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Previous: >>487626139


>Glicko2 rating
>Tekken 8 Character Overviews
>Tekken 8 Important combos and moves for each character
>Fundamentals guide
If you don't like Dragunov, you don't belong in /tekgen/.
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why passtranny is still here
cuz ya'll bum ass niggas still reply to it
I remember when that fag admitted to cheating, and after that fled from the threads for a good while
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seeing how Lee spends his work day, I'm considering getting him a cat to complete the image
you mean the overlay thing?
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buff steve
gentleman of african descent
yes i remember sir
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I hope they don't bring her back, kek. I love her but man.. playing her is such aids. She's absolute garbage.
Silence, tranny.
Fix devil jin nigga
fix tenryu ranks nibba
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I heard Lee likes his girls with extra "packages".
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gonna check the lidia r34 and goon a bit
Not buff, fix. If you say buff, monkey paw will turn him into that steroid freak from the ending.
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Yes, "packages" in their bikini tops.
Gameplay relevance and potential: 3/5
Story relevance and potential: 5/5
Marketability: 3/5

Gameplay relevance and potential: 4/5
Story relevance and potential: 3/5
Marketability: 4/5

Gameplay relevance and potential: 4/5
Story relevance and potential: 2/5
Marketability: 3/5

>Guest slop
Gameplay relevance and potential: ?/5
Story relevance and potential: 0/5
Marketability: ?/5
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>Guest kino
>Gameplay relevance and potential: 5/5
>Story relevance and potential: 5/5
>Marketability: 5/5
Diable jean
>play for 4 hours
>stand up from my seat
>pull my ass muscle
>writhe in pain
it's tough being an honest player
My bad, Vergil and Dante are obvious exceptions to guest slop of course.
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Vergil wins.
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>*vomits on table*
>HURRR *puke burp*
>more puke
>shart running out his pants
>room smells like roadkill
best post in tekgen in months
Tifa Lockheart for Tekken 8
skibiddi game
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Every post you make makes it less likely.
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Remember to do you dailies bros
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Pretty much everyone anyone actually cares about is in the game now, all DLC characters should be guests from now on
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Reminder that every time you plug Dragunov the amount of cuts I will inflict on your body increases.
Just bring her as a proper tekken character instead of a 2D hybrid tranny tier abomination that simply does not fit in the game?
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Stop being such a tsundere Jin
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Reminder that everytime you plug Dragunov he'll get one extra nerf in S2
not even close
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That's what I fear they would do and that's why I hope you have to watch your entire family die a horrible death via elements. Be it water, fire, air or earth.
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kek Harada retweeted this
this nigga cares about panda
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kill yourself faggot
why they fuck do people want a guest character from some dogshit ps1 fighter that nobody cared about
Shut your filthy mouth, anya, before I make doggo rape your loli asshole again
why they fuck do people
nigga go back to school
Nigga you dropped your PUNCTUATION.
>Kazuya, Jin, Heihachi
>Paul, Law, Steve
>Eddy, King, Hwoarang,
>Asuka, Lili, Ling
>Jack, Bryan, Drag
>Bears, Feng, Lee,
These are the only characters anyone cares about, everyone else is superfluous. They can just add guests from now on and nothing else and it'd be fine.
kill yourself
aye bruh tekken niggas lame asf so a scrimblo from p1 sound goated frfr
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bring back AK man, i miss my nigga
everyone cares about the meta, you can literally put someshit like noctis and people will play the character if he's broken and strong.
no one gives a shit about any character, if they do, they are casuals who play occasionally and never really achieve anything in this game
Only if you make his homing low 3 frames slower
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I will not suffer
A game
Devoid of Eliza
I'd rather have every single Tekken original character and a bunch of newcomers than a single guest.
they are keeping 3D characters for season 3 just in case chipotle people stop buying the season passes, waiting for Vtubers to die out and the SF6 audience to come to

End it.
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eliza belongs to tekken revolution and the pachinko slot machine, stop mentioning that shit in my (already shit) tekken 8
kill yourself
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lads which fucking one do I pick
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I just randomly realized there are only about 4 people in these thread, of which only maybe 1 is still posting who can actually beat me and are better than me.
You guys are TRASH
Too bad, look forward to Luke this Winter
Hot ladyboy jerks off after the interview
>play against Tenryu Jin
>used d2 a grand total of 5 times across 3 matches

No wonder I beat him. Every Jin spams that shit what the fuck is this guy doing.
I wiped the floor with frame and tmm, you are no match for me
There is a nigger in here? Who?
literally any dragunov main
No, YOU shut the fuck up. NYUKKA.
y'all are fuckin' weird
I love fighting dragunovs.
we don’t use that word here
didn't ask, go back to anime
Tekken is anime
What's wrong with "there"?
Lol that's probably why I lose so much matches. I don't use d+2 much and I'm too busy trying to land his WS.1,3,2,1,4,2 because it looks cool.
tekken is a homoerotic fantasy
I had to fight Zafina with Dragunov in T7. I deserve this character being the way he is.
kill yourself
that's an excuse, learn to play the game
fair but zafina paid the price now, why do we need to suffer for her sins
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I'm getting there bro
Why are you trying to do 13f punishes in a character with a 14f launcher and 11f easy mode mega damage?
Two wrongs don't make a right
Why are you still here?
make a lobby I'll fuck your shit up
I suggest speedkicks tutorials they are really good
Two fags dont make a troon
There are a lot more -13 lows than there are -14 lows, and the 13f punish is better than the 11f punish
blud said check out speedkicks
read nigga read
This, this is the Thailand rep we need.
If you don't know what to do, just d2. God I hate this fucking move. I dare any faggot Jin player to defend this fucking move. It does literally everything. It's not real Tekken.
reading's for nerds
Doing snakedges cause they are cool is like.. I do em once every 10 matches too but c'mon man. That shit does not work.
i want to get good at tekken so that other men find me attractive for being a pro
why did jdcr make his character bald
The opposite is attractive. Nobody respects pros. They are worthless trash. Nothing but trash that dances for our enjoyment. They are worth less than bugs
i want chloe
'nov got em balding
The boy in white pajamas
got that chemo drip
All those details are extremely relevant. In fact they're probably the ONLY relevant details. It literally does not get any more relevant than that in the context of information relevancy. Are you retarded?
phidix literally has lost top24 matches to snake edges

never stop believing your snake edges just be very snakey about using them
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lil bro just namedropped freedx i cant
Team Masku assemble
kill yourself
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snake edge is a homing attack so use it to beat sidestepping
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Would you rather:
>punish Drag's d+2 with a lame i11 punish
>punish Drag's d+2 with a cool i13 punish
I know which one I'm picking
when will we get to see katarina edging her snake again.....
>reina is the hamster
DLC4 devil reina confirmed
I'm confused.
He is a Hei main or Armor main?
>my seeable launching low has 0 tracking
At least I still have one unlike Claudio
>playing a Bryan and absolutely dominating him
>I'm up 2-0 and dominating the 3rd round
>Hail Mary full of grace move comes out
>get clipped
>end up barely winning 3-2

Jesus Christ
They were his tag 2 team
thanks nopants
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flash punch
flash punch
flash punch
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I am not ashamed that I do this with other Mishimas that isn't Jin
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Who is the star of a cuck film? The cuck, the bull, or the whore?
the viewer
>spend hours doing throw breaking drills
>job to snake edge
Genelets... when will they learn?
but only kaz doesn’t get an easy launcher

its up
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Boring game
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He compensates by getting a 13f mid ws launcher
Why is Lidia's soundtrack so fucking HORRIBLE? I like her design, but that shit is raping my ears
Matter of fact, her screaming is raping my ears too
first half of song is good imo
Her shouting is fucking awful though
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>mfw tekkino seekend
I was gonna watch the Olympics
since TEKKINO is coming, I'm afraid I'll have to stop that
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Buff Jin's omen stance nigga.
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Picrel is a better delicious chocolate brownfu.
delicious chocolate vampire brownfu
>not muay thai (reveal will be at Thaiger Uppercut event)
>not part of SNK marketing for upcoming CotW
Sorry lil bro
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Who the fuck cares about muh thai? Isla is just a better design and has a cool gimmick with hands.
>anime chocolate girls
My niggers
Based as fuck
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/tekgen/ is an Ice Queen general.
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Sorry choom
I can't argue with my penis
It responds to both choco and vanilla
my penis only responds to chicks with dicks
You called?
Joe's more likely than Preecha is if you want to push this meme. He's in the new Garou too.
If there ever is a SNK guest, it will be either Iori or Rugal. Harada doesn't care about your waifus, and Preecha is too new for the audience to care.
Picking my cotton
>Who the fuck cares about muh thai?
I know you guys just posting on 4chan don't know a lot about the outside world but muay thai is a well respected martial art, and the traditional shorts used are iconic. You can see that I myself even have a pair. You can see they say "Muay Thai" at the top so you know they are authentic Muay Thai shorts. They also say "SEAM 2015 P4AU Champion" - that's not the important part, it just lets you know what I got them for winning the persona 4 tournament at the South East Asia Major in 2015. I don't like to talk about that very much.
in Victor's bed
Who the fuck cares about muh thai?
He's in Deadpool III.
But unironically.
No, she's picking >>487705773 cotton
Could he beat the Chipotle king?
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is my cat overweight?
Your cat has boobs as big as Reina's.
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Well I wasn't trying to say
>This X character from KOF/SNK will appear in Tekken
Even if this happens they will pick someone extremely popular obviously.
We can also get something completely retarded like Negan from The Walking Dead kek.
0 climax
1 cure
2 annie hall
3 heat
4 14 peaks
5 the red shoes
6 high and low
7 jeane dielman
8 the philadelphia story
9 blazing saddles
Why did they make Raven & Maven's boss look like Colonel Sanders? What the hell Nakatsu
how does he see with the mask?
Ludzie. Pokój. Uczciwość.
You could say that her skills are polished.
Lidia is now available for everyone in #TEKKEN8!
there are probably eyeholes in the mouth
thru the mouth, also he's playing king so he doesn't really need to see anything
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high or mid?
are they mating sirs
no jin is gay sir
i’m a pleb i’ve only seen some of these films
Is that combo or 2 different moves?
There is no chinese girl jumping into the scene screaming, so I would say no.
are these movies? i haven't seen any
why engage in high culture when you can learn matchups
It's her hopkick into Cat stance into Heaven and Earth stance (only during heat)
Some /tv/ cuck just randomly dropped a pretentious list of really boring slop for no reason.
Only Heat is good.
>stance into stance
is everyone Lei now?
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>when you devil powered stance gets beaten by a karate stance
thats the essence of mashen 8, stance into stance and either play their flowchart guessing game or disrespect and jab like no tomorrow
and everyone needs a powerup. I bet heihachi will have one
blazing saddles is great
one one tu
unironically yes. everyone is le stance 50/50 man now.
they really saw Lei, Yoshi and Xiaoyu and thought "we should make a Tekken that has exclusively characters like this"
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t8 lei will transition in random stances and random extensions with random frame data(always plus) enjoy hehe
Victor doesn't have any tattoo so he just marked his "employers"
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Is that...?
whore attention
A penis? Yes it is.
Hwoarang? No
I really really hate Leo!
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I understand your frustrations because he rejected you and chose me.
But I believe one day you'll find your very own Leo too!
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Leoniggas be like
>Which safe on block mid-mid should i use today?
it's hard to get a read from twitter and youtube if Lidia is so bad that she's dead on arrival or if she's just a normal middle of the road character. She worth the 8 bucks?
man today really is a terrible day to be learning with so many special style nigs on low rank or italians with molases internet
No save it for Tifa
when a low to mid tier player realizes the risk involved in a rushdown situation is one of the best moments
brudda it's been 2 days, people are still figuring it out
in 1.04 you had pros *ahem phidx* calling zafina overbuffed and with no counterplay and then turns out she's just garbage, conversively everyone was saying drag was dead and somehow he became even more dominant in the meta

buy her if you like her design or think a CH heavy character is fun
Speedkicks is smart, he floats his more retarded ideas to phidx on discord and then takes the opposite stance if it turns out he was wrong
speedkick is black though
>heihachi, marduk, armor king, king, paul, asuka, law, bryan, and so many others become dedicated to their single personality gimmick and NEVER grow from there on out
It was Tekken 6 that ruined Asuka, and Heihachi's personality hasn't been that different compared to Tekken 4's, and Tekken 5 actually advances King's story and makes Marduk less of a jerk, but agreed about most of them.
bruh it's been up on youtube for a while now
Joe's not orange Preecha is. Deal with it lil chuddie
>2 fagunovs
The absolute state of kekken...
'nov is real and honest tekken
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>JDCR threatening to blow up the next tourney on stream if he doesn't win
I fucking knew he would snap after a while
Joe wears orange pants in most games.
It's Chester Cheetah.
modern gay
i got plugged by 3 dragunovs in 1 hour of play (one of them had drake custom wtf)
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We were robbed of an MKino crossover.
no one wants to make a cross over with tekken since it's the most hated and low-traction game currently in the market.
if anything mk would go with sf to get that major visibility
the only one left for us is........ VGrand Theft Auto 6
Tekken X Detective Conan
gta v pc wen
>a CH heavy character is fun
Steve is my main, so I guess I'm going in
Him not soijacking at heihachi's return was the only time I found this guy bearable

it's up
Aris is /tekgen/ culture
You can't spell 'retard with aids' without 'aris' that's a fact
spell? there are mages in tekken now?
Aris is fat culture
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>thank God I don't need this franchise anymore lmao look at this shit
Wood fired pizza?
i am NOT crazy
>thank god retards are sending me money by talking about burritos
nice boltons. name?
borderline naked asian women don't do it for me anymore
how about borderline naked asian women with dicks
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I gotta work on my photo mode skills, seems everyone is taking better pictures than me.
So anyway, I was at this pizza place ordering the usual (2 extra large pepperonis, im straight) when this absolute red name just walked up to me and asked me "when is tekken?"
Listen pendejo, tell Murray that if he wants me to experience Harada's finger up my ass again he better at least send someone with a large pepperoni of their own, y'know what I'm saying? Tekken fans are just the worst
Anyway, where was I, right, the 3 piz-*hehehehe thank you* thanks for the donesh TwoDadsChoKeenOnmaDik, stop distracting me, actually someone shoot that guy
So I was in my car with the 4 pizzas...it's break time? Alright, we'll rendezvous in 5
i really cannot stand fake tits
i would rather fuck someone flat as a board than someone with balloons glued to their chest
congratulations Punk and Arslan on winning.....12k plus an arcade while we win +3m dollars plus tip
a..aa.... can you hear me?
harroo everyone.... annoo...
ameno... ameno....
ok pablo, now show me ur south america fighting style
what did jiggly curd mean by this
>tries to hide the sexual tourism and drug use by hosting TWT on peculiar places
>still no Brazil
>ling xiaoyu when Jin walks by
He's autistic
Annooo for the first time.... TWT final will be held.... 5 minutes from my house LETS GOOOOOOOOOOOOO
steve is a grappler in tekken 8 toughbeit
king is now the archetypal CH character
nothing. they're friends and i think it was during the beta that they got the inside joke of switching names going. jdcr just never changed it
How come street fighter chads get to have a good lily?
but why can't koreans beat the pakistanis? what are they doing different?
for what? players gettinb robbed on THE RIO DE JANEIRO?
Faz o L petista
Tekken 8 is THRIVING that's why we'll do sexual tourism in the corner of my house
Koreans are godless heathens who will lose TWT and every EVO from here on out Inshallah
calm down lili
Gigas is the final S1 DLC.
I lowkey love cock
Lili is japanese
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I lowkey love LilyPichu
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Lili is a cum wizard
if you gave a free (you) you already lost
vaginas are demonic
and cock is angelic?
Did anyone else get their jukebox reset after lidia patch?
Nah Id win
I could beat this retard with only 1 hand
the tenryu one?
aris would 10-0 every single one of you with dragunov
Do we have any famous disabled player that only have 1 hand and play the game anyway?
there was that one jin player in T7, but i dunno if he plays anymore
Imagine playing the same character everyones abusing
Couldnt be me
>jin player loses his hand due to chronic masturbation
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Anoooooo... RiryPichu... prease respond
Should be totally doable, just do footsies on a DDR pad.
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imaigne playing temu 8 fr
imagine all the people
imagine no Tekken Shop
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living life in peace
*ah ah aaaaaah*
>12k players
>panda captcha
Holy shit...
Me, Katarina main
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>Kiryu season pass confirmed
I miss playing Kino 7 during the lockdowns... it was another world
is there any hardstyle song in a tekken soundtrack I can use in 8?
Michael won.
Grown ass woman doing this
Grown ass men arguing if left jab is a stance transition
I just listen to hardstyle mix on youtube

Doing what
taking a picture? Lmaoooooooooo fattyyyyyyyy
you guys dont even play tekken
50+% of this general don't play it
Hei at 2m
sorry can't lab eddy guardo and ridia
Im playing tekken 10 already haha enjoy ur silly tekken 8, faggots
i play tekken
i even play on the lobbies
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Lidia's tit bounce makes me unbearably horny. What should I do bros?
Jewdacurr of course
"I will not deny my existence! I... I want to live!" There's nothing more special than a character who's become basically suicidal screaming out loud that they DO matter and that they want to live
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Heihachi when ?
There's no argument. Left jab puts most of the roster into a stance. Crouching is a stance. It's been settled.
after evo
goon to her r34
dead or alive?
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Tekken really needs a WEG
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Victor players should not exist
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Lee really needs a wife
Dating VN*
Holy mama...
Why is he handing a glass to asuka, she's underage
Garyubros, our response?
He's handing a glass to Sugar
Devil jin really needs a wife
He wanted to try her recipe of wine soaked takoyaki, so she gave him one.
Devil Jin's "wife" is Jin.
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why is oscar dressing like a whore?
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Other way around, sis
Are stance characters considered to be hard or easy to play??
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I'm a tekbuck that needs breaking
answer my question, NIGGA
You cut the best part of Nina (Anna is prettier)
Stance8 is mid
When Asuka is stanced over me it makes my cock hard
because speed likes kuni II more. I don't know why people find it weird that old players can have new favorites. All the otaku alisa players stopped caring about her as soon as Kuni II showed up. Especially AO and b-kun.
Just Chanel remains loyal to Alisa sometimes
she needs to be knocked up (through natural means)
>that Jin face
Why do I feel he's looking at Xiao like "if somebody ever hurts her I'm gonna kill everyone in this room then myself"
everyone is a stance character in Stancen 8 >>487707736
>stances are.....LE BAD!!!
Can the character crouch? Then they are a stance character.
and Xiaoyu isn't looking at Jin but something behind him
while rising is the most useful stance on every character
She is looking at master raven
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She's looking at Nina's boobs
stances make the game too standardized so they're bad
She desires being in Nina's tits than being with Jin
what a fucking little whore
its more likely she desires having tits like Nina
40+ year old women are the best, especially when they just straight up kill you
stances propagates 50/50 mashen coinflip situations so they're bad
No Xiaoyu is very confident of her body but she bisexual
Damn look at those bazookas
Holy granny fucker... disgusting
>"if somebody ever hurts her I'm gonna kill everyone in this room then myself"
epic reddit meme bro
We are all reddit here
reddit is more schizoprenic than tekgen currently. there are 10 different schizo theory threads on orange dlc
1D character
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>xiaoyu and zafina
>most archetypical stance heavy characters in 8 roster
>actually below average in number of stances
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my dick is one-dimentional
>7 stances
Wavedash/sentai/heaven's wrath/unsoku/???
xiaoyu's stances are real stances that constiture basically entire alternate movelists. how how 2d games often do a stance character. she can even sidestep backturned her unique backturn is so complete.
This chart is missing full crouch, during sidestep, while standing, while running, airborne, FDFT, FDFA, FUFT, FUFA and left jab.
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>so crazy I'm day 1 maining him
>nobody plays him in a month
it's while rising
But that causes confusion in notation with while running.
while sprinting
This. Those are all stances by every definition.
blud said while rising oh my days
my dick is small and useless
we could have just made the notation for running "run". run 2, run 4. how'd they not think of that?
become a lilisissy and use a chastity belt then
Drag let's go bowling
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Any tekgen lobby up?
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Don't talk to me, tasteless grannylover.
Ok give me your definition of a stance.
I did not see anyone yesterday come up with one that correctly includes all the stances listed in game without also including bullshit like "left jab".
true Emilie doesn't have that body that's why it fits Nina better
I just want you to stop saying odd shit, like "oh my days" or "blud really said this". Just stop.
>samefagging ninakek
hot granny>>>underaged teenager with mods
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not playing female characters if there's no eliza
maybe only azucenaand maybe i should try lidio
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Is Lidio even complex to learn? Or is easy pezzy lemon squeezy
blud really said stop saying odd shit, like "oh my days" or "blud really said this"
oh my days
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You're hopeless. You can't be fixed...
why lilifags can accept not everyone loves his underaged teenager
a state that additional moves can be performed from and thus you can't buffer those moves. that's been my explanation of why you can't buffer ff inputs. the game treats them the same as stances.
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ew yuck
I miss skibidi
>557.5 hours
bro get a life
Coinflip8 is alive
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Lili is a Queen of Tekken. Love whoever you want I'm borderline shitposting
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>sprint K.
huh? why did they feel the need to abbreviate that?
even - wowowawa until poo league
odd - smashen mouth 8
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Most accurate I've seen so far, but you're straight up admitting while running to be a stance.
I like tranny cock ong ong
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finna coom
>le funny response about an X character player loving a tranny cock (post above)
it is. by tekken definition. it isn't a stance in soul calibur and most other games for example because it's handled differently there.
LeBackturn8 is a good video game
Which it is.
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>Ever since Lidlia came out I don't feel like wanking anymore
it's time you give up porn for good anon
when will debiru jin get buffed :-((
Diable jean does not fit in this game
fix debiru jin el negro
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Chiaoiu temes el Diablo Juan
Why are you here if you hate this game so much
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i love you, /tekgen/
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So Lidia is the mother of Reina...
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Lee is Reina’s mother lidio could never
I was 17 once too...
I will not masturbate
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>Lidia (29) is mother of a teenager around 16 years of age
She started early...
it boosts your ranked skill tho
how is a 29 year old girl the prime minister of poland
Sex is gay
Family connections wink wink
i fucked a 17 year old girl when i was 19.
Would Lee being Reina's real father, and all her powers genetic experiments, be a bigger twist than Heihachi's return?
Poland doesn't have any age restrictions for the PM, only the president.
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She's 29 at minimum, we don't know her actual age could be at the end of her term so that would put her age around 30 something
Nobody gives a fuck about Lee lil bro get over it
but her powers obviously are genetic experiments either way
Lidia comes from a political family it's easier for her being a prime minister *corruption*
I want Lidio to choke me to death
Reina is a time traveler
clearly I'm somebody
I give a fuck about Lee!!
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why does heihachi look like a mr potato in tekken 8
Sir that's a grown ass woman, not every country wants corpses as leaders like the US
Touch grass lil faggot
Joe B. And Donald T. Are in his prime you moron a man life begins around his 40s
Toy Story actually has charismatic chars, so no
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I just ejaculated.
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Yes, but all her plans revolve around worshiping Heihachi as her super awesome dad. What if her life was a lie?
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Mr potato can be super sexy for someone who eat peas
Reina Kazama
Buff Devil Jimmy charcoal briquette
Armor King Mishima
Marduk Mishima
Fahkumram Mishima
Steve Mishima
Bob Mishima
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bring back emo kino jin
Julia Lee
Azucena Law
(wouldn't it be cute to have the guy that hates rich people fall in love with the capitalist coffee queen?)
kill yourself
Jin de Rochefort
I think his wife might have something against it.
it's like the face inside is right
Who the fuck wants a proper Tekken character when Tekken 8 is following the SF strategy of "try to be like Mortal Kombat as much as possible."
Jin groomer and war criminal
which character is the most linkin park core
Odyupus Kazama
Diablo Juan
Jin or Lars
Kazuya Kazama
Devil Panda Mishima
bring back tag 2 jun
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Jin pre midkken 8
I can't stop thinking about female cock
bring back tag 2 tiger jackson
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I can't stop thinking about pizza
cheese pizza?
this Jin isn't canon btw no war happened it was Kazuya all along
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What season would they most likely sell us Violet?
fuckin' love Anna, best girl
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Emilie de Mishima
Kazumi is a loyal wife
Asuka is not a slut
Jozie too
Other than that - good
what is just how much cleavage they are showing? because how can you tell for panda
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>turned this into le power of friendship Naroto epic protagonist
fuck Murray
Kunimitsu is a slut*
All kunoichis are
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General nakedness + poses and looks, Panda is naked
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i think panda's wearing a white dress
Tekken changes who is supposed to be good and evil based on the protagonist of the game
Heihachi was portrayed as extremely evil and then in T7 they tried to make you reason with him
murray, was this your original plan? there is nothing now, nothing
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she is, it's hard to notice because it fits usual panda colors
I want Murray to talk me closer with his sensual voice
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Hoyeahrrr hoyeahrrr
Why is panda sad?
where is Lili in the Olympics?
panda wedding gown when
She's rejecting drink that Kuma is trying to give her. Knowing Kuma, it's probably salmon-flavored.
Why is King a slut?
it's up
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The only slut is Anna and I love her
Jin is Linkin Park.
Devil Jin is Korn.
fakh comes what stance will he even have? i don't know much about muay thai, and from what i've seen they all seem to share the same stance IRL when fighting.
Anna is the only charismatic Tekken character
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Ask either Leroy or Jin
Tekken needs more bbc
is she a 3S Hugo player too?
shut the fuck up yellow "man"
nobody gives a shit about Lili only Asuka and Sebastian
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she is the wife
nina is a virgin though
he's getting a crouch dash like king
nina is a tranny though
God I fucking LOVE LILI.
I don't remember this gymnastic discipline.
He said he was sorry :,(
nina had 100+ abortions
and then... steve popped out
lilifags need to post porn or lewd pics to catch atention
Steve didn't actually pop out of Nina, they just took her eggs.
And it always catches my attention.
for a moment I thought it was gore because the shadow looks like a big niddle
it's tenryu
I shat myself last week
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Through coom - unite
ugly hoe
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steve is both a failed abortion and devil gene experiment
Much better hag than n*na
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Transgender schizophrenic individual
Kazuya sure has a weird name for his dick.
uhhh mr.advertiser get down
Okay enough cumming to Tekken sniffs and back to ranked.
Anyone up for lobby? EU
>he wants to play the game
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That porn was vulgar
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save us jimbo
Goddamn I want to suck on them...
No. Where did he go? He used to carry us.
He had sex once and dropped the game
Suck on Jins?
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I thought he was one of the Xiaoyu posters
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They should totally do Blood Vengeance 2, where Reina has to explain to professor Lee how Kuma ate her homework, and she didn't have time to do it again cause she was playing laser tag with her brother Kazuya.
This movie was such a huge waste of potential. It was the downfall of Tekken story.
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Lidia review

The last two hits of political storm are two hits for one input. This is unacceptable. Its not just a nerf that kills the move, it is simply not Tekken. Each strike should have its own input. The same is true of the low from wolf stance. Fuck you Murray. There is also an issue of a lot of strings having weird input windows. WS4,2 for instance just doesn't come out if you don't delay the 2 a bit. Beyond that, being forced into stance off everything is fucking draining. Not enjoyable. She still has her weird T7 weaknesses of no wallsplatting mid etc. A lot of stuff is launch punishable for no good reason. A lot of stuff is whiffing randomly. I don't like her. Will she be okay at high level? Probably. She has a good jab, good tracking, db3 is decent, and in this ft2 nigger tardfest a bunch of stance knowledge checks can be overwhelming. Will I play her? No. Am I done with this dogshit game? I am.
Anyone got any tips on how to move your thumb fast enough or a certain technique to hit a pewgf on pad?
Bruh we all dropped her after the day 1 hype. Like you said, she's a gimmicky stance cancer character. No point in putting in the effort learning that shit.
The fights were pretty great, I just treat it as a dream Jin had during his coma.
the real downfall was pepen 5 btw
The bath scenes and fights are the only worthy thing
Reina : not virgin
Ling : virgin
Asuka : virgin
Lili : virgin
It’s all in the eyes bros
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daddyking maxxed out her rank on day 1 though
1. Higher Principles vs. Intrinsic Value

Core Argument:
Human valuation is influenced more by adherence to higher principles than by intrinsic worth. This distinction highlights how societal responses to individuals are often based on the principles they embody or violate, rather than their inherent qualities.

Examples to Illustrate the Argument:

Virginal Girls:
Principles at Work: Virginal girls historically received high value due to principles of purity and loyalty. Significant societal outrage and severe consequences in cases of their violation (e.g., rape) demonstrate the application of these higher principles in valuing individuals.

Prisoners and Prostitutes:
Principles at Work: Historically, prisoners and prostitutes were marginalized and devalued, reflecting societal norms related to honor, social status, and morality. Their lower valuation illustrates how principles concerning social order and morality influenced the worth assigned to these individuals.

Trojan Horse:
Principle Illustrated: The Trojan Horse represents the subversion of traditional principles through deception. It serves as a metaphor for how higher principles can be manipulated or challenged in unexpected ways, influencing societal norms and values.
>fantasizes about having a harem where powerful men, some being her own family, pamper her like a queen
Reina is 100% a virgin, and probably a social outcast.
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Oh hey. Long time no see.
We need this version of Steve for next Season
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Can tekgen tell who is this?
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Why are QCF so fcking hard in tekken. They're not like other fighting games.
Feng Wei
QCB is the real cancer. I can't do Steve's command throw to this day.
blud said tekken 8 inputs are hard
cannot be buffered
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What Nina's rejection can do to a motherfucker
Look, it's Steve's head on Lidia's body.
It's not. Warm up your fingers like mishimers.
I hope you play Paul/Bryan/Raven Otherwise, kill yourself you bloody bastard benchod
it can if it's not part of a stance. like steves and yoshis
so is the reason you can't buffer electrics because wavu is a stance?
are you playing on a dpad nigga
holding hands simulator
i flushed the biggest lidio ever
i'm trying to learn lidia please no bully
France has more % of blacks than a tekken tourney.
Just saying.
what do you think it is about tekken that resonates with monkeys so much
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France and Lili?
How it's this even possible ;o;
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Lili got fixed
the ranking format has such a disastrous effect on the playerbase lmao
most fujins I see have ZERO fundamentals, the only thing they can do is flowchart and knowledge check

I guess I can't blame them, why learn to defend against 30+ characters when you can learn how to pop heat and mash with 1
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the magix of tekken ; O;
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Fuck off with this slime shit fanfic
I don't get it
It's Ling
being in a monogamous relationship is like being a whore
This outfit looks way sexier on her in 8 than it did in 7 for some reason
this is a tekken character (julia) (whore) going out of tekken into sf6 to fuck and marry the character with the biggest cock in the history of vidya
>Am I done with this dogshit game? I am.
See you next week
this isn't the same character
>the character with the biggest cock in the history of vidya
Why are you always posting about this cock you fucking trannoid faggot?
cause i love his cock and it was stolen by THAT WHORE
how is that nigga miirio so shit at the game despite playing everyday? Hes not even max rank in tekken8 LMAOOOO
>same outfit
>same name
>same hair
tekken got akuma out of the exchange
I don't have Chipotle in my shithole country :(
you have me in your shithole tekgen though
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>Fergus, a professional Tekken player, is skilled in playing Julia at an advanced level. In an interview with Ryan "Saint Cola" Collins on the Medium website, he talked about his journey with Julia. Fergus has been playing as Julia since the launch of the fighting games Tekken Tag Tournament 2 (2011) and Street Fighter X Tekken (2012). Fergus found Julia appealing because of her distinct playstyle, the potential for having "best combos", and her personality as a live streamer.
I did not buy eddy but I bought Lidio !
it's funny that this isn't true because julia wasn't a streamer before 7 and fergus doesn't even like streamer julia.
got so many double K.O today that i started to think it was some event going on
that's just GTAV npc
>I don't have shit in my shithole country
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17ers AND 24ers should get the rope
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Fix Reina Nigga
>be jin
>above average at everything, no glaring weaknesses
>somehow still have better versions of the iconic tools that make characters with weaknesses known for
Bravo Bamco, excellent balance and design.
>Rip doesn't comment on Tifa whenever someone suggests it in the podcast

Inner circle confirmation. Season 2 DLC
réparez diable jean negro
>above average at everything
Bro Jin is fucking stupid, he never went to school most of his life. I bet he can't read above a 5th grade level
Harada pressed all panic buttons
wish someone would push my button
jin rode his motorcycle up an elevator and drove off the roof this nigga doesn't need to know how to read
I want to see Lili and Tifa take a shower together
Jin did the 6 millions thing no need to graduate after dat
I just want to eat some of Zafina’s special chocolate mousse
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Jama suruna
Looks disgustijng
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azucena db3+4
>-16 on block
>30 dmg on hit
jin ZEN 4
>+2 on block
>41 dmg with guaranteed d2 followup
looks the same as everyone
He studied in the Mishima polytechnical Heihachi sent him and Xiaoyu to, he's probably far more educated than you
>win match
Feel nothing

>lose match
Day ruined
how does tekken get away with reusing the same body models on every character
because everyone in the industry does it sweetie
i re-use my toilet paper
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kek, saved
feels good not playing tekken right now and not hearing HEYAYA HAAAA HAYYY every match.
imagine not playing the game on mute since 2017
will i like heihachi if im a 24er mishima player
imagine dragons
mk does it because of fatalities. tekken does it because of customization. it's just a shame when each character used to have their own body AND they had customization like VF. but H and M think that's not worth the cost anymore.
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>QCF has to be perfect with the input otherwise something else comes out
Is this shit for real? The first one i did some shitty stance with lidia and the second one got my desired move or am i missing something?
no, 24ers should begin with alisa or dragunov, once you get some experience you move onto real characters
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i wish bamco would upload an archive of the pachislot cutscenes because they put more effort into them than in the actual games
who's mondo
now that heihachi is back
kazuya will be an ultra turbo jobber in T9 right
is flower sun and rain ever gonna release in the west
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I have muted all the voices in the game and it made the game a billion times more enjoyable.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>will be
Nintendo DS version was released.
PS2 version? Maybe when AI will be able to translate PS2 games.
The right thing to do
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since when is scorpion a black skinned individual?
orange = lion from virtua fighter.
it's a strategic cooperation as a new virtua fighter is in the work, it will give some visibility to the game
you let go of f before you inputted 1+2 so the move didn't come out
keep holding f
i was hoping for an enhanced port like grasshopper did with the silver case games on pc. i don't want to have to emulate the ds version because it's ugly
He is not nigger he is japanese Hanzo Hasashi is his name
Blackface Kazuya
>naked Jun
law got clowned on in pretty much every ending
>f input is 3 frames, neutral is 3, df2 is 7
Is this a pewgf? Will it fully launch after a df2?
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>It was Tekken 6 that ruined Asuka
I mean, was she not practically a joke in the game she was introduced? Referring to the Jin boobie ending.
it's an electric as long as df+2 is on the same frame
a perfect electric requires every input to be... frame perfect, as in single frame
What's the slimenigger endgame?
hi slimeanon, how are you
I think this shit is impossible on pad
>Slimenigger instantly responds upon being called out
Reminder that slimenigger does not even play Tekken
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julia was whored out long before slime fighter
sf6 won
>slimenigger does not even play Tekken
oh sweet summer child
she gets close with literally every big guy but ganryu to spite him
Hey i'm a traditional tekken player and i've been saying Jun is a slut for years
Don't mesh me with some randoms
shut the fuck up slimenigger, we know your plot .. which is.. euhm... FUCK YOU OK
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If Jun isn't a slut then how come Lili was horrified?
temu 8 so mid niggas bring up street fighter
jun so ugly she face break lili glasses LMAO
You can clearly see it's her contraption exploding with glass shards near her eyes and she's just reacting to it
how is murray going to explain the truly pathetic lidia sales numbers/online population boost
they sabotaged their own hype
Then how come her device was horrified you genius
you wouldn't get it, it's just japanese culture
how is murray going to explain the truly pathetic LACK OF FOOTPRINTS IN THE SAND
small indie company
My benchmark gets me high settings but recently my game starts lagging and adjusts itself down to minimum settings. It's happened twice now. Is my laptop finally throttling or is it a software issue?
just thinking that they'll add a snow stage and it will have no footprints makes me want to cut my ballsack wide open
stick to low settings lil nigga or buy a ps5 your pick
pls understand no money no revenue
I finally got bored of celebration on the seine soundtrack, any suggestions for a new one to use on that stage?
by season 4, tekken 8 will be 150gb and we'll get a bump in hardware requirement due to the ps5 pro upgrade
uhm... characters should have flaws... kthx
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The fuck happened to International Games System?
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He wants her
cause of the same height i bet, finally a girl that doesn't make him look like a dwarf
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Tekgen lobby up
only noctis frauds are allowed to smash lily, get this garyu ass Feng out of my face
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None of them can perform an electric
ugly hoe hides her face because she knows only her simps think she is beautiful and Madara
Did taiwan get invaded already?
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they don't know I can execute 5 electrics in a row with 90% success rate
I'm trying to hit a perfect electric. I don't got time for that
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Nigga I just closed the game
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>Harada wanted to make a deal with THIS
i don't know why but seeing a lot of people get hype for things i like pisses me off. especially all those variety game influencers that went to evo for the first time this year pogging over heihachi. like, you don't know shit about the game why are you jumping out of your seat and screaming
Life is better when you're not actively looking for things to get mad.
They're new to Tekken but they love it and they know Heihachi is the face of the franchise, let them be happy for having a chance to see him in game.
its not a tuna
why did sektor and cyrax get hit by the rule 63 bat
gatekeeping is more fun than not gatekeeping
Nina's theme from third tekken

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