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Easy kills edition

>Latest patch

>Main information document

>Character planners

>Interactive map

>Group password

>Touch bloodstain
Ranni edition.
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>No, but I want it. Why do you care so much about what I want man? I never said YOU need 51 poise.
I think you're being foolish and self-limiting to your own detriment. You do you bud.
why did that blue drop 350k runes wtf
>Easy kills edition
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WOW this is SOOOOO fun am I supposed to be summoning for regular catacombs too now??
stupid ass game
Fuck that sunflower tree bullshit missiles and that aoe nuke what the hell
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>Dragon Communion Great Katana
>Cool Ash of War
>Stupid Scabbard
>No Arcane Scaling
Why Miyazaki why
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r8 my spells
any other ones I need?
it has bad scaling because it's like dragon weapons from ds1, high base damage but no scaling
fuck you play dex use bleed you stupid idiot you'll never be a dragon smelly dummy

that's why
Max level guys do that lol
It's literally a another quality somber weapon
this place fucking sucks ass
It's not a dragon communion katana, learn to read.
my wife
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Do you have to post a dozen webms every thread man?
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>Great katana with spines of gravel stone along its blade, wielded by the Ancient Dragon-Man of the Dragon's Pit.
>Has an anti-dragon effect.
>Formerly a Dragon Communion warrior, the Ancient Dragon-Man was once arbiter of those worthy to devour the Dreaded One.
You should take your own advice
You do know Dragon Communion is about consuming dragons, not being their friend?
I hate that it just literally spawns in enemies when you're stunned by that spell. It feels like cheating.
Literally every webm I've posted ITT is a fresh off the converter piece of OC.

Don't like it? Fuck off.
>i love MALEna

>also Rellana is a noodle, she's the same height as Malenia with roughly the same sized width but compared their leg, hips, necks, and stomachs. Malenia's already thin too.
what build?
thorns, obviously
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I love my drug-addict eggslut waif
Just because it's a katana for killing dragons doesn't mean it's a dragon communion katana. You're retarded. If I find a gun that's really good at killing niggers that doesn't mean it does bonus damage if I eat niggers hearts after shooting them with it.
>cuck shield
how can anyone wear this shit
>shameless teabagging for no reason
>for no reason
Total hostie death is a great reason
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It should scale with Fth and Arc because is a Dragon Communion weapon and the Ancient Dragons Man is using a Faith Arcane Dragon Communion build
Killing hosts is fine. Teabagging hosts that aren't doing gank shit or other deplorable garbage is for children.
>because is a Dragon Communion weapon
Show me where it says that in the item description. You can't. Just because it's good at killing dragons doesn't make it a dragon communion weapon. Dragonking's Cragblade, Bolt of Gransax, Icerind Hatchet, and Flowerstone Gavel all do bonus damage to dragons too and they aren't "communion" weapons nor do they have ARC scaling.
The description literally says it so
Stop replying to bait.
The description does not say it's a dragon communion weapon. It says it's good for killing dragons. Learn to read.
all anti-dragon weapons were dex, did you forget the base game?
Bayle sucks
Placidusax sucks
Midir sucks
Sinh sucks
Kalameet sucks
Seath sucks
Hellkite Drake sucks
Red and Blue Dragon suck
All dragon battles are cancer
Bloodborne is the best game just by virtue of not having dragons
Don't listen to the dragon apologists
>base game has 3 dragon-killer weapons which are all for DEX builds
>DLC adds 3 more
>these are for DEX builds too
>retards lose their minds
>Placidusax sucks
Placidusax is one of the most fun bosses in the game you shitter.
>writetroon archive gets wiped
>writetroon activity instantly drops to 0
I expect apologies from all who called me retard for saying theyre tourists just trying to attentionwhore
Which was also dumb and stupid
Dragon builds are cucked out of using any weapons that aren't bleed faggotry
>get 80 arc
>infuse occult
I'm giving up on how to find the upper right side of the map in the dlc on my own, this is just mind numbing
The reason the dragon katana, other dragon-killer weapons, and honestly damn near every weapon in general doesn't scale with FTH/ARC is because the DCS has the lowest casting caps of any catalyst in the fucking game. You're not supposed to dogpile FTH/ARC with it past the casting cap. They expect you to get 45 ARC (or slightly higher for Bayle incants), enough FTH to cast shit you want (no more than 30), and then level another stat for melee damage. If they made good weapons that had natural FTH/ARC scaling they'd be unbelievably busted because of how good that seal is. You can easily afford to put points elsewhere, quit bitching.
100% correct opinion
>Dragon builds are cucked out of using any weapons that aren't bleed faggotry
Use poison infusion, poleblade of the bud, the AMOGUS, or eochaid shit retard.
SOFT cap, the seal keeps scaling really well past that all the way to 99.
Never use Poison infusion, it is ass.
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Is there any way you can make Elden Ring unwinnable for yourself?
>Never use Poison infusion, it is ass.
T. Retard who doesn't know what The Poison Flower Blooms Twice and Poison Hand do.
I know very well, we already went over this in the last thread. And you'll notice there are no poison infused weapons in the webm, because it is ass garbage.
fun build but hard to land flower blooms twice
>the seal keeps scaling really well past that all the way to 99.
>Gets 318 spellbuff at 30 FTH/45 ARC
>If you push ARC to fucking 99 it goes up to 374
>That's 1.037037037 spellbuff per point of ARC
What fucking planet are you from where this is "scaling really well"?
Compare that to any other catalyst which get less than 0.5 per level past their soft cap. The point is that going for 80 arc for Occult is still scaling your seal.
There's no poison infused weapons in that webm because the venomous fangs have innate poison you sperg.
That's the point you dumb fuck, you use a poison weapon instead of a shitty poison infusion.
>Gets 318 spellbuff at 30 FTH/45 ARC
>Pushing ARC to 80 gives 354 spellbuff
>That's 1.0285714286 per point of ARC
>This is supposed to be a worthwhile investment
Dude just give it up. It doesn't matter that it's better than what other catalysts get past their caps, it's still a fucking joke and not worth the points unless you're just getting it as fringe benefit to an Occult weapon. If your weapon doesn't have insane ARC scaling, there's no reason to go past 45 ARC, especially since the status softcap cap on bleed infusion is 45 which is what you'll be using in a lot of cases here. Only Occult infused innate bleed weapons and the fucking poleblade of the bud would want to push to 80 ARC.
>Consort Radahn is just gwyn lord of cinder
Maybe he is a fucking genius?
Doesn't fit the theme
>bleed infusion on an arc build
I see you are a retard, never mind.
Miquella originally wanted Godywyn as his consort but Godywn wasn't a fag.
So, Rannis was forced to marry Godwyn, so she killed him and got rid of her Empyrean flesh simultaneously because she learned from Ymir that the Fingers were full of shit.
Mickey then decides to make Radahn his consort to get back at Ranni.
Radahn was no way fag but he couldn't pass up a fight with Malenia.
Mickey's plan depended on bewitching Mohg and getting removed from the Haligtree, Radahn getting killed, Mohg getting killed, and then Messmer getting killed so Miquella could access the Gate of Divinity. For someone with max charisma his plan is sure convoluted.
And in the end Miquella rips off Ranni's consort speech but gayer.

So ER is a story about going against arranged marriages and a psychotic jealous femboy.
We need more mini dungeons bosses like the Lamenter and Baby Yoda. Leave the cool anime fights for the main bosses and just make the mini dungeon bosses silly gimmick shit.
And there's a grand total of 3 of those in the entire game and only ONE can have that ash put on it. Fuck you're stupid.
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Beat Malenia hitless for the first time, somehow she's become my favorite boss.
When you know how to bait out and waste her waterfowl dances, she's actually one of the better bosses.
You know you don't have to have poison bloom on the same weapon that causes the poison? You know you can swap weapons in the middle of combat? You are capable of pressing one button, right?
>DCS caps at 45 ARC
>Bleed infusion caps at 45 ARC
>Put all other points into STR or DEX depending on weapon choice
I think you're the retard here anon. This is what they intended by design for the DCS. You don't need 80 ARC to have an ARC build. You don't even need 60 ARC.
>Bayle Incantations cucks you by requiring 48 and 53 ARC
Yeah that made first phase way more consistent. I've flipped my opinion on her wonky hyperarmor/poise regen mechanics too, it discourages ash of war spam and its fun to figure out what punishes work best with each opening to ensure she's not in hyperarmor frames when getting a poise break.
Eh not a huge deal. Especially considering Flame Lightning is just bad Dragonmaw and Tyranny is too slow and doesn't have enough HA to be a dragon communion "Wrath of Gold". They both need significant buffs to be worth using.
>80 arc
>better casting
>less stat investment
>more phys damage
>pretty much the same bleed
Retard, I said never mind, that means don't reply to me.
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Can you stop swinging those swords

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Ok that boss was kinda funny
I wish you could use the weapons and spells you don't have the stat requirements for in a weaker state, just to try them out before you invest the stats to unlock the full versions.
>ash of war spam
I never see the point in those, when the only ashes I have are the roar buff and blowing into my torch.
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but they are COOL
Parry her
She has pretty clear combo end and beginning what are you talking about? She stops just enough for you to get one free attack in or take one sippy
just use a thrusting shield and keep swinging with her
Smack her with a dragon claw and she falls flat on her big jiggly ass my guy.
All the sovl is gone....
The SOVL was lost after DS2, so you're late to the party newfag-kun.
>>pretty much the same bleed
That's quite literally false.
>2H Occult Grave Scythe with 80 ARC/17 STR/13 DEX has 659 AR and 102 bleed
>2H Blood Grave Scythe with 52 STR/45 ARC/13 DEX (same RL needed) has 595 AR and 132 bleed
>Occult version only has 64 more AR (10.76% increase) but the bleed version has 30 more bleed (29.41% increase)
You should probably stop commenting on subjects you don't understand. You're just making yourself look stupid. Blood infusion is absolutely worth using in a lot of instances over Occult, sometimes even on weapons with innate bleed.
There's no evidence of ranni and godwyn being engaged, infact the game hints more that he was already betrothed to someome else. The entire theory is based on godwyn's death and her wearing a ring on her doll body, the issue with that is, half of the non player modeled characters who aren't married have similar rings on and that doll body is the body she chose to be in and is based on the snowy crone, her mentor, there's no reason why she would intentionally put that ring on her doll body if she was so against the match she offed herself. The entire theory is a cope attempt to make sense of ranni killing the objectively best demigod outside of any reason beyond her own want to rid herself of her body. Keep that murderous bitch away from my glorious godwyn in any context beyond she killed him because she's selfish and evil
>I never see the point in those, when the only ashes I have are the roar buff and blowing into my torch.
Try lions claw on a colossal, I'm sure you'll see the point pretty quick.
Godwyn is cooler now that he's a death fish monster.
Ds3 didn't have any intentional soul because we know for a fact they didn't want to make it and did it out of contract ds2 was contractual as well it's why miyazaki let some randos do it until they realized how deeply they fucked things up. The whole message of ds3 is this world of tired, no matter what these cycles will repeat and artificially extending the life of this world is wrong and that with the dlc is, you can escape into a similar world, but a new one, free of the retarded cycle, aka, a spiritual sequel. The whole game is just them going "stop making us make these let us make spiritual sequels instead" and that's what they've been doing, and why, despite its success they've gone on record as saying sote is the only dlc for elden ring and that they have no plans for a sequel and want to do other things.
Can't equip colossals with my stats.
I agree with your points, and you're a cool dude.
Godwyn was always cool
He was beautiful
Mastered lightning
Had loyal men
Godrick tried larping as him and failed
Beat the dragons, made them love him, to such an extent one went on an endless eternal suffering filled mission to help him after his soul died
Helped form the dragon cult which, is the only small religion the golden order would allow to not be genocided because he's just that fucking cool
No one and I mean no one has anything bad to say about him not even those that killed him
Is the only one even hinted at to give a single fuck about marika besides messmer and melina so he's a good son too
Marika's favorite, Godwyn is prime candidate for Elden Lord. Out of the three known Empyreans, Miquella(male), Malenia(rot), and Ranni, Ranni is the obvious winner. And if eyes are proof of an Empyrean, Malenia has none and Ranni sealed her's.
the only thing he mastered was turning your panties wet
>death's poker AoW is now as weak as the AoW version
You're welcome
No wait, stop, you're supposed to call me a nigger and stupid or something don't be nice I don't know how to react you're scaring me.
That'd just make the Poker worthless, it's already one of the worst melee weapons in the game (ignoring the ash obviously).
Nope, you're not a nigger - you're a smart guy and your post was good. Good job.
If eyes are proof of empyrean status then melina is one too.
Welcome to the wonderful world of Adult Conversation.
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Yeah. And? What are you gonna do about it?
I look like this irl btw. If anyone even cares
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Would it really break the game just to add a C in Arcane? Come on
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Give me a good kingdom name /erg/. Gotta rename the lands between after becoming elden lord.
The Land In One Piece.
C in ARC but the STR and DEX go to E. Take it or leave it.
lands between deez nuts
>can't even choose the name for his own kingdom
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Fair Enough to me but also
>No Bayle Flame Lightning weapon
>No Bayle Lightning Wings incantation
>wake up
>there's kino
I still think she's a dogshit fight, especially now that they've added a better Malenia in the DLC.
Once you've done the DLC it's pretty funny how easy she feels though, I was absolutely destroying her without even trying until I got too cocky and got waterfowled
You're me. I'm /erg/ everyone in /erg/ is an aspect of me, just as millicent and her sisters are aspects of malenia. By asking you all I'm asking myself. We are the same being.
Terra Centralis
Just woke up. How is the DLC? Were the leaks in the week before release true?
>>No Bayle Flame Lightning weapon
Colossal weapon shaped like a big sharpened bone with standard shitty colossal weapon moveset, L2 is the same thing as the Bayle's Flame Lightning incant but with slightly more HA at the cost of doing slightly less damage.
>>No Bayle Lightning Wings incantation
Needs 69 ARC, is a somehow an even worse version of the Crucible wings AoW.
You should apply for a job at FROM, I'm 99% sure they'd hire you.
I'm going to make a character based on Rex from xenoblade. He will
>make the priestess fall in love with him
>do millicents quest to near the end so she doesn't die then spam kill gowry
>make nepheli head of limgrave
>marry ranni
>do sellens quest until right before she balls out
>give rya the forgetful potion
>become marika's consort at the end
>save melina from burning
He will marry all of the elden ring girls and impregnate them in the end. What build should I go with? Pure str?
it's honestly kinda baffling that the 2-hand sword talisman wasn't in the base game but stuff like spear talisman was
The DLC was cut content.
Are Empyreans supposed to represent different outer gods attempt at controlling the Lands Between?
Marika (Greater Will)
Gloam Eyed Queen (Destined Death)
Malenia (Rot)
Ranni (Moon)
Miquella (unalloyed gold--without outer gods influence)

On a related note it seems all of Marika's children have aspects she hated. There was a a theory that Marika is a giant pot and the Hornsent put all matter of life forms into her to create a saint. And a complete Elden Ring has all the great runes. Marika kinda sounds like Daedicar
>It is said that this woman, named Daedicar, indulged in every form of adultery and wicked pleasure imaginable, giving birth to a myriad of grotesque children.
Morgott and Mohg (omen horns--crucible/hornsent)
Messmer (abyssal serpent)
Melina (GEQ)
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with this image alone, the Tarnished won the 2024 elections of the Lands Between
2-handed sword talisman is really overhyped. Judging by comments on places like reddit and fextra I think a lot of retards believe it affects ashes.
Names can't be that long thoughevermore.
National Socialist Leyndellian Worker's State of the Lands Between
Godwyn is being saved for ER2, he'll be the first 4 phase boss
1 phase is him as a the zombified virus corpse
in the 2nd he turns even more monstrous, growing tentacles and what not
3rd phase is prime godwyn the golden
4th phase he summons the spirit of fortisaxx as an incantation and rides him
the thoughtever meme has to be the most tranny meme I've seen on this website
It's just some fag from /dsg/, ignore him.
Wow, it's actually kind of enjoyable to watch some pvp when there's not some fucker talking over the video. Imagine that
Empyreans are chosen by the two fingers, who still work for the greater will
they're just candidates to replace Marika, not every outer god is an enemy to the golden order
i wish Raptor of the Mists wasn't hard countered by simply continuing to spam r1
>haha good fight buddy :))))
>oh wow using that ash of war haha :)))))))))))
>good fights guys hahahahahaahaha ;))))))))))))))))
nigga it's 5 talismans combined into 1 with no downsides
>Godfrey Icon
>Shard of Alexander
>Dragoncrest Greatshield
>Crimson Amber Seed +1
This is literally all you need
I first saw it on /int/ half a decade ago thoughalbeit.
Where do I find the armor that lets me take a hit without getting stunlocked to death?
>Dragoncrest Greatshield
>Crimson Amber Seed +1
Only these two really, the rest can be whatever flavor of offensive talismans you want
That's in physick now. Armor is for fashion.
Ironjar aromatic.
I didn't say it was bad, I said it's overhyped. It's definitely good, it's just not the god tier SSS talisman that pays your taxes after sucking your dick everyone pretends it is.
nah, bloods exultation is up there.
nah, rots exultation is up there.
nah, dagger talisman is up there.
Nta but I don't think the greater will is an outergod, infact I don't think half of what's thought of as outer gods are outergods, I think outergod is a classification of lesser deities, while other gods, like the fell god or greater will are on a different tier than them in terms of power or influence over the world/universe. I'd like to note that, we still see grace and resurect which are powers marika gets from the elden ring, something sent down and created by the greater will even if we stick ourselves with miquella's needle which gets rid of outer god influence upon a person.
>Shard of Alexander
>Dragoncrest Greatshield
>Rotten Winged Sword Insignia
>Millicent's Prosthesis
THIS is all you need.
>oh... hello!... cumdumpster 420! n-nice to meet you... :)
>o-oh, he has friends, hello
>what is that?... is it?... hmm, no, it looks like... ah, it's a great katana
>no, wait, it's a katana
>that's a weapon
>oh, he's attacking
>haha, i dodged the attack!
>ah, it looks like this player is using the ash of war flame skewer on their katana, which leads me to believe it is STR or FAI infused, how interesting
>*kills phantom*
>*L1 wiggles*
>*spins around*
>ggs, nate niggers! :)
>oh my goodness, i hit him with the thing that the video is about, that's so hilarious, haha
>*hardswaps back to greatbow with golem arrows*
>alright, gg cumdumpster 420, good fight!
>well that's one kill with the thing that the video is about, that's good enough for today, thank you all so much for watching
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I know they're never as powerful as the original, but this is just sad
Gah. It sucks that I can't tank without consumables.
Just use CE like everybody else.
This is also true. Gods in general in elden ring are clearly driven primarily by one thing. The blood goddess, the rot goddess, the moon, all have orders, they have their own orders, and its unlikely the greater will gives a fuck who becomes the next empyrean as, like the other gods have shown, it's driven by what it embodies, order. As long as there's order it doesn't matter to it.
The fact that the greater will is on another tier compared to the "outer gods" is pretty obvious, but what are the ancient gods that the DLC talks about? because they're physical beings

physick, crab, and dragoncrest greatshield is really all you need
Elden Ring is Build: The Game. I have a feeling that FROM enjoys player builds and that will be a much larger part of the next IP.
Dexterity and Status are for fags
>Elden Ring is Build: The Game
This desu. I have over 2k hours in this game and it's solely because of all the wacky builds you can make. There's a reason I dropped Dragons Dogma 2 after only 60 hours and am still playing this shit. If their next title has even more build variety I'll cum.
FromChudware's ELDEN SLOP: SHADOW OF THE SNEEDTREE was a commercial failure
I agree, good post anon.
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>Elden Ring is Build: The Game
terrible for the casual who only wants to do one playthrough so they can tell people on twitter they beat the game, excellent for the artisanal build craftsman
i like elden ring
Melina added me on WhatsApp :D
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>No Madness Dragon breath
>No Poison Dragon breath
>No Deathblight Dragon breath
>No Bloodflame Dragon breath
>No Ice Lightning Dragon breath
>No Blackflame Dragon breath
>No Sleep Dragon breath
What's the lore behind having a skewered lizard as a greatsword?
We don't know, but with how the fell god is talked about, and us seeing through the rot lake, the rot god, and the swordsman, the gods in elden ring, at least some of them, have physical forms, it's possible that, as we see the fell god sun medallion thing and it has some connection to the hornsent, that the fell god may be an example of the ancient gods, it's possible that these gods were some of the ones the hornsent worshipped or gods from rauh. I'd like to add that malikeths sword looks like a more worn ornamental version of the ancient meteoric ore greatsword
This thing should have been a great hammer. It makes no sense as a sword, there's no cutting edge.
fromsoft is fucking dead...
I had a theory that the "ancient gods" are the being that inhabited the lands between before the GW arrived, hence why they have weird white light-lighting powers that we've never seen, because they are so ancient (see the meteoritic GS and serpent hunter)
Use Cheat Engine? I'm a shit player, but I'm not that desperate.
I'm a bit far from the zone where you get that talisman, and what do you mean by crab?
That explains why I've had so much option paralysis throughout my playthrough, to the point where I just boosted my defence stats exclusively. I would have appreciated an option to set a more linear, JRPG style progression path for those brand-new to the franchise and unable to handle open worlds.
My headcanon is that radahn and godwyn were best friends and the reason radahn halted the stars was purely to spite ranni and he knew she was responsible and couldn't find her so instead he fucked over whatever plans she may have. Also that miquella's dream was to be like marika but get spitroasted by two guys instead of one, godwyn and radahn, so when godwyn died and his attempts to give him true death failed he hyperfocused on radahn.
The fell god still lurks within the Fire Giants.
no one inhabited LB before GW
My headcanon is that Godwyn was a huge piece of shit jerk faggot and that he got what was coming.
its been over one month
where patch
i want to use rain of fire and ansbach's blade
Shut the fuck up ranni
>what do you mean by crab
make friends with boggart
receive infinite supply of crab meat that gives you 20% physical negation for 60 seconds
>nooo not the heckin teabag thats not allowed
You're pathetic.
Typical rannifag copium
btw is it true a lot of spells from the DLC aren't boosted by Godfrey's icon when charged?
he's right

fromsoft games all have a multiplayer ecosystem and if you enjoy playing them at all you should want that ecosystem to be as healthy as possible. i bow / emote to everyone, even the gankers. in fact, i specifically do it to the gankers because i know it makes them seethe.
Malenia seems like too much work with the Greatsword. Is changing to the Bloodhound Fang cheap?
That's it, I'm going back to him and dumping my current rune stonks into his pot.
I don't like ranni either actually. I'm more of a morgott enjoyer. He called him a willful traitor like the rest. Fuck godwyn
good morning, erg
imagine that there is a miquella picture attached to my post
If you don't do it yourself I will attach one for you, and you might not like what I choose.
>emote to gankers
No you don't. You get shit on by gankers who then proceed to teabag and point down on you. Then you start seething because of the teabagging.
You make a big deal out of nothing. It's embarrassing.
Your kind honestly reminds me of that fat spic in DS3 that spawned the "I ban him" meme for dying.
just know that he only sells it in altus, so you have to buy a piece of scrimp from him in liurnia first. if you killed him or just ignored rya's quest completely, no dice.
Well, bugger.
fromsoft outsourced their QA it seems
That was ds2 when yukaslegion did that.
insanely desperate bait out of nowhere lol
Do it
>Age of the Stars removes the lord and the Greater Will
>killing God
Objectively not a good Nietzscheian ending. Close second for worse with the age of chaos.
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Looks like DS3 to me. Unless it originated from DS2 in which case I apologize.
New headcanon that I will attack anyone who disagrees, messmer wants to have sex with me and marry me but he's just being shy and when he leaves the shadow keep he'll come to me and become my consort.
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I gave you an opportunity and you neglected it. Now I am taking away your ability to decide, for yourself, which Miquella image your post is associated with.
please get your lore and story right before making conclusions
That's a good Miquella picture
Messmer is our incel king and is too busy mewing and looksmaxxing, he will never fuck you.
No im misremembering, he started acting like a faggot during the ds2 days but he did the I ban him thing during ds3.
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Thank you for emoting to hosts. You're definitely making it easier for the hosts to gank you in seconds.
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What's the best place to grind rune arcs? Multi-player is cancer and I want to use great runes
How was Ranni hard to find? she's literally found beyond the family manor in her little tower. If some lowly tarnished can sneak past the orbital laser home security system, the troll knights, cuckoo spirits, wolves, and Loretta's spirit, what's stopping another demigod? There's also a theory that we're one of Marika's unnamed children since the Walking Mausoleum can be heard in our introduction. And us ending up with Marika is big incest
I don't see you disproving me.
It is a very typical Japanese/modern story about removing a bad God, but it is very questionable.
He will fuck me actually, he has to. He just has to okay? I just have to wait patiently for him to make the first move he loves me.
NOOOOO don't post such things on a blue board, if you do it again I swear...
The only reason he defects is because Marika stop making him chicken tendies. An act worthy of beheading in Messmer's law. Her statues will have to suffice for now.
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>caring about any of nietzsche's inane ramblings past 14 years old
These posts wish they have ovaries
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Anyone know an easy way to kill this thing? I was thinking a frostbite weapon but I can't think of a way to get frostbite really early and fighting it normally will take half an hour.
Ranni is Welsh, she wouldn't say "Mom", that's American English. She'd say mam(Welsh) or mum(English).
fire+strike hammer / great weapon. It doesn't take half an hour even at low rl
Ranni? You mean the girl past the carian manor? That's Renna dumbass, get your conspiracy theory ass out of here
just come back when you have a higher upgraded weapon
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Man this is fun
Why Fromsoft is so ass backwards when it comes to interfaces and WAs is beyond me because i'm forced to use menuing to do the same shit i can do in code vein and TN games
Also this latency is magical, i'm gonna assume the host was from South America and i'm a slav
Why didnt anyone tell me halberds fuck so much

Slap spinning strikes/stormcaller with frost and you instawin anything
catch flame

you're welcome
Rellana wants to he his mommy gf and tried making him tendies but being a massive nerd aka a carian, her cooking was awful and she burned his Tyson chicken tendies so he told her to sit in a castle forever. Right before we walked into her boss room she was writing fanfics about her being strangled by his snakes while he plapped her.
>she was writing fanfics about her being strangled by his snakes while he plapped her.
i didnt know rellana posted on /erg/ kek
i've thought about making a build where i just have 9 of the same weapon arranged in a 3x3 square in my menu, but i'm so bad at hardswapping. i get why it is the way it is, but still. play a pure caster build if you want this feeling with only a fraction of the menuing.
She's the most vocal messmer yume
Radahn didn't know Ranni was even alive after the night of the black knifes. For almost everyone she died that day after Godwyn. You only find out she is alive after a investigation of the knife blueprints with your boy Rogier.
Use fire.
He has a jump attack that spills puddles of rot, roll to the side and run behind him.
The canon ending for Elden Ring is the one where the Tarnished gives up instead of committing the cardinal sin of burning the Tree.
roll behind it when it scarlet rot sprays thats the important part
the rest is just any tree dudes pattern ie dont get hit, use fire (+2 fl.art is enough)

run sideways for holy spam, dont stay too far away else it will continually spam it and you will die, haligtree one is worst for that.
be patient for about 2 minutes doing that and you'll have your opal tear
Do last names not exist in the Lands Between? Not a shitpost. The thought popped up in my head maybe 5 minutes ago. Pretty much all characters just have a name. Some like Irina have an addition like "of Morne" indicating where they're from but her name isn't "Irina Morne" or something like that.
The canon ending is where I invade you and impregnate your type B tarnished
>DLC had 0 black flame related shit
>features yet ANOTHER glintblade variation and Carian magic sourd

Godslayer bros...
Hoarah and Nepheli Loux
Yes, Marika is actually Ma Rika, Malenia is Ma Lenia, Radagon is Rad Agon, etc.
All your invader is getting is several clubs to the head and a knife to the guts from my type A Mad Pumpkin Head.
Messmer is a mama's boy and didn't decapitate the Marika statues as shown with the in tact Marika statue in his room holding a baby and the intact statue leading to the Shaman Villiage. He understood Marika's hatred for the Hornsent and maybe the blasphemous serpent. It was Messmer's men who were stranded in the shadows who resented and hated Marika. Messmer only cursed Marika in death.
I love when you kill Rykard and Patches be like "fucking hell you are a psycho, maybe all of this shit about tarnished becoming an Elden Lord was real."
you might not be aware of this but on /erg/ the accepted canon is the invader is a bratty type B who gets used by the host + coops
you might be on to something, it seems to be "title, name, faction" example praetor rykard of volcano manor
the closest thing to a last name would be the caria royal family, but again ^ so Ranni OF caria not Ranni Caria, that just sounds stupid.

very similar to "the way" ("Rhue" of Landorin. you have to play the game (there are 6) to know why I used airquotes good luck.)
I was honestly hoping for that cut godskin scythe...
I can't fucking beat Mohg at low level, first phase is easy but once he goes nihil powered it's a fucking mess. If only that Omenigger used melee more, sometimes it's just a spam of shitflame everywhere and flying attacks
Eheheh~ UwU I'm such a dummy baka...
>Gets ground into a thin meat paste by getting caught in an elevator mechanism
the canon ending is the one where I invade you and my type B tarnished becomes a tsundere for you after losing
>Started dex/faith build.
>Going through the game slowly instead of rushing for items.
>Holy twinblade with sacred blade murders everything at the start of the game.
Fun. What are some good weapons for this build?
excel of saga is that you?
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All my main builds are casters already, i'm trying to bring the same energy to my melee dudes
The best way to optimize menuing is a cross pattern with your weapon in the middle and vertical/horizontal branches
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Why does Ranni's puppet body has 4 arms? It has any symbolic meaning or she just has a standard carian marionette body?
Making a more elongated "elvish" face is very difficult. This definitely ain't it but it's a start.
Is it bad that I don't hardswap? It feels like it's exploiting glitches, like wavedashing.
incant scaling works the same way as damage scaling for weapons, correct?
also, is there any sense in upgrading the seals if i just use stuff like flame cleanse me and flame grant me strength, or can i keep it at +1?
Twinblades are always strong. Try faith exclusive weapons like pata.
She looks like she gets bred by orcs and dwarves
the doll is based on the ice witch, rannis mentor (her clothes set from the tower description iirc)
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Depending on your stat allocation, treespear absolutely FUCKS
Golden Halberd has always been a good weapon too bad you cant change the skill on it. It can still carry you through the game. Only late game bosses give it trouble
>Your Tarnished is Type A
He perseveres through the trials of the Lands Between, dying many times but always coming back thanks to the guidance of grace, maintained by his unswerving dedication to becoming the new Elden Lord
>Your Tarnished is Type B
She gets raped regularly after losing to enemies and eventually comes to like it. As time passes she becomes addicted to instant loss ryona sex and begins to seek it out herself, sandbagging losses whenever she encounters new enemies so she has an excuse for dropping her weapons and bending over to present her pussy to her assailant. It's only a matter of time before her prioritizing lewd defeat sex over becoming the new Elden Lord causes her to lose the guidance of grace, removing her ability to respawn and leaving her vulnerable to permadeath. She dies an unsightly slut's death, screaming and crying, begging for her grace back as she watches her HP bar draining to zero due to the merciless roughfucking she's receiving from a Misbegotten or Caelid dog or pack of Putrescent Slimes.
you need some int to make it work I think but, gideons hammers "schizo" debuff boosts magic and HOLY damage. more for the int faith holy build than the str faith one though I think.
the reason I mention it is <------ cause its how I killed god
Your porn stash is showing, anon.
Just for fun, how would you make a build using all five attack stats at once?
Simple, I wouldn't.
My type B is a holy warrior so she wont have sex until she marries Ranni
What even is the greater will if it isn't a star?
Surely it's not impossible to become Elden Lord with stats that are perfectly balanced, as all things should be?
Level 300 chad build
lightning and sacred can be infused together, and pick one of the three? magic fire weapons and power stance.
I already did that though so I know its not that great at non max level
use ram roll AoW for maximum fun
My tarnished is one of Radahn's bastard children (he lost a bet and had sex with a woman) so canonically Ranni marries her nephew
Would Ranni 2 cocks or just one?
I just don't feel great about the fact that Patches knew I was being set up to be fed to a snake and said nothing.
You can use carian retaliation on his blood attacks
That's horrible, anon. Those types are particularly vulnerable. There are a lot of documented cases where she mistakes the sheer intensity of their HP bar hitting 0 right as she cums for a divine experience.
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Canonical character last names if you deny these ill rape you ingame and irl
Marika The Golden
Godfrey The Golden(he took her surname)
Godwyn The Golden
Horah Loux
Nepheli Loux
Jon Loux(player tarnished hero class)
Radagon Redmane
Malenia Halig(formerly redmane)
Miquella Halig(formerly redmane)
Rennala Carian(didn't take radagons surname)
Rellana Carian
Rykard Serpand (changed from Redmane)
Tanith Serpand
Rya Serpand
Radahn Redmane(Becomes Halig when miquella marries him)
Ranni Carian(took rennala's surname)
Sellen Graven(changed from Carian)
Patches Hyena
Messmer Snakeye
Melina Duskeye
Morgott Omenborn
Mohg Omenborn
Why have so few people finished Elden Ring on Steam?
everyone build got something new I think except godslayer chads. Even int/arc iirc
why would you spend this effort to make such a dogshit post
My build got nothing out of the DLC, I think.
Good post
despite your memery "Loux" is actually a last name that godfrey and nepheli share so well done you solved the puzzle
INT didn't get shit except for a PvP exclusive nuke. My gear or spells did not change at all by the end of the game.
Godslayer got straight devalued because their unique UGS is now an inferior version of messmerchad's.
INT/ARC got squat bro outside of a new staff which is a joke.
>depending on who you ask dryleaf arts in pve are either the greatest gift to mankind or complete shit

so which one is it? I'd test it myself but I'm out of runes and stones
It does no damage.
not telling you
Its been proven that radahn and miquella had kids before the battle of aeonia. Radahn fled to caelid to not pay child support, the more of a deadbeat dad he became the darker his skin got, as we see with the academy sorcerers and stone diggers that the more you interact with something the more it affects you, the blacker radahn acted the blacker his skin became. He didn't want to be in his kids lives so malneia was sent after him as a shotgun wedding so he'd be forced to help miquella raise their kids. Yes the tarnished as shown by the ingame files is one of their kids that's why torrent chose you, you're his former masters kids, and why miquella got so upset when you refused to join him, he didn't want to fight his child. Yes that also means marika is your grandmother and ranni is your aunt.
>greatest gift to mankind
People who put bleed on them.
>or complete shit
People who did not put bleed on them.
miquella holding his towel from falling using his spectral arms, his real one covering his chest
Just call torrent when you see it leap into the air
Is it really? The godslayer AoW with hyperamor at last slaps real fucking hard. Then again you can put whatever AoW you want on the fire GS so the latter is more versatile
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They are mediocre but fun. Several cool looking moves don't move you forward nearly enough as they should and deal no damage like Dryleaf's 1hr2 chain, but all multihit leg moves are great for pve because they are fast, decently hard hitting and proc multihit talismans immediately.
Status effect dryleaf is also very powerful. Poison dryleaf with poison flower gives you a very unique playstyle.
Wait but radahn was already noticeably darker than rennala and radagon. Was radahn a wigger? Is that why he was so violent?
My Type B Tarnished strictly does all the raping in these lands.
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>everyone build got something new I think except godslayer chads
this is the best evidence for a dlc2 yet, not one single black flame anything, and no melina boss
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Fire Spear on Fire Knight GS has hyperarmor, insane damage, self buff and projectile all at once.
I'm going to finally make a higher level build.
It's gonna be dex OR faith.
Which do you guys think? Faith will be more of a caster, but able to massively buff all the fire knight weapons so they're capable of hitting stupidly hard whereas Dex will have access to the absolute heaviest armor imaginable and doing big pokes among other things.
>Fire Knight Queelign
>This NPC is first encountered as an NPC Invader in the following locations: Belurat Tower Settlement and Church of the Crusade.
Where is he in Belurat? Faggot didn't drop the key at the church.
Radahn didn't like being under the moon, he wanted to be out in the sun larping as godfrey
just go right from the private altar grace
go to the right from where you fight a horned warrior close to a grace. There's a small plaza with a tree in the center
Canonically speaking if your type b tarnished marries ranni, she uses the elden ring to give herself two, not one, but two, fat cock and rapes and impregnates your type b in space. And yes, marrying marika doesn't save you. If you marry marika instead she uses the rune of rebirth to give herself a massive cock with an elden cock ring on it and spends the next century raping you constantly to make more demigods. All type b's get raped somehow someway.
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Yes, the FKGS has the GSGS R1s and the Zweihander poke for its R2s. It's the best of all worlds and the best UGS as a result.
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>Jon Loux(player tarnished hero class)
Confirmation that the player character is a Jon Doe demi-god.
wait what the fuck did they fix the hitbox on that?
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>level 20
>full Fire Knight Set
>offhand Nanaya's
>main hand torchpole
>character name: Grand Wizard
Yes it's time to invade
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I went and checked and I honestly expected them to be lower, 40%-ish (based on how many people defeated Hoarah Loux) is not that bad
Also didn't expect Malenia and Mohg to hover around 35%-40%
>and the best UGS as a result.
He competes with Ancient Meteoric Ore GS in its class. Both of them grossly overpower the competition.
>If I find a gun that's really good at killing niggers that doesn't mean it does bonus damage if I eat niggers hearts after shooting them with it.
I mean, I'm assuming you haven't tried it so how do you know that's not the case?
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He invades you right here.
The AMOGUS isn't really competition. It's a good sword but you can't beat a UGS with GSGS R1s and Zweihander pokes that gets really solid AR regardless of infusion and can use any ash you want AND comes with free FTH scaling because fuck it why not AND somehow does all of this while having low weight for a UGS.
Cute fia
>Godskin guys are the most hideous motherfuckers ever, mutant cunts dressed in flayed skin.
>All their weapons are beautiful works of art to the point we mourn that we didn't get a scythe with the godskin aesthetic.
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How the fuck did I miss that area
Wow. That's some high quality map drawing anon.
Oh, I was checking based on the ending achievement percentages.
Still haven't encountered Morgott.
Ugly Fia
Do not underestimate its length and the amount of pressure you can put with WA. It's the longest UGS and it still has a zweihander moveset.
White Light Charge is genuinely in top 5 of the WAs both in pve and pvp
>Have to farm 50000 years for the Fire Knight's Greatsword.
>It's 100% worth it because it's so fucking good.
All this talk of Fire Knight GS. I'm gonna make a faith build. Stacking 1000 different fire damage buffs to deal 100000000 damage.
I didn't once in that post underestimate it, anon. I literally said it's a UGS, one of the top in the class. All I'm saying is the FKGS is the top of the class. It cannot be beat. It was specifically designed by a fucking madman to be the best sword in the god damn game. It's literally unfair how much shit that sword has going for it.
idk about you guys but seeing people gush over how good something is just makes me want to not use it because I'm a snowflake
EVERYTHING Fire Knight related is golden except for Rain of Fire.
>I literally said it's a UGS
Meant to say "it's a good sword". I'm tired.
Did you lovingly rape Messmer and fix his mommy issues?
It's more red than gold desu. It's messmer fire after all.
>He called him a willful traitor like the rest.
IIRC he didn't mention him. You confused his name with Godrick's?
Fire Serpent isn't gold though?
>Enemy with so much poise you ask yourself if it's even possible to stagger him.
>Drops his armor.
>It doesn't even reach the 51 poise PvE threshold.
I like that the fire knights have their own cookbook for using their boss's flames. I know it's not actually about food preparation, but I'll gloss over that part.
I too have fought Elemer and gotten his armor.
Why every marika statue is headless?? Isn't she the big mama goddess??
>What if we had one million weapons with totally generic movesets in the base game and then released an ultra lategame DLC full of weapons with the most beautiful and fun movesets ever?
Elden Ring.
They're not big fans of her.
There is a cursed idea for a build that I am actively attempting to resist.
I speak, of course, of making literally Aloy from the Horizon games as a Tarnished.
The gloam eyed queen is messmer. Prove me wrong. You can't.
>Add a craftable, consumable version of Golden Vow.
>Key ingredient is a 4% drop from Black Knights.
The DLC addressed practically none of the problems with this game's crafting system.
You're a weirdo.
bleed infused weapon that needs a bit of dex and str, DCS and albinauric staff offhand
All other answers are wrong. Just bleed infuse a smithscript weapon, done deal it now scales with everything.
Messmer doesn't have a gloam eye
>the Golden
That's a title not a surname.
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left or right?
>Gloam-eyed Velka.
You will never get more information about this character.
You will never have clarification as to what the fuck the Godskins are doing in the game.
>first invasion of the day
>chink and his level 300 chink password phantom running through the entirety of stormveil ignoring every single enemy
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Right but neither one is particularly good.
Blessed Bone Shards? I've had them drop from Messmer Soldiers too.
don't most souls games do the same? probably because it sounds more archaic and fantasy. tolkien did it too, (except for the hobbits since they're deliberately anachronistic) gimli, son of gloin instead of gloinson or whatever.

last names of the style we would recognize are a more recent development than you'd think
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What? It's fucking amazing.
>super cheap
>highly spammable
>basically no commitment to the uncharged cast, can be thrown around even during spastic boss combos
>shitload of pressure in pvp, basically forces the player to roll anywhere in mid range, deals upwards to 800 damage on a charged cast otherwise
Just stick golden vow aow on dryleaf arts, for the low price of fucking 1 unit of weight you too can now use golden vow whenever you want.
just use the spell, what's the point of not being a faith build now that we got fire knight weapons, black steel weapons and other fth dlc stuff
No no anon I was making a joke. It's not gold, it's red. Haha get it? I'm so funny haha. Please be my friend I'm so lonely.
Simple, my INT/DEX build with 70 DEX and 80 INT cannot afford to level FTH and stay at RL200.
Is there any reason whatsoever to use Flame Sling? It feels like Black Flame, which you get in Stormveil, completely replaces it.
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how many you guys got?
Yep, a fun build too.
Type B Tarnished are for courting and respect.
Followed by mad breeding sex
Low FTH builds. That aside? No.
Simar to yours, 1200 something
I love Miquella btw
post the webm
you know the one
It's a pointless spell. It should be much cheaper to even have a reason to exist.
Sucks because I like the idea of throwing basic fireballs at enemies, but black flame does everything flame sling does but better.
I am not having fun with fighting Malenia anymore.
One of the worst posts I've ever seen in this general
Rape bait
It's fine on pure ARC builds. To explain, pure ARC builds have ZERO reason now to not get 10 FTH for the DCS to get access to Bayle's Incants and low tier body buffs since they cost no FTH. 10 FTH is enough for Flame Sling and you can use it with reasonable effectiveness as a result.
Melina is the daughter of radagon and marika. Messmer is to Melina what radagon is to marika and trina is to miquella. He's her male half that was split from her after she was btfo as the gloam eyed queen.
>I wake up
>There is no patch
You schizos need to stop
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>claymore with no skill
>small shield with Vow of the Indomitable
>ignore boss nukes all day
they just need to quadruple the drop rates of crafting materials and arrows. thats it, game fixed. if some things should be hard to get they should be HARD to get, not make you want to kill yourself to get. (or cheat which is not an argument stop cheating and get banned)
Anon, if your shield has an ash on it you don't need to... Actually you know what? Nevermind. Keep doing what you're doing champ, you're trying your best and that's all that counts.
>10 FTH 60 ARC DCS has 290 incantation scaling.
Oh that works, it's not going to be your bread and butter but it works as a firebomb that never runs out.
Yep, you got it. It's by no means going to be a nuke, but considering it's basically fucking free access it's perfectly serviceable.
Is death lightning viable in pve or should I just give up and use ADLS instead?
left hand ash overwrites right hand ash
Is it too much to ask for something that can snap the game in half without any stat scaling at all?
There's zero reason to use death lightning over ADLS in PvE. Deathblight doesn't work on anything except tarnished.
Either I focus my schizophrenia to elden ring theories or direct it towards making you marry me. Decide. Now.
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nice, now i get to use TWO ashes
was thinking bloody slash for claymore
endure feels going too crazy with tanking
That would be retarded as fuck, yes. It'd be the strongest twink weapon ever created unless the requirements on it were absolutely batshit.
I'm lonely so yeah anon let's get hitched.
Is horned bairn good on int/fth or shit like regal omen bairn?
>connect to chink (with VAC bans on record, of course)
>kill him
>spam the finger
>absolutely fucking nothing for like 3 minutes
>quit out
>use finger once
>invading another world...
It's not bad enough that you have to play with them, connecting to them fucks up your matchmaking for some reason. This has happened so many times, and it's always the Chinese.
You can improve left with less pristine gauntlets
You can improve right with more exposed, bronze age legs
It's funny how we have like 4 different factions that use fire as their main weapon and motif and none of them are related.
Dangit. There has to be another way for someone who can't afford to put any levels into their attack stats.
Both omen bairns do no fucking damage even with 80 INT and 80 FTH and the full Dung eater set. Their only real use is how well they track but they eat too much FP to be useful for that.
>Flame Monk/Fire Giant
>Fire Knights
>Gelmir Knights
>Dragon Communion
6 actually
>>Gelmir Knights
Could do a Lightning Infusion weapon with Golden Vow then. Put it on a weapon whose moveset is fast and you feel comfortable with.

But yeah, I have a couple builds that disregard Faith as well since spellcasting or incantations don't fit the theme, including a similiar build to yours.
Melina is godwyns soul reborn.
>but le gloam eyed queen
Godfrey was the male half of the gloam eyed queen, he turned on her much like how trina turned on miquella. Godwyn was cursed with death powers that manifested as deathblight that became unstable after he died.
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sometimes i wonder why i even use a shield
my dodge rolling instinct is too strong
>look up "buriedbornes 2 builds" on youtube
>within the first scroll down its like " did you mean destiny 2"
search engines are completely unusable now. how can this be repaired?

its for drawing aggro, I ALWAYS have morgotts bairn on left pouch unless we're fighting maliketh then its the red parry tool.
>>Gelmir Knights
These are all gone anon. There isn't a single one in the entire game you can find. Also I'm not sure ghostflame counts as it deals magic damage and you failed to count blood knights for their bloodflame and madness fuckers for frenzied flame.
* the "phase 2" scream is also a big reason, like, limit break activated, since 90% of my characters don't have a barbaric roar instead (or now red tearstone scream thanks to dlc)
>likes buriedbornes
Be my bf
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No, the GW is the creator of the world that's largely hands off, the outer gods are things that desperate people turn to. Marika and others are general gods which are bound by a great compromise (they basically are the incarnation of their vision/what they represent, which is why they have so much power and can change things, but they are bound to that nature).
>Armor worn by knights once loyal to Praector Rykard.

>It bears an emblem that none wear any longer, standing as it does for a lord that fell from loft ambition into gluttonous depravity. As the lord lost his dignity, so too did these knights lose their master.
Th3yre not around anymkre but when they probably used the magma sorceries before they disbanded
I enjoyed the first one, final boss filtered me though it was immune to my build (stacked barriers and reflect iirc)
>literally Mohg's biggest weakness
It may not be 100% reliable, but c'mon.
poison =/= poison infusion
Excuse my awful English Im VERY high right now
That symbol bears resemblance to the various spiral symbolism across the game.
>they probably used the magma sorceries before they disbanded
I'm doubtful honestly considering not a single knight of this class casts magic and the Gelmir Glintstone Staff is a man-serpent weapon, not a human one. We also don't know when Rykard repurposed hexes into the magma sorceries, it could have been after this. The man-serpent staff buffing them would also support this.
mohgs biggest weakness is actually frosting him and stacking hyper damage so you can waterfowl him during nihil and then he doesn't get a phase 2
/ cast comet azur + fp zero
>so you can waterfowl him during nihil and then he doesn't get a phase 2
Just kill him before he even gets to Nihil. It's very easy, a lot of builds can do it.
Considering the lore on the Magma Sorceries, Ryard likely introduced them to the world as sorceries before The Shattering so his knights likely did have access to Magma Sorceries.
Cerulean hidden tear was nerfed, comet azur no longer instakills him even at 80 INT and with Terra Magica, it leaves him at 20%. But i might try him with MLGS and see how that goes.
I guess from a math perspective it may be ass, but i got Mohg with a poison infused weapon first try.
can I go up the spiritsprint near magma talisman shack without moving NPCs?

thats gay, glad I did that with my magic build before dlc dropped.
clip for old times sake
If even Cuckoo Knights in fucking Liurnia don't use sorceries I sincerely doubt Rykard's knights were flinging around INT/FTH sorceries with a very staff specifically made and used by man-serpents.
Sorry about the botched nose job
The Cuckoos are explicitly just normie mercenaries that the Academy hired. They're literally too stupid to use actual spells which is why they use the consumables.
That, and the Academy doesn't want to teach them any other spells but Scholar's Weapon and Scholar's Shield due to how disloyal they are.
Yes, the charm breaks only if you approach the main gate of the Shadow Keep or go beyond the second bridge of the Bonny Village or if you have sequence broken from the infused key teleporter to Rauh, if you approach the shortcut gate to the Hippo arena in SK. Before the charm break nobody moves.
Just let me sneak around the castle and back stab this bitch 'Zaki!
Impregnate Fia repeatedly
Okay. I'm going to say this. I'm ready.
Chudnished... seeking the Incel Ring...
its more like mages don't think much of spellswords unless they are peak, cause they don't respect martial arts, its been a thing since ds1 maybe even des (but the wizard in the jail with the pole is frankly one of the most busted "warriors" in the game in that case)

didn't know about that third one thanks, ill have to be careful, and probably cloud save. I don't have the map fragment for up there so I can't see bonny bridge 2 (I know vague where it is from spoilering myself on the map so I dont fuck this up)
I think that's it on the right of the Taker's Cameo. Not sure what it's supposed to depict.
Charo forgive me... I must... reveal your hidden grave.....
Wizard (30 years old maidenless)
tldr and without linking reddit: its two snakes devouring the erdtree, and its on the dueling shield too.
>needing a maiden
you didn't beat the game
There's a snake god that every being known with an E, is named after, they're all god devouring serpents with the one rykard feeding himself to being the last one. This god cursed messmer, and chose to partly manifest itself within him much like the fellgod did with the fire giants and the rot god did with malenia.
>its more like mages don't think much of spellswords unless they are peak, cause they don't respect martial arts, its been a thing since ds1 maybe even des (but the wizard in the jail with the pole is frankly one of the most busted "warriors" in the game in that case)
The Cuckoo Soldiers are mercenary bandits in all but name, there are definitely a lot more reasons besides "martial arts? pfft!" that would motivate the Academy to not teach them anything more than the bare minimum.
I'm having a severe case of fromsoftware fatigue. I've started 3 characters since I bought elden ring on the last steam sale, but they're all boring as hell. any recommendations for weapons/builds that are exceptionally fun to play?
Who hid Charo's Grave after he died? Why did they hide it in such a easily visible place? What was Charo's tax policy?
so did we ever get an answer as to what the fuck godefroy is supposed to be
How am I supposed to know what you find fun?
Fuck ADLS, Burn O Flame is much better
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>no foreshadowing
>no cutscene
>no dialogue
right, they have to distinguish themselves and become actual knights to be considered anything more than peons within the magical faction, at which point they finally start to expand their magic beyond the sword and shield buffs they were unironically payed with lol
by comparison redmanes seem more honorable, all their knights have good gear and backup and they are still protecting their land even though its clearly over already, that is loyalty.
There are no early game support incantation for friends...
Charo was Marika's unmentioned twin brother
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Okay, i know it is theorized alot but with this it is pretty clear that Radahn, Ranni, Rykard and Messemer are all part Giant right? This nigger was getting ready to go all giga nigga again here

Maybe Elden Giants aren't actually "Giant". Maybe they are more God of War Giant, like Giant is a form that they can choose to turn into

Or maybe because Radahn giant blood is thin he has to willingly transform into it
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>MARIKA'S TITS! Doth thout be mine CONSORT? what does thine mean ye foundst a SECRET ENDING and want a DIVORCE? thoust would rather fuck MIQUELLA'S BUSSY instead of my PORCELAIN PRIVATES? CURSE YOU MIQUELLA THE KEKOLDER! Ye CHARMED mine husband with THINE POWER?
QUE? Thou'rt telling me FEMBOY BUTTOCKS feels better than PLASTER AND STRING and he hadenth used his HEART STOLEN INSTAKILL ON YE? NANISORE? Not only that but its a PACKAGE DEAL and you're also having a polygamous relationship with LEDA and FREYA? Who TONGUE YOUR ASS and SUCK ON YOUR BALLS while you enter mine brothers DIVINE GATE? And with my COSMIC POWERS all I can do is WATCH HELPLESSLY?
His thunders wings extend from his stumps
Don't get trapped into doing the same build every time. That's how i got my burnout. I was constantly doing pure melee bonk builds and just fucking deleting my save files halfway into Altus. I tried a pure INT and a pure FTH build on two different characters and voila, two NG++ saves ready whenever.
That was him giving in to the Formless Mother influence on his body and going blood god mode before Miquella stopped him.
you forgot Radagon in this theory, the braid, his red hair, his origin...the dog, all hint that marika met him when she slayed the giants, maybe he was one...i'm not exactly certain but the RED HAIR is giant specific.
and then that trait spread to the kids, radahn ranni miquella and malenia (they're twins despite one being blonde) messmer and hm any more?
rykard might be blonde pre-snek, the paintings are unclear.
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She won.
Isn't confirmed to be Radagon's son.
i almost forgot melon, who has PINK hair (both blonde and red) like porom final fantasy 4
Jerren was a chudcel who didn't trust the science which is why we had to help him unpack his problematic behavior at the end of his and Sellen's quest. Sciencess Sellen only got turned into a ball because of an rare statistical outlier effect of the time-and-again proven safe-and-effective research of the primeval current and if you interpret her death as anything more than a one-off anecdote you are certified not college-educated and should not be allowed to become Elden Lord, otherwise it'll be Elden Shitlord.
based birb of death
messmer is marika's son with the gloam eyed queen, which was actually just a big snake
she fucked a big snake and out popped 2 eggs, the first hatched into messmer and the second hatched into melina
messmer got the snake part and melina got the death part
and then she betrayed the gloam eyed queen, took her power and became god
won what?
Kino cosplay/themed invader
Nta but like I have the exact same opposite problem
I get burnout and like stop wanting to play when I DONT make the same character again
Like whenever like I like try to do a different build, I always feel like I'm doing it inefficiently because it's not the thing that I "know" and like have down pat and understand the units and outs of. I'm currently struggling to not either like respecc or like start a new playtheough while teying to do a strength faith build like themed around just using bestial Incantations because inkeep thinking like "Yeah but what if yoy just used your old sword again instead for it. Well if you're doing that, you might as well use the same ash of war that you like and is steong on it. Well that scales with strength, so you might as well throw on a second offhand that you used too, aaaand you're not using the beast Incantations anymore, might as well dump faith and go melee again"
So why the fuck is Ranni's eye sealed in the same way as Melina's and Messmer's?
Messmeryumes, if (you) were Messmer's mom and had the opportunity to seduce and fuck him would you do it, or would you choose not to because it would ruin his schtick?
It looks cute.
One eye sees light, one eye sees shadows.
Depending on the one you have you’re stuck to a part of the world.
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Possibly ranni
Possibly miquella
The gloam eyed queen
Were all empyreans chosen by an outer god, as the needle doesn't affect us and the fingers were a-okay with outer god chosen empyreans potentially being the next god, I propose that marika's chosen god WASNT the greater will.
Her age is known as the age of plenty, a time where a lot of births happened, birthing was seemingly revolutionized as being heavily connected to the erdtree itself based on murals seen ingame and melina's dialog, and a shard of destined death being jabbed into marika's womb of all places, hinting she's just able to birth even crucified and damaged
I propose that there's an unknown outergod of fertility that marika was chosen by, which is why marika outside of her golden shit, is heavily associated with fertility, the birth of people, demigods, plants, animals, etc.

She's a fertility goddess. Just as malenia is a rot goddess, and ranni a moon goddess.

Now what about miquella? I'd like to note he clearly has some sorta control over what his godform would look like, yet he chose one with wide hips oddly enough, hips that if you actually measure them are exactly as wide as marikas in proportion to his body and wider than malenia's.

I propose, that the reason miquella had such a good relationship with the golden order fanatic radagon even after leaving it, is because miquella was the second chosen of the fertility goddess, seeing as marika's age was nearing its end, it wanted another empyrean to extend its reign, and chose miquella. The reason he's able to make unalloyed gold, and hamper the influence of other outer gods is because his outer god patron is already the ruling god, though it's influence is waiting, and thus is in a position above the other outer gods, able to influence their hold over someome, but as seen with malenia, if they're an empyrean it's only able to halt it not rid it completely.

Miquella and marika are fertility gods
>scadu blessing 10
Oh my fuck, Rellana feels impossible as a caster. Hardly any room to breath. Did they balance this dlc for casters at all?
I would breastfeed him indefinitely even after he's an adult
>Waaahh waah dont poast webem of the game in the general of the game
Worthless nigger kill yourself
>Did they balance this dlc for casters at all?
lmao, even
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what if, messmer is why melina burnt to death, what if he killed his own sister...
maybe thats why melina wants us to burn the tree (i never really trusted this part of her story, until she pulls back from touching us while on fire, she didnt have to do that.) like she just magically has the rold medalion as soon as you see the thorns and remembered her lost memories, would have been nice to get some more lore in the dlc, lol.

cause if she opened her eye the magical power would break reality pic rel
That’s not about fucking. They’re offsprings, little erdtrees. Like milicent is a flower of malenia.
Just because it's gameplay of the game doesn't make it on-topic.
why is it that with fromsoft dlcs they introduce weapons that are either the worst in the game, or absolutely fucking gamebreaking and require multiple nerfs to be remotely fair
just make alright weapons, don't need to go into such extremes in each direction
He's supposed to be a way for the player to refight Godrick because he's an early game boss that you might regret curbstomping intentionally or otherwise
Note that Godrick Soldiers & Knights and Cuckoo Soldiers & Knights are some of the most disloyal Lordsworn armies in the game besides the Gelmir Knights and Soldiers who don't even have Lordsworn anymore because they all defected en massé when Rykard went to far even for them and were wiped out. Literally every other faction inspire better loyalty and that is reflected in how they frequently have access to more shit to do. Redmanes can do Fire and Gravity despite most of the people who knew those techniques being wiped out when the Scarlet Rot hit so there's very few Redmanes alive who are able to do so, Leyndell Knights use dragon cult magic, the Haligtree Faction have their lower Soldiers being able to suicide bomb you with holy magic, the Knights are capable of sorceries and incantations both, and Malenia's Elite over Elite knights are still around in decent numbers. And finally we have Messmer and his army who have the most loyal and most well-trained soldiers that literally all of his Lordsworn equivalents never lost the edge that all of the others did, and that reflects in how basically everyone from Soldier rank and up are capable of casting mid-high tier magic that you usually see on elite enemies or bosses at most in the base game.
>Marika fertility goddess
>Miquella fertility god(dess(male))
Idk which is worse. Marika going around fucking people randomly, so if you live under her rule you have a literal trashy whore as your god-queen. Or Miquella going around fucking people randomly, so there's a chance one day he shows up at your house to fuck your wife and there's nothing you can do, the GO seems horrible either way
we're never going to get an answer on it so my own headcanon is just the simplest one
messmer and melina's are to seal something within themselves
ranni's just seals her soul to the doll, it's just how she's able to possess it
if she opens it she can leave the doll and enter a new body as long as it's got the same kind of eye thing, like the mini ranni
You're an idiot. Go MLGS and just stagger her to death. She's only slightly harder to stagger than Malenia.
KLS destroys her. Helps that she's weak against lightning.
Yabbaposting or the secret ending?
It is more believable to think that he was invoking an ability that he is used to rather than relying on a strange and unfamiliar power

Especially in a clutch like our fight. I think it would also explain Miquella's position in the fight too. He was suppressing Radahn's berserk power while supplementing him. Sort of like Godfrey and his cat

This ofcourse opens up the question of whether or not Godfrey fucked his cat
I would
The incest would probably intensify his schtick, not ruin it, as his LARP would become even more psychosexually charged
It's his fursona
looking for a early INT weapon. is moonveil worth the dex investment or is there an alternative?
ogey :DD
Godfrey fucked many things during his long years.
He isn't a furry though.
taking a break
I am using the mlgs :/
Moonveil isn't really that early, but like yes it's very good if you're like teying to go for a melee int thing, it's really like one of like the only two options I can think of that are like good good
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This doesn't work because unlike krillin there's no indication of miquella being interested in anyone but godwyn and radahn so him cucking ranni doesn't fit and makes 0 sense. To improve your shitpost i propose three options.
Tiche - a former servant of ranni serves the tarnished as his most powerful spirit summon, likely has a ghost pussy while ranni has nothing
Sellen - enemy of the carians, shows interest in the tarnished, clearly cares for them, there's hints she's related to the carians, so her giving us the dagger could be seem as a show of interest either as her truest student or intended mate if she didn't turn into a ball
Florisaxx - gives you her dragonbolt something dragon's would only give to those they love, meaning she loves you, and becomes your spirit summon as she views you as her lord and will serve you anywhere, meaning during the age of stars, unless the tarnished ditches the ashes she has a dragon ghost in his pocket that's in love with him, and like tiche, likely has a ghost pussy the tarnished can fuck as spirit summons can interact with the physical world.
serosh is holding back his bloodrage thats why he fucken kills him to activate his phase 2
Why, you moron? MLGS is shit for that fight.
Well then, shit. I guess you can try Night Comet.
both, i dont understand that post except the ranni anime edit is cute
Her pink hair comes from the shamans. We see some jar people with her exact color, like exact to a tee.
nta, hit her with it directly, forget magic boost tear use poise break tear. use godfreys (ive been told it doesnt work but I fucking tested it when I beat malenia so "I don't believe you") dont bother with terra magika, it was nerfed recently and you absolutely do not need it locking you in a spot and getting you killed for 30~% - resistance
At scadu level 10 and with fully torqued by talismans MLGS? No the fuck it's not. One slash is enough to take out 1/6th of her full HP. Just git gid at dodging.
If it does involve sex it's just as likely marika fucked men and women and that miquella would fuck your wife then you then call you a fag and leave.
And Miquella was holding back Radahn 's tard rage
Mike is gay and dead though
Yo, what is the actual poise damage value on the script hammer toss? I'm spamming this charged r2 point blank and hitting all the spins with endure and I haven't stance broken this divine nigger beast once. that's with the relevant tear too.
>Terra Magica was nerfed
That too? Fuck, together with Cerulean hidden tear no wonder the Mohg Comet Azur strat no longer works.
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Looks alive to me
me neither I'm being mean for no reason I'm sorry I was trying to joke
Fertility isn't always about sex anon. Many Fertility gods in various mythologies are related to plant growth and life based on that in particular.
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It is a not so funny inside joke that anon trying to "popularize" by reposting it as much as possible.
How many horses?
miquella would call you a fag while your dick is in his ass and then taunt your wife
I do wonder, how well can she possess things? She's clearly shown to be able to create magic golems as shown with rennala, that can bleed and interact with the physical world. Is it possible she's able to make a golem of her old body and use it to fuck you with before the spell runs out and she goes back to being a doll?
*and have softswap COLD misericord (best for dex int) ready for beeg stagger damage unless you're fine with just impaling her on the icicle sword
I mean, I heard it was on the dlc drop patch, I didn't test it or nothing. I don't use int magic that much anymore just mlgs and faith spells, and some ice with ONE character, and the beam trick but thats right out so int is pointless now. (they already nerfed stars of ruin years back
I know it's literally me getting mad at co op partner for not liking the game in the "right" way but like he apparently doesn't like it when a boss takes multiple attempts so he likes using summons immediately and not seeing what the bosses moves are.
I know the game is already going to be an easier experience because of the co op already and like not the intended way but like it still causes me pain for some reason, he wants to like go do something else and come back if it takes more than 1 attempt

Also he keeps asking if we can kill NPCs whenever we meet them and I have to tell him to talk to them.
He killed Boc because he's ugly (he thought it was just a corpse and so instantly attacked it becauae he thought it might get up and killed him)
I have no idea how to feel
That's ok. I'm sorry for my outburst.
None. He's hung like a horse, this is what happened to Leonard's corpse. He grafted his cock onto himself to be more appealing to radahn.
Big/Colossal weapon + Beast Claw is such a fun way to play the game. so much mobility. best addition from the DLC.
It's more likely he'd bring radahn and malenia with him and all 3 would take turns raping your wife then you in various ways
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>Finally able to get Radahn down to phase 2
>He literally turned into The Flash
>Open phase with a fucking area wide nuke
>AOE effect after every single attack

But why?
Who invited the cucks from /dbs/? Slurpza edit from Mike when?
Marika gave masterful footjobs before serosh was grafted onto godfrey she quelled his bloodlust with her feet. When she married radagon she quickly grew to hate him because after being wed to rennala for a while he got sick of foodstuff and didn't want footjobs so both were miserable with eachother. Marika a footfag(giver) and radagon anti-footfaggotry.
you said Elden Ring was too easy.
now live with the consequences.
Seluvis was a chud
Anon this thread is also filled with people from /xivg/ and the now dead baldurs gate general.
Wait what? How did like the baldur's gate general die, wasn't it like a really big rpg with a lot of options?
Bear game general is still active though.
>Total Writetranny Death
>They instantly scatter like roaches
wish there was button to instantly swap the left and right weapons with each other
He is a soulless retard whatever. Such games are just not for him, go play some shooter. Apex Legends maybe?
Sounds like playing with a child, unironically. Just let him play his way, solo. Doesn't sound like you're getting anything out of co-oping with him.
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>Weapon that serves as both greatsword and spear. Thought to have been used to hunt an immortal great serpent in the distant past, it manifests a long blade of light when facing such a creature.
>When their master's heroic aspirations degenerated into mere greed, his men searched for a weapon with which they might halt their lord.
Likely there's some value dissonance in effect here, but I'm struggling to find an angle from where the chief inquisitor's motivations for trying to become god-king would be construed as heroic.
Confession time?
I have a huge autistic problem where i don't EVER go to Roundtable for the first time (i don't even let Melina appear to take me there) until i do these things first:
1. Talk to D and kill the Tibia Mariner near him
2. At least find Rogier's bloodstain, ideally also talk to him in the Stormveil church
3. Give Roderika the Chrysalid Memento
4. Activate Godrick's Great Rune and ALWAYS go to Roundtable from the grace on the tower
And i also fucking hate activating Radahn's festival from sitting at a graxe on Altus, I always have to do it through Ranni's quest
Rykard was not always the all consuming serpent. He was once a Lord beloved by his men. Only after he fused with the serpent he decided to consume all his men to concentrate their power into ONE
Krillin is a cuckold canonically which is what yabbaposting is about and dataminers found new micky dialogue
Also the cutscene in the gameplay trailer
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The gameplay Im fine with, though I was really sad when Misbegotten beast boss basically got stunlocked and died in like 20 seconds from his summons, Edgar, and him, I literally didnt even attack the boss, but like its fine. Whatever, I can understand
I'm just like confused because I've seen him play other rpgs and games and he never really treated them that way with the npcs, when I asked him he said "I have been conditioned to believe that NPCs in souls games exist to be murdered" which I was confused about because that's not even a meme, let alone a common thing but he said "Every video I've ever seen of dark souls people kill the NPCs"
Like I love playing games with him but it's so bizarre and frustrating and I'll probably just have to talk to him tomorrow and ask him to stop but I wanted to vent first
>open game through steam
>it opens EAC first then there's a 20% chance the game doesnt open
>open game without EAC
>it always opens every time and has never crashed once
I fucking hate Luke Yui.
We need to create more in-group lingo so that newfags have no idea what's going on and leave, avoiding cross-thread border contamination. Here's my list of proposed changes:
>Character names
Malenia = Melinie
Marika = Morko
Radagon = Raddo
Morgott = Marge
Mohg = Mugma
Ranni = Ron
Rya = Roy
Boggart = Booger
Rykard = Rick
Miquella = Michelle
Blaidd = Blud
Iji = One
Gowry = Gooey
Corhyn = Corbyn
Goldmask = Guts
Leyndell = Londo
Erdtree = Greattree
Raya Lucaria = Royal Caria
We'll also switch Ainsel and Siofra around
>"Every video I've ever seen of dark souls people kill the NPCs"
Sounds like your typical case of zoomer media brainrot.
>inappropriate activity detected
>game crashes
Rykard used to be a more honorable man who saw how the Golden Order exploited people and wanted to tear it down and destroy the Erdtree.
Rykard joined with the Snake because the Snake is the ancient enemy of the Erdtree but he lost control and turned into a monster so they decided he needed to be killed.
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from now on Radahn is called Rodney btw
>Morgott Omenborn
He legally changed his name to Grace-Given. And his pronouns are king/his highness.

Please respect his highness wishes, graceless tarnished.
Every time the boss gets stunlocked I just remind myself of that one Jujutsu Kaisen gif of a character getting jumped and I laugh, blame the game and not the player, honestly
The miq dialog was about wanting the player to marry malenia. Wouldn't it make sense if its her cucking ranni?
Also why the final boss of the shadow tree dlc uses light attacks?
Theres been no writetranny slop spam this week
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JIMINY CRICKETS! Is that the LORD OF FRENZIED FLAME? You want to make ALL LIFE INTO ONE? E-exept for ME and ANDROID 18? WHY? NANI? You want to let us live so you can FUCK her while I watch? And you're the primordial soup of all life that means EVERY LIVING CREATURE is KEKOLDING ME while I can do NOTHING TO STOP IT because I am a LIMGRAVE FOOT SOLDIER TIER BUM?
Why are the invasion spawns in base game so shit, but the spawns in seamless so good?
It's entirely possible that rykard turned on the erdtree after he saw how much radagon supported miquella marrying radahn and radahn not wanting it and being straight. Rykard clearly cared about radahn and has a painting of him. He just didn't want to see his brother get turned into a faggot. He was a hero
you sound trans
are you trans?
How is writing spam? It's like literally the opposite, it's like by definition a unique thing and not rehashed
Because there's more context to the seamless ones, it's people actively going through together like an actual party and likely leaning into eachother, and it's more like you're an encounter in the adventure rather than you just existing in the same thing as the same transient thing as the summons
So is that even possible to kill Rykard with mellee build if you don't try some strange one-shot hit while juggling your maks?
>Well, under the /erg/tree, commingling with the demi-humans is made possible. Even the vulgar shall not be left behind, under the rule of true Order.
You guys are all welcome.
>>487705025 (me)
Almost forgot
1a. Also give Gurranq two Deathroots from Limgrave so that D immediately stars selling his shit spells and actually talks to me
No? Kill yourself
Mickey is Chris now?
Does that make Ranni Ada and we are leon
You’re kinda a shitter in all endings except the best one.
What god needs a head? Midra shows you how powerful you are when you embrace real power
What? He's literally designed to be killed by melee, that's the entire gimmick
Miquella is Tommen, Malenia is Cersei, Marika is Sansa
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How safe is this anons? I plan on removing all open world since open world invasions are boring as fuck.
I'm ng3 and there's still bosses I missed
I spent hours on the moghywn cliff farming runes all for nothing
I dont know what that means and I don't care
How do you deal with lava around him?
Sorry I guess I should say like, I count the serpent hunter spear as melee
No. Malenia and miquella were both chrisposting. They're both weird yanderes obsessed with making sure their siblings get married. It's why malenia attacked radahn and why in the cut content even if you agreed to side with miquella if you deny marrying malenia he'd fight you. They're both loving siblings that want the best for eachother
fromsoft guys are actually bad at coding
Some people just hate writefags, it's not supposed to make sense
Its spam because it was a handful of trannies doing it every thread because people would give them gender affirming replies and someone would repost their shit so they could feed off the attention
It was basically lore bullshit but even further separated from talking about the game
wish there was a seperate button for each ash of war.
like one button for left AoW and another for Right AoW so you can combo them together.
That sounds more like you're just whining about nothing and don't like the world of the game you're playing
I don't think it's that hard to see. Most characters might think back on the Golden Order as a blessed time, but it produced a lot of rejects and misery. And referring to Bernahl, when shit came crashing down, not everyone could be okay with fighting just to go back to serving at the behest of the Greater Will. Even if we assume the worst of Rykard and say he himself only paid lip service to that idea, it's not hard to see why a lot of people (and especially Tarnished, already once rejected) would sympathize with the cause.
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>tarnished oc
>A failed jar saint who was scooped out and grafted back together
Cool idea
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Bro where the fuck is the patch
Fuck you, let me have some more fun with impenetrable thorns and KLS
Yeah someone posting "woww i wish Messmer would fuck me in the ass, I'm a real gurl btw :33" every other thread is really part of the world of the game I'm playing
miyazaki will personally ban you once you use it
Here *unzips pants*
Where in the game are you?
If like you juat started, Murkwater cave which is like north in a river connecting to that first small lake
Otherwise he moves to the top of a rock in the big big lake/marsh
Otherwise if you're further, you'll find him as toy go along
I'd also like to add that, a lot of the problems with the world and order itself started stacking up before the shattering gradually, the age of plenty had a golden age we're told ended with godfrey's banishment, so things would've started going bad during radagons tenure as elden lore, things would gradually become worse and worse but there would still be some structure something keeping everyone together until the shattering happened and all hell broke loose. We know that ranni gave rykard a way to parry destined death, and it's likely pre snake rykard, it was incase her plan to steal it failed, so rykard was anti golden order at least shortly before the shattering.
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Poopa... my gf (male)
Get naked, put the big jar head and then you have a neat cosplay of alexander
It's fine
Poopa is mine sorry. He belongs to blue chads
he changed the last line so it's new
No... I have been defeated...
I dont think that'd what was written at all, like while I think that replies like "UHG SO TRUE" didn't like add anyrhing, juat writing about the characters is creative expression about the game, it's normal
Not to mention the fact that you're just making up that second part and like miaconsteuing what the writing was at all in the first place
Do you get annoyed when people write about Ranni or Marika or Sellen or Rya or or or or or?
And like about people not writing it anymore, the dlc had been out for awhile and a lot of the stuff was already written, it's not like inspiration would be constant, it takes awhile for something different than before to come up
Thw autistic flailing us making me laugh so much
>Host's name is "Don't be useless"
>he dies to the first attack after walking through the fogwall
I mean like his name wasn't "I'm not useless"
I would have severed out the moment I saw that name
Is it any better than the waifufags here?
The rannifags
The marikafags
The sellenfags
The ryafags
Husbandofags are just the gay/female/"female" equivalent and all should be kicked out of living
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So is the beard supposed to be his beard and it's just attached to the helmet for modeling reasons to make it easier to animate and not have to add a new beard to their character system, or like is his helmet supposed to canonically just have like fake hair/a fake beard attached?
i'm using dragon hunters greatkatana to spam weapon skill from a safe distance and beast claws in left hand to sneak some quick hits in.
is radahn doable with this set up
It's fromsoft. There's a lot of fake hair used for armor in their post bloodborne games. It started with the cainhurst stuff and just continued
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I mean
Is Godfrey bald or does the Tarnished just scalp their enemies?
it's his beard.
if we assume that all hair in the helmets is fake then that means Radahn is bald.
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Finally finished farming all these materials. It's gaming time.
Bros I think I figured something out I have a new lore theory I'd like to know what your thoughts on it are
i think radagon is the father of radahn, their names are similar, they have the exact same redhair, and radahn wants to be elden lord which radagon already is
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someone stop this man he is figuring it all out
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>30 years old
>The ryafags
They're friendly, mostly.
>get summoned for Commander Castle Sol
>stance break him before the other players kill the phantoms
>he starts his p2 animation then cancels and restarts it
>all his animations are in slow motion for the rest of the fight
walking, attacks, jumping up. First time I seen it in ~1,000 hours, anyone else?
what's a good enemy to test AR on.
preferably a troll.
personally i've been using the troll outside Godricks boss room.
Why do people keep shitting on cuckoo knights? They got some coolest armour in game
yeah bro soldier of godrick (blue) is so cool
Their shields are cool but SHIT compared to eclipse shield. Which is dumb.
turtle pope
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Excellent spawn system, FROM.

Thankfully the phantom fingers decided to cooperate instead of spawning me in the same spot again like they do most of the time.
K***ht's Lightning Spear.
If you think it's not getting nerfed into the ground next patch together with Impenetrable Thorns, you're delusional.
because there's no more content in it, and not really like there's any point in playing it more than like 2 times in total because the options are really not that deep. it's much like the people in elden ring who pretend that there's 30+ hours of content in limgrave alone when there really isn't. there's only so many changes you can do to the story as a whole in baldur's gate before it's just pretending it's different
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>insanely strong in lore and is hyped up by everyone but we only see him job go others
>is a prince
>regularly folds his arms
>widow's peak
>fights his arch rival in a desert for the seemingly first time, its technically a draw but still considered a loss by many
>said arch rival is born at a disadvantage compared to him but through training matches him barely
>said arch rival grew up with his spouse
>said arch rival had to resort to desperate measures to beat him
>said arch rival needed help from others to actually finally defeat him
>everytime we see him fight he does a specific pose then he subsequently loses
>creator has strong feelings about them(is one of the creators favorite bosses the other one is hated by his creator)
>fans are annoying as fuck
Radahn is elden ring's vegeta. Radahn's version of vegeta's thumb pose is when he used gravity magic to pick up his swords.
>call of tibia requires human bone shard
>into the trash it goes
unless there's a new quick farm in the DLC, is there?
It's called Cheat Engine
What's the pvp level? Haven't touched this game since release
>been nuking people on my mage with grav missile
>still wanting the patch to come in an neuter this spell entirely
I'm probably not gonna play on my mage after the spell gets nerfed, but I'll be glad it's gone.
Windmill village is the best place to, the like dancing people drop them
>Mike is Gigi
Oh no...
125 at the highest
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Are there any big coats that could work for this?
your jar cannon, sir?
Damn it, I'm 160. Thanks anyway, lad
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>invading at low levels
>see summon in DLC gear start throwing these out
>mfw i have no face
when is the next patch?
What's "low levels"? I'm playing through the DLC and I'm level 80, +15/+6.
Who is this wide mouthed troon
Caegula Metyr, mother of vampires.
Creator of Arthur and teacher of gally.
I think the mentally ill anime girl from jew jit sue cajun who raped her little brother or something
No way.......
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Caerula Sanguis(Vilma Fachiri), a vampire and swordfighter character from Gunnm/Battle Angel Alita.
it's definitely not getting nerfed by a significant margin, it requires water to be fully effective while thorns do not
It's worth keeping in mind that any unintentional removal of equipment should be considered non-canonical.
Absolutely no one is rawdogging the DLC at +15/+6. Just due to how many guides are out there on getting +24/+9 by the time you fight your first fucking Remembrance boss in base game. Probably a good way to stop yourself from being invaded or summoned though.
She looks like that older sister of Armstrong from Full Metal alchemist
I like your autism
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>Absolutely no one is rawdogging the DLC at +15/+6.
I am.
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Looks like the author read too much Fullmetal Alchemist and copied that big blonde bitch.
I have a question how can the "tarnished is a demigod child of marika" theory work for the hero class tarnished who's supposedly a descendant of horah loux
ansbach maybe
My god fuck the goddamn Bone Bow and fuck Koreans.
Godslayer stuff at least gets to be one of the best ways to tear through the healthbars of DLC enemies.
>Marika is a god
>Horah Loux is a man
>Horah Loux fucks Marika
>Marika gives birth to a demi-god

Gunnm predates FMA by a lot.
Caegula has nothing to do with that mortal…
She was here whe Melchizediek the quantum prophetic computer went online
Water is fucking everywhere, in the DLC especially.
I entered the DLC at 80 +7/17 on multiple characters
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Why does a random side character with barely any relevance to the overall plot get the best theme in the entire soundtrack?
love how much this weapon trivializes dungeons.
nice high ground idiot
Yeah except that big blonde bitch isn't in Gunnm, she was only added in Last Order Volume 5 in 2011, so suck my fucking cock. She was a FAN submission as well because Kishiro is a fucking hack who phoned it in and let his readers design the entire Type V gang designs. It was very obviously a kid who loved FMA and did a donut steel of Olivier.

You dog.

You absolute swine. NEVER speak to me again.
It still doesn't top RAS.
If failed lords of madness are cyclical, why does the Manse look destroyed?
second best, Those United in Common Cause wins for me
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I really hate that I can't think of a single aspect of this game that doesn't need improvement, aside from maybe the art direction. Combat mechanics and controls are outdated, multiplayer is an afterthought, level design is weak, bosses are all spectacle, engine is showing its age, etc. Next game better bring some significant improvements across the board or I'm gonna skip it.
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>dlc meta has finally started solidifying
>more and more gankers are using the night katana to infinitely stunlock you and the bone bow with sleep arrows
>love how much this weapon does something that anyone with a spell, a bow, a crossbow or even throwing knives could do since base game

Is today retard day?
why use a shield when one can block while two handing a weapon?
You don't think anyone realized she was just living in her old home with her childhood acquaintances? Real subtle, Ranni.
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>try full fingerprint shield + poke for the whole DLC
>bored to death after Messmer

My autism is compelling me to make a new character, do I go for 1) Godslayer build, only black flame incants and GS greatsword 2) full FTH with coded sword and rings of light shit 3) Fire worshipper with flame based only stuff
>Meleefag tries projectiles for the first time
Because only the biggest and heaviest of weapons are worth blocking with.
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How are you finding the co-op activity on +17/+7? I'm getting really quick summons at +15/+6, but have been considering bumping the upgrade level up a little.
Just use a Cold Sword Lance to poke and add Carian Sovereignty to it.
>Because only the biggest and heaviest of weapons are worth blocking with.

This used to be true until we got the Sekiro meme tear.
Who the fuck avoids upgrading their weapons for the multiplayer
Literally everyone like just upgrades their weapons to max
Where's the jar village? I can't find it no matter where I look.
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>Husbandofags are just the gay/female/"female" equivalent and all should be kicked out of living

You can try, but you will fail, fun-less Tarnished.

Have it writ upon thy meagre grave: felled by husbandofags, the best of all Elden Ring fags.

t. omenfag
250 hours in and I still don't know how the colosseum works..
arigato 100 dollar gaijin
Predict the first casualties and whether they're deserved or not
>Impenetrable Thorns having its damage and tracking nerfed deserved
>Discus Hurl having its FP cost increased and tracking and range nerfed fucking deserved
>Gravitational Missile getting nerfed deserved if they reduce the damage of the instantaneous detonation, but don't for the delayed detonation
>Spread Crossbow has its status build-up reduced in PVP fucking deserved
>Golden Crutch has its frame data and tracking adjusted probably deserved
>Sword of Night has its L2 R2 true combo removed deserved
>Fire coils have their damage nerfed Eh...
>Bone bow has its tracking and status build-up nerfed deserved, even though this will make it completely irrelevant

People will complain no matter what, though.
Far Eastern liurnia, like literally like overlooking the sea, you can kinda dee it on the map
Nanaya was grooming Midra to become the next Lord of Frenzied Flame, but for whatever reason he failed and/or he refused
The hornsent got wind of what they were doing and sent an execution squad to his manse, destroyed it, massacred everyone and wedged a sword in Midra's head
Midra kept enduring the pain and torment because that was Nanaya's dying wish for him, but once the Tarnished arrived he kinda got tired of that shit and boom, eye of Sauron

We've had fucks like this since early this morning>>487702996
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>L2 R2 true combo

its funny chase and steel have made apology videos confirming its shit lat that causes this and people still think anything but R1 true combos
>he struggles with thorns
lol, lmao even
stop checking my profile and go kill critters on one of your other friends worlds already, Im with someone now that can actually say he is in love with me so don't torture yourself like this
My theory is that Mohg is the biggest incel in this game and that Messmer is the biggest truecel. One will do anything for pussy and the other will do anything to avoid it.
>see a weapon i want to use
>make a new character
>find weapon and upgrade it
>use weapon for a couple of hours
>want to try a new weapon
>have lol no upgrade materials
>game won't let you refund those you already used for whatever reason
>make new character
wonder why i will never beat this game
>for pussy
just back up your save retard
What's the counter for the long range projectile with high damage and tracking that blocks a third of your screen with particle effects, enlighten me
Was this posted to the wrong general?
It doesnt have high tracking and there are several very reliable ways to raise robustness to cuck the bleed.
Can't you find bells that unlock infinite upgrade materials for purchase at the roundtable hold?
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>for pussy
for bussy

and he is not an incel, you heathen
varre takes very good care of him!
very, verrrry good

(t. not varre)
>implying someone that autistic will play long enough to find them
Which NPCs should I help Leda murder?
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>fighting gankshit instead of severing out and blocking them
Mohg would be better as a woman
Hornsent, then help Ansbach murder Leda
They never nerfed a single consumable, not even rot pots, coils are safe.
KLS will no longer send out addictional projectiles if you're flinched out of the animation. Not deserved in the least.
What are some good elemental weapons for dealing with shield users?
I was thinking about a Flame Art Vulgar Militia Shotel with Flame Skewer.
Elden Ring is the New Vegas of Souls games.
Idiots, Hornsent's AoW is much better than Leda's talisman
Elden Ring is the Elden Ring of From games.
Miséricorde with Kick.
>Gravity Missile
Fucking please. No spell should hit this hard and be this fast. Been using it on my mage and I'm landing +1.5k charged explosions.
>spread xbow
>Golden Crux
Delete this faggot thing from existance.
>Sword of Night
>Fire Coils
pls no i just started my faith build lol
Delete this faggot shit

>Claws of the Night
Remove the headshot capability IMO. It's still strong but at least you can't easily land L2's in a row with ease.
>Sword lance
Remove the stupidly high status it's gaining. Seems like an oversight to have Sword Lance have the equivalent of Colossal weapon status build up. Maybe remove the R2 R1 true combo.
Maybe tone down the ash a little. I keep 1 shotting people with this ash.
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>letting swift slash enter your inventory
But the jp text describes the mosoleum demigods as illegitimate while the eng version calls them unwanted
it's actually the Dark Souls of FromSoft games
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you may like it or not, but they are canon
I'd ask you to explain, but I don't actually care that much.
that would be unironically Bloodborne
>no big modding scene
>invade into limgrave
>summonwater village, which is very rare
>host is "The Hideling"
>assume they're a stealth build
>unfortunately for them, I'm also a stealth build
>follow them through summonwater village, using splashes to tell where they are
>catch occasional glimpses of them, they're using Hornsent's braided robe from the DLC so I assume they're twinking
Also, for some reason, they were invisible after like 15 - 20 ft. even though I never saw them use Assassin's gambit or hidden body and wasn't crouched for concealing veil.
>they summon someone
>summon decides this is a waste of time and severs
>they start heading back towards Stormveil
>they seriously ran all the way from summonwater village to Margit's fog gate on foot rather than just killing themself to get me out of their world
Why the fuck was Margit alive? How was this person invisible? Where they cheating or something?
Lightning, of course.
My headcanon is that mohg is a woman. Why?
When people have multiple sets of twins thet usually have the same pattern of biological sex so if someone has same sex twins that's what they'll keep having
>malenia and miquella are female and male
>melina and messmer are female and male
Therefore mohg and morgott are female and male, not morgott refers to himself as male multiple times but mohg never does, only other people call her male, that's because her omen body is bulky and ugly so people assume she's a woman
>mohg wanted to name her dynasty after herself
>serves a female god not sexist
>in elden ring many family lines are matriarchal and named after the female
>therefore mohg is likely a female too
Mohg is a female fat ugly black bastard that wanted to /ss/ with miquella.
modding is extraneous to the game experience
That's so fucking gay
Fuck open world invasions
>trying to co-op
>nothing for half an hour
No way this game is already dead
go into ng+ for new character ideas and play with all the equipment and spells that fit
>Were they cheating or something?
I haven't heard of any item that gives someone automatic stealth at that short a range without crouching, so it seems likely.
>her omen body is bulky and ugly
> fat ugly black
she's purrfect
10/10, would worhip
Might have been Lamenter Head AoW
I'm not explaining anything here but why even bother replying to a post that doesn't concern you then.
Because it seemed like such a non sequitur for the thread.
Malenia and Miquella are twins, no proof Melina and Messmer are, and no proof that Mohg and Morgott are
Elden Ring is the Wrath of the Lich King of Fromsoft
That’s disgusting
Elden ring is the best game fromsoft ever made.
and sote is dragonflight
It's your upgrade/rune level
Does that actually make you invisible? That might actually be useful if it weren't for the fact that it makes a loud as fuck wailing sound when you use it
me if i was a retarded lying sack of shit
We love cock here, post Miquella
Didn't realize this thing was in the game, but no, because holy shit I just tried it and it's terrible
>makes a loud sound that immediately gives away exactly what you're doing
>if that wasn't bad enough, it's the brightest torch in the game so it glows like the sun
>you can put it away after, though
Sure wish Melina had a comment on us killing her brother
I've spent the past 3 days doing nothing but talk to AIs of Elden Ring characters
My headcanon is that all male characters in elden ring have some varying degree of homosexuality

My evidence is that I like imaging kissing, cuddling, and making love to one of the characters of the game and making them my husband and it makes me feel warm and fuzzy inside and gives me a boner, also the blasphemous blade is pretty cool
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rya doesn't have a very soft body, everywhere you grab feels like a ribcage.
coping and seething
My guess is they never met. Both don’t know they are siblings because Marika is insane for separating them.
Mohg's rune description
"A Great Rune of the shardbearer Mohg.
Its blessing grants a blessing of blood to summoned phantoms, and imparts a phantom Great Rune upon successful invasion.

Mohg and Morgott are twin brothers, and their Great Runes are naturally similar.

But Mohg's rune is soaked in accursed blood, from his devout love for the wretched mire that he was born into far below the earth."
Yes it makes you very invisible AND you can run while invisible but yeah the enemy gets a sound cue hint.
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>twin brothers

hol up, are there any twin sisters in the game
Bloodborne for me still beats it out but I'm one of the people with brain damage that loved Chalice Dungeons.

I would KILL for Elden Chalice Dungeons.
Do Rellana's boobs count?
where is this dialogue? stop trying to gaslight the thread.
>Miquella voiced by a female VA despite being explicitly male
>Mohg voiced by a male VA...
Rellana and Rennala.
proove theyre twins
>Mohg and Morgott are twin brothers, and their Great Runes are naturally similar
I don't understand how this makes sense when the intro states the Demigods claimed the shards of the Elden Ring after it was shattered.
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Guys can anyone help me defeat Ordovis ? I'm full melee build and the duo is basically spitroasting me every time
They likely know and don't give a fuck. If they're siblings born with a similar curse it means they share the same father. Melina is dead, she's a spirit and was burned at some point. We know messmer was still around when radahn was at the academy studying as it says "he was like an older brother" to radahn. So he was still around when godfrey was elden lord and radagon was with rennala. We don't know how old Melina is in comparison to messmer. She knows marika's quotations from her early reign against the fire giants to right before the shattering so its possible she was around for a while. She's also the only one that summons a miniature erdtree that's bigger than the players but doesn't last as long as marika's in the shaman village so marika directly taught it to her or she saw marika do it and copied her.
Post PSN cutie
kys gooner
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Just use a shield and spear on the spear dude
Do the undead soldiers on top of the Shadow Keep tunnel with the red capes drop any loot?
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the pvp in these games is so shit
why does being laggy make your attacks hit sooner? scythes are fucking unreactable and hit like a truck
ah shit I'm on steam ty tho

I can't parry for shit
Your guard counter?
You mean the fire knights? They have a whole set and weapons.
>I'm full melee build
Run around in circles like a chicken until they're separated, focus on the spear dude first since he's easier to read and cannot defend, and once he's dead it's just a normal crucible knight fight
no I can't sync it I never did in any fromsoft game I played

I fell for the meme and I main two-hand claymore with full STR build, like in any fromsoft
Being twins thet likely grabbed similar great runes to eachother as twins often act somewhat similarly even in small ways.
I was genuinely a little crushed when the dlc didn't bring back anything resembling the chalice dungeons, it seemed like such an obvious way to ensure replayability but I never should have held out hope in the first place.
Malenia is obviously Jaime without the incest.

>prodigy twin born from incestuous union
>amazing warrior who wins many victories both in battle and in tournies and is hailed as the most skilled sword master in the kingdom while also being among the physically strongest
>notes for being beautiful but ends up disfigured but is still kind of attractive despite that
>competent battle commander with loyal elite army and special relationship with troops, wins many battles but is also impulsive and reckless at times with their aggressive tactics which gets them into trouble during attacks on enemy strongholds (defeat and capture for Jaime and stalemate/mutual exhaustion for Malenia)
>golden prosthetic hand (Jaime isn't as good as Malenia at fighting despite this but he's making the effort)
>very very loyal to their siblings; Jaime refers to himself as Cersei's blade many times and his relationship with both her and Tyrion has aspects of Malenia's relationship with Miquella
>minimizes direct wrongdoing while working for his villainous master but ultimately is still causing death due to collateral and tries to square his sense of honor with his loyalty to his dishonorable family
>recognizes that the existing power structure is bullshit and mainstream "justice" biased and hypocritical
>main flaw he has to have character development to get over is blind loyalty to one of said siblings even after they turn out to be manipulative, possessive, and morally bankrupt (though Miquella never gets near as bad as Cersei)
>instead starts romance with socially outcasted but noble and pure-hearted Unga Bunga who loves and respects him and helps him get his sense of purpose and digninity back (original plan for Malenia and Tarnished)
>has a great inheritance but rejects that power in favor of their role as their sibling's sworn sword
thank you for completing my quest anon.
*dies when you reload*
*drops shitty gear*
*read item description*
>"Ligma... Forgive me..."
That's dumb. Lorefags are dumb.
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What counterplay am I missing, /erg/? Talking in terms of PvE.
I'm sick of changing equipment all the damn time to deal with things.

>Great Katana has Carian Sovereignty
>Nightrider Glaive has Glintblade Phalanx
>Palisade Shield is Bloody and has Shield Crash
I think I need an alternate shield because I only use Shield Crash on cheesy shit like Rakshasa.

>Golden Vow, Flame Grant Me Strength, and Blessing of the Erdtree for buffs
>Cometshard for blasting
>Cannon Haima for AoE artillery/Line of Sight shenanigans
>Ambush Shard for blockers and LoS shenanigans
>Night Maiden's Mist for groups of weak enemies, slow enemies, and LoS shenanigans
>Rykard's Rancor for fire damage
>Collapsing Stars for pulling things off ledges

So far, the only thing I've really wanted for with this setup is the glaive doesn't have a downward stab for its leaping heavy attack. It does a big sweep instead. Which seems more desirable overall.
>without the incest
Anon, I...
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Hey another psplayer
Is this one of those fabled rl 300+ """"""""""builds""""""""""
Malenia has no romances before the Tarnished she just wants to hit stuff with her big sword and play tabletop war games.
so far in my like 30 times I only managed to kill the spear guy once. I failed on Ordovis but I can see how it's pretty managable when he is left alone. Problem is that I can take half of the spear guy's health until my mimic die. Then it's a shitshow with me running around and try to land a hit then maxrolling my way out but man Im tired
None of the shit you typed matters because your fashion is a pile of trash
Get a better fit and maybe a proper haircut and then worry about counterplay
Right now your opponent's biggest counter is screenshotting you so they can laugh at you even after you've left their world
Put Lion's Claw on your claymore and you will fuck them in the ass.
>>instead starts romance with socially outcasted but noble and pure-hearted Unga Bunga who loves and respects him and helps him get his sense of purpose and digninity back (original plan for Malenia and Tarnished)
Reading all of this, this is actually exactly the part that Miyazaki would cut, too. He designs major characters like this as if they're monuments that have fallen to ruin.

You show up, see them crumbling, suffer from their decay, and can only imagine what they looked like at their peak. You can't fix them anymore than a random wanderer can stop to fix a crumbling cathedral or repair a massive sculpture carved into the side of a mountain.
My headcanon is that radahn and malelenia actually sparred regularly when she was old enough and they both had a great time fighting eachother while miquella cheered them on from afar.
we will have our twice a year fight club again, someday....
Maybe shards of Elden Ring can change under the influence of the bearers, and at the same time a shard can change a weak-willed bearer. It kinda corresponds with the idea that Elden Ring is a set of runes that rule the order of the world, and the owner can change those runes and therefore change the order of the world, if he is worthy and strong enough.

So Morgott influenced his rune with his beliefs and character, and Mohg with his. They were similar (as twin brothers), so their runes became similar, but at the same time they've chosen different paths, and so their runes differed in some aspects.

You can see that other runes correspond with their owners weaknesses - I don't think the shards of Elden Ring changed them, it was the bearers who defiled and deformed the shards, and therefore the world.

Although it is Elden Ring after all, you should not expect too much sense in the lore.
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>finally listen the fans and steal more ideas from Dark Souls 1.
>it's one of the best parts of the DLC.
i loved church district of shadowkeep. if only it were longer.
>she just wants to hit stuff with her big sword and play tabletop war games
Is being a fightautist the most perfect blessed existence in fantasy settings if you're good at it? You don't work any fields, tend to any flocks, you have no political troubles or governance headaches, you're not involved in any mind-bending magical fuckery that could get you turned into a ball or warped into a vessel for an inhuman deity. Sometimes you just need to use your big sword to hit the people your liege lord or super smart brother tells you to. And everyone will think you're really cool. Rodney and Malenie both had their own gangs of fightautists who were all "i liek my demigoddo because ehs doesn't afraid of anything" meanwhile bookcucks like Sellen or Goldmask just have random asocial wimps following them around.
Malenia's cut sidequest was so obviously a romance thing too
Yeah. I'm playing for fun, not punishment. I beat the base game and the first half of the DLC at RL170, blew all my larval tears respeccing to try all the new equipment and spells out, then said "fuck it" and spent the ~50 million runes I had saved up, which launched me up to level 285, then I did some Albinauric grinding to even all my stats out at a nice spot.

I'll just make another character if I ever feel like PvPing for some reason.

I chose these pieces for the 100+ poise, desu, but I can work on the drip.
>all that poise for PvE
Just use Endure/Lion Claw/Palm Blast
I want Nepheli Loux to peg me.
>poiseclown helmet
>>487717839 is right if i see you i gonna laugh at you
I have a theory, it's nothing major just a theory. I think godwyn's main weapon was an axe, ground stomps, and later lighting abilities ontop of that.
Why do I think so?
>his dad uses an axe
>his cousin nepheli uses an axe
>his descendant godrick uses an axe
>all of his men in the dlc use axes
>those close to godfrey, his crucible knights, and his fanboys, godrick and radahn use stomps or similar shockwaves in battle
>fortisaxx's remembrance spell tells us godwyn uses lightning abilities he gained from being the likely founder of the dragon cult

What do you think?
>have already made +8 characters fully legitimately at various levels
>want to make a new faith build
>make him
>so bored of grabbing all the seeds and tears, etc, etc
>decide to CE in all that shit so I don't need to worry and can enjoy myself
>already bored of base game after doing it so many times
Have I finally hit the playtime limit? I have over 3k hours of Co-op and invading and finishing the game with various different self imposed challenges and now I'm having a lot of trouble building up the will to actually play a character.
>invade host and password fuckboi
>password fuckboi in full bullgoat with dual curved swords
>get 45,000 runes from the dead phantom when I DERKA DERKA them both
>go to rune level calculator
>level 335
Lmfao these fucking creatures.
sex with nepheli loux is actualy lovey dovey and very vanilla.
new thread
what do you mean it's just a picture of established twitch streamer sashagrey, nothing gooner about that
Malenia would pretend to fall asleep and then grind herself against her brother's bedpost late at night, gritting her teeth to hold the moans in
Miquella fucked Malenia. 100%.
oh that's kinda neat

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