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>FF:CotW - Billy
>FF:CotW - Kevin

>SVC Chaos: SNK vs Capcom rereleased

>KOFXV - Mature & Vice

>Terry in Street Fighter 6

>Recent event footage:

>DandyJ's beginner guide to KOF

>Community resources
>KOFXV beginner guides

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>SNK Media Gallery
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>NEO-GEO FREAK Magazine Archive
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>KOF Official Site backup

Previous Thread: >>487191139
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Aged like milk
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Billy Chad reporting in.
Apparently, this is Billy at 33.
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There's no way he isn't getting hit with the male pattern baldness. Somebody knock his wig off
The midlife crisis hasn't hit him quite yet.
Andy is gay
Not sure how to feel about the facial hair, but I can get used to it. I'm liking the new moves. It makes it feel like his staff is more fully utilized.
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The impression seems to be that age has cooled Billy down a little. He's not whooping and hollering like he used to.
They showed Billy at some Chinese event, so that aside I guess info on CotW will continue to be dripfed slowly for now since we still don't have a release date
ChinaJoy, the Chinese E3, opened this weekend in Shanghai.
COTW is definitely a major improvement over XV, we're not going back to sprites any time soon so this is the direction they should continue to go with at least visually.
Honestly I'm not sure why XV ended up really generic compared to even Samsho which came out before it and had the same style of models, but ended up having a striking art style.
They learned a LOT of lessons from KOFXIV and SamSho, and you could see the improvements immediately in KOFXV. FF:CotW is taking those lessons and applying them in a more stylized game.
He looks like he's a member of a dance music group.
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>M-my name... is... Kh-Khushnood...
Why did SNK do it to him?
>ChinkJoy, the Commie E3, opened this weekend in Shandygay.
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Looks like the "Garou densetsu shity of za wurws" at the end of the trailers, which used to be said by Geeses VA (I think?), was now spoken by Billy himself in his trailer.
Marco was his name everywhere else, and even SNK isn't sure why they changed his name to Khushnood Butt.
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Blue Mary COTW leak
Will probably be the usual one character every month or so reveal until around late Autumn (which isn't far away)/early Winter where they start showing more
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i wish they would put regulation A on steam
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Hi, Falcoon. how are you? everything okay?
Billy looks like he'll smash you with the Flavor Cane all the way to 2nd Flavor Town.
Best SNK beat em ups and non-fighting games?
>two trans-coded characters
>now Billy's jacket has "save the planet" sign
And you told me SNK wasn't woke lmao.
Fuck off retard.
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Those Brazilians really know how to port some shit to the Megadrive.
im ok man
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Don't forget the "apology screen" and censored art in SvC Chaos. also Jenet tranny face in the game and Mature/Vice with man shoulders in the art. Now even Terry is ugly as hell and SNK won't say a word about it.
If you remove your fanboy glasses, you'll notice little red flags. For me, it's over. They got contaminated by the woke.
Billy usually has "no smoking" jacket, but still likes to smoke. Probably took it off some guy he beat up.
I bet if Oda reveals Billy's concept art, people will going bananas again.
Joe WILL become Billy's brother-in-law
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Do you think those asking where Billy’s bandana is are echoing 1998 anons asking where Terrys hat went?
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This design is wild to me because I would never imagine Mary being the type of character to even remotely dress like this.
Lilly instead Billy would be better
>Rainbow Mika-fied Blue Mary
I'd probably have tried to give him more of a Billy Idol look myself but glad to see him.
Hated it on first watch. Liked it on the third. The hair sucks, but it's in line with the weird shit people wear now days and it's better than Shun 'ei. Besides the bandana and 2000s shades, it's not really all that different to OG Billy. Glad they changed it up without fucking up too badly.
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Oh that's so cool
Yeah, I shat on the worst parts of SS (midgets, some lazy backgrounds, no zoom, cardboard Ukyo hair) XIV (speaks for itself), and XV (speaks for itself), and I will do so with CoTW, but it looks decent to great so far. I'm happy with it. Nothing really to rip on.
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Never ever
Let an old man rest and sell his snake oil, we're supposed to be focusing on a new generation
>and XV (speaks for itself)
ok schizo
Anyone else happy it looks like every character so far has their own stage? Tizoc's arena was been only partially revealed and we don't know if Hotaru has one yet, but it's good so far. Hopefully every base character has one, unlike launch SamShow 7.
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We don't sign our posts here.
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I do hope we get something like her old belfry
>what is stylometry
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>Best SNK beat em ups
King of the Monsters 2
>non-fighting games
Shit, that's actually pretty tough since there's a surprising bit of variety outside of its fighting games, so I'll just say Shock Troopers II and Neo Bomber Man, though the sports games on there are worth a look.
>I would never imagine Mary being the type of character to even remotely dress like this.
They actually discussed the reason for the Another costumes on an interview stream with Falcoon. At the time, upper managment want to try sell MI in the west with the appearance of an especially large roster, so Falcoon was asked to give characters radically different outfits and appearances with the Another styles as to make the game appear to have more characters. The end result being stuff like Mary and pic related.
i don't get the big fuss here i like XV. i think it looks good.
It does
Old men are always the coolest in fighting games though
This general is famous for having schizo contrarians who shit on XV, and they don't even play games, they're "lorefags"
Good luck getting any in City of the Wolves
>Grant is dead
>Tung is too old and probably dead
>Cheng is controversial
>lol Jubei
I don't really have strong opinions on XV one way or another. I bought it but I don't play it as much as I really should.

Reminder SNK could've had actual cheers compared to this
It's no shiny generation-leading charmer, but it's not impossibly ugly except for when I play it on my laptop
For sure if this design was released today as a new character people would love it
Nobody cares.
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I haven't played a lot of them. I had fun with The Super Spy.
>non-fighting games
Twinkle Star Sprites is an SNK property now, so I'll say that
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>Twinkle Pedo Sprites
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People that aren't you like it, cope
>M.Bison came back
>Heihachi came back
Yeah I'm thinking Geese is coming back in CotW too
I doubt it. A development like that is too predictable.
>Cheng is controversial
geese probably will be back but wont have anything to do with whatever story they have going on
Or maybe he might, just a little bit, if they hit us with Nightmare Geese again.
Repetitive loud opinions is not an indicator of a majority. KOF15 visually looks great and will age better than a lot of other fighting games released around its time. I wish I could say the same about Season 2's character select screen which just looks like a shitty placeholder. That shit really needs sorting out for when Vice and Mature are released in December.
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>Yeah I'm thinking Geese is coming back in CotW too
I hope not as it will undermine his arc and the impact he has on everyone without him around. Keep Geese in KOF, leave him out of Fatal Fury.
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Lucky Ralf
Don't forget that Trump is coming back
Who on the roster would shoot geese in the head
Chris, but he'd do that to everyone else too.
Not sure why you're going off on a tangent. But hey, Mr. Schizo, it's nice to meet you.
It looks OK. Could look better. There are people who can see that, and there are those like you who will only see that when KOF 16 comes out and blows it out of the water. Same shit happened with 14. "It looks good, I don't see the fuss" blah blah fucking blah until 15 came out.
Did people say that about 14? I enjoyed the game, but even after they did the graphical update thing, it still looked like shit
Trump should be a fighting game character, he can parry bullets.
But he isn't dead.
>Did people say that about 14?
I didn't. My only defense of KOF14 for its subpar graphics is that it was more important for SNK to get KOF feeling like a KOF game as they were transitioning from 2D to 3D.
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>Also I think I have a thing for girls that act retarded and have big boobs
First honest Angel player in /snk/. We like that.
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How do I see my win rate per characters in XV? I remember being able to do this in XIV
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>Did people say that about 14?
No, ignore the revisionist schizo
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He actually died, but he went to the Isekai world and met Athena and after defeating the demon lord, who looks like Rugal, he came back seconds after the shot. I mean, that's the most logical explanation for his head dodging the bullet.
I wonder how he would help Iori in the other world
Do we have retards believing that it was staged here too? Mother fuck this general is even worse than I thought
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Thanks for the recommends! Already played Shock Troopers 1, checking out 2 and the rest what you recommended.
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ss is based
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Well, anon... anywhere you go, you'll find both types of people with political views. If it were Biden, Republicans would have said it was staged too. But it wasn't, obviously.
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Based Brazil huehue
I'd impregnate her until she leaks
The entirety of MOTW happens because he's dead you secondary parasite
>One of the cybernetically modified humans created by the secret syndicate known as NESTS

It says the same thing about Kula and K9999, but they don't have nationalities while Angel is Mexican. My theory is NESTS used DNA from some random mexican chick.
Yes but consider that the industry is soulless now.
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Maxima is from Canada and had modifications when he was an adult.
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I need more Shermie vs Angel content
I think it looks nice but some stages can make it look bad like the beach one. I also don't like the animations for some characters moves but this is a problem KOF always had.
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Billy's render from the COTW website.
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Ops! Wrong one. Sorry.
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Damn, Billy's redesign goes hard.
Billy's stage is nice but I still prefer the street one.
If you see a cutesy game with chibi characters and the first thing that comes in your mind is pedophilia maybe you're the problem.
Old news.
He's like 42 in CotW anon.
Both Kevin and Billy could be at EVO. The hype would be bigger. Another missed opportunity.
>b-but ChinaJoy
So at least show a chink character like Xiang Fei to make more sense. They're not even trying hard enough to plan things out.
Kutesumi is cute
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pachinko bros...
Make him blonde and the stick red and he'll look x10 better than the new design. Sometimes less is more.
Kof invested lot in ryo x king
AoF invested lot in ryo x katsumi

I wonder who will win the ryobowl in the canon match.
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>another reveal...
I'm starting to lose hope bros.
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here anon, a blonde version of the shittiest design ever made that looks just as bad, unlike the new one that looks great.
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Art from the "KOF for girls" artist
>madman actually did it
The stick looks awesome. It has some kind of corrosion on it, which gives it a sense of age and wear. The hair editing is shit, sorry. I can't say more about it. But thanks for trying. As an extra addition, I would add the iconic bandana in the pants pocket or tied around the arm. For me, that would be enough to show an older, more experienced Billy seeking revenge. The new design looks like a mess to Billy. Like he is trying hard to look new and cool by some reason. As a new char, no problem (or another version). Idk maybe I'm getting old. Or maybe Shun'ei's design traumatized me forever.
He looks perfect. I wish Mai and Angel get new designs too.
I wish the lore is Billy gives hes bandage to Lilly.
Other than the suit he always had clothes like this but from the time he's from. Since CotW is set in 2005~2008 it fits his character and the setting.
I would say the the biggest change is him having these glasses, but I really liked the new design.
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>billy's stage is basically freeman's stage
Calm down, anon. Freeman isn't real. He can't hurt you.
Except online (laughs)
Free Freeman for COTW
If we get a boxer it's going to be Rick Strowd not either of those two. Was Michael Max ever even playable to begin with?
It will be yet another new boxer to continue the trend.
>billy, andy, joe, mai, geese, blue mary, yamazaki
Who else from Fatal Fury deserves to be in?
Are you saying you think Angel is going to appear in COTW?
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The localizers who keep putting down women in Fatal Fury 3
bob wilson with a slight redesign to lean more heavily into his dancing/capoeira
Stop bullying Billy he looks he great!!
We will all learn to accept this new Billy
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what would lady billy look like now?
COTW Billy looks like a version "Another" made for Maximum Impact. How ironic, huh?

Apologize to Falcoon you fucking faggots!
How about Xiangfei?
>it will undermine his arc and the impact he has on everyone without him around.
Aren't SF6 and Tekken 8 already doing that by bringing Bison and Heihachi back?
is kim completely replaced by his kids for this game
Reminder that Krizalid is Irish.
It's meaningless
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It's not just about simply being a boxer, but I want the quintessential boxer look too. The boxing shorts, gym attire, and traditional red gloves look. That's something Rick lacks, like he looks like he should be throwing tomahawks not throwing. This is also why I was never into Vannessa...a skinny female boxer, absolute farce that I could never take serious.

Also, I prefer black males for my boxers like how I prefer asians for kung fu masters and samurais. Big, mean faced, black men simply pull of the punchy archetype the best.
Glad they got an actual british guy to voice him, you can tell the accent is tastefully subtle and I like it.
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>This is also why I was never into Vannessa...a skinny female boxer, absolute farce that I could never take serious

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>Apologize to Falcoon you fucking faggots!
I always loved his work though.
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I can't tell if Ash looks more or less like a twink than before.
Why did he stop drawing KOF?
I fucking hate Hokutomaru. He's so annoying to fight. I wish he'd never come back but he probably will.
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Good question, he moved to drawing Evangelion randomly, and now mostly draw original stuff
he draws women well
Have you seen his giant ass in MIA?
It's funny to think there was a time where people thought Kyo was stealing the spotlight from Terry.
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>Billy King
>Is neither Billy nor King
>This 60 IQ mexican bimbo gained enough strength to lift a fighter jet
Angel's story is so funny, one young whore that surely a gf or a side chick of a cartel member gets chosen to be experimented on and now is unkillable save for some advanced weaponry or very strong individuals
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Saigado was always dangerously based.
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I forgot to post it but I really enjoyed that fight between Angel and Leona in the manga. It's a shame that KOF XV ignored the events of the manga.
Was it ever meant to be canon in the first place? Especially since Mui Mui and Love Heart were no shows in the manga?
Also Falcoon did the rule63 trend before Terryko, pranked versions, tranny Seth and GG stranny. He was ahead of its time.

COTW Billy comparison with XV
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Looks like most or all his animations and key frames are different too. Some have really small chances but I didn't see a single one that's the exact same
Mr Big in the KOF timeline, he's already tried to assassinate him in XIV.
And '96 too.
SVC Chaos predates this.
>Mentioned in Kevin's bio
surely he has a chance r-right?
Again, no animations have been reused in between these games.
billy bros...we won. honestly I just see skinny guy fieri, but the design itself really feels like "billy, 20 years later". so it's very good.

his two part f.a still doesn't knockdown though :(
his stick animations are great, they really show the impact and also the "slinky" retraction to his stick
I really want Franco Bash in but he's so unlikely. Had a really fun (and imo stylish) moveset in RBFF2, also he looks like Mario on steroids.
Also if/when B.Mary is added I want it to the RB version of her with the install mode.
I wonder how far along in development the game really is, character models always look pretty rough in their reveal trailers and then look better later on (very noticeable with Preecha). Billy and Kevin both look like their models need a lot of tweaking, Billy's animations are good though and seriously makes KOF15's animations for him look like shit by comparison
Be like me and hope for Franco's son the same way I'm hoping for a Sokaku Mochizuki disciple as a newcomer
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Chinks are getting a new version of XV with the DLC included, this sounds to me like a confirmation that they are done with it.
I've seen others say that but I'd be worried they'd make Junior some metrosexual twinky fashion disaster guy that the younger members of SNK's current design team seem to love.
Sokaku being in to some capacity could be interesting, one of those characters everyone forgets exists it seems.
any dark horse characters that could make it in?
>Sokaku being in to some capacity could be interesting, one of those characters everyone forgets exists it seems.
Some guy at my local arcade played Sotaku and he absolutely slapped my shit almost every single time. I can not forget that character even if I wanted to.
most of the obscure FF characters, and honestly, I really think Krauser could make a return. it would be totally in character for Krauser to survive his own suicide attempt but then go on under a new identity since "krauser" is dead.
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not to bully, but i still can't believe british hooligan billy is a better staff user than falke is from sfv, what a disappointment she was
Eh... she was alright.
She had a couple of fun tricks and a FAT ass.
I'd be a little surprised if they never kicked around the idea of Krauser having a bastard who would be a rival friend for Rock
besides geese and billy, who else from this group would you want in
I forgot she existed.
That's been an issue with SNK since KOF, especially post-NESTS. There's potential for making Mario Jr. into making a bit of a bumbling buffoon still but he'd only be around 20 or so by CotW

Krauser was old enough to have kids like Geese but given his backstory it's probably for the best he had a "true heir" that he neglected rather than a bastard like Geese. Especially since Fatal Fury is about fatherless behavior
Should it be Raiden, Big Bear, or a new persona?
IIRC, krauser's entire background was about him struggling with the weight of his family legacy, and it also suggests he was honor-bound to slay his own father. I'd love for a "punished krauser" who has given up the name to make it in.
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At ChinaJoy, SNK China's cutie VP gave a speech about SNK's plans to revitalize their IPs in China
Richard would be too old, Bob might be too but I think he'd be a fun character to bring back regardless
Michael Max doesn't have enough sauce outside of being a Balrog knockoff
Tung should pass the torch to Chonrei, who should be in his 20s and Cool by the time CotW takes place instead of being cringe like his kid self or Shun
Might as well confirm Preecha is Hwa Jai's niece or something
Raiden would be dope
Duck should be in every game

Maybe a bit too much like Nu-Bison for my tastes even if it's not really the same at all. I never cared for Krauser being Bison-like in FF2, the OVA did wonders for his character in the first place. Keep his suicide so it shows how fundamentally different, but similar he is to Geese
i'm in love...
Yes, but these versions are not playable.
btw full pic
Big Bear. And he runs a volunteer service were he helps kids. Really hammer down the redemption arc.
Raiden gives me ptsd because of KOF13
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>They just release another version of KoF97
they should replace freeman with fatal fury's other weird psycho who has a more interesting design
>SamSho = Shen Hun Xiao
>KOF = Fist Emperor
>Metal Slug = Alloy Warhead
>Fatal Fury/Garou Densetsu = Hungry Wolf Legend
I guess they're not that far off.
Bob wouldn't be any older than Terry and the gang.
Exactly, and Capoeira would be a great way to flex the new animation skills like they did with Billy
Not in your pic but I always wanted Ripper and Hopper to be playable in a game
China loves that game.
Asuk-I mean Tsugumi
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You would not believe my disappointment when we got that lame Butler character
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rick strowd, the most accurate native american fighting game character
ryo in his mr. karate ii guise (from buriki one)
i really want to see chonshu and chonrei all grown up and what did become of them after the events of real bout (i know that kim and tung fu rue took each one as a pupil) , seeing the aged up version of fatal fury characters is really interesting. That´s why it would really blown my mind will be if they put an older kyo even as a unrelated dlc.to the plot of city of the wolves.
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It would be interesting to see what the Jin brothers (and Sokaku) are up to.
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Son of Cheng Sinzan
Hein's ok but he really didn't seem like a character that would be affiliated with Geese at all, and yeah that was an opportunity to put either Ripper or Hopper in there instead
Well, CotW takes place in the late 2000's so it makes sense.
>Chonrei with his old moveset and some Tung Specials and Supers

It might be harder to sell Chonshu given he was trained by Kim and his sons already are in the waiting room. Chonrei has the potential to actually be a cool Chinese character unlike Shun, a caricature
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Probably less stereotypical martial artist desu. I'm not asking for someone trying to be cool like Shun'ei, but someone who feels more like a person rather than the Chinese doll he used to be due to his possession. Closer to Rock with a mix of Liu Kang or Yun

We already have Marco, and even if you want another Shoto we can just bring in Mr. Karate 2

Chunners or even Luke would bring more variety to CotW but I think the Luke ship has sailed because clearly nobody gives a fuck about him anymore other than the fact he's as braindead to play as Ken
unironically based
have cheng's ventures extend into media with his daughter being a reporter or something, that'd be fun
>i think it looks good.
we can agree to disagree
I NEED people to agree with me, otherwise that would mean my opinion is wrong and that is just not possible.
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How about Alfred?
Alfred was replaced with B. Jenet
Lilly is a noncombatant, though.
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Mai COTW leak
See we can fix her for Olympics.
huhuemagic to pirate something
>unlike Shun, a caricature
Shun is not supposed to be a chinese fighter, that's Meiten. Shun is the 'giant hands' half of Tung.
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so how's that kof 30th anniversary lol
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Shun has grown on me. The manga has helped but I'd take him over that faggot Ash and the try hard "cool" asshole K'. Shun's a good kid who respects his grandpa.
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Who decided to make Kukri the bearer of the olympic torch?
Yeah. I was expecting some sort of compilation for the old games at the very least. Instead, all we got was a "trailer" of Vice/Mature.
Hair tied in a low ponytail, maybe?
snk has enough ponytail characters as is
Not enough.
In fact, every female character should have a ponytail.
Literally, and I do mean LITERALLY every girl can be improved by one.
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Pony tails for everyone! Never enough!
>Heroines 2 plot
What a ride Fumoffu was.
White will come back as a tranny. Screencap this.
well sure because it is the snk character modeler's easiest hairstyle to do that they're willing to give it to everyone probably because they don't know how to do the original hairstylecharlotte
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Why has no one anon replied until now on ITT that the symbol of the Paris 2024 Olympics is Shermie?
Alfred's a shotacon?
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And he gets nervous around pretty girls.
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YOU ROTTEN HOORIGANS! IT ARMOST 7 or crock! Peopre trying to sureep!
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Yeah okay heard you the first time.
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Isn't that a typical anime teenage boy protagonist thing? Rock and Elliot are like that too.
Kyo never seemed to have trouble. He even had a girlfriend.
Billy if SNK was based
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HAS a girlfriend. XV was the first time we seen Yuki again in a long time, and even voiced.
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it's time to build a roster, anons
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That was a weird game. I'd like to see it get an English patch
Whats that first song? Doesn't sound like fatal fury
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My sides
Krauser is not obscure, that'd be someone like White or Cheng
The shota they capture will not survive. They'll suck his soul out through his pp.
Oh you're back and still sperging out about "lorefags" again.
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Rip, Kekken 8 ;_;
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>It might be harder to sell Chonshu given he was trained by Kim
So are Choi and Chang. Chonshu doesn't have to go full Taekwondo.
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>Mother and daughter double /ss/
Come to think of it, the only characters that are Kim clones, or close to it, are Chae Lim and Jae Hoon.
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Team France in Kof16 be like...
I think Billy's voice is a bigger change than his design it they did a really good job
>You can't JD while Overheated
>You can't JD cancel while Overheated
Which is it? I still think it's bullshit either way, but make up your mind.
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>nothing for the 30th anniversary of KOF
Bankrupt again SNKucks!!
things have really changed since i'm still standing ever since young grampa smurf took over https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZHwVBirqD2s
You probably can JD because it's one of the ways to recover meter, but JD cancel uses meter so you won't be able to do it.
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One month early, puto.
An Orochi saga collection with rollback would be nice.
Max is also saying Rock's Shippuken (air fireball) is stupid good.
>Michael Max
>Mickey Rogers
>Axel Hawk
>Rob Python
What the fuck did SNK mean by that?
black boxer archetype
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Happy birthday to Kim’s teammate in KoF XVI
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Isn't Michael Max based on Mike Tyson and Axel Hawk is based on Evander Holyfield?
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How do I get Athena gf?
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I would actually be down for this.
Step 1. Don't be Kensou.
Just be yourself. Unless you're Kensou. Then be someone else.
Become Kyo
If you just give her enough attention and show that you have a lot of money, she'll try to use you however she feels like and you can manipulate her in turn
Like any other w*man like her
Axel Hawk is based on George Foreman.
Why would they base a fighting game character on a grills salesman?
Shieeet that pasta of her connections doesn't seem that farfetched now
Just be an idol producer and molest, uh I mean, produce her.
He always overhypes Rock so I wouldn't take it to seriously.
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looks more like Vanessa to me, personally
>Blue Mary
>Kim Dong Hwan
>Kim Jae Hoon
>Mr Karate II
>Joe Higashi
>Andy Bogard
>Mai Shiranui
>Kain Heinlein
>Ryuji Yamazaki
>Jess Young
>Gaoh (sub boss)
>Marie Heinlein (final boss)
>Kasumi Tendoh (DLC 1)
>Ryu (DLC 2)
>Duck King (DLC 3)
>Chun-Li (DLC 4)
>Kasumi Tendoh
>blue haired martial artist
>father is a goofy man with long black hair and a mustache
She might as well be a Tendoh desu
>Kasumi Tendoh
Wouldn't Ranma or hell even Akane make more sense?
If timeskip Billy managed to be slightly divisive for losing the bandana then what the fuck is timeskip Mai gonna be like?
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Glad I wasn't the only one saw that resemblance, especially fitting since both the logo and Shermie are based in France.
Ryu and Chun would be such lame guests. Aware many SF6 fans are upset about Terry & Mai and said the same thing but I don't care much for that game so whatever.
Is Gato's Dad supposed to be a character eventually?
what even happened to that plot point?
She got herself a breast reduction surgery in order to be more nimble.
Gaoh is Gato's father, the one who killed Gato and Hotaru's mother because he's an evil kung fu man. In Gato's ending, he ambushes and disables Gato before leaving arm-in-arm with Kain.
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What is Eiji thinking here?
Wasn't the Howard Connection created by localization? I guess that's been adopted as official canon for a while now?
dumb thot forgot to wear the mask
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Yeah he was being set up as a kind of a big deal. He's got a design in the old Garou 2 production sprite sheet. He's on the bottom right. So I'm really hoping the new game follows through and he doesn't become another Ron.
>What happened to my loli Mai?!
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I hope they don't fuck up Freeman's design.
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It's because SF5 animations are weak.
How is she so perfect...
>who else from this group would you want in
Duck King and Richard Meyer.
Modern street fighter designs and characters are all so terrible. I mean I don't think much about a lot of the new SNK ones either but imagine going all in and trying to push Luke as your new face.
The twist will be that Hwa Jai transitioned into Preecha
on the one hand i'd love to see duck king but on the other hand i feel like he wouldn't even feel like duck king at this point
like considering the timeskip there's a non-zero chance of him just being an overworked salaryman who just so happens to have a chicken
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On the one hand, I have fucking had it with "le tranny" jokes.
On the other hand... that IS kind of funny.
Yeah, Falke was infamously stiff and flat as staff wielders go. If she didn't have Psycho Power, Billy would easily wash her.
>Falke was infamously stiff
Trust me, I know.
Sakura's new animations also fucking sucked, even SF4 had better ones
I just remembered how shit Cody's animations were in that game.
animator strictly talking from an animation perspective, but part of analyzing whatever he is talking about should be rooted in scientific application as well, same for when he (?) went over sakura's punches and kicks and there's a reason you lunge with your body rather than stiffen your body up while only moving with the arm to punch
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>Sakura's new animations also fucking sucked, even SF4 had better ones
QRD on the rest of the characters to the right of Kain other than Quan and Gaoh?
At least SF4 tried to match her Alpha poses.
as i said
for better or worse, in sakura's case worse, sfv went the fresh assets for everything route, including animation
same for sf6
kofxv did not go fresh and that's why its roster size is bigger than them by a lot
Yes we know anon, you always back peddle your asset reuse is bad argument when the new stuff is worse. No one wants change for the sake of change if the animations are the best they can be, that will always be the point.
>Yes we know anon, you always back peddle your asset reuse is bad argument
not really
you're just dumb and a bad reader
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I hope Mai's redesign looks more housewife-y, incorporating an apron like picrel would be a nice way of doing that. Hope her and Andy tie the knot too like in the KOF universe.
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Why is Andy so nervous? Is Mai a terrible cook?
>not really
Yes, really because I've argued with you about this many times before. The conclusion is that you want change for the sake of change even if it takes time and resources away from other things even if it leads to inferior results.
nah the conclusion is you're a dumb reader
>AOF characters besides Ryo/Mr.Karate.
>Duck King (DLC 3)
Retarded list.
>Wish lists now contain DLC
You people depress me
I hope she is.
Cute girl who is terrible at cooking is one of my favorite anime cliches.
Probably not, it's just hard to focus on the food.
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i'd say
the fact that he's already desiring to pay extra for content is the sad state of vidya
>uM yOu DoN'T kNoW bUsInEsS nOrMs DeVeLoPmEnT
Maybe he means free DLC like Rugal and Goenitz...
you know he doesn't
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>pasta for lunch, bush for dinner
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orochi iori got that pose like he wants his nintendo switch
Get over it, people want content pipelines not video games. They want to shout DEAD GAME instead of just playing something that isn't getting DLC
>AOF characters besides Ryo/Mr. Karate
i feel like this probably could work
except it already exists and it's called the king of fighters
that being said i still think mr. karate would be a really fun inclusion
yeah just like the millions and millions of people flocked to kofxv because it had a dlc content pipeline
all 9k of those millions
It's quite reasonable since you won't see another game for like 5 years. These aren't the yearly games that you just pirated as a kid.
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If it were me, I'd give older Mai one of those short skirt kimonos instead of her usual leotard. She needs to come across as a wiser, trickier ninja. While she'd still have a rockstar physique and still doing her cartwheel elbows, she needs to sell that she's a master ninja by using more ninja tricks - less acrobat, more tactician.
>It's quite reasonable since you won't see another game for like 5 years.
how about wait until the game is out first before you go wishlisting dlc
Andy's favorite foods include natto (Japanese fermented basedbeans) and spaghetti, so Mai decided to put them together.
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You must love the girls from Persona 4.
Are they in Hell?
rise is cute
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Hell yeah, Kimono Mai is gorgeous.
this person has the exact idea in mind for what i think mai should be wearing and how her hair should be, which would change her fighting style some
it's like he read my mind
Most all the Koreans borrrow at least some piece of Kim's movelist. Kim Jae Hoon was merely the most obvious about it, taking the Hangetsuzan, Hienzan, Hishou Kyaku, and Hou'ou Kyaku - Kim's most signature attacks.
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It's weird how little alternate costumes 15 has. Athena alone could keep them in business for years.
kek I haven't played it yet but now I'm curious.
Girls? As in, several of them are bad cooks?
Persona 4 is basically just a walking cliffs notes of every bad and annoying anime cliche
>like considering the timeskip there's a non-zero chance of him just being an overworked salaryman
I almost want this to happen to Yamazaki
If you noticed, the Japanese VA work for Billy is incomplete. The rolling kick command normal uses the English voice clip. The intro line also sounds kinda low quality.
Chie = Yuri
Yukiko = Mai
Rise = Athena
Naoto = King
like the one time the protag fell onto a woman and accidentally grabbed her boob and she was like "IYAAA YOU PERVERT" and smacked him very hard and all the other girls started calling him an enemy of women and his reputation was ruined
holy shit is this the ignition point of /r9k/
All but one, IIRC.
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Fucking what
Rugal's tricks be bussin fr
This 100%. Kimono Mai is the way to go. Sells the older woman/"milf" vibe without having to age her like a hag, and still gives some sex appeal.

As much as I like casual Mai, that would be the wrong direction. Go full noble Japanese woman.
>delay the game further
That's a really bad idea because 2025 is also the year of when GTA 6 comes out and the last thing you want to be is caught up in GTA6's release window because even if the game is looking to be really shitty, there's no competing with that.
jet set rugal
Is this Persona or Love Hina?
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Based and true.
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Persona is definitely not that perverted.
why would you worry about gta6 if you're snk
the game should be delayed anyway because snk's talent is horribly slow and they'd come around their asses to get to their elbows anyday of the week and think it's the shorter distance
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I see that you're late to the party.
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Because nobody is touching GTA6, ESPECIALLY SNK.
There is no competing with GTA period, now that might change years later since GTA itself isn't a sustainable series with its insane budget, crazy attention to detail, licensing costs, marketing costs, and insane development time, but for the time being that is a sales fight that is doomed before it began.
you have an oil prince with infinite sowdey monies, how can you lose?!
I very much doubt GTA6 is going to fail sales wise, but it will be interesting if it under performs because that would show the brand is declining affecting future games.
After the leak, I expect it to pull an RE6 where it'll still be a colossal failure that couldn't make back its budget despite being the best selling game in the series
>muh GTA6
Oh no the singleplayerfags will fuck off...
That will only happen with apathy which is way more damaging that fan backlash. With the latter you've still got the consumer base that will buy and support your game. Apathy is pretty much death.
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>Oh no the singleplayerfags will fuck off...
like snk had those lol *kicks screen*
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Play Arina's game.
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I was just thinking what if KOF did a guest character but it's from a Neo Geo game that wasn't made by SNK. Like when they had Mizoguchi in MIRA. Would you all be okay with that?
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I'd be down to see a Rage of the Dragons rep or two in a future title. Jeanne from World Heroes was a DLC character in SNK Heroines, so it's not completely out of question in recent times.
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Does that count since I think SNK owns all the ADK series now. We even had World Heroes characters and Kisarah in Neo Geo Battle Coliseum.
One day someone going fix 2002 shit soundfont.
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Team Rage of the Dragons
>I'd be down to see a Rage of the Dragons rep
you mean that ip owned by qubyte interactive
My hot take is that I actually prefer the 2002 OST than Unlimited Match. There's just something charming about using the limitations of a shit soundfont to make something decent/good. Like how composers tried to make songs during the 8 and 16 bit eras.
Man I wish I could just buy up a fighting game IP nobody was using.
>Like how composers tried to make songs during the 8 and 16 bit eras.
yeah but other composers made some actual good hits with those limitations like tim follin
otoh kof2k2 is just lmao at least it's not 2k1
fucking checked
Holy kek I didn't notice.
I totally agree 2001 is meme tier. In the case of 2002, while the remixes are nowhere as good as their originals, they are still mostly decent. For example, I prefer 2002's Diet than even XV's. And in terms of 2002 original songs, Rugal's theme is pretty badass:

Some new mixes are good like psycho soldier and beauty and beast, albeit soundfont still don't help.


Old stuff sound like butt tho.
I have a soft spot for the '02 rendition of Let's Go to Seoul!.
Not much is known besides the sprites. Some of the characters have a few fore sprites than what's shown, Quan had enough for a walking animation.
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>Marie as the biss
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now tha the shunei saga is over, i present you your new hero team
>no Kazushi Howard
Shit list
I prefer blue hair twintailed Quan honestly
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It's really Kukri kek
What is your honest opinion about Nadia and Trevor?
I like them. Shame that Trevor's melee attack was kinda slow and Nadia's was bugged, but I liked them both.
They're alright.
Was that actually intentional?
It's a leak list not a wish list
Would fuck the Shermie boy like no tomorrow
Holy shit
It is "CYS"
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Buy it for what? Remake, remaster, sequel or to add some characters to your supreme masterpiece?

Anyway, if I had enough money to buy IPs, I would rather pay porn artists to make porn of obscure FG characters that don't have porn yet

Also new Kof Saigado doujin
you can do that with normal funds tho
or just learn to draw
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If you want to try the new release of SvC it's on GoG, so its """free""".
Why should I learn to draw if I can pay a cute japanese mangaka girl cosplaying Athena to do it for me while I fuck her in the process?
With Vice and Mature coming December I hope they get their suits from KOF13 as alts as I really liked them. Anyone else agree?
>so it's "free"
how come?
No DRM so you can pirate it easily.
How would Andy react to this?
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RIP City of Wolves ;_;
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How is the matchmaking? Asking for a friend.
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Do fighting games and GTA have the same audience?
the last GTA I played was fucking vice city so I want to say no
heheheeh male fan service
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Does Leona know how attractive and cute she is?
they dont but generally people who like both will go out of their way to get both
yeah shes virgin too (for me only)

Taiwan, IIRC. Having a Taiwan representative will anger the Chinese Communist Party.
i agree. I'm a big fan of the sexy secretary outfit
Retard country (China) and cuck company. What a combination.
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You mean for (me).
We’ll probably get their XIV costumes as alts
Unnecessary. They are decent enough additions but replacing mainstays? Bad decision.
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>We’ll probably get their XIV costumes as alts
I don't like those ones.
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Duck when?
Nah, I believe he was Hong Kong just like Hon Fu. Might need to double check.
>Duck when?
I was hoping for KOF15 but it looks like we're done after Vice and Mature.
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Damn shame because XV is the best XI Reunion I could've asked for otherwise. SNK should've saved Oswald instead of wasting him on kusoge
Wasn't that design also in some Fatal Fury pachinko game?
I'm trying to remember which characters never got into All-Star now that it's ending?
>Duck King
>Tizoc/King of Dinosaur
>Mui Mui
>Love Heart
>Hwa Jai

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