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ye olde: >>487681932

>Latest patch

>Main information document

>Character planners

>Interactive map

>Group password
But I don't want vanilla sex, I want to be the Elden Lord who got raped by most female tarnished and bosses.
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>invade at level 20
>blow up password fuckboi and host
>summon in full bullgoat
>45,000 runes
>level 335
>both chinese
I cri everytiem
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my beautiful fightautist wife...

>Captcha: M0MM
>no VAC ban on record
Na, there's just some random red caped soldiers up where the Cookbook (6) Pest is and I was hoping you could get some of their gear but I have no idea what their name is to Google it lol
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I summoned for the Messmer fight and I don't regret it.
Why did Miyazaki want his own RDR2 so much when Fromsoft clearly didn't have the resources to match up
Is being a fightautist the most perfect blessed existence in fantasy settings if you're good at it? You don't work any fields, tend to any flocks, you have no political troubles or governance headaches, you're not involved in any mind-bending magical fuckery that could get you turned into a ball or warped into a vessel for an inhuman deity. Sometimes you just need to use your big sword to hit the people your liege lord or super smart brother tells you to. And everyone will think you're really cool. Rodney and Malenie both had their own gangs of fightautists who were all "i liek my demigoddo because ehs doesn't afraid of anything" meanwhile bookcucks like Sellen or Goldmask just have random asocial wimps following them around.
Anyone here tried Rellana's swords?
What build goes best with them?
Don't bother. They're never gonna top SoNaF. If you wanna try light greatswords, go Cold Milady.
Any Elden Ring character who canonically masturbates?
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I can reliably get to Phase 2 Radahn with a minimum 1,2 heal now but can you even fucking roll his phase 2 attacks? They are all fucking fast and coupled with motherfucking delayed AOE. It is like they are trying to get you to block

I have never used it but do i have to bust out the Sekiro tear?
Are there any items you can no longer get to after you've drained the shadow keep?
>spawn into stormveil
>immediately hear like 3 different crazy spell sound effects before i'm finished loading in
>peer over ledge
>see the world's most obvious level 200 password phantom caster escorting her cute host
>think about fighting them directly
>blue spawns in
>yeah nah cunt
>go to the roof
>drop a fucking nuke on the host while they're fighting the birds
>drop down to attempt contact with the natives
>blue immediately hits me with frostbite swift slash
i've never felt so vindicated
Give me your theories for the nerfs/changes in the upcoming patch.
>Sword of Night
True combo removed.
>GS of Damnation
Ash of war targeting is lowered a bit to be less aggressive.
>Claws of Night
No longer headshots to prevent guaranteed true combo L2 spam (which often ends up as dead in 1 true combo)
>Bone Bow
Homing capability nerfed. Similar to how that Stars of Ruin was nerfed.
Reduce the ash of war damage a little.
>Gravitational Missile
Damage gets reduced when firing it at the ground, or all around removed. As a mage I would welcome this.
>That Thorn Spell
Damage and probably tracking.
>Discus Toss
Less homing in, more mana cost.
>Sword Lance
No true combo R2 R1, lower status build up to balance it out along with other heavy thrusting swords.
>Spread Crossbow
Reduce status build up.
>Nanaya's Torch
Reduce status build up substantially.
>Furious Blade of Ansbach
pls buff.
>Fire Rain
please buff, but given that Sorcery that rains down shit is also worthless, probably won't happen lol.
>Heal From Afar
Nerf a little.
>Gorillion dorrah company
>Very much poor pls understanroo :(

Do not compute
level 50 +7/+3
almost no summons
almost no invasions
has seamless taken over?
sword lance invader here:

piercing fang, impaling thrust, or blood tax? or something else? does raptor of the mists count as a jumping attack?
>but can you even fucking roll his phase 2 attacks?
all the videos on youtube of people doing it are all AI deepfakes
dont let anyone tell you otherwise
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>Doesn't even have all the achievements
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I love my fertility goddess husband!
>does raptor of the mists count as a jumping attack?
It does
The Scarlet Rot causes the afflicted's body to feel uncomfortably feverishly warm all the time. From rot also comes new life: Malenia and Millicent(and her sisters) suffer from perpetual ovulation.
>play during europe work hours
>america sleep hours
>wonder why nobody is on to invade
base game becomes sorta pointless after playing through elden ring 2: the DLC. other from expos didn't trivialize the base game the way this one does
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>None of the shit you typed matters because your fashion is a pile of trash
Better? This is closer to what I used back at RL170. Half the poise but not terrible. I initially wore the Mirror Helm out of respect for Iji but then it grew on me.

>Just use Endure/Lion Claw/Palm Blast
I don't know where I'd even put them and I find them pretty boring, desu.
Highest I encountered at level 25 was a level 515 summon. I just can't understand where the fun is.
>sword lance: no R2 R1 true combo

fuck you that's the only thing that makes that weapon good. fuck you and your laser beams, leave my honest weapon that i actually attack with instead of shooting laser beams out of it alone.

nice. might just use that then. was watching jeenine recently and he just had the new jumping attack armor on and the jumping attack talisman, and everything else was just life and poise. i figure he knows better than me although i prefer using the 2H talisman and alex shard too (maybe spear talisman if using raptor).
I don't know about masturbating, but Malenia forcibly gets edged every second of her life, and only allowed to cum thrice. She came once against Radahn in the Shattering and came once against you
good morning erg!!
A major defining hallmark of an Empyean is their ovaries never run out of eggs.
They get enjoyment out of removing all the fun out of the game for the guy summoning them so they can larp as this unkillable monster.
Until I suicide bomb them back to reality.
no i tried it yesterday and the day before during peak. It's a desert. It's one dude every 25 minutes needing help with commander oneil
>10am in Texas
>america sleep hours
I thought burgers were hard workers.
Good morning! How have you been? Sorry I don't have a cute Rya picture to add, I'm away from home right now :c
All Empyreans are women except for Miquella
Did he steal Malenia's eyes and trick people into thinking he was a legit Empyrean?
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Standing miquella is 5'7 this is how tall he would be next to radahn
A common myth
>only thing that makes that weapon good
>it's the highest AR heavy thrusting sword
>it has the highest status build up of any heavy thrusting sword.
>it's not a somber weapon so you can stick whatever ash you want on it.
>even as keen/lightning it's still out damaging most other thrusting swords
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Holy SHIT this thing is fun.
Honestly mirror helm + anything raggedy like that is peak schizo fashion. I respect this man way more.
Radahn could carry Miquella in a single palm...
>eastern katana
>western shield
>middle eastern headpiece
your tarnished is very diverse
Im still convinced the God that chose marika was the god of fertility, and that miquella's patron god was the very same god.

Endure is based and opens you up to doing literally whatever the fuck you want.
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>I respect this man way more.
anon... I...
>no proof
>zero argument
oh yeah? I'm supposed to just believe you?
Millicent added me on Snapchat what do I send her
Rakshasa will likely have the increased damage while swinging part of it fixed to actually take more damage instead of just cancelling out the HA damage reduction.
I'm not sending that to her, she seems to have some memory issues and I don't want to bring up our bad first encounter if I don't have to
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I had an awful dream. It was ranni, rennala, sellen, and rellana all dancing singing a parody of california girls named liurnian girls.
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Oh look another overlevel password phantom, around 170.
Directions to a secondhand store.
Put the mirror helmet back on tranny
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Maybe I've been using it wrong?
It always seemed like it'd be more efficient just to use another skill in its place.
How do you use it?
>synchronized leap
Pure kino.

Inshallah brother
Is DEX/FAI fun or will I just miss STR/FAI if I go down that route?
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Like this
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I know a place
Where the night sky's really brighter
Cold, wet n' wild
There must be something in the water
Sippin' herba tea
Laying underneath the erdtrees
The boys
Break their necks
Try'na to creep a little sneak peek

You could travel the world
But nothing comes close
To the Lands Between
Once you study with us
You'll be falling in love
Ooh oh ooh oh oh ooh


Why not just try it and then respec if you don't like it? The optimal class if you're that worried about that will likely be the exact same.
NTA but i got you, senpai.
Best katana?
I want to just breeze through the game with no effort. Is it the Nagakiba? What do I infuse it with or buff it with if I'm faith
Her gang was the best fight in the dlc.
i feel like RL150+ invasions are just better than the low level shit, as someone who put hundreds of hours into RL50-60 which turns out to be the worst range to invade at. just get your weapons upgraded to maximum. they'll still do big dick damage but at least you will, too, so you stand a chance. i've also made stealth a much more significant part of my game play, at least in the open world. force a 2v2 or we can just wait, im cool either way, i've got multiple monitors and a guitar next to me on its stand.
Nagakiba is for Str chads using Heavy infusion + Unsheathe or Piercing Fang to stance break everything into a pile of piss. Faithniggers aren't allowed to have good katana options. You get Blasphemous Blade.
Deep dickings and direct-to-cervix creampies for an ovulating Sellen
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I'm cis.

Seems a little unga bunga to me...
The Hornsent did nothing wrong. Total Shaman Death.
>Hornsent was killed before the fight
>Freyja got scroll-glitched and didn't exist
>killed Moore by mistake after he invaded me for squishing a bug
>Ansbach was my nigga
>Thiollier was my nigga

Her "gang" was just her and Dane getting buckbroken by me and the boys; 3v2 come get it slut
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Fuck me FTH really didn't get any Katana choices..
Uchigatana or Nagakiba are both good. You can dual wield them.
With flame art or sacred infusion you'll get the most faith scaling, and it will just depend on what damage you want at the moment.
The Divine Gate is a sacrificial altar made by the hornsent to ascend their chosen one to godhood?
Marika betrayed the hornsent by siding with the two-finger/Great Will to establish a golden age.
Miquella entered the same Divine Gate to become a kind/gentle god of his choosing.
The gate didn't need fresh sacrifices for Miquella's ascension to godhood.
Miquella also promised a kind world for hornsent, did this agreement grant him uncontested access to the Divine Gate?
Keep in mind since making graven masses uses sorcerer bodies theres probably an INT requirement
If you keep Sellen knocked up the "average" INT of her body gets dragged down by the 0 INT baby inside her so she cant be balled
You are saving her AND starting a family at the same time
I had to fight everyone in her gang only hornset was missing.
I only had that blood knight whose name I forgot about helping. Didn't have Ansbach because I went with Leda the first time around.
send her you shitting liquid as it is clearly a time proven strategy
Bleed builds want bloodflame blade or just pure arc off Occult
Str builds want Heavy
Dexsissies have better options than the 'kiba
Int-cels have Moonveil or regular Uchi with frost
Quality have a few choices
Pure faith is just flame art/sacred memes at which point you might as well just use one of the many faith weapons that are better at that role
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>We had proper level scaling in the network test
>The TT worked properly in the network test
Why did they do it bros
I understand it like that. The Shamans and Hornsent shared this relationship in which the former was subjugated by the latter. I imagine Marika stood out once the GW had made its choice but the Hornsent weren't aware she'd shake things up like that. Kind of foolish of them to believe she wouldn't take the first chance she got to get rid of the practices that tormented her people.
No one gives a serious shit about PvP, it's a diversion at best.
The sweaties complain the game's not broken the way they'd like it to be.
100% joke.
GS of damnation is straight up a player-sided grab. That's not accidental. They could have just recycled the behaviour for lifesteal fist but they deliberately didn't. It's working as intended (and it's not even all that good).
All of the spread shot abilities should probably lose the ability to headshot but they might just bandaid nerf their damage/status instead
Bone Bow won't get touched. Once again, this was not accidental.
Falx isn't getting touched wtf?
Gravitational Missile won't get nerfed, it's fine as is
Impenetrable Thorns is bugged but fixing it means unfucking an absolute mess of hitboxes and frame timings so they might just take the easy way out and nerf its damage to oblivion
Discus won't get touched
Sword Lance will probably get a suit of unnecessary overkill nerfs and end up unusable
Spread Crossbow status mvs will absolutely get killed.
Nanaya's Torch won't get touched. It's fine
Ansbach and Fire rain are both bugged but I don't expect them to be good even after they're fixed.
And nobody's touching heal from afar lmao

The patch is taking so long not because of pvp balance but because there's a lot of bugfixing, map polish and so on that needs done. The impact this patch has on pvp will be minimal, because fromsoft is still in post-release pve support mode.
You rike? Jappy thanking you rong time for make buy ERUDEN RINGU: SHADOW OF DA ERUDOTTORI prease!
>inappropriate activity detected
>game just fucking crashes
Thanks, EAC
how does incant scaling work on things like bestial vitality? does it heal more or what?
Why are you making shit up?
The network test's downscaling system was even worse than the finished game and people were already abusing it to gank before the end of the test. People coped furiously that it was just a placeholder system and the final game's downscaling would be better. Then lo and behold the final game recycles DaS3's downscaling instead of iterating on it.
Thing slike bestial vitality are untouched by incant scaling. If it's a boss on your body it's likely untouched and will always do a set amount.
>Invaded by Sarah The Witch!
>See it's a cute type B
>Pull my seal out of my pocket
>Bestial Vitality
>Aspect of the Crucible: Knot
>Bone Bow won't get touched. Once again, this was not accidental.
To me it is in the exact spot that Stars of Ruin was in where people can't reliably avoid it and you're able to freely spam it. Maybe not next patch, but I fully believe this will get nerfed.
If I'm wrong that's a bummer since it definitely needs a fix, but hey by then I'm probably not gonna be playing this game.
All passives/body buffs don't benefit at all, which is why you will see RL1 challenge/twink builds stacking them for boss fights.
Is Promised Consort Radahn just not possible with a colossal weapon? All of his attack animations from neutral are faster than all of mine. There is absolutely nothing to punish him on.
How do I beat Fia's Champions?
Has anyone tried the Erdsteel Dagger for criticals as a faith build since it would get a decent amount more damage than Misericorde?
Oh... as I'm writing this I just looked up the crit damage, it's only 110... That sounds terrible then. I guess that's why I never see anyone use it for criticals....
Its possible but hard
t. beat him with Ghiza Wheel
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>decide to check out some oro vids
>get depressed

here i am trying to do fancy shit like sword lance R2 counterthrusts and being sneaky in levels, and this motherfucker is just LITERALLY spamming L2 with the DK twinaxes. just over and over again, and it takes out entire ganks, just that one move. what am i even doing with my life? also, am i missing out on the seamless invasions? it looks fucking sick, i've gotta assume he's invading there because it's better/more fun. i like that you don't have the red glow anymore and can use torrent and everyone has full flasks and rune arcs. seems way more balanced than the natural game.

but holy shit i feel like im just doing it wrong if i don't have an L2 that i literally just spam by itself and win with. like that's how everyone is winning and you're a fool to do anything else, especially an R1 or R2.
Since this is FROM, all the buffs and nerfs will be the most random stuff possible, often on weapons that no one even uses or on stuff that was already nerfed.
>increased Eternal Sleep buildup against dogs
>lowered DEX scaling on Forked-Tongue Hatchet
>Messmer Soldier's Axe now requires 15 STR
>Thorns have 10% less max range
>further decreased Dark Moon Sword stance damage for the sword beams
wait until he does Lion's Claw
Raptor of the Mists is super handy with a colossal against Radahn.
Colossal weapons with good poke are easily doable.
For everything else, you need to exploit longer openings with charged R2s for staggers.
You need to learn which moves are punishable with a slower weapon.
it doesn't. the health gain is flat, you only need the base reqs. the point of bestial vitality is that you only need 12 FTH and you get a really nice health regen that heals you for 600 life over 2 minutes iirc. basically everyone has access to it, and if you want to get super fancy you can just talisman swap for the +5 FTH to have access to it if you want to be really autistic about it.
>am i missing out on the seamless invasions?
It's a containment ruleset for copers.
hora loux's lion was suppressing his killing urges so while being on his back so what was miquella suppressing on mohg? cause the second phase he was glowing red like something was about to go horribly wrong if miquella didn't stop it when he did
I forgot how to reach the Shadow Keep rafters. How do I get up there so that I can fight Pig Guy and Metyr?
Use the Sekiro hard tear.

>block with your weapon
>take 0 damage
>counter attack him for big damage

Wash him effortlessly.
>ow but can you even fucking roll his phase 2 attacks?
Most of the attacks are identical but with a flashbang after-effect. Dodge them the exact same way as you would in phase 1.
For the shadow clone jutsu, I'd recommend watching a "how to beat" video on youtube since it's counter-intuitive.
Never mind, I did it.
Miquella was suppressing Radahn's free fucking will. Mind-raped and buck broken.
Go east to the flooded place and unflood it
Seamless is literally just better not only in its relaxed and natural ruleset but you are also wasting time with vanilla when the anticheat doesn't even work and only adds latency and instability
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It's about winning the way you want, not winning at all costs
yeah but you can invade and reds get way more advantages due to full flasks and rune arcs. also i've heard activity is way better, like instant invasions regularly compared to the normal game.
I just had sex with Leda
sorry boys
>t. item spawning, save scummer.
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start at 1.
Not a clue. That red aura comes out of nowhere and doesn't really have a base game analogue.
Lore wise what would the child of rya and the tarnished look like? Would they come out as normal guys with serpent features like the godskins?
im having a hard enough time just winning, especially in open world invasions. idk, is there a STR equivalent to the blinkbolt twinaxes that can just destroy a gank super fast? maybe i just need to respec out of STR idk. like spec for the twinaxes or something similar for mean ganks and have something else for when it's against casuls. looking for suggestions.
Yeah I did that and did shadow keep that way but I don't see the path to the rafters
It's for quitters like you and good for everyone else staying on official servers.
Invasions were never designed to be fair to any participant, especially in Elden Ring's official rules.
rya is gone and wont be around until elden ring 2 to see her mutilated and tragic death
New lore theory. Gideon is illiterate.
She probably can't have children.
>is that... SIXTY EIGHT PIECES OF CRAB????????????????????
Fucking give it to me straight bros
Are great katanas good or not
Should I ever use the Great Katana over the Nagakiba
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Good morning my good sir.
You are not HIM
what does this even mean?
Love this. Now I am always going to be unable to see him going over his books without imagining him thinking "damn I wish I could read"
Helo snek show bobs and vagene
love Sanjay
is it possible to make use of the fire knight's greatsword on a 40int/40fai build/
Great Katana can use Lion's Claw and Giant Hunt which instantly makes it a good weapon that can shit on anything in the DLC.
Invasions and cooperators were never about everyone having the same number of flasks and buffs etc.
Go have fun with your crutch, you're still going to get wrecked against better players wherever & whatever game(s) you play.
Needle Knight Leda more like Needy Knight Leda more like Needle Her At Night Leda
Why do you need 40 int for it?
raging wolf set is not (You). why would we need to kill someone else who was originally wearing it in order to wear it if it was?
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like the band?
that is the most honest invasion i've seen in months
i wish this DLC got about 6 more months in the oven
Don't act like you fairly farmed all that equipment.
It's okay, this game incentivizes and rewards cheating.
Seamless invasions are almost exclusively people who have never seen a bad red man before and can barely hold their shield up. The 'fairness' of the ruleset doesn't even matter because these people have no idea how to pvp. You have to really, really handicap yourself to make something out of invasions. Which is honestly not bad, it's back to how DaS1/2 invasions were where you basically never had to sweat and could just fuck around with roleplay shit but it's a completely different mood from vanilla invasions.

However the lack of anticheat is a real downside. I don't say that because EAC is good but when literally any goober can just pop open CE it turns into a DaS3 pontiff situation where you're constantly at the mercy of whether some shitter wants to hit the button or not. Maybe with time they'll put out a Blue Sentinel equivalent but until then I can't call it a total replacement.
what do you think would have changed?
It's just a 700 ar crouch pokestick. Probably better than the 'kiba for PvP but worse in PvE.
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Canonically picrel is the actual Tarnished of no renown and if you think otherwise you are literally wrong, incorrect even.
>However the lack of anticheat is a real downside.
Cheating is rampant on official servers even with the EAC bandaid.
Sorry sweety, Prisoner is the canon tarnished.
Elite Knight Set is worn by Oscar and yet it's the one chosen undead is shown in most artwork.
Raging wolf is used in all trailers so that's why it's (You)r armor now.
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>no you HAVE to play the unbalanced version of the game! you CAN'T make it more balanced with better performance and activity, that's CHEATING~! AIEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!!!

what does this even mean?
lol remember that hahah
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Take the elevator from the flooded map to the Storehouse. There will be a grace called Storehouse Backsection.
Then take the long as fuck ladder up. Webm starts shortly after that ladder.
>wearing clothes

Not canon.
no one finna use this cornball set
>all that equipment
>a rapier with kick
>1 starlight shard
>some scraps of meat and 3 volcano pots
You know they made official 1v1s for people seeking fair duels?
Invasion isn't about fairness, you're coping because you can't win duels and you can't survive ganks in official servers.
Go play seamless.
Shame it makes you look FAT.
That's my only problem with it. Armor wasn't custom fitted to Tarnished
Fextralife did
It is you it's meant to be you. Just as the soul of cinders set is meant to be you yet you have to kill it in order to get it >>487726625 is also you. Wanna know a secret that many don't want to accept? the player tarnished is represented with nearly every armor set and nearly every major build as the trailers and promo are meant to show off the same guy trying out different things as advertisement for the game
EAC doesn't do SHIT what is bruv waffling about
>almost exclusively people who have never seen a bad red man before and can barely hold their shield up.
>these people have no idea how to pvp

>somehow they're knowledgeable and sophisticated enough to download CE and learn how to use it even though these are apparently the most casual players on the planet who don't know shit

i think there's a flaw in your logic, anon.
Ignore him anon. He's either a complete fucking retard which is pointless arguing with him, or baiting which is pointless arguing with him.
Or possibly a salty hostcel who can't handle seeing hosts die and makes excuses about everything.
I'm leaning more towards the 3rd one desu.
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only if you are a contentslop goonconsoomer
The other day I found out that there are people who wore the Radagon stat seal all the way through NG+ and into the DLC.
I'm sure you're going to farm those shards, consumables, and pots.
Stop bullshitting yourself. It's an unwritten, yet community-approved form of cheating.
>knowledgeable and sophisticated enough to download CE
Are you a retard anon? CE is fucking simple to use. There's a table on nexus with detailed retard proof instructions.
I'm level 150 and I still use the slopseal sometimes when I need to meet the req for a cheeky gear swap.
>'Ignore him because he ruffles my feathers by exposing the joke state of this game.'
The obvious.
Path to midra not being an empty piece of shit with stealth tacked on.
The finger ruins having SOMETHING in them.
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the tarnished from the in-game artwork that represents (You) the player wears it
the trailers, promo art, marketing renders all are NOT the player
just don't get hit :---)
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Funnily enough most of the time Ashen one is portrayed by the knight armor of dog3. Which I think looks far better and you can start with it.
i wear the soreseal all the time and i am really considering switching my greatshield talisman for Marika's soreseal to have both on for the extra difficulty, because this game was made for me
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It's even next to seamless co-op if you search all time popular.

Lmao as an added joke, the only language it's been translated to is Chinese...
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also posting this just because it's cute
you gotta have your tarnished go anorexics mode and then armour can looks more like in your animes
why do you think invaders want 1v1's? why don't you think an invader + mobs vs. 3 players isn't fair? why do you think invaders want to 1v3 souls vets with thousands of hours of experience exploiting everything they can in an open field or dead level, where the only thing that works is some 1-shot nuke like giantsflame or grav missile or something equally stupid?

just because it's asymmetrical doesn't mean it isn't "fair" in the sense of literally everything being perfectly equal in a contained box. still don't know what you mean or why you're so mad when everyone else agrees that vanilla ER invasions are the worst the series has ever seen by a large margin. i'll honestly take what i can get to improve the experience.
Anon they're knowledgeable and sophisticated enough to install a mod and disable EAC.
>pov you are a shard bearer of great renown and strength only to die by some literal who wearing the knight set

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Can I not duplicate swift slash? Someone tell me I'm retarded I can't find this shit here
It had plenty of time. It's a project management issue intrinsic to Fromsoft. They can't help but fumble over themselves and hastily mash something together for release.
They will nerf impenetrable thorns and a new round of nerfs on the fingerprint shield
Gaijin will not have an easy to way beat Miyzaki's perfect boss and he will make sure of it.
72 int or 80 int
Are you actually blind? It's right there in the image you posted...
you don't even need CE, you can just farm a decent amount and then make a backup save that you reload whenever you run out. it's not even that hard.
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it's not there fuck you
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I fucking hate slop eaters like this, why can't we have a fun multiplayer for both sides? Because you settle for a meme and the game is a heckin' 10/10? Fucking kill yourself
mark it
Please fuck off to Seamless where invasion needs to be explicitly opted-in by the world host.
That's no longer an invasion.
No one will miss you.
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it's not fucking here
The actual content in both those areas is fine, they are just 20x too big.

Imagine Finger Ruins being compact mazes you had to navigate on foot fighting hoards of enemies trying to reach centre. Sure maze would only have like 2 interesting items to find each, but it would be memorable and fun.

Same with Abyssal Woods. Instead of gigantic empty forest with 4 steakth sections (only ever required to do 2) you make a super compact spooky forest with 4 steakth sections, shrink area to 1/20th its current size, but keep same items. Huge forest should’ve been a vista you see, not the actual level.

game is already barely finished as is, we don't need more dev time dedicated to a minigame that only autists care about.
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If armor looks like that knight set. It was made for FAT people. You can't fuck around with plate it's made to fit. It's very uncomfortable to wear if the pieces are too big.
Not animus at all.
We've already established this game incentivizes and rewards save scumming or item/equipment spawning. Move on.
it IS a comedy game after all
>literal who tarnished wakes up and gets immediately left to die in a ditch
>some time passes
>that same literal who tarnished has set the entire world tree on fire and murdered God
it's pretty funny
>got shit for using a "bleed build" every time someone saw me using a katana
>figured bleed builds suck because katanas on their own don't do enough bleed to make them broken
>realize 2 years later an actual bleed build involves using the incantation, multi-hit ash of war on a bleed weapon, fire scorpion charm, lord of blood's exultation, etc.
>it really is pretty fucking broken
>I had no clue because you autistic fucks all see a katana and immediately assume everyone is a min-maxing retard using online guides
>I was playing shit like Meteoric Blade katana, sucking enemies in to sweep attack them, and you fucks saw that and assumed it was bloodflame blade + blood tax somehow
It's not a minigame it's core part of the series.
The arena is the mini game.
Just how op would frenzy be if we could use it on any enemy and not just humanoid ones (do the knights in stormveil count?) i mean bleed effects nearly everything and you dont see every single run being only bleed based now do you?
It exists but it's rare and mainly restricted to certain ethnic groups currently being processed into meat cubes in the Donbas and their cheerleaders. I typically invade vanilla at primetime EST because that's when I'm free and those hours cheaters are basically nonexistent. That shit's basically contained to soviet timezones.
Invasions need to be opted in in the base game too.
im just here to 1-shot gankers unfairly tbhwy. i've gone completely hollow and now invade regularly just to spite the co-opers that memezaki caters to and ruin their fun. if they get too obnoxious or are from china i'll even pull out the chainsaw. im just in the business of revenge now and, brother, business is a-BOOMIN!
bleed is weak
i still don't understand why mohg gets health back when doing NIHIL even if you use the tear to counter it, you're literally blocking it from happening
if it was a core part of the series they would take seriously and you wouldn't crying about it being shit.
but it is shit, because they don't care about it, because it's a minigame, and you're complaining ITT because you fail to get that.
Unequip it from the weapon it's on and check again.
Nanaya is very visibly pregnant in the painting of her, we see her corpse but not her child. The torch she has is based on a man who failed to become lord of frenzy. Ymir says marika's bloodline is mired in madness. The same flowers in the shaman village can be seen at the manse.

Midra is marika's father, when the madness shit broke out and the hornsent inquisitors stepped in they sent marika away as an infant to live amongst the shaman being raised by midra's mother. The grandmother.
this is bait
No, some people are just desperate for a cooperator and aren't aware they open the world to invaders.
It's not explained very well for new players.
Seamless invasion is basically a glorified taunters' tongue in official servers.
If you want to use Incantations and katanas together, consider going either ARC/FTH with Rivers of Blood, or INT/FTH with Moonveil.
Your other option is to just infuse a Nagakiba.
A Flame Art Nagakiba with Unsheathe and Fire Grant me Strength + Fire Tear + Oil Soaked Tear is going to deal a lot of damage, maybe even enough to one shot some people, specially in a meme build with the new stance talisman.
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>Dragon-Hunter Great Katana
Reduced Strength Scaling
Reduced Dexterity Scaling
Added Arcane Scaling
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This is what Henry wore when he was younger and more lean. See the difference in waist.
>people don't know
Yes they do. That's a silly notion. Everyone understands that you open up to invaders
They are the player. Theyre meant to represent the player. Miyazaki himself said this I an interview. The "player" canonically changes armor sets but the knight set, raging wolf set, and carian set are their favorites.
>It's not a minigame
it kinda is bro
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Imagine getting hit, ever
He was going giga nigga like when he fought Malenia
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Who the fuck designs this shit? It's fucking faster than running and desyncs the follow up slashes in pvp, shit is impossible to dodge and does a gorillion poise damage
i'm nta i'm not crying i'm just saying. If they didn't care at all it wouldn't be in the game.
anon, you're talking to people who want to just be able to summon 4 people to beat the game for them with no interference, who wish invasions didn't even exist and they could summon 10 guys to beat the game for them. you're wasting your time.
People summoning cooperators =/= explicitly signing up for invasions.
Cope on and stay in Seamless servers. Fantastic mod to keep shitters like you in it.
it kinda is,
but it literally isn't.
The arena is a perfect example of what a mini game truly is.
It's funny you're accusing others of coping when reds have been malding about seamless since it came out as "ruining co-op"
Unlikely we see much of their fight and how radahn is really agile even as a rot zombie. Note how he sat there and allowed her to reattach her arm he even placed his swords into the ground until she was ready. He was not going berserk or giga nigga or whatever.
>put a unique multiplayer mode in your game
>different than every other multiplayer experience ever made, and it's only in your games
>do this for 15 years
>never fix the problems with it or balance it

still crazy to think about this. 15 years and they just never gave a fuck. they made invasions 15 years ago and they were like "yup... never touching that again!" and just copy/pasted it into every new game. then they literally never listen to anyone who tries to give them feedback or complains about the problems... problems that persist even 15 years later. nips are just built different i guess.
I said he was going giga nigga not he was going berserk
Good PvP games needs to be balanced from the ground up.
PvP at the highest level of this game involves two sweaties maintaining space and waiting for the more retarded to commit a mistake.
There's a reason time limits are enforced in arena.
ok fine.

I just like all of souls. The whole package. It was never just the world, or the bosses, or the style, or the coop, or the pvp. It was everything combined. That's why I like these games. Hope they do a better job integrating everything together in future games.
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This looks familiar...
>There's a reason time limits are enforced in arena.
Yeah, the 3 minute disconnect bug at launch for PC
You're going to Seamless because you can't cope with official servers.
No one is malding, you literally don't matter in official servers.
>rocking the morning star
>find ice spear ash of war
>aw hell yeah finally some frost damage
>but it can only be used with polearms
>find a lucerne in my inventory
>start using that with ice
not bad
Anon don't make me start posting the screenshots.
Shabriri fucked midra
No im not joking
Midra impregnated shabriri
>"yup... never touching that again!"
they made effort in souls 2 and 3.
ER has the worst implementation because the game is unfinished.
>they never balance it
they literally do though
>at launch for PC
Arena timers are enforced for all platforms supporting Elden Ring as well as DS3, poor cope by another shitter.
PvP in this game incentivizes safe, reactive play. A timer is needed to resolve some matches.
All merchants were exterminated so no
What are they getting angry over?
>no more writefag archive
>I have to save this as a .txt file like the old days
Go play on your "equal opportunity invasion" community ruleset.
If this is in America, the majority of men have been gaslit into thinking what was done to them as a baby was "right".
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alright fuck this that's it i'm pulling out a greatshield for gaius.
The charge wouldn't be so bad if he didn't keep spamming it.
nothing feels worse than actually frame perfect dodging only to see him immediately turn around to do it again.
>male circumcision
lol why do you care xD youre such a loser
>female circumcision
You aren't supposed to notice that circumcision is retarded. That chud noticed and so is being mocked for his neo-Nazi anti-Semitism.
Miquella... I understand
for me, there's just something alluring about invasions and how bullshit difficult they can be, with ER being the worst of them. it's fun to vent here about my complaints, but honestly i don't complain outside of doing that for fun in shitposts. in every game i've just coldly accepted the new reality and adapt accordingly. even in DS3 one-shots were still popular like with hornet ring parries, so it's not like much has changed in that regard, there's just more options now. i'll only really complain if i feel like there's legitimately no way for me to win no matter what i do or what build i use.
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I don't even play seamless mod yet I can see it still causes seethe in reddies.
I don't play multiplayer at all. I think both yellows and reds are subhumans, and lesser forms of life.
But it is a fact that reds malded hard over Seamless and still mald over Seamless. Refer to the "red man bad" steam post which still generates threads with hundreds of posts of seethes.
Gurm is Ashkenazi Jewish and almost certainly had a hand in putting the "godskins" in the game. We all know what that peeler is used for.
There's nothing to be angry about a containment server attracting shitters on both ends.
The official server's been a lot better since. It's a net positive for everyone.
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>People cling to some out dated janky ass fight system where you and several other mouth breathers drool on eachother
>Act like it is the greatest thing after sliced bread for some fucking reason

Pvp is the gayest fucking thing that ever graced the earth and people who actively participate in that shit are probably all raging homosexuals or something. Remove pvp, remove coop, just give me fucking medieval fantasy Sekiro with non retarded plotline
How long did it take for 2min disconnects to get fixed, anyway? I stopped playing right before 1.05 released and that was months after launch.
you can't tell me they balance it until password summons are downscaled properly. until then, no they do not.
>it still causes seethe in reddies.
Nothing special about that, pvpers melt over everything kek
I think I messed up, getting to Leyndell early through the Deeproot Depths.
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>Hostcels seething at PvP because theyw ant to cheese the game unbothered episode #546565656
>Refer to the "red man bad" steam post
Only you obsess over those shitters and on topics that don't matter to you.
even with a greatshield it can still clip behind you and do half your health anyway.
easily most retarded attack in the DLC.
would be ok if it was super special bullshit attack like waterfowl but it's clearly just a regular attack with retarded hitbox.
gaius was easy. if you need a shield at all you're bad and didn't really beat him, or subsequently, The Game. of which you are also now aware.
I don't obsess over you subhumans. I just get my fun things nerfed by your screeching so I have to pay attention to what you say and counter it. In the process, I've learned far more about the dynamics between the various subhumans than I'd need to know. If you faggots would stop getting things nerfed, I'd not care at all.
It's up
Post build
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reminder to gatekeep casuals by invading in stormveil with griefing builds
hey how about we just make our own game? we clearly know better than that damn hack miyazaki
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>That voice
>different than every other multiplayer experience ever made, and it's only in your games
Diablo 2's open-lobby grouping & PK mechanic is similar.
>they literally never listen to anyone who tries to give them feedback or complains about the problems
Why would FromSoftware care about sweaties with delusions of gradeur?
Active/daily PvPers are a small fraction of the game's player-base.
These people bitch and moan but still end up religiously playing their games for years.
>why don't you just open your own central bank, then?!

doesn't work that way, unfortunately. doesn't make the original argument wrong.
any day now… surely we can do it if we put our heads together…
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Yesterday I gave random co-oping a go because I wanted to play ER but didn't feel like invading because even when I win I feel no joy from it due to how dogshit invasions are in general and my God I've been having so much more fun it's terrifying.
Carrying dumbass hosts is actually hilarious and for the first time in months I've actually laughed out loud playing this game.
And this is just making me all the more depressed about the state of invasions.
>Doesn't play multiplayer
>Doesn't invade
>Wastes time browsing Steam forum & 4Chan talking about it
Absolute shitter.
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>mfw I see a hostcel spam rolling after watching his phantoms die
>Eating that much shit until you and your bf finally spam L2

Embarrassing post
man, i've been hard stuck on mohg on my low level invader for like a week, i can pretty reliably get to phase 2 and then i just crumble because there's so much shit to look out for and being low level, you just take so much fucking damage from everything
Reminding people that MP subhumans are lesser forms of life, and advocating for their categorization as a different subspecies and thus the removal of their legal human rights is never a waste of time.
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>open video for 5 seconds
>close the video

that's a tranny, isn't it?
You know what, I might put my sign down just to watch other reds murder hosts for a bit tonight.
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the best strategy for phase 2 is to hit him without getting hit yourself
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PVEsisters... is this us?
It's always been a mixed bag. The PVP was never meant to be like fortnite with constant balance patches and rules, but it's pretty damaging to the game if a huge portion of the gameplay is invalidated just because they don't care about improving it.
you guys are finally getting it, I have laughed harder during elden ring coop than playing any other game ever, no one is safe from multiplayer retardation I even make myself laugh hysterically at how dumb some of my own deaths are in front of the others, pure actual joy playing my video game, what more can one ask for
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Her holding her hand like that is pretty suspicious.
The torch she has is made out of the literal child's spine. It is noted to be "very small"
There's 0 downsides to co-op and you get the same rewards as when invading while putting in a fraction of the effort. Of course its more enjoyable, FROM wants co-op secondaries nice and happy. Invaders? Who cares.
just properly downscale the summons miyazaki, please im begging you.
Her child is the thorch
Also imagine Nanaya riding you non stop and furiously while telling you to endure and not cum.
Just learn to identify his biggest openings and bloodflame patterns. Possibly consider equipping the ritual shield talisman if you can't consistently dodge his trident thrust explosions in phase 2, since you'll have to roll them occasionally. Also, if you're ever getting caught by the trident thrust at the end of his 3-hit combo (it's the 4th hit), know that he'll only do it if he ends the 3rd hit with his trident lowered. If the swing ends with it raised, you can freely punish him with whatever.
The NT only served to confirm my fears that the PVP would not only be different but worse than the previous Souls game.
>In a distant land, in an age long past, was born a man who failed to become the Lord of Frenzied Flame. All that remains of him is cradled gently by Nanaya.
It was just a small man.
and this, ladies and gentleman, is why im going to one-shot your gank and never feel bad about it. miyazaki made me the villain. you only have yourselves to blame. enjoy the loading screens, asshole.
>All that remains of him is cradled gently by Nanaya.
Very often in prose, children are said to be "what remains" of a given parent.
How often is that expressed about a child?
>faggot watching another faggot nerd

Stop reading there
Okay, so what is more likely? She cradles her literal fucking child or she cradles a random small dude?
And the game sold fantastically well.
Be thankful they've been sprinkling PvP-specific equipment/item/spell/aow adjustments.
That's one hell of a reach right there man.
Why would her child be described as a man if it was a child?
you know why.
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>hexinton table lets you spawn +25 somber items
>instead of automatically setting them to +10
No fucking wonder. Too bad the tranny table doesn't have the dlc items updated STILL
Because it was not a mere child it was a Frenzy Lord, because it was born with a fullbeard and ten foot long dick, fuck do you want?
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>hexinton table
Errrrm exuse you chuddie when are you going to shore all 69 of those grabs with the poorer poc pve community?
Not if you do bosses, unless you have some optimized cheese build good luck trying to prevent fatrolling kevin from dying in one hit.
>the game sold fantastically well because miyazaki sold his soul to the lowest common denominator

i mean yeah, but that doesn't make it morally justified. it's like saying those bombs being dropped on hospitals in gaza sold fantastically well.
Apologies, I forgot which universe this game is set in. You're right.
>muh morals
It's fragments of a man's spine, not the whole spine, the game literally says it's a spinal column.
Nanaya influenced another person before she moved on to Midra.
>literal spyware

annnnd this is why i don't use CE.
If the host dies to the boss all that happens is that you miss out on a rune arc, you still keep all the runes you had on you. Even if (you) die you still keep them.

Meanwhile if you die as an invader you lose all your runes, and you have to go to where you died in the fucking invasion to get them. Because fuck you.
>That's one hell of a reach right there man.
How though. It's a commonly used metaphor.
>You are all that remains of your parents
>You are all that remains of them
>You are the best of them
How often is that said to the MC in so many types of stories?
If you want to to make low level invader builds just man up and play low level to get the stuff you need.
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Is Nanaya Shabriri or perhaps Hyetta
I know it sold well. The games pve was great in the NT and I knew it would be but that's beside the point. We know it was going to sell well and the hype was insane. The most insane I've seen for a game personally. However, it's not a big ask that the game multiplayer-wise be at LEAST equal feature-wise as DS2/DS3.

I'll be thankful when they actually add long-term fixes instead of sprinkling the bare-minium number adjustments on AoW or poise as if that fixes the big issues like player count, covenants, rune arc'd solo host invasions.
>morally justified.
Clown FromSoftware or any other game developer aren't morally bound to sell games with balanced PvP.
They may be financially incentivized to do so depending on the game. not for Elden Ring or Souls games in general.
PvPers and Invaders love using unbalanced aspects, and literally broken interactions, of the game to win.
Idk you tell me how often, I've literally never heard that expression in any media ever.
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if it was actual spyware someone would've figured out by now that it's running processes in the background or sending packets to whatever server
even better: it's actually fun to do a low level playthrough and figure out how to accomplish it. feels very satisfying, and you feel free to use whatever OP shit you want because you're so low level. i still prefer high level invasions though where my weapons are fully upgraded.
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Aaaaand he doesn't know what he's talking about
>Xhe listened to onlyspicfu
>He trusts the unwashed masses more than his /erg/ bros
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>if anybody invades you with scarlet rot early game then you automatically lose
this is why i just give myself 699 of every bolus as soon as i start the game now. not gonna entertain the idea of twinks getting an auto win because i can't cure their bullshit. flame cleanse me is absolutely useless because they can just rush you down if you try using it and proc it again immediately. not gonna take this shit lying down if you wanna play like a fag against a solo host, but i get it, you have to take every scrap you can get before going back to getting raped by gank squads.
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>halfway to 2025
>still no easy mode
>three lines of code that modifies damage and rune gain
>boom, suddenly twice as many people can complete and experience the full game
>still no way to refund all the upgrade shards from a weapon
>pay a blacksmith 1k runes and you get the shards back
the tranny table
TGA? Bunch of lib fags in that trooncord but at least it works. For me it's PvPHelper, updated with DLC shit as well.
Why did he cast her away?
Why haven't he given her to me?
I would be his most loyal follower if he had given her to me!!!
Bad writing, Miyahacki, bad writing!!!

My sweet gentle flower
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>standing at 10.5 cm tall
Pocketwife soon
>The games pve was great in the NT and I knew it would be but that's beside the point.
That's the selling point of these games, the numbers prove it.
PvP sweaties isn't a large enough customer base to spend extra time & resources on.
yeah tga is made by a tranny and I've been using it until now but it's not updated to have the dlc items in the itemgib, only in the mass itemgib
for 26 bucks I might just get one
Look up PvPHelper on nexusmods anon
>implying invaders invade for runes when they already have an optimized build for their level and 699 of every consumable
Is there a proper list of sorceries that are actually worth using? Playing INT for the first time and I don't know which of these slightly different shades of blue particles are good.
They're all agents of chaos.
pvp isn't the selling point, but it definitely helps to spice up the gameplay. even something as simple as a taunter's tongue playthrough makes the game a lot more interesting, at least as soon as you're out of the early game twink hell where every other invader is just attempting to grief you.
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I don't think she was a Frenzied fag. Here is what i think happened

>Rich old man plaps his young nubile wife raw all day everyday in his mansion in the middle of fucking nowhere
>She got preggo
>Frenzy Flame descended. This can be because Midra researched it or maybe it was Shabirri or maybe it was a random natural disaster, insert your headcanon here
>Everyone got infected
>The Inquistors came and no way fagged everyone
>Pierced them all with the sword of damnation and sealed their flame in
>Midra child keeled the fuck over
>Nanaya keeled the fuck over
>Tell Midra to "Endure" and live on or something along those line
>Fast forward a gorillion years
>Some random faggot bashed the mansion door in and started looting everything
>Walked up to the master room and just bitch slapped Midra

In retrospect he didn't really do anything wrong
It wouldn't be too far stretched that either of them could be her. Body snatching spirits and all
why was midra left in the house instead of just killed?
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Short-term yes obviously the pve is the larger pull but long-term multiplayerbros keep it alive and are passionate and dedicated. Nearly 10k concurrent players for DS3 last month on PC only for an 8-year-old game with no updates is more than worth giving a shit about. Some of Miyazaki's favorite games like Ultima Online are online shit so he must be somewhat sympathetic.
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nanaya is a squirrel
Missing the forest for the trees here, anon.

The point is that the game penalizes you for failing in an invasion. You are being punished for choosing to engage with one of the game's online components.
The fact that invasions are still going on in official servers shows some of you shitters can't stop playing it despite the incessant whining.
It's literally good enough to waste your time over every other game, including DS2/3.
>long-term multiplayerbros keep it alive and are passionate and dedicated
They're money drains in a corporate pov. FromSoftware extracted pretty much all the money they could out of those games.
The best ones for me are
>Carian piercer, the best "fuck off" spell, works even on crucible knights
>Adula's moonblade, great for taking out groups of mobs, good horizontal slice and good travel distance
>cannon of Haima. If they're grouped up, it's amazing
>hammer of Haima, pancakes most things
>both of Loretta's bow. Loretta's mastery is good for big damage, Loretta's greatbow is good for more precise shots if there's obstacles
>glintblade/glintblade trio, amazing for dealing with enemies with input reading
>Ranni's dark moon. Debuffs enemies, gives them a good dosage of frostbite acucmulation
I think if you've got max memory slots you have one or two slots left usually, so pick whatever you want for the last.
Also if you're not using a good INT weapon like the MLGS maybe a good consistent source of damage not glintstone shard.
Sure, and that especially sucks for newbies doing varre quest. But thats not really related to my original point, that random co-op for bosses is also insanely difficult due to host stupidity.
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>finally encounter other chainsawers in an invasion
>have what I think is a fun as fuck invasion where we’re basically playing chicken playing just outside chainsaw range
>one of them sneaks up with veil and they sandwich me
>laugh my ass off
>they start shit potting me and add me to shit talk on steam
bros what the fuck….
>Ultimate Table
>[Best Table]

funny how it's neither of those things kek
literally all of the carian sword sorceries. they're also the only ones that are actually fun to use, everything else is a different flavor of glintstone pebble
Stop acting like those runes, and even the rune arcs, matter.
Is Giant's Flame Take Thee the FTH equivalent to Canon of Haima?
why does this word make autists seethe?
Yet they keep the servers up and dude I'm not asking for updates to years-old previous games I'm saying now is the time for ER to be at least the same level feature-wise for longevity's sake. YOu are delusional if you think other franchises wouldn't kill for consistent numbers like those without even a single update after the fact.
Yesss fuk u rot lady
That's your headcanon and keep it that way.
You've completely missed the narrative that chaos can work through anyone, the player-character is also part of this storytelling.
Are you playing on 'eck or something?
If you didn't use summons congrats.
Because he is gay and she was his last bit of heterosexuality left.
If you used summons congrats.
Foolish anon. All lore is headcanon.
You are delusional for thinking all those legacy game's active user base are "PvPing".
Elden Ring is the only game that differentiated PvP-specific adjustments.
The intent behind the act is what matters here, anon. FROM chooses to punish invaders, and only invaders.
nah 1440p just didnt feel like doing too much to the image so I just dropped the image to 720

full solo, was fun
Should have just shoved his dick up his own ass, commit hetero harakiri.
Forgot to say I'm gay by the way
That didn't pan out too well, but I think I managed to salvage the wreckage.
>'If you won't recognize my shitty opinion, it's all headcanon'
Total loser.
My boyfriend moved his elden ring files to his new hard drive and they banned him for 180 days what the fuck is up with that?
>full solo, was fun
Good work then.
She's a fun fight.
The "punishment" is not even a slap in the wrist, bitch.
Says the literal coper with his mentally deficient takes.
That's not the point the anon is making.
why does his ass look like it's made of cheap silicone?
it's... opposite of hot
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double it and pass it onto the next anon
He told you to cope first so he won
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>He thinks all fromsoft lore takes aren't headcanons
The game should have level scaling. You can become easily overleveled by exploring and it makes the boss fights too easy. I destroyed starscourge radahan first try at level 105
I don't wanna finish the dlc :(
Saying goodbye is so hard.
But its there. And if the runes 'don't matter' as you said, why take them away?
kys pederast gooner
I want to punch you in the face.
The point is meaningless when the punishment for failing an invasion is practically inconsequential.
If losing runes matters this much (it doesn't), spend it all on consumes.
You save scum or spawn all that shit anyway
Mike is from Brazil it's loreful.
How do I beat Uncle Mohg without having to relay on bleed or summons? Holy/fire does shit damage and lighting doesn't seem to do that much better
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just did it without greatshield.
still a faggot fight with retarded hitboxes.
Honestly, it's more fun the second time because of how open ended the layout is so it feels like Dark Souls 1 all over again where you can just go any which way you want and you know which way you want to go.
Kid with poor take loses. Cope.

Why spend effort pushing insubstantial changes in the game that require multiplatform validation?
no you didnt
Why does Miyazaki keep adding femboys to his game?
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Vagabond > Knight > Raging Wolf
This is the canon armor progression
They are kino
I'll buy two. It only feels fitting to have a physical souvenir after giving so much of myself to this game.
Thanks lads, I'm actually interested in running a more melee-focused Carian mage so I'll try them out. Is Greatblade Phalanx any good?
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>invade chinese player with 2 overleveled password phantoms
>kill them with my gimmick stealth build because they're trying to surprise me by all using mimic veil
>reinvade them
>kill them with the same build in direct combat, but it doesn't feel like a win
>reinvade them
>drop them a warming stone and sever
>like 2 hours later, reinvade them in Liurnia on a completely different build
>try to win in direct combat again
>manage to kill the two password phantoms
>drop another warming stone for the host and try to sever
>he somehow blenders himself to death attacking me instead of backing off
oh well
Good stance damage
I'm not even good at this game and I did it with a medium shield, I just equipped the stamina talisman and like, blocked u know.
Good job, chad weapon.
He thinks they're cute
The knight set is just a straight downgrade. I like the raging wolf helmet, but like everything else in this game the panoply is overwrought and looks a bit too much like cosplay gear. I would probably prefer if it looked a little bit more like historical armor.
>why spend effort pushing insubstantial changes
Pushing what? I know they're not going to change it, because I know where their loyalties lie. FROM doesn't care about the pvp component to their games, its simply legacy content they include because it is expected by a vocal minority. Not because they like it.

FROM has turned its back on a chunk of the audience that put them on the map in favor of the hordes of secondaries that flocked to them years later.
He's right!
Good stance damage so combine it with more Glintblade sorceries and a jumping heavy or whatever, very easy to poise break most things but it requires setup so hard to pull off during a boss fight
Noooo you can't just hecking block!! If you don't completely ignore a core part of the moveset since demon's souls you won't get my updoots, no sir.
What difficulty tier is a whip build
>greatsword of solitude
>great damage
>great block
>great ash
>worst greatsword moveset possible
so close
St. troona
>chunk of the audience that put them on the map
The delusion. These games are popular for their PvE challenge as well as cryptic storytelling.
PvP is the least popular component of this game, Seamless coop got the player base it built up because shitters were invader-proof.
Stop overstating the importance of the PvP community, there's a reason why FromSoftware didn't shoehorn PvP into Armored Core 6 or Sekiro.
It's not that big of a popular, money-making opportunity.
despair kino tier
>resorts to calling people kid in 2 0 2 4
You're so mad holy shit
remember to frame trap with magic glintblade and gravity stone fan
>>"You are delusional for thinking all those legacy game's active user base are "PvPing"

That is exactly what is going on because:
1. DS3 has the best pvp as far as invasions and balance go

2.DS2's and DS3's overall PvE are generally considered not as good as DS1 PTDE nor DSR yet those both have lower numbers than DS2/DS3.

What that means is the vast majority of the returning concurrent userbase are PvP'ing and a smaller percentage are playing for the first time or playing mods.

The data does not support your side. Simple as.
Funny you say that since r/elden_ring is a huge support group for people who summon/greashield/overlevel to validate each other that they are good and didn't cheese the game.
Base game it's perfectly fine.
I'd wager DLC would be hell
I agree but your case is a bit extreme. I thought I explored pretty thoroughly by the time I got to Morgott and I was only level 83. But even then I had to limit flasks to 10 and use an older weapon I wasn't upgrading much to keep it engaging.
>The data does not support your side
You haven't proven that all those DS2 & 3 online players are in it to PvP.
The data is strictly on my side.
I shall know despair then
Until I give up and switch at the dlc
>fucking around with roar build
>keep getting myself killed because i don't understand hyper armor
>actually check the frame data tool for once in my life
>charge has frame 29 HA, release has frame 1 HA
>start winning
Jiren is learning...
If you want to be treated better, act like an adult kid. It's never a bad time to call a manchild out as a kid.
Imagine giving a fuck about "2 0 2 4" when you're in a gaming general thread of a glorified PS4 game.
>It's not that big of a popular, money-making opportunity
Case-and-point. It was never the most popular aspect, sure. But it gave the games longevity and helped them stand out. The people playing DeS and DaS months and years after release, thanks to its online components, were also the people singing its praises early on. But then secondaries began to flood in due to their reputation for being 'hard' games, and FROM simply leaned into that with each subsequent entry.
they should gatekeep equiploads for heavy armors even harder.
You absolutely should not be allowed to mid roll with fatass lionel or bullgoat armor.
and equip load talismans are a retarded idea, always have been since Havel's ring.
I did it mostly str using a nightrider glaive with frozen spear. His patterns aren't too bad but what really did it was running to an empty part of the arena after he sprays the field in P2 so I could move around / slow the fight down
I just did. DS2 and 3s pve sucks balls compared to DS1 and yet they get higher numbers so the only logical conclusion as to why those have larger consistent numbers is due to pvp because the PVP in those are general considered 'better' or more balanced. Why is this too complex for you to grasp? Pretty simple conclusion to come to. If I had my hands on more in-depth data then it would simply prove my point.

The data 'on your side' is strictly in your head.
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i think you are both just armchairing and this is useless conversation
I like using the skeleton summon guys that revive themselves and I try to keep them alive as an extra objective. It's pretty fun
should've tbagged that faggot
based necrolord
>DS2 and 3s pve sucks balls compared to DS1
That's your opinion. Don't act like DS1 is nicely balanced like Starcraft: Broodwar.
Go backstab fishing in DSR.
Maybe but that dude can't give a reason why DS2/DS3 have more players than DS1/DSR on Steam. It's either PvP and or mods and even then mods are just more pve that isn't as fresh or different as pvp has the potential to be.
Is it a bleed build?
I wasn't the one who brought up player number of legacy games to say they have better PvP.
Pathetic reach.
*once you have played the pve content I mean
You're not accounting for people who started with Elden Ring and bought the older games during the recent summer sale.
Some people always left these games unplayed in their Steam library and only recently decided to chip away at it.
Not everything needs to be explained by mods or PvP.

But you can't expect much out of someone who thinks DS1 had the best PvP component.
You misunderstood what I was saying if you think I implied DS1 has balanced or good PvP, nowhere did I say that. I said it has better PvE than 2/3 but worse PvP. In fact, it's PvP is terrible and somehow worse than DeS.
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>getting summoned in stormveil so I can watch hosts get killed by invaders
>helping them through the levels until then
>get this host
>I do the jump over
>other phantom and host go to the edge and look down at me wary
>other phantom does a running jump
>barely makes it
>host looks on
>he disappears
>he comes running off
>falls totally short and plummets down into the abyss
Knew it was coming but all the funnier still
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my headcanon is that ranni is a cat
jew propaganda aimed at crippling the west with degeneracy and moral corruption and buttsex

jews allied with japs and they are hellbent on destroying us by incest, trooning and femboy bussy

then they will steal our women and impregnate them (especially redheads, redheads are kino)

on the puls side, better japs and jews than BBC
>But you can't expect much out of someone who thinks DS1 had the best PvP component

Nowhere did I claim that retard. Learn to read.
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This, but for Radahn
Nah I just had a +3 standard club.
Only took about 12 minutes to club him to death, much faster than some of my challenge runs.
I hope he’d do it without using site of grace. That’s freaking cool
So why was miquella gay
Bad parenting.
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>This nigga is dislexic and can't tell the difference between 'pve' and 'pvp'
he likes cock and balls
>I said it has better PvE than 2/3
No one appointed you to be the assessor of FromSoftware PvE component, your opinion means fuck all.
There are plenty of people who prefer DS2 or 3's PvE over 1's, especially wrt combat, movement, and boss fights.
miyazaki is a perverb
two fingers
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>invade taunter's tongue host with the exact same build as me
>it's just a 3 minute slobberknocker where we beat the shit out of each other
>at one point we even barbaric roar in sync
pure ludokino
They are cute. Femboys in video games and other medias are cute.
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ah, I forgot, Radahn with pussy is a communist plot, best chinese psyops are responsible

(I still don't know who is responsible for that Mohg is a woman nonsense, I suspect russians)
So you admit you are retarded and can't read? I accept your concession.
I appointed him FromSoftware assessor actually.
He speaks with my authority and I care about his opinion which has meaning.
>he even looks like a dirty yelling retard
aaaand based
good host
He's not. The person you see in the DLC isn't him.
It's called staying on topic. The schizo bitches about Elden Ring PvP then brings up steam user count of legacy games to go off-tagent on PvE.
You'd rationally think the conversation will continue talking about PvP.
Good to know he's moving the goalposts.
Good stance damage but, I tend to prefer the glintblade trio as I recommended.
But like I also said you'll have a free slot or two so, feel free o take the phalanx.
Two nobodies = nothing of importance.
fair. Once you get used to taking advantage of their range they feel great and backsteps are fantastic due to always being a good distance when attacking.
>Upgrade Blasphemous blade to 9+
>60 faith
>less than 500 AR

What the fuck is this shit
blind spot should do, like, no damage
You're projecting too hard here.
Why are you so upset?
You might not like it but my appointment of him is final and based on his accredited opinions and takes.
You will just have to remain salty.
when people say things like this what does "AR" stand for attack range? rating? legitimately have no idea I am no gaymare
god she's so fucking CUTE
You and the other guy are two nobodies that can't stop replying to a somebody (me).
aurora racing
There you go projecting again.
You should calm down.
Your anger is showing.
This nobody still can't stop replying to a somebody like me :)
Remember, you (a nobody) started replying to me (a somebody).
Know your place.
Anon why are you fuming this much over being wrong/
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frenzied flame...
Is there ANY rule of thumb as to which enemies are weaker to blunt or pierce? Slash has a clear niche, it's clearly for non-armored enemies with lots of flesh exposed. Whereas there are item descriptions implying that both pierce and blunt are meant to be used against armored/shelled enemies.
You heard me.
I miss when the women were more nude and this showed up on tv
If I was a femboy with a magic bussy I would ride radahn cock and and charm everyone into worshipping me too.
Instead I'm just a femboy with a regular Bussy that charms bisexual nerds and gymbros into buying me stuff
all i know is that dragons dont like to be pierced
tv LUL
I abandon here... mine cock and balls...
Post proof
blunt is the least resisted i think
just use whatever you want tho
Attack Rating, it’s a term that’s been around since 2009 DeS, like it wasn’t even called “AR” in DaS1, but it stuck around. In Elden Ring it’s called “AP” (attack power) in game, but everyone says AR, but I bet 95% of people couldn’t tell you why it’s called that. They just heard someone else say it.

Funnily enough “Quality” was same, the term never used in-game between DeS (2009) and ER (2022), but everyone always knew what it meant and used term for DeS, DaS1, DaS2, BB, and DaS3.

It’s like “Ewok” that word is never used in Movie, but everyone knows what an Ewok is.
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Top 10 photographs taken moments before disaster
AR = Assault Rifle
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How the fuck do you dodge the divine beast lion nigger attack where it jumps in the air and spins around and then slams into the ground and pulls its head out of the ground for 3 hits total? Because if this niggerfaggot retard list is to be believed I'm dying to a fucking attack that doesn't exist.
gotcha, thanks anons, it reminds me of people calling their custom characters "Toons" still two decades after toon town last had any relevancy
i dont know
When are they going to fix the stupid inappropriate activity bug?
They acknowledged this shit about a month ago.
He was molested
That makes two of us my man I literally only beat the first one through luck and the one in Rauh keeps turning me into a pancake with this shit
It's weird how Malenia is the only Empyrean who's actually the god OF something. Miquella, Ranni, and Marika are just generically gods. Even GEQ, people assume she's meant to be God of Death, but she's never actually called that.
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I did not molest him!
It's not my fault!
I'm the victim here!!!
For flails which have innate bleed or any weapons that have innate bleed, if I use Chilling Mist AoW with magic affinity, will my weapon have both bleed and frost buildup or just frost while Chilling Mist is active?
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I can't recommend Loretta's Ass-stery to anyone one or more of the bolts miss their mark and you do way less damage
His claim that DS1 having a better PVE than 2 or 3 isn't a universally accepted truth.
People like him are grossly overvaluing the exploration in DS1.
I really almost did lmao, too silly.
Cute! I shake thine little lizard hand and plant upon it a lil kiss.
Peirce is usually reptiles, Dragons are all notably weak to it (except Boralais, who’s frozen solid and weak to strike).

Stone is always weak to strike, as is hard metal. Although this is harder to tell, DaS2 made strike so overpowered since almost everything was weak to it, they’ve been nerfing Blunt/Strike ever since. Blunt was the holy damage of Bloodborne, it was above average resisted vs everything, and absolutely nothing except 2 trash mobs, was weakest to blunt.

ER isn’t that bad, but metal armour isn’t garunteed Strike weakness.

But anything made of stone = massive weakness to strike, same with skeketons and skeketons friends (Deathbirds), they have -40% strike, equal to Holy.
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skeletons, crystalians, and all other "fragile" enemies are weak to strike, as well as most armored enemies.
pierce likely has something to do with going between/under scales since it has the most notable damage increase to dragons and misbegotten. there's not a whole lot of enemies with a special thrust weakness since everything is weak to thrust while attacking
as for enemies resisting the two, "squishy" enemies like envoys, slimes, and miranda flowers resist strike while the "fragile" enemies weak to strike are usually resistant to thrust.
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>just finished restarting the game from the inappropriate activity bug
>go to invade again
>happens again when I start to invade someone
I get the feeling this "bug" is caused by trying to invade people who are actually cheating and using tongue.
DESU I'd follow Miquella without needing to be enchanted. My heart is already stolen.
pls god 1 more dlc
Holy shit someone saved my -1400% negation pic.

I need to redo that, DLC added new things. I think -2000%, or at least -1950% is possible now.
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Correct answer, he's perfect.
Do omens fuck
Anon I'm saying "skill issue" in the kindest way I can.
It really is about assessing your situation and picking the right version for the job. It depends on your elevation, the enemy, the body parts you can target. Lots of things. But Mastery can be amazing. Keep in mind the Loretta spells do decent stance damage so the 4 arrows from mastery are really good at stance breaks too.

What about knights, I guess pierce?
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The most wholesome relationship in the story of vidya
The thing that emerged from the gate at the end isn't even Miquella anymore.
It's like a sanitized ChatGPT.
>1000 year old Loli (shota)
Is this the only male example of this trope I can't think of a single other instance
i genuinely don't know what attack you're talking about
won't happen bestie..
Hello /erg/, I don't play Elden Ring but someone referenced Elon Musk's Elden Ring build, by saying:
>You're living life as Elon Musk's Elden Ring build
refused to elaborate, then left. I'm assuming its an insult but could someone explain? I have played Dark Souls before.
How did Radahn even get close enough to hear the vow?
Fuck no. All hands on Next Game, stat. Leave the sinking ship that is ER behind.
I'm guessing you're talking about the second attack in this webm? It's not a difficult attack to dodge, just need to get the timing down.
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no, of course not, they are pure and innocent and completely asexual

you filthy tarnished
Yeah, that one. I've been trying to sideroll it and I still get hit by the second attack or end up behind him but still get hit by the third hit somehow
Chugging ruptured tear in front of hosts/phantoms is funny.
They all just bumrush you thinking you're buffing and get rekt.
FromSoftware will make another open-world game, it's too lucrative not to.
It may not be their next game, but it will happen 100%.
>here I abandon my love
>St Trina
Consort means sharing power.
A god (not half anymore) and a consort (vessel).
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does dryleaf whirlwind combo in pvp?
Also why have I not seen anyone ever use raging beast on beast claws? Doesn't this get iframes?
Yeah, the timing is tricky, but once you get it down that's one of your biggest damage openings in the fight. Also, don't do what I did in the webm and roll right on the third hit and circle it, roll to the left and simply jump the fog breath, it's a lot simpler that way and I didn't realize that until the Rauh Dancing Lion.
>Fromsoft clearly didn't have the resources
Now they do...
Can deathblight kill your mimic or human npcs
Thanks a ton, I'll give it a shot
JP script says Lord (King), not Consort. They went with the more provocative localization to get more people to talk about it.
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>hit 1
Either roll it or space it since it's extremely telegraphed (you can punish here with a poke or ranged option)
>hit 2
Roll into it
>hit 3
Roll into it or strafe it (you can punish here with a sufficiently fast option)
>hit 4
Either jump it, strafe it clockwise, or roll into it (counterclockwise) and then strafe clockwise to prepare a big punish
You can combo into it from an R2.
>realize mist or beast was just a MrBeast joke
Having your message disparaged should instantly kill you, but if From is too much of a pussy to go that far, it should make it so you are open to invasions even without summons
fort, night
Miquella is Radahn's queen...
The Belurat arena/portal looks like people sacrificed themselves. What if they burned their flesh like Ranni did?
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so marika's story is like this right?
Marika seduce hornset, backstab them, kill them and become a god
survivor hornset cursed marika, she can only give birth to cancerous chidlren
Marika created the Erdtree and send her children to purge the hornset and send them to the shadow realm
the rest is in the base game
What will be next game? Another original classic dark fantasy would be too risky because ER took a perfect place. DS is way too old, normies not gonna buy another sequel. ER2 not happening, you already killed literal god so everything else will be just a spinoff which is not good for full game.
>marika seduce hornsent
what the fuck is this hornsent propaganda? they got what was coming to them.
>image mentions psyop
>anon posts psyop
So this is bait right?
Probably a good video game, idk
Very based post
Cute picture, any translation
negatively aligned corpos fear the Age of Cunny and pulled out all stops first in the cut base game Age of Abundance ending and then in Miquella's own DLC which barely had him in it to ensure it never came to pass in game

in other words part of the base game is non-canon and the entire DLC itself aside from some of the Marika bits is not canon
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>anon is unaware
you have no idea how many cocks passed through her womb
if you don't have an argument shut up please
>Age of Cunny
hes male
I kneel...
Anon elden lords are repeatedly called king consorts. They're using the same thing, it's just that "will you be my consort" sounds better in English than "will you be my king" or "will you be my king consort"
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>verdigris made this shitter set socially acceptable

f u a r k
Now you can just slap Solitude gloves + legs if you want poise.
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remember what miyazaki took from you
Judging from Miquella's ascension, the Divine Gate can turn a candidate into a god without interference from the two-finger/Greater Will.
The two-finger/Greater Will was aware of this ability and wanted their pawn to become a god.
Someone else suggested Marika was seduced by the two-fingers/Greater Will and betrayed the hornsent by becoming a god without the hornsent's approval.
how do scaduu fragments work on NG+? I'm lvl 18 and if I wanted to get to 20 do I have to pick up the ones that I missed on the 1st playthrough or do they work like with sacred tears and I'll just get an excess?
Is that Miquella with cute wings
Why is Fire Serpent's range so damn short? There's no reason to use it over fire coils.
it won't be open world like Elden Ring was though, it'll be more focused but still semi open the way dark souls 1 was, it has been too long since they did something like that, it has all felt so linear since
>elden lords are repeatedly called king consorts
In the English localization.
FROM is legitimately a fucking cunt, the Fire Knight's fire serpent just travels half way across the fucking fire keep but yours just fizzles after two meters, its unreal
>wake up
>anon's trying to psyop
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Here's some cut dialog from Romina and Rellana https://x.com/Ziostorm1/status/1816551919805935850?t=dDDxuzmPmynousx0IXPO7g&s=19
So far we've found
>cut dialog from Romina and Rellana
>Cut ending where you side with miquella and marry malenia
>Cut midra head item
>Cut dialog where miquella attacks you if you refuse marrying malenia
>Cut blackflame spells
>Cut or changed gloam eyed queen stuff like the putrecent knight
>Cut messmer dialog mentioning miquella
>Cut radahn dialog where he introduces himself
>Cut melina dialog
>Cut dialog mentioning godwyn
What am i missing
They can't get the pacing right anyway. Exploration in DS1 had some tension because some of the bonfires were far apart.
You can't set it up like that anymore because bosses and even regular enemies are objectively tougher.
That's why the whole field in Elden Ring's littered with graces.
I can buy the two fingers seducing Marika but the Greater will is supposed to be gone by now
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why would they include this on their own trailer for their own game unless they made this game expansion with actual spite
>Marika seduce hornset
Hoarah Loux was the Divine Beast that was promised and she swayed him to her side. They truly loved each other and were both in agreement with the Banishment Venom Snake Tarnished plan.
Radagon is literally her but the chromosomes flipped, Empyreans are also hermaphrodites, therefore, Radagon also took Godfrey's 'weapon' and as such, created Melina and Messmer.
Messmer was most likely there for the Banishment, but as he was akin to his white-haired father-father he also doubtlessly didn't mind the Shadow Lands guardianship as he was a good boi, Marika even trusting him to safeguard her home and even plopping 3 Sentinels there.
The difference is though, we see Messmer become fully depressed because of his mom being, ya know, dead and his opponents becoming too weak to keep his spirit of fiery combat alit.
Godfrey wasn't that deep in post-fight depression yet and, both endorsed by Marika's grace and the player Tarnished standing there, got a boost to his dopamine.
Because it has a really short cast time, no recovery and good tracking. The intention was explicitly for it to be a ranged projectile you could safely shoot off in relatively close range because faith lacked something like that until now.
what are you on about
they did it kind of right on SotE though where it felt like sites of grace were more far apart from each other and some dungeon crawls felt more threatening than the base game ever did because of it
They don't match visually, also the regular banished knight gloves match the chest better, just realized.
The purpose of the two fingers is to act on behalf of the GW in the lands.
They're given a script, but not aware of its obsolescence.
I need more Ranni mommy's girl content.
I don't like how Malenia's helmet is the closest thing to a helmet with puppy ears. I don't want people to think I am a disgusting failed cosplayer build.
Says he became her consort and king. They're tied. Sorry.
The black flame fireball is the 'short range, short cast' FTH spell. Fire serpent is worse in every single way.
who's dick do I have to suck for blue dancer charm to be changed to give it's bonuses in a threshold instead of total weight?
Still far too many graces, especially in the major legacy dungeons. Specimen Storehouse has about five for itself.
That sounds stupidly OP.
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Small indie studio please understand
Mine. Now get to work.
You said "repeatedly" that's one dialogue.
The traditions of an Elden Lord doesn't necessarily transfer's to Miquella's concept of a Lord as well.
Miquall's independent from the Elden Ring.
JP refers Radahn as Miquella's King
Sorry faggot.
I see people fightning Radahn with the Torch and every hit does 800-900 damage while i'm fightning him with +10 pic related and a fully charged AoW with godfrey's icon and alexander shard at scat +20 and it only does 600 what's that about.
i'm not sure if the Great Katana is Weak or the torch is retard strong.
I always have moore kill himself. and I never help freyja in shadow keep.

Thiollier, Igon and Ansbach are my bros though. I always help them.
quality was an explicit infusion type in dark souls three you triple nigger retard
so you are saying
>Banishment Venom Snake Tarnished plan.
I have no idea what this means
yes but the two fingers take orders from the finger mother, and the finger mother can't contact the greater will
born this way
>has the shitty lance running R2 instead of the OP running R2 the HTS's are famous for

so close, yet so far. i'll bite though: what are you doing with it to beat ganks? or do you just use something else to nuke a room and use the SL to solo people? i know the R2 has the lance hyper armor but it's kinda hard to trade when everyone is shooting laser beams at you non-stop. can't really R2 trade with a moonveil.

don't get me wrong anon i want it to be good in invasions, but it just feels like normal attacking with your weapon is pretty shit in this game. best i could do would be roar builds where you literally get infinite hyper armor on the R2's. i'm desperately trying to avoid using halberds, surely there must be other good new shit i can use on an RL150 STR build that can at least get any low FTH/INT/ARC tax reqs paid for.
Consort is used as a noun, not a verb.
a wife, husband, or companion, in particular the spouse of a reigning monarch.

habitually associate with (someone), typically with the disapproval of others.
"you chose to consort with the enemy"
Hornsent God is Gloam Eyed Queen who worship the serpent and her Elden Lord is Placidusax
Marika was made a saint by the Hornsent.
Marika split Radagon from herself and had their first children Messmer and Melina.
Marika finds out the truth about how shaman were the jar people
Marika seduces Godfrey
Marika betrays the Hornsent and kills GEQ and pulls out the Elden Ring from her as shown by the strings.
Marika becomes a God
Marika locks Messmer away in the Land of Shadows because he has the serpent in him.
Marika locks Melina away in the elevator room because she has the Gloam Eyed Queen in her
Man, Miquellafags are on a level of copium that I can't even fathom. Beyond the moral understanding of cope.
Some sort of divine cope, if you will.
Again you're wrong
Enia tells you to become marika's consort the king.

You keep coping but elden lord is refered to as king and consort of the God they serve. There's no indication miquella's is any difference and nothing said by anyone that even hints at this. You are coping hard.
>yes but the two fingers take orders from the finger mother, and the finger mother can't contact the greater will
She was sent by the GW to fulfill a purpose, that purpose doesn't magically disappear simply because she lost contact with the GW.
Metyr was birthing fingers that are powerful enough to choose servants of the GW.
oh my god i'm so fucking retarded.
i have two great katanas and i was fightning him with the unupgraded one.
Why the fuck do so many of the greaves have weird crotches? It makes it impossible to mix and match certain tops.
>post starts with "Headcanon: ..."
>post is hidden
Miquellafags cope that the radahn thing was meant for the player
Radahnfags cope that he's not gay and that elden lords haven't been shown to be their gods consorts.

The dlc mindbroke both camps
You're the one coping that Miquella is continuing the Elden Ring's tradition of a lord with Radahn.
Radahn is called Promised King of Miquella, not Promised Elden King of Miquella.
Cope on faggot.
>and consort of the God they serve
True and correct, when you put a wedding band on ranni and she fucks off to the moon, you become her consort and king.
It's called the truth.

thoughts sisters?
Notice this fruitcake can't find a JP quote explicitly stating Radahn is the promised king consort of Miquella.
Just incessantly citing descriptions of Marika's Elden Lords instead.
A tradition Miquella's been explicitly trying to rid himself of in the DLC by breaking his own Great Rune.
Alright at this point you're either baiting and or seething. I'll accept your concession either way.
Is it possible to get some dlc weapons and armor from someone online?
Not a Radahnfag but him being mindcontrolled/charmed seems very likely. Dude doesn't talk or make any real expressions either. Seems like a zombie
If the big bad of the dlc is a hetero flexible god why is that so difficult to understand.
It's just tiny Griffith, using his Bussy to his advantage yet again how is it any surprise to literally anyone
>Miquellafags cope that the radahn thing was meant for the player
it was confirmed cut content in the base game. Nobody is coping what it was datamined
You haven't cited an official JP description explicitly stating Radahn to be Miquella's consort.
Miquella is setting a brand new order independent from the customs of the Elden Ring.
Until you do, I accept your concession.
It's amazing how much Radahn cucked the playerbase. Especially after that pre release trailer.
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>try out the shit I seen someone post here the other day
>99 faith
>death lightning
>lightning scorpion charm, godfrey icon for charge damage, greater incantation boost tali and trick mirror tali
>put red sign under a bit of stone so it hides the sign colour at the summoning point
>get summoned by host
>hes at the top of the stairs waving at me with another phantom
>run up
>fingerprint shitter with white mask and antspur
>they dont know
>cast golden vow to fool them into thinking im buffing them
>start casting death lightning
>can see the one phantom is looking at me weird beside me since a third friendly phantom just got summoned in
>he realises and dodges last moment
>host gets instagibbed
>they both just stare at me looking back and forth between each other
Okay this is brilliant.
just fight noobs like chase and you'll be fine:
Porn has rotted your brain. Stop thinking about sex all the time you pest. Miquella wanted Radahn because he was the strongest, not because he's a big gay fag who loves hairy sweaty cock in the ass. Yes, Radahn's title is Consort. Yes that implies they are going to reproduce. Making heirs is the narratively significant part, not the fucking. You are just fixated on the fucking because you're a gross pervert.
It's called a cope.
Datamined content is not always intended for final release for various reasons
Miquella was never going to be an ending. It was an unfinished thing they dropped mid development.
Shotafags need to just accept their place.
I don't understand
Are you guys pretending Miquella doesn't want to get his guts turned inside out by Radahn?
It's not cope.
Why did Mohg talk when he was mindcontrolled?
how kafkaesque
The people pointing it out are doing it almost entirely because it makes people seethe.
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>Datamined content about a Miquella ending means he was never going to be an ending
Miquella wants to fuck Radahn to spite Ranni for killing his best bro Godwyn. He mimics her thousand year voyage speech too.
>Making heirs is the narratively significant part, not the fucking.
Yes, this is why Miquella gave himself giant hips.
>Yes, Radahn's title is Consort
Not in JP.
Means be my King, not my consort.
You guys don't understand the historical context between an Emperor and a King.
>One empire may include several kingdoms, meaning that an emperor may rule over several kings.
Just because someone was appointed to be a King of an Emperor, doesn't mean they were also the Emperor's consort.
The English localization ran with consort to get people to talk about it like we're doing now.
Maybe Miquella's part of the vow was finding a way to grow himself up so Radahn wouldn't feel weird about it.
People praise Marika's backstory but nobody talks about how the DLC was marketed as you learning about how her ascension to Godhood happened which you never actually learn. The Gates of Divinity is never explained and seemingly has nothing to do with the Elden Ring, you never learn what the "seduction and betrayal" was which doesn't even make sense since the Hornsent were oppressing her and her people, and the timeline of events from her being a village girl to meeting Godfrey and shit is never mentioned. Kinda lame but overshadowed by how awful the Miquella story is
Oh my god.

Braggart's Roar doesn't change the 1h R2 of the Messmer Soldier's Spear.

This is amazing.
no it's pretty obvios the vow was killing Radanh in an honorable battle and resurrecting him
Temperance has rotted your brain. Stop thinking about god all the time you priest. Miquella wanted Radahn because he was a big gay fag who loves hairy sweaty cock in the ass, not because he was the strongest. Yes, Radahn's title is Consort. Yes that implies they are going to reproduce. Making heirs by fucking is the narratively significant part. You are just fixated on not fucking because you're a gross celibate.
Ah, the Chase fit...
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Why can't we tell Malenia that Miquella's rot-curing needle actually works in Farum Azula, then take her there and cure her?
Who gives a shit, retard?
Rot got her brain saddly.
I can see why this dialogue was cut

peak retard
>no it's pretty obvios the vow was killing Radanh in an honorable battle
And Miquella failed at this, he had nothing to do with Radahn's death. Also this theory makes everyone involved look like complete psychos who are willing to have their soldiers massacre each other for a dumb larp
We learn exactly how the gates of divinity work we even see fucking Miquella use them
And as for the "seduction and betrayal", it's very clear now that the trailer for the DLC was from the perspective of the Hornsent. Even the game itself is constructed such that you're likely to go through Belurat first, and again be confronted with Messmer's "crimes" and Marika's "genocide".
It's only as you go and piece things together that you realize the Hornsent deserved it. There was no seduction and there was no betrayal. Marika simply survived, managed to use the Gates, and became a goddess despite what the Hornsent had done to her people.
interdasting... interdasting indeed...
>walk through gate
>become a god
Okay but how does that work?
>Miquella doesn't want to get his guts turned inside out
It's the opposite, Anon. Radahn wants Miquella to do that to him, since, ya know, he kinda fucked up being a Godfrey fanboy
>>Cut ending where you side with miquella and marry malenia
prove this please
Imagine Radahn manhandling his tiny body
I'm married to a man and I call him My King
>And Miquella failed at this
Malenia failed. She is a dumb weak woman. Can't get anything done
>Also this theory makes everyone involved look like complete psychos who are willing to have their soldiers massacre each other for a dumb larp
Freyja questline is the one who justifies Miquella's methods. Radanh and his people are obsessed fightfags, they were always psychos
I really want a competent studio other than From to do a soulslike.

Not a meme one like the pinnochio one or fucking
>lords of the fallen

Honestly the idea is so fucking simple in comparison to a lot of the other shit companies churn out. It would be nice to have a good souls alternative, maybe give From a kick up the backside.
Miquella's womb pouch doesn't lie
gobbldey gook that don't mean shit

you're a sex pest
The head was absolutely cut because of censorship issues. Probably replaced with Nanaya's Torch.
The Gate of Divinity harnesses the energies of the Crucible that exists at the location.
Enir-Elim is constructed ontop of the Crucible
The jars serve to power that spiral like font of energy
It rises up through the tower and to the Gate and then those energies are used to empower an emperyan.
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Imagine how much of his strength Radahn has to hold back when picking up Miquella so he doesn't accidentally squish him...
Japanese fans on Twitter are universally reacting to the revelation like Miquella wants to fuck him in the ass so I don't believe you. Every lord of a god in the base game is married to them.
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>how's it feeeeeeeeel, margit
>to be a... ~bitch~
>There was no seduction and there was no betrayal
Marika apologist overhere
This isn't exactly true and just word of mouth misinterpreting what was actually datamined. You still fight Malenia, but instead of just being a random murderhobo she has a close bond with you and doesn't want to fight you, only being forced to do so because you're after Miquella. In this fight Miquella would give his "last drop of dew" to Malenia where she'd presumably get a powerup. There's a possibly unrelated piece of content involving Miquella talking to you about his age of abundance which people believe was meant to be an ending.

Malenia dialogue
[20265000] Sweet Tarnished...
[20265010] Dearest companion...
[20265100] Did you not heed my warning?
[20265200] Your greed knows no end.
[20265300] You would steal the last drop of warmth from his empty frame?
[20265310] After all you've taken, you still want more?
[20265400] Then you will have to kill me.
[20265500] I am Malenia, Sword of Miquella.
[20265600] And I have never known defeat.

Miquella mid fight dialogue
[20270000] My dear twin, accept this gift.
[20270100] A gift of abundance, my last drop of dew.
[20270200] Let all things flourish,
[20270300] whether graceful, or malign.

Miquella Ending
[20540000] Young seedling, young seedling.
[20540100] Return to the bosom of earth.
[20540200] But remember well,
[20540300] Thou'rt mine.
[20540400] So shall I give of myself. This is for thee.
[20540500] Mine abundance, my drop of dew.
[20540600] Quench thy thirst, throughout thy frame.
[20540700] Blossom and burgeon, time and again.
[20540800] Grow larger, stronger.
[20540900] Until the day cometh.
[20541000] When thou canst share in my dream.
[20541100] Elden Ring, O Elden Ring.
[20541200] Beget Order most elegant, from my tender reverie.
[20560000] If thou covetest the throne,
[20560100] Impress my vision upon thine heart.
[20560200] In the new world of thy making,
[20560300] all things will flourish,
[20560400] whether graceful, or malign.
Is Marika born an empyrean or she became an empyrean through Metyr or the two fingers?
The nail in the coffin is that the setting has no true resolution without a Miquella ending. Even the Goldmask ending, objectively the best ending for the denizens of the Land's Between, is stated to be only an attempt to fix the broken Order.

Godwyn's corpse still rots at the base of the Erdtree spreading deathblight everywhere, Outer Gods enthrall the fickle subjects of the Golden Order and spread their influence for the hopes of one day seizing control, the Erdtree remains off it's axis and is now little more then a burnt stump.

Put aside your ire for pederasty, and see that not only is the DLC riddled with plot holes top to bottom, but your fearmongering is likely part of the reason why From opted to remove Miquella's ending from inclusion. This beautiful world will remain forever unresolved in it's conflict if not doomed because the artisans that worked on this masterwork were reluctant to embrace the truth the public so fervently denied.
Just as you said. It empowers you and turns you into a god if you're an empyrean. There's multiple paths to ascension
Become the newest incarnation of an outer god as seen with malenia
Walk through the gates as seen with miquella and marika
Usurp another God's divinity from It's remains as seen with ranni
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>get summoned as a blue
>"oooh i wonder if it'll be a real invasion this time where the host or invader isn't immediately killed while i'm spawning in!"
>pic related

this is partly why i typically just jump off the cliff and give the invader free estus, just so you know, hackazaki.
That I do not know.
It was planned at one point or another and then dropped. This wasn't some deepstat conspiracy to take away your trap porn. Just cope with the fact From decided they didn't wanna do it.
>. Even the Goldmask ending, objectively the best ending for the denizens of the Land's Betwee
Troll post. Disregarded.
Likely the Maleniafag.
He's not referring to the cut ending from the base game, he's referring to a dlc cut ending
It doesn't help that Ranni uses the same language as Miquella and you literally give her a wedding ring in her questline so the intended interpretation is obviously at least a little bit romantic even if it's mostly a political marriage.
But even then, a political marriage between royalty often has more sex than actual romantic marriages because it's important to continue your bloodline.
I know about all this, it seems pretty obvious that siding with Miquella was an ending related to doing a quest with Malenia, and that fighting Malenia was a different path where you betrayed them, like how you could choose to attack Gehrman or do his ending, or choose to attack Gwyndolin or do his. But I thought that there was something else in the DLC (or people lied about there being something else) because of the specific claim being made that Miquella wanted you to marry his sister. This dialogue doesn't have any mention of that OR anything that could support it beyond one phrasing that maybe sounds a bit too affectionate for friends. But even then in Japanese "dearest companion" was just "my friend."
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No. They reproduce asexually, by cursing. An omen in heat finds a suitable host, lays a curse on her, and nine months later you have a cute omen baby.

Fun fact: omen can lay a pregnancy curse on males, too. This is why mpreg is a thing in Lands Between. That's why Mohg thought he can have offspring with Miquella - an omen can curse a male to give birth to an omen baby. Mohg wasn't stupid and he wasn't insane, he knew exactly what he was doing. And this is a reason Radahn was reborn in Mohg's body - Miquella wasn't stupid, also. He thought that Radahn in Mohg's body will retain omen abilities and will be able to impregnate him the omen way (by pregnancy curse).
the game is not canon
Some more cut Malenia dialogue
>tfw no Malenia calling my Type B her lady
[203904000] Is this...my first...defeat?
[203904010] Bravely fought, sir.
[203904011] Bravely fought, my lady.
[203904020] But remember...
[203904030] One day, the scarlet bloom will flower again...

Also some cut content where Radahn was a God of Vengeance instead of gay wholesome chungus horseboy

[303014000] I was thinking...
[303014010] Godrick must have an idea.
[303014020] About the vengeance sought by General Radahn, to whom I swore my oath.
[303014030] ...Yes, Godrick's corpse will know what to do...
[303014510] Godrick must know.
[303014920] That of all the grudges born of the Shattering, Malenia the Rotted is the object of the most profound.

[303015000] Ahh, my head is throbbing, everything is bright red...
[303015010] Master Radahn, is this how it feels to ferment with vengeance?
[303015020] I can hardly keep from trembling...

[303004000] These fellows?
[303004010] Who knows, just some lads who did someone wrong.
[303004020] They got what was coming, nothing more.
[303004030] If you're intent on revenge, pray to the God of Vengeance.
[303004040] You'll have yourself a corpse in no time.

Bring this up if you want to btfo any "it was all planned" retards
Miquella is wearing a wedding ring in the flashback where he has Radahn promise to be his consort. Same finger as Ranni too.
Miquella's ring is definitely a wedding ring, isn't it
>>Cut blackflame spells
>>Cut dialog mentioning godwyn
behead miyazaki on live tv
Obviously that's the intention.
This doesn't exist as far as I know (or maybe it does but only on secret discord servers). Impaler's Archive has nothing indicating this so it's probably just recess rumors.
The "God of Vengeance" was the Frenzied Flame.
Are you calling it a trollpost because of the post-DLC lore about the fingers, or because you think the Age of Stars is a better alternative?
How big is Miquella's dick? Is he using an incantation?
>Every lord of a god in the base game is married to them.
The lords in the base game are Elden Lords.
Radahn is simply labeled as the promised king, not promised king consort or promised elden king.
FromSoftware deliberately left the inconsistencies in to get people to talk about it.
This is the Bloodletting Beast localization all over again.
I accept your concession.
It's more than likely it's the former and not fear mongering from pedos
That they cut miquella's ending because it would he the objectively BEST ending for elden ring, miyazaki clearly wants every ending to be flawed in some way
>goldmask's ending is stagnancy, we had 4 whole games about why that's bad, and someone can just easily pluck that mending rune from the elden ring if they cut their way through us, which any sequel would have us job and for that exact thing to happen if following goldmask.
Ranni's ending is letting man fight and war and destroy itself until eventually someone can come along and maybe unify things without the assistance of or being a god themselves. It's libertarian anarchism

None of the endings are supposed to be good, pre dlc miquella's is, and that's the problem. That's why they cut it. It's also why we know miyazaki stepped in in this game and previous ones to change happier more hopeful things into grim or "npc dies at the end lol" he has a grimdark obsession that doesn't mesh well with elden rings world or story. That's why we lost miquellabro
very small due to tucking
He uses the same magic that he uses to ride Leonard
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>0 indication it gets iframes
He's either baiting for (you)s or can't cope.
Because anyone that shitposts about "muh pedastry" and claims there's a deepstate conspiracy to remove shota/trap shit from video games, while also claiming Goldmask is the best ending, is trolling.
>It's also why we know miyazaki stepped in in this game and previous ones to change happier more hopeful things into grim or "npc dies at the end lol" he has a grimdark obsession that doesn't mesh well with elden rings world or story.
This general is pissing me off with these truthnukes
I hate miyazaki so fucking much
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>to the anon that was freaking out about a guy having 68 crab

doesn't even use all of my money lolol
iron helm or vagabond knight helm to go with the scale set?
>The lords in the base game are Elden Lords.
You're the Lord of Night in Ranni's ending and married to her.
Mohg is the Lord of Blood and wanted to marry Miquella.
Yes, it's very clear and the gymnastics needed to deny the marriage belong in the Olympics.
Comparing miquella to Griffith is correct
It's very big but he always wears a golden flat chastity cage so that no one knows his true size.
>while also claiming Goldmask is the best ending
Not him but are you one of those retards that thinks goldmask is le basedo 1488 kill all niggers racistman?
Why is this thread suddenly so gay?
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Reposted analysis.

I legitimately believe Miquella's ending was cut for being too happy. Not joking.

His original ending in the base game is basically utopian, from what little we get. If it was retained there's absolutely no reason to go with another one. You end up with a magical saintly treehouse, an omnibenevolent golden god, and the now-probably-cured game mascot and strongest demigod as your new best friend.

In the DLC we were supposed to get something broadly similar. That cutscene of him lifting the veils and stemming the bleeding from the Scadutree in the gameplay trailer would match VERY well with his cut ending narration (and the model he used to have in the base game is already in the DLC, used for the flashback). But when you play the DLC it's nowhere to be found.

This is really weird since you can see elsewhere in the trailer that this event would induce a permanent world state change for the skybox. That's far too much effort for one second of the background of one trailer. They clearly intended to keep it at one point. Miyazaki specifically said there'd be a visual change to the world to let you know you beat the DLC, but as now there's nothing. He also specifically references that unveiling cutscene as a spoiler in a 04/29 Chinese interview just a few weeks before the game came out, but it's also nowhere to be found. Yet dataminers have also found its cutscene file and ID, so it explicitly wasn't just made for the trailer either

It's not even just the real world factors that inform this, or the advertising lying (not just the trailer but stuff like the bit about us being guided to the land by Miquella which doesn't actually happen, he doesn't even want us there). It's the story. Your character gets absolutely nothing out of going to the Land of Shadows. You kill Miq and leave. AOA, TLC, TOH, AOA, and TRC all had an actual GOAL you accomplished. [1/2]
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>wait a second that isnt a good guy i summoned
Smartest host
>dlc about gay sex
>why are you gay
So what the hell happened? Here's what I think. They got to the eleventh hour with a happier ending intact (probably induced by you interacting with Miquella after the boss fight hence why he doesn't have a death line). They then cut it because they thought it wouldn't fit the tone they were going for. They wanted godhood to be inherently corruptive and thought a good god like Miquella would go against the messaging. That's why Miyazaki kept asserting his desire to portray a hostile and bleak world in interviews done literally the week before the DLC released. That's why the unveiling trailer was still being used in TV spots the week of release (probably made ahead of time). That's why even the area Miquella is in at the end of the gameplay trailer doesn't appear to exist in the DLC. And that's why you just kill him and leave without any further elaboration, with the last cutscene being, as noted earlier in the thread, a static image of a recycled model in a featureless room for 30 seconds as narration plays. This is also why no one in the base game acknowledges DLC events, a first for From games: the dialgoue they recorded didn't fit the new ending.

They just removed content and didn't have time to replace it with anything. The world visual change Miyazaki talked about in interviews (not specifically the veil disappearing, but he said there'd be something) never happens and the DLC doesn't have an actual ending cutscene.
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Why are femcels like this?
No, I'm one of those retards that genuinely does like the Goldmask ending, mostly because it's amusing watching Corhyn slowly go mental.
Meanwhile I'm arguing against a faggot spinning some tale about a grand conspiracy to take away MUH CUNNY.
Mogh and Ranni are acting independently and have their own ideal vision.
The fact that these two specify consort in JP reinforces my point.
>Comparing miquella to Griffith is correct
It's not because Griffith is motivated by narcissism and a desire for revenge against Guts. Everything he does is for personal gain exclusively and he has no sense of morality.
Meanwhile Miquella is incredibly naive and thinks he's got the world figured out and the answer for everything. He uses people not exclusively out of self interest but because he genuinely thinks he can fix the world. He's a good example of how the road to hell is paved with good intentions.
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remember when Bamco put up its official countdown for SOTE and went out of its way to specify that it was releasing in Pride Month?
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He's calling it a trollpost because as of the dlc and sometime beforehand there have been shitposters who have admitted to not actually liking goldmask but arguing his ending is the best to bait people. They've Poisoned the well and now most goldmask enjoyers who shit on either ranni or marika are assumed to be shitposters which is fair. Because of shitposters you cannot
>talk about any female character in a positive light without being called a waifufag
>can't post messmer without being called a troon or yumejo
>can't talk about goldmask or people will think you're baiting for attention
Shitposters ruined any civil discussions you can have about many things here.
Makes me wonder how hard they had to reign him in for Sekiro which had an objectively happy ending where Sekiro and Kuro (in a roundabout way) both survive and Emma likely lives as well.
From is turning into Nintendo at this point and getting too complacent. They need a proper rival.
>So what the hell happened? Here's what I think. They got to the eleventh hour with a happier ending intact (probably induced by you interacting with Miquella after the boss fight hence why he doesn't have a death line). They then cut it because they thought it wouldn't fit the tone they were going for. They wanted godhood to be inherently corruptive and thought a good god like Miquella would go against the messaging. That's why Miyazaki kept asserting his desire to portray a hostile and bleak world in interviews done literally the week before the DLC released. That's why the unveiling trailer was still being used in TV spots the week of release (probably made ahead of time). That's why even the area Miquella is in at the end of the gameplay trailer doesn't appear to exist in the DLC. And that's why you just kill him and leave without any further elaboration, with the last cutscene being, as noted earlier in the thread, a static image of a recycled model in a featureless room for 30 seconds as narration plays. This is also why no one in the base game acknowledges DLC events, a first for From games: the dialgoue they recorded didn't fit the new ending.
>They just removed content and didn't have time to replace it with anything. The world visual change Miyazaki talked about in interviews (not specifically the veil disappearing, but he said there'd be something) never happens and the DLC doesn't have an actual ending cutscene.
This shit pisses me off because it's very likely
>miquellafags really look at an ending where everyone loses their free will and become midless slaves and think that is supposed to be a happy ending
who gave leda access to 4chan?
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This is the most fun I've had in PvP in some time.
All good points, why even go kill miquella at the end of the day
This DLC looks more and more half assed the more I think about it
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>stands around waiting for you to buff him
...Except when it comes to Radahn, where he had an incel meltdown because he rejected so he sent his """beloved""" sister to fight a battle she could not win to force him to be his consort
For invading, try dual wielding two of them.
The sword lance has AR similar to the Anchor, and either the running or jumping L1 is a double poke.
A single counter with a setup like that will deal a lot of damage.
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>Shitposters ruined any civil discussions you can have about many things here.
A tale as old as time.
Griffith does have material benefits to the world after his ascension but this isn't a berk thread, I admit it's not a 1:1 comparison. Inspired by for sure though, like half of the shit in the game
Elden ring's lore really pisses me off because compared to all of the dark souls series it's just kind of pants on head retarded
Nothing really makes sense and there's no message or resolution or anything
Gods are le evil because yes
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This works more often than you'd think.
And it's funny every time.
Actually it doesn't say consort in jp it's companion or partner. It does mention him wanting to be his king. I'm neutral on this just adding


If it was canon it would not have been cut and would be writ in God's tongue not some fucking scribbles.
Seething at Miyazaki right now. Why would you cut all that just to keep a vibe? Is he actually autistic?
Miquella being the enemy was always the intended route and that's precisely why they cut the Miquella ending from the base game most likely
What wasn't intended was Radahn was the consort. Genuinely believe Miyazaki just got high off shrooms one night, scrolled through Jap social media and saw one too many PRIME RADAHN shitposts.
Definitely inspired by Griffith, but Miyazaki went in a completely different direction. I think if Miquella ended up winning, the world still would've gone to shit, his order would not have been effective. It's pretty telling by how once his mind control wears off, his followers start killing each other.
Meanwhile Griffith is actually an incredibly effective leader and creates essentially a utopia. Although it was all likely just to fuel his own ego.
We know it's almost certainly because he's done the exact same thing in

He does this shit all the time. He doesn't like properly happy endings they need caveats
Miyazaki really liking Rykard solidifies this point. In interviews he says he approaches game design from the perspective of a masochist as well, so everything begins to make sense. I believe it's inaccurate to call the DLC, or even the base game, a faithful recreation of the source material George R.R Martin provided and even what the other writers and artists at From added upon.

It's a revision to the point of blasphemy that sacrifices authenticity for the sake of creating a dark fantasy RPG that blatantly ignores the precepts the setting is stated to be founded upon: that of the Law of Causality and the Law of Regression. In other words, an immutable cosmological morality that would see Miquella's ending realized no matter what given his strict adherence to them.
I mean isn't this obvious just from playing it?
>only DLC to have no cutscene for entering it (besides DaS2 which doesn't count), you just get black screen teleported in with no fanfare
>several areas just bafflingly empty and devoid of meaningful content
>half the "remembrance" bosses are devoid of any kind of presentation, they're just awkwardly placed into a boss arena with no buildup of any kind. Gaius doesn't even have his own fucking music.

Starting to believe that unlike previous DLCs they didn't even begin working on SotE until after ER released which is why so many parts feel half-assed.

>To be realistic, I feel something beautiful needs something ugly—something that's depraved or tragic to heighten and embolden that beauty. I think that's a much more realistic depiction of beauty, to have something small and beautiful inside something tragic and decaying. Something that's just plainly, outwardly always beautiful doesn't have a sense of reality to me. I like to try to create something beautiful within that tragedy

what was beautiful about the DLC's story?
Do people really use the sore/scar seals and other things that make you take increased damage, while also avoiding leveling vig?
>get summoned
>enemy hits me and takes a tiny sliver of my hp
>host gets hit by same enemy
>75% of their hp gone
This theory completely misinterprets the vow. It's clearly two sided.
>We know it's almost certainly because he's done the exact same thing in
pls reply, surely someone here plays the game and knows
I bet Varré does
Shaman Village.
Unironically and without a hint of shame I got teary during that bit.
honestly it makes sense with GRRM writing it. like GoT, everything has to be grim dark to the extreme and no one gets to be happy unless it's illusory. it's kinda funny if you watch old Studio Ghibli films. i showed them to my parents (we watched them all in chronological order) and my mother would constantly be like "oh okay and now the big totoro monster is going to eat the kid!" or "oh the father didn't return home? i bet he's gonna wind up dead!" and i'm like "jfc mom, i get it but these are kids cartoons from the 80's and 90's! it's not like the shows they make nowadays!"

everything has to be so "subversive" and "dark", i think it's just saturated now. it's so interesting to look at old media vs. new. i totally get that way of thinking though, SO MUCH of our modern media is this "subverting expectations", "the jedi are actually the bad guys!" "there is no good and evil, actually! the good guys are evil and the evil guys are good!" "batman can kill people now woah bet you didn't expect that!" sort of shit. we've become accustomed to it. it's amazing to watch old good shit and see what we lost. having a happy ending is the true "subverting expectations" now. it's rare to see a happy ending with a good moral message in popular hollywood now, things like breaking bad broke the mold but then everyone just copied that and now it's generic.
It's not just because of that. Read his interviews be says his favorite bosses are radahn and rykard. He likely inserted radahn in for himself because he thought it would be cool, he also likes making people speculate based on the lore he gives, he's also said this in the interview, he likely though "radahn is one of my favorite bosses and the favorite boss of fellow Japanese and these gaijin loretubers keep guessing it'll be godwyn so instead I'll add radahn! It'll subvert their expectations make them think and guess more and make everyone happy with a non rot radahn"
I'm still under the impression that the vow was genuine from Radahn's side until he got a hold of the great rune and a lust for power made Radahn forget about it. Miquella essentially was using Malenia to bring Radahn to his senses.
They work like sacred tears.
The reason I posted this here >>487753656 is specifically because in those games all of it at least made some sense
DS1 had people subvert the order of the world and fuck the natural order, every souls game was left dealing with the consequences of this
BB had the hunters stumble upon things beyond human comperehension, kill an alien child, and draw alien attention on them from the cosmos that fucked shit up
Elden ring has.... evil gods because they were evil also marika broke the elden ring because she had a woman moment
Elden ring's lore sucks
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it's our fault for believing in a happy ending from Miyazaki
We don't know what the vow is, and considering Malenia was sent to the complete opposite point of the world with the express purpose of sending him to the shadowrealm it's questionable whether Radahn agreed to this to say the least
>vow was to give him one last fight
Why would Radahn even agree to this in the first place? He has a deep love of battle and war, as do his soldiers, which is completely antithetical to Miquella's vision. If it was a larp why'd he involve his army instead of 1v1ing Malenia? And why would he agree to hold the battle in his own land, especially in such close proximity to Sellia which he dedicated himself to protect, which is the one bit of real characterization he has
He actually said rykard and radahn were his favorite bosses. It's likely WHY radahn was put in. According to that survey the japs love him too. Just like how they cut out a lot of ds3's original story and replaced it with member berries for ds1 he likely added radahn for fan service because nips wouldn't shut up about him and english redditors wouldn't shut up about a pre scarlet rot radahn fight
So the JP script doesn't explicitly state Radahn to be Miquella's consort when the word was used to describe Marika, Ranni, and Mogh's specific relationships.
Yeah I could see this DLC having development start like a year after ER came out honestly
great, thanks
>Gods are le evil because yes
I feel like you really aren't understanding Elden Ring's lore at all.
>muh jp text
None of you gaijin speak Japanese, stop pretending to win imaginary internet arguments
Whatever the reason, Radahn was the last minute adition, not Miquella as the enemy
Miquella was ALWAYS going to be the antagonist of the DLC. 100%.
Yeah I think miquellas failure is less his personal fault than Miyazakis like other anons have said though. Everyone is fucked no matter what, the lands between has too many cooks in the kitchen
feminism has ultimately been bad for both men and women. we're all so alienated and atomized, no one is happy with the modern dating scene, divorce rate is out of control and even if you don't divorce there's a high chance you wind up in a miserable, sexless marriage. this is just statistics. women entered the work force and now twice as many people are competing for the same number of jobs, driving down salaries and forcing both parents to work now just to pay the bills when only 1 was required before, with parents being unable to see their kids and having them raised by other people. feminists thought that the problem with women was that they were women, so they turned them into men. have them work and be disagreeable, tell them casual sex is "empowerment" and a high body count is "brave", tell them they're the eternal victims. and modern society is what you have now, where most people are miserable and not having kids, or even sex at all for a lot of people.

and that's why femcels are like that with messmer. it's like you with whatever fake waifu you "love" because you are a kissless virgin, we simply live in unprecedented times and evolution can't keep up with the rate of technological advancement.
>Why would Radahn even agree to this in the first place?
Going by Freyja, he's a fight tard. Makes sense in terms of Northern European mythology. The weight put on vows and horror behind vow breaking also makes sense in that context.

People don't talk about this enough but his entire plan literally being "send Malenia to beat up the entire continent and march across the entire kingdom filled with hostile armies and giant monsters, then kill Radahn when he has his entire numerically superior army on his home territory and a bunch of forts and castles and she only has one sub-unit of the Haligtree's army" implies he just thought she was way, way, way better than Radahn. considering they were stalemating before the bloom with both their armies mostly dead and he was on his hands and knees with a sword in his chest he only underestimated her by like 1%.

kind of makes the "he wanted Radahn as his consort because he's strong" thing even dumber.
If I love war I'm not going to agree for there to be no more war even if I get a cool final battle
>implying Miquella's god powers can't give Radahn one too
that tree unveiling cutscene doesn't look like something you give to the main villain, unless it's "the antagonist was helped by you killing them" kind of deal.
That's pretty neat.
Women going back to the home only benefits men. Who wants to rely on someone 100% then get replaced for a new model when he gets tired of your stretched out pussy?
>Heh I'll just play passive and then he'll be forced to run into me!!!
>I'm NEVER going to attack first that would be suboptimal and put me at a disadvantage heh he has no choice but to run into my atta-ACK
how do you do this? don't you have a red sign?
Starting to lose hope against Bayle as a 0 skibidi melee
Don't even know why I'm doing this to myself
I don't think it's actually badly written and can be hand-waved as Miyazaki liking despair too much.
Miquella is just too idealistic and naive and thinks he can force people to get along and be happy together. He doesn't realize that he still lives in a world with aspirational rulers and conquering tyrants. It's a reflection of the real world medieval period. And Miquella is just following in his mother's footsteps and repeating the same mistakes. She thought she could force everyone to get along and coexist by removing the concept of death, but then people went and betrayed her anyways and found a way to kill Godwyn. Not because "lol le Gods are evil", but because they have aspirations. It's not like Ranni just killed Godwyn for shits and giggles, she had a plan, and things that she wanted to do. It's not just despair for the sake of despair.
Miquella being an antagonist is just conceptually lame
>le road to hell is paved with le good intentions
>what if gods...are BAD and power...CORRUPTS
Real fucking original Miyazaki definitely haven't seen this exact same story beat done 10 trillion times before (and done better) within your own franchises.
this narrative is completely undermined by the "ackshully he brainwashed Mohg and abandoned all his followers" and "he engineered the war in Caelid out of dicklust/as LARP" points.
I'd like to explain some things
We never actually see that he wanted to protect sellia just that he did we don't know if it's intentional or not
The redmanes are all battle autists like radahn they'd likely be honored to fight and die along him.

Do I think he agreed to the vow? No. But I see why people would, and him being given an honorable death in war is the only thing that makes sense. I actually think radahn may not have even had knowledge of the vow until later on, I think radagon had intended for the two to wed before miquella left the golden order but miquella kept radahn in his pocket as a promised elden lord for his own plans.
Yo this pvp BUSSIN'
Theres a stone you can put it under by the summoning stake which hides your sign.
alright i'll give it a shot.
>we went from greedy niggas subverted the natural order of the world itself to GOD is... LE BAD because... it JUST IS!
Brainwashing Mohg can hardly be seen as an objectively bad thing considering he runs an evil murder cult underneath Caelid.
>If it was a larp why'd he involve his army instead of 1v1ing Malenia? And why would he agree to hold the battle in his own land, especially in such close proximity to Sellia which he dedicated himself to protect, which is the one bit of real characterization he has
I thought it was less "we're arranging this LARP" and more "I'll cooperate with you if you manage to beat me."

As for the armies, he wants WAR, very specifically WAR according to Freyja, not a duel. Malenia leads an army of the strongest knights in the land and he's a general with an army that likes to fight and which he wants to use in battle. A duel wouldn't satisfy that.
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>first thought the DLC story was an insignificant asspull
>then saw someone talk about Marika's braids one being shorter on all statues
>remember Marika/Radagon were supposedly the Rebus from alchemy
>Marika came from a jar
>jar melding was basically hornsent alchemy
>they wanted to create the perfect lord
>all lines up now
Marika's Tits! It all makes sense now!
>He likely inserted radahn in for himself because he thought it would be cool
This isn't a bad practice. The most commonly referred sign of a fun game is one that the creators themselves can't stop enjoying.
Having Miquella & Radahn as the last boss is just unsatisfying.
How did the Divine Gate grant godhood to Miquella without new sacrifices?
What is the source of that power? It's independent from the Greater Will.

It's like Bloodborne ending after beating Vicar Amelia with no good answer to the beast curse.
How come people didn't complain about this "power corrupts" thing from the main game as much? It was present in Godrick, Ranni, Rykard, Mohg, and Radahn's plotlines as well.
>How did the Divine Gate grant godhood to Miquella without new sacrifices?
Pretty sure once the Gate was "on" it just staysed on
That's part of why Marika sealed away the Land of Shadow
No, the jp for mohg doesn't use consort is what I'm saying. But the implication is there as companion/partner is used.
Leda is a colossal whore (but not for (You))
perfect incel buzzword generator
AI has really improved by leap and bounds
>How did the Divine Gate grant godhood to Miquella without new sacrifices?
What do you think the crosses throughout the shadowlands were where Miquella abandoned pieces of himself?
All this talk about how Miyazaki hates happy endings, but what about Sekiro? The dragons return ending is happy.
No it actually does make sense, unveiling the land means he can more easily interact with the rest of the lands between and is a showing of his new godly power.
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I liked the guy spamming thorns at the end.
>How come people didn't complain about this "power corrupts" thing from the main game as much?
They were all shitty people, they didn't get corrupted by power
Ranni at least wasn't naive about the moral questionables in her plotting.
I just don't like miquella being an actual child about the lands' politics. His dichotomy is the genius trapped in a child body.
I doubt a leg, an arm and a loli is a sacrifice comparable to a actual genocide.
At what point in the playthrough do ARC builds actually become fun
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that's generally not how things worked in the past. also women are built for having babies, it's just biology. you can be mad about it but then we can also just die out as a species. it benefitted women because men acted as protectors and chivalry was a thing back in the day. sex outside of marriage was looked down on and shamed by the community, and if you got a girl pregnant you were expected to marry her, so "shotgun weddings" were common.

now, you get lots of single mothers. now, they depend on their boss instead of their husband. now, they have to work all week instead of getting to be with their families, raising their children, being mothers. not really a great trade imho but keep being a victim even though 99% of people, men or women, have been oppressed for all history. your enemy isn't men, it's the elites taking advantage of you. if you think it "only benefits men" you sound completely ignorant of history, like one of those feminists im referring to. enjoying your 9-5, sweetie? how's inflation treating you? at least you got your cats to keep you company, right? kek.
Miquella was stripping everything that was preventing his ascension to godhood.
This dumbfuck thinks Miquella scattered all his remains throughout the Shadowlands as sacrifices for the Divine Gate when the earlier sacrifices practically created the gate.
when you get your first arcane weapon
There's nothing but cut dialog hinting that radahn was corrupted
Ranni was always an evil bitch and says so directly
Godrick even before getting a great rune is described as a piece of shit
Rykard's madness and anti-erdtree began late in marika's reign as ranni gave him the parry tool before the night of black knives and the shattering
Mohg was always crazy that's what being locked in a sewer and getting schizo voices from a goddess will do to you
The gate already exists though. The genocide is what created the gate, it is literally constructed from the bodies of shamans. It likely doesn't need much more to create another god.
>be battle crazed psychos willing to slaughter and die for a larp
>land gets turned into a diseased wasteland, those stricken by the rot condemned to die a painful, undignified death, while survivors are forced into a wretched, unwinnable battle against mutated wildlife and the environment itself where they'll likely be killed from being mauled by dogs or torn apart by birds
Serves them right, Malenia did nothing wrong.
>Miquella was stripping everything that
could cause him to make wrathful, emotional decisions like his mom. St. Trina tells the player Miquella didn't have to divest himself, he chose to and that is where he fucked up. He didn't want to take his baggage into Divinity so he lobotimized himself and became a sociopath.
I'm happy we got to fuck over Mikes plans. Faggot deserved it.
It'd be cool if this was reflected in any way at all in his fight instead of "RADAHN IS MY CONSORT" x3
Miquella doesn't explicitly ask Radahn to be his companion or consort in JP anyway, strictly a King.
>please become my king.
>影樹に刻まれた ミケラの王、ラダーンの追憶
>A memory of Radahn, Miquella's king, hewn into the Scadutree
>When very young, Miquella saw in Radahn a king
>Be my king, please
No companion, no partner, no consort. Miquella wanted a strong king to protect his kind order.
After getting bloody helice.
women these days stretch their pussy out before even contemplating getting in a stable relationship and only rely 100% on men until they run out of money
If I was miquella and I abandoned all that shit I'd put a leash on the biggest himbo I could find too
is Miquella the one character who would've been greatly improved by an "X... forgive me..."?
You don't speak Japanese. Also this makes no fucking sense if he believed Malenia could defeat Radahn
Forgive me Malenia would explode twitter, unironically
All the light damages are from him.
Mental gymnastics don't bother, the main villain can't be gay for pay or anon will kill himself
>wrathful, emotional decisions like his mom
>'I abandon here my doubt and vacillation'
>'I abandon here all of my fears'
Becoming fearless and doubtless makes people prone to making worse decisions.
That's how people end up making choices they regret while under the influence of drugs or alcohol.
Malenia was slowly rotting and Miquella couldn't prevent it.
Malenia couldn't protect Miquella forever, dumbfuck.
>'you speakienojaypee'
isn't it women who typically initiate divorce nowadays and replace the man for a new model when they get bored of him and take half of his money and assets? or his "stretched out wallet", you might say? no no, women are the eternal victims, they're perfect and never wrong or do evil things, we can't say such things......
>gay for pay

i thought it was essentially a gay trans shota SA'ing a straight adult man (men?)? or did i read the lore wrong?
The Greater Will is gone, Metyr just gaslit everyone
You mean if you don't have the DLC? I don't know.
No that's more accurate but it doesn't roll off the tongue
No, just a jew
>There's 0 downsides to co-op and you get the same rewards as when invading while putting in a fraction of the effort
I win at least half of my invasion within the first 30 seconds. I don't give a shit about rune arcs but if I did, and cared about "efficiency" then I'd definitely be farming them through invasions.
Can't speak for everyone, but in my own life I have seen way too many men dump their wives and children for the thirdie maid to ever be comfy not having my own source of money.
I know I'm late to the party but

what the FUCK is Radahn consort of miquella? How did this fight get approved?
That's why you would have a government system that would backup mothers who have had x-amount of children but back then a deadbeat dad would not be looked fondly upon. The mother would ideally also have grandparents/extended family and their grown-up sons to support them as well. Being a good mother has powerful benefits.
>midwit thinks Gwyn was le greedy

Nope, he was a based family man and was charitable to humans of Ringed City, New Londo, Seathe and so on.
>>487744376 (Me)
I found an article explaining it, its very autistic and I am curious how much harder his build made the game? I doubt much because I heard magic is op in the game.
It's not that it made it harder for him, it just made it more brainless.
How so?
>poopa is chainsaw pilled
hooooly based

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