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>Newbro guide


>Yuppieraids guide

>7/18 (Thu) Update

>Increased Rates
Abigail & Golden Rose 7/25 ~ 8/1

Custom Group Summon 7/11 ~ 8/8

>Special Mystic Summon
7/25 ~ 8/14

>/e7g/ Guilds
Pantsu, Lucklets, Cope, Partyvan, Netori (Make sure to include /e7g/ in your greeting)

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Elemental connection summons are your best option, you could also get it from a random free summons event (should happen soon) or during a mystic rotation
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See you in 3 days bwo, enjoy your weekend
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erm bros jena consistently has more viewers than the entire epic shit category on twitch
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Love Emilia
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i see, thanks bro
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I know bro....how could he abandoned us like this....?
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i salute the rabi
i salute the rabi
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the summer unit preview should be in an 50 minutes no?
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e7s for this feel?
Why did the previous thread last for 6 days? Are we really dying???
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are you retad bro, the old bread its barely 2 days old
what the fuck are you talking about
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goodnight bros, hope you have a nice friday
i think so
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later yotsubabro
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are we hype bros
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Night bros

Night bro, sleep well
night bro
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We won

>another debuff waifu
i'm tired boss, i guess sg really wanna force homos as the damage dealers....
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holy sexo
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i think there is a very high chance than the 2nd summer limited will be a damage dealer
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Why are they pandering to pedos even though they cheated in EWC?
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Young Senya is still coming
wrong cheater
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is that arunka in the back bros, imagine if we got summer arunka some day
eda my wife
she seems shit bros
she'll get the skin next rerun like celine
i think she is solid bro she can't be reset and start on stealth so she may be able to be a solid anti cleave because her base speed is really high (120), do mages have any artifacts similar to eternus or secret storm sword?
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the artiifact not being a must have or whale artifact is great bros
Nice Acheron wannabe
wait for a bit before you decide to skip bro, remember what happen with albedo
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emmm eda was always like that
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i'm back Luckletbros
what did i miss
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You are just on time to save for the summer units and get the free luna + her skin and tons of mystics from the login event
>censored swimsuit
>gooks did all the mental gymnastics they could to justify (omg im too shy so i have to cover myself up but its see through when wet!)
>garbage kit
yeah im thinking epic shit
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i'm gonna make edas swimsuit transparent bros
is that possible?
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Dang the sprites in this game are starting to look really dated
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do you think we'll get ml rose preview next week?
A deep sense of betrayal.

I was a firm believer in the virginity theory.

This was beyond simply being non-virgin; it was practically on the level of being a complete slut.
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i salute the rabi
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i think it still looks alright bro, the style aged well just like pricunny, fgo and gbf
i hope we see either her or ml ilynav
new mercedes skin?
welcome back dwo
Holy shit blue choux makes my dick hard
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bwos the community is not too happy about the new skin...
average e7 redd*tor is a massive faggot? interesting
well average e7g poster is a cock slurping censorship apologist so theres that
that's literally kronii wtff
The only people still playing epic sharia at this point are fags and pvp artists. I dunno who smilegooks are trying to attract when coomers will quit after honeymoon
>we went from lethe to this muslim abomination
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>This is censored

What are you guys smoking....? She mogged Nikke and Brown Dust summer skins for this year.
>not posting the in game image
typical disingenuous slurper
It's epicOVER
Everyone already moved on to a better game...
>mogged nikke and brown dust
you are actually retarded if you think this burqa beat the summer skins in those games
Sad that this is probably limited to a Friendship 10 expression and won't look like that during battle
its just the resident schizo bwo
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believe in the rabi that believes in you
>body 80% wrapped in cloth
lmao even
lmfao actually
honestly not great, ill pull 1 but im disappointed
>some of the best stories and characters I saw in anime
that dude definitely plays the animation
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>listening to loud music w/headphones
>suddenly hear loud high pitch whine in my left ear
its over...
try tapping the back of your head with your fingers bro
>open thread
>see P*chi slurping epic censorship
>close thread
>no homos in sight
Maybe e7 really is back...
is pochi in the room with us right now?
Literally Nerissa Ravencroft
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Netori ranks 1st out of 5 /e7g/ guilds regarding corruption. Ex-Netori whistleblower ll***dd admitted that he was only kicked out of the guild after running out of bribe money.
llewdd was unfairly prosecuted for things blown out of proportion akin to a public hunt
netori needed a scapegoat and his efforts for a more transparent guild made him the perfect target to silence
Adin.....has fallen out of the meta...
Bet most of you fags can't see the apple...
I'm living out my buddy cop movie fantasies in lucklets
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New sexo summer unit just annouced yet we still in page 8....?
>faggots (99% of this general) are not excited for females
>the remaining 1% straightfags are not excited for a censored design
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>not my favourite character
too late to save this game. maybe 3 years ago this would have worked
It should've been choux
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They better show off swimsuit hwayoung before the event is over...
epic sink...
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why are we getting limited AoL 3 after we just got 5* AoL 2
Why does ml haste have so much in his kit they could make 5 new units out of it? holy unbalanced
wdym bro?

haste is yunakim's wet dream what did you expect?
honestly with all the bullshit recently I stopped caring about a proper hp/def ratio and just rebuilt a lot of my units to have more hp instead
games dead
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>Jena got sponsored by Genshit
All he does is rise after abandoning E7......
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im happy for him...
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>r-right is better i-its more classy!!!
epic shit players everyone
right is the same as left with some extra
>right is the same as left except entirely covered up
can you can't see the apple?
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>literally AD guy
Also can you fags just move on, he has nothing to do with this thread or e7 anymore
ermmmm jena is the caster for e7wc finals
Didn't this fag say he would never play Genshin even if they paid him to?
He's going for the quick buck while alienating the audience he built up over the years. He'll get $10-15k and then fizzle out because his E7 audience will abandon him.
its worse than that bro, hes sponsored to play the shitty card game inside genshit, not genshit itself
um pretty sure jena's audience loves to get cucked
put the bow on the left and it's perfect
He built his entire audience talking shit about games like Genshin and FGO. He's a massive hypocrite.
Why does Summer Eda look like she came from Blue Archive
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Goodbye forever
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1 spoterino in netori
The worst part is the other summer unit is gonna be a support or even another opener too
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>He's a massive hypocrite.
to be honest literally ALL content creators are massive hypocrites so its nothing new
shit this faggot mtashed say post weekly videos of him saying that he's going to quit genshit but never does.
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>rampant homos in rta
the state of this game is sad
vikchun is streaming
dont leave bro, anniversary and e7wc are really close and they always announce huge news there
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i jobbed
wtf bros, is this true?
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please join and save netori
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hey bwo
how do i get an eda gf bros
no wonder she reminds me of someone
we fuckin won
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i salute the rabi
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ummmm bros? who is this pink semen demon?
huh i dont remember seeing her and the hair looks different from mercedes post timestmap
my wife mori
its literally a single frame between the 0:20-21 second mark on the preview.
not sure why SG did that.
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better image cap
i assume she's the 2nd summer unit after eda and she looks flat
>it's not Eliza
Let's fucking go
moribros won wtff
looks very generic
i like her design.
i was hoping it would be summer arunka
is it worth getting etica's scepter from the shop? i wanna buy some pots for elbris..
not really bro, mages will always have tagahel, summer eda artifact is skippeable though so it depends on how much powder you have, make sure you have enough for the bottle + summer mori artifact
we may see summer arunka/summer hwayoung during the side story bwo
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So are we actually getting the glasses girl with the white hair and streaks any time soon
this one? >>487701631
if so yes
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probably when custom mystic end
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should i get some pizza bros
coupons like these are not really free bro they make you spend money first which you may have not spent otherwise
right is better because see-through wet clothes are erotic you homosexual cock lover
now if only the sprite had a wet see-through shirt this unit would be 10/10
>sprite is not see through
>ingame splash art is not see through
>lobby idle is just blurred wetness effect like underwater censorship in genshin
ermmmmmmm bro
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Thanks bwos so we dont know her kit or element yet huh
you sound like a fag and your shit's all retarded
Keep forgetting this character exist.
Well if its turn out to be wretched Rose she is most likely be a Light 4* star unit, unless they want to do speciatly changes that can swap elements or alternate versions like Adin in which case she may just be regular Rose
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>literally Nerissa Ravenscroft and literally Calliope Mori
nice summer event retards
but thats a good thing
we love vtubers here
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bros there is free unequip happening in case you don't know
anyone here heard of Sword of Convallaria? kept getting recommendation from yt about it? worth checking bwos?
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im so hungry..
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I'm skipping illy...
how long until we're getting her bwo? are we in the final episode of chapter 5 already?
doubt we'll be getting her in august though while e7wc is still ongoing and the summer event
After ml rose we'll get illynav then new ml4 then maybe Harsetti. ep5 will probably wrap up near the end of year, so maybe around nov
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never heard of that one bro
drink some water and eat some lettuce or low calories salad dietbro
make some gelatin with fruits bro, the agar-agar will trick you into thinking you're full
nice, I'm low on mystic anyway. guess I'll do my gw seriously from now on.
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wtf thats smart bro
that game has the worst patch downloading servers I've ever seen
if you need help in gw check this https://www.youtube.com/@vikchun/videos
>just regear multiple characters 3 times a week bro
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Indeed, it is easier for a thick rope to go through the eye of a needle than for a poor man to enter netori
meant for >>487811154
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thanks bwo
why are cats so cool bros
what is this so called degen politis bro?
How's ML Vivi now with her buffs?
Bwos... I want to stop jobbing, how do I get better at this game...
is either a really tank 0 damage politis with abyssal crown designed to fuck with cleave, there are different variatons some prefer full bulk like 20k hp with massive defense while other mix eff or eff res to it, there is even someone with 300 eff res depending when do u want to pick her, poopest lose to it during the e7wc qualifier, look it up if you want a reference
on RTA she seems to be a solid 4/5 pick bro but you have to be smart about using her
in GW? i think the trick is to check the previous matches and see what other people used to beat that particular defenses and copy their teams
>but you have to be smart about using her
Well how is she used then
she is good into DDR, Atywin and nakhwol on a 4t/h5th pick make sure you get book so you can soulburn against nakhwol
i jobbed again...
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pack your bags
also forgot to mention but she still needs some decent speed to cut cleavers, most of them are around 220
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thanks bros, its the best I can do right now at least it works on my current level.
looks like in the end, we truly were the epic losers...
we'll be epic rising when mihoyo collabs with us
it looks ok bro personally i prefer the ones with no ER but way bulk as pure anti cleave but that one should at least stop some openers like clilias
we are just starting bro, e7wc and anniversary next month we'll be when we rise
Arunka and Hwayoung also will be there bwo, i think we won
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Vampire kino soon
which vampire? I wonder if we will laia backstory in the future
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dont worry if you job bros, we are on pre-season
her, based on the eye and hair color there is a good chance she is a vampire.
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Bros I just watched a video of some dude exposed of how Mr Beast is a fraud and his videos are fake..now my worldview has shattered...
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You should never trust e-celebs bro, read about parasocial relationships they are dangerous
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but kronii is such an attention-starved needy bitch gro
join netori
wtf bro are you sure about that
Do we know who will be in the next mystic coin shop rotation?
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goodnight bros
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Night bro, sleep well
khm is streaming tankdown bros
later catbro
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erm I don't make 7 figures a year
i thought netori was the people party...
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Why are we so dead? It’s summer season so we should be rising.
its the weekend and the summer event its not up yet bro we just got eda kit, we'll probably get more hype when the content gets announced and the e7wc happen also the new PoE league is out
sorry bro im watching id: invaded
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can i get some doots bwos
how else but selling his soul did he get so rich bro?
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Night bros

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goodnight bro, sleep well
Epic Shit
isn't the point of being a "limited" unit is to be very good so more people would pull = more money for them? i guess sg still thinks people play thier game for waifus when almost ALL the broken units in pvp are homos
There is a second limited and not all limiteds are broken think about summer hyufine its why the game is nice because its very f2p friendly and there is barely any must have units
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please join cope
did khm really skip ml luna?
E7 for this feel?
wait for the m*le summer unit
blooming lidica worth building? I saw rikazo one shooting ml landy with it.
any other heroes that can 1 shot mlandy?
you can only oneshot slow units with BLidica and only if you have 20k HP and over 250 speed
if you play fast she is worth it bro, with enough debuffs she can 1shot ml landy as for other options its depends if you can seal her
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she is a solid DDR/A tywin counter bwo
Are we really getting a pc client?
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bros i think i have an idea, wouldn't a high damage 190-200 speed ml landy on injury be devilish
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Good morning
wtff, how is he even rank 1 then
good morning babro hope you have been well
I wish she cleansed with her S3 too, then she'd actually be a counter to the debuff opener menace
I cant remember if it was a leaker or a dataminer that said so but it may be happening
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I'm not doing well it's fucking cold and I have to work Saturdays now
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Maybe we need a Doctor Bag for mages, think about it
hes always rank 1 until cleavegods start playing 2 weeks before end and then he barely clings onto top 100
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Hey bro how it's going?
damn bro that sucks hope you have at least AC at your workplace
doing good bro. i didn't job last gw
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hey bwi

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