and 3.6
>4.6 - 4.8 just happened
>yet /gig/ is still seething at Kavehtham
never change y'all
Chinese filename
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There is no Genshitter more battered than Alhaithamyumes.
If you ever feel like you are getting cucked in the game with a female character that you like, imagine how bad Haithamyumes has it because every appearance that Alhaitham makes post-Sumeru AQ is not only a slap to the face for them but the Genshin team actively shitting on their lawn because of Kaveh.
You will never be as cucked as Alhaithamyumes.
Stop releasing games that only cannibalize Genshin's sales and put effort into marketing again.
Yes I did. I just felt the need to reiterate it to all the ENkeks who think she's a radfem.
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Post about the characters you like and ignore almost everything else. That's what I do and I mostly enjoy whenever I browse /gig/
your mexican
also im leaving CA in under 3 weeks
also youre gay
July 2024.
Neuvilete Neuvilette Neuvilette Kaveh Kaveh Kaveh
literally all we need is a for (You) hag and Genshin is back
what about it
yumes already dropped alhaitham ages ago though so I doubt any care now
The box is almost worse than getting shitty pieces from a domain.
Flat stats galore.
I tend to use piece as fodder to get 3 substat artifacts to level 4 to see if I can luck shit a secondary Crit stat or something useful.
If it roll something else too many times it's food for something else. Tedious but more cost effective than dumping them into the box just to get complete shit for three pieces.
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i hate wormderer because he is always rude to me, aether, in the game
At least the art is hot
Your Navia?
1. im white! but many mexicans surround me, sadly
2. there's still time! but i just got a gf so we probably shouldn't
3. not that gay...
nah bro it'll make it more exciting when they do reveal redvillette while all the female characters do nothing
they honestly deserve it for being smug little shits.
a couple of humblings never hurt anyone anyway :)
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/gig/ does not take people laughing at them very well
I don't understand what are you trying to say. Yes, China has a lot of autistic single males.
>apparently outnumber normal players so much that you can’t find their posts now I guess
Chinkcels are much more autistic than normal people so of course. Not a single normal person would spam this shit.
gm obsessed sis seething about me again?
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Best Fatui boss themes:
1. La Signora both phases
2. Childe phase 1 & 2
3. Scaramouche phase 2
4. Arlecchino
5. The rest
Just my opinion
Must be because the new fatui boss themes are just not as cohesive or melodic as the older ones, so I barely remember them
Depends, I don't like Ei, but I do like the shogun for evaporating Signora.
Neither tried to kill one of my favorite characters though, unlike scaramouche.
need a backup ship too
Shenhe exist and people ignore her because she's not meta.
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Just skip Nuvillette.
what would unc ruckus think about this natlan controversy?
God I wish that was me...
i hate how fast raiden makes me bust. thats what i hate about her
I spent all day on /gig/ again
1. sure you are mohammad
2. also i wont have sex with anyone but my wife
3. also im not gay
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but honestly, any carry in this game is skippable at this point, just roll for who you like and their supports, there are just too many team options now
Faruzan is the only one to treat Kaveh with respect.
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So basically you can’t give a reason. They’re not normal players even though these are all on hoyo’s own accounts, they’re just incels. And no females are making posts either even though I see many with profile pictures of random Genshin males like childe/xiao. I feel like scarafags just live in fantasyland sometimes.
eh you get different genshin?
>monafischl troon is an indog living in europe
you learn something new every day hug
>Neither tried to kill one of my favorite characters though, unlike scaramouche.
Fair enough, I thought you might be about trying to kill characters who are your friends in-game and you, and she would fit that role
She's still responsible to a decent degree for Schizomouche's actions though, which includes that
her battle voiceline already sexy enough
her voice in story quest is friendly, she's not as angrier like keqing/chevy or melancholic like ayaka.
after completing her SQ, she's not radical feminist, she's just a business woman who always prioritize her business and competition. very professional, not male-hating woman.
What do you think his social credit score is? giwtwm...
1. i got sunburnt today
2. you would with me though...
3. don't have to be
they're the worst posters in any community by far it's not even close
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i want to cum on emilie's glasses...
Masturbating to the next genshin posted
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Ok some info I figured out on encounter points

If you do daily commissions THEN use resin, it will fill how many dailies you need left
If you do your resin before any comissions, it will consume 4. Even if you don't claim them and instead do 4 manual commissions, you lose 4 points

TLDR: don't be a dumb dumb by spending your resin before doing your easy commissions
i already have him thought.
but i can have wrio because of neuv.
and i thought "wrio will be rerunned soon"
and look at how much i wrong with that. neuv rerunned faster than him.
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Doesn't matter right now because everyone already has over 40 days
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Emilie should have been barefoot
not this shit again
please, not everything is related,
CN schizo's mind are really out of this world.
imagine fapping to a truck.
Hu Tao is unpopular.
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Doesn't matter, you need at least 128 Encounter Points to just use you 120 Resin and finish your dailies anyway.
By the time you 100% Simulanka, you would have enough to just not do any daily quests anyway.
that's a whole truck there alright
Chinese filename
Sorry for the late reply, currently at work.
>>487668745 #
Only dudebro jocks would think he's a twink.
Young RPG MCs have been the standard since forever. As a teen I remember playing Pokemon Red. That MC is a literal child. Advance Wars 1 isn't an RPG but Andy is definitely in his teens. Golden Sun series, Fire Emblem, Bravely Default, Etrian Odyssey, Persona etc. All had teen/child MCs. To single out Aether, who is technically a teen by his race's standards, as a twink because HURR HE'S NOT A MUSCLEBOUND FOOTBALL PLAYER FROM OHIO is ignoring the fact that Genshin is JRPG-coded.
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Yup, big mistake. You need Wriothesley to enter the kool kids klub.
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She is the second most used avatar in China last year December. Cope, schizo
Nadeko is so erotic.
KanaHana Genshin when?
Those 128 (+12 from previous days) is from 100%ing simulanka tho..

Still that's good info to know about for natlan, do the achievement/easy commissions then spend resin to fill the rest.
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>finally get furina
>farm a great looking set
>finally hit 50k normals on my noelle
>go look my noelle on akasha to compare builds
>noelle plummets from top 5% to 50%
come the fuck on
hey yeah can we get a selector that isn't CHINA ONRY or is the grinch gonna steal liyuemas
Where is he... No.....
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they are vocal minority
even in /gig/
spics like >>487677135 will try to claim otherwise
Edge maverick
None of these are as faggoty or as homo as aether
You are gay nigga
I don't think they have MH calcs for her so they just rate you by cv alone.
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Sora is a child. As thin as Aether.
>has Neuvillette and Wanderer
This doesn't fit my narrative delete this
>bocchi the reddit
>bocchi the reddit
reddit hates gatari for being pedobait
>metatranny website
Imagine being lower than fucking kokomi
Whoever invented that vile file extension called ".webp" should be FUCKING SHOT
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>bocchi the reddit
Cloud isn't a teenager.
>Reddit the Rock!
they're fan favorite.
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this delusional eslfag needs to stop
Mentally he is, and physically he's a twink.
I liked this trailer and feel bad for skipping
if NAchads are asleep right now, which hours is it?
don't use fire dmg pls)
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I'm going to prove something
His clothes aren't the issue
Cloud is not a twink. He has fucking muscles.
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>reddit the reddit
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>this meme ended up becoming real
seapag hours
I wonder if anything would change for Chiori if they made her kit work the same but without the need for a construct/geo.
Even with that debuff she's pretty good and her design is good.
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ok, im gonna say it. aether is hot, caelus is hot, wise is hot. SUE ME YOU FAGGOTS
uhh can you not post porn here
They need to change her element.
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prediction for this month gachawar?
the 'war' was referring to twitter and /gig/
>aether is hot
thank you!
What pokemon disney thing got leaked now
>seapag hours are dead hours
maybe I should stay awake during these hours.
EST is such a shitty timezone...
He has some definition but he's still short, slender and pretty enough to pass for a girl. Maybe an asterisk is used but I'd say he qualifies.
The stuff with Dain was 4.7 though and even then, they don't talk about Skirk, only Surtalogi and whatever group he's part of. Also,
>self-made machines with more powerful resurrection skills
is that implying that Sandy will actually someone actually back from the dead (or perhaps do something like Frankenstein and create new life from dead people parts)?
Now both Wise and Aether look gay.
His clothes are definitely an issue, it's just not the only one.
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You must've had a good reason to skip in the first place right?
inb4 some retard is like "mihoyo are not supposed to follow through with anything"
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i said aether, not nigger
these hours are pretty bad though
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Yeah, I'm only awake because I just came out of nightshift, but this is certainly more comfy than just the shitposting general it usually is.
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hey bros... wanna negative edge...?
I don't see koult/750/tieba/archiveschizos posting at the same time though.
those times sucks ass.
holy shit people still download fgo?
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you have pags cum2play and fujos shitting up the thread though
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ill do a roll just for you anon one segs
What chinkcels even want?
Deleting Wanderer from the game?
The West and Japan love him. He also has a lot of artists who are promoting the game for free.
Most abyssfags are male, this means Wanderer's ownership is 40% among a male domintanig group of 100k Chinks.
Wanderer's merch is also the most selling since they keep making new ones.
the thread now is devoid of both of them, so that's good...
fuck it, I'm going to sleep. good night.
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>nilou being a slut
why am I not surprised?
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>promote the game
>first time dropping out of top 50
>lost a bunch of fan artists to BA in jp
>gooks jump ship to Wuwa making it the best selling region for kuro
>mhy straight up banned the shipshit content in its official fan convention
energy recharge for you anon!
Watch as all of them go to ER.
the person you are responding to is most likely a deranged black incel that hates aether because he is white and he cant self insert as him he is not arguing in good faith
normal people whose brains hasnt been rotted but gay porn arent gonna look at aether and think of gay porn they will think bootleg chink link
Jesus, how do you have so little mora?
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It's alright...
He's also popular in China. He's just a popular character. It's pretty natural for the most popular characters to also be the most intensely hated.
it's important to give yourself options in life
I don't know how to feel about this...
ez. make him a her
it will be fought on /vg/ and r/gachagaming by thirdies whose posts I will vainly attempt to filter to make /gig/ readable
just go to r/genshin, you have better filtering there
i like wanderer
stacy nilou would be too powerful
The team in akasha is a mono geo team, Furina is not in it which of course mean you new build will take a hit even though its probably technically in a team with Furina
if I wanted to read posts by dumb redditors I'd browse the genshin impact general on 4chan.org/vg
wait fuck
forgot to say i also support lgbt
we know nilou
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bro, gook modder make this kind of mod.
the voices stopped...
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I am the main audience of Genshin Impact...
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12 year old girl...
_(」∠ 、ン、)_
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Okay, you have my attention. Go on.
tabito haremgawd...
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>secret room that has mementos from past summer areas
Yeah this event zone is kino, I can't imagine hating it. Plus the Whispering Isle music is really comfy.
chinkbros, don't look...
Lord Kazuha...
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ah, you found the nostalgiacave. we have an 8-hour reminiscing session later... yknow...
5'3 chinese man...
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>yfw /v/ has better moderation against shitposting than the containment board
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Strong sales from non chink gacha because it's the beginning of swimsuit summer season.
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I only found two threads on r/gachagaming and r/genshinimpact from chinkcels themselves.
Nothing in twitter and other socials for more info. They should promote their schizopheria better.
/gig/ likes watching
don't ruin our fun
>censorship is….LE GOOD
Just change your looks/color/appearance to fit in?
>I love to watch!
That's the point of having a containment board, anon.
>guards in the low security asylum break up fights and remove psychos from general population
>guards in the maximum security containment prison don't bother leaving their office
makes sense to me
FGO domination in japan due to summer and anniversary.
all eyes are on what the fuck are they going to do since they used the entire LB6 cast last year, however, there are still plenty big fan favourites who have been waiting for their swimsuit for years.
just delete your history, bros.
then you're sin is washed.
My cousin (14 year old girl) said Genshin was shit when she caught me playing it...
Mavuika soon
If youre not born pretty, if youre not powerful and influential, youre FUCKED.
There's your moral lesson.
What do you think /vg/ exists for, retard?
How can we be the containment board? We are literally the Genshin Impact General...
being gay dads of a loli is way gayer than having a male roommate, which is something most young men experience unless they never leave their parents house
Oh no no shitposters didn't like that
are you unaware of concept "containment board"?
>We are literally the Genshin Impact General...
On /vg/, a containment board.
anon... I...
Imagine siding with jannies lol
uhoh anti janny melty
I am Genshin's finest narrative accomplishment...
the aranara questline...
wait, is that the reason why the spam stopped?
He's banned from all boards?
why is it sometimes 旅人とパイモン and other times 旅人にパイモン
Ayato's SQ
>shitposters are so fragile they fear janny tranny
HERden Ei.....
"and" and "with" maybe idk runespeak man
you work at mihoyo and dawei assigns you a task to make Mika popular
how would you do that
I think Tlaloc and Kriemhild (lol) will get swimsuits this year. Not sure about the SSRs. I was thinking Koyanskaya.
Sex scene with eula
Make him fujobait with a popular male character
Sex scene with Noelle
Hangout where he goes on a date with Noelle
Event gives him an outfit that makes him not look like a massive nerd. And then he has sex with Noelle.
change his phys damage buff to a crit damage buff
raiden shoguns bosom...
fuck off archiveschizo, you'll never get rid of shitposters or become a woman. Stop complaining about shitposters on a goddamn containment board.
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I sold millions...............
raidens first story quest...
hangout event with raiden shogun that ends in paizuri
sponchbob aahh genshin
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why do you keep cuckposting characters
he got rid of 750schizo though. this is prime doomposting hours and he's nowhere to be seen
zoomers belong in cages
>*insert subject here**ellipses*
You need more than a sex scene to boost a characters popularity.
Mika needs a Archon quest where he discovers he's a reincarnation of an ancient god even more powerful than sovereigns and then he averts some crisis by himself while a crowd composed entirely of female playable characters cheer him on.
And Aether just watches.
I just got NTR'd...
make him kill a lot of people then make him feel sad about it. oh dont forget to shove him right in everybody's throat
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make him a potato shota
and millennials belong against the wall
I hope the archiveschizo manages to kill one of the cuckposters next
He only needs to one-shot his idol, Capitano.
He'll be in the Steambird news in less than a day.
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Turn Mika into a Chocobo trainer. The Chocobo that Mika raises will become the Traveler's mount. Mika can then raise the Chocobos' stats: Maximum Speed, Acceleration, Endurance, etc over a two week period.
my dudes fgo ranks 1st in japan every month and genshin/hsr rank belot 5 every single time, this is for the monthly ranking, daily ranking are fucking irrelevant, fgo doubles genshin in japan at the end of the month most of the time, monster strike and uma musume clap genshin too there
you mean western wall? amen
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here's my kinda soul abyss clear.
hoyolab isn't updated yet.
make him t0
Donalvilletrump vs Kamualani Harris
I am gay.......
Make him a claymore user riddled with mental issues.
Make Eula and Noelle his official love interests, being bros with Varka, and Capitano as his main enemy/fujobait.
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Man that was risky as fuck, 2nd time I roll for weapon banner and managed to avoid a bricked claymore weeeee.

anything for scara's wife (or layler)
>checked out first link
i close the video, congrats thought,
Cuckposting is /gig/ culture at this point. It'll never go away.
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>lowest selling banner
We flopped...
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Genshin for this feel?
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genshin could never unfortunately
>no males
congrats bwo
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Rather than a trainer, turn him into a Chocobo Knight.
Do-dot-dododo-do-do x2
nice try mona bro but putting dori and dehya into already functioning teams doesnt make it sovl
hnggg legs.
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Honour of KINGS...
I cant believe someone remembered pricunny
yeah, dori was tagging along.
but mona and siggy are supposed to be bad too. dehya fitted surprisingly well into that team.
we need more wanderer events
FGO was truly never ever dethroned in Japan, it remains the king there.
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this but unironically.
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Dont forget to vote for Neuvillette
I was going to say we need a ganyu event, but on second thought I'd rather not so I don't see her get cuckbaited.
Do they even read the ones from outside China?
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Time to refill until I get Alhaitham ig
>the cuck game
>several actual canon ships
are you one of those retards who thought characters with canon husbands were ever for (you)?
I am the only Content Creator talented enough to save Genshin now!
probably not, but they most likely collect the data from the multiple choice questions
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First team is questionable... But the second team is pure sovl keep up the good work bwo
Not really monster strike is the real king there
a fake woman
1234userkills AKA Koult AKA rdr2 phone poster.....
I want to suck Navia’s tongue while kissing her.
Your neuvgina will never be real, FREAK!
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[GOOD NEWS] new genshin chart just dropped
Aveline is a real woman okay
yeah rather forgotten than defiled
this era of /gig/ sucks complete ass
I remember /gig/ being hyped for sumeru and even fontaine after sumeru but now its just shitposts
When's the next TCG video, Sueme?
it's bleeding, sister...
Capitano x xbalanque will be the haikaveh of natlan
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So its better to just save your keys if you don't want any of these, right? Only unclaimed keys expire so I can hoard mine until next season's cosmetics?
open ended statement.....
Fontaine sucked so bad that nobody is hyped for Natlan anymore
extrapolate the graph saar
>the cuck game
Guda has
>Big tiddy cave woman
>Retarded sword fairy
>Retarded rain witch
>Dragon loli
>Eldritch loli
>The literal antichrist
as canon end game pairings though, this is confirmed as they all have clairvoyance or some sort of future sight and saw an ending with Guda.

who does Aether have other than his sister?
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WTF, I'm not even a pro-Neuvillette. I just know you're not a real woman because I have a hunch.
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At this point last year /gig/ was completely burned out of Sumeru and hated the entire region, and was bitching about homofujos.

At this point a year from now /gig/ will be completely burned out of Natlan and hate the entire region and bitch about homofujos.

This general is cooked and has been cooked for ages.
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>tfw I can clear the first half of the floors in 40 seconds but barely clear the second side under two minutes and twenty seconds.
I asked
He has his sister's purple edgy orbiter
Lumine player...
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Make sense
Make sense
Huh, Is it because she is popular in Japan ?
you can hoard it, as long as it doesnt reach cap.
if you're almost reaching the limit, i suggest to claim one trail.
whats the survey
Thanks anon, maybe I'll get Jean's.
Shenhe makes more sense than Ganyu desu, unless youte into Chong cousin Sweet Liyuebama stuff.
i agree with all of this
really really agree.
>They won in my fanarts
Least mentally ill /gig/er
ganyu is popular everywhere
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Aerinabros, our response?
Electronic badge.
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The real winrar.
Now post this again without crying
key would not expired, but if key's capacity reach the limit, you wouldn't able to obtain more. try to keep your key under 3.
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Yeah but people rarely acknowledge Shenhe being for (You) for some reason.
Alhaitham Nilou team is fun
kogsgirl i love your transgender headcanons sis
Sayu is about to get scratched.
Paimon likes to watch...
Ganyu is indeed popular everywhere but that pairing is such a cope
I can't. The scene was so touching and we're all running low on Nilounium since we left Sumeru.
10/10 scene, absolute cinema.
>Maybe... calm down a bit first
why are we like this ?
Saved, thanks sister
>Aether and Lumine with literal whos instead of them with each other
trash survey
Kek even when she got character development and took up a job she's still threatening violence on people trying to "cuck" Tabibito.
uh oh cuckcord is not going to like this
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xiao is your canon boyfriend and ganyu doesn’t make sense should be lyney
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Who wonned?
We are not Aether, but to answer your question it's because Mihomo hates you.
it's okay though
she got fed up with you 2 chapters later.
Bejitabro your Capitano?
I told her that because I dont like Nilou
bro your nilou?
The cuckbros lurking...and witnessing
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me too, vegitabros, me too.
i'm hoping they will expand her. and make aether x ganyu real.
Haikaveh is more popular, it needs to be renamed
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why is this general so obsessed with ntr
aether just because nilou loves wanderer doesn’t mean you have to hate her
It's the thinking man's fetish
most of this general is women homosexuals and third worlders
I'd maybe believe that if this place wasn't filled with morons.

>most of this general is women
No most of this general is incels who hate women.
our chinese overlords said it's okay, so we followed.
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I'm a "Yep... Same here..." chad
Because we keep getting male characters that are written like harem protags while Aether is written like a background character.
We have been conditioned by the game to accept ntr and be a proud cuck.
Why does the options sounds like he's not thrilled at all?
Is he gay???
Did 4.7 twitch streaming rewards just go out for everyone? Did anyone get the full 1900?
Bejitabro are you THAT shortsighted? Obviously it's gonna be Snezhnayan Chris Redfield's sister Tonia with her own Kamen Rider ripoff suit like her older bro.
Hell Cheld's gonna support that ship.
Trust the plan.
This scene was written with Lumine in mind. That's why he responds like that.
Insecure SEA monkeys can't self-insert when there is a male on screen outside of the MC.
We haven't gotten a male character since Gaming, we've gotten a constant stream of women but you guys skipped most of them while whining about males. We're getting another new hag and guess what, most of this place is going to skip her too.
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The devs want to start waifupandering again but can't bring themselves to go all the way.
So we just end up with that.
It's not NTR if you don't self-insert in the first place btw.
certain shitposters like esotericsunset and other faggots that exposed themselves are unironically very very mentally ill
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I would love for negative edge to be in Genshin Impact.
but Aether's the canon mc...
>uhh... get the fuck away from me crazy bitch
what did tabibito mean by this?
Not when there's a playable male in any event
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I love my wives in every universe
What's your IG? Let's have sex
Emilie was ever relevant? Literal chopped liver before Natlan
NTR is most popular among women, so the everyposter is a woman
she only got work there because she's beautiful
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then why did you choose to play as him lmao
its probably higher ups telling femcel devs to waifupander to trick men into playing genshin and butthurt femcel devs doing it half heartedly
I hecking LOVE watching
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I am so lucky
This../gig/ doesnt watch the dev vids which reveal the large female workforce of Hoyo who make the models and draw the character art.
Doubt many of them are lesbos.
20 bucks for the dress, come on...
White "man"...
dont stab anyone bro, you're losing your grip on reality
time to swipe lil' bro.
yeah bro totally, the chick who designed Ganyu's outfit is actually evil. You guys mindbroke yourself into behaving like gamergater spergs.
Speaking of costumes, why is Diluc the only 5* costume?
What separates it from the rest?
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What did you pick/say
barbara sucks
See how easily the lofter-frequenting femcels are baited out?
Noootice the CCP daughters and they instantly react hysterically.
Living caricatures.
I am not crazy! I know she rewrote Fontaine! I knew it since reading Varunada Lazurite. One after Nagadus Emerald. As if I could ever make such a mistake. Never. Never! I just – I just couldn't prove it. She – she covered her tracks, she got that fat idiot at Hoyoverse to lie for her. You think this is something? You think this is bad? This? This chicanery? She's done worse. Inazuma! Are you telling me that a Harbinger just happens to fall like that? No! She orchestrated it! Tiffany! She dooked through the Dainichi Mikoshi! And I saved her designs! And I shouldn't have. I saved Melusine porn onto my own hard drive! What was I thinking? She'll never change. She'll never change! Ever since she was 9, always the same! Couldn't keep her hands out of the yaoi drawer! But not our Tiffany! Couldn't be precious Tiffany! Shipping them blind! And she gets to be a character designer!? What a sick joke! I should've stopped her when I had the chance! And you – you have to stop her! You-
Flop: 6
Worm: 7
Cuck: 18
My small white chode
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You can't argue with this.
he is unmatched in every possible way
most of y'all niggas really need take y'all meds :/
this ain't right y'all.
I asked for more Neuvillette content
we have literal women obsessing over gamergate in 2024 here lole
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we share same wives.
and there's another wives in another universe
thus make us brothers in marriage.
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schizos that have headcannon about the inner office politics of Mihoyo need help
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You'd think with how much vitriol is spewed at incels in this general that the theory that female Mihoyo employees hate incel pandering would be readily accepted.
based and same
I asked for him to appear in Natlan events.
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I'm doing my part
Won't even bother.
You'd think with how much some of you hate the game and Hoyoverse in general you'd stop consuming their products, especially if you really believed they hated you.
I can't believe I'm watching Pyro slop before hitting the hay
Genshin Impact.
I need a hair transplant....
unironically same.
i'm 30 and balding.
You can't fuck genshin characters.
I've been F2P since Wormeru, if they want the femcel audience then they can have the femcel finance them LOL
My hair is greying...
>this one is specifically about characters after the natlan shit
lmao everyone is going to be asking for more blacks
us women make more AND spend more than men thougheverbeit
A cleanly shaved head is better than a "balding in denial" haitcut.
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The real impact of genshin...
artists remember them but not the devs...
I think anons /here/ should fuck each other.
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I have a few noticible white strands at 25...
>>I hate males
I'm not trans though.
What I do hate is clear fujo coded males, kazuha is just a manlet propped up by being kazuhadev's self insert
That's not what french looks like.
How can you be stressed when you sit around the house all day?
that's genetic bro, haha.
I've had some since like 15 years old
I only have a few gray hairs in my beard
I have standards
/gig/, ravaged by microplastics..
both are literally same. sexy secretary with blue hair.
except the temprament, ako is angrier while ganyu is calm.
i love them both.
its genetics.
My grandpa smoked like crazy and lived a very stressful life and he started balding at 23.
I have lived a much less stressful life and started balding at that very same age, same for my cousin
Why are you upset?
Imagine unironically bringing up"muh gamurgate" when you're glazing the company that is being accused by your same libtard side for cultural appropriation and blatant racism.
Where are your standards, hypocrites?
being ravaged by microplastics is better than being ravaged by lead or asbestos.
... I think at least.
the hit dog hollers
>expecting logical consistency from bleeders
make females meta instead of males.
women clearly aren't the ones paypigging as shown with sumeru
>everything is black and white
Kazuha is cool
Asbestos preserved the fuckers, it was only banned because it would make people immortal in the long term and that wan't good for tax revenue.
Nilou sold less than all male Sumeru banners
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>skips Siggy because she's complete ass
lol you guys are hilarious
Big ass white woman
they release way more meta females than meta males
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>don't like her design
>don't like her character
The gameplay was just the icing on the cake.
It honestly feels like watching Joe and Trump having a debate.
It's so surreal...
Women don't like bald men.
I skipped siggy BECAUSE of her art and characterization, dumbfuck
>Neuvwank in her web event and story quest.
>I wanted a melusine that looked like one.
I think the game is fine, it's the thread troons that are the problem. Total troon and adjacents removal from /gig/ and you would enjoy the game more, you know it's true.
Browsing this place less didn't make me enjoy the game
>browsing less
not what i said
it's about having a shared space without subhumans
troons only dump like 2-3 ugly lesbian fanart per thread and maybe circlejerk with each other for like 10 posts a day, they are largely harmless now that majority of them moved on to shartrail
real women and faggots are much more numerous and annoying
if i had the ability to permanently prevent one group of posters from /gig/ i would pick dick lovers over dick removers without question
> genetic
NTA, i don't think so.
My siblings got their white strands around the age of 25-28 years meanwhile i still haven't got them even though i'm 34 years old now.
>and adjacents
you summed them up pretty much
If she was remotely useful I'd have pulled her
>everyone that makes fun of my gay twink is the same person
you need professional help

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