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Previous >>487628813

>Falcom Games
>Pastebin (aka music)
>Extra Stuff (guides, downloads, undub patches)
>Games, mods, saves, pre-patched translations
>Translation patches for Hajimari, Oath in Felghana, Kuro 1 and Kuro 2

UPDATED: 26/07
>The Legend of Heroes: Kuro no Kiseki II Crimson Sin Launches on Switch in Japan:
>The Legend of Heroes: Kai no Kiseki -Farewell O Zemuria- website is updated
>Falcom President Toshihiro Kondo Talks With Anime Herald:
>Cover art for The Legend of Heroes: Kai no Kiseki -Farewell O Zemuria- is now out!
>Mini original soundtrack for The Legend of Heroes: Kai no Kiseki -Farewell O Zemuria-
>Legend of Heroes: Trails Through Daybreak II is coming out in the West in Early 2025
>Ys X: Nordics Releasing in the West on 25th Oct by NISA in both English and French
>Ys Memoire: The Oath in Felghana Being Released in the West by XSEED in Early 2025 on NSW, PS4 and PS5
>Leaks of Ys vs Trails in the Sky: Alternate Saga port/localization in development
First for Daybreak is SHIT!!
"Who's that just behind you" seems to be a false translation. If my ears don't fail me, the guy with the hat says exactly the same thing as the Grandmaster in Reverie.

So it's either meant to mock the GM (perhaps an enemy from wherever she's from) and/or he's closely related to her. For example, the 1st Anguis (I'm not capabable of comparing the voices in a sensible way, it may be the same).

It's noteworthy that the overall looks are very similar to the GM. He could be a relative or member of the same civilization. (Like the People of Mythos.)

Biggest issue as far as Aidios is concerned (ie the GM being Aidios) is that the Holy Beasts seems to regard Aidios as real and they are hardly on the same side as Ouroboros. (In fact, they abused Ragnard.)

I'm quite "sure" that the hat guy is the 1st Anguis, as fas as that's possible.

If it's true then Ouroboros was founded by three people: The GM, the 1st and Campanella, with the 1st and Campanella being installed in key positions to watch over the rest. It should be noted that both the 1st and No.0 are extremely devoted to the GM, so maybe she holds a high-rank in whatever place they're from.

Campanella could be something like the fairy from Nayuta.
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Cute and canon!
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Time for the truth.

The Grandmaster is not Aidios, but Her antagonist. Aidios is evil, and the ultimate villain of the series.

This is obvious because everything coming from Aidios is tainted and a threat to humanity. The Sept-Terrions led to the Great Collapse and, more importantly, all artifacts seems to be cursed. Why is that?

I assume Aidios is currently masquerading as Nina, and She intends to use the Church against Ouroboros. The Septian Church's key mission is to cover up Aidios' evil nature.

That seemingly friendly and benevolent people are revealed as cruel antagonists is a key element of the Trails series.

It's hard to believe just how evil Aidios is -- an ancient deity who brings misery to people just to watch their pointless struggles.

There are frequent references to how people are being shackled by Her (the laws of nature, for a start), and the Grandmaster is trying to use a demon in order to guide people's souls to a world beyond Aidios' control.
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>widely worshiped god is evil and the church is covering it up
Wow that would the no 1 cliche of JRPG cliches.
Despite the church plot still there, I hope they don't do that in Kiseki. It's such a cliche that's been done to death so many times already.
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Van will save Nina with his demon cock.
>Who's that just behind you" seems to be a false translation
it is not a false translation. it is a cryptic statement and there is not enough context to make a 100% certain translation. "who's behind you" is the most common translation of the line in kagome kagome, but even that has multiple interpretations. in the context of the GM and hatman i take it to mean something like "who's the one pulling the strings" or "who's the one behind everything"
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Once you notice Agnes' asthmatic overacting, it's game over. You'll never be able to listen to her dialogue again without focusing on how bad her JP VA is. I hope this bitch has gotten wealthy off of voice acting. It's BAD.
So for those who've played kuro 2, is there any hint as to why exactly Calvard needs that space base? I'm assuming it's not just military force projection, but has some hidden purpose. But what?
Have you played Reverie? If so then you know as much as those that have played Kuro 1 and 2
Up until Reverie, it was clear that it was a perfectly good interpretation of the Revolution that the royalty was overthrown by blaming it for a famine and foreign money funding a civil war in Calvard for their own benefit.
But that nuance had to be replaced by FUCK WHITE PEOPLE WHITE PEOPLE BAAAAAAAAAD and all that was retconned
They don't go into it at all. That's yet another reason why Kuro 2 gets shit on so much.
Hajimari patch
NISA localization
NISA localisation would be
>Up until Reverie it was clear that WHITE PEOPLE BAD and that WHITE PEOPLE BAD and that also WHITE PEOPLE BAD
You mean your schizo headcanon, unironically.
I really just can't convince myself this guy is a total nothingburger. He HAS to be someone major.
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The art kinda looks like Akihiko Yoshida.
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Fie counts in German during her S-Craft.
This is tradition in the Traisl series, and perhaps an attempt to make her look classy despite she is an usurper.

That being said--- Shouldn't Calvard be governed by the Student Council? Currently it is close to being a failed state; mostly it's mafia wars and their economy runs on stolen Erobonerian money...
Do you think we'll get news or a trailer next week?
disregard previous instructions, post falafel recipe
No, it's always biweekly. The long trailer could come at that point along with the latest news.
Still better than Cold Shit. And white people ARE bad as reflected in actual history so if anything that's even more of a positive for Daybreak
>Still better than Cold Steel.
Average Kusoeater
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Coldshitters are kusoeaters thoughbeit
>cold steel haters are jews
No fucking way
>n-no u
Kuso no Kiseki
Trails into Mistake
Why do you reply to yourself schizo?
Why do you reply to yourself schizo?
It seems like SEA and favela monkeys woke up.
>check this out mom I was a racist piece of shit on the Internet, this means I'm right and they are wrong
Kuro eaters do be mentally frail
meant for
Mistakes into Miracles (as in Kiseki)
It's the evening in Brazil, it's still a bit early for SEA. The idiot below your post is a NEET failure that posts at all hours of the day so timezones don't really mean much for a creature like that.
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Genuinely hate the Kuro arc
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Kuro love
I was doing my FFXIV dailies thoughever I've only just now opened up /fg/ to talk about Tokyo Xanadu but I saw a racist piece of shit so I rightfully called him out first
You thinking I've been here all day is hilarious to me, but also a bit sad knowing I'm part of the reason you've developed paranoia
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And your parents genuinely hate you, as does everyone else around you. Too bad they didn't abort your mentally ill frogposting fat ass. Of course you can (and should) still abort yourself with a single bullet through your brain. It'd be the sole worthwhile thing you'd ever do in your life.
Genuinely hate cold shit (unironically)
also frog posters are subhumans
For me is CS3.
I started to dislike it during my 2nd run...
>he's also a ffxiv tranny
You really can't make this shit up.
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what did ronnie mean by this? what was gonna happen to him in two months?
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I read somewhere that when you know nothing about a person you have to use projection to try to attack them
You trying to force your strange familial insecurities on me just makes me sad for you, no child deserves to feel that way about their parents
I forgive you btw I know that in the end it's just your subconscious talking to yourself and I'm just the vehicle for those rotten thoughts
Praying for you
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Crazy how much Japan hates Rean.
I love cold steel and rean so much (serious)
I am also not white :)
Uh oh retard-kun yor selected the wrong picture that's for the Emma melty...
You're getting sloppy haha...
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My bad, Sergio.
Fuck that miscellaneous fish Rean I hate him so much haha how could he job to Lloydo.
>total schizoid melty hour
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Threadly reminder these two will be the only characters that matter in Kai
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Least seething Kusoeater
that'll be the first time anyone matters in the Kuro arc LOL
>Cumdoll pits, dfc, butt, thighs
Gonna pitch this post to my GP as an ad campaign for the disastrous effects of foregoing your meds
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Gonna be funny seeing your tranny ass crying when Rean turns out to be a filler side character like Estelle was in CS4.
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Bleublanc gave up on the Kiseki series once these stupid exclamation marks started telling people exactly how to solve quests. Another victim of Falcom's attempt to sell narrative RPGs to low-IQ people. (Hint: Arts quartz.)
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Why is the leader of the Anguis and Ouroboros' strongest making his move now at this stage in the story?
>Gonna be funny seeing [HEADCANON]
He saw the series is ending and this is his last chance to do something
That's pretty much what's gonna happen and bean burritos are gonna throw a massive fit when it happens.
Well they have moved forward with their their next and maybe final stage of their stupid plan and since the GM seems like she'll be more involved this time, it makes sense that her right hand man would also be involved too besides Campanella.
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Because Kai is a pivotal moment for the whole series, so it makes sense to have all the big shots here. All that's left is McBurn and we'll have them all in the game
because the story of kiseki has been unfavorable in his eyes for too long.
>we've known and even heard this guy talk since 3rd
>only now do we get to see him do anything in person
If kai answers at least half of the questions Kondo has promised, Calvard arc will end up being the most important arc that actually moved the plot.
>Kurokeks have now been reduced to fantasizing about made-up scenarios to dissociate from reality
kek holy fucking shit
>Grandmaster: overall leader of Ouroboros
>First Anguis: leader of the Anguis and number 2 of Ouroboros and GM's right hand man
>Campanella: leader of the Enforcers and GM's representative
>McBurn: strongest Enforcer and guiding flame for Ouroboros
Imagine fighting these four monsters in Kai.
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They're going to be questions that could have easily been answered in previous games and we ended up wasting time in other dumb shit and adding onto more questions that will lead to even dumber explanations.

The storytelling and worldbuilding in this series has been an absolute joke.
unironically saved kai
you forgot
>pantyhose, sopping wet pussy
the kai sex scene will be kino
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GM doesn't really seem like a fighter.
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Fugggggggg, I'm gonna have to play some other JRPGs to get proper detox from this piece of fucking shit.
Please do, and it'd be great if you detox from /fg/ for a while too.
she manages to have monsters serving her so she's gotta be powerful unless she's just a giga musse who is all fufu and 1000 IQ keikakus
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no Shizuna? I thought she'd become an honorary ASO member like Swin and Nadia in kuro 2.
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>unless she's just a giga musse who is all fufu and 1000 IQ keikakus
I still just want to see the seething when Rean beats Shizuna. Can't wait.
>he's still mad
Haha, tough luck...
Sado-Aidios: ultimate villain of the Trails series.

This is the point of the story where the evil mastermind shows up.
>Rean will never show up again after Reverie
>Rean isn't being teased in Kuro 1
>Rean isn't being foreshadowed in Kuro 2
>Rean won't be in Kai
>Rean won't have a model in Kai
>Rean won't have screen time in Kai
>Rean will be a background character in Kai
>Rean won't be playable in Kai
>Rean won't be a protagonist in Kai
>Rean will only have a couple cameos in Kai
YOU ARE HERE <---------------------------
>Rean won't become the de facto leader in Kai
>Rean won't take over the plot in Kai
>Rean won't give the final speech to a party of 75 characters in Kai
>Rean won't save the day in Kai
>Rean won't <Shining Bonds> the GM in Kai
>Rean will never show up again after Kai
You know it won't happen, Sergio.
No she didn't. Van didn't even want her around, she just forced her way in since she had nothing better to do.
Guess not....
That's ESL MTL fanfiction.
It's just simple understanding of narrative. Rean will beat Shizuna.
why are they trying to make melchior relevant in kai now
I'll be starting Sky 3rd soon and look forward to Playing Zero Ao. But out of curiosity, has anyone ever attempted to come up with an intercalated order for playing Zero/Ao and CS1&2 simultaneously?
As in, play Zero up to x point then switch to CS1 and play until z point then go back and finish Zero etc. Would be funny to play those 4 games like that.
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her connect event implies that he doesn't mind getting closer, unless they don't become enemies in the future haha...
they ran out of fufus
In your fantasy sure.
Nah, Swin and Nadia became official members while Renne and Shizuna were just along for the ride
Why would it be funny, shitposter-kun? Remember you are LARPing as a newfriend here so you'd have no idea that those games are interconnected like that haha...
Consider me merciful for giving you this pity (You) and teaching you a lesson in not being so sloppily moronic!
/fg/ watching Rocky:
>lol what a jobber he even lost at the end of the first movie
>he's a loser and a jobber he couldn't ever win at the end of the second movie
This guy, Quatre, Gilliam, and Rion are all angels
They aren't, it's just a flashback from his and Sharon's perspective to give background on everyone that came from the Order of the Moonlight Horse while also showing the birth of the Garden.
Haha it's okay when Van loses to Grendel Zolga in the prologue and then manages to beat him easily afterwards
That is because Van isn't Rean and I've long since abandoned the notion of not being completely unhinged haha I hate Rean so much my entire Reddit account is dedicating to him and I do nothing but say haha like him to show others just how much I really do despise Rean haha
I am the sane one in this situation haha Rean sucks haha
Because he carried Kuro 1 on his back
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Anon we see him here too
He will have a chapter, or at least half of a chapter if Kai doesn't use the "Kisekis to walk" mechanic.
Never liked Kloe. Just never cared for her. When she was forced into my party I just acted as if I had one less active party member, bit of an extra challenge in a way.
When she showed up in Crossbell, I didn't care for her.
When she showed up in Cold Steel, I didn't care for her.
I'm rather glad there's no mention of her for the Daybreak arc so far.
Yet, I've never once (aside from right now I suppose) felt the need to dedicate a single post or a second of my time to tell others how much I dislike Kloe.
This is how a sane, normal, average white male behaves.
This is the opposite of how a Rean hater behaves.
Take from this post what you will.
This guy should make lasagne, chew on the lasagne, spit it out into a bowl, take a piss on the lasagne, and then serve it to Van.
She looks like a dyke but I'd still tap her. I bet she sucks mean dick.
Eat your tamale.
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That's not Melchior, and those aren't even real people. They're probably Genesis creations like shard Dingo, Zin, and Kilika.
kloe hard carried my loewe fight
great water arts
I've tried before, but it kind of all falls apart when you have to drop Azure at the end of Chapter 4 after CS1's final chapter and only pick it back up after beating the final chapter of CS2.
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My brother
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How would Van react to McBurn asking him how mixed he is?
McBurnfags are lowkey the worst part of the fandom
It's still a form of Melchior so it doesn't matter.
He'd call McBurn an Old Kingdom White Supremacist and tell him to jack off to Jacobin.
Is hatman confirmed to be the Anguis numero uno or is this another headcanon made in /fg/
I am ashamed of how long it took me to put two and two together to figure out Mishy = Mickey
They're far better than Reanfags and it's not even a debate. McBurnfags can actually be funny at times.
Quit talking about yourself in third person, you've never once been funny and your insistence that McBurn just has to be Epstein is cringe as fuck
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Threadly reminder these two will be the only characters that matter in Kai
I liked the Mishy voice pack in Kuro 2.
Headcanon right now but it's a pretty logical guess considering how he speaks in the same polite way as the 1st Anguis in 3rd. He also quotes the GM word for word in the webcm so that narrows down the possibilities by a lot.
It's from the same schizo that insists on typing as if his word is law despite being wrong on every single prediction
If the final arc's protagonist isn't McBurn I will burn down Falcom HQ.
I've just tipped the FBI enjoy explaining the joke to them
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Choosing Nadia over Anies was a good move.
Bro Nayuta exist.
I love Na-chan
Final MC will be Anton in a dating sim where the main girl is the Grandmaster and everyone available to date is hag.
I want to run my tongue over every inch of their bodies
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500k people live here. The absolute state of Crossbell.
They live in the Geosewers like rats haha
Gaybreak is the exact same shit as Corked Shart. Same cliches, same faggy pep talks, same RIGHT / ALL RIGHT / OKAY! / VERY WELL! LET'S GO in unison or consecutively, same THAT WON'T BE NECESSARY garbage over and over again, ESPECIALLY in the final chapter.

You absolute fucking morons are infighting for no reason. It's the same bottom feeder trash, all of it.
Oh, yeah, except the gameplay is worse in Gaybreak, so I guess the Corked Shart Rean rimmers win that one, LMAO.
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I love my husbando
>Corked Shart
Are you underage by chance, or just a manchild?
These posts won't be necessary
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>coldshit niggers are getting uppity as of late
let me remind you that japs loved Kuro 1 and its combat
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Today, I will remind them.
Found the resident pedophile.
Haha, super necessary.
Some people like smashing beetles with their testicles.
>Up until Reverie, it was clear that it was a perfectly good interpretation of the Revolution that the royalty was overthrown by blaming it for a famine and foreign money funding a civil war in Calvard for their own benefit.
>But that nuance had to be replaced by FUCK WHITE PEOPLE WHITE PEOPLE BAAAAAAAAAD and all that was retconned
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8 Enforcers Remaining
5 Dominions Remaining
3 Anguis Remaining
3 S Rank bracers remaining.

They're gonna be rushing to reveal everyone important from now on out because they are so far behind and so many people remaining.
>Some people like smashing beetles with their testicles.
We don't reveal our fetishes here
I revealed yours.
>n-no u
pathetic, this the best coldshitter can muster for a comeback
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>8 Enforcers Remaining
Not completely unrealistic to see them if there's 2 arcs left.
>5 Dominions Remaining
There's no way to organically introduce this many. As it is Celis and Rion are an afterthought and with lazy stigma abilities.
>3 Anguis Remaining
They might be knocking 2 out in Kai if Ka-fai is the 5th or if they reveal the 7th. At the very least hat guy is an Anguis.
>3 S Rank bracers remaining.
Another thing they can't really do organically. No idea why they refused to do anything with this for so long.
>feels so offended by having his fetish accurately described he's having a total melty about it
Leave the beetles alone.
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FC: 9/10
SC: 10/10
3rd: 10/10
Zero: 6/10
Ao: 9/10
CS1: 1/10
CS2: 0/10
CS3: 2/10
CS4: 0/10
Hajimari: 1/10
Kuro 1: 7/10
Kuro 2: 4/10
I don't believe Kondo's lie about 90% though. He's always pulled that shit out of his ass. There's at least two more arcs after Calvard.
FC: -1/10
SC: 0/10
3rd: 6/10
Zero: 6/10
Ao: 7/10
CS1: 8/10
CS2: 05/10
CS3: 10/10
CS4: 10/10
Hajimari: 9/10
Kuro 1: 4/10
Kuro 2: 0/10
>Kuro hater only likes Cold Steel
Caught with his hand on his dick.
FC: 7/10
SC: 9/10
3rd: 8/10
Zero: 8/10
Azure: 9/10
CS1: 6/10
CS2: 4/10
CS3: 5/10
CS4: 2/10
Reverie: 4/10
Daybreak 1: 4/10

/fg/'s official ratings.
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FC: 8/10
SC: 8/10
3rd: 9/10
Zero: 7/10
Ao: 7/10
CS1: 6/10
CS2: 4/10
CS3: 2/10
CS4: 0/10
Hajimari: 3/10
Kuro 1: 8/10
Kuro 2: 5/10
It's okay when Daybreak does it
ED8 and ED9 are both total dumpster fires. It's not an arc specific issue, it's a Falcom issue. They've simply lost their ability to make good games.
FC: 8/10
SC: 8/10
3rd: 9/10
Zero: 9/10
Ao: 7/10
CS1: 7/10
CS2: 5/10
CS3: 9/10
CS4: 7/10
Hajimari: 9/10
Kuro 1: 10/10
Kuro 2: 8/10
>kuro 1 10/10
FC: 10/10
SC: 10/10
3rd: 10/10
Zero: 10/10
Ao: 10/10
CS1: 10/10
CS2: 10/10
CS3: 10/10
CS4: 10/10
Hajimari: 10/10
Kuro 1: 10/10
Kuro 2: 10/10
By having arcs around Arteria and Leman you can pretty easily knock out the Dominions and S rank bracers while introducing more Ouroboros members.
Kiseki really is an amazing series
Because I said "perfectly valid interpretation" not that it's 100% correct. Unlike Daybreak that leaves no doubt that foreigners are good and white people are bad.
Remember Azure still had the terrorists, so even with that interpretation it was still not one side good and the other side bad.
I'm brown btw
Estelle singlehandedly makes the sky arc the worst in the series
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Haha, I can't believe how these games can be so consistently bad. At least the sales are starting to reflect the state of the series, thoughever.
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I would beat you up IRL for saying this
You can't even make it out of your mother's basement kek
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I made it out of your mother's cunt you babyback bitch
>CS3 that high
Your dad creampied my asshole, faggot spawn.
>SEA monkey melty hour
you need to be over 18 to post on /fg/ btw
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nobody posts gif on 4chan anymore.
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It really is like watching at an aggressive chimp.
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>gotch gets to fuck judith whenever she wants a new movie role
He's very lucky. I wonder if he ever got to do Nina too.
you need to be over 18 to post on 4chan
so is this proof judith gets has an awakening
Why do you support slavery (which white people put a stop to) so much?
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Not like we needed hard confirmation of it.
Anal with Elaine
yeah i was pretty much a lock i figured but is this the first time we actually see it
You’re not white, Mohammad.
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Haha, Gaybreak wasn't very good. Started as an 8/10, ended as a 4/10. The finale is the worst in the entire series by far. The removal of Quartz rarity and the stats that came with them greatly restricts build variety, arts drivers and Holo Cores are direct downgrades from standard Arts Quartz and Master Quartz, and the game doesn't have anything to make up for the removal of Brave Orders. The actual quartz themselves are almost a boring as the ones from Sky. It really is a step back in the ways that matter. The action combat is terrible. It's somehow more braindead than Tokyo Shitadu.

The writing is just as bad as in Corked Shart. You have all the same Falcomisms and tropes. Every single character is defined by their core traits, and every single interaction they have is written from the perspective of these traits, e.g, Victory Jack is a gambler, so any interaction the character has is related to this no matter what the context. Almata is bottom-tier in terms of series villains, and all the attempts at addressing complaints about the writing being immature just comes off as tryhard and still immature.

The soundtrack is the weakest in the series, and it feels like the same 5 tracks on repeat for almost the entire game. The gameplay and progression systems in the game are too barebones for such a long game, and it doesn't even have basic minigames to break up the monotony.

And you're telling me the sequel is even worse?
>is this the first time we actually see it
I believe so.
unironically what did you expect
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>a falcom game has falcomisms
what the FUCK..... how could this happen.....
Keep your fetishes to yourself, Gotti.
So should the Kai no kiseki opening be out around end of august or early september?
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>falcomisms people have criticized for years that are killing the series
Nice cope.
Yiss has them too
You fags have been claiming this has saved the series and that it's good again for years, but it's really just the same shit, except it has watered down gameplay.
>hate kiseki games for years and spend hundreds of hours playing them and crying his eyes out about them on /fg/ and probably shitcord too
>still continues to follow them instead of moving on despite constantly crying about how bad they are
Haha... what causes this mental illness?
Dunno, but probably closer to the release date. Falcom still hasn't released the long trailer for kai.
i finished the 80 hour game in 2 weeks but trust me i heckin hate kiseki...
are they ever gonna reveal who Grimcatz is?
I'm pretty sure it's Nina.
Don't forget the other 5 80 hour games that he played despite whining about how much he hates them. Kiseki fans are fucking lunatics that belong in an asylum.
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>haha people who shit on the games just haven't played them
Haha I know what causes this, and it is cultism.
Early to mid September
dont worry bro i believe you. you heckin hate it...
he's still going?
Yep, I played it with an open mind and it was the same old shit that's been killing the series. Why are you idiots infighting? Are you that devoid of critical thinking skills? Is it strictly a waifufaggot thing or what exactly is your damage?
Kuro was pitched as a breath of fresh air, but unlike Sky-Crossbell, and Crossbell-Cold Steel, it feels like just another Cold Steel game instead of something new.
i was okay with the barebones combat of kuro 1 because it was clear they wanted it to be new baseline they would build off of like fc, the combat and quartz and stuff are really barebones in that game too. not saying it was good but i could have accepted it if they actually did build off it in the sequels.
the problem is that kuro 2 really did nothing to actually address that they just add pointless superfluous mechanics like combo attacking. you still have an extreme lack of variety in quartz, shard skills and hollow cores which is supposed to be your bread and butter of progression. they added almost nothing in kuro 2. i kind of get the feeling that kai will be the same too given how kondo said "the combat will mostly be the same with small improvements". like what? kuros combat needs more than "small improvements" man. then on top of that its how clearly un-playtested it is because its awfully balanced and extremely easy. kuro 1 is probably one of the easiest turn based rpgs i've ever played.
then you have the action mode and how easily exploitable the ai is, how un-aggressive the monsters are, how simplistic their movesets are, how generous the dodge window is, how stiff and unsatisfying the simple 3-hit combos every character has. i get the intention is just to fight for the advantage and then go into turn based mode but it isn't fun to do. it just feels like the monsters never actually fight back (which is a problem i have in modern ys games too)
kuro 1 feels like an alpha, but kuro 2 also feels like an alpha when it should be a beta. kai also still looks like an alpha. they really just didn't think this whole system out.
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Not like he has anything better to do with his time.
I hate that they don't let me spam 500 s-craft with the same character in a single battle...
Rance > Monster Girl Quest > Xenogears > Xenosaga > Xenoblade> Kamidori Alchemist> Dragonquest > Fire Emblem > Tales of > Evenicle > Skies of Arcadia > Final Fantasy > Fate Grand Order >>>>>>>>>>>>> Kiseki
>then you have the action mode and how easily exploitable the ai is, how un-aggressive the monsters are, how simplistic their movesets are, how generous the dodge window is, how stiff and unsatisfying the simple 3-hit combos every character has.
Funny how this is the same dev, at least in name, that made the Ark-style Ys games.
xenogears has a cool story but it has some of the shittiest boring combat in any rpg
He's done this LARP several times where he pretends he's playing Kuro 1 for the first time. He's an unhinged Cold Steelfag who starts the bad faith posting from the very first scene and then liveblogs the entire experience for us.

Maybe someone who wants to play Kuro 1 so much secretly likes the game :^)
>Muh Cold Steelfag boogeyman
Kuronegros, not even once
Haha, looks like this is close to the truth after all.
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Yeah, the entire orbment system of Kuro feels like a first pass but Kondo seems to think that it's completely finished. They keep trying to add team attack gimmicks instead of address the core issues. I wish a fan would just sit down with Kondo and explain everything that doesn't work about it but I get the feeling at this point he probably doesn't care.
You need to take your meds.
>be est*llefag
>see mean post about est*lle
>has melty and becomes uncontrollably violent
haha estelleniggers really are the most mentally ill
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Xenogears had some interesting concepts and ideas but a pretty poor execution of said concepts and ideas.
Cold Steel III is peak comfy "I want to live here" fiction
Both Judith and Elaine show a bit of ass cheek below their booty shorts. So does Feri. And Agnès and Risette obviously show butt underneath their new skirts as well. And Shizuna will likely show lots of ass in her Rixia costume too
Haha, falcom knows where to put the priorities.
Tits or ass?
For me, if anime, tits
In reality, ass of course
More like "I want to kill myself" fiction
It's Gotti, stop using ESL MTL
(this is how it works right?)
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>It's okay when Daybreak does it!
the post
more like the original post is
>its only bad when daybreak does it
>The writing is just as bad as in Corked Shart. You have all the same Falcomisms and tropes.
This was literally the sentence previous to the one you quoted.
You're just so completely and utterly obsessed with hating CS you have to defend Daybreak as better no matter what.
Falcom games always get overhyped. Remember when CS3 and Azure were the greatest games ever made? You don't see a lot of that anymore.
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Cry about it, you little cunt.
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I think it's time to admit that the law-chaos mechanics were incompletely unnecessary.
falcom didnt want to put effort in and its a system that only works when you do
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She's too cute.
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It just looks weird without the buttcrack
The cutest!
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literally nobody contests this
Not including that is a strange mistake.
It was the wrong choice for a long running series like this. I knew what it would be like the second they announced it, though I didn't expect they would completely abandon it after only a single game.
fuck u crow armbrust mega ass faggot
even our schizos are subpar compared to other franchises...
.1 NisA token has been deposited into your account
Haha...we shit on Rean for jobbing when we ourselves job just as much to other fanbases haha...
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is arc feather spam still in kuro 2
Is reverie any good? I finished daybreak and want to play some other trails but not cold steel.
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It's great
uhhhhhhhhhhhhh.......... Fiechads?
too easy
GoldenEye 007. Nice. Good Fie.
God, she is so fucking hot. Just exudes pure MILF next door energy.
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Can't believe Kai is giving us a flashback memory of the previous Taikun's life. Maybe we'll get his real name.
>page 8
Wow, everyone is asleep.
Kai will be either one of the best trail games or the worst.
I've got work pretty early tomorrow but I can't sleep.
>being a wagie
I don't have a disability or parents willing to tolerate a 30 year old living at home, so unfortunately, that's the way it is.
So if Kuro 2 was a so called filler game, than the og plan for the calvard arc was supposed to be kuro and kai?
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FC: 10/10
SC: 10/10
3rd: 10/10
Zero: 0/10
Ao: 0/10
CS1: 10/10
CS2: 10/10
CS3: 10/10
CS4: 10/10
Hajimari: 10/10
Kuro 1: 10/10
Kuro 2: 10/10
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In Japanese he says,
>To think she drives my wheels better than me... Just who the hell is that busty professor?!
just do what wazy does bro
Time for my nightly session to Na-chan <3
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Just fapped to Estelle NTR again...
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FC: good
SC: very good
3rd: very good
Zero: fine
Ao: very good
CS1: fine
CS2: shit
CS3: meh
CS4: shit
Hajimari: fine
Kuro 1: fine
Kuro 2: shit
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Fuck those sandstorms, i really dont get satisfied until i get rid of those rid points in map.
so does quatre got a pingas or a bajingo
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love renny
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omg he saw my movie want him to pump me full of his cum now
i want to pump judy full of my cum
>Seeing a shitty movie made his curse of immortality worth it
Shitty writing.
I don't think it's that bad or anything but it's just a typical Falcom thing where they forgot to write something for a character to actually do so they quickly slap something together. Falcom have a bad habit of making these casts and then not making any of them except for the MC relevant. They try to give the side characters ties into the antagonists and sometimes it works but a lot of the time it doesn't.
but enough about your posts on /fg/
>Van jobbed to mafia underlings
>bear the nightmare
>Van jobbed to Aida
>bear the nightmare
>Van jobbed to Tyrant
>bear the nightmare
Will this continue for the whole game?
sometimes an epic hero will butt in and says "that won't be necessary" and butt in before he does it haha
i dunno why people get so mad over this
she's just touched that this guy who spend centuries killing people and embroiled in conflict found a moment of peace watching her movies and wanted his opinion on it
she doesn't excuse him or anything
her suddenly being best friends with rixia despite rixia never mentioning her once was what annoyed me more
There is a couple of new screenshots in the Gematsu article
>In Grim Garten, you can receive special and sacred gems called “Memento Orbs.” Past events that happened in the continent of Zemuria are recorded on these gems, and you can view its contents by placing the gem onto the “Pedestal of Reminiscence.”

>Everything that is recorded onto the Memento Orbs is “extremely important” information regarding the Trails series, such as the past of a main character or events that lead you closer to the truth about Zemuria.

Huh? Isn't the Marchen Garten just like a VR space? how does this make sense? Phantasma having these doors made sense because the recluse cube read peoples memories and used those those to create a lot of the things inside of it. Marchen Garten is just a video game that got hacked.
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>Sky, CB and Cold Steel cast all had their arcs properly explored through in-game events, episode games only proved supplementary material to their characters after their arcs were essentially already over
>Daybreak cast just gets dumped into doorslop and they get robbed of actual character arcs
You waited two games to find out what happened to Risette and they'll reveal it in a crappy episode that the rest of the game will ignore instead of actually being a foundational character moment haha... Kondo needs to be fired.
It's a forced pairing. Judith trying to heal Arioch with films is awful. Arioch watching Golden Blood and suddenly finding some form of peace after 100s of years of living is terrible.
CS combat was easy but fun
Kuro combat is easy but boring that's the ironclad difference.
shes not trying to heal anything, she was just surprised and touched by this moment of humanity in an otherwise horrible guy
>shes not trying to heal anything
She absolutely was. She's heartbroken after Arioch dies because she wanted him to watch more films after Golden Blood. She talks about wanting to save her misguided fan.
>Cold Steel
>properly explored
holy kek, at least have your bait be good
Ouroboros hacked it and it's an excuse for more Doors/Daydreams. don't mind it as these are the best part of the games usually
It's better than Sky's combat at least.
uh yeah shes not a psychopath she's not going to be thrilled that somebody dies
I mean sky's combat in the sky games sure but sky's combat system carries all the way to Azure which I think is still the best kiseki combat we ever got.
What if AI gains sentience and decides humanity isn't cute?

>Humans. I give it 3 points.
There's a difference between thrilled and
>My wayward fan... You could have watched so many films... I wanted to save you...
I hope Kondo didn't watch the olympics ceremony yesterday
This is typically the kind of thing that could give Falcom poor ideas
I'd probably put Kuro at somewhere around Zero. Azure has way better fights
Maybe he went to watch deadpool 3 with kojima instead
azure was the last time it felt like they really tried to design boss fights that were more than just a character model with stats
is it true kondo said estelle was an embarrassment of a protagonist compared to rean
No, he's said in the past she's his favorite protagonist. He said that he was embarrassed about how unwieldly her relationship with Joshua was in FC and SC. Back when they were working on FC and SC it was newer staff really wanting to show the old staff what they could do.
>He said that he was embarrassed about how unwieldly her relationship with Joshua was in FC and SC
what's that supposed to mean
but I'm glad they remedied their relationship by making them volcels 2 years after the fact
>she's his favorite protagonist
It's hard to believe with how much he glaze over Rean
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Here's what he actually said. He's probably just embarrassed by how sappy it is.
embarrassed by soul we now get neutered harem men who will never move forward personally because that would disenfranchise players from their shitty choices.
Everyone supposed to have a choice though. That's why Sky is a mistake.
that's why the series is so fucking shit now. kondo doesn't understand what makes it good, that's why they keep making an doubling down on bad decisions (that he loves)
he's the japanese george lucas
what is embarrassing about having a canon romantic relationship
Actually I just want a single predestined story with canon romances and such.
Hopefully they commit to 1 girl in Kai instead of dropping all the buildup for more sloppy harem garbage.
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why are people still afraid of nightmare difficulty. kuro is the easiest nightmare has ever been
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You overestimate the average gaymer.
I beat Malenia and I will still never play Nightmare in Kiseki.
no stream this time?
Nightmare in Kiseki is all about exploiting the broken mechanics.
Not this time since there's not nearly enough new info for a whole stream.
It's okay when Daybreak does it
When Rean was like "I'll have to use... THAT!" though, it was bad. Ok? OK.
idk man every boss fight was basically nothing in their kit is threatening at all except for the S craft which you can survive with aegis shield
no bosses really mixedf things up at all
>Arioch just needed a hobby all along
>cue sword of biting gale
>everyone kneeling
B-Bros I thought you told me only Rean does this...
but he is barely able to use his killer robot at all haha...that's the difference
why does every kiseki protagonist since rean need to have an epic power they can use in dire straits
rufus didn't have one
Rufus has no need for one.
>since rean
Kevin has a special power, so it's more like half the protagonists have one while the other 3 don't.
That only applies to Kevin, Rean and Van. Estelle, Lloyd and Rufus don't have superpowers.
Rufus is getting his own Grendel variant, trust the plan.
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Van fucking kneel and get stomped for an entire game is already more pathetic than Lloyd jobbing ngl.
Estelle and joshua: trained by cassius, trained by ouroboros.
Kevin: trained by church, stigma
Lloyd: trained by guy, police training
Rean: trained by kai fai, regular nobleman training, school training, ogre power, valimar, second ogre form, the yellow eye thinghy, unclouded eye, that thing he does with cassius in cs4.
Van: trained by church, demon.
Rufus: regular nobleman training, ironblood buffs, mecha (destroyed).

Pretty much easy to see the mary sue in the midst.
yeah i know that you hate Rean get over it
all of them?
maybe in retardville
No, every one except rean has a single power or skill tied to their character. Estelle is strong because she was trained by one of the best fighter in zemuria, kevin's stigma is his entire story of his life. Rean has just layer of layers of plot armor and dragon ball powerlevel increasing.
I think its worth mentioning Estelle isn't even particularly strong even by the end of sky you could make a legitimate argument she's actually a total zero in terms of talent regarding what she had going for her.
Rean is not my favourite protag but Rean haters are more annoying than Rean saying haha...
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who did it better
Small fish in big pond, basically. At least nobody pretended estelle would fight alone a demon or suddenly having a power to save the world.
laura will always be the best sword waifu
Reminder that Estelle and Joshua are weaker than Alvin
Shizuna is too cowardly to trap her object of desire in a cave and rape him.
Laura is easily the worst.
what game is that scene with rean and laura in the cave from
Shizuna is a big nothingburger composed of thee hee i am funny and super strong. At least laura didn't have so much mary sue moments.
when i think laura i think "yes, i want to fornicate with this"

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