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Previous: >>487657079

There is a standalone PC client. Click on the Windows button on the website to download it.


>Wuthering Waves Version 1.1 Trailer | Thaw of Eons

>Resonator Showcase | Changli — SEIZE THE INITIATIVE

>Official Twitter Account

To redeem the codes you need to finish the tutorial first (beat the Crownless), then go to settings.


>/wuwa/ Friends List

>/wuwa/ Thread Template (use this when making new threads)
All three for me.
wuuuuuuuu wa
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Wuwa? More like BOOBA!
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rover is you though
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What did Changli mean by saying this game is almost over
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Females can't compete
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I just insert myself as male rover and imagine an alternate Universe were fem rover exists too. Harem Waves it is.
Holy shit, congrats man!
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wuwa !
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please.. just 5% more...
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Is it just me or does Changli do more damage the encore does? The only edge encore has over her is easier sequence. Most standard 5*s have shit sequence compared to limited anyway.
She's also hotter. When will Kuro release her hebe form? It's already in the game.
Good shit bwo
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It's that easy
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Good news.
We are still in the top 3.
Thanks the gook now.

We extend our heartfelt gratitude to gook for your incredible support and generous spending on the Wuwa.
Your enthusiasm and dedication have played a significant role in the game's success, and we are deeply appreciative of your commitment.
Thank you for being such a vital part of /wuwa/ and helping Kuro continue to grow and innovate.
Thank you.
Thank you
Thank you so much.
Praise the gook.
Just as Admiral Yi Sun-sin demonstrated unwavering bravery and strategic brilliance in Korea's history, your passion and support have been a resonance beacon of strength for /wuwa/
I adore you.
I desires you.
Oh my gook.
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Thanks <3
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>limited dps does more damage than standard dps
no shit
Abby is in my right hand and FemRover resides in the sonorosphere on my left hand (her room is the login screen), except she is a neet that only comes out for a quickie
>Limited 5 Star is more powerful then Standard 5 Star
First time playing a gacha game?
is this only mobile?
I feel like most people play wuwa on PC
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Holy fuck Star Rail is dead
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How are they calculating this when the charts bugged out and dropped the game into 200th place for a few days?
Am I gay for liking Changli in a zero forte bar more than the other version?
Hell yeah.
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>sharing filter
You're making homoniggers' job easier, avoiding filter.
At this point I enjoy the weak baits. It's the avatarfags that are more annoying. How schizo must you be to change image MD5 to avoid filter.
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>lost 3 days
And it's Changli peak period too
Fucking rigged KEK
We went too far without thinking about the cnsequences of our actions.
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how the FUCK do people even play this game on mobile. Wuwon
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No. She's sexo in all forms. I like her coat.
played story and the events today, the conclusion for the story was ok-ish, but who the fuck thought this origami event was a good idea?!
how the fuck do they dare charge money for this shit
last month the exact same thing happened
Now now, what did the sheriff say about revenue posting?
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Idgi, she will die soon fr?
It's not from sensor. it is from appmagic
Sag hex
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That list is fake as fuck. There's no way Nikke did not outdo everybody given that it literally shadowed ZZZ on the release day of the game and it wasn't even close
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We're getting 15 of this at UL60 r-right?
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Not that soon but her life expectancy was cut dramatically short because of her flames
I still believe she is going to get a second awakening like Jinhsi and get saved
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It could get worse.
No list is reliable anon, all just speculated numbers, no one actually know beside the devs.
It's sad that there're losers that care about these lists that much
sexo with all
it says it right there bwo
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What UL are (you) at?
When did you start?
Day 4
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segs with granny!
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5* will rarely ever get 2nd quest simply because theres little financial incentive to do so
Solon are free to prove me wrong
Entered mt firmament during the whole bullshit and also life expectancy was cut short due to the usage of her powers when she was a kid.
She's dying but not anytime soon hopefully, and her having phoenix powers should be an easy clue that her 2nd awakening will revive her.
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will this ever be topped ?
Not "soon", but she won't have as long of a life as she would have had because of her forte. It isn't cutting into her lifespan anymore, but usage as a kid did since she was just unga bungaing it. Like she will probably live into her 60s or 70s when she would have lived to her 80s or 90s.
is there a version of this with the new homo in place of Calchudo
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Idc Nahida though. IIRC you could also shoot your shot at Jean.
You can't this cutie though she's taken.
God, do I love hags.
>Changli has shortened lifespan
>Yinlin has heart disease
>Jiyan triggered 100 death flags with the seed scene
>Jinhsi is already dead
I'm starting to see a pattern here bros...
People dont ponder death in their 20s if they live to 60s...
suicidal people sure do
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Do you think the reason changli have a list to doctors to give to this npc is she tried them all...
Elf sex!
I like that they added the highlight trembling in the eyes directly into the models.
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I'd think that the financial incentive would be increased player retention due to seeing more of their favourite characters. Similar to how giving out a free 5* doesn't make money directly, but it's great for player retention.
And of course it would be sensible to run a second quest alongside a future rerun banner.
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Wuxia qino....
Considering her job and previous job, you could assume she would know the better doctors around too.
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Did you know pregnancy prolong lifespan?
The earler you do it, the better.
Procreate now.
When is the next jade beauty with zero impurities, I don't want to roll for filthy elf hags and bird hags.
Where are you guys getting the waveplates to build multiple teams?
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Yinlin and camellya?
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1.1 damage report?
I can't get pregant :(
No she used to work with basically the president of the entire region.
Changli isnt sick, she just wont live as long as others and her lines state she already made her peace with that, further proof is how she entered mt firmanent without a single worry
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A cheap cameo in events is usually enough for retention
Fully fleshed 2nd quest cost a lot more
Verina does her job at lv1. So are many other supports.
You really only need 1 dps per team.
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Remember to master your Changli
Sex with Rover
Then she goes *poof* the second something looks at her
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If you imagine hard enough it becomes real.
That is inting on god that air attack deals no dmg
I guess xiangli yao will die also because he is a cyborg.
I predict by autoimmunity rejection.
immunosuppressive drug will make him like a HIV person (he is gay too btw)
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just 200 so far, i'll wait for more zhezhi leaks to decide wether to just e6 the bird or spread out my bux
>level 45
That combo takes almost as long as normal combo and does way less damage.
Sex with Dreamless
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Why Mihomo are like this?
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30$ because I'm poor
wtf is this
>zhezhi accidentally drinks her paint which kills her
I'm noticing..
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>Jinhsi is already dead
What is dead may never die
Wuthering graves....
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I wish Changli did more damage. She's by far the most fun character in the game, but her damage is so mid... Feels like Anko is actually stronger...
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Probably gonna use my coral to get her to S2
your luck seems pretty good
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Day 1
she needs lvl50 for her passive buff dumbass
Do it, her S2 is the biggest increase in power before S5 and S6
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Look at PGRsisters, that will be our future
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I'm UL27, when should I really try to farm and work on my Echoes? What UL do you start consistently getting gold drops?
What's the best way for me to progress from here on out? I've just finished the Dreamless

It's my first gacha and feeling overwhelmed with everything there is to do in the game
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I believe in a happy ending
Also, how's the pandering there?
UL 58
Day 1
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210 rorus. Got MONK'D again.
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Level 80 Changli s0 with sig 04:49
Level 70 Encore s0 with sig (Stringmaster) 04:48

AIIIEEE i kneel cunnychads
Mihomo spent 300 million usd on HSR/Genshin marketing in America alone in the last 2 quarters, commissioning Japanese hentai artists to do art for them is literal pocket change by comparison. Not to mention the added benefit of being able to do so anonymously. There are virtually no downsides, it would be stupid for them NOT to pay hentai artists to do art for them.
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My cute wife
Yeah wait until you get golds to do any serious tuning, i would tune some purple sets since it will cost minimal amount of tuners and can get you good milage for the cost. Don't level a bunch of characters at once either, find 2 main DPS you like and do them first.
Databank level 15
Dailies is the fast way to get UL so just keep doing that and if you are having fun or have time explore a bit for chests
Also remember it costs as much echo EXP to level one from +20 to +25 as it does to level one from +0 to +20. Only go +15 or +20(maybe) for now to save materials.
Assuming I have all the characters, what is a good Changli team for just fucking around?
>Mihomo pay to hentai artists
>Instead of pandering, they go full cuck shit
bro your S6 mortefi? your jinhsi and jiyan air combo team?
Nice bait.
That encore has food buff and god echoes.
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MC stuck in the tower for 30 years
Main girl wait for him and fight for 30 years then die in MC arm
Most of the cast is either dead or MIA, last of humanity abandon Earth and escape to outer space
UL doesn't matter. Databank is what determines gold drop rate. Go into it and just hunt down echoes you don't have higher rarities of one by one. At Databank 15 you start getting gold echoes and databank 21 golds are 100% drop rate.
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Changli + Jinhsi is the most fun team I've found so far
Haven't played it myself yet, but Changli + Chixia also looks very fun
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So it's all tragic shit.
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For me, it's Changli + Yinlin.
Looks like a mommybait
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Another gacha game fallen because lack of income.
Kuro needs to learn from this.
They rerun a OP meta character and after his banner is over, they nerfed his weapons.
It was seen as scummy since they nerfed him once people are done rolling for him.
Taoqi S6 nerf (no refund), weapon S6 nerf (refunded but still hurt the wallet)
We are seeing a pattern here.
I will now play your gachage
luv misery porn
PGR is bejewels with tits. It's not even good.
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World Flopper meme'd to reality.
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>how's the pandering there?
Every playable character is for (You), males and villains included.
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this is how its gonna be on wuwa bros
>Taoqi S6 nerf
nope. The text description never changed. If it did something other than what was in the description that means it was bugged and then fixed
wait, I thought they reversed the nerf and gave 10 apology pulls???
I keep hearing everywhere that this game eos, but never heard of it before, was it popular?
>10000xxxxx filename
>garbage post
I am indeed seeing a pattern
>'dear' again
Is she really going to call us that all the time?
Does it matter if everyone is dead?
Yeah, you should read the JP version
We're here for a good time, not a long time.
I want more Taoqi content.
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Its not even the first time they killed characters, Kuro always does a good job with it so people are just being retarded by freaking out.
post em
Nah it's just "you".
Bad TL.
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Howdy pardners! Hope y'all are doing well. Glad tto see y'alls smilling faces. Just a heads-up - word from the constabulary is there's a rough bunch of schizo fags passing through.
I want you all to keep an eye out and stay safe. Always be packin your [-] somewhere close to your chest. If you see anything suspicious, I give you dispensation to pop their heads with your [-].
As is my usual warning, best steer clear from these:
>EoS posting
>zzzoo posting
>genshit posting
>posting whatever lasses they have (all of em are town bicycles btw) thinking we'd take kindly to harlots who get knotted up their bumhole
>bringing up zzzoo drama this here in our lil ol' town that have not a care about furfaggotry
>if the upstanding lads of /wuwa/ keep ignoring 'em, they'll keep spam revenueposting, and zzzoo picture posting on repeat till someone nibbles on them bait so best be careful and keep calm, it's always been hot 'round these parts and we keep it cool in our noggin.
>careful to trust any innocent prospecting posts you meet, some of 'em ain't too honest and were made with ill-intent. untrustworthy folks try to falseflag and bait you as someone from other allied threads so best not rattle your neighbors.

There's also been reports of thems /gaga/ posters, mocking this our lil town of wuwa... best you exterminate nignog vermins like those immediately. Ain't no son-of-a-gun should be allowed to disrespect our little town of wuwa like that.
Another report by the outriders said that one son of a gun's been postin' them blasted ios charts or whatever, best you ignore them as well, No official reports from the constable, so nothing to fuss about on that regard.
We're approaching Satuday so bring your best pies out have a gander on what echos you wanna farm today and socialize in here little town of wuwa with good cheer! We're all in this together folks.
So what are the chances of Kuro killing Changli and then tease her return during the epilogue? I hope so, it would be waste to let her story end here.
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>There's also been reports of thems /gaga/ posters, mocking this our lil town of wuwa
Nyooo i tried to be funny, it's all a misunderstanding sheriff!
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I can't beat the tower with lvl 80 characters
>getting even more buffs in cbt
If they plan on doing alts of the same character I can see them doing it, they would bring her back with a second awakening that revives her like a phoenix, could be pretty kino.
>he fell for the f2p 30/30 meme
Next, you're gonna tell me you invested in Danjin.
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I ackually like the /gaga/ funny
lots of lovey-dovey sex...
Is she?
I really hope changli sells well just for it to happen
Not an argument.
Not an argument
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sheriff I'm tired of revenueposting, I don't care if wuwon or wulost, those chart are just fucking cringe
where fanart?
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Please no i need to save for s6 Cumellya let me breathe Kusoo
Divegrass team when?
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that is the weapon not the character but
General needs to be older
anko is the strongest
cope harder hag lover
Stringmister powercrept this soon?
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>Buffing her weapon when it was already strong
What did Solon mean by this?
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How'd you like the new chapters, Sheriff?
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rectifier hits like wet paper
Encore is still stronger because Sanhua has like 2s field time instead of 9s like Cowqi.
okay, pair Sanhua with Changli then?
It's just a matter of talent and dedication.

Looking forward to it!
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they know zhezhis niche appearance won't bring a lot of sales so they're going to appeal to metafags instead by making her weapon an absolutely cracked must pull
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Jue would be proud
Oh, I could've done this with a higher resolution version. For fuck sake
Where ziggas and sparkeks?
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If it takes billions of TD deaths to save her I will do it. I will genocide them all. HER SMILE WILL BE PROTECTED AT ANY COST.
now the reverse for femrover
>editing a naked man into a picture
male mc fags...
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but her own powers are to blame, not the discords.
That's not how it works
Well I'll be a jumpin' Jehosaphat! So you were the no-good rascal?
Best be careful and not play with an angry horse, friend, lest you be shot by your own pardners with their big iron [-] on their hips. You should cool your noggin in our jail cell for now fololololova.
This sheriff thinks Behemoth deserves to be jailed... at the basement of my house, where I will enact... righteous punishment... for her wicked deeds...
Can we add Changli's cultivator master there? He's based
>raised Changli to be the perfect stacy hag
>in case Rover is a lolicon, he also shows a complete schizo recollection of cute loli Changli to have all his bases covered
Can I buy out the whole illusive store or do I need to prioritize what to buy?
He's the MC, he's me.
Nah you can buy it out. Hell they cap the coins so you cant hoard for reset
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Lmao. Nikkers are alright.
buy all of em or you're bricking
Changli's changlis...
Nice edit
only if him and jue are the only ones running this grooming skit, otherwise it's just a reuse
this is insane buff

I have this theory that since yao and zhezhi appeal to niche markets they will be stronger than anything we've seen so far by goading metachuds into rolling to help boost sales
Thanks, was just making sure I'm not bricking myself by not having enough to buy everything
finally jailed the basterd, good work sheriff
WTF Jingle beast GODS at the top of the meta now
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Like this?
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>encore buff
Changli is already barely able to beat her.
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>Check hakush.in
>Still the same
You have a source for this buff, leakbwo?
And? Camellya 0.5's sword is going to be Changli's BiS
bro moment that wom*n will never understand
I do NOT like this verina image...
Definitely, that off field damage on encore is absolutely insane amirite.
I luw her bros
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Yes im still pulling for Changli even tho i already have the standard 5*
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/our/ Hag
>Off field basic atk dmg
It's Encore's heavy attack! You can use encore as subdps for Changli now!
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3 hours until league start bros, are you hyped??
zhezhi's followup attacks count as basic dmg so the sig is basically doubling the damage they do
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The fuck are you talking about?
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NTA but are you a bit slow or just ESL?
This good enough? I can't fight Scar and Jinhsi is out of fuel for mech guy, is there anyone else who could deal damage to these two?
Had to pay 180 tidepods for my Jade-like beauty + her weapon.
Got the KFC-like beauty + weapon in just under 50 so i like her more now
Cute cow
That's not how gacha games work. They may make an appearance in a future event or story quest, but it's much, MUCH better to shill their newly released limited 5 stars. If you want to see a lot of a single character, gacha mobages are not the medium.
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they really pulled no stop in making the characters pretty, even in this moment they picked the best time of day. also she is glowing a lot
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She will lead me into battle and I will claim divines from WUWILLION of monsters in her name
He's being sarcastic, because as far as I know, her only source of off field damage is her.. Heavy Attack? The one where she has a meltdown
I used all I had after Jinhsi and got Verina on pity. Going to stop here and wait for Zhezhi or Camellya, doesn't seem worth it to get Changli if you can't get at least S2 since these early DPS releases will get powercrept fast. Manko will have to do for now.
Wow, bully much!? Huh? HUH!?
No, I'm just retarded.
Gacha is just a monetisation model, it has no impact on the story. Sure, some games are lazy and just shill their latest characters, but there are plenty that continue to keep older ones relevant.
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arent these people i meet a bit too trusting too quick
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If God himself started walking the earth i'd be inclined to trust him, yes.
That is not necessarily right. There are gacha games that focus on a small cast which usualy means having a bunch of alts. So as far as the story goes the characters stay relevant.
HI3 was like that at least early on, Snowbreak is like that.
The problem is with this Genshin model of "wander around visiting 7 places before the big twist" that forces constant character replacement. It could have been different by having a smaller cast that you adventure with.
She's definitely cuter than Hagli.
>Chixia used to hold you at gunpoint before they rewrote the script to make the NPCs more trusting
are skin mod safe to use bwos
Youre wuxia god anon.
104 is R5, 52 is R1. Someone is retarded there
I miss Infamous so much dude.
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Maybe you would, but that's exactly what I would expect from lower IQ indivuduals.
I reject any god other than the power of science.
Easter egg
Yeah, I've been using them for a month with no i-
bwo..? please don't mess with me bwo
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But who created science and IQ if it wasn't Rover almighty?
Hypocrite that you are when You yourself are his descendant.

Checkmate unbeliever !
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I don't think they can make a better character than Changli, design wise, personally.
>love pink hair
>love white hair
>fire is my favorite vidya element
>perfectly rendered booba with a perfect amount of natural sag, hottest booba aspect
>perfect voice
>fun to play
>is strong
I'm so glad I skipped Jinhsi, I got her on a whim, but no weapon or wavebands. Here's hoping I get Changli's sword, but I even used my 5* weapon crate for the sword.
spoilers aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa
>hit UL 59
>completely broke after raising Changli and Chixia
time to farm nothing but gold, xp and weapon xp for a week straight to prepare for raising Changli and Jinhsi to 90 I guess
In this moment i'm euphoric, not because of any phony gods but because i'm enlightened by my own resonator power
just keep everything at 80/80 bwo
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Are people actually using Changli Chixia instead of Changli Encore
why are chinese game devs incapable of writing a more grounded main character and instead they always have to be some kind of chosen one?
Because the alternative for them is a camera like that other game.
They never outright say it, but you should have clues already, youre not exactly normal anon.
Also don't go asking those questions wtf bro.
>Hmm why are they so trusting
>People answer why
>Wtf spoilers bro
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>not spoiling your wives

I don't have Anko. I picked useless monk with my selector.
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my wives and husband Jiyan will be level 90 and you will have to deal with that
Like with anything in life, do at your own risk. I've used it for a month+ and haven't been ding dong bannu'd.
Because WuxiaKINO is all about increasing stakes to the point of ridiculousness. Ok, so you're actually god but then you find out the enemy is the immortal over-god from the upper realms that has trilions of universes in his grasp and he can kill you with a fart.
for me, it's Changli and Mortefi
For me is Changli and Havoc-Rover (Male)
In a very dumb roundabout way this is actually a great argument.
That actually works? She doesn't do any heavy attack damage does she?
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Why are the Tower enemies so fucking tanky? Even with the buffs I can barely scratch them. Do I need 3000 ATK and 500% Crit DMG to play this stupid gamemode?
my mortefi is S6 and is juiced because im a Jiyan GOD. the constant 20% attack buff is sex and its kino seeing his dragon cum fly everywhere when she's owning some tranny
Thread is so and comfy on a Friday... Wonder where the pags went.
Anon her forte release counts as heavy attack
The explosion you do when you have full forte is heavy attack
Uh, heh... easy mistake to make it's all good np but: We call it negative edge now in the community.
You need to level your characters. Enemies being even just 10 levels ahead of you makes them tanky as fuck due to the level correction aspect of the damage formula.
If you're fully leveled, then level your talents, level your gear, level your echoes.
And if you've done all that, then I don't know. Maybe your expectation of how tanky enemies should be is different.
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Now that they are making money they really needs to increase content quantity for patches and plan them a little better.
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Those are nothing more than childish fairytales spread by troglodytes.
If Rover is the god you claim him to be, how come my sources on JinzhouChan /pol/ told me that he was spotted getting pegged and sounded by a red elf?
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What does your rooster look like?
What UL?
I use Changli with Yinlin
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fantastic echoes or level 90
pick one

it's explicitly counted as skill damage
It's actually Skill damage bros, i'm using Mortefi for his S6 buff not his outro buff.
Be fair: how many edges can she do before she gives up and cums
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Even god loves getting scissored.
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Same. It just werks.
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Meet me @ MT Firmament summit 0600 no consumables or inhalers and say that again to my face BITCH.
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When she sees Rover fuck Jinhsi senseless.
Danjin, the strongest believer
How strong is the combo synergy? Does Mortefi Outro buff Changli?
/pol/tards radicalized another one
she buffs him
When you ult with Mortefi and then transfer back to Changli, does her outro continue to buff Mortefi' ult?
I'm using Changli Yapyap
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Zhezhi and xiangli Yao changes
how the fuck is calchudo supposed to compete???
Is it best to just get 1 copy of a 5*, then wait for their rerun to try pulling for wavebands/buy with coral? Want to save my pulls for Zhezhi, already got Changli
i dont think it works that way anon. Once hes switched he loses it though im not completely sure if it works with his marcato attacks. I dont think it has a snapshot effect
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Please don’t jinx it
It's a shame... I'll still try to build him. I have nothing much to do so I'll at least build him to lvl 60/70 as a support.
We still don't know how they're doing reruns and powercreep. It's very likely by the time a character is rerun it will be powercrept into oblivion. Just pull for who you like, you won't beat powercreep as a F2P no matter how much you struggle.
Sephirot.... had a hard and short life
well i was more expecting answer along the "they are just very friendly people :)" not "oh its because ur god"
So I *should* be pulling for dupes if I wanted to hypothetically build Changli? Realistically, I will go to pity and use all of my resources, and only be at s1. This could apply for anyone though, as you say.
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>F2p and F2p+ people is getting close to UL 60
His time is coming
is this just buying the battle pass?
Rovers true identity is still a mystery but youre ageless so far. Which you should already know
Probably. Light dolphin action is just Battle Pass + Monthly Astrite.
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Well you haven't actually been spoiled really.
You saw in the intro cutscene that you descended from the heavens, and by this point the quests should have revealed that you've been in Jinzhou before which is how people know who you are.
Now what does that mean for the story? You'll have to wait and see.
lmfao "light dolphin". havent heard this whale adjacent term. i lol
niggas with battle pass and daily pass or just daily pass. maybe top up here and there but no common enough to be considered a dolphin
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our canon wife
You won't see the effects of big money up until 2.0. The only thing that will be better and/or faster is fixing stuff and releasing patches with less and less problems.
WHat heavy dolphin buy?
What does medium orca look like?
I meant to use 'light' as a modifier to 'dolphin action' but yeah. There's probably varying stratas from a typical whale to a leviathan, I guess people spending $15 in a game is just some light action.
Kinda curious what uber whales consider as "light" whaling and "heavy" whaling now.
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How do i cope with the fact that i have the only-one-email type of autism and refuse to reroll even though this account is so shit?
almost everyones accounts will even out in the long run
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I love the slowdown on killing weekly bosses, specially on units that have big attacks.
How do you quantify a burner email to reroll as a second legitimate email. It's not like you'll ever check it
Abby mating pressing loLi
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Yeah some cutscene can be kino if you time them well.
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Yeah, it's pretty cool.
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Google has email+suffix@gmail feature, you basically have infinite emails as long as you have 1, might try that. Try creating new acc with your_actual_mail+wuwa1@gmail.com, see if it works. The registration letter should reach your main inbox.
thank you, this is good cope
temporary is temporary so i wouldnt use it for a game i want to play long term
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danjin is love danjin is life, one day i hope for a danjin wife,
as i arise in the morning i gaze upon my danjin wife yawning,
with eyes like dazzling gems, and gems 10/10,
all i know, all is well in life
when i have myself a danjin wife.
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bwo just reroll
my account was also shit so I started an alt and I've been lucky ever since
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>Rovers true identity is still a mystery
Well not really, Changli's max affection profile text answers it you are literally god
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>Feet don't touch the ground when she sits
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Sexy smol cute gremlin
it's a big chair
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New characters just leaked
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Annnnddddd there goes the EN dub.

Half of the VA's Kuro uses are Union, and now they are on strike.
Who the fuck uses eng va
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Lel another strike?
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>Video game performers will go on strike over artificial intelligence concerns
If I was a videogame studio then I would be investing more money into developing better AI voices due to VA strike concerns
i told you guys she was a tiny chicken nugget
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Wake me up when JP or KR va's go on strike.
new chibi just dropped
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They should switch to full AI. It would do a better job and then all of the npc quests and shit could be voiced instead of only main and companion quests.
And here I was warming up to the EN dub. Back to JP it is
Huh? I thought Kuro is using a UK studio for the EN dub? Isn't that a US union?
Wasn't it a bong studio? This is a burger union, right?
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Sheriff off?
It's the time, my friends.
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Right. i never use EN dubs nor i think they have any relevancy for the industry as a whole.
hell yeah let me check [+] reeeeeally qu-oh it's just total dog shit

Nevermind then
Hear me out wuwiggas
First collab with FF7
We get Cloud, Tifa as 5 stars, Yuffie and Aerith as 4 stars.
Not happening. You will eat the Nierslop and like it.
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Xiangli Yao nerfed hard
Female boycott coming soon.
Brace yourself.
What's the issue when I'm quick swapping and the character I swapped into just stands there instead of continuing the attack? Is it slow input on my part?
its already writen in the stars bro, kuro a nier fags
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Is he saved?
I wish they could just delete the EN dub.
We don't need that cancer.
Are you swapping immediately after defeating an enemy? Sometimes the game thinks you've finished combat, so doesn't do a combat swap, even though there is another enemy right behind you.
Never had this happen to me
Damn so it's pretty much confirmed that he's gonna be free.
Thatll be the 2nd collab
>First collab
Dual collab with PGR
Lucia, Vera, Bianca and Alpha to Wuwa
Rover Jinhsi Changli and Yapyap to PGR
>2nd collab
>3rd collab
Calculatorbros we're no longer in danger now
>Free character
>Shit out of the box but overpowered sequence bait
Freebies being poisoned pills in gacha, who woulda thunk it.
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Now this I can consoom.
>collab brings off brand characters to the game
I sleep (sorry BRS)
>collab brings off brand bosses to style all over them
Count me in brother
Wuwas recent spike in SK could lead to a nikke collab and, instead of the BA/Mahjong cuckery we could have tyrant raptures holograms
>Are you swapping immediately after defeating an enemy?
I think this is the main reason. I'm currently messing around while exploring and it happens frequently so I just noticed it. Thanks
Not surprised, he was pumping numbers bigger than H. Rover. He's probably gonna be at that level at s0 which is fine by me.
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>there goes the EN dub
Nice, thank you Sag-Fags. Hopefully Kuro will just delete the EN dub and use the money to hire more half-naked cosplayers.
For (You)

She really is...
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Gameplay hopes and predictions?
...and nothing of value was lost
Fallout: London experience so far

>Find a knife
>Shank two police officers
>Fight off a pack of mutated hounds
>Begin a conspiracy to assassinate the royal family
>Smoke 28 cigarettes in a row
>Punch a bloke so hard his head explodes
>Arrive home and open the game
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My hopes are that they don't redesign her and she releases with a bad kit so it's extra easy for me to skip
Changli decided that my lap is her chair. Every time I sit somewhere she sits in my lap, Jinhsi looks really je
echomancing real bro?
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Hold your horses right there! Let go of the [+] or I'll pump you varmints full of [-]
Based, fuck femoids and f2poors
dps so I can skip in peace
Based middle eastern poster
hu ha huuuu
ookiku naare
hya huu haaa
shokubutsu datte
ikiterun desu!
shutututu tutututu (HAAAAAA)
shutututu tutututu
shutututu tutututu (HOOOO)
shutututu tutututu
shutututu tutututu
shutututu tutututu (HYA)
shutututu tutututu
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Fallout London is pretty cool
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POLSKA GUROM, ziomeczku
Chinese leekers were saying she's a support and also got redesigned so she's not so flat. Apparently her animations and effects are really good
encore is better
doro = habibi
Honestly, I've been building Encore and Chixia, since they can just share echoes, and I prefer Chixia.
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I only pull sub-dps or support.
Yinlin, Zhezhi, and Coastguard.
They have a guarantee to be a long investment.
Only brainlet pulling S0 dps like Changli, Jiyan, Jinhsi, or Ganxue.
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Don't really care for the EN voices, but this might slow down patches if the bong company they hired is unionized, which would suck as content is already exhausted if you're a week 1 player
>instead of the BA/Mahjong cuckery

I unironically stopped enjoying BA after the Mahjong collab and i am a day 1 player btw, I came to WuWa expecting a edgy genshin copy slop but now is my main game and Changli put my hopes very high for this game
I hope Nigga Games pulls a Snowbreak and they remove the shitty ENG VAs
What the fuck are these cows with mushrooms on their backs? They looks so disgusting and I wish they don't drop their meats when they die because I'm sure they give you aids
>I unironically stopped enjoying BA after the Mahjong collab
Doesn't matter, unions in the same industry usually have agreements to support each other strikes, otherwise they would be competing with each other and protests would make no sense, because the other union would just jump at the opportunity, since nothing really prevents you from hiring British VA in US
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They would never slow down patches just to keep a dub for their least important region. Worst case scenario they would put the EN dub on pause.
Japan, China and South Korea alone make up almost 70% of the revenue according to the magic meme charts.
China's back? Were they waiting for Changli? lmao
Sex with Exile Technician
>turbo for (you)
>fun to play
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My best guess is that Jinhsi followed by Changli triggered a revival, all of the (You) pandering probably got spread around on their social media.
CN bros are so gullible and easily manipulated lol
>Mega for (you)
>Fun kit
>Not censored
>Meanwhile genshin had the cameraman event
So yeah of course Changli is going to perform well.
>Mobile revenue
Remind me about the mobile gaming culture in Japan vs USA and South Korea
If anything this should tell you how dead Japan is. Fuck that region. Entire country filled with mobile gaming nintendies with the worst taste imaginable.
Go look at the zzzoo chart to see what the Jp share should look like on a mobile chart
maybe some of them started to get tired of being cucked.
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She just keeps getting fanart... wtf Jinhsi bros...
What are the bugs and lizards we can collect are for? They're listed as ingredients but we can't cook them can we?
Your pet groomed Jinhsi
But your student literally made a time space alternate dimension just so YOU could groom Changli yourself.
Of course she would get all the art, unlike Jinhsi you have a very personal connection with Changli
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I thought gooks hate gacha
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Other than the obvious, like her being for (You) and all the baiting in the story, she's also got a nice colour palette and interesting eyes, which would appeal to artists.
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In genshin, they added recipes later on that required lizard tails and frogs as ingredients.
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Gooks like grinding for miniscule stat gains and hard content to smash themselves against after they've grinded for said gear.
Wuwa is basically tailor made for them, the only way it could be better is if your echoes had a chance to break every time you did damage and you could infinitely farm echo exp.
Theyre used in some potions at the synthesizer
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This Yinlin looked better
They made 4 girls cuckshit
She's just too cute. She is the best fucking thing that happened between me and a woman. And Ive been to real dates and had real gfs. I've never felt as warm and loved as during this scene
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where the FUCK is Camellya? I'm supposed to skip Chang, 1.2 and 1.3 now?
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I should check out that section of the synthesizer. I only ever used it for converting when I'm short on a certain material
wtf indogs are lower than pinoys and malays... when the reddit faggots that keep shitting on wuwa is an indog. Isn't indonesia like the biggest SEApag nation population wise?
Okay guys, new SEApag tierlist
S - Singapore
A - Taiwan (honorary SEA)
B - Philippines, Malaysia
F - Indogs
his legs are fucking weird as fuck probably from sitting all day
Damn bro.... (you) cucked (you)...
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Putting a durability stat on echos is such a gook mmorpg thing...
Suspicious isn't it? Sip.
nah if you want maximum overgook it'd be echo tuning having a chance to fail, and when it fails the echo is permanently lost
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Consider that Indonesia has more than 5x the population of South Korea.
The gooks are spending crazy amounts of money relative to their population, but I'm glad, because as long as we've got the gooks we've got arca.live, and as long as we've got arca.live I'll have plenty of content to steal and repost here.
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>echo tuning having a chance to fail
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is this true?
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>min max support echoes
>BiS main stat on 3 costs are energy regen
Not sure if I'm luckshitting but I've rarely seen an energy regen on a 3 cost, moreso on a gold echo. I think my Baizhi will stay on a glacio rejuvinating glow.
Why were people saying tuners would be the bottleneck? It's the exp.
I wanna replace my 3-cost hp% for baizhi with er% but I feel like I'd be in a better state of mental wellness if I just replace her weapon with the 4* er% craftable rectifier (I'm bricked and don't have the other 4* er% rectifier)
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Good morning/evening/night Changlibros
why not use 1 ER% and 1 HP% i think you really want her to get her ult and outro asap
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>Jinhsi AI art gets 86k likes
>Not even from the og "artist" but a reporter
kek former BDO player here, that game's roll system is just fucking insane
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>no Verina
Why did you like it?
I wanna kill this cam
Damn imagine being the original artist, seeing some faggot from Vietnam with a monetized twitter account reposting your shit and getting 1.8 million views worth of ad revenue.
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3-cost heal set er% main stat echo is so hard to grind...
>the original artist
It's AI generated lmao
Imagine the mating press.
>original artist
Fucking kek
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>heres your trial char bro
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>running Changli with H. Rover quickswap comp
Feels so good going skill -> atk -> swap intro -> dreamless -> swap -> skill -> atk -> swap
bro... https://www.pixiv.net/en/artworks/120725578
10$, maybe less
For Chixia paired with Changli, do you want full fusion set with inferno rider echo? Or does he take too long to use, I remember someone preaching in favor of the salamander as a drop and forget.
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>he also has a Changli generated art
Man the moment ai started learning how to draw fingers and eyes, it was all downhill for shitty artists...
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Spoiler that shit next time, you ass.
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you can salt your email
rider is still better. just swap cancel the last hit and it's fast enough
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I failed the 50/50 to Encore bwos... How should I feel?
Feel better by doomposting all limited units so anko stocks rise. Simply poot.
it's a sign to save for 1.3 and 1.4 characters bro they'll be broken and even better looking
Anko is Changli's best teammate bwo, don't be sad
I was deadass disappointed when I checked the stats of the trial char.
Poebros, we ready? Do it for her
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it's okay anon, I saw some run comparison with Changli/Encore, Changli/Chixia and Encore/Sanhua and they all finished Heron in about the same time.
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I will skip until Poe2 bro sorry.
For the two camellyas, what is the possibility of both of them being back to back banners? I'm utterly fucked if both of them are 1.4
Camellya is highly possible to be 1.3 because her sound files were found.
I thought we're getting loli + coastguard? unless Camellya 1 counts as a loli.
Im trying nigga but that thing wants me to go pity
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>Be Changli
>do basic attack combo until BA4
>quick swap to Mortefi right after her BA4
>he attacks while she lands, stands there seductively with her umbrella
>quickswap back to Changli, who is still standing there

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Nice find anon. Into my cuck folder it goes.

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