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Diversity Edition

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Elder Thread: >>487401181
Posting for dunmerfus
Post waifus that haven't been posted in a long time
Anons judge whether it's a good thing that they haven't been posted
ordinator mod not working.......
She's retired, sort of.
Time flies
Todd is secretly a orc irl
>Todd becomes director
>Orcs become playable
That's all the evidence I need
AN orc, you ninny.
We're extra dead this morning
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They should all be posted more, on adventures, with lore, and harmony!
Busy stitching together a sexlab voice pack for a futa PC out of the few IVDT packs available on LL.
I'm at work
Does Captive Followers interfere with the Enemy 2 Ally stuff at all? It shouldn't because they're not followers until you beat them and summon them, right? Or how does that work?
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i'm still working on my setup, i think i'll give another try to PAtrician enb
Why the fuck does Vigilant need so many fucking patches dawg
No, she'll turn into another titcow monster and we have enough of those
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rate my waifu
i have limitation about tits, and she crossed the line enough
I dunno man, marmotte nuked it for a reason. It's very stripped down compared to the LE version.

Where's his long-haired husband?
That dunmer from the end of the last thread needs to get in here
i dunno i was never in SE, it's on of the very few enb that i can stand for a worth, and i'm a Silent horizon 1 fag
I understand each word you're saying individually, but they just don't make sense when you combine them all in that way.
She looks like she'd sacrifice me to her favorite daedric prince
>he was far too manly to be called a waifu. He was a far too large, thick and heavy

that is what I would say IF your toon wasn't a fag
Why do stormcucks get uppity when you rightfully tell them their entire rebellion is pointless and only exists to further the ambition of one man?
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>spent 3 hours browsing for civil war mods
>still haven't settled on anything outside of Jaysloppa's lines expansion

From the way I understand it, E2A changes the follower NPC by giving it a bunch of new behaviours and placing it somewhere else in the world, while CF takes every NPC from your selected mods and just randomizes their position by running a script INGAME
So I expect followers to be placed in their captive positions, but once freed you will have to beat the shit out of them to make them fall in line once again
Easiest solution would probably be blacklisting the few chosen followers so they're not put in captivity, I think you can do that in the MCM
I'm going to make a waifu and then make her a follower for my self insert to fuck and marry and fuck
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okay just use protection
She did go adventuring once
>From the way I understand it, E2A changes the follower NPC by giving it a bunch of new behaviours and placing it somewhere else in the world
Oh, okay, that makes sense. I thought it created a new enemy and placed it in the world and then the summon spell is what just summoned the regular follower, but your explanation makes a lot more sense. Yeah, it sounds like blacklisting in CF is the best way around it in that case, thanks.
Vagina cave
What an amazing project xisters, I can't wait to play it! I'm so excited!
That's a lot of words to say nothing
Hot moms that mog their daughters
Why do empirecucks get uppity when you rightfully tell them their entire "empire" consisting of 2 provinces is pointless and only exists to further the ambition of one man?
>literally who makes a reddit post announcing a mod they haven't made
>anon links it on 4chan
I don't know who's worse
name 5
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a new dish is out
is this just a powerslide?
the CGO rolldodge in first person is legitimately one of the only things in a video game to ever make me feel nauseous
Which follower framework is the one to use nowadays? EFF still or some mix of nether+command squad or whatever it's called? For the record i'm using at least 10-15 different tesg/nexus followers, including ones like mrissi and inigo. Also is mhyh still the go-to when using custom homes? Thanks.
Play in vr and you can dodge physically.
You will also hit a wall but that's just part of the experience.
One thing I like about Morrowind more than the others is that you don't have to be the leader of a faction. There's always a clean breaking point where you can stop right before the final advancement.
I don't like being the leader because logically there should be a lot of responsibility that comes with that which the games fail to represent. That, and it's dumb to be the head of multiple factions at once, especially when normalfags finish every guild on one character.
The one exception is Telvanni which I always go for archmagister. Ignoring responsibility and doing whatever you want is on-brand for Telvanni.
Bosmom and Bosdaughter
Synthia and Ava
Yarti and her daughter (buttmogging)
Kriv and Rui before the thickening
Dragonborn is the only protagonist that's confirmed not a virgin.
>the games fail to represent
Because no one wants to do administrative work. That's what the head of almost every guild would be doing for the vast majority of their time. You'd have to go to fundraisers and meetings with local politicians and beg them for grants to keep your guild running and the taxes/rent on your HQ cheap. You're trading favors with slimeballs you don't want anything to do with but if he doesn't vote your way at the next council meeting or sway the jarl/count in your favor then it will be impossible for you to do business next year without either jacking up your rates to where no one can afford you or you have to put a hiring freeze and can't take on any more fighters or students until your experienced ones die and then all you're left with are a bunch of noobs and a fucking competency crisis becomes your main concern. That shit sucks and no one wants to deal with it in a video game.
because he fucks children
Holy fucking based.
I'm not saying they SHOULD simulate it, just that I don't want to hold the position if they DON'T.
I would prefer if there was an option at the end of guild questlines to make someone else the leader, so they can do all the administrative duties off-screen.
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Why is becoming the leader of a faction just accepted as the natural endpoint to a questline anyway? You rarely show off your leadership skills or even command much respect beyond being "the guy that did the thing." Why don't you just get a medal of honor or a statue or some other form of recognition. It would also make the occasional time that you *are* allowed to become leader more unique, and more cleanly show off that a position like arch-mage at the college is really only nominal leadership.
How about you don't make the player a leader?
ugly shitfus should not be allowed to reproduce
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Stop hating waifus
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Is there an existing framework for guards and stuff to refer to a female character as male while wearing armor/helmet
or do I need to look at creepy grooming cult pest 'pronoun' mods

I thought it would be a fun gimmick until I thought about it for ten seconds longer
That actually sounds like it could be a really fun visual novel or princess maker style game.
Forget showing off skills - in most bethesda faction questlines you hardly even interact with more than three people in the faction, at least one of whom usually dies. To everyone else you're a total stranger who jumped straight to the top. Bethesda could do with a more lower stakes faction quests and more character work
You hung onto that one for awhile huh
mentally ill losers on 4chan are going to ignore this and continue hating
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95% of the quests in Bethesda games would be missing if they made any sense and didn't just carry the player to being in charge of everything
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This lass who I mentioned last thread
Surely someone knows her name
Narisa. Someone posted the charts with names last thread and that's the only reason I know.
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When I look at the screenshots from Northern Roads and Simpler Roads the roads look very nice, walked, distinct from the environment.

But when I install either of the mods it just feels like just ground texture. What's the deal? I can't believe it's just ENB.
Oh yeah that sounds right
Seranafag said a similar thing yet he gets hate comments and I wonder why..
Seranafagfag is worse than Seranafag
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I do not understand what the point of this image is. The implication at least appears to be that this opinion holds weight due to the woman it's being expressed by, because on its own it's not in any way profound or insightful. Yet I do not know who she is
Jewish or German?
If you want her follower she made it into this >>487173558 archive before the site got fucked
I had already refound the LE one posted here, don't need the weird f95 one
She's beautiful so she must be right
You may be terminally autistic. The point of the image is very simple to grasp for most humans.
Any news on TES VI?
Can you explain it to me then, I don't think I'm autistic except maybe in the meme way. But I genuinely don't understand its purpose
that super thin waist compared to how big everything else is kinda takes me out but i'll save it for a quick fap later
bet she smells like cocoa butter
She's not real, she's a jpg
>not wanting to use RapeInventor's waifu archive
Buy an ad
I thought /tesg/ hated big anime tits? Why are you praising this now?
Just don't be a negative fucking downer all the time and instead post about things that you like.
>Poster that's being largfely ignored
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TBD Supremacy.
Cleo and Patra have been in my load order since day 1, but I keep forgetting about them since no one in the fucking world has ever gone inside the whiterun blacksmith's building.
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You can basically chalk up every criticism of imaginary women in /tesg/ to an equally imaginary creature called the coomplainer who does nothing but coomplain because his mother does not love him
Big anime titties are the only reason for living.
Is this it? TBD waifus finally taking over?
These images are from like two years ago
if it were truly a good body it would have content and conversions, the poster irritating about it has never presented either
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>I thought [thread]/[board] hated/loved something
sure buddy, that's why we fucking argue about everything 24/7
toss in a food analogy while you're at it
>install hundreds of options for hair, eyes, eyebrows among other things for skyrim vr
>have to use the vr controls to pick things
I have made a mistake.
>Total Breton Death waifus are taking over
I don't believe you unless you coomplie the coomplaints of the coomplainers.
I agree you shouldn't be negative all the time, but sometimes it's good or even important to express a negative opinion towards something
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>install hundreds of options for hair, eyes, eyebrows
>now you have to sift through hundreds of them to actually find the few good ones
The empire is McDonald's and Stromcloaks are Burger King
This isn't really an issue on normal skyrim because you can go through them pretty quickly.
what the hell is "normal Skyrim"?
I HAVE to spend 10 minutes going through fucking hair, because I have 1500 of them and most are completely unusable
That's why you prescreen hairs for the ones that suck and just remove them entirely
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>I need a billion outfit mods
something that doesn't look like plastic would also be nice
shitmom and cheyshit mogged to death
They need a set of 18s
>what the hell is "normal Skyrim"?
Not skyrim vr.
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It's actually Total Bimbo Deflation
>switch to character that smacks things
why the FUCK does everything cost STAMINA
Of the thousand of hairs mods that exist, less than 1% are actually good and or used.
yeah no shit. you can only use 1 at a time retard
Just like real life
The "waifus" posted here are ugly as sin.
File deleted.
The "anons" posting here are ugly as sin.
I guess you can call her Sinthia
Jesus died for our Sin-thia
why don't you get a life? maybe find a job?
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lads, give it to me straight
is there anything I can do to this thing to run modded Skyrim faster without straight up buying a new fucking computer?
>Z370 Pro4
>i5 8600
>32G Patriot ddr4
Beautiful Fresh Organicthia
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Don't talk to me or my dog ever again!
Yeah no
I am going to this dog
What are you going to do when you get there?
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it's fucking over
Your bottles are necking each other
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Oh, I think you know.
Hey, anyone here got Hiro's Male Hair pack archived? I've been scrounging for it myself the last hour to no avail.
I never understood TBD. Wouldn't it make more sense just to make regular 3ba or ube shit and maybe include a tbd preset? Takes two extra seconds and makes your audience exponentially larger. Like with the manga body or sevenbase or whatever, it made some sense since those came before the ube/3ba standards really got set, but tbd came well after everyone was using one of those two already.
clearly anon is frustrated because somebody didnt like his midfu so now hes being bossy like some stalwart moral dictator sent by God himself
that creep is in no position to suggest life advice to anybody for anything unless its to suggest the proper binoculars for peeping on women unawares
I think this character is going to be a skooma addict who becomes a vampire by drinking the funny water
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>but tbd came well after everyone was using one of those two already
I suggest you actually check the upload dates on all 3
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vamp complexions in bnp prevented me from finishing my vamp-fu
damn bro, you're not going to give a set of 18s with those fangs?
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set of 18s?
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damn, I will bet my left nut that's the same pair of tits I pasted on a garbage container once to make point...
>turning water into ecoplasma
>resurrecting the dead after 3 days
>curing anon's waifublindness
if you ground her up, would it be ectoplasm or just bonemeal?
Would she taste alright?
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she would be okay if you didn't post her getting fucked by fucked up monsters all the time
leaves a bad taste in the mouth (her mouth mostly)
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rim job reference?

if so that's the least of your problems
It would be similar to powdered mammoth tusk I think
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Yeah, TBD came out quite a bit after UUNP and CBBE. It's literally pic related.
No no, I just appreciate a girl with a nice set of 18s
makes sense, like gnawing on an antler or a boar tusk then?
Not the best taste.
I don't think TBD was meant to be a unifying standard, the author just likes what he likes and felt like sharing
UBE is a better comparison to that
>all the time
Probably did it once if that.
more casual synthia, please
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>after UUNP and CBBE
sorry, I was reading 3BA and UBE
3BA came out year after TBD and UBE last year
CBBE is... like month older than Skyrim itself
This isn't going to end in a trip to the vet, right?
Make sock puppets of her?
*out of
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I'll just sick her on you the moment you step on my property.
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and yes, I wanted to say younger and TBD actually came out in 2014, which makes it way fucking older than 3BA and BHUNP, let alone UBE
What kind of fool do you think I am, I won't use my feet to trespass.
Kinda reminds me of that one loli skyrim character
forgot the name,might be the eyes
Most homes are not handicap accessible, alas.
nta but fucking kek'd
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I'll fingerwalk my way into your house
This picture makes happy
also UBE isn't really a body replacer, because the body meshes are coded for custom races which is fucking bullshit and I have no clue why that mod is even gaining traction because it's just COTR with extra steps
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This is how its going to end for you:
>break into my house
>do picrel when you see my werewife
>she rips your heart out, literally
>you die
>I come home and pet her on the head for being a good girl
>We go out for a walk before dinner
happy makes happy
Meanwhile there's me,no coom mods and just uses modpacks whos main shtick is adding content to the Dragonborn museum
I am ok with this outcome :^)
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>adding content to the Dragonborn museum
but why?
I kinda wish we had drawfags to make this into a comic or something. The idea of people constantly breaking into Lydia's home just to pog at her tits and die is kinda funny to me.
because he is a klepto and coping with the bloatmod now being a part of his LO
Calling that permamutt a werewolf is insulting to actual werewolven women
>when she realizes that the vet can come to the house
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werewolves wish they were as rapable as Lydia
>but why?
I'm a hoarder and want places to show it off
I like it
>t. werebitch upset that she isn't Hircine's favorite
I've never seen a gif just stop and not replay when opened.
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so your mental illness is better than another mental illness?
is that what I'm supposed to be taking away from this?

you must be really fucking young
>you must be really fucking young
I'm in my mid 30s, also this fucking gif is now mine, thanks.
>so your mental illness is better than another mental illness?
>You're trading favors with slimeballs you don't want anything to do with
this is exactly the kind of plot most waifuposters want for their waifus let's be honest
I browse that place from time to time to see new mods releases and every other week you get some kind "Hear ye hear ye: I just thought about making a mod" announcement.
I just think they're funny.
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how the fuck did you avoid non-looping gif for 3 decades?
I've seen those, I just haven't seen the brute one where it just stops, I have seen those before but you fucked it up. You're suppose to label the .gif as .png or .jpg to make people think its a picture when it isn't.
only autists read file extensions before clicking on tits and asses
NTA but you're welcome for me posting the gif
the png thumbnail thing is entirely different from a gif with a butt on it
uoooh my cute wife
I will never understand this obsession with voiced modded followers needing to react to EVERYTHING and never shut up
Need more Auris and less Inigo/Remiels.
Okay I know we shitpost all these waifus ironically and whatever but jesus CHRIST this one really is ugly
>that manjaw
>that cheekbone
>that nose to mouth distance
>that overall retarded expression
Dude what is your problem??
nacho is back?
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Fucking kek can't believe I never connected the dots.
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Auri actually has reactions to some things you wouldn't expect, like the Soul Cairn despite the fact that most followers can't get in there without shenanigans
She also replaces random comments for a slightly too high interval of repeating her idles
Auri also "tries" (has dialogue about) to steal shit if you go in to nice shops like Radiant Raiment. Purest distilled bosmer essence.
anon I...
the big ass in the red dress has to be yarti but who are the rest
She says the same thing when you go to the bosmer inn in whiterun right after talking to the guy who gives her arrows
very rude
do you honestly think that is what the inn name is referring to?
Anon it is literally a direct reference to Barenziah getting fucked by a cat in Riften
N'wah I... look at the fucking sign outside the door.
bee stingers are barbed, they can't pull them out...
I don't even remember at this point. Far right is Bosmom and the middle 2 are some of Yarti's other toons maybe.
Anon, the town is known for its honey and fishing...
>what is a double entendre
are you a fucking sperg
NTA but yes, on another note, why do retards take what they read on the wiki as gospel and then shove that same retardation into mods?
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oh my goodness I've never even thought of that
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>this shit
>"Red Rocket - Dogmeat" in F4
Which waifu has the biggest tits?
TBD waifus, apparently
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>a town where they make honey booze and catch fish... yeah, cats have barbed cocks, right?
Nah, you can make them bigger with sliders easy.
This is what happens when you introduce 80 IQs to concepts like metaphors and double entendres
>anons and the mentally ill(modders) are obessed with cock and interacial
more news at 11
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>option X
woman streamers be like
absolutely no one calls a fishing hook a barb lmao
Jesus Christ stop being such a fucking retard
Skyrim x The Sims 4
Make it happen Todd, this ones free.
You're welcome.
Consneedsion accepted, aspie
Look up fishhook barb right now, mong
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the part that prevents the hook from un-hooking is called barb you fucking retard
barbed wire, in case you didn't take the fucking hint
>cats have barbed cocks
is something you have to drag in with you
99% of humanity doesn't know this
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It's literally in the book.
Of the waifus that still post somewhat regularly? Bosmom, Chey, Korrinth, Kriv, Niimes, from bigger to smaller.
Let's take your idiocy at face value. Where does the Bee come in?
Please don't fucking say Barenziah's initials.
>what's 2+2? and DON't say 4!!!
Where does the Bee come in?
>"Bee"(first letter of Barenziah's name)
>khajiits are known to have barbed cocks
>HURR what do you mean it's an innuendo, it's called that because they have a meadery and catch fish
>Queen Bee
>Queen B
2 + 2 is obviously 22 or IV.
giant veiny altmer hag breasts
I wonder what obvious correlation one might see between Queen/Barenziah and a Bee which also has a queen
Please stop being autistic
>Queen/Barenziah and a Bee which also has a queen
Literal 4 year old tier "pattern" recognition lmao
we don't have any altmer hags

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beeing autistic
I bet if the tavern was called "a Dunmer and a Khajiit" you midwits would say it's because of dunmer npcs and Kharjo there.
Hot be twerking.
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>khajiits are known to have barbed cocks
no they are not you stupid fucking nigger
this is different fucking dimension from the common knowledge you're trying to peddle it as
this is every fucking patron who comes in asking what the fuck is that name supposed to mean and Talen-Jei eagerly explaining how Khajiit have rape-escape preventing dicks, before the asker backs the fuck out through the door and calls the city guard
I was looking around and sad to find that there weren't any stuffy but competent condescending altmer melee women on offer
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Right, so it is referring to the honey and fishing industry of the town, and is simultaneously a lewd reference for players familiar with the lore.
Now all of you stop being retarded.
>something has to be 'common knowledge' to be a functioning joke instead of an acknowledged setting definition that merely exists and which happens to add to the pun
The former owner, Chuck, likely also sold feed and seed
Read it again you autistic fuck >>487764289
Post it here when done
I'd call it the Coomer and the Doomer
skill issue, womm
The Yam and Ram
no u
These dialogue expansion mods by anbeegod are hot trash.
>Install screaming npc dialogue mod
>"omg why are they screaming all the time!"
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if /tesg/ was a Tavern Existing Serving Gfood what would it be called
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This brings a whole new meaning to the phrase "Eat your heart out". Also you would think after the third or fourth time people would stop trying.
They're ooc as fuck. He made Uthgerd some bully victim.
Why'd the Companions kick Uthgerd out anyway? They let Aela stick around, and the MC can go on a rampage with no repercussions.
That's dangerous...makes me want her as a follower even more so I can gently pat her head
She killed a companion hwhcih matters more tha fat lazy city slickers
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>He made Uthgerd some bully victim
sounds in line with vanilla
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So does anybody know what’s causing the lines in the sky or how to fix it? I’ve never had this issue when playing on PC.
No she didn't
No, she was "uthgerd the broken" or something since she was a sick little girl but then she got a complex about it
I'm with that poster I don't really like those expansions they're kinda lame compared to just giving more area lines
Bayonetta if she answered the call
yes, she did
it's literally a paragraph and you missed it all
when you join you fight Vilkas instead, same setup
good greef

if you kill any of the college members or DB or Thieves you get kicked out too but I think the companions are essential until you're harbinger so it's whatever
I know she killed a boy, there's no indication that he was anything but a benchwarmer at best
Why were you pitted against a seasoned member of the Circle while she had to prove her worth by fighting some zoomer?
Maybe because the last person who tried to join fucking killed a guy in the same scenario
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>No, she was "uthgerd the broken" or something since she was a sick little girl but then she got a complex about it
sounds exactly like the bitch in vanilla who literally killed some poor little peasant to get into Companions because she thought she could
What are you autists fighting over now
At least it's not tits and ass again is it?
Nice troll image, OP ya faglord.
TNA every day
The only good one is the Jenassa one and that’s only because they turned her into a psychopath and that gets my dick hard
Speak for yourself.
niggas got zero reading comprehension ITT
Can someone gib the latest Dint's hair pack?
we should have a /tesg/ meetup I would suck everyone off if we did that
Uthgerd in vanilla is a hotheaded tard. Uthgerd in the mod is a whiny dindu. His Ysolda mod turned her into a drug dealer with a tragic backstory. It's just dumb.
>inigo in windhelm
>muh racism
>inigo with auri
>muh racism
>inigo idling
>muh racism
Why does headtracking suck for actors that are really tall or short
shouldn't it, you know, track the actual head
The search through the dark heart of Nexusmods.com continues, as our expedition has failed to turn up any voiced followers with an even neutral opinion on the city of Windhelm.. supplies are running lower as we speak. I fear that I may not survive to write the next convenient diary entry that explains the actions and motivations involved in this setpiece..
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if your follower doesn't sing it's shit, simple as
it's endemic man, fucking absurd
Oh, your follower definitely sings. At least I think that's what those muffled noises are.
kys yeahtroon
What's the big fucking issue here!?
great OP, we need to de nordify the imperial population!
yeah dis nutz
backshots? For reasearch?
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literally what
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I see the kegger has started early! whole lot of silly billies in here YEAH
>Synthia's disapproving skull in the background
The only custom follower that I’ve used (so far) that wasn’t annoying about Windhelm is Xelzaz, ironically enough.
His line is something like “oh I bet they’re thrilled to see us here” talking about an Argonian and a Dunmer together.

I’ve never heard a racism bad :( line from him, but desu being an Argonian he’d be the one character that could get away with it because they treat the argonians like shit (even more than the other elves)
Shield-Brother, I'm stuck behind this scripted gate
>he can only watch
its over
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Confusing roadblocks and a move have resulted in delays. It will be done, and everyone that wants can drag this idiot along with them and do whatever.
I'm drunk enough, sure.
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What would Lyida sound like?
wan wan bark borf
but in femaleyoungeager
her and little Keda have the same voice in my head. sassy short shits.
To be fair Windhelm is in the competition for shittiest major hold. I don't think it wins that contest, but it tries really hard to beat Markarth and I think an argument could be made that it beats Riften since the Thieves Guild is on the way out without prisoner intervention - shopkeepers aren't even paying protection fees anymore. The climate of Windhelm is just too ass, and there's a full on slum that nobody ever bothers to clean up; not the inhabitants, not the Jarl.
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Saadia will be retconned to be innocent in TES VI with the Dragonborn personally being a part of the quest believing women and not that m*n Kematu
Personally - The Alik'r are too damn incompetent to bother siding with. Those fuckheads don't deserve to come out on top.

I'm gonna side with the one that looks good and has mods that will make her your personal whore.
todd will make saadia canonically the first common ancestor of each of the dragonborn's 2000+ descendants
saadia has worms in her vagina
just extra sensation i suppose
after im through her for sure
>we're not letting any of those damn cats inaide the city walls
>oh he's a zombie
>come on in
>If I post a pepe with glasses carrying a paper that says "TRUTH NUKE" my point wins!
TCH! YEAH RIGHT, shithead pseud.
I’m pretty sure that line about khajiits not being allowed in is because of the traders who are literal drug dealers
Literally just a cool place to put all the unique but ulitmately useless shit you pick up.
quest to rat out Ysolde to the guards when
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>xelzas when you try to take the skull of corruption
>nooo that's evil you can't do that
>xelzas idling "the civil war is conventient, i don't even have to murder peopel in cold blood to harvest their organs for alchemy, also you're kind of a pussy for not corrupting Azura's star and doing necromancy with it, btw"
Who is keda?
i wish i was addicted to skooma
Because what the fuck else am I going to do with a bunch of rings that look like shit with enchantments that can’t even beat out my character’s wedding ring. Legacy of dragonmid is okay as an excuse to do mindless bounty hunting while testing (and getting fucked over by) mods like Genesis but the actual loot isn’t worth it 80% of the time
The only good cat..
post in /aco/ please
My character raped and impregnated, way, way, way, way more women than just Saadia.
To me she would sound like this
Or like this
todd dont care
kirkbride wrote that all the ones that didnt come from saadia choked to death in young adulthood trying to walk and eat bread at the same time
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>F4M ASMR Lullako
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Yes he does. My playthroughs are the canonical outcomes of Skyrim.
denial+anger, common stages of grief
microsoft will insert girl empowerment shit for Skyrim 6
they will also make the chud racist nords lose the civil war
you will buy it anyways
I didn't bother even looking at the title kek
Xelzaz’s stance on things is so weird. Bro is a straight up necromancer with no regard for anything but every time I’d start to do anything cool he’d bitch. >Noooo you can’t get hircine’s ring even though you’re a werewolf and literally need it to make the game playable because you installed moonlight takes and not the superior moonlight mini + growl
>no you can’t side with Azura even though you’re a Dunmer who are living proof on why you shouldn’t piss off Azura, c’mon man it’s not like she can turn you into a grey skinned chain smoker a SECOND time
>what do you MEAN you want Dawnbreaker in a game that’s like 80% dragur and vampires? C’mon man don’t you know that she’s evil in TESO, a game you don’t play and refuse to acknowledge?
He’s right about his reaction to killing Erandur, the second best follower in the game though. Erandur deserves the world.
I guess like this or I guess Krystal from Star Fox if we wanted to be stereotypical and boring. Octavia strikes me as having a British accent.
Growl is lameo, all you need is MLT mini at all unless there's some other fun thing floating around that isn't just unstoppable fuckery
Saadia needs to have her own story, first brown waifu
Ahnassi is brown.
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Get Remi, she'll sort him out while he rearranges her insides.Seriously the amount of tension between them is ridiculous I wouldn't be surprised if there was a synergetic feature were if you stop looking at either of them for a few minutes they'd start fucking like rabbits
what teh fug
I dunno...I think smaller girls with husky voices are great.
>husky voices
Yeah like Courtenay Taylor
no one wants to fuck lizards, surely?
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I do
my character once had a three way with him and Erandur. He’s the best farm tool I ever owned
Lizard/Werebeast lesbian action
Somebody will probably make a Whaling mod someday
What? Are you afraid of hair getting caught in scales?
not really, but those fair hands are a man's baby.
Lydia or Octavia though?
Maybe I'm just getting old, but I really do love a simplistic fishing simulators that have that mechanic in the game.
they should make argonians tails bigger in tes6
also their breasts
>Maybe I'm just getting old
Probably more to do with just you being a man
your testosterone is stabilizing, causing you to engage in more manly activities
I just made a spell that rains acid from the sky and melts everyone's clothes off. Modding is fun lol.
Weird thing I know about fishing is that a lot of ex-gamblers love doing it. It tickles the same dopamine pathway that gambling does when they get use to the slower pace of the "game". I had a friend who was so addicted to gatchas that he bankrupted himself and he had to go to gambling rehab and I didn't really understand why they went on mandatory fishing trips once a week until he told me the psychology behind it.
post a webm
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Lydia doesn't swing that way sober, but Octavia is a sanctioned Priestess of Dibella and is probably more receptive to the idea. The female form is something to be revered after all.
I like to think Lydia would sound like Filian, especially the part at the beginning where she barks like a dog.
>Home Improvements
more like Home Imcooments
any home would be improved with her in it as a pet
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>Denial+anger, common stage of grief Microsoft will insert Marxist girl empowerment bullshit nonsense for TES 6, they will also make the chud racist nords lose the civil war you will buy it anyway
Oh really, hothead son of a bitch? Who said I was in the "stages of grief", anyway? BTW, the idea that grief always comes in a linear set of stages is bullshit, people aren't all alike, dr dipshit. Also, Starfield aka Shartfield was not held in high regard for very long after the official release on either Xbox Series S/X nor PC, especially with the LITERAL requirement of an SSD for the Home Computer version, too much outsourcing to an inexperienced Indian/Pajeet studio, Todd's ego going full retard to the point of bulging like a repulsive stage 3 tumor. Even a major group of Creation Engine modders eventually gave up because of how painfully mediocre it is. Oh, and the AI for most of the opponent NPCs up until the most recent 2 or 3 patches, especially in the case of enemy spaceships was very half-assed; Starfield's overall coding instructed the ships to almost always, if not all the time shoot in the middle! Talk about being fucking aloof in coding and design, overall. Starfield is definitely not Launch-era Failout 76, but it truly is a labor of lethargy, and lies. Oh, and as screwy as Microsoft is nowadays, especially regarding Phil "half-wit" Spencer, and shutting down Arkane and Tango instead of Rare in the current year, they decided to outright FIRE their DEI staff. Nice try, dear blackpill Doomertard.
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dropping by to ask how everyone is doing? has anything worthwhile been up?
how is the aela one?
They literally named ulfric's main weapon the axe of cowardice.
If you don't think that wasn't a sign that they were intended to be the wrong choice I don't know what to tell you.
There are no khajits in any of the towns or cities.

aside from j'zargo I guess but that's because the college doesn't respect the jarl's authority. todd just forget to make them racist against the player because that would be too much work.
>adopt Meeko
>random people come up to the dog and insult him
>Taliesin wants me to get rid of it
>can’t even rest in an inn without the innkeeper yelling at my dog
Skyrim is a fucking shithole
Anon, that's just one of the standard enchantments.
if it's any consolation the empire won't win either.
two most likely outcomes are
1 that everything gets fucked because delphine kills parthy and starts red mountain 2 electric boogaloo happens.
2 Ysgramoor's lots of great granddaughter who we meet in that one dungeon comes back to take the throne.
What's this from? The Skyrim TTRPG?
yes, but the point remains that it was still intentional choice on the developer's part.
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wtf, this isn't hunting?
Are Werewolves more fertile than normal men?
Anon, it CAUSES fear, not imparts fear on the user.
Your argument is bass-ackward from the start.
I give up on Grass LODs, i accept that the Whiterun tundra will forever and ever look like shit.
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congratulations on regaining your sanity.
You'd be surprised how many fall for it and dindu.
I got it working by following the STEP guide. you need to tinker with the dindulod settings ini with the RGB values.
yes it's gay but that's how you fix it
that anon finally freed himself, and you are guiding him right back into hell
it could be worse, I could be pushing them to cutting their peepee off
this isn't discord or a federally run si-
what's the best goyslop to eat while playing modded Skyrim ? if you had to eat goyslop of course
you forgot your reply anon-kun
Skyrim requires 2 hands to play. Eating anything while playing would be incredibly inefficient.
I have memories of eating those dogshit sour cream and cheese ruffles and playing skyrim at release. I can't stand those anymore, but I used to eat doretes and drink coke as well. Years later, after my internet effectively died and could no longer play multiplayer games, I sunk a couple thousand hours into skyrim. During those days, I'd wake up in the morning, make jalapeno poppers or spicy ramen and play skyrim. I am not fat I swear.
nice, sounds based. howd you live without Internet for so long?
Its not that I lived without internet, but it just kept turning off all the time. My 3mb dsl modem would train my connection 40 times a day which made it impossible to play competitive games online. I have starlink as of a couple months ago so everything is guchi.
damn where do you live that you need to rely on starlink?
rural kentucky. Fiber runs maybe a kilometer out from me, but my former ISP never considered that it would be worth it to lay fiber to every home. I payed 200 dollars a month for that 3mb connection too. Starlink is cheaper than what I was paying for.
Isn't rural kentucky where the doormaster that tortured anon lives?
Yeah, I think I know what you are talking about. I've never seen the house made out of doors though, or even know where it is.
i dont keep track of ups or downs, and far as i can tell, its been pretty normal with the usual friday silliness.
Doormaster if you didn't know who that was.
the closest to slop ive had during a Skyrim session is wine, stout, ale, seltzer, tea, and coffee. would recommend any.
>rural kentucky
literally God's country
I live in the northern part of the state, so there is still some employment, but its not developed so much that it's full of non-kentuckians. Its not so bad.
ah the midwestern part of kentucky
Is it wrong that I find the Kentucky accent either abrasive or funny as fuck?
roasted peanuts full of dried arbol chiles
it's hot enough I don't want a second mouthful for a while which is convenient
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>load 60 hour save
>crashes on load instantly, first crash of the save with 636 plugins
>reboot game and try again
>works just fine

todd does this to keep us afraid
fun steward for a nebulously evil necromancer type dude?
not sure yet if i want to go the evil lair route or the not even my closest advisor knows i'm evil route
Kentucky is weird. I feel bad for people born in those shit places
I don't know about a steward but try this mod out
>r we the baddies
Kind of silly having all that blood in the middle of whiterun and no one doing anything about it.
But I too am looking for an evil follower, or even just a neutral one.
Really would like more filler quests for evil characters, immersive wenches let you rescue them and then sell them to the thieves guild for an increased payout, I like that kind of stuff.
I downloaded this because I wanted my farm tool fren to have a gf and I don’t know if I can take her voice lads
I did download a replacer to make her a cute nerdy girl with glasses though so maybe I can make this work
>evil follower
TDN Xavier?
dwemer roooooooooon
dwemer rooon
adventurer take me to a dwemer ROOOOOOOON
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My favorite gaming snack is beef or venison jerky (with no added sugars or preservatives) because it's filling so you stop snacking, and it's good protein. Look for the ones with as few ingredients as possible, and who don't inject their livestock with chemicals.

I also am fortunate enough to live near a pretty nice farmer's market so I can get fresh organic fruits with none of the weird pesticides or coatings they put on fruit these days, so I'll usually grab some blueberries or strawberries on a pretty regular basis. Blending them with some milk and ice makes a nice healthy desert as well, to replace high sugar sweets.

There's nothing better than an ice cold glass of water though. Remember to drink a couple liters of water every day anons. If you live in a city, don't forget to buy a nice filter too.

One of my favorite things to do is make the same thing I'm eating in the game. So I'll make vegetable stew from scratch and then craft that in game, or sometimes things like grilled onions and salmon, stuff you commonly make in game. Ultimate immershun.
he said goyslop you pseudo intellectual moron
that sounds good, is that an Asian snack?
press c to to autowalk. useful if you're not a fast traveler.
I'm sure it's mexicant
I usually pick up a bag similar to these https://www.amazon.com.mx/DON-BETO-BOTANAS-SABOR-GANAS/dp/B09V4B4XY2

blessed autowalker but bound to mouse4 because wow
Is there anything to do in Skyrim besides exploring and looting? I'm getting tired of long walk through exciting places and finding valuable treasures. It's getting real old.
Are there any quests in your journal? Try to complete one.
that's unironically an issue I have with skyrim
there's no leveling skill attributes or durability system to think about while adventuring
you could get more into screenarchery and modding
I'm playing Falkaar. The last quest "Heart of the gods" won't start. Anyone know of a fix for this?
Yeah I have a bunch but I've done most of them in past playthroughs already so I know how they end.
I'm tempted to mod Skyrim into a different kind of game. Vanilla is starting to lose its appeal.
I'd fiddle with the setstage command if restarting from an earlier save doesn't werk https://forums.nexusmods.com/topic/1240736-falskaar-quest-id-list/
>Puppy girl does the SNIIFFFFF meme
I don't know why I'm surprised that happened or why it was so fucking funny to me but it was.
Roleplay involves playing a character
>evil follower
Serana, Eola
So setstage FSMq09 or am I doing it wrong?
I haven't used a setstage command in a long time.
I'm batman. I take a bite out of crime. People who deal skooma and moonsugar fear me.
good, get missives and headhunter and start your merc playthrough
deep thoughts
Go with this guy then
too tired to mod or play. whats a good video or movie to watch instead?
cheese sticks and salami
im sure a better quality exists but
i do this even if the fps are valuable due to my toaster. its a sick habit.
American psycho. Watched it for the first time yesterday and it was fun.
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fucking kek
i got oblivion on disc but i spent 2 grand on a new pc a few years ago and didn't get a disc drive
anyone have a good place to get it? should i try gog?
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>close enough
this is what little bosmer dream of after a long night of eating their neighbor
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i still miss tempered skins...
That AO looks like body hair
looked like fat girl thighs that have been rubbing together for years
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my banana had alot of rough patches
bum ass youngling grocers can never properly bag the fruits
yeah, if god were a hog
I wish there were an unambiguously evil creature that could be hunted without remorse using the neat techniques of pre-20th century whaling, the premise is really entertaining

My problem with Skyrim is that the Sea of Ghosts is the only locale (without modded worldspaces) for which fishing seems sensible as a matter of scale but there's only so much to look at
>Dunmeri girls calling you an n'wah while asking nordic shotas to spit in their mouth
Why are they like this??
I tire of these new, forced 'memes'.
ysolda was always a drug dealer tho.
she certainly damn was
fuck it I'm just going to coc out of thi area and leave falskaar for good.
Fucking mods been out for over 12 year and still has game breaking bugs
Post a picture of your waifu that is not focused on her tits or ass or legs or tummy, etc. and is not sexualizing in any way.
just like bethesda games lol =\
>mods are buggy
>games are buggy
>my life is buggy
owari da.jpg
I'm tired of woke shit. I hope tes6 isn't woke
if Starfield is any indication brother you are going to be in for a surprise
was starfield woke? I didn't play it
tes 6 is going to be BIPOC power fantasy where the niggergaurd rise up against the (((thalmor))) oppressors and reclaim the southern coastal portions of hammerfell
sigh, it's all so tiresome.
I know but I've had a good run lately with no bugs or crashes. It's a shame I got this bug on the last Falskaar quest I actually enjoyed it up to the point. However now it's left a bad taste I'm my mouth and my overall impression of it will be negative now.
I decided to try playing without ussep and I haven't crashed or softlocked in the few hours I've been messing around. I don't really know why everyone convinced themselves it's necessary (no, I'm not going to read the documentation).
he's BACK
I hope it's woke just to piss you off
I hope it's unwoke just to make you happy
would prefer an ad i could block thank you
>barely 500 posts
>gets to 600
>magically hits 750 within hours
what is this phenomenon called
hard to say with all the agendas at play. of course timezones impact this.
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Remember Kids, don't talk to strange Khajiit. If one asks to show you his wares in exchange for coin, LEAVE and tell a guard.
Bread begins to get stale at 600 points and you need to finish it as fast as possible or it spoils
Real Burger Hours begin now
Posts. I am terribly hungover.
anons rushing to finish a thread so they can do their ritualposts and baitposts at the start of the next one
Lydia looks like she is actually this guy's life sized love doll and he is posing for a picture with her.
tree sap is legal bro
hope they get to it soon then
i already have bait ready for next thread
which waifus are you gonna call shit this time?
the usual
>Real Burger Hours begin now
nah still 7am for worst coast though night owls fuck up my math
they ritual post and bait post to get to the next thread where they can do the same again
ah man do something new for once come on
nah he is right. its better to judge waifus on their personality than mods and looks. most fail the personality check. or befriend the very worst npcs and claim its great.
It will be woke.
It will have ESO references.
It'll be woke kino with diverse and gay characters everywhere to represent TES fans
2011 or SE for Skyrim? I got 2011 on steam but Toddfaggot didn't give me the free upgrade for some (((reason)))
oldrim is unstable and has game breaking and save corrupting bugs no one has ever bothered to fix
Share please?
this general is dying we shoul just merge with /tesog/
Alright then, guess I'm pirating a fucking game that I own then
>there's a fucking anniversary edition now
Fucking hell
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we should merge with /fog/ as /beth/
eventually yes but it's too soon
don't forget about /stag/
>fallout waifus
Dear god no
I fucking knew Sifina was a wetback
>Ysgramoor's lots of great granddaughter who we meet in that one dungeon comes back to take the throne
What does this sentence mean
I think anon meant Anska.

>Anska is a Nord mage that is found in the first room of High Gate Ruins and initiates the quest A Scroll For Anska. She believes her family's blood can be traced all the way back to Ysgramor himself, but requires a special scroll contained in the ruins in order to prove it.
won't be as horrible as uglynthia and shitmom and cheyshit
Yeah that's exactly what we need, four different types of horny and/or angry autism wrapped into one.
Suggesting retarded ideas I see
/fog/ and /stag/ maybe but definitely not /tesog/ because mmo autists are on a different level of shitposting. We wouldn't vibe
they're TES brothers
It would be hilarious, I can already see every fanbase screeching at the others for posting too many pictures of their games.
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ok my bosmer has done
>Thieves Guild
Should I go do GLENMORIL now?
how long is the VIGILANT questline?
>Should I go do GLENMORIL now?
according to VICN lore it should go by
so yeah I guess
>how long is the VIGILANT questline
I went through it in 23 hours
Also I've decided to do the Definitely Not Another Snow Elf Waifu Mod before anything else
Skyrim should've had tavern songs like this
Only some of them. The others are just mmofags who latched onto the game and are so entrenched in their mmo wars that they'll shout down any criticism of ESO and tell you to "go back to final fantasy"
They're deranged.
/stag/ maybe because they're pure BGS like we are but /fog/ and the NV/obsidiot brigade can fuck off forever
they are spreading
Where's the saturday titty posting?
skyrim has no towers because they would be the first thing the dragons knock out and including towers without that interaction is lame, unloreful, and inharmonious.
that would be rather annoying
Imagine every time you enter an inn everyone starts singling Ragnar the Red or when the dragonborn comes
skyrim has enough donjons as it is
No it doesn't. I've seen them all. I've seen all the dungeons.
>anniversary edition has been out for years
>tourist doesn't even know
the Anniversary edition IS special edition retard plus all the CC combined
>all the CC combined
I hope no one plays this clusterfuck
Pretty sure you can still disable whatever you don't want to play with
Lydia cheated on me with Belethor. It's fucking over. I'm uninstalling Skyrim.
not dungeons, DONJONS (aka stone towers/spires)
why not? it's mostly just ESLs of weapon and armors from previous games, along with a few dungeons
I do.
I bought the Anniversary Edition twice.
you can suck my donjon, anon
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we can't allow this to continue any longer...
>Definitely Not Another Snow Elf Waifu Mod
Which mod is that? Snow Elves fascinate me as a culture and their architecture is fantastic. Makes me think of what the Altmer cities SHOULD look like.
literally UNSLAAD
literally the mod that is titled exactly that
>tries to cross the border
>walks into an imperial ambush

that would be amazing with surround sound
What is her favorite kind of burrito
>Want to return playing
>Have to track all these mods
Anyone have a mod folder with all those minimal starting mod things?
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My base was mostly dragonborn fate guide and I hand crafted up to around 350 mods
she's more of a tacocat enjoyer

you can take a look at some of these essentials https://rentry.org/rcrwx
or get wabbajacked with a fix list https://thephoenixflavour.com/skyrim-se/sme/
I just noticed something fucked up my telekinesis spell somewhere. It does literally nothing now. I have no idea when it happened so it will be a pain in the ass to troubleshoot. Anyone know any likely culprits off the top of your head before I start disabling esps? Like any spell packs like triumvirate or some tweaks script known to fuck it up?
justice for Niggly Wiggly
Shut the FUCK up with this "NARE-ER-VARE-EN" SHIT
I hear cat meat tastes better if you play violin music as you cook it
It is nAIR-ev-UR-EEn
I mean something like modpack but eh whatever.
Thanks guys.
Favorite playstyle?

I'm very fond of combining sword and board and two-handed axe. Like, even though I enjoy greatswords aesthetically, something about the way two-handed axes feel in this game... there's a beauty to the brutality.

Beyond that, I've also found "pure mage" with a focus on conjuration and illusion to be highly entertaining.
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well if you such a lazy faggot, just get pheonix flavor or whatver, I think that one has most of the basics but you may need to still go for onsie-twosies afterwords depending on what you install atop it...also
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If anyone ever wanted to know what happens when you hit the a TFC toggle on accident during a Werewolf transformation, you end up with this.
is wrong

is (partially) right

We know how 'Nerevar' is pronounced. It's spoken out loud in two separate games. The syllables are split as ner-e-var, not ne-rev-ar

Thus, the attributive form that makes the name of his reincarnation would be "nAIR-eh-vahr-EEn"
>conjuration/illusion mage
This, every game.
I've always gravitated to the fantasy of being a mage, and I like pet classes as adventuring solo is too lonely.
I also like to name all my summons in Morrowind/Oblivion through spell-crafting.
>a lazy faggot
Well yeah. I used to have a working mods but all of them are oudated for years.
The last mod I downloaded back then was Amidianborn armor mod at the time before paid mod debacle. I don't know if that mod is still around.
female breton cannibal vampire necromancer
Thats every Breton
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erm, Lydianon, where is your female werewolf form with proportionally sized tits??
Why Breton specifically?
On top of that they say Nervarine out loud in oblivion, too - and from that the syllabic emphasis further puts a clear break between the E and V in it.
just because a mod is outdated, doesn't make it inferior.
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elegant and sophisticated

sneak archery ofc but investing the bare minimum into sneak and health
it's fragile and fun when scouting out dangerous areas and running away or pwning due to positioning or narrow kiting with a limited supply of arrows
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This is the most egregious example I could find
Spellsword with Conjuration/Illusion is fun. I do like 2H bruteforce playstyle as well.
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now THAT's heckin immersive. I can't stand seeing male werewolf forms on my female characters, so I install big boobie replacers for werewolves and vampirelords. Only for immersion of course... because Skyrim werewolves are not cute or pretty at all.
>not cute or pretty at all
Maybe not either of those things no but they are damn sexy
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time to do some gamering
Not dead yet I see. That's nice. Leg feeling better?
no but I got my doctor's appointmnt in two days and I bought a new, fancier cane today.
Well I hope the situation improves
Still a sweet pupper on the inside, I'd still do it, its a shame that the thighs with the boots don't transfer over though
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hope so too. You never really notice how much you use both hands until you're in the supermarket, one hand is holding your mobility aid and your wallet is in your other pocket.

Anyway, skyrim time. Gonna continue the main quest
move to akavir instead
Kirkbride simply has too much soul
false since he is jewish
He said kirkbride not kikebride
>load skyrim after two days
>immediate boner on seeing waifus
its like a pavlovian response now
I see a lot of this post but there's never an image attached
There should be at least six of them that are squished together to look like knockoff abs all the way down
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What is the difference between vanilla beast races and skyfurry races that makes the former look alright, but the latter uncanny?
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your move cheese collector

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