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Previous: >>487711059

>Persona 3 Reload Episode Aigis -The Answer- will be released on September 9 2024 - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lsTbz82TmWM (embed)
>Metaphor: ReFantazio will be released on October 11, 2024 - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZJ7trKrr0iE (embed)
>P5X released in China - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MOtZcTAMuIE (embed)

>P5U.jp (Arena) Expires: 2025/04/30
>P5B.jp (Unknown) Expires: 2024/12/31
>P5M.jp (Unknown) Expires: 2024/12/31

>We have moved everything to GoogleDocs and on the Internet Archive:
(Some stuff has to be added in the future.)
>New and improved Birthday Chart
>Media assets

/pg/ OC:
>Draw Corner archive
Maya thread
Maya love
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What are they doing?
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The dog mouth ventilation thing because the blanket makes them too hot
Mommy Maya!
Is this gay or straight?
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Helping fuuka with her doujin by doing reference poses
That's kinda gay
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baka op
8989238237% straight
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I can see her foot
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jazz with cats!
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Naoto-kun is a girl.
I always went to the jazz club with Morgana like I liked his dialogue.
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Um, no? Naoto-kun is a boy
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Explain to me fatty Yosh
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Why did she do it?
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she was horny
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morgana deserved better
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the devil told her to
Need a real life So.om gf that I can love with all my heart or I'm going to freak out and melt down.
>have physical copy of P2
>start trying to play P2
>certain personas need certain tarot cards
>miss out of fusions because skils aren't in the right order
>encounter rate is obscene making each battle a clunky cumbersome mess
Am I just a retard?
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>Do you wish to know what that is?
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We'll get her one day.
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Claiming this powerful, pretty princess.
Best model.
Most compassionate.
I'm so proud of Ann. I love her.
Nope. Persona 1 and 2 are both kinda fucked with how often encounters happen. Between that and the cryptic bullshit it makes it kinda rough. I say this even though Persona 2 is my favorite of the games.

There's a reason a lot of people start with 3, 4 or 5
My virgin wife
imagine the cute kouhais from P4 but it's worst gril instead
Play on Easy and use a guide
Nope there's a reason most people's first Persona was 3 or 4. Persona 1/2 were the defintion of niche weirdo jrpgs when they were originally localized and they didn't start leaning into the high school dating sim aspect until P3.

Persona 1 also has some of the worst balancing of any jrpg
>Shit aliments
>gear is way too expensive
>move sets are mainly all terrible
>attack ranges are too low on top of the tile based combat balltes
>terrible formations (like half reflect magic and half reflect physical)
>bad EXP system that doesn't calculate healing into the scaling
>even worse encounter rates
>entire game is literrted with instakill encounters
>next to no strategy, just put auto battle with your best moves

Both games unironically need remakes
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Reading Japanese novels using machine translation is... complicated
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You will never get her because you have no social skills and are extremely ugly. Also she's a fictional dlc non canon shiczo girl from a video game. Seek mental help.
>So, what do you think?
Sae is sexier.
>Both games unironically need remakes
It won't work
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Actually true
I don't believe I'm ugly at all. I'm average in many ways. I'm young, intelligent, weigh 150 pounds at 5'11 and have decent hair. Your perception of attractiveness probably comes from movies and social media brainrot so congradulations on that.
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>doesn't deny the rest of it
I do deny everything else as well.
lol manlet
I hate myself
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Threadly orbs
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threadly cube
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Me too man
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My personal tier list
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The resemblance is uncanny
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great orbs
love yourselves
>Ichinose that low
Unfathomably shit assessment.
Snrk... Ajajajajajaja!!!
Put Kasumi over Sumire
I didn't play strikers is she hot? Should I fix it?
damn man this art is older than the queers who pretend to play Persona on twitter
Gonna soom because I love my Soom and I'm extremely upset.
April–Getting to Know Him

"Sorry, Takeba. Did you actually take me seriously?"

With a face showing no trace of apology, he spoke to me, the same mouth that had just confessed, "I like you, please go out with me," now curved into a sloppy grin. I bit my lip hard on purpose and gripped the hem of my skirt, determined not to let myself lose, and under no circumstances show any tears.
I couldn’t forgive myself for letting my guard down around a guy like him, even for a moment. Hoping my words would turn into a curse, I spat them at the smirking guy and the girls flocking around him.

"You’re the worst."

I absolutely despise romance.

"There you are, Takeba!"

Just as I stepped out of the classroom to head to practice early, a familiar voice stopped me in my tracks. Turning around, I saw a teacher, who should have been heading to the staff room, hurrying towards me. Behind him, I recognized a face walking leisurely, and I stifled a groan.

"You're on duty with Arisato today, right? I've got a job for you."
"Right now?"

There’s still some time before practice starts. I don’t mind taking on the class duty, but the problem is my partner, Arisato Minato. When he caught up to the teacher, he glanced at the archery bag on my shoulder.

"Teacher, I'll handle it by myself."
"But it's quite a lot. It'd be better if Takeba helped."
"I don't have practice today. I don't mind if it takes a while."

His dark hair brushed his eyes as he smiled so gently that the teacher gasped.
Oh great, he's at it again.
I stifled a sigh.

"You have practice, right, Takeba? It'd be bad if you were late, so go ahead."
"...Thank you."

With that, I quickly turned on my heel and sped off towards the dojo.
The teacher’s cheerful voice, praising Arisato for being reliable, followed me, making me sigh again.

Arisato Minato was my classmate. He seemed perfect. Always in a clean uniform, with a gentle personality. Usually, he had a dreamy expression, but his occasional smile was always soft
>"Chie... Yosuke... does your kung fu movie really need a rape scene? E-essential to the plot???... I don't know..."
She's pretty hot.
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>Ichinose, Mika are in C tier
>Alice is B tier
>Hifumi and Ann are in A
>Futaba, Shiho, Makoto are S tier
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she's autistic
Don't be mean
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>I don't believe I'm ugly at all
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that's just a sample tho, a couple of pages out of 152
fanbook has very nice cover tho
should i get it just for the art
I was about to say that I was digging the 2000s anime aesthetic...
Here's an intentionally dated anime art style Persona pic!
Autism is her superpower
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Let's see your tier list?

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Persona 6 when? Realistically
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The twins in these outfits.
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She's cool
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Sex with teachers.
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Thank you for enjoying threadly orbs
2028 according to my divinations
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11th October 2024
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Itchy scritchy!
which way, white man?
>tight tomboy ass
>fat princess ass
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What does this face convey?
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She knows you've been Ann'd.
what are we rating?
just the appearance or overall?
Based ToT-chads
who facesits better
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continuing the Amagi bloodline...
Cute lesbians
BIG what?
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BIGvenza's nipples
Cute friends
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Post em
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Nicely Kari'd.
cant, i missed the litterbox with em
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Oh Yeah...
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Is it ok to hug a yum?
Cute Anne.
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Kinda based
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Ann is extremely cute.
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Yums are made for hugs, unless they almost got raped. Then no hugs.
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Makoto's ass is great, but the power of the hag is greater.
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I want to rape her face
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Kind and loyal!
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Nicely Taba'd.
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Pet the kitty
How about a nicely sumi'd every once in a while?
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If you hate her, you're an incel.
Yukari wet af in her maid outfit
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I want to get drowned
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This is true for me, but I also just hate her narcissistic and dumb bitch behavior, especially in the answer.
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Cute underwear
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how did he misspell calvin klein
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As someone who thinks P3 FES is one of the best JRPGs ever, I literally don't consider The Answer canon and I haven't even attempted to replay it since the first time I did when the game came out.
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>narcissistic and dumb bitch behavior
How so?

I'm not going to defend the Answer because is shit, but I don't remember hating yum.
The answer is fine if you use everything you get and abuse crits instead of hitting weaknesses
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You don't get to decide what's canon, but it's fitting behavior for someone who likes Yuckari to think like that. Just intense brain damage at this point. She embodies everything terrible about the female sex, inflated self-importance, sluttiness, thoughtlessness. Coincidentally the opposite of Sumi. You've been thoroughly dealt with so I don't want to see you in the general ever again.
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what if Chie and Yukiko were retarded goblins?
At least Yukari doesn't look like a retarded fish frog who dresses up in her dead sisters clothes while having a schizo mind break
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But, anon.....
Mentally ill incel
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I actually hate both sides of this argument.
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Is it possible to learn this power?
I actually hate myself
Not from a high schooler....
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Only thing of value in Persona 3? That would be Chihiro.
Happy beamu
Your brain is fucking broken. Dogs are smarter than you.
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i want to worship and kiss buttkoto every day
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Who would win in a fight?
Incapable of good discussion.
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Probably the one that beats the shit out of demon thingies on the daily
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Demon thingy is what they call my cock
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You get that checked out
Sae would DESTROY ratkoto's pathetic ass
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You should get that checked out*
Sorry I'm retarded and my mother slamdunked my head onto the stove as a baby
All Yukiko does is eat out our Chees.
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Women's backs and napes are very erotic.
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Yukari vs Chie who wins for best nape?
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This but hands and knees
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Women's thighs and butts are very erotic.
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shoulderbros where you at
Disagree completely, unfortunately.
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Women's bodies are very erotic.
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jannies hate big bushes, based honestly. realistically the bigger bush one got reported by someone while the first didnt
The shoulders are best as an accent to the form of the back.
>pubic hair
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God I love hairy pussies so much its unreal
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draw the nips
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The faggot jannies will now selectively employ their fascist rule 8
There's already a nip
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Manual inheritance for FES coming soon
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So no reason to play Reload anymore
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Reload already outdated
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>senpoo i completed the big bang challenge
no such thing as missed. the real issue is the faggot who puts them up only for 1 hour.
also the fact it keeps being the cropped versions posted and not the full ones
That's clearly already the SMTVV OST
Is this Doom?
p6 ost
Based comfy & cozy
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so good
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Me on the left
wtf i love ken now
Cute femken
We need a BIG version of Kenko
Made for rape
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sir do not lewd the jack frost
Waterworld persona
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That's a very cute Chidori
Do you think they… um, you know?
Yes, Yukari's hugs are soft, warm, and smell good. Watching her blush and squirm in embarrassment is a delight.
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I feel like in this theoretical 3some ann's getting 2 holes filled by the laughing team.
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Cuteus Augustus
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I haven't been here since the beginning of this year. I shouldn't be surprised the schizo is still around, but he is...
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Planning in Modding Persona 3 FES what mods should i get?
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FES doesn't need any mods. Don't fall for the widescreen or party-control memes
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I wanted to play The Answer after all these years and thought might as see any good mods
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absolutely based
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Its been years since I used pcs2x, but just fiddle and experiment with rendering settings to get something appropriate. Character shadows will look terrible if you're not careful.
I won't shame you for occasionally using savestates or speedup during the Answer, but don't actually mess with any gameplay mods
It got updated a lot recently
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I used savestates after getting Night Queened and wiping
I like this modlist plus unstretched textboxes. Manual inheritance is coming soon too so maybe wait.
Yukaricchi gets mischaracterized alot as a bitchy tsundere character when she’s really not like that at all. She's prickly but surprisingly accurate and understandable. "But why is she mad" bro her dad died, her mom a hoe, she got no family and her bf turned into a door. And calling her a whore is so stupid. She hates degeneracy because of her mom, she doesn't allow people to get close and push them away to not get hurt. She's extremely lonely. She's lived her life with her heart closed off and alone, main character manages to break through that barrier and shows her that she doesn't have take on life alone and becomes a pillar of her life. So when she finally starts taking steps forward and the one person who she let into her heart gets snatched away and dies for reasons unknown then of course she's going to take that really hard. And she sees an opportunity try and save him she's going to take that.
REAL P6 ost, game will be full of goth gfs https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Qkwk8t8O9ww
Please fatlus. It will be peak
undub mod
Persona 6 will be a Metridvania
The OG dub is the best dub in the series.
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I beat The Journey twice, and both times grinded to get Armageddon for Nyx. first time by chance, second time on purpose.
When I played P3P I grinded for whatever gems or whatever it was to cast Armageddon on Nyx.
I played The Answer twice and used save states during the Erebus fight instead of restarting the whole fight whenever I got wiped.
I never once fought Liz.
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I need a hug
og P3 dub is the only good english dub in the entire series, even if the jpn is way better.
english-Yukiko voicing 3 different party members in P2 gets an honorable mention
I play my video games without voices retro style
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I think people who play nusona without the context and texture of the original japanese voices are losing a lot of characterization. Its bad enough playing this series when you're not japanese and can't read japanese, but to toss aside the original voice acting for a bunch of americans speaking english is actually insane behavior.
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i want to go shopping with yukari
But is it male or female?
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until it's revealed that it was gallica all along
pet her
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Based Catherine poster
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pet the gato
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are you even a real persona fan if you don't have an adachi bodypillow
>Louis cursed the prince 12 years before he killed the king
So the plan is probably not at all what it's presented as in the opening anime cutscene
I wonder if my crush from work is going to have sex with anyone tonight
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I mute the speakers whenever I play video games and make all the sounds myself, based on what they should sound like.
I voice every character based on what they look like, make sound effects when I press buttons, and hum my own music for each area.
>you will never carry a Lover girl's shopping bags
Ching chong?
Who pays?
>all that shoujo manga
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your motherfucking life ends 10 seconds from now
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AI just doesn't have the same soul
>hum my own music for each area.
Dangerously based
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cute chee
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>Deload completely ruins the group Koro walk event, no more Fuuka trapped in the jungle gym
I should have lurked more when the game released
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me duh
yukari is broke
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It's a pretty soulless remake, there is also a lot of behind the scenes stuff with them saying they went overbudget due to localizing 13 languages at once and had to cut many things including DLC costumes.
Che's thighs...
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Chee's after-beef-bowl disasters....
But what if mesugaki tween Nanako?
I went in knowing I wouldn't like it compared to FES, but every little thing bugs me. If I lurked more carefully maybe I probably wouldn't have bothered, saved my $60, and watched some of the new stuff on yt to satisfy the curiosity.
Even P3P had more soul than this
I don't get it
I don't know if I can handle a playthrough of P3R, the end is too painful
>ehhhhhhhhhh? onii-chan, you still shop at junes?? kimoi...
It is a shame, but most of the dev time was during the lockdowns and when SEGA was forcefully restructuring Atlus before and during it. it's why Wada had a lot more power when Ultimax was being ported and losing it before Reload released. They were still trying to figure things out with P-studio for years.
How is she not a shallow whore?
Make a shit powerlevel chart anon
go and have fun. Come up with descriptive titles, don't just use letter tiers.

(If you care about side characters you might have to add those pics in)
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Made for Travelling Chad's blade piercing his heart
The more I dislike Reload, the more excited I get for Metaphor desu.
I have no idea what to expect anymore for P6, but it seems like more attention and care is going into the new IP
Nicely Sumi'd.
Probably. I have a feeling P6 is going to play it very safe, especially if Metaphor doesn't do well.
need persona feet
I'm scared for P6 without Hashino...I'm kinda hoping Metaphor flops so he'll be back on the Persona team...
We all love our sooms here
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Incapable. Of. Good. Discussion.
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You are a grown man you don not get crushes at work
why is a cat at the beach!!
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I’m betting there was a lack of passion from P-Studio. 6 will be better since it’ll be THEIR game.
Why is she naked? Is she retarded?
If a mostly new team is going to be working on it, I want P6 to be different in the same ways P3-5 were different from P1&2. Oldsona, Calendersona/Sociallinksona/Datingsimsona, and Newsona.
I think you're right in thats its going to be really safe. Probably will even handle and look like P5 and Reload instead of something new
I hope they do it. But SEGA wants money and sees that Persona is making more money in the past couple of years than ever.
Metaphor is already flopping in terms of preorders.
Why not?
Her next customer is up.
Base and the collector edition are consistently in the Japanese top 20 ps5 best sellers on Amazon anon...
On the console with no games? Yeah, cool.
now have her touch her toes while looking back and wiggling her butt
Holy cope
I'm sorry I was shitting on metaphor and calling the main character a nigger I was very depressed
We figured that out
We've all been there. Some people are there all the time like me.
Ann Babamaki
Any worthwhile discussion or are you going to continue shitting up the thread?
Hey, none of that.
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>all social stats maxed
>handful of OP personas already, no need to go back to the arcade
>only available slink is rank 2 of Star
I went to the shrine and read a fortune for a rank 10 romanced Yukari
your time management is garbage
being thematic > min-maxing the time-sim
My friend who has never played a Persona before Relad maxed out everything without a guide or help. What exactly were you doing?
Probably not playing Reload.
FES is notoriously hard to max everything without a ng+, or maybe vanilla P3 was.

I left Star & Fortune at 1, Chariot at 4, and Aeon at 5. I maxed everything else.
I didn't know about the PC software that raises social link points until way too late if that makes a big difference. I played on Merciless, but was still doing Tartarus sections in 2-3 nights with all the monad doors too. I might ahve been able to max Aigis if I was more efficient, bnut I don't see how I could have also ranked up the other 3 too
once upon a time people did this for P5 as well. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2nCI5sLXfQY

Im begging to hear the P3 or P4 equivalent if it exists
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Thought's on Yukiko's redesigned persona?
Garbage, just like the rest of SMT designs.
I like the porn
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Do NOT disrespect my wife (Yukiko)
Where are her arms?
Sumire is repulsive.
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Very true she is disgusting. At least take solace in the fact that she's not canon.
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No, she's the most perfect and lovable thing ever. She just needs to be hugged and loved by you and everything will start to make sense.
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No, she's very much canon, and repeating that lie will never make it true.
My wife.
Don't hug yums please, they don't want to be hugged
Og Persona 5 is the superior version of the game because it doesn't feature non canon schizo characters like Sumire and Maruki.
If you're not on a phone you can see her left arm is straight down along her side and her right is hidden from view behind her profile.
Wrong, she's the most abhorrent and repulsive thing ever. She just needs to be abused and killed by you and everything will start to make sense
What's wrong with her legs? The more I look at the more I see something completely weird with her hips.
damn I wish I was getting pegged by a cute persona girl right now, but alas...
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Not even close. Royal has more and better content than Royal, including the thieve's den and the card game and extras from previous Atlus games. The layout of palaces is far less bloated and there is more time to do things throughout the year. In fact, Royal is one of the greatest pieces of fictional media ever created and we will never see anything as profound as it in our lives. We even got to love the most perfect female spirit in Sumi at the end, which made the wait of the game worth it.
Meant to say Royal has more and better content than the original.
Do not click, degenerate porn
Sumi is next
>schizo babble
Sumire serves no purpose as a playable and romanceable character. She doesn't interact with anyone except the MC through the whole game like some creepy obsessive stalker. Her storyline could have had her as an NPC and made no difference to the plot.
The first half of her confidant is so bad and rough like bad fanfiction. Her story and character arc are strictly a worse version of the Gourmet King from Persona 3.
The only thing anyone ever posts about this worthless character is that she's "for (you)". Story wise she's a plank of wood held together by headcanons and her le dark and sad past. Every character magically liking her and respecting her and always saying good things about her made the main characer wank look tame in comparison. She's utter trash.
It's literally just a clip from Persona 5?
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Why is Haru always so hungry?
I think she’s cute but I’m still more of a fan of the bird. The petal wings just looked really cool
No, she serves a purpose in actually loving you and caring about you first more than any other character. In the back of your mind, you always know she's there for you. She's a positive beacon of light to talk to and interact with as a friend and then eventually someone to love.

But in the end, you're not some profound critic with an intellectual or experienced opinion. You think you're smarter than you actually are and wrote her off the second she was announced and barely paid attention to anything about her. The worthless person is you, in the story of life. YOU serve zero purpose and your attitude is disgusting and a blight on existence, so you project that onto her. People like you make the world a worse place and there's no redemption for you, I promise.
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Need to sleep by her every night and especially right now. Anyone feel the same?
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I'd purposefully break her glasses if I saw them sitting there, stupid bitch.
>loving you and caring about you first more than any other character. In the back of your mind, you always know she's there for you. She's a positive beacon of light to talk to and interact with as a friend and then eventually someone to love
The most generic shit ever. Literally every character in Persona and dating sims in general.
You are a joke.
I'm hungry for some Big Bang Borgers.
Then there's no need for you to flood the world with pointless and corrupted opinions of her if it's all the same. She's the one that I love the most and for legitimate reasons. There's no fetish shit involved and no mental fuckery. She loves us for who we are and we love her for who she truly is.
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Chie's oversized rear
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Playing with Titsuru's perky nipples
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Tae and Sae
>She's the one that I love the most and for legitimate reasons
The reasons: She's shit, worthless and mentally ill, just like you, schizo.
>no mental fuckery
you think they uhm... you know?
Thank you for proving your retardation then. Don't ever forget this conversation or you might repeat the same bullshit that's easily refutable.
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You never refuted anything, all you did was
>well Sumi is le best [schizo babble] because she's [basic generic dating sim shit]
She's still a fanfic-tier poorly written character and you're still a schizo.
I want Yukiko to rape me
No she isn't, and no I'm not. There, you're refuted. You're not getting the last word.
on my face
That can be arranged
Sadly, Slutmire is abhorrent and repulsive.
Nope, not at all. And I'm going to keep expressing my love for her perfection for the rest of my life. You only exist here to bring suffering so you have to know the world would be better if you stopped living, you have to know that.
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Why is this Fuukafag still replying to himself over and over about a p5 character?
Sadly, Slutmire's asshole is totally blown out and prolapsed after the entire track team fucked her.
Wh-what are they doing?
Do popular girls really?
Why would Naoto be involved in something like this? I can't jerk off to this ooc nonsense
Yes they enjoy sexuallly assauslting the other girls to assert domianace. Fuuka should know with how often they pussy smack her to orgasm well pulling out her giant tits
i do though i crush at her but i'm too shy to confess my feelings
is there a way to get p3r to display at true 16:10 (im playing on steam deck) or do i have to put up with letterboxing?
You can inject some Unreal stuff to edit it.
oh like heroin?
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You put certain things in github in the same folder and run the game through it, it allows you to edit most things like having a first person camera. Anons here used it to change the resolution to anything they wanted with playing the game outside battles with a first person camera.
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What does it smell like?
Roses and all things pretty
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I don't like p4
Do NOT throw tubs at my wife's head!
retard, it's the last good Persona game (and I do mean base P4 not Golden)
me on the left
I like it
I dislike the characters and I hate Teddy
Me in the background
Me in Rise's fingers, I kling to breasts everyday
How do you fix persona so game 6 doesn't end up being the decline of the series?
Hint: If they continue in the same stagnant line that 5 started on, it will be the end of the series, either the immediate end or the death knell.
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Honestly make it Vampire the mascarade bloodlines in terms of tone and atmophere aka the early 2000s to be unique.
very sleepy
>the same stagnant line that 5 started on
what do you mean
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Nanako alone is worth it.
High school again, and we are supposedly 'rebels' ,but we can't even skip school to get extra Time slots.
Persona is living on borrowed time.
Your waifu becomes real and she will date you and love you forever


She has every sexually transmissible disease known to man
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very sleepy
Not sure how that was stagnant. In P3 and P4 the MC wasn't a "rebel" just an outsider until people got to know him
How did she get them?
He's not a rebel in 5. He's just a conformist.
If 6 follows this same schema of MC having to suck authoritarian dick, the show's over: 6 will be the last or have low sales.
You sound like you're a Libertarian
You sound like you think giving the government more tax revenue will improve society when taxes are higher than ever and society still sucks dick.
So you're saying if I get every STD known to man, we're good?
>It's another "People who don't like Persona games try to make Persona games less like Persona games" episode
I think is even more dangerous to have sex with a person with STD when you have the STD yourself
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So just normal Sumire then with no changes?
Why do persona girls have such flat asses? Some are almost concave
Real men know nothing smells better than hairy pussy
Have you seen a Japanese woman?
she's a growing girl.
never. i'm brazilian
that's rough buddy.
Oh well Brazilian woman have giant asses so I see the issue here. Unfortunately Japanese girls are pretty flat for the most part. Not to mention Persona games are typically mostly high school aged girls except for the hags
the flatter the ass and tits, the better
I'm a white Brazilian actually
You will never be. Fuck off now.
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Metaphor won't outsell Fire Emblem Engage.
I wouldn't have expected it to? I don't think it'll outsell whatever Fifa game comes out next year either, but anyone who did would have been pretty delusional in the first place.
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Is that Miku next to Yusuke?
Fuck off with this off topic trash.
why are chinks so dumb
>he isn't like Zero
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Get a job dumb faggot
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Play a real Persona game, Chang.
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When is /pg/ making a persona fangame?
P5X will never be Persona.
why do you keep schizo posting like that - just saying made up shit out to nobody like you're trying to convince yourself?
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is it persona after the p3 or p4 collab?
he doesn't think p3 is persona either
Persona started at 3
Why haven't you killed yourself yet
speaking only for myself - >>487812763 - because I live a happy, successful, and fulfilling life, and don't suffer from any physical or mental diseases.
will you like it when they add sumi?
Adding Sumire would only worsen it.
Its 100% more persona then metaphor is.
Metaphor is actually made by Atlus. Mathematically you're completely fucking wrong.
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this is the real persona 6
>tranny rejecting reality
Many such cases.
Average Annfag discussion.
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See all those games mentioned in the OP? They're there because they're all Persona.
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The OP is criticized for having unnecessary shit every other thread but you're a tourist from another faggot ass general so you don't know what you're talking about.
Fuck off with your dead franchise.
Peggable because you're stupid.
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Three houses is one of my favorite Persona games.
How does one know if a franchise is dead?
Then you’ll love metaphor
It has no cute girls in it though.
It's got the one girl that looks like Chihaya, she's good.
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I rabu tacchan!!!!
Built for boars
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Would you still love him if he was a worm?
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Normal girlfriend fetish unlocked
I get it.
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Did you actually go out of your way to edit the picture just because they used a doodle for her
Schizoid behavior mate.
>they made her black for some reason
I would've edited it out too
yeah, because you're a schizoid.
I would have also accepted
Enjoying your summer so far? I hope so.
Night Personababs.
Which Persona girl(s) has(have) an overgrown clit?
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Is he ok?
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Play P5X.
Do people even like Fugo?
Once it releases global
I hate youtube essays so fucking much
Is the tomboy wearing a g-string under the bikini?
Cute Owl
Baseball Chie has Ass!!!

I'm excited for next year's summer event when they'll have Polter and her AA-cups in an equally skimpy swimsuit
Reminder that futaba's father is baofu from eternal punishment.
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Baseball chie cute!
I don't hate Yukari but girls like her who dress like whores and care a little too much about clothes and makeup are the shallowest creatures on earth.
The swimsuits have all the levels of skimpiness possible.
Please cage and peg me, yukari.
Like Anne.
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She's a natural
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Banana Wife
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>PT: "We never kill our target"
>Metaphor party members:
>Hulkenberg just kills a man
Edgekino is here
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Well that's rude.
Ayo Seteth I think I saw Flayn entering Sylvain's room
That's the world Edelgard wants. We have to stop her.
My wife is so cool, bros.
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Las tetas de Ann
ثدي آن
Doi's standard horror vacui
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I want to be her chair
Tomboy status revoked
Happy Satonaka Saturday!

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Should Persona have outfits like his?
Aigis wears less. this robutt is barely erotic.
Aigis lacks soft bouncy breasticles.
Cute and canon
This is fixable.
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Sexy shadow Sae
It's time for the tomboy show.
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Whats she showing?
you have to feed her
Proper application of tomboy sweat
who stole her spats?!?!
is that a diaper
that's more of a naoto thing...
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but she'll die!
Sylvain getting pegged by the loli saint...
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*gouges her eye out*
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im going to fucking kill myself
liar it was me I ate them and I'll eat her panties next

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