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Previously on /coopg/: >>487499627

EDF is BACK edition

This general is for cooperative games, titles which need more than one player and requires them to work together to win. Examples include: Helldivers, Vermintide, Darktide, Valheim, Deep Rock Galactic and EDF.

>Latest News/Updates:

Earth Defense Force 6

/coopg/ dedicated server is up. see thread for more details (ded server)
Ashlands PTB:

Helldivers 2:
PATCH 01.000.404


Crafting rework info https://forums.fatsharkgames.com/t/introduction-to-the-itemization-rework-dev-blog/96314

Vermintide 2:
Versus mode soonTM

Deep Rock Galactic:

Remnant 2:
The Forgotten Kingdom DLC released:

Payday 3 (dead game but whatever):
Patch 1.2.0 Boys in Blue(balled)

>Acknowledged but not really discussed
Ready Or Not
Starship Troopers Extermination
Aliens: Fireteam Elite
Killing Floor 2
Left 4 Dead 2

>Future games
Killing Floor 3
Den Of Wolves - TBA
DarkSwarm - TBA
Blight: Survival - TBA
The Forever Winter - TBA

Build planners:
Vermintide 2: http://ranaldsgift.com/
Deep Rock Galactic: http://karl.gg/
Darktide: https://darktide.gameslantern.com/build-editor
post lobby
Frens, this EDF 7 theme is propa bangin'.
Can someone explain the Driller's C4 & Scout meme to me?
It's all over reddit and steam artwork memes, but I've never experienced this in-game after hundreds of hours.

Are drillers supposed to kill scouts? I don't get it.
It's scout persecution really. Some drillers just think they're entitled to grief the most important class in the game.
lost culture, like downing Kerillians
scouts don't pay attention and end up in blast zones
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i fight to protect wing divers across the world
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crashed, rehostin
Is there a way to make lost planet 2 playable on PC?
Is there a way we could play it together?
Fucking hell I miss lost planet 2 with every fiber of my being.
fuck i was too late
>throw C4 to kill bugs, clear terrain, or mine something
>scout inevitably ziplines straight into the blast zone as soon as you hit m1
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git in
searching by room name doesn't have it show up, he crashed again because it will still show a 4/4
retard cunts that don't light up the place deserve to get blown up inshallah
Jackku here, if the map is crashing for you I can skip it to mission 50, I have 'till 51 unlocked.

But I dont know how to create a lobby invitation link...
Here, you can join with this:

Unless you want to try again in your lobby and hope you don't crash?
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3 dudes joined in so i'll help with their progression
heres how to do it
right click the join game link on your profile and copy it
No biggie, we'll continue over here then.
Good luck
gg, why did it have to be the hot springs..
they look just like humans
>shoot the Driller from a safe distance
>nothing he can do about it except hide
>zip around and take potshots

i have no problem 1v1ing a shitller
You wouldn't a frog
more like
>zip towards the back of a dreadnaught so I can shove a boomstick up its ass + power axe
>driller throws a C4 to at the same time

it's just accidents and people having different ideas during the chaos of battles
Thoughts on Monaco 2?
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So, what's Fatshark's excuse?
Incredibly poor management, probably
Nurgle presence in the office. Toilets clogged.
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Fatshark has always been the #1 "makes fun gameplay but are incompetent at every other aspect of making video games" dev studio to me. I remember playing the hell out of the War of the Roses alpha only to be completely put off by the mega grind they shoved into the game at launch, so it was no surprise when they pulled similar shit with vermintide.
room: /vg/df
pw: rage
mission 20 hard
I think in the future they won't be either. I've been looking around and all the long time combat devs left Fatshark. That includes people like the lead designer which is pretty well known here (among people who care anyway) but that also includes people like Manny Blanco who have been a huge influence on the technical part of the implementation of combat systems going right.
The people who fixed the horde slots in VT2? Gone. The people who designed it in the first place? Gone. The people who came up with the ranged/melee hybrid enemy dynamics in Darktide and implemented the AI to the point it actually feels good to play? Gone
All gone. I'm 99% convinced the studio is done for. There is an 1% chance none of these people had any actual influence and just seemed important. That's my personal cope
pls stop talking about not-darktide games, it makes me feel unsafe. Thank you
all their developers are working on HD2
get in here, im coon
im still on mission 20 moonman
we didnt play for long after you left yesterday. I crashed and just went to bed on the next mission
Even if a bunch of people hadn't left, I would be extremely wary of any future fatshark games after darktide t b h
welp, we're on 31, good luck

3/4, 31 hard
Yeah same, although they would probably retain the same
>good at the core, everything else increasingly shit
dynamic. The former is most likely gone now too though. Unless the devs that left start their own stuff idk
don't forget the people who remain are useless with them moving from bitsquid/stingray to UE5 on their next game
manny blanc works at torn banner now
I'm still not sure its not just a mobile spinoff or something, but this could be why fatshark devs are leaving en masse.
The other reason could be that theyre tired of working for a studio that takes all their good design and implementation and wraps it up in actual feces
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AH is on vacation too
autodesk killed support for the engine, they finished darktide because it was in development but I don't expect anything new on the engine from anyone.
Autodesk bought the engine from fatshark who developed it themselves and have a contract that allows them to keep freely developing it. Fatshark is 100% as capable of using it as before and they were always fully independent of autodesk
Once this crafting rework launches, I'm making a stripped down meme build. All stamina curios, stamina regen, sprint efficiency. Stamina and sprint efficiency on the weapon perks. I will NEVER be shot again.
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it's all so tiresome
In the first hour or two it was 10-15% positive. honestly don't know why people give that much of a fuck unless it actually causes technical issues
funny enough the engine history labels the creators as former fatshark employees because they all fucking left the company
i'm gonna stop hosting for a bit, trying some shit out to replicate what caused the crash at the hot springs
same actually, so it's an issue specific to the hot springs map.
That one crashes a lot, but crashes are pretty common in general, especially in missions with wing divers.

Kill all wing divers.
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holy shit
this is damn near perfect
just gotta find proper lv4 blessings for it
I looked at the reviews and plenty of people saying the game runs like ass too.
hot springs was my first crash, updated GPU drivers and trying to get it to crash again
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>turned off AA and anistropic
>no more crashes
or maybe it's just single player
Did anyone want to Crimeboss tonight...New Adventures await, but i dont have any buddies to play with?
>tfw still like six hours for melk to refresh
>dorktide 2 doesn't even have good gameplay to fall back on
It's unbelievably over for fatshart
No one cares about "EDF".
Talk about Monaco
you first, shill me on it
Payday in topdown view

Ocean's Eleven: The Game
Monaco from Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia at en.wikipedia.org

Monaco (Ho/mo) is a sexual activity involving application of pain or constriction to the male genitals. This may involve directly painful activities, such as wax play, genital spanking, squeezing, ball busting, genital flogging, urethral play, tickle torture, erotic electrostimulation, or even kicking.

The recipient of such activities may receive direct physical pleasure via masochism, knowledge that the play is pleasing to a sadistic dominant.
so far so good but it's a bandaid fix. according to event viewer it was a driver crash both on the old and new driver.
Wrong shovel. The mk 5 is the good one
HD2 status? I haven't checked in a month.

Did they remove the rootkit malware yet?
Game is still on my wishlist in case the developers actually listen to the players.
people complaining they won't buy the game because of gameguard are by definition not their players
I have over 1k hours on the original Helldivers.

So yes, I'm definitely their fucking player.
wow, do any of the other 5 HD1 players complain about game guard?
It can't be just a coincidence that Darktide, HD2 and EDF6 all suffered as a result of snoy
>shopclick has glacial updates due to the PS5 port
>HD2 and the PSN fiasco
>EDF6 and EOS from PS4-PS5 crossplay
Am I missing anything?
Kill yourself underage FOTM zoomer.
wait a minute, it's all snoy?
>>shopclick has glacial updates due to the PS5 port
This is omega cope. It has slow updates because swedes are the most lazy fucking software developers on the planet. Not even getting into the shitshow of snow nigger vacation they do what, 5 hours of work a week?
EDF7, get in losers, M46
ps4-ps5 doesn't need EoS, it's used as a bridge between companies with different account verification servers.
let me know when you guys are doing edf5
EOS is for steam/epig crossplay, not pc/ps4 crossplay
m8 i spent 100 hours in the last few weeks helping anons in edf5, where the fuck were you?
here, not seeing literally any posts regarding EDF except for
>get hype bros edf6 soon
what the fuck, me and other anons posted lobbies often but nobody joined
EDF sucks. Monaco is better.
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For vet plasmaguns I want
>blaze away (power for each shot)
>it gets hot! (crit based on heat level)
Trying to figure out how to salvage this plasma gun because I cant be fucked to gamble another with good stats. Not sure what perk to replace the pox walker one with.
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have an extra pitiful (you)
Elites, flak unyielding for boss damage or unarmored to get ohk on dreg gunners on headshots.
it is entirely possible I was just blind then, carry on
bud i only ever saw monaco in radioshack bargin bins 20 years ago with some guy who looks like castro laughing on the cover
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Is this any good? It's looks good to me but I'm still getting used to this retarded crafting system coming from vermintide.
crashed again at the hotsprings on multiplayer
, it's over.
yeah that's why I took screenshots of my event viewer logs on the crashes from both drivers and reported them to AMD. I trust them to solve it before the japs who left the depot sitting around for two fucking months without testing before release.
Game runs fine, though. Unless we're looking at people with out of date tech with plenty of age and dust on it facing the usual problems a console player might face.
Level 20 Blazer my beloved
Blast Radius is a little low but generally you won't kill more than the guy you hit and the 3 guys shoulder to shoulder with him, so it shouldn't be an issue.
Gloryhunter can be inconsistent from team killsteals so I'd change it for Adhesive charge, and crit chance for whichever armor type you want to fuck.
>Blast Radius dump stat
>bad perks
>mediocre blessings
it's peepee poopoo
Why aren't you playing it more, retard? Did you stop having good taste or something.
why are you shilling? why should people with 'out of date tech' suffer when the game is made with 'out of date tech' and looks 'out of date'. if anything, it not running well on a windows 95 craptop should be indicative that the devs don't know what they're doing
t. edf lover
"Out of date tech" is the game.
>Dog is about to pounce
>Press Q
>Weapon doesn't swap
>Aiming at dog with my empty gun like a retard
>Get pounced
>Now my entire team thinks I'm one of the retarded knifezealots
I sear this kind of shit never happened in vermintide.
I recommend this mod.
Does this also apply to sprinting if I have it set as toggle? Sometimes I don't sprint because an animation was playing and then I get fucked because I wasn't sprinting when I needed to.
No unfortunately
That's just EDF, nothing to do with epig
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that's not shilling and the game runs fine
people just love to lie, like this guy, one of the top reviews of edf 6 currently
all of these things except ui scaling/accessibility options are a blatant lie or nothingburger, including either his pc specs as a whole or his experience with the game
except the 60 fps lock but it's fucking edf, this isn't a surprise
>60fps in 2024
wow, guess EDF finally caught up to consoles (LMFAO)
it's always been 60 on pc
slop that runs at console framerates.
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This game has a 1070 as recommended GPU, this shit looks like a game from 2008.
i wish i could make my zealot and psyker look decent without paypigging
I wish half the penance outfits didn't have walmart receipts attached with wax
it's also as fun as a game from 2008 so it's kino
it's shilling, the game does not run fine
you are a lying shill
that's besides the point
did you know walmarts receipts (thermopaper) are highly estrogenic? the zealots are getting feminized, theyre turning the priests gay
>2k monitor
I fucking hate marketers so fucking much. they sell monitors as 2k when they're 2560x1440 which is 1440p and QHD but just slap 2k on there because it's halfway between the jump from 1080p to 4k(another marketing nigger switch from vertical to horizontal on 3840x2160)
any lobby?
>include screenshot of perfectly reasonable complaints
>"actually? stop complaining and consume."
You shills aren't even trying anymore
Not buying your nipjank, fuck off.
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More importantly, while 2k is a thing in formal video resolution specs, it has nothing to do with 2560x1440.
yes, this is now a monaco general!
/v/df Password rage
Mission 57 hard
>no accessibility options
based. fuck colorblind people
lobby up
mission 30
full up already?
nope just me alone in lobby
2008 was like the peak consolization era.
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>edf6 is DOA
>forever winter has a billion red flags
>DRG is fun but not deep enough to warrant more discussion
>Only 2 games really carry this general
Yeah I'm thinking an apology is in order
i dont see it. im on a non-pirated copy, not sure if pirated can play on official rooms or vice versa.
darktide uses EOS retard
im not pirated either
ive rehosted with password

password: vidyabad
Damn...refunded and bought 4 copies of edf6 instead...
still nada. is there something i need to set up to see /v/ rooms? i see the /v/df room the other anon posted
pic related
I don't think it likes searching with numbers. There's a lobby called Happy-STORM1 that I can't search for either. There's a lobby called HSU that I can find just fine, too. And the normal /v/df lobby as well.
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not the host but i can see his room fine
found it, default/clear settings hides instant rooms so you have to toggle that to search under room name
also heres link
this but unironically
you get a cool dystopian filter for life 24/7 and you still complain
moonman, im done waging
you better leave whatever 2nd rate lobby you're in and join
Shut up autist.
im eatin, hold on for about 15-20mins
room: /vg/df
pw: rage
mission 20 hard for the 3rd time since I always end up doing earlier missions for other anons
Monaco is the greatest coop game ever made.
go back to your discord clique nigger
Brother you do realize no matter how much you whine and bitch about how nobody plays your old-ass dead games nobody is going to hop on and play with you right? frfr ong dumbass boomer bitch made
No, Alien Swarm (UT mod, not the remake) is the greatest coop game ever made.
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Which staff should I keep, assuming I can put Warp Flurry 4 on it later?
shopsissies is this true,,,
Left, quell speed is almost unnoticeable
Unyielding is a better perk than crit damage so right
Yes but you don't make an account nor link your steam account
a LOT of games use EOS because it's cheap
I'm sorry but the EDF series is just better. Even iron rain. Especially EDF 6. I've heard of Monaco once maybe ten years ago and never again which seems about right, lmao.
im filtering monaco so i dont have to read spamposts anymore and i encourage you lot to do the same
M0naco warped your shit-taste mind.

What class do you main? For me it's Locksmith!
i like the pickpocket, his monkey is really useful for speedrunning
>enter EDF lobby
>chink host
>all weapons starred
>twice the amount of armor allowed for the mission. 6x my amount
why must every chink cheat from day 1?
Why contain it?

that's why i play with anons instead of pubs
For me, it's the Wing Diver (Solo) and Air Raider (Online).
Wing Diver's overall mobility is unmatched and only the Fencer gets close while requiring a lot more effort to play well.
Air Raider is by far the best class for dealing with bullshit, provided that you are prepared.
It's literally in their bug nature and also completely ingrained in their culture. If you don't win as hard as possible you are a loser. Cheating is not bad if you get away with it. In their eyes you are a fool for not cheating, and the developers are fools for not being able to stop them.
same reason the chinks don't mind p2w games, more numbers makes them better and they don't care if it takes emptying their bank account to get there.
what is EDF and why does it keep getting shilled on here?
Hi there, please don't forget to keep including "Monaco" in your future posts.
>Cheating is not bad if you get away with it. In their eyes you are a fool for not cheating, and the developers are fools for not being able to stop them.
This guy understands. Bug"men" unironically subscribe to the idea that "if you aren't cheating you aren't trying, and if you get caught you aren't trying hard enough".
room: /v/df2
mission 34
i'd join but im helping this anon here, we're on 24
The wing diver lightsabers are pretty nuts.
sorry but wingdiver's only use is going from 45% to 60% completion on the road to 70%
You forgot to add "EDF" in your post retard
mmm deal, but i get my rail gun back, you can use it too however
wrong post, also sucker. rangers are getting all the limpet guns and you're not getting shit.
>forever winter has a billion red flags
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Is EDF 6 just EDF 5+?
mission 28 hard
pw rage
is using the weapon customization mod to give weapons flashlights and useable sights cheating?

i'm loling so hard looking at this guys screenshot
>watching what seems to be some commercialized political reaction streamer podcast for boomers
>while messaging his ugly fat wife
>while attempting to purchase 4000 aquilas but his bank wont let him

the quintessential paypig
>pulls 100W max from my GPU at 4K
>CPU gives 0 fucks
>rock-solid 60 fps all the time
Honestly it's kind of black magic these days how Sandlot is able to make EDF run so fucking well, especially compared to all the other UE5 soidev trash that would melt a 4090.
EDF5+ in that EDF5 was also just EDF4+
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>ms store
>no i do not use mods
>watching lefty faggots on his phone
i want to make a paypig joke but i can see that i don't have to
4 is the biggest jump between EDF games and that's because IA as a spinoff was released between 3 and 4. without IA having heavy, jet, tactical and trooper armor types 4 probably would've been just ranger again with maybe pale wing from 2 added back after it was removed in 3/2017 (the psp version readded it in 2012, six years after 2017 first came out in 2006)
>1. black people worked on it
>2. it's not a power fantasy unlike my diverslikes
>3. strong manly men like me don't do stealth
>billion. devs use discord
Accept that you'll never leave Darktide and join my aurics.
lmao that just rounds it out perfectly
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>auric damnation
>some dumbass keeps uselessly jumping around in combat instead of dodging
>when I tell him to rebind his jump key to something else because he keep failing dodges, he says it's not a problem
>all as he went down to less than 10% HP out of chip damage a minute after medicae
>trying to tell people how to play
it literally never does anything and they'll keep doing it out of spite even if you phrase it as a nice piece of advice
>caring to begin with
99% of auric games include 3 retards, you oughta get used to it
If you're not going to use a backpack, is the autocannon just superior to the AMR?
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good find anon made me lol
the dash/jump conversions fucking suck. are they good for anything or is dashjumping still the way of the fencer?
pros and cons
AMR can reload on the move and has an easier time sniping dev heads and hulk eyes, but the AC shits on tanks and gun structures while having 0 damage fall-off for range.
EDF6 just looks exactly like EDF5
They're charging 60 bucks? lmao
>the dash/jump conversions fucking suck. are they good for anything
yes, they're best in slot for dash jumping. the horizontal movement and dash interval on converted dashes/boosts is better than the normal option. use them in a pair like with add booster/dash, the default boost weapons will now be dash and the default dash weapons will be boost.
as an example, if you used jackhammer and dexter normally jackhammer is dash on left hand and dexter is boost on right hand. use the converters in a pair but switch the dexter to left hand and the jackhammer to right and you're dash boosting just the same but with better reinforcement parts.
They're charging 60 bucks for EDF 5 too.
you simply host your own and kick people

there were a few people in edf 5 who had 100-250K+ armour, farmed legit. They constantly join my inferno/;hardest limited lobbies and demand to take limits off. There's no point playing the game when you can't die.
>kruul landing craft drop 5 boxes even after releasing them
freet loot
I feel like the eagle strafing run should at least kill hive guard. It just doesn't kill stuff
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>EDF 2025 part 4
sandlot cant keep doing this
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It fires 6 orbital gatling shells despite the visual effect, that's why.
Your mom should kill my dick LMAO
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man how did i fuck that up, clearly i don't deserve any form of advanced weaponry

>"Watch out for the air strikes"
oh right, fencer gets a DLC version of leviathan that doesn't need an AR to designate a target
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also don't forget we have EDF Iron Rain inbetween 5 and 6 but we don't see any big jumps in game-play drawing from it
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and i'm stuck with drones for the first few levels
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we got a half-assed version of the swords as fencer's new sword weapon but without friction being disabled while attacking like in IR. prowl rider is the true fencer of iron rain, using a sword to cancel friction and skating by launching sideways with wires was the fastest movement in the game.
so in the end, you are just doing dashjumping again but reflavored? was hoping fencer got something new mechanically.
fencer got the short end of the stick on changes, 2-2 default dashes/boosts but with a slowdown at the end of boosts that makes higher boost horozontal speed better. the coolest stuff fencer gets are skeletons in the DLCs that are knockoffs of ranger support equipment.
there's a radar skeleton that speeds up missile lock-ons, there's a skeleton that prevents you from losing speed when hit, there's a skeleton that gives extra HP to npc allies, all of these also have increased pickup range and movement speed which stacks with gale's movement speed.
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Farming mission 51 is pretty fun
rip, that sounds bad for fencer. thanks for the info anon. i dont think i can even keep playing him anymore either. im getting wrist pain from it
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How do I lift off in a helicopter
I have a thumb button macro, the one from 5 still works on 6. if someone thinks it's cheating they can deal with an autoimmune disorder fucking their joints.
hold space
mission 38 hard
pw: rage
asian english dlc pack 1 came out june 27th
dlc pack 2 scheduled august 22nd
assuming the same time between launch and dlc that puts pack 1 in early november and pack 2 in early january.
think of it like playing a wing diver in super duper mega slow motion
dunno how to play
tried ss13 once but I got molested by a moth and I couldn't figure out how to put a shirt on because the UI is for permavirgin nerds
barotrauma is infinitely less complex than space station 13
oh, there was one thing i found when fiddling with combos. the melee weapons doesnt have the delay after a dash, so that fast sword getting converted to a dash makes dual swords sorta fun.
Rather pretty for a 2008 game. When was the last time you ever played one of them, exactly?
imagine a rat ogre and a ogryn open mouth kissing hahaha jk
nuclear engineer is the best class to learn on because once you figure it out you've pretty much mastered every class except the captain
have on you a
>fuel rod
>plasma cutter
and you're pretty much set to do every job on the ship

electrical problem? screwdriver
mechanical problem? wrench
holes in ship? welder
no power? check panels engine reactor for damage and if there's fuel in reactor
get welded in as a joke? overload the reactor and kill everyone aboard

Nigger behavior.
yeah I don't know what's going on in the video and this music sucks
stfu weird fag
Do high speed vehicles like bikes still control very badly with mouse+keyboard?
they still control badly, regardless of m+kb
mission 50 hard
pw: rage
no im going to imagine kerillian open mouth kissing a stormvermin while another one rubs his throbbing vermin cock against her fertile elven pussy
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>join a mission
Did they turn off the mandatory EGS account yet?
mission 53 hard
pw: rage
no and they never will
edf doesn't get followup changes
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>the kruul are unkillable! nothing can get past its defenses!
>shoot a single volatile napalm shot at it
>its shield freaks out trying to block the fire DoT as well as the fire damage leaking through and breaks its shield arm off

i feel they improved the napalm shot this game. i remember in edf5, it was harder to use.
In japanese corpo speak the act of apologizing or acknowledging the issue doesn't imply any sort of follow-up action at all. They just like to grovel.
>zero apology in the text
>merely mentions planned changes
>retarded spic has to explain ackshually japan is bad because...
kill yourself shitskin, choke on a nigger dick
Struck a nerve huh
your daughter will marry a nigger while japs retain their culture and none of your impotent seething about edf6 on here will change it
You got this the wrong way around. No matter how much you rage or the amount of impotent weeb tears you shed, EGS will stay in the game and you'll have to live with it while I remain correct.
>we plan changes
>*snort* You see, actually, Japan isn't all good. I am 1/16th Japanese and it seems like we here in India keep the traditions more alive than the Japanese themselves. You see in Japanese corporate culture, an apology means nothing and...
Who are you quoting?
It literally says "planning changes"
>They just like to grovel
which is why that post contains nothing that could even remotely be interpreted as an apology, right?
Meanwhile you read any western game dev update and its
>we hear you
>were still learning
>we will do better
>growing pains!
They're not removing the network backend from their game just because somebody's feelings were hurt. Don't kid yourself. One thread idiot shitting himself over this is more than enough.
>based japan won't take suggestions from westerners or thank us
>but also they literally thanked us for the feedback and promised they'll change it
Holy doublethink.
>wont take suggestions
the post literally says theyre changing it based on feedback
why are you so obsessed lol
The network backend isnt what anyone is complaining about, it's that you need to make an egs account. The backend can be implemented with eos without requiring this

got anymore borderline retarded embarrassing shit to spout?
>it's that you need to make an egs account
You literally don't need to though? The game creates a dummy account for you if you leave the fields blank. Am I seriously having this argument with somebody who didn't even play the game? And you have the nerve to call my posts embarrassing lmao.
I'm just doing my weeklies :)
It still links the accounts nigger which is the issue
Nice back pedaling lmao. Sorry, but you've already been called out. You don't even fucking play EDF lole. Please just shut up and let grown ups talk.
>15% to 46% review score over 2 days
You dont know what backpedaling means you embarrassing faggot. Look at how darkshit implements eos, thats whats being asked for. Keep living in your retarded little fantasy world though
Says the guy who thought you need a legit EGS account to play. You probably even created one or linked your own like the compliant room temp IQ blob that you are. Holy shit I can't believe you're real.
how do the same two faggots argue over innane shit every single day? are you using /coopg/ for foreplay with a humiliation fetish?
I gave it a negative review, then steam blocked it and won't let me leave another
I never said you do, thats just you being a retard who cant fucking read (for the second time adter you mistook their statement that they plan changes as an "apology without plans to change it")

I think you need to get over whichever obsession you have and shut the fuck up. You are genuinely so fucking far gone you think that theyre just lying lol
i have a visceral reaction whenever i see those terms
its just one guy who keeps doomposting about shit baselessly then gets btfod by everyone in the thread over and over. You can identify him by how he genuinely has the reading comprehension skills of a nigger child in 2nd grade and how he lashes out emotionally and with personal attacks when informed that he cant fucking read
That's nice but EGS will still be in the game a year from now and you can't do anything about it whatsoever.
That isn't what's being asked of them but okay
what reason would they have for releasing a steam news post that says
>we got feedback about the egs account thing and we plan to change it
if they didnt actually plan to change it? why wouldnt they just be quiet about it instead of calling even more attention to it
>we are unable to provide specifics on how much time this will take
= it's not happening
What reason would Fatshark have to make endless CM posts about how they hear our concerns and are hard at work addressing them this side of the century? Mod support and dedicated servers coming soon!
Why would they even bring it up if its not happening?

because theyre addicted to corpospeak which consists of
>we hear you. we listen.
but that jenglish news post for edf6 has zero corpospeak in it its just "we plan changes"
a fatshark CM saying they'll try to improve communication is usually followed up a month later with a new CM introducing themselves.
VT1 did get mod support and VT2 did get dedicated servers though :^)
>Why would they even bring it up if its not happening?
PR. Release a statement to calm the crowd then quietly sweep it all under the rug without actually addressing the issue. It's a working strategy too since a couple months from now nobody will even remember this. Looking at it realistically, it's not even an issue to begin with.
>Release a statement to calm the crowd then quietly sweep it all under the rug without actually addressing the issue
This rate here. Japs are kings of just acknowledging something and then never doing anything about it.
>It's not even an issue to begin with
Ahh so you're one of those retarded zoomers and the whole
>ackshually theyre lying
Is your cope about the issue being so big that even the devs address it and share their intent to change it

Oh well aslong as you're happy. Other people dont happily eat shit like you do though. Dont forget to buy all the DLC
Should I just buy this to use the blessing or is it actually good to use
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for got pic
They amended the steam page to reflect that EGS is included. Steam respected the refund requests in the meanwhile. As far as actual business obligations go, they're in the clear now. No further action is warranted. You're naive to think that they'll go the extra mile just to placate your sensibilities.
That clearly isnt what the news post is about considering that happened before that, but go off
We'll see in a year, won't we.
Rampage is usable but the other blessing is trash and so are the stats
dont bother buying if money is tight
>some retard bought all the DLC to write their stats in reviews
a steam guide using the JP wiki info would've been faster and cheaper
>a year
where are you getting this timeframe from
thanks bro
If it takes them any longer than that to remove Epic from their game they'll look stupid no matter what.
They wont remove Epic from the game, it would require a ton of effort to switch fron EoS. They can implement it in the same way most other devs do it though which involves no EGS account business or linking of accounts whatsoever. It's kinda how a lot of games use discord for voice chat nowadays but it's baked into the game, no need to make an account or have the game log you in.
I don't presume to know exactly how the netcode for this particular game works, but wouldn't they just do it the right way from the start if they could? If they were negligent enough to half-ass it on release, what makes you confident that they'll come back to fix it later?
They probably didn't think it was important and readjusted their view after the game got a mixed review on steam for it.
timmy probably sold them on the idea that people would somehow like being badgered for linking/setting up an Epic account as "an option," and also having the normal fake dummy per-game account option be manual AND bloatware you with the Epic overlay that normally does not come with the dummy background option, and being naive japs they bought it
>being naive japs they bought it
no, being published by d3 who are owned by bandai namco which puts eos in all their games to greedily double dip on pc it was probably mandated with no support given for implementation.
why not both? the publisher can be malicious at the same time as the budgetware developer is feckless
It's only good if those devs then actually go ahead and use their talents to make a similar game without fatsharks patented dogshit surrounding it. Otherwise its a loss because even a deeply flawed game with a good core is better than no good core gameplay
it just seems far more likely to me that timmy seduced bamco for elden ring and armored core with edf getting swept up. no one expected 6 to sell like it has, the numbers 5 had wouldn't be worth epic's time trying to gain table scraps.
how does elden ring relate to egs
still, you think Sandlot wouldn't simultaneously take a look at Epics' weeks long lazy ass implementation run, go "oh wow that was fast!" and think nothing of it while having no market research nor ear to the Helldivers PSN fiasco to suggest that soft or hard account link requirements are disastrously out of vogue?

epic online services does server work for matchmaking on all kinds of games without advertising itself or bothering the consumer to get in Tim's walled garden of failure, ring is one of them
that's be perfect
thought it was just eac and not eos
eos is a requirement for eac, epic owns eac.
>soft or hard account link requirements are disastrously out of vogue?
People outside of 4chan don't care about drm bloat. EA and Ubishit launchers failed because their online services were constantly down, there was zero technical support for their own titles and they had draconian regional policies on top of the infamous bans to your entire account over chat offenses in one game.
>EA and Ubishit launchers failed because their online services were constantly down
actually no one wants to buy into their ecosystem shit. Steam is the only one.
is that why Helldivers was nuked with a giant review bomb over this issue, retard, going all the way from top to bottom review brackets?
you're right for the 2011 origin and uplay failures, the modern issue is pure console war tier tribalism.
With Helldivers the issue was that psn didn't even operate in some of the countries where steam had already sold the game. That's Sony's regional policies at fault right here. Thanks for supporting my point I guess.
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pervert elf
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hours in tides, post em:

VT1: 190hrs
VT2: 312hrs
DT: 238hrs
Runs absolutely fine on my 2080.
17.2 hours (I had problems running the game, then upgraded my PC and the game literally played at like x100 speed, I had never seen anything like it before or since)
730 hours
982 hours
Any pirates know if online works ? (EDF6), also if borderless window gives you more fps
I installed it and it gave me data file error 2_0, so I uninstalled it because I don't care that much about a joke game that's been remade six times
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EDF7, M55
get in, we got squids to kill
VT1: 55 hr
VT2: 30 hr
DT: 1654 hr
Lmao. The fox and the grapes
the drones are sick. the silent drone is just a delete button for enemies. i want more of those things.
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>sniper drones
>shock drones
>buckshot drones
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>200 (two hundred) ((TWO FUCKING HUNDRED) blue rashad axes
>not a single brutal momentum
>not as in i dont have a BM 4 or bm3
>straight up just not a single one.
>Not one
>80 hours of trying to get this faggot axe and no brutal momentum
>expended an unfathomable amount of crafting mats and checking the shop
>There is nothing there
is this one of edf's?
combat axe bro... just wait for the crafting rework
right now it's the hardest weapon to roll by far. both stats and blessings
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Same FPSrussia energy
How does another Limbsplitter III Decimator IV sound to you :^)
I keep seeing people winge over not being treated as the shit by the Captain. Lmao. Someone make an edit of that "Lone Wojak at a Party" meme with that Laser guy's PP and the Ranger helm.
How do I get a lobby link?
The send invite through steam option brings up steam overlay
make your room first, a room name only lobby should be good since you can only join if you know the exact room name or joining with the link
woops, accidentally deleted a number
Mission 18 hard, room name is "Story"
Damn bro, that sucks. If it makes you feel any better, I'm shitting blood from drinking too much
mission 62 hard
pw rage
mother earth needs you
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I think my steam overlay is broken or something, usually I have it disabled and after reenabling it all I get is the screen going a bit darker.
you don't need to use your steam overlay, alt tab out and go to your steam profile is fine
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and you stopped at blue because you believed the local autist who said it wasn't worth it to go to orange right?
No, I already have several oranges with really good numbers. I just want the fucking perk so Ive been wasting all, and I do mean ALL of my plasteel trying to get it. It costs something like 1k to get to orange meanwhile it only costs 200 to get a chance at BM at blue.
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time to shoot androids
room: /v/df
mission: 42
>Get to the giant androids that blast you with EDM guns
Worth the price of admission
You fell for the combat axe meme
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part of me wishes that everyone else knew, further reinforcing his position as the squad schizo.
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I enjoy clicking on things
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annnnnd it has lower odds of good blessings
I wish the first time he mentioned civilians someone brought up operation omega, those kids and elders are all edf members.
>*kicks you back into space rig*
ok why the fuck doesn't it just attempt to reconnect after it has started?
we M68 now
>It's only good if those devs then actually go ahead and use their talents to make a similar game without fatsharks patented dogshit surrounding it
Those devs ARE fatshark. Everything wrong with fatshark came from them

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