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Reminder to report avatar/signature use.

Previous: >>487653809

/wowg/ op pastebin: https://pastebin.com/YYerc7yy (use this when making a new thread)
/wowg/ op images: https://imgur.com/a/C5zycsV

- This Week in WoW:

- The War Within News:

>Mists of Pandaria REMIX: (May 16 - Aug 18)
- Bronze spreadsheet:

>Pre-Expansion Update (11.0.0)
>Dragonflight Dark Heart Content Update Notes (10.2.7)
>Summer Trading Post

>General ResouŠ³ces
Reminder to report avatar/signature use.

Previous: >>487653809

/wowg/ op pastebin: https://pastebin.com/YYerc7yy (use this when making a new thread)
/wowg/ op images: https://imgur.com/a/C5zycsV

- This Week in WoW:

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=o03STclgxSc [Embed]
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HKDfdX9qeYM [Embed]
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5M9AmT3kbQ4 [Embed]
- The War Within News:
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eL54rOTo0QY [Embed]
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ou7MRp56Jms [Embed]

>Mists of Pandaria REMIX: (May 16 - Aug 18)
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EZXUndkmmBw [Embed]
- Bronze spreadsheet:
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Jzc9YScvao4 [Embed]

>Pre-Expansion Update (11.0.0)
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KVegvHJiHs8 [Embed]
>Dragonflight Dark Heart Content Update Notes (10.2.7)
>Summer Trading Post

>General ResouŠ³ces
first for retpaladins
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What went wrong?
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Goat Gang.
>join the monk discord because I want to reroll
>lol just use the wowhead build
>the wowhead build was trash for the entirety of dragonflight
I guess I have to wait until they update u.gg...
did blizzard advertisement department unizioed to or what?
i don't know if you seen it but all the ads for TWW I seen were dogshit
I try to find the last one I saw but it was literally an eagle png kek
Did you make your thread 10 minutes before the other one reached 750? Lmao.
just look at whatever leader board you care about armory the top five guys and compare their builds and copy it
that's how ugg work yeah
they had the best build for ww and rogue for example
he did lol
Of course, that way if someone made a thread at the appropriate time, he can bitch endlessly that his was made first.
Because arguments of the last 15 threads need recycling for attention.
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Oh boy! I can wait to be enslaved all day doing M+ to upgrade my gear with double the required crests than DF and finish just before the next patch drops and all that effort becomes meaningless! Oh you want to skip the grind by crafting gear? too bad it's 10 ilvls lower than max heroic and 15 ilvls less than max Mythic gear, so no skipping the grind, go and inflate our engagement metrics.
The alt friendly expansion, maw walker.
the double crest shit is fake
only the last boss of the raid gear goes to 6/6
i hate weakauras so much. honestly they don't need to ban all addons, they only need to ban weakauras.
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So has there been some policy change with NSFW things in trp profiles?
For ages people would keep them super tame and just link to flist
now im seeing shit like this from randos im in dungeons with, not even just people in goonshire
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furry devs
>open streamer
>bing bing wahoo!!!!! HOOOOOOOOOONK
>someone literally has a loud as fuck ACHOOO! sound to notify them of a M+ affix
Some people don't fear rabid reporting retards.
>honestly they don't need to ban all addons, they only need to ban weakauras.
Weakauras doesn't do anything any other addon couldn't. You'd have to disable addons ability to read the the combat log at all
>Noooo!! Why aren't people afraid of me! I could report them noooo
Hi guys... Any EU community?
absolutely going to
this is a family friendly game you psychopath groomer
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I can't believe Blizzard finally managed to turn Arcane Blast into a filler spell
Yes, it's called Weebu Anons
Guild soon, maybe
I just use murlok.io these days
but 4chan hasn't been a weeb centric site in decades? why not something Clover related?
I hate furries so much.
They have ruined the aesthetic of the game.
In Orgrimmar, there used to be orcs, trolls, undead, and other cool races that fit the vibes of the Horde as a faction.
Now, you only see vulperas, scalies, and the occasional sissy elf, who all look out of place in Orgrimmar.
"Blood and Thunder" has been replaced by "Cum and Penis".
The Horde has fallen.
Hopefully its enough that the average retard mage player can put out more than tank dps now.
It was a weeb that made it, we have just been using it till tww and the cross realm guild stuff
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there, now i can delete weakauras. fuck that shit.
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Yeah if even I can get normal DPS with their new synergy then anyone can
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I've frankly never seen someone seethe this hard, so often at anything sexual related -- that he *willingly chooses* to see. You're the one with TRP installed anon.
Did you know TRP has a Mature filter? They made it just for you, you eternally-butthurt child.
But I know you won't use it. Because pretending that you are a victim is more important to you than actually solving your own problem. Much like many other around your age.
Need more NElf ladies, of the lovely and strong variety.
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look this may be hard to believe BUT
>merely pretending
i dont have the addon installed, i just like fucking with mgtrannies itt
its fun, and you always reply ;)
RKP45WrTYz4 is the invite code for the community i think, i should have lead with that
Real-life Forsaken.
>i dont have the addon installed
You literally just posted a picture of someone's TRP.
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Great taste
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It's fine if the bones are still covered with skin.
i didnt, but you are ofc free to believe w/e you want
Any replacement for Class Timers? Looking for an addon that gives a timer for procs. I've read Weak Auras might work but I'm too retarded to figure it out. Do I really need to manually set it up for every spell?
Imagine how fucking tight it is.
>hurdur need to learn to code to make a fucking aura
tellmewhen forever
>atrophied muscles from starvation
Not very clever are we
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>"Blood and Thunder" has been replaced by "Cum and Penis".
All according to plan.
weakauras are actually fairly retard proof with a scant amount of trial and error
No, too hard. Anon didn't understand it by looking at it for 2 seconds and neither did streamerman. That means it's bad.
... Nobody tell him that there's a bazillion pre-made auras either. Bad!
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>over the course of the years turn Arcane into the biggest bloat pile ever known in WoW
>even a single "mistake" in your 45 button rotation results in a massive dps loss
>this in turn results into only world first players and one tricks sticking with the spec
>normal players see the big damage in world first raids and try the spec only to drop it like hot shit
>drastically different playstyle in raids and in maze+
>people who legitimately like the spec and want to learn it have to read dissertations on wowhead

Everything is going as intended.
We both know 98% of WA users just copy paste and steal
Arcane blast is literally the filler??? What else would you spam in between procs?
tellmewhen is based, simple enough for quick configuration but allows for really advanced things to be done as well
you can do pretty much anything in it that you could do in basedauras
It feels strange riding my black war bear in dungeons as a horde.
You're (poorly) describing the old one, new one is lit and easier
In M+ you're mostly spamming barrage and orb and missiles, blast is mostly for bosses and that one cast for the new spark spell, it just rolls off very nicely
Ive played arcane on/off for expansion and finally ditched it in shadowlands cause the melee range CD bullshit made no sense. It has always played more or less the same; the fact it doesn't really use mana as anything now sounds weird. I just remember WoD being like "spam AB til 81% mana then barrage unless nuke phase". I miss that fun aoe explosion diamond CD..
surprisingly meaty vulva for such anorectic body
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The issue is not that it's "easier" now. The issue is the spec's design, which requires a Ph.D to bring out everything it has to offer. You need 10 weak auras and totally different talents to perform to a maximum in both raid and maze+ environment. You also need prepull and trinket shanenigans. If you compare that to other mage specs the learning curve to optimal performance and the reliance on weak auras is not even close and let's not get talk about other classes in general. The question you need to ask yourself is WHO is arcane mage designed for and what do the developers get from keeping the spec in this state for multiple expansions in a row and how the hell did it get to this point.
>You need 10 weak auras and totally different talents to perform to a maximum in both raid and maze+ environment. You also need prepull and trinket shanenigans.
You can just say you don't play Arcane instead of lying y'know.
>You need 10 weak auras and totally different talents to perform to a maximum in both raid and maze+ environment.
You can say that about every single dps spec in the game.
t.professional weakauras programmer
I'm a brain-damaged retard and I can understand Arcane. This description you make seems a bit exaggerated. I think Fire is harder because you not only have to understand the mechanics, you also have to be very quick in the execution.
>tellmewhen forever
lmao I thought I was the only one using it over weak auras
Tranny game
Tranny post
bbcmixy looking pumpable today
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>about to run a +2
>"countdown plz"
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I want to fuck a gnome
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>tri dps spec class
>one is always the best and the easiest
I love demonology and arcane and both fucking suck 99% of the time and at that point you just ask yourself, "am i just being a snowflake and choosing to perform worse?"
reddit is that way buddy
single class with 3 dps specs was a mistake
Neat. Didn't know you could craft DF gear so easily. Already made some bracers, boots and chest piece. Didn't even have to smelt stuff it just uses the basic ore.
I remember less than a week ago pointing out that warbands looked shit compared to the BlizzCon preview and I got dogpiled by people telling me it was only in beta and to relax because Blizz would improve it.

Lo and behold, warbands are now live and look exactly as they did in beta. Honestly, what a downgrade from the BlizzCon preview.

This is supposed to be a major feature of the expansion, by the way. What a joke.
>Honestly, what a downgrade from the BlizzCon preview.
what was different at Blizzcon?
fucking this
>I'm a wizard and I throw fireballs
>I'm a wizard and I throw snowballs
>I'm a wizard and I throw magicballs
even the ion's favorite buzzword "class fantasy" doesn't make much sense here, it's literally all the same "fantasy"
In modern wow they are.
They are in every version but that's a discussion we aren't ready to have.
Im also a gnome so it's okay
can any brewchads explain to me why id ever take bob and weave over black ox brew?
and on top of that they completely fucked up the character selection screen
You're gay
Frost/Fire is just a mage controlling temperatures with arcane magic.
yeah id fuck maye too
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NTA but that's something I'd say. I like Gnomes.
There were no specs in vanilla, it was just Mage and you were getting some extra stuff from specialized talent trees. For a long time in vanilla mage meta was going full arcane but using fire spells anyway (or frost in molten core). You couldn't be arcane mage even if you tried because only arcane spells were explosion and missiles.
The problems started when they decided to make specs into mini-classes and kept all 3 dps trees as separate specs, which is just causing issues now.
It just looked better.
Night Elves > Blood Elves > Nightborne > Void Elves
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it looks like shit. my demon hunter pulls out invisible glaives
There aren't even any squirrels on the forbidden reach for them to confuse with the vulpera. God I hate how we have genetic supersoldier dragonkin where all the townsfolk are written as le quirky autistic awestruck boomer tourists.
ERPers and smut lovers are now more represented in the community than before and they do their best to normalize their fetishes every waking minute
only thing Blizzard changed is their policy that you can and should report NSFW content even when they are strictly on addons, hence the report profile button on TRP3.
no, u
how does that make any difference in the "fantasy" aspect of the specs?
look at warlock:
>I control chaos and fire and cast big missile
>I control demons and summon hordes of imps
>I dot everything with shadow magic
each spec at least is trying to be different, unlike mage where all feel the same
I'd swap nightborne and void elves, nightborne just look fucking terrible
Specs as in roles your class can fulfil, dingus.
Also vanilla did have specs, 90% of them are wrong and you are stupid for even pretending they exist but hey, you can delude yourself into thinking "AoE Farming Mage" I mean, blizzard-frost, is a real spec.
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Allow me to introduce the least fun class in every expansion ever.
it was fun in tbc
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>oh my gooood you're using Luxtho's? I love eeeeeeeeeet
>is zogbot
>"works" in "cyber security"
>here literally all day
hes probably part of the tribe desu
I'm talking about vanilla not classic you brainrotted zoomer.
>and they do their best to normalize their fetishes
My fetishes are handholding, cuddling, and tall athletic elf women.
How can I work to normalize these things?
>that's something I'd say
We know. We all saw your f-list.
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Unfathomably based. True patrician taste.
nightborne are sexo
why is it not fun?
>looked shit compared to the BlizzCon preview and I got dogpiled
we have a lot of unironic blizz shit eaters itt that personify the meme quite well in recent months
they're fucking cringe and defend blizzard at every single opportunity presented
they are either unpaid shills or tranny fantasy refugees
blood elves over nightelves
kungen cryboom getting btfo in onyxia
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>Have a monk with Djaruun mogged to one of the monk starting polearms
>When I logged in on Wednesday, I had a second weapon on my back pointed downwards as if my monk decided to reroll to Fury warrior
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>BWL new secret boss is called "Blackwing of the Lair" and is a black dragon
>AQ40 new secret boss is called "Ahn the Qiraj" and is a big bug
>Naxx new secret boss is called "Samarxxan" and is a lich
>>BWL new secret boss is called "Blackwing of the Lair" and is a black dragon
New boss name should have been The Molten Whore.

Captcha: R0TT.
>pet dog
>Neutral with Kirin Tor
Drood mane here.
The class is horribly bogged down by the fact it was originally designed as the ultimate allrounder hybrid. In group content, where you are expected to do *one* thing, your kit collapses instantly to incredibly repetitive button pressing. In open world content, you get a little bit more of your versatility back, but with a minimum of gearing you become so powerful you never need to weave or really play around with what your class does. It's a perfectly simple class for solo players and no-gamers.
Molten Whore.
Blackcock Mountain.
Idk how to properly learn a class, all of the talents, abilities and how they all interact with each other just feels so overwhelming to try and wrap my head around
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>Zul'Gurub new secret boss is called "Zul, Gurub" and is a troll
Have you tried pressing buttons and just seeing what happens? It's a good starting point.
Fuck you for making me snort at this.
Why are homosexuals like this?
04:25 Kingston
02:55 Adelaide
01:25 Perth
00:25 Christmas Island
>neltharions lair
this always confused me
>It's a perfectly simple class for solo players and no-gamers.
Time to level a druid then!
I was always under the impression that it's a very complex class because of all the forms and different spells/abilities they have and being expected to use it all. Also wasn't feral known as "most difficult dps rotation" at one point?
first off:
1 copy a build from someone who knows what they're doing
2 sim it
3 read your abilities to see how they synergize with each other
4go to the training dummy and do your rotation to see how far you are off the sim
5 read the log of the sim to improve your opener/rotation

or if you're a complete piece of shit zoom zoom who cant think for themselves you could probably just download hekili and press what it tells you to
what are you trying to say
perth is in australia i believe so it has to have something to do with that, idk
You forgot
Ah I thought alliance and horde had unique mounts from the killing leader chievo. Turns out they do not.
Druid is only almost complex in high level pvp.
There is a reason why everyone calls bears literally retard proof.
you can see people's ip?
Adelaide and Perth are both Australian, and technically Christmas Island. Kingston is New Zealand.
So something regarding gays is happening in the southern hemisphere that he feels the need to post timezones.
>arms warrior rotation
>Feral difficult
Only if you want to do any of the actual pvp and dungeons, and also only if you want to have parses. Juggling bleeds is infuriating and exhausting - And you will never have to do that in the open world because shit will die just as fast whether you have a perfect rotation or a shitty one. You'll only ever be challenged when pulling large groups.
Guardian is the prime definition of HP sponge because their dmg mitigation is almost only physical, next to nothing about magic or other effects. Yor main goal, at all times, is to just sit there and not die and you're good 9/10.
Nobody who plays open world plays Resto, but they are just as low paced in dungeons because all you do is spam hots on everyone before they even take damage and then let it work itself out.
Balance is slow as fuck with their extra resource.
All in all, play the class if you want to be entirely self-reliant and not give a fuck about group content. I mean it. You are a questing and world event bot if you play this class - Unless you start to jump through mindbending hoops that will make you hate the class.
did they get rid of the talent that made execute buff mortal strike?
that shit really pissed me off fucking up the perfect sequence of wearing out my 5 key
>dragon can't fly in dragonsneed any more
it's still there, I was just being funny
>pulls too much aggro and dies
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Good night /wowg/.
>start World of Warcraft: The War Within: Pre-Expansion Patch game client
>log into new character selection screen
>have to wait 40 seconds for my heckin wholesome fireplace warband scene to load
>somehow old character backgrounds always loaded instantly
bravo blizzard, amazing new feature
where are you going
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Most unfun spec ever designed
Most unfun melee
>UDK in raid
>Arms in maze
>Survival everywhere

Most unfun ranged
>Destro Lock in raid
>BM in maze
>Frost Mage in raid
>Boomkin everywhere

Most unfun healer
>Monk in raid
>Disc everywhere
>Resto druid in raid

Most unfun tank
>Guardian everywhere
>Prot Pala in raid
>BDK in raid
i've found eclipse to be a wildly unfun mechanic, and dot management is cancer i avoid at all costs, which is unfortunately what both the dps specs revolve around.

guardian is okay if incredibly boring, resto was whatever, it didnt exactly blow my hair back but i didnt hate it either
To sleep.
Well I would but these retard fucking mutant dogs just started going apeshit at nothing so nvm
In bed but don't worry I'll be on my phone to shitpost for the next 5 hours
Into the dream with all the nelves no doubt.
how is it possible to have takes this bad?
>Not fun
I play Aug and I get a lot of heads and I get told I am useful and it make me warm and fuzzy inside when adult men tell me that...
3.6k r.io, btw.
these freaks must shit, you don't understand
how do you stay awake in bed that long
no elves in there, only yogg (cope)
>Leveling up causes game to lag for 3-4 seconds
Is this a game issue or on my end?
does anyone elses action bars keep getting hidden every time they log back in?
there's been lag around looting, mail, and leveling ever since the prepatch broke hte fuck out of the game. probably broke some other more obscure stuff too
Eu crossrealm wowg guild when?
their database coughing blood prob
it takes 30-60 seconds for the new talent point to show up when I level up
>remove 1000 rio from every VDH abuser
>remove 1000 rio from every Aug baboon
>remove 500 rio from Fire Mages and Shadows

Suddenly scores make more sense
Used to tryhard in PvP from Classic - Cata. Returning to the game. I am 43 years old. Recommend me fun specs mostly for PVE. I don't care how bad they are.
ya it was happening to me on the most recent character i made
i may have a solution but let me check and make sure it actually worked
Make a new spec/copy your talents into another spec and it will save.
there needs to be a better scoring system than simply adding points and never subtracting. m+ rating is extremelly flawed.
Alright, I'm rolling warrior
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is this going to make them fatter, gayer, and lazier?
best way is to just play the game, download details and see how you can improve your dps
Ok now do most fun X, to see if your opinion is valid or not
Whenever blizzard wants to fire them they will just say "HALT!" and blizzard won't fire them. That's what unions are all about.
>Most unfun healer
>Monk in raid

objectively WRONG
Balance needs a complete fucking overhaul and to get rid of the retarded sun and stars bullshit and eclipse faggotry to become an entirely nature themed caster. Bring back hurricane as the main aoe. Make summoning animals and plants part of the damage and utility kit instead of flip flopping on shit like wild mushroom and treants every iteration. Make actual nature themed shit like vines and lightning/powerful gusts of wind the main single target abilities.

Of course they won't though. Because for some reason they love the sun and stars shit despite most of the playerbase hating it. And because shamans, being the whiny cunts they are, would throw an absolute assfit about something else intruding on their territory even though druids have more right to wind/lightning shit than they do.
heh, looks like the spec name went over your head anon
anon moonkin are the chosen of elune, they use lunar and nature magic its a night elf spec.
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why is time rift not available for my alt? I am 61 I should be able to do it right? I have it unlocked for my main...

none of these stupid guides tell you how it unlocks, just that it happens at every hour
i legit think the class designer in charge of balance is running bot farms on the side.

only reason starfall stays the way it does
???? it only hits enemies you're in combat with, and in some encounters only hits tagged enemies
>the secret final boss is a ball
It is a perfectly coherent system.
Adding negative rating would just make the elitism way fucking higher.
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>you will install the weakaura
>you will use the most disgusting and confusing resource ever made
>you will be useless or incredibly overpowered
>you will be forced to offheal
maybe the solution is to add solo matchmaking really
change bb to gg and remove the l
And yet for some reason lesser "beings" like trolls are allowed access to it.
>get matched with literal cumbrains whose ilvl and rio are even lower than their iq
No thanks.
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I have taken critical damage... I have wiped... I have had my gear break. But I will NEVER. Give up on Azeroth.
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>male draenei warrior
based as fuck
Some dailies didn't reset bros what did I do wrong
Agreed, maybe give it a snappy, 3 letter name like looking for friends, or maybe looking for dudes! LFD for short!
oh gee if only they had 45yd range instant cast aoe tagging spells to go with it

they wouldnt give them something like that though would they? that would make it too easy for the bots
are you the same guy who said:
>would just make the elitism way fucking higher
if so you are a hypocrite

i'm talking about m+ solo matchmaking with a MMR scoring system similar to dota 2, it's not just a heroic dungeon queue
>Anduin: Thrall, we stand here at the precipice of destiny. The Titans, once our dear creators, now threaten to unmake everything we hold dear. But it's not just their colossal forms that we must overcome -- it is their ancient ideals, their rigid dogmas.
>Thrall: Aye, Anduin. These Titans, they embody strength, order, and purpose. But theyā€™ve lost sight of balance. Their obsession with perfection blinds them to the complexities of life. Itā€™s time we shattered their marble pedestals and showed them the messy beauty of our world.
>Anduin: Listen, Titans! Your rigid definitions of strength have led to suffering. Your ā€˜masculineā€™ idealsā€”unyielding, unfeelingā€”are flawed. True strength lies in vulnerability, compassion, and understanding. Itā€™s time to break free from your own chains!
>Thrall: Anduin speaks truth, Titans. Your obsession with control mirrors the very toxic masculinity weā€™ve fought against. Weā€™ve seen it in our own ranksā€”the need to dominate, suppress emotions, and silence dissent. But true leadership is about nurturing, not dominating.
>Anduin: Look around you! Our championsā€”men, women, and beings of all backgroundsā€”fight side by side. They draw strength from their diversity, their empathy. Titans, itā€™s time to learn from them. Embrace the feminine aspectsā€”the nurturing, the intuition, the adaptability.
>Thrall: Anduin, together weā€™ll forge a new path. Weā€™ll defeat these Titans, not with brute force, but with wisdom. Let our victory be a testament to the power of unity, compassion, and the breaking of old paradigms.

>As the Titans waver, their stone forms cracking, the Pantheon trembles. The sky splits open, revealing a radiant lightā€”the combined essence of Azeroth herself.

>Anduin: Behold, Titans! Azerothā€”the World Soulā€”she embodies both strength and vulnerability. Sheā€™s not just a mother or a father; sheā€™s everything. And so are we.

>Roll credits.

Coming to The Last Titan, 2026.
what change do you propose that will stop people botting that wouldn't have them move to another class tho? im still mad they removed the old functionality of starfall aggressively tagging everything in 40yds, and thats did shit all to stop third parties crashing the price of cloth to 2 silver inside a week of xpac launch.
>scrolls through the entire thread, stopping for colorful screenshot files that aren't avatars or stopping for posts with 4+ replies
How do (You) browse /wowg/? Do you Ctrl+F "(You)" or sit at the bottom refreshing for new interesting posts?
I'm thinking of subbing again for retail.
I can feel it.
WoW is calling to me...
I had a miserable time last time I played. I was in a mythic guild and we couldn't kill Tindral we had like 350 wipes on him. 3 hours 2 times a week. It was awful. No progress at all.
Convince me not to start subbing again. But there are no games to play right now... I am so bored...

I think separating the titles for each spec individually is a great idea though, if only to kill the notion among shitters that you need meta comps to complete a fucking single digit key.
No he isn't and he is right, you just want a system where people can't tell you to fuck off.

Also that sounds retarded, you can group queue dota, and dota is centered around organized team vs team play with picking phases in both formats.

If you pug M+ or dota2 and you never engage in organized group play you are a forever shitter and likely an incredibly obnoxious human being, worse than even bulldog and Arteezy combined.
not my problem
>people actually joined the eu community
Cool, nice to have new people.
who does this guy think he is? hey buddy, everyone's got problems. it's how you rise from them that defines you as a man. pray to god for his grace and hug your parents for never giving up on you.
Just hit 70 on my prot paladin, 340ilvl. What do I need in order to solo SL raids to see bosses/places I've missed?
>you just want a system where people can't tell you to fuck off.
yes i want that because we need a way to circumvent metafagging, and i'm not the only one

>Also that sounds retarded, you can group queue dota, and dota is centered around organized team vs team play with picking phases in both formats.
doesn't matter

>If you pug M+ or dota2 and you never engage in organized group play you are a forever shitter and likely an incredibly obnoxious human being
me and tons of introverts do just that, pug. i would even say it's the majority.
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its so based they used one as the art for the Arms tree
>Y-you can't DENY MEEEEE!!!
>Doesn't make his own groups
>Doesn't make meaningful connections
>Cries about muh evil meta gamers gate keeping him (because he is an actual horrible human being and awful)
The system exists, make friends nigger. Stop gate keeping yourself.
If you don't know how make them that's on you.
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>you're a shitter if you DONT need to be in disc with your jackoff buddies to time a key
If you are swedish
get the fuck out of this general
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anyone ever get caught up in an autistic stupor?

I was doing solo shuffle to try out hpal and I just froze up while a warrior shattering throwed me. i got caught up thinking.

seriously, i have a social worker who checks on me at age 30. i act like an invalid. i read the paperwork and she calls me "non-responsive". it's an argument in her office whether I'm low functioning or mid functioning. she argues that the way I act shows planning and thought but I just don't reply when any of these people talk to me

its an old habit, my mom used to say let me do the talking, so I literally stayed completely silent and im kinda scared to talk incase I have to get a job

but my moms dead now and they're talking about moving me into care, and I'll be real I'm 100% capable of all the shit they keep saying I can't do. I purposely don't pay bills on time sometimes so they don't take away my personal independence payment. I never understood people who say they're too scared to talk to cashiers, I'm fine, I talk to the indian guy at the corner shop all the time. I get in discord and do callouts, I just act retarded and don't work

but then I thought about how I'd get a career and set up the rent in my name and my head started spinning and I realized I might be extremely retarded

anyone else in this situation
>indirect reply
Iconic seethe, I graciously accept your surrender. This is why you get gatekept btw.
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You are a pitiful creature.
fuck you
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I love this troll but i wish she was a top
>4chan is one person
>Hit 70 as tank
>ilvl far too low for heroics
>AH items are kinda expensive
What's the move here, farm quests? I'd rather not.
and that's another thing. when you're an adult man, you ARE a pitiful creature. if I was a 14 year old doing this I'd be a boy genius who has everyone fooled. if I were an up-and-coming 16 year old who got a job at a supermarket I'd be respectable. if I'm a 30 year old getting my first job at a supermarket getting in everyones way and not knowing basic things I'm a bumbling retard. this is probably why other peoples parents told them to try new things while they're young.
Surely you have like 30k gold to your name? That would buy a full set of the highest crafted green gear on my server.

Other than that, normal dungeons and world content it is I suppose.
I unironically think people like you should be euthanized.
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make it like every other aoe spell in the game, small placed aoe big enough for a mob pack but too small to use for bots to aoe farm a whole fucking zone at once
She can top.
do the emerald dream questline, you will end up ilvl like 450 at the end of it
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I need urgent help, does anyone have a link to the picture of Xal'atath's big fat ass pointed at the viewer? In a sitting pose looking over her shoulder??? For the life of me I can not find it anywhere. Please help.
Is it true Prot Pally is dead as fuck in the beta?
Guess I will go for BDK, not being able to self heal is why I stood away from Brew and Prot war
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What dragonriding mount are you going to use in TWW?
Pic related is mine.
>in a group, trying to join a guild
>2 of us want to play DK
>I have high end exp on it
>I pass on it for the sake of social cohesion and a pace shakeup
>guy is playing DK monobuild, the class who's biggest strength is the fact that it has 6 different damage profiles
>isn't putting reps in to learn alternative playstlyes
>refuses BoS outright even tho we're trying to play CE in the new xpack
>bitching about my pull sizes when I'm tanking, when I've one tricked UHfor a long time, and am setting him up with god-pulls where he can go ham with quadratic damage, and can be immortal through Licheborne+ams
Fucking christ I made a mistake... Never give your main up when you truly know the class. We have 2 months until the season, and ima do my best to hammer my boy into shape, but feedback resistance is happening way too early for me to feel like I made a good decision.
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If what she doing in those two art pics isn't topping I don't know what is.
What two art pics?
I have only ever seen her chained up serving others
I'm playing it on prepatch rn and it feels fine. Tanks in general got fucking booty blasted and the entire ecosystem is fresh. Tanks really only seriously get edged out at keys above 15, IMHO.
>t. KSM tank
How would you know what happens at keys above 15 when your highest keys as KSM are what, 7's?
irrelevant tbqh
People say they feel less tanky than some DPS specs in the beta
Cloud Serpent and pretending it's Haku from Spirited Away ofc. Don't have the Ivory and I think it's from BFA not MoP so I'll settle for Azure.
Do you actually give a shit about push content? Like my point is that unless you give a shit about uber hard keys well past the top rewards bracket, you're not gonna get walled out on any tank. Gitting gud matters more than meta, unless you're going into it looking to gigapush. Odds of some random anon being part of the top .5% of players that actually does that shit is pretty fucking low.
>Chained up
Well now I need context to that.

>paladin is struggling at +10s on PTR when played by MDI tank players
anon, please
get some welfare gear from doing public events like siege or superbloom
that thread is fucking dead
since we got such high end m+ players itt what is the /wowg/ mythic plus guild?
we need a new season of alexensual
When does this game get good
It's in game stuff
Hot pic though
>Do you actually give a shit about push content?
No, I was just being a cunt.

Don't PTR toons have shit ilvl though? And also, new dungeons are always incredibly unbalanced. With a more proper ilvl and a lot of dungeon tuning it will be fine. Tanks are just seething they might actually occasionally need to catch some green numbers from a healer.
>have record numbers of M+ players and player recurrence in last 2 DF seasons

>fuck up balance
>fuck with itemization
>make mythic raiding mandatory if you want to do M+
>make the least popular role shittier to play
What did Blizzard mean by this?
We're 2 months out from the season opening. Quit being autistic about details, and look at the big picture and actually actionable functions on the player level. Every second you're spent with your head lodged up a streamer's ass is a second you've decided not to actually practice your spec.
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Uh yeah, I could also do with some context on that.
They know youā€™ll suck it up and do what youā€™re told. Maximizing player engagement
i may have been mistaken but i thought i had seen screenshots of you being leashed
>dps keep pulling mobs while im tanking
>leave the key
i wish this game had a tank stance threat mechanic like xiv.

sometimes if the dps are getting uppity you just need to turn off tank stance to remind em who's boss
wrathgate + grizzly hills soundtrack
Mmm, if so, I didn't make it. Colour me interested.
Got several of her pet leashing Draenei dudes for shits and giggles, and another pic someone else edited and threw at me of their humie gagged and bound and out walked on a leash by her...
>tank moves slower than molasses
>start pulling packs to him so we don't have to pull an allnighter just to finish this fucking dungeon
>tank seethes and leaves
can uhh
can i see please?
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Where do I find /wowg/ in real life? Where would you guys hang out? Do you even go outside? Do /we/ only play WoW and stay inside?
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It would be scary to fuck her, you can literally break her in half or smth
Yeah I'm not telling you that so you can rape me like Anduin
Gym of a morning, plaza of some afternoons and prison of a night.
god i wish she wasnt NA
So, there will be good action and story driven cinematic for TWW, right? It won't be just an Ad-like slide show of short footage they've used for DF and SL, right? It won't have only ugly female characters and crying Anduin, right?
>I see, perhaps you are wondering about my arm?
><You nod respectfully>
>I lost it protecting my wife from the Nerubians, she was also my 10 year old sister and was born male, but I suppose where you come that may seem odd
><You admit that while your people can be bigoted and intolerant at times, they have much to learn about the broad spectrum that is love.>
>Heh... in that we are in agreement, Withinwalker.
According to the Twitter rumour mill, Blizz devs are already considering canning this expansion and moving complete focus to Midnight instead due to lack of hype.
Who gives a fuck about twatter? Kill yourself.
Warbank update doko?
I'm not surprised at all. Based on how insignificant are features yet beta is nowhere near to bring ready and bug free, they moved the most workers in Midnight.
In fact, I suspect, TWW was initially marked as a buffer expansion to give devs more time for making normal expansion (Midnight).
Although, looking at Midnight's premise, it will be as light on content.
rumor mill = crack pipe
dragonflight is getting destroyed in this tweet
Your fat whore mother's shitbox is getting destroyed in my bed.
>They/thems finally admit their cherished product was actually dogshit after it stops being the current thing.

Many such cases.
best 20 twink class for alt account mop remixing?
i heard priest for holy nova, but walking from pack to pack sucks
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Dead, post goblins and goon
Fucked up that we can't have Emberthals skin color
May as well just delete the achievement all thing's considered.
Made me kek
that's not a nice thing to say
it not that. dragonflight was good at the start but it fell off in the second half.
>two insta indirect seethe replies
How many "spells" with casts do hunters have? Specifically BM.

I just noticed my steady shot cast time got pushback and I didn't appreciate it. Might swap to void elf if there's a bunch.
Find this funny since the GM is lying here considering I had a third worlder GM who responded in the am hours who auto completed this one achievement that's apparently been busted since the Jailer raid went live about 4-5 months ago. Granted third worlder GMs probably go off script in actually providing the support in which faggots like Ion seethe at the thought actual service is made.
God I wish I was friends with Blizzslaves for more spicy rumours but I am too chuddy and their female penises scare me.
But yeah I after the "Worldsoul Saga" announcement it was obvious for everyone with eyes that the playerbase does *not* give a shit about TWW or TLT, it's all about Midnight; So Liar Entertainment deciding to withdraw resources for the big haul isn't even too much of a conspiracy theory - Because they have done so before.
Matter of fact, does anybody have the "you are here?" meme where they say "next expansion will be good"? Because I am sure we are already somewhere toward the end of that cycle already.
hey i'm the goon you hired, when can I start fapping?
By 4-5 months ago, Meant the ticket itself, obviously not the Jailer raid.
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Wouldn't be the first time. Least this time Overwatch isn't the blame.
is healing good again yet? or are you still expected to do 3 roles and have 900 binds?
>Needing binds
If it ain't numbered 1-6, I'm clicking it and still do fine.
>or are you still expected to do 3 roles and have 900 binds?
lmao healers are so fucking retarded
i'd be interested to see if microsoft doesnt just shitcan the whole of blizzard if they keep unionizing en masse
I thought steady shot was a the special kind of cast that doesn't get interrupted by damage?

Anyway, last time I checked BM does not have any casts outside of wailing arrow but that got removed in prepatch.
healers have never been responsible to do 3 roles, they are just punished for the failures of all 3 roles.
And then 343 replaces them
that would be the end of wow. the game can't afford something like this anymore
how many days of dailies to do the dominance offensive rep on mop remix
im on day 3 and ive only gotten one extra mission so far
they already canned 343
A few, but from my knowledge the rotation is just as braindead as a ret paladin, but does 4x the damage of most classes. Either blizzard made BM hunters broken to the point that braindead players can use and top charts, or BM hunters are the only spec that's properly working and the others are undertuned/broken that's unintended since this is Blizzard typical pre-patch launch baggage.
what about murlok.io
Coalition then, if not then Bethesda?
my guardian druid spec is currently outperforming my feral dps spec on damage, the numbers are definitely fucked sideways right now
Why tis there 0 hype for the expasnsion?
The general was way more alive during Season 3 last expansion than it is right now.
Same goes for twitch/youtube viewership
bethesda is so busy with tes MS is considering giving fallout to another team
Damage tuning is beyond fucked, my ilvl 480 dk is doing more damage on both specs than my 520 devoker.
I think you get full rep just by doing the campaign
no marketing yet from blizzard. also, the expansion doesn't have earthbreaking feature
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You don't say
you do not, else i would not be here
i got locked out of the quest to go see garrosh in twin moons for 2 days worth of dailies
got locked out of the quest where the elf is yapping about the existence of a divine bell (literally the next quest) right after
>twitchtard is braindead
Since you are a fucking idiot i'll try to explain to you
>season 3
lots of fresh new content and the final raid of DF
>season 4/11.0
the limbo between expansions where nothing happens
Are you new or just pretending to be an imbecile?
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>Brain dead classes are topping classes in dps that require actual skill
Blizzards trying their best to cater to dad gamers due to the ever declining subs.
did the prepatch fix shadowlands loot or is that not until tww
you say that like most classes arent braindead
i thinks hes referring to sls3 but idk honestly
it was definitely more active but im not sure it would look much different if you filtered all of the zeev posts
You must have done something wrong because i'm pretty sure i completed it on the same day i started
Whomever made the SL/BFA dungeons has to be rehired
Whomever made the BFA zone quests and areas has to be rehired
Whomever made Nathria has to be rehired

Everyone involved in DF has to be fired.
are they playing basketball?
>you say that like most classes aren't braindead
Sir this is a retail wow thread, not a classic/private server thread.
boralus is still the best city they've ever designed

Whenever you're ready
If you have the rep token you can get it done in one day, otherwise trace your steps
If so then Outlaw Rogues are playing as well as James Harden does in playoff games.
>want to play my old human spriest from legion for the xal'atath interaction
>my shadowmoon orc priest just looks way cooler
It has a non interruptible bar on the base UI like mobs have when they do something you can't kick, but it absolutely gets pushback anyways

>a few
god damnit my entire warband is becoming void elves.
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Dad Gamers, we fucking won!
ironforge or dark iron dwarf paladin?

having a hard time deciding, they both look good. does anyone ever have more than 1 of the same class leveled just because they like the different races looks?
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the plap within
just go and get xal'atath again
>no horsecock
I regularly watch m+ faggots from Liquid Max club, and all of them are doing beta for the last clue months and it's way more lively than usual.
It made me realize that everyone who wanted to play TWW are already playing it. There was even more hype for beta launch than an actual launch.
So, we are technically deep into post release phase and novelty has already wore off.
can anyone explain how the fur around the hooves is supposed to work? is it the exact same colour as their skin or do draenei have just a thin layer of fur instead?
Plapping my balls!
ive got belf, human, dwarf, didwarf, lfdrae and another human pala to troll the reprobates itt on mg
if you prefer m+ play regular dwarf, if you prefer pvp go di
regular has better customization options
dark iron
they are fictional aliens, it doesnt need to make sense.
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>BM top charts while the other two specs are bottom 5
Excuse me, but what the actual fuck is this balancing?
Is u.gg good for mages?
It wouldn't be the same, my humie did everything for xal'atath
surv is actually better on the expansion, the balance right now is irrelevant
no, they definitely still need to make sense but they can follow the rules of their world.
do you have any of your own thoughts about it after all?
Hope so, but don't trust blizzard keeping beta numbers intact for final full day release clients.
that or murlok.io
i never really bothered to think about it.
is holy p*ladin good again?
without glimmer yes
this seems like the motto of the thread
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i hang out out public land fishing/target shooting and stealth camp a lot
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most threads, im jsut here to shitpost and occastionally ask/answer a question.
the classes I really like are shadow priest, feral druid, and to a lesser extent frost dk
I just want to feel like I'm holding it all together by a thread, every button press and decision does matter
any other class for this feel?
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>twitch/youtube viewership
>Sub higher than any other rogue spec and out of bottom 5

As a Sub rogue since 1.9, that's how you know class balance is fucked.
lack of marketing
which is probably a good thing, all of my favorite expansions (mop, legion) had very little marketing compared to the expacs i didnt like (sneedolands, wod) which had some of the biggest marketing budgets, my theory on this is when they know they have a shit product they push it more to get more sales, while when it's a good product they save money on marketing knowing that wow players talk amongsts themselves and will buy in if its actually good
eso is still alive and very good...
Assassination Rogues higher than Sub if you look again.
I meant any as "either or" not both.
Every time Sub has beaten one or both of them the game's been in the dumpster.
someone should make a compilation of retards saying wow is dead over the last 18 years
I don't think people here actually play
can someone help me understand the blessed hammer vs hammer of the righteous talent for prot paladin?

hammer of the righteous deals like 5x as much damage, i feel like i must be missing something here. is the little damage soak from blessed hammer that much of a benefit that it makes up for dealing 20% of the damage of the other talent?
TWW is 1/3 of an expansion for full price. WoW is now 160 usd and no one brings it up.
arms warrior
because this practice was established back with starcraft 2. people brought it up but nothing changed.
explain? I would love a warrior alt
Midnight is still TBA, but they would easily lose my trust and I'm sure the trust of others if they try releasing it in 2025. If they actually start pulling the "1 expansion a year!" bullshit like they did with MWIII then I will be a little concerned.
sweeping strikes warbreaker cleave mortal strike bladestorm
big numbers
What's the x axis here?
oops meant for >>487763451
>kill fyrakk in lfr
>cutscene makes game crash (leenux)
>log back in
>no longer in raid
>no loot in mail
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I think I like BM more compared to survival.
Those guys don't have a choice though. If they don't constantly stream new thing then they lose subs and have to get a real job. Also they do tournaments so autistically grinding beta dungeons for months before autistically grinding them after launch is part of the package.
Anyone know if Storm Spirits drop in LFR?

WoW has native support for mac doesn't it? shouldn't it be easier to use the mac version on linux?
Leveling an alt on remix, can I just queue dungeons and raids and never loot anything then open my mail eventually?
Basically all of them.
game works perfectly fine and runs better then windows, since prepatch cutscenes have been making it DC (crash was the wrong word, it freezes then i get booted to login screen) and it might not even be a linux issue on further research but rather a hardware one some windorks get as well
You need to do MSV and HoF at least for the XP bonuses
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they do but just kill the forge masters at the fryakk invasions or whatever. first kill gives you nothing but each kill after gives like 25-40
https://www.curseforge.com/wow/addons/movie-skip maybe this will help you then
You loot everything EXCEPT the raw xp item. You need to be looting the +% to cloak items especially. The whole point is you get your cloak to a high bonus xp gain then collect all that raw xp at once from the mailbox. Raid bosses give +12% cloak xp which is why MSV and HoF are so insane for leveling.
wow that would until a fix is found, ty
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>doing transmog on my mage
>can mog a wand into either a 1h sword or a dagger
>cannot mog daggers into 1h swords or wands
>cannot mog 1h swords into daggers or wands
ion already said that they're doing 18 months / expac
>Announce starting doing faster expansion
>release buggiest prepatch in history
I don't know where Fyrakk invasions are - I can't find them on the map.
Yeah nta but i smell a disaster in the making for the patches of tww
just checked frost and many of the talents on their recommended tree are wrong. not in that they are incorrect choices but literally wrong in that they don't seem to match what talents are actually on the tree. like dragon's breath is in the spot where barrier diffusion should be.
Is shaman a man's class?
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what are you guys up to tonight?
it's shaman not shawoman so you tell me
the guys carrying people in mythic SoO are the real heroes of warcraft rn
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if warrior or paladin are 'alpha male' classes and priest or druid are 'beta male' then shaman is 'sigma male' alongside monk
So correct me if im wrong
>Myth track moved from 4/4 to 6/6.
>Crafted gear is now also 10ilvl below cap instead of 3.

So that's how is it right now in the beta, correct?
each blessed hammer is eligible to strike again once it's orbited around you 360 degrees, so in many cases it will hit 2x and targets who remain directly infront will be hit 3x. the main contributor to its viability is it builds holy power even if you use it with no target and don't hit anything, while hammer of the righteous requires an attackable target in melee range.
not sure on crafting but myth is 6 levels now though they haven't confirmed if it's intended or a bug
You WILL raid my man!
Fr fr no cap on a stack
the suffusion camps
this week is in azure span
I see thanks

Can they for one expansion not fuck with loot man? Dont they get this is a social game this really fucks with guilds and stuff
I swear this fags are too retarded to even maintain staged decline
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I don't see shit
stop fotm switching to my class reeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee
just fly down there you wont miss it
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Probably going to drink myself to death.
its located between camp antonidas and that neutral flightpath on the right side of the map
thing is they haven't said anything on these changes so we don't know if they're intended or not
>Zero coherent arguments
I accept your utter and total cucky surrender.
this last 2 weeks completely destroyed my excitement and I can't refund.
I hope so
Nah i will play atleast the launch but if those are true I probably cant be asked to be active for long, I cant stand raid shit
I'm going to play on Argent Dawn because that's where Asmongold's EU character is
>my class is pure trash
>only 10s are valuable
>now you need over 1k crests per season
>crafted items are useless
>heroic is useless
shit sucks
its where my eu character is too anon hehe
i look forward to raiding every reset especially with the stacking dmg and heal % we get in the raid
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I found it.
oh cool
is it a good realm
say hi to snuh for us na folx....
ex blizzard employees rts is entering early access in 4 days
Honestly, yeah. Really active and there always people to talk to and do things with, not erp
sit around the forgemaster until people summon his ass
the first kills will drop 1-2 items but the next kills will drop 30-50
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vanilla paladin: only used a magic yellow hammer as a graphic for one skill
legion onwards paladin devs:
>the dh/rogue dev was promoted and now noone is working on them
well at least that explain the current situation.
promoted to what
Who fucking knows but Max was talking about it.
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How fun is Devastation Evoker on a scale of 1 to 10?
BBC caterer and sublime assistant manager of LGBT safetime.
For me, solid 8
wasn't asking about your role
thanks, i knew there was something i was missing, on paper it just didnt look right
What do you find most fun about it?

How would you compare the gameplay & feel of it compared to the Mage class, for instance?
there's nothing wrong with it now, nor has there been.
Scalecommander is at least an 8 for me. Visually its very cool and the 3 beams just feels good. To me it has two drawbacks, one being aug exists and if you pug alot they're going to want you on that. The 2nd is you're stuck in lizard form and blizzard wont even fucking make the tier sets work on them.
I'm not skilled enough at the game to answer this, but from the little I played of both. Evoker just FEELS much smoother overall. Fire mage comes closest to Evoker, I feel.
their lizard form would be fine if the armor worked
i wonder what's holding them back. possibly because they would have to model every piece of armor for every body size
My guild took a break during s4 and then my key group and other friends all did, so I did also.
They came back for prepatch but I'm gonna be honest I'm not having fun anymore. Don't know why but not playing for 2 months made me realize I wasn't having much fun. Maybe something will be fun in the expansion.
>clear the whole raid
>get one item your class cant even mog
yeah, nah. its being changed for a reason
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I'm glad you're gone, Steve.
there's not much to do now unless you want to grab stuff from the raids as they're all awakened or farm mogs for your warband
or grabbing some last minute cheevos
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is aug fun?
danusers warband:
first one
the sigils
the metaphorical rope which consists of your soul from every alternate reality
Yes but only if you try to optimize and play with good players or at least with friends. If you play with shitters then you'll wish you went dev instead.
Depends at what level you play. If you want to optimize everything then setting up addons will suck up all of your fun
>m+ is now useless
kino the game will finally die
and there was nothing wrong with that when it was still current content for people without a sub. so stop asking and stop being a fucking nigger.
2 more weeks
shut yo bitch ass up
>useless loot outside of the weekly vault
right now
that was always the case. m+ never dropped myth items
There any point in trying to do Riko's scouting report in remix since it suddenly became too damn broken for him to do enough damage to the Jinyu?
correct but heroics items are almost as good as mythic items right now but this wont be the case during tww
6/6 hero is still only r2 myth so no
god i wish i were my dracthyr
anon 6/6m is 639
go check 6/6h ilvl
>1100 crests to fully upgrade your gear if you don't mythic raid
>m+ starts 21 days after launch for some reason
so is this ions swansong raider expansion before he quits or what
we discussed that before. we don't know if 6/6 myth is intended or not. i remember back during DF beta people were dooming that crafted gear suddenly became useless
then it turned out that it was just blizz fucking up ilvls
so until we're really close to release i'm not really taking anything serious because it can literally change in a single build. see affixes in TWW
Boosting a dragon to 70. Any recommendations for which spec.
>we don't know if 6/6 myth is intended or not
lol I remember people saying the exact same thing about the crest change

he was promoted there is no way he is quitting
>lol I remember people saying the exact same thing about the crest change
which one?
only 9+ drop mythic crests
that's fair to be honest. a +6 in tww without dogshit affixes is piss easy. plus if you're at that level there's no reason not to run +10s for the vault
so... warband bank?
yes and don't listen to the first anon that replied
disabled till tww
did they actually say that?
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>farming rep on my human main to finish up the new 110 exalted rep achievement
>hit exalted at 18900 of 21000
uhhhhhhhhhh, blizzard?
got a link?
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>so much coomer gear is old, dated and low res as heck
The pose bug makes me extra sassy.
it's buried somewhere on wowhead from the past few days. they did indeed confirm it's on hold until xpac launch.
Good. Kill all coomshits.
Like that bothers them.
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Had this disc priest while leveling in BfA
They were level 40 so there isnt any excuse
i haven't seen people chimping out so i don't think they said that
is rsham fun healer in pve in tww
WoWchads won...

We fucking won...
Was there ever any doubt?
We lost
not really. we'll see what the final version is regarding crest acquisition or upgrade tracks
Ok dude
what? is that too unreasonable with 1.5months to s1?
I encountered a glitching bot earlier today.
Still a better healer than most pugs.
everyone complaining that they have to raid to compete in M+ are being shortsighted. Yeah, it sucks today, but raiding won't be so bad after the revamp.
Ah yes the imaginary revamp cope.
Anyone who thinks you have to raid to compete in M+ is retarded. Don't invite raiders. It's that simple.
what revamp? honestly more people should raid, especially with a fucking 45% dmg and heal buff
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>average Balkan couple
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Mythic + was changed.
Be patient you fuckers.
>Also wasn't feral known as "most difficult dps rotation" at one point?
In MoP yeah, that was 12 years ago
I will never raid (outside of mix) again. I put my time in during MC, ZG, AQ. Miss me with that gay shit.
i mean it's just speculation. i'd love to see a 10 man mythic version without lockout. i bet a lot, and i mean a lot more people would give it a try
>honestly more people should raid
No one is going to raid until they stop making the raids for literally 40 players they literally said "yeah bro amirdrassil was a mistake too hard" and they they sharted ahz kajet with even more private auras.

Yeah just keep waiting as they destroy every other aspect of the game.
I don't play your game but she would look good with a large black schlong in her
the problem with amirdrassil were the last 2 bosses. and only on mythic
outside of that the raid was completely fine. a lot of people got aotc
are embellishments still a thing in tww?
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>zoraal the jailer
Yes. The entire dragonflight profession system is copy/pasted over 1 to 1. I expect they'll do this shit for the entire saga.
how can the war within be warcraft of world within
This game used to be better when nirimer was active on moonguard
i miss shadowlands so much bros.... especially ardenweald
Can I have gob and worg share the same gold now
ardenweald & maldraxxus use a different color palette for your zone at least once challenge (impossible)
why are you giving out false info? in TWW there will be knowledge catch up, NPC work orders for recipes gold or mats and inspiration is replaced with concentration, which means no more RNG for max rank crafts
does your guild have biological foid in it???
I like how I posted extremely high quality pics and everyone flamed me yet the general spams sloppa that has 0 effort put into it.
sorry we can't help it. wow attracts flamers.
say what you want about OG but it launched flawlessly without any bugs or server queues at all. wow in shambles for the next 6 months once again lol
i want to please her holes
that expansion should have been the emerald dream
makes no sense that the dream is split into three pieces like it is
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Night Elven women grew addicted to human cock after the burning of Teldrassil. Once they became refugees and began sheltering in Stormwind & the surrounding lands, it was over. They became hooked.

Now, all night elven women can think about is sucking on thick human dick. Pity them.

would have been absolutely perfect him cum at the end
average night in Goldshire?
bottom line is true except it's about you
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It's true.
All of it.
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I wish they'd bite the bullet and do full cross-faction. I've been wanting to let an orc warrior / shaman / hunter treat my main like an animal for a while.
>guild got ce and immediately went on hiatus next expansion
>got turbo sick and couldn't play for months so there's no way I can pug amir (not that I would want to pug it anyway)
never gonna get the owl
Is M+ easier or about the same since prepatch?
I got my mount but I didn't bother with getting the portals
I'm a resto druid
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Calm down, lass. There's plenty of green to go around.
mog the pants off :3
easier cause everyone does more damage now
depend of your class
for example outlaw rogue was super solid before and now they are useless
at what level should I consume all the Bonus XP I have sitting in my mailbox in Remix? and what +% exp on the cape? I've got a level 19 with +111% right now
ur gay bro

but yeah I am a resub and was kind of surprised you can already group with opposite factions members and do open world stuff together, so not sure why they don't just do dungeons as well. Queue times would be instant. May as well just forget whatever lore there is and have us all be one big happy family and just have PvP be instanced skirmishes/dueling and get rid of open world PvP completely

they should also bring back actual PvP servers too for purists
I have a 2010 hp pavilion, will it still be able to run TWW?
Wow has been saying my computer is out of date since Legion but it's been fine through Dragonflgiht
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Was he better than ion?
Ion should've never been in charge of wow
I'm hetero (real)
>ion got promoted
>immediately kills m+
If questing is bugged in their current and they still havenā€™t fixed it, what are you supposed to do? Wtf are they even doing? And itā€™s crazy they still have the same ui and graphics from 2004
You need to run MSV at least. I would do MSV and HoF just to be safe.
no... t-dubs is due out in 2 weeks.... no....
Ok cool, thank you

Do you happen to know if Frost DK is running dw or 2h while leveling? Does it matter much or should I just go with the highest ilvl weapon I come across?
>I'm (real) gay
we know
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Druid & Evoker are fetish classes.

They cater to fetishes for sick freaks. They aren't real classes.
2H is better, not because it does more damage or anything of the sort, but because unholy and blood only use 2H so it gives you the option to swap.
evoker is just dragon mage
druid is a common class
Do you like Nightborne men? Or just brutal orcs to enslave you?
What healer is looking the best for M+?
I thought I made what I like pretty obvious there
mw holy pala disc
Yes dumbass, and I was asking if you liked other things too. This is why you are single.
Come on Blizzard, it's only 23 more days until MoPMix ends. Let me send my fucking gems to my alts I wanna stack 'em hard and high.
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the chad mm
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>Get home from long, dreadful day of work
>See picture of LF Draenei lady flashing a tiddy
>Feel much better
Such is the way of the world
Sorry I don't
wow status?
like so what am i supposed to do to get ready for the expansion if i cant even quest
You think those 3 DK's agreed to each play a different spec on purpose so they get the full spec spread on there?
maybe is the same guy and he has 3 characters
>This is why you are single.
this catty response is why you have no bitches maye
ion is a really good raid designer
I'm not Maye.
do you really think the only way people want to be a beast class is because they're horny?
>50.1% night elf
>24.5% dwarf
>18% dracthyr
world of warcraft
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fucking LIARS on blizz forums and WoWhead saying they can do time rifts under lvl 70... it just appeared after I hit 70 but was invisible up until then. They must be confusing it with something else or my game is just bugged cause of prepatch idk
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why are you doing this to me blizzard
It's okay because the alliance is the underdogs btw
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>Wildstar Dies
>WoW get BFA
like pottery
did you complete the campaign on any character?

Chance at alpaca mount this week for those that don't have it until Tuesday/Wednesday maintenance for NA/EU
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I'm on to you...
on my main I did, yeah
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Nice UI, retards.
>19 yellow windows telling me what to do
>open options
>disable tutorials
>17 yellow windows telling me what to do
port que
just close it asshole, are you one of the gentlemen in the video by chance?

You have an unspent talent point!
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>Blizz is literally just using Riot design aesthetics now
it's fair since lol had a wc3 aesthetic at first
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Just got this from a random scout pack opened on a whim. Didn't even know they could contain stuff like that.

Theres a Lot of back and forth between riot and blizzard.
Remember that LoL is literally just a repackaged WC3 custom game.
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hooooly 20 years of opiate + benzo abuse
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How dogshit and unoriginal are my mogs?
Please say a lot, I can't mog for shit and I like looking like an NPC.
Also unsure if to reroll the warrior into a dwarf cuz I am split between the two types.
How hard is it to get the Elite PVP armor if you're a fucking retard who is bad at the game? Dat DK set has to be mine... Not enough green plate in the game.
i think it only happens once you are max renown or something like that
You saw the trailer/box art and stuck with it. boring but consistent.
>Also unsure if to reroll the warrior into a dwarf cuz I am split between the two types.
Dwarf, balance out the elves present
If you're going to use a full set at least use something made in the past 10 years.
its entirely dependent on the mmr curve in the new season but its really not that bad in general if you can execute your dps rotation well
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You will fail a lot but you will learn eventually if you keep trying
You'll find it challenging but entirely doable. You'll get your ass kicked for a while until you start to get it.
Yeah but I am split between DI and normal one.

I like tier 1 and I play on lowest graphics all zoomed out, I can't even see the character when I play.
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Alright, which spellcaster got screwed the least? Patch notes and talent trees make it look like my old main of mage is going to be even squishier and warlock got gutted at the finish line. I have all 6 spellcaster classes at cap so that's not an issue.
pic unrelated.
>Yeah but I am split between DI and normal one.
flip a coin. Both are good picks.
>mage is going to be even squishier
Mage is one of the sturdiest DPS, what the fuck are you talking about?
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I mean this kind of stuff is expected to happen because these companies often share artists between each other. It's just the artists style, not "riot design aesthetics".
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>mage is going to be even squishier
look at a dedicated slutmogger thats really low effort.
Everyone has said that all three mage specs are fun as fuck. I leveled like six of the fuckers through Remix because I wasn't sure which race/sex I wanted.
>mage is going to be even squishier

Have you not played the game since Legion?
Can someone walk me through the Trading Post? Does the shit return or does it show up once and go away forever? It says there's a cap on coins so I guess I should spend 500 coins minimum as that's what I'll get for opening the chest next month?

Everything is fucking broken

The spaghetti code can't take it anymore, whole game is collapsing
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this set looks like complete dogshit, why do people like it so much?
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Stuff that goes away *may* return in a future post. No guarantee on that. There is not a cap on coins you can hold, just a cap on coins you can earn in a given month. You do not need to spend a minimum.
that's the idea
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Any oldfags remember this?
Dark Iron are just cooler.
also DI racial is better IMO, DPS cd that eats debuffs vs the regular dwarves defensive. also the movespeed in dungeons they get is non-trivial, both for running older stuff quickly and and for pacing and postion in pve.

You can go either way if female, but IMO male dark Irons are just dwarf but better.
Regular dwarf males have a like a manlet/cuck/reddit aura that dark Irons manage to avoid.
like DIs fully embrace the napoleon complex and just hate everything without pretending anything else.
being easily tilted is the main predictor
if you have the capability to, ass in seat for a few hours every other day, requeue after a 0-6 where everyone calls you shit and feel nothing - then you'll make it within 3 weeks tops even if you're brand new with motor skill deficiencies and obese 35 y/o reactions
you're an actual baby if you think that makes you an "oldfag"
Alright then, tell me the secret to being a tanky mage. Last time I checked we have no self healing outside of ice block, which has been nerfed. Barriers will block one hit if you are lucky. Both invis breaks to dots. Displacement requires you to sacrifice your stun break and mobility.
Alter time is the only good reset, but it requires you to stand in closer distance and be used before you get hit.
If I missed anything I'd like to hear it.
zoomer detected
>liking any sets post-MoP

The ultimate zoomer opinion, get some fucking taste.
https://youtu.be/pXmgWddS27s i miss 2020 guys
I think I'm literally addicted to Remix, guys. I don't even need anymore characters but I keep creating and leveling them anyway.
You have got to be a troll. No mage player could be this retarded.
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>obese 35 y/o reactions
I'm obese and 39, so that's good to know.
zoomer detected
nta, but Im an ancient boomer and think >>487789943
looks like dog ass.
its just way too edgy and "im 14 and think skulls aree HARDCORE!" looking.

There have been a couple.
The Uldum automaton plate was decent.
The Dragonflight S2 paladin dragonplate as well
Dread and Sinister Glad/Warfront armor was mostly good.
Antorus paladin plate
There have been a few I agree there has been a lot of dogshit armor lately though. Using MoP as an example is a bit odd it was one of the worst offenders in terms of absurd shitty looking plate armor, not helped by all the CHINA NUMBA WAN art direction.
Where is Maye?
>any oldfags

90% of the mages are retarded tho
>its just way too edgy and "im 14 and think skulls aree HARDCORE!" looking.
oh its totally dumb looking. perfectly edgy for DKs.
you should start working on trove tally. they scattered over 100 unused models + recolors throughout the world and all raid difficulties which are going when the mode ends. there's no real reason to collect most of them - for example, there's a duplicate skin of qiangs ugly shield from retail with red flames instead of orange - but you may as well get on all fours and collect some seashells if you're having fun anyway
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visiting the orc care home to see an old friend
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is it true that you can level a character from 10-70 in an hour
i haven't touched remix at all since it came out
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>its just way too edgy and "im 14 and think skulls aree HARDCORE!" looking.
That's literally the whole DK class.
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Oh yes, it's true. I've really come around to that foul-smelling, autistic, retarded, sewer sludge drenched, wrinkly old rapist fuck.
I don't get it
The DK was doing the Hollow's End event, trick or treating at inn keepers. The inn keeper in Dalaran gave her a toothpick instead of candy, so the DK killed the innkeeper and raised her as a ghoul.
>Stuff that goes away *may* return in a future post.
As in some stuff HAS returned, or it's just theoretically possible?
>There is not a cap on coins you can hold
I love outdated information at the top of wowhead. That's good to know though I can just stock up.
i feel like they should just remove every expansion, keep what is good and start from scratch again
Stuff has returned, yes. When you visit the trading post some items are marked as "returning".
Perfect. ty ty.
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No worries.
Tank and healer? Absolutely under an hour if you know what you're doing.
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Man, I'm flashin' back and feelin' bad for that poor farmer bastard all over again.
You got tempted to come all the way out to find me, only for me to neglect to mention I was oceanic.
I set him up.
I had to vent my frustration on somebody. He had it coming.
im just a regular agp I don't want to be a woman. a sexually deranged man isn't the same as a woman. I never got shamed into dressing and behaving a certain way, I never got bullied by teenage boys because they liked me, I cannot create life. women and girls are really luminous, I love and support them and they should not have pretender men in their sports, schools, or bathrooms.

but I am guilty.i am complicit. I do admit I get off to the corruption and nefarious lies inherent with the trans scheme. I've had exactly one hookup and let me tell you. feeling his sickly altered but very masculine body shape, his atrophied drugged balls bang against mine... the thoughtplay that I'm having sex with someone's mentally unwell misled son, a effeminate man taken from the lower castes and thoroughly defiled like the priests and royalty of old used to, albeit more brazenly, makes me cum buckets.
the embarrassing side of this is that to any actual oldfag this was such an obvious raid
Blizzard has always been creatively bankrupt, all they've ever done is copy other games, the only difference is that they used to do it better and they used to have some discretion as to what to steal and what to leave alone

just so you understand: Mihoyo, which has built its bones on plagiarism (Bayonetta, DMC, BotW, Persona, etc.) in China got the name "Shaghai Blizzard", because of Blizzard's reputation with blatant plagiarism.
It's a "yeah no shit" kinda thing
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Is this official art?

This genuinely looks NOTHING like Warcraft. This looks like shitty fan-art.
>and very good
they released 3 expansions and literally nobody cared
they might've released a 4th one I have no idea
having a horde of sad menopause'd 40yo women who buy $2000 of mtx a month doesn't make your game good
Anon, most of the models in Dragonflight look like shitty fanart, including the new race they added.
>Feral druid
>Snapshot full dots on a guy
>literally just fuck off and leave, heal or do whatever you want
>guy dies 80% of the time
>Heart of the Wild turns you into a better healer than a Resto druid for 45 fucking seconds, literally unkillable, don't even have to leave cat form
>win gladiator circle (or whatever the fuck it was called) with zero gear every single time
>go to Ashran
>kill mobs until you get the Book of Flight, which unlocks flight form
>Fly to the ogre encampment
>take their rocks
>fly over groups of horde niggers, dropping tactical nukes at them like an F-15 bomber
>they don't even know what's going on, wipe the entire group by yourself
WoD was such a piece of shit but Feral was so overpowered in PVP for the entire expansion I actually had fun
Mind-controlled super soldiers, that had fought in battles before Deathwings little gauntlet broke meaning not only were their proper minds suppressed, they had left the reach and by the time this quest was released they'd been around mingling in natural society for over a year, plenty of time for their personalities to be explored and plenty of time for them to know what a squirrel is.
I know, but that piece of art is even more egregious. One of the things they should be doing with utmost importance is trying to hold onto the iconic art style of the series. It's part of their branding which gives their games so much staying power.

Are they honestly that dumb?
>Blizzard steals Sylvanas from LotR
>LoL steals Ashe and Tariq from WoW
>Blizzard steals nu-Alleria from LoL's Ashe2.0
circlejerk plagiarism this industry is fucking insane
Let's see your art, anon. Be the change you want to see :)
I get the feeling that they are understaffed, and considering that the retards just unionize despite being in an industry plagued with layoffs, in a company that is already using AI to generate content... they are likely to be more understaffed in the near future.
/xivg/ is 2 blocks down
Anon we already have a trillion quirky gag characters already. Not everyone has to be written the like the same same uninspired, carbon copy late 30s twitter-scrolling hag. Even the black lothar chick talks about some tigers or some shit having fucking "the zoomies". The character writing is beyond atrocious now.
lick those boots, you cuckold faggot
>Blizzard steals Sylvanas from LotR
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Good evening wowg, I'm new and I'm enjoying your game so far as a frost dk. That's all.
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Literally goth Arwen, complete with her boyfriend, the only human ranger Aragorn/Nathanos.
So you don't have any art. Got it.
much like you have no actual argument, got it.
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>Leveling a rogue in Northrend
>Getting crashes that seem random until I find that they're from trying to eat the Succulent Orca Stew in my inventory
>Turns out the patch somehow broke a lot of Northrend food and now the game crashes if I try to eat or sell any of them
>Also briefly had a period where it would crash if I tried to interact with any vendor
zivtroons are oldfag now?
Thanks for letting us know, brother. o7
Chat, is it true that Frost DK is once again pidgeonholed into Dual wielding?
I heard there's talents that do a bunch of shit on autoattack crits and it just doesn't work well for 2handed
going mage if true, in which case, Human, Nelf or Velf?
I truly believe that Shadowlands so so astronomically shit that the game will never recover from it. I think the "DF saved the game" shit is one giant cope, as is the Bellular graph.
As of right now, 2h has the edge because of legendary. Without legendary they seem to be surprisingly well balanced with neither on top.
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I have 20+ fucking toons and I can't wait to delete them but there's like 200k gold between them and I need to wait for these retarded DEI faggots to implement the Warbank feature as actually intended so I can transfer the gold over.

Hurry the fuck up.
People on the beta are using 2h and not using bos but both builds are good
Why not just sent it via mail?
so how was it like when it was in 2007 or whatever? like you had new people still at goldshire doing quests or something and everywhere was populated or was everyone in wotlk like how classic is now.
2007 was still tbc asshole
and it was exactly the same besides having boomers wiping in ubrs at level 70 to show newfags how it was "back in teh day"
because they are scattered across different servers
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But where's your art? You said it's egregious but you have no art of your own. How curious.
>le pelagos is le bad
>pillar of frost duration extension on white crits
>aoe frost strike
these are both new talents which favor dual wield on paper, unless DW frost strike has been normalized at some point. but as I've learned with cases like these it's impossible to tell at a glance.
>le you have to be a professional chef otherwise you can't discern whether this food tastes good or not
ebic xD
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this is an actual choice you have to veer and gear toward, dont be confused please. You will make it through this difficult time just fine ...
so many faggots itt that defend the devs and horse shit in the game lately
its really fucking annoying
With that guy in control of the afterlife, joining the Burning Legion comes off as a good idea.
lorthemar: release those political prisoners
jaina: no
taran zhu: ENOUGH!!!
lorthemar: sorry I need to protect my people
jaina: no I want to kill more of his people
>POV: you are assigning art for your prestigious AAA game that rakes in a billion dollars every year and is renowned for its aesthetic qualities
>Didn't use Wei Wang
>Didn't use Alex Horley
>Didn't use Glenn Rane
>Didn't use Bayard Wu
>Used some cheap mobile game artist
What causes a person to do this?
>still no bagnon update
wait I can play 2h as frost dk? I assumed dual wield was superior based on some of the talents I've been picking.
Do you want a man with no grasp on reality to decide the fate of your eternal soul?
What, exactly, did Pelagos do to earn being the new Arbiter?
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Class for this feel?
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>when the local gay dive bar is out of tofu burgers again
2H edges out if you are playing with Obliteration, dual wield if you are playing with Breath of Sindragosa, but unless you are a mythic raider or you're a MDI wannabe you do not need to minmax to that degree. The game is not that hard. Stop looking down at your hotbar and your parses and start looking at the AoEs onscreen so you can step out of them, and interrupt those mobs.
give the macao a break
you can combine the bags with base ui
what im really missing is bagbrtoher
I don't even parse yet, I'm brand new to the game. I just figured dual wield was superior
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I'd be instantly willing to play 2H Frost DK if they didn't decide to give 2H Frost Strike the gayest animation of all time - the generic golf swing (to like half the races who can be DKs).

God, Paladin combat animations just blow DK ones out of the water now. Why can't we also get more unique animations?
Speaking of combat animations, obviously different classed and skills have different animations but do they differ based on race too? Just curious
if it says
>your autoattacks have a chance to
that usually means it's based on procs per minute, i.e. the games internal dice rolls try to steer you towards getting, say, 5 procs per minute of combat. your actual autoattack uptime and number of autos wouldn't matter much in that case because the game would see you hadn't had a proc in 20s and greatly increase your chances of getting one.
compare it to unholy DKs sudden doom which outright says your autos have a 25% chance to proc it, that's pure chance on hit and is almost never used anymore for major damaging procs.
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damn Tauren do be kinda big doe...
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>Interact Key
>Press SHIFT-E to Interact with nearby NPCs and objects
>0/2 - Interact with an NPC or object
The walking away from explosions feel, or the getting a tank dropped on your head feel?
aff lock
Huh that first part is interesting. I naturally assumed more autos = more proc chances = dual wield better. Thanks for the info
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is DK gonna be fotm or what? frost seems great and it can literally tank in remix
> frost seems great and it can literally tank in remix
doesnt mean shit
ret paladin of course
idk about you but i've never been able to tank as another dps. i usually play range though.
Rshaman status???
the ret paladin is the nazi
the ret paladin is also the dam
the jews are the jews
dont question it
we got inflated stam in remix
The jews are the naaru and the nazis are demon hunters.
mopmix is a mememode that has no bearing on whats going to happen in the expansion
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I now have 71 level 70 characters and another ~30 60s lined up to be leveled.

This might finally be the patch I break into triple digit max level alts.
>tank in remix
literally anything can tank in remix
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Road to 3k once more.
The two new Frost hero talent specs look great. You can either be a Rider of the Apocalypse who is always mounted and summons the Four Horseman NPCs, or you can be a Deathreaper who has a cool double scythe attack.
ngl gonna miss having ~300% mastery on affliction lock. shadow bolt repping a crappy filler, corruption ticking once a second, dotting an enemy up repping heavy damage on its own, most specs feel like funserver messes when taken to stat cap but not aff. it feels slightly closer to the right version of the spec.
>exactly one minute apart
Ghostcrawer was a systems designer and had a lot of pull on balance changes regarding PvP and PvE

Before him there was Kevin Jordan who created all of the spells and worked on talent trees back Vanilla

After Ghostcrawler left in late MoP, you had Celestalon who played with a fucking tablet working on PvE balance, and Holinka working on the tuning for PvP

Then came Ion. Remember how your action bars were made up of swiss cheese the second you logged into the pre-patch for Legion?
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What the hell do I do with all this? I've been selling the obvious junk vendor shit, but what about all the old gear? Can I dismantle it as a profession or something, or should I chunk it or what?
What about Chilton?
How hard is tanking in mythic plus?
It seems like a lot of pressure, and every second counts to get a higher score so you always have to try as hard as your can, and if you mess up a path or pull too much it's over
Just start from the lower keys and push. It will gradually feel harder, but you will get used to it in the meanwhile.
you mistake is thinking the average mangled clueless brown ape bricking your key deserves your best efforts and a good score
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Good luck! Honestly the fact you pug 3k is cool. I wish I wasn't lazy with it or get bored of a single class too quickly.
The only time gear and such could be dismantled into profession stuff was BFA, and even then just the items from that expansion.
Other than that, Enchanting would let you disenchant them into enchanting mats you can use/sell on the AH.

Otherwise, you can safely sell gear you don't need anymore, and/or delete it if it doesn't have a sell price.
Or bank/void storage it if you have any sentimental value to it, but the appearances should be saved regardless, so tends to not be necessary unless its like a Legendary item or something.
Tom Chilton worked alongside Kevin Jordan on talent trees and class abilities as Kevin's senior. Tom created stuff like the mailbox and battleground systems that are still buggy pieces of shit to this day.
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unless you use the auction house just vendor it all. disenchanting is probably not worth it. if you use the auction house put up the bind on equip items and materials. vendor all souldbound gear because it will give you the appearance anyways. the use for appearance is a waste
post cd is 90 seconds on vg shithead
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Meds. I need them. Give them to me now!!
>former beautiful elf turns into tranny
fucking hell man, is there anything these degenerates wont ruin?
shit eating blizz piggy kys
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I'm genuinely surprised they haven't tried to recruit him or Kaplan back into the company with the role of Senior Game Director of WoW. They'd both be better suited to headlining WoW than Ion, who should be either demoted back to being Lead Encounter Designer or shipped off to another department entirely. He's miscast as Game Director.

If I was Blizzard I'd be desperately looking to get some of the old guard back into the fold. A lot of these guys are just chilling and enjoying early retirements since leaving, they aren't bogged down in another studio. You could sell some of these guys on having full creative control over WoW's destiny post-Worldsoul Saga and giving it a soft/hard reboot as long as they helped steer the ship through the Worldsoul Saga itself and made sure it was solid throughout.

Especially now that the current faggots are unionizing at an incredible rate and sure to give the company suits even more headaches.
As someone who never did Mythic+ before Dragonflight season 2 and then achieved 2,500 rating keystone master as a prot paladin, it is very easy. Tank has the easiest rotation as you only press 4 or 5 buttons to deal damage/keep up your filler shield of the righteous mitigation. You then rotate between your 1 or 2 minute long defensive cooldowns and trinkets like Ardent Defender, Divine Shield, Blessing of Ancient Kings, Treemouth's Festering Splinter, etc, always trying to keep at least one defensive CD up while you have a trash pack on you or you are fighting a boss. If your health gets really low, you can heal almost up to full by using your Word of Glory, and if you need more healing then you can use Lay on Hands.

As a tank, you have the most control over whether or not the group succeeds (especially as a prot paladin given that you can save other players from dying by offhealing them or using your blessings on them, and your three stuns and interrupts you can use on mobs). Pull one or two trash packs, choose a place to park, lay down consecration, and just do your five button rotation and keep your defensive CDs hope while the trash are whittled down. And you will learn what the problem mobs and how to do the boss fights by doing them.

As a tank, you will progress your character faster than DPS since you can apply for keys and then get an invite very quickly. If your group falls apart, so what? You can get into another key in no time. The content is not that hard. Just have a thick skin, put in your time, and you will get your keystone master. It's really achievable by anyone, not just hardcores.

That being said, doing M+ right now can be difficult as the scene is in the doldrums right now, being at the end of a filler season. Lots of people are unsubbed, and what people are still subbed have already achieved Keystone Master, got their mount, and stopped doing M+.
also grey gear has been added to appearances for some time and sometimes those can sell for a small chunk on the auction house so it's worth looking into. most on;y go for 10-100g though. sometimes you can get lucky
I literally cannot even force myself to log into the game.
So take a break then.
I've been on break for 2 months now. I thought the itch would come back NOTHING. I want to want to play I just don't want to.
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just wanted to pop in to remind you faggots that the game is shit, and you have your devs and yourselves to blame
Wrong. I am not at fault in the least and have always criticized the shit for years. I am infallible and perfect in this regard.
>don't like the new cinematic
>get called a racist for it
Yeah okay wow community
best mmo currently
now hold this l rizzlet chud.
leave the sigma thread.
some bitch tried to metoo ghostcrawler to make herself look better because a cap surfaced of her making a joke to him about the cosby suite, after which he went radio silent for a few months. would you go back to work there? at his age. he seems more interested in kidding himself that he knew what made MMOs work the way they did.
brainrot meme ahahaha so fahnny
anybody else semi dcd in game
trying to do a kara run while waiting for shuffle and cant cast my abilities
didnt lose internet tho so idk wtf is happening
no cap king
you're 12
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My account is probably older than you
Ion was tasked with turning WoW into a forever-hamsterwheel game built for esports, and that's what he did.
I don't think he's retarded like GC or Holinka were, he's just tasked with building something that is objectively shit. (Also, he's a lawyer so very likely has bad work ethic too)
The idea itself is flawed.

Imagine being a zoomer and logging into WoW for the first time.
You get SCREAMED AT by a bunch of DEI NPCs and funneled as fast as possible to max level like it's a 10h tutorial.
You get to max level having learned fucking nothing about your class or your role or how stats work.
You've been grappling with a massive talent tree which would be fine were the game slower but that's not the case
Now the game goes :
>Ok buddy, time do ENDGAME! What is endgame, you ask? Here's your 8 dungeons and your raid, try to find a guild and run this bullshit until your thumbs fall off. Bigger numbers for the sake of bigger numbers for about 200h.
It's insane.

The problem is that the skeleton of WoW is still that 2004 vanilla version of the game, but the content is that of some korean grindcore MMO (except without the hot bitches) or some battle royale bullshit which wants you to GO GO GO FAST FAST FAST.
It's utterly retarded. WoW should've never been turned into this schizophrenic mess with 4 raid difficulties, infinitely scaling timed dungeons and hypebeast PVP.
Just let me talk to a hot elf slut and kill a fucking evil Satyr.
>retard doesn't get dismissive sarcasm through text
anon you might be autistic
a lot of good all this did you. pitiful existence.
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>Thottbot on a smartphone
so you're in your 30s but you talk like a zoomer
hang around a lot of 12 year olds?
Is this you, Kris?
wtf!! i thought you found it funny....
noo... NOO!!!!!!! NOOOOOOOOO!
theres an option to use the thottbot skin on wowhead
She fucks Human Paladin men btw. Specifically, my human male Paladin.
nuwowg is full of faggot zommer redditors
i hate you motherfuckers so much
go back

move over when we hit limit
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yep, the gen z and a will NEVER know what it's like to have done zul'gurub while in ventrilo
why don't you go back to /v/ instead. No one cares about your whinging about imaginary redditors

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