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Previous: >>487664707

>Version 2.4 "Finest Duel Under the Pristine Blue" Special Program
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mC2F2dAXuus (EN)
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Zl3MagK3uyM (JP)

>Download - https://hsr.hoyoverse.com/en-us/home

>2.4 Preview Page - https://act.hoyoverse.com/sr/event/e20240719version-37c63r/index.html

>Myriad Celestia Trailer — "Mind the Swelter, Watch the Furnace"
>Version 2.4 Trailer — "Finest Duel Under the Pristine Blue"
>Jade Trailer — "A Collection of Desires"
>A Moment Among the Stars — "Bonajade Exchange"
>Myriad Celestia — "Stoneheart's Oath Ring"

>Current Character Banners: (Jade, Argenti + Serval, Natasha, Asta) - https://www.hoyolab.com/article/30816396
>Current Light Cone Banners: Yet Hope Is Priceless (Erudition), An Instant Before A Gaze (Erudition) - https://www.hoyolab.com/article/30816536

>New Drip Marketing:
>Feixiao (5* Wind Hunt) - https://www.hoyolab.com/article/31107128
>Lingsha (5* Fire Abundance) - https://www.hoyolab.com/article/31144488
>Moze (4* Lightning Hunt) - https://www.hoyolab.com/article/31185401

>Redeemable Codes - https://hsr.hoyoverse.com/gift

>/hsrg/ Tools & Resources

>/hsrg/ Thread Template
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How do you feel now after hsrg told you to skip Sigga for Fu?
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>Most women are capable of secreting considerably more milk than needed by a single infant. The regulation of milk synthesis is quite efficient (around 800 mL/day).
>The normal daily production of saliva varies between 0.5 and 1.5 liters. The whole unstimulated saliva flow rate is approximately 0.3-0.4 ml / min. This rate decreases to 0.1 ml / min during sleep and increases to about 4, 0-5, 0 ml / min during eating, chewing and other stimulating activities.
>Daily loss in sweat is about 400 ml for an adult. The heat loss can be quite significant because there is a loss of 0.58 kcal for every ml of water evaporated. The maximum rate of sweating is up to 50 ml/min or 2000 ml/hr in an acclimatized adult. On average however - only 1L per day, and, due to its fast evaporation and most of it disappearing - therefore:
>800ml of mammary milk + 1L average of saliva and + 50 ml/min or 2000 ml/hr during intense physical exercise = 2800mL average, assuming Bosenmori Mei is sweating for 30 minutes for any reason...
>Water consumption minimum: About 15.5 cups (3.7 liters) of fluids a day for men
>3700mL - 2800mL = 900mL of unsatisfied thirst
>Bosenmori Mei has 2 bodies >>> 2800mL * 2 = 5600mL (average)
>non-pregnant and 1 sex per day having Bosenmori Mei is capable of satisfying daily thirst of 1.5 man!!
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Is there anyway to check all of the MoC clears you've ever cleared in the whole game? I'd like to see my older ones
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Reminder that if you roll for Yunli you are L I T E R A L L Y a cuck
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We all love Miss Sparkle here
Only keeps the latest 2 unfortunately. I regret not archiving all of my own clears earlier.
what's stopping you?
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His appareance rate is kinda low but the people who DID roll for him are using him a lot, he also had a super high usage rate.

Usage Rate = Of the people who have X, how many are using them? (97.3% of players who had RM, used her)

Appareance Rate = Raw Usage (94% of clears had Ruan Mei)
Holy shit I bet you not one soul expected Gallagher to be this meta before his release. The only Four Star that high and right next to the Sigger himself.
>people said Fu is still top tier
>there are anons who believe them and rolled her on the rerun
Also, feels good to be a day one Ruan Mid haver, she can't stop winning.
Could you please elaborate on how Topaz is "bricked and ruined"? I think she's perfect!
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Why did they make this fat child so sexo?
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And average cycle used.
What if you want to roll for her so you can put her on a team with her boyfriend and future father and law?

Maybe I want to be a weird middle age woman who watches her son play with a girl on the playground and then asks if he had a fun time with his girlfriend despite the fact he's 4 years old. Bet you didn't think of that, huh?
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How are people still not accepting that powercreep exists in star rail? A fucking erudition character that is literal trash when there are less than 3 targets, performs similarly to a character that only performs against one target or extremely weak enemies.

I bet you'll keep saying old characters are viable when Acheron gets mogged by a 3.x character too
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In the instance that I need to use both Ratio and Acheron in both sides I will be needing an extra Nihility other than SW and Pela. Do I pull for Jiaoqiu for Acheron or Black Swan because the fox seems like a brick? Or do I pull Topaz to exclusively turn her into Ratio's debuffslut????
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>enjoy Clara's counter fua playstyle
>they literally release clara 2.0
I don't know how well e0 yunli is compared to e1 clara but I might just get only the cone
That chart doesn't tell you if something is top tier or not though. There are just a billion sustains, and Firefly needs a very specific team. While every other char can be played in many different ways.
So, the FF team being inflated in use right now is normal.
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JQ is substantially better then all the other nihility options for Acheron.
The only reason you don't pull him is because "he is a gay pink fox".
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Yes I still use seele. No I don't have issues clearing content. Only a literal retard would discount the power of resurgance in a turn based game.
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I'm gonna cum inside Yunli, right in front of yancuck
Bro...I... >>487682265
what is it now?
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Seele won
Powercreeptards exposed
Imagine getting a footjob from evil yunli
Doesnt Yunli give taunt to her teammates or did I misunderstand her e0 kit?
Idk I don't really mind the aesthetic I just saw how brootal the nerfing phase was for him and now I have my doubts
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Her being debatably cuckshit
Her being p2w trash

>I think she's perfect!
Perfectly for cuckolds, maybe. She's not only expensive as fuck to make work but she's not remotely for (You) at all to justify it at all. It's basically putting resources into Jade's bitch/Aventurine's cumdump. I can't justify that at all.
why does jade get such a gigantic % increase on e1? +~50% dmg isn't normal
Goddammit why can't they archive my own stuff for me
Anon... these charts don't work like this. If you shit post, at least use charts that CLAIM they work as comparisons.

Fucking idiot. It's shitposting basics. Reminder the Seele chart assumes 0 resurgence outside of the one she gets from ult, among other funny things.
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My girlfriend is so cute
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Man, I never got around to finishing Sergeant Keroro. Good series
A fair reason
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Even with all the nerfs he's still the best teammate for Acheron by a mile.
E0S0 Acheron btw.
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>brutal the nerfing
He got nerfed once, lowering his max stack count per ult from infinite to 6. Effectively this means that PF dedicated units will still perform better, but it doesn't make him bad. It has no bearing on MoC or AS. He received no other nerfs.
He is a 30% improvement over other nihilities for Acheron teams. Up to you if 30% is worth.
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E0 Yunli > E6S1 Clara according to mathfags, she's basically Acheron/Firefly tier if you also get her LC.
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>Seele uses Robin better than FUA does
I want to fuck Clara
Yeah it's a bit strange it does that since it keeps all of your past event scores but not the endgame's one.
I'm going to pull Sparkle on her rerun as Sparkle for extra luck
seriously? how is a character top tier if you have to wait until the enemies attack? in terms of clear speed, I mean
Hmm.... Powercreepfags, your narrative now?
Yanking cant stop taking Ls
Shipfags lost
You cosplay as Sparkle? Please post pictures.
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They're removing that too, I'm assuming it just uses "too much space" in their servers or whatever.
Cheap fucks.
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Mihoyo why??
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I hope we get to see sicko mode Yunli in the story.
Oh shit I didn't see that they were removing the event history. Guess i'll save those too. Thanks for the notice.
There was/is a video of Yunli E0, 0 cycle MoC12 so it works somehow. Yunli doesn't rely entirely on counters like Clara. She works a bit like Acheron.
I asked for it
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>femcels melty over this
oh, she may actually be worth it then. do we know how retarded she is on auto?
>femcels melty
>incels melty
feels good to be a game enjoyer fag
who cares im not gonna roll for a fox dude
Cause it's sexy.
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Hmmm nyo
At least it will arive just in time before first banner ends
damn, this looks cheap. not a femboy though so no point in buying it
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here you go buddy, 1000hours in paint
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Because the graph is against a single target which her e1 is designed to unbrick her against.
Jade's e1 adds some dmg% to her FuA and makes every attack of her debt collector always give a minimum of 3 stacks. If she and her debt collector attacks once every turn, against a single target, this doubles the effective stack gain.
Even prydwen's own calcs show a much more modest 10% gain at 3 or more targets.
fucking kek
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>girl x boy
>different principles in work methods
>they fight but ultimately find common ground and trust each other by the end
i feel like hsr has done this before... hmmmm
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Flat foot
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The thing that would make the wardance arc more enjoyable would be Bladie making an Appearance and interacting with Huaiyan or Yunli but that's not gonna happen due to a multitude of reasons.
I hope Huaiyan at least mentions him in one or two lines...
i see, thanks. on 3 targets e6 seems like the large jump instead
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waiting for my heart doctor appointment because of my high blood pressure at age 23
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Anyone have a link to the mod
I don't think it did. There's a not a whole lot of boy x girl in this game to begin with. The only one semi prominent (Topaz Aventurine) isn't like this at all.
chink approved
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>my high blood pressure at age 23
Nigga just buy a gamepad and play while standing.
me on the left
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Rubee with less than 1k views within 2 hours of posting Yunli reaction. Crazy. She's also been AFK to be fair
awooga, I approve this too
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It's basically Topaz & Aventurine, but more on the nose about it I guess? Afterall you can only see thm act like that in a sidequest.

>yfw jing yuan comes in and says this at the end of the msq
all asians have flat feet. its genetic
Try the usual place if not it's probably floating around in the mod general
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Acheron's are bigger
ded video
When will they release the dedicated IPC buffer to powercreep Robin so I don't gotta roll for some bitch with no voice?
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Jing Yuan: Gee, Yanqing and Yunli sure have a good relationship :)
I clicked that video like 15 minutes ago and it was still there. Wonder what happened.
see you in 3 days bwo
They all look similar. It's for fun though.
What's the point? I almost got excited until I saw how shit the portraits look and
At the fucking top
lmao I swear I watched this when you posted, did it already get removed????
When are we getting 2.5 leaks?
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>Seele is top tier because resurgence is still relevant
E2 Fireflybros, we won.
Our fire team is irreplaceable till 6.x
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Why do they hate Firefly so much?
Dawei is in this thread. RIGHT NOW.
Don't kid yourself, the moment hoyo wants to shill the new shiny DPS, enemies will all be break locked and Firefly won't be able to deal damage anymore. Just pray it will not happen soon.
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Hoyo takes down private server videos, I'm assuming someone at the CN offices just started taking down PS videos.
it's headcanon until proven otherwise
sounds like you're just mindbroken by shippers
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Yunli love
>trasbian flag
>why do they have issues?
a real mystery
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>it's headcanon until proven otherwise
No shit. But so is her being for (You), which is all that matters to me. Topaz isn't for me and is much more likely to be for someone else, so I don't invest in whores like that sorry.
would have rolled if she was like this, instead she's another justicefag
Appearance rate is the more important metric. Usage is a meme. Only 1 guy rolling for a character and he uses that character all the time = 100% usage.
woah, just because she's isn't confirmed for (you) doesn't mean you can call her a whore bro...
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Anon, ANY char being for "you" is is headcanon.
Your Kafka and Firefly?
uh oh transbian melty
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Robin is 100% canon for (You). Read her voice line about (You).

She also have you a ship.
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That usage rate for Boothill is surprising, did he have dedicated fan or something, don't recall this Moc favor him that much
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Jadebros we won
>post based incest
>pagfags start pushing her for (You) outta nowhere
im nyoticing...
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It surprised me to find out chinks like incest
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Yunli is really sexy.
"Domain Expansion: Big Spenders' Mad Party! It's ALL OR NOTHING!" bellowed out the now transformed Aventurine as he entered phase 2.

"We each have only 1 turn, only you can win this bet Jingliu," analysed Bronya as she pushed Jingliu up to grant her the last needed Syzzygyussy stack.

"I've won the bet, but you three will be imprisoned,"

"D-Don't worry, I'll take care of it!" Huohuo hurriedly prepared her cursed technique. "Cursed Technique, Talisman: Protection!" a wave of reverse cursed energy flowed around Huohuo as she healed herself, Bronya and Ruan Mei.

"What use is your healing if you're imprisoned! Face my domain's sure hit effect! The Winner Takes it All!"

Jingliu, who had previously won the gamble of the dices watched as her comrades were imprisoned and put below 50% HP, but she had her ultimate ready, and Aventurine forgot one important thing. Huohuo's talent, whenever it is triggered will automatically cleanse a debuff from every single party member. This of course, included crowd control effects such as imprisonment.

"Huohuo, you truly are the honoured one." Jingliu casted her ultimate, right before Aventurine could move to nuke down her imprisoned friends.

"Nani?! But it's my domain's sure hit effect!"

Huohuo's cursed technique and talent wasn't a domain, it was instead linked to her cursed tools, which were her reverse cursed energy infused talismans. As long as they were active, the talismans would automatically heal via their stored reverse cursed energy.

"... Domain Expansion: Crescent Transmigration..." Jingliu's domain didn't work like a normal domain. It did not have a sure hit effect or a barrier and was more refined, it simply boosted Jingliu's cursed energy output and made her attacks hit harder.

"Maximum: Florephemeral Dreamflux!" The imprisonment was dispelled from Bronya, Ruan Mei and Huohuo and Aventurine was put on the backfoot, but the fight wasn't over yet...
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Sad day
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She literally gave (you) a ship, too bad she got no good screen time with (you) only Firefly got all the fun and only Yomi got to have a destined partner feel to her
Imo, I don't see Robin is for (You).
>Voice line
As canon as wonderful wife.
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I love siblings (headcanonical) (non-biological) (nothing implies this) (work related)
>It was a desperate gamble on a Black Hole lasting for only one Crimson Knot slash.
>Two-hundredths of a second is a limit Acheron set purely on instinct
>It was amount of time, she believed, Star Rail crew can withstand inside an Event Horizon, amount of time their bodies can still hold on together under immense gravitational pressure.
>During that two-hundredths of a second every object and subject in the Black Hole's vicinity entered a singularity that twisted spacetime flow to the indefinite lengths, rendering everything with a soul and without virtually paralyzed.
>After dismissing her Black Hole, the strongest Emanator of the Galaxy was able to cut down roughly 1 billion, 267 million, 650 thousand and 557 golden coins produced by Aventurine's "Gates of Sigonia" and himself.
>All of that, in merely, two-hundredths of a single second.
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Teams clear time, don't know which one is average clear time though, can't read Chinese
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My Clara is E2 so with Yunli, that means I have 4 sexy barefoot little girls in my possession.
acheron again? I thought she isn't relevant anymore
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>Robin x Trailblazer
>Says she will always be with you
>Gives you a ship
>Gives you shares in Penecony
>Let's you into her room
>Robin x Sunday
>Backstabs him for the TB
>Sings an anti Sunday song
>Removes Sunday from power
>Puts him in chains
>Sells him to the IPC like a slave
>Takes control of Penecony
Nice incest.
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>Chinese never use optimal sustains with Trend that literally double her Ult count
>Still third place in a MoC thats built to shill FUA and Break
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Third row
Full list is here, you need to scroll down a lot to find the actual fastest teams.
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Hanabi too... Right?
>four yunlis
She literally tells you she is for you.
>He thinks shippers care about logic
No logical person will ever bother with relationships of others.
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So is Feixiao the strongest space china fighter at the moment?
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Sparkle has sandals on, so she doesn't count.
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Behold, the fastest team.
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Thanks bwo
>Literally no Trend teams
I thought Chinese are experts on action economy? How come they can't figure out Trend?
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Acheron is broken as fuck of course she was gonna doing well despite not being shilled. Congrats to FUA team for fastest clear though, next Moc gonna be FUA shilling again, so they probably gonna doing well there too.
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If you still count Jingliu as being part of the space china faction, then I would put her as the best. But for the official members, the generals are the strongest and Jing Yuan is the weakest one. So Feixiao would be stronger
Day 1 player and I still don't have trend
Any of the Acheron and Preservation teams could be a Trend team
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Why post YSHelper instead of your own clears? Can't clear it fast yourself?
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>Missing out on Topaz sexo
YanKING status?
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I guess this is the last webm I'll make since daily reset happened. Hope you enjoyed it.
She looks so happy here
You realize those YSHelper teams could be using E6, right? Yet none of those can even 0-cycle.
Any sustainer can carry a trend so I don't see the problem.
E6S5 Seele is still good yeah
Anoyone still using her has at least E2S1
Robin's a bit of a creep with the way she started grooming us once her brother was gone she could've asked any member of the express but she targeted the newest most inexperienced one.
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if i start right fucking now can i get the feet girl
not surprising, he's the best physical unit until yunli comes out
What? Then what the point of that chart then? Lmao
There're 2 scenarios
>FireTB can sustain it and he's optimal because this means Enemy doesn't spam as much AoEs
>FireTB cannot sustain it he's not optimal but this means Enemy hits with AoE often enough that agro is irrelevant
There're only 2 bosses that FireTB can't sustain: Argenti and Kafka(too fat even with Black Swan E1 for Acheron to Rush down)
Yeah seems even in China average player is a skill-issued one.
Thanks for the Yunli content
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There's literally no point.
Why are some people so fucking dumb?
im still using her at e0s1
Probably not, wait a week and reroll for her. I started a week ago and only got 90 rolls so far when you need 160.
even bosenmori's swimsuit looks as bad as her outfit aint no wayyyy
Does madame jade know? Her son and daughter...
Caelus POV
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Even in swimsuit Bosenmori looks just as gorgeous as in her usuals slut cloths.
Lay off the shapeshifting Sparkle, we know you're not that big
even bosenmori's swimsuit looks as great as her outfit aint no wayyyy
Now post Gepard x Serval the one true canon ship.
you rike hot wheels lil bro?
I want Sigga to fingerblast Topaz inside of a storage closet
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Bosenmori looks better than 99% of all gacha characters
It's still like a bit under a month until the end of her banner tho, even with the worst luck it should be enough for anyone willing.
you rike barbies lil bro or should I say sis?
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Yes and she is crying tears of joy
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mono quantum still as good as ever.
I mean I dunno if he's gonna actually read the story or rush and skip belobog and china like me. I'm not sure if you can get that much rolls with events and take story slow in 3 weeks before banner passes.
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My wife is so hot bros I feel like the luckiest man alive
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I played this. Those are my girls!!
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Marshal aside...it has to be either Huayian (the "Strong and Righteous") or Xuanquan (the "Mighty and Powerful"), they're the only ones with strength-based descriptions.
IRC Feixiao is the one with the most feats but she's not necessarily the strongest.
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Well if game's MC smooches her then it must be truth
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Interesting, uh?
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Banjo is eternal
Rolling Huaiyan
Tectone is so lucky...
I read this in Argenti's voice.
Argenti has a voice?
I take middle, you can have the rest
Nice game, totally not Faggot Impact, keks.
god i want more space station kino
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Had in the good ol' days.
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New disco song let’s goooo
>4 males
Mihomo at its finest. I guess you need to be a gay or a tranny to enjoy genshin huh?
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haha... if only
2.6 trust the plan. The DU timer is running out on the day the patch comes out + we have no info about the banner of it.
If Acheron isn't doing so hot in PF is it worth going back to the OG AoE Lightning Hag "Serve All"? I hear her ult spam is insane in PF with a Thief Set. Is she worth the resources?
They teased his silhouette along with all the other rollable Xianzhou characters. I will cling onto this fact and never let go until Da Wei himself confirms that Huaiyan is not playable.
Honorary boy.
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They should have given fatter thighs, that's for sure.
I am now gay
That’s a lot of Acherons despite the doomposting
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I got 1 good run
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what's so exciting about melting swords all day, jfc long-lived bitches are so spoiled wasting their time away
A man
Muh lore
He's bad when he came out.
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I don't care about space China characters. When do we get to see the new planet ones?
How many eidolons on the second team?
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anon, wouldn't it be funny if we just drop a nuke on space china?
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Ask Madam Herta
Pretty sure that their robots would survive that.
She's making the Xianzhou a safer place. Yunli is a HERO
>slut cloths
she's just poor and doesn't have enough money to buy enough to cover her ample assets
If only Sampo was serious instead of making a joke nuke....
But muh reinforcement against Nanook!?
How much speed on M8? The usual 134 (-10 because of E1)?
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It's by the guy who made the dragon ball opening song?
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Please hit planet /hsrg/
Feixiao womb status?
YANQING: (childlike wonder) Master Yunli, is this truly the legendary Sword of Shadows? They say it steals the souls of its wielders.

YUNLI: (softly) It is said, young Yanqing. A blade forged in the heart of a dying star, imbued with a power both intoxicating and destructive.

YANQING: (eagerly) And you believe the rumors?

YUNLI: (pauses, contemplative) Rumors are often echoes of truth. I have danced with the sword's energy, felt its pull. It is a siren's song, enchanting but deadly.

YANQING: (defiant) Fear is the mind's prison, Master. Perhaps it is the wielder's heart that determines the sword's path.

YUNLI: (smiling wryly) A bold statement from such a young dragon. But you are not wrong, Yanqing. The sword is a tool, its nature shaped by the hand that wields it.

Their gazes meet, a silent exchange of understanding.

YANQING: (changing the subject) The Sword Tournament approaches. They say the prize is a legendary scroll that can unlock the secrets of immortality.

YUNLI: (intrigued) Immortality... A tempting prize indeed. But such power comes with a price.

YANQING: (determined) I will win, Master. I will use the scroll to find a cure for my ailing mother.

YUNLI: (placing a hand on Yanqing's shoulder) Your heart is pure, like the first snow. But remember, Yanqing, the path to victory is paved with challenges. And sometimes, the greatest battles are fought within oneself.

Yanqing nods, his eyes burning with determination.

YANQING: I am ready, Master.

Yunli smiles, her eyes filled with a mixture of pride and concern.

YUNLI: So am I, young dragon. So am I.
Ack fell off bigly.
Why is Elio worried about Nanook? He's a jobber after all
Nice boots
She should be easy-ish to get to 161 with her eidolon speed boost
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Say something nice about my game Director and CEO
How the fuck do you reach 160 without losing out on too much personal damage?
Robots shall inherit the universe anyway.
Did wonderlab artist distort yet after the discord DM's bomb?
Is anybody actually using this set?
Newfag here... how many gems do you usually need to get a 5 stars i want the barefoot sword girl.... i already spent like 70 normal summons tickets i haven't got anything yet...
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>>487683969 (me)
I am starting heart meds and will need to do a checkup next week again
I stitll have the source files from when the game's source code was pushed first week from launch on steam kek
You don't without god relics, but I don't think March 8th is supposed to be your designated damage dealer
If you want to run her like that 143SPD is fine
Yunli and probably Fernxiao.
Salvage it is!
yunlibros wtf...
Which LC for little Gui? and do I need Hit rate for her? I want to build her for Acheron
SW feels bad on AoE scenario
worst case scenario 24k
Ruan mei
Soft pity starts at 75, hard pity is 90
50/50 always apply on limited banners
Post him getting railed.
Soft pity starts at 74 pulls so you should hit your 50/50 for the unit very soon. 1 pull is 160 Jades so you can figure it out from there.
That's concerning. Hope you and your heart are alright anon I love you.
Thats 150 rolls, worst case is 180, and before you say anything, yes it took me 160+ in zzz which is the same shit
You now remember back in 1.5 (1.6 beta) people telling others to skip RM because she was a brick, a banjo brick that was a brick effect support
Whipped and powercrept by his mandated GF.
Good Night Sleep Well(personal damage), the Luka one(better for Acheron) or Jiaoqiu's when it comes out
She wants like 60% EHR, I forget the exact value
Worst case scenario is 90*160*2=28800
I'm so glad I'm done with this shit.
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E2S1 Sparkle and rest in F2P
if you take into account the cashback from starlight, potential early pities and so on, 24k is a pretty safe amount to aim for
I'm begging for forgiveness... I didn't expected to flop so badly and kill the game...
Materials to prefarm for March 8th?
thanks bwi
the luka one is stuck on Pela
She wants a handful of hit rate, yes. Also, keep in mind that her native debuffs are burn-based so they don't work against stuff that is immune to burn. Cone depends.
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Wait, you can get over 30%+ Crit DMG worth of substats in one piece? This is a new one for me. I didn't know.
see >>487691526
don't worry jade, at the very least you made sneehoyo realize nobody wants or needs bad characters
>check old SU
>still missing a few blessings and curios
fuck off Herta, I'm not going back for a few jades
I had no idea that wormzhu was a meta unit. I thought he flopped and was trash tier. Isn't Alhaitham supposed to be meta as well?
t. haven't played Genshin since HSR launch besides logging in to pull for Furina and Navia
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Bros Mualani looks so hot I might reinstall the G game...
He's only meta because he just so happens to be the only healer in the game who synergies flawlessly with Neuvillette and Furina. Though don't be fooled by the usage rate, his ownership is still pathetically low and he's the very definition of a luxury unit.
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>MoC has 1 quantum weak enemy on a side without any adds on wave 1 and only summon adds on wave 2
>other side giga bricks hunt
>Seele the "powercrept" dps intantly mogs everyone
Hilarious as always
Man, these pictures make yunli look great. I wonder why shes so boring in game
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Today is my birthday bwos...
grats bro
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happy birthday gwi
Wait are you that anon yesterday with the high bpm and blood pressure? If so, holy shit having to take meds for your heart. That is way more fucked up than I expected, hope everything is alright. At least you were smart enough to get it checked out
bro...they've killed her...
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Yeah that was me. Last night I measured like 155/100 with 100ish bpm for the 3rd day in a row and decided to go get it checked out. My GP told me to go to a cardiologist, and the cardiologist told me I might have Hypertension and told me to take some cheap meds (1.50 euro for 30 pills) once per day.
I took my first pill and now my blood pressure is down to 128/82 and my bpm is around 88.
Considering Luka cone doesn't stack, using it on just Pela is better. The fox cone is probably best on her, but lmoa rolling for a homo cone. GNSW, or Prey are probably best, although her damage might not be big enough as an support for it to matter that much.
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When do we start getting 2.6 drip/leaks again?
I want to know if we're getting Super Tingyun.
>Reinstall cuckge
No thanks.
>might have
Kek pretty clear that with 155/100 you do have hypertension. But did they identify any underlying cause? That is probably more important to know.
> told me to take some cheap meds (1.50 euro for 30 pills) once per day.
Assuming you're EU, wouldn't your insurance pay for that? But even if not, at least it's relative cheap
In a month or so
Predictions on how they will bullshit Tingyun being alive?
happy birthday. 1 step closer to death
Last week of august
nigga, you dont need pills, just start running, even like 10 minutes every day will suffice at the start, I fixed my shitty pressure, bmi and I lost like 20 kilos after that, nowadays my bpm is like around 50
Happy birthday bwo
>you do have hypertension
Currently yes, but it's unknown if it's a persistent thing or just stress over the past few weeks/months of writing my thesis, presenting my thesis and graduating, my roomie leaving, applying for jobs, doing a job interview, getting an email saying I didn't get picked, etc.
The doctor said it might be a temporary thing. I forgot to tell him I used to drink Monster almost every day, but I stopped last Sunday out of health concerns.
My insurance (from uni) covers the doctor visit, the meds I just buy at the pharmacy with a doctor's note.
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/lcg/ is faster than us. EoS?
>has more tails than the og
I dunno, but it's probably nothing nice. Then again, we do have fuckin Xueyi of the dead chugging along, so eh.
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Stop reminding me of my impending doom
And people can't even say it's only because of the MOC turbulence, because tje turbulence only happens on the next cycle and that pic is avg clear time
>nowadays my bpm is like around 50
Holy shit anon that is actually getting close to dangerous. That is not healthy, that is olympic athlete. So either you're bullshitting or severely understating how much you run
So... since Seele is the best DPS in the game can we stop Hunt brinck meme now?
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happy birthday gro
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That was just 1 of Tingyun's tails.
She was never dead, Phantylia just cloned her body for x amber eras ago and then left her for dead, someone showed up and saved her
She's also Agathe
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She never died.
She was just stuck on a planet but Argenti rescued her offscreen because for some reason Argenti can do anything he wants offscreen.
>it's a persistent thing or just stress
Yeah stress can do that. And I kinda know how that feels, currently stressing about finishing my PhD thesis. But there is probably nothing else that would point to there being some other cause, so now just wait and see. At least your blood pressure and bpm is under control, so that is one less thing to worry about. And now just measure it sometimes to see if gets better.
>My insurance (from uni) covers the doctor visit, the meds I just buy at the pharmacy with a doctor's note.
Huh weird, you would say any meds the doctor gives you should also be covered. At least it's in my case. But then different countries and different issues
>amber eras ago
Isn't Tingyun a relatively young foxian? Around 80-90 years old?
Hmmmm nyo
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Saving for Acheron E2 - E6 is a better investment than rolling for pink homo
Yeah she was too young to participate in the last abundance war (that was 40ish years ago)
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>Also Tingyun is Agate
We retconned pela we can retcon tingyun, a small amber era can be like 70ish years anyway
nah, top ahletes can reach 40, 50 is not unusual for a casual runner, also it's important what you eat, I reach that bmi with empty stomach or some light food but if I treat myself something like pizza of course it goes up
Argenti sidequesting and saving relevant characters randomly off-screen is my favorite meme
It's like real (in game) life Knights of the Beauty occurrence
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Oh nyo
tbf, xueyi is basically a chinese robot lich. she's fine. probably
50 still sounds pretty low to me, but I'm also a fat fuck with around 70 bpm so what do I know. As long as you're feeling healthy, that is probably the best indicator if it's too low. Still, that anon with the meds also had a lot of stress, so it's not just lack of exercise and probably better for now to take the meds. And then slowly work on running as a long-term plan
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Why does she randomly turn into a cat?
You're not supposed to post factual information while attaching a frog
because why not
I'll turn Yunli into fatto cato
I fucking love the fact she's canonically obese, finally a character for us house building appreciators
happy birthday regard
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It's seriously a disgrace how badly Jingliu has fallen off, can anything even salvage her at this point? Maybe some sort of buff freeze mechanic so she can keep her schizo mode indefinitely?
>can anything even salvage her at this point?
Someone who wants to get hurt as often as possible while being a buffer at the same time.
She hasn't even fallen off, there just hasn't been any ice shilling. She's fine.
It has literally just been that the enemies have been shit. The only ice weakness we had in months, is Aventurine. But his gimmick counters her schizo state.
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Leave Jingliu to me (Remembrance MC)
Maybe a new relic set that refunds energy on ult or something would be cool.
Just add some ice weak content.
I think the greek hag is also Ice destruction so I'm sure they will add a bunch of ice favored content into the game when she comes out.
I won
She needs energy and there is no 5* harmony specialized for energy boosting.
Grats on your e6 Jade bro!
Congrats SIlvs
Do we even know anything about the greek hag? She could be a 4* for all we know.
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Jiaoqiu is about to die
5* ice destruction that is tested together with remembrance tb (that's the cn internal name at the moment)
Possibly the Remembrance Trailblazer (indicated by CN internal name), and teams up with Aglaea in early tests, equipped with the same Lightcones and Relics as Jingliu. Relic stats: SPD, Ice DMG Boost, Energy Regeneration Rate
Early tests are for reference only and are not indicative of actual kit
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>wants to roll the ice hag in Genshin
>her last banner was 3.5
and that's Genshin, how are they going to solve this is HSR when we are getting 2 five stars per patch
>another Ice Destruction
It's over Jingliubros...
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chronicled banner for liyue probably coming soon
maybe triple banners for star rail or something
>/gig/ is making fun of us again
how can we even compete with genshin
Some leaker claimed that they're reusing the old setsugekka kit and transform it into a destruction one.
Ask them if Esrevoyoh are done nerfing Mualani yet.
Seems pretty cool, perhaps she was overtuned as Erudition, hoping for a fun final kit.
I hope they do 2 new characters, 4 rerun each patch.
Wow how's that gonna effect me?
Thoughts on Yunli's E1?
i hope they get rid of reruns all together
only new characters per patch
It's alright, it's just more damage. S1 is way more important if you're trying to decide between the two.
Just do more reruns alongside the new character releases, how hard could that be?
Is Yunli good at E0S0?
Make old limited characters banner permanent(lol) and rotate them weekly.
E0S1 minimum, sorry bwo
What if they reduce the duration of reruns by a week so that they can put 3 reruns in one patch?
Just as good as E0S0 Acheron
we could simply have 3 banners up at any given time and literally nothing would change due to the way our weapon banners work
when jade banner ends i want to roll T_T
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Firefly's team clear speed against the 3 robots is entirely dependant on eidolons. because there's no any special rotation or something, you just E the guy in the middle and thats it
would be a good idea
>new banner 1 = 3 weeks
>rerun banner 1 = 2 weeks
>rerun banner 2 = 2 weeks
>new banner 2 = 3 weeks
>rerun banner 3 = 2 weeks

since they're not mixed like genshin's (weapons), it would be easier to implement here
Acheron rerun doko
Does anyone get a little bit of a cuck vibe from Caelus?
>Firefly's team clear speed against the 3 robots is entirely dependant on eidolons
it's possible to 0 cycle at e0
do you guys scared to roll for cunny characters too, because the mihoyo will remember that you used this cunny character the most?
I dropped the game after Furina came out. Is Lord Kazuha still used so much? I thought they were releasing specialized supports which were supposed to kick him out of meta teams.
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Me, the best girl in sight!
Why would you post something so deeply retarded?
Do I really share this general with the likes of you?
He has to be someone's self insert, it's actually insane how a 1.x character managed to last this long.
Hotaru killed hsr
In 2.6 with Tingyun
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im sure I could have cleared first half super fast but I was 100% certain the non-firefly team would take longer to beat argenti side 2 than beating the trio on side 1 instead
What's the point of rerun Sparkle with Pink fox, they don't even belong in same team, black swan made much more sense to be rerun during pink fox banner
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Clara love
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>Robin Hypercarry
S-she's strong!
>they don't even belong in same team
bro your e2 ACKeron?
>Jiaoqiu is good with Acheron
>Sparkle is good with Acheron
it's not coprolith surgery
RRAT team can beat Argenti super fast, well build Topaz in particular eat him for breakfast. And the front side literal made to be killed by firefly team.
No? Why would I? I use clara all the time and if hook was better i'd use her too
E2 Acheron you mean
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idkk using hook is kinda idkk...
>do you guys scared
good morning sir
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>got Ellen & Zhu Yuan
>hit that point in gacha where you need to start grinding
I can't do it desu. I can still grind in SMT V just fine, but grinding in gacha is soul draining for some reason.
Guess i'll just stick with HSR for now.
13 days until anniversary
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MoC12 was 0+3
I really wish I had rolled for E1 Robin.
Or had better Ratio relics, but the Diver cavern dropped me only shit pieces for a month straight:(
my bad I didn't mention that any vertical investment in the character works, like S1 which I don't have.
I miss her...
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Date with your favorite character for anniversary, revealed any time now
Reminder that Kafka stole TB's clothes from a store.
>no hairband
Bro that's Bronya and Seele
Mom is so good. I'll give her another child.
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Kafka saw TB naked
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How many more hours for Yunli?
oh nyo nyo nyo firepags...
Would be a decent gag if we were just walking around on whatever planet Kafka stole from and some security shows up to arrest us for wearing stolen clothes after we've already been rocking it for months
mom needs a husband and that husband should be me
too many
Hopefully we get to visit new babylon and this actually happens.
It would make for a fun side quest.
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yes i was that person who was spamming about ruan mei being the kazuha of star rail, you're welcome /hsrg/~ ૮ ˶ᵔ ᵕ ᵔ˶ ა
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But shes the cutest
I peed my pant btw.
yes i was that person who was doomposting ruan mei being the dehya of star rail, you're welcome /hsrg/~ ૮ ˶ᵔ ᵕ ᵔ˶ ა
Acheron killed this game.
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Why are they wearing those outfits, it's not even halloween are they stupid?
>loli jump into his crotch
>everybody clap
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>Yet ANOTHER MoC that Seele does well in
>Somehow people still act like Seele is ass
It's mind boggling how this character is aging like fine wine and people refuse to admit they were wrong, all because their Diluc aged like ass and now every launch banner is ass by default in their eyes.
I wish Shusang wear those clothes.
actually insane how people just blindly follow tierlists
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Time for a hug
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On what half am I supposed to run Seele? One has puppet niggers and the other Argenti???
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Isn't Ting supposed to be a 2.7 banner?
diluc is standard (and he's UNMATCHED)
venti was the first limited (obliterated by lord kazuha in 1.6 lmao)
this was so fucking kino
Diluc is a standard character, like Yanqing.
Launch banner in Genshin was a support that got removed from the game because he was too strong.
First DPS banner in Genshin was Klee, and yes she sucks but she always sucked.
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2.6 according to recent chink leaks
Rappa being a hunt after hagfox sounds lame
Argenti, use Robin+Sparkle+Tingyun
Argenti summons constant ads which help Seele proc Resurgence
Just search on YouTube Seele MoC12 and you'll find videos https://youtu.be/NqlbV4Z66Dc
Seele's eidolons suck balls, E0S1 is all you need.
Hook rape
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oh snap good Yunli piece
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Happy birthday Anon and Good morning frens
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>Harmony again
yes, YES. Finally I'll roll a second limited harmony
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gl bro
Not going to believe google translated chinese (the third one makes no sense)
>filled with 0 cycle tryhards
>no average player in the right mind would use seele in this moc except the try hards that try to get the lowest cycle possible
is that hard to fathom?
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It's been a loooong time, POST SEELES!
>avatar is gallagher

really makes you think
My Seele is naked but I swear I will build her again for my E1 Jade team
shit nigger what are you doing
Bro at least spread out the elements.
It would make no sense to have 3 ice harmonies
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element on harmony is flavor text tier anyway
Why are we so slow `
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The more I look at this, the more it doesn't make sense. I'm just gonna ignore it a pretend it fake until another more reputable leaker comes around and confirm it.
Argenti's slow ass banner.
Ok what about releasing a 5* lightning hunt just after Moze? They never do that.
What the fuck Im gonna have 4 harmony now with Tingyun?
Tingyun (Ice Harmony)
Rappa (Lightning Hunt)
Li Tianchen (Ice Harmony)
Got confirmed by Uncle N from 4chan just now!!
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happy birthday bwo
Black Swan has never shaved in her life
And that's a good thing!
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my favourite streamer said seele is bad and yunli banner is good so I have to rollllll
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I want Black swan to milk me dry
>only 200 pulls
>Yunli and LC incoming
>Sparkle incoming
I'm not gonna make it bros...
i want to milk black swans tits dry
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can AISloppagod add nipples and a pussy?
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>finally replaced my 2pc + 2pc break effect with 4 piece firefly set of loosely equivilent strength
>Up from B+ in combat sim to S+

Can I stop yet? The answer is always no.

Also just realized I never maxed her three core traces... haha...
Imagine a nursing handjob from Black swan while she whispers erotic things to you
i am sorry anon...
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Ain't xueyi literally just a wraith guard?
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That's better, but still a long way to go
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Black Swan going over all of the painful, embarrassing memories I always ruminate over and telling me they were really hot, actually.
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Dang, my two summers old headphone broke
even = buy a cheap one right now
odd = order and wait a few days for a better one
Honkai star railing my dick inside Hanabi's loose pussy.
damn.....guess I'm rolling her cone after all
Yes, but who's the Eldrad "all according to keikaku" Ulthran of hsr?
lose some wait fatty
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My nigga Huaiyan
Sleepy juan
Either this is fake or Gallagher. Livestream said wardance will take 2 patches, so 2.4 and 2.5. So 2.6 still being on Luofu would be strange, they wouldn't have worded it that way on the stream
so basically if I can't zero cycle the second side with Yunli I may as well kill myself, yes?
I want to eat her pussy so bad
I want to cum inside Bronya while seele watches
yunli banner has by far the worst 4* characters and cones
Rolling Huaiyan
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ZZZ"s stun mechanic is giving me some flashbacks to HI3 where you could lose over 100 points in Nirvana Abyss or a whole bunch of seconds in MA because your burst phase was missing just tiny little bit of DPS even though the boss only has a sliver of health left
you shoulda rolled her cone you would have 260% BE right now
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I've never had a pair of headphones last more than six months. the fuck is up with that. I just keep some bluetooth workout earphones to fill the gap. Horrible input latency but surprising sound quality and battery life for 30 bucks and they never break somehow.

just don't buy a brand name, the generic type from a random chinese knock-off are unironically better.
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There is nothing to see here, I've been using her to off-load spare quantum relics for months.
She still does her job fine, mind.
How could you abandon Seele after she carried you for so long? Apologize.
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those anons are all gone bwo
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As an impulsive whale I'm glad I never rolled any Seele eidolons during release
but I never used her
Her time will come again. Right now I'd rather be using the bigger purple woman.
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Everyone said that Rainbow is the Way to Go.

-and then admitted to me that ackshully quantum DPS REALLY need the Def ignore from the quantum set and I shouldn't have bothered. She and Bronya have been bickering on the bench for a while now...
maybe mihoyo will someday put quantum weakness on enemys again
>But shes the cutest
i know that
what is hook started doing down there?
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>catching up on old quests
Is screwlum talking about ruan mei here or is that just a throwaway line about a possible other genius?
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One of my oldest characters and I never even bothered maxing her traces... I skipped Sparkle and Fu so it's hard to justify using Seele in 2024.
yes that is unironically easier for a dev to balance than turn based games where you can predict variables. See all the high attempt low cycle clears where they actually show how many retries it takes to hit a 2% chance of clear. Same reason why sometimes you just get lucky and destroy content and then can't beat it again
That might be Yu Qingtu, Genius society member #55 and Ruan mei's friend.
Ruan Mei is a biologist and I think Yu Qingtu fits that bill better. Also I don't think RM is that old.
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Fireflybros... she fucking lost
>I don't think RM is that old.
was that autist too busy fucking bugs to invent immortality? Even Herta managed to
>Yu Qingtu
She has been mentioned in a lot of stuff and I still wonder how they actually became friends since Ruan Mei barely calls Herta a friend.
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Depends how old is old to you. She's at least two centuries old as she is older than Herta. Her Genius Society number is lower than Herta's and she comes from a planet blessed by abundance.
Shes a chink
Shes """""cursed"""" with it
Ruan Mei is the only good chink
I think she's 300 max.
Chadwick died a long time ago so I doubt that she's THAT old is what I mean.
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Ruan sounds a lot like Juan
Jing Yuan can also be shortened to Juan
Are we sure they're Chinese?
>all limiteds
lose weight
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>Feel pressured to pull for Hanabi because of Mono-quantum promise
>Seele is still dogshit to this day and she fits no meta playstyle
>Jade is a fucking brick
Fuck you for baiting me Hoyo
Chadwick died two Amber eras ago so it could be in the 300 years timeframe.
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How do people that don't check up leaks spend jades? I literally plan 2-3 months in advance my jade expenditures based on the leaks
stop playing silver brick retard
>seele is at the top of a recent tierlist
>people notice
>constant anti-seele spam begins
why is /hsrg/ so unfair to lesbians?
What are the chances that he won't be totally useless?
Lightning is probably the element with the most DPS characters in the roster
>What are the chances that he won't be totally useless?
I have 160 jades? I roll.
He's using the scrapped Raiden kit
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Welp I finished the quest and I actually read everything since /hsrg/ said it was kino
It's a pretty decent, if conventional, sob story, but it suffers a lot from (You) being completely passive in the story. (You) don't even help Chadwick protect the atom bomb knowledge after his death since Screwllum says Chadwick's dedication to it is what actually had an effect. So there was, in reality, no problem to solve.
6/10, hopefully the next kino quest (Coconoa) is as good as this general says.
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no lube, no protection, all night, all day, from the kitchen floor to the toilet seat, from the dining table to the bedroom, from the bathroom sink to the shower, from the front porch to the balcony, vertically, horizontally, quadratic, exponential, logarithmic, while i gasp for air, scream and see the light, missionary, cowgirl, reverse cow girl, doggy, backwards, forwards, sideways, upside down, on the floor, in the bed, on the couch, on a chair, being carried against the wall, outside, in a train, on a plane, in the car, on a motorcycle, the bed of a truck, on a trampoline, in a bounce house, in the pool, bent over, in the basement, against the window, have the most toe curling, back arching, leg shaking, dick throbbing, fist clenching, ear ringing, mouth drooling, ass clenching, nose sniffling, eye watering, eye rolling, hip thrusting, earthquaking, sheet gripping, knuckles cracking, jaw dropping, hair pulling, teeth jitterbug, mind boggling, soul snatching, overstimulating, vile, sloppy, moan inducing, heart wrenching, spine tingling, back breaking, atrocious, gushy, creamy, beastly, lip biting, gravity defying, nail biting, sweaty, feet kicking, mind blowing, body shivering, orgasmic, bone breaking, world ending, black hole creating, universe destroying, devious, scrumptious, amazing, delightful, delectable, unbelievable, body numbing, bark worthy, can't walk, head nodding, soul evaporating, volcano erupting, sweat rolling, voice cracking, trembling, sheets soaked, hair drenched, flabbergasting, lip locking, skin peeling, eyelash removing, eye widening, pussy popping, nail scratching, back cuts, spectacular, brain cell dissolving, hair ripping, show stopping, magnificent, unique, extraordinary, splendid, phenomenal, mouth foaming, heavenly, awakening, devils tangos, he could put a nuclear bomb inside me and I'd still ride.
>So there was, in reality, no problem to solve.
It's still important to get Chadwick out of Penacony, you never know if the IPC will end up managing to hire some other Genius to unlock the knowledge from him and fucking everything up, and Screwllum and Herta are going to be around for multiple more Amber eras so they'll still be stuck dealing with the fallout even if it took the IPC 200 years to figure it out.
Happy birthday
>Stupid fucking retard Yingxing why did he do it? was the foxpussy really that good?
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I'm honestly shocked that they add Aventurine to MoC considering his mechanics are all RNG based and he has a rather unavoidable phase where he just wastes a lot of time on the clock being completely invulnerable.
(you) were the person to discover Chadwick being in Penacony, while both Herta and Screwllum being unaware. And you helped restore his memory, so he could pass on his knowledge to Herta. If TB wasn't there, Chadwick would still be suffering in Penacony. Which in the end I find pretty meaningful, you gave a dignified end to a poor man with lots of regrets.
>Gallagher pfp
fucking kino. just get lucky bwo
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>you gave a dignified end to a poor man with lots of regrets.
grim reaper TB...
I think the community is finally ready for my hot take.
Outgoing healing boost is the most useless stat in the game. Not even healers need them.

Please clap.
what else are they going to use for their body piece
It's more fucked up that they straight up removed Aventurine from DU instead of fixing the blessings so that you don't get locked into the dice phase. They already changed the blessings going from SU to DU so what's one more change to fix a bugged phase
There's only so much HP Lynx can build, or ATK Luocha can build. Slapping a outgoing healing boost, which is a % increase, compared to an already diminished flat increase
>what else are they going to use for their body piece
Boosts their tankiness AND their healing.
Unless you rolled for loocha
You didn't brick yourself with loocha, right anon?
There is a special rotation. You need to delay RM's ult on wave 1 so it stays up the entire time on wave 2. You also need to open wave 2 with Gallagher's ult.
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What else are you going for though. Stacking HP is statistically worse though not by a lot, and few characters have a mechanic where they gift a portion of their max HP as a damage bonus or something.

In Genshin beneficial effects that scale off of max HP usually have a hard limit of around 40k so you can stack healing bonus after hitting that break point, with Niliou and her FAT 80k HP milkers being the exception but she's not a healer. I expect to see that kind of breakpoint creep up in HSR at some point.
how is it bugged?
I want to eat her ass
gallagher doesn't scale with hp and he has a cap on his be scaling. lingsha will probably also scale with be
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>you should hold on to Robin's Ult until the entire party has taken their turn so that Robin's ult can advance forward everyone for a free turn again

I'm dumbass. This is literally the most important part of her kit. She's fucking busted.
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feet game
Post Yunli's feet
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Thoughts on Borjomi?
This game is so fucking unbalanced it's a joke.
what did she mean by that hand sign?
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Please calc how much healing HP% adds, and then compare it to increasing literally all your healing with healing boost. And you're already stacking HP on your abundance, so why would you need even more tankiness? The rest of your team will die before your abudance unit does, they aren't preservation with increase aggro so extra hp rarely matters for that.
She controls my ejaculations
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Didn't roll for ruan mei.
Didn't roll for ruan mei's rerun.
Didn't roll for pagfly.
Will never roll for any bug bitches.
Outgoing Healing gives a fuckton more effective healing than HP%
more balanced than genshin at least
And you will always be a ugly broad
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You rollin'?
Shit compared to Firefly. It's over for her before it even began.
You only realized just now? Why do you think people called her busted, because she replaced the battle music?
>no tail
She's a dps, so unless she's stronger than both Acheron and Firefly I have zero reason to roll for her.
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Where tail
Pom-Pom's end game?
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Bury us, share stories about us, and continue trailblazing
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I'm dumbass okay.

I rolled her because I thought the song was catchy and she's cute, plus she arrived on 50/50 so she was cheap. And then she E1'd herself 10 rolls later

Ruan Mei's superiority is primarily statistical, she doesn't no anything flashy in and of herself but the secondary effects of her just sitting there looking pretty are enormous. I assumed that Robin was similar. When I first equipped her I hadn't done the event yet so I didn't have her event cone and just slotted in DDD as a placeholder. I attributed the advance forward to just the cone and had missed the FUCKING ENORMOUS 100% FULL TEAM ADVANCE FORWARD in her tooltips.
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I thought gachas were meant to collect waifus, why are you being metaniggers?
I see Foxian I roll
Huohuo not included(children bug me)
Look at the OP image you fucking idiot. People pull based on meta and nothing else.
Huh? Are you a tranny or how is it possible that you interpret posts this wrongly?
NTA but I use HP or DEF on them because of good subs rolls like high Eff RES and shit, while giving them a bit of bulk to survive better
>roll a character
>no interactions or anything special for rolling them besides a few lame text messages (if they get any)
You roll for meta. Characters will still visit your parlor car and you can do their quests for free.
This isnt like ZZZ where you have to roll the character to unlock their dates and trust events.
>I rolled her because I thought the song was catchy and she's cute
Okay that was also the main reason why I rolled for her.
> just slotted in DDD as a placeholder. I attributed the advance forward to just the cone
Holy fucking retardgod, I kneel. Missing her advance forward might be excused, but somehow constantly missing how your DDD keeps making everyone immediately move after her is pretty stupid. Well, at least your rolled for her and now know how good she is.
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Maybe if Lingsha is not Firefly support.
Otherwise Lingsha.
Glowworm chan liebe
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There's not a single evil Fofoposter
Yeah why not?
I have 200 rolls saved and I'm also skipping 2.4.
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Logically speaking, you should only pull for meta in the actual game because you'll get to enjoy the character you like with outside media a lot more regardless of whom you roll for or not.
Being able to clear everything ingame effortlessly (actually playing the game 100%) and consuming tons of content of your favorite character from fanartists and such. It's literally the best of both worlds.
Same as the other anon
>if Lingsha > Gallagher, then Lingsha
>if Lingsha < Gallagher, then maybe roll (might hold to check 2.6)
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2 hot girls kissing
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Why does this thing have they/them pronouns?
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So true, sis!
they are trans
I ate a raw onion for breakfast
I thought PomPom is male
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imagine fapping to a character while not owning them in game. literal cuck behaviour
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I dont know why would anyone listen to any advice from /here/ especially when mindless buzzword spammers just call every character a brick.
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You guys don't put your female characters as supports for people to borrow right?
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but my HP%s hackerspace chest has 9 SPD and all the healing ones I roll are shit...
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Dragon's onahole
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things get really complicated when multiple meta picks are also hot girls.

The solution of course is to own all of them so that you can freely pick between your Acheron hypercarry, DotHag dream-team and Firefly super-break
My AKG still going strong since 2012. I bought others since then but those still work.
this game will never get zzz pandering because the hi3 shizo fandom will chimpout.
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>battle freak
Only faggots and pedos will skip
I just started playing HSR and I'm waiting for his rerun, OK?
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I am the one who cucks
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No, thanks.
nigga I ain't farming OGH for 15% more healings when I'm overhealing already and my rainbow chest rolled high SPD and eff res
who the FUCK needs a fuckton of healing, you just need Eno to survive
>Only faggots and pedos will skip
I'm not a faggot, in fact I'm very much hagsexual and feixia is hot, but
>not IPC
My heart and dick belong to the Stoneheart team obsidian and pearl when reee
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Perhaps, but her proximity to Tingyun 5 star makes it an uncomfortable proposition.
Yes but I will limit myself to E0S1
Showing the girls my sword technique.
nice headcanon, powerlevel hagpedo faggot
really don't feel like pulling for a hag leader that's not for (you). she feels distant as fuck and I don't think she'll have a compelling interactions with the trailblazer. I hope I'm wrong
Are you guys ready for absolute kino?
That's a melty
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>not IPC
So you bricked yourself by skipping pic realated too? And you forget that her ship is basically an IPC colony
>no tail
no i just have standards
No matter how much you try to said she is IPC, she is not.
I'm just telling the truth. Feixiao is NOT an emanator. There's nothing that suggests this.
This game needs female Gojo
I hope it will be as good as the first few wips of inazuma girls. he took a month break and the finished product turned out mid
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>Design the sexiest male character
>Make him gay
What was Mihomo thinking?
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Still in denial over KING yuan's confirmation huh?
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Rate my Wolfie.
what if it's like Yae Miko where one of her tails comes out when she does her skill?
>Top 7 is 2 husbandos and 5 waifus
And Waifucucks would still cry about how Hoyoverse hate them and force them to roll for homos
Seelebros... Why is everyone making fun of me?
I hope you have her event cone from 1.0!
>not even e6
>quantum orb for some reason
>no lc
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So how is your Aven-Topaz-Jade coming along? Cause those are the only real IPC characters so far
Fucking your back and the following depression can do that. I'm hopeful for something good this time. Also he already confirmed hilichurls are in so that will be great to see
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>EHR 50%
Assuming you're slotting in a Tutorial Mission, you're still short of the breakpoints for guaranteed implant and bugging. If you get her signature, you're going to be even more short.

175 speed is nice and all but even one implant failing can cause a reset and will be suboptimal for propping up an Acheron because she wants to maximize debuff implants which means high ER for bugs to be implanted on normal attack.
that is an E5 Sushang, presumably this is a test build for when they get her. But they probably should have used a Pela as the dummy.
Did you see Genshin one?
i swear the valorous set is rigged, fucking garbage for months
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I like Feixiao too from the little we know but I can already see her giga stacy vibe turning off a lot of people.
>Have a harem of men following her around doing her bidding
>Is a general so gonna get equal amount of shilling as Jing Yuan
>Is a better fighter than JY so prime opportunity for everyone to call her a Mary Sue
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Pela is too sexually attractive sexually it would distract people sexually.
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wait, Silver gets EHR from traces which won't be represented here. You're probably fine.
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rate my ruan brick
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50EHR is only from relics. 18EHR from SW traces. So I'll have enough EHR with S5 Tutorial.
>So you bricked yourself by skipping pic realated too?
Of fucking course I did.
she's got to be suffering from a low iq since she let the ipc take over her ship while she was off killing billions
post your fofo stats right now or you are not worth to use her gifs
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>So how is your Aven-Topaz-Jade coming along?
So far so good
nice rope kek.
I prefer Voncwaq on RM especially with Firefly S1 over E1 is just straight up the wrong choice. Watchmaker set is nice if you're not running it on HMC, or you could do 2 piece SPD for slightly more skill point generation.
>in Ena's dream
lol lmao.
and even if JY is really an emanator, that doesn't mean Feixiao is also one.
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I hope she's the next stoneheart
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Mating press Yunli
terrible if on firefly team

idk i guess it's fine if you're using her outside of superbreak
Fish Jeanne d'Arc
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xueyi reference
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>E1S1 pre-rerun
Why are people saying this MOC is good for Seele? There isn't even any quantum weak shit
very based fofo brother
I say this every thread and it is not a meme.
Seele is the best DPS in the game.
They got tricked by some guy with 1% relics and E6R5 into thinking Seele can 0 cycle.
She got the less average cycles
Though not much people use Seele so the average is kind of dumb if you look at it like that since it can just be one sunk cost guy using her with eidolons
A lot of Seele players in this thread seem to not understand how to play her and always complain about her being "bad."
She is the most consistent DPS across all game modes (even to this day), and usually has the lowest cost 0-cycle of any DPS, even compared to shill units. It is unreal how many people think she's a brick and say retarded things like "Xueyi is better than her" or "QQ is better than her."
Youre thinking of genshin, paggie
yeah planning to farm watchmaker one day >>487712149
she's in the firefly team, guess I have to farm much more, the problem is I am trying to get good relics on firefly for now
xueyi is better against quantum weak
I actually think she will be.
Pearl probably have the most hints & teases in the story compare too every other Stoneheart not counting Opal (who is probably end game). She also was the only one who sided with Aventurine who's not a playable character yet (not counting Amber since she stayed neutral).
Xueyi is unironically stronger like the other anon said. Seele can only deal more damage if she always has a smaller target to pick every turn or the toughness bar gets locked up.
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>autoing planar set
>Sporkle uses her ult FIVE TIMES in a row
I... jfc...
Wowe! That's like 20 free SP!
He's saying across all game modes, that includes PF. You can 0 cycle PF with Seele as long as you get your resurgence ult timing down, especially with Robin
>e0s1 0 cycle showcase
>open video
>2x s5 ddd
>close video
Show your MoC, PF and AS clears with Seele and I'll believe you
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Who is the one next to Robin supposed to be?
Nyo, I meant the other side
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I know
>Ruan mei
>in Ena's dream
And? BS calling him an emanator has nothing to do with the dream
>even if JY is really an emanator, that doesn't mean Feixiao is also one.
Yes it does, all generals got blessed with spirits from Lan, if that makes JY an emanator then so is she
>TB on the top 4 highter than Acheron
What a time to be alive
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based, if it says "break" I skip
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Good morning bwos
bs didn't call jy an emanator. lightning lord is the emanator
What Feixiao feat ?
If Jing Yuan is an emanator then I think it's safe to say that's pretty much a meaningless title, about on the same level as "Stoneheart".
This but FuA
bronyo a cute
It's insane how older bosses like cocolia and deer can't handle Firefly+RM+Gallagher bullshit.
New players probably think the game is too easy
Fucking KILL YOURSELF retard. We had this discussion often enough already
it makes sense because harmony tb supports 2 different carries
Silver Wolf did nothing wrong, just roll her E2 and play her as a sub DPS!
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and then along came auromaton
Will this nigga be playable?
Why didn’t you roll for Jade
But I did
she flopped
yeah unbelievable that these fire weak bosses lose to the first limited 5* fire DPS in the game
She also shits on this guy lmao, dude doesn't have enough toughness bar to withstand Firefly bullshit.
I have E2S1 and she's still absolutely worthless.
I gave her 30 rolls to come early to me and she didn't. Not really a loss since those just went into building pity for Yunli.
I'm not at a point where I can afford winmore units
When they were created the best Fire DPS was Himeko. That was an extremely low bar. Imagine if they were designed to be a challenge for Firefly. Imagine the amount of ragequitting.
protip: go to Star Rail\Games\StarRail_Data\webCaches and delete any version folder below 2.25
just got back 1.6GB because mihoyo are lazy devs
Yunli forma de gato.
They have more than one weaknesses thoughever
I did. Took me to hard pity. And I lost 50/50 to Bailu. Bitch.
I don't roll for hags.
Old and busted. I'm not buying expired goods
i hate the dom archtype actually
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But I did?
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I love cats, so it's only natural I love Yunli. If you weren't obsessed with metabricks you'd think the same.
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Even as a hag enjoyer she's just not that interesting. Also her femdom pandering is too on the nose
I already have E2 Himeko and Herta.
They'll think it's too easy until they face bosses that lock toughness bars and see their damage plummet.

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