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Sleepy blobs edition, Thread #1198

Previous thread: >>487324174

>Game Links
Steam Edition
Physical Edition (And Merch)
The console editions (Switch, PSN, XBL, PC Gamepass) have some exclusive content.

>Character Birthdays | Kel - November 11

>Fangames, Projects, and Etc
https://pastebin.com/XQX7CSip (OMARIO fangame)
https://totally-fungal.itch.io/doomori (DOOMORI fangame)
https://files.catbox.moe/7phzuk.pdf (manga ch.1)
https://imgur.com/a/YJb6dTT (beta & prerelease art)
https://goats.dev/omori/#KEL (game dialogue dump)
https://files.catbox.moe/nxd8dm.png (faraway map)
https://files.catbox.moe/3ng1by.torrent (sprite dump)
https://postimg.cc/gallery/G4krtVR/13ec9e79 (Omori Official Walkthrough & Guide Art/Developer Interview & Messages)

https://files.catbox.moe/6kewkg.torrent (RPG Maker MV 1.6.2)
Try _omariAU, rainy_mari_mod, omorimodreverie, omori_daydream on Twitter
https://files.catbox.moe/5ddmjn.zip (Console content)

>/omog/ Archive
https://docs.google.com/document/d/1SGf6LRkzuLpou5Neqppl3Tm7c3hPAitFhCTrIPRfC_c/ (anon's Universally Loved day-by-day guide)
https://mega.nz/file/zaQXDYyQ#bG0yK3nl-w6hx5u6IOcvn3GUrGDY53X9faa7nfzC0Yk (MEGA archive 2021)
https://files.catbox.moe/e5yhbo.png (Whiteboard 2021)
https://rentry.org/756352 (OC Fic and Greentext)
https://youtu.be/bKNwUnIMjVo (/vg/ sings My Time)
https://arch.b4k.co/vg/post/482879356 <<< Δ (/vg/ sings Good Morning)

https://rentry.org/omogtemplate2023d/ (Thread Template)

Also, if you write or draw anything don't be afraid to post it, don't worry about the quality, just post that shit!
I hate Kimsil and I hate you
i am neutral towards kimsil and i do not know who you are
I love Kimsil and all you guys!
I am confused on Kimsil and I ask of you to repeat your identity
Total Kimsil Death
Kill Kimsil
Behead Kimsil
Roundhouse kick a Kimsil into the concrete
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I love Kimsil, but I love YOU even more!!!!

(guys what was that?)
Hi! Goodmorning! I'm bored, tell me stuff to doodle if you want!
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Kimsil inspires madness in us all, madness benign and malign.
Think you could draw this forgotten character? It would be nice to see her again.
Jesse & Perfectheart playing pet rocks! (Somehow Perfectheart is losing)
Cat maid from rainy
Sunny and Basil having gay sex!
Requestiong cowboy Abbi
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Can you draw Moonie and Haru (female Sunny, shorter than Moonie) sitting together in a bench, Haru explaining some absurd complex plan while Moonie doesn't looks like she's listening at all, maybe looking at a fly or something dumb?
Does Sunny know that 9/11 happened?
He was a bit of a shut in for years, so probably not
It’s what Mari would’ve wanted
She hopes two of the people she loved most can find happiness again together
Hero loves his bunches
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Based and Ploked pilled
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He will find her
Would pursuit have been fixed if Sunny was a girl so it would be about a cute bunch girl being fought over by mentally unstable boys and one stable girl?
No. But it might have been funnier.
Is Plok actually a good game? I’ve been looking for new ones to play.
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Inko is very cute!
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Cute indeed. Nice drawing, anon. The fox mask plushie friend is nice too.
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I tried to search for her but I couldn't find her.. Sorry. So I doodled a random kitty maid
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I dont think I can do that, so here true love in gay sex shirts
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I think I made Moonies chest a bit smaller than I wanted accidentally but it's fine
sunny being cuddled by daphne from the front and bowen from the back while in bed
Nobody is Perfect…
Cool cat
Hot sunflower
Rough squid
Bunches and her illegal alien
The kind Mari anon from the last thread giving advice to /omog/. Thank you for being you.
Just because someone's perfect doesn't mean you can hand them anything and they'll be as good as any master
Cute kitty maid.
This might be one of the more normal weird shirts they had hidden in the back of the closet.
The wisest noggin' under a cowboy's hat you'll find this side of the lone star, Abbi the octopi. Yee-haw!
It might seem rude for her to be ignoring her friend's speech, but it's not like her master plan whatever it was would have worked out anyways.
Nice drawings, anon. All very cute.
basedbasedbasedbased badrasesd based badsesd thank you heatgaze i love your art
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Oh its you. Yeah great art!
I especially love your interpretation of Cris.
There's a decent chance Sunny knew about 9/11. Although there is a window of time where he could've missed it.
Mysterious Friend
More like Imperfectheart
Mari’s little helper
A bunch of sillies
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Look at this
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Silly little blobimal
Yes, it is, and Sunny made a whole guide for every single level, so if you need help with a level he can help you
thank you so much Anon! I guess Haru is too dangerous to be stopped, she even have her stupid evil minion!
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Same energy.
She's planning on killing her father for his blood money.
I'll play this game
>hits for 5143 damage
>also removes all life jam from your inventory
>crashes the game
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Precious little critters. So sweet.
AU where Mari gets plastic surgery to get fat tits and survives the fall because it stops the fall
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very very cute drawings
thank you for the doodles anon
cute nuy
>Dying in Omori crashes Paper Mario
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It was a cute detail
So proud
Hey, wait a minute.
Due to boss rush mode we know that the slime girls had the tech to create perfect (albeit slightly weaker) versions of the bosses in Omori.
In fact they had a perfect copy of Sweetheart herself.
Why didn’t they just make Sweetheart an exact copy of herself then?
Or was it Mari doing her “adjustments” that actually let the machines work properly.
I think it's only for combat purposes, they don't work as actual people.
It was each individual Slime Girl that was the rogue element here going about their own ways to replicate a donut. Marina made a mistake, Molly made a machine, and Medusa made a breakthrough. So Sweetheart really should have just hired Mari to make her clone if she wanted it done right.
Honestly I think Sweetheart would be happy if she did just get a living statue of herself that just stood there blinking while she vents to it.
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You should just-
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She has a busted knee and still outshines everyone
Who is on left?
Okay what is she doing
She's dancing
How is she dancing with a bad knee?
Would Mari win?
That sounds like a good concept for an Omori roguelike spinoff
She's dancing with a bad knee because she's just that good
What does she dance to
So that's why Mari is so okay with being dead, she's leading a coup against God to become God herself, and descend back to Earth as if she never died to begin with.
A genius ruse.
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Good kitty
I had a dream I was married to bucktooth Mari
You have to let go anon, she's gone
I refuse. Please post her.
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What do you mean? She's standing right here.
Basil shitting on your face
Basil sitting on your lap, and you are watching Kiki's Delivery Service (he hasn't seen it)
That movie is Aubrey-coded.
I haven't seen it either, sounds fun
Omori ships suck
Sunny/Basil - I just can't imagine it working in the "cute gay boys holding hands" way others seem to. The former couldn't give less of a shit about the latter and explicitly considers him a burden on himself. I hope Basil found himself a less shitty person to pine for after Sunny moved away lmao
Hero/Mari - just as bland as the characters involved. The game's heavy-handed attempts to depict them as so overly perfect they never seem to have a single serious disagreement between each other or any other relationship problems until Mari's death didn't endear me, either. And don't you worry, the game will shove how perfect they were in your face
Sunny/Kel - basically Whispangle but Kel is even more of a moron than Tangle was
Sunny/Aubrey - one is a friend so unreliable he walked out on his best friend while the latter had a mental breakdown and the other bullied her friend because of a misunderstanding she couldn't be bothered to clear up. them bitches deserve each other <3 Frankly, there's nothing I can really say about it. Both of them have paper-thin characterization lol
Basil/Aubrey - people will shun you out of the fandom if you draw Sunny/Hero art because they have a small age gap but shipping a bully with her traumatized victim is not considered Problematic in the slightest. funny how that works, huh
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I can see Aubrey being a little witchy girl
Then sh can make sure she can be with her bubby and friends forever and ever
>aubrey coded wdym
is it a good movie. i dont want miyazaki normie slop.
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A cute and sad Aubee
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Go back indog
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What is it? I think I've seen that kind of image before but I don't get it
How did Aubrey deal with depression and a shit family?
Your southeastasian kind are very easy to spot
>phoneposting title
>shit art
>bad american
Anger and violent outbursts. It's hard to feel sad when you're mad.
i have the same shit. how do i handle it in a healthy way
>I’m so fucked up…
Church like Aubrey
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Name 3 RPG protagonists that Snuy should meet and become friends with in his new home to fill out the party
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Bratty creature
But also very understanding
For some reason struggling to think of any names right now besides Madotsuki and Girl from Cat in the Box for some reason
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madotsuki, obviously, i think her and sunny would be good friends. then russell from end roll because he's like a more twisted version of sunny, i'm not sure how well they'd get along but maybe russell wouldn't be as fucked up if he had a few decent relationships. i think ib could also tag along because she kind of just fits. either her or yonaka from mogeko castle who's generally kind and talkative which i think bounces off of sunny nicely (and also because her name means "night" and i like the contrast)
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The new preacher in Faraway seems like a nice fellow.
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It always seems to come down to these three. I guess the whole dream part ties them together.
Yonaka's an interesting and probably fun choice from what little I remember about Mogeko Castle.
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Sleeping peacefully
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Earthbound is not an indie RPG. While we're at it, Yume Nikki is not even an RPG at all.
Its as the kids say these days
A vibe
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i like this pair because they're rabbits
Just call them Earthboundcore games then.
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Cute bunnies
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Basil is a GOAT
He's a fox!
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that looks like a bunny to me
That dude from that incest coffin game
Not an RPG
None. Omofat already infected Yume Nikki with cringe, we don't want any further casualties.
why do they have human heads
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that's an excellent choice, I think. Didn't know that was what her name meant
A kind man with an odd voice
It is made in RPG Maker, which is its own sort of thing, and I was going to suggest RPG Maker games and Earthbound-like games
Unethical genetic experimentation
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>maybe russell wouldn't be as fucked up if he had a few decent relationships
A decent relationship? With Sunny? No way lmao

Russell was a delinquent and had abusive trash parents like Aubrey, so he would probably get along with her better than with Sunny, at least on superficial level. He also already had a delinquent buddy his age he used to hang out with, so it's not like he was in desperate need of a friend. That guy also seemed to be much better person than Russell, and had more stable home environment than him despite being poor, so he wasn't exactly bad influence.

From Russell's POV, Sunny probably looked like spoiled rich kid, so I don't think they would get along well. All of Russell's spontaneous killings were motivated by his jealousy over other people's happiness, like wealth and especially loving relationships. So if he saw Sunny's nice house and him getting doted on by his mom and friends he would likely get an urge to kill him. Sunny would become the next Gardenia lol

What Russell really needed was cps and psychiatric help, not autist friend. All the adults in his life were either using and abusing him, or ended up dead at the hands of the abusers. That was his real problem, along with sociopathic traits he inherited from his parents, not lack of friends.

Come to think of it, literally any one of Sunny's friends would be a better fit for Russel than Sunny. Mari and Hero are responsible and nurturing beyond their years, so they would make for good replacement guardians. In fact, Hero reminds me a lot of Tabasa, and Kel is a bit like Russel's buddy Chris if you squint. Russel also had a bunny like Aubrey (tragically lost) so that's another thing they could bond over.
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>Naive snuuy tries becoming friends with a kind-looking older brother and his clingy little sister and somehow succeeds despite their initial reservations
>gets stuck in a psycho incest polycule from hell and is slowly isolated from his family and peers as his new friends fuck him up physically and mentally to keep him from leaving
Classic Sunny. What wacky hijinks will he get into next?
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most casual japanese Omori fan
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So they’re adding pedophilia to the long list of sins they’ve committed? They’re grown adults while Sunny is 15-16
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>hand fans (?) that look like they were made out of granny panties
>some creepy ass dolls
>cheap plastic crap
Dear god. Was Jap merch always this tacky?
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Cool analysis for a game I know very little of, I think I will download it now
Imagine setting up 6 little somethings in your house like security cameras. Maybe that's what Sunny does after the Good Ending in his new home.
I guess it depends on how long it takes and the assumption that they meet at their canon ages, but somehow I wouldn't entirely put it past those two
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Pedophilia is preference for prepubescent children (below the age of 12). The word you’re looking for is ephebophilia (preference for mid-late teens).
Nobody cares about the actual distinction. It’s still pedophilia, and would get you jailed.
> y'all
What is it with mentally ill troons overusing the fuck out of this word?
Depends where you’re from. It’s perfectly legal in most places for 16 year olds to have sex with people 5 years older than them.
They're from deep south
Sunny more than likely lives in California.
And Sunny is incapable of consent because of his profound mental retardation and autism. And I really doubt Cassie would be fine with creepy ass adults grooming her teenage son.
> And Sunny is incapable of consent because of his profound mental retardation and autism
Then why are people shipping him with his friends?
Man this shit really is mind-numbingly stupid. White girl, really? Did woodchaps get brain damage, or was it grabbed from somewhere else? Don't tell me it's oc?
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So cute!
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>Sweetheart being confused by belly buttons
That's actually a funny idea I haven't seen before.

I want to undo her side-ties while she's in the ocean and she doesnt realize she lost her bottoms
Need one of smug mari
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Here, it's not a pin, but it's still smugcore.
You can’t just slap core onto something and make it a trend
What is the context?
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Kel is a clumsy asshole
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Watch me.
This is pretty cool desu. Could you do more?
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I didn't make that, I just posted it.
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But I did make this.
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End Roll's one of those games that sounds like one I'd like to try whenever it gets brought up. But I never do because I'm busy with something else.
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Like this?
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Yeah sure
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Post more cute Mari
Sad kids in love
I'd buy that bootleg
Can you post more sad Sunburn or sad Heromari?
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It'd be much more difficult to post Maris that aren't cute
Mari is so beautiful…
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So cute
Mari is depressed
Slime Girls Yuri
>Jesse (12 years old)
>Perfectheart (1 day & 6 hours old)
Jesse isn’t beating the allegations
Are they happy?
They accept each other
Is that twu luv?
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Rare Cris art
Any other rare Cris art?
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this thread needs boys kissing

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