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Chase the Light in this Thrilling New Adventure!
A revolutionary line strategy gacha RPG that pushes the genre to new heights!

Atelier Ryza Collab

One Cut of Screams Rerun

Dreamscape S7, Barton's Heroic Ascension

Waking at the Edge of a Dream
Stellandine & Maya

Dreamscape S8, Nikinis

>Useful resources:
Tier List: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1NgfgLksUsKxjt4w8ilWBCtXAtOldBMh3qr7X0OhPiM0/htmlview

>Recent Quality of Life Changes

>Alt Launcher to Bypass DMM Region Lock
>DMM Launcher guide (outdated VPN required now)

>Reroll/Starter guides:
>Collection of in-game CGs, Story Sprites, and Emotes

>Previous & Upcoming Banners

>Autofishing Guide (Emulator):


Previous: >>484497816
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>i fell aswwep and fowgot to make the thwead
Is this slut good
tier list team did their paper dps calcs a few days ago

Ryza does about Hati levels of damage.
Klaudia does about Kanna levels of damage.
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>this is a fire unit
Thunder got fucking robbed
>Klaudia does about Kanna levels of damage
that can't be right...
I was pretty eh at Fleur being the sole guy in the collab event (not counting Navi) only to get shafted from being with the gang for plot reasons but, we got evil looking Fleur from it and he did have his own fun so I won't whine.
spent around 3200 yellow crystals and had enough to redeem only to get her skin on the last pull...
well i guess i got to redeem an avatar + decoration and 3 pulls but it felt kinda stupid
Ouch. That's really unlucky.
I was going to go for it, but I'm just not a fan of white swimsuits.
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>event has daily stamina
>got ryza on the free roll
I was going to skip this collab. Does she need her friends?
Can someone re-upload the image of the next banners?
That happened with me on Goldie. Then I got Rein super early
This time I got exactly enough for the skin + avatar so I'm happy. The 2 L2D cgs make it worth imo
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here you go bwo
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matt summer design
Patrica is all she wants. Klaudia is just cute
amazing, thanks!
>open back
what a lewd judge
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so how necessary is their bt3 looking?
Very good. It lets her make dark tiles.
how about the blonde one
She's just cute. Being the only dark green makes her weak atm.
No clue what the future will bring.
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spent 50 pulls for 1st ryza and got a 2nd copy the 10 pull after. depending on my luck with klaudia from the free 30 pulls ill see if i can go for mbt ryza. i feel obliged to max out a character if i get ttheir gacha skin
Good luck bwo
I wish you luck that sounds scary
so this is where the areia dream event mode went...
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I thought we only get 20 free pulls from login? Where do you get the other 20 free pulls?
10x on 5th day and another 20x on 9th
The crossover character kits seem kind of mid, what am I missing?
Really good with other D tile users. They all synergize well.
You can rush TP Levels with Algol and Nails2.
Feels like a sheol situation where you want to get ramped up as fast as possible. Not the most loaded kit but when you're at max they hit pretty hard it seems.
I already have so many fire detonators though...
yeah but how many CUTE fire detonators do you have
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