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Previous : >>487395913

>What is Brown Dust 2?
A tactical turn-based JRPG that combines the classic gameplay and storytelling of the genre with the visual appeal of modern-day titles.

Download: https://www.browndust2.com/en-us/
PC Download Link : https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.neowizgames.game.browndust2&pli=1&gl=US
1st Anniversary Roadmap: https://www.browndust2.com/en-us/news/view?id=2503

>/bd2g/ Resources
Resource Kit: https://rentry.org/bd2kit
FAQ: https://pastebin.com/M1ySuJEF
Progression Checklist: https://rentry.org/vtruzowr
All Service Cutscenes: https://mega.nz/folder/vmgW1Lhb#9GWTEK3Z7I_VDDdx-kp7yQ

>Current Patch
[Patch Notes]
Abuse of your Loen for being a useless bitch.
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It was all worth it
Wtf kitty noo D:
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a cat!?
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Another 1.8gb update what the fuck is john doing fix your shit nigger
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Yuri won
John is actually Korean, not black; the appropriate slur would be 'gook'.
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POV: You're the last chicken strip on the table
bros I can't... Venaka's animation just makes me want to goon every time
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Is this still the best browndust webm to date?
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Nebris beats her
POV my balls
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Bunnies were sex, but this is still the winner of both cutscene contests we've had.
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Where's the bulge?
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No Loen, but I've still hit the jackpot.
When are PVP, Golden thread and powder shop reset? Every 1st of months?
All the shops are resetting with patches
It's just the monthly upgrade resets on 1st
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>replacing unit to restart the cd
wtf that can't be working as intented...
Piggy bank
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It also removes buffs/debuffs, I guess the game currently can't keep track of units outside the battle
omg stop feeding her
B.Helena is going to the powder shop once her banner ends right?
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You can replace dead people?
Fellow retard I only found out about it in floor 6...
Why are gluttis so retarded...
They have smooth brains
>anons making all these mistakes proving they didn't watch john's tower stream
I was sleeping
why would I watch some dead game stream
This fight was so retarded. But the hardest one for me was nox in floor 7. Even with dual evasion artifact it took me like 30 mins to actually figure out how to defeat him. Not bothering with floor 8 any time soon without upgrading.
I was gooning
John's streams are so fucking boring
I fucking hate adhd zoomers, bros...
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This map is so bad. If you take any of the paths on the right you will probably have to fight the floor 20 boss with low health and dead people.
If you win you will have to take the path on the right towards floor 30 and fight the boss at low health and with dead people again.
There is no choice here, the left path is the only safe way to play
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Well, if you already have an artifact, it locks you out of that choice.
I wish Mamonir would gently stroke my giant octopus...
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Didn't matter, I got the run going.
Level 9 down.
1 more level.
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Where we at, bros? Being a Loenlet is really costing me.
>Where we at, bros?
On ZZZ trying to see if I can push shiyu before it ends
>Try to login because this reminds me I need to do my fiend today
>6GB download
Yeah, that killed a run of mine once.
Barely managed to oneshot level 6 yesterday, then forgot to start 7 before reset hit...
Ummm, you're not quite honest...
Either way, I wish I didn't get fucked on her banner. Something like 150 pulls for a +1
Whens the fucking summer livestream im getting itchy to +5 Levia, I need to see the designs NOW
*scratches your itch~*
>network request timeout
Fuck you John
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Meh I'm done with the FH, I had to do it 6 times now, thanks John.
Try moving out of the favela :3
I have 1gb connection and everything else works just fine retard-kun.
Don't bother, there's always that one anon desperate to dickride the company and pretend mr john dust could never ever do anything wrong because this is the best gacha ever made
Works on my machine so it's a (You) problem >:3
I got disconnected while doing the roguelite, the servers are definitely wonky today
Works on my 3Mbps mobile internet
Johnny Dust owe me sex
*lathelseeds your hole*
gacha glazers are the worst subhumans in any general
>post a small annoyance or complaint
>cue long winded shitpost about how the game is perfect, how they're the best and how you're a whiny shit
Seriously what's with the constant 1GB+ redownload every time this damn thing getting a hotfix/small update? What shits are even being downloaded here?
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>Generals gone to shit
>No one knows how to pass the time until summer bikini limited Teresse gets released

Bros, just hold out a little longer. Our queen will soon be here.
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It's going alright
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Wrong answer you fucker. Teresse is one of the limiteds hopefully. She will have another bite mark on her ass cheek as well.
> +0 Eris
Holy brickgod....
+5 maid god, I kneel.
I browse 2 /d2g/s. This one, /bd2g/ and this one >>487644636, /d2g/.
When one is dead and boring I browse the other one
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meh... honestly fh is my least favorite part of this game
she's right tho
Nobody would like her if she didn't have gigantic tits
I like her gigantic ass better
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Why do the devs of this game constantly poke fun at their customers? Are there any other games that do this?
The devs wanted to make a story driven RPG but got the coomer audience and they lament this every day
Insecure men don't play this game because it has no self-insert
>huge fat tats
>no ass
I really hate Asians sometimes.
Gachas cannot survive on story or fanservice alone, especially not in a niche genre like a jrpg.
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Who is Karina? I don't remember her ever showing up
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karina deez nuts
Yeah, her appeal is her rude body and cute personality.
Which is unironically holding it back from reaching Nikke levels of popularity and revenue. You think they'd take a page out of the book of the best sellers out there, which are all self-insert games, but nope.
Nobody cares
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Does anyone have the silhouettes of the summer angels? I remember one of them having hair like this
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Who are the summer limiteds? If you don't know, lie.
Morpheah and Blade
Crowned Emperor Gray and Royal Consort Schera.
4 random fat cows with giant tits so all the incels can basedface and act like this is the best summer ever made
Blade and Morpheah. Non-limiteds are Lecliss and Seir.
M-Microbikini Gray?!
Self insertion is retarded. Having a sense of humor is much more enjoyable than living through some silent protag in a gambling game. At least in Nikke it makes more sense than the girls in that aren't real.
Gray, Promised Consort of Scherazarde.
I actually like FH but I'm bad at it
>every single FH I spend hours during the practice week trying to figure out the boss and see what strats gives the best damage
>then on the actual FH day I'll look up meta strats on youtube to compare
>the youtube strats are always better
>end up copying them every time
Schera would be the consort in this case since Gray is the king
If its not Loen or Nebris idc
I promise you, a thousand-year relationship guided by cuckoldry.
cuckquean schera....
Maybe stop wasting your time bwo
I gave up on roguelike because I can't clear level 2 and grinding level 1 for upgrade points would take ages since it barely gives points...
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Eclipse, Michaela (first proper Light mage), Teresse and some nobody.

If they have guts it'll be Blade and Morpheah instead of Eclipse/Michaela but it's still too early in the story I guess. Either way, prepare for lots of tits and the biggest post-launch revenue month.
it's making a very obvious reference to something else tho
probably eclipse the two middle are new or bd1 characters and fat titty loen in a one piece on the end
I'd actually roll for those two.
I know, but words have meanings
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Doesn't Brown Dust already have Captain as a self insert?
yeah but this is a prequel so he's a shota
Summer Apostle Blade and Jayden 5* alt (first 5* light mage) as normal costumes, Maria 5* alt and one of the angel characters from brown nine as limiteds
Got to 163 million, but I'm not sure if I missed a day or not. Good FH regardless, this one was interesting
Yeah, but right now he is a kid, makes me wonder if we're gonna get his story on BD2 too, and I wanna see cake Schera.
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get Internet Sensation Gray (forma de underwear) and Unkempt Fujo Schera who Liked that.
Schera's futa cock...
>self-insert games
One of this game's strong points is its story, and I don't want the story get derailed just to sucking off a piece of cardboard that is (You) like modern Fire Emblem
Fabian will be the self-insert
Wiggle with his dick bone dangling
Bros I'm trying to 100,000 tower of desire. Done floors 1 and floor 4. Which teams do I need for the others? I've tried a run previous and got fucked over due to positioning on the last room. Wind might be tricky since I don't think I have a wind nuker. Thanks
>ends your run at floor 27
epig xDD
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oops forgot image
Just kill them on the first turn bro it's not that hard
I killed these niggas with Zenith's big ass
just stall until round 13 or 15 if you cant just one shot them
Good plan, except they oneshot one of my guys every turn.
>if we're gonna get his story on BD2 too
If that's happening it would be years before it arrives, seeing how slow John is at developing the story
They did say they want to rework Hello Elin! into a proper Character Pack so I'm assuming we're getting that this year at least.

The Lathel/Justia story is nice but I feel we're past the halfway point, they should start to wrap it up so that we can have a proper timeskip or other new cast.
I don't know shit about BD1's story, are there any direct connection from that game in the story yet? And do we know how much times have passed between the two games?
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>are there any direct connection from that game in the story yet?
There's a scene where picrel, the MC's dad, recruits Celia.
>do we know how much times have passed between the two games?
11 years or so
If you don't have wind nukers floor 5 can be done with base Gray, you use his DoT on 2 enemies without killing them then kill everything else. His dot ticks will do huge damage and it will still count as a one turn clear. Needs Diana and a lot of crit damage stacked on Gray depending on the + you have.
Floor 3 is base Rafina or Roxy.
Floors 4 and 6 can be done with any strong light nuker, particularly new Justi.
Floor 2 is tricky, either Zenith + Idol ventana or manager gray + idol Yuri or very well built new Justi.
It would have been easier if the timeskip between 8 and 9 would have been like 3-4 years.
You can do wind floor with Boobstia, in fact, you can do every floor with Boobstia
Thanks. Once again Gisgary-sama reigns supreme
>self-insert fags want to play as a featureless genderless blob
>in a game with males in gacha
And then they're calling bd2 ntr game...
Loen caps all except F4 & F5
Roxy caps all except F1 & F4
S.Justia can cap all in theory, but realistically can't do F2/F3 outside of light season + needs to be omegajuiced even then

If you don't have those hypercarries you're down to older element-specific DPS for those floors.
Yes, I want to mating press Lathel. How could you tell?
i wonder if they plan for the story to go as far as just before bd1's beginning (or maybe even running concurrently in the future), seeing that game is still exist and all
I need more free tickets Johnny.
Is there anyone who can beat Alec? I don't think so.
Adult Alec
Female Alec
Mesugaki Alec
I'm sure there are people out there that wanna marry Olstein and adopt Rou.
self inserting in games is the cringiest shit to do if you don't have a character you can customize AND name
Hey, tourist here
Just dropped by to say nice tits
Can I buy out the 3 stars in the pub to permanently get rid of them? or do they restock ?
>log in to shart dust
>1.8gb patch again
Is it worth it to pull for Levis' weapon? I have her at +5 already.
>Can I buy out the 3 stars in the pub to permanently get rid of them?
I really wouldn't bother, the stat differences over UR IV are usually minimal and there are limiteds coming up. IF you've got tickets to spare then go for it on the last day of her banner. There might be a chance inbetween that you get it from the free daily pull.
think i'll miss out on tickets because I cannot be fucked to do FH lately
She's a buffer, her damage doesn't matter outside of wind fiend hunts.
Weapon is a waste.
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Bro... your Eris?
>her damage doesn't matter outside of [element] fiend hunts
That's also every single DPS thoughbeit. She might get a decent damage costume like Rafina. But it is better to wait and get the weapon then just in case it spooks you.
wait for her base costume to release and her weapon will rerun. In her current state it doesn't matter but if she's anything like Rafina her damage can be a difference maker in ranking
That skinny little girl with a ribbon cannot be Teresse.
Should I only save golden thread for the upgrade ticket?
I don't care much about neon liatris, but upgrades are upgrades
They're going to keep diluting the costume pool and ToS will get harder and harder...
I've only gotten to level 9 by abusing low chain strats with Eris and Pigstia.
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Bros, magiclets, I can't
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The other option was a max difficulty level battle.
Tears are very timegated and can be stronger than costume upgrades. But you also end up having to buy torches if you get the thread tears.
Is Neon Stalker Liatris worth it?
She's a worse OG Lia
Gotta save for the +1 thing then.
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I bought Neon Stalker because I'm a Maid Lialet.
Wtf am I downloading each day?
>logged in for reset
>no 2gb patch
wow thats a first
They are sending your data to Korea
>have to give my data to Bill Gates, the CCP and now Korea
wtf, why
When is the next stream?
I wish we could save our FH turn order ingame. Having to to repeat it when after autoclearing the last level is a slog...
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I wish I just got 30 tickets in the mail.
>>487789375 (me)
decided to pity her beautiful butt then this happened
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prepare to get ALEC'D
Good luck anon, may you get that fat ass.
>launch game
>daily 2gb patch
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Nice. Now I just need a Loen.
Why is Loen's new costume so fucking shit?
They're trying to balance too hard. Magic skip attacks get gimped compared to physical frontal attacks. Compare idol yuri to new loen. Same skill pattern except loens skips. Yuris does a fuckton of damage with 780%, boosts crit damage 100% and has avoidance for 3sp. Loen costs 4sp for 400% damage and 80% magic attack.
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What about the unit that everyone cried about how she's dogshit garbage and skippable trash because she wasn't some slampig with tits triple the size of her body?
reminder this year was supposed to be the year of magic
>having 1.5gig patches three days consecutively
what the fuck
was supposed?
Phys has consistently been better every step of the way.
honestly if phys got a buffer like bhelena then there would be zero reason to ever invest in a magic unit
I still wouldn't go phys, I like magic much better, it is more interesting too, phys options suck ass
I am hoping for a Black hole type character (Move all characters in a 9x9 towards the main target)
Nebris already has one
I decided that i'm just going to go play tactics ogre instead of hoping this game gets good
Lil bro said that he wants to play a playstation game for the rest of his life
Bro, your magic tower?
My Rodev-star Liatris and my beast costume Eris carried me to victory in the tower level 3. But I also needed good artifacts that give extra chains for physicals to allow them to deal 55 chains on the bosses and have them die on the fire damage.
Onto level 4 next.
Why are we so dead here? And for the people that only talk smack on the game why are you even here?
Because the game is dead?? there's nothing to talk about

The anniversary was mediocre, the game provides no content, the roguelike is a once a MONTH thing and the thread is rarely useful regarding FH's so what do you want us to talk about? Maybe start sperging over some dumb shit or start a character/gacha war for 'content'?
You really don't want to be doing roguelike more than once a month. Be careful what you wish for.
I wouldn't mind if it was once every 2 weeks thing like tower for something to do and faster gibs but yeah this game is dry as fuck in terms of content and rather disappointing in general as of late
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2 more weeks!
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SWEAT TIME is live now. Put Loen or Levia in your overworld party and enjoy boosted rates for the next 36 minutes.
How can one acquire pig gf?
Become tasty
That trope when Yuti starts gaining weight and everyone thinks she's just getting fatter but she's actually pregnant?
Plot twist : she thought that kids are made by kissing but she's just fat actually.
man they really purged all those accounts, I used to see wooden rooms with bunny girls all the time.
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Hot time is now, repeat, Hot time is NOW!

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