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Frog Event Interlude of Illusions - 7/25 – 8/7
SSR Strasbourg, SSR L'Audacieux, SR Dupleix
RQ skins for new botes plus Hammann, Joffre L2D, U-96
Zuikaku STI collab skin
Secrets for Hwah Jah, Friedrich Carl, Royal Fortune
Manjuu Grand Prix Season 3
Highway Star Rerun - 7/25 – 8/7
Foch META(Cruise Mission) & Attilio Regolo skin(Cruise Pass) - 6/1 - 7/31
Wichita META - 6/13 - 9/4
Shimakaze Archive
Golden Hind ASMR https://www.dlsite.com/home/work/=/product_id/RJ01230156.html

Kasumi META(Cruise Mission) & Roma swimsuit skin(Cruise Pass)
EN 6th Anniversary

Bind your account, or you might lose your account when the game updates.
/alg/ doesn't have its own discord.


Ship Tier List: https://files.catbox.moe/ah02o7.png
Equipment Guide: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1wWMIzaUKISAXMbOEnmsuuLkO9PesabpdTUWdosvHygM
Fleet Builder: https://renhex.github.io/AzurLaneFleet/
PvP Guide: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/u/0/d/1BewmBsf4EWKAf_UwYax05c7ksL51y6sjs96pIwD73Jc
Fleet Tech Tracker: https://retropaint.github.io/azur-lane-fleet-tech-tracker/
PR Research Data: https://azur-stats.lyoko.io/research4-blueprints
Augment Guide: https://pastebin.com/UBpjkhFg
EN Tierlist: https://slaimuda.github.io/ectl
CN Tierlist: https://wiki.biligame.com/blhx/井号碧蓝榜合集


>Story summary and Lore

>Guild Spreadsheet:

Previous: >>487624556
Lol get fucked faggot
Today i saw a ningen, i was overjoyed.
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Cute kot
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Roma conquered me.
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joffre's plump coochie peeking out of her shorts
my biggus dickus
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Why the fuck does she look like she has crossed eyes
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Lovely fox
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When is this skin coming? It's the only one I have been looking forward to since the stream
Reminder that you fucked up if you bought the Strasbourg skin instead of this one.
nautilus? more like naughtylus
It's literally the shitties l2d in ages
post the webm
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which ningen?
is it just my impression or do you get better random commissions during an active event compared to normal? I feel like I only get the gem commissions while farming for some event
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Ah so Picasso is alive
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Look at these cute sisters
Cute blush
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Baltimore wasn't better off either.
Joffre a cute!

What the fuck do they have no quality control on this shit?
When she squints it's hilariously bad too
manjuu couldn't care less now that they have promilia
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hello bro
I cant wait till promilia releases so I can finally switch from AL to a good game
Suisai is a hack.
>Trad wife
>Femdom wife
>Genki wife
What else could they add to this group?
>manjuu would rather get rid off artists like ATDAN before getting rid off suisai

it's all so tiresome
Next mont's cruise pass.
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Wife material

Pump and dump
>Nerd wife
>Slut wife
>Tsun wife
>Maledom wife
Stupid and Sexy Joffre
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>pampering wife
>submissive wife A
>femdom wife
>submissive wife B
Why did they waste a l2d rq on a suisai boat?
>marrying your servants
He probably manjuu cock harder than dickwasher
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>not marrying completely useless sows for once
For me it's pampering wife and tradwife.

Good help is hard to find.
Don't worry they'll fix it in the next update... going to have to make it at least 4 hours longer though
here comes another chinese earthquake brbrbrbrbrbrbrbrbr
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I don't understand where to click in this skin, I can't get any unique animations
This shit looks so bad
her face is very offputting
on the steering wheel
Tapping the steering wheel brings up a menu that lets you change poses and turn on the car to make her vibrate. The heart triggers an animation in each pose and you can pull her stocking off in one of them. I think that's pretty much it.
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need paizuri
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Which is the better carrier pair? Foxes or banis? I don't have the cranes but I want to do a Sakura faction fleet.
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That's it
I'm marrying the help
>Nerd wife
>Tsum wife
I want Orion to be one of these, or even better a Tsundere nerd, although she will likely be a maid like Nubian and Jervis so that could crash a bit with Bong Enty...
>Maledom wife
That's the default for most women, unless you mean botes with a the specific kink to serve men.
Idk if Manjuu can pull that off, they seem scared of actual hardcore masochist women in this game (but they don't chicken out when portraying SKK as a masochist) Most botes that have a thing for masochism are WAY to active to be proper maledom, and since SKK is the only man botes will ever interact the "I am a woman that gets off by being used for men's pleasure" will inevitably get watered down to "I get off by being used for SKK's pleasure" and that's not really unique, similarly there's a lot of botes that want to go out of their way to serve and pamper SKK.
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I'm spreading the glory of Sardegna
Did I trip or something?
Dido is not particularly Submissive, she is just willing to do anything for SKK because of her delusions of being discarded.
Sirius is the actual submissive wife because she goes out of her way to get into situations were SKK can punish her or fuck her, also she enjoy being punished by SKK.
Dido is just slightly more submissive than your average maid, but she still lacks the willingness of an actual submissive bote
A more fitting label for her would be "Needy wife" or "Nervous wife"
For maledom I can see some S&M fetishism (think subbier Dido without the abandonment issues) or some kind of anti-Scylla. The former would be a lot easier to pull off.
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I wish I had irl Akagi wife so bad...
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>Dido is not particularly Submissive
Which skins did you buy? I got the bag and got megane and bought the gyatt and want to get both the ass cunny and the mogwrangler l2d, thinking of zoot as well
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>"Sirius I'm going to punish you!"
>She gets wet and presents her ass on the spot
>"Dido I'm going to punish you!"
>She starts crying trying to understand what she did wrong, gets a panic attack, and begs SKK to please not discard her
See the difference?
>get stranded on an island out in the ocean
>come across these two succubi

what do
populate the island with our offspring
start a new civilization
I see a leaking layer cake.
I'm going to use Agir as a mount. And I don't just mean riding her in the figurative bedroom.
Her relationship with/subordination to (You) clearly means the world to her, to the point she constantly fears falling out of favor and being unceremoniously replaced. This is her one character trait. How is that not submissive?
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Post your face when skk is getting beaten up by anchorage's bros (female) down that dark alley you guided him to go through to get home
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She's going to do it.
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I-I thought this street was being patrolled! And how are they doing that with their hips?!
>Her relationship with/subordination to (You) clearly means the world to her
You can say this about almost all the maids
What sets Dido apart is that she has a irrational fear of abandonment. Most maids (and most botes really) are either Submissive or service tops Dido's most submissive behaviors come from her fears not her enjoyment of being dominated.
Lovely wife anon, congrats
This skin was sexier when I didn't knew what was bellow the blanket
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Useless brain damaged bimbo
u96 footjob
>Wait, what?
>Nevermind, we're good
Cute mog
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Imagine getting gassed by Brapbourg...
she truly is the fecal queen
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The Head Maid's milkmaids
Y'know, I like this outfit but I didn't like it on Enty. It works great for dog wife though.
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>skin rerun fucking never
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Commander, the Interlude of Illusions event is currently ongoing! Time to join Strasbourg and bath in the harmonious music, Commander~

*Thanks to the artist Zenmaibook (@zenmaibook
) for creating this amazing piece of artwork for us.

shouldn't that say bathe, not bath
Which cunny skin is better, audassieux or hammann?
Yes they're ESLs
hamm since it fixes her personality too
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This one...I like this one. She gets it.
Can you post how it looks with the new UI? I want to see before I buy
>I like this one
>She has glasses
Truly, a shock
There's nothing to fix, Hammann is perfect
She's not pregnant
>No one talking about duplo
Even though is is a preciious at first, but has the best voice in a while without any contest.
I am super disappointed, fags including you only care about rarity at the end of the day.
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I like her because she looks like a mix of Shangri La and Zara, but her personality is a snoozefest
I like her
Woulda bought her without getting her from the bag as well
She hits my spots well
Big tits/ass, mole, glasses, workaholic
Will gib her a ring when we get 2x deals reset
Boring kms ass looking shitter
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It looks nopan on my machine.
I scrolled up this whole thread and don't see anyone, or any of YOU actually enjoying Dublo. Can we save it now?
Well if kms tilts you so bad, you might as well quit the game, no offense. Because it pretty much runs the game. So far this year there was shockingly little for us, but the latter and next year are white man's KMS heaven.
Maybe another time bro, I have nothing else to say about her
What would bote /pol/ look like?
You are not allowed to say good things about baguettes or local schizo will get upset.
>>Nagato Love

Retrofit and L2D Skin Soon!!
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Warning: this image will make you crave chocolate milk
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I've just started levelling her up, so I can't say much myself, i'm still just focusing on levelling botes and getting Audacieux
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Cute choco bunny . For me, it is the short stack cat
Nagato Ni for JP anniversary.
>last skin was 2 years ago
Well I just did, and I don't even like froggies so gg.
I wanna milk a cat.
I like frog legs.
post new mystery negro
Based black man
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skk's ass is in danger
which one of you fuckers is this
>took forbin out of my fleet
>all the underlevelled botes nearly dead
I will never downplay her skill again.
Lol not someone who follows the meta
It's clearly Donald Trump. I wonder how he likes Uncle Hitler?
>wasted wall money on gacha, started beef with china because of it
makes sense
Gonna bully Pooh until Kaga (CV) spooks his rolls
The year is 2017.
There is no swimsuit Lusty, Unicorn, or Belfast.
Rodney, St. Louis nor Honolulu have retros.
There are only 2 permanent repair ships.

The year is 2024.
There is no swimsuit Lusty, Unicorn, or Belfast.
Rodney, St. Louis nor Honolulu have retros.
There are only 2 permanent repair ships.
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>Meanwhile, in Kantai Collection
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Full pic (so far)
What, a Mogador and a La Galissonnière-class?
Good on them for maintaining the militarism but the designs are still bland for what they could be
>Freaking Hood rip-off
Those militaristic designs are miles better than whatever fantasyslop unrelated to the genre or france in general AL gave to frogs.
Possibly the only thing where KC is better than us.
yeah I'd rather AL's mog and valiant
the only canthis designs I prefer over AL's are hagspite, atlanta, saratoga and hamakaze
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Pump and dump the right one.
Yuudachi and Vampire, 2 sarubotes that they love giving skins, still don't have a swimsuit

Ayanami and Laffey, still no swimsuits

Merkuria, designated vtuber and staff favored still no swimsuit and not even that top tier bunnysuit that byulzzi teased literally years ago
shitbafu continues to be the biggest reason that players should choose azur lane
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rent free
none of those are shibafu though
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i thought this one looked like his modern style
That's a chonky (frog?) DD(?)
when they release Barham they should give her the fattest ass out of all the QEs
an explosive, dumbtruck farter
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You just have dogshit taste
It's Mogador
>grub not even on the list over deadge like pokemon go, FEH, BD2 or aether gazer
it's over
all impact wrenches vibrate bro, when the wrench "impacts" causes the vibrations.
it spins really fast retard
Do any of the other Es have noteworthy asses? Seems being the largest might not be a major accomplishment.
I like the uniformity, you can easily tell which navy these girls are from, but the girls themselves are becoming too same face and pretty bland, something AL has mostly avoided.
Still, Abyss Fleet>>>>>>Sirens.
I only play FGO.
Need to save for the whole next summer gauntlet of Aesc/Bunny Castoria/Melusine/Barghest
And I guess I'm gonna end up getting a couple bobs along the way.
nothing and the only reason I didnt quit AL is that alas exists to take away all the boring daily chores
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We won.
dunk is sexually aggressive
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Could you imagine how broken the azur lane general would be if Agir did get her swimsuit skin and it looked like this?

They'd have to make Agir top Mog, and Regensburg.
whip out her massive mog
I'd trade these designs over our frogs any day
>Richelieu retrofit requires special item you get from clearing full event on easy+
KC is slowly evolving.
Blow her own brains out in the fight like she usually does?
Look at how nice I am as a Commander, and look how modest she is.
honestly like the uniforms and rig designs for the most part, but the girls themselves are just alright
I actually hate Essex and Essexposts within the context of Azur Lane.
When she's used to shitpost elsewhere then it's cool, but otherwise I'd rather she'd not be there.
So no.
Black haired girl is a cutie I want her in AL
White haired girl is a cutie I want her in AL
Orange haired girl is meh, I don't care about her.
Also, I don't want to sound like the shitposter but for the french I think something more militarized would have been way more appealing than the fantasy stuff we got, or even better combine knight armors with military uniforms for something very unique (although this would require Manjuu to actually think and dress up the botes, and current Manjuu doesn't want to do either of those things)
Zoot > Sex
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if you neee to ask.....
I have the first skin, is her chibi still dorky or did they pull a swimsuit shinano on her
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>I actually hate Essex and Essexposts
Gotta give it to them, their designs are much more appealing than the tryhardy gaudy shit some of our factions are stuck with
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her chibi is cute sexy dorky cool and lovely in all her skins
when they rerun the SSSS collab again they should make the trophy be able to play Union or Imperfect
they already have Masayosho Ooishi song the 5th and 6th anniversary songs, nothing's stopping them
hell he'll probably do the 7th anni one too
Take a look at my Zoot, aint she amazing. Give her a lick, and she tastes like a raisen!
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Wtf her tits jiggle?
Sip masterrace
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in addition, her blush was used to enhance previous Essexs
the designs are bland as shit
only possible upside is the tamer rigging
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its a top tier chibi
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Ägir is such a demanding bote and I can not help it at all!
Imagine the smell.
In that case you can go and play KC.
Woah, can we trade our mogador for that cutie?
Nah AL is better overall, but KC's design choices for some factions like frogs are vastly superior
>collect mail with gold and oil
>gold and oil dont increase
>Those militaristic designs are miles better than whatever fantasyslop unrelated to every other faction
They go to the stockpile, which you can then take out whatever amount you want.
good luck finding the button that takes you to the oil bank
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Cute faggot out of touch
>Like frogs
And what other factions besides them?
Found it somehow, turns out I had 30k oils and 100k coins, kinda funny how hidden it is
Dont call me cute
post id cutie
I doubt they'll rerun Gridman, in fact I wouldn't be surprised if they never do a collab rerun ever again.
nta but honestly most factions rigs to me are to over the top to me in the current day with a few exceptions
they'll rerun it twice because dai miwaki likes mecha
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needs correction
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Did you write feedback? Even if it's unlikely they'll do anything about it...
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squish time with anchorage!
essex more like fucking RETARD
>Did you write feedback?
i told them to never hire dishwasher for anything ever again
>design choices for some factions
how many botes are even there in those factions? more than 5?
they have him inhouse as the promillia art director so that's not happening
Blue tongue erotic
I don't know why, but i feel very uncomfortable looking at this image. Like it's straight up pedophilia...
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>Dont call me cute
Or else? Come at me, brah.
That is a big kot
He won't respond to that, the rigging complaint is a pretext to shitpost.
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c-can she emulate tower's blussy with that technique?
I want TB's blue tongue licking me.
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our GFL2bros finally have an oath system even if the cutscene looks like brainwashing
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>blue tongue
I got bad news for you...
i have blue balls.... maids.... do your job....
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>Has maids
>Still managed to get blue balls
How? I normally don't even have room under my desk for my feet.
In some of her cgs her tongue is blue, canon enough for me.
Look who has another of your shirt.
That is my last shirt
>not a guy harvery t-shirt
cheating whore, where did you find that shirt?!
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Which one`?
There are already Chinese who say that it looks more like a slave system than an oath system, and they have the impression that Mica wants to tell them that the Dolls will only love them if they are forced
all their collabs will invite the chinks to seethe and mald about NTR now
ah sweet another chink schizo meltdown incoming
Oh no, looks like Shitcan is going to have to be shirtless until Akashi gets some replacements in and they're backordered! Whoops!
which bote would come save me from my boredom?
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finally some daisen horsecock art
This looks bad, like really bad...
I'm glad this is not my Gacha game
I was expecting futa, now I'm just disappointed.
VI Cube Analysis
Holy fuck... that's so hot.
Built for shikifist
catbox isn't working
Purple Kot.
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Look at this big sleepy fox cosplay!

gropable tummies
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Last time these schizo thought it was a reference to The Big Bang Theory, will it be Friends this time? How I Met Your Mother maybe.
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I kneel, and sneed.
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doesn't look that way
look at the background, classic AIslop stuff
Why is she fucking a horse....
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Nice of the botes to bring my pet over for a walk in the park.
Realistically, why are we still calling it slop when it's objectively high quality? Just call it soulless and leave it at that.
bro I think your seahorse has autism
Any fat botes?
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Every fox in this game intends to devour (you). No exceptions.
not canon.
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I swear there was a version of this picture that was a gif or a web with bnuuy tapping her right foot
have I been berenstein'd?
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Yumi a cutie~
i did, it is not ai
This unironically looks like the swimsuit version of a wedding dress.
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Imagine the smell
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It smells like nothing because Shimakaze can outrun her own smell.
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Imagine this human smell.
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There's no reason why Manjuu shouldn't make every Cruise Pass skin as good as Roma and Kaga's. It doesn't matter if she's a popular bote or a literal who. The skins should be eye-catching instead of boring, and if they're going to do pass skins that aren't fanservice focused, at least do one that's charming like Colorado's.
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Smells like ice
T-Rex arms
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>Go to Danbooru
>Probably a mistake to do that but whatever
>Search for Zoot art
>Get nothing
>Look at the search bar
>Realize I typed in "Zoot" instead of "Zuikaku_(azur_lane)"
Fucking hell my brain
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it's like the guys here who unironically wrote bote in their official surveys
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Not just the arms, look at right leg, poor girl got polio in childhood
Kuh... now the tentacles too...
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>I braided it, is it okay?
Cute Levé
>Mom braids
I know what I must do.
umad bro?
Yet another of my french wives is being stolen by yet another creature before I could even lay my hands on her, you tell me...
uh oh
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What am I in for?
Literally nothing
cute lovey dovey frog
>objectively high quality
It is not high quality though? Not even amongst other slop gens?
warm lips
She doesn't mind being groped, but prefers when it's just you Two
Nothing at all, but at least you can fuck her.
Forgetting about her in a week tops
Cuteness overload
Getting free seething (You)s
The blandest least remarkable frog you'll ever see, and that's saying a lot.
what happens if I squeeze her tits?
they suck you in
Didn't even know we had this thing in the game
A cute holy maiden, L' audacieux is also extremely cute in her affection lines.
Will I die?
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it will be extremely lewd
>Not recognizing one of the new PR botes when she was added just this month
Same old boring frog knight fantasyslop, same old.
right on schedule, like cockwork
That's how irrelevant she is I guess
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New skins when
Tony when?
Cute Knight.
Why are you replying to the german fucktard?
She's a who bro
where to get a sugarmommy like these
But I’m viewing this strictly through the lens of mere fetish
tentacles are a very dehumanized assailant
when shitposter stops shitposting
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>yet another creature
what was the first one?
So never then...damn...
me, the reverse SKK
remember that time your wife was startled and sweating when you entered your office? it was me, SKK, I was the one who had just fucked her then and there
Just got off the phone with Dai Miwaki, he has confirmed YOASOBI will be performing the 7th JP anniversary song
it will literally be the same guy again, this game lost its soul and peaked on its 3rd anniv
Here i was hoping for Babymetal
Wh- you know what, I didn't ask
OxT is sovl thougheverbeit?
She's got some big tits.
What bote would absolutely despise Nexusmods and would want it to be gone?
Now that Waterkuma is a billionaire thanks to MiHoYo but also got fired from the company, when is the next Bache skin?
Ayanami only believes in playing games in the state they were published
>thinking ayanami wouldn't install the most obnoxiously unfair sekiro mods to conquer them in one night and post them on manjuutube
>but also got fired from the company
I want Emma to drain my ballsack.
I want stacked DDs in general to drain my ballsack.
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why are we so dead..>?
I want Emma, Recco, and their 10 other presumably titty DD sisters to corner me in a dark alley.
certified american babes
Ayanami is ongbal
I need more coco and vanilla
foursome perhaps?
I played doctor with Agir. She balked a bit at first, but then agreed.
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those lips look delicious
>Almost done with the event
>Still no Audacieux
Am I really going to have to farm an extra 8k points for her?
>collarbone area covered in lipstick and hickies
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big titty battleships
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post guam
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no one cares about that forgotten design
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No,i'd rather post Bache
disgusting and canon
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bote outfit swaps, erotic
cuboon the goat
cuboon the goat
I hate it
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anything you want to get off your mind SKK?
looks cute///looks like shit///looks hot
I get off to fem skk x futa botes
i always think of Bulins when i'm making love to my botes
I really hate bote outfits that look uncomfortable to wear.
I'd rather get off to botes.
I hate slut outfits that are meant to be worn in public
I love Starsbourg
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sexy guam
My wife is the cutest
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The new zoot skin gives me ami vibes from megami no cafe terrace
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what is she doing in there?
She's fucking dead.
She's waiting
she is practicing crawling inside
>page 6
its so over
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Uhh, check your calendar EhSex
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damn... skk looks quite short here
Botes are just big
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Every day is essex thursday
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I went to an animu convention and found bote cards. I'll probably never play the game but they're cool. They had a couple bote figures but they weren't any of my favorites and really expensive
Did you get them in a pack or individually?
Two packs, I just took a picture of some of the ones I like
I tried to fight off the bote but she just laughed and said iron has no effect on her
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What skins did you get? I bought uvh l2d, joffre l2d, strassbourg l2d, zoot and sex and got megane from the bag
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hey there
I didn't get any skin this time, not a fan of the RQ theme.
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I'm afraid of losing interest in this game because everything Manjuu releases nowadays doesn't make me feel anything, and my wife almost never gets any content.
I feel like I enjoy AL more when making up headcanons about my wife than actually engaging with the game
>Hatakazefag is abandoning the game
dark times we're living in
>Leander ended up in New Zealand
>Ajax ended up in bongland
>Achilles ended up in fucking India and changed her name to Delhi
She's the sister that suffered the most, no wonder she became a 2channer/gamer
post your room and prove your trueincelweebness
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post bellies
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Yukikaze retrofit soon, I feel it in my nanoda
Tell the chinks about it then, convince the chinks they need more Hatakaze
And did you mean “grim”?
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sometimes I feel pushed away from liking a certain bote because no one draws her and manjuu gives her no new merch or skins
It kind of upsets me how much the thread has slowed down. It’s an old game and the shit earlier in the year happened, but it’s sad that it never really bounced back. Hell half the time I do notice a decent number of posts from when I last checked in I just assume it’s the usual samefagging spergout.
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My death (and subsequent quitting) are greatly exaggerated. My wife is the embodiment of our collective grudges, and thus is eternal. My stay therefore, is also eternal.
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I'm a failed normalfag so I never bought any figures before. Got these and some other stuff. I'd get a bote figure if they weren't so expensive
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take solace that even if /alg/ is slow it is because of the local schizo sperg and not because of the game
Does the game have different gem prices in different regions of the game? Or do, say, SEA pay the same as EU/US?
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I would say the game losing relevancy did contribute to the thread slowing down, but the majority of it is due to people getting fed up a shitlers sperg outs and just leaving, that and 4chan in general is slowing down due to a similiar problem of giga sperg outs pretty much being the norm now
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Yeah, I don’t think the game is close to dying or anything. It just sucks the place I prefer to talk about said game is in the state it’s in. Like the other guy said, I mostly blame the jannies and mods for just letting this shit go, and in other threads I lurk/post in.
>4chan in general is slowing down due to a similiar problem of giga sperg outs pretty much being the norm now
Yeah this is really obnoxious. I get people always argued here but the last 5 years it seems like that's all people wanna do.
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Slop spam killed us.
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it costs me £28.99 for a lucky bag in bongistan if that helps you out
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30 euro for me in eastern europe, I want to hear from the asian countries like jp or india
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Problem is the discourse (and fun memeing) for the game overall suffers if it’s down a pillar
Like where else would they go, reddit or discord? Why would they hurt themselves going there?
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>Why would they hurt themselves going there?
i say this with completely sincerity but i would geniunely rather post there because at least those are ACTUALLY moderated 24/7
fucking, months long ntr shitposting spergouts do NOT happen there
>3D spam
this is worse than slop
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But then you run into a whole different crowd of idiots and retards there dooming over stupid things
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A cute smile
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I had to go into Dido's room today and saw her staring out of the window, not even touching her tea. There was also a photo of me hanging on the wall.
I loathe Essex
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i hope you told her how much she means to you
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I love Essex
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me too
Why do botes think I'm gay
they found your diary where you scribbled down just how badly you wanted to fellate their cannons
maybe stop putting it in their butts?
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Why do they make them so alluring then?
why is it not switching to my second fleet on auto clear?
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Yep, thats me
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God I love Owari
Do you have their role set to "all"?
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probably because you need to go to role before sortieing and change the roles
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I post Tosa
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based sleepy fox enjoyer
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>it's actually not here for once
time to post cute botes!
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can you blame me, they have very nice cannons
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Plapping botesluts ain't easy.
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>skk let me in
>im an angel :)
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Now i want an animated skin with her wings out.
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Talk to Noshiro. Now.
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Only if she shows me her crotch
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She said please, nicest a bote has ever been to me before she started raping me.
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Bote feet smell so good
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Are you saying why the fleet doesn't switch when one sinks? If so, the game isn't programmed to do that.
tosa impregnated me
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how many kits are you expecting in your litter?
eight to ten
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good luck
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flat butt
I can't believe balti showed off her ass like that
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post secretaries
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Nevada my beloved
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Im at work and cant post pic rn
My secretaries are
Devonshire w/ skin
Strasbourg w/ skin
Svirepy w/ skin
Zoot w/ racist skin
Kizuna ai w/ skin
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gamer botes
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U-96 cute feet and toes on my pole
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its a shame her being a common doomed her to obscurity, she is such a nice bote
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I want to smell them
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>sniffs her hair
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She also had a nice history and survived two atomic bombs and two days of bombardment by Iowa.
Is there a reason why we're pretending to like tosa now?
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Which was the most successful lusty ship in ww2?
Is implacable UR worthy in terms of real life counterpart?
ugly feet desu would not lick
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but her free skin is very sexo and I coom to that from time to time
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Why are we Tosa posting?
Honolulu is a R and she's super popular
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Haven't seen anyone posting lulu in ages
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if the day ever comes where they annouce an AL2 or decide on multi retros I hope Nevada gets a nice upgrade to SSR
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Are you gonna marry the other two?
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Not your decision to make.
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Why do I find this so hot
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Ford /tv/ anon
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it absolutely is, Akagi is my wife, some shitra won't be able to force me to do anything I don't want to
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I plan to oath Champagne and Hai Tien next, Yuugure will probably get a ring eventually but I'm kinda slow with oathing so who knows when that'll be.
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Percentage of botes from each faction that think it's acceptable for the commander to hit them
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I can’t stop thinking about impregnating Kashino
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It's over
I will bring /alg/ back to its former glory. I promise.
What is your 3 year plan?
spam Tosa everyday
i have a confession to make: i'm bote owned
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I appreciate bros who are autistic enough to just spam one bote for all of eternity. Wish my autism let me just choose one...
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Better late than never.
SKK has had four beers and is yelling slurs and calling botes "stupid fucking bitches" again... There's still two more in his six pack. Wat do?
You live like that? Bro…
I am Strasbourg owned
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Put Felix’s drug in one of the beers.
who asked?
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>You live like that? Bro…
it's not all bad, i get rewarded every now and then
Not canon
This, but I would be in Minsk’s position
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Not canon.
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enterthighs, intercourse
I need E thighs wrapped around my head
that's literally me , John SKK thoughever
i don't feel so good colleagues...
*coughs up femsemen*
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Eat the s-o-y, shitcan.
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Close your eyes and post a random pic from.your bote folder
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i really hope i don;t get banned for this because i have no fucking idea what it is
i can;lt see what i;m typing either, may god protect me i don;t need 3 days off
oh fuck...
This needs to be a skin, but only if we get a better view of her tummy.
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Arthas sexo
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Oh my yuri
>My wife being molested by herself
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How about your wife being molested by Godzilla?
I can't blame him.
I smelled Painleve's feet once and got a rock-solid erection
Okay but I didn't ask
>Pain, we are leaving
Anyone with the l'audacieux skin? Trying to see what the voice lines are like
just check alg.wiki bro
Thanks man. Was only used to the koumakan wiki, which doesn't have it as of now
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cute boy
getting gassed by strasbourg
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why does bisco have 2 forms, including a completely undeserved UR but the ship that MOGGED her no diff is just a purple shooty without a refit
because devs refuse to give out more retors beyond one per annis and one or two during cny
Things are perfectly as should be.
she has a cool META
it's really funny that the krauts have URs at all
Based cow rancher
>second phase of Napoli's exp grind
>2% per triple run on HT3
this is fine
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which bote is the most competent strategist I can trust with leaving my duties to while I go around impregnating botes?
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Foch or Algerie
Or Clem
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Botes for this feel?
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Letting Roma celebrate a Triumph on my dick!
bote haramase simulator
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what an ugly sister
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handsome bote
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handsome (pretty) bote, happy life
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cute auntie
guys help anchorage is raping me without even understanding what she's doing
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but anon, she fully understands what she's doing.
Which bote would you spend a chilly autumn evening with, just chilling? Maybe having coffee or tea or whatever on the front porch in the evening?
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It's summer albeit.
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it has begun, it cannot be stopped, all shall succumb to it
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Saw some of the Opening Ceremony and was reminded that Paris is a shithole with a couple of nice buildings. I feel sorry for SKK, if Clem dragged him there while hiding out with the Frogs.
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I adore my beautiful, loving, American wife.
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cute bun
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It's over
GFL won
this just reminds me of the time AL collabed with some major enviromental group with those panda skins, which makes me wonder what other groups have collabed with a gacha out of the blue
Naked gravure shoot skin for Agir Implacable and Littorio!
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Oh shit
What was yesterdays mission?
Lickable armpits!
Still 300 oil
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Ayanami approved.
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I forgot these were out already. I love this saggy pirate.
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helo gorges, want sum se- oh, perple. have nice day sar.
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reminder to give your mog her weekly bath
>lesbian sex
are those...
this but with my penis between them
...give that man a round of applause.
>the stages of alcoholism
...as if millions of ads suddenly cried out in terror
Bounding between sisters, i see
Tits too small at least on vv
is that a
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Why is she like this?
it is a well known fact when botes rub their pussies together their tits get bigger, therefore Littorio is ensuring VV has very big milkers
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Why is this place so retarded?
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Pink Lives Matter
it's how she copes with being sexually abused by skk
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war is brutal, and bun had a hard time, drink is the only way for her to cope, and sexually assulting everybody at the port
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I'm not retarded...
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Most of the thread prefers the Blue New World Order though
>wants to sleep
>forced to run pvp 24/7 instead
>also forced to be the last one standing, can't even drop down right away and take quick nap
you would start drinking too
crawling into raffeys womb
/alg/ belongs to bani
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And when she's not in pvp, she's warming up SKK's bed
stop using sleepy raffi and start using hyperactive shimacunny
both are shit
no, shima lost to the sleepy bun
we're way overdue another :3 bote
actually, Shima lost to ruse cruise META
Jintsuu is bote zhuge liang
both are sex

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