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Previous thread: >>487571179

HELLDIVERS 2 is a 2024 co-op, squad-based, PvE 3rd person shooter for PC and PS5 where players fight against hordes of alien insects and robots to Spread Democracy. Players wage war on a number of contested planets, each with a different environment, completing as many objectives as possible within a procedurally generated area while constrained by a time limit. With enough successful operations a planet can be completely liberated, and the player base must cooperate to try to liberate the entire galaxy by focusing and combining their efforts as much as possible.

Released in 2015 for PC, PS3/4 and PS Vita, the original HELLDIVERS is the origin of the setting and basic gameplay formula of HELLDIVERS 2. The major difference being that HELLDIVERS is a top-down shooter, its mechanics being based primarily on Arrowhead's previous game Magicka.


July 10th patch https://store.steampowered.com/news/app/553850/view/4246413199456152345
Escalation of Freedom August 6th https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pQl2BmhSCsA

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it's too hot outside so I do appreciate frozen shitholes to dive in
how often would an autistic no-hug anon need to play lobbies to become a regular to not get kicked from the 10's?
this game is easy as hell anon
Why do you think this game is hard? All the game does is sometimes cheaply spam enemies at you. There's nothing puzzling about this game at all - we're not playing Baba Is You here.
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> I unleash 1150 rpm in host's face and leave
Stalwartsissies keep walking
This is a MGChads neighborhood
oops all chargers
If you regularly run anything but the gun dog, jump pack, ballistic shield, airburst, recoiless, or no backpack at all then I don't want to hear a peep out of you about anyone's backpack choice.
>Stalwartsissies keep walking
>This is a MGChads neighborhood
>dies every time when he needs to reload
based roadkill
False. I've gotten stuck in bugholes.
Only time I was kicked from a 9 was recently when some Asian retard was wearing the un outfit and I continued to dome him. Right before evact he kicked me lmao
Is there anything that RELIABLY kills titans?
I've got fed up with 500k and took orbital railcannon.
Imagine my face when the first titan I encountered brushed off a direct hit from it
Commando to the face
that's why you bring stuns to China
>died instantly multiple times from map glitches
b-b-but helldivers cucks I was told that the devs were fixing the game!!
>wearing the un outfit
But it's not. UN doesn't exist in this universe.
hear me out....spear
Shut the fuck up
un scum
>shoot hiveguard with AC while diving back
>get launched into space
I wish it was true
>inb4 you're just missed it
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>want to play game
>new content in a week
>zero reason other than a urge to play
>have all the gear and maxed out medals and upgrades
>waiting for new warbond to come out if it ever comes next month
>game still crashes sometimes
I'm trying to solo d9
Swapping support weapons mid breach sounds like a recipe for disaster
>have all the gear and maxed out medals and upgrades
It amazes me that people whine about this shit, like have you no shame. Do you not realize that there are people who have been maxxed out for effective months?
It still takes time to run around and blow up the orange bit even with max rof. Same with stalwart but at least with stalwart you can kill it too but not vulnerable when you're reloading since it's not limited to stationary.
Not reliable. It oneshots only to the face and if it isn't spitting.
What should I be ashamed for? I don't have anything to work towards is my complaint. I don't feel like playing for the sake of it since part of playing is feeling like I'm working towards something. Even if I spent the whole day playing missions on the same planet, as a single helldiver my contributions will likely be wasted.
Step one is to not get bored of the game before the update comes out
I guarantee you will fail this if you start playing with the guys on here - they have no chemistry and they put the artillery shells in the wrong order
it two shots if you hit the side.
first shot breaks armor
second shot kills
>What should I be ashamed for?
Absolutely nothing. You just go right on being insufferable to your heart's content.
Spitting has nothing to do with it. BT's just randomly take no damage.
As far as we know anyways.
we are here just to suffer
you are here 24/7 tranny
do you get paid to defend this dying game or do you do it for free?
get some help
almost if they're the same people you play with in quickplay
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I consneed.
After days of using the AC against D9 bugs solo and in team I have to admit it's actually pretty fucking good if you run Peak Physique.
I was the brainlet.
>and they put the artillery shells in the wrong order
I usually just dump them by the gun and provide oversight. I don't really care and leave it for those that do.
>they have no chemistry
That's not true I was smooching the homies the other night
you should be ashamed that you cut your dick off and call yourself Sally when your name is Sam tranny
How am I insufferable? I'm flattered that you care about some random guy complaining anon. A little secondhand embarrassing but okay then.
So nothing kills them reliably, thanks for clarification
Bwi, don't tell the general what we do in the lobbies, what the frick...
Nothing like some kissing with the bros, h-haha!
Quickplay lets me play on D7 and run wacky shit and still carry the game if needed.
But I kinda like the lobbies here. I wish more people joined them, it's a rather small player pool.
How is that a defense of the game, you fucking schizo?
post full loadout
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get fuc'd with the big AC cock nigger
Knowing Swedecode it's something like a few of their animation frames shift their hurtboxes a couple hundred metres down, way below the ground.
>others are in the same boat and they are not bored !!!
>its you who is the problem not the game!!
You dipshit troon you can fool yourself that you are a woman but you will never fool anyone else
It's solid A tier on bugs.
Falls short of S due to being unable to handle hunters very well, how slow it kills chargers, and how BT's are all but immune to it.
Enjoy your orbital scatter modifier, cunt
No, you just keep hitting it with shit until it dies. It's why the EAT is so good. So yeah, the EAT is your best bet
Do EATs still 2shot titans without the walking forward?
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>You dipshit troon you can fool yourself that you are a woman but you will never fool anyone else
nta but I don't think it's healthly to project your feelings to a stranger out of context.
Man I really badly wanna like the RR but it feels like the objectively worst heavy AT option right now
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d9, anything. join... the /hdg/divers
>1 file failed to validate and will be reacquired...
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A father loves all of his children Anon
It sucks because I used to be an RR main while spear was kill. Look how they massacred my boy ;_;
>cope cope cope cope
>reddit .png
you got smoked tranny lmao
4/4 alive game :)
Where is the doomposter with the current playercount anyway? Are we still above 10k?
im here, trust the plan
sub 10k in september
>13k players
jesus thats grim
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>turn around for a second when pelican is dropping my camo mech in the jungle to fight off bugs
>I can't find the mech anymore
We want less players anyway, thanks to the idiotic proportional liberation system that Arrowhead has set up.
The game is optimally played with 12 4man parties. It's best that none of them can solo even d4.
As long as I get my 4/4 lobbies
everything is good
Optimal playerbase was meant to be 2k anyways
Nature is healing
Inaccurate. Steamcharts only tracks PC users, not ones on playstation. If you want the player count check the companion for full playerbase, we have 35k currently.
too much
Man it's so dumb in that film
The drag out little belts of maybe 15 shots and then fire for 20 seconds
but it's COOL
>drop into a map
>everyone is competent but silent, not real battle buddies, halfheartedly running together
>start throwing out "Thank yous," tagging supply boxes, saying "Affirmative", pin map
>by end of mission everyone is in a closely working group, watching each other's backs, and people are doing shoutouts
This is my TRUE main objective every dive. The secret main objective.
why mechs don't have a map marker is beyond me
It ended up on top of one of those massive trees anyway
why resupplies don't have a map marker is beyond me
If the spear isn't the most reliable way to kill titans then nothing is. You are either braindead fetal alcohol syndrome survivor or a troll
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No it does not
I fucking despise bug MO's i swear, they are so mind numbingly boring. Hopefully we have nothing but bot MO's until the update.
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I want an even bigger version of the 380. A shower of 800mm or missiles that completely fucks up an area beyond recovery. It has a 10 minute cooldown and costs 4 reinforcements (because this shit WILL TPK) but it glasses the entire map. Like I have enough of getting fucked by rockets or hunters and I call upon the unbridled fury of God. I want to make Sodom and Gomorrah look like a fucking joke
Honey it's time for your daily file validation
A file validation a day keeps the crashes away
... then why even bother sending helldivers.....?
hey tranny still here ?
Well someone needs to throw the beacon
Space warfare must be fucking shit considering how tiny our weapons are
>... then why even bother sending helldivers.....?
So they can die setting up the right coordinates
I will dive with frens anyday
unless they are chinks or japs
objectively the worst players I have ever come across
Literally no optics or sensors whatsoever on the Super Destroyers, can't even see through a fart cloud or the giant red glare from jammers and detectors
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I have noticed that for some reason, your average japanese player has gotten worse, WAY WAY WAY worse in the last few years. I don't get it. Take something like Monster Hunter for example. Doing hunts online, I used to go from "oh a JP joined, this hunt's now in the bag" to "oh god, a JP joined, he's going to just cart 3 times immediately fucking hell." Why are there so many bad japanese players now? What happened? I can't even get mad at the chinese because they were never good, ever. Might as well get angry at the ocean for getting the beach wet.
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chink/jap board, you have to respect it
>According to the Institute for the Study of War, FAB-500 "hold an explosive weight of 150 kilograms, have a damage radius of 250 meters, and can destroy headquarters, warehouses, and concrete and reinforced concrete objects."
I think SE added a zero by error to their 50kg bomblet
>b-but what about MEEEE
i don't care, tranny
>I wish more people joined them, it's a rather small player pool.
I'll probably try joining in but first how fucked will I be playing from Australia
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>this again
3/4 come join :)
I'm interrupting my gooning session, this better be good.
>Failed to join
Sorry chuddy, the degen gooner gets the spot.
ohio planet with skibidi toilets blud
It was always high A tier. Literal top tier SSS tier on bots though.
>Literal top tier SSS tier on bots though.
That horrible aim visor or whatever makes it lose an S
I never shoot it first person for that reason.
so sad that fluteposter killed himself
3/4, d9 bugs anything but hellmire :)
thinking about that mod that makes samples glow like a beacon
Has anyone ever reported any punishment received for mods?
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Cope pack obstructing my view. Couldn't save you in time, sry

gee gee
I wish I didn't crash mid mission
Cheaters don't get banned.
AH has released their stance on it: cheaters will NEVER get banned.
The rootkit anti-cheat is only there for MTX.
>only 25% of all players have upgraded at least 1 level of all ship modules
based get fucked flute poster
Honestly, fluteposter was too good for this general.
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Thermite Grenades
Half bun time, same damge
Final explosion is Demolish Force 40 like the commando
No such thing when the head will sometimes take no damage. I've seen clips where a 500 kilo hits it dead-on in the face (as in, the bomb physically makes contact with the head) but it doesn't die because of that bug.

That being said, Commando is probably the most reliable right now because of rapid-fire capability allowing you to quickly plant two missiles in its face without having to reload. Spear can one-shot to the face but that depends on actually hitting it in the face which in turn relies on getting a good facing angle and launching with the proper trajectory (so many chances for shots to foul on the legs or to crack its torso armor instead). You can also use SEAF Artillery Mini-Nuke or a stray Hellbomb, but those are variables you have no control over.

Personally I think it's better than EAT as a standard carry, but you need to get good at the reload cancel. People are belly-aching because of Charger Behemoths, but I still like it for its general reliability.
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ayo wtf just came back after 2 months, what the fuck is with the constant stuttering, didnt have any when last I played
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>burns through armor
>still can't kill a single charger
>doesn't strip armor
>no aoe
>can't destroy outposts/holes
Even a lazy fix like buffing it's dmg would be fine since it would mean taking out one heavy/elite per grenade.
I always use the Arc Thrower. I kill everything or they kill me. Simple as.
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my life for super earth

very good
stalwart is fun to run tho. machine guns in general are, sucks that the heavy has such a small magazine
My favorite leandiver? Fluteposter.
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hellposers step aside for the real leandiver
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lean divers want to be close
Normies don't actually play videogames, they just buy whatever is trending, play it for like half hour and then forget about it.
why would you touch the robotics workshop outside of completionism
is monster hunter worth getting these days?
I got to level 20 and D5 before I even knew there was a menu for buying stratagems and modules
it's something for them to talk about on social media during release week. rinse and repeat
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>AChad single handely holding the bot front
>Peacekeeper chud single handely holding the bug front and about to get mauled alive
>Arcnigger shooting at the ground like a massive retard
Checks out.
>Someone just standing around doing nothing, not even activating the Hellbomb
>drop down to D7 after a while of D9 because feel the call of 4x blue strats
>there's just so few enemies
>titans die to red pokeballs every time since they're not common enough to not have something off cooldown
At least the MMG got plenty of use since nobody else had a pen 3+ weapon to deal with hive guards.
Come think of it, this is the first time we see the automaton destroyers(?) isn't it? Bugs have shriekers and those on the bot side 100% are neither gunships nor dropships.
At least I don't remember seeing any before.
inb4 D10 is easier than D9 because there are less Heavy \ Rocket devastators
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>Stock Liberator
Mag capacity 45 -> 50, spare mags 7 -> 8, bullet damage 60/14 -> 65/15
Just general all-round buffs to make it not feel like shit at higher difficulties.

>Liberator Penetrator
Mag capacity 30 -> 40, spare mags 10 -> 8, bullet damage 45/15 -> 55/16
Still generally weaker than stock Liberator when shooting at unarmored targets, but not outright worse than the Adjudicator.

>Liberator Concussive
Mag capacity 30 -> 40, bullet damage 65/23 -> 60/20, targets that are hit by several consecutive rounds will get full-out staggered as if hit with explosives (bigger targets require more shots)
Instead of trying to give the weapon killing power, lean more into its crowd control capability, like a Plasma Punisher where enemies won't be able to do anything but stagger while they're under fire.

>Liberator Carbine
Spare mags 7 -> 8, bullet damage 60/14 -> 65/15, reload 3.0/2.0 -> taped magazines 1.8/1.0, one-handed trait
Lean more into the "special ops" feel of the weapon, give it taped magazines (forgot what its technical name is) where every other magazine you reload has a significantly reduced reload time, and it being a stripped-down carbine lets you one-hand it if you want.

Bullet damage 95/22 -> 105/25, stagger force 15 -> 20, push force 10 -> 20
If the bullets have more stopping power, they should also have more staggering power.

Fire rate 550 -> 420, mag capacity 30 -> 24, bullet damage 80/16 -> 96/18, scope 25/50/100 -> 30/60/120 zoom, remove full-auto option
It's classified as a battle rifle not an assault rifle, so it shouldn't behave like an assault rifle; it's now slower than the Liberator but faster than stock Diligence.

>Guard Dog
Bullet damage 60/14 -> 65/15, can now be reloaded with in-mission ammo boxes
Slight damage buff since it uses the same bullets as the stock Liberator, and quality of life improvement to make it useful without having to rely on resupply drops.
That isn't realistic.
They did say it was going to be different
>epic shill
begone bug
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D9 anything
because im a sentry chad
a one man army
the support supreme
the last man standing
>Spreadshit tweaking
Make the Lib medium rpm medium damage, the Penetrator low rpm high damage, Concussive low rpm medium damage high stagger, Carbine one-handed
do people actually read headcanon/theory posts? what a waste of time.
Stop posting this you weird freak
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Sex with eagle 1
3/4 get in here before it's too late
>flute poster is an arc chad
Not sure how to feel about this
Current MO will be done in ãn hour.
So, what'll it be next?
How about a bot MO to retake Aesir Pass, Vernen Wells, Chopessa IV, and Wasat?
Maybe one of the 30 that are complete and sitting in the files?
They can have the Ymir Sector, I want the Trigon Sector, can't risk the return of creekdivers
If anything, we'll return to Creek for the big patch drop.
see you next thread!
lean divers want to be close
>one of the 30
I can only think of the 2 GL variants, AT mines(lol), and the 2 trench wall variants. There's a couple others that are half done. Which other ones are finished and ready for live?
>retake Assir Piss, Vagina Walls, Chlomidia 4, and Wats At?
no thanks
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Never been a creekdiver, but the moment we get back le plebbit creek, I'm gonna creek.
I'll be creeking, if you know what I mean.
Creeking in the creek.
With my creek cape, and the other creekers.
Just like the good old days of Super Reddit, back in the Creek.
I'm creeking just at the thought.
I'm gonna creeek.
I'm pickle creeek.
>the Penetrator low rpm high damage
It should be the opposite since that's exactly what adjudicator is. They do the same thing but Penetrator should have a bigger mag and more rpm while adjudicator needs a little more dmg/stagger/durable dmg to make it hit harder to differentiate itself. Then you would want to choose between a bigger mag and better chaff control with the penetrator or do you want to kill meds and heavies than chaff with the adjudicator. Both are med pen weapons serving different roles.
If they released them, how would they charge you SC to unlock them via warbonds?
Yogurtless lmao.
chinkoids will never be great at anything
wouldn't be shocked if the good japs have been taken by esports or that zoomer japs are just as bad as zoomer americans
I love yogurt. Started making my own too. Stuff like Stoneyfield makes for a good mother base - end result is nice and creamy and then you can add whatever flavoring you want.
There is a video of the AC destroying bot fabs from the side and rear.
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>I'm pickle creeek
Can the RR do this if you hit the same spots
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d9, 1 more bot mission
90% of the peak playerbase has dropped off. Remember the 75% is every fotm tourist.
>bring back flag missions
>then these missions stop showing up
Anyone miss these missions? I don't mind them but I almost forgot they exist. Do you even need to be near the flag or defend it once it's getting hoisted?
this general is sponsored by Big Red Soda.
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Honest question:
Are we superior or inferior to fomo fotm zoomers?
Sure, we kept playing, but the game is dogshit fotm for zoomers.
And yet we kept going.
I naturally make yogurt in my pants as your grandmother
They were okay but the lack of enemies attacking you while the flags raising made it a bit boring
I'm about 90% sure AH broke something in a patch like they usually do and that stopped the flag missions from showing up, I haven't seen a single one in weeks.
We are like those nerds saving themselves for a Stacy that doesn't give a shit about them and is fucking Chads left and right on the side, while Chad also gets to fuck all the other Stacies.
We are vidya cucks.
we keep playing because the game has a great and fun foundation even if the house built on top of it is shit
>play the game during FOTM times
>reach level 60
>try a bunch of different builds
>finally realize how good orbital precision strike actually is, and the devs were bold enough to give you one of the best stratagems by default
>quit game because reasons
>come back months later
>they buffed orbital precision while i was gone
That's not really that useful, If I need careful aiming I'll just use the vent
normalfags played it because it's the fotm social game to play with your friends
i play because i genuinely enjoy it
i took a 3 month break because i stopped enjoying it thanks to arrowhead's efforts
i will continue playing until i stop enjoying it
Probably not. The guy explained it as finding a gap to allow the AC projectile to 'tumble' and blow up the fab, an a rocket is probably just too large.
Lib should be brrrttt
Pen bambambam
Adjudicator ploof, ploof, ploof

D9, majority rules. You need to beat me in rock paper scissors.
I'm an early zoomer but I basically just keep a small list of recurring games. Helldivers is on that list because the gameplay is good enough despite the machinations of the dev team to ruin fun forever.
Worst case, I stop playing for a few months and come back when there is enough new content.
>You need to beat me in rock paper scissors.
Actual kino rule.
If I lose just kick me.
have they said when they will fix the game?
Saar, failed to redeem the lobby. Is the lobby full saar?
The flag missions stopped showing up because their version control is fucking dogshit. You did notice the OPS taking longer to hit too right? Yeah, this game is beyond fucked when even version control is too hard for the swedes.
It's full saar.
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I hate bugs. I like old Terminator & Saar Wars movies. Simple as that.
for me, it's about finding games i can play forever and this is one of them
Spoken like a true nigger lover
>roiding for this
The force is female now, chud. Starwars is for girls.
I still believe they can fix all of this with just a couple weapon overhauls and new, quality content... Along with some fucking version control
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i love fightin' against bugs and i love fightin' robots
If I host and I see a mortar, you're getting kicked.
Get good
Cluster bombs it is
I feel mortars have this holdover value from when they were a BIS turret option but now they're clearly an inferior turret choice, excepting the valuable assets mission where all enemies gather at one path.
EMS mortars are great though
3/4, come join and hug :)
EMS mortar and standard mortar are almost all you need to get the most kills on eradicate. Half of them being your own team is irrelevant.
>usual way of playing
Complete all side objectives and bases first, then do the main objective. This provides the path of least resistance.

>/hdg/ way of playing
Complete the main objective first, then do the side objectives and bases. This provides the most clankers to kill.
The bots/terminids are the disease and we are the vaccine.
3/4, d9 bots in snow. come join
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could such a contraption be conceivable
>you want WINGS to fly? u fukkin casul
>this ground is too soft
>i wish it hurt more
>i wish more of my bones were broken
they say if you look hard enough you can find Griffith raping Casca somewhere on the planet
Flying is dumb.
>380MM is ba-
>you must have activated a hellbo-
380MM deniers in shambles right now.
Best meme stratagem in the game, together with Airburst.
only people that cry about it don't know how to look at the big red beam of light and move back till it says 70m. Haven't been TK'd by 380s in ages. Get killed more by sketchy ass eagle air strikes and breaker incendiary users
Remove charger.
The problem with it is most people don't know how to use it and toss it at a base that's about to get stormed and just end up delaying that by 30 seconds.
On top of being unreliable. It might kill the whole base, half of it, or none of it. And there's no way to know in advance.
Don’t tell jump pack anon
mainly use it for soloing bases or in exterminates for when the game decides to dump all of the enemies on one edge of the map
To the skies!
Pretty sure we just do everything on our way
The best is when an idiot throws it on a detector tower and you spend half a minute just trying to hide behind small rocks while the idiot who threw it stands out in the open and summons endless bot drops on you.
the radius isnt what people hate about it. its the timer that says 'you cant move in this direction for 40 seconds' while a line a berserkers is running them down
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Please make this a soundpost with Jump, my extension broke or I'd do it.
>managed to smoke two behemoths and a cluster of hunters with this combo
the the new cooldown upgrade I think the timer is just over a minute, like it quite a bit.
stun grenades are a crutch
Not if there's a complex stratagem pr orbital modifier in place.
>planet with no advertised fog modifiers
>mission is still randomly foggy as shit
Fuck OFF you festering fish flesh feeding fucks.
We need to start a petition or some gay shit to get AH to start letting all the ship modules that buff support weapons to also apply to the arc thrower. Way too much power creep on everything else and just leaving us in the dust.
not tying your right arm behind your back is a crutch
using mouse + kb is a crutch
Reminder that the day Carpet Bombing gets released, all bot missions will become even easier because you can clear multiple outposts with it.
Meanwhile the angulation of bug nests makes Carpet Bombing awkward to use properly and likely won't be able to clear nests fully.
grenades are a crutch
You think thats bad? They straight up forgot things like the Knight and the Lib Penetrator exist.
>the Knight
Stop proliferating this conspiracy theory
No weapon of that name ever existed
Nowadays, everybody wanna talk like they got something to say/
But nothing comes out when they move their lips/
Just a bunch of gibberish/
And motherfuckers act like they forgot about the Knight
i do not care, i will plug the holes myself because i am not lazy
yep came here to say this
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>helldives alternate between "are we on diff 7?" and "JESUSFUCKINGCHRIST"
What is causing this? I mean I know I am going to get some smart ass saying its obviously me but it obviously is not. In both scenarios my stats come out almost identical with a few more deaths on "everything has gone to shit" scenarios. Hell I even bring 3 anti-armor strats just to so everyone else can chaff cull for BEEG NUMBERS on their kill scream. It is always an absolute polar opposite example as well. Never in the middle. Either we breeze through or it is absolute bedlam.
It's because missions vary spawns based on a couple different presets. Based on the preset, you might need a completely different loadout to easily clear it

>Devastator/strider presets
>spewer/hunter presets
Huh that actually makes sense. The ones that go to hell tend to include a lot of spewers. and hunters. Chargers and titans can be kited indefinitely for the most part but those fat bustards are fast and tanky.
if it's bots then you could just be getting overrun. that happens if you or your team is bad. if it's bugs, then yeah, sometimes the game just wants to kill you. But it's weird because eventually the enemies just stop, or reduce to a trickle, if you hold out long enough and sruvive. it's almost like there's a soft cap on how many enemies the game is allowed to throw at you in a given game. And in helldive there is no limit to how fast the enemies can spawn, but once you reach the soft cap, be that within 10 minutes or 30, the game starts taking it the easier on you.
It's both this >>487772648 and the map layout. The less open space, the more likely the patrols are to path to you since they have less space to be in.
Also the enemies get more numerous the more objectives you complete.
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Remember, psychological damage never heals.
>equipping the jetpack now activates a very small short burst while diving increasing dive range by 10%
yay or nay?
Game has a lot of RNG, what's difficult to understand about that?
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GG lads, it was fun. Really fucked patrol spawns though
Anything dealing with bile spewers immediately has a 15-25% chance of things just going to shit. Manageable shit, but I ain't having as much fun. Its ridiculous they spawn in the numbers they do whole remaining ridiculously tanky. I'll beat the d9 missions that they're on, but it just isn't as fun.
Way too fun for swiggers
where lobby
>no cape
kicked next time I see you, someone dox this guy
I need to see my coom mods unobstructed saar. If it makes you feel better I have the capes on a toggle.
>coom mods
yep you're getting blacklisted
he was a cool guy and he hugged so... no, he wont be doxxed.
seeing that from your perspective makes that whole event even better

also, cute butt
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>that one time 2nd mission when they shat out so many devs we had to book it
I always, always hug.
he wasnt lying about the dumptruck.
rootytootypointandshooty hominid I tried connecting during a hyperspace warp and it did not connect, do you read?
the lib penetrator is not as bad on bugs as i thought
>Half bun time, same damge
>Final explosion is Demolish Force 40
might ease the pain a little bit but wouldn't truly fix them.

>>can't destroy outposts/holes
As it is right now it can, you just need to get it in the hole/vent and wait for the explosion.

No, thermite doesn't suck because of its numbers, it sucks because of its mechanics. Thermites do 1000 damage over 7.5 seconds. That's enough to kill a charger, kill a tank, even kill a bile titan or factory strider in a single grenade.The problem is that damage is applied as a DoT, meaning it only applies it to the main HP pool of the target it is stuck to, not the specific hitzone. Add to that the fact that being a DoT it means that any new instance of that DoT being applied does not stack but simply refreshes the duration, means throwing multiple thermites onto a target does not speed up the time to kill but just wastes a grenade.

To unfuck thermites you don't need to buff the damage or make it burn shorter or give it a stupid gimmick like lowering the armour value or anything like hat, you just need to make it apply its damage to specific parts. Giving them 40 demolition force would be a nice QoL improvement though, and it probably should considering its nature.

Oh, and Thermites also might just be bugged in that sometimes it seems like it doesn't even register the DoT effect from a grenade. It's almost always 2 grenades to kill a hulk, but sometimes it's 3. Against chargers It's especially bad in that it can be anywhere from two to SIX grenades to kill one, but that might also just be chargers being a buggy broken mess.
>>Liberator Penetrator
>keep it exactly how it is except increase armour penetration from 3 to 4
there, I fixed it without making it step on any other primaries toes.
>get invite from friend's list
>Connection Error, Unable to Join Game
Setting menu says my lobby setting are set to public and I'm even online on steam, what gives?
Alexsus would NEVER allow a primary to be that powerful, let alone a primary based on the liberator.
Either make all the other grenades as useful as the stuns or don't even bother ever releasing something else
Make it so I can press space while diving too
It makes you ragdoll of course
>>Liberator Concussive
>Mag capacity 30 -> 40, bullet damage 65/23 -> 60/20, targets that are hit by several consecutive rounds will get full-out staggered as if hit with explosives (bigger targets require more shots)
the liberator concussive already has the same knockback force as the punisher plasma's explosion, and it has 100 stagger force which is 10 times higher than the stock liberator and more than 3 times higher than the punisher plasma's stagger force. Being an explosive round it could probably just use a 100% or close to 100% durable damage ratio. Make that it's niche in combination with its huge stagger.

AR's don't necessarily need damage buffs. Giving them all an extra 3 spare magazines would make them better without creeping their damage any.
I almost never used anything but stuns and the nade pistol ever since I got them. I wish I can go back to impact or incendiaries but to be able to stop the enemy for 4-5 secs is too damn useful considering you can retreat, kill them or save a dying ally just from a single toss without needing to consider anything but the timing. With the other grenades, you can delete enemies but only if you aim right and only a few at one time.
Regular grenades to 8, impacts to 6. They already showed with knives that nades can be given their own hold count
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>stuns to 2
t. Alexus
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I should stop but I like playing with you guys
Why did I get the war impact screen after finishing the first mission?
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You can never escape.
I'll have to decline.
filled in 3 minutes, doomposters btfod again.
Alive game
>have in side tab checking on new posts
>get up to grab water and take a piss
>come back
kill me
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it's boringly the best secondary, HMG is a very close second on bots(only)
I've been in these lobbies and it's like the same 5 guys
I'd see way more usernames if this game was popping off
my beloved
if they improved teamreloads it might become a bit more fun, seeing as there are almost always 2 people running ac.
teamloading AC's is actually detrimental since the loader's character model cockblocks the shooters third person aim
only 1 of these was in my lobby today and i saw a bunch of names pass by, im not even on the list :(
also, shame on you for doxing >:(
>the same people play at the same times of day each day
>lobbies only really fall off during euro morning hours
>anons recognize lobbies made by certain hosts and prefer those
Dont forget to post the steam charts doomposter-kun
leansissy post
There's people here who play almost all the time and then there's a bunch of dudes who hop in every once in a while for a little bit.
Of course you're going to run into the first group a lot.
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also if you get twisted up enough, the reloader ends up in front of muzzle
>No Mea Culpa mention

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>and then you get shot, staggering you and disconecting the loader.
being a teamload enjoyer is pain
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stand back everyone i got this
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Sisters. It's that time!


D9, maybe bots, maybe bugs. Rock, paper, scissors if we disagree.
wow 45 whole meters
-t servolet
>full again
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Made one just 4u

Wouldn't it fly farther if you threw it a bit earlier while you still have some upwards momentum from your jump?
None of those are support weapons, dumbass
/hdg/ way of playing is to go in a big circle around the map, sometimes splitting into groups of 2, and hit everything on the way
Requesting a new lobby as the others are full.
huh maybe
>at least 3-4 active/full lobbies right now
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>eradicate mission
>huddling up for that evac and throwing a stun to cover
Alright, no more hd2 for me today.
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Can we get a reddit tier list goin and rank everyone so I know who to slavishly avoid.
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gg. rip nearly everyone
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>only played with 4 on the list
>all of them good players
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I enjoy playing with everyone thus far.

Oh every module will be bottlenecked by rare samples? *Unshits your game*
Holy fucking based, now do this for the SC models
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They are all s-tier, not becouse they are good(they are) but becouse they are chill and funny.
Someone do this before arrowhead oy veys and shuts down modding, I want to grind some SC
Personally I don't like judging people for their competence unless we fail a mission. But that has never happened so /hdg/ is mostly competent and definitely better than randoms for the most part. After all, we're always playing on D9 where most of the bs happens.
Download and backup this immediately when it happens
They could just 'fix' the way mods are being injected, via the file system patching
Who is the chillest and funniest though, argh, I'm just not gonna think for myself is all. AHAHAHAHAHA
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Honestly can't wait for superhelldive, more enemy types, superfortresses, etc.. Overwhelming adversity has a great way of eliciting camaraderie. More than anything we just need more fucking enemies, man. Any decent team can extract w/ 12-15+ reinforces remaining
gg boyz
>Overwhelming adversity has a great way of eliciting camaraderie
>looks back at all the pubs he's played
Man, you'd think that, but....
>Captcha: 8GAY
Already downloaded it just in case even if I'm not using it cause I'm capped with everything (except mortars) upgraded.
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man, you know its bad when the chinese are tired of grinding
obviously me

or they just quit, yeah. lol. consolefags
The only people I actively judge are quitters.
>instant kick when i host
mid-game quitters (without excuse)
>1-2 "accidentals" per map
mid-op quitters
host quitters
back to 2/4, last bot mission
In terms of length it's a rather lenient grind but I think the problem is that you have to be so focused on it.
Gotta scour every outpost, every POI, every bunker while looking and listening for it.
Have to look at every secondary obj and main obj on the map for flowers and shit too.
>BT appeared
>retarded host died to his own stratagem
>reinforce him so he can hit the BT
>motherfucker avoided said BT
Thank god this happened in the first 5 minutes
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So what's the "fuck you, I want an absurd kill count" weapon?
In bugs, I can reliably hit like 600-700 kills with napalm/firebreaker, but bots don't seem to have an equivalent easymode gun.
DCS is great, JAR is great, scorcher is great, but nothing just feels like the spam fire/forget TND (total nautomaton death) button.
Closest you'll get is the plasma punisher, and that's assuming you're only dealing chaff. Bots don't really have a DOT weakness like the bugs do.
I consider a 300+ killcount in bots to be massive.
>set to hidden
I literally just sat to download it
going up from D7 to D9 there is considerably less chaffbots to stack up kills with, so if you want more raw kills you should be playing 7s. As far as weapons to kill those chaff kills, GL+supply is gonna be king for bots
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Killstreaks and kill counts are the ONLY reason I enjoy playing bugs.
>b-but spewer seeds
I quit out.
>b-but localizer
I kick you.
All I want to see is the 50-150 killstreak every time a breach pops up. I exclusively live for the rush of seeing the yellow skull turn red, and to see my total kills after a mission. Every record broken is like an unrivaled high.
>turn on crossplay
>meet literal troglodytes that scream at you on mic
>kicked for the most random reasons
>horrible at the game
Holy shit, console players are subhumans. Every PC player I joined is silent but still pulled their weight.
Told you >>487786615

I never see clusters in hdg lobbies
you don't see mines either (except yesterday)
it's because hdg doesn't troll
AND he got the samples :'3
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Did dif 9 on the latest hell planet, was a lot of fun.

Red skies and shit fucking kicked ass

im shep :3
yeah they certainly can be. Aside from dudes eating chips in the mic with their cousin's quinceanera in the background, I do enjoy how easy it is to find a lobby and how the many bad players actually keep the game challenging
>try to vault over a tank corpse
>get instagibbed by the tank track
sweden :')
>Bad players keep the game challenging

Okay so while Menendez and gamer dad eat up 8 lives each with shit boosters, Mr. Alarm Chirp has thrown eagles at every base and ran away.
YOU get to fight an entire map of aggro'd patrols and if you die once it's practically game over.
Haven't played in months. Are the Illuminate in yet?
I'm only not participating because my computer is being stupid right now, once I've corrected it I'll be popping in
if you feel like being a hero ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ (or gawking at the baffling lacks of awareness on display)
Yes, they're in the game now
>been doing 9s all day
>end up in a 4
>maybe i missclicked or something
>solo the thing for level 10s
>actually really enjoying this
>ask them if i can play another game with them
>the host has left the game
>end up running 4s anyway for low level divers
>boost a bunch and give them tips
>thinkin bout my leandiver at home
Yeah, they're here.
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>retards shitting on me for dying the most
>don't realize I'm the one clearing out the majority of the bot bases, AA emplacements, side objectives, POIs, covering their asses with the AC from afar while being surrounded by gunships
>all they did during the match was rushing the main objectives and call extract
Since when the number of deaths dictates skill? Is this game playerbase braindead?
Don't waste reinforcements and you won't get called out.
>Playing with random retards instead of /hdg/ retards
skill issue
When I die, it was an unfair situation or somebody called a stratagem on me. When anyone else dies, it's a skill issue. See? Easy to understand! :D
>have AC, the most powerful and, well-rounded weapon in the game
>still dying to gunships, the one enemy that is specifically countered by AC
>staying at long range, spawning extra patrols
>not joining/posting lobby, and instead playing with three (3) potentially console pleb randos
stop being a fag and play with us instead of stinky randoms
I cannot overstate how much a red sky makes this game so much better.
Enjoy the planet while its up lads.
How many deaths was it though?
When is this new shit ass content releasing ?
next helldivers 2 is cancelled you can doompost a new game now
Never ever
August 6th
>want to get new warbond because muh skull helm
>but know i need to get the destroyers one for the grenade pistol
The actual good helldivers know that the real meta is cooldowns

Dont @ me I'm not elaborating.
It's generic as fuck and everyone already uses it
I know... i wish there was more armor to pick from, maybe even achievement locked stuff
They haven't released the REAL chud armor yet
Anon. Are you retarded? 20 levels? Seriously? You never wanted to know what samples or requisition slips were for? or even the levels themselves gave you?
No. MO said kill bots, I killed bots, I liked killing bots, didn't even kill a bug until MO ended
Where the smooching lobby at?
>didn't even kill a bug until MO ended
How did you know you wouldn't enjoy bugs more? You didn't even try it once?
no hug anon also plays from chink central hell (australia). It makes it difficult to not get a board lobby that isnt during 'work' hours or midnight
You didn;t answer the first question
Super Earths ideal Soldier btw
Thanks anon
>The absolutely massive amount of retarded shitters that will join D10s that will make pub games impossible when it releases.
I don't even know if I want to play D10 pubs when the update hits.
Bugs weren't going away and bots were already beaten once so I thought I'd better focus on them before they were finally pushed away from the galaxy
>Sure, we kept playing, but the game is dogshit fotm for zoomers.
Is it? This game has a lot of classic game design
I don't believe you.
I tried giving a level 25 on D9 a chance and all they did was fucking shoot the lib pen at the bile titan and wore heavy fortified armor. 9 deaths. Instant kick in the near future now
It's not like I spent an entire month exclusively fighting bots dude, just a bit more than a week, and most of those at low difficulties because having only the machine gun and OPS wasn't particularly ideal
>Since when the number of deaths dictates skill?
Since the literal dawn of gaming?
you're supposed to clear out the entire map, have the most samples, AND the least deaths for true god gamerdom
...AND most melee kills, if you don't have that you might as well stay in d1
Couldn't give less of a fuck about my 0 deaths if my kills were the lowest and my accuracy was awful. That shit is embarrassing
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Quickplaying into level 5's is my drug honestly
I love those times where i'm dropping in on wings of fire and everything is fucked
You emerge from your pod and start solving shit, then once every thing has quieted down just handshaking the host like pic related.

I just want you all to know I am memorizing the results screen at the end of every mission and I am judging you all.
>Mark red spot on minimap
>Aim Commando
>Ping until it says "fabricator"
>Destroy from +300m
Spearfags had to wait 6 months to finally use their shitty weapon and a week later AH releases something far better lmao
i use the sickle exclusively to farm shots fired and hit, i'll just fire off half a magazine at random props sometimes to pad
I'll reupload it and set it to more than just a single hour
No one is this much of an autist
Here https://litter.catbox.moe/8w2cu2.zip
Cool, I'm assuming I put those three files in Helldivers 2/Data ?
what is this? i didn't get to see the original mod page
They're files that make samples glow and shoot rays into the sky.
There's also a mod manager, I'd use that so you don't have to search the files every time you'll want to disable it

Samples project a white beam to the sky for easy scavenging
oh rad. i've got most POIs down to the point that i'm ok with my average rare haul, but that would be handy if i really wanted to maximize them
Actually it`s inclusivity
>retard casually throws 380s at bug breaches
>probably chinese
Based yellow text enjoyer.
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>>set to hidden
Holy shit I knew downloading it was a good idea.
sorry, i don't need this pussy shit
it really was
I wonder if these "permission" issues was "AH got mad"
I'm sure there's some faggot out there who reported it.
I wish more weapons let me enable an unsafe "fuck you" overkill mode
That was me! Unironically!

Yea 120s are better.
i don't quit game crashes
I fucking knew you bot divers were masochistic freaks! I agree completely.
>take the railgun to d5 for fun
>shoot a heavy dev in the backpack
>the backpack doesn't die in one hit
>when hitting a dev anywhere on the body kills it in one hit
who decided that making a weakpoint a trap like this was a good idea?
just turn on safe mode and cook the shot for a smidge before shooting
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Which side will be better after the update? Bots or bugs?
Describe the flavor of swedish cum.
Bots have and will always be better
But anon, they have enemies more complicated than "runs at you". That shit is unfair :(
Bots as usual, but bugs will probably ascend from babby easy mode to easy mode and bugshitters will cry their little eyes out because of the new enemies and the inevitable incel breaker nerf
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Bots are not more difficult. They simply have structures that impose additional restrictions that require more effort to bring down. The enemies themselves are not in the least bit more threatening then bugs. If bugs had actual unique structures they would be perceived as "harder".
>still getting infinite loading screens
I hate swiggers. That is all.
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Basic bots are endlessly more dangerous than basic bugs
Devs are a hundred times more threatening than medium bugs like warriors and brood commanders, heavy devs in particular make even bile spewers look weak
gunships are ten times more cancer than stalkers
factory striders are way more dangerous and kill you way quicker than titans
even tanks feel more threatening than chargers
and that's before we get into side objectives, where most bug objectives don't impede you much and can be killed from halfway across the map bot objectives are dangerous as hell and at least require you to get close enough to throw an OPS or snipe a fabricator (and if the jammer doesn't have one, enjoy fighting your way up to the damn terminal without any stratagems)
Chainsword secondary
Come oooooon
>The enemies themselves are not in the least bit more threatening then bugs.
why do you believe this is the case?
>even tanks feel more threatening than chargers
This is the only one I'd contest as far as standard tanks are concerned, I'd say they're about equal in terms of effectively being nonthreatening. Quad cannon tanks on the other hand FUCK those things.
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Bugs will probably still have better Mission variety
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> t. diff 3 bugdiver
normal tanks can one-shot you from half the map away like cannon turrets if they catch you off-guard. Even their MGs are pretty threatening.
But now that you made me think about it, I don't think bugs even have any kind of base defense on par with cannon turrets either, all they have is the spiky plants but these are annoying more than actually threatening.
Did they change it yet so that if you get kicked before a match ends you still get the samples?
this is coming august 6th with the patch
kicked players get their own game instance will all resources
So I can now grief and teamkill with zero repercussions? Pretty based of AH
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>i've fallen pray to into replying to a troll post that is now trying to get rage (you)'s

forgive me
The vast majority of maps have enough cover where a regular tank is effectively nonthreatening. I will agree if you get caught out then it's a problem. A cannon turret on the other hand has elevation that can negate most cover.
>Arrowhead allowing griefers to teamkill without repercussion from the host kicking their asses anymore.
What a retarded decision to make. Probably got the idea from Reddit or their Discord full of retarded glazers too.
Both sides will probably suck since AH will introduce new features full of frustrations, bugs and poorly implementation due to the fact that they don't play their own games
>picking up samples
that's a kick
But I like samples
Yeah Im going to kill whoever I like when ever I like then I will kick them.
sample deez nutz
Idea: lure grenade like bile jar from l4d2
you can already lure enemies with sound
can also be done with blue beacons
Fart grenade that produces a visible shockwave and alerts the entire map then faggot
just throw a sentry
though it also instantly spawns a charger
>can also be done with blue beacons
this is because the pods make a sound when they land.
I lol'd.
You can lure bugs with pheromones, sure
But how do you lure bots? You throw RAM sticks?
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>fart planet
>fart strike
>fart grenade
>ground breaker helmet
You fake signals that make them believe there's a lot of innocent undefended kids with brains to harvest
fresh SEAF meat
Eagle Fart stratagem
Eagle-1 flies close to the ground then goes away, seconds later you hear BRAAAAAP and you and the enemies ragdoll for 10 seconds
braapfag general
smelldivers to smellpods
I repeat, smelldivers to smellpods
Isn't that just clusterbombs.
Free 4090s over here!
Most people that leave mid game aren't doing it voluntarily when will you retards finally learn.
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>d9, pink rando dies over and over and over
>seething in chat entire game
>extract absolute clusterfuck, reinforcements 0 only 3 of us left
>other two die and i crawl to sammies while stimming getting dps'd to fuck by chaingun devs
>dive into shuttle shortly before reinforcement timer up
>pink types "so i guess you didnt wait for me"
>i had literally all the samples on me wasnt riskin shit as the last guy
>he types "there's only one difficulty to find competent players. and it's 7"
>i have all the yellows on score screen, 1 death
>about to type what the fuck are you talking about
>he leaves immediately after sending that final seethe post
alright, which one of you fucking retards was this?
I'm a console plebian that turns off crossplay sometimes, the players feel the same regardless of on or off, the only real difference is the upper end of skilled players have better aim with a mouse, they're otherwise functionally identical to me.
Granted I have mics switched off so I can't hear chip eating retard 538.
forgot to mention i was also running up to him giving him resupplies from my pack the whole game (while he ran away from me and i had to chase him down) and bailed him out which he even acknowledged with the "thanks" command
he had an airburst rocket launcher and 380
>he had an airburst rocket launcher and 380
he does fit the description of one of our guys...
i was just joking didnt recognize his name but the absolute /v/ermin sentiment was the d7 bit lmao
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9 stuff
How do j stop being a shitter ?
by pasting this url
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gay sex trust
three out of four
wish i could anon but im fucking trashed in my bed. one day ill get on with you lads, until then im carrying sandniggers and chinks in D9s. one day ill be here
>filled already
dang it
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hmmm today I will bring the purifier to bots
What's the over/under on the purifier getting its proper charge modes?
What's the over/under on the current implementation being the intended implementation and not a mistake?
If it is a mistake what is it going to take for them to realize it's not working? especially considering they already looked at the purifier once and actually gave it the medium penetration it was supposed to have?
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d9, doing whatever.
>servers at capacity, try again later
They lost 95% of the playerbase so they shut down 95% of the servers. It only makes sense.
>shoot devastators weakpoint
>its the only non-oneshot point

>shoot bug's head off
>they go berserk and become invincible

>pop BT's sac
>they go berserk and become significantly harder to kill

I'm beginning to notice a pattern here
I finally got the last ship upgrade and will treat every samplesöy with contempt from here on out
drop samples in pits. bully samplesöys in chat. snipe sample retrievers on their way to extract. intentionally cause breaches on sample containers. shoot a hellbomb if you see a samplesöy going for the sample next to it.
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Solodivers where we at!!
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When Joel lets us get to deep Terminid space at like Azur Secondus thereare going to some wild stuff wait for us
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Ok what diff is the best for farming oranges? I am capped out on everything but those fucking oranges and still need like 800 for all the godamn new upgrades.
yes, but the activation of the beacon itself will also attract enemies
Protip, if you find deep water you can dive into it and drop your samples midair to dump them into the drink.
>shoot heavy devashitter in the face
>he gets staggered and wheels back
>still manages to magdump into my face DESPITE the fact his gun is aiming upwards
This is getting fucking stupid
I got mine at level 5 bugs at roughly 20~ per long
A slower rate than level 9 but an almost unlosable missions mean you always get them rares.

For REAL min-max autism go find blitz missions on waterlogged worlds
The water + smaller maps has a high retturn
I wish arrowhead would give more time to complete the mission to solodivers.
I often just don't bother with large bases or the artillery.
the only sane post itt
I think what carries this game hard is the aesthetics
>finish playing with my friends and they head to sleep
>decide to play with some randos for a change
>kick them one by one for too much texting
>one guy says "Damn even me dude?"
>*fagswede has be court marshalled*
I come to remember why I hate playing with randos
usually people complain randos don't communicate
That's why I'm still playing PSO blue burst.
>doing objectives
are you talking about the spawn rates increasing after you finish the mission?
im tired of being flanked by giant patrols spawning directly behind me at every turn
that's not new. it's always been that way since release and it's never changed
other way around for me, I kick or leave if someone uses voice chat
if you're unable to spend half an hour without yapping, you are no man. plain and simple.
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>say you fixed patrols
>actually you broke them even harder
>fuck off on vacation for 2 months
Never trust a Swedish dev
clear all the fabs/bugholes if you want the patrols to calm down until extract. Leaving red on the map and rushing the main objective is what makes them spawn patrols like crazy.
the things I only was see or hear are
>thank you
based PSO chad going strong into 2024
>it's another "unobservant anons mistake game mechanics they don't understand that have been present since launch as a new change or bug" episode
oh, wait, let me guess, were on a chokepoint map?
>command bunkers on Vandalon
awesome, I love being instakilled by cannons that fire through terrain and ignore cover
Stop being obtuse. It's compounded by the new VC patrol changes and you know it.
2/4, come join
patrols spawning right up your asshole is not an intended game mechanic
I've yet to see any actually evidence that patrol spawns rates are still increased; only hearsay, anecdotes, and people who clearly don't understand the system. show me proof, not bitching.
That is the reason I do not play with people on console.
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>personal order: struggle with another shit garbage stratagem that never kills anything
as usual
Damn nigger, are you this desperate for medals?
In the time it would take you to get 100 strafing kills, you can just run 3 missions and get ~30 medals
2/4, d9 bugs
Explain the system.
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It's all intentional, they're just waiting for people to forget about it

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